JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale 2013
The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2013 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Hopleys'
Miss Lemon variegated glossy abelia
'Hopleys' will fill your garden with beautiful gold and cream variegated evergreen foliage which turns pink in autumn. Dainty pale pink flowers from July to October. A plant introduction from Hopleys Nursery, United Kingdom. Some leaves may drop depending on severity of the winter.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Mardi Gras'
variegated glossy abelia
Plant introduction from Hawksridge Farms, Hickory, N.C. In spring, the new foliage growth is pink. Leaves mature to green with white variegation and a tinge of pink. Covered with delightful small white flowers in summer and fall. Attracts bees and butterflies.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Minduo1'
Sunny Anniversary glossy abelia
Sunny Anniversary™ is a glossy abelia with a brand new flower color! Buttery yellow blossoms are flushed with soft orange and pink. It reblooms from summer to fall and the foliage is green. Great for attracting butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, but unappealing to nibbling deer.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Radiance'
glossy abelia
New form of variegated abelia just released by Panoramic Farms, the NC nursery that also brought us 'Kaleidescope'. We expect it to be a similar grower with white leaves, red stems, and white flowers. Makes a compact mound, and is easily grown in almost any garden spot.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rika1'
Bronze Anniversary glossy abelia
Great compact plant for four-season interest in the landscape, border or containers. Colorful, bronze-golden variegated foliage matures to an attractive lime-gold as the season progresses. White flowers begin in spring and continue intermittently throughout the summer.Abelia 'Lynn'
Pinky Bells large flowered dwarf abelia
Large, pendulous, lavender-pink flowers bloom from mid-summer to fall. This compact plant has some of the the largest flowers of any abelia! Reddish new growth, great fall color, and a tough constitution make this plant a winner.Acanthus 'Holland Days'
bear's breech
Bear's breech has summer spikes of white flowers with purple calyces and a mound of green spineless foliage. Tony Avent (Plant Delights Nursery) suggests that it appears intermediate between A. hungaricus and A. spinosus and is probably a hybrid.Acer palmatum 'Hefner's Red'
Japanese maple
Developed right here in North Carolina, this Japanese maple can really take our heat and humidity. Great red spring color which deepens to purple as it ages. It holds its color well, even in the shade. Brilliant fall color caps off the season on this elegant small tree.Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira'
lion's-mane Japanese maple
A favorite of many, this Japanese maple is quite unusual and attractive. It grows slowly and is upright, with tufts of deep green foliage that hug each branch. Like a ferocious lion's fiery mane, fall colors are a vibrant golden-yellow, brushed with red orange. Adds a sculptural feel to the garden and makes a great container plant.Acer palmatum 'Tsukasa Silhouette'
columnar Japanese maple
We love this new Japanese maple cultivar that is extremely upright, vigorous and has simply brilliant red fall color. Perfect for any landscape, taking up only minimal space yet still offering superb ornamental features. Acer pseudoplatanus Puget Pink Group
Puget pink group sycamore maple
Heronswood Nursery brings us this fine small, deciduous tree, so very attractive in spring with its salmon colored leaves. By summer, the leaves become mottled pinkish-green, eventually turning yellow with highlights of orange in fall.Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala 'Flame'
amur maple
'Flame' turns a brilliant, fiery red in autumn and is an easy to grow small tree. In spring small yellowish white flower clusters are followed by red, two-winged fruits (samaras) which often persist into late autumn or winter. Unlike most other maples, the flowers of Amur maple are fragrant.Aesculus californica
California buckeye
California buckeye is native to California and southwest Oregon. Spring flowers are white with a pinkish tinge, fragrant, and occur in 4"–8" panicles. Typically, it drops leaves early, but the white branches make a beautiful silhouette and can nicely support flowering vines. Drought tolerant.Agapanthus 'Monmid'
Midknight Blue lily-of-the-Nile
An exciting introduction with deep blue-violet flowers that bloom from June to August. 'Midknight Blue' is cold hardy to Zone 6 (-10 F); all other varieties only to Zone 8 (10F). Lush strap-like foliage is bright green. Great for borders and containers. Agave 'Crazy Horse'
century plant
This agave has become a real star at the JCRA. Broad, succulent leaves of shimmery blue with wavy edges tipped with dark spines make it a standout. It offsets readily forming a nice mass in a sunny, well-drained garden or a pot. Especially nice surrounded by soft grasses.Agave lophantha 'Splendida'
thorn-crested agave
One of the easiest agaves to grow in our area, this compact one spreads by underground rhizomes forming a beautiful mass of multiple crowns. Each dark green leaf has a central gold stripe. Native to the higher elevations of Mexico, it can withstand temperatures to 0°F.Andropogon gerardii 'Lord Snowden's Big Blue'
big bluestem
Native to North America, this low maintenance species offers a lot for your landscape. Its attractive blue foliage stands tall in the warm seasons reaching nearly 6' when in flower. In winter it stands stately providing great dried flowers.Anemone ×hybrida 'Königin Charlotte'
Queen Charlotte windflower
One of the best perennials for late season color. Large light pink, semi-double flowers are held on graceful stems. Flowers are long lasting and held above a clump of dark green foliage. Prefers rich, well-drained soil of consistent moisture. Spreads slowly by rhizomes.Arbutus unedo
strawberry tree
