JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale 2014
The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2014 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'
Sunshine Daydream variegated glossy abelia
You will enjoy this semi-evergreen beauty with fragrant, white flowers that open from pale pink buds. Foliage emerges with a burgundy tint and young stems are often bright red. Plants have a neat, dwarf habit without pruning.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Hopleys'
Miss Lemon variegated glossy abelia
'Hopleys' will fill your garden with beautiful gold and cream variegated evergreen foliage which turns pink in autumn. Dainty pale pink flowers from July to October. A plant introduction from Hopleys Nursery, United Kingdom. Some leaves may drop depending on severity of the winter.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia
Foliage is bright yellow and light green in the spring and golden yellow with a dark green center in the summer. Cool weather adds orange and red. White, tubular flowers bloom summer to fall. Abelia ×grandiflora 'Margarita'
Twist of Orange variegated glossy abelia
A fine textured, variegated glossy abelia with colorful foliage year-round and bright red stems. Like all glossy abelia, it will grow in sun or shade and is tolerant of most conditions once it is well-established. Look for pink-tinged, white flowers held by showy rose calyces over an extended period. Acer cissifolium
ivy-leaf maple
We collected this lovely maple near Mt. Ontaki in Japan. It is a small tree with bright gold-red fall color. Spring flowers are a cheery yellow, quite showy, and appear before foliage. Easy to grow with some shade in the Southeast. Prune to a single stem or leave as a multi-stemmed tree.Acer palmatum 'Aratama'
Japanese maple
Rare and highly sought after Japanese maple, whose name means "uncut gem". Showy red leaves emerge early in spring. In summer the leaf centers turn green with only a touch of red on the margins. In fall, the very tiny leaves turn yellow, orange and red on this incredibly beautiful plant.Acer palmatum 'Baldsmith'
red lace-leaf Japanese maple
Finely dissected leaves that change from green, pink and orange eventually turning red. In autumn leaves are a vivid yellow/orange. It has a very lovely, mounded, flowing habit of growth.Acer palmatum 'Beni kawa'
coral-bark Japanese maple
A Japanese maple that even Jerry Lee Lewis would love, we have here 'Beni kawa', one of only a few cultivars of Japanese maple that bears striking pinkish-red twigs in the winter and yellow leaf color in the autumn. Add this maple to your garden, and stand back!Acer palmatum 'Chishio'
Japanese maple
Chishio' is one of the very best bright, pink-red spring color cultivars you can find. Spring color is long-lasting and leaves are small and very attractive. In summer it becomes an attractive green. In the fall, the leaves turn an orange to red color.Acer palmatum 'Coonara Pygmy'
dwarf Japanese maple
Adorable Australian cultivar with a dense, bushy habit typical to trees derived from witches' brooms. Spring leaves are pale pink and green, changing to green for summer. Fall color is bright orange and yellow with red accents. Great choice for containers, bonsai, and rock gardens.Acer palmatum 'Crippsii'
dwarf Japanese maple
This dwarf Japanese maple ideal for a container or small garden. The deep green leaves have serrated edges and curl inwards. In autumn, they change color to blazing orange. Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace'
green lace-leaf Japanese maple
Stunning red leaves in spring that change to red-brown in summer. As the summer progresses, the leaf veins change to green and then bright red in fall. It is slow growing and its upright form makes it a good choice for growing in a container. Reaches about 6' tall in a container.Acer palmatum 'Flavescens'
weeping Japanese maple
This classy Japanese maple has burgundy foliage and a unique dense or layered look. It forms a dense, small-sized tree, only to 8’ tall, with bright red to red-purple leaves throughout the growing season. Locate this plant where you can appreciate its dwarf, upright habit.Acer palmatum 'Katsura'
Japanese maple
This delightful Japanese maple tree is quite striking in its spring growth. Leaves emerge a pale yellow and then the margins turn to a bright orange. Fall color is bright yellow and orange. This is a small-leaved cultivar that will make a fine addition to your garden.Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'
dwarf Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'
red lace-leaf Japanese maple
This hard to find, cultivar of Japanese maple is noted for its deep red-purple laceleaf foliage, appearing bright orange when first emerging in spring. Not as wide spreading as other laceleaf cultivars, it fits better into small gardens. Watch for its fiery orange to orange-red fall colors, too.Acer palmatum 'Pixie'
compact Japanese maple
'Pixie' is a smaller form of the popular 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple. It has dark purple-red leaves that keep their rich color even in the heat of the summer. Leaves turn fire red in fall. Its form is compact and upright, making it a good choice for containers as well as growing in the landscape.Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'
purple-leaf Japanese maple
This classy Japanese maple has burgundy foliage and a unique dense or layered look. It forms a dense, small-sized tree, only to 8’ tall, with bright red to red-purple leaves throughout the growing season. Locate this plant where you can appreciate its dwarf, upright habit.Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira'
lion's-mane Japanese maple
A favorite of many, this slow growing Japanese maple is quite unusual and adds a sculptural feel to a garden. Form is upright, with tufts of green foliage that hug each branch. Like a lion's fiery mane, fall colors are vibrant red orange. Acer palmatum 'Skeeter's Broom'
Japanese maple
Great foliage color, dark stems, and an unusual form are the key features of 'Skeeter's Broom'. Discovered as a witch's broom, it has typically dense, twiggy, growth. Leaves are bright red in spring, dark red in summer, and finally turn pure red again in fall. Dark stems add winter interest. Acer palmatum 'Sumi Nagashi'
purple-leaf Japanese maple
One of the best of the 'Bloodgood' type Japanese maples. It grows upright, as wide as tall, with brilliant garnet foliage in spring deepening to maroon as the season progresses then flaming again in the spring. Leaves are large with seven lobes. The elegant branching is as beautiful in the winter as it is when in full foliage.Acer palmatum 'Tamuke yama'
red lace-leaf Japanese maple
This cascading beauty that is considered by many to be the connoisseur's choice in red dissectums.This cultivar has been listed in Japan since 1710. Branches are strongly cascading and the foliage ages to a very dark purple red.Acer palmatum 'Ueno Yama'
Japanese maple
The bright spring foliage of this selection emerges gold with some orange tones. Over summer it fades to a bright, light green. Fall color is spectacular orange and gold.Acer pictum subsp. mono
painted maple
This small to medium-sized maple is one of our very favorites with a nicely formed, rounded head. The fall color is typically a beautiful clear yellow. These plants are from seed we collected in Japan in 2011, where it was growing near the gorgeous Ryuzu Falls in Nikko. Acer pseudosieboldianum
Korean maple
This is a wonderful small maple from Korea and China that is unaccountably rare in cultivation. Four inch to 5" doubly serrate leaves turn spectacular colors in the fall. It is also commonly known as purplebloom maple for the purple-red spring flowers. These are seedlings, not grafted plants.Acer shirasawanum
full moon maple
While often grouped with the other Jpanese maples, the full moon maple has a much bolder look with larger, wider leaves. These seedlings were collected in 2011 in the mountains of Japan where the blazing fall color was the brightest in the woods.Acer shirasawanum 'Yasemin'
full moon maple
This full moon maple bears broad leaves deeply colored burgundy. The color holds well through the season while the texture is much bolder than the typical red-leaf Japanese maple.Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki'
variegated sweet flag
A wonderful semi-evergreen, marginal aquatic perennial that features a grass-like tuft of narrow golden with green stripes leaf blades (1/4“ wide) that fan outward to 6-12” tall. It is commonly grown in water gardens and boggy areas. Foliage is sweetly fragrant when bruised.Aesculus parviflora
bottlebrush buckeye
Bottlebrush buckeye is a deciduous shrub with a spreading growth habit to 10' and upright panicles of white flowers in summer. Since it does not lose its leaves to leaf scorch, it will reward you in the autumn with yellow fall color.Aesculus pavia (yellow)
yellow-flowered red buckeye
Red buckeye is one of the showiest native plants around. The spikes of long tubular red flowers are hummingbird magnets in sunny spots or as part of the woodland garden. The palmately compound (hand-like) leaves look great for the rest of the summer.Afrocarpus falcatus
African yellowwood
This lovely podocarp relative is native to southern Africa and makes a soft textured, specimen conifer. In its native habitat, it is a large tree, but will be much slower in the landscape. These are fairly tender, so grow it in a protected spot. As an unusual houseplant, it tolerates low light conditions.Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud'
This is one of the darkest blues available in hardy agapanthus. Bold clumps of strappy foliage give rise to 4' flower stems bearing clusters of up to 100 flowers.Agave toumeyana var. bella
hardy century plant
This lovely agave grows to only about 6" by 10" in attractive rosettes. Offsets readily form a tight colony perfect for a small scale ground cover or filling a pot. Always grow in a well-drained soil to ensure survival. Mature plants bear 4' flower spikes attractive to people and hummingbirds.Akebia quinata
chocolate vine
A lovely, quick growing vine with attractive compound leaves and purple spring flowers that smell like chocolate.Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'
lady's mantle
Lady's mantle makes clumps of soft green foliage topped in June with electric yellow flowers. This selection is larger and more floriferous than the species.Alpinia koshunensis
Taiwan shell ginger
Taiwan shell ginger is likely too tender to grow outside but would make a very nice container specimen with foliage to about 4' tall and erect flower spikes with thick textured blossoms that are white on the outside and bright yellow and red inside.Alstroemeria 'Koice'
Inca Ice Peruvian lily
A mound of bright yellow leaves emerge in late spring. Leaves will remain yellow when given at least several hours of sunlight each day. In late summer 2' flower spikes produce white flowers followed by purple berriesAmpelaster carolinianus
climbing aster
This native climbing aster can be grown as a mounding shrub or encouraged to grow up a post or trellis. Pink flowers appear in October brightening the garden at the end of the season. Tolerant of dry or damp soils once established.Anemone hupehensis 'Pretty Lady Emily'
This little windflower or Japanese anemone is only half the height of the typical form. Semi-double pink flowers on 18" stems appear in late summer when the garden is often looking tired.Angelica keiskei
Japanese angelica
Native to Japan, this plant makes a great bold-textured garden specimen, forming a 18" by 3' wide basal rosette of glossy dark evergreen leaves. After a couple of years, an ashitaba rosette is topped with a thick 5' tall spike of upright-facing large white umbels in mid-July. Aquilegia 'Clementine Blue'
This spur-less columbine has double blue flowers more reminiscent of a clematis than a typical columbine. The soft green foliage makes a lovely clump even after the long bloom period of the flowers has passed.Aquilegia 'Songbird Dove'
hybrid columbine
Eye-catching, large white flowers on compact plants look great in the garden or in a container. 'Dove' is a first year flowering perennial, and a cultivar of the Songbird Series. It may be grown from seed and may self-seed in the garden under good conditions.Arundo donax 'Golden Chain'
golden variegated giant reed
'Golden Chain' is a colorful, undemanding, specimen plant. This variety of giant reed is rare in the U.S., but you might spot it at the London Zoo or in an English garden. Its gorgeous, golden, variegated color remains constant in our hot summers.Aster ageratoides 'Ashvi'
white mountain aster
This lovely perennial aster is native across east Asia and will tolerate just about anything you can throw its way from full sun to deep shade. Pure white flowers with a gold eye cover the plant from late summer to fall. Very cold hardy, spreading politely by rhizomes to make nice clumps.Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red'
Chinese false goat's beard
A tough Chinese astilbe with plumes of burgundy pink flowers in summer. Remove spent flower stalks to encourage more flowering or leave them to dry on the plant for winter interest. This is one of the showiest plants for the damp shade garden available.Aucuba japonica 'Sun Spots'
variegated Japanese aucuba
Aucuba are some of the best plants available for brightening up the dry shade garden. The gold speckled foliage of this selection will sparkle even in the toughest of shady gardens.Begonia Semperflorens-cultorum Group (hardy white)
hardy wax begonia
JCRA Education Program Coordinator, Christopher Glenn brought us this lovely plant that he had been growing for years. It grows like a typical wax begonia with succulent bright green foliage and pure white flowers but has been winter hardy in his Wake Forest garden for many years.Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Rocket'
Japanese barberry
Distinctive upright growth habit,that matures to a two foot spread. Showy, bright yellow foliage is perfect for creating some hot color combinations—a designer's dream plant.Berkheya purpurea
purple berkheya
This aster from South Africa makes a tight rosette of spiny leaves with cobwebby hairs. In mid-summer, it sends up a tall, stout flower stalk with large, lavender daisy flowers. This is a hardy, long-lived perennial. Full sun, good drainage, hardy to Zone 6a.Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty'
A new color form of the native crossvine with tangerine reddish-orange flowers introduced by The NCSU Arboretum in 1993 (from Scott Ogden). This evergreen vine is covered in flowers in spring and reblooms and rapidly grows.Brunnera macrophylla 'King's Ransom'
variegated Siberian bugloss
This has proven to be one of the best variegated bugloss for southern gardens. White-edged foliage makes clumps to 18" across topped in early spring by delicate forget-me-not flowers. A must for the shade garden.colors of the new seedless (noninvasive) butterfly-bushes. In the summertime, the fragrant dark purple flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Buddleja 'ILVOargus01'
Inspired White butterfly bush
New InSpired™ White is one of three colors of new seedless (noninvasive) butterfly-bushes. In the summertime, fragrant white flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.Buddleja 'Pink Delight'
hybrid butterfly bush
A classic butterfly bush making a nice-sized shrub with showy spikes of butterfly magnet pink flowers all summer long. A must-have for the sunny garden.Buddleja 'Pink Pagoda'
Inspired Pink hybrid butterfly bush
New InSpired™ Pink is one of three colors of new seedless (noninvasive) butterfly-bushes. In the summertime, fragrant pink flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.Buxus harlandii
Harland's boxwood
Rarely offered in the trade, this is a superior dwarf boxwood for the Deep South. It has charming bright green leaves, plus a distinct, dense, rounded form. It can form a multi-stemmed mound with foliage to the ground. Drought tolerance and pest resistance is better than most boxwoods.Buxus 'Little Missy'
dwarf boxwood
A very dwarf boxwood with tiny leaves. Perfect for small gardens, containers, accents, and for providing an evergreen presence in perennial gardens. Very tolerant of dry shade.Buxus microphylla 'Faulkner'
littleleaf boxwood
A very popular compact boxwood with deep green foliage and a very uniform habit. Great for most any spot in the garden including dry shade.Buxus sempervirens 'Arctic Emerald'
upright common boxwood
A very hardy upright form of boxwood keeping its dark green color all through the winter even in exposed spots.Buxus sempervirens 'Jensen'
common boxwood
This boxwood is very similar to the popular English boxwood but the new growth emerges blue-green before turning green. It appears to be more resistant to some of the disease issues like root rot which can affect some other boxwoods.Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'
common boxwood
'Vardar Valley' stands out among our collection for its low, spreading form, and distinct, blue-green foliage. It has been widely touted for its cold hardiness, but the foliage probably distinguishes it most from other boxwoods. Hardy throughout North Carolina. 3' tall by 4' wide. Sun or shade.Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Sunburst'
variegated Korean boxwood
A vigorous, easy to grow boxwood with a strong golden edge around the margin of each leaf. The variegation gets stronger as the season progresses. This and other boxwoods are perfect for dry shade.Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Tall Boy'
Korean boxwood
A somewhat upright, oval form of Korean boxwood with a bit of a looser habit than some of the very rigid forms of boxwood. Great in sun or dry shade like other boxwoods.Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen'
Korean boxwood
One of the most popular boxwoods in recent years, 'Wintergreen' makes a dense, small plant that does not discolor even in very cold winters.Calibrachoa 'USCAL58205'
Superbells Strawberry Punch calibrachoa
This popular annual bears miniature petunia flowers. Best in a container, hanging basket or windowbox where the trailing habit can be appreciated.Callicarpa americana
American beautyberry
Southeastern U.S. native with large bright purple berries borne close along the stems. Although it will grow in the shade, it produces more berries in full sun. Light pink flowers are insignificant. Birds really enjoy the fruit in winter.Callicarpa brevipes
We collected the bright purple fruit of this small, upright beautyberry at the South China Botanical Garden in Guangzhou, China. Narrow leaves emerge with a purple tint before bearing white to lavender flowers, followed by showy purple fruit.We expect it to grow well in most of NC.
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai'
purple beautyberry
This small shrub is a show stopper when in fruit and more refined than our native beautyberry. Lavender flowers are followed by violet fruits which persist into fall, but not long into winter, since birds love them. 'Issai' flowers at a younger age and stays smaller than the species.Callicarpa japonica 'Shiji Murasaki'
Wine Spritzer beautyberry
Unlike most Japanese beautyberries, this form is especially attractive, growing upright with heavy branching. Green leaves are attractively variegated with splashes and speckles of white. New growth emerges pink and young stems are pink.Callicarpa kwangtungensis
Guangdong beautyberry
A truly distinctive beautyberry, hailing from southern China. This deciduous shrub exhibits beautiful narrow, elliptic-shaped leaves, with rich dark purplish-green foliage. Different from all other beautyberries in our collection. Fruit is a pinkish-purple color.Camellia 'Crimson Candles'
This is one of the best performing camellias available with loads of semi-doublerosy-pink flowers. New growth emerges with a bronze tint. A must have camellia.
