JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale 2010
The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2010 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia
Foliage is bright yellow and light green in the spring and golden yellow with a dark green center in the summer. Cool weather adds orange and red. White, tubular flowers bloom summer to fall.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rika1'
Bronze Anniversary glossy abelia
Colorful, glossy bright bronzy golden variegated foliage on a neat compact plant. Will re-bloom throughout summer. A true four-season plant.
Acanthus 'Summer Beauty'
bear's breech
Finally a truly heat and humidity tolerant bear's breech, 'Summer Beauty' has 3' wide clumps of dark green, roughly serrated foliage topped in summer by 4'–6' tall spikes of white flowers emerging from large dusty purple calices.
Acca sellowiana
pineapple guava
Beautiful evergreen South American shrub with silvery blue-green foliage. Pink flowers with sweet, edible petals in summer. Green fruits in fall taste like tropical fruit (pineapple and guava). Dry to damp soils.
Acer caudatifolium
Kawakami maple
Acer japonicum (ex. 'Aconitifolium')
full moon maple
Features a structure more simplified than Acer palmatum, yet just as graceful. These seedlings from the highly desired 'Aconitifolium' boast ferny leaf lobes arranged in a broad fan. Fall leaf color is blazing scarlet.
Acer palmatum 'Baldsmith'
red lace-leaf Japanese maple
Finely dissected leaves that change from green, pink and orange eventually turning red. In autumn leaves are a vivid yellow/orange. Mounded, flowing habit of growth.
Acer palmatum 'Higasa yama'
variegated Japanese maple
One of the most distinctive of all Japanese maples, 'Higasa yama' has spring foliage with a green center, white outline, and pink edge. The variegation fades when temperatures soar leaving a faint white line.
Acer palmatum 'Red Pygmy'
red narrowleaf Japanese maple
Narrow maroon-red leaves will turn to green in the heat of the summer before returning to crimson in autumn. Adds an airy quality to the garden.
Acer palmatum 'Ryusen'
weeping Japanese maple
One of the newest and most exciting of all Japanese maples. This form has the typical lovely green foliage of the species, but in a weeping form making it the very first non-cutleaf weeping Japanese maple. Stake as high as desired before allowing it to cascade.
Acer palmatum 'Tsuma gaki'
Japanese maple
An elegant Japanese maple, with spring leaves tipped with burgundy as though each lobe was painted with fingernail polish. Makes a small tree. Great fall color.
Acer palmatum 'Twombley's Red Sentinel'
upright red-leaf Japanese maple
This compact and relatively (for a Japanese maple) upright selection is perfect for a small space. Red winter stems erupt with burgundy-red leaves in spring like the well-known 'Bloodgood'.
Acer truncatum
Shantung maple
A rarely seen small to medium sized maple perfect for residential landscapes. Lovely foliage turns brilliant in fall. Drought tolerant once established.
Actinidia arguta 'Meader'
male kiwi
Deciduous vine grown as a pollinator for female kiwi vines. One male will pollinate up to 3 female vines.
Actinidia kolomikta
Slightly fragrant white flowers are mostly hidden on these woody vines. Males and female plants are needed to form edible fruit, these are all female plants. The foliage is generally somewhat variegated although often showier on male plants.
Alstroemeria 'Tangerine Tango'
Peruvian lily
Glowing orange flowers have yellow, green, and brown markings for extra interest. Let them brighten your garden or cut some for your home.
Arisaema ringens
Japanese cobra lily
One of the best cobra-lilies for the garden, this plant produces snake-like flowers close to the ground in spring and is topped by huge 3-lobed leaves. It will form large clumps over time.
Athyrium 'Branford Rambler'
hybrid painted fern
A cross between lady fern and Japanese painted fern with bright green fronds and burgundy red stipes.
Athyrium 'Ghost'
painted fern
Silvery white new fronds darken to green creating a great backdrop for newly emerging foliage. The upright fronds add great texture to the shade garden.
Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia'
variegated Japanese aucuba
Heavily spotted leaves and a tolerance for dry shade make this evergreen shrub a workhorse in the landscape. Red fruits in winter add to the appeal if male aucuba are in the area. Tolerates pruning well.
Aucuba japonica 'Gold Dust'
gold-dust Japanese aucuba
The classic variegated shrub, this plant is a well-known and well loved landscape plant for shady garden spots. Speckled foliage and red fruits make winter a bit brighter.
Aucuba japonica 'Serratifolia'
toothed Japanese aucuba
Glossy evergreen foliage with large teeth adorn this classic shrub for the woodland garden. The elongated, serrated foliage provides a distinctive texture to the landscape. Great in a woodland garden or for shaded foundation plantings.
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'
gold-dust Japanese aucuba
The classic variegated shrub, this plant is a well-known and well loved landscape plant for shady garden spots. Speckled foliage and red fruits make winter a bit brighter.
Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Admiration'
dwarf purple-leaf Japanese barberry
This vibrant berberis is a real eye-catcher suitable for the landscape or as a container plant. It has bright orange-red foliage with yellow margins. The color continues throughout the summer season.
Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Gentry'
Royal Burgundy dwarf purple-leaf Japanese barberry
A great dwarf shrub for providing deep burgundy color to the garden. An improvement on the industry standard 'Crimson Pygmy'. Maroon stems keep the color going in the winter.
Berberis thunbergii 'Bogozam'
Bonanza Gold golden Japanese barberry
A tight mound of bright gold in the landscape, this shrub is great for creating color echoes and combinations in the garden.
Berberis thunbergii 'Goruzam'
Golden Ruby compact purple-leaf Japanese barberry
New foliage is coral-orange becoming burgundy later in the season with a golden halo around each leaf. Compact habit makes it perfect for adding color in perennial beds or as a foundation planting.
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket'
upright Japanese barberry
Distinctive upright growth habit, columnar when young becoming broader with age. Unusual rust-orange foliage is perfect for creating some hot color combinations—a designer's dream plant.
Berberis thunbergii 'Rosy Rocket'
upright Japanese barberry
Distinctive upright growth habit, columnar when young becoming broader with age. New growth emerges pink, white, and burgundy speckled and matures to dark burgundy.
Bletilla striata
Chinese ground orchid
An easy to grow woodland perennial from Asia with pleated foliage and pink orchid flowers. This is one of the toughest and most reliable of perennials for shade. Will spread to form full clumps over time.
Buddleja 'Blue Chip'
Lo & Behold compact butterfly bush
This dwarf, mounding plant blooms like a champ throughout the summer. Bred by Dr. Denny Werner and introduced by the JCRA. Won 2nd place in the Royal Horticulture Society trials.
Buddleja 'Lochinch'
Lochinch Castle butterfly bush
This summer flowering shrub brings butterflies to the garden with its branched panicles of fragrant violet-lavender flowers. Great for sunny spots in the garden.
Buddleja 'Miss Ruby'
compact butterfly bush
A JCRA introduction from Denny Werner's breeding program, this compact butterfly-bush has the deepest red flowers of any selection. Earned the #1 spot at the RHS trials.
Buddleja 'Summer Frost'
butterfly bush
Introduced by the JCRA from Denny Werner's breeding program, this gracefully arching shrub bears branched panicles of soft lavender flowers over cool, silvery foliage. A real winner.
Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Emerald Jewel'
Korean boxwood
Dense rounded mounds of deep green foliage make the perfect small hedge or foundation planting. Good in both sun and shade.
Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Sunburst'
variegated Korean boxwood
Calycanthus ×raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Raulston allspice
A hybrid between our native sweetshrub and the Asian species created here at the JCRA. Large, glossy leaves and slightly fragrant deep maroon flowers in spring to early summer. Displays incredible hybrid vigor.
Calycanthus 'Venus'
hybrid sweetshrub
A complex cross involving 3 species of sweetshrub bred by NCSU's Dr. Ranney. Large magnolia-like fragrant white flowers cover this shrub in spring and sporadically through summer. Simply incredible.
Campanula poscharskyana 'Camgood'
Blue Waterfall Serbian bellflower
Blue, bell-shaped flowers on a low growing perennial. Will quickly form a wide patch, but is very well behaved. Loads of flowers cover the plant especially in sunnier spots. Great garden plant.
Campanula takesimana
Korean bellflower
Spreading rosettes of deep green, serrated foliage shoot up flower stalks bearing white to pale pink flowers heavily speckled on the inside with pink spots. Great for weaving through other plants in sun or shade.
Campsis 'Homr'
Madame Rosy hybrid trumpet vine
This new hybrid between our native and the Asian trumpet creepers features restrained growth and large rosy orange-red trumpet flowers in long terminal panicles. Flowers are produced all summer since no seed pods are formed on this sterile hybrid.
Carex flagellifera 'Toffee Twist'
Architectural clumps of toffee brown, thin, grassy foliage adds a bit of flair to the garden whether in the ground or containers. The unusual color helps highlight other plants. Designers love this plant. Moist spots are best.
Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'
variegated sedge
Stiff, deep green leaves are each bordered by a white edge for an easy and reliable grass-like perennial all year round. Best if cut to the ground in late winter before new growth emerges. Grow in average to damp soils.
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'
striped weeping sedge
Deer resistant clumps of fine textured foliage makes a lovely arching clump of grassy foliage 24" wide. One of the showiest of the sedges, great in masses, containers, and along woodland edges.
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Janice'
Lil Miss Sunshine blue mist shrub
Golden yellow leaves cover this small mounded plant all summer long. Clusters of violet blue flowers circle the stems in late summer.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea
shrubby Japanese plum yew
Great, deep green shrubby conifer for the south. Perfect in masses or in shady gardens as a backdrop. Can be sheared into tight shapes and hedges.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata'
upright Japanese plum yew
Every stem on this heat and humidity tolerant conifer stands straight up like a deep green bottle-brush. In more shade, it will tend to be more open. A real statement in the landscape.
Cercis canadensis 'Appalachian Red'
eastern redbud
The closest to true red of any redbud, this form of our native woodlander was found in Maryland. A great performer in full sun or shade. Heart-shaped leaves follow the flowers. Yellow fall color.
Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf'
seedless Chinese redbud
Named for the US National Arboretum's prolific breeder, this is one of the best redbuds for the landscape. Masses of flowers along the stems on a sterile plant. Foliage is the typical heart shape.
Cercis chinensis 'Shirobana'
white Chinese redbud
This is the pure white form of the lovely Chinese redbud. Loads of white pea flowers are carried along the branches and trunks of this multi-stemmed large shrub or small tree. Heart shaped foliage follows.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides'
fernspray Hinoki falsecypress
Distinctive foliage reminiscent of ferny fronds adorn this upright conifer. Makes a great specimen or accent in a perennial border or at the corner of your house.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress
Deep green sprays of foliage create a strong textural presence in the landscape. This small conifer was first introduced nearly 150 years ago and is still a reliable and elegant garden plant.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunspray'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress
The flattened, coral-like sprays of golden foliage are delicately arranged to give each plant a unique appearance when mature. Ideal as a small specimen or in a container.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cumulus'
miniature Sawara falsecypress
This plant forms a low mound of soft, fluffy foliage for the perfect miniature plant. Great in containers, troughs, rock gardens or small spaces.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold'
gold thread Sawara falsecypress
A great newer form of gold thread cypress that supposedly only gets 2'–3' feet tall and twice as wide. We imagine it will get taller than listed, but still should stay low and wide. Best gold color is in full sun.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Tsukumo'
dwarf Sawara falsecypress
A soft textured deep green conifer perfect for borders, foundations, or as a small specimen. Growing wider than tall, this will add class to the garden 12 months of the year. Best in a moist, well-drained spot.
Chasmanthium latifolium 'River Mist'
variegated river oats
A new twist on a great native plant. The garden stalwart, river oats or northern sea oats, takes a new twist with this vividly variegated grass. Green summer flowers give way to green seed heads turning buff as the season changes to fall. Beautiful when backlit.
Chionanthus retusus
Chinese fringe tree
One of the best flowering trees for the landscape. Rough warty bark holds up the rounded glossy green foliage. White, strappy petaled flowers completely cover the tree in spring. Golden fall color.
Chionanthus retusus 'China Snow'
Chinese fringe tree
Found and collected by Don Shadow, this small tree features snowy white flowers, attractive leaves and interesting bark.
Clethra alnifolia 'Caleb'
Vanilla Spice summersweet clethra
Butterflies love this native, upright shrub. Glossy, deep green leaves cover the plant, and large, exceptionally fragrant white flower spikes open in late summer.
Clivia miniata
bush lily
Clivias are easy care houseplants that will wow your neighbors. They prefer to be on the dry side and should only be watered when dry. In fall, place your plant in a cool dry spot for about three months watering only when beginning to wilt. During growth put in a bright spot out of direct light.
Clivia miniata (yellow)
yellow bush lily
Clivias are easy care houseplants that will wow your neighbors. They prefer to be on the dry side and should only be watered when dry. In fall, place your plant in a cool dry spot for about three months watering only when beginning to wilt. During growth put in a bright spot out of direct light.
Coreopsis 'Redshift'
Big Bang red tickseed
An extremely long blooming hardy red and yellow form of coreopsis. The large 2" yellow flowers with a red central ring shift to more yellow and red streaked as the temperatures cool in fall.
Cornus kousa
kousa dogwood
The flowers of this Asian species open later than our native dogwood, after the leaves have emerged. Petals are pointed instead of rounded but are unmistakable as dogwood flowers. Red fall color and 1" red fruits.
Cornus kousa subsp. chinensis 'Propzam'
Prophet kousa dogwood
Large, overlapping white bracts form full flowers on this extremely floriferous selection. Supposedly the large 1" flowers are sweeter than the average Kousa dogwood.
Cornus kousa 'Greensleeves'
kousa dogwood
A vigorous and heavy flowering form of Kousa dogwood. The dark green leaves with prominent veins have gracefully undulating leaf margins. White-bracted flowers emerge after the leaves. Discovered at the Biltmore Estate.
Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Harry Lauder's walkingstick
One of the most popular, but often hard to find, of all contorted plants. The twisted branches look great during the winter as well as the rest of the year. Always a conversation starter.
Cotoneaster apiculatus 'Tom Thumb'
miniature cotoneaster
Miniature leaves and slow growth make this little shrub a cute addition to troughs, containers, and rock gardens. Although it rarely flowers, the habit and red fall color make it well worth a spot in the garden.
Crinum 'Sangria'
Broad strappy purple foliage emerge from the enormous bulb. Spikes topped with a cluster of large rosy pink flowers emerge in late spring and then often again in fall. Crinums are among the easiest of all perennials to grow, perfect even for those with a black thumb.
Cupressus nootkatensis 'Van den Akker'
weeping-column Nootka falsecypress
Even more narrow than 'Green Arrow', this west coast conifer sends a leader straight up while all of it's branches drape dramatically down. A real showpiece plant.
×Cuprocyparis leylandii 'Gold Rider'
golden Leyland cypress
A gold foliaged form of the well-known and very quick growing Leyland cypress. Allow to grow into a large tree or prune yearly to keep smaller.
Daphne odora
winter daphne
Nothing has a fragrance like the sweet lemony scent of daphne flowers in February. Grow in shady spots with excellent drainage as excess water can lead to quick death.
Dianthus barbatus 'Heart Attack'
perennial sweet William
A NC introduction from Plant Delights Nursery, this sweet william is reliably perennial. Deep, dark red flowers in clusters top the bright green foliage starting in spring and continuing through most of the summer. A breakthrough garden plant for long, rich color.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Feuerhexe'
Firewitch Cheddar pink
The icy blue mats of evergreen linear foliage provide the perfect backdrop for bright magenta-pink flowers held on wiry stems. This is considered one of the best forms for heat and humidity tolerance. Drought tolerant.
Dicentra 'Burning Hearts'
bleeding hearts
A shade-loving compact perennial with frilly blue-gray foliage and rose red flowers. Blooms longer that other bleeding hearts. Excellent for shady borders or woodland gardens.
Disporum longistylum 'Green Giant'
Chinese fairy bells
Alien shoots like pinkish-purple bamboo stalks emerge in spring unfurling green flowers and slightly fragrant creamy white flowers. Established. vigorous clumps can reach 6' in height. Black fruits in late summer. Discovered by Dan Hinkley in Sichuan, China.
Distylium myricoides
blue isu
Blue isu is an extremely variable evergreen shrub, but this is the Piroche form with lanceolate blue-green foliage. Red flowers along the horizontal stems add interest in the early spring. The layered horizontal structure creates a shrub about twice as tall as wide.
Echinacea purpurea 'Milkshake'
Conefections double white eastern purple coneflower
This coneflower features creamy white fully double flowers- and lots of them! A heavy bloomer whose tall stems are proudly upright.
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Gold Rush'
golden paperbush
Few other shrubs generate the interest of this plant during winter and early spring. Stout, smooth branches hold white buds all winter before opening to reveal round clusters of white flowers with gold interiors. Large blue-green foliage follows. This is a vigorous and reliable selection.
Emmenopterys henryi
Chinese Emmenopterys
The beautiful white, fragrant flower bracts on this tree may not show up until it reaches 10 years of age, but it is worth the wait. It is hard to find this plant offered for sale. A true aristocrat of the flowering trees.
Euonymus alatus 'Odom'
Little Moses dwarf burning bush
Little Moses is a true dwarf burning bush. It is slower growing and more compact than 'Compactus'. Fall color arrives earlier and lasts longer than the species. Developed by Odom Nursery, Morrison, Tennessee.
Euphorbia 'Nothowlee'
Blackbird spurge
Purple black leaves, red stems and green flower bracts grab one's attention. Deer resistant and drought tolerant, too!
Eurya japonica 'Moutiers'
variegated eurya
First introduced to the US under the lyrical name 'Green Thinly Margined', this plant has proven to be a wonderful addition to the garden. The narrow grey-green foliage is outlined with dark green for a pleasant contrast. Slow and upright in the landscape, it will fit into any garden.
Exochorda 'Niagara'
Snow Day Surprise pearlbush
This new hybrid pearl bush has large clusters of pure white flowers on a compact, upright shrub.
Fargesia rufa
clumping bamboo
Clumping to slowly spreading upright bamboo for a distinctive oriental look. This species is the favorite food of giant pandas and so should be part of every wildlife habitat garden.
Fargesia rufa 'Oprins Selection'
Green Panda clumping bamboo
A clumping bamboo for sun or shade hardy to well below 0 degrees F. Evergreen and 6-8' tall once established. Great as a specimen or a restrained hedge. Also works well in containers.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Blue Shadow'
This is a breathtaking blue-leafed sport from Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'. White flowers open in spring before the dusty blue leaves emerge. Fall colors are bright red, orange, and yellow. The best blue fothergilla for the south.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel'
Cape jasmine
A compact and cold hardy evergreen shrub with masses of double, extremely fragrant pure white flowers. Bred and selected here in North Carolina at Oakmont Nursery.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Torgaa'
Summer Snow Cape jasmine
This gardenia was selected by Greensboro based Buds & Blooms Nursery for improved cold hardiness. The glossy evergreen leaves provide an elegant foil for the large, fully double fragrant white flowers.
Glandularia 'Pinwheel Princess'
A spreading tender perennial with heads of lavender flowers with each petal striped white along the edge. Great in annual plantings, containers, hanging baskets, or planted in permanent spots for adventurous gardeners.
Hamamelis 'Amethyst'
witch hazel
A new color breakthrough in witchhazels. Amethyst-purple flowers appear on bare stems in winter, filling the garden with fragrance. Golden fall color.
Hedera helix 'Gold Dust'
variegated English ivy
Great in hanging baskets and containers, this ivy's foliage is heavily and irregularly splashed and speckled with creamy yellow.
Hedera helix 'Hummingbird'
bird's foot English ivy
Great in hanging baskets and containers, this ivy's bird's foot type foliage adds unusual texture to a tough performer.
Hedera helix 'Minty'
variegated English ivy
Great in hanging baskets and containers, this ivy has white to mint green leaf margins irregularly spreading to the interior which is splashed with blue-green.
Hedera helix 'Misty'
variegated English ivy
Great in hanging baskets and containers, this ivy's tiny deeply lobed leaves have variegated margins and silvery veins.
Hemerocallis 'Kok 06-02'
Kokomo Sunset daylily
An early-blooming daylily that has 4" wide, deep golden blooms with burgundy-red eyes. A long bloom season and multiple flowering cycles are perfect for mass planting and perennial beds. Rust resistant.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree'
Blue Chiffon rose of sharon
Large, fully double blue flowers on a shrub from the famed Notcutt's Nursery in England. Tough as nails and won't seed around like your grandmother's rose of Sharon.
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
One of the all-time best hostas, 'Sum and Substance' makes huge mounds of broad chartreuse foliage in the shade garden. A great plant for adding oomph to the woodland.
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA1'
Invincibelle Spirit smooth hydrangea
A breakthrough in our native smooth hydrangea! The first ever pink form from NCSU's own Tom Ranney. Large mopheads of soft pink flowers open from bright pink buds on this knockout plant.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'
bigleaf hydrangea
Big mophead flowers emerge white then quickly take on either pale pink or blue tones depending on the soil (blue in our acidic NC red clay). Add lime for pink flowers. This form re-blooms well and is a great addition to the shade garden.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Horabstra'
Abracadabra Star lacecap bigleaf hydrangea
Large cupped petals surround the lacecap type flowers of this new introduction. Black stems add interest all year round. Truly a unique look and sure to be a winner in the garden.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'
bigleaf hydrangea
The classic blue hydrangea is tough and beautiful. Masses of large flower heads will smother the glossy, deep green foliage in June.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Bokratorch'
Mystical Flame panicled hydrangea
A compact form of panicled hydrangea which begins flowering earlier than most other forms. White, lacy flowers turn burgundy red with the onset of cooler fall temperatures. Long blooming and very tough.
Hydrangea quercifolia
oakleaf hydrangea
Heavy panicles of white flowers appear in May/June on this south-eastern native shrub. Bold foliage emerges pale green, darkens, then erupts in burgundy fall glory. Orange winter stems add to the show.
Hypericum 'Cfflpc-1'
Blue Velvet St. John's wort
Attractive blue foliage on a compact mounded shrub and abundant golden-yellow flowers in mid-summer make Hypericum Blue VelvetTM a winner.
Ilex aquifolium 'Argentea Marginata Pendula'
weeping variegated English holly
These "hollypops" are grafted on 'Nellie R. Stevens' stems 4' high. The white edged foliage cascades gracefully creating an elegant display. Becoming fuller with age, prune as necessary to retain shape.
Iris tectorum 'Alba'
roof iris
Bold, lush fans of light green foliage add texture all year round to the garden. Large white iris flowers rise over the foliage in May and April. A fresh addition to either the sunny or shady perennial border.
Jasminum mesnyi 'Sun Glo'
golden primrose jasmine
The new growth on this evergreen sprawling shrub emerges bright yellow. The double yellow flowers brighten up the late winter landscape. The long green stems can be trained to grow up supports like a vine.
Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows'
European meadow rush
Spiky blue foliage creates a distinct textural element in the garden, especially nice when repeated throughout a bed. Rushes grow naturally in damp spots, but will grow fine in regular garden soil or containers.
Juniperus communis 'Compressa'
dwarf common juniper
An old (from 1855) and excellent tight column of grey-green foliage. Perfect for a small accent, container, or rock garden. Best in full sun and well-drained soil.
Kerria japonica 'Fubuki Nishiki'
variegated Japanese kerria
The toughest of pass-along shrubs gets a makeover with this Japanese selection. Green winter stems give way to soft, buttery yellow flowers and leaves speckled with white.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit I'
Raspberry Sundae crepe myrtle
A floral confection with large masses of deep pink flowers edged with white. New growth emerges reddish before turning green.
Lagerstroemia indica 'White Chocolate'
dark leaved crepe myrtle
Burgundy new spring growth creates spring appeal on this large shrub or small tree. White flowers in summer open from dark buds. Beautiful smooth bark add to the winter landscape.
Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune'
blue lyme grass
Attractive, spiky blue foliage is drought and salt tolerant on a spreading plant. Cut back foliage hard after flowering for best color lasting through the winter. Easy to grow in any sunny garden spot.
Ligustrum sinense 'Swift Creek'
variegated Chinese privet
Boldly white edged leaves create a bright spot in the garden. Scented, white flowers appear in late spring and are followed by black fruits which should be pruned out before maturing to prevent seeding around.
Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
red trumpet honeysuckle
This mildew resistant native keeps blooming all summer, especially if trimmed. Hummingbirds love this plant and it is very flexible about sun and soil conditions. Blooms best in full sun.
Mahonia bealei
leatherleaf mahonia
Stout canes bearing large leathery leaflets stand stiffly upright on this distinctive shrub. Lemon scented winter flowers give rise to deep blue fruits with a pale waxy coating. Tough and reliable, this is an excellent plant for shady spots.
Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. ganpinensis 'Soft Caress'
grape holly
A chance seedling from the narrow foliaged M. eurybracteata, this even finer foliaged grapeholly begs to be touched. Fragrant yellow flowers top the stems in fall adding color to a mostly flowerless time of year.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon'
golden dawn redwood
A brilliant gold foliage form of the deciduous dawn redwood conifer. Grows quickly, especially in damp soils. Fall color is a beautiful russet. Will make a great impact on your garden in short order.
Nerium oleander (variegated)
variegated oleander
The linear, evergreen leaves on this shrub are heavily splotched with creamy white for year-round interest. Pink flowers in summer shine brightly against the foliage. Protect from very cold winter temperatures. Be careful, all parts of this plant are very poisonous.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
holly tea-olive
A stunning showpiece for the garden, the holly-like foliage is heavily speckled with creamy white during the summer although new growth is tinted with pink - stunning. Fragrant white fall flowers are rarely produced.
Panicum virgatum 'Cheyenne Sky'
Prairie Winds red switch grass
A new twist on our native switch grass with ruby red foliage and burgundy flowers. The compact form is even brighter and than 'Shenandoah' and stands up straighter.
Persea liebmannii
Mexican redbay
The beautiful foliage is the main reason to grow this rare Mexican relative of our native redbay. Yellow spring flowers and black fall fruits add to the allure. Rare and choice.
Phedimus spurius 'Dragon's Blood'
Caucasian stonecrop
For well-drained spots, the evergreen mats of foliage are tipped in bronze. Pink early summer flowers are heaviest in sunny spots. Supposedly the foliage of the pink species are edible.
Phlox paniculata 'Ditomdre'
Candy Store Coral Crème Drop garden phlox
Part of the extremely powdery mildew resistant Candy StoreTM series of garden phlox. Fragrant coral flowers in summer.
Phlox paniculata 'Ditomfay'
Phlox Candy Store Cotton Candy garden phlox
Part of the extremely powdery mildew resistant Candy StoreTM series of garden phlox. Pale pink fragrant flowers in summer.
Phlox paniculata 'Ditomfra'
Phlox Candy Store Bubble Gum Pink garden phlox
Part of the extremely powdery mildew resistant Candy StoreTM series of garden phlox. Bright pink fragrant summer flowers.
Phlox paniculata 'Ditomsur'
Candy Store Grape Lollipop garden phlox
Part of the extremely powdery mildew resistant Candy StoreTM series of garden phlox. This form will have fragrant purple flowers in summer.
Phlox paniculata 'Lord Clayton'
garden phlox
Purple leaves and lime-green stems extend color interest before and after flowers. Cut flowers to keep this plant blooming. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'
moss phlox
A reliable form of our native moss pink with pale blue flowers covering needle-like evergreen foliage. Great on banks, as an edging plant or in rock gardens.
Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill'
moss phlox
The evergreen mat of needle-like foliage is covered in spring by fragrant rosy pink flowers. Perfect for edging, slopes, and rock gardens.
Phyllostachys nigra
black bamboo
One of the most sought after forms of bamboo, this spreading form has stems (culms) which turn black in their second year. Great for accents, screens, and as an upright garden element. Best planted with a root barrier to prevent escape.
Picea abies 'Little Gem'
dwarf Norway spruce
A cute little mound of deep green foliage for troughs, containers, and small garden spots. New growth in April is bright lime green giving the appearance of bright flowers against the dark existing foliage. New growth deepens as the summer progresses.
Picea glauca 'Echiniformis'
hedgehog white spruce
A teeny conifer, among the smallest around with silvery grey needles. It only grows an inch or less a year. Plant it where it can be appreciated for its small size - troughs, rock gardens, or miniature plantings.
Picea glauca 'Jean's Dilly'
dwarf white spruce
A dwarf, dwarf Alberta spruce growing to about half the height of its better known cousin but retaining the same tight pyramidal habit and dense growth. Sun and well-drained soils.
Pieris japonica Amamiana Group
Amami Islands pieris
Evergreen shrub that is somewhat more compact than typical Japanese pieris. Long racemes of white urn-shaped flowers that are among the largest of all pieris. New growth emerges reddish before turning deep green.
Pinus mugo 'Paul's Dwarf'
mugo pine
A dwarf mound of deep green needles providing year-round interest and texture. The tiny new growth of whitish candles in spring look especially nice against the black-green older growth.
Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'
variegated Solomon's seal
A classic for the woodland garden, this tough spreading perennial. Pink tinted stalks erupt from the ground before unfurling their variegated foliage on arching stems. Perfect as a foil for hostas, ferns, and azaleas.
Polystichum polyblepharum
tassel fern
Beautiful deep green, shiny foliage helps brighten up a shady garden spot.
Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern
A great structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to blue-green. Great garden and container plant.
Reineckea carnea
Chinese lucky grass
Spreading grass-like foliage works well for edging shady beds or as a low maintenance ground cover. Spikes of purple flowers appear amongst the leaves in early fall.
Rhapidophyllum hystrix
needle palm
Perhaps the hardiest of all palms, this shrubby species in native to the southeastern US. Long spines protect its base. Protect from cold winters for its first year or two in the ground.
Rhododendron 'Astronaut'
Holly Springs azalea
A small-leafed evergreen azalea with out of this world flowers. The wide, funnel-shaped flowers are white, irregularly flecked and striped with pink.
Rhododendron 'Camilla's Blush'
Piedmont azalea
Fragrant clusters of pink flowers top the tall stems on this deciduous suckering shrub. Often listed as a selection of the native R. canescens. Best in part shade, moist-well-drained, acidic spots.
Rhododendron 'Congo'
Robin Hill azalea
Outstanding evergreen foliage provide the perfect backdrop for the purple-lavender flowers on this upright azalea. Makes a great looking shrub even when not in flower.
Rhododendron 'Girard's Fuchsia'
Girard hybrid azalea
Large open flowers adorn this compact, upright evergreen shrub. The bright, fuschia flowers are among the showiest of all the excellent Girard hybrids.
Rhododendron 'Girard's Rose'
Girard hybrid azalea
Open, funnel-shaped rosy-pink flowers adorn this low growing shrub. This is a classic selection that is a favorite for landscapers and designers. Keep out of drying winter winds.
Rhododendron 'High Tide'
Aromi hybrid azalea
This hybrid was selected for its ivory white flowers highlighted with a gold blotch and for its extreme heat tolerance. Very showy and choice.
Rhododendron 'Janet Rhea'
Linwood hybrid azalea
Evergreen foliage backs the elegant pink petals delicately feathered with white edges. The coloring gives the appearance of ruffled edges while some of the reproductive parts are petaloid making for full, semi-double flowers.
Rhododendron 'Joga'
Satsuki hybrid azalea
'Johga' is a low mounding evergreen shrub with white flowers delicately spotted pale purple. This is a relatively late flowering Satsuki type azalea with open funnel-shaped flowers.
Rhododendron 'Midnight Flare'
Harris azalea
Large, 3" velvety red flowers smother the evergreen foliage on this excellent azalea. Look for the leaves to take on some burgundy tints in fall as an added season of interest.
Rhododendron 'Spring Sensation'
Aromi hybrid azalea
Large, rounded clusters of pure pink flowers top the stems of this Rhododendron canescens hybrid. Great backed by evergreens or lighting up a shade garden.
Rhododendron 'The Robe'
variegated azalea
Brightly white-edged foliage looks great all year round. Mid-season rosy-red flowers sparkle like rubies atop the variegated leaves.
Rohdea japonica
sacred lily
This is a highly desired shade perennial with clumps of thick textured evergreen leaves. Insignificant white flowers give rise to stalks of bright orange-red fruits.
Rosa 'Frycentury'
Day Breaker floribunda rose
Excellent rose with a bushy habit, loads of flowers, and a sharp fragrance. Flowers are yellow blending to pink and apricot creating a pastel rainbow.
Rosa 'Madame A. Meilland'
Peace tea rose
Although widely and incorrectly known as Peace, this rose by any name is one of the eternal classics of the rose world having been entered in the Rose Hall of Fame. Yellow petals with a blush pink edge and slight fragrance.
Rosa 'Meifaissell'
Queen Mary 2 tea rose
Classic white roses adorn this stately hybrid tea, rightly considered one of the best whites. A strong fragrance of rose and bananas add immeasurable charm to this plant.
Rosa 'Meigroupy'
Classic Woman tea rose
Named in honor of the Classic Woman Award that recognizes exemplary volunteerism and community service, this fragrant hybrid tea combines modern disease resistance with old fashioned flowers.
Rosa 'Meiludere'
Mother of Pearl grandiflora rose
Perfectly proportioned pink flowers top this bushy, well-formed shrub over an extended period. The slight fragrance and exceptional tolerance of heat and humidity make this plant a winner.
Rosa 'Meipoten'
Easter Basket floribunda rose
Delicately ruffled petals of pale yellow edged with pink give this rose a dainty look that belies it's tough constitution. Great for borders or containers.
Rosa 'Meitelov'
Michelangelo grandiflora rose
Strongly scented of sweet lemons, this yellow rose looks like an old fashioned type with full flowers but has the disease resistance of a modern rose. A piece of art that would make the master proud.
Rosa 'Meitravia'
Pink Traviata tea rose
Old fashioned flowers on a modern, very disease resistant hybrid tea rose make this perfect for both new rose gardens and old-fashioned borders and beds. Great cut flower.
Rosa 'Meitripine'
Singin' the Blues floribunda rose
Extremely fragrant, unusually colored lavender flowers make this a great addition to the garden. Just released in 2010, this citrus scented wonder will take the rose world by storm.
Rosa 'Meizerbil'
Crimson Meidiland shrub rose
A low mounding shrub/ground-cover rose with great disease resistance and a floriferous habit can't be beat. Burgundy fall color as an added treat.
Rosa 'Meizmea'
Carefree Spirit shrub rose
At last a non-fading, true red shrub rose with great disease resistance. This is a 2009 AARS winner and will be a carefree addition to the garden.
Rosa 'New Dawn'
climbing rose
A vigorous classic climbing rose, 'New Dawn' erupts with glorious pink flowers in spring then sporadically through summer. Great on pergolas and fences or trained as an espalier.
Rosa 'Radwhite'
White Out shrub rose
Abundant white flowers on a compact plant from the breeder of Knock OutTM roses. New foliage emerges burgundy and darkens to a deep green.
Sedum album
white stonecrop
A drought tolerant small plant for a dry sunny spot or container. White spring flowers often with a hint of pink cover the succulent linear leaves in spring.
Sedum makinoi 'Ogon'
gold Makino stonecrop
Brilliant buttery yellow succulent foliage looks good all year round. Late spring golden flowers add to the appeal. Best in a lightly shaded spot in a well-drained garden spot.
Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'
Sedum tetractinum
Chinese sedum
Round rubbery green leaves cover this tightly spreading ground-cover. Fall brings burgundy-bronze tints to the foliage. Yellow flowers top the foliage in summer. A great plant for a sunny well-drained spot.
Semiaquilegia adoxoides
miniature false columbine
A diminutive relative of columbine. Delicate, ferny foliage is topped in spring by tiny white flowers. perfect for a woodland garden or for adding texture at the base of larger plants. Will seed politely around the garden
Sempervivum 'Desert Bloom'
hens and chicks
Always a favorite, the tight rosettes of succulent foliage produce numerous offsets that can be plucked off and transplanted or shared with a friend. Great in pots, dry-stack walls, or ordinary garden soil.
Sorbus randaiensis
Formosan mountainash
Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
Japanese spirea
A diminutive deciduous shrub with pale pink, flat topped flower clusters in spring which attract butterflies to the garden. Fall color is often outstanding.
Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash'
Japanese spirea
Bright pink flowers light up the landscape like a neon sign on this tidy mounded shrub. New foliage has a burgundy tint and fall color is deep maroon.
Spiraea japonica 'Tracy'
Double Play Big Bang Japanese spirea
Big heads of pink flowers are held above the newly emerging orange-flushed spring foliage. The leaves change to gold with the color holding well all summer. Mildew resistant.
Syneilesis aconitifolia
shredded umbrella plant
Fuzzy, silver leaves emerge like umbrellas in the spring making for an unusual and unforgettable display. Most of the fuzz drops by early summer to reveal the deeply dissected dark green foliage.
Syringa vulgaris 'Elsdancer'
Tiny Dancer dwarf common lilac
A lilac that tolerates heat and humidity well. Fragrant lavender flowers in early spring.
Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls'
weeping bald cypress
A wonderful weeping form of our native bald cypress. Stake and train to create living works of art. Best in moist to average garden soils.
Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire'
columnar American arborvitae
A dense column of deep green foliage makes this plant a striking accent or exclamation point in the landscape. Darker and smaller than 'Smargd' ('Emerald'). Great in containers as a young plant.
Thuja plicata 'Daniellow'
Golden Spire golden western redcedar
A tightly columnar form of western redcedar with bright gold needles. Great for hedges, accents, or specimens. Best color is in full sun.
Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Mohawk'
Burkwood viburnum
Heavenly fragrant white flowers open from bright red buds in early spring on the tidy, bare branches of this outstanding shrub. Clean, mid-green foliage the rest of the season and often fine fall color.
Viburnum 'Chesapeake'
Egolf hybrid viburnum
Pink buds open to white delicately fragrant flowers on this quick growing shrub. Foliage is mostly evergreen, dropping in Raleigh only during very cold winters or in very exposed locations. The leaves are deep green with wavy margins. A garden aristocrat.
Viburnum dentatum 'Christom'
Blue Muffin arrowwood
Weigela 'Bokrashine'
Shining Sensation purple leaf flowering weigela
A new glossy, purple leaf weigela that is reported to hold its deep color longer than older forms. Rich purple-red flowers work well with the foliage. Known in Europe as Naomi Cambell, a tribute to the supermodel's elegant style.
Weigela florida 'Alexandra'
Wine and Roses purple-leaf flowering weigela
Deep burgundy foliage provides season-long interest and a wonderful contrast for other flowering plants. The trumpet shaped blossoms of rosy-pink are the perfect accompaniment to the claret foliage.
Weigela florida 'Brigela'
French Lace variegated flowering weigela
Arching mounds of chartreuse margined leaves glow in the garden. The dark red trumpet shaped flowers burn darkly against the brilliant foliage. A new twist on an old-fashioned, reliable shrub.
Woodwardia orientalis
Oriental Chain Fern
A gracefully arching, clumping fern with bold fronds. Plantlets form along the frond margins and can be removed and planted or given to friends.
Zenobia pulverulenta 'Woodlanders Blue'
dusty zenobia
Wonderful blue foliage looks great all year on this native shrub. Large, urn-shaped white flowers are carried in spring as the cool blue foliage emerges. Winter color is often takes on plummy tones. Great in the mixed border or woodland edge.