JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale 2018
The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2018 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Hopleys'
Miss Lemon variegated glossy abelia
Foliage emerges edged with gold for a bright spring pop before softening to a cream halo around the green center.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia
Bright yellow variegated leaves change to red, orange, and golden yellow in winter. Attractive white flowers are held by rosy calyces which last long after the flowers have faded.Abelia ×grandiflora 'Minacara1'
Funshine golden glossy abelia
Bright orange-copper new growth becomes yellow as it ages.Acalypha pendula
creeping chenille plant
Chenille plant gets its common name from the fuzzy plumes of tiny red flowers that trail above a thick mound of small, serrated leaves. Acanthus 'Summer Beauty'
bear's breech
Acanthus 'Whitewater'
variegated bear's breech
Tall flower spikes of white and pink rise to 4' topping the heavily white-splashed foliage. This is a hybrid with the extra heat and humidity tolerant 'Summer Beauty' and retains the toughness of that parent.Acer
This is from a wild collection in Taiwan made by Crug Farms Nursery of Wales. They think it may be a hybrid, but it looks like it is Acer oliverianum to us.Achillea 'Moonshine'
Actaea 'Chocoholic'
Dark foliage is topped late in the season by 4' spikes of dark pink buds opening to sweetly scented rose-pink flowers which age to cream.Agastache 'Blue Fortune'
anise hyssop
Blue flowers held in 4" spikes top this pollinator magnet from midsummer to fall.Agave asperrima
rough century plant
Agave lophantha 'Miniskirt'
dwarf thorn-crested agave
A fast offset forming dwarf selection of a great agave. Blue-green succulent foliage has a pale yellow band up the center. Needs near perfect winter drainage.Agave pablocarrilloi 'Baby Booties'
gypsum century plant
Ajuga reptans 'Binblasca'
Black Scallop black carpet bugle
Aloe ecklonis
grass aloe
Ampelaster carolinianus
climbing aster
Amsonia ciliata var. filifolia 'Georgia Pancake'
threadleaf bluestar
This form of our native blue-star forms a mat of fine textured foliage topped in spring with sky blue flowers.Anemone 'Macane001'
Wild Swan hybrid Japanese anemone
Antirrhinum latifolium
broad-leafed perennial snapdragon
Winky Mix columbine
Asparagus microraphis
crimped hardy asparagus fern
In South Africa where it is native, this asparagus grows as a mounded shrub to 4' tall and wide. We grow ours as a vining plant up a small support.Aspidistra elatior (ex. 'Fuji-no-mine')
cast iron plant
These are seedlings of 'Fuji-no-mine'. The parent plant has thin, creamy-yellow streaks on dark green leaves. These may show a range of characteristics as they mature.Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki'
mountain aster
This plant spreads to form thick impenetrable mats topped in fall by purple flowers.Astilbe cf. longicarpa
false goat's beard
A wild collection from Taiwan.Athyrium 'Godzilla'
giant Japanese painted fern
Athyrium 'Lady In Red'
lady fern
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red'
Japanese painted fern
burgundy leaf stalksAucuba japonica
Japanese aucuba
Aucuba japonica 'Meigetsu'
gold-stripe Japanese aucuba
Broad leafed evergreen shrub with large yellow center to leaf. Prefers shade and average drainage. Baptisia 'Pink Truffles'
pink-flowered wild-indigo
Begonia [Semperflorens-cultorum Group] 'Barbara Rogers'
hardy wax begonia
Berberis thunbergii 'Daybreak'
dwarf golden barberry
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket'
upright Japanese barberry
Distinctive orange foliage and upright columnar growth habit. A designer's dream.Berberis tsangpoensis
Tibetan barberry
You can find this low-growing barberry on sunny, well-drained, slopes, in southeastern Tibet. It is an attractive, dwarf, semi-evergreen shrub that forms a low (18" tall), wide spreading mound. Leaves are small, diamond-shaped and stems have long spines. Berries are pendent, scarlet and shiny. These plants were grown from seed obtained from National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Ireland.Brugmansia 'Inca Sun'
dwarf angel's trumpet
One of the most floriferous of all angel's trumpets, starting earlier than most and flowering continuously through summer.Buddleja 'Podaras No. 13'
Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti dwarf butterfly bush
Buddleja 'Podaras No. 8'
Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven dwarf butterfly bush
Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'
common boxwood
Widely considered among the very best boxwood cultivars, this selection is too slow in production for most nurseries to grow it, but it is excellent in the landscape.Buxus sinica var. insularis (spreading dwarf)
spreading dwarf boxwood
A spreading, almost ground cover form of boxwood.Callicarpa oshimensis
Camellia japonica 'Goggy'
Japanese camellia
Camellia japonica 'Lady Laura'
Japanese camellia
Camellia japonica 'Turandot'
Japanese camellia
