JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2022

The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2022 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.

Abelia chinensis 'White Surprise'
Chinese abelia

Early and long blooming shrub with white flowers that are larger and more fragrant than other Abelia varieties.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia

Bright yellow variegated leaves change to red, orange, and golden yellow in winter. Attractive white flowers are held by rosy calyces which last long after the flowers have faded.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Little Richard'
glossy abelia

More compact than other Abelia varieties.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Radiance'
glossy abelia

A brand new abelia with creamy white edges leaves that emerge with a hint of gold. Pure white flowers attract hummingbirds. Red stems on new growth. Sun to shade. 3' tall by 4' wide.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'RNTOM'
Twist of Mango golden glossy abelia

Bright yellow new leaves that fade to gold in summer. Red stems contrast nicely.

Abelia 'SRPabeper' (Peach Perfection)
glossy abelia

Tricolor foliage on red stems. A compact form that does not produce long whip-like shoots like other Abelia varieties.

Abutilon 'Orange Hot Lava'
flowering maple

From spring until fall this die-back shrub produces wild bicolor flowers consisting of dusky red calyces and orange petals decorated with red veins.

Acanthus 'Whitewater'
variegated bear's breech

Tall flower spikes of white and pink rise to 4' topping the heavily splashed foliage. This is a hybrid with the extra heat and humidity tolerant form, 'Summer Beauty' and retains the toughness of that parent.

Achillea 'Moonshine'

'Moonshine' is a classic hybrid with a smaller habit and ferny foliage that adds to the appeal. If your plant looks shabby in summer, shear it back and it will reflush as the weather moderates.

Adiantum ×mairisii
hybrid maidenhair fern

No shade garden is complete without a maidenhair fern. The delicate, pale green fronds are held on thin black stems (rachis) and are completely deer resistant.

Adiantum pedatum
American maidenhair fern

Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant.

Agapanthus 'MDB001'
Ever Twilight bicolor agapanthus

A 2019 Chelsea Flower Show winner. Early bloomer. Rebloomer. Also sold under the trademark name Fireworks.

Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'
anise hyssop

Chartreuse leaves set this variety apart from the rest. Same fragrant foliage though. A 2003 AAS award winner. Pollinators love the lavender flowers.

Agave schidigera 'Royal Flush'
century plant

Spectacularly variegated cultivar with its very wide yellow margins to its leaves. This one is very slow growing.

Ajuga 'Cordial Canary'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

Narrow foliaged creeping ground cover with chartreuse leaves.

Ajuga incisa 'Blue Enigma'
giant bugle

Lovely toothed leaves topped by spikes of cobalt blue flowers in spring. This is a clump forming perennial and not a spreader like other ajuga. It also disappears in winter, returning each spring.

Ajuga 'Petite Parakeet'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

This cultivar has gold and red leaves. We've been astonished by this plant's vigor and beauty. Great as an individual plant or massed as a ground cover.

Amelanchier ×grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'

The fruit looks like rose hips, but tastes like blueberries. You'll have to choose whether to leave them for the birds (who love them) or eat them yourself. Excellent fall color. This cultivar is quite disease resistant. Serviceberry will tolerate a wide range of soil types but appreciates regular watering.

Amsonia 'Blue Ice'
hybrid bluestar

This 2013 blue-star introduction is proving to be a winner. In spring it has large clusters lavender-blue flowers that are more striking than other blue stars.

Amsonia 'Starstruck'

A hybrid distinguished by its relatively late bloom time and compact size.

Aquilegia caerulea
Kirigami Light Blue & White bicolor columbine

Great for Carolina fans, these light blue and white flowers are among the earlier blooming columbines.

Aquilegia caerulea
Kirigami Red & White bicolor columbine

NC State fans also have a columbine to support their school. Early bloomer.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nora Barlow'

Double flowered spurless pink and white variety blooms a bit later than normal.
Ardisia japonica 'Andre the Giant'

Ardisia japonica 'Andre the Giant'

This is the largest leafed and fruited Japanese ardisia we've ever grown. It makes a spreading groundcover tolerant of quite tough, dry conditions once it gets established. The tops can be killed back in winter, but it should resprout by mid-spring. Ardisia can also be grown as a lovely houseplant where the bright red fruits held beneath the leaves are more apparent. This form will re-flower and fruit if grown indoors.

Ardisia japonica 'Hakuou'
White King variegated marlberry

This form emerges pink before becoming pale green with a broad white margin.

Arisaema triphyllum

A native woodland wildflower.

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM012'
Ground Hug dwarf chokeberry

This dwarf variety of the native shrub grows as a dense, weed suppressing ground cover. Low maintenance and good in tough sites. Red fall foliage and edible purple berries too. suckers to form a colony.

Aruncus dioicus
goat's beard

Resembles a giant, white-flowered astilbe. Native. Dioecious, so you need a male and female to produce seed.

Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern

An easy fern which forms tight rosettes of mid-green leaves. It is very easy in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot and is 100% deer proof!

Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland'
Japanese astilbe

A moisture and shade loving perennial. Deer and rabbit resistant yet attracts butterflies. Suffers in our N.C. summers if grown in too much sun.

Athyrium 'Ghost'
painted fern

Silvery white new fronds darken to green creating a great backdrop for newly emerging foliage. The upright fronds add great texture to the shade garden.

Athyrium 'Lady In Red'
lady fern

This striking selection from the New England Wildflower Society has unique, dark red stems. Each spring, there is a fresh flush of lacy new fronds. Lady ferns are slowing spreading (3' in about five years), dependable, and easy to grow garden plants.

