JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2017

The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2017 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia

Like a kaleidoscope, the leaves change colors throughout the year! Foliage is bright yellow and light green in the spring and golden yellow with a dark green center in the summer. Cool weather adds orange and red. Attractive white, tubular flowers bloom summer to fall.

Achillea millefolium 'Balvinrose'
New Vintage Rose rose yarrow

Bold rose-colored flowers on a tidy plant make this an outstanding selection for
your summertime containers or garden.
It will grow best in sunny locations, while attracting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden.

Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'
rose yarrow

The Tutti Frutti™ Series of Yarrows were recently bred in the Netherlands. Plants are compact and bushy, with very uniform blooming over a long season. This selection has clusters of flowers that rich pomegranate red, holding the color well. Excellent for cutting. Removing faded flowers will encourage more re-blooming.
Adiantum ×mairisii

Adiantum ×mairisii
hybrid maidenhair fern

No shade garden is complete without a maidenhair fern. The delicate pale green fronds are held on thin black stems (rachis) and are completely deer resistant.

Agapanthus africanus 'Neverland'
Lily of the Nile

'Neverland' is an eye-catching perennial with a clumping habit and sky blue to lilac flowers all summer long. Its colorful variegated foliage tolerates heat and humidity very well ensuring a fresh look all season.

Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise'

This drought tolerant and sun loving perennial boasts apricot-orange flowers from June until frost. The flowers are much loved by hummingbirds and butterflies. The silvery-gray foliage has a delightful minty-anise aroma which deters deer from feeding on it. Good drainage is essential.

Agastache mexicana
Acapulco Dark Blue Mexican hyssop

Plant this compact and heavy blooming hyssop in a well-drained spot and it will reward you with masses of deep blue flowers over an extended period during the heat of the summer. The aromatic foliage deters deer from browsing as well.
Agave parryi subsp. parryi var. truncata

Agave parryi subsp. parryi var. truncata
mescal barrel agave

This is one of the loveliest and most reliable of all agave forming a squat, blue, succulent foliage tipped with black spines. In summer, a huge asparagus-like stalk emerges and quickly grows to 20' tall ultimately creating a tiered display of yellow flowers.

Allium cepa 'Medusa'
ornamental onion

Allium 'Millennium'

Allium 'Millennium'
ornamental onion

Tight clusters of grey-green foliage are topped in spring with soft pink pom-pom flowers and then sporadically throughout summer into fall. The drought tolerant foliage stays looking nice all season long no matter the conditions and deer mostly avoid the aromatic foliage which can be used in the kitchen. This dwarf form of chive is a true stand out selection.

Alocasia 'Regal Shields'
upright elephant ear

'Regal Shields' has almost black, glossy foliage with burgundy undersides. Growing from a small rosette, it eventually forms a small trunk and reaches 3 feet tall. Needs some protection in winter, since it is cold hardy only to about 20(F) so mulch well or dig it and bring it indoors for the winter.
Amsonia 'Blue Ice'

Amsonia 'Blue Ice'
hybrid bluestar

This 2013 blue-star introduction is proving to be a winner. In spring it has large clusters dark lavender-blue flowers that are more striking than other blue stars. It forms a much more compact mound with leaves that are narrow, dark green, deer-resistant, and bright yellow in fall.

Aquilegia 'Clementine Blue'

This spur-less columbine has double blue flowers more reminiscent of a clematis than a typical columbine. The soft green foliage makes a lovely clump even after the long bloom period of the flowers has passed.

Winky Double Red-White columbine

This beauty produces double flowers in shades
of red and white, all on a compact, tidy plant.
Plants in the Winky series are mildew resistant with upward facing flowers.
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'
red chokeberry

Red chokeberry is one native plant that will not let you down for year-round interest. In spring delicate white to pinkish flowers are followed by glossy green foliage. Autumn is the most dramatic season when leaves turn scarlet and bright crimson berries form. Red fruits persist on naked branches in winter.

Asparagus aethiopicus
Sprenger's asparagus

Sprenger's asparagus can be grown as an indoor plant or a container plant that can be moved inside for the winter. Its fine needle-like leaves give it a soft, fluffy appearance, but its tough stems are sparsely covered with spines. Native to South Africa, it’s an invasive weed in Hawaii, Florida, New Zealand and Australia.
Athyrium 'Ghost'

Athyrium 'Ghost'
painted fern

Silvery white new fronds darken to green creating a great backdrop for newly emerging foliage. The upright fronds add great texture to the shade garden.

Athyrium niponicum 'Apple Court'
painted fern

A painted fern from Britain introduced to North America by Plant Delights Nursery, right here in N.C. This lovely fern has arching leaves with shades of burgundy, and silver, and curled fronds for an extra dash of texture. Plant in a shady, moist spot. Like all ferns, these are deer-resistant.
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'

Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
Japanese painted fern

'Regal Red' is a much sought after and very beautiful Japanese painted fern. Stunning fronds are ruffled, with frosty silver edges, and burgundy-red stems. It makes a bright addition to flower arrangements and shady areas in your garden. Fronds remain on the plant late into the fall and is deer proof.
Aucuba japonica 'Shilpot'

Aucuba japonica 'Shilpot'
Pepperpot variegated Japanese aucuba

Pepperpot is among the best of the aucubas with a compact habit to 5' and
tiny speckles of bright golden spots. Once established, this will be quite tolerant of
dry shade.
Buddleja 'Blue Chip'

Buddleja 'Blue Chip'
Lo & Behold compact butterfly bush

This dwarf, mounding plant blooms like a champ throughout the summer. Bred by Dr. Denny Werner and introduced by the JCRA. Won 2nd place in the Royal Horticulture Society trials.

Buddleja 'Bostulu'
True Blue true blue butterfly bush

Buddleja davidii 'Silver Frost'
butterfly bush

This outstanding butterfly bush not only sports massive panicles of white flowers held enticingly upright but also has attractive silvery foliage all season long.
Buddleja 'Podaras No. 13'

Buddleja 'Podaras No. 13'
Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti dwarf butterfly bush

A butterfly bush that can also be used as a groundcover! Fragrant fuchsia-hot flowers bloom from early summer until frost. It is also drought and heat tolerant.
Buddleja 'Podaras No. 8'

Buddleja 'Podaras No. 8'
Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven dwarf butterfly bush

Cute as a purple butterfly, this dwarf butterfly bush produces a constant show of lovely cool, blue flowers from summer to frost. The foliage adds another element with its silvery sheen. Its adaptable to a wide range of soils. Sounds like 'Heaven,' so don't let this one fly away!

Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Grejade'
Baby Jade Japanese boxwood

This compact boxwood holds a deep green color all winter long.
It forms a lovely plant with no need for pruning to keep in scale with
the landscape.

Calycanthus ×raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Raulston allspice

A hybrid between our native sweetshrub and the Asian species created here at the JCRA. Large, glossy leaves and slightly fragrant deep maroon flowers in spring to early summer. Displays incredible hybrid vigor.
Camellia japonica 'Black Magic'

Camellia japonica 'Black Magic'
Japanese camellia

The insanely thick textured, deep burgundy-red flower petals are delightfully wavy.

This is truly one of the most remarkable camellias available.

Camellia japonica 'Hokkaido Red'
Japanese camellia

This selection of Japanese camellia comes from the farthest northern population in the wild and is hardy to at least zone 6, possibly colder. Single red flowers with prominent yellow stamens make this amazing camellia pop! Glossy,evergreen leaves turn to a gorgeous plum-purple all winter long.

Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme'
Japanese camellia

Magnificent peony-like, rosy-red blooms of 'Kramer's Supreme' make a dazzling contrast with its glossy, dark evergreen leaves. Flowers are delightfully fragrant. This is an old favorite for the milder regions of the U.S.
Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet'

Camellia japonica 'Royal Velvet'
Japanese camellia

This camellia must be seen to be truly appreciated. Large, deeply saturated, red flowers are breathtaking against deep green foliage. Tight clusters of gold-tipped stamens highlight the rich color. Makes an excellent specimen and is grown throughout the world by true camellia aficionados.

Campsis radicans 'Stromboli'
Atomic Red red crossvine

This vigorous native vine bears masses of dark red buds opening to hot orange-red flowers in summer. It attracts hummingbirds and is deer resistant.
Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'

Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'
New Zealand sedge

This awesome New Zealand sedge makes an 18"-24" hummock of narrow bronze-green foliage with orange tones and highlights. As summer progresses, the color intensifies and lasts through much of the winter. Best planted in masses in sun. It's deer-resistant and tolerant of moist soils.
Cedrus deodara 'Prostrate Beauty'

Cedrus deodara 'Prostrate Beauty'
prostrate Deodar cedar

Glittering blue needles cover this lovely conifer that stays low and spreads along the ground instead of forming a tree. Plant it as a ground cover or plant it in a container as a specimen.
Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'

Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'
Chinese redbud

'Avondale' is an extremely showy redbud which produces fantastic deep purple flowers profusely along its branches and even on the main trunk. Grown as a single stem or multi-stemmed tree, it flowers at an early age. In early spring, blooming can easily stop traffic it is so stunning.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Just Dandy'

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Just Dandy'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress

This is a choice little beach-ball of a conifer with tight, congested foliage making it ideal for small gardens, troughs, containers, and perennial beds.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunny Swirl'
gold Hinoki cypress

A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent specimen features very finely textured yellow and green foliage in summer maturing to gold in winter; spiraling upward with tufts of stiff twisted branches, it makes an incredible statement.
Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Versent'

Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Versent'
Blue Rock dwarf Atlantic white cedar

A ‘refreshingly blue and spherical conifer, which will obtain a purple glow during the winter. Typical rate of growth in most areas is less than 2 inches per year, resulting in an interesting blue ball of foliage.
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'

Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'

'Hot Lips' is great native for any garden. It makes a patch of deep green foliage, topped in late summer with deep pink flowers, shaped like turtle beaks. Grows fine in average garden soil but is also quite happy in permanently damp spots.
Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'

Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'
upright Chinese fringe tree

Few flowering trees can match the dazzling display and uber-tough constitution of Chinese fringe tree. This upright form makes a broad column of deep green, rounded leaves which can turn buttery yellow in fall. Masses of white, frothy flowers stand out against the foliar backdrop. This is the ideal plant where space is at a premium.

Clematis 'Omoshiro'

Clematis recta 'Lime Close'
Serious Black clematis

Cleyera japonica

Cleyera japonica
Japanese cleyera

Luscious evergreen leaves emerge with a bronze tint. Bell-shaped, downward facing, fragrant flowers appear on previous year’s wood. Blooms give rise to attractive small, fleshy inedible fruits that mature to shiny bright red or black. Japanese cleyera is sacred in the Shinto religion.
Colocasia 'Madeira'

Colocasia 'Madeira'
elephant's ear

Wow, 'Madeira' is truly a show stopper! New leaves emerge green with blue veins. As the leaves age or are in full sun they will turn black. The stems are pink in color. It forms a clump and is hardy in our area (to zone 6).
Convallaria majalis var. rosea

Convallaria majalis var. rosea
pink lily-of-the-valley

Here is a twist on the typical lily-of-the-valley with soft pink flowers instead of the usual white. Fragrance, durability, and ease of growth are all the same as the better known white forms.

Coreopsis 'Daybreak'
showy tickseed

The large bright red flowers with a vibrant golden edge are held above the compact mounds of foliage. Plant in bright sun and a well-drained spot. 'Daybreak' is sure to wake up any garden!

Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Scarlet Leader'
willowleaf cotoneaster

Its arching, creeping branches make willowleaf cotoneaster an excellent groundcover. Fall and winter interest because the fragrant flowers develop scarlet berries and the glossy dark green leaves become purplish red to brick red. Drought tolerant, prefers fertile light-textured soil with good drainage.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'

Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'
mini-globe Japanese cedar

'Globosa Nana' is a superb selection that remains a neat evergreen mound with little care. Foliage color is yellowish green in summer, then turns very slightly reddish in winter.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Twinkle Toes'

Cryptomeria japonica 'Twinkle Toes'
dwarf gold Japanese cedar

Like the twinkling lights of a city at night, dwarf Japanese cedar 'Twinkle Toes' has sparkling outer yellow needles that glow against inner green foliage. This conical little chap has an irregular, interesting shape with slow, dense growth. Sure to put on a show in your container or rock garden!

Daphne odora 'Mae-jima'
variegated winter daphne

No garden is complete without winter daphne. A bright gold edge surrounds each evergreen leaf. In mid-winter, pink buds open to white flowers whose lemon scent will fill an entire garden. Plant in a very well-drained spot to ensure a long life.

Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Rosequartz'
ice plant

This is truly a gem of a plant with long-lasting rosy flowers that sport eye-catching yellow centers. The lush, fleshy foliage makes it ideal for drought conditions and creates a luxurious ground cover. Plant in a well-drained spot.

Delosperma dyeri 'Psdold'
Red Mountain ice plant

A continuous display of small, lustrous red flowers blankets the succulent, evergreen foliage throughout the growing season, from mid-spring to mid-fall. A dazzling groundcover on slopes or in borders. This Plant Select® winner is extremely drought tolerant and robust.

Delosperma nubigenum 'WOWD20111'
Wheels of Wonder Golden Wonder iceplant

Perfect for rock gardens. Ice plants need sunny, dry locations with good drainage. Heat and drought tolerant. Daisy-like flowers that open on sunny days visited by butterflies and bees.

Deutzia 'Ncdx1'
Yuki Snowflake Japanese snow flower

New Yuki Snowflake™ deutzia is a very showy, compact shrub adorned in hundreds of tiny white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers in the spring. Red fall foliage adds color to autumn gardens. Excellent as a mass planting or in the border.

Deutzia ×rosea 'Nikko Blush'
rose deutzia

'Nikko Blush' was selected for its abundant pink-blushed flowers and flower buds that appear in late spring contrasting with medium-green foliage on a low-growing mounded shrub. The original cross was made at the National Arboretum (Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’ and Deutzia ×rosea ‘Carminea’).
Dianthus ×allwoodii 'Frosty Fire'

Dianthus ×allwoodii 'Frosty Fire'
garden pinks

The evergreen foliage of this dianthus is icy blue which provides the perfect backdrop for the vibrant red-pink, spicily scented flowers in early spring. Plant in a well-drained spot or on a slope.

Dianthus speciosus 'Shishika-01'
Love Doctor garden pinks

Witch Doctor garden pinks

Dicentra 'Luxuriant'
hybrid bleeding heart

Superb perennial with a long blooming season. Cherry red buds open to reddish-pink flowers in delicate clusters on long stalks. Finely cut blue green foliage forms neat clumps.

Distylium myricoides 'Athens Tower'
blue isu tree

Few plants have taken over landscapes in recent years quite like distylium or isu. This great selection from Michael Dirr makes an upright, vase-shaped evergreen shrub growing nearly twice as tall as wide. With few pests it is a low-care plant for sun or shade. In late winter, burgundy red flowers are an interesting in the winter landscape.
Distylium 'PIIDIST-III'

Distylium 'PIIDIST-III'
First Editions Coppertone isu tree

This rounded evergreen shrub's blue-green foliage emerges with a rich, coppery-red glow. In winter, look for the small red flowers which adorn the stems. It is easy in the landscape tolerating drought, heat, insects, and diseases.

Dryopteris labordei 'Golden Mist'
golden wood fern

This gorgeous evergreen relative of autumn fern sends up new fronds of gold which gradually turn green. Mature plants will be brighter than young ones so give it a year or two to settle into the garden before the real display begins.
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'

Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'

Intensely colored, double red-orange flowers make this reliable performer really pop in the garden. The flowers are bright pom poms which emerge deep orange but then age to almost pure red. Hummingbirds love it. For best results, remove flowers the first year it is in the garden.

Echinacea purpurea 'Butterfly Kisses'
dwarf double purple coneflower

This compact form of purple coneflower is delightfully doubled and makes an outstanding floral display. For best results, remove all flowers the first year on your purple coneflowers.
Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'

Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'

All the new forms of not-purple, purple coneflowers can be overwhelming, but
this is one of the best.
Huge flowers to 5" across are a warm, tomato red-orange. This selection is exceptionally long blooming, easily lasting until frost on stout stems.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Purple Pixie'

Epimedium grandiflorum 'Purple Pixie'
fairy wings

A very showy, large flowered form of bishop's hat or fairy wings, or horny goat weed depending on your preference. Violet flowers have whitish spurs. It's a good grower without being overly vigorous and one of the brightest purple selections. New growth is tinged plum.

Epimedium 'Pink Elf'
fairy wings

Fairy wings are a reliable and long lived perennial for the shade garden. Spikes of airy pink flowers with bronze-colored cups emerge in spring followed by delicate appearing but very tough foliage. New leaves in spring emerge beige with a red tinge, mature to green and turn red in fall.
Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost'

Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost'
silvervein wintercreeper euonymus

This great ground cover, introduced by Hersonwood Nursery has proven itself to be a winner for part-sun to part-shade garden spots. It's a distinct wintercreeper euonymus in that its leaves display silver veins, while the rest of the leaf is a lustrous dark green color. Will not take over your garden.

Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'
Joe Pye weed

This compact to dwarf Joe Pye weed is a butterfly magnet in mid-summer to fall. Small, mauve-purple flowers cover this perennial in flat-topped inflorescences. Typically growing in a clump, it makes an excellent choice for a small border.

Ficus carica 'Majoam'
Little Miss Figgy dwarf fig

A dwarf fruiting fig, this small, low maintenance ficus makes a great patio tree. With attractive blue-green leaves and spectacular, edible, deep-purple fruits, you can't go wrong with this addition to your landscape or patio. This 'Little (Miss) Figgy' went to market and is ready to come
home with you!
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'

Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'

Fantastic native – all the fothergillas have simply spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring.

Gaillardia aristata 'Granbur'
Sunburst Burgundy Silk blanket flower

The Sunburst™ series of blanket flower are midsized in habit, ideal for containers or near the front of a sunny border. This selection has solid burgundy-red petals surrounding a darker eye.

Gaura lindheimeri 'Whiskers Deep Rose'
wand flower

This compact and well-branched selection of gaura has deep rose flowers with white stamens like cat whiskers. The delicate flowers dance in the breeze and are a favorite for butterflies.
Geranium sanguineum var. striatum

Geranium sanguineum var. striatum
perennial geranium

This old garden favorite makes a mat of rounded, deeply divided foliage. Pale pink flowers with darker veins dance above the foliage from April to June. The semi-evergreen foliage often takes on some bright colors in fall.
Gerbera jamesonii

Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera daisy

The flowers of this South African native are stunning and make excellent cut flowers.. Ray flowers of the species normally come in red, yellow or orange. Flowers are single or semi-double.
Helleborus ×ballardiae 'Coseh 810'

Helleborus ×ballardiae 'Coseh 810'
HGC Merlin hellebore

This sturdy hybrid is stunning when in leaf and in flower. Large light pink flowers face outward and mature to a dark rich pink. Even without flowers, it forms a lovely mound of leathery evergreen leaves.

Hemerocallis 'Bubblegum Pie'

The large flowers of this daylily are extra thick textured. The bubblegum pink flowers are edged with a crimped yellow border just like a pie crust. This one is definitely different.

Hemerocallis 'Dynamite Returns'
Happy Ever Appster daylily

This outstanding selection bred by Dr. Darrel Apps is one of a small handful of truly everblooming daylilies available to northern gardeners. Its four-inch flowers are deep, rosy pink with a ruffled edge above a green throat. It will soon become one of your favorites, with its long flowering period that repeats from early summer to fall.

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
re-blooming daylily

'Happy Returns' is a repeat-blooming daylily. It features large, ruffled, lemon yellow flowers that rise 18" tall above a clump of arching, blade-like leaves. It starts flowering in June and continues flowering throughout the season - one of the best
re-blooming daylilies around.

Hemerocallis 'P.S. I Love You'

This is an absolute stunner! Flowers are 4.5" of soft pink with an oversized red eyezone and yellow-to-green throat.

Hemerocallis 'Patio Parade'

'Patio Parade' is certainly one daylily that
has it all!

It's showy, fragrant and reblooming.
Huge 6-inch medium to light yellow flowers
begin blooming in summer and continue into the fall.

Hemerocallis 'Pojo'
double daylily

A re-blooming daylily with cheery yellow double flowers. The show starts early in the summer and continues re-blooming throughout the season.

Hemerocallis 'Siloam Ury Winniford'

In mid-summer, this selection has soft creamy flowers with a contrasting purple-black eye above the clumps of strappy foliage.

Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves'

Light up your garden with this very fragrant,
near white daylily. Loosely ruffled 5" wide
white blossoms have a pale yellow eye and
a tiny celery green throat.

Heuchera 'Beaujolais'
coral bells

‘Beaujolais’ is a large and vigorous cultivar with wine colored foliage that fades to dark green. It has an outstanding floral display with large panicles of tiny, light-pink flowers.

Heuchera 'Red Lightning'
coral bells

This is one electric heuchera that will brighten even the darkest corner. Bright gold leaves are strikingly veined with burgundy-red. This selection has the heat and humidity tolerant H. villosa in its parentage so it should be a good performer.

×Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse'
foamy bell

'Solar Eclipse' has leaves of red brown bordered in lime green and scalloped leaf edges. It forms a vigorous mound of dense crowns.
×Heucherella 'Sunrise Falls'

×Heucherella 'Sunrise Falls'
trailing foamy bell

A vigorous, trailing Heucherella with large, yellow, maple-shaped leaves and red veins. Fall leaves have dramatic red tints. The stems will trail 2 feet in a container making a wonderful hanging basket or a super ground cover.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Minspot'
Fiji First Editions rose-of-Sharon

Beautiful exotic islands come to mind from the colors and texture of its flowers. Semi-double, pink flowers, slowly fade to light pink and are attractive to butterflies. A splash of red colors the center. Bred and introduced by Minier Nursery in France.

Hippeastrum 'Alaska'
white amaryllis

Bulbs will withstand temperatures as low as 10°F, producing impressive, double flowers of white with decadent green centers. Blooms again the following year, in the garden or on the patio.
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
miniature hosta

This little hosta shines like a jewel in a box. With dazzling silver-blue perfectly shaped 'mouse ears,' this "Hosta of the Year 2008" can take more sun than most. Cute as a button, let this "mouse" of a hosta squeak its way into your woodland garden!

Hosta 'Curly Fries'

This cool little hosta makes mounds of narrow, exceptionally wavy-edged, chartreuse foliage like a heaping pile of crinkle-cut fries. With age, the leaf stalks will get reddish speckles for added interest. Lavender flowers top the mounds in mid-summer. This is a great plant for tucking around the garden or growing in containers.

Hosta 'Fire Island'

In the spring, ruffled leaves emerge a striking bright yellow gold with contrasting reddish-purple petioles. During the summer, leaves darken to chartreuse, and, in midsummer, lavender flowers, attractive to hummingbirds, appear.
Hosta 'Gold Standard'

Hosta 'Gold Standard'

‘Gold Standard’ is a medium to large hosta that grows in a mound to about 2 feet wide. It has wide yellow leaves with irregular dark green margins. Leaf centers emerge chartreuse in spring, turning golden yellow as the season progresses.
Hosta 'Grand Tiara'

Hosta 'Grand Tiara'
variegated hosta

A "classic" hosta, the first small-sized cultivar with gold-margined leaves. This hosta first appeared in the 1970s and is still one of the best for the landscape. Summer spikes of lavender flowers add to the charm.
Hosta 'June'

Hosta 'June'

A "classic" hosta, the first small-sized cultivar with gold-margined leaves. This hosta first appeared in the 1970s and is still one of the best for the landscape. Summer spikes of lavender flowers add to the charm.

Hosta 'Maui Buttercups'

'Maui Buttercups' is one of the best small yellow hostas available. Leaves are heavily cupped and slightly corrugated.
Hosta 'Paul's Glory'

Hosta 'Paul's Glory'

'Paul's Glory' hosta has gold heart-shaped leaves with an irregular blue-green margin. It is fast growing and can stand alone as a focal point in the garden.

Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise'

American Hosta Growers Hosta of the Year 2013. Hosta guru Tony Avent says, "The fluorescent golden leaf is surrounded by a dramatic border of dark green. This is truly a stunning and distinctive new hosta."
Hosta 'Stained Glass'

Hosta 'Stained Glass'

Bright golden leaves with wide, deep green margins and prominent veining provide the appearance of stained glass. Large, fragrant pale lavender flowers complement the dramatic foliage.

Hosta 'T. Rex'

'T Rex' has monstrous green leaves that are are slightly wavy and floppy. This hosta forms a gigantic mound of green foliage.
Takes a significant amount of time to reach its potential but is well
worth the wait.

Hydrangea macrophylla (Avalee Bowman)
bigleaf hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'
bigleaf hydrangea

Big mophead flowers emerge white then quickly take on either pale pink or blue tones depending on the soil (blue in our acidic NC red clay). Add lime for pink flowers. This form re-blooms well and is a great addition to the shade garden.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Horwack'
Pistachio bigleaf hydrangea

This is compact, mophead type hydrangea grows only to 3'4' tall. In late spring flowers open green, tinged with chartreuse (pistachio colors). As flowers mature, their centers turn scarlet red tinged with chartreuse-green. Deadheading will give repeat blooms from summer often into fall.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lindsey Ann'
L.A. Dreamin' bigleaf hydrangea

Check out this new celebrity to the big-leaf hydrangea family. Not only does this compact starlet bloom on old and new wood, ensuring flowers all season long, it flowers in an array of showy colors-pink, lavender, AND blue! Make way on the red carpet for the dazzling blooms starring on 'L.A. Dreamin'.'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja'
bigleaf hydrangea

A showy form of bigleaf hydrangea with massive flower heads in deep tones from pink to mauve. 'Masja' is widely known for having some of the most saturated coloration of any hydrangea. It performs best when grown in a rich, moist soil.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I'
Twist-n-Shout bigleaf hydrangea

Twist-n-Shout® boasts beautiful deep pink or periwinkle blue hydrangea flowers (depending on soil pH) from late spring through fall. With loads of dependable blooms and intense hydrangea colors, these lacecap hydrangea have become a favorite for everyone!

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II'
Endless Summer BloomStruck bigleaf hydrangea

BloomStruck™ is a new addition to the Endless Summer® collection of reblooming hydrangeas. It's described as having above average heat tolerance and good disease resistance, especially to powdery mildew. As with other hydrangeas, its mophead type flower color depends on soil pH.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Rensun'
Strawberry Sundae panicle hydrangea

Strawberry Sundae™ is a delicious new compact hydrangea. Flowers emerge creamy white in mid-summer, change to pink and finally to strawberry red. The fantastic flower color lasts well into fall. This hydrangea adds spectacular color and impressive flowers to small space gardens.

Hydrangea serrata 'MakD'
Tiny Tuff Stuff mountain hydrangea

This is a very hardy, and compact reblooming hydrangea. Each year it produces abundant lacecap flowers comprised of doubled sepals. In acidic soils with good aluminum availability the flowers will be blue. They will turn lavender-pink
in more acidic soils.
Ilex 'Conaf'

Ilex 'Conaf'
Oakleaf red holly

'Conaf'' is part of the Red Holly Series of hybrid holly cultivars. It's noted for its upright pyramidal form, oak-shaped leaves, and attractive orange-red fruits. New growth emerges bronze to burgundy red, maturing to emerald green. It is an excellent choice for borders, screens, hedges, and foundations.
Ilex glabra 'Shamrock'

Ilex glabra 'Shamrock'

Inkberry is native to the coastal plain from Nova Scotia to Florida to Louisiana. It grows as a stoloniforus shrub, with small (to 1.5") evergreen leaves. In fall pea-sized, black, berry-like fruits are produced that birds love. 'Shamrock' is a compact rounded cultivar that suckers less than the species.
Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green'

Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green'
yellow anise

Named by Michael Dirr, Ph.D., 'Forest Green' is a compact and improved form of yellow anise. It was selected for its darker green leaves and a oval-rounded leaf form. It does quite well in wet soils, sun or shade, and is a beautiful evergreen screen. Like all anise, it is deer-resistant.

Iris ×germanica 'Fireplace Embers'
dwarf German iris

This small bearded iris makes a bright spring statement with showy yellow-gold flowers highlighted by maroon falls. The sword-like foliage provides season-long texture.
Iris tectorum

Iris tectorum
roof iris

This charming little roof iris is native to China, but was first discovered in the 1860s, growing in Japan on the roofs, hence the common name. It grows about 18 inches tall with a spreading, rhizomatous habit common to most irises. Best in sun to part shade for lovely spring purple flowers.
Jasminum nudiflorum

Jasminum nudiflorum
winter jasmine

Winter jasmine is a nice and reliable addition to any winter garden. It is a trailing, viny shrub that grows from a central crown. It typically grows in a sprawling mound to 3’ tall with green arching branches, and spreads by trailing branches that root as they go along the ground.
Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'

Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'
gold-column common juniper

A beacon in the landscape, this outstanding upright form of juniper has gold new growth. 'Gold Cone' juniper will not outgrow its site quickly, since it has a moderately slow growth rate. It is hardy throughout North Carolina.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'
blue rug creeping juniper

'Wiltonii' is certainly the classic groundcover juniper with its flattened sprays of silvery blue foliage. It is great for draping over the edge of a pot or creeping around other shrubs. This is also one very drought tolerant little plant.
Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta 'Blue Pacific'

Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta 'Blue Pacific'
shore juniper

Shore junipers are among the most adaptable of groundcover junipers, tolerating some shade and seaside conditions better than most. It is best used on a slope or in well-drained soils.
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
dwarf flaky juniper

'Blue Star' is a delightful evergreen with outstanding silver blue color. It grows as a low, rounded shrub and has a very slow growth rate. It's one of the best junipers for silver blue winter colors. Provide excellent drainage for best growth in the humid south.