Flower buds have good cold hardiness. Carex cherokeensis
Cherokee sedge
It's a clump former, not a spreader, and prefers moist soil over dry.Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga Nishiki'
gold fountains sedge
Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'
New Zealand sedge
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Inoveris'
Grand Bleu bluebeard
Seed heads are attractive all winter.Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Plumosa Aurea Nana'
dwarf goldplume Sawara falsecypress
This rounded shrub has bright yellow, fluffy foliage throughout the year. A light annual trim is beneficial.Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Barton'
Atlantic white-cedar
Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Tom's Blue'
Atlantic white-cedar
Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'
upright Chinese fringe tree
Few flowering trees can match the dazzling display and uber-tough constitution of Chinese fringe tree. This upright form makes a broad column of deep green, rounded leaves which can turn buttery yellow in fall. Masses of white, frothy flowers stand out against the foliar backdrop. This is the ideal plant where space is at a premium.Chionanthus virginicus 'White Knight'
American fringe tree
Chrysanthemum 'Golden Lida Thomas'
garden chrysanthemum
Chrysogonum virginianum 'Pierre'
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange
Citrus trifoliata 'Snow Dragon'
contorted hardy orange
Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles'
dwarf summersweet clethra
Superb pollinator plant. Yellow fall foliage. Tolerant of wet-sites. Attractive form and seed heads in winter.Coreopsis 'Star Cluster'
Big Bang perennial coreopsis
Coreopsis tripteris 'Gold Standard'
tall tickseed
A new selection from Mt. Cuba Center.Cornus florida 'Appalachian Joy'
flowering dogwood
Dogwoods are a perfect state flower for North Carolina, and every garden needs to have several to enjoy each spring. This selection was made by Mark Windham (University of Tennessee) for its multiple(four to eight) bracts on each inflorescence. It has superior resistance to powdery mildew.
Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess'
flowering dogwood
‘Cherokee Princess’ is noted for its consistently early and heavy bloom of flowers with large white bracts. Bright red fruits form in late summer and fall. Green summer foliage turns to shade of red in autumn. Crinum bulbispermum
Wine and Chablis South African river lily
Seedlings of a plant with white flowers with a yellow-green stripe down the center of the petals, so a variation on a "milk and wine" lily. Flower color of these seedlings might vary.Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'
mini-globe Japanese cedar
Dactylicapnos macrocapnos
yellow bleeding heart vine
a well behaved vine-ing herbaceous perennial, dying to ground each fall and returning each spring.Dahlia imperialis (double white)
tree dahlia
Daphniphyllum cf. calycinum
Dasylirion berlandieri
blue sotol
Dasylirion glaucophyllum 'Marbles Park'
blue sotol
A dramatic architectural plant.Debregeasia orientalis
Delosperma cooperi
hardy ice-plant
One of the best of the hardy ice plants.Dianthus plumarius 'Rose Tone'
feathered pink
Dianthus 'WP Passion'
Scent First Passion dianthus
Dicliptera suberecta
king's crown
Diervilla rivularis 'Troja Black'
purple-leaved Georgia bush honeysuckle
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'
Eryngium eburneum
sea holly
Striking architectural form for the garden designer.Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'
Joe Pye weed
×Fatshedera lizei 'Angyo Star'
variegated tree ivy
×Fatshedera lizei 'Curly'
curlyleaf variegated fatshedera
Fatsia japonica
Japanese fatsia
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'
Gardenia jasminoides 'Leeone'
Jubilation Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides 'Shooting Star'
Cape jasmine
Geranium ×cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'
This geranium prefers shade over sun and is great as a small scale ground cover with attractive foliage year round.Geranium sanguineum 'New Hampshire Purple'
bloody cranesbill
One of the most long lived of the hardy geraniums.Geranium 'Tiny Monster'
hardy geranium
This is a hybrid hardy geranium that has performed very well here.Geum 'Tequila Sunrise'
garden avens
Best in rich, moist, well-drained soils but tolerant of average conditions. Supposedly more heat tolerant than older selections.Glandularia 'Sissinghurst'
Grevillea 'Poorinda Leane'
Helianthus simulans
swamp sunflower
Though preferring moist soil, its performance is outstanding in average to dry soil of the JCRA's Perennial Border.Hemerocallis 'Autumn Minaret'
Heteropterys glabra
Heuchera 'Black Pearl'
coral bells
Hibiscus 'Happa Red'
Big Hit hybrid rosemallow
Hibiscus 'Midnight Marvel'
purple-leaf perennial hibiscus
Hibiscus mutabilis
Confederate rose
- A Southern heirloom- Double flower; a large fluffy ball of petals
- Can die to the ground in exceptionally cold winters, but regrows and flowers