What a truly excellent four season plant, flowering and fruiting during the fall and winter months with year-round glossy, evergreen foliage. White urn-shaped flowers in late fall through winter months followed by bright red, strawberry-like fruits. Arisaema consanguineum
Himalayan cobra lily
Easy to grow Asian species of Jack in the Pulpit is perfect for your woodland garden. The leaf emerges with radial leaflets like an umbrella, each with a long drip tip. The pitcher-like flowers are deep purple and almost other-worldly and followed by bright red fruits.Arundo donax 'Golden Chain'
golden variegated giant reed
'Golden Chain' is a colorful, undemanding, specimen plant. This variety of giant reed is rare in the U.S., but you might spot it at the London Zoo or in an English garden. Its gorgeous, golden, variegated color remains constant in our hot summers.Asparagus virgatus
broom fern
This unusual South African asparagus makes an upright "broom" of airy, wiry foliage. It is great for adding texture to the garden or using in floral arrangements. Small red berries adorn the fine stems in fall. We think this plant makes a great garden performer.Asphodeline liburnica
Jacob's rod
A knockout plant when the large golden flowers open in late spring for an extended period. The bluish-green, grassy foliage is nice also, but the tall spikes of flowers are the main claim to fame. Easy to grow perennial, does best when planted in a relatively well-drained spot.Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki'
mountain aster
'Ezo Murasaki' is an outstanding Japanese selection of Asian aster. It has incredible medium-purple, frost-resistant fall flowers. Forms a low mat of foliage and spreads fairly quickly by underground stolons. Be prepared, because it will fill a large area (10' in 10 years) in your garden.Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'
Chinese false goat's beard
Astilbes are the mainstays of the shady garden. ‘Visions’ is a compact cultivar with bronze-green leaves and upright panicles of raspberry flowers. Chinese astilbes have better sun and drought tolerance. For best results, plant in soils that are well-drained, moist, and organically rich. Athyrium 'Ghost'
painted fern
Good plant for boarders or rock gardens. Also does well in mixed container gardens. This shade loving species spreads by rhizomes and has half-inch wide green leaves with silvery white edges. Prefers some shade and well drained soils.Athyrium 'Lady In Red'
lady fern
This striking selection from the New England Wildflower Society has unique, dark red stems. Each spring, there is a fresh flush of lacy new fronds. Lady ferns are slowing spreading (3' in about 5 years), dependable, and easy to grow garden plants. Aucuba japonica 'Cecil-Alice'
variegated Japanese aucuba
A wonderful aucuba introduced by Plant Delights nursery. The copact shrub is heavily mottled and streaked with gold. The female plant supposedly has white fruits as well. A truly distinct form of aucuba. Japanese aucuba is one of the best evergreen shrubs for dry shade.Aucuba japonica 'Pacman'
dwarf Japanese aucuba
A Plant Delights nursery introduction of a Paul James seedling. This compact male aucuba has rounded somewhat distorted leaf on a very tight mound. Japanese aucuba is one of the best evergreen shrubs for dry shade.Baptisia 'Solar Flare'
Prairieblues yellow wild-indigo
Tall spikes of pea-like flowers open bright lemon-yellow then blush to orange tones as they mature – standing like dense, broad bouquets above blue-green foliage.Berberis thunbergii 'Maria'
Sunjoy Gold Pillar upright golden Japanese barberry
Beautiful upright, columnar barberry with bright golden foliage and red new growth. Bright orange-red fall foliage is stunning. Requires no pruning and is proven to be burn resistant. Best used in shrub and perennial borders or as an accent in containers.Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket'
upright Japanese barberry
Distinctive upright growth habit, columnar when young becoming broader with age. Unusual rust-orange foliage is perfect for creating some hot color combinations—a designer's dream plant.Brugmansia suaveolens 'Little Angel'
dwarf angel's trumpet
This dwarf angel's trumpet has enormous white, pendulous fragrant trumpet flowers in the summer.Brunnera macrophylla 'Emerald Mist'
variegated Siberian bugloss
Brunneras are treasured for their shade tolerance and lovely flowers. "Emerald Mist' has an especially attractive silver pattern on its leaves, mounding habit, and baby blue forget-me-not type flowers. Buddleja 'Asian Moon'
hybrid butterfly bush
A new, full size butterfly bush that is completely sterile, elininating any unwanted seedling from popping up around the garden or elsewhere. Purple flowers still attract hordes of butterflies to the garden. The fragrant flowers top the 6' shrubs from early summer until frost.Buddleja 'ILVOargus01'
Inspired White butterfly bush
New InSpired™ White is one of three colors of new seedless (noninvasive) buddlejas. In summertime pure white, fragrant flowers are enjoyed by hummingbirds and butterflies and the gray-green foliage arches with blooms.Buddleja 'Podaras No. 13'
Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti dwarf butterfly bush
A butterfly bush that can also be used as a groundcover! Fragrant fuchsia-hot flowers bloom from early summer until frost. Drought and heat tolerant.Buddleja 'Podaris No. 12'
Flutterby Flow Lavender dwarf butterfly bush
Flutterby Flow Lavender features bright lavender flowers from summer to frost, and a low-growing, spreading habit. Flutterby varieties are sterile so they are not invasive in areas where reseeding of butterfly-bushes is a problem. Buddleja 'Summer Frost'
butterfly bush
Introduced by the JCRA from Denny Werner's breeding program, this gracefully arching shrub bears branched panicles of soft lavender flowers over cool, silvery foliage. A real winner.Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa'
dwarf English boxwood
The classic English boxwood with a softly rounded outline. Perfect for foundation plantings but also one of the best evergreens for shade gardens.
Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Eldorado'
gold feather reed grass
Gold feather reed grass has variegation that is unmistakably golden and green. In addition, its stems maintain a honey hue. Elongated inflorescences top off the stems, which can reach six feet. It shares characteristics of one of the nursery world's all-time favorite grasses.Callicarpa japonica 'Inagali'
variegated Japanese beautyberry
This lovely little variegated beautyberry was brought to us from plantsman Sean Hogan of Cistus Design Nursery. It has leaves heavily splashed and splotched with white which contrasts beautifully against the darker stems. We haven't seen berries yet, but are told they will be pale lilac.Callicarpa 'NCCX1'
Purple Pearls beautyberry
Distinctive pink flowers produce very large purple-violet berries for fall floral arrangements and for the birds. Leaves are often tinged with purple, adding long-lasting color to gardens. It's a hybrid between the popular C. dichotoma and the beautiful foliaged C. kwangtungensis.Callistemon citrinus
lemon bottlebrush
This Australian native has unusual, bright red fuzzy looking flowers composed mostly of stamens. Leaves are narrow, leathery,with a distinctly citrus aroma. Performs best in a well-drained site. Calycanthus 'Aphrodite'
hybrid sweetshrub
Newly released, a sweetshrub with bright red magnolia-like flowers plus fragrance! Glossy foliage and flowers in both spring and fall make this a wonderful choice for a mixed shrub border. Thank NCSU's Dr. Tom Ranney for this triumph in sweetshrub breeding.Camellia japonica 'April Remembered'
Japanese camellia
'April Remembered' is one of the new April Series of camellias that are noted for having excellent winter hardiness (to USDA Zone 6b). Cream to pink shaded, semi-double flowers flowers form over a long period. Plant is a vigorous upright grower with spreading branches. Camellia japonica 'April Tryst'
Japanese camellia
'April Tryst' is one of the new April Series of camellias that are noted for having excellent winter hardiness (to USDA Zone 6b). Fragrant, red anemone-form flowers form over a long period. Plant is nicely shaped erect form and a medium growth rate. Fantastic!Camellia japonica 'Dr. J.C. Raulston'
Japanese Camellia
New bright, red hot camellia named by Ray Bond (Bond Nursery Corp., Dallas, Texas) to honor the founder of the JCRA. The flowers are medium sized, anemone form with mid-season spring blossoms. This camellia has an upright habit and makes a nice compact shrub. Camellia japonica 'Grace Albritton'
Japanese camellia
'Grace Albritton' is a light white-pink formal double with a pink center and border. Flowers are miniature to small. Plants are vigorous and have upright growth.Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme'
Japanese camellia
Magnificent peony-like, rosy-red blooms of 'Kramer's Supreme' make a dazzling contrast with its glossy, dark evergreen leaves. Flowers are delightfully fragrant. This is an old favorite for the milder regions of the U.S.Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Cameo'
Japanese camellia
'Nuccio's Cameo' has a long season of formal, double coral-pink flowers of outstanding beauty and quality. It is a well-branched and dense camellia with medium, bushy, upright growth. One of the best camellias around.Camellia japonica 'Spring Awakening'
Japanese camellia
This very lovely Camellia Forest Nursery(Chapel Hill, N.C.) introduction adds tons of color to your garden in early spring. 'Spring Awakening' is such a very profuse bloomer that foliage can be hidden by small, double, pink flowers during the peak of bloom.Camellia japonica 'Yours Truly'
Japanese camellia
Two plants for one! Both are potted in the same pot for a color double play. Enjoy spring flowers of 'Yours Truly' and fall flowers from 'Ashton's Ballet'. 'Yours Truly' are semi-double, pink streaked, bordered with white margins. October to December enjoy pink, double 'Ashton's Ballet'.Camellia ×williamsii 'Taylor's Perfection'
'Taylor's Perfection' has large, semi-double, light-pink flowers from winter into spring. This large, rounded, evergreen shrub has upright, oval, glossy, medium-green leaves. The first Camellia × williamsii cultivars were developed by J. C. Williams of Caerhays Castle in Cornwall in the early 1920s.Cardiocrinum cathayanum
Himalayan lily
This is a stunning lily for shadier conditions, with large, attractive heart-shaped leaves even in the years before they flower. Flowers are creamy white with a delightful fragrance, particularly in the evening, providing a fragrant background to an evening walk.Cardiocrinum giganteum var. giganteum
giant Himalayan lily
This plant makes a huge statement in the garden with large heart shaped leaves in a large clump for several years. Once it decides it is going to flower, it will send up a stout stalk to 12' tall with big, thick-textured lilies. The main plant will die after flowering but will set plenty of offsets which start the process all over again.Carex buchananii
Red Rooster Red leather-leaf sedge
Red Rooster™ brings texture to mixed plantings and keeps its color throughout the year, making it a fine addition the fall and winter landscape.Leaves are copper-bronze with a reddish cast, long, and fine-textured. It forms an attractive upright tuft that reaches 2 feet tall.Carex morrowii 'Ice Ballet'
variegated sedge
'Ice Ballet' has a very wide creamymargin on the blade that really makes it pop in the landscape, especially in shady areas. It's upright, arching habit gives a showy, elegant, look. Growth is vigorous and forms a dense, compact clump that expands slowly via rhizomes.
Carex morrowii 'Silver Sceptre'
variegated Japanese sedge
Good plant for boarders or rock gardens. Also does well in mixed container gardens. This shade loving species spreads by rhizomes and has half-inch wide green leaves with silvery white edges. Prefers some shade and well drained soils.Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Summer Sorbet'
variegated bluebeard
Bluebeard is a low-mounded, deciduous shrub that is valued for its aromatic foliage and late summer flowers which resemble clouds of blue smoke. ‘Summer Sorbet’ is a variegated selection, noted for its green leaves with gold edging and its blue flowers in late summer. Castanopsis delavayi
Delavay's chinquapin
This uncommon oak relative from China makes a lovely thick trunked tree ultimately to about 50' tall. The serrate evergreen leaves are quite attractive. The acorn-like fruits mature in their second year and are reportedly edible. Plant in protected spot or under high shade.Ceanothus 'Minmarose'
Marie Rose summer lilac
Finally, a hardy ceanothus with real pink flowers! Numerous rich pink flowers appear in mid-summer and again in early fall, followed by attractive red seed capsules. It is a compact plant with glossy foliage, great drought tolerance and is simply adored by butterflies.Cedrus deodara 'Electra'
Deodar cedar
This mid-sized Deodar cedar makes a dense pyramidal plant with vivid, cool blue needles. The color will make a serious statement in the garden.Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue'
spreading Deodar cedar
A unique dwarf spreading evergreen with icy blue needles. This lowest of the dwarf Deodar cedars rarely develops a leader. A wonderful specimen for smaller spaces, rock gardens and containers.Cedrus deodara 'Prostrate Beauty'
prostrate Deodar cedar
Glittering blue needles cover this conifer that stays low and spreads along the ground instead of forming a tree. Plant it as a groundcover or plant it in a container as a specimen.Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
purple leaf eastern redbud
Redbuds in bloom are a true sign of spring! 'Forest Pansy' has heart-shaped, purple-red new leaves, which fade to purple-green during the summer. Splendid, rose-purple, pea-like flowers bloom on branches in spring, just before the leaves emerge. This small, deciduous, understory tree has a spreading, flat-to-rounded crown.Cercis canadensis 'JN2'
The Rising Sun gold leaf eastern redbud
A new introduction from Tennessee with leaves that emerge gapricot before turning gold and holding the color well through the season. Petioles on mature leaves are bright pink. The spring flowers are typical for a redbud.Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls'
weeping eastern redbud
Introduced by former JCRA director Denny Werner, 'Ruby Falls' was selected for its attractive, purple-leaf color and weeping growth habit. Cheery lavender flowers are produced in abundance. Great as a specimen in the garden or in a large container.Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf'
seedless Chinese redbud
This redbud is a prolifically flowering but fruitless release from the US National Arboretum. In spring it is covered with vivid, rosy mauve flowers. The slow-growing, compact habit of 'Don Egolf' makes it an excellent choice for the smaller garden.Chaenomeles 'Orange Storm'
Double Take hybrid flowering quince
A breeding breakthrough from NCSU's Tom Ranney! Huge orange frilly, doubled flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will wake you from the winter blues. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.
Chaenomeles 'Pink Storm'
Double Take Pink flowering quince
'Pink Storm’ is an early spring knockout, developed by Dr. Tom Ranney of NCSU's plant breeding program. Bold, double pink flowers (to 2” diameter) bloom profusely before the dark green leaves unfold in early spring. Also it is thornless and has an attractive broad-rounded form. Chaenomeles 'Scarlet Storm' (Double Take)
hybrid flowering quince
A breeding breakthrough from NCSU's Tom Ranney! Showy double red flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will make your garden pop. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.Chaenomeles ×superba 'Jet Trail'
hybrid flowering quince
‘Jet Trail’ has loads of white flowers with soft yellow centers in early spring and is very easy to grow. It's compact and somewhat wide-spreading. Birds are attracted to the apple-like, yellow fruits in the fall. Excellent choice for a specimen, informal hedge, bonsai, or cut flowers.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray Gold'
golden fernspray Hinoki falsecypress
This conifer makes a broad cone of gold foliage. The fern-like fronds are brightest in full sun, changing to green wherever they are shaded.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Lemon Twist'
golden threadleaf Hinoki falsecypress
A strangely beautiful specimen with brilliant lemon colored foliage, especially in winter, on a plant which twists and contorts while forming a small to medium sized upright shrub... that is very striking.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Thoweil'
columnar Hinoki falsecypress
This unusual form of Hinoki falsecypress makes an irregular living sculpture with a very upright habit. It makes a striking specimen growing to about 5' by 2' in a decade. Perfect for beside a door or in a pot.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Verdon'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress
This a venerable selection of Hinoki falsecypress with gold foliage and a tidy rounded habit. It is one of the most reliable and easiest selections to grow.Chasmanthium sessiliflorum
narrowleaf woodoats
This drought-tolerant native grass produces a multitude of oat-like seed heads in July and August. Flowers are connected to long stalks that rise above loose, mounding foliage. Found in woods, meadows, and wet areas of the southeast. Grows well in full sun or shade.Cistus psilosepalus
smooth sepalled rock rose
A lovely evergreen shrub for a sunny well-drained spot. The low mound of mid-green foliage is topped all summer long by single white flowers with a central boss of gold stamens.Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange
Hardiest of all citrus trees with deep green stems and thorns on curled, contorted branches. White,deliciously fragrant flowers give rise to orange fruits slightly larger than a golf ball. Fruit is tart, but with plenty of sugar can be made into marmalade or perhaps used in a whiskey sour.Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love'
Producing over 1,000 highly scented, vibrantly colored blossoms, 'Sweet Summer Love' Clematis could become the most sought after Clematis of all! Like Autumn Blooming Clematis but blooms earlier and longer with flowers that start deep red, then mature to purple-red.Clethra mexicana
Mexican clethra
This cloud forest relative of our native clethra is a large tree in its native habitat, southern Mexico. We're not sure how hardy this plant will be, so plant in a protected spot and cross your fingers, or grow it in a pot and bring indoors in the winter. Big showy clusters of white flowers in summer.Coreopsis 'Cosmic Eye'
A recent addition to the Big Bang™ Series, selected for compact, well-branched habit, long bloom period and gorgeous two-toned flowers. Bright yellow centers are accented by claret petals rimmed in golden yellow. Foliage remains clean through the growing season, blooming summer through autumn.Coreopsis 'Galaxy'
Big Bang dwarf coreopsis
All the same great qualities as 'Cosmic Eye' with a semi-double, golden yellow inflorescence. Medium green, lanceolate foliage remains clean and habit is compact. This selection is very easy to grow.Cornus alba 'Regnzam'
Red Gnome compact Tatarian dogwood
A compact and dense red-twig dogwood with a uniform habit and brilliant winter stems. White spring flowers and burgundy fall color complete the show.Cornus elliptica 'Elsbry'
Empress of China evergreen flowering dogwood
This vigorous evergreen dogwood is very heavy-blooming and fruiting. Flowers two to three weeks after Cornus kousa, and often on plants as young as two years old. It has great disease resistance and hardiness.Cornus florida f. rubra
pink flowering dogwood
The popular pink form of our native flowering dogwood makes an excellent specimen in sunny and shaded gardens. Red fall fruit combine with burgundy autumn color for another spectacular season of interest.Cornus florida subsp. urbiniana
Mexican flowering dogwood
Outstanding! In spring, flowers cover the tree, and look like Chinese lanterns with their 4 white bracts curved upward and fused at their tips. Mexican dogwood was introduced to us by our friends at Yucca Do Nursery. It was brought to the U.S. from northeastern Mexico back in the 1980s. Cornus kousa 'Akatsuki'
red moon variegated dogwood
'Akatsuki' is rarely available and incredible. Selected as a sport on ‘Satomi’ at Shibamichi Nursery in Japan. Foliage is white-variegated, but the flower bracts are irregularly specked with pink. May do best in partial shade or on a north facing slope to protect it from the worst of late afternoon summer heat.Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea'
yellow twig dogwood
Outstanding characteristic of 'Flaviramea' is the bright yellow winter stems which are particularly showy. Tiny white flowers appear in late spring. In fall, birds enjoy the fruit and leaves become an attractive reddish-purple. Grows best in medium to moist conditions.Crinum ×powellii
hybrid crinum-lily
One of the most popular perennials in the South. Blooms all summer long with little care. Flowers are borne on leafless stalks, arising from a mound of aching strap-like leaves. It has huge lily-like trumpet flowers in summer, with an incredible afternoon and evening scent.Crinum ×powellii 'Album'
white crinum-lily
'Album' is a pure white form of crinum lily. Crinum lilies are one of the most popular perennials in the South. Bloom all summer long with little care. Flowers are borne on leafless stalks, arising from a mound of aching strap-like leaves.It has huge lily-like trumpet flowers in late summer, with an incredible afternoon and evening scent.Cryptomeria japonica 'Chapel View'
japanese cedar
Chapel View is a beautiful evergreen shrub with blue-green needles discovered from a witches' broom by Paul Jones, horticulturist, Sarah P. Duke Gardens. Its naturally compact habit forms an attractive, broad raindrop shaped outline. Color persists year-round. Nice!Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Nana'
dwarf Japanese cedar
This irregularly mounded form of Japanese cedar makes a tidy appearance in the garden with it's short branchlets of deep green. In the winter it will turn plummy purple.Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo'
Japanese cedar
This slow growing form of Japanese cedar makes an upright shrub to 8' tall with bright green foliage. Excellent as a specimen or a low-care hedge.Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'
Japanese cedar
'Globosa Nana' is a superb selection that remains a neat evergreen mound with little care. Foliage color is yellowish green in summer, then turns very slightly reddish in winter. Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokuryu'
Japanese cedar
The interesting irregular pyramidal habit creates a unique silhouette in the landscape. A slow growing conifer which will eventually grow to about 10'. The fresh green foliage color does not bronze during the winter like some other conifers.Cryptomeria japonica 'sPg-3-014'
Dragon Prince compact Japanese cedar
This small form of the excellent Japanese cedar is a brand new introduction making a tight mound to about 3' tall. This plant is proving to be an outstanding specimen for the southeast where it performs exceptionally.Cycas revoluta
sago palm
Palm relative from southern Japan usually grown as a pot plant. Can survive in very protected areas, but will often lose all fronds. Grows in sun to shade, needs very well-drained soil with some organic matter for fertility. Makes a very attractive specimen.Daphne odora
winter daphne
Nothing has a fragrance like the sweet lemony scent of daphne flowers in February. Grow in shady spots with excellent drainage as excess water can lead to quick death.
Daphne odora 'Hewreb'
Rebecca variegated winter daphne
A daphne with wide creamy gold margins around each leaf. Pink buds open to pink-white flowers in winter which fill the garden with fragrance. Plant it in full sun to part shade in a well drained location.Delosperma 'Eye Candy'
ice plant
This cool new series of small-flowered ice plants comes to us from breeders in Japan. In late spring, bicolor flowers emerge carmine with a white center and mature to orange.Delosperma 'P001s'
Fire Spinner blazing hot iceplant
Hardy ice plants are native to South Africa but are amazingly hardy in North America, provided they are grown in the sun and in very well-drained soil. Fire Spinner™ has stunning tri-colored flowers with a bright apricot perimeter, magenta at the base, and a white eye.Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hair grass
This small handsome grass with pleated foliage has a clean look in the garden. Does well in moist spots with light shade. Flowers emerge in May in shades from yellow to purple, and are showy well into the summer. Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'
dwarf slender deutzia
This dwarf deutzia has been a garden mainstay for quite a while, but is still one of our favorites. The fine texture, low growth habit, and masses of white flowers make it great for spacing among low perennials or as a mass in the garden. So easy even the horticulturally handicapped can grow it. Deutzia 'Komaspri'
Spring Sensation deutzia
Initially bred for the cut-flower trade, ‘Spring Sensation™’ is a heavy bloomer from the ground to the very tips of the arching branches. A carefree shrub with dark green foliage and sprays of white flowers in spring.Deutzia 'Ncdx1'
Yuki Snowflake Japanese snow flower
New Yuki Snowflake™ deutzia is a very showy, compact shrub adorned in hundreds of tiny white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers in the spring. Red fall foliage adds color to autumn gardens. Excellent as a mass planting or in the border.Dianthus alpinus
alpine pink
A low cushion of fine foliage topped in spring with fragrant flowers. The plantcan be somewhat short-lived so divide it regularly to keep it going in the garden.
For sun and well-drained soils.
Dianthus 'Devon Xera'
Fire Star hybrid sweet William
Vivid fire red flowers have a deeper crimson eye, making this a "saturated red bicolor". The evergreen, glaucous grey-green foliage provides a stark contrast for these shockingly bright flowers. Even more wonderful, they exude the spicy scent of cloves.Dianthus 'Wp08 Mar05'
Early Bird Radiance Cheddar pink
True to its name, the new Early Bird™ series of Dianthus, flowers very early in spring. Radiance has crimson red, double, fragrant flowers and blue-green foliage. Enjoy Radiance as a fancy cut flower, in the border, or in a container.Dianthus 'Wp10 Sab06'
Early Bird Chili Cheddar pink
True to its name, the new Early Bird™ series of Dianthus, flowers very early in spring. Chili has bold, double pink, fragrant flowers and blue-green foliage. Enjoy Chili as a fancy cut flower, in the border, or in a container.Dianthus 'Wp10 Ven06'
Early Bird Frosty Cheddar pink
True to its name, the new Early Bird™ series of Dianthus, flowers very early in spring. Frosty has pure white, double, fragrant flowers and blue-green foliage. Enjoy Frosty as a fancy cut flower, in the border, or in a container.Dichroa febrifuga
In late spring through early summer, this evergreen shrub produces beautiful clusters of star shaped, blue flowers. The flowers emerge quite slowly from very attractive round buds of pale blue. Bright indigo-blue berries in the autumn can persist on the shrub for many months.Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras'
Cool Splash southern bush-honeysuckle
A native southern woodland shrub that has been used in its green form for tough spots like medians. This variegated form has good vigor and flowers with yellow trumpets in late spring.Distylium 'PIIDIST-I'
Emerald Heights isu tree
Distyliums are evergreen members of the witchhazel family and are very underused in Southern gardens. Emerald Heights® is an attractive dense and compact selection with an upright habit. Foliage is dark green and glossy. It has small reddish-maroon flowers in winter. Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern
Autumn fern is a colorful ground cover with pink fiddleheads that turn coppery orange as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.Edgeworthia chrysantha
golden paperbush
Small deciduous shrub with nodding terminal clusters of very fragrant yellow flowers clothed with silky hairs. Blooms in winter. Plant in sun to shade in a site with moist, rich, well-drained soil.Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Gold Rush'
golden paperbush
Few other shrubs generate the interest of this plant during winter and early spring. Stout, smooth branches hold white buds all winter before opening to reveal round clusters of white flowers with gold interiors. Large blue-green foliage follows. Vigorous and reliable selection.Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Snow Cream'
golden paperbush
Good plant for boarders or rock gardens. Also does well in mixed container gardens. This shade loving species spreads by rhizomes and has half-inch wide green leaves with silvery white edges. Prefers some shade and well drained soils.Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee'
fairy wings
One of the best groundcovers for shade, even dry shade. Forms a canopy of green leaves with bronzy tones in spring and fall. Lavender flowers are held above the foliage in spring. Looks delicate, but it is tough.Euonymus japonicus 'Ovatus Aureus'
golden Japanese euonymus
This evergreen shrub forms an upright mound with new growth emerging bright gold. As the foliage matures it becomes green with a gold edge. Winner of the coveted Award of Garden Merit in the UK.Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'
blue fescue
A grass perfectly suited for edging borders or mass planting as a ground cover. It grows in tight, icy-blue tuffs that last well through the heat of summer. Buff colored flowers rise above foliage in summer on mature plants, creating eye-catching contrast.Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey'
This is perhaps the most reliable and widely grown edible fig in the southeastern US with large, sweet brown figs. The plants are attractive with a bold texture both in winter when the stout stems are on display and in summer when the huge, lobed foliage covers the plant.Forsythia ×intermedia 'Spectabilis'
Avoid a dull spring next year with this showy forsythia in your landscape. Bright yellow flowers arrive each spring from this vigorous and easily grown shrub. Cutback after flowering.Forsythia koreana 'Kumson'
gold-vein Korean forsythia
This Korean forsythia has it all, great flowers plus incredible unique foliage spring to fall. Leaves are dark green with a creamy white netting. Typical bright yellow forsythia flowers cover this shrub in spring. Discovered in Korea by Spring Meadow. Franklinia alatamaha
Franklin tree
Once native to southern Georgia on the banks of the Altamaha River, but now considered extinct and only known in cultivation. Showy white flowers in summer to fall, often coinciding with rich scarlet fall color. Can be used in the landscape as a deciduous shrub or a small tree.Fraxinus pennsylvanica
green ash
If you do not have this fine native tree on your property already, you certainly need one. The bark alone is reason enough, smooth and gray on young trees, becoming thick and fissured with age. Fall color is bright golden. Great habit for birds and shade for your landscape. Gardenia jasminoides 'Buttons'
compact Cape jasmine
Lowering growing gardenia that is very fragrant and loves the heat! Enjoy an abundance of semi-double, white blooms all summer.Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel'
Cape jasmine
A very reliable compact and cold hardy evergreen shrub with masses of double, extremely fragrant pure white flowers. Bred and selected here in North Carolina at Oakmont Nursery.Gardenia jasminoides 'Fragrant Pathways'
dwarf Cape jasmine