Kniphofia (Rockette Orange)
red-hot poker

The Rockette® series of red hot poker plants produce beauties that are compact, reaching only 18 to 24 inches high. Orange is the most vibrant of all the colors in the series. The color is a fiery hot orange that does not fade and is sure to catch the eyes of people passing by.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Lamprocapnos spectabilis
bleeding heart

Bleeding heart is an old garden favorite that is very easy to grow in a shaded border or a woodland garden. Formerly known as Dicentra spectabilis, its common name comes from the protruding white inner petal on each heart-shaped flower giving the flower the appearance of a "bleeding heart".

Lavandula ×allardii 'Meerlo'
variegated lavender

'Meerlo' is one of the best varieties of lavender for humidity, heat and drought tolerance. Evergreen, with beautifully variegated and highly fragrant foliage, it’s lovely year round. It’s happiest in full sun
in well-drained soil.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Phenomenal'

Lavandula ×intermedia 'Phenomenal'

Planted in a sunny spot at the JCRA it was actually a phenomenal plant until it was run over by a dump truck. Makes an exceptionally uniform mound of silver foliage topped with lavender (duh) flowers and is one of the most heat tolerant lavenders available.
Lavandula stoechas 'Silver Anouk'

Lavandula stoechas 'Silver Anouk'
Spanish lavender

This lavender is a standout in the garden with its stunning, bright white-grey foliage. Abundant purple flowers contrast beautifully with the leaves. A great evergreen plant for year-round interest.

Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Cream Puff'
Shasta daisy

Bright lemon-yellow buds that open to cream-white daisies. Forms a perfect dome of flowers in late spring and early summer. Sporadic rebloomer until autumn.

Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Whoops-a-Daisy'
Shasta daisy

'Whoops-a-Daisy' is an ideal Shasta daisy for small gardens. It forms a very dense rounded mound of dark green foliage that is thickly covered with fluffy white flowers from early through mid summer. It is a mainstay of the perennial border, cottage garden and cutting garden.

Liatris spicata 'Kobold'
blazing star

'Kobold' is a small, compact, upright, cultivar of blazing star which reaches only 2-2.5' tall. In summer one or more flower stalks with deep purple, feathery flower heads arise from
a basal rosette of narrow, grass-like leaves.
Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine'

Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine'
golden privet

Year-round golden foliage and compact growth is perfect for making exciting combinations. Medium sized shrub can be clipped into any shape or allowed to grow naturally. Cut to the ground if it gets too large. This selection has never flowered or fruited so it is not invasive like some others.
Lilium longiflorum

Lilium longiflorum
Easter lily

Lindera glauca var. salicifolia
willow leaf spicebush

Spicebush is one of the best shrubs for foliage color, especially in the fall. New leaves emerge emerald green in spring, but turn brilliant orange when fall rolls around. In winter the foliage often persists and turns an attractive tan.

Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS905521'
Starship Scarlet cardinal flower

This robust lobelia hybrid bears deep red flowers atop 2' stems from mid-summer to fall above bronzy foliage. Grow in medium to wet soils in sun to part shade.

Lomandra longifolia 'Roma13'
Platinum Beauty basket grass

This tough little perennial looks like a grass, but is actually related more closely to lilies. Rabbit and deer-resistant, this variegated beauty has green and white striped leaves. A low maintenance and drought tolerant plant, it looks graceful too. Pretty on the outside, tough on the inside!

Lonicera caerulea var. edulis 'Czech No. 17'
Berry Blue honeyberry

Honeyberries have been a delicacy in Asia and Europe for centuries, but has remained almost unknown here. This small shrub produces fruits resembling blueberries that are sweet, succulent, and edible. Flower production is best in full sun.

Lonicera periclymenum 'Inov71'
Sweet Tea woodbine

This lovely honeysuckle vine promises to behave and remain somewhat compact in your garden. In summer it produces masses of pink and white, large fragrant flowers. It is disease resistant and can be planted in any type of soil as long as it is well-drained.

Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton'
yellow trumpet honeysuckle

‘John Clayton’ is a yellow-flowered variety of our native honeysuckle that was found in 1991 in woodlands on the grounds of a 17th century church in Gloucester, Virginia. This native vine is noted for its compact growth, reblooming, and profuse fall berries. Hummingbirds love our native honeysuckle.
Loropetalum chinense 'Peack'

Loropetalum chinense 'Peack'
Purple Pixie dwarf purple loropetalum

Year-round golden foliage and compact growth is perfect for making exciting combinations. Medium sized shrub can be clipped into any shape or allowed to grow naturally. Cut to the ground if it gets too large. This selection has never flowered or fruited so it is not invasive like some others.

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'sPg-3-002'
Ruby Snow purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower

This has been much sought after ever since purple-leaf loropetalums hit the market. Deep burgundy foliage is highlighted by strappy-petalled, white flowers. Easy in almost any spot, color and flowering is best in sun.Take size predictions with a grain of salt.
Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'
golden creeping Jenny

Golden creeping Jenny is a low-growing, rampant, evergreen groundcover with rounded, golden yellow leaves. In summer, it produces many cup-shaped, bright yellow flowers.
Mahonia eurybracteata 'Narihira'

Mahonia eurybracteata 'Narihira'
narrowleaf mahonia

Narrow, soft-textured leaflets top low stems like miniature palm trees. In fall, short spikes of deep gold flowers appear and are followed by waxy blue fruit. Easy in most conditions.
Mahonia ×media 'Charity'

Mahonia ×media 'Charity'
Oregon grape

Few shrubs offer flowers as late as this one. Flowering begins in late Oct. or early Nov. with 10-inch wide clusters that last until February. Next, comes long strings of dark purple fruit that the birds devour. Evergreen foliage is so architectural, it would be a spectacular shrub even if it didn't bloom.

Malus 'Ueb 3727-4'
Blushing Delight columnar apple

Urban Apples® grow straight up, creating an elegant tree for small landscapes and patios. Blushing Delight™ produces green fruit with a red blush and a slightly sweeter taste. Two varieties are required for good fruit set.

Matteuccia struthiopteris 'The King'
ostrich fern

This awesome giant ostrich fern is truly 'King'-ly! A deciduous majesty, this fern sends up regal pale green fronds in the spring, which unfurl in a flourish to appear as an ostrich feather adornment on a crown. Give this monarch a sizeable place to be properly exhaulted!
Like all ferns, it is deer proof.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'
compact maiden grass

'Adagio' is a dwarf maiden grass which is one of the shortest of the many Miscanthus cultivars available in commerce today. It typically grows 3 to 4 feet tall (5 feet in bloom.)

Monarda didyma 'Arcade'
Grand Parade bee balm

Monarda is native to eastern North America and is readily attracts hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators. 'Archade' produces a ton of lavender-purple flowers, all on top of very compact plants.

Monarda 'Petite Delight'
compact beebalm

This is a great compact beebalm that works great especially when massed. The sweet but spicy fragrance is intoxicating and typically pretty deer resistant. Best in sun for lots of color in mid to late summer.
Muhlenbergia sericea

Muhlenbergia sericea
muhly grass

Muhly grass is a favorite plant at the Arboretum. Early in the year, this fine textured grass has attractive blue-green foliage in dense clumps. In fall the real show begins, when it is topped by airy masses of rose-pink flowers. It's heat, drought, and wet soil tolerant. Enjoy the hybrid, ‘Pink Flamingos’, in the Xeric garden.

×Mukgenia 'Flame'
Nova mukgenia

'Flame' is interesting intergeneric hybrid between Bergenia and its relative Mukdenia. Bright pink spring flowers have dainty star-like petals. Leaves are thick with jagged edges and reddish undersides. They redden through summer, climaxing with great fall color.
Nandina domestica 'Aka'

Nandina domestica 'Aka'
Blush Pink dwarf heavenly bamboo

We thought we had seen it all with heavenly bamboo and have been pleasantly surprised by the color and habit of this dwarf form in our Asian Valley. With the Southern Living seal of approval, you know it must be good.

Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime'
heavenly bamboo

Do you have too much red in your garden? 'Lemon Lime' has chartreuse new foliage that fades to a nice green, and will not turn red, even over the winter.
Nandina domestica 'Seika'

Nandina domestica 'Seika'
Obsession compact heavenly bamboo

We've fallen in love with this super dense, compact form of nandina that we are growing in our Asian Valley. New growth emerges brilliant red and keeps good color through the growing season. Seika means "sacred fire" in Japanese, alluding to the shocking red growth.
Nepeta ×faassenii 'Novanepjun'

Nepeta ×faassenii 'Novanepjun'
Junior Walker compact catmint

This compact catmint makes a 15" tall x 4' wide clump topped with sprays of small pale lavender flowers held just above the foliage.
Nephrolepis exaltata

Nephrolepis exaltata
Boston fern

Ophiopogon jaburan 'Hocf'
Crystal Falls mondo grass

This very hardy form of giant mondo grass makes a 30" tall clump of dark green grassy foliage. Mid-summer spikes of white flowers give rise to blue-black fruits in fall. The evergreen clumps make quite a statement in the garden and suffer little or no winter damage.
Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus

Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus
orange sweet olive

This orange flowering form of sweet-olive has a floral display that will stop traffic. It is extremely fragrant and rare in southern landscapes although more cold hardy than the white form. It begins flowering when it reaches around 5’ in height. A rare treasure when it reaches peak bloom and fragrance.

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Fastigiata'
upright holly tea-olive

Handsome evergreen shrub for sun or shade. 'Fastigiata' was selected for its very dense and upright form. Fall flowers are white and very fragrant. With age the holly-like leaves of youth are replaced with leaves without any spines.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'
Party Lights pink flush holly tea-olive

Wow, wow, wow was all we could say when we were first introduced to this awesome osmanthus or sweet olive. New growth emerges bright pink in spring before changing to white and finally mostly green. It is upright and compact making a nice-sized shrub over time. It has been fairly reliably hardy into at least the warmer parts of zone 6.

Paeonia 'Buckeye Belle'

Semi-double deep blood-red flowers held on sturdy stems. Amazing in the garden or as a cut flower.

Paeonia 'Coral Sunset'

Introduced in 1981, 'Coral Sunset' still stands as one of the best peonies in this uncommon shade for flowers. Its ruffled, semi-double blooms are a brilliant coral with an overlay of rose. The flowers are intensely fragrant.

Paeonia 'Inspecteur Lavergne'
double-flowered peony

Handsome crimson red peony, beautifully fragrant and great for cutting.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Lady Alexander Duff'

This double pink peony has been around since 1902 and is still among the best. Large, full flowers are held on sturdy stems.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Raspberry Sundae'

'Raspberry Sundae' is a real winner! It has large and fragrant double blossoms with raspberry crests against a background of pink and creamy white. This is a long lived perennial that does not need dividing and can be left undisturbed for years. It makes excellent cut flowers and attracts butterflies to your garden.

Paeonia 'Mother's Choice'

This American Peony Society selection boasts double white flowers with an occasional red highlight. It is among the most refined of the double peonies available.

Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose'
fountain grass

This elegant fountain grass forms a uniform clump of arching, deep green blades that erupt into intense, smoky, rose-purple flowers from late spring to frost. Discovered by David Skwiot of Sunny Border Nurseries, who named it for his daughter, Karley Rose.

Penstemon barbatus 'Red Riding Hood'
Riding Hood golden-beard penstemon

'Riding Hood Red' features beautiful spikes of red tubular flowers rising above the foliage from early to late summer, and is most effective when planted in groupings. The flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and flower arrangers, as they are excellent for cutting.

Penstemon 'Dark Towers'
purple-leaf beard tongue

Sturdy stems hold burgundy leaves topped with good size lavender flowers. The foliage is exceptionally thick. This plant is head and shoulders above the older 'Husker Red'.
Perovskia 'Little Spire'

Perovskia 'Little Spire'
compact Russian sage

Have you always admired the look of a large Russian sage bush with its spikes of blue flowers and silvery leaves, but thought you didn't have space? Check out 'Little Spire', which has all the same characteristics in a mini size! Bonus-it is also drought-tolerant, deer-resistant, and low-maintenance!

Phedimus spurius 'Red Carpet'
Caucasian stonecrop

Wowza is the only way to describe this sedum. 'Red Carpet' starts off red tinged in the spring, stays red all summer long, then turns a deep burgundy in fall. This show-stopper has rosy red flowers in summer. Finally, as a ground cover, it blocks your weeds too! Roll out the red carpet!
Phegopteris decursive-pinnata

Phegopteris decursive-pinnata
Japanese beech fern

Easy to grow, deer resistant, with narrow, upright, coarse-textured, lush green fronds. Does best in consistently moist, slightly acidic soils that are not allowed to dry out.

Phlox 'Amethyst Pearl'

This phlox was developed at Walters Gardens and introduced in 2015. According to Walters Gardens, "Behaves like ‘Minnie Pearl'. Light amethyst pink flowers with a white eye are produced in loose, rounded panicles in early summer and reblooms again in early fall. Glossy, bright green foliage stays clean all season."

Phlox 'Opening Act White'

This naturally dwarf, early blooming phlox will add a long season of color to your garden with its pure white flowers. The dark green, glossy foliage is mildew and disease resistant.

Phlox paniculata 'Glamour Girl'
garden phlox

Large panicles of hot coral pink flowers bloom on strong dark purple stems. Sure to be one of your favorites since butterflies and hummingbirds can’t seem to resist this glamorous beauty either.

Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace'
moss phlox

The classic southern evergreen perennial which brightens spring landscapes. The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the white flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.

Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty'
moss phlox

The classic southern evergreen perennial which brightens spring landscapes. The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep purple flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.

Phlox subulata 'Red Wing'
moss phlox

The classic southern evergreen perennial which brightens spring landscapes. The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep red-pink flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May'

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May'
Little Devil dwarf purple-leaf ninebark

This little mound of deep purple foliage makes a tidy shrub for the garden. Pink buds which open to white flowers are especially showy against the dark foliage. This is one of the nicest small, native shrubs for bringing color to the garden.
Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'

Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'
pink Japanese andromeda

'Dorothy Wycoff' is among the best of the pink-flowered selections of the typically white blooming species. New growth is reddish before becoming deep green. With age, the plant develops lovely cinnamon-brown, twisted stems.

Platycodon grandiflorus 'Astra Double Blue'
balloon flower

The Astra series of balloon flowers are
well-branched with richer colors. Plants here have double blue flowers and are compact reaching 6 to 12 inches high, 6 to 8 inches wide.

Polemonium reptans 'Touch of Class'
variegated Jacob's ladder

Lightly fragrant pink buds which open to soft blues, giving a very nice soft pastel display tucked into and just above the bright foliage. Ideal for edging a shady border or growing beside a woodland path. Appreciates average to moist soil conditions.
Polystichum tsus-simense

Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern

A great structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to blue-green. Great garden and container plant.

