JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2016

The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2016 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'
Sunshine Daydream variegated glossy abelia

You will enjoy this semi-evergreen beauty with fragrant, white flowers that open from pale pink buds. Foliage emerges with a burgundy tint before developing a creamy yellow variegation and young stems are often bright red. Plants have a neat, dwarf habit without pruning.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Hopleys'
Miss Lemon variegated glossy abelia

'Hopleys' will fill your garden with beautiful gold and cream variegated evergreen foliage which turns pink in autumn. Dainty pale pink flowers from July to October. A plant introduction from Hopleys Nursery, United Kingdom. Some leaves may drop depending on severity of the winter.

Acanthus 'Holland Days'
bear's breech

Bear's breech has summer spikes of white flowers hidden beneath purple hoods and a mound of green spineless foliage. Tony Avent (Plant Delights Nursery) suggests that it appears intermediate between A. hungaricus and A. spinosus and is probably a hybrid.

Acanthus 'Whitewater'
variegated bear's breech

This is an incredible variegated form of the bold bear's breeches. Tall flower spikes of white and pink rise to 4' topping the heavily splashed foliage. This is a hybrid with the extra heat and humidity tolerant form, 'Summer Beauty' and retains the toughness of that parent.

Acer palmatum 'Caperci Dwarf'
dwarf Japanese maple

'Carperci Dwarf' emerges in the spring with coral or light pink leaves, becoming medium green for the summer. This small Japanese maple has tiny leaves and a dense, rounded habit. Golden to crimson fall color.

Acer palmatum (ex. 'Mikawa Yatsubusa')
dwarf Japanese maple

A must have for any Japanese maple fan, here we offer a selected seedling from the beautiful Japanese maple, 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'. Its layered appearance, tight branching, and stunning leaf color makes it one of the top picks for bonsai in the world.
Acer palmatum 'Higasa yama'

Acer palmatum 'Higasa yama'
variegated Japanese maple

One of the most distinctive of all Japanese maples, 'Higasa yama' has spring foliage with a green center, white outline, and pink edge. The variegation fades when temperatures soar leaving a faint white line.
Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset'

Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset'
red lace-leaf Japanese maple

Perfect for the small garden. This very compact Japanese maple has graceful and colorful leaves from spring through fall. Soft red leaves emerge in spring and eventually darken to plum-red in summer. Bright sunset-red hues cover the tree in fall.
Acer palmatum 'Ōsakasuki'

Acer palmatum 'Ōsakasuki'
green-leaf Japanese maple

Perhaps one of the most intensely bright Japanese maples for autumn display with small brilliant red leaves. Green summer foliage is a beautiful backdrop for the crimson seed pods.

Acer palmatum 'Red Pygmy'
red narrowleaf Japanese maple

Narrow maroon-red leaves will turn to green in the heat of the summer before returning to crimson in autumn. Adds an airy quality to the garden.
Acer palmatum 'Shaina'

Acer palmatum 'Shaina'
dwarf purple-leaf Japanese maple

This classy Japanese maple has burgundy foliage and a unique dense or layered look. It forms a dense, small-sized tree, only to 8’ tall, with bright red to red-purple leaves throughout the growing season. Locate this plant where you can appreciate its dwarf, upright habit.
Acer shirasawanum 'Yasemin'

Acer shirasawanum 'Yasemin'
full moon maple

This full moon maple bears broad leaves deeply colored burgundy. The color holds well through the season while the texture is much bolder than the typical red-leaf Japanese maple.

Saucy Seduction yarrow

This intensely colored selection produces flowers that open intense fuchsia pink, then lighten to medium pink. New flowers are produced all summer long, providing an array of cheerful pink color over an long period of bloom. This series has strong branched stems and a compact habit.

Adiantum ×mairisii
hybrid maidenhair fern

No shade garden is complete without a maidenhair fern. The pale green fronds are held on thin black stems (rachis) and are completely DEER RESISTANT.
Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightning'

Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightning'
variegated carpet bugle

The white-edged foliage of the evergreen rosettes of this spreading perennial are topped in spring with short spikes of pink flowers. It is surprisingly sun and drought tolerant but will also brighten a shady spot.
Alocasia 'Calidora'

Alocasia 'Calidora'
upright elephant ear

This giant form of elephant ear makes a tall, upright clump of bold foliage. If given plenty of sun, water, and fertilizer it will easily top 6' tall in the ground or a large container. It can be brought indoors in the winter and placed in a sunny window.

Alocasia 'Mayan Mask'
elephant ear

This robust elephant ear bears strongly ribbed upright foliage highlighted by coppery-purple backsides. It is easy to grow in the garden and will grow to 8' if given plenty of water and fertilizer. Bring inside to a bright window in winter or mulch very well and cross your fingers.

Aruncus 'Misty Lace'
goat's beard

According to Bluestone Perennials this hybrid, " is a compact variety noted for its reduced stature, and increased humidity tolerance. Large creamy white plumes on red stems wave above the fern-like leaves. Will tolerate full sun if enough moisture is provided. Stunning en masse. Great backdrop for shorter shade to part shade-loving perennials."

Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata'
variegated cast iron plant

This heavily variegated selection of cast-iron plant will make lusty clumps of vertical leaves heavily striped and marked with creamy white. It is a tough, easy, and long-lived perennial tolerating even the toughest dry and shady spots.
Asplenium scolopendrium

Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern

An easy fern, much beloved by the Victorians, which forms tight rosettes of mid-green leaves. It is very easy in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot and is 100% DEER PROOF!

Athyrium 'Ghost'
painted fern

Good plant for boarders or rock gardens. Also does well in mixed container gardens. This shade loving species spreads by rhizomes and has half-inch wide green leaves with silvery white edges. Prefers some shade and well drained soils.

Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
Japanese painted fern

This lovely painted fern bears fronds marked with green, silver, and burgundy. Best in some shade where it will make lovely deer resistant patches in the garden.
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'

Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
Japanese painted fern

'Regal Red' is a much sought after and very beautiful Japanese painted fern. Stunning fronds are ruffled, with frosty silver edges, and burgundy-red stems. It makes a bright addition to flower arrangements and shady areas in your garden. Fronds remain on the plant late into the fall and is deer proof.
Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu'

Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu'
Japanese aucuba

After growing more than our fair share of aucuba, this has risen to the top of all the gold speckled forms. Long leaves of deep emerald green bear are heavily spotted with discrete gold dots. It is fairly compact and quite distinct from other forms. Aucuba are super tough plants tolerating very dry shade once established. A must for any shade garden.

Baptisia 'Solar Flare'
Prairieblues yellow wild-indigo

Tall spikes of pea-like flowers open bright lemon-yellow then blush to orange tones as they mature – standing like dense, broad bouquets above blue-green foliage.

Begonia aff. taipeiensis
Taipei begonia

A very newly described begonia hybrid found in northern Taiwan. Pink flowers on a semi-epiphytic plant that grows on moss covered rocks or in ordinary garden soil. Can be grown in warm climates outdoors or as a houseplant.
Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Admiration'

Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Admiration'
dwarf purple-leaf Japanese barberry

This vibrant barberry is a real eye-catcher suitable for the landscape or as a container plant. It has bright orange-red foliage with yellow margins. The color continues throughout the summer season.
Blechnum spicant

Blechnum spicant
deer fern

A lovely evergreen fern forming clumps of arching fronds. Fertile fronds rise above the typical foliage in vertical open spikes. Easy and reliable in the landscape - deer resistance is just a bonus.

Buddleja 'PIIBD-III'
First Editions Psychedelic Sky butterfly bush

This dense, lovely butterfly bush bears masses of panicles of intensely fragrant, blue flowers for months on end. It is easy to grow in a sunny,
well-drained spot.
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Unraveled'

Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Unraveled'
weeping Japanese boxwood

This incredibly cool boxwood cultivar is unlike any other you have seen before. Its habit is outreaching and arching, a bit loose compared to other boxwoods. Best described as the "non conformist of the common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens).

