JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2021

The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2021 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.

Abelia 'Raspberry Profusion'

Abelia 'Raspberry Profusion'

A compact form of the evergreen shrub Abelia with fragrant raspberry red flowers. Abelia is a good foundation and/or massing plant. Abelia is tolerant of a wide range of soils which is why they are so popular here in the south as a foundation shrub, a parking lot shrub and a hedge. Tough, beautiful, and the pollinators will thank you as well. Sun to light shade; 48" tall and wide.
Abies firma 'Nana Horizontalis'

Abies firma 'Nana Horizontalis'
dwarf Momi fir

A dwarf spreading conifer that grows slowly to less than 3' tall in 10 years but perhaps twice as wide. This taxon is a good choice for a conifer garden, a rock garden, or a container. Needs well-drained soil. Sun; 36" tall by 72" wide.
Abies koreana 'Kohouts Icebreaker'

Abies koreana 'Kohouts Icebreaker'
Ice Breaker dwarf Korean fir

A dwarf conifer with green needles that curve upward revealing the white waxy underside creating a two-toned color effect. Very slow growing up to around 4' tall and wide in 10 years. A good choice for a rock garden, along a path or in a container. Needs well drained soil. Sun.
Achillea 'Pink Grapefruit'

Achillea 'Pink Grapefruit'

The flowers of 'Pink Grapefruit' yarrow open up a rose red and fade to pale pink and last all summer long. Pink Grapefruit is in the Tutti Fruitti series which are all bred to be shorter (thus less likely to flop over) and more disease resistant. Achillea prefers well-drained, lean soil as rich soil tends to cause it to grow too tall and flop. Achillea is drought tolerant once established. The ferny foliage is attractive and is also fragrant which helps make it deer resistant. Deadheading increases the flower production. The flowers attract butterflies and also make a nice dried cut flower. If it gets too tall, don't hesitate to cut it back hard as it will recover nicely. Sun; 2' tall by 3' wide.
Adiantum pedatum

Adiantum pedatum
American maidenhair fern

Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern with lovely narrow fronds arranged around a horseshoe-shaped black stipe (fern stem). An excellent shade garden plant. Ferns prefer rich soil that stays consistently moist. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant. Shade; 24" tall and wide.
Agastache 'Purple Haze'

Agastache 'Purple Haze'
hummingbird mint

Hummingbird mint is a tallish 30" perennial that produces lovely purple flower spikes in summer that attract bees and butterflies. The foliage is deliciously fragrant when bruised and smells like licorice which also enhances its deer resistance. Agastache performs best in lean, well drained soil. Sun; 30" tall and wide.
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Sasanoyuki Shiro Fukurin'

Agave victoriae-reginae 'Sasanoyuki Shiro Fukurin'
Queen Victoria century plant

This Agave cultivar offsets quickly, making wide, dense colonies of plants. The leaves have wide, creamy-yellow margins and make excellent container plants. This form is marginally hardy in central North Carolina (zone 8a) but should be fine at the coast or in a pot brought indoors during cold snaps. Sun; well-drained soil; 15" tall by 30" wide.
Agave xylonacantha 'Frostbite'

Agave xylonacantha 'Frostbite'
century plant

A very dramatic plant, with the bold yellow margin to its saw toothed edged leaves. An excellent container plant where it is not winter-hardy (zone 8a) but it should be fine at the coast. Sun; well-drained soil; 18" tall by 24" wide.
Allium 'Lavender Bubbles'

Allium 'Lavender Bubbles'
ornamental onion

At the end of summer, this perennial produces rounded flower clusters atop its grass-like, onion-scented foliage. Compared to the popular 'Millenium', 'Lavender Bubbles' blooms later and is a darker shade of purple. Like all flowering onions, this is carefree, easy to grow, and deer and rabbit resistant. Butterflies and honeybees like the nectar but deer and rabbits steer clear of the scented leaves. Sun; 12" tall and wide.
Aloe gastrolea 'Midnight'

Aloe gastrolea 'Midnight'

A rosette forming succulent to 12" tall with intriguingly rough textured leaves. New foliage emerges dark green and develops a dark red to dark purple color in full sun. The 18" flower spikes emerge in summer with pale orange flowers. Cold hardy to around 25°F so in Raleigh this should be a container plant. Also sold under the names Aloe 'Black Beauty' or ×Gasteraloe 'Midnight'. Sun; well drained soil; To 12" tall by 12" wide.
Aloysia gratissima

Aloysia gratissima

When the South Carolina Botanic Garden director, now Heronswood Botanic Garden's director, Patrick McMillan showed us this plant in full flower, we were almost as excited as the pollinators. A southwest native shrub with a long season of bloom consisting of white, vanilla-scented flowers appearing on spikes in spring and lasting for 6 months or more. Pollinator friendly but deer resistant. This is a thicket-forming shrub that will be bushier and produce more flowers with regular cut-backs. Expect it to grow to 10' if never cut back, 6' if cut to the ground early spring, sun, zone 7b.
Alstroemeria ×hybrida 'PAS2052'

Alstroemeria ×hybrida 'PAS2052'
Jazze Rose Frost Peruvian lily

Peruvian lily is common in the cut flower industry because the long flower stalks with a cluster of 2" flowers at the tip last for weeks in a vase. Several cultivars have made the crossover to landscape plants as is the case with Jazze Rose Frost with its white / rose striped flowers. In Raleigh, Alstroemeria performs well in late spring producing lots of colorful flowers. As the summer temps rise, it will take a break and become quiescent until fall when the cooler temps will trigger it to flower again. Full sun and well drained soil are best. A cooler garden location (e.g., afternoon shade) would be appreciated as is winter mulch. Sun to light shade; 15" tall.
Alstroemeria 'Red Valley'

Alstroemeria 'Red Valley'
Peruvian lily

Peruvian lily is common in the cut flower industry because the long flower stalks with a cluster of 2" flowers at the tip last for weeks in a vase. Several cultivars have made the crossover to landscape plants as is the case with Red Valley with its red and scarlet flowers. In Raleigh, Alstroemeria performs well in late spring producing lots of colorful flowers. As the summer temps rise, it will take a break and become quiescent until fall when the cooler temps will trigger it to flower again. Full sun and well drained soil are best. A cooler garden location (e.g., afternoon shade) would be appreciated as is winter mulch. Sun to light shade; 15" tall.
Alyssum 'Golden Spring'

Alyssum 'Golden Spring'
sweet alyssum

Alyssum is an 8" tall ground cover perennial that is a perfect edging plant for a garden bed or in a small container. The sweetly fragrant blooms occur in early spring and attract bees and butterflies. 'Golden Spring' is a sterile hybrid that features bright yellow flowers that are a bit larger than usual. Alyssum prefers rich, well-drained soil and regular watering and looks best if cut back after blooming has finished. Sun; 8" tall by 24" wide.
Amelanchier ×grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'

Amelanchier ×grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'

Serviceberry is a small tree that blooms in April before leaves emerge with tons of small white flowers. The edible fruit develops quickly and is ready to eat by June. The fruit looks like rose hips but tastes like blueberries. You'll have to choose weather to leave the fruit for the birds (who love them) or eat them yourself. Then in autumn, the leaves turn brilliant orange-red before dropping. In addition to the excellent fall color, this cultivar is quite disease resistant. Serviceberry will tolerate a wide range of soil but it appreciates regular watering. Sun to part shade; 25' tall.
Ampelaster carolinianus

Ampelaster carolinianus
climbing aster

This native climbing aster can be grown as a mounding shrub or encouraged to grow up a post or trellis. Fragrant, pink flowers appear in October brightening the garden at the end of the season. Tolerant of dry or damp soils once established. Looks great covering an old stump. Sun to light shade; 12' tall with support.
Amsonia hubrichtii

Amsonia hubrichtii
Ozark bluestar

The gold to coppery orange fall color on this perennial makes it a must for the border. Clusters of blue star-like flowers in the spring add to the charm. It makes an easy, no hassle, long-lived perennial in the garden. Sun to light shade; 3' tall and wide.
Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Storm Cloud'

Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Storm Cloud'

A Tony Avent selection collected in Alabama which he says is the very best form he's ever grown (we're sure he isn't biased), but we have to admit it is great. Black stems emerge in spring and are topped by showy clusters of—dare we say it—Carolina blue flowers. This is truly a spectacular and easy to grow native plant. Sun to part shade; 2' tall and wide'.
Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus

Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus
Mount Atlas daisy

A nice little 4" tall rock garden plant from north Africa with daisy like flowers and ferny leaves that superficially resemble chamomile. The 1.25" white flowers start in spring and last two months or so. This mat forming ground cover requires well drained soil. Once established, the plants are drought tolerant. Extracts from this plant are said to boost testosterone and libido. Sun; well-drained soil; To 4" tall by 18" wide.
Anemone 'Curtain Call Deep Rose'

Anemone 'Curtain Call Deep Rose'
Japanese anemone

In late summer when many flowers have petered out, Japanese anemones start their bloom cycle with large, daisy like, pink flowers. Japanese anemones are spreading perennials that will fill a garden bed over time. Here in the south, part sun is recommended. They perform best in a loose soil that is rich and well drained. Part sun to part shade; 18" tall by 36" wide.

Anemone ×lipsiensis
wood anemone

A cross between A. nemorosa and A. ranunculoides with pale yellow flowers above bronze tinted foliage. Spreading, easy to grow "filler" for the woodland garden or in front of a shady border. Prefers moist, humusy soil but tolerates drier soil in summer when it goes dormant. Shade; 5" tall by 20" wide.

Anemone nemorosa 'Alba Plena'
double white wood anemone

White, outer circle of large petals surrounding a center of overlapping, tiny petals. Spreading, easy to grow "filler" for the woodland garden or in front of a shady border. Prefers moist, humusy soil but tolerates drier soil in summer as they are then dormant. Shade; 5" tall by 18" wide.

Anemone nemorosa 'Royal Blue'
wood anemone

The lavender-blue flowers with purple backs are certainly one of the bluest we can grow. It is a spreading, easy to grow "filler" for the woodland garden or in front of a shady border. Prefers moist, humusy soil but tolerates drier soil in summer when it will be dormant. Shade; 5" tall by 18" wide.

Anemone nemorosa 'Stars in the Night'
wood anemone

An Edelweiss Nursery selection with strongly purple tinted leaves in early spring, creating a good contrast to the star shaped, milky-white flowers. Leaves turn dark green in late spring. Prefers moist, humusy soil but tolerates drier soil in summer as they are then dormant. Shade; 5" tall by 16" wide.
Aquilegia eximia

Aquilegia eximia
Van Houtte's columbine

A large columbine with orange and yellow flowers native to the moist coastal forests of California. Prefers soil that is consistently moist and a part-shade location. This species is longer lived than other columbines. As with our eastern columbine, hummingbirds love the flowers of Aquilegia exima. Sun to part shade; 48" tall.
Aquilegia 'Pink Lanterns'

Aquilegia 'Pink Lanterns'

Columbine flowers are show-stoppers with bright colors and long bizarre spurs on the back side of the flower. This short-lived, tardily deciduous perennial erupts in late spring with pastel pink flowers. Short-lived but if you do not remove the seed heads, columbine will seed around from place to place in the garden and persist indefinitely. 'Pink Lanterns' is a dwarf pastel pink form. Sun to part shade; 12" tall.
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'

Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
golden Japanese spikenard

Few plants have made our mouths water quite like this showy herbaceous perennial which bursts from the ground in spring with bright gold pinnate leaves. Clusters of white flowers are followed by showy black fruits. Best with just a few hours of sun, in full shade the leaves will be chartreuse rather than gold but still beautiful. This one will be a definite show-stopper in the garden. Part sun to shade; 5' tall and wide'.
Araucaria araucana

Araucaria araucana
monkey puzzle

Monkey puzzle tree is an endangered evergreen coniferous tree from Chile (and their national tree) with a bizarre prehistoric appearance and we are consistently asked to sell it. Well, here you go. Monkey puzzle is notoriously difficult to grow in areas with high summer heat and moisture. It prefers a cool, cloudforest environment but there are notable successes with the plant in the southeast if given excellent drainage, adequate moisture, and protection from the coldest temperatures. A well-amended mound near the top of a slope would be ideal perhaps. Probably best to grow it as a container plant for a while where the thick, scale-needled branches and curious architecture can be appreciated before trying it outside permanently. Don't say we didn't warn you. Sun to light shade; 130' tall (in Chile anyway).

Arisaema candidissimum (White form)
white cobra lily

A rare white-flowered version of cobra lily. The flowers are white with green stripes at the base, the three-lobed leaves can reach over 2' diameter. Emerges very late, late May into June, but once it emerges, things go fast and the plant goes into leaf and flower at the same time. It grows into sizable clumps over time and can be divided for sharing. It needs well drained soil and doesn't want extra water until it sprouts. Part sun to shade; 30" tall.
Artemisia molinieri

Artemisia molinieri
Molinier's wormwood

An endangered sub-shrub with deer-proof, fine textured, blue-green foliage from a tiny area in the south of France. Fine spires of small white flowers top the plants in spring and again in late summer. Trim after flowering to keep plants compact. Sun to part shade; 3' tall and wide.
Asarum canadense

Asarum canadense
Canada wild-ginger

A small native perennial common to forests with moist soils. The heart-shaped to kidney-shaped leaves are evergreen and make a nice ground cover as the plant spreads to form a mat. It is called wild ginger because the roots have a mild ginger scent and were used in the past by native Americans like we use true ginger today. Shade; 6" tall by 30" wide.
Asarum maximum 'Ling Ling'

Asarum maximum 'Ling Ling'
panda face wild-ginger

This easy to grow, evergreen ginger forms impressive clumps of large, heart-shaped, dark green leaves with light green patterning. In late spring look for its unusual black flowers with their white panda-like faces (1.5"–2") hidden among the foliage. Shade; 8" tall.
Asimina parviflora

Asimina parviflora
smallflower pawpaw

No to be confused with its better known relative the pawpaw tree, this is the pawpaw shrub. It is a southeastern U.S. native. Like its cousin, it is a suckering plant that will eventually form a pawpaw patch. The pawpaw shrub blooms in spring before the plant leafs out and is followed in summer by small edible fruit. Zebra swallowtail larvae eat the leaves and birds eat the fruit so this is a great plant for supporting wildlife in your garden. Part sun to shade; 6'–8' tall.
Aspidistra oblanceifolia 'Nagoya Stars'

Aspidistra oblanceifolia 'Nagoya Stars'
speckled cast iron plant

The very upright, 30" leaves of this selection are brightly speckled with gold. This selection flowers relatively heavily although the strange red flowers are carried at ground level in February. Like most cast-iron plants, this will grow well in that toughest of spots—dry shade or as a container plant. Shade; 30" tall.
Asplenium scolopendrium

Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern

An easy fern, much beloved by the Victorians, which forms tight rosettes of mid-green leaves. It is very easy in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot and is 100% deer proof! Shade; 18" tall and wide.
Athyrium otophorum

Athyrium otophorum
eared lady fern

An East Asian fern with 18" triangular fronds that appear all season long. Like most ferns, this one prefers shade and consistently moist, rich soil. It is rabbit and deer resistant, quite frilly in texture, and easy to grow. Shade; 18" tall.
Aucuba himalaica

Aucuba himalaica
Himalayan aucuba

A slow growing Himalayan Aucuba with narrow leaves. Looser habit than other species or perhaps it just seems that way because you can see through the narrow leaves to the interior of the plant. A. himalaica can have solid green leaves of be very lightly speckled. Females produce bright red fruit if there is a male nearby but these are unsexed plants. All told, it gives a very different texture than Japanese aucuba. Shade; 10' over time, more commonly 4'–5' in the garden.
Aucuba japonica 'Limbata'

Aucuba japonica 'Limbata'
gold margin Japanese aucuba

This is one of the showiest Aucuba selections with broad yellow margins around each leaf. The yellow margin becoming nearly white overtime. It is a compact grower, and slow. 'Limbata' is the correct name for 'Sulphurea Marginata' It is a female clone, so it can produce showy red fruit if a male is nearby. A great evergreen shrub for shade. Shade; 5' tall by 5' wide.
Aucuba japonica 'Mr. Wonderful'

Aucuba japonica 'Mr. Wonderful'
dwarf Japanese aucuba

This dwarf Aucuba came to us from the U.S. National Arboretum as an unnamed selection in 2004 and we think it's a great garden plant. The original plant is not quite 2' tall and 3' wide. Glossy evergreen leaves (6" long × 2" wide) are heavily spotted with gold. This male form of Aucuba bears terminal clusters of four-petaled burgundy flowers which are showy in very early spring. It can serve as a pollinator for female Aucuba specimens in your garden. Makes an ideal plant to brighten a shady spot. Grows best in light shade to shade; 3' tall by 4' wide.
Begonia formosana

Begonia formosana
hardy begonia

This is a collection made by JC Raulston Arboretum director Mark Weathington (MWT08-10) on his 2008 Taiwan plant hunting expedition near Yangmingshan National Park. It has been growing happily at the JC Raulston Arboretum in our Asian Valley garden since 2015. Begonia formosana is a 2' tall deciduous perennial that produces pink flowers in summer. Where happy, it will develop rhizomes and spread into a patch. Shade; 24" tall.
Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'

Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
hardy begonia

A real wow of a hardyish begonia with star-like leaves of silver with a burgundy center and veins. It doesn't even matter that it is relatively shy to flower. Mulch well and perhaps take some cuttings as insurance but this plant should survive unless the rhizomes freeze. Named for a legendary Jazz singer. Shade; 3' tall and wide.
Begonia 'Pewterware'

Begonia 'Pewterware'
hardy begonia

A lovely silver-leafed hardy begonia with pink summer flowers collected by D. Miller in Malaysia. We haven't grown it outside for long so would recommend mulching it well. This selection is also known in collectors circles as Begonia U-358. Over at Juniper Level Botanic Garden they have grown it for several years and found it to be hardy in their garden to the upper teens. An excellent houseplant for all others. Shade; mulch well; 18" tall and wide.
Berberis delavayi

Berberis delavayi
Delavay's barberry

A lovely and rarely seen barberry from Sichuan, China which makes a mid-sized evergreen shrub. Stem spines to an inch long help deter deer browsing on the narrow, deep green leaves. Fairly large gold to orange flowers appear in early spring and are frequented by a variety of pollinators. Sun to part shade; 5' to 8' tall and wide.
Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'

Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'
three-spined barberry

'Cally Rose' is a rarely seen, dense, medium evergreen shrub with an informal habit. The narrow, glossy foliage has small spines along its margins. The pendulous flowers are pink and white bicolored and hang in clusters along the stem and demonstrate barberry's close relationship with Epimedium. 'Cally Rose' is named for Cally Gardens located in southwestern Scotland, and was collected by the late Michael Wickenden. Sun to light shade; 5' tall and wide.
Beschorneria yuccoides 'Besys'

Beschorneria yuccoides 'Besys'
Flamingo Glow variegated Mexican lily

A yellow variegated selection of this Mexican native plant. Yucca-like in shape but instead of white flowers, Beschorneria has pink to red flowers and soft foliage. While we have grown Beschorneria yuccoides outside in a protected spot for years, it is somewhat marginal in zone 7b and this heavily variegated form is likely to be quite tender and may be best grown as a container plant until a sucker can be divided off as a backup plant. Sun; well-drained; 4' tall and wide.
Buddleja davidii 'SMNBDPT'

Buddleja davidii 'SMNBDPT'
Pugster Pink dwarf butterfly bush

Pugster butterfly bushes are quite dwarf, topping out at just 2' tall. This makes them well suited for small gardens, border edges, container plants and other tight quarters. They bloom all summer long (more prolifically if deadheaded) with large, dense panicles and their pleasantly fragrant flowers attract butterflies. Sun; 2' tall by 3' wide.

Buddleja loricata
mountain sagewood

Everyone needs an evergreen butterfly-bush! This South African shrub bears tough, but beautiful, corrugated leaves all year through. The deep sage green leaves are highlighted by silvery hairs covering the stems and undersides of the leaves and the small flowers are very pleasantly fragrant in spring. We've grown this easy plant for over a decade in a well-drained spot. Sun; 5' tall and wide.
Buddleja 'SMNBDBT'

Buddleja 'SMNBDBT'
Pugster Blue dwarf butterfly bush

Pugster butterfly bushes are quite dwarf, topping out at just 2' tall. This makes them well suited for small gardens, border edges, container plants and other tight quarters. They bloom all summer long (more prolifically if deadheaded) with large, dense panicles and their pleasantly fragrant flowers attract butterflies. Sun; 2' tall by 3' wide.
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Unraveled'

Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Unraveled'
weeping Japanese boxwood

This incredibly cool boxwood cultivar is unlike any other you have seen before. Its habit is outreaching and arching, a bit loose compared to other boxwoods. 'Unraveled' is a JC Raulston Arboretum Choice Plants selection. These larger specimens have been trained up as small weeping trees for added landscape punch. Use them as patio trees, evergreen living art, or to cascade over a wall. Sun to shade; 6' tall (if trained up).
Buxus microphylla 'Peergold'

Buxus microphylla 'Peergold'
Golden Dream variegated boxwood

'Peergold' is a compact, low-mounded, evergreen cultivar of boxwood that features bright green leaves, variegated with irregular golden yellow margins. Growth habit is nice and tight, and foliage is very dense. Great for small garden spaces. Deer and Rabbit tolerant.
Buxus 'Prostrate3'

Buxus 'Prostrate3'
Flat-tery dwarf boxwood

An unusual boxwood that stays nearly flat to the ground (24") and grows twice as wide as it is tall. A nice accent plant for the front of the foundation. Boxwood are undervalued for their tremendous adaptability to dry shade situations. Sun to shade; 24" tall by 48" wide.
Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Lightning Strike'

Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Lightning Strike'
feather reed grass

An ornamental grass with narrow green and white variegated foliage with feathery summer plumes that turn gold in fall. Useful as an accent or in a mass planting. Vigorous and easy to maintain. Sun; 36" tall.
Callicarpa 'NCCX2'

Callicarpa 'NCCX2'
Pearl Glam pearl glam beautyberry

Pearl Glam beautyberry is an upright growing hybrid with new purple foliage that fades to green. White summer flowers are followed in autumn by hundreds of small violet-purple clusters of berries. This hybrid from plant genius Tom Ranney obviously has some Callicarpa kwangtungensis in its past and shares its space-saving upright habit and amazing foliage. Sun to part shade; 6' tall by 3' wide.
Campanula poscharskyana 'Camgood'

Campanula poscharskyana 'Camgood'
Blue Waterfall Serbian bellflower

Bell-shaped, blue flowers have a small, white center and occur along the stems in June and July. Spreading habit that can easily reach 2' in diameter during the growing season. This perennial performs well in sun or shade where the broad mat is covered in flowers. Use as a small scale summer ground cover, cascading over the edge of pots, or weaving around other perennials. The wide mats of foliage retreat to a central crown for winter before spreading out again. Sun to shade; 4" tall by 30" wide.
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Gold Crest'

Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Gold Crest'

These show-stopping plants have chartreuse leaves in spring and blue flowers in late summer and early fall. It prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil, but tolerates drier soil once established. It is deer and rabbit resistant. Cut to within 6" of ground in mid-spring to promote fresh growth and blooms on the new wood. Sun; 36" tall.
Ceanothus ×delilianus 'Henri Desfossé'

Ceanothus ×delilianus 'Henri Desfossé'
hybrid ceanothus

This beautiful, compact, deciduous shrub has received the Royal Horticulture Society award of Garden Merit. A profusion of small, blue flowers appear on upright panicles beginning in spring, and can last throughout the summer. Ceanothus are drought tolerant and require a well-drained soil. Although few of the blue Ceanothus or California lilacs perform well in the hot, humid Southeast, this hybrid grows well for us due to it's white-flowered East Coast parent C. americanus crossed with the blue C. coeruleus. Sun; well-drained soil; 4' tall and wide'.
Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12'

Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12'
Golden Falls eastern redbud

The newest release from Denny Werner and the JCRA is this strict weeping, gold foliaged redbud. Be the first on your block with this show-stopper. Sun to part shade; height is as staked.
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2'

Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2'
Flame Thrower eastern redbud

The other newest release from Denny Werner and the JCRA is this breakthrough plant with burgundy new growth becoming apricot-coral, then chartreuse. New growth all summer makes this plant a kaleidoscope of color. Sun to light shade; 20' tall.
Cercis canadensis 'Pink Pom Poms'

Cercis canadensis 'Pink Pom Poms'
double flowered eastern redbud

This redbud from Denny Werner's incredible breeding program here at NC State University has fully double flowers which will knock your socks off. It has the Texas redbud genes giving it great heat tolerance and a super glossy leaf as well. It's been hardy through the winters in Missouri so you know its tough. We can't say enough good things about this new redbud. It doesn't produce fruit or seeds. Sun to shade; 25' tall.
Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Blue Dreams'

Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Blue Dreams'
dwarf snapdragon

A rock garden or scree plant that spreads into a ground cover. Tiny green leaves are purple on the back and tiny purple flowers appear in spring and summer. Requires well drained soil. Sun; 8" tall by 12" wide.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Clouded Sky'

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Clouded Sky'
blue Sawara falsecypress

A medium size blue grey form of Sawara falsecypress with both adult and juvenile foliage creating an interesting textural contrast on the same plant. An upright grower to about 8' in 10 years, this selection's color will add some cool to the hot summer landscape. We've been very taken with this selection here at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Plant in sun to light shade in average to well-drained soil.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Yellow'

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Yellow'
goldthread cypress

A dwarf yellow-foliaged goldthread cypress. This evergreen shrub stays just 3' tall and wide and features thread-like weeping branches.
Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'

Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'
upright Chinese fringe tree

Few flowering trees can match the dazzling display and uber-tough constitution of Chinese fringe tree. This 18' tall upright form makes a broad column of deep green, rounded leaves which can turn buttery yellow in fall. Masses of white, frothy flowers stand out against the foliar backdrop. This is the ideal plant where space is at a premium. Sun to part shade; 18' tall.
Cistus 'Mickie'

Cistus 'Mickie'
variegated rockrose

Grow this one for its evergreen leaves which are widely bordered with brilliant yellow. Really a show stopper year round. The 2.5" white, spring flowers are almost and afterthought compared to the showy foliage. It has performed superbly in sunny, well drained sites at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Although we struggle to keep most rockrose alive here, this one has been long-lived and easy for us. Sun; well-drained soil; 30" tall by 48" wide.
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'

Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange

This 12' tall hardy citrus relative is a spectacular and very interesting shrub/small tree at any time of year. It has white fragrant flowers in spring, dark green trifoliate foliage in summer, and yellow citrus fruit in fall. Twisted and contorted branches and thorns are intriguing all winter as is the green and silver striped bark. Sun to part shade.
Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkins Pink'

Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkins Pink'
pink flowered American yellowwood

'Perkins Pink' is an uncommon pink-flowered cultivar of American yellowwood. Intensely fragrant wisteria-like pink flowers on drooping panicles flower in late spring. It was originally discovered in the 1930s at the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts. Yellowwood is a desperately under-appreciated native species that deserves much wider usage. Sun to light shade; 50' tall.
Clematis 'Arabella'

Clematis 'Arabella'

A beautiful flowering small perennial vine with blue-mauve 3" flowers which fade to blue in summer to fall. This non-climbing plant is excellent for containers, growing through open shrubs, or trailing through a perennial border. Prune to the ground in late winter. Sun to part shade; to 6' with support.

Clematis 'Evipo052'
Boulevard Ninon clematis

A vigorous but short vine that grows to just 5' tall and is covered in large white flowers for several months from late spring into summer. Needs the support of a small trellis or you follow the example of JC Raulston Arboretum director Mark Weathington by letting it grow up through a shrub in your yard. Prune in late winter. Sun to light shade; 5' with support.


A Far Reaches Farm wild collection (CGG14102). Here is what they say about it: "Our collection from near the summit of Leigongshan in Guizhou of this species we are going to have to grow to flowering to key out. There are two easily distinguishable species on the mountain, one with rough bark and one with smooth and this is from the rough-barked species which we found to grow at higher elevations than the other. These had numerous 4" racemes which most likely are going to be sweetly scented white flowers. A nice deciduous not too wide shrub which give you some fall color." A head-scratcher of a plant, make sure to send us photos of your in flower. Sun to shade; 4' tall(?).
Clethra fargesii

Clethra fargesii
Farges clethra

Rare in the trade and a gem in the garden! This Chinese plant is packed with spikes of pure white fragrant flowers in mid- to late summer. Flowers occur on on 5"–7" upright panicles. Leaves are a lustrous dark green over cinnamon barked stems. Grows 6'–10' tall and prefers partial shade.
Comanthosphace japonica 'Gin Santo Naka Fu'

Comanthosphace japonica 'Gin Santo Naka Fu'
silver Japanese shrub mint

Also known as Leucosceptrum japonicum, this shrubby Japanese mint relative is grown for its attractive foliage which is not unlike shade coleus. Slowly spreads to form a 3' tall by 5' wide colony in 5 years. If the foliage gets damaged, just cut the stems to the ground and it will re-flush with fresh foliage. The cultivar name 'Gin Santo Naka Fu' is Japanese for 'silver with middle spot' which describes this cultivar well. Spikes of late season yellow-white bottlebrushes add to the show but the foliage is always the star. Part sun to shade; 3' tall by 5' wide.
Convallaria majalis 'Cream da Mint'

Convallaria majalis 'Cream da Mint'

A typical lily of the valley except for the elegance that the creamy leaf margin gives to each leaf. Small white fragrant flowers in spring. Spreads via rhizomes to form a colony. Rick Sawyer of Fernwood Nursery in Maine introduced this plant and spelled the cultivar name this way—don't blame us. Part sun to shade; 8" tall.
Convallaria majalis var. rosea

Convallaria majalis var. rosea
pink lily-of-the-valley

Here is a twist on the typical lily-of-the-valley with soft pink flowers instead of the usual white. Fragrance, durability, and ease of growth are all the same as the better known white forms. Sun to part shade; 10" tall.
Coreopsis major

Coreopsis major
greater tickseed

Two inch yellow aster-like flowers top this 3' tall southeast U.S. native perennial in midsummer. Once established, tickseed is drought tolerant and prefers soil a bit on the dry, rocky, and lean side. Butterflies like the showy yellow blooms and songbirds eat the seeds. Cut back hard in summer if foliage sprawls or becomes unkempt (caused by rich soil). Divide every three years or so to rejuvenate the clump. This species is not grown in gardens nearly as much as it warrants. Sun; 3' tall.
Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea'

Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea'
variegated pagoda dogwood

A small (to 15') variegated form of our woefully underutilized native tree (the other dogwood tree native to North Carolina) with white-edged leaves that is best grown in part sun to keep from burning. Small, fragrant, yellowish-white flowers bloom in late spring followed by blue fruits which the birds will devour almost before you get to appreciate them. Part sun to shade; 15'.
Cornus sanguinea 'Cato'

Cornus sanguinea 'Cato'
Arctic Sun bloodtwig dogwood

Stems of this deciduous 4' tall shrub are yellow, orange, and coral in the winter. Beautiful in the winter garden and also as cut stems for winter arrangements. Tolerant of a very wide range of soil conditions and one of the best ornamental shrubs for shade. To maximize the winter stem color remove 20%–25% of the oldest stems in early spring each year to stimulate new growth. Some gardeners instead prune all stems close to the ground (coppice to 8") in early spring every two to three years to renew. Fruit is quite attractive to birds and is generally considered to have as much if not more ornamental interest than the flowers. Sun to part shade; average to moist soils; 4' tall.
Corylopsis sinensis [Willmottiae Group] 'Spring Purple'

Corylopsis sinensis [Willmottiae Group] 'Spring Purple'
winter hazel

Few shrubs are as elegant and as welcome in spring as the winter hazels with their small chains of fat, primrose yellow flowers in March. This selection has the added bonus of ethereally purple-tinged new growth in spring after flowering. Part sun to shade; 8' tall and wide.
Cotinus coggygria 'MINCOJAU3'

Cotinus coggygria 'MINCOJAU3'
Winecraft Gold smokebush

Smokebush is a shrub grown its fascinating summer flowers that are so small and so numerous as to appear like smoke above the plant. Interestingly, despite the delicious looking foliage, deer tend to steer clear of them. Winecraft Gold also features chartreuse foliage and at 6' is a smaller size than wild smokebushes and earlier gold-leafed introductions. Sun to part shade; 6' tall by 4' wide.
Cotinus coggygria 'NCC01'

Cotinus coggygria 'NCC01'
Winecraft Black dwarf smokebush

Smokebush is a shrub grown its fascinating summer flowers that are so small and so numerous as to appear like smoke above the plant. Interestingly, despite the delicious looking foliage, deer tend to steer clear of them. Winecraft Black, a selection from North Carolina State University breeder Tom Ranney, also features dark purple foliage and at 6' is a smaller size than wild smokebushes and earlier dark leafed introductions. Fall color is a beautiful mix of reds and oranges. Sun to part shade; 6' tall by 4' wide.
Crinum ×digweedii 'Red Flare'

Crinum ×digweedii 'Red Flare'
crinum lily

Plant Delights says of this plant: "Crinum ×digweedii 'Red Flare' is a Marcelle Sheppard introduction of a Steve Lowe cross between the wild collected Crinum 'Marisco' (aka; 'Vera Cruz') and a Mexican collection of Crinum americanum. For us, the upright 4' tall fountain of glossy green foliage remains attractive all summer, and serves as a nice background for the 40" tall flowers stalks that begin appearing in mid-August (North Carolina). Each stalk is topped with 9 to 11, large, flat, outfacing, red and white striped fragrant flowers. Crinum 'Red Flare' has the largest flowers of any of the Crinum ×digweedii hybrids we've grown". What more can we say other than it's nearly impossible to kill a Crinum and deer won't touch them. Sun to light shade; 4' tall.
Crinum 'Li'l Stinker'

Crinum 'Li'l Stinker'
crinum lily

Plant Delights says of this plant: "Despite the less than stellar name, Crinum 'Li'l Stinker' is at or near the top of the list of the 200 plus Crinum we grow. This amazing Dave Lehmiller hybrid is a cross of the yellow flowered, virtually ungrowable Australian Crinum luteolum and our own native Crinum americanum. Crinum 'Li'l Stinker' combines the best traits of both parents. The fast-offsetting clump is composed of very glossy 3.5' long leaves, and topped from August through October (NC) with 3' tall scapes, that terminate in clusters of 12 to 16 rounded, flat-faced, nocturnally opening flowers. The flowers open buttery yellow, and deliciously fragrant around 6pm (NC), but by morning have aged to white with a yellow throat. Crinum 'Li'l Stinker' is a truly stunning and very unique". If it impresses the Plant Delights folks, you know it's good. It's nearly impossible to kill a Crinum and deer won't touch them. Sun; 3' tall.
Crinum 'Rodger Croker Memorial'

Crinum 'Rodger Croker Memorial'
crinum lily

Plant Delights says of this plant: "Crinum 'Rodger Croker Memorial' is a Marcelle Shepard named introduction of a crinum found by the late plantsman, Rodger Croker. Crinum 'Rodger Croker Memorial' forms a clump with narrow, upright foliage that's topped, starting in mid-July with 30" stalks, topped with clusters of eight to ten flowers, faintly-fragrant white flowers with prominent pink stripes down the center of each petal, and lovely recurved petal tips." What more can we say other than it's nearly impossible to kill a Crinum and deer won't touch them. Sun; 30" tall.
Cynara cardunculus

Cynara cardunculus

Relative of the artichoke this perennial makes quite a statement. It has large sharply lobed silvery-gray foliage. Can reach 6' tall. Electric blue-purple thistle flowers glow in the landscape in summer. After the 6' flower stalk dies back, cut the entire plant to the ground and new silver leaves will emerge and look good through the winter. Sun to light shade; 6' tall in flower.
Cyrtomium fortunei

Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern

A fine addition to the list of hardy ferns that are suitable for southern gardens. This 30" tall fern is related to but much hardier than the "common holly fern" of coastal North Carolina and Deep South gardens. Glossy, fronds make an elegant contrast with other shade perennials and the deer won't touch them. Shade; 30" tall.
Daphne odora 'Rogbret'

Daphne odora 'Rogbret'
Marianni variegated winter daphne

Powerfully fragrant blooms in late winter are the best feature of the evergreen shrub, winter daphne. Marianni is a variegated selection with pale yellow edges making it a true 4-season plant. Plant your Daphne in a well-drained spot to ensure the best performance and put a sign on it because all of your neighbors will want to know what it is. Sun to shade; good drainage; 3' tall and wide.
Dianthus knappii 'Yellow Harmony'

Dianthus knappii 'Yellow Harmony'
Knapp's carnation

An unusual Dianthus native to Bosnia and Montenegro with soft yellow, single 1" blooms that are paler in heat and darker in cooler weather. Flowers appear above the 16" tall blue-green foliage in May and continue well into the summer. A great rock garden plant as it requires well drained conditions. This is a dainty plant that looks best when inter-planted with other polite neighbors. Sun; well-drained soil; 16" tall.
Dianthus 'Wp15 Pie45'

Dianthus 'Wp15 Pie45'
Georgia Peach Pie garden pink

Fragrant, clove-scented pale pink flowers with coral centers overtop narrow bluish-green leaves. Prefers full sun, and relatively well-drained soil. Deadhead to prolong the flowering. It's 12" tall compact size resists flopping over. Sun; 12' tall.
Dichroa febrifuga (heavy fruiting form)

Dichroa febrifuga (heavy fruiting form)

This taxon is an especially heavy fruiting cultivar procured from the South Carolina Botanic Garden. In late spring through early summer, this 4' tall evergreen shrub produces beautiful clusters of star shaped, blue flowers. The flowers emerge quite slowly from very attractive round buds of pale blue. Bright indigo-blue berries in the autumn can persist on the shrub for many months. Best fruiting will likely occur when different clones of Dichroa are grown in proximity. Shade; 4' tall and wide'.
Dichroa febrifuga 'Yamaguchi Narrow-leaf'

Dichroa febrifuga 'Yamaguchi Narrow-leaf'

A new cultivar of this hydrangea relative from Mr. Yamaguchi in Japan. This one is distinguished by its narrow leaves and flowers that are lavender-white and fruit that are purplish-pink instead of blue. Fruit set requires growing more than one clone (cultivar). Culture is much like Hydrangea macrophylla, preferring part sun or bright shade over hot midday sun, and evenly moist well drained soil. Will remain evergreen in mild areas or through mild winters. Part sun, 4' tall.
Dichroa febrifuga 'Yamaguchi White'

Dichroa febrifuga 'Yamaguchi White'
white flowered blue-bead

This is a small 3' tall white flowered Dichroa whose leaves are lighter green than typical. Fruit set requires growing more than one clone (cultivar). Culture is much like Hydrangea macrophylla, preferring part sun or bright shade over hot midday sun, and evenly moist well drained soil. Will remain evergreen in mild areas or through mild winters. Part sun; 3' tall.
Dicksonia fibrosa

Dicksonia fibrosa
golden tree fern

One of the hardiest of all tree ferns, although not likely hardy enough for North Carolina except in the most protected spot. Grow it in a container or find a protected spot if you'd like a challenge. Protecting the crown from extended freezing is key. Shade.

Dierama (ex. dark violet form)
angel's fishing rod

These plants are seedlings from a dark violet flower form of Dierama and most of them will be dark violet too. The ones that are not will be lighter purple or purple picotee color. Dierama is called angel's fishing rod because of the 4' long, stiff, arching flower stalks are tipped with dangling flowers that dance in the wind. Dierama is a South African plant with a basal tuft of grass-like foliage that prefers a well-drained soil. JCRA director Mark says he fell in love with Dierama when he first saw them in Edinburgh and now grows quite a few of them successfully in the open garden. Sun; 4' tall.
Digitalis purpurea 'Sugar Plum'

Digitalis purpurea 'Sugar Plum'

This foxglove is a biennial or short lived perennial with tall spikes of bright pink, bell-shaped flowers with heavily speckled, dark purple throats. It blooms profusely in early summer. The poisonous leaves deter rabbits and deer. Prefers acidic, moist soil with good winter drainage. Cut the flowering spike to the base as it finishes and several smaller spikes will appear, extending the bloom time. Let it self-sow to perpetuate the plant. Sun to part shade; flower spikes to 4' tall.
Disporopsis pernyi

Disporopsis pernyi
evergreen Solomon's seal

Perny's evergreen Solomon's seal is a slowly spreading, evergreen ground cover that is perfect for the woodland garden. Small, white flowers are born along the 1' tall stems in spring. Excellent in a woodland garden where it tends to be quite deer resistant. This is the most common and easiest species in commerce. Shade; 12 " tall.

Disporum smilacinum 'Pink Star'
Japanese fairy bells

A diminutive 6" tall Japanese species of shade ground cover with pink flowers in spring. Very unusual and rare in its white form and even more so in this pink selection. Best to plant in a woodland rockery, trough, or special spot so it doesn't get lost while it slowly clumps up. Part sun to shade; 6" tall.

Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Red Wings'
shooting star

Intense magenta flowers with a white ring at the base look like a badminton shuttlecock. Lush green leaves and red-infused stems add contrast. Likes moist in spring and dryer in summer when it is dormant much like cyclamen. Sun to part shade; 12" tall.
Echinacea 'Atomic Orange'

Echinacea 'Atomic Orange'
Eye Catcher coneflower

The Eye Catcher series coneflowers are compact at just 18" tall and branch well for lots of flower power. 'Atomic Orange' features large 4.5" wide bright orange flowers and a dark orange cone. Full sun and average to dry soil that is fertile and not compacted. Great as a cut flower or leave the blooms on until fall and watch the gold finches eat the seeds. Sun; 18" tall.
Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'

Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'
globe thistle

'Arctic Glow' globe thistle is more compact than the typical species at 3' tall. Silvery-green, slightly-spiny, deeply-dissected leaves are downy-white underneath. Globular, thistle-like, 2" wide white inflorescences appear at the tops of the stems in summer. A curious COVID-shaped flower for those of you with a dark sense of humor. Tolerates a wide range of soils as long as they are well drained. Sun; 3' tall.
Enkianthus sikokianus

Enkianthus sikokianus
redvein enkianthus

An easy to grow 10' tall shrub from Japan whose small dark red Pieris-like flowers adorn the plant in late spring. Nice fall foliage color of reds and oranges. Grow like you would an azalea in a moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Sun to part shade; 6'–10' tall.
Epimedium 'Enchantress'

Epimedium 'Enchantress'
fairy wings

Silvery lilac flowers with purple inner segments dangle above elongated heart-shaped green leaves on this dwarf (6" tall) Epimedium. Deer resistant and easy in the woodland garden. Shade; 6" tall.
Epimedium ×perralchicum 'Frohnleiten'

Epimedium ×perralchicum 'Frohnleiten'
fairy wings

Epimedium 'Frohnleiten' produces yellow flowers. It is a 12" tall spreading plant (6"–8" per year) whose foliage remains evergreen from zone 6 southward, although we shear it back just prior to flowering to get rid of the old ratty leaves and to show off the blooms. A woodland classic that is simply hard to beat. Shade; 12" tall.
Epimedium sempervirens 'Okuda's White'

Epimedium sempervirens 'Okuda's White'
fairy wings

A slow spreading, semi-evergreen Epimedium with relatively large, pure white flowers. To 10" tall. Rarely seen and much coveted for the woodland. Shade; 10" tall.
Epimedium wushanense 'Sandy Claws'

Epimedium wushanense 'Sandy Claws'
fairy wings

Epimedium produces small winged flowers atop wiry stems in spring and are a charming sight that all gardens should have. 'Sandy Claws' has large, leathery lance-shaped maroon leaves with spiny margins topped by creamy yellow flowers. Leaf color mellows to dark green by summer. Fairy wings are one of the few plants capable of surviving in dry shade. Slow to establish but worth the wait. Epimedium is sometimes known as horny goat weed and the leaves are used medicinally in Asia for their mild viagra-like effect. Shade; 16" tall.
Eriobotrya japonica 'Wuling Hardy'

Eriobotrya japonica 'Wuling Hardy'

The loquat is a small 25' evergreen tree that we love to grow for its tropical look. It flowers in fall and fruits in early spring, so do not expect fruit in Raleigh if winter temperatures drop too low. Foliage can be cut and brought inside for winter decorations and the flowers are white and fragrant. Select a somewhat protected location in your garden, since plants are sensitive to severe cold. These are from a 2008 Taiwan collection from Wuling Farm (MWT-117). Sun to light shade; 25' tall.
Erythrina herbacea

Erythrina herbacea
coral bean

In the warmer regions of its native range (North Carolina to Texas and northern Mexico), coral bean is a 25' tree but it is a dieback shrub here in Raleigh. The prickly stems give rise to 12" long spikes covered in bright red tubular flowers in May and June before they leaf out. As it is in the pea family, it makes a pod filled with red beans but do not eat them, they are poisonous. Red and tubular flowers mean that hummingbirds are attracted to them. Full sun; 6' in Raleigh.
Ficus johannis subsp. afghanistanica 'Silver Lyre'

Ficus johannis subsp. afghanistanica 'Silver Lyre'
Afghan fig

Tony Avent of Plant Delights describes this plant as: "Sean Hogan's extremely vigorous, silver leaf selection of Afghan fig, We think this probably represents a hybrid with the edible fig, Ficus carica. The upright woody stems quickly reach 20' tall and 10' wide … our plants reached 8' tall and 8' wide in 18 months. Each upright trunk is clothed with 4" long, snowflake-shaped, silvery green, sandpapery leaves … quite different from other green-leaf clones we have grown. The tiny figs are edible. We have never had any winter hardiness issues." Our plants haven't grown quite as vigorously as Tony's so size results may vary. Full sun; 8' -20'.
Forestiera godfreyi

Forestiera godfreyi
Godfrey's swamprivet

This southeast US native shrub is rare in the wild and is under pressure in the wild. The small, yellow, fuzzy-textured flowers appear in late winter on last year's wood. This plant is dioecious and if you get a female and a male, then the female plant will produce dark blue berries in May. Do not prune Forestiera until just after the blooms finish to preserve next year's flowers. To 15' tall. Full sun.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Blue Shadow'

Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Blue Shadow'

This is a breathtaking blue-leafed sport from Fothergilla 'Mt. Airy'. Fragrant, white, pollinator-friendly bottlebrush flowers open in spring before the dusty blue leaves emerge. Fall colors are bright red, orange, and yellow. The best blue Fothergilla for the south by far. Expect a tight shrub to about 5' in sun or part shade.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'NCFI1'

Fothergilla ×intermedia 'NCFI1'
Legend of the Small dwarf witch-alder

Fothergilla Legend of the Small at 2.5' tall is a dwarf form of this popular landscape shrub developed by North Carolina State University breeder Tom Ranney. In spring, Fothergilla produces fragrant, white spiky, sputnik-like flowers and during the growing season the shrub is covered in blue-green foliage. In autumn the colors are spectacular as the leaves turn brilliant, orange, yellow, and red. Full sun; To 30" tall.
Fragaria vesca (variegated)

Fragaria vesca (variegated)
variegated alpine strawberry

This alpine strawberry produces small edible fruit in early summer from its white spring flowers. And when not in fruit, the 10" tall plant remains attractive with its white-edged variegated leaves. A pretty, spreading ground cover. Full sun; 10" tall.
Geranium 'Azure Rush'

Geranium 'Azure Rush'

A hybrid of the popular Geranium 'Rozanne' and G. wallichianum that is more compact (at 18" tall), less aggressive and neater in form than 'Rozanne' with a lighter blue 2.5" flower. Fragrant foliage too. 'Azure Rush' is a long blooming perennial effective in a border or spilling over a rock wall. Sun to part shade; 18" tall.

Geranium ×cantabrigiense 'ABPP'
Crystal Rose cranesbill

Brilliant magenta pink flowers top this compact perennial from spring to summer. The flowers are held well above the leaves, which are small, shiny and broadly lobed. The leaves are a good orange color during the fall in cold climates. Sun to light shade; Grows to 8" tall × 15" wide.

Geranium 'Dragon Heart'

Dark 2" magenta flowers with a deeper eye top this 12" × 48" perennial from spring to summer. A large billowing plant with long trailing flowering stems perfect for weaving through and around other plants. Full sun to light shade; 12" tall.

Geranium phaeum 'Margaret Wilson'
dusky cranesbill

Bluish purple flowers top this 12" × 15" perennial from spring into summer. A stunning variegated geranium, with reticulated yellow and green leaves. Needs protection from hot afternoon sun. Part sun to shade; 12".

Geranium 'Pink Delight'

Pale pink flowers top this 9" × 14" perennial from spring into summer. Forms a small domed mound. Full sun; 10" tall.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'

Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'
mountain cransebill

A wide spreading, long blooming perennial with purple flowers all summer long until fall. Once the flowers are spent you can cut this plant back hard and it will bounce back and bloom again. To 16" tall. Full sun.

Geranium renardii 'Whiteknights'
Caucasian cranesbill

Lilac blue, dark veined flowers top this 10" × 12" perennial from spring to summer. Felted rugose leaves. Very slow growing. Probably best in a rock garden or other well drained site. Full sun; 10" tall.
Ginkgo biloba 'Folkert's Select'

Ginkgo biloba 'Folkert's Select'
maidenhair tree

A dwarf Ginkgo (15') with small leaves on upward angled branches. Excellent clear yellow fall foliage. Full sun.
Globularia cordifolia

Globularia cordifolia
globe daisy

A little 6" tall alpine plant from the mountains of southern Europe. Low and slowly spreading domes with evergreen leaves and lavender-blue pom-pom flowers. Easy and tough. Takes dry or a good bit of water if given really good drainage. A great rock garden plant. Full sun.
Gunnera magellanica

Gunnera magellanica
Magellan's miniature gunnera

A diminutive 4" tall relative to the more familiar massive Gunnera tinctora. This has a creeping habit making a low dense ground cover with rounded leaves. Herbaceous, the new leaves emerge in late March to April. Insignificant flowers. Loves a rich moist soil—mulch if bitter cold. Relief from afternoon sun and heat is important. This will probably not be an easy plant to grow in the Southeast—you've been warned. Part sun.
Gunnera tinctoria

Gunnera tinctoria
Chilean gunnera

You're gonna kill it! Brought to you by popular demand is this massive-leaved South American perennial that does great in the cool Pacific Northwest but usually fails in our heat and humidity. Best of luck. Siting is critical with this plant. Partial shade and a cool, protected location with plenty of moisture and a lot of space as it grows to 8' tall and wide. In its native Chile it is eaten like rhubarb. The 5' wide leaves rival the largest elephant ears in size. Part sun. Relief from afternoon sun and heat is important.
Gymnocalycium deeszianum

Gymnocalycium deeszianum
barrel cactus

Gymnocalycium deszianum is a barrel cactus from the Cordoba region of central Argentina that is hardy to at least 7°F. The 3' tall × 4" wide barrel produces large white flowers in spring. A dry winter location is recommended.
Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping'

Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping'
Ozark witch hazel

A medium sized deciduous shrub with long pendulous stems growing just 5' tall but spreading twice as wide. In winter it produces orange red flowers that possess a nice fragrance. Golden yellow fall foliage. Flowers on old wood so the best time to prune it is just after the blooms fade. Full sun.
Helwingia (aff. himalaica DJHS 3073)

Helwingia (aff. himalaica DJHS 3073)
Himalayan helwingia

A male of this dioecious Himalayan species collected by famed plant explorer Dan Hinckley in 2003. This is a truly bizarre species whose tiny greenish-white flowers are produced in the center of its glossy evergreen leaves in spring. This is rare and unusual and perfect for collectors of esoteric plants. Suitable for a wide range of soil types in a part sun location. Part sun; 12' tall.
Hemerocallis 'Cosmic Struggle'

Hemerocallis 'Cosmic Struggle'

Ruffled wine purple flowers are lined neatly with a lemon-yellow picotee edge. Daylilies are super tough and super easy to grow. Every garden should have some. Why not select a superior cultivar like 'Cosmic Struggle'? Midseason bloomer, blooming in July. Reblooms. Fragrant, thick-textured, tetraploid flowers. To 26" tall. Full sun.
Hemerocallis 'Rock Solid'

Hemerocallis 'Rock Solid'

Light mauve flowers have a wide, dark purple eye and a matching dark purple picotee edge. 'Rock Solid' has a very high bud count and well branched scapes. Daylilies Are super tough and super easy to grow. Early midseason bloomer, flowers in early July. Rebloomer. Very Fragrant flowers. Tetraploid. To 27" tall. Full sun.
Heptapleurum aff. brevipedicellatum

Heptapleurum aff. brevipedicellatum

A smaller (5' tall) araliad from northern Vietnam with dark evergreen leaflets in whorls on purple stems. White flowers in round clusters appear in late summer. A forest shrub so best sited in a grouping or sheltered position from bright sun and strong winds. The late flowers provide food for insects and the berries for birds. Despite being from Vietnam it is quite cold hardy. Schefflera gracilis (syn. Heptapleurum gracile) can be a tricky plant to grow. JCRA director Mark Weathington has had success with it through several mild winters now and it has grown, flowered, and tried to fruit in a shady, protected spot in his garden. Part sun to shade.
Heuchera 'Caramel'

Heuchera 'Caramel'
coral bells

'Caramel' is a popular selection prized for its vigor and heat tolerance. Leaves range in color from apricot to amber with purple-red undersides. This is a Heuchera villosa hybrid that exhibits an increased tolerance of high heat and humidity of the southeast U.S. Cream flowers appear in midsummer but you grow this one for the foliage, not the flower. To 18" tall. Sun to part shade.
Heuchera 'Frosted Violet'

Heuchera 'Frosted Violet'
coral bells

Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' is the industry standard of purple leaved Heuchera. It has Heuchera villosa in the parentage which makes it heat tolerant for our North Carolina summers. Purple foliage with darker veins. In late spring it is topped with light pink flowers. To 12" tall. Sun to part shade.
Heuchera 'Kiecakrul'

Heuchera 'Kiecakrul'
Melting Fire coral bells

'Melting Fire' has curled leaves that begin bright red, and darken with age to maroon. Flower stems are also deep red and carry clusters of very small white flowers. To 18" tall. Sun to part shade.
Huodendron tibeticum

Huodendron tibeticum
evergreen false snowbell

A Styrax relative from Tibet forming a small 25' tall evergreen tree. In spring large pearl-earring buds swell before opening up and developing into white flowers with petals that curl backwards and long exposed stamens resembling the legs of a tiny white octopus. The deep red bark exfoliates to a smooth cream color underneath.
New leaves emerge pinkish before turning green. Sun to part shade.
Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Kuga Variegated'

Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Kuga Variegated'
variegated climbing hydrangea

This 20' long, slow-growing deciduous vine has new leaves splashed with cream, white, and a little bit of pink. White, early summer, lace cap flowers are produced in profusion. In winter after the leaves drop, the reddish, exfoliating stems are quite showy growing on brick walls or up the trunks of other trees. Part sun to shade; 20' or more tall.
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA7'

Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA7'
Invincibelle Mini Mauvette smooth hydrangea

A dwarf, reblooming, mauve colored native Hydrangea. Mini Mauvette grows to just 3' tall and wide so it fits into any landscape. It blooms on new growth and so is impervious to late freezes or poor pruning habits. Its re-blooming nature also means that the blooms appear over a long period of time from summer into fall. Part sun to shade; 3' tall.
Hydrangea lobbii

Hydrangea lobbii
evergreen hydrangea

This evergreen (yes, evergreen) Hydrangea doesn't even look like a Hydrangea with its elongated fleshy leaves. It forms a 3' tall upright shrub, and flowers in winter with lacecap flowers bearing exceptionally large, white outer florets. Although it appears that this plant is not fully hardy in zone 7b (our plant has burnt to the ground in the past), this should be an exceptional plant in warmer zones and protected microclimates. Part sun to shade; 3' tall.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive'
Summer Crush bigleaf hydrangea

Part of the Endless Summer series of Hydrangea, Summer Crush is a dwarf 3' hydrangea with either pink or purple 5" wide blooms depending on soil pH. A low pH soil with high aluminum in it will trigger purple-ier flowers and a low aluminum soil (higher pH) will trigger pinker flowers. Blooms on both old wood and new wood and so it blooms all summer long. Part sun to shade.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels Lace'

Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels Lace'
panicled hydrangea

The flamboyant blooms of 'Brussels Lace' are simply outstanding. Whitish green panicles of flowers become spotted with pink as the season goes on. Like many Hydrangea varieties, flowers can be cut and brought indoors to dry and later provide winter interest in floral displays. To 6' tall. Full sun to part shade.
Hydrangea 'USHYD0405'

Hydrangea 'USHYD0405'
Fairytrail Bride cascading hydrangea

A cascading Hydrangea! Fairytail Bride is being marketed as a Hydrangea for containers so the cascading branches can spill over the sides. Of course you can also use this white flowered Hydrangea in typical garden locations too. To 4' tall. Part sun to shade.
Hypericum 'Red'

Hypericum 'Red'
HyperBerries St. John's-wort

In the cut flower trade, certain Hypericum androsaemum and Hypericum ×inodorum selections have been made for their prolific, intensely colored and beautiful berry production. Some of these plants also make excellent garden specimens as is the case with Hyperberries Red Hypericum. A 4' tall deciduous shrub with upright branches topped with hot yellow flowers in early summer followed a few months later by a large crop of bright red coffee bean sized berries. Cut them and bring them inside or leave them on the plant to feed the birds, your choice. Once established, Hypericum is drought tolerant. Some people say that Hypericum flowers smell like incense or ambergris. In the Victorian "Language of Flowers," Hypericum symbolizes superstition and flower springs were hung above windows to ward off evil spirits. Sun; well-drained soil; 4' tall and wide.
Ilex crenata 'Golden Soft Touch'

Ilex crenata 'Golden Soft Touch'
Japanese holly

A yellow-leaved sport of Ilex 'Soft Touch'. New growth emerges a bright yellow before fading to green later in the season. A dense, mounded, 3' tall evergreen shrub with soft-textured leaves. Works wonderfully when planted in borders, as an accent, or along walkways. Black ornamental berries persist throughout winter for cool season interest. Full sun to light shade.
Ilex 'Solar Flare'

Ilex 'Solar Flare'
variegated holly

'Solar Flare' holly was found by area plantswoman Joanne Currier of The Unique Plant, and it is proving to be one of the showiest hollies around. This bright gold-margined sport of the popular oakleaf holly is a tough performer for sun or shade. It makes a screaming bright landscape accent and is not for the faint of heart! To 12' tall. Sun to part shade.
Ilex 'Whoa Nellie'

Ilex 'Whoa Nellie'
golden Nellie Stevens holly

Named by Tony Avent after seeing it in Mike Dirr's research plot, this screaming yellow-foliaged form of the popular 'Nellie R. Stevens' holly will definitely give a little kick to your garden. In shade, the foliage quickly loses the gold coloration, so plant it where it will receive maximum exposure, if you dare. To 15' tall.
Illicium floridanum 'Southern Star'

Illicium floridanum 'Southern Star'
variegated Florida anise

The ivory and green variegated foliage jazzes up this dependable evergreen and deer-resistant shrub for the garden. While most variegated anise on the market have pinkish flowers, this form has the dark burgundy flowers typical for the species. To 8' tall. Sun to shade.
Illicium 'Moonbeam'

Illicium 'Moonbeam'
yellow flowered anise

This brand new introduction combines the yellow flowers of some of the more obscure Asian species of anise with the better known garden forms. The end result is a deer proof shrub growing to about 6' tall and wide (we think) with heavy crops of pale yellow star-like flowers. We are super excited to be offering this plant for what we think is the first time. Sun to part shade; To 6' tall and wide.
Illicium 'NCIH2'

Illicium 'NCIH2'
Orion compact anise

The unique, star shaped white flowers of Orion are quite showy when it blooms heavily in the spring and again in late summer. It is highly deer resistant like all Illicium and comes from the breeding program of NC State University's Tom Ranney. To 5' tall. Sun to part shade.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'

Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
pink flowered anise

A stunning hybrid of the red-flowered Illicium mexicanum and white-flowered Illicium floridanum f. album introduced by Woodlanders Nursery. Ruby-pink starfish-like flowers are larger than those on either parent. Extended blooming period from the Mexican parent. This is always among the showiest of all our anise shrubs. To 8' tall. Sun to part shade.
Impatiens arguta

Impatiens arguta
busy lizzie

Not your typical bedding plant Impatiens ... the 2' tall Impatiens arguta from Nepal and Tibet has an almost shrubby habit with loose cascading branches that will hang over a stone wall, hanging basket or large container. Bizzarre blue flowers are tubular in shape with a curled nectary at the back end and they look like a flying parrot or a fish (depending on your imagination) in profile. Being from Tibet you might guess that this plant prefers cooler nights and you'd be right so site it accordingly in a part-sun location protected from afternoon sun. Or, grow it as a curious house plant. Rich soil is preferred. Part sun to shade.

Impatiens qingchengshanica
perennial impatiens

From Sichuan China comes this newly described species (2011) first collected by plantsman Darrell Probst in moist shady broadleaf forests. Flowering from late summer to fall, the blooms are pale pink and the leaves also have faint pink hues. The flowers have a long nectary on the back side and look a bit like like a pink wizards hat. Mulch it well to get it through the winter and water regularly in the summer when it is actively growing. The complicated specific epithet (qingchengshanica) name (to us English-speakers) is named for the sacred Taoist mountain Qingcheng-shan (Azure Castle Mountain) on the edge of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan China where this plant was discovered and where Taoism is said to have originated. To 20" tall. Part sun.
Iris 'Eileen's Dream'

Iris 'Eileen's Dream'
Japanese iris

A 32" tall Japanese iris with large purple blooms ruffled to look almost double. Small but bright yellow signals peak out from the ruffles. An excellent choice for a rain garden or at the edge of a water feature. Does well in typical garden soil too as long as it is not too dry. Full sun.
Iris 'Hemstitched'

Iris 'Hemstitched'
tall bearded iris

A tall bearded iris with the palest of pale blue flowers in spring. Flowers have a slight sweet fragrance. This is a 1984 introduction from Iris breeder John Weiler that won an Award of Merit in 1990. To 37" tall. Full sun.
Iris 'Lion King'

Iris 'Lion King'
Japanese iris

A 48" tall Japanese iris with extraordinary 7"–8" wide flowers. Each petal displays a wide, grape purple edge that feathers into the pure white center. A small bright yellow signal is tucked down into the base of each ruffled petal. An excellent choice for a rain garden or at the edge of a water feature. Does well in typical garden soil too as long as it is not too dry. Full sun.
Iris 'Schoolboy Heart'

Iris 'Schoolboy Heart'
tall bearded iris

A tall bearded Iris introduced by Schreiner's in 2018 with the ruffled soft coral pink flowers in spring. Tall bearded Iris prefer full sun, rich soil and even moisture. To 33" tall. Full sun.

Iris sibirica 'Black Joker'
Siberian iris

A Siberian iris introduced by Marty Schefer and Jan Sacks in 2013 with an unusual color. Yellow-lavender standards, violet wash in center, pale yellow edge; deep yellow purple falls, diffuse gold rim, yellow signal heavily veined and speckled very dark purple. An Award of Merit winner from 2019. To 19" tall. Full sun.
Iris sibirica 'Swans in Flight'

Iris sibirica 'Swans in Flight'
Siberian iris

A Siberian iris with large 5" pure white flowers that blooms in early summer. To 33" tall. Full sun.

Iris 'Titan's Glory'
tall bearded iris

A tall bearded iris with ruffled bishops-purple flowers in spring. Introduced by Schreiner's in 1981. An Award of Merit winner from 1985 and a Dykes Memorial Medal winner from 1988. To 37" tall. Full sun.
Iris tridentata

Iris tridentata
savannah iris

This southeastern U.S. native Iris will quickly form large mats in average to boggy soils. Blue flowers top an 18" tall plant in May (in Raleigh) and are more numerous in wetter soil than dryer. Sun to part shade.
Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows'

Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows'
European meadow rush

Spiky blue foliage creates a distinct textural element in the garden, especially nice when repeated throughout a bed. Rushes grow naturally in damp spots, but will grow fine in regular garden soil or containers. To 3' tall. Full sun.
Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'

Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'
gold-column common juniper

A beacon in the landscape, this outstanding 9' tall upright form of juniper has gold new growth. 'Gold Cone' juniper will not outgrow its site quickly, since it has a moderately slow growth rate. It is hardy throughout North Carolina. Full sun.
Juniperus communis 'Spotty Spreader'

Juniperus communis 'Spotty Spreader'
variegated common juniper

A ground cover juniper just 6" tall spreading to 6' wide. Variegated with creamy yellow sections on the green foliage. If you are a grafter, you can graft this horizontal specimen onto a standard to create artistic forms. Junipers are tough and easy to grow ... full sun, almost any type of soil and drought tolerant once established. Full sun.
Lagerstroemia 'Ebony Embers'

Lagerstroemia 'Ebony Embers'
Black Diamond Red Hot crepe myrtle

The amazing blooms of the Red Hot Black Diamond are bright red offsetting the intense hues of the dark leaves. At first the bloom may appear white but darkens once fully opened. This low-maintenance crepe myrtle is drought tolerant and mildew resistant. To 15' tall. Full sun.
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Townhouse'

Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Townhouse'
Japanese crepe myrtle

A 30' tall crepe myrtle cultivar introduced to the trade by the JC Raulston Arboretum in the 1980's. 'Townhouse' is notable for its exceptionally wide, multi-trunked form and dark, rusty-brown bark, possibly the darkest of any crepe myrtle. Covered with pure white flowers in summer and excellent fall color, this handsome tree is a true four season beauty. This is the original tree that arose as a chance seedling found underneath the 'Fantasy' Japanese crepe myrtle (near the Wilder Visitor Center). Students in the 1980's selected it to feature in the model garden they constructed, the Townhouse Garden, hence its name. Sun to part shade.
Lamium maculatum 'Chequers'

Lamium maculatum 'Chequers'

A spreading 10" tall ground cover plant for part shade to shade. Variegated green leaves with a creamy central stripe. Covered with mauve flowers in late spring. Easy to grow. Shear it back if it gets leggy or worn out looking. Part sun to shade.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'

Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'
white bleeding heart

Its prior name was Dicentra spectabilis and most people still recognize it by that name. Bleeding hearts are spring ephemerals that appear, grow to about 30" tall, bloom with their popular heart-shaped flowers and then usually go dormant before the heat of summer. If sited in a shaded spot protected from the worst heat and drought the foliage may stick around until fall. This cultivar has pure white flowers. Part sun to shade; evenly moist, compost-rich soil.
Lemmaphyllum microphyllum

Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
green penny fern

This tiny fern usually grows as an epiphyte over a wide part of southeastern subtropical Asia. It has survived two mild winters here at the JC Raulston Arboretum and was still green after several nights of 17 degrees. It would certainly make an excellent terrarium fern or small container plant. Round, sterile fronds are smaller than a dime and are produced singly along the trailing stem. Fertile fronds rise to an inch or more and are upright and forked. To be safe, you may want to split this plant and grow part outdoors but keep a piece indoors. Shade, zone 7b.
Leptinella gruveri

Leptinella gruveri
miniature brass buttons

A tiny 1" tall spreading evergreen ground cover plant with ferny foliage. A perfect plant for between stepping stones or as a low traffic lawn replacement. Needs to stay evenly moist all season to look its best. Full sun to part shade.
Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Goldfinch'

Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Goldfinch'
yellow Shasta daisy

A yellow Shasta daisy! These flowers start blooming in June and if deadheaded will give you several months of blooms. the flowers open up a lemon yellow color and fade to white as they age. Leave them in the garden or cut them for an arrangement ... it's up to you. Shasta daisies are easy to grow and prefer full sun, well-drained soils and even moisture. If the plants get too tall and leggy in mid summer, cut them back hard to reflush and back off the fertilizer to promote flower production over stem growth. Typically to around 19" tall. Full sun.
Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno'

Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno'
double tiger lily

A double flowered tiger lily that produces distinct 4" orange blooms with dark purple spots on a 4' single stem. Reproduces by little black bulbils that form along the stem. A long lasting cut flower. Rich, well-drained soil is best. These are from our always amazing patch in the Asian Valley. Sun to part shade; 5' tall.
Lilium nepalense

Lilium nepalense
Nepal lily

The Nepal lily blooms in early summer on 4' tall stems with large, pendant flowers that are a yellowish-green color with a large purple central blotch. Unlike many lilies, this one spreads on rhizomes and forms new bulbs and plants every 18" or so as it spreads. A a plant native to mountainous Nepal, Bhutan, and northern India, this lily requires good drainage and winter mulch. Full sun.
Liriope muscari 'PeeDee Ingot'

Liriope muscari 'PeeDee Ingot'
yellow lilyturf

The golden leaves on this 8" tall liriope make it stand out in the garden. 'PeeDee Ingot' was found and introduced years ago by Ursula Herz (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina). Somehow, it has remained curiously unknown. Beautiful purple flowers held atop the leaves in late summer are a perfect foil for the chartreuse foliage. Foliage color is brightest in the spring. For us, 'PeeDee Ingot' has performed admirably both in full sun in our Perennial Border and in the shade of our Lath House. Hardy to zone 6. Sun to part shade.
Magnolia figo 'Hagiwara Everblooming'

Magnolia figo 'Hagiwara Everblooming'
banana shrub

This banana shrub flowers throughout the growing season and has a delectable fragrance just like its parent. Many think it is better. One would scarcely know that this plant is not the typical species, until it is growing, and then one sees the ever blooming nature of this selection. Its flowers are the typical creamy white but it seems to have a little more purple at the base of its petals than its parent. This is a wonderful addition to our collection of evergreen Magnolia. It has done really well in full sun to shade, but the more sun it receives, the heavier will be the flower set. This species can get quite large in its native China reaching small tree proportions but is generally around 12' tall here. It can be kept much smaller by regular pruning if desired. While other Magnolia taxa may be showier, few are even close to as fragrant. Sun to part shade.
Magnolia 'Lois'

Magnolia 'Lois'
Brooklyn Botanic Garden hybrid magnolia

Yellow blooms appear in spring and pale as they mature. A 30' tall small tree or large shrub with a conical form and large relatively coarse leaves. This, along with several other yellow-flowered Magnolia cultivars, was bred at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden which is famous for introducing yellow Magnolia cultivars to the world. Full sun.
Magnolia 'Serendipity'

Magnolia 'Serendipity'
hybrid magnolia

A hybrid Magnolia from several Asian magnolia species with smaller evergreen leaves. This is a large 20' tall shrub with a globose shape. Flowers for a month in the early spring which ensures a good flower show despite any late freezes. A JCRA Choice Plants selection. Sun to part shade.

Maianthemum fuscum
false lily of the valley

Maienthemum is a relative of Smilacina and is sometimes sold under that name. This species falls under the category BIO for "botanical interest only" and is a true esoteric collector's item for Solomon's seal nerds. It is a woodland plant that slowly spreads into a colony on rhizomes. From each node arises an arching stem with 6" leaves and insignificant purple flowers. Rich, well drained soil. To 2' tall. Shade.

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (pink)
pink turk's cap

This spreading shrub grows to 3' tall. Its 1" turks-cap style pink flowers usually are produced in showy profusion during hot weather at the end of summer and early fall. This pink flowered selection arose in the JC Raulston Arboretum perennial border and is distinct from 'Pam Puryear', another pink flowered Malvaviscus. Full sun.
Mentha requienii

Mentha requienii
Corsican mint

A 1" tall spreading ground cover with teeny tiny mint-scented leaves. A great plant for between pavers or for a container. Corsican mint is native to the Mediterranean islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Montecristo. Its Mediterranean home should tell you that it prefers well drained soil. Corsican mint looks its best with regular watering, avoiding long dry spells. As a ground hugging plant it tolerates and even prefers dappled shade but will spread into full sun sites as it gets established. It will tolerate light foot traffic and each step will release a minty fragrance. This is the type of mint used to flavor Creme-de-Menthe liquor. Full sun.
Monarda 'Fireball'

Monarda 'Fireball'
dwarf red beebalm

The folks at Bluestone Perennials say this 24" tall dwarf selection of our native beebalm has, "Dense ball-shaped flowers in a good solid red [that] really punch some color into the border or patio container. The abundant flowers of Monarda 'Fireball' are held close atop their dense foliage and have fringy petals that almost seem to burst from the top of the bloom like a miniature firework display." This is a total hummingbird, butterfly, and pollinator magnet. Sun to part shade.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Tricolor'

Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Tricolor'
creeping wire vine

The leaves that cover the thin, black wiry stems of this hardy plant are mottled green, white, and pink making it an attractive small scale ground cover. It is also quite nice in a hanging basket or cascading out of a container. Easy and attractive. Sun to part shade; 4" tall by 36" wide.
Nandina domestica 'San Gabriel'

Nandina domestica 'San Gabriel'
threadleaf heavenly bamboo

A 2' tall dwarf evergreen shrub with extremely narrow, thread-like leaves. This Nandina hardly looks like a Nandina at all and is suitable as a specimen plant or a container plant but probably not as a foundation plant like so many other Nandina cultivars. New thread-like growth is reddish which turns green in summer and reddish again in fall and winter. Small pinkish white flowers in late spring turn into red berries in winter that persist because birds do not like to eat them. This cultivar is also found in the trade as Nandina filamentosa 'Threadleaf', N. domestica 'Threadleaf' and N. 'Kirajuse'. Full sun to part shade; 2' tall.
Nepeta 'Joanna Reed'

Nepeta 'Joanna Reed'

'Joanna Reed' bears violet blue flowers from late spring into fall with a low, wide habit. It received a five star "excellent" rating in a Chicago Botanic Garden evaluation of catmints, Flowers attract butterflies and bees and it is typically not bothered by deer. To 36" tall. Full sun.
Nicotiana mutabilis

Nicotiana mutabilis
flowering tobacco

A Brazilian native plant that grows year-round in warm climates but will be a dieback perennial for us here in Raleigh and will be the most reliable towards the coast. The 3' tall clump of leaves produce 8' tall flower stalks covered in 1" flowers that open white and mature to pink, then rose creating a multicolored spectacle for a long period of time. This plant self sows when happy and makes a good cut flower. Rich soil is best. Like many tobacco relatives, this plant is poisonous and is therefore deer resistant. A cold zone 7b winter may take out the plant so remember to collect a few seeds to start new plants. Full sun; 8' tall.
Nierembergia repens

Nierembergia repens
cup flower

Quarter-sized white flowers cover this 3" tall spreading ground cover from July to September. Tolerates a bit of foot traffic so you can use it between pavers or as a lawn substitute in a low traffic site in part shade. Prefers moist soil. This is a South American native. Part sun to part shade.
Ocimum 'African Blue'

Ocimum 'African Blue'
hybrid basil

This basil has mild edible leaves and sweet edible flowers. The leaves are dark green to purple in color. Pinch back frequently to produce a bushy plant. Not cold hardy. To 2' tall. Butterfly magnet. Full sun.
Odontonema tubaeforme

Odontonema tubaeforme

A Central American native (thus not typically cold hardy here!) related to Acanthus. Firespike is a shrub that grows 3' tall in a single season and produces terminal flower spikes covered with bright red tubular flowers that hummingbirds are sure to like. This selection has proven to be hardy for several years in central North Carolina but we still have our doubts. Full sun.
Osmanthus armatus 'Jim Porter'

Osmanthus armatus 'Jim Porter'
tea olive

Osmanthus decorus 'Baki Kasapligil'

Osmanthus decorus 'Baki Kasapligil'
sweet olive

Far Reaches Farm says of this plant: "A Roy Lancaster collection from Turkey of this invaluable evergreen shrub which is quite scarce in the trade. This will be fairly drought tolerant and likely deer-proof as its brethren all are. Small fragrant white flowers in spring. Just the fact that Roy collected this is reason enough for us to grow it. Indulging a bit in hero worship." This cultivar name commemorates a Turkish-American botanist. To 8' tall. Full sun to part shade.
Osmanthus delavayi

Osmanthus delavayi
Delavay's tea-olive

This small shrub from China is a beautiful small-leaved broadleaved evergreen shrub producing white intensely fragrant flowers in early spring. (Hilliers Manual—"one of China's gems") Sun to part shade but best in part shade, it is a choice plant for beside a path or in a rock garden area. Although introduced to cultivation from China in 1890 and awarded the First Class Certificate by the RHS in 1923 it is very rarely seen in U.S. gardens. To 8' tall but often much smaller. Sun to shade.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'
fragrant princess holly tea-olive

This little tea olive is perfect choice for a rock garden, hypertufa trough, bonsai, or border front. Its small white flower is highly fragrant giving it the Japanese name "fragrant princess." A JC Raulston Arboretum Choice Plants selection. Growing quickly to the height of 1'–2' feet, it then slows to its mature height of 6' or so. Sun to part shade.
Osmunda regalis

Osmunda regalis
royal fern

The royal fern, like most ferns, prefers a woodland site with rich consistently moist soil. In the cooler parts of its range (zones 3–9) it will tolerate full sun. The broad textured fronds are upright and turn yellow in the fall. The fertile fronds have tassel-like spore structures called sporangia. In Slavic mythology, the sporangia have magical powers, giving their holders the ability to defeat demons, fulfill wishes, unlock secrets, and understand the language of trees. The fiddleheads of royal fern are sometimes cooked and eaten and are said to taste like asparagus. This is a native fern to the eastern US, Canada and western Europe. To 3' tall. Part sun to shade.
Oxalis bowiei

Oxalis bowiei
Cape shamrock

A charming little 8" tall perennial that emerges in fall with large (for an oxalis) three-lobed leaves that are quickly topped with large (again for an oxalis) hot pink flowers. The leaves will hang around until spring and then disappear for the summer. A pretty rock-garden plant. Sun to part shade.
Pachysandra procumbens

Pachysandra procumbens
Allegheny spurge

A shade loving evergreen ground cover for rich soils, this 12" tall plant spreads slowly to form a colony. A southeastern native from Kentucky and North Carolina south to Florida and Texas. Tiny, fragrant, greenish white flowers appear on spikes in early spring before the new leaves appear. Shade.
Paeonia 'Big Ben'

Paeonia 'Big Ben'

An early to midseason peony with red double flowers that are exceptionally fragrant. To 30" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Celebrity'

Paeonia 'Celebrity'

A mid- to late-season peony with a double bloom consisting of layers of white, pink, and fuchsia petalloids. Very fragrant. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Eden's Perfume'

Paeonia 'Eden's Perfume'

A late season peony with a soft pink double bloom up to 7" across. Very fragrant. Smells like roses. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima'

Paeonia lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima'

A long-time favorite since the 19th century with 7" double blooms that are white with sparse red flecks inside. Fragrant. An early to midseason bloomer. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Lady Orchid'

Paeonia 'Lady Orchid'

A midseason bloomer with double pale pink flowers with ragged petal edges for a very full look. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Lemon Chiffon'

Paeonia 'Lemon Chiffon'

A early-season bloomer with semi-double pale yellow flowers around a boss of gold stamens. To 28" tall. This won the American Peony Society's best in show award. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Morning Lilac'

Paeonia 'Morning Lilac'
Itoh peony

A early-season bloomer with semi-double fuchsia flowers with a central splash of gold stamens. Itoh peonies have stunningly large 7"–9" wide flowers and bright colors as well as stout stems which never need staking. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Pecher'

Paeonia 'Pecher'

A late season bloomer with double soft pink flowers, often with a thin red picotee edge, that age to white. Fragrant. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'

Paeonia 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'

An early-season bloomer with semi-double coral-pink flowers which fade to apricot-pink. Fragrant. To 32" tall. Winner of the American Peony Society gold medal and landscape merit award. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Purple Spider'

Paeonia 'Purple Spider'

An midseason bloomer with double fuchsia purple flowers which fade to white. The flower form is an unusual double form with spidery inner petalloids. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Scrumdidleyumptious'

Paeonia 'Scrumdidleyumptious'
Itoh peony

An midseason bloomer with double flowers of a creamy yellow with a pink blush and darkening to a mid pink edge. Itoh peonies have stunningly large 6" wide flowers and bright colors as well as sturdy stems which never need staking. Mildly fragrant. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Parrotia persica 'Jlpn01'

Parrotia persica 'Jlpn01'
Persian Spire upright Persian parrotia

Persian parrotia is one of those trees that plant nuts always love but that never seem to make it into the general trade. They are well known for having gorgeous bark which peels off in patches like a jigsaw puzzle. Add to that the red, petal-less flowers which wouldn't cause comment if competing with azaleas in spring but are most welcome to gardeners and pollinators in late winter. This new selection forms a very upright oval shape. New growth emerges red and the leaves become red-edged over summer. Like all Parrotia, fall color should be superb and long lasting. To 25' tall. Sun to part shade.
Passiflora 'Lady Margaret'

Passiflora 'Lady Margaret'
passion flower

A hybrid passion vine with red flowers and a bright white spot in the center. Evergreen in warmer climates, this is a die-back vine here in North Carolina that grows to 10' tall each season. Peak bloom is in late summer. Prefers lean soil that stays on the dry side. A host plant for Gulf fritillary, zebra longwings, and other Heliconian butterfly caterpillars so if you see a caterpillar munching on the plant, leave it alone. Full sun.
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head'

Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head'
fountain grass

Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head' is a perennial grass forming a dense clump of gracefully arching 4' tall linear leaves. Deep green in summer, they turn gold in the fall before fading to buff in winter. Stylish red-hued bottlebrush plumes (flower heads), a full 8" long, emerge in midsummer. Full sun.
Penstemon heterophyllus 'Blue Springs'

Penstemon heterophyllus 'Blue Springs'
foothill beardtongue

A seed strain of this west coast native Penstemon with 18" tall spikes covered with small bright blue tubular flowers with pink calyces. Penstemon prefers full sun and lean soils a bit on the dry side. Butterflies and hummingbirds love these flowers. Full sun.
Penstemon 'Midnight Masquerade'

Penstemon 'Midnight Masquerade'

A purple-leaved Penstemon that produces 40" tall spikes covered in showy tubular lavender flowers with white throats in early summer. Gorgeous color from foliage and flowers and easy to grow. Full sun.
Penstemon 'Miniature Bells'

Penstemon 'Miniature Bells'

A mixture of pink, rose, and purple tubular flowers bloom for a long time on narrow 18" spikes in summer. This species of Penstemon requires well drained gritty soil and would be best grown in a rock garden or well-drained perennial bed. Penstemon tend to be deer and rabbit resistant. Full sun.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'CrazyBlue'

Perovskia atriplicifolia 'CrazyBlue'
Russian sage

A 18" tall compact Perovskia that is not lanky and floppy as the wild type can be. Violet-blue flower spikes arise from the lacy, gray-green foliage. Perovskia is a popular border plant for parking lots and hell strips as it is incredibly tough and drought tolerant. The foliage has a distinct herby-sagey scent to it making it quite deer resistant. Full sun.
Philadelphus 'Snow Dwarf'

Philadelphus 'Snow Dwarf'

A dwarf mockorange to just 3' tall with fragrant white flowers in early summer. The genus name Philadelphus is Latin for 'brotherly love' and the orange-blossom scented flowers are used in tea, perfume and as nosegays. Full sun to part shade.
Phlox 'Cloudburst'

Phlox 'Cloudburst'
tall phlox

Cloudburst is a tall phlox with long lasting fragrant purple flowers, disease resistant leaves and a dome-like mounding habit. Full sun. Well drained soil and regular watering. Good air circulation helps prevent disease issues. To 28" tall. Full sun.
Phlox paniculata 'Grenadine Dream'

Phlox paniculata 'Grenadine Dream'
garden phlox

A tall phlox with pinkish red flowers that last all summer. This cultivar belongs to the newer generation of mildew resistant tall phlox but still requires good air circulation to prevent it entirely. To 24" tall. Full sun.
Phlox paniculata 'Ultraviolet'

Phlox paniculata 'Ultraviolet'
garden phlox

Magenta violet flowers for a long period of time in the summer. This cultivar belongs to the newer generation of mildew resistant tall Phlox. To 24" tall. Full sun.
Phygelius capensis 'Magenta'

Phygelius capensis 'Magenta'
Cape figwort

A vivid magenta form of Cape fuchsia that is easy to grow. Phygelius capensis is a South African plant that blooms all summer long and prefers full sun and somewhat lean, well drained soil. The 3' tall flower spikes hold hundreds of small pendant tubular flowers that attract humming birds. A great rock garden plant. Full sun.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'ZLEYel2'

Physocarpus opulifolius 'ZLEYel2'
Raspberry Lemonade dwarf ninebark

A dwarf ninebark shrub that grows to just 4' × 4' and fits better into today's smaller gardens. New foliage emerges chartruese in spring and is topped in summer by numerous small white flowers and later by thousands of small coral fruits. Easy to grow in most parts of the country but may struggle a bit in the heat and humidity of the south unless sited with some protection from afternoon sun. Honeybees like the flowers. In winter after the leaves drop watch for the ornamental many-layered peeling bark that gives this plant its common name.
Picea abies 'Gold Drift'

Picea abies 'Gold Drift'
Norway spruce

A strictly weeping golden colored Norway spruce. Without staking, this plant will ramble along the ground and with staking a 15' tall weeping tree can be formed. Try training this plant on a pergola or training it into a curved artistic form. The final shape of this plant is limited only by your imagination. Full sun.
Picea orientalis 'Aureospicata'

Picea orientalis 'Aureospicata'
gold-tip Caucasian spruce

The new growth of this conifer is bright yellow that fades to green as the season progresses. A pyramidal conifer to 7' in 10 years. When mature, it will produce 3"–6" long cones that hand down from the branches. Full sun.
Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'

Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'
Japanese andromeda

'Temple Bells' is a compact 3' tall form of Japanese andromeda with hanging racemes of white bells in spring over the evergreen foliage. New growth emerges almost orange, much different than other selections. Shade.
Pinus leucodermis 'Irish Bell'

Pinus leucodermis 'Irish Bell'
Bosnian pine

An upright dwarf selection of Bosnian pine, with dense symmetrical branching and bright green needles. After 10 years, a mature specimen will measure a broadly pyramidal 6' tall and 4' wide. Full sun.
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca'

Pinus parviflora 'Glauca'
Japanese white pine

Pinus parviflora 'Glauca' is a small, broadly upright tree form of Japanese white pine with silver-blue curved needles. In spring young seed cones appear like tiny red flowers at the branch tips. After 10 years, a mature specimen will measure 15' tall and wide. Full sun.
Pinus parviflora 'Kokuho'

Pinus parviflora 'Kokuho'
Japanese white pine

Pinus parviflora 'Kokuho' is a irregular globose selection of Japanese white pine with dense, uniform branching; and soft, pale-green needles that grow with a slight twist, and measure around 1" long. Foliar buds have a reddish cast that attractively stand out against the needles in winter and spring. After 10 years, a mature specimen will be 3' tall and wide. Also sold as 'Ko-Ku-Ho' and 'Ko Ku Ho'. Full sun.
Pinus uncinata 'Aries' (No. 14 WB)

Pinus uncinata 'Aries' (No. 14 WB)
mountain pine

A miniature flat bun just 8" tall by 12" wide in 10 years with miniature 1" needles. This cultivar originated as a witches broom found in the Czech Republic long ago. It is listed in the San Sebastian series of Mountain pines, a collection of thousands of broom selections made by Eastern European conifer professionals and hobbyists. Full sun, good drainage.
Piper auritum

Piper auritum
root beer plant

Large-leafed, 6' tall, and spreading, this perennial is related to the plant from which black pepper is made. Known for its leaves, which are used for their spicy aromatic scent and flavor, some liken to root beer, others to anise or clove. An important culinary herb in Latin America where it goes by many names, including Mexican pepper leaf and hoja santa (sacred leaf). Shade.

Pleione Alishan gx
hardy orchid

A 8" tall semi-hardy orchid that blooms in spring before the leaves emerge with a pink flower with red speckled throat. The pseudobulbs form at the surface of the soil and should be mulched in winter for protection or grown in a pot and brought indoors. Full sun to part shade.
Pleione formosana

Pleione formosana
hardy orchid

A 6" tall hardy orchid that blooms in spring before the leaves emerge with a pink flower with white throat. The pseudobulbs form at the surface of the soil and should be mulched in winter for protection or grown in a pot and brought indoors. Full sun to part shade. Full sun.
Podocarpus lawrencei 'Red Tip'

Podocarpus lawrencei 'Red Tip'
mountain plum pine

A dwarf, flattened globose selection of mountain plum pine with blue-green foliage that flushes bright red at the terminals well into the winter. After 10 years, a mature specimen will be 20" tall and 28" wide. Full sun to part shade.
Podocarpus nivalis 'Kilworth Cream'

Podocarpus nivalis 'Kilworth Cream'
alpine totara

A dwarf conifer just 2' by 2' in 10 years that forms a low mound of creamy white needles that become more intensely colored in winter. New spring growth is tinged pink. Suitable for a container, a rock garden, the front of a border or as a low hedge. Requires well drained soil. Full sun to part shade.
Podophyllum pleianthum

Podophyllum pleianthum
Chinese mayapple

This Chinese mayapple develops large 16" wide umbrella-shaped, shiny green, pleather-textured leaves emerging directly from the ground in spring with clusters of large maroon flowers dangling beneath them. Prefers well-drained woodland soils. Shade.
Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'

Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'
hybrid mayapple

This hybrid Asian mayapple is a bizarre herbaceous perennial with 20" tall umbrella-shaped leaves covered in purple splotches. In late spring, large maroon flowers can be seen dangling from the underside of the leaf. 'Spotty Dotty' is rhizomatous and will slowly spread into a colony. Protect it from late freezes by covering the newly emerging plants with a cloche or some landscape fabric if necessary. Do not let the soil stay dry for too long during the growing season. Shade.

Polygonatum graminifolium
grass-leaved Solomon's seal

A rare and charming 8" tall dwarf species from Nepal, whose whorls of grassy leaves do not look at all like the Polygonatum species you may have tried. Has rose-pink blooms, succeeded by pink fruits. Slow spreading, moist soil. This dainty treasure is best grown in a rock garden or alpine garden in humusy soil. In the wild it grows in grassy slopes below boulders in alpine Himalaya from Jammu and Kashmir to Bhutan. Part sun to shade.

Polygonatum prattii
Chinese Solomon's seal

A dwarf Solomon's seal from China that is just 6" tall. Pale purple blooms in late spring smell like vanilla followed by blue-black fruit. A true collector's plant for a rock garden or alpine garden. This will slowly spread by rhizomes if happy. This is a high altitude plant that should be protected from our extreme summer heat with careful siting away from afternoon sun. Part sun to shade.
Pratia 'Celestial Spice'

Pratia 'Celestial Spice'

This creeping evergreen perennial forms a 3" tall by 12" wide carpet of tiny green leaves, covered with ethereally beautiful blue flowers in summer. Great for planting between paving stones or as a lawn substitute in a low traffic site. The cultivar name implies some sort of fragrance but we imagine you will need to lay on the ground to smell it. Prefers evenly moist soil. Sun to part shade.
Prunus persica 'NCSU Dwarf Double Red'

Prunus persica 'NCSU Dwarf Double Red'
flowering peach

An ornamental peach tree with saturated hot pink-red flowers in early spring. A dwarf tree that grows slowly to 6' tall. The fruit produced have little flesh and are not particularly palatable. Save the seed though as it comes true from seed. The small double flowers look like roses close up. Full sun, disease resistant.
Pulmonaria 'Coral Springs'

Pulmonaria 'Coral Springs'

A 12" tall clump forming perennial with narrow, roughly fuzzy silver speckled leaves and topped in early spring with pink flowers instead of the typical blue. Part sun to shade.
Rhodiola pachyclados

Rhodiola pachyclados
gray stonecrop

A low evergreen sedum from Pakistan and Afghanistan makes a low, 6" groundcover of blue-green rosettes with white summer flowers. Best in a well-drained soil or rock garden. It is drought tolerant but does not seem to mind summer moisture like some plants from the region. Very cold hardy. Sun.
Rhododendron 'Carmen' × R. yakushimanum

Rhododendron 'Carmen' × R. yakushimanum
hybrid yak rhododendron

A hybrid evergreen Rhododendron with a smallish 4' stature whose R. yakushimanum parent conveys lovely silvery fuzzy foliage and whose 'Carmen' parent contributes dangling red flowers. The "yak" rhododendrons are quite good growers in the southeast given a moist, well-drained soil. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Golfer'

Rhododendron 'Golfer'
hybrid yak rhododendron

Created by the late Warren Berg, 'Golfer' was named after his wife who was an avid golfer. This hybrid is R. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum × R. psudochrysanthum. The flowers open a light pink, then turn white. Blue-green foliage in late summer and through the winter, but in spring just after blooming the new growth comes out a very light gray with a dusting of fine hairs on the leaves. Just 2' tall. The "yak" rhododendrons are quite good growers in the southeast given a moist, well-drained soil. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Homebush'

Rhododendron 'Homebush'
Knap Hill deciduous azalea

This deciduous azalea produces dense round trusses of rose pink flowers in late spring that have a light sweet fragrance. The leaves have a nice reddish fall color too. To 6' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron (Huang 1-3-16)

Rhododendron (Huang 1-3-16)

This medium-sized 4' tall evergreen azalea features white flowers with sparse pink stripes and spots and the occasional pink sector. It is one of the most prolific of flowering azaleas with small leaves and small flowers on a dense, upright plant. We've been truly impressed by our Lath House specimen. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Koromo Shikibu'

Rhododendron 'Koromo Shikibu'
spider azalea

This evergreen azalea produces spider type lavender flowers in spring. The unusual flowers have a subtle sweet scent. It may re-bloom in fall. The evergreen foliage turns red in fall. Given the prestigious "Rhododendron of the Year Plant Award" in 2015 by the American Rhododendron Society. To 4' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Mandarin Lights'

Rhododendron 'Mandarin Lights'
deciduous azalea

A deciduous azalea with a massive display of bright, mandarin orange blooms in the spring before the foliage emerges. To 5' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron minus var. chapmanii

Rhododendron minus var. chapmanii
Chapman's rhododendron

A Florida native Rhododendron that is endangered in the wild. Clusters of pale pink flowers in spring to top this 6' tall deciduous shrub. You can help preserve this species by planting one in your garden. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'NCRX1'

Rhododendron 'NCRX1'
Dandy Man Color Wheel rhododendron

This Rhododendron features large ruffled blooms in late spring with deep pink undersides and soft pink insides. The blooms age to a pure, clean white before falling off. Late in the bloom cycle you'll see all three colors at once, making for a super colorful display. This Rhododendron also has excellent disease resistance (including to phytophthora) and heat tolerance. To 8' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Northern Hi-Lights'

Rhododendron 'Northern Hi-Lights'
Exbury azalea

This deciduous azalea produces sweetly fragrant flowers that emerge white with splashes of yellow on the upper petals before the foliage arrives. Foliage turns red in the fall. To 4' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman'

Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman'
yak rhododendron

A yak Rhododendron whose 2" flowers emerge in shades of peach, pink and cream in large trusses before fading to creamy white. A stunning multi-colored spring festival. The plant is smallish in stature at only 4' tall. The "yak" rhododendrons are quite good growers in the southeast given a moist, well-drained soil. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum 'Exbury'

Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum 'Exbury'
exbury form rhododendron

An evergreen Rhododendron whose new leaves have a silver indumentium in summer. A 4' evergreen shrub with pale pink flowers in spring. Sometimes listed in the trade as Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum Exbury form. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Vulcan's Flame'

Rhododendron 'Vulcan's Flame'

Vulcan's Flame Rhododendron produces lightly scented red flowers in mid to late spring in domed trusses of up to 15 flowers. It is quite sun and heat tolerant for a rhododendron. Expect a compact plant to 5' tall in 10 years. Mark W., JCRA director, says his plant is one of the highlights of his late spring garden. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Yak Pac'

Rhododendron 'Yak Pac'
yak hybrid rhododendron

A dwarf evergreen Rhododendron to just 2' tall by 3' wide in 10 years. A hybrid of the dense round small R. yakushianum and R. pachysanthum. New leaves have a heavy indumentum (fuzz) that starts silver and turns cinnamon. A pure white flower opens from a pink bud. Sometimes sold as the misspelled cultivar 'Yac-Pac' and sometimes sold without the cultivar name as Yak × Pac or Yac × Pac. The "yak" rhododendrons are quite good growers in the southeast given a moist, well-drained soil. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Yummy Yak'

Rhododendron 'Yummy Yak'
yak hybrid rhododendron

This dwarf (3' tall) rhododendron 'yak hybrid' is a cross between the Japanese species R. degronianum subsp. yakushimanum and an old yellow flowering rhododendron R. 'Jalisco Eclipse'. The flowers are a medium pink color, but the plant is named for the lovely dark green glossy foliage that emerges with a silver dusting of fine hairs. The "yak" rhododendrons are quite good growers in the southeast given a moist, well-drained soil. Part sun to shade.
Rhodohypoxis baurii 'Pintado'

Rhodohypoxis baurii 'Pintado'
red star

A cute little grassy plant to about 6" tall topped with sweetly fragrant pale pink flowers in late spring. They like full sun and well-drained soil. They are probably best grown in a free-draining rock garden or even better kept in a container where they can be protected from winter rains after they have died back in the fall. Sun; 6".
Rhus aromatica 'Fine Textured Compact Select A'

Rhus aromatica 'Fine Textured Compact Select A'
Lacette fragrant sumac

A compact 4' tall × 6' wide densely branched shrub with aromatic leaves (when bruised) that is half the size of other sumacs on the market with finer textured foliage. This eastern U.S. native shrub tolerates a wide variety of soil and urban conditions and attracts birds and butterflies. Great for informal landscape situations like a roadside slope and for informal hedges. Fall foliage is a vibrant red. Fragrant yellow flowers in spring are followed by red fruit that birds love to eat. Sun to shade.
Ricinus communis

Ricinus communis
castor bean

A large tropical looking tender perennial that will grow 8' in a single season with large hand-shaped red-tinted green leaves on purple stems followed late in the year with an attractive red spiky capsule fruit containing an infamous seed. The seed is mostly composed of a thick oil used as a laxative, lamp fuel, in paints and varnishes, in high-performance motor oils, soap, inks, and plastics. But the seed is also a source of the deadly toxin called ricin (anyone see the show Breaking Bad?). As few as four seeds can kill an average-sized adult so be careful. If you are not careful, the plant will reseed with alacrity around your garden. Full sun.

Rohdea japonica 'Yattazu Yan Jaku'
sacred lily

A relatively large, 24" tall upright grower with glossy green foliage highlighted by large, irregular splotches of white. Rare and quite slow to increase. Shade.
Rosa 'BAIark'

Rosa 'BAIark'
Easy Elegance Como Park shrub rose

Easy Elegance roses are smallish shrub roses bred for disease resistance crossed with tea roses for floral beauty. Como Park is a bright red that stays quite short at only 3' tall. Full sun.
Rosa 'BAIbox'

Rosa 'BAIbox'
Easy Elegance Music Box Music Box shrub rose

Easy Elegance roses are smallish shrub roses bred for disease resistance crossed with tea roses for floral beauty. Music Box is a 5' shrub with double blossoms with creamy yellow centers surrounded by pink outer petals. Full sun.
Rosa 'BAIing'

Rosa 'BAIing'
Easy Elegance Grandma's Blessing shrub rose

Easy Elegance roses are smallish shrub roses bred for disease resistance crossed with tea roses for floral beauty. Grandma's Blessing is a 5' shrub with dusty-pink blooms. Full sun.
Rosa 'BAIypso'

Rosa 'BAIypso'
Easy Elegance Calypso compact shrub rose

Easy Elegance roses are smallish shrub roses bred for disease resistance crossed with tea roses for floral beauty. Calypso is a dwarf 2' shrub with apricot flowers and is a repeat bloomer. Full sun.
Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha

Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha
winged rose

A rose from China valued for its incredible prickles. The new prickles on this 8' tall shrub rose are broadly winged and bright red along the entire length of the stem and glow liked stained glass with the sun shining through them. Single white 2" flowers. Makes red hips. Prickles are brighter, bigger, and more thorny if the plant is pruned but that disrupts its natural vase shape. Site it where you can view it backlit by the sun. Full sun.

Rosa 'Veilchenblau'
multiflora rose

'Veilchenblau' is German for 'blue rambler' but that is a bit of marketing hyperbole as the flowers of this rose are lavender purple at best. Nonetheless, this is an attractive climbing/rambling rose to 15' with clusters of fragrant fruit scented flowers. Full sun.
Salvia 'Amistad'

Salvia 'Amistad'
hybrid sage

As part of the Southern Living plant collection, you know this sage must be good. It makes a dense mass of 4' stems with deep purple flowers emerging from almost black calyces. This is one of the best new Salvia cultivars on the market. Full sun.
Salvia leucantha 'Midnight'

Salvia leucantha 'Midnight'
Mexican bush sage

A fall blooming sage (in Raleigh) with foot-long spikes of fuzzy solid purple flowers atop the 4' shrub. Mexican bush sage needs well drained soil. Evergreen above 25°F and root hardy to at least 18°F. Mulch in winter. A great cut flower fresh or dried. Sometimes sold in the trade as 'Purple Velvet'. Full sun.
Salvia mexicana 'Lollie Jackson'

Salvia mexicana 'Lollie Jackson'
Mexican sage

Blooming for a long period of time from spring to fall, the 4' tall blue-violet flowers are positioned at the top of long flower stems. This cultivar is named for a renowned Salvia expert and landscape designer, Lollie Jackson of Texas. Full sun.
Salvia oxyphora

Salvia oxyphora
Bolivian sage

Enjoy the bright, fuzzy, cherry-red flowers of this sage! Often slow to start growing in spring, this beauty takes off as the days get longer and warmer. This sage is near the edge of its hardiness here in Raleigh and would appreciate winter mulch and well drained soil to protect it. Hummingbirds are attracted from summer to fall. To 5' tall. Full sun to part shade.