Primula acaulis 'Kerbelnec'
Nectarine nectarine primrose

This double primrose has fragrant flowers that open yellow and age with apricot-pink highlights.
Prunus jacquemontii

Prunus jacquemontii
Afghan bush cherry

Well-suited to the South, Afgan bush cherry is a small, bushy cherry tree with bright pink, fragrant flowers in March. Its wide-spreading form, small persistent red fruit, and golden-yellow fall color make it attractive throughout the year. In early spring cut branches to force flowers indoors.
Punica granatum 'Salavatski'

Punica granatum 'Salavatski'

An exceptionally cold-hardy pomegranate with large pinkish-red fruit. The sweet-tart juice is refreshing and full of anti-oxidants. The crunchy seeds make a delightful snack or add crunch to salads. In the garden, the showy orange flowers add pop to the landscape and the fruit are attractive as they ripen. A tough and versatile shrub.
Reineckea carnea

Reineckea carnea
Chinese lucky grass

Spreading grass-like foliage works well for edging shady beds or as a low maintenance ground cover. Spikes of purple flowers appear amongst the leaves in early fall.

Rhaphiolepis indica 'sPg-3-003'
Redbird Indian hawthorn

Redbird features burgundy-red new growth followed by white flowers that flush pink in spring. This pretty evergreen shrub matures at 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. Excellent as a small hedge or foundation planting and it is tolerant of drought and salt spray.

Rhododendron 'Rlh1-11p1'
Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink azalea

Enjoy months of vivid, hot pink flowers. This is the newest member of the Bloom-A-Thon series of reblooming azaleas. Bloom-A-Thon® azaleas are semi-evergreen and perform best in filtered shade and warm climates.

Rhododendron 'Roblez'
Encore Autumn Fire reblooming azalea

A fast-growing dwarf azalea,'Roblez' glows with numerous, true red, semi-double and single blooms in spring, summer and fall. It holds its bright green foliage year-round, adding four season interest in your garden.

Rhododendron 'Wolfpack Red'
Carla hybrid azalea

Show off your Pack Pride by placing a 'Wolfpack Red" azalea, from NC State, in your front lawn. Not a Pack fan? You'll still do a wolf whistle when you see its gorgeous scarlet-red flowers blooming up to 4 times on each bud. Resistant to drought, this charmer will have you rooting for red!

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-low'
dwarf fragrant sumac

'Gro-Low' is dense, low-growing, deciduous shrub, which spreads by root suckers. It grows only to 1-2' tall but spreads to 8' wide. Its glossy green foliage, turns reddish purple in fall. Makes an excellent choice for banks or erosion control.
Rohdea japonica

Rohdea japonica
sacred lily

Also known as a 'Nippon Lily' this evergreen perennial is a slow grower with shiny, dark-green, strappy leaves. In the fall, insignificant white flowers develop into small clumps of festive bright red berries that remain through winter. A great alternative to a cast-iron plant for an area of
deep shade!
Rosa 'Ausbaker'

Rosa 'Ausbaker'
Teasing Georgia climbing rose

'Teasing Georgia' is quite the flirt and beautiful to boot! This award-winning rose has gorgeous two-toned blossoms–with a golden yellow center surrounded by pale yellow petals. A fragrant, repeat bloomer, "Georgia" produces showy cut flowers and is disease-resistant.

Rosa 'Auscat'
Winchester Cathedral shrub rose

Winchester Cathedral poduces masses of elegant flowers at regular intervals throughout the summer season. This is a very robust rose with a delicious and strong old rose fragrance. It is a sport of the beautiful 'Mary Rose'.

Rosa 'Auscot'
Abraham Darby shrub rose

This shrub rose is widely loved for the strong fruity fragrance of the full, peachy-pink flowers.
It re-blooms quite well for a spectacular show all season long.
Rosa 'Ausnyson'

Rosa 'Ausnyson'
Lady of Shalott shrub rose

This is an ideal rose for the inexperienced. It is robust, highly resistant to disease, and lightly fragrant. Flowers are salmon-pink to peach, and blooms nearly continuously on slightly arching stems. It is an excellent choice for mixed border.

Rosa 'Auspaddle'
Royal Jubilee David Austin rose

Is it a rose or a peony? Hard to tell with these huge, semi-double, deep-pink, globular blooms regally sitting atop (almost) thornless stems. Named in celebration of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee, this repeat-bloomer is resistant to disease and has a lovely fruity scent.
Be loyal to this 'Royal'!
Rosa 'Meiswetdom'

Rosa 'Meiswetdom'
Sweet Drift ground cover rose

This very low growing rose is a perfect choice for use along pathways, hillsides or at the front of a border. Clear pink double flowers float in clusters atop dark green glossy foliage. This variety is the most double-flowered of all the Drift® Roses.
Rosa 'Radcon'

Rosa 'Radcon'
Pink Knock Out shrub rose

This beautiful specimen can't wait to be growing at your home! Another high profile Knock Out® rose for the landscape with brilliant pink blooms from spring to fall. A great addition to a sunny garden or in a container. Thrives in humid conditions and is black spot resistant.
Rosa 'Radtko'

Rosa 'Radtko'
Double Knock Out shrub rose

The Knock Out® roses are among the most popular of landscape plants with blooms from spring to fall on semi-evergreen plants. This is the double-flowered form with more "rose-like" rose flowers and new growth that emerges with a burgundy tint.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Barbeque'

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Barbeque'
upright rosemary

This rosemary has strong vertical stems perfect for creating savory kabob skewers and aromatic foliage for all of your savory stews. Blue flowers add to the appeal of this evergreen shrub for sunny, well-drained spots.

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'
sweet coneflower

You've never seen a Black-Eye Susan like this one! Neither had Henry Eilers, a retired horticulturist, who found it growing by some railroad tracks. This perennial has curiously rolled petals that gives them the appearance of quills. The blooms reach 4-6 feet and smell sweetly of vanilla. Oh 'Henry!'

Salvia 'Eggben004'
Heatwave Sparkle hybrid Autumn sage

Showy, sun-loving, compact and drought tolerant, this tough little shrub really shines! Masses of deep pink flowers with white throats dance above aromatic foliage from spring to fall.
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Bloom'

Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Bloom'
blue anise sage

This improved form of the old 'Black and Blue' sage begins flowering much earlier in summer and continues to fall. Deep, rich blue flowers held by black calyces top 4' stems for an elegant backdrop in the garden.

Salvia microphylla 'Little Kiss'
compact bicolor baby sage

It is hard to resist the red and white bicolored flowers on this strong little salvia. It is much better behaved than 'Hot Lips' and grows compactly. Enjoy a long flowering season with this beauty!

Salvia nemorosa 'Balyricsil'
Lyrical silvertone bicolor meadow sage

Upright deep blue spikes with silver edging
appear in early summer and are attractive to both butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants are compact, drought tolerant and a good choice for edges of the garden and containers.

Salvia nemorosa (Sallyrosa April Night)
meadow sage

This dwarf variety has been bred with an eye towards being sturdy and strong, and will maintain its petite size. Blooms earlier and longer than others of its species.

Salvia nemorosa
Swifty deep rose rose meadow sage

Swifty™ Deep Rose is known to have better branching than other salvias as well as more flower spikes per plant. This drought tolerant perennial has deep rose flower spikes in the summer and is deer resistant.

Salvia 'Snow Hill'
garden sage

'Snow Hill' is a densely-flowered sage, with spikes of white flowers which bloom in June and continue throughout the summer. Flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. This salvia cultivar is a compact plant, which typically grows only to 20" tall.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Sarsid1'

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Sarsid1'
Fragrant Valley Himalayan sweet box

Fragrant Valley™ has a low, spreading habit with glossy deep green foliage. Sweetly scented white blooms tipped with pink appear in late winter. It's an excellent shade plant with much more vigor than other varieties of Sarcococca. It's ideal for shady, dry sites and is deer resistant.
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist'

Scabiosa 'Pink Mist'
pink pincushion flower

Enjoy the long flowering period of 'Pink Mist' with its delightful, pink flowers top tall thin stems.