Buxus microphylla 'Peergold'
Golden Dream variegated boxwood

'Peergold' is a compact, low-mounded, evergreen cultivar of boxwood that features bright green leaves, variegated with irregular golden yellow margins. Growth habit is nice and tight, and foliage is very dense. Great for small garden spaces. DEER & RABBIT TOLERATE!
Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk'

Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk'
upright common boxwood

'Dee Runk' is among the finest of the upright boxwoods forming a narrow pyramid of deep green foliage. Boxwoods can be grown in full sun but will also perform very well in dry shade.

Campsis ×tagliabuana 'Guilfoylei'
trumpet vine

This Australian introduction is a vigorous climbing vine with clusters of large, orange-red, trumpet-like flowers that hummingbirds just love. This prolific bloomer is more restrained and has a longer flowering period than the our native species (Campsis radicans).
Canna 'Phaison'

Canna 'Phaison'
Tropicanna variegated canna lily

Few plants provide as much impact as this canna with intensely colored foliage streaked with burgundy, gold, orange, red, and green.

If the foliage isn't enough, it is topped with rich orange flowers all summer long.
Carex oshimensis 'Carfit01'

Carex oshimensis 'Carfit01'
Evercolor Everest white variegated Japanese sedge

Everest is a vigorous, white striped sedge perfect for brightening up a shady corner of the garden. Grow it with ferns and hellebores or other woodland plants.
Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'

Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'
Evercolor variegated Japanese sedge

The grass experts at Hoffman Nursery says: "What makes this sedge different? Its lime green leaves gradually deepen to solid golden yellow. Adds a color burst to mixed container plantings, garden beds, and borders. Can spread slowly by rhizomes to form a vibrant ground cover."
Chaenomeles 'Orange Storm'

Chaenomeles 'Orange Storm'
Double Take hybrid flowering quince

New breeding breakthrough from NCSU's
Tom Ranney! Huge orange, frilly, doubled flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will wake you from the winter blues. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.
Chaenomeles 'Scarlet Storm' (Double Take)

Chaenomeles 'Scarlet Storm' (Double Take)
hybrid flowering quince

A breeding breakthrough from NCSU's Tom Ranney! Showy double red flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will make your garden pop. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gemstone'
dwarf Hinoki cypress

‘Gemstone‘ is a very slow growing, sculpted selection of Hinoki cypress with a narrow, upright form. As it matures, occasional side branches develop adding even more interest to the already pleasing, movement of its upward growing form.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Maureen'
dwarf Hinoki cypress

Maureen is an adorable diminutive evergreen conifer with a flat globose shape. Dense foliage is dark green with a fine texture. Perfect for the rock garden, containers, or tucked among small perennials.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunny Swirl'
gold Hinoki cypress

A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent specimen features very finely textured yellow and green foliage in summer maturing to gold in winter; spiraling upward with tufts of stiff twisted branches, it makes an incredible statement.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Thoweil'

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Thoweil'
columnar Hinoki falsecypress

This unusual form of Hinoki falsecypress makes an irregular living sculpture with a very upright habit. It makes a striking specimen growing to about 5' by 2' in a decade. Perfect for planting beside a door or in a pot.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Juniperoides'
dwarf Sawara falsecypress

This venerable old cultivar makes a rounded shrub to about 3' tall with mint-green juvenile foliage for a soft-textured addition to the garden. In 5 years it has doubled in size in our Japanese garden.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold'
gold thread Sawara falsecypress

A great form of gold thread cypress that only gets 4'–6' feet tall and twice as wide. We imagine it will get taller than listed, but still should stay low and wide. Best gold color is in full sun.

Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Versent'
Blue Rock dwarf Atlantic white cedar

A ‘refreshingly blue and spherical conifer, which will obtain a purple glow during the winter. Typical rate of growth in most areas is less than 2 inches per year, resulting in an interesting blue ball of foliage.
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'

Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'

'Hot Lips' is great native for any garden. It makes a patch of deep green foliage, topped in late summer with deep pink flowers, shaped like turtle beaks. Grows fine in average garden soil but is also quite happy in permanently damp spots.
Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'

Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'
upright Chinese fringe tree

Few flowering trees can match the dazzling display and uber-tough constitution of Chinese fringe tree. This upright form makes a broad column of deep green, leaves which can turn buttery yellow in fall. Masses of white, frothy flowers stand out against a foliar backdrop. It's an ideal plant where space is at a premium.

Citrus limon
lemon tree

This sub-tropical lemon tree is perfect for growing in containers where the fragrant flowers and delicious lemons can be protected from winter cold. Bring inside during the winter and place in a bright location. While lemon trees can grow to 20' tall, they can be kept pruned to a smaller, more manageable size.
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'

Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange

Hardiest of all citrus trees with deep green stems and thorns on curled, contorted branches. White,deliciously fragrant flowers give rise to orange fruits slightly larger than a golf ball. Fruit is tart, but with plenty of sugar can be made into marmalade or perhaps used in a whiskey sour.

Citrus trifoliata 'Tiny Dragon'
dwarf contorted hardy orange

'Tiny Dragon' is a Japanese selection of hardy orange which makes a small shrub or dwarf tree of contorted and twisted jade green stems. Fragrant white flowers appear in early spring before the small oranges are formed. It can be grown out in the garden or trained into a hardy bonsai.

Clematis 'Fireworks'

Huge, 8" flowers brighten the landscape with lavender petals highlighted by a shocking pink stripe in late spring. Expect your plant to put on an encore display as summer ends and fall begins. It is a restrained vine growing to about 8'-10' tall.

Colocasia esculenta 'Black Coral'
Royal Hawaiian purple elephant ear

One of the darkest of all elephant ears with deep burgundy, bold foliage. At full size in the landscape, it will reach 4’ tall and short runners will appear close to the mother plant. If you grow this plant in containers, make sure it is a very large one and be sure to give it a consistent supply of moisture.

Colocasia esculenta 'White Lava'
variegated elephant ear

Tony Avent says - "'White Lava' is a clumping elephant ear with large glossy green leaves which, as the season progresses, are adorned with a wide band of creamy white down the center of each leaf, later radiating out into the side veins."

Cordyline banksii 'Sprilecflash'
Electric Flash cordyline

This unusual cordyline bears chocolate colored strappy leaves edged in creamy yellow. It offsets readily forming grassy clumps rather than a trunk typical of the species. It is likely not reliably hardy and may be best brought inside for the winter.

Coreopsis 'Red Satin'
threadlef coreopsis

A sensational truly perennial red-flowered coreopsis which won't flop or fade in the summer heat. If cut back in mid-summer, it will continue to flower until frost. 'Red Satin' is drought tolerant, great for the butterflies, and quite deer resistant.

Cornus alba 'Regnzam'
Red Gnome compact Tatarian dogwood

A compact and dense red-twig dogwood with a uniform habit and brilliant winter stems. White spring flowers and burgundy fall color complete the show.
Corylus avellana 'Contorta'

Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Harry Lauder's walkingstick

One of the most popular, but often hard to find, of all contorted plants. The twisted branches look great during the winter as well as the rest of the year. Always a conversation starter.
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'

Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'
purple smokebush

A distinctive shrub or small tree with deep purple leaves which hold their color well during the heat of the summer. Airy clouds of pink flowers float above the bright foliage. Smokebush can be allowed to grow as a large multi-stemmed shrub/tree or it can be cut back hard each winter.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Nana'

Cryptomeria japonica 'Nana'
dwarf Japanese cedar

This is perhaps the oldest cultivar of Japanese cedar grown in the West. It was introduced to Europe by Robert Fortune in the 1800's. Expect it to make a low mound of bright green with needles held close to the branchlets. It is easy to grow and very reliable.
Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire'

Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire'
Arizona cypress

This blue form of Arizona cypress makes a quick growing and tough landscape plant. It is exceptionally drought tolerant once established and has a delightful fragrance. This tree is more blue and a bit faster growing than 'Blue Ice'.
Cupressus sempervirens

Cupressus sempervirens
Italian cypress

The classic Italian cypress seen in formal European gardens. Native to the mountains of Iran, and brought to Italy for cultivation.

Cypella coelestis
goblet flower

This curious iris relative, native to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, fools most people into thinking it is a palm seedling. However, despite this demure beginning, stand back (!)., because in summer, each 24" tall plant is crowned with a festival of blue flowers with yellow and white spots.

Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern

A fine addition to the list of hardy ferns that are suitable for southern gardens. This fern is related to but much hardier than the "common holly fern" of coastal North Carolina and Deep South gardens.
Daphniphyllum humile

Daphniphyllum humile
compact daphniphyllum

Daphniphyllum are gorgeous shrubs with evergreen foliage and interesting pinkish-green flowers, but they are often too large for the typical garden. This compact species shrinks the otherwise large plant down to a diminutive 4'–6' with evergreen foliage on a rounded shrub.

Delosperma nubigenum 'WOWD20111'
Wheels of Wonder Golden Wonder iceplant

Huge, bright yellow blooms blanket this
high-impact groundcover. Succulent green
carpets of dense foliage are covered with its amazingly bright, bold flowers. An ideal,
worry-free choice for a hot, dry location or
a no worry container.
Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'

Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'
dwarf slender deutzia

This dwarf deutzia has been a garden mainstay for quite a while, but is still one of our favorites. The fine texture, low growth habit, and masses of white flowers make it great for spacing among low perennials or as a mass in the garden. So easy even the horticulturally handicapped can grow it.

Dianthus tianschanicus
Tianshan carnation

If visiting the rugged country of Kyrgyzstan in central Asia, be sure to look for the single, pink or white carnation-like blossoms of this native. Flowers arise from attractive 1' tall mounds of thick gray-green leaves.

Diospyros kaki 'Shibamichi Weeping'
Japanese persimmon

The glossy, large foliage of 'Shibamichi Weeping' has brilliant fall color before dropping to reveal the bright orange, spindle-like fruits. The persimmons are edible and quite tasty but must be allowed to fully ripen before eating.

Distylium 'Vintage Jade'
isu tree

Vintage Jade is an evergreen spreading shrub which forms a low spreading mound in the landscape. It bears small red flowers in the winter. It tolerates drought, heat and wet soil and is also exceptionally resistance to disease and insects.
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'

Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'

Intensely colored, double red-orange flowers make this reliable performer really pop in the garden. The flowers are bright pom poms which emerge deep orange but then age to almost pure red. Hummingbirds love it.
Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii'

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii'
purple Abyssinian banana

A single trunked ornamental banana with purply-red foliage and stem. In the garden it makes a dramatic statement, where it can grow to 12' tall. Not reliably hardy, so it can be placed in a cool, dark spot such as a crawl-space for winter, or it can be mulched with the hope of surviving in the ground.

Eubotrys recurva
mountain fetterbush

This NC native makes an arching shrub which flowers with small bell-shaped flowers in early spring before the leaves. Fall color can be quite showy and plants can be grown from perpetually damp locations to quite dry garden spots. Best
as a woodland plant in a natural garden.
Euphorbia ×martinii 'Ascot Rainbow'

Euphorbia ×martinii 'Ascot Rainbow'
variegated wood spurge

This mid-sized selection forms an evergreen mound of leathery grey-green leaves, edged in creamy-yellow and flushed rose pink during the winter months. Heads of chartreuse-yellow flowers with red tips appear in late spring and early summer.
Euscaphis japonica

Euscaphis japonica
sweetheart tree

The sweetheart tree was a favorite of J. C. Raulston's, and one that has so much to offer the garden. In September Euscaphis japonica produces attractive, waxy, deciduous leaves, and large, terminal clusters of airy white flowers followed by stunning reddish-pink, capsule-like fruits with a purple-black seed nestled inside.
Fagus grandifolia

Fagus grandifolia
American beech

Our native beech is one of the true aristocrats of the plant world with smooth, silvery-grey bark, long-pointed buds, and distinctly veined leaves which turn deep gold in fall.
Forsythia koreana 'Kumson'

Forsythia koreana 'Kumson'
gold-vein Korean forsythia

This Korean forsythia has it all, great flowers plus incredible unique foliage spring to fall. Dark green leaves show off their creamy white netting. Typical bright yellow forsythia flowers cover this shrub in spring. 'Kumson' was discovered in Korea by Spring Meadow Nursery.
Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis'

Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis'
dwarf green-stem forsythia

This low-growing forsythia has deep green foliage on stems that creep across the ground. In spring expect the typical gold spring harbinger flowers of forsythia.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Blue Shadow'

Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Blue Shadow'

This is a breathtaking blue-leafed sport from Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'. White flowers open in spring before the dusty blue leaves emerge. Fall colors are bright red, orange, and yellow. This is the best blue fothergilla for the South.

Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty'
Cape jasmine

'August Beauty" is a beautiful heavy flowering double gardenia with intensely fragrant flowers and glossy foliage.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel'

Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel'
Cape jasmine

Masses of pure white, extremely fragrant, double flowers cover 'Crown Jewel' in spring. It's a very reliable, compact, and cold hardy evergreen shrub and a fine addition to any garden. Bred and selected right here in North Carolina at Oakmont Nursery (Siler City, NC).

Gardenia jasminoides 'Fragrant Pathways'
dwarf Cape jasmine

This delicate little gardenia has fine, narrow foliage on a very low growing plant, generally staying under a foot tall. Lovely double flowers pack all the fragrant impact of a full size gardenia.

Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof'
Cape jasmine

A somewhat upright growing gardenia with creamy-white, semi-double fragrant flowers. It is among the most sun tolerant of gardenias and its early-season flowers resist late frosts.

Gardenia jasminoides 'Leeone'
Jubilation Cape jasmine

Jubilation gardenia is a dense, multi-stemmed, evergreen shrub with an upright growth habit. As with all gardenias, the intensely fragrant flowers are magical in the garden and even better when cut and brought indoors.

Gaura 'Sme-2'
Passionate Blush pink gaura

A compact perennial with red stems and reddish buds that open to a display of beautiful pink flowers. Flowering from spring-fall can be extended by trimming spent flower stems in mid summer. Gaura are tough, tolerating a wide range of soils and moisture. Perform best in full sun,well-drained soil, with occasional to regular watering.

GelsemiumGelsemium Combo
spring & fall Carolina jessamine combo

Gelsemium rankanii and Gelsemium sempervirens 'Pride of Augusta' are planted together in the same pot. Expect fragrant spring and fall yellow flowers on these native evergreen vines.
Gladiolus ×gandavensis 'Boone'

Gladiolus ×gandavensis 'Boone'
hybrid gladiolus

In early summer gorgeous, peachy-apricot, flowers open on stalks 3'-4' tall. Flowers are highlighted by a yellow center and red streaked throat. 'Boone' was originally discovered in the frigid mountain town of Boone, North Carolina and is amazingly hardy to at least Zone 6.
Helianthus angustifolius

Helianthus angustifolius
swamp sunflower

This easy to grow native perennial thrives in sunny, damp spots where it can spread to form sizable patches of tall stems topped in late summer by cheery gold flowers. It is slower to spread in drier spots.

Helleborus ×ballardiae 'Coseh 700'
HGC Cinnamon Snow hybrid hellebore

Pink buds open to creamy white flowers suffused with warm rose with dark cinnamon rose on the reverse side. The large blooms face outward above the handsome dark foliage. Deer resistant.

Helleborus ×ballardiae 'Coseh 720'
Spring Party Ballard's hellebore

This hellebore has creamy ivory flowers touched with pink that age to rose above silvery veined foliage. Deer resistant.

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Angel Glow'

This vigorous, yet compact hellebore produces plenty of pink buds from late December which open to reveal light pink flowers of varying shades that fade through to light green with age above glaucous, blue-green evergreen foliage.

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Coseh 860'
HGC Monte Cristo hellebore

A compact and well-proportioned, heavy bloomer with blue gray leaves and red stems. Cream flowers with a peachy rose blush are produced in profusion. Deer resistant.

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Pink Beauty'

This forms a low evergreen clump of dark-green leaves mottled with silver. In late winter and early spring stems rise taller, bearing big cup-shaped blooms of soft-pink kissed with ivory green. Prune off any ugly leaves in spring, otherwise just leave this alone. Deer resistant.
Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Pirouette'

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Pirouette'

Flower stalks appear in winter over the leathery deer resistant leaves, bearing showy cup-shaped blooms. This strain has pink buds that open to ivory flowers tinged pink, maturing to deeper pink and it is a flowering machine. Foliage is blue-green.

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Winter Moonbeam'

Spectacular white veins highlight the blue-green foliage held on reddish stems on this selection of hybrid hellebore from the UK. White outward facing flowers age to pink then red.

Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Winter Sunshine'

Very large 3-4”, outward facing flowers emerge from mauve purple buds held on dark purple stems. Their fronts are ivory with a hint of light green and the backs are ivory with a heavy flush of rose. As the flowers mature, they take on strong rosy red tones.

Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon'
re-blooming daylily

This shockingly bright daylily has raspberry pink flowers with a greenish-yellow throat surrounded by a dark rose halo. The thick textured petals hold up to the worst of our summers and will re-bloom for over a month.

Hemerocallis 'Cotton Candy'

This lovely, pale pink daylily starts flowering early in the season with large flowers topping the strappy foliage. It is a long-lived and very reliable performer in the garden.

Hemerocallis 'Fire King'

The huge, thick-textured flowers of this tetraploid hybrid are deep, blaze orange with a cheery yellow throat. It blooms for up to 4 weeks in mid to late summer.

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
re-blooming daylily

'Happy Returns' is a repeat-blooming daylily. It features large, ruffled, lemon yellow flowers that rise 18" tall above a clump of arching, blade-like leaves. It starts flowering in June and continues flowering throughout the season - one of the best
re-blooming daylilies around.

Hemerocallis 'Leebea Orange Crush'

'Orange Crush' is a stunning reblooming daylily colored rich orange with a red eyezone. The large flowers (to 6"), re-blooming habit, exceptional foliage, and short stature made this the 2002 All-American Daylily winner.

Hemerocallis 'Obsidian'
hybrid daylily

Aptly named, 'Obsidian' produces nearly black, purplish flowers with a yellow throat in mid-summer. Leaves are a dark green and strap-like. Like other daylilies, expect a hardy, long-lived clumping perennial with multiple long flowering stalks and flowers that last only for a day.

Hemerocallis 'Siloam Ury Winniford'

In mid-summer, this selection has soft creamy flowers with a contrasting purple-black eye
above the clumps of strappy foliage.

Hemerocallis 'Spiritual Corridor'

Dusky mauve purple tips surround a creamy eye with a yellow-green throat. A rich, soft look for a daylily. Flowers are fragrant and 6” across, abundantly produced on well-branched stems. Easy and tough in the landscape.

Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'

The drinking gourd hosta has blue-green upright leaves that are cupped and puckered with a spread to 2'. In early summer, the clumps are topped with white flowers.

Hosta 'Dream Weaver'

This hosta makes wide clumps of foliage with a broad blue-green border around a chartreuse center. White flowers top the clumps in
Hosta 'First Frost'

Hosta 'First Frost'

American Hosta Growers Hosta of the Year 2010. Wide gold margins on blue 7" leaves in spring with edges that gradually mature to cream. Pale lavender blooms appear midsummer. Looks good right up until the first frost ... a real stunner.
Hosta 'Golden Tiara'

Hosta 'Golden Tiara'

A "classic" hosta, the first small-sized cultivar with gold-margined leaves. This hosta first appeared in the 1970s and
is still one of the best for the landscape. Summer spikes of lavender flowers add to the charm.
Hosta 'June'

Hosta 'June'

‘June’ is one of those shockingly beautiful hostas that stand out as soon as you spot it in the garden. Each leaf emerges with blue edges and a brilliant creamy center that gradually changes to dark chartreuse. This wildly popular hosta is a creamy centered sport of the old standard 'Halcyon'.

Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise'

American Hosta Growers Hosta of the Year 2013. Hosta gur, Tony Avent says, "The fluorescent golden leaf is surrounded by a dramatic border of dark green. This is truly a stunning and distinctive new hosta."

Hosta 'Stained Glass'

Bright golden leaves with wide, deep green margins and prominent veining provide the appearance of stained glass. Large, fragrant pale lavender flowers complement the dramatic foliage.
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'

Hosta 'Sum and Substance'

One of the all-time best hostas, 'Sum and Substance' makes huge mounds of broad chartreuse foliage in the shade garden. A great plant for adding oomph to the woodland.
Hosta 'Thunderbolt'

Hosta 'Thunderbolt'

Blue green leaves with a cream center that extends down through the stem with white, bell shaped, early summer blooms. Selected by North Carolina's own Hawksridge Farms.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Grenan'
Nantucket Blue bigleaf hydrangea

Gorgeous, repeat blooming selection from the blue hydrangeas that adorn Nantucket. Best in afternoon shade or in dapple sunlight beneath large trees. Planting on the east or north a side of a home also works well.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I'
Twist-n-Shout bigleaf hydrangea

Twist-n-Shout® boasts beautiful deep pink or periwinkle blue hydrangea flowers (depending on soil pH) from late spring through fall. With loads of dependable blooms and intense hydrangea colors, these lacecap hydrangea have become a favorite for everyone!

Hydrangea 'Painter's Pallette'
lace cap hydrangea

This is very unusual Michael Dirr hybrid in a lacecap form. Its pinkish buds open in pink and white florets splashed with green, and they all age to pink. Flower color will alter depending upon soil pH. Mike was planning to toss it out, but people convinced him to name and release it.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Rensun'
Strawberry Sundae panicle hydrangea

Strawberry Sundae™ is a delicious new compact hydrangea. Flowers emerge creamy white in mid-summer, change to pink and finally to strawberry red. The fantastic flower color lasts well into fall. This hydrangea adds spectacular color and impressive flowers to small space gardens.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Smhppino'
Good Golly panicled hydrangea

Good Golly! Huge clusters of white flowers cover this fabulous shrub in summertime. Its very sturdy stems prevent blossoms from flopping even after a summer downpour. This great panicled hydrangea is best in full sun where it can be cut back each year or allowed to grow as a small tree.

Hylotelephium 'Thundercloud'
dwarf sedum

This tight little bun of succulent sedum foliage is worth growing for the tidy mounds of little sawtooth leaves.Clusters of white starry flowers dance atop the clumps in summer. Great in a rock garden, front of a perennial border, or in containers.
Ilex ×attenuata 'Nasa'

Ilex ×attenuata 'Nasa'
dwarf Topal holly

This dwarf form of I. x attenuata (a naturally occurring hybrid of I. cassine and I. opaca.) is male, has small leaves and is dark green. It will, in time, get to about 4 or 5 feet tall and 3 or 4 feet wide. It was found on the NASA site in south Mississippi. It is very slow growing but we think it has a special place in the landscape.
Ilex 'Auburn'

Ilex 'Auburn'
Dodd hybrid evergreen holly

A rarely-offered luster leaf holly, and one of our favorites! Broad, shiny foliage resembles our southern Magnolia. 'Auburn' is a female selection and will produce large red fruit in fist-shaped clusters that completely encircle the stem!
Ilex crenata 'Jersey Jewel'

Ilex crenata 'Jersey Jewel'
dwarf Japanese holly

Ilex crenata 'Jersey Jewel' is a miniature leaved variety of Japanese Holly that is a great plant for bonsai. The tiny deep green leaves are oval and cup-shaped. Its distinctive structure and foliage is certain to attract anyone's attention.
Ilex integra 'Ogon'

Ilex integra 'Ogon'
golden Nepal holly

Nepal holly is one of Mark Weathington's favorite hollies with its spineless evergreen foliage and bright red berries. This gold foliaged female form is especially nice with glossy, vivid foliage on an upright plant. Perfect as a bright focus in the garden or lightening a mixed hedge. - 7 gallon pots
Ilex opaca 'Maryland Dwarf'

Ilex opaca 'Maryland Dwarf'
dwarf American holly

American hollies are among the finest and most beloved of native evergreen shrubs. This height challenged form doesn't make the typical upright pyramid of the species instead making a low ground-covering shrub to only about 2'-3' tall. Suitable to bright sunny spots or shade gardens.

Ilex 'Virginia'
spineless holly

It's a very handsome (if you can use that terms for a female plant) upright, conical tree/shrub, with nearly spineless dark green, rounded, lustrous glossy leaves. Perfect for a large screening evergreen.

Illicium floridanum 'JCJC'
Miss Scarlet anise-tree

A distinctive new selection of our southeastern native with a very compact, rounded to upright habit. Leaves are very unique, being rounded at their tips unlike other floridanums. Flowers are red, lightly fragrant, and cover the plant, probably due to the dense habit. Deer dislike the foliage.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'

Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
pink flowered anise

A stunning hybrid of the red-flowered Illicium mexicanum and white-flowered Illicium floridanum f. album introduced by Woodlanders Nursery. Ruby-pink starfish-like flowers are larger than those on either parent. Extended blooming period from the Mexican parent.

Iris 'Kurokawa-Noh'
pseudata iris

A striking yellow flag iris/Japanese iris hybrid with broad petals veined with mulberry on cream. The small upright petals are reddish-purple. This can be grown in average garden soil or in damp areas and pond edges.

Iris 'Ride the Tiger'
tall bearded iris

The unusual coloring on this bearded iris is variously described as lavender, silver, or gray. The upright standard is pale yellow while the fall is pale yellow along the edge fading to lavender towards the center with a lavender beard.
Iris tectorum 'Alba'

Iris tectorum 'Alba'
roof iris

Bold, lush fans of light green foliage add texture all year round to the garden. Large white iris flowers rise over the foliage in May and April. A fresh addition to either the sunny or shady perennial border.

Iris 'Yasha'
pseudata iris

The pseudata irises are hybrids between the yellow flag irises and Japanese irises. 'Yasha' is a tall, very striking form with red-violet flowers with a gold throat surrounded by a deep purple halo. Best when grown in moist soil near a pond or in a rain garden. The name translates to "female devil".
Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'

Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'
gold-column common juniper

A beacon in the landscape, this outstanding upright form of juniper has gold new growth. 'Gold Cone' juniper will not outgrow its site quickly, since it has a moderately slow growth rate. It is hardy throughout North Carolina.
Juniperus communis 'Gold Totem Pole'

Juniperus communis 'Gold Totem Pole'
gold columnar common juniper

'Gold Totem Pole' is perfect for that special niche in your garden. This narrow, upright conifer ultimately reaches 10'-12' tall and only 1'-3' wide. New growth emerges golden and the evergreen foliage remains tightly bunched. Grows best in full sun and is drought tolerant.

Lagerstroemia 'Ebony & Ivory'
purple-leaf crepe myrtle

'Ebony & Ivory' crepe myrtle produces large clusters of pure white flowers with yellow eyes that glow against dark purple, nearly black foliage.This crepe myrtle, with its upright habit and disease resistant foliage, is a standout in the landscape. Bees, birds,and butterflies love it!

Lagerstroemia 'Ebony Embers'
Black Diamond Red Hot crepe myrtle

The amazing blooms of the Red Hot Black Diamond are bright red offsetting the intense hues of the dark leaves. At first the bloom may appear white but darkens once fully opened. This low-maintenance crepe myrtle is drought tolerant and mildew resistant.

Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba'
dwarf crepe myrtle

This USDA hybrid crepe myrtle forms a large shrub with a vase shape, Violet-purple clusters of flowers are borne from mid-summer to nearly fall, often for over 2 months. Fall color is blazing hot orange and red. Bark is smooth light, gray-brown.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit IV'

Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit IV'
Red Rocket red crepe myrtle

A knock-out, long blooming, brilliant red flowering crepe myrtle. Long blooming, disease resistant, and drought tolerant, this small tree has it all. Great bark and fabulous fall color are an added bonus.

Lagerstroemia 'Muskogee'
crepe myrtle

This USDA hybrid crepe myrtle forms a small tree with a vase shape. Lavender-purple clusters of flowers are borne from mid-summer to nearly fall, often for over 2 months. Fall color is blazing hot orange and red. The bark is smooth light gray-brown.

Lagerstroemia 'PIILAG-IV'
Moonlight Magic purple-leaf crepe myrtle

Moonlight Magic™ is a crepe myrtle loaded with bright white flowers from late July into August. The unique upright habit allows you to grow it as a small tree or shrub. Beautiful purple-maroon foliage holds its color even in the southern heat, and it's mildew and leaf spot resistant.
Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'

Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'
miniature crepe myrtle

This miniature crepe myrtle from the U.S. National Arboretum is one of the first of the miniatures and one of the very best. It forms a low, tidy mound of fine foliage with small clusters of cheery, pink summer flowers. Fall color is quite amazing, plus it is powdery mildew resistant.

Leucanthemum 'Snowbound'

Leucothoe axillaris 'Squzam'
Squirt doghobble

Fragrant creamy white flowers bloom in spring and contrast with the shiny dark green foliage. The leaves emerge with rich coppery tones. It has a spreading, arching growth habit and matures at 2 to 3 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide. An excellent choice for a specimen.

Liriope muscari 'Gold Band'

"Gold band' is a tough, clumping liriope with bright gold edges along the strappy, grass-like leaves. Summer spikes of lavender flowers look especially nice with the green and gold foliage. Easy to grow in almost any condition.
Liriope muscari 'Okina'

Liriope muscari 'Okina'

Few plants have showier new growth than 'Okina' monkey grass. Tight clumps of grass-like foliage emerge in spring, white before slowly turning green through the course of the summer. Young plants take 1-2 years before really showing the brightest spring growth so plant it and give it time.

Lobelia cardinalis 'Fried Green Tomatoes'
cardinal flower

A selection of native cardinal flower from Pennsylvania that sports olive green foliage with a maroon cast all season. A fast growing, vigorous, hardy plant with an explosion of scarlet red blooms which hummingbirds love. It is exceptionally vigorous compared to other cardinal flower selections.

Lonicera periclymenum 'Inov86'
Peaches and Cream bicolor honeysuckle

This compact, vining honeysuckle gives a season-long show from spring through late summer that you and the hummingbirds will love. Pink flower buds open to reveal creamy-peach flowers with the intoxicating fragrance of honeysuckle on a non-invasive species.
Lonicera sempervirens 'Cedar Lane'

Lonicera sempervirens 'Cedar Lane'
trumpet honeysuckle

This is without doubt one of the finest of our native flowering vines with semi-evergreen foliage and masses of bright orange-red tubular flowers sporting a shimmering yellow throat. While somewhat shade tolerant, grow it in full sun where the flower will be most abundant.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'

Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
southern magnolia

The southern magnolia is not a dwarf, but it is a slower growing form with small leaves. It can be used in many innovative ways
(e.g., as a sheared hedge). A wonderful medium to large evergreen tree with large, fragrant flowers in summer. It is a species which is native to the Southeast.
Magnolia laevifolia 'Michelle'

Magnolia laevifolia 'Michelle'
shrubby michelia

This evergreen magnolia covers itself in an embarrassment of 2" white flowers in spring and tends to put out more flowers in midsummer and in the fall. The small, deep green leaves look great all year on the large shrub or small tree. It is among the very best evergreen magnolias available.
Magnolia sieboldii

Magnolia sieboldii
Oyama magnolia

Oyama magnolia is an adorable small, deciduous magnolia tree that produces fragrant, white flowers with rose-red stamens from late spring through summer. It is ideal for full sun to part shade situations in the garden and is among the most elegant of magnolias.
Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'

Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'
many-petalled star magnolia

Absolutely one of the the most beautiful trees on the garden scene! The star magnolia is a perfect flowering tree for small to medium size landscapes. Enjoy the pink buds which open to pure white in early to mid spring before emergence of the deep green leaves.

Mahonia eurybracteata 'Narihira'
narrowleaf mahonia

Narrow, soft-textured leaflets top low stems like miniature palm trees. In fall, short spikes of deep gold flowers appear and are followed by waxy blue fruit. Easy in most conditions.
Mahonia ×media 'Charity'

Mahonia ×media 'Charity'
Oregon grape

Few shrubs offer flowers as late as this one. Flowering begins in late Oct. or early Nov. with 10-inch wide clusters that last until Feb. Next, comes long strings of dark purple fruit that the birds devour. Evergreen foliage is so architectural, it would be a spectacular shrub even if it didn't bloom.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'
variegated maiden grass

'Morning Light' shines in the landscape. A fine textured grass, it has white leaf edges and grows to form a medium-sized plant. It is very adaptable to soils including heavy clay. In fall, you will enjoy its coppery colored flowers.

Monarda didyma 'Blaustrumpf'
Blue Stocking beebalm

Beebalm is a traditional favorite for the perennial border, with a striking display of richly-coloured flowers through the summer months. This selection features bright violet-purple flowers, arranged in large, shaggy heads. The foliage is delightfully fragrant and it is a favorite of both butterflies and hummingbirds. Beebalm has good heat tolerance and the flowers are edible.
Morella cerifera 'Blue Candles'

Morella cerifera 'Blue Candles'
southern wax myrtle

This female form of southern waxmyrtle from local nurseryman, Phil Dark forms an evergreen to semi-evergreen specimen with loads of fragrant silvery blue bayberries which can be incorporated into potpourri. Easy in any soil conditions and quite
deer resistant.

Morella pensylvanica 'Morton'
Silver Sprite female northern bayberry

This bayberry from the Morton Arboretum is an excellent female clone. Large silver fruits with the delightful bayberry scent cling to the stems of this northern native. It is evergreen, very tough, and will tolerate drought or damp soils.

Musa 'Little Prince'
dwarf banana

Our friends at Plant Delights Nursery say:
"This Randy Salter introduction occurred as a mutation on the popular
Musa 'Novak'.
Musa 'Little Prince' makes a stocky, bold-texture dwarf with green leaves that are heavily flecked with red (in sun)."
Nandina domestica 'Seika'

Nandina domestica 'Seika'
Obsession compact heavenly bamboo

We've fallen in love with this super dense, compact form of nandina that we are growing in our Asian Valley. New growth emerges brilliant red and keeps good color through the growing season. Seika means "sacred fire" in Japanese, alluding to the shocking red growth.
Orixa japonica 'Pearl Frost'

Orixa japonica 'Pearl Frost'
variegated Japanese orixa

Orixa japonica ‘Pearl Frost’ is an unusually hardy member of the citrus family. Dramatically white edged leaves brighten up shady spots and are amazingly scorch resistant in full sun. Makes a showy deciduous shrub especially with a dark background.
Osmanthus fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans
fragrant olive

Among the most fragrant of all landscape plants is the sweet-olive a large evergreen shrub with white spring flowers. The scent floats on the wind and is a sure harbinger of spring. Blue-black olive-like fruit follow the flowers.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
holly tea-olive

A stunning showpiece for the garden, the holly-like foliage is heavily speckled with creamy white during the summer although new growth is tinted with pink - stunning. Fragrant, white fall flowers are produced sporadically.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'
Party Lights pink flush holly tea-olive

Wow, wow, wow was all we could say when we were first introduced to this awesome osmanthus or sweet olive. The new growth is bright pink before it transitions to white and then finally mostly green. It is upright and compact, making a nice-sized shrub over time.

Paeonia 'Armani'

Dramatic, double, and intricately ruffled blooms of the deepest red cover 'Armani' each spring. This perennial favorite is long lived and nearly care-free once established. Crisp green foliage provides texture in summer and fall. It's an excellent cut flower and lovely massed in borders.

Paeonia 'Coral Sunset'

Introduced in 1981, 'Coral Sunset' still stands as one of the best in this uncommon shade for flowers. Its ruffled, semi-double blooms are a brilliant coral with an overlay of rose. The flowers are intensely fragrant.
Parrotia subaequalis

Parrotia subaequalis
Chinese ironwood

Typically a large multi-stemmed shrub to small tree that prefers a moist, well-drained location, but seems perfectly adaptable to central N.C.landscapes. The flowers have no petals, but do have showy red anthers. Mature trees have excellent exfoliating bark. Fall color is orange to burgundy.

Phlox paniculata 'Barfourteen'
Purple Flame dwarf garden phlox

This outstanding dwarf phlox selection from the Flame™ series is one of the shortest yet introduced. It forms a very attractive bushy mound. The large clusters of fragrant flowers have magenta-purple to rose petals, starting in midsummer. Attractive to butterflies.
Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'

Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'
pink Japanese andromeda

'Dorothy Wycoff' is among the best of the pink-flowered selections of the typically white blooming species. New growth is reddish before becoming deep green. With age, the plant develops lovely cinnamon-brown, twisted stems.

Pieris japonica 'Planow'
Mountain Snow Japanese pieris

This Japanese pieris was selected for its ease of growth in almost any conditions. Glossy, evergreen leaves are highlighted in spring by masses of small white bell-flowers hanging in long racemes.
Best in shade in a moist, well-drained soil.
Polystichum tsus-simense

Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern

A great structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish then darken to blue-green. Makes a fine garden or container plant.

Prunus 'NCPH1'
Pink Cascade weeping flowering cherry

Diminutive and fine-textured, Pink Cascade™ is a strict weeper with blazing pink flowers. Train it up as high as you want it to go and let 'er weep. Great as a small patio or specimen tree. Be creative, drape it over a wall, make an archway, or create an espalier dragon with a pink mane!
Punica granatum 'Silver Surfer'

Punica granatum 'Silver Surfer'
twisted pomegranate

This JCRA introduction bears irregularly curled and variegated foliage which highlights the rich orange flowers. Edible fruits follow the crepe paper flowers. It is an easy and drought tolerant shrub with long season appeal.
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor'

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Conor'
Eleanor Tabor Indian hawthorn

Produces profuse clusters of pink flowers. Young leaf-spot resistant foliage is often bright reddish-orange, maturing deep green. Blue-black berries accompany deep maroon winter foliage. Makes an excellent groundcover, hedge, accent or
foundation shrub.
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White'

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White'
Indian hawthorn

This is a lovely dwarf evergreen shrub which makes a tidy mound of foliage absolutely smothered in spring with white flowers. Excellent as a single plant but even better planted en masse.

Rhaphiolepis indica 'sPg-3-003'
Redbird Indian hawthorn

New introduction from the Southern Plant Group of the tried and true Indian hawthorn. In spring, Redbird™ features burgundy-red new growth, followed by flowers that flush pink, then turn white. This new selection will grow into a attractive, low dense mound in your landscape.

Rhododendron 'Snowwhite'
Belgian Indicum hybrid azalea

This evergreen azalea makes a low mounded plant covered in spring with pure white flowers.
It is exceptionally easy and elegant in the
garden. Look for it to brighten a shady nook
in your landscape.
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'

Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'
Tiger Eyes golden staghorn sumac

Chartreuse new foliage quickly develops into lacy yellow leaves which contrast nicely with the rosy-pink stems. Burgundy clusters of flowers and seed top the gold foliage over an extended period. A dramatic specimen or focal point. Combine with dark flowered and leaved shrubs for contrast.

Rosa 'Ausblanket'
Wollerton Old Hall shrub rose

Rosa 'Ausland'
Scepter'd Isle shrub rose

Rosa 'Auslot'
Sophy's Rose shrub rose

Rosa 'Ausmerchant'
Princess Alexandra of Kent shrub rose

Rosa 'Ausprior'
Claire Austin shrub-climbing rose

Rosa 'Ausrelate'
Lichfield Angel shrub rose

Rosa 'Golden Showers'
climbing rose

Rosa 'Jacrite'
Rio Samba tea rose

Rosa 'Meilaclost'
Smiley Face yellow climbing rose

Smiley Face is a beautiful climbing rose with cheery yellow flowers. It is a repeat bloomer and quite mildew and rust resistant. Its glossy foliage and relatively compact size make it an ideal choice for the landscape.

Rosa 'Peggy Martin'
climbing rose

"Peggy Martin Rose" was one of only two plants surviving 20' of salt water over the garden of Mrs. Peggy Martin, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, after Hurricane Katrina. It has been introduced in the U.S. and is a symbol among gardeners of a tenacious plant, with a spirit of renewal and re-growth.

Rosa 'Tanorstar'
Tropicana tea rose

Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosmarinus officinalis

Brush against this herb garden staple and be enveloped in delightful aroma! Rosemary is a small shrub with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and blue flowers. It is a prized culinary herb, but also used medicinally and for its fragrance. It's drought tolerant making it perfect for a dry, sunny garden spot or a container.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Baby PJ'

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Baby PJ'
compact rosemary

This is a truly different rosemary with tiny leaves and pale blue spring flowers on a compact dwarf plant. As far as we know, it is the smallest rosemary on the market. Evergreen foliage is fragrant like its larger growing relatives. We think it should be hardy in zone 7b, if given good drainage.

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Little Goldstar'
compact black-eyed Susan

‘Little Goldstar’ is a compact, proportional plant standing just knee high. It forms a bushy, short clump of rich green foliage covered with a dome of closely spaced, starburst-shaped, 2-2.5”, golden yellow blossoms held just above the foliage.
Over 80 flowers have been counted on a single plant!

Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red'
autumn sage

An outstanding small evergreen shrub for hot, sunny, low water gardens! Prolific, magenta-red flowers attract hummingbirds over along season. Open, airy habit blends well with western natives and xeriscape plants. Low, wide growing habit is perfect for bank and slope coverage.
Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'

Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'
gold-edged culinary sage

The gray-green foliage of typical culinary sage is brightened by a creamy gold edge. It is a bold, bright evergreen herbaceous perennial which will send up spikes of lavender summer flowers on occasion. Needs well-drained soil and full sun. It can be used fresh or dried in cooking.
Sambucus nigra 'Madonna'

Sambucus nigra 'Madonna'
variegated black elder

Elders are wonderful plants in mixed shrub borders for attracting wildlife. This selection is noteworthy for the gold margins and splashing on the foliage. Color is best in full sun, but afternoon shade may be necessary to prevent burning. Cut back in late winter to control growth.
Selaginella braunii

Selaginella braunii
arborvitae fern

This ferny evergreen perennial makes a slowly creeping mass for the woodland garden. It is exceptionally easy to grow and looks great weaving around hydrangeas, azaleas, and other woodland shrubs.
Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi 'Short and Sweet'

Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi 'Short and Sweet'
dwarf catchfly

A great selection of our native catchfly growing only to about 6"-8". Bright pink flowers top the low plants for more than 6 weeks in the spring. Easy to grow in almost any soil or situation.
Silene dioica 'Ray's Golden'

Silene dioica 'Ray's Golden'

'Ray's Golden' campion produces beautiful sprays of small pink flowers from April through June. Flowers arise from 2' wide clumps of thumb-sized golden foliage. Cut back after flowering, to get a nice regrowth of the foliage.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Amish Paste'
tomato (heirloom)

A plum shaped paste tomato and Amish heirloom that is still popular today. Bears plum to oxheart shaped fruits that can weigh up to 6-8 ounces. Excellent and strong flavor, lots of meat and juice. As it has more pulp than regular paste varieties, Amish Paste makes a good slicing tomato. Fruits ripen to red.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Krim'
tomato (heirloom)

This Russian heirloom originated in Krim, a Crimean town on the Black Sea. Baseball-sized fruits weigh 10–12 ounces and have reddish-brown flesh filled with an earthy, slightly smoky flavor. Fruit sets well in heat and is the most reliable of the black tomatoes, producing even under adverse conditions from summer to fall.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine Red'
tomato (heirloom)

This Brandywine is red, heavy, dense, and deeply flavored. It makes large fruits excellent for eating fresh and preserving.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Cherokee Purple'
tomato (heirloom)

One of the most famous and popular heirloom tomatoes, Cherokee Purple was rediscovered around 1990 and has since become a staple of the heirloom tomato market. Cherokee Purple boasts large beefsteak fruits that can weigh 1-2 pounds. Fruits have a colorful deep red-purple skin and rich flesh with an excellent flavor.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Cream Sausage'
tomato (heirloom)

This bushy tomato bears somewhat unusual creamy yellow, elongated,
crack-resistant fruits. It is highly
productive and exceptionally delicious.

Solanum lycopersicum 'German Johnson'
tomato (heirloom)

German Johnson’s pinkish-red skin and nearly seedless meaty, mild flesh make it a favorite for slicing or canning. Excellent flavored, the fruit has a deep, acidic tomato flavor and rich, creamy texture. Large, lobed fruit averages 8-16 oz. and is crack resistant. The disease-resistant, indeterminate vines thrive in hot, humid areas.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Giraffe'
grafted tomato

This tomato, which never turns red, stays milky yellow when ripe and can be stored up to 6 months! The small, meaty, tangy tomatoes are wondrously sweet and juicy. Perfect to use raw, baked, grilled or sauteed.

Solanum lycopersicum 'Vintage Wine'
grafted heirloom tomato

One of the very few pastel-hued tomatoes. A favorite of gourmet grocers, with attractive, 1-1/2 lb., pale pink fruits set off by golden stripes. Elegant, sweet and tasty, with a nice, mild flavor that compliments most dishes.
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'

Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
dwarf rough-leaf goldenrod

Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
Japanese spirea

Attract more butterflies to your garden with this lovely, diminutive, shrub. In late spring it is covered with pale pink, flat topped flower clusters. It forms a beautiful, rounded, compact mound. Look forward to fall, when its mint green leaves turn red before dropping.
Styrax confusus

Styrax confusus
Chinese snowbell

This rare Chinese member of the snowbell genus should be more widely grown. It makes an attractive large shrub or small tree, typically reaching 15'-20' tall. Small white flowers with reflexed petals are borne on short racemes. It's easy to grow and a perfect size for most landscapes.
Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe'

Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe'
Fire Chief orange arborvitae

Fire Chief is a dwarf mound of soft, feathery foliage. The needles are bright, orangey-gold with fiery red tips. The rounded globe of bright color maintains its shape in the landscape and is great for containers or providing pops of color spread through the landscape.

