Plant Sale Buggy Archives
Next time you are at the JC Raulston Arboretum, be sure to check out the Plant Sale Buggy located outside the Bobby G. Wilder Visitor Center. It’s a great spot for visitors to find a wide assortment of choice and unusual plants for your garden. Self-service purchases are made by cash or checks only, and it is open rain or shine during regular Arboretum operating hours. New plants are added weekly, so visit often. And don't forget to check out all our other plant sales. too.
Here's what we've offered in the past.
Abelia chinensis 'White Surprise'
Chinese abelia
Early and long blooming shrub with white flowers that are larger and more fragrant than other Abelia varieties.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'
Sunshine Daydream glossy abelia
This sport of 'Little Richard' has creamy margined glossy semi-evergreen foliage that emerges with a burgundy tint. The young stems are often bright red as well. White flowers open from pale pink buds over most of the summer. The fragrant flowers attract pollinators throughout the season. The plants maintain a neat, dwarf habit without pruning.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Bailbeliaone'
Vanilla Brandy glossy abelia
A compact selection of Abelia with white-margined variegated leaves. In the fall, leaf margins turn pink to rose. New stems are red-purple through the growing season.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Francis Mason'
glossy abelia
This lovely compact shrub has brilliant yellow-gold and green variegated foliage as well as pretty white flowers in summer and fall. It lends itself to pruning, so it's a welcome addition to every landscape.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
glossy abelia
Bright yellow variegated leaves change to red, orange, and golden yellow in winter. Attractive white flowers are held by rosy calyces which last long after the flowers have faded.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Little Richard'
glossy abelia
More compact than other Abelia varieties.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'RNTOM'
Twist of Mango golden glossy abelia
Bright yellow new leaves that fade to gold in summer. Red stems contrast nicely.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rose Creek'
glossy abelia
Compact form featuring red stems, glossy leaves which emerge with a pink tint before turning dark green. Evergreen in zone 7 and up but the leaves turn shades of soft purple-green in winter. Tubular, fragrant, white flowers (to 1/2” long) with rosy sepals in late spring to early summer
Abelia 'Lynn'
Pinky Bells large flowered dwarf abelia
Large, pendulous, lavender-pink flowers bloom from mid-summer to fall. This compact plant has some of the the largest flowers of any abelia! Reddish new growth, great fall color, and a tough constitution make this plant a winner.
Abelia 'SRPabeper' (Peach Perfection)
glossy abelia
Tricolor foliage on red stems. A compact form that does not produce long whip-like shoots like other Abelia varieties.
Abutilon 'Marion Stewart'
flowering maple
Abutilon megapotamicum 'Little Imp'
flowering maple
This little flowering maple has long been a favorite of ours at the JCRA. Dusty red calyces surround nodding yellow flowers from spring until frost. Dark stems clothed in small leaves, spray up and out mingling well with other plants in the ground or in a container.
Abutilon megapotamicum 'Ruffles'
flowering maple
A dieback perennial (or evergreen houseplant) with maple-like leaves and yellow flowers emerging from red calyces over a long period in summer.
Abutilon 'Orange Hot Lava'
flowering maple
From spring until fall this die-back shrub produces wild bicolor flowers consisting of dusky red calyces and orange petals decorated with red veins.
Abutilon 'Traffic Island'
flowering maple
Named by the Atlanta Botanical Garden, this flowering maple features nodding red flowers and has proven to be reliably hardy for many years.
Abutilon 'Voodoo'
flowering maple
A dark-red flowered, sun-loving shrub to 6' tall with maple-like leaves.
Abutilon 'Windcliff White'
flowering maple
A vigorous seedling selected its large, pure and pristine white bells produced throughout summer amidst stems carrying dark green 'maple-like' foliage. Hardy in the open ground in zones 8 or above, in full sun and draining soils though with a bit of extra water during the driest months.
Acalypha pendula
creeping chenille plant
Dwarf Chenille Plant gets its common name from the fuzzy plumes of tiny red flowers that trail above a thick mound of small, serrated leaves. This dwarf variety stays small and doesn't need pruning. It's naturally bushy. Makes an eye-catching house plant or hanging basket!
Acanthus 'Summer Beauty'
bear's breech
Finally a truly heat and humidity tolerant bear's breech, 'Summer Beauty' has 3' wide clumps of dark green, roughly serrated foliage topped in summer by 4'–6' tall spikes of white flowers emerging from large dusty purple calices.