Athyrium niponicum 'Crested Surf'
Japanese painted fern

The tips of the silver-brushed fronds are double-crested.

Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
painted fern

Best in some shade where it will make lovely deer resistant patches in the garden.

Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
Japanese painted fern

The stunning fronds are ruffled with frosty silver edges and burgundy-red stems. It makes a bright addition to shady areas in your garden.

Baptisia australis
blue wild-indigo

Herbaceous perennial; rich blue stately spikes of flowers above emerald-green, three-parted foliage.

Baptisia 'Grape Taffy'
dwarf wild-indigo

A dwarf cultivar for smaller gardens.

Baptisia 'Purple Smoke'

An older cultivar that still stands up to the newer ones. Pale lavender flowers and gray stems.

Baptisia 'Solar Flare'
Prairieblues wild-indigo

Flowers emerge brilliant yellow and fade to deep orange as they age.

Bletilla striata
Chinese ground orchid

An easy to grow woodland perennial from Asia with pleated foliage and pink orchid flowers. This is one of the toughest and most reliable of perennials for shade. Will spread to form full clumps over time.

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Siberian bugloss

Large frosted and veined heart-shaped leaves. Bright blue forget-me-not flowers in spring.

Buddleja 'Grand Cascade'
butterfly bush

Buddleja 'Miss Molly'
butterfly bush

The former JC Raulston Arboretum director, Denny Werner, bred this brightly colored beauty. Functionally sterile and noninvasive in areas like the northeast where others can be a problem.

Buddleja 'Miss Violet'
butterfly bush

Buddleja 'Purple Haze'
compact butterfly bush

This compact butterfly-bush from Denny Werner's breeding program is compact without being stiff. It grows as a low plant with horizontal branching and loads of long, deep purple, functionally sterile flower spikes.

Buddleja 'SMNBDB'
Pugster Pinker butterfly bush

You read that name right ... it is pinker than the other pink Pugster butterfly bush. Gotta hand it to those marketing geniuses for this name.

Buddleja 'SMNBDD'
Lo & Behold Ruby Chip butterfly bush

A dwarf version of 'Miss Molly' bred by Spring Meadows Nursery.

Buxus sempervirens 'Wanford Page'
variegated boxwood

'Wanford Page' is a dwarf variegated B. sempervirens from the National Arboretum (NA 82677).

Callirhoe bushii
Bush's poppy mallow

An slightly more upright form of Callirhoe which blooms for many months.

Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus 'Burgundy Spice'
purple-leaf sweetshrub

Purple foliage color is retained throughout the growing season, even in shade. Colorful fall foliage is yellow and orange. Tolerant of a wide variety of soil conditions.

Campanula cochleariifolia 'Alpine Breeze Blue'

A compact variety that blooms earlier with delicate, blue, bell shaped flowers.

Campanula cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue'

A compact variety that blooms delicate, dark blue, bell shaped flowers. Forms a low growing, spreading cushion.

Campanula glomerata
clustered bellflower

Clusters of upward facing bell-shaped flowers atop 2' stalks. This species does well in the N.C. Piedmont area.

Carex 'ET CRX01'
Feather Falls variegated sedge

Carex 'ET CRX02'
Ribbon Falls sedge

This hybrid between three species is a cascading mound of evergreen, glossy emerald green foliage.

Carex muskingumensis
palm sedge

A native sedge useful for wet sites. Gently spreading, it is useful for erosion control

Chelone lyonii 'Armitpp02'
Tiny Tortuga dwarf turtlehead

Bronzy green to black green leaves help show off the pink blooms. A compact and upright selection. Spreads slowly by rhizomes. In the hot summers of the south make sure it gets a spot protected from afternoon sun with good air circulation.
Chrysanthemum 'Lavender Lady'

Chrysanthemum 'Lavender Lady'
perennial mum

A single-flowered daisy mum of a distinct color, not violet but closer to violet than any other mum I've seen. Quite a lovely color. October blooming, about 18" tall, and reliably perennial.

Clematis armandii 'Snowdrift'
evergreen clematis

This vigorous evergreen vine makes a handsome addition to any garden arbor, fence, or low-limbed tree where the long, narrow, deep green foliage shines all year. In very early spring, March in Raleigh, 3" pure white flowers cover the plant. It will grow to 20' tall if given space but can be cut back after flowering to control the size.

Clematis 'Belle of Woking'

Developed in England in the late 1800s. Still a stunner.

Clematis 'Carnaby'

A compact vine with two-toned pink flowers up to 6" across.

Clematis cirrhosa
winter flowering clematis

Pendant white, bell shaped flowers start in October and continue into December on this vine. Though evergreen through most of the year, it loses its leaves in midsummer, an adaptation to its native Mediterranean's dry summers.

Clematis 'H.F. Young'

Large 6" pale blue flowers.

Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Boy'

Nodding bell-shaped blue flowers in summer.

Clematis 'My Angel'

A small flowering clematis with 1.5" bell shaped flowers that dangle down. Long blooming. Flowers on new growth.

Clematis 'Prince Charles'

A profusion of single, semi-nodding violet-blue flowers, 3" across from early summer to early autumn. Pruning Group 3: prune in February.

Clematis 'The Vagabond'

Large flowered variety that reblooms if cut back.

Clethra alnifolia 'Crystalina'
Sugartina dwarf summersweet clethra

A selection of the U.S. native species with a more garden-friendly compact habit.

Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles'
dwarf summersweet clethra

Superb pollinator plant. Yellow fall foliage. Tolerant of wet-sites. Attractive form and seed heads in winter.

Clethra fargesii
Farges clethra

Rare in the trade and a gem in the garden! This Chinese plant is packed with spikes of pure white fragrant flowers in mid- to late summer. Flowers occur on on 5"–7" upright panicles. Leaves are a lustrous dark green over cinnamon barked stems. Grows 6'–10' tall and prefers partial shade.

Clinopodium georgianum 'WAH/SS'
Sweet Savannah calamint

A southeast U.S. native with pale lavender flowers and fragrant minty leaves. A compact, wide growing variety.

Clinopodium grandiflorum 'Variegata'
variegated calamint

A spreading perennial with tubular purple-pink summer flowers and foliage that is speckled with white.

Coniogramme intermedia 'Rasha'
bamboo fern

A bizarre form of slowly spreading fern with narrow, irregular fronds.

Corylus avellana 'Red Dragon'
red-leaf contorted hazelnut

Twisted stems and burgundy-red leaves.

Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern

A fine addition to the list of hardy ferns that are suitable for southern gardens. This 30" tall fern is related to but much hardier than the "common holly fern" of coastal North Carolina and Deep South gardens. Glossy, fronds make an elegant contrast with other shade perennials and the deer won't touch them. Shade; 30" tall.

Cytisus 'Burkwoodii'
Scotch broom

A nearly leafless shrub with evergreen-stems and fragrant spring pea-like flowers. Tolerates poor soil and seashore plantings.

Cytisus 'Lena'
Scotch broom

A nearly leafless shrub with evergreen stems and fragrant spring pea-like flowers. Tolerates poor soil and seashore plantings. This variety is a hybrid that produces few viable seed and is a bit more compact.

Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hair grass

This small handsome grass with pleated foliage has a clean look in the garden. Does well in moist spots with light shade. Flowers emerge in May in shades from yellow to purple, and are showy well into the summer.

Deutzia 'Ncdx1'
Yuki Snowflake Japanese snow flower

Yuki Snowflake Deutzia is a very showy, compact shrub adorned in hundreds of tiny white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers in the spring. Red fall foliage adds color to autumn gardens.

Deutzia 'NCDX2'
Yuki Cherry Blossom pink dwarf deutzia

The compact, mounding habit of Yuki Cherry Blossom is loaded with dainty pink blooms in the spring—a fragrant addition to your spring garden from NC State University's Tom Ranney. In the fall you will enjoy the burgundy-purple foliage color. Deer resistant.

Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'A12231-0'
Mighty Mini Miss Rose Cheddar pink

A compact and especially floriferous selection.

Disporopsis 'Opsis Attract'
hybrid evergreen Solomon's seal

An evergreen foliage plant for dry shade. Spreads very slowly.

Disporopsis pernyi
evergreen Solomon's seal

Perny's evergreen Solomon's seal is a slowly spreading, evergreen ground cover that is perfect for the woodland garden. Small, white flowers are born along the 1' tall stems in spring. Excellent in a woodland garden where it tends to be quite deer resistant. This is the most common and easiest species in commerce. Shade, 12" tall.

Distylium myricoides 'sPg-3-007'
Spring Frost white-flush isu tree

Spring Frost is a compact, spreading evergreen shrub with white new growth held by red stems. In late winter, burgundy red flowers are interesting in the winter landscape.

Distylium 'PIIDIST-I'
Emerald Heights isu tree

Emerald Heights is an attractive dense and compact selection with an upright habit. Foliage is dark green and glossy. It has small reddish-maroon flowers in winter.

Distylium 'PIIDIST-III'
First Editions Coppertone isu tree

This rounded evergreen shrub's blue-green foliage emerges with a rich, coppery-red glow. In winter, look for the small red flowers which adorn the stems.

Dryopteris ×australis
Dixie wood fern

Although perfectly content in average garden soil, in damp spots it can reach nearly 4' tall. Like other ferns, this one is pretty much deer proof.

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern

Autumn fern is a colorful fern with pink fiddleheads that turn coppery orange as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.

Dryopteris wallichiana 'Hollasic'
Jurrasic Gold wood fern

A selection whose new spring growth is golden orange. Like many ferns, this one prefers rich, moist woodsy soil along with shade.

Edgeworthia chrysantha
golden paperbush

Small deciduous shrub with nodding terminal clusters of very fragrant yellow flowers clothed with silky hairs. Flowers in winter. Plant in sun to shade in a site with moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Epimedium ×rubrum
fairy wings

A deciduous Epimedium whose leaves emerge with a red flush and fade to green.

Epimedium ×versicolor 'Sulphureum'
yellow fairy wings

This is a reliable and long lived perennial for the shade garden where it will form patches of mostly evergreen foliage. Spikes of yellow flowers emerge in spring and are followed by delicate appearing but very tough foliage.

Epimedium ×warleyense 'Orange Queen'
fairy wings

A lighter coppery orange flower than the typical E. ×warleyense. Slightly more compact too. This variety spreads slowly on rhizomes to make a colony.

Epimedium wushanense 'Sandy Claws'
fairy wings

'Sandy Claws' has large leathery lance-shaped maroon leaves with spiny margins. Plants are topped with creamy yellow flowers. Leaf color mellows to dark green by summer.

Erica ×darleyensis 'Kramer's Rote'
winter heath

A dense ground cover mounding, evergreen shrub. Thrives in rocky, unimproved soils, and needs little to no care when established. Needs excellent drainage.

Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus 'Lynnhaven Carpet'
robin's plantain

This tough, spreading ground covering perennial makes mats of silvery foliage. Palest lavender flowers rise above the leaves in late spring. An excellent choice for those tough dry shade spots.

Erysimum linifolium
Sunstrong Orange alpine wallflower

Clusters of bright orange flowers for a long time make this wall flower stand out in a crowd.

Euphorbia 'KM-MM024'
Miner's Merlot wood spurge

Dark foliage varies with age from wine-red to dark-purple to olive-green.

Euphorbia ×martinii 'Ascot Rainbow'
variegated wood spurge

Variegated leaves emerge with reddish tones and age to chartreuse and blue-green variegated. Very colorful.

Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'
leopard plant

A semi-evergreen perennial for part-sun with large glossy green leaves spotted with yellow. In fall, yellow flowers rise up over the clump. A great hosta replacement. Grown as a houseplant in colder parts of the country.

Forsythia ×intermedia 'Lynwood'

This forsythia is very heavy blooming with larger-than-usual bright yellow flowers in early spring.

Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'

Fantastic native. All the fothergillas have simply spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring.

Galium odoratum
sweet woodruff

A lovely low ground cover with star-shaped leaves beneath clusters of tiny flowers. Leaves are fragrant and commonly used as a flavoring agent.

Gaura lindheimeri 'Little Janie'
wand flower

Gaura lindheimeri 'Sparkle White'
wand flower

Gaura lindheimeri 'Walsilfou'
Walberton's Silver Fountain variegated wand flower

White flowers and variegated green and white foliage mark this variety.

Geranium 'Azure Rush'

A compact (at 18" tall), less aggressive and neater in form than 'Rozanne' with a lighter blue 2.5" flower. Fragrant foliage too. 'Azure Rush' is a long blooming perennial effective in a border or spilling over a rock wall.

Geranium ×cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'

This geranium prefers shade over sun and is great as a small scale ground cover with attractive evergreen foliage year round. White flowers in spring for about six weeks.

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart'

This geranium is mat-forming and covered in spring with white flowers blushed with the palest pink. Spreading slowly by rhizomes, some of the oldest leaves turn bright red and yellow during autumn.

Geranium sanguineum 'Album'
white bloody cranesbill

A white flowered perennial geranium that will spread up to 3' wide. Flowers appear in late spring. The foliage may turn reddish in the fall. 'Album' is a winner of the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.

Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'

A tetraploid. Dark purple flowers have a yellow throat.

Hemerocallis 'Black Arrowhead'

A spider-form flower that is mauve-purple with a plum purple middle star-shaped section that outlines a green throat. Midseason.

Hemerocallis 'Double Pardon Me'

A double flowered sport of 'Pardon Me', reliably repeated through summer.

Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves'

Loosely ruffled, 5" wide, white flowers have a pale yellow eye and a tiny celery green throat.

Heptacodium miconioides
seven-son's tree

A deciduous small tree with great beauty from the September white fragrant flowers; pink to red bracts in October, and white to tan flaking bark on trunks in winter.

Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain'
coral bells

An old fashioned, but still popular seed strain that has silver leaves with green veins.

Heuchera 'Glitter'
coral bells

A new variety with purple and silver variegated leaves and topped with stalks covered in small hot pink flowers.

Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia 'Palace Purple'
coral bells

An oldie but a goodie. The original purple leaved-heuchera and the 1991 Perennial Plant of the Year.

Heuchera 'Southern Comfort'
coral bells

Huge cinnamon-peach leaves and a lush habit. This plant makes a bold foliage statement. Creamy white flowers erupt in late summer. Foliage color changes from cinnamon peach to burnished copper to amber.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Rosina'
Pollypetite dwarf rose of Sharon

A dwarf rose of Sharon with pale pink flowers.

Hosta 'Humpback Whale'

A massive sized hosta of blue-green corrugated leaves that fade to green in summer.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo'
Incrediball smooth hydrangea

Incrediball is an improved 'Annabelle' just 4' tall with huge 12" white flower clusters in summer on sturdy stems that do not flop over.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'McKRed'
Grateful Red bigleaf hydrangea

A red-flowered variety. In acidic soils they will tend to be purplish. Burgundy fall foliage.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Bailpanone'
Little Hottie compact panicle hydrangea

A compact form with large flowers. A heat tolerant cultivar bred for the south. Flowers emerge green, turn pure white, then fade to pink in the fall.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Bokrathirteen'
Sweet Summer panicle hydrangea

This medium-sized panicled hydrangea was selected for the sheer number of conical flower heads it produces each year in midsummer. Expect the flower panicles to age to rose on the plant.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Little Lime dwarf panicle hydrangea

This compact form of one of our favorites ('Limelight') bears soft green flower panicles which become white before drying to pink on the plant over summer. Panicled hydrangeas are very sun tolerant and tough shrubs.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Renba'
Berry White panicle hydrangea

Flower heads start off white in July and progress to pink, intense raspberry red and finally wine red.

Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH'
Limelight Prime panicle hydrangea

An improvement over the popular cultivar Limelight. More compact size. Blooms earlier and longer. Flowers show brighter pinks as they age, and stronger stems prevent flopping over.

Hydrangea quercifolia 'PIIHQ-I'
Jetstream compact oakleaf hydrangea

Jetstream is a compact plant which won't flop. The leaf-spot resistant leaves turn rich orange-red in fall and the long flower panicles held on strong stems fade from pure white to pink and finally rose. The orange bark is exceptional in winter.

Hylotelephium spectabile 'Autumn Fire'
tall sedum

Considered to be an improvement over the industry standard 'Autumn Joy' with taller stems, larger flower heads and a longer period of bloom.

Hypericum calycinum 'Crowthyp'
Fiesta St. John's wort

A ground cover with chartreuse yellow, cream, and green variegated foliage with some pink tinges.

Hypericum ×inodorum 'Kolmiglow'
Magical Midnight Glow St. John's wort

Bright yellow flowers are followed by long lasting red berries atop bronze-green foliage. This hybrid is commonly grown in the cut flower market and the berried-stems are used in floral displays.

Ilex 'Sadie Scudder'
variegated holly

This is a very choice evergreen holly with an upright growth habit and creamy yellow mottled foliage. The intensity of the variegation shifts as the season progresses. This is a reputed Ilex cornuta × Ilex pernyi hybrid.

Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy'
male winterberry holly

A male clone with a rounded form.

Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman'
male winterberry holly

A male clone with a rounded form.

Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red'
winterberry holly

A female clone which will produce copious red berries in winter if pollinated that provide food for over wintering birds.

Illicium floridanum 'Pink Frost'
variegated Florida anise

'Pink Frost' has variegated white and green foliage that highlights the maroon-red spring flowers. Variegated foliage turns a pink-rose in cold weather. Prefers moist, but well drained soils. Highly deer resistant like all Illicium.

Illicium 'NCIH1'
Scorpio red flowered compact anise

Another NC State University/Tom Ranney, Ph.D., introduction, selected for compactness and winter-hardiness (zone 6). A superb selection for sun or shade, with red star flowers which re-bloom all season. Highly deer resistant like all Illicium.

Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine'
yellow anise

Brilliant yellow foliage brightens up gardens year round. Fragrant foliage.

Iris ensata 'Darling'
Japanese iris

Iris ensata grow best in a rich, moist to wet soil, in full sun or partial shade. During the growing season, they thrive with their roots submerged, however, the water should be removed during the winter months to avoid root rot.

Iris ensata 'Jell-O'
Dinner Plate Japanese iris

Ruffled dark purple flowers with yellow and white eye-zone. Iris ensata grow best in a rich, moist to wet soil, in full sun or partial shade. During the growing season, they thrive with their roots submerged, however, the water should be removed during the winter months to avoid root rot.

Iris ensata 'Variegata'
variegated Japanese iris

A deer resistant iris equally at home in average soils to bog gardens. Violet flowers appear in late spring.

Iris 'Frisky Frolic'
intermediate bearded iris

Standards are pinkish and the falls are purple with a slight speckling of peach.

Iris ×germanica 'Rosalie Figge'
German iris

A reblooming iris. Bicolor flowers have violet standards and dark violet falls with a smattering of white.

Iris 'Hemstitched'
tall bearded iris

A reblooming iris. White standards and falls with a violet stitched edge.

Iris 'Immortality'
tall bearded iris

Pure white blooms in late spring and again in late summer.

Iris 'Jump Start'
intermediate bearded iris

Purple-red standards with burgundy black falls and an orange beard.

Iris 'Starting Fresh'
tall bearded iris

The standards clean white suffused with yellow at base, the falls are white with a light purple rim, and the beards are orange.

Iris 'Well Endowed'
tall bearded iris

Large yellow blooms have white highlights beneath the beard. Reblooms in fall.

Isotoma fluviatilis
blue star creeper

A tiny spreading ground cover perennial to just 1" tall with tiny blue flowers. Great for between stones.

Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire

Deciduous shrub reaching 4'–6' high, with long white racemes of fragrant flowers in spring and brilliant reddish-purple fall color. Native to wet or moist soils, does well in full sun to shade.

Itea virginica 'Sprich'
Little Henry dwarf Virginia sweetspire

Spreading habit makes it a great ground cover shrub. tolerant of wet sites. More compact than 'Henry's Garnet'.

Juncus effusus f. spiralis 'Big Twister'
corkscrew rush

Thrives in wet site or average moisture.

Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora'
double flowered Japanese kerria

A double flowered form of this spring blooming shrub. An RHS Award of Merit winner. Green stems carry orange-yellow pompoms.

Lagerstroemia 'DJ 01-14'
Indulgence Vanilla Gelato crepe myrtle

Shiny burgundy leaves provide a dramatic foil to the the light pink flowers which are borne most of the summer.

Lagerstroemia 'DJ 05-14'
Indulgence Strawberry Gelato crepe myrtle

Dark leaves. Compact habit. Pink flowers in summer.

Lagerstroemia 'DJ 06-14'
Indulgence Raspberry Gelato crepe myrtle

Dark leaves. Compact habit. deep rose-red flowers in summer.

Lavandula stoechas 'Silver Anouk'
Spanish lavender

This lavender is a standout in the garden with its stunning, bright white-grey foliage. Abundant purple flowers contrast beautifully with the leaves. A great evergreen plant for year-round interest. Quite tolerant of Southern summers.

Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black'
brass buttons

A low growing ground cover with black-tinted ferny leaves and an indefinite stoloniferous spread. Flowers are insignificant.

Leptospermum scoparium 'Kiwi'
tea tree

A small-leaved 10' tall evergreen New Zealand shrub covered with 1/2" red/pink flowers in summer. Drought tolerant once established. Leaves are fragrant when crushed. This shrub has a nice habit ... naturally rounded. Prefers some protection from summer humidity ... good airflow and part shade. But otherwise easy to grow.

Liatris spicata 'Floristan Weiss'
blazing star

A pure white version of this native perennial.

Lilium martagon 'Claude Shride'
Turk's cap lily

A dark red, downward facing turks-cap lily with up to 40 flowers per stalk. An early blooming lily (May). Lilium martagon is prone to rot in water retentive soils. Drought tolerant. Prefers to be dry in the summer.

Lindernia grandiflora
blue moneywort

A ground hugging 1" tall perennial with tiny blue flowers. Great for in between stones, in containers, etc. Prefers moist soil.

Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS1302712'
Starship Blue blue cardinal flower

Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS1302716'
Starship Scarlet Bronze Leaf cardinal flower

The clear-red flowers of cardinal flower are set off by the bronze to black foliage of this hybrid selection. Thrives in moist soils.

Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori'
Jazz Hands variegated Chinese fringe flower

Foliage highly spattered with white and fuchsia colored flowers make for one knockout show.

Lychnis ×haageana 'Lumina Bronze Leaf Red'

Dark bronze- green leaves contrast with the saturated red flowers. Short-lived, but self sows.

Lysimachia 'Midnight Sun'
creeping Jenny

Deep purple to almost chocolate-brown foliage trails well over stones or a pot edge and is followed by bright yellow flowers in summer.

Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'
golden creeping Jenny

Golden creeping Jenny is a low-growing evergreen ground cover with rounded, golden yellow leaves. In summer, it produces many cup-shaped, bright yellow flowers.

Mixed irises

Mixed color bearded irises that were delivered to us under the wrong name. They are named cultivars, just not ones that we can identify.

Monarda 'Balbalmose'
Balmy Rose beebalm

A dwarf (and thus less floppy) beebalm with rosy red flowers. Powdery mildew resistant.

Monarda 'Marshall's Delight'

A medium sized beebalm with pink flowers. Spreads vigorously by rhizomes and so you may have to check its growth annually.

Myriopteris lanosa
hairy lip fern

Also known as Cheilanthes lanosa in the trade. The native North American chelanthoids have been placed into the genus Myriopteris. A small sun-loving fern that likes full sun and well-drained, lean soil. A perfect foliage plant in a rock garden around your cacti and agave.

Nassella tenuissima
Mexican feather grass

Compact clumps of hair-fine emerald green blades. Equally fine, goldish early spring flower age to buff. Ethereal.

Neolepisorus fortunei
Fortune's ribbon fern

Fortune's ribbon fern is a striking, non-frilly fern with long, narrow fronds 18" long but only 1.5" across. It is marginally hardy for us in Raleigh and is best sited where it receives some winter protection. It makes a slowly, slowly creeping clump to a few feet wide after many years.

Nepeta 'Psfike'
Little Trudy catmint

A drought tolerant dwarf form of catmint with a low spreading habit and a long blooming season. Atop a finely textured, aromatic, silvery foliage, its profuse purple-violet flowers are on permanent display from late spring to late summer.

Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou'
showy primrose

Nearly ever-blooming delicate, light pink flowers. Thriving with little to no care, it makes a great ground cover for dry slopes and other low maintenance areas.

Osmunda cinnamomea
cinnamon fern

Hardy fern for shade. Spore-bearing fronds appear in rich, handsome, cinnamon tints.

Paeonia 'Jacorma'

A late blooming double (rose form) pink. Fragrant.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Leslie Peck'

A single pink flower (Japanese form) in midseason. Produces lots of side buds for a long bloom season.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Mother's Choice'

Fully double flowers that are creamy white with a faint pink blush. Fragrant. Strong stems are less likely to flop over. Late season peony. Gold Medal winner from the American Peony Society.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Victoire de la Marne'

Strong fragrance. This selection was created just after WWI and named after the battle of Marne, France. Flowers late in the season.

Paeonia 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'

An early-season bloomer with semi-double coral-pink flowers which fade to apricot-pink. Fragrant. To 32" tall. Winner of the American Peony Society gold medal and landscape merit award. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.

Paeonia 'Sword Dance'

A Japanese form (single) flower. Late season.
Passiflora 'Monika Fischer'

Passiflora 'Monika Fischer'
passion flower

Penstemon barbatus 'Novapenrub'
Rock Candy Ruby golden-beard penstemon

A compact penstemon with red flowers.

Penstemon 'Delfts Blue Riding Hood'
beard tongue

Beautiful, pure blue tubular flowers rise 1' above the basal foliage. Drought tolerant, well drained soil and a sunny location are recommended

Perovskia 'Little Spire'
compact Russian sage

Have you always admired the look of a large Russian sage bush with its spikes of blue flowers and silvery leaves, but thought you didn't have space? Check out 'Little Spire', which has all the same characteristics in a mini size! Bonusit is also drought-tolerant, deer-resistant, and low-maintenance!

Philodendron 'Hope'
hardy philodendron

Normally a tropical houseplant, this selection has proven to be able to survive outside in North Carolina gardens. Very late to emerge from dormancy ... at least June.

Phlox paniculata 'Bartwelve'
Flame Pink garden phlox

A dwarf selection of summer phlox, indispensable for months of showy flowers and pollinator support.

Phlox paniculata 'David'
garden phlox

A classic mildew resistant Phlox with clusters of pure white flowers in summer.

Phlox paniculata
Flame Pro Violet Charme garden phlox

A compact selection. The flowers are bicolor purple with a white eye.

Phlox paniculata 'Franz Schubert'
garden phlox

A mildew resistant cultivar with fragrant flowers.

Phlox paniculata 'Starfire'
garden phlox

Brightly colored flowers. The new leaves are burgundy-bronze and age to green.

Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple'
creeping phlox

A mat-forming species for part sun locations.

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Cushion Blue'
moss phlox

An evergreen mat-forming perennial with lavender blue flowers. Prefers well drained soil.

Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill'
moss phlox

The evergreen mat of needle-like foliage is covered in spring by fragrant rosy pink flowers. Perfect for edging, slopes, and rock gardens.

Phlox subulata 'Red Wing'
moss phlox

The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep red-pink flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.

Phlox subulata 'Snowflake'
moss phlox

The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the white flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tuilad'
Lady in Red ninebark

Redder foliage than the older cultivar 'Diabolo', the red-bronze foliage adds color to the garden all summer.

Podophyllum peltatum

A lovely woodland native plant that spreads by rhizomes.

Polystichum setiferum
soft shield fern

Evergreen to semi-evergreen fern with elegant glossy dark green fronds. Leaf stalks are covered with cinnamon brown scales.

Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern

A great smaller scale structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to lustrous green. Great garden and container plant.

Pulmonaria 'Ocupol'
Opal lungwort

The pale blue flowers and dwarf habit make this cultivar unique.

Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash'

Heavily spotted leaves with flowers that are bright pink and purple.

Pulmonaria 'Shrimps on the Barbie'

Bright pink flowers have dark purple calyces beneath them which contrast beautifully.

Pyrrosia lingua 'Limon'
tongue fern

A yellowish green-leaved selection of this spreading fern. Color is best in open shade or morning sun. In full shade, it turns green.

Quercus rubra 'Wingle's Variegated'
red oak

A red oak with a leaf that looks like it has been spattered with white paint ... heaviest along the edges. Fall color is red to orange to yellow and is also flecked with white. Should grow at a nearly normal rate to about 24' in 10 years and then continuing to eventually top 75' tall and wide with great age. Oaks are excellent native shade trees and tremendous pollinator plants that can support hundreds of species of insect. They tolerate drought and air pollution too which makes them good urban trees. Hardy to zone 3.

Rehmannia elata
Chinese foxglove

From a low rosette of leaves arise 3' spikes of foxglove-like flowers in summer. Spreads rapidly when happy.

Reineckea carnea 'Variegata'
Variegated Chinese lucky grass

Grass-like leaves are variegated with white stripes. Pink flowers are attractive but held under the canopy so you have to root around to see them.

Rhododendron 'Mandarin Lights'
deciduous azalea

A deciduous azalea with a massive display of bright, mandarin orange blooms in the spring before the foliage emerges. To 5' tall. Part sun to shade.

Rhododendron 'NCRX3'
Perfecto Mundo Double Pink reblooming azalea

Another phenomenal introduction from NC State plant breeder Tom Ranney, Ph.D. Spring bloom is followed by a brief rest and then more flowers from summer up to frost.

Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense 'Abloom'
Amelia's Treasure Korean azalea

This cultivar seems to be so new that there is no info on it online other than the nursery source saying that it is new. Korean azalea is a very cold hardy azalea.

Rhodoleia henryi 'Scarlet Bells'
evergreen rose hazel

Rounded evergreen foliage is quite attractive on its own with dark tops and pale bottoms. The flowers are 2"–3" brilliant rose-pink bells that will knock your socks off in spring.

Rosa 'Horcogjil'
At Last floribunda rose

Compact, disease resistant cultivar. Fragrant flowers are self-cleaning.

Rosa 'Meibenbino'
Petite Knock Out dwarf shrub rose

The Petite Knock Out rose is the first miniature Knock Out. Only 18" tall and wide so plant it in a decorative containers for your porch or patio, or in mass in the garden.

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'

'Arp' is one of the most cold hardy rosemaries and is the one most recommended for the Raleigh area.

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
black-eyed Susan

The classic summer herbaceous perennial black-eyed Susan (or orange coneflower) for months of bloom and pollinator support. Leave seed heads for the finches and their beautiful structure all winter long.

Rudbeckia maxima
great coneflower

A giant among coneflowers, this plant produces flower stalks that are 6'+ in height atop a tuft of large bluish leaves. The leaves themselves are an ornamental feature.

Sagina subulata
Irish moss

Grow on gravely soils. In Raleigh, cultivation may be difficult due to our heat and humidity so some protection is required.

Salvia greggii 'Balmirrobi'
Mirage Rose Bicolor autumn sage

Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'
bicolor baby sage

Shrubby salvia possessing flowers in shades of solid white, red and white bicolors, and solid red. Flower colors change with the spring and summer temperatures.

Sambucus nigra 'Jandeboer001'
Golden Tower black elderberry

Narrow upright growth. Offers both height and color to a small space. Leaves have a funky odor when bruised.

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Sarsid1'
Fragrant Valley Himalayan sweet box

Fragrant Valley has a low, spreading habit with glossy deep green foliage. Sweetly scented white blooms tipped with pink appear in late winter. It's an excellent shade plant with much more vigor than other varieties of Sarcococca. It's ideal for shady, dry sites and is deer resistant.

Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium 'Blaze'
common little bluestem

Blue-green foliage in summer turns reddish in fall. A small clumping native grass that remains tremendously attractive through winter.

Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3'
Flirty Girl Japanese climbing hydrangea

This selection blooms at a much smaller size than normal. Blooms on old wood so do not prune until just after blooming is done.