Thuja occidentalis 'Jantar'
gold arborvitae

This is a new gold form of the fantastic landscape plant, 'Emerald' (or more correctly 'Smargd') arborvitae. Expect a dense, narrow pyramid of feathery gold branches which become amber toned in winter.

Thuja occidentalis 'Tiny Tim'
dwarf American arborvitae

This dwarf American arborvitae cultivar is care-free and very slow growing reaching only 1' tall x 1.5' wide. Features scale-like, medium green foliage in flat sprays. Maintains its globular shape without pruning and is simply charming in a rock garden or container.
Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'

Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'
threadleaf arborvitae

The Cousin It of western arborvitae, 'Whipcord 'makes a low mound of long, glossy tendrils. The needles turn coppery-bronze in winter before greening up again.
Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai

Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai
northern Japanese false arborvitae

This northern form of the false arborvitae from Japan displays densely-set, dark green foliage. For us, the plant forms a dense shrub, although in cooler climates
it forms an upright (cone-shaped), evergreen tree.

Tiarella 'Fingerpaint'

This exceptional selection of foamflower puts out bright lime-green spring foliage with a darkly contrasting blotch along the veins. This tiarella will slowly spread to form a nice patch in a shady garden. Foamy white flowers dance over the spring leaves.
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Raulston Hardy'

Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Raulston Hardy'
Confederate jessamine

Tradescantia [Andersoniana Group] 'Sweet Kate'

Tradescantia [Andersoniana Group] 'Sweet Kate'

This well-behaved clumping spiderwort has the typical grassy foliage and blue flowers of its cousins but the resemblance ends there. The foliage is shocking gold which is especially nice against the flowers.

Tricyrtis formosana 'sPg-3-023'
Sunny Spirit variegated Formosan toadlily

A new spreading toadlily with brightly gold margined foliage. In fall the cheery plants will be topped with purple-spotted, intricate flowers resembling little orchids. Toadlilies are must-haves for all shade gardens.
Tsuga canadensis 'Cole's Prostrate'

Tsuga canadensis 'Cole's Prostrate'
dwarf eastern hemlock

‘Cole’s Prostrate’ is a slow-growing, dwarf prostrate form that is typically grown as a ground cover. Plants will edge down slopes, spread over flat ground, crawl over smaller rocks or creep over the edge of a wall or can be trained up into a small, graceful tree. DEER RESISTANT
Ulmus ×hollandica 'Jacqueline Hillier'

Ulmus ×hollandica 'Jacqueline Hillier'
dwarf Dutch elm

This highly architectural small deciduous tree should be considered for the garden as one might consider a Japanese maple. With small, fine-textured foliage, all on a small-framed tree with curving branches, this almost appears as a bonsai subject.
Vaccinium ashei 'Climax'

Vaccinium ashei 'Climax'
rabbiteye blueberry

This classic blueberry is widely regarded as one of the best with large, sweet fruit perfect for eating fresh or making jam. Blueberries are great landscape plants with pinkish flowers, blue-green foliage, and insanely beautiful fall color. Plant with other varieties for cross pollination.

Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade'
pink-fruited hybrid blueberry

This exceptionally vigorous blueberry makes a beautiful addition to the garden but has the added bonus of large, juicy, pink blueberries (pinkberries?). Grow in sun and acid soils for best fruit set.

Vaccinium 'Sunshine Blue'

One of the best low-chill varieties for the south, this semi-dwarf selection is perfect for smaller gardens and ideal for large patio tubs. Blue-green foliage and showy hot pink to white flowers provide great ornamental value, followed by an abundant crop of great tasting fruit. Self fruitful, but yields best when planted with another variety.
Verbascum 'Dark Eyes'

Verbascum 'Dark Eyes'
dwarf verbascum

We've been very impressed with this dwarf verbascum. Rosettes of felted leaves are topped all season by heavily branched panicles of yellow flowers with deep burgundy centers. These will be longer-lived if you remove the flower stalks the first year and allow the rosettes to grow.

Veronica 'Aspire'
pink speedwell

'Aspire' sets itself apart with rich, saturated, deep-rose flowers on a compact, long-lasting spike. Flowers and foliage have extra substance making it an exceptionally durable garden plant. The compact and upright habit of 'Aspire' makes it very useable in any sunny planting situation. Perk up any container of bed border with this bright spot in a crowded field of Veronica."
Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo'

Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo'
sweet viburnum

A JC Raulston Arboretum selection with lustrous, waxy dark green leaves, 3"–7" long. White flowers on rounded cymose panicles in spring are followed by bright red fruit in large clusters later in the season. A fine choice for a hedge.
Viburnum 'Nantucket'

Viburnum 'Nantucket'
hybrid viburnum

'Nantucket' is a 2008 release from the U.S.National Arboretum’s breeding program. Selected for large, mildly fragrant, abundant flowers that cover it in spring, dark semi-evergreen leaves, and upright form. Its size is easily controlled by pruning after it finishes flowering.
Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston Hardy'

Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston Hardy'
dwarf Walter's viburnum

We think the world of this little guy that is similar to the fantastic dwarf 'Mrs Schiller's Delight'. This Raulston form is a bit more evergreen, mounded, and hardier. Makes a low semi-evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in April with sporadic flowers from November through March.

Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'

This beautiful evergreen shrub is a compact and extra hardy form of laurustinus, the beloved viburnum from Europe. Pink buds all winter pop open to reveal the pink-tinged, white flowers in early spring.

Vitex agnus-castus 'PIIVAC-1'
Delta Blues chaste tree

This compact form of the gorgeous summer flowering chaste tree makes a small specimen
with palmately compound aromatic leaves and spikes of true blue flowers. Easy to grow in any sunny soil.

Vitex agnus-castus 'Piivac-II'
Blue Puffball dwarf chaste tree

Deep blue, fragrant flower spikes stand out during the heat of summer against thick, green foliage on this dwarf form of the exceptional chaste tree. It is easy to grow, exceptionally drought resistant, and very deer tolerant.

Vitex agnus-castus 'Shoal Creek'
chaste tree

Gray-green, palmately compound leaves would make this small tree worth growing alone but when it is topped in summer by long, erect spikes of blue flowers it is simply amazing. Butterflies love it and it adds color to the landscape when few other trees are flowering. Very drought and deer resistant.
Weigela florida 'Caricature'

Weigela florida 'Caricature'
variegated flowering weigela

'Caricature' is not for the faint of heart. Creamy white leaf margins are only the beginning. The green central portion of the leaves are puckered. Overall effect is quite nice, a mound of foliage that adds texture to the garden. Light pink, tubular flowers fade to white for a two-toned flower show. 

Weigela florida 'Smwfms'
Midnight Shine purple-leaf weigela

A tidy little mounded spring flowering shrub with dark foliage and bright pink flowers. Very easy to grow in any sunny spot.
Yucca flaccida 'Color Guard'

Yucca flaccida 'Color Guard'
gold-stripe weak-leaf yucca

'Color Guard' is among the best variegated yucca with its broad, bright gold stripe down the center of each leaf. The evergreen foliage holds its color even through the heat of the summer. In spring, 6' spikes of large, bell-shaped cream colored flowers top the mounds of strappy foliage.