JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale 2023
The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2023 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Frosty'
glossy abelia
Lightly-scented white tubular flowers with pink calyxes at the ends of the branches in late spring. Variegated foliage edged in white with hints of grayish green. Blooms on new wood so you can prune in late winter or as needed
Acer campestre 'Carnival'
variegated field maple
Blush pink leaves mature to variegated green and white, making this slow-growing tree a wonderful garden specimen.
Acer pseudosieboldianum subsp. takesimense
Ulleung-Do maple
This small deciduous tree features foliage and form like a Japanese maple with gray-green bark. This species has some of the best fall color of any tree.
Achillea millefolium 'FLORACHRO1'
Milly Rock Rose yarrow
This drought-tolerant, compact, mounding perennial blooms from late spring to summer and will rebloom if deadheaded. Flowers retain their color if dried for indoor arrangements.
Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'
A red flowered yarrow that is tolerant of the heat and humidity of the southeast. Prefers lean, well-drained soil.
Achillea 'Sassy Summer Taffy'
Taller than many other yarrows, this easy-to-grow perennial tolerates poor soil and blooms all summer. As new blossoms appear and the sun fades the salmon pink blossoms to a lighter shade, waves of pollinator landing zones appear in the garden.
Adiantum hispidulum
rosy maidenhair fern
This maidenhair fern is deciduous for us in Raleigh, but as a houseplant, it will be evergreen. Narrow arching fronds emerge with an attractive coppery tone that the marketing gurus are calling 'rose colored'. Slowly spreads to form a small colony.
Adiantum pedatum
American maidenhair fern
Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant.
Aesculus 'Bergeson'
Prairie Torch buckeye
A winter-hardy hybrid buckeye from NW MN, this specimen grows faster than most buckeyes and features leaves that are reflexed downward. Spiny fruit contains seeds that attract wildlife.
Aesculus ×carnea 'Briotii'
red horse chestnut
Incredible visual wallop. Tall spikes of large soft red flowers with a hint of peach emerge with the palmately compound foliage and attract hummingbirds. Leaves can drop early in SE heat and humidity.
Aesculus turbinata 'Marble Chip'
variegated horse chestnut
Large leaves heavily splotched with a white variegation. Prefers some protection from full sun to avoid leaf scorch. Grows best in moist rich soil. Native to Japan. If leached, the seeds are edible.
Agapanthus 'Galaxy White'
lily of the nile
Almost maintenance free, this heavy blooming plant provides an abundance of flower stalks for pollinators during the hottest part of the summer.
Agastache 'Mango Tango'
anise hyssop
Selected for its shorter habit. Easy to grow. Prefers lean, well-drained soil. Drought tolerant.
Agastache 'Rosie Posie'
anise hyssop
Easy to grow. Prefers lean, well-drained soil. Drought tolerant.
Agave funkiana 'Tug Boat II'
blue lechuguilla
Fascinating, slow-growing agave features thickened, triangular glaucous blue foliage. An ideal container plant for collectors. Not winter hardy in Raleigh.
Agave temacapulinensis
century plant
Wide silver-blue leaves with large teeth make this century plant a standout in the garden. Not likely to be hardy in Raleigh.
Ajuga reptans 'Assaj1'
Princess Elsa bugleweed
Silvery green variegated foliage and purple flowers highlight this excellent groundcover.
Allium 'Bubble Bath'
ornamental onion
3" pale lavender flowers in the summer on top of bluish-green foliage. The onion-y foliage is deer resistant.
Allium 'Serendipity'
ornamental onion
Blue tinted foliage and rosy-purple globular flowers bring a bit of fun to the summer garden.
Alocasia 'Mayan Mask'
elephant ear
Strongly ribbed upright foliage highlighted by coppery-purple backsides. Robust, easy to grow. Will reach 8' if given plenty of water and fertilizer. Bring inside to a bright window in winter or mulch well and cross your fingers.
Aquilegia dinarica
Balkan columbine
We grew this small but showy columbine from seed we received from another botanic garden in Europe so we cannot guarantee these plants are not hybrids. If true to name they will have pale blue sepals and spurs surrounding the white to soft blue petals.
Arachniodes davalliaeformis
shiny bristle fern
This should maybe be known as the plastic fern since the 24" triangular fronds are glossy and tough like plastic. Will form a semi-evergreen clump in the shade garden.
Ardisia crenata 'Benikujyaku'
red peacock coralberry
Deep burgundy leaves emerge with a pinkish tinge and are highlighted by clusters of bright red fruit. In colder climates, it's often grown as a low-light houseplant.
Ardisia japonica 'Chirimen'
dwarf marlberry
Great groundcover for shady beds and woodland gardens. Chirimen is the hardiest we grow and the quickest to form a dense weed-suppressing mat.
Ardisia japonica 'Hinode'
rising sun marlberry
A variegated form with a broad band of yellow variegation in the center of each leaf. A good, shade-loving groundcover or indoor potted plant. Evergreen unless winter temps in the low 20s burn back the foliage. Spreads by rhizomes to form a mat.
Aristea ensifolia
blue stars
An iris relative from South Africa with bluish summer flowers.
Asclepias tuberosa
butterfly weed
Flowers provide nectar for butterflies, and foliage provides food for monarch, gray hairstreak and queen butterfly larvae.
Aspidistra ebianensis
cast iron plant
This species of cast iron plant produces foliage that arches outward more than the stiffly upright A. elatior that you may be familiar with. A great textural element for dry shade. Slow growing.
Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern
An easy fern that forms tight rosettes of leaves. Plant in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot. One hundred percent deer proof.
Athyrium 'Godzilla'
giant Japanese painted fern
This giant fern boasts fronds to more than double the height of typical painted ferns but with all the dramatic silver and burgundy tones you'd expect. Expect it to grow 3' tall and twice as wide over time. Like all ferns, it is quite deer resistant.
Athyrium otophorum 'Limelight'
eared lady fern
The wide triangular fronds are a muted chartreuse color that looks great in a shade garden and is complimented by red stems. Foliage matures to a pale green as the season progresses. Looks its best if not exposed to drought.
Baptisia 'Cinnamon Candles'
false indigo
'Cinnamon Candles' starts flowering in mid-April, when 50" spikes of bicolor chocolate and gold flowers emerge above foliage. Drought tolerant native perennial.
Baptisia 'Grape Taffy'
dwarf wild-indigo
A dwarf cultivar for smaller gardens. The royal purple flowers are accented by a buff yellow keel for a bicolor effect.
Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue'
Decadence yellow wild-indigo
Blue-tinted foliage contrasts beautifully with grayish stems and the profuse yellow flowers of this compact form of Baptisia.
Baptisia sphaerocarpa
yellow wild-indigo
Long spikes of bright yellow flowers make this deer-resistant native perennial a welcome addition to the garden.
Baptisia 'Sunny Morning'
Prairieblues yellow false indigo
A yellow flowered cultivar with a slightly smaller habit than other yellows on the market.
Begonia aff. silletensis
hardy begonia
An Asian Begonia with large rounded leaves. Hardiness is still to be determined, but it has coasted through our last 2 winters in multiple locations.