Trust this sedum to put on a great display of texture and color in your garden. Foliage is a unique form of blue, and flowers are crimson red. Flowering will last about six weeks, attracting butterflies and pollinators. Resistant to heat and drought, this is one fine sedum that requires little care and thrives in poor soil once established.

Sedum tetractinum 'Coral Reef'
Chinese sedum

'Coral Reef' is a succulent mat-forming perennial that turns fiery colors in autumn. Makes an outstanding groundcover for spring to fall interest.
Spigelia marilandica

Spigelia marilandica
Indian pinkroot

This woodland beauty is a show stopper that will soon be the highlight of your garden. Native to the Southeastern United States, Indian pinkroot produces bright red, 2" tubular flowers with yellow centers in late spring. Grows best in part shade. The hummingbirds will thank you for planting
this one.
Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound'

Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound'
Japanese spirea

True to its name, 'Gold Mound' is noted for its attractive foliage and mounding form. Leaves emerge golden in spring, but gradually fade to a gold-green in summer. Fall color may include interesting yellows, oranges and reds. Soft pink flowers provide a contrast with the gold foliage.

Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
Japanese spirea

Attract more butterflies to your garden with this lovely, diminutive, shrub. In late spring it is covered with pale pink, flat topped flower clusters. It forms a beautiful, rounded, compact mound. Look forward to fall, when its mint green leaves turn red before dropping.

Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
Japanese spirea

This interesting and attractive dwarf spiraea has-Count 'em!-not one, not two, but THREE colors of blooms, displayed all at the same time on the same shrub! Enjoy white, pink, and red clusters of flowers from May until August on its compact, mounded form. Great as an accent or en masse!

Spiraea japonica 'Tracy'
Double Play Big Bang Japanese spirea

Big heads of pink flowers are held above the newly emerging orange-flushed spring foliage. The leaves change to gold with the color holding well all summer. 'Tracy' is also mildew resistant.

Spiraea ×vanhouttei 'Levgold'
Firegold golden bridal wreath spirea

Firegold® is adorned with brilliant lemon-lime foliage. The new growth is soft yellow changing to lemon, and finally to lime-green. White flowers appear in spring along gracefully arching branches.
Stewartia sinensis

Stewartia sinensis
Chinese stewartia

Chinese stewartia is an elegant small tree that will please you throughout the year. Its gorgeous, papery brown and purple, peeling bark has been described as one of the best in the plant kingdom. In summer leaves are dark green, and white camellia-like flowers appear. Autumn leaves are flaming red.

Stokesia laevis 'Divinity'
white Stokes' aster

Stokes' aster is a prized garden perennial for its extra long lasting summer flowers. This form of one of our favorite native plants has pure white flowers over the deep green foliage.

Syringa 'Pink Perfume'
pink reblooming lilac

'Pink Perfume' is one of the latest additions to the Bloomerang series. It has the same multi-season flower show, only this time in pink. Fragrant blooms will delight gardeners in spring, then again from midsummer to fall.

Syringa 'SMSXPM'
Scent and Sensibility pink dwarf pink reblooming lilac

This dwarf lilac is wider than it is tall, and produces dark pink buds which open to soft, lilac-pink flowers. It is very fragrant and has some repeat blooming.

Thymus 'Magic Carpet'

Creeping thyme groundcover is only 2 inches high, and it spreads and flowers for most of the summer. Magic Carpet thyme is perfect for edging the flower border, rock gardens, walkways, patios and in containers. The ground cover plants are full of tiny pink clusters of blooms and is lemon-scented.
Tilia cordata 'Dwarf Weeper'

Tilia cordata 'Dwarf Weeper'
dwarf littleleaf linden

Despite the name, this linden doesn't really weep at all, but it does make a fantastic small tree. Ours is over 27 years old and is now about
10' tall with a perfect, gumdrop shaped head.
It's very slow growing, so ideal for even the
smallest garden.
Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju'

Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju'
dwarf Chinese elm

'Seiju's" attractive features include its ability to be used for bonsai or in small settings. It also tolerates drought, clay soil, and air pollution. This small tree is easily grown. Its smooth and flaking bark can be quite beautiful and the leaves are nearly evergreen and disease resistant.

Veronica prostrata 'Aztec Gold'
gold creeping speedwell

Bright, clean yellow foliage throughout the season, untarnished by hot sun. Spreads in dense mat as eye-catching ground cover. Lovely spilling over the edge of containers. Spikes of pale-blue flowers really pop against the yellow foliage in May.

Viburnum dentatum var. deamii 'SMVDLS'
All That Glitters arrowwood

Glittery foliage catches the light beautifully, and makes it very appealing in the garden. White late spring flowers are followed by blue fruit in fall.
Viburnum 'Nantucket'

Viburnum 'Nantucket'
hybrid viburnum

'Nantucket' is a 2008 release from the U.S.National Arboretum’s breeding program. Selected for large, mildly fragrant, abundant flowers that cover it in spring, dark semi-evergreen leaves, and upright form. Its size is easily controlled by pruning after it finishes flowering.
Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston Hardy'

Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston Hardy'
dwarf Walter's viburnum

We think the world of this little guy that is similar to the fantastic dwarf 'Mrs Schiller's Delight'. This Raulston form is a bit more evergreen, mounded, and hardier. Makes a low semi-evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in April with sporadic flowers from November through March.
Viburnum oliganthum

Viburnum oliganthum
Chinese viburnum

Native to the forests of China, this upright shrub has dark green, slightly leathery, lustrous leaves. Hanging clusters of tubular, non-fragrant, pinkish waxy flowers appear in the spring after the new leaves appear.

Viburnum 'sPg-3-024'

Viburnum 'sPg-3-024'
Moonlit Lace hybrid viburnum

This hybrid between the laurustinus and Father David's viburnum makes an outstanding evergreen shrub with white spring flowers. The deep green foliage takes on burgundy tones. Expect a low, wide plant 3' tall by 5' wide.
Viburnum tinus 'Compactum'

Viburnum tinus 'Compactum'
compact laurustinus

A beautiful, low-growing evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and lightly fragrant, pinkish-white spring flowers. Dense, compact growth habit makes this a favorite choice for small hedges, screens or foundation plantings.
Viburnum tinus 'Lisa Rosa'

Viburnum tinus 'Lisa Rosa'
Shades of Pink laurustinus

Lisa Rosa' is a pink flowered shrub that will add an air of refinement to the garden in spring when in full bloom. The evergreen leaves and showy pink flower buds of 'Lisa Rosa' laurustinus also look great all winter. Area nurserymen have been very impressed with how well this new viburnum performed over our frigid winter.

Vitex agnus-castus 'PIIVAC-1'
Delta Blues chaste tree

Gorgeous, aromatic, dark purplish blue flowers will attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. Foliage is aromatic and dark-green. This is a tough plant that can tolerate drought, salt, and varying soil conditions.

Weigela florida 'Verweig 3'
Minor Black weigela

Splendidly dark and rich, the foliage on this low-growing Weigela offers a stunning contrast to all the green- and gold-leafed plants in the border. Minor Black™ keeps its color all season, complementing the bright rosy-pink flowers that hummers and butterflies love.
Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword'

Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword'
variegated Adam's needle

Look at this swash-buckling charmer of a yucca! Variegated leaves in yellow and green punctuate a winter garden. A great accent plant, this evergreen produces tall spikes of white flowers. Place this "Golden Sword" in front of your garden "fencing!"