Sambucus nigra 'SNR1292'
Laced Up purple columnar elderberry

A narrow and upright deciduous shrub that is 10' tall and just 4' wide. Dark purple feathery leaves cover this columnar plant and are complimented in summer with pink flowers. If the flowers are pollinated by another Sambucus cultivar the resulting elderberries are attractive but toxic. Full sun to light shade.
Sarcococca orientalis

Sarcococca orientalis
sweet box

A small 3' tall Chinese evergreen, suckering shrub with small, white fragrant flowers in early winter. Great for even tough woodland situations like dry shade. Shade.
Saxifraga epiphylla 'Jinfo Gem' (MD10-175)

Saxifraga epiphylla 'Jinfo Gem' (MD10-175)
false strawberry begonia

A Far Reaches Farm introduction. Here is what they have to say about it: "Our collection of this distinct form from the summit of Jinfoshan where it grew in the moss on the shaded vertical face of a hard limestone rock face. Small dark green round leaves colored in deep maroon on the reverse and flower stems covered in long red hairs upon first emergence, elongate 8"–12" to bear a small cloud of white flowers. This population was extirpated within two years of our visit as were many other plants due to the mountain being developed for tourism without regard for flora of fauna. This is a scene we have seen repeated all too often. Hardy to zone 6b and likely lower." If you know strawberry begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera) then you have a good idea what this plant looks like. Part sun to shade.
Serenoa repens 'Cinerea'

Serenoa repens 'Cinerea'
blue saw palmetto

A silver-leaf version of the saw palmetto palm that grows slowly to 6' tall. Needs well-drained dry soil in winter and is perhaps better grown as a large container plant that is protected from winter rains and cold snaps. This is a subterranean-trunked tree that is very difficult to move once it has grown to mature size. In the wild, multiple trunks will form and creep along the ground to form a dense ground cover. Sun to part shade best in a protected spot in zone 7b.
Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi 'Short and Sweet'

Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi 'Short and Sweet'
dwarf catchfly

A great selection of our native catchfly growing only to about 6"–8" tall. Bright pink flowers top the low plants for more than six weeks in the spring. Easy to grow in almost any soil or situation. Sun to part shade.
Sinningia 'Candy Corn'

Sinningia 'Candy Corn'
hardy gloxinia

A novel-colored Sinningia discovered as a seedling here at the JC Raulston Arboretum back in 2017. We have been building numbers and now have enough to share. You can be among the first to own this unique Sinningia that features bicolor flowers of a coral-pinkish orange tube with a yellow lip. Sun, 30" tall, zone 7.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Suwanee'

Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Suwanee'
blue-eyed grass

A small 8" tall perennial with grassy foliage. Fast-multiplying clumps produce tons of sky blue flowers in early May. Full sun.
Solidago 'Wichita Mountains'

Solidago 'Wichita Mountains'

Originally collected from the Wichita mountains of southwestern Oklahoma. A 3' tall upright growing selection of goldenrod with bottle brush shaped golden flower spikes in autumn that attract bees and butterflies. Easy to grow, tough and tolerant of a wide variety of soils and conditions. Full sun.

Spigelia marilandica 'Little Redhead'
Indian pink

A selection of the popular Indian pink that is a bit shorter (at 24" tall) and more even in size than the wild type but is identical in all other respects. Dark red tubular flowers with yellow interiors sprout from the top of this fantastic native plant. Spigelia is underutilized in the landscape due to limited availability, but it's a versatile perennial that grows naturally in either sun or shade. This perennial can be found growing in the wild in woodlands and along stream banks throughout the eastern United States. The flowers attract hummingbirds. Sun to shade.
Stevia rebaudiana

Stevia rebaudiana

Stevia is a 24" tall tender perennial grown for its incredibly sweet leaves that are used as a sugar substitute. Not hardy. A fun little herb for the herb garden. Full sun.
Stewartia pseudocamellia (Pewter Form No. 1)

Stewartia pseudocamellia (Pewter Form No. 1)
silver leafed Japanese stewartia

A small 30' tall deciduous tree from Japan with 2" white, camellia-like flowers. The pale leaves of this selection are silver and stand out against the red stems all summer. Fall foliage color is orange and is nice too. Stewartia needs well drained soil to survive and is intolerant of drought. Sun to part shade.
Stokesia laevis 'Peachie's Pick'

Stokesia laevis 'Peachie's Pick'
Stokes' aster

Mississippi gardener and florist, Peachie Saxon introduced the native Stokesia 'Peachie's Pick' in the 1980s and it has become the industry standard against which all other stokes asters are judged. Its superior traits include an abundance of 18" tall blue flowers in summer and it is sterile. Stokes' aster tolerates a wide variety of soil conditions and is easy to grow. We would have picked a newer selection to offer, but this is still the best in our minds. Full sun.
Strobilanthes dyerianus

Strobilanthes dyerianus
Persian shield

Iridescent, colorful leaves of metallic purple, green and silver all season topping out at 3 'tall. Heat tolerant. A great annual bedding plant. Sun to part shade.
Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar'

Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar'
tricolor prayer plant

This 30" tall tender perennial from the Brazilian rain forest is grown as a container plant for its incredible variegated leaves of dark green, light green, cream, purple, and rose. Needs high heat and humidity to survive so our North Carolina summers should suit it well. 'Triostar' is also sold as 'Tristar' or 'Tricolor'. A curious trait of this colorful plant are the sun tracking leaves. They fold up at night, making the rosy pink undersides more noticeable. By morning they face to the east so they will catch more of the early morning sun, but by midday, they move to a more upright position so less of the blade is exposed to the intense sun. You are unlikely to ever see the bright coral flowers of this plant as they bloom in the winter and only if the plant is in a warm and humid location. Bring it inside for the winter once temps fall below 40 degrees. Anything below 32°F will likely kill it. Make sure to mist the leaves as the arid conditions inside homes in the winter are too dry and will cause the leaves to burn on the edges. Full sun.
Styrax japonicus 'Jlweeping'

Styrax japonicus 'Jlweeping'
Marley's Pink Parasol weeping Japanese snowbell

This weeping pink form of Japanese snowbell will create a piece of art in your garden. We'd expect it to grow to about 15' in 10 years if happy. The flowers appear in late spring after the leaves have emerged. Pink snowbell's flower color is heavily dependent on temperaturethe cooler the spring, the pinker the flowers will be. Best in full sun to light shade.
Styrax wilsonii

Styrax wilsonii
Wilson's snowbell

Wilson's snowbell makes a small 12' tree with nodding white bell flowers in late spring. It is exceptionally tough and is often considered one of the most free-flowering of all the snowbells. We've grown this delightful plant for years. Sun to part shade.
Symphytum 'Hidcote Variegated'

Symphytum 'Hidcote Variegated'

A drought tolerant spreading ground cover of 13" tall leafy stems that produce pendant blue flowers in spring like bluebells. 'Hidcote Variegated' has pale yellow edges to the green leaves. It spreads by underground stolons and will form a dense, weed-suppressing mat but can also overrun less vigorous neighbors so site with care. Part sun to shade.
Syringa 'Declaration'

Syringa 'Declaration'

This purple flowered cultivar distinguished itself in the U.S. National Arboretum trials and features deep reddish purple flowers with a sweet, true-lilac fragrance. Flowers emerge about a week earlier than other lilacs. About 8' tall and not quite as wide. If you want a "classic" lilac and you live in the south. This is the one for you. Full sun.
Syringa 'Grecrimdoll'

Syringa 'Grecrimdoll'
Crimson Doll lilac

Reddish buds open to fragrant reddish-pink flowers on this lilac and rapidly fade to pink. Crimson is a bit of a stretch. A bit shorter than other lilacs at just 5' tall and wide. Sometimes reblooms in summer, we are told this is quite heat tolerant but haven't grown it ourselves. Full sun.
Taxodium distichum 'JFS-SGPN'

Taxodium distichum 'JFS-SGPN'
Green Whisper bald cypress

'Green Whisper' is a vigorous upright cultivar of the popular bald cypress that features bright green new growth in the spring. Pyramidal in shape, this tree will mature at 55'+ tall and 30' wide. Full sun to part shade; average to wet soils.
Taxodium distichum 'Jim's Little Guy'

Taxodium distichum 'Jim's Little Guy'
bald cypress

A dwarf selection of bald cypress to 5' tall in 10- years. Foliage color is quite good all summer. Sun to part shade.
Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'

Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'
threadleaf arborvitae

The Cousin Itt of western arborvitae, 'Whipcord 'makes a low 6' tall mound of long, glossy tendrils. The needles turn coppery-bronze in winter before greening up again. Full sun.
Tradescantia [Andersoniana Group] 'Sweet Kate'

Tradescantia [Andersoniana Group] 'Sweet Kate'

This well-behaved 12" tall clumping spiderwort has the typical grassy foliage and blue flowers of its cousins but the resemblance ends there. The foliage is shocking gold which is especially nice against the flowers. Sun to part shade.
Tradescantia pallida 'Blue Sue'

Tradescantia pallida 'Blue Sue'
purple heart

A 12" tall ground cover plant with glaucous blue leaves on purple stems. In summer small lavender flowers appear. Sun or shade, but colors are better in full sun.
Tricyrtis 'Sinonome'

Tricyrtis 'Sinonome'
toad lily

This plant grows in a vase-shaped clump to 36" tall on upright stems slightly arching near the top. In optimum growing conditions, it will spread by rhizomes to form large colonies. It features small, creamy white, 1" flowers heavy with purple spotting and blotching. Flowers appear in clusters at the stem tips. Flowers from late summer to fall. The long stems and terminal flowers make this a good cut flower. Part sun to shade.
Ulmus minor subsp. minor 'Pendula'

Ulmus minor subsp. minor 'Pendula'
weeping smoothleaf elm

This rare and unusual weeping smoothleaf elm is rarely offered in the nursery trade. It is a fast growing, deciduous tree that should be staked to the height you want it to be. It will make a nice specimen, and if given plenty of room, it will develop into large weeping specimen. Performs best in full sun and in wide range of soil types. Full sun to light shade.
Verbascum 'Banana Custard'

Verbascum 'Banana Custard'

An erect clump-forming biennial that persists by self-seeding. Forms a large basal rosette of woolly, silvery-green leaves from which rise multiple, stems (4' tall) bearing spikes of large two-toned yellow 2" wide flowers. A long bloom period from late spring to summer. Though almost universally sold as 'Banana Custard' it is also found as 'Banana and Custard'. Full sun and well drained soils are needed.
Veronica spicata 'Joca128'

Veronica spicata 'Joca128'
Snow Candles speedwell

A compact 8" tall Veronica with tall white candle-like flowers in summer. This selection is a perfect size for along a walkway or in the front of a border. It prefers moist, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Veronica 'Waterperry Blue'

Veronica 'Waterperry Blue'

Small lavender blue flowers appear in profusion in spring and then in waves until fall. As weather cools, the glossy, deep green foliage takes a burgundy cast. Suitable as a ground cover or rock garden plant. Grows to 6" tall by 12" wide. Full sun.
Veronicastrum virginicum 'Cupid'

Veronicastrum virginicum 'Cupid'
culver's root

A U.S. native late summer- early fall blooming flower, producing 4' purple spikes of small flowers. Spreads slowly over time. An important source of nectar for butterflies in the fall. A good cut or dried flower. Full sun.
Viburnum ×globosum 'Jermyn's Globe'

Viburnum ×globosum 'Jermyn's Globe'

This hybrid Viburnum was found and named at Hillier's Nursery in England. It makes a dense, round, evergreen 10' tall shrub which can eventually grow quite large but can be kept pruned to a smaller size. Wavy, deep green leaves are topped in spring by white flowers followed by blue berries which often persist until the following spring. Good in sun or shade.
Viburnum 'NCVX4'

Viburnum 'NCVX4'
Sweet Talker viburnum

An evergreen 10' shrub with fragrant late winter flowers with a spicy honey scent. Leathery evergreen foliage is ideal for part-sun hedges. Foliage takes on dramatic purple-burgundy tones in cool weather. Sweet Talker Viburnum was developed by NC State University plant breeder Tom Ranney, who wanted to combine the beauty of early-blooming Viburnum with the heat tolerance of less showy ones. New to the market in 2021. A hybrid of V. ×bodnantense × V. suspensum. Deer and salt tolerant. Part sun.

Viburnum opulus 'Aureum'
golden European cranberry bush

This European cranberry is a yellow-leaved cultivar that is slower growing than the wild type. A large deciduous shrub, with dense arching branches to 8' tall by 4' wide usually used as a hedge. Young leaves are bright yellow that fade to green as the season progresses. Leaf color is best with morning sun and afternoon shade. The flowers are similar to white lace-cap hydrangea. Beautiful red fruits last into winter. Easy to grow and tolerant of a wide variety of soils. The fruits are technically edible, but are very bitter in taste and are not recommended for eating fresh off the shrub. European cranberry is unrelated to the true cranberry which is in genus Vaccinum. Part sun.
Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'NCVP1'

Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'NCVP1'
Steady Eddy dwarf doublefile viburnum

In trials, Steady Eddy has beaten out the industry standard cultivar 'Summer Snowflake' with improved, stronger blooming, long bloom time of white lacecap flowers in spring, and repeat blooming in the summer. Plus it is only half the size of most cultivars at just 5' tall. Fall color is a brilliant purplish-burgundy. Bred by Tom Ranney of NC State University. Full sun.
Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'
doublefile viburnum

A deciduous shrub to 8' tall and twice as wide. Dark green pleated leaves turn burgundy red in fall. White lacecap flowers in late spring. This somewhat dwarf, wide cultivar was introduced by the U.S. National Arboretum in 1979. Full sun.
Zamia pumila

Zamia pumila

A 3' tall cycad with a mostly subterranean trunk and 3' long,evergreen, stiff plastic-ey divided leaves that are a bit more coarse-textured than the Cycas you might be familiar with. When mature it will produce a burgundy cone that arises from the ground. Dioecious, so you will need both a make and female plant to make seeds. The only cycad native to the Unoted States (Florida) and has been around for over 300 million years. Hardy to zone 7b and salt tolerant too making it useful along the coast. The seeds are a source of food for mockingbirds, blue jays, and many other birds as well as insects and small mammals. The Seminole, Alabama, and other Native American tribes in the southeastern United States used the fruits and roots of coontie for food. The starchy stems and roots were the main source of flour. But it is poisonous unless prepared properly. Butterflies accumulate this toxin when feeding on the plant to protect themselves from predators. Great for a tropical garden look. Part sun; well-drained soil.
Zelkova serrata 'Goblin'

Zelkova serrata 'Goblin'
dwarf zelkova

An eye-catching dwarf cultivar, Zelkova serrata 'Goblin' has an attractive, compact (5' tall), upright habit and bright green, narrow leaves which turn strong shades of orange or red before falling in autumn. The small size makes this plant ideal for gardens with limited space, rockeries or for growing in a large container. Sun to light shade.
Zizia aurea

Zizia aurea
golden Alexander

A 3' tall native perennial in moist meadows that features flattened umbels of yellow flowers in late spring. Dry seed heads turn purple, adding summer interest. Like many carrot-family plants, butterfly caterpillars love the flowers, particularly the black swallowtail. Easy to grow and, although short-lived, will self-seed. Full sun.