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket'
upright Japanese barberry
Distinctive orange foliage and upright columnar growth habit. A designer's dream. Spiny stems discourage deer.
Bletilla striata
Chinese ground orchid
This orchid is an easy to grow woodland perennial from Asia with pleated foliage and pink orchid flowers. This is one of the toughest and most reliable of perennials for shade. Will spread to form full clumps over time.
Bletilla striata 'Innocence'
white Chinese ground orchid
A pure white form of this landscape orchid.
Brunnera macrophylla 'Emerald Mist'
variegated Siberian bugloss
Brunnera is treasured for its shade tolerance and lovely flowers. 'Emerald Mist' has an especially attractive silver pattern on its leaves, mounding habit, and baby blue forget-me-not type flowers. Best in a cool, moist spot.
Buddleja 'Dark Dynasty'
Monarch Collection butterfly bush
Fragrant rich purple flowers on branched panicles serve as pollinator magnets in the garden.
Buddleja davidii 'Evil Ways'
golden butterfly bush
A chartreuse leaved sport of 'Santana' introduced by Cistus Design Nursery. Deep purple flowers provide a strong contrast to the foliage which does not burn in full sun. This is a bright accent in the garden and looks great in a container.
Buddleja 'Queen of Hearts'
Monarch Collection butterfly bush
From top to bottom, this plant produces 7–9" panicles of vibrant magenta flowers that point in all directions from late summer to early fall.
Buddleja 'Tobud1202'
Buzz Hot Raspberry butterfly bush
Super for a smaller gardens, this shrub offers deep magenta flowers all summer and into fall.
We collected this beautyberry (MWT14-884) at over 5,500' in Taiwan just north of Lisong Hot Springs on the Nanbu Cross Island Highway where it made a beautiful shrub covered in small, bright purple fruits. We still haven't had the fortitude to ID this one for certain.
Callicarpa acuminata
Mexican beautyberry
You can thank the late Texas plantsman, Lynn Lowery, for collecting this unusual beautyberry in Mexico. Like other beautyberries (Callicarpa), this deciduous shrub is grown for its arching branches of berries in late summer to fall. Fruit color is best described as a super dark wine, nearly black. At the JCRA the fruit remains on the plant late into the season. Plants can reach about 6' to 8' tall but are best maintained by cutting to the ground each winter.
Callicarpa cathayana
Cathay beautyberry
Lavender flowers bloom on new wood. Prune as needed in late winter to early spring. Pruning options include a hard pruning to 6" to promote shrub compactness and good flowering. Flowers give rise to showy fruit in the fall.
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Early Amethyst'
purple beautyberry
Fruits ripen earlier on this cultivar than with species plants, hence the cultivar name.
Callicarpa formosana
Formosan beautyberry
Butterflies swarm this Asian beauty in late summer when clusters of small pink flowers cover the branches. With the arrival of autumn, deep-purple clusters of berries hug the stems. Matures into a graceful, upright deciduous shrub with arching branches and a pleasing, rounded form. This height of this plant can range from 3'–10' tall, depending on what you desire. To limit its yearly size, and rejuvenate your plants, prune back branches in late winter.
Calycanthus 'Aphrodite'
hybrid sweetshrub
A medium sized specimen shrub. Big maroon summer flowers that are variably fragrant. The scent varies based on the age of the bloom, the time of day, and the flower itself and may smell like pineapple, apple, or bubblegum. Blooms on old and new wood.
Campsis ×tagliabuana 'Takarazuka Yellow'
Summer Jazz Sunrise Gold sunrise gold compact trumpet vine
This cultivar is a very short vine compared to the wild type. Just 3' tall compared to 50' of the wild versions. Golden yellow flowers in summer. A perfect mailbox vine.
Carpinus coreana
Model Rocket Korean hornbeam
Perfect as a street tree because of its narrow growth habit (5’ wide after a dozen years) and its tiny leaves mean it never makes a cleanup mess after leaf drop. Branches are tough, they don’t break under an ice load. Fall color favors yellow sprinkled with a bit of orange, and gives way to a pleasing outline of narrow-angle ascending branches.
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2'
Flame Thrower eastern redbud
The award winning Denny Werner/JCRA release. Breakthrough tree with burgundy new growth becoming apricot-coral, then chartreuse. New growth all summer makes a kaleidoscope of color. Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) 2021 Plant of the Year.
Chamaedorea radicalis
hardy parlor palm
A surprisingly hardy Mexican palm which can withstand temperatures at least as low as 20° F. We'd suggest growing it in a pot to a larger size and planting in spring in a protected spot or keep it as a houseplant.
Chionanthus virginicus (Bob Moore variegated)
variegated fringetree
A variegated leaf form of our native shrub/small tree with fragrant white flowers covering the branches in spring. Fall color is yellow but varies in quality from year to year. Tolerates wet soil.
Clematis fruticosa 'Mongolian Gold'
This shrub clematis forms a clump of arching cinnamon-colored stems. In late July, it blooms with 1" yellow bell-shaped flowers, which are followed by attractive seed heads. Prefers well-drained soil. Cut to ground in winter.
Clematis 'Kilian Donahue'
reblooming clematis
All descriptions of this plant say flowers open ruby red and mature to fuchsia, but we have yet to see a picture with a red flower. Expect bright pink, very large flowers with a darker stripe down the center of each petal. Starts flowering relatively early. Repeat bloomer. Prune dead wood in spring after buds swell.
Clematis 'Miss Bateman'
Free-flowering, medium-sized compact but vigorous deciduous climber. Single rounded flowers to 6" are satin-white with 6-8 tepals having a central green stripe on the reverse and contrasting stamens of creamy filaments and dark red anthers. Flowers late spring to early summer. Prune dead wood in spring when buds swell.
Clematis montana 'Elizabeth'
A profuse number of 2-3" fragrant flowers in late spring on a very long, vigorous clematis. A winner of the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit. Moist, well-drained soil. Pruning group 1 (prune just after flowering to control size).
Clematis 'Ramona'
Single, pale blue flowers to 7” with dark red anthers. Blooms on old and new growth. Many consider its best show of blooms on current growth and elect to prune hard in late winter, but it can also be pruned in spring.
Clematis 'Rooguchi'
solitary clematis
The purple jewel tones of this small flowered clematis are quite beautiful in the garden and continue throughout the summer. It is a hybrid with the non-climbing species, Clematis integrifolia and like that parent can be allowed to scramble around other perennials and shrubs but its other parent gives it more of an ability to climb up and through the branches of shrubs and small trees to about 6' high. Cut back hard in winter.
Clematis 'Violet Stardust'
bush clematis
From late spring to mid-summer, this clematis shrub is covered with nodding blue-violet 4- to 5-petaled flowers that feature creamy white centers. Prune lightly in winter.
Clethra alnifolia 'Novacleein'
Summer Sparkler / Einstein summersweet
A compact version of this native, sweet-scented, summer-blooming shrub . Exceptionally fragrant flowers are carried on long, 12" racemes which curl in a wild mass. Tolerates clay and wet sites.