Camellia japonica 'April Dawn'
Japanese camellia
'April Dawn' is a member of the April Series of camellias selected for their unusual cold hardiness. Fragrant, white formal double flowers (2” diameter) with pink streaking in spring. Leaves are serrate, and glossy dark green to 3” long.Camellia japonica 'Dr. J.C. Raulston'
Japanese Camellia
New bright, red hot camellia named by Ray Bond (Bond Nursery Corp., Dallas, Texas) to honor the founder of the JCRA. The flowers are medium sized, anemone form with mid-season spring blossoms. This camellia has an upright habit and makes a nice compact shrub. Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Gem'
Japanese camellia
White, formal, double blooms of outstanding beauty and quality in late winter to early spring. Flowers contrast well against the glossy, dark green foliage. This is a prized plant of the milder regions of the U.S.Camellia japonica 'Paul Haskee'
Japanese camellia
Magnificent peony-like, semidouble red blooms of 'Paul Haskee'' make a dazzling contrast with its glossy, dark evergreen leaves. Its form is upright, and plants are vigorous.Camellia japonica 'Spring Cardinal'
Japanese camellia
Campanula hofmannii
Hofmann's bellflower
Add this delightful perennial to your cut flower garden, or grow it to attract more bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It has an attractive, dense, bushy habit, and creamy white, pendent, bell-shaped flowers in late spring. Grow in a well-drained location.Cardiocrinum giganteum var. giganteum
giant Himalayan lily
This plant makes a huge statement in the garden with large heart shaped leaves in a large clump for several years. Once it decides it is going to flower, it sends up a stout stalk with big, thick-textured lilies, greenish white on the outside and purplish inside. The main plant dies after flowering but will set plenty of offsets which start the process over again.Cardiocrinum giganteum var. yunnanense
giant Yunnan lily
This plant is similar to C. giganteum only growing a bit smaller 6'-9' and is a bit whiter flowered. Sun or shade.Carex phyllocephala 'Spark Plug'
dwarf variegated sedge
This dwarf form of the always spectacular 'Sparkler' only grows to about 10" tall.Spiral shoots have brightly variegated leaves that brighten the woodland garden. Plant as a specimen, in containers, or in drifts. Best in shade and average to moist soils.Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Lisaura'
Hint of Gold variegated bluebeard
This is a fantastic perennial for southern landscapes where it will form a shrubby plant to 3' tall and wide with brilliant gold leaves. Deep blue flowers contrast elegantly with the bright leaves. Easy and drought resistant in full sun.Celtis formosana
Taiwan hackberry
A lovely tree from Taiwan suitable for any tough spots in the garden. Orange fruit in fall add to the appeal of this rarely seen landscape tree.Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea
shrubby Japanese plum yew
Great, deep green, shrubby conifer for the South. Perfect in masses or in shady gardens as a backdrop. Can be sheared into tight shapes and hedges.Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Rotfuchs'
red fox katsura
A choice selection of the outstanding katsura tree with new foliage emerging burgundy before turning purple-green over the summer. Fall color consists of brilliant orange, red, and apricot while falling leaves have a distinct smell of caramelizing sugar. This form is somewhat more upright and compact than the species. Cercidiphyllum magnificum
katsura tree
We collected seed for these plants in Nagano Japan close to where the Olympic skiing events were held. A large single specimen was found that had obviously graced the mountainside for many decades.These will become shade trees with blue-green foliage and gorgeous fall color.Cercis chinensis 'Celestial Plum'
smooth redbud
This is a JCRA selection that was thought to be lost from cultivation at one point. Outstanding small tree with blue-green foliage and abundant plum-purple flowers in spring. Heart shaped leaves soon follow on this multi-trucked tree.Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf'
seedless Chinese redbud
This redbud is a prolifically flowering but fruitless release from the US National Arboretum. In spring it is covered with vivid, rosy mauve flowers. The slow-growing, compact habit of 'Don Egolf' makes it an excellent choice for the smaller garden.Cercis chinensis 'Kay's Early Hope'
Chinese redbud
This new JCRA selection of Chinese redbud is named in honor of the late women's basketball coach, Sandra Kay Yow. Flowering begins just in time for March Madness and continues until May. Lavender-pink flowers cover stems before the heart-shaped leaves appear.Cercis gigantea
giant redbud
This unique redbud stands out from the rest by having the largest heart-shaped leaves around! Huge leaves (6"-8"), early pink spring flowers, and golden fall foliage make this redbud a special one for your garden.Chaenomeles 'Orange Storm'
Double Take hybrid flowering quince
New breeding breakthrough from NCSU'sTom Ranney! Huge orange, frilly, doubled flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will wake you from the winter blues. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.
Chaenomeles 'Scarlet Storm' (Double Take)
hybrid flowering quince
A breeding breakthrough from NCSU's Tom Ranney! Showy double red flowers on thornless stems in very early spring will make your garden pop. Great for shrub borders, foundation plantings, and slopes.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Conschlecht'
Night Light gold Hinoki falsecypress
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray Gold'
golden fernspray Hinoki falsecypress
This conifer makes a broad cone of gold foliage. The fern-like fronds are brightest in full sun, changing to green wherever they are shaded.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Good as Gold'
Hinoki falsecypress
This upright growing gold conifer was found as a columnar sport on the very popular Hinoki cypress, 'Verdonii'. It will make a striking accent or hedge in the garden.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Just Dandy'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress
This is a choice little beach-ball of a conifer with tight, congested foliage making it ideal for small gardens, troughs, containers, and perennial beds.Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Vokel's Upright'
upright Hinoki cypress
This plant makes a small deep green cone in the landscape, perfect for containers and smaller gardens. Plant in sun to part shade.Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard'
blue moss Sawara falsecypress
This is one of the very best blue foliaged conifers for the south. The feathery, soft silver-blue needles add a cooling touch to the landscape. Plants will grow upright and are best in a sunny to lightly shaded spot in the garden.Chionanthus retusus
Chinese fringe tree
One of the best flowering trees for the landscape. Rough warty bark holds up the rounded glossy green foliage. White, strappy petaled flowers completely cover the tree in spring. Golden fall color.Chionanthus virginicus
American fringe tree
This beloved native flowering tree goes by a variety of names including Grancy greybeard and old man's beard. It makes a great landscape plant under any name with frothy masses of white flowers in spring and gold fall color.Cistus pulverulentus 'Sunset'
A low, spreading evergreen shrub with gray-green leaves and bright rose-pink flowers with yellow centers in summer. Native to dry, rocky parts of the Mediterranean and Canary Islands, soit is drought and salt tolerant.
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange
Hardiest of all citrus trees with deep green stems and thorns on curled, contorted branches. White,deliciously fragrant flowers give rise to orange fruits slightly larger than a golf ball. Fruit is tart, but with plenty of sugar can be made into marmalade or perhaps used in a whiskey sour.Clematis 'Cleminov 51'
Sapphire Indigo clematis
Non-climbing clematis good for use as a groundcover. Intergeneric hybrid between Clematis integrifolia 'Olgae' and C. 'The President' .Clematis 'Cleminov29'
Saphyra Double Rose clematis
Clematis (evergreen)
evergreen clematis
This evergreen clematis was collected by the JCRA in China in 2012. It is likely to be Clematis armandii with large white, spring flowers and evergreen foliage.Clematis patens
large-flowered clematis
Enjoy the large lavender flowers on these clambering deciduous clematis vines from May to June. This species is one of the main parents of many of the showy, large flowered forms in cultivation. Full sun to light shade.Coreopsis 'Creme Brulee'
Cheery yellow flowers on fine foliaged plants brighten the summer garden on this fairly drought tolerant perennial. Shear back the entire plant in late summer to promote a flush of flowers in the early fall.Coreopsis 'Redshift'
Big Bang red tickseed
An extremely long blooming hardy red and yellow form of coreopsis. The large 2" yellow flowers with a red central ring shift to more yellow and red streaked as the temperatures cool in fall.Coreopsis verticillata 'Novcorcar'
Crème Caramel tickseed
Cornus alba 'Regnzam'
Red Gnome compact Tatarian dogwood
A compact and dense red-twig dogwood with a uniform habit and brilliant winter stems. White spring flowers and burgundy fall color complete the show.Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring'
flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Comco 1'
Cherokee Brave pink flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Karen's Appalachian Mist'
flowering dogwood
Dogwoods are a perfect state flower for North Carolina, and every garden needs to have several to enjoy each spring. This selection was made by Mark Windham (University of Tennessee) for its superior resistance to a disease that afflicts dogwoods, powdery mildew.Cornus 'KV10-105v1'
Variegated Stellar Pink hybrid dogwood
Variegated Stellar Pink's foliage emerges in spring in pink shades becoming broadly white margined around a green center. Large rose-bracted flowers open after the foliage emerges. Fall color is a riot of pinks, maroons, and reds creating one of the brightest displays in the landscape. Cornus 'Michael Steinhardt'
Celestial Shadow variegated hybrid dogwood
Make room for one more dogwood in your garden. Unusual but very attractive yellow and green variegated leaves adorn this small tree from spring through fall. In fall they turn to orange-red, and in spring you will enjoy white dogwood flowers before the leaves emerge.Cornus 'Rutgan'
Stellar Pink hybrid dogwood
One of the most desirable pink flowering dogwoods. In spring this tree is covered in large overlapping pink flowers (bracts). Plant where the soft pink flowers can be viewed up close. Developed at Rutgers University, it shows good resistance to powdery mildew anthracnose. Corylopsis glabrescens
fragrant winterhazel
These seedlings are from our 2011 trip to Japan. Fragrant early spring flowers of primrose yellow help kick off the growing season. Blue-green foliage follows and turns buttery yellow in fall. Winterhazel is mostly pest and disease free and thrives in most garden situations.Corylus fargesii
Farges' hazelnut
This hazelnut (filbert) was described over 100 years ago, but only found its way to the U.S. from China in 1996. It has taken plant lovers by storm with its uniform habit, excellent pest and disease resistance, and wonderful bark. This medium tree has bark like the best river birches. Crinum 'Alamo Village'
crinum lily
This amazing heirloom crinum lily has graced southern gardens for generations. Flower staks with strappy petalled, pale pink flowers appear continuously throughout the summer. There is a reason this passalong plant has lasted so long, it is almost impossible to kill.Crinum 'Summer Nocturne'
The fragrance of this delightful crinum is hard to beat from July until October when the stalks of large flowers grace the strappy clumps in the garden. Each flower petal is pale pink, darkening towards the tip for a bicolor effect. Like all hardy crinums, this is a hard to kill, long-lived plant.Cupressus arizonica 'Blue Ice'
Arizona cypress
This silver form of Arizona cypress makes a quick growing and tough landscape plant. It is exceptionally drought tolerant once established and has a delightful fragrance. This tree is more silvery and a bit slower growing than 'Carolina Sapphire'.Cupressus arizonica 'Carolina Sapphire'
Arizona cypress
This blue form of Arizona cypress makes a quick growing and tough landscape plant. It is exceptionally drought tolerant once established and has a delightful fragrance. This tree is more blue and a bit faster growing than 'Blue Ice'.×Cuprocyparis leylandii 'West Wind's Golden'
gold Leyland cypress
We don't know much about this gold selection of Leyland cypress but do know it will make a quick growing, bright accent or screen in the garden.Cycas revoluta
sago palm
Palm relative from southern Japan usually grown as a pot plant. Can survive in very protected areas, but will often lose all fronds. Requires very well-drained soil with some organic matter for fertility. Best kept as a pot plant until it has attained some size. Makes a very attractive specimen.Cyrtomium falcatum
holly fern
This tough evergreen fern makes a clump of deep jade, glossy foliage resistant to just about anything that comes its way. Perfect as a foil for other shade perennials or dressing up the bare knees of flowering shrubs. It may need to be cut back in early spring if the foliage is winter damaged.Danae racemosa
poet's laurel
A fine broadleaved evergreen shrub with arching branches to 3' in height and 4' wide with great age. Beautiful red winter fruit. Rarely seen commercially due to propagation issues and slow growth. A wonderful no fuss shade plant and cut branches which last for ages. Dianthus 'Chris's Passalong'
perennial sweet William
Brighten up your spring garden with this hybrid sweet William discovered by JCRA staff member, Chris Glenn. When Chris moved from Texas, he brought from his garden this hardy little charm to share. The brilliant little flowers have fringed petals of neon deep pink.Dianthus 'Ruby's Tuesday'
Cheddar pink
This is a very compact, very silver foliages Cheddar pink or carnation with a continual show of large, 2" bright red flowers which waft a sweet clove scent over the garden. Shear back the flowers occasionally over the summer to encourage heavier re-blooming.Dicentra 'Burning Hearts'
bleeding hearts
A shade-loving compact perennial with frilly blue-gray foliage and rose red flowers. Blooms longer that other bleeding hearts. Excellent for shady borders or woodland gardens.Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras'
Cool Splash southern bush-honeysuckle
A native southern woodland shrub that has been used in its green form for tough spots like medians. This variegated form has good vigor and flowers with yellow trumpets in late spring.Digitalis
This foxglove native to Spain and Italy makes a compact but upright plant similar to the common foxgloves found in many gardens. Unlike typical D. purpurea, it is fully perennial, thrives in sun, and tolerates heavy clay. Very floriferous, with whitish flower buds opening to a cheerful pink. Dryopteris atrata
shaggy shield fern
This makes a lovely clumping, evergreen fern with a vase-shaped habit of mid-green fronds. The base of the plant is covered in black hair-like scales which provide a lovely contrast.Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern
Autumn fern is a colorful ground cover with pink fiddleheads that turn coppery orange as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.Edgeworthia chrysantha
golden paperbush
Small deciduous shrub with nodding terminal clusters of very fragrant yellow flowers clothed with silky hairs. Blooms in winter. Plant in sun to shade in a site with moist, rich, well-drained soil.Elaeagnus ×submacrophylla 'Viveleg'
Olive Martini variegated Ebbinge's silverberry
Bright gold margins highlight this shrub's evergreen foliage. Elaeagnus are among the toughest of shrubs for southern gardens. The flowers are typically hidden among the foliage but in fall their intoxicating fragrance is among the best in the garden. Plant in sun to part shade and prune out any long, errant shoots.Eryngium agavifolium
agave leaf sea holly
This Agave impostor from South America has thick green leaves with spiny margins that form a clump of rosettes to 18” or wider. Unlike some Agaves, this plant tolerates about any range of soil moisture. Thistle-like flowers on 5' spikes may appear in late spring. Very easily grown.Euphorbia ×martinii 'Waleuphrud'
Rudolf's red nosed spurge
Delightful apple-green colored flower bracts cover this perennial in summer to fall. In winter the foliage becomes ruby red. Compact spreading habit that looks great in a garden border or in a container. Drought tolerant plant that grows best in a well-drained soil with plenty of sun. Euptelea polyandra
Japanese euptelea
Small tree or large shrub from the mountains of Japan is grown for its attractive foliage which emerges red and is heavily serrated. Spring flowers are interesting with virtually no petals but deep red anthers. Fall color is variable but can be quite nice burgundy. Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'
Joe Pye weed
This compact to dwarf Joe Pye weed is a butterfly magnet in mid-summer to fall. Small, mauve-purple flowers cover this perennial in flat-topped inflorescences. Typically growing in a clump, it makes an excellent choice for a small border.×Fatshedera lizei 'Angyo Star'
variegated tree ivy
'Angyo Star' bears beautiful white margined, star-shaped leaves. We think that this plant may be the best of the variegated fatshederas. These plants are vigorous, growing 3'–4' in a single growing season. Hardy with minimal to no damage in Zone 7. Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey'
This is perhaps the most reliable and widely grown edible fig in the southeastern US with large, sweet brown figs. The plants are attractive with a bold texture both in winter when the stout stems are on display and in summer when the huge, lobed foliage covers the plant.Ficus carica 'Celeste'
'Celeste' is a popular and reliable fig for the southeastern United States. Fruit is purple-bronze to light brown and small to medium in size. Very sweet and tasty fruit begins ripening in mid-summer. Plants are fairly cold hardy.Forsythia 'Courtasol'
Gold Tide forsythia
Compact form of Forsythia that grows only to 1-2' tall spreading to 4' with pale yellow flowers covering the shrub in spring Excellent as a cut flower in spring.Forsythia ×intermedia 'Courdijau'
Golden Peep dwarf forsythia
'Courdijau' is a very nice, low growing, flowering shrub with bright yellow flowers in spring, light green leaves in summer, and burgundy fall color. Makes an excellent choice for cut flowers in spring.Forsythia ×intermedia 'Lynwood'
This forsythia is very heavy blooming with larger-than-usual bright yellow flowers in early spring. Discovered in 1935 growing in a garden called Lynwood in Northern Ireland.Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'
Fantastic native – all the fothergillas have simply spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring. Dirr reports it to be one of the most sun tolerant. Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Red Licorice'
Fantastic native – all the fothergillas have simply spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring. grafted on Parrotia persica.Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes'
Cape jasmine
This gardenia has good cold tolerance and features large, white sweetly fragrant flowers. Evergreen, lustrous foliage and a rounded form make this a good choice as a low hedge or accent plant. Plant near an entrance where the fragrance can be enjoyed.Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans'
dwarf Cape jasmine
This dwarf gardenia has long been one of the favorite forms for southern gardens. Small, deep green foliage is highlighted in spring and then sporadically through summer by single intensely fragrant flowers. Plant in a moist, well-drained spot in sun to part shade.Hamamelis virginiana 'Harvest Moon'
common witch hazel
Unlike many other witchhazels, this native shrub flowers in fall with warm orange-yellow flowers after most other plants have gone to sleep for the winter. Grow in sun to part shade.Helleborus ×nigersmithii 'Walhelivor'
Ivory Prince Ivory Prince lenten rose
This is still one of the very best forms of hellebore with large creamy white flowers in winter over evergreen foliage. Hellebores are must-have, easy perennials for the shade garden providing interest 12 months of the year.Hemerocallis 'Obsidian'
hybrid daylily
Aptly named, 'Obsidian' produces nearly black, purplish flowers with a yellow throat in mid-summer. Leaves are a dark green and strap-like. Like other daylilies, expect a hardy, long-lived clumping perennial with multiple long flowering stalks and flowers that last only for a day.Hemerocallis 'Orange Crush'
hybrid daylily
'Orange Crush' is stunning in mid-summer with rich orange flowers, each with a red eyezone. Leaves are a dark green and strap-like. Like other daylilies, expect a hardy, long-lived clumping perennial with multiple long flowering stalks and flowers that last only for a day.×Heucherella 'Thunderbird'
foamy bells
Hibiscus 'Berrylicious'
rose mallow
The huge flowers on this native hibiscus hybrid are hard to beat. Tall stems to 5' bear attractive foliage and wave after wave of tropical-looking blooms all summer long. Cut stems to the ground in winter.Hibiscus syriacus 'Ds01bs'
Blueberry Smoothie rose-of-Sharon
Blueberry Smoothie™ features double, bluish-purple blooms in the summer. It is easy to grow and a great choice for hedges, beds, borders and mass plantings.Hibiscus syriacus 'Ds02ss'
Strawberry Smoothie rose-of-Sharon
Strawberry SMOOTHIE™ features double, light pink flowers in the summer and is easy to grow. It is a great choice for hedges, beds, borders and mass plantings.Hibiscus syriacus 'DS03RS'
Raspberry Smoothie rose-of-Sharon
Beautiful double fuchsia blooms adorn this medium-sized shrub from mid to late summer. Grows with an upright form and easily adapts to various soil types, and tolerates drought or pollution conditions.Hibiscus syriacus 'Ds04ps'
Peppermint Smoothie rose-of-Sharon
Beautiful double bi-colored red and pink peppermint blooms adorn this medium sized shrub from mid to late summer. Grows upright with green serrated leaves. Easily adapts to various soil types, and tolerates drought or pollution conditions.×Hippeasprekelia
hybrid amaryllis
These divisions from the JCRA are from a vigorous form that we have long enjoyed with large, showy brilliant red flowers. Plant in sun to light shade and enjoy the show for years to come.Hosta 'Alligator Alley'
Versatile perennial that forms a beautiful, coarsely textured mound of puckered, heart-shaped leaves. Leaves have blue-green margins with yellow centers in summer. Walters Gardens 2012 introduction.Hosta 'Royal Wedding'
This medium-sized hosta was a sport of 'Diana Remembered' with a wide creamy yellow margin. If it wasn't beautiful enough, the large white flowers are deliciously fragrant. This is a 2013 introduction elegant enough for the Queen Mum but practical enough for Princess Kate.Hydrangea 'After Midnight'
mophead hybrid hydrangea
This Hawksridge Farms introduction is a hybrid between the largeleaf hydrangea and Japanese hydrangea with large mophead flowers (blue in our typically acid soils) which age to purpley-mauve. Flowers are held on stems that are often tinted burgundy. A great new introduction.Hydrangea macrophylla 'Grenan'
Nantucket Blue bigleaf hydrangea
Gorgeous, repeat blooming selection from the blue hydrangeas that adorn Nantucket. Best in afternoon shade or in dapple sunlight beneath large trees. Planting on the east or north a side of a home also works well. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac'
bigleaf hydrangea
'Penny Mac' is a mophead cultivar with large blue (acid soils) or pink (alkaline) flower inflorescences in summer. Foliage is a bright medium green. First introduced by Penny McHenry, founder of The American Hydrangea Society. Makes a nice specimen or accent plant.Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II'
Endless Summer BloomStruck bigleaf hydrangea
BloomStruck is a new addition to the Endless Summer® collection of reblooming hydrangeas. It's described as having above average heat tolerance and good disease resistance, especially to powdery mildew. As with other hydrangeas, its mophead type flowers can be pink, purple or blue, depending on soil pH. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Red Star'
bigleaf hydrangea
Despite the name this compact hydrangea will be deep blue in our acid soils but become rich pink if lime is added to the planting bed. This is a favorite of cut flower growers due to the sturdy stems and tight flower heads.Hydrangea paniculata 'Bokrathirteen'
Sweet Summer panicle hydrangea
This medium-sized panicled hydrangea was selected for the sheer number of conical flower heads it produces each year in mid-summer. Expect the flower panicles to age to rose on the plant or they can be cut and dried for use indoors.Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels Lace'
panicled hydrangea
The flamboyant blooms of 'Brussels Lace' are simply outstanding. Whitish-green panicles of flowers become spotted with pink as the season goes on. Like many hydrangeas, flowers can be cut and brought indoors to dry and later provide winter interest in floral displays. Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Little Lime panicle hydrangea
This compact form of one of our favorites ('Limelight') bears soft green flower panicles which become white before drying to pink on the plant over summer. Panicled hydrangeas are very sun tolerant and tough shrubs.Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'
panicled hydrangea
We love this panicled hydrangeas for its strong stems, heavy bloom, and progression of flower color from lime-green to creamy white, to rose-pink. Easy to grow and exceptionally long lived.Hydrangea quercifolia 'Flemygea'
Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea
This form of our native oakleaf hydrangea is somewhat difficult to propagate so it can be hard to find on occasion. At any rate, it makes a lovely show with large "oakleaf" foliage, huge flower heads held on sturdy stems that age from white to rose, and burgundy fall color.Hydrangea quercifolia 'Munchkin'
dwarf oakleaf hydrangea
A dwarf form of oakleaf hydrangea released by the USDA (don't say all your tax dollars are misspent!) that makes a tight deciduous shrub with masses of conical flower heads for sun or shade.Hydrangea serrata 'Annie's Blue'
mountain hydrangea
This improvement on the popular 'Blue Billows' hydrangea has even more flowers of deeper blue on acid soils are dark mauve when grown with a higher pH. Expect it to be a cherished fixture in the shade garden.Ilex buergeri
Buerger holly
This rare holly is seldom encountered in gardens but deserves wider use. Evergreen foliage is not spiny, so it is much nicer to use in the landscape. New foliage emerges burgundy red for a lovely spring effect. Plants grow very narrow and upright but will get wider with age. Ilex 'Cherry Bomb'
U. S. National Arboretum hybrid holly
Very large bright red berries hang from this uncommon evergreen holly from fall to spring. Dark green leaves are glossy with smooth, non-prickly edges. Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda'
dwarf Japanese Holly
This beautiful and extremely dwarf Japanese holly is grown for its distinctive form and tiny dark green leaves. It was developed by Dr. Elwin Orton from Rutgers University, N.J. It looks particularly good in a patio container, bonsai, or your rock garden.Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn'
dwarf Japanese holly
A dwarf Japanese holly that makes a perfect substitute for dwarf boxwood. Evergreen foliage looks great all year in sun or shade.Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'
upright Japanese holly
Grow your own privacy screen. 'Sky Pencil' is an upright, tough, evergreen shrub that is outstanding for use as vertical accent, near entrances, or as a privacy screen. Grow in a container for an elegant formal appearance.Ilex glabra 'Tin Mine'
compact inkberry
Ilex 'HL10-90'
Christmas Jewel evergreen holly
This holly was selected for its dark, green foliage and heavy bright red fruit set. This intermediate sized holly is dense and grows upright. No pollinator needed for this female plant. Developed by Bob Head of Head-Lee Nursery (Seneca, SC). Ilex latifolia
lusterleaf holly
Handsome, bold textured holly from Japan has large leaves, sharply but not deeply serrated. Heavy fruiting with large, red fruits held against the stems. Stays dense even in shade.Ilex nipponica
We collected this deciduous holly in Japan in 2012 where the bright red berries made a bright show along woodland edges. We expect these to be a mix of male and female plants so buy several to ensure good fruit set.Ilex 'Solar Flare'
variegated holly
This bright gold margined sport from the ever-popular Oakleaf form of holly was found here in NC. It is a tough performer for sun or shade where it makes a screaming bright landscape accent. Not for the faint of heart!Ilex uraiensis
Taiwan holly
Want to stump the best plants-people you know?This highly endangered holly from Taiwan is on the IUCN Red List, the database of endangered plants. The foliage is attractive and spineless. Fruits are bright red and good sized. It will grow into an evergreen tree with time.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
pink flowered anise
A stunning hybrid of the red-flowered Illicium mexicanum and white-flowered Illicium floridanum f. album introduced by Woodlanders Nursery. Ruby-pink starfish-like flowers are larger than those on either parent. Extended blooming period from the Mexican parent.Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire
Deciduous shrub reaching 4-6' high, with long white racemes of fragrant flowers in spring and brilliant reddish-purple fall color. Native to wet or moist soils, does well in full sun to shade.Juniperus formosana
Formosan juniper
We love this outstanding upright juniper but have found it hard to propagate. It makes a very upright column but softens its verticality with shaggy, drooping branchlets. Grow in sun to light shade.Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta 'Blue Pacific'
shore juniper
This tried and true groundcover makes a spreading mat of silvery blue needles. Shore junipers are among the most salt tolerant and shade tolerant of any ground-cover junipers so they can be used from the mountains of NC all the way to the coast.Kadsura japonica 'Fukurin'
variegated Japanese kadsura
Handsome vine grown for its beautiful glossy, evergreen leaves each outlined with a broad white margin. Creamy yellow spring flowers are small and fragrant. Excellent choice for growing on a variety of garden structures.Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star'
false aster
This little aster relative makes a tight clump of foliage topped by masses of sky-blue flowers over most of the summer. It is a bullet-proof plant thriving on our heat and humidity and is exceptionally drought tolerant once established.Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'
Japanese kerria
Japanese kerria can be found growing near old homesteads because it is just so durable. Arching green stems provide winter interest before the cheery yellow flowers appear in spring. Kerria is deer-proof, drought-proof, and will even tolerate deep, dry shade. Flowering is best with some sun.Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'
miniature crepe myrtle
This charming crepe myrtle is one of the true miniature hybrids (Lagerstroemia indica × L. fauriei) introduced from the U.S. National Arboretum. Its pedigree is complex, involving five original plants and their progeny, intercrossed for five generation. It is tolerant of powdery mildew.Lespedeza liukiuensis 'Little Volcano'
Graceful late-season beauty with long arching sprays of foliage that are covered with purple pea flowers. Easy to grow when planted in a sunny location and well-drained soil. It is drought resistant, tolerant of poor soil, and erupts with flowers in late summer into fall.Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Lacrosse'
Shasta daisy
With a smaller stature and tighter habit than other Shasta or ox-eye daisies, 'Lacrosse' is an improvement on older forms. In spring and through much of the early summer, cheerful white daisies with a yellow eye are carried above the foliage.Leucothoe keiskei 'Royal Ruby'
dwarf Japanese leucothoe
A lovely Asian relative to our own native drooping leucothoe which grows to only about 2' tall by 3' wide. The leathery leaves emerge deep burgundy red all season before turning dark green for a 2-tone effect.Ligustrum japonicum 'Coriaceum'
dwarf curly-leaf ligustrum
Curly leaf privet is distinctly upright in habit and very stiff. Leaves are crowded, contorted, and naturally twisted. Lustrous dark green leaves are thick and leathery. Tolerant of a wide range of soil types, including clay as long as water is not allowed to stand in the root zone. It is drought and salt-tolerant, tolerating all but direct salt spray.Lindera benzoin
This native spicebush has beautiful fall color and attractive red fruit in fall. The exclusive food source for the spicebush moth. Prefers moist to wet sites, although will perform well even in drier locations. Dioecious, so you'll need a male and female for fruit production.Liriope muscari 'Okina'
Few plants have showier new growth than 'Okina' monkey grass. Tight clumps of grass-like foliage emerge in spring, white before slowly turning green through the course of the summer. Young plants take 1-2 years before really showing the brightest spring growth so plant it and give it time.Lonicera nitida 'Briliame'
Ophelia gold boxleaf honeysuckle
Lonicera nitida 'Briloni'
Edmee Gold gold boxleaf honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens 'Cedar Lane'
trumpet honeysuckle
This is without doubt one of the finest of our native flowering vines with semi-evergreen foliage and masses of bright orange-red tubular flowers sporting a shimmering yellow throat. While somewhat shade tolerant, grow it in full sun where the flower will be most abundant.Lonicera sempervirens 'Leo'
trumpet honeysuckle
Few vines are as lovely as our native honeysuckle and 'Leo' with is among the best. Long tubular red flowers attract hummingbirds like a magnet and the semi-evergreen foliage looks great most of the year. Grow up a trellis or through the limbs of a small tree.Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Daruma'
purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower
This is one of the first of the so-called dwarf loropetalum. While the plant will not stay below 3' as advertised, it is smaller and slower growing than the typical form. Burgundy semi-evergreen foliage in spring with masses of strappy bright pink flowers. Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'sPg-3-017'
Garnet Fire purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower
Red fringe-like flowers are incredible on this lower-growing (4'-5') Chinese fringe-flower. Leaves are evergreen and hold their dark burgundy color all summer long. A great plant that is deer resistant, disease resistant, and drought tolerant.Magnolia ernestii subsp. szechuanica
Sichuan michelia
This elegant evergreen magnolia was grown from seed we collected at the Omei Shan Botanic Garden located at the base of Mt. Omei in Sichuan in 2012. It makes a tall, narrow tree which flowers heavily before forming bright red fruits and seeds. Hardiness is uncertain but we have grown Magnolia ernestii in our Japanese Garden for many years. Magnolia 'Jane'
hybrid magnolia
Magnolia laevifolia 'Jenkins'
shrubby Michelia
This shrubby evergreen magnolia has dark green foliage that provides the ideal backdrop for the masses of white spring flowers. It is easy to grow in sun to part shade where it will quickly become a treasured landscape specimen.Magnolia laevifolia 'Warm Fuzzies'
shrubby michelia
Dark copper to coffee colored "fuzzies" on underleaves, stems and buds, and an abundance of white fragrant flowers in late winter through mid-spring, make this upright but dense selection particularly useful for screening or even hedging. Frost hardy to 0F.Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star'
star magnolia
This deciduous spring flowering magnolia has long been one of the finest available for landscape use. Train it up with a single stem or allow it to branch low to the ground, either way the strappy-petaled white flowers will shine in the spring garden.Malus domestica 'Red Delicious'
Malus 'Ueb 3358-3'
Golden Treat columnar apple
Urban Apples® grow straight up, creating an elegant tree for small landscapes and patios. Golden Treat™ is a sweet golden, normal size apple which fruits in the first year planted. A choice of two varieties is required for cross pollination.Malus 'Ueb 3812-2'
Tangy Green columnar apple
Urban Apples® grow straight up, creating an elegant tree for small landscapes and patios. Tangy Green™ produces bright green, fruit with a crisp, tart flavor. Two varieties are required for cross pollination and good fruit set.Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'Big Momma'
Drummond's wax mallow
This tall form of wax mallow was found by Greg Grant of the Steven F. Austin Mast Arboretum. It is a hibiscus relative whose petals are swirled and closed to form a turk’s cap. This form is much larger in all aspects, especially the bright red flowers. Sun to light shade. Zone 7b.Microbiota decussata 'Condavis'
Fuzzball globe Russian arborvitae
Monarda didyma 'Pardon My Purple'
Monarda 'Petite Delight'
compact beebalm
This is a great compact beebalm that works great especially when massed. The sweet but spicy fragrance is intoxicating and typically pretty deer resistant. Best in sun for lots of color in mid to late summer.Morella cerifera 'Soleil'
golden southern wax myrtle
Discovered by NC's own Pat McCracken, this gold-leafed form of our beloved native will tolerate just about any garden conditions. New growth is bright gold, and sunny conditions bring out more color. It can grow into a large shrub or be pruned into a hedge, box, or even a meatball.Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream'
compact heavenly bamboo
'Gulf Stream" offers it all... brilliant red new growth, scarlet fall color and compactness. White spring flowers give rise to showy red fruits. This vigorous form has withstood the test of time and still remains popular today. Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
holly tea-olive
A stunning showpiece for the garden, the holly-like foliage is heavily speckled with creamy white during the summer,although new growth is tinted with pink – stunning. Fragrant white fall flowers are rarely produced.
Paeonia 'Scarlett O'Hara'
hybrid peony
This American Peony Society 2009 Award of Landscape Merit award winner is among the easiest to grow. Large, fragrant scarlet red flowers with gold stamens bloom in springtime. Attractive rich green leaves are compound and deeply lobed, persisting until frost.Penstemon 'Prairie Dusk'
Tall spikes of tubular purple flowers attract butterflies to this lovely beardtongue. It is quite tolerant of most conditions except heavy shade or wet soils.Penstemon smallii
Small's beardtongue
This pretty perennial is native to North Carolina and Tennessee. Bees love it! It grows to 2' in the sun or partial shade. Flower is a corollla 1" long with pink-purple stripe and white inside.Petrosedum rupestre 'Angelina'
Jenny's stonecrop
Angelina’ is a brilliant, yellow-leaved stonecrop cultivar featuring spiky yellow leaves. Leaves turn reddish brown in winter. Easy to grow and forms a quick groundcover. Adds cheery color to containers, dry slopes, and flowering borders. Requires a well-drained soil.Petunia 'Lanbor'
Supertunia Bordeaux petunia
This new petunia bears non-stop pink flowers with plum veins and a dark eye.Phedimus kamtschaticus
orange stonecrop
Mats of evergreen foliage are topped in early summer with yellow-gold flowers. Use as a ground-cover or allow to weave among other perennials. Deer tolerant.Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fires'
creeping phlox
This native woodland phlox is best in a shady garden where the masses of pink, highly fragrant flowers help welcome the season just after the early spring ephemerals finish flowering. A must-have for the fragrant garden.Photinia ×fraseri 'Cassini'
Pink Marble variegated Frasier photinia
The foliage is initially reddish with pink leaf margins, changing to green and retaining the pink margins. Eventually the margins mature to near white with silver splashes over the green areas of the leaves.Pieris japonica 'Conrabideau'
Angel Falls variegated pink flowered pieris
This evergreen shrub is an outstanding variegated form of the pink-flowered 'Valley Valentine'. It makes a dense clump of silvery-white edged lanceolate foliage topped in spring with hanging racemes of pink bell-shaped flowers. New growth emerges with red and pink tones.Pieris japonica 'Greprs'
Southern Lady Japanese andromeda
Evergreen shrub with white fragrant, pendulous flowers in spring. It's a good choice for adding more spring flowers to the low light areas of your garden. Makes a great addition to a mixed shrub border.Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'
Japanese andromeda
'Temple Bells' is a compact form of Japanese pieris with hanging racemes of white bells in spring over the evergreen foliage. New growth emerges almost orange, much different than other selections.Pieris japonica var. yakushimensis 'Cavatine'
Japanese andromeda
A dwarf pieris which consistently keeps a tight form with extremely dark foliage. In spring it bears masses of pure white bells on dangling racemes often almost entirely covering the evergreen foliage.Pinus mugo 'Slowmound'
mugo pine
A dwarf mound of deep green needles providing year-round interest and texture. The tiny new growth of whitish candles in spring look especially nice against the black-green older growth. 'Slowmound' reaches only 1'-2' in height in 10 years. Drought tolerant once established, it is a fine choice for a small urban garden, alpine or rock garden.Pinus mugo 'Valley Cushion'
dwarf mugo pine
A dwarf mound of deep green unusually short (1" long) needles providing year-round interest and texture. The tiny new growth of whitish candles in spring look especially nice against the black-green older growth. It is a fine choice for a small urban garden, alpine or rock garden.Pittosporum
We're not sure what pittosporum this is as we haven't seen it flower yet but suspect it to be P. illicioides. It was collected in Chengdu, China, where it made an attractive evergreen shrub to about 6' tall. Sun to shade.Pittosporum illicioides 'Strappy'
narrow-leafed pittosporum
This is an very narrow-leafed selection of the evergreen anise leaf pittosporum. Fragrant spring flowers give rise to bright orange-seeded fall fruit. It has a fantastic pedigree having been selected by Sean Hogan Cistus Design Nursery, from a Taiwan collection of Dan Hinkley. Pittosporum parvilimbum
Marginally hardy evergreen shrub or small tree with terminal clusters of small, fragrant, white flowers. Grey-green bark can be attractive on larger plants. Zone 8?-10)Polystichum polyblepharum
tassel fern
Beautiful deep green, shiny foliage helps brighten up a shady garden spot. Easy to grow in rich, moist, well-drained soil. This fern is semi-evergreen in Raleigh and a native of Japan and South Korea.Prunus 'Snow Goose'
'Snow Goose' is a selection noted for its abundant, showy white flowers and green, disease-resistant foliage. Flowers appear before the leaves. It becomes a 20' tall oval-rounded tree, adapted to warmer areas of the U. S.Pseudolarix amabilis
golden larch
An exceptionally beautiful deciduous conifer tree from China with lacy fern-like foliage in summer and brilliant golden fall color. It is fast growing. Unlike the true larches that it resembles, it grows very well in the South tolerating the heat and poorly drained soils.Punica granatum 'Wonderful'
This small pomegranate is one of the best fruiting forms for temperate gardens. It makes a 10' multi-stemmed, upright shrub with large, showy orange flowers in summer. The flowers give rise to medium-sized fruits which can be squeezed for juice or the tart seeds used in salads or as a super healthy snack.Quercus canbyi
Chisos oak
A small oak from Mexico and Texas that makes a shrubby plant or small tree with semi-evergreen, narrow leaves that resemble a thin-leaved holly. New growth is red, fall color is often nice burgundy. It is a very nice plant and makes a lovely pyramidal tree if trained when young. Rhododendron 'Camilla's Blush'
Piedmont azalea
Fragrant clusters of pink flowers top the tall stems on this deciduous suckering shrub. Often listed as a selection of the native R. canescens. Best in part shade, moist-well-drained, acidic spots.Rhododendron 'Chinsoi'
This small rhododendron bears bright pink spring flowers on a low plant. The evergreen foliage looks great throughout the season, taking on some plum tones in winter.Rhododendron 'Conled'
Autumn Coral Encore azalea
Especially well suited for borders or small accent spaces, Autumn Coral's lovely medium coral blooms add a splash of spirit to any landscape.Rhododendron 'My Mary'
deciduous azalea
My oh my indeed! Brilliant yellow flowers with an orange throat adorn this deciduous azalea in spring. The butterflies will love the fragrant flowers almost as much as you will. Soft green foliage will help keep your shade garden cool in the summer.Rhododendron 'Rlh1-5p1'
Cherry Pink Prestige ReBloom Azalea re-blooming azalea
This very compact selection is one of the new breed of re-blooming azaleas. Look for pink spring flowers with another floral display in late summer or fall on very dwarf plants.Rhododendron 'Roblec'
Autumn Carnation Encore® azalea
The Encore azaleas set the bar high in the azalea world with their repeat flowering habit. This selection bears showy double pink flowers for a new twist on these outstanding landscape plants.Rhododendron 'Roblee'
Autumn Sangria Encore® azalea
Dark pink, single form with blooms measuring 3.5 inches across make Autumn Sangria™ the largest bloomer in the Encore® Collection. This repeat bloomer has a rapid and dense growth habit make this variety well suited as a specimen or background plant.Rhododendron 'Siskin'
deciduous azalea
Few plants are as showy as the deciduous azalea cultivars. 'Siskin' bears tight balls of yellow toned flowers in early spring before the foliage emerges. They must be seen to be truly appreciated.Rhododendron 'The Robe'
variegated azalea
Brightly white-edged foliage looks great all year round. Mid-season rosy-red flowers sparkle like rubies atop the variegated leaves.Rhododendron 'Wolfpack Red'
Carla hybrid azalea
You can't call yourself an NCSU gardener if you aren't growing 'Wolfpack Red'! This selection developed here at State makes a showy display of red flowers bred specifically for our heat and humidity. Go Pack.Rosa 'Ausboard'
Gertrude Jekyll shrub rose
David Austin named this richly scented rose in honor of the famous garden designer, Gertrude Jekyll. Simply captivating, double, deep rose-pink flowers begin in May continuing in full force until midsummer.Rosa 'Auscrim'
Leonard Dudley Braithwaite shrub rose
This may be the brightest crimson colored old rose available on the market. Intricately doubled flowers release their fragrance as they age on this rose named for David Austin's father-in-law (so it better be good).Rosa 'Ausmas'
Graham Thomas rose
Intensely fragrant, bright yellow double flowers cover arching canes from late spring to fall. This David Austin selection can be used as a hedge, in the mixed border, or as a short climber. Plant in area where the fragrance can be enjoyed.Rosa 'Ausnyson'
Lady of Shalott shrub rose
This is an ideal rose for the inexperienced. It is robust, highly resistant to disease, and lightly fragrant. Flowers are salmon-pink to peach, and blooms nearly continuously on slightly arching stems. It is an excellent choice for mixed border.Rosa 'Ausquest'
Crocus Rose shrub rose
A David Austin English rose selection that has an attractive rounded form and large, rosette-shaped flowers. Flowers have a light tea fragrance, and their color is soft apricot in center, with the outer petals being a pale cream. Excellent choice for cut flowers.Rosa 'Meigalpio'
Red Drift ground cover rose
The Drift series of roses are low care spreading roses ideal for using as a tall ground-cover. This form bears showy red flowers.Rosa 'Meiggili'
Peach Drift ground cover rose
The Drift series of roses are low care spreading roses ideal for using as a tall ground-cover. This form bears showy peach-pink flowers.Rosa 'Novarospop'
Popcorn Drift ground cover rose
The Drift series of roses are low care spreading roses ideal for using as a tall ground-cover. This form bears showy yellow flowers fading to cream.Rosa 'Radtko'
Double Knock Out shrub rose
The Knockout roses are among the most popular of landscape plants with blooms from spring to fall on semi-evergreen plants. This is the double-flowered form which has more "rose-like" rose flowers and new growth that emerges with a burgundy tint.Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet'
prostrate rosemary
Rosemary has it all, great fragrance, culinary utility, evergreen foliage, late winter flowers and is easy to grow to boot. Site this creeping form in a sunny, well-drained spot.Rubus buergeri
This creeping raspberry will make a lovely ground-cover in the garden where the semi-evergreen foliage will look great all year. Bright red fruits are perfect for pies, cobblers, and eating straight off the vine without worrying about the thorny canes of typical raspberries.Salvia 'Amistad'
hybrid sage
As part of the Southern Living plant collection, you know this sage must be good. It makes a dense mass of 4' stems with deep purple flowers emerging from almost black calyces. This is one of the best new salvias on the market.Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'
European wood sage
'Caradonna' salvia is noted for its dark purple stems and blue-violet flowers. It typically forms a foliage mound to 12” tall. Medium green leaves are aromatic when crushed. In summer, dense terminal spikes of violet-blue flowers. Flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies.Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Sarsid2'
Fragrant Mountain Himalayan sweet box
Fragrant Mountain™ sweetbox is a very uniform selection which grows tall enough to make an excellent shade replacement for Skimmia, since it is more tolerant of varied conditions. Small, white fragrant flowers appear in spring above shiny, evergreen foliage. A fairly vigorous spreading groundcover for dry shade which is deer resistant.Sarcococca saligna
willow-leaf sweet box
This is perhaps the most handsome of all the Sarcococcas. As an evergreen shrub, it has an upright, but arching form. Leaves are elongated, narrow, glossy, and bright green in color. More vigorous than other sweet boxes, at the JCRA, it has prospered with protection from winter winds. Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue'
pincushion flower
'Butterfly Blue' is an international favorite. Over forty years ago Farplants (UK) grower, David Tristram, admired this exceptional plant in a garden in Ireland. Lacy lavender-blue, flowers bloom from late spring through early fall. Deadhead flowers for the best show. Scutellaria rubicunda
Mediterranean skullcap
This Mediterranean skullcap makeswell-behaved clumps of scalloped leaves topped in summer by purple to blue flowers over an extended period. It is ideal in sun to part shade in all but heavy, wet soils. An easy and reliable performer in the garden.
Sedum confusum
Mexican stonecrop
Succulent bright green leaves are topped in summer by showy yellow star-shaped flowers. Sedum are typically deer and rabbit proof plants.Sedum 'Lemon Ball'
hybrid stonecrop
This sedum (probably S. mexicanum) makes rubbery mats of bright yellow foliage perfect for use as a ground-cover, weaving between other plants, or in containers. The yellow flowers are almost unneeded with the bright foliage. This is a more heat tolerant selection than the similar 'Angelina'.Sedum makinoi 'Ogon'
gold Makino stonecrop
Brilliant buttery yellow succulent foliage looks good all year round. Late spring golden flowers add to the appeal. Best grown in a lightly shaded spot in a well-drained area of the garden.
Sedum makinoi f. variegatum
variegated Makino stonecrop
Bright white and green succulent foliage looks good all year round. Late spring golden flowers add to the appeal. Best in a lightly shaded spot in a well-drained garden spot.Sedum tetractinum
Chinese sedum
What an attractive perennial groundcover, this sedum makes. Round, flattened leaves are medium green throughout the growing season, then turn a bronzy-red in the fall. In summer, plants are speckled with clusters of bright yellow flowers held on tiny stalks above the foliage.Selaginella pallescens
moss fern
The feathery fronds of this prehistoric plant from the mountains of Mexico make a long-lived semi-evergreen ground-cover for the shade garden. Once established, they are quite drought tolerant and typically not bothered by deer or rabbits.Silene dioica 'Ray's Golden'
Silene 'Ray's Golden' produces 2' wide clumps of nice thumb-sized golden foliage topped with 2' tall x 3' wide sprays of small pink flowers from April through June (NC). Cut back after flowering so the foliage will regrow.Solanum quitoense
bed of nails
This attractive plant has large elongated heart- or oval-shaped leaves up to 45 cm in length. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered in short purple hairs. Protect from strong winds and direct sunlight. The fruit has a citrus flavor and is often used as a drink.Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
No sunny garden should be without the compact arching stems of this outstanding goldenrod. It's a top performing perennial with a long show of bright gold. Pair it with dark purples for contrast or hot colors to set the garden on fire.Spiraea japonica 'Conalex'
Lightning Strike gold Japanese spirea
Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame'
Japanese spirea
A classic among spiraea, this shrub has bright gold foliage topped with pink flowers in late spring to early summer - not a combination for the faint of heart. It is an easy and long-lived shrub which never outgrows its space.Spiraea thunbergii 'Fujino Pink'
apple-blossom Thunberg spirea
An exciting cultivar of the commonly known Thunberg spirea. Unlike the typical white-flowered form, this cultivar produces flowers, pink in bud, opening to an apple-blossom pink. Fall color can be intense red to orange to purple.Symphoricarpos 'Kolmcan'
First Editions Candy coralberry
We love the multi-season display or coralberries and this new compact form looks to be a winner. Arching stems have cute pink flowers over most of the summer but the real show is in fall when those flowers begin forming pink candy-colored pearls which last through most of the winter. Super easy to grow in a sunny spot.Syringa 'Penda'
Bloomerang re-blooming lilac
A new selection that blooms in spring and again very lightly in fall. Small leaves on a small plant (4’-5’) make it easy to use.Taxus chinensis
Chinese yew
This shrub makes a beautiful evergreen shrub or can be trained into a small tree where it's pink-orange flaking bark can be appreciated. Although sun tolerant, foliage color is best in some shade.Taxus cuspidata 'Nana Aurescens'
dwarf Japanese yew
While many yews don't perform well in our climate, this dwarf gold-needled form seems perfectly happy for us especially under a bit of afternoon shade. We grew this for many years in our old lath house where the bright new growth was especially appreciated in the spring.Taxus ×media 'Densiformis'
This yew is among the most reliable landscape plants available with the deepest, darkest green foliage imaginable. Easy to grow in sun or shade where it will grow wider than tall.Thuja occidentalis 'Concesarini'
Pancake dwarf arborbvitae
Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe'
Fire Chief orange arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire'
columnar American arborvitae
A dense column of deep green foliage makes this plant a striking accent or exclamation point in the landscape. Darker and smaller than 'Smargd' ('Emerald'). Great in containers as a young plant.Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'
Emerald arborvitae
The dark green foliage of the arborvitae makes an ideal focl point or screen in the garden where its columnar habit will never outgrow the space. A perfect replacement for hedging plants which have grown well beyond what their nursery tags said they would.Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai
northern Japanese false arborvitae
This northern form of the false arborvitae from Japan displays densely-set, dark green foliage. For us, the plant forms a dense shrub, although in cooler climates it forms an upright (cone-shaped), evergreen tree.Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ogon Chirimen'
golden Asiatic jessamine
Known as "beautiful gold," this stunning Asian variety of jasmine has leaves that are a deep golden yellow, turning light orange in winter. It will fit just about anywhere in the small garden, but is especially wonderful in a planter or as a small scale ground cover. Tricyrtis formosana 'sPg-3-023'
Sunny Spirit variegated Formosan toadlily
A new spreading toadlily with brightly gold margined foliage. In fall the cheery plants will be topped with purple-spotted, intricate flowers resembling little orchids. Toadlilies are must-haves for all shade gardens.Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade'
pink-fruited hybrid blueberry
This exceptionally vigorous blueberry makes a beautiful addition to the garden but has the added bonus of large, juicy, PINK blueberries (pinkberries?). Grow in sun and acid soils for best fruit set.Veronica 'Purpleiscious'
spiked speedwell
This lovely clumping speedwell has a compact habit until the spikes of purple flowers rise a foot above the foliage over an extended period in summer. Remove spent flower spikes to keep the plant flowering longer.Veronica spicata 'Tickled Pink'
spiked speedwell
This pink speedwell is a long flowering and easy perennial for the sunny garden where the spires of flowers add a wonderful textural element and the clean, pink color adds variety to the garden.Viburnum betulifolium
birchleaf viburnum
This relatively large shrub with dark green birch-like leaves makes a habdsome specimen for full sun or a lightly shaded spot. White flowers have a delicate fragrance and are followed by long persistant red fruits.Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Conoy'
Burkwood viburnum
'Conoy' is an easily grown cultivar that should be a staple in any garden. It's perhaps the best of U.S. National Arboretum hybrid viburnums bred by the late Dr. Don Egolf. Selected for its dark green glossy leaves, dwarf stature, pink-red buds, and white flowers, it's a winner. Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Park Farm Hybrid'
Egolf hybrid Burkwood viburnum
Heavenly fragrant white flowers open from rounded heads of deep pink buds in early spring on this outstanding shrub. Glossy, semi-evergreen foliage with red, turning to black, fruit in the fall.Viburnum dilatatum (small leaf)
linden viburnum
Showy clusters of flowers appear in spring and bright red fruits appear in fall and last through the winter. Linden viburnum makes a great hedge and attracts more birds and butterflies to your garden. In fall leaves turn shades of red and burgundy.Viburnum 'Lord Byron'
hybrid viburnum
'Lord Byron' features pleasing, showy clusters of small white flowers inmid-March. New leaves are bright, glossy green leaves with finely serrate leaf margins. Fall color is a bright red. It's a hybrid of V. obovatum (Walter’s Viburnum) and V. rufidulum (Rusty Black Haw).