This delicate little gardenia has fine, narrow foliage on a very low growing plant, generally staying under a foot tall. Lovely double flowers pack all the fragrant impact of a full size gardenia.Gaura lindheimeri 'Walgaupf'
Pink Fountain wand flower
Open, airy masses of pink blooms from late spring until frost. Excellent in the perennial border or for use in patio containers.Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita'
Carolina jessamine
This very cold hardy form of our native Carolina jessamine has large golden flowers in spring and one of the very best aromas in southern gardens, competing easily with gardenias. Its vigor and evergreen foliage and make it ideal for covering fences and scrambling up arbors.Gladiolus dalenii 'Halloweenie'
parrot beak gladiolus
Late flowering parrot beak gladiolus that has spectacular deep orange with yellow lip blossoms. A beautiful display from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Perfect as a cut flower for your Thanksgiving table!Gymnocladus chinensis
Chinese coffee tree
Deciduous tree of exquisite texture and form, appearing almost tropical by the unique arrangement of its many small leaflets. Cousin to North America's Kentucky coffee tree and is one of the rarest trees. Almost extinct in China.Hakea microcarpa
small-fruited hakea
This unusual evergreen shrub, hakea, is native to eastern Australia. Easily grown, it does well in seasonally wet areas or to help control drainage. Gray-green leaves and creamy-white flower clusters attract birds and insects, who use it as a habitat and nectar source. Prune to promote branching.Hemerocallis 'Diamond Anniversary'
This showy perennial has huge (6.5"), thick textured flowers in stunning melon-peach soft blended colors. It blooms in early summer on 30" scapes. Daylilies are some of the toughest perennials for the garden.Hemerocallis 'Purple Magic'
A wonderful reblooming daylily with light purple flowers and a lemon yellow throat. The tall scapes stand above the foliage. Daylilies are some of the toughest perennials for the garden.Hemerocallis 'Southern Summer'
A somewhat shorter daylily with salmony-orange flowers with a darker halo around a green eye. Expect a good rebloom on this early season bloomer. Daylilies are some of the toughest perennials for the garden.Hertia cheirifolia
barbary ragwort
This is a lovely evergreen perennial or sub-shrub with flat, grey-green leaves and loads of early spring gold flowers. We've found this to be easy and showy in well-drained, sunny sites.Heteropterys glabra
Selected as a 2012 Choice Plant from the JC Raulston Arboretum. Bright yellow flowers and red maple-like fruits make a great display in the garden, when it is trained as a vine or allowed to sprawl (subshrub). Heterothalamus alienus
This daisy relative makes a woody-based subshrub with fine, needle-like foliage more reminiscent of a conifer than a flowering plant. The foliage is highly aromatic and is topped by golden flowers. Plant in sunny, well-drained spot.Heuchera 'Circus'
coral bells
Springtime brings spikes of magenta flowers and medium green leaves with maroon veins. Foliage color gets even better in fall with colors ranging from green to yellows and pinks. Graceful flower spikes add a touch of class to flower arrangements.Hibiscus syriacus 'Minspot'
Fiji First Editions rose-of-Sharon
Beautiful exotic islands come to mind from the colors and texture of its flowers. Semi-double, pink flowers, slowly fade to light pink and are attractive to butterflies. A splash of red colors the center. Bred and introduced by Minier Nursery in France.Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
The drinking gourd hosta has blue-green upright leaves that are cupped and puckered with a spread to 2'. In early summer, the clumps are topped with white flowers.Hosta 'Broad Band'
World Premiere in 2012! 'Broad Band' has heart-shaped medium green leaves that have extra wide creamy yellow margins. It forms a medium to large very attractive mound in the garden. White flower scapes rise about 8" above the foliage. Hosta 'Golden Tiara'
A "classic" hosta, the first small-sized cultivar with gold-margined leaves. This hosta first appeared in the 1970s and is still one of the best for the landscape. Summer spikes of lavender flowers add to the charm.Hosta 'Liberty'
A large hosta to 2' tall with thick, bluish green leaves bordered widely with creamy gold. It makes a statement in the garden when the 40" tall flower spikes erupt in summer attracting hummingbirds to the shade garden.Hosta 'Mayflower Moon'
You will feel simply elated when the chartreuse leaves of 'Mayflower Moon' turn bright yellow as the summer progresses. The rounded leaves have a very attractive crinkly texture. Forms a medium sized clump with spikes of purple flowers in summer.Hosta 'Praying Hands'
A most unusual hosta with narrow, upright leaves held in a distinctly folded way and margined with a thin, yellow edge. It was the 2011 hosta of the year and is surprisingly different. Lavender flowers in the late summer attract hummingbirds.Hosta 'Thunderbolt'
Blue green leaves with a cream center that extends down through the stem with white, bell shaped, early summer blooms. Selected by North Carolina's own Hawksridge Farms.Hydrangea aspera 'Koki'
Chinese hydrangea
Large velvety leaves emerge deep burgundy on this showy flowering shrub. In cooler climates, the foliage retains this color but turns greenish in central NC. Large lacecap flower heads open from large buds in mid-summer. Different from your grandmother's hydrangeas.Hydrangea macrophylla 'Grenan'
Nantucket Blue bigleaf hydrangea
Gorgeous, repeat blooming selection from the blue hydrangeas that adorn Nantucket. Best in afternoon shade or in dapple sunlight beneath large trees. Planting on the east or north a side of a home also works well. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja'
bigleaf hydrangea
A showy form of bigleaf hydrangea with massive flower heads in deep tones from pink to mauve. Best in a rich, moist soil.