Sedum tetractinum
Chinese sedum

Round, flattened leaves are medium green throughout the growing season, then turn a bronzy-red in the fall. In summer, plants are speckled with clusters of bright yellow flowers held on tiny stalks above the foliage.

Selaginella pallescens
moss fern

The feathery fronds of this prehistoric plant from the mountains of Mexico make a long-lived semi-evergreen ground-cover for the shade garden. Once established, they are quite drought tolerant and typically not bothered by deer or rabbits.

Sempervivum 'Ruby Heart'
hens and chicks

This plant is particularly effective when planted in the cracks and crevices of stone walls or walkways. It is also very attractive in containers. Prefers some protection from Raleigh's summer heat and humidity.

Silene uniflora 'Druett's Variegated'
sea campion

A mat-forming perennial perfect for rock walls and containers.

Solidago shortii 'Solar Cascade'
Short's goldenrod

This 32" tall selection of the federally endangered native makes a slowly clumping mass of arching stems topped in late summer through fall with panicles of gold. It is easy in any garden soil in sun to light shade and rarely bothered by deer.

Sporobolus heterolepis
prairie dropseed

Tussocks of very slender emerald green leaves swirling outward from the crown. Attractive seed heads in summer, which are also fragrant. A long lived, well behaved native ornamental grass.

Stachyurus salicifolius
willow leaf spiketail

Truly one of the most striking plants throughout the year at the Aboretum. In winter, elegant, pendulous chains of white to greenish white blooms tantalize for a long time from bud to bloom. Leaves are long and narrow, measuring up to 6" in length on arching branches.

Stokesia laevis 'Mel's Blue'
Stoke's aster

The 4" wide flowers are larger than typical Stoke's aster.

Stokesia laevis 'Peachie's Pick'
Stokes' aster

Its superior traits include an abundance of 18" tall blue flowers in summer and it is sterile. Stokes' aster tolerates a wide variety of soil conditions and is easy to grow. We would have picked a newer selection to offer, but this is still the best in our minds.

Stylophorum diphyllum
celandine poppy

A splash of yellow for woodland gardens. If pollinated, charming fuzzy pods will appear. Threatened in the wild.

Symphoricarpos doorenbosii 'Kolmatrea'
Magical Treasure Doorenbos snowberry

Promised to be a petite snowberry just 3' by 3' with bright pink berries in fall and likely all winter too.

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Grape Crush'
New England aster

Naturally dense mounding habit needs no staking. Covered in dark purple flowers in early fall. Very showy and a superb pollinator plant.

Syringa 'Grecrimdoll'
Crimson Doll lilac

Reddish buds open to fragrant reddish-pink flowers on this lilac and rapidly fade to pink. Crimson is a bit of a stretch. A bit shorter than other lilacs at just 5' tall and wide. Sometimes reblooms in summer, we are told this is quite heat tolerant but haven't grown it ourselves.

Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'JN Upright Select'
Violet Uprising Manchurian lilac

We look forward to trying this new selection with its 12" upright panicles of violet flowers.

Thelypteris noveboracensis
New York fern

Native to the eastern United States including North Carolina. Forms a spreading colony in woodland conditions.

Tiarella 'Fingerpaint'

This exceptional selection of foamflower puts out bright lime-green spring foliage with a darkly contrasting blotch along the veins. This tiarella will slowly spread to form a nice patch in a shady garden. Foamy white flowers dance over the spring leaves.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'FL09-216'
Hello Darlin northern highbush blueberry

This is a compact cultivar. Blueberries do double duty producing top quality edible fruit and as ornamental shrubs with multiple seasons of interest: flowers, fruit, red fall foliage and interesting winter twigs. Plant more than one cultivar for cross pollination.

Veronica 'Blue Skywalker'

Slender 30" tall spikes of blue and color and verticality to the summer garden. Great cut flower and pollinator plant as well

Viburnum macrocephalum
Chinese snowball

Large round flower clusters emerge green and quickly turn white.

Viburnum 'Nantucket'
hybrid viburnum

'Nantucket' is a 2008 release from the U.S. National Arboretum’s breeding program. Selected for large, mildly fragrant, abundant flowers that cover it in spring, dark semi-evergreen leaves, and upright form. Its size is easily controlled by pruning after it finishes flowering.

Viburnum ×pragense
Prague viburnum

Gorgeous lustrous evergreen foliage much like its leatherleaf viburnum parent but better with smaller leaves. A good flowering screening plant. Needs to be sheared to be kept tightly branched. Fruit persists all winter.

Viburnum prunifolium
blackhaw viburnum

Glossy dark green leaves turn to attractive shades of red and purple in fall. Berry-like fruits which often persist into winter and are quite attractive to birds and wildlife.

Viburnum prunifolium 'Summer Magic'
blackhaw viburnum

New foliage emerges bright red, turns pink and then green through summer, then red and yellow in fall. This selection is more compact than the wild type and tends not to set fruit. Combine with a native red honeysuckle.

Viburnum 'sPg-3-024'
Moonlit Lace hybrid viburnum

This hybrid between the laurustinus and Father David's Viburnum makes an outstanding evergreen shrub with white spring flowers. The deep green foliage takes on burgundy tones. Expect a low, wide plant 4' tall by 5' wide.

Viburnum tinus 'Compactum'
compact laurustinus

Weigela florida 'SMNWFRP'
Sonic Bloom Pure Pink weigela

A dwarf cultivar with arching branches covered with flowers in summer.