Acanthus 'Wofford Rhubarb'
bear's breech
Acca sellowiana
pineapple guava
Beautiful evergreen South American shrub with silvery blue-green foliage. Pink flowers with sweet, edible petals in summer. Green fruits in fall taste like tropical fruit (pineapple and guava). Dry to damp soils.
This is from a wild collection in Taiwan made by Crug Farms Nursery of Wales. They think it may be a hybrid, but it looks like it is Acer oliverianum to us.
Acer buergerianum var. ningpoense
Ningpo trident maple
Ningpo trident maple is a variety of trident maple that occurs in the wild in east China. Leaves are slightly bluish tinged, 2” long and wide, and vary from three lobes to none. Fall color is yellow. On mature trees, the bark peels in thick sheets, adding texture and interest.
Acer fabri
Faber evergreen maple
We have long enjoyed this most unmaple-like maple with its glossy, unlobed, evergreen (yes, evergreen) leaves. This maple is not only evergreen but has some of the showiest red flowers of any maple species and flowers are followed by showy red fruits.
Acer palmatum
Japanese maple
A wonderful small tree with red or green foliage. Diverse foliage forms of seedlings from one of the most beloved small trees; JCRA's symbol.
Acer pseudosieboldianum
Korean maple
This is a wonderful small maple from Korea and China that is unaccountably rare in cultivation. Four to five inch doubly serrate leaves turn spectacular colors in the fall. It is also commonly known as purplebloom maple for the purple-red spring flowers. These are seedlings, not grafted plants.
Acer sikkimense subsp. metcalfii
Metcalf's snakebark maple
This very rare maple comes from seed collected in China in 2012. It grows into a small tree with red new growth and striated bark.
Achillea asplenifolia
With lovely pink flowers and fragrant leaves that draw pollinators, this yarrow is a wonderful addition to any perennial garden. The prolific flowers lend themselves to use in a bouquet, and if allowed, the plant will naturalize. This is a wild species native to Europe. Unlike the modern hybrids, this wild-type is a tall plant ... to 29" unless pinched. Perfect for a well drained meadow garden or cottage garden or rock garden.
Achillea millefolium 'Balvinviolet'
New Vintage Violet yarrow
A compact variety with magenta-violet flowers that keeps its color longer into the summer. Re-flowers very well for a yarrow if spent flowers are removed.
Achillea millefolium 'Balvinwhite'
New Vintage White yarrow
A compact, white flowered perennial with soft, fern-like foliage . Drought tolerant once established. Deadheading promotes rebloom. Makes excellent cut or dried flower arrangements. Rejuvenate it in late summer by cutting back hard or mowing on the highest setting. Butterfly species attracted: American Copper, Banded Hairstreak, Lorquin's Admiral, West Coast Lady.
Achillea millefolium 'FLORACHYE2'
Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta Improved yarrow
Compact mounding form with bright flowers all summer (as long as spent blooms are pinched off). Performs best in well-drained soils.
Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'
A red flowered yarrow that is tolerant of the heat and humidity of the southeast. Prefers lean, well-drained soil.
Achillea 'Sassy Summer Lemon'
Achimenes 'Harry Williams'
orchid pansy
While neither an orchid nor a pansy, this is one cool shade perennial. Garden guru Tony Avent says this is the hardiest Achimenes he has tried. Foliage emerges late in the season, often into June. By July, flowers emerge a deep crimson becoming fuchsia with a golden throat. 'Harry Williams' grows best in light shade.
Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki'
variegated sweet flag
A wonderful semi-evergreen, marginal aquatic perennial that features a grass-like tuft of narrow golden with green stripes leaf blades (1/4“ wide) that fan outward to 6-12” tall. It is commonly grown in water gardens and boggy areas. Foliage is sweetly fragrant when bruised.
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
golden sweet flag
Brilliant butter-yellow variegated foliage. Good for accent, mass plantings, water's edge, or shallow ponds. Excellent choice to brighten up a dark moist area of the garden.
Actinidia arguta (variegated)
variegated hardy kiwi
A vine grown for its white, marginal variegation. Flowers in late spring, and if a male and a female plant are in proximity, the female will produce fruit smaller but slightly sweeter than grocery store kiwi.
We collected seed of this bellflower (MWZ18-001) growing along the rocky banks of a stream in Moon Valley, Gansu, in 2018. It should make airy plants with ¾" true blue bell-shaped flowers in summer. We haven't tried this one outdoors yet but it should be perfectly hardy in average garden soil in sun to part shade.
Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant.
Adiantum capillus-veneris
southern maidenhair fern
Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Falling Waters'
maidenhair fern
A native fern with attractive arching fronds. The black stipes (midrib) are also quite attractive.
Adiantum hispidulum
rosy maidenhair fern
This maidenhair fern is deciduous for us in Raleigh but as a houseplant, it will be evergreen. Narrow arching fronds emerge with an attractive coppery tone that the marketing gurus are calling 'rose colored'. Slowly spreads to form a small colony.
Adiantum ×mairisii
hybrid maidenhair fern
Adiantum pedatum
American maidenhair fern
Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant.
Adina rubella 'Purple Flower'
purple Chinese buttonbush
A fine foliaged shrub with reddish new growth. Purplish Sputnik-like flowers adorn this Chinese relative of our native buttonbush.
Aeschynanthus buxifolius
box-leaf lipstick plant
A strange little gesneriad with boxwood-like dark green leaves topped by tubular brilliant orange-red flowers.
Agapanthus 'Galaxy White'
lily of the nile
Almost maintenance free, this heavy blooming plant provides an abundance of flower stalks for pollinators during the hottest part of the summer.
Agapanthus 'MDB001'
Ever Twilight bicolor agapanthus
A 2019 Chelsea Flower Show winner. Early bloomer. Rebloomer. Also sold under the trademark name Fireworks.
Agarista populifolia
Florida leucothoe
Large, spring flowering evergreen shrub formerly known as Leucothoe populifolia. Great screen for shady conditions. This is an outstanding native for the woodland garden.
Agastache 'Blue Boa'
anise hyssop
Agastache 'Morello'
hummingbird mint
Strong upright growth habit.
Low water needs
Agastache pringlei
Pringle's giant hyssop
The three-inch long, dense floral heads of Agastache pringlei are composed of whorls of 1/2-inch, tubular pink flowers with darker pink calyces. The mint-like foliage is very aromatic. This flowers non-stop through the season.
Agastache 'Queen Nectarine'
Meant to Bee anise hyssop
Selected for its large, full habit and cold hardiness. Flowers cover the top 2/3 of plants from mid to late summer, with colorful calyxes extending into fall. Well drained soils. Thrives in dry soils, rock gardens and containers.
Agastache rugosa
giant hyssop
Agave asperrima
rough century plant
Agave bracteosa 'Monterrey Frost'
variegated bracted century plant
This lovely little agave is an absolute showstopper with a bright white margin along each of the stiff (and non-spiny!) leaves. Plant in a protected spot or even better grow it as a forgiving container plant. It likes a bit of shade making it easy to grow even indoors.
Agave 'Crazy Horse'
century plant
Agave funkiana 'Tug Boat II'
blue lechuguilla
Fascinating, slow-growing agave features thickened, triangular glaucous blue foliage. An ideal container plant for collectors. Not winter hardy in Raleigh.
Agave isthmensis 'Kabuto Gani'
An oh-so-cute compact form of the Mexican Agave that features thick, deeply scalloped blue leaves with a wide cream border. The perfect houseplant.
Agave lophantha 'La Bufa Baby'
thorn-crested century plant
Dusty blue to green foliage with a yellow central stripe. 18" rosettes can form a 5' wide patch in 10 years.
Agave lophantha 'Multigreen'
thorn-crested century plant
A lovely study in green. Three shades of green stripe the length of leaves. A Plant Delights Nursery introduction. Agave lophantha freely offsets and can be used as a ground cover in the dry garden.
Agave mitis 'Multicolor'
century plant
Green leaves outlined in cream. Compact form, like an opening rose. Not hardy in Raleigh.
Agave multifilifera 'Starshine'
century plant
This one is a real looker. A tight rosette of numerous 1/2" wide leaves each with a wide edge of white and an abundance of curly white hairs. It makes an easy-care, dramatic container plant where it is not winter-hardy.
Agave potatorum 'Becky'
century plant
This cultivar has a wide cream-colored center to the bluish, scalloped edged leaves. It does offset. This needs to be grown as a houseplant or summer container plant as it is not winter hardy
Agave potatorum 'Blue Winds'
Agave schidigera 'Royal Flush'
century plant
Spectacularly variegated cultivar with its very wide yellow margins to its leaves. This one is very slow growing.