Colocasia 'Blackwater'
elephant ear
This elephant ear features glossy, jet black stems and glossy, somewhat narrow, dark olive-green leaves. It spreads via black snake-like rhizomes that lay on top of the ground to form a colony.
Colocasia esculenta 'Nancy's Revenge'
elephant ear
This striking herbaceous plant has large, green leaves with white centers attached to long petioles. Forms a dense clump and shows its colors best in full sun. Marginally hardy in zone 7. Prefers to be dry when dormant and wet when growing.
Colocasia 'Tea Cup'
elephant ear
This robust elephant ear bears strongly ribbed upright foliage highlighted by coppery-purple backsides. It is easy to grow in the garden and will grow to 6' if given plenty of water and fertilizer. Bring inside to a bright window in winter or mulch very well and cross your fingers.
Coreopsis 'Berry Chiffon'
Satin & Lace tickseed
This sterile coreopsis adds texture and color to the garden with lovely daisy-like raspberry and white flowers.
Coreopsis 'Creme Brulee'
Cheery yellow flowers on fine foliaged plants brighten the summer garden on this fairly drought tolerant perennial. Shear back the entire plant in late summer to promote a flush of flowers in the early fall.
Coreopsis 'Enchanted Eve'
Li'l Bang tickseed
Very compact habit for a coreopsis makes it a great summer flowering plant for small gardens and tight spaces.
Coreopsis verticillata 'Electric Avenue'
Mayo Clinic Flower of Hope tickseed
Marking the Mayo clinic's 150 year anniversary (in 2014) they selected this flower as a 'spirit of hope and healing through the beauty of nature'.
Cornus kousa subsp. chinensis 'Aiden's Mint Frost'
variegated kousa dogwood
Crinkled leaves emerge in spring with a heavily speckled white variegation that fades to a pale green variegation.
Cornus kousa subsp. chinensis 'Teddy Scout'
variegated kousa dogwood
A variegated gold and green kousa dogwood.
Cornus kousa 'Polizam'
Powdered Lipstick kousa dogwood
White flowers have a pale pink edge.
Cornus 'Rutdan'
Celestial dogwood
A kousa × florida hybrid dogwood with profuse 5" white flowers in spring.
Cotinus coggygria 'SMNCCPP3'
The Velvet Fog smokebush
Very floriferous with much more "smoke" than other varieties.
Crinum 'Glory'
crinum lily
A very tall flowered crinum lily with an incredible show of large, rosy-pink flowers throughout the summer.
Crinum 'Pink Flamingo'
crinum lily
'Pink Flamingo' forms a lovely compact clump of glossy green foliage from which 3' tall spikes of large, dark pink, fragrant flowers rise.
Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern
A fine addition to the list of evergreen ferns suitable for Southern gardens, this 30" tall fern is related to (but much hardier than) C. falcatum the "common holly fern" of coastal NC and Deep South gardens. Deer-resistant glossy fronds make an elegant contrast with other shade perennials.
Cytisus scoparius 'SMNCSDRY'
Sister Rosie Scotch broom
Pink pea flowers cover the wiry green stems in spring for a burst of intense color. Small leaves along the wispy textured branches produce a distinctive garden look. Best in a well-drained sunny spot.
Daphne 'DapJur01'
Perfume Princess daphne
Deep rose-pink buds open to pale blush pink blooms with a sweet fragrance tinged with citrus. Plant in a well-drained spot.
Daphniphyllum macropodum
An outstanding broad-leaved evergreen Asian tree with handsome foliage to 6"–8" in length and panicles of blue fruit in fall and winter. Valued for its screening qualities, it's a rising star in the broadleaf evergreen shrub world.
Delosperma cooperi
hardy ice-plant
Excellent succulent ground cover for pots, flowering lawns, rock walls, etc.
Dianthus 'Appleblossom Burst'
Pretty Poppers pinks
Blue-green foliage topped with semi-double flowers with a mixture of colors, from white to an intense pink blush.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink'
A mat-forming Dianthus that produces numerous, fringed and fragrant, star-like, soft pink, 1" diameter flowers singly atop 10" wiry stems arising from mounds of grassy, blue-green, foliage. Blooms in late spring with some intermittent repeat bloom in summer.
Dietes iridioides
African iris
Resembles a beardless iris with 3" white flowers highlighted by gold and pale blue. Not reliably hardy in central NC, but planting deep and mulching well in a winter-dry spot can carry them through. They can also be dug in fall and stored in dry peat or sphagnum moss or grown in containers indoors. Evergreen in frost-free areas.
Digitalis 'Pink Panther'
Sturdy, upright stems of vivid rose-pink flowers with speckled throats rise above this compact, heavily branched plant. Each plant produces multiple long-lasting, sterile flower spikes. A short-lived perennial.
Digitalis purpurea 'Sugar Plum'
Short-lived perennial with tall spikes of bright pink, bell-shaped flowers with heavily speckled, dark purple throats. Blooms profusely in early summer. Poisonous leaves deter rabbits and deer. Prefers acidic, moist soil with good winter drainage. Cut flowering spike to the base as it finishes and several smaller spikes will appear, extending the bloom time. Let it self-sow to perpetuate the plant. Sun to part shade; flower spikes to 4' tall.
Diospyros virginiana 'John Rick'
American persimmon
SE US native deciduous tree with pendulous branches and attractive fall foliage. Heavy production of Oct ripening, flavorful, 2" fruit that's largely ornamental and has fewer seeds than the wild type.
Diospyros virginiana 'WFHgodel'
Golden Delight persimmon
Southeast US native deciduous tree with pendulous branches and attractive fall foliage. Golden Delight was selected for its self-fruitful, early ripening, 1 to 2" fruit. Harvest when skin looks wrinkly and they're mushy to the touch.
Disporum sessile 'Awa-no-tsuki'
variegated fairy bells
Creamy yellow variegation with a dark green margin. Brightens up a shady spot and slowly spreads to form a nice clump. This is perhaps the most striking of any fairy bells. Will spread by rhizomes and pop up here and there around your other woodland plants.
Disporum sessile 'Tightwad'
dwarf fairy bells
This diminutive woodland lily is only half the size of the typical species but is just as great a performer. In spring the 6" stems bear full-size, nodding, white flowers with delicate green highlights. Plants will spread politely by rhizomes to make lovely patches around the bases of shrubs and larger perennials. This is truly a no-care plant once established. Plant several for a small scale ground cover.
Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'
hardy drimiopsis
'Slow Fade' was collected in Thailand by Wade Roitsch of Yucca Do Nursery at the Chatuchak plant market. 'Slow Fade' features slightly larger leaves than typical for a Drimiopsis and the foliar spot pattern lasts longer in the summer heat before fading to green. Drimiopsis is a small perennial for the rock garden with a hosta-like stature. The smooth, somewhat rubbery leaves are covered with purple spots in spring and fade to green in the heat. In May, Drimiopsis also produces 6" tall spikes of small whitish flowers.
Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Gracilis'
scaly male fern
'Crispa Gracilis' is a lovely dwarf semi-evergreen form of the widespread European native golden-scaled male fern, selected in the UK around 1880. Rock garden-sized clumps, to 8" tall by 8" wide, are composed of narrow, upright, tightly congested fronds with upturned tips.
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern
Autumn fern is a colorful fern with dark fiddleheads that turn coppery as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.
Echinops ritro
small globe thistle
Highly ornamental, this tall plant is covered with deeply cut, silvery foliage, which appears prickly, but actually has downy undersides. Globe-shaped blue flowers add to its appeal in the garden and in fresh or dried flower arrangements.
Echinops ritro 'Platinum Blue'
globe thistle
A European import with fine, bright lavender-blue flowers carried on silvery white, branched stems above divided foliage that's white and woolly underneath.
Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'
globe thistle
More compact than the typical species at 3'. Silvery-green, slightly-spiny, deeply-dissected leaves are downy-white underneath. Two inch wide white inflorescences appear at the tops of the stems in summer. Well drained soils.
Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
fairy wings
Flowers have bright yellow spurs with orange-red centers. Bright green leaves have a blush red color close to the crown. Good for dry shade.
Epimedium 'Songbirds'
fairy wings
Golden yellow flowers have small rose sepals over a long period in early spring. Lance-shaped leaves have some sporadic spotting. Good for dry shade.
Eryngium planum 'Blue Glitter'
sea holly
This drought and salt tolerant perennial features small clumps of 1' tall foliage that are topped by a profusion of 3' stems covered with spiny blue flowers in midsummer.
Eryngium regnellii
sea buckthorn
A South American plant native to seasonally dry biomes. Produces blue-green strap-like leaves edged with teeth and topped with tall flower scapes displaying silver-white clusters of small flowers.
Eucomis 'African Night'
pineapple lily
Late to emerge in spring, this perennial sends up tropical-looking burgundy leaves that lighten through summer. Then, rosy pink flowers appear on dark burgundy stems with matching burgundy leaflets atop the flower spikes.
Eucomis 'Dark Star'
pineapple lily
A dwarf pineapple lily that's a hybrid of southern African species Eucomis zambesiaca and Eucomis vandermerwei. Dark purple foliage that fades at the edges to olive green. Well drained soil is required.
Eucomis 'Johannesburg'
pineapple lily
Pineapple lilies are among the easiest of plants to grow and provide tremendous bang for the buck. This one has olive green tinged foliage and stout, deep burgundy flower stalks topped with a burst of pink flowers. The stalks continue to be showy as they transition to seed heads. Makes a fantastic and long lasting cut flower.
Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple'
purple European beech
A columnar, purple-leaved European beech. Smooth gray bark is exposed in the winter and is quite attractive. Best sited in a moist, well-drained soil protected from the hottest sun of the day.
Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain'
weeping purple European beech
A weeping, purple-leaved European beech. Creates a handsome, narrow silhouette with its strong upright form. Slower growing than a typical beech. Best sited in a moist, well-drained soil protected from the hottest sun of the day.
Ficus carica 'Green Ischia'
Because the small, pink-fleshed figs produced by this tree are green, they're less likely to be eaten by birds. Prefers well-drained soil. Ripe fruit is soft and will droop from the branch instead of being held upright.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'
Fantastic native. All Fothergilla have spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring.
Gaillardia ×grandiflora
Arizona Sun blanket flower
A 2005 All America Selection. Everblooming (if deadheaded). Drought tolerant.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Fragrant Pathways'
dwarf Cape jasmine
This delicate little beauty makes a big impact. Lovely double flowers pack all the fragrant impact of a full size gardenia. It is a very low growing plant, generally staying under a foot tall.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Leeone'
Jubilation Cape jasmine
Jubilation Gardenia is a dense, multi-stemmed, evergreen shrub with an upright growth habit. As with all Gardenia varieties, the intensely fragrant flowers are magical in the garden and even better when cut and brought indoors.
Gardenia jasminoides 'WAH-LM'
Snow Girl cape jasmine
Snow Girl is an exceptionally free flowering gardenia with single, white, fragrant flowers. Plants bloom heavily in early summer and then sporadically until frost. Compact habit.
Gaura lindheimeri 'KLEGL14844'
Belleza White beeblossom
Shorter flower stalks on this new variety are less likely to flop over. In full flower it looks like white butterflies dancing above the foliage. Flowers most and looks better if deadheaded.
Geranium maculatum 'Huggy Bear'
hardy geranium
Pale pink flowers over top chocolate-red foliage. New for 2023.
Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'
bloody cranesbill
Masses of bright, cup-shaped, red-purple flowers in spring. Mounding, deeply lobed gray-green foliage. Stays semi-evergreen in all but the coldest winters in central NC.
Geranium sanguineum
Vision Violet hardy geranium
Easy-to-grow, this geranium has a low mounding habit perfect for borders and odd spaces between plants. Vivid magenta flowers appear in late spring, and the foliage turns brilliant red-orange in fall.
Ginkgo biloba 'Blagon'
Goldspire maidenhair tree
15' tall and just 5' wide at maturity. Brilliant yellow fall foliage. A great plant for an allee or as a focal point in a small garden.
Ginkgo biloba 'JN9'
Sky Tower maidenhair tree
A compact form of this prized Chinese tree is only 20' tall and half as wide at maturity.
Grevillea 'Poorinda Leane'
Poorinda Leane is widely considered to be one of the very easiest, hardiest and most reliable Grevillea selections. Native to Australia, this squat, evergreen shrub can reach 5' tall and half again as wide. Rusty, yellow-orange flowers are produced all season long. We've grown this for a dozen years and wouldn't be without it.
Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Barbara'
A deciduous shrub with fragrant winter flowers. Barbara is so new to the market that we do not have a description of its traits.
Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Basma'
Vibrant orange flowers in January- February.
Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Candlelight Vigil'
Vibrant yellow blooms with good fragrance in early spring, at a time when most other selections have moved past their flowering cycle.
Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Spanish Spider'
Flower petals resemble the legs of a spider. Yellow flowers are tinged with red. This is an upright shrub that typically matures to 10 to 12' tall and to 6 to 9' wide. Flowers lack fragrance. Yellow fall foliage.
Hamamelis vernalis 'Beholden'
A very early witchhazel, starting to bloom in late fall. The strap-like flower petals are a vivid orange and fragrant, on a sturdy non-suckering shrub.
Hamamelis vernalis 'Goleczam'
Golden Eclipse witchhazel
Orange-yellow flower. Late summer leaves emerge with orange and purple tones before turning purple in the fall.
Hamamelis virginiana 'Ice Queen'
Fragrant yellow flowers in mid winter on bare stems.
Hamamelis 'Winter Champagne'
Fragrant flowers of a light champagne orange starting in December, continuing through January.
Helwingia chinensis var. crenata
Chinese helwingia
A holly relative from Asia, this is a semi- evergreen shrub with shiny green leaves, small purplish white spring flowers and red fruit. Stunning crops of red berries atop each "leaf" which is really a blade-like fused petiole.
Heuchera 'Caramel'
coral bells
'Caramel' is a popular selection prized for its vigor and heat tolerance. Leaves range in color from apricot to amber with purple-red undersides. This is a Heuchera villosa hybrid that exhibits an increased tolerance of high heat and humidity of the southeast U.S. Cream flowers appear in midsummer but you grow this one for the foliage, not the flower. To 18" tall. Sun to part shade.
Heuchera 'Citronelle'
coral bells
Chartreuse foliage with silver undersides brings a touch of color to a lightly shaded area of the garden. Prefers well-drained soil.
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
coral bells
Fiery orange-red foliage in spring and fall. Pink flower clusters in spring. Prefers well-drained soil that never gets very dry. Prefers some winter mulch but not at the expense of drainage which is key in winter.
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
coral bells
Reddish-peach foliage seems to have a silvery overlay that changes to rose-purple as temperatures cool.
Hibiscus 'Airbrush Effect'
rose mallow
A long bloom season with 8" bright pink flowers that lighten toward a center marked by a crimson eye makes this compact, well-branched selection of our native hibiscus moscheutos the perfect addition to any garden.
Hibiscus 'Cranberry Crush'
Summerific rose mallow
Light green foliage provides the perfect backdrop for blackish buds that open to deep crimson 7–8" flowers on this compact hibiscus. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus moscheutos 'RutHib3'
Head Over Heels Adore mallow
A compact selection with pink flowers and a maroon eye. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Meehanii'
variegated rose-of-Sharon
Variegated cultivar that develops flowers that actually open fully at maturity—these being purple-pink in color, with a red eye.
Hosta 'Fingertips'
'Fingertips' is miniature hosta with finger-sized, cardboard-textured, light green leaves. Beginning in June, clumps are topped with lavender flowers.
Hosta 'Twice as Mice'
A small but vigorous hosta, Twice as Mice offers blue-tinted leaves with a wide cream edges and lovely spikes of creamy white flowers.
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA7'
Invincibelle Mini Mauvette dwarf smooth hydrangea
Dwarf, reblooming, mauve native Hydrangea from NCSU's own Tom Ranney. Blooms on new growth and so is impervious to late freezes or poor pruning. Re-blooming, so blooms appear from summer into fall.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lady in Red'
lacecap bigleaf hydrangea
Lacecap flowers on this compact, mounded hydrangea open pinkish-white and turn a lush burgundy-rose. Foliage is a rich reddish-purple in the fall, and red stems and veins persist through the growing season.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Little Lime dwarf panicle hydrangea
This compact form of one of our favorites ('Limelight') bears soft green flower panicles which become white before drying to pink on the plant over summer. Panicled hydrangeas are very sun tolerant and tough shrubs.
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH'
Little Lime Punch panicle hydrangea
A compact selection whose blooms emerge lime green, and mature progressively from the bottom up to white, light pink, and finally a rich red! Reblooms through the summer so 4 colors mix to create a memorable show.
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPK'
Fire Light Tidbit panicle hydrangea
An extremely dwarf panicle hydrangea topping out at just 3'. White mophead flowers appear in mid summer. As the summer progresses, they begin to develop bright pink and red tones.
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH'
Limelight Prime panicle hydrangea
An improvement of the popular cultivar 'Limelight'. Blooms begin earlier and last longer. As the green blooms age, they develop pink and red tones. Stronger stems means less flopping over under the heavy flowers.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Doughill'
Gatsby Star double oakleaf hydrangea
The florets in the flower panicle are double. Definitely a collectors item.
Hydrangea serrata 'JPD01'
Pink Dynamo Japanese mountain hydrangea
A dwarf shrub with hot-pink lacecap flowers atop purple foliage. Reblooms in summer.
Hydrangea serrata 'Painter's Palette'
Japanese mountain hydrangea
A Mike Dirr selection that has a compact habit and multicolored white, pink, and green, lacecap flowers.
Hylotelephium 'Frosted Fire'
tall sedum
Also sold as Sedum 'Frosted Fire'. This is a variegated sport of the popular 'Autumn Joy' that features a creamy pale yellow leaf edge. Rose colored flowers in late summer / early fall.
Hymenocallis harrisiana
St. Nicholas star
A great plant for moist garden soils or along the edge of a pond. In summer, it produces white seastar-shaped flowers.
Hymenocallis pygmaea
Carolina dwarf spider lily
The most dwarf spider lily, with 8" tall rosettes of very narrow, green leaves, this plant multiplies rapidly in moist garden soils. It features nocturnally fragrant spider-like flowers.
Hypericum ×moserianum 'Tricolor'
variegated St. John's wort
A semi-evergreen shrub with showy variegated cream, green and pink foliage on red stems. Large orange-yellow flowers are beloved by pollinators.
Hyssopus officinalis
This long-blooming herb can be ornamental, culinary or simply a lovely addition to a perennial border or container.
Illicium 'NCIH2'
Orion compact anise
The unique, star shaped white flowers of Orion are quite showy when it blooms heavily in the spring and again in late summer. It is highly deer resistant like all Illicium and comes from the breeding program of NC State University's Tom Ranney.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
pink flowered anise
A stunning hybrid of the red-flowered Illicium mexicanum and white-flowered Illicium floridanum f. album with ruby pink starfish-like flowers. Extended blooming period from the Mexican parent. This is the showiest of all our anise shrubs.
Iris versicolor 'Purple Flame'
northern blue flag
Blade-like purple foliage and dark blue flowers make this a unique garden standout in spring. As the season continues, foliage lightens to green, so it becomes a backdrop for other garden plants.
Itea virginica 'Bailteaone'
Love Child compact Virginia sweetspire
A compact selection of a great native shrub. Fall foliage color is often phenomenal. It is highly deer resistant and thrives in wet spots, though is also excellent in average moisture. Great as a large scale ground cover.
Kniphofia 'Backdraft'
Pyromania Collection red-hot poker
Large spiky flowers and upright grassy foliage make this Kniphofia a terrific addition to a perennial bed or border.
Kniphofia 'Gold Rush'
red-hot poker
Flaming yellow spike-shaped flowers rise above the grassy foliage of this lovely perennial.
Kniphofia 'Red Roulette'
red-hot poker
Vibrant red-orange flower spikes rise above the very narrow grassy foliage of this red-hot poker plant.
Lagerstroemia indica 'SMNLIJ'
Center Stage Coral crepe myrtle
A dark leaved, coral flowered, medium sized crepe myrtle.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'
white bleeding heart
Its prior name was Dicentra spectabilis and most people still recognize it by that name. Bleeding hearts are spring ephemerals that appear, grow to about 30" tall, bloom with their popular heart-shaped flowers and then usually go dormant before the heat of summer. If sited in a shaded spot protected from the worst heat and drought the foliage may stick around until fall. This cultivar has pure white flowers. Evenly moist, compost-rich soil.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Hordival'
Valentine bleeding heart
Puffy heart-shaped flowers are bright red with a white tip.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Provence'
This fragrant evergreen offers gray-green foliage and lavender flowers. Drought tolerant, this plant prefers well-drained soil.
Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
green penny fern
This tiny fern usually grows as an epiphyte over a wide part of southeastern subtropical Asia. It has been growing happily in the garden since 2018 here. It would certainly make an excellent terrarium fern or small container plant. Round, sterile fronds are smaller than a dime and are produced singly along the trailing stem. Fertile fronds rise to an inch or more and are upright and forked.
Liatris spicata
blazing star
A native summer flowering bulb with grassy foliage and tall spikes of purple flowers in summer.
Licuala grandis
ruffled fan palm
Truly one of the most distinctive of palms with large, rounded fronds. Completely frost tender and will not survive even a short freeze, In a container, it needs bright light and prefers to never dry completely out.
Lindera angustifolia
narrowleaf spicebush
Leaves are green (top) and silver-green (bottom) from spring to summer, then turn a spectacular combination of orange, red and purple in fall. Leaves then age to tan and are held on the plant all winter before falling off.
Lindernia grandiflora
blue moneywort
A ground hugging 1" tall perennial with tiny blue flowers. Great for in between stones, in containers, etc. Prefers moist soil.
Lobelia chinensis
Chinese lobelia
A lovely groundcover with tiny leaves, this lobelia is topped all summer with miniature pink flowers. Performs equally well in moist or dry soils.
Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS1302712'
Starship Blue blue cardinal flower
Dark violet-blue flowers and green foliage. Quite striking!
Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold'
golden boxleaf honeysuckle
An evergreen shrub with tiny yellow leaves and a mounding habit. Can be sheared into a hedge if desired. Prefers part-sun.
Lonicera nitida 'Golden Glow'
Thunderbolt box honeysuckle
A dwarf evergreen densely branched shrub with small chartreuse foliage on arching branches. A great hedge plant. Best in part sun.
Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
red trumpet honeysuckle
This selection of our native honeysuckle is perhaps the finest red flowering form available. Blue green foliage makes a great foil for the masses of tubular blossoms.
Lychnis coronaria 'Angel's Blush'
rose campion
A pale pink flowered rose campion. Soft fuzzy silver foliage. A short lived perennial that will re-seed if you don't deadhead it.
Lychnis flos-cuculi 'Lychjenpet'
Petite Jenny ragged robin
Abundant, showy lavender-pink double flowers appear on slender, branching stems. Prefers a moist, well-drained site.
Lysionotus 'Pudding'
yellow gesner
A gesneriad that likes to be kept moist and grown in cool temperatures. Give it good drainage in bright shade. Not hardy in Raleigh. Makes a cool esoteric house plant.
Magnolia cylindrica 'MJK-MC1'
Marilyn's Choice cylindrical magnolia
Tightly columnar Chinese species. White 3" blooms emerge in late March. Best grown in moist, fertile, slightly acidic, organically rich, well-drained loam in full sun to part shade. 4" cylindrical fruits mature in fall to bright red.
Magnolia figo 'Stellar Ruby'
banana shrub
Selected and released by Wake County's own Pat McCracken, a good friend of the JCRA. Narrow and dense pyramidal growth habit and a floriferous blooming habit. The purple flowers smell like bananas.
Magnolia 'Jane'
hybrid magnolia
The "little girl" hybrid magnolias from the U.S. National Arboretum have been with us for decades but are still among the best available. Small stature and a long bloom period make this little girl, 'Jane', a winning plant. Reddish-purple petals are almost white on the interior.
Magnolia 'Purple Star Power'
hybrid magnolia
Rich purple flowers with creamy interiors cover this plant from top to bottom in April-May. Slightly fragrant.
Magnolia 'Serendipity'
hybrid magnolia
An evergreen shrub with a long bloom period in spring. The 2" white flowers have a light scent of lemon or banana depending on the person smelling them.
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (pink)
pink turk's cap
This spreading shrub grows to 3' tall. Its 1" turks-cap style pink flowers usually are produced in showy profusion during hot weather at the end of summer and early fall. This pink flowered selection arose in the JC Raulston Arboretum perennial border and is distinct from 'Pam Puryear', another pink flowered Malvaviscus. Full sun.
Metapanax davidii
David false-ginseng
We have been thoroughly impressed with the performance of this species in the garden where it makes an evergreen shrub with palmately compound to simple foliage. Sputnik-like flowers give rise to blue-black fruits. May need some winter protection.
Monarda 'Blaustrumpf'
Blue Stocking bee balm
Unusual violet-blue flowers attract hummingbirds in summer. Fragrant foliage.
Monarda 'Fireball'
dwarf red beebalm
Native beebalm abundant red flowers atop dense foliage. Fringy petals seem to burst from the top of the bloom like a miniature firework display.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris
creeping wire vine
An Australian foliage plant grown either as a fast spreading groundcover or a filler in containers.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Nana'
creeping wire vine
Tiny green leaves held on thin creeping stems make this a great low groundcover or trailing plant for a container edge. New leaves emerge bronze before turning green and become bronze toned again with cool weather.
Myrtus communis 'Little Elizabeth'
dwarf myrtle
Prefers moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils. Sharply drained soils are important. Leaves are pleasantly aromatic when bruised, and flowers are scented as well. A popular hedge and topiary plant.
Nepeta ×faassenii 'Limelight'
A sterile compact variety with lime green foliage. Nepeta ×faassenii forms a spreading clump of decumbent, ascending and upright stems. Leaves and lavender-blue flowers are highly aromatic. Shearing off faded flowers to encourage more blooms is recommended.
Origanum 'Gilt Trip'
Chartreuse foliage and summer flowers in shades of pink make this culinary herb a super addition to the garden.
Origanum laevigatum 'Lizzie'
Vigorous culinary herb begins flowering in mid-June with terminal sprays of purple to pink blooms.
Osmanthus fragrans
fragrant olive
Among the most fragrant of all landscape plants is the tea olive a large evergreen shrub with white flowers produced in spring and fall and occasionally at other times of the year.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'
fragrant princess holly tea-olive
This little tea olive is perfect choice for a rock garden, hypertufa trough, bonsai, or border front. Its small white flower is highly fragrant giving it the Japanese name "fragrant princess." A JC Raulston Arboretum Choice Plants selection.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'
Party Lights pink flush holly tea-olive
Wow, wow, wow was all we could say when we were first introduced to this awesome osmanthus or sweet olive. The new growth is bright pink before it transitions to white and then finally mostly green. It is upright and compact, making a nice-sized shrub over time.
Osmunda japonica
Japanese royal fern
A coarse-textured Asian fern with separate fertile and sterile fronds. Rich, moist soils will produce the largest clumps. In Asia, young fronds are used as a vegetable...cooked to remove any thiaminase.
Paeonia lactiflora 'Felix Crousse'
Midseason, double flowered red. An 1881 variety from France.
Paeonia lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima'
A long-time favorite since the 19th century with 7" double blooms that are white with sparse red flecks inside. Fragrant. An early to midseason bloomer. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt'
double pink peony
Large ruffled double pink flowers on this classic southern peony.
Paeonia 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'
Early bloomer with semi-double coral-pink flowers which fade to apricot-pink. Fragrant. Winner of the American Peony Society gold medal and landscape merit award.
Parrotia persica 'Victor'
Persian ironwood
More slender than the wild type. Same great fall foliage and attractive flaking bark.
Passiflora 'Lady Margaret'
passion flower
A hybrid passion vine with red flowers and a bright white spot in the center. Evergreen in warmer climates, this is a die-back vine here in North Carolina that grows to 10' tall each season. Peak bloom is in late summer. Prefers lean soil that stays on the dry side. A host plant for Gulf fritillary, zebra longwings, and other Heliconian butterfly caterpillars so if you see a caterpillar munching on the plant, leave it alone.
Penstemon 'Dark Towers'
purple-leaf beard tongue
Sturdy stems hold burgundy leaves topped with good size lavender flowers. The foliage is exceptionally thick. This plant is head and shoulders above the older 'Husker Red'.
Penstemon 'Purple Riding Hood'
A purple flwoered hybrid selection of two native North-American species. Upright spikes of purple flowers appear in summer. Low maintenance. Tolerates hot, dry sites.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Prime Time'
Russian sage
More densely branched than most Perovskia selections. Colorful calyces beneath the flowers give the impression of blooms for months after the flowers have faded. Emerges a bit late in the spring so don't worry if it is tardy.
Phegopteris decursive-pinnata
Japanese beech fern
Easy to grow, deer resistant, with narrow, upright, coarse-textured, lush green fronds. Does best in consistently moist, slightly acidic soils that are not allowed to dry out.
Phlox glaberrima subsp. triflora 'Triple Play'
variegated smooth phlox
This showy, creamy edged form of our native smooth phlox features lilac flowers in spring. Relatively vigorous. Performs best in a moist, well-drained location although we’ve heard rumors of its drought tolerance.
Phlox paniculata 'Bartwelve'
Flame Pink garden phlox
Dwarf that seldom needs staking, indispensable for months of showy flowers and pollinator support.
Phlox paniculata
Flame Blue garden phlox
The Flame series of our native garden phlox were developed by Bertels Stek, a Dutch flower firm. Compact; doesn't flop over. Fragrant blue flowers for a long period in summer. Hummingbirds love 'em.
Phlox subulata 'Ronsdorfer Beauty'
creeping phlox
A creeping phlox that blooms in early spring with lavender-pink flowers.
Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'
Japanese andromeda
'Temple Bells' is a compact 3' tall form of Japanese andromeda with hanging racemes of white bells in spring over the evergreen foliage. New growth emerges almost orange, much different than other selections. Shade.
Piper kadsura 'Pied Piper'
variegated Japanese pepper
This evergreen vine has small heart-shaped, irregularly variegated leaves. Self-clinging stems will climb tree trunks and walls. White flowers look similar to the jack in a jack-in-the-pulpit. Part shade, rich soils. We have grown this plant outdoors for well over a decade.
Platanus ×hispanica 'Suttneri'
variegated London planetree
A variegated foliage form of the planetree with irregular white splashes and speckles on the leaves. Incredible smooth white bark glows in the landscape like a white pillar. Somewhat anthracnose resistant. Nicest with some moisture, but established plants are fairly drought tolerant.
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Astra Blue'
balloon flower
Balloon flower is an easy and long lived perennial, unless you eat the edible root. Flowers look like a balloon prior to opening into 5-petaled stars. Deadhead to promote rebloom. Dwarf with large blue flowers. Rock garden star.
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Double Blue'
balloon flower
A double flowered form of balloon flower. Easy to grow and pollinator friendly.
Platycrater arguta
tea of heaven
This charming, little hydrangea relative is a must for every shade or woodland garden. In late summer, clusters of nodding, white flowers appear on stems to about 18" tall and are very attractive on the background of the slender, bright green leaves. Soft, butter yellow fall color. Does not tolerate drought.
Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Solomon's seal
Collected by Dan Hinkley in Yunnan, China, this unusual Polygonatum has climbing stems to 18' if given support using its tendril-like leaves to grasp and climb. Clusters of white flowers followed by large crops of glistening black fruit in autumn. Bright shade and rich soil is appreciated.
Polystichum polyblepharum
tassel fern
Beautiful deep green, shiny foliage helps brighten up a shady garden spot. Easy to grow in rich, moist, well-drained soil. This fern is semi-evergreen in Raleigh and a native of Japan and South Korea.
Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern
A great smaller scale structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to lustrous green. Great garden and container plant.
Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Rote Glocke'
Red Bells pasque flower
Beautiful frilly, ferny foliage topped in spring with red flowers. Sun and well-drained soil.
Pycnanthemum muticum
mountain mint
This native herb makes patches of 2' tall stems of glossy, rounded leaves topped with silver bracts and clusters of small pink flowers which are among the best pollinator plants around. We think this is the best species of mountain mint for the garden by leaps and bounds. It is completely deer proof and easy in any garden setting.
Quercus 'Erick the Red'
hybrid American oak
A putative natural hybrid of Q. stellata, Q. sinuata, and Q. havardii. Red-auburn fall color. Branches sweep to the ground for a fully closed canopy of shiny green leaves with shallow lobes.
Quercus ×undulata 'Kenton Blue'
wavyleaf oak
A naturally occurring Q. gambelii × Q. grisea hybrid with small, leathery, blue-tinged foliage. Not a giant Eastern oaks, but a 10' shrub from the western US. The original tree grows near Kenton, OK. Grafted.
Reineckea carnea 'Greenscape'
ribbon lily
16" long and 3/8" wide shiny green leaves form a lovely, tight growing groundcover mat. Topped with short spikes of light lavender flowers in late Oct-Nov, followed by equally short spikes of reddish fruit.
Rhododendron 'Cherry Cheesecake'
Best grown in acidic, organically rich, medium moisture, moisture-retentive but well-drained soils. Avoid heavy clay soil. Mulch the shallow roots. Prefers a sun dappled or high open shade.
Rhododendron 'Lee's Dark Purple'
Best grown in acidic, organically rich, medium moisture, moisture-retentive but well-drained soils in part shade. Avoid heavy clay soil which causes root rot. Prefers a sun dappled or high open shade.
Rhododendron 'NCRX5'
Perfecto Mundo Double White reblooming azalea
Another winner from Dr. Tom Ranney of NCSU. Reblooming double-flowered white. Blooms on old wood in spring, then later, on new wood. A light trim after spring bloom encourages new growth, thus, more rebloom.
Rohdea japonica 'Galle'
sacred lily
Distinguished by its very narrow long leaves, this plant's evergreen foliage is a amazing addition to the shade garden. It's both deer resistant and drought resistant!
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'
'Arp' is one of the most cold hardy rosemaries and is the one most recommended for the Raleigh area.
Rubus 'Apf-236t'
Baby Cakes dwarf thornless blackberry
Dwarf, thornless blackberry perfect for the garden or a container on a sunny porch. Loads of full size blackberries are borne on 2nd year stems so every winter prune out the branches that bore fruit.
Salvia greggii 'Balmirsal'
Mirage Salmon autumn sage
Salmon colored flowers for a long period in the summer. Attracts hummingbirds.
Salvia guaranitica 'Rhythm and Blues'
anise sage
Medium-sized foliage maintains its dark green color throughout the season. Plants are covered with long flowers stems and elegant black calyx that hold large, saturated, dark blue flowers.
Sambucus nigra 'Jandeboer001'
Golden Tower black elderberry
Narrow upright growth and yellow leaves. Offers both height and color to a small space. Leaves have a funky odor when bruised.
Sarcococca confusa
sweet box
This bushy evergreen shrub features wavy ovate leaves. In winter, inconspicuous creamy white flowers bring a lovely fragrance to the garden.
Sarracenia ×ahlesii
pitcher plant
A naturally occurring hybrid of the tall, green, S. alata and the short, red, S. rubra. The cross resulted in an intermediate height plant with rose-colored flowers and green pitchers with red-veins.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsens'
Rose Sensation hydrangea vine
This is a showier variety with larger deeper pink sepals in June and July. Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Pruning is usually not needed, but may be trimmed in late winter.
Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose'
pink skullcap
A small cushion-forming semi-evergreen mint relative topped with pink flowers in spring and sporadically through summer. Originally sold as a tender perennial or annual but has proven to be hardy in zone 7.
Sempervivum (Hot Mix)
hens and chicks
Pick your favorite. This is a mix of colors, sizes, and forms of hens and chicks. Reds, blues, webbed, and green forms are represented. As with all Sempervivum in North Carolina, some protection from the worst of our summer heat will help them survive.
Serissa japonica 'Variegata'
variegated snowbush
Profuse pink buds open to lovely white flowers that bloom throughout the summer on this easy-to-grow shrub.
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
dwarf rough-leaf goldenrod
No sunny garden should be without the compact arching stems of this outstanding goldenrod. It's a top performing perennial with a long show of bright gold.
Spigelia marilandica 'Ragin Cajun'
Indian pink
Flowers are more orange-red than 'Little Redhead' and the plant is rounder in habit and more floriferous too. An underutilized native that attracts hummingbirds.
Spiraea japonica 'Lemon Princess'
Japanese spirea
'Lemon Princess' is a late spring flowering shrub with a compact, mounding habit that makes it a popular choice for gardens and shrub borders. Its bright-pink flower clusters flowers attract butterflies, and its bright golden-green leaves contribute both form and color.
Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1'
Double Play Candy Corn Japanese spirea
Red flowers start in late summer and are great for pollinators. Deer will leave this candy corn alone as well. Sterile and thus non-invasive.
Spiraea japonica 'NCSX2'
Double Play Doozie Japanese spirea
Bred by NC State plant breeder Tom Ranney. It is sterile, so it flowers continuously all summer up to frost and is not invasive.
Spiraea virginiana
Virginia meadowsweet
A rare native shrub of the eastern US with puffy white flower clusters in summer. Discovered only in 1985, this species is now threatened in the U.S. It will spread to form a colony. In the wild it prefers to grow in silty soil and rocky rubble along creek banks.
Stachys officinalis 'Rich Pink'
wood betony
This low-growing plant is topped through the summer by rich pink flower spikes. This is a great but way too underused perennial that always looks tidy in the garden.
Stachys 'Summer Romance'
Leaves at the base of this plant form a groundcovering mat, which is topped by violet flower spikes. Dark brown-black seedheads form in fall and winter.
Syringa 'G13103'
New Age White lilac
Compact, mildew resistant variety with fragrant white flowers. Grows great in the south.
Syringa vulgaris 'G13099'
New Age Lavender compact lilac
Compact, mildew resistant variety with fragrant lavender flowers. Grows great in the south.
Tecomaria capensis
cape honeysuckle
A dieback shrub whose root hardiness we are evaluating at the JCRA now. People claim that it is a zone 9 plant, not hardy in Raleigh, but this one has survived the (mild) Raleigh winters of 2020, 2021, and 2022. Give it a try. A shrub with vining tendencies if given support. Brilliantly colored fall flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
Thymus ×citriodorus 'Golden Lemon'
variegated lemon thyme
Well drained, lean soils are best for this culinary thyme. Strong lemony scent and flavor. Fragrant flowers attract pollinators.
Thymus praecox subsp. articus 'Elfin'
white creeping thyme
Fragrant foliage plant can tolerate some foot traffic. Well drained, lean soils are best.
Thymus pseudolanuginosus
woolly thyme
A creeping groundcover with tiny fuzzy leaves. Not as odorous as regular thyme and because of the hairs, not culinary either. But cute! Well drained, lean soils are best.
Tradescantia [Andersoniana Group] 'Sweet Kate'
This well-behaved 12" tall clumping spiderwort has the typical grassy foliage and blue flowers of its cousins but the resemblance ends there. The foliage is shocking gold which is especially nice against the rich blue flowers.
Tricyrtis formosana 'sPg-3-023'
Sunny Spirit variegated Formosan toadlily
A new spreading toadlily with brightly gold margined foliage. In fall plants are topped with purple-spotted, intricate flowers resembling little orchids. Toadlilies are must-haves for all shade gardens.
Tulbaghia violacea 'Variegata'
variegated society garlic
Variegated cream and green liriope-like foliage topped with spikes of small lavender flowers. The strong onion smell of the foliage repels cats, dogs, deer and snails and slugs.
Vaccinium corymbosum 'FL09-216'
Hello Darlin highbush blueberry
This is a compact cultivar. Blueberries do double duty producing top quality edible fruit and as ornamental shrubs with multiple seasons of interest: flowers, fruit, red fall foliage and interesting winter twigs. Plant more than one cultivar for cross pollination.
Verbena bonariensis
Argentina verbena
Flowering from late spring until frost makes this perennial a favorite garden plant. Does well in dry, lean or rich soils. Hates wet feet. May self seed and spread outside of your garden.
Veronica repens 'Sunshine'
creeping speedwell
A carpet of tiny yellow foliage. May be evergreen in a protected spot.
Viburnum dentatum 'Ralph Senior'
Autumn Jazz arrowwood
An improved selection of our native arrowwood with a graceful, upright, vase shaped habit. White flower clusters in late May give way to clumps of blue-black fruit in October that are a favorite of birds. Foliage turns yellow, orange, and red in fall.
Viburnum tinus 'Compactum'
compact laurustinus
A beautiful, low-growing evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and lightly fragrant, pinkish-white spring flowers. Dense, compact growth habit makes this a favorite choice for small hedges, screens or foundation plantings.
Viburnum tinus 'Lisa Rosa'
Shades of Pink laurustinus
Lisa Rosa' is a pink flowered shrub that will add an air of refinement to the garden in spring when in full bloom. The evergreen leaves and showy pink flower buds of 'Lisa Rosa' laurustinus also look great all winter.
Watsonia pillansii
Beatrice watsonia
Likely the hardiest species of Watsonia, an iris relative from South Africa. Strappy foliage is topped with brilliant tubular hummingbird magnet flowers. Definitely not reliably hardy in zone 7.
Wisteria frutescens subsp. macrostachya 'Blue Moon'
Kentucky wisteria
A native wisteria! This selection has fragrant pale blue flowers in 12" long racemes. Looks great when trained on arbors, pergolas, posts, trellises, fences or terrace walls.
Woodwardia orientalis (crested)
Oriental chain fern
A crested form of the large semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern. It is valued for its oversized fronds, reaching proportions up to 6' in length and often bowing down and touching the ground.