Agave schidigera 'Shira-ito-no-ohi'
queen of white century plant
This is one of the showiest of the variegated agaves available—although rarely easy to acquire! The small rosettes grow to only about 12" tall. Each of the evergreen, succulent leaves is broadly and evenly outlined with bright white and tipped with a burgundy spine. White, threadlike filaments curl along the leaf margins. This is marginally hardy at best but makes a showy container plant.
Agave striata
needle agave
This small agave will fit into any sunny,
well-drained spot in the garden where the thin, sharp-tipped leaves make a tight ball of shimmering blue-green. In mid-summer, a tall, 8' bottlebrush flower spike erupts from the rosette much to the delight of gardeners and hummingbirds alike.
Agave toumeyana var. bella
hardy century plant
This lovely agave grows to only about 6" by 10" in attractive rosettes. Offsets readily form a tight colony perfect for a small scale ground cover or filling a pot. Always grow in a well-drained soil to ensure survival. Mature plants bear 4' flower spikes attractive to people and hummingbirds.
Ageratina ligustrina
privet-leaved snakeroot
This lovely pollinator-friendly evergreen shrub features dark green leaves and long lasting, large white flowers.
Ajania pacifica
silver and gold chrysanthemum
This chrysanthemum forms an attractive bushy mound of lobed green leaves edged with silver that are appealing all season long. Small yellow button flowers appear very late in the fall, sometimes lasting until Christmas. Easily divided in early spring.
Ajuga 'Cordial Canary'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle
The first ever yellow foliaged Ajuga. Bright yellow foliage brightens up a shade garden and really offsets its blue flowers. It is a sport of Ajuga 'Valfredda', the one known as 'Chocolate Chip', so it has the same tiny leaves.
Ajuga incisa 'Blue Enigma'
giant bugle
Lovely toothed leaves topped by spikes of cobalt blue flowers in spring. This is a clump forming perennial and not a spreader like other ajuga. It also disappears in winter, returning each spring.
Ajuga 'Noble Nightingale'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle
Narrow foliaged creeping ground cover with dark purple and green leaves.
Ajuga 'Parrot Paradise'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle
Narrow foliaged creeping groundcover with tricolor yellow, orange and red leaves.
Ajuga reptans 'Assaj1'
Princess Elsa carpet bugle
Silvery green variegated foliage and purple flowers highlight this excellent groundcover.
Ajuga reptans 'Dixie Chip'
tricolor carpet bugle
This variegated seedling from the popular 'Chocolate Chip' carpet bugle has small, tidy leaves like its parent but differs in the brightly variegated foliage splashed with pink and white. It makes a lovely evergreen ground cover or can be grown at the base of shrubs to cover the bare stems.
Ajuga 'Tropical Toucan'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle
In the shade garden, bright yellow foliage highlights the blue flowers of this ajuga, which is standard-sized, not one of the tiny-leafed ones.
Ajuga 'Valfredda'
Chocolate Chip carpet bugle
The extremely dwarf habit and chocolate foliage is best utilized as a small area ground cover. It forms a foliage mat to only 2" tall of tiny, shiny, oval leaves which are chocolate with burgundy highlights. The bluish purple flowers appear in spring on spikes rising slightly above the foliage.
Allium (AlliYUM!)
garlic chives
This heat and humidity tolerant, flavorful addition to an herb garden or planter offers flat leaves with excellent onion-garlic flavor and 3-4 weeks of lavender, pom-pom shaped blooms in summer. Leaves and flowers are edible.
Allium hookeri var. muliense
Hooker's onion
Bright green foliage and small heads of yellow flowers make this a great addition to your perennial garden.
Allium 'Lavender Bubbles'
ornamental onion
At the end of summer, this perennial produces rounded flower clusters atop its grass-like, onion-scented foliage. Compared to the popular 'Millenium', 'Lavender Bubbles' blooms later and is a darker shade of purple. Like all flowering onions, this is carefree, easy to grow, and deer and rabbit resistant. Butterflies and honeybees like the nectar as an added bonus.
Allium 'Millennium'
ornamental onion
Allium nutans 'Pam Harper'
steppe onion
Allium nutans features wide twisting leaves. Flower stalks arise in June and twist and nod before standing up when flowers open. 'Pam Harper' has white flowers that can take on a pale pink cast when exposed to cool nights. Leaves may be used like chives in cooking. Dried flowers should be saved for arrangements.
Allium ×proliferum
Egyptian walking onion
"As their scientific name "Allium proliferum" states, these hardy little onions are very "prolific." After planting them in your garden you will have onions every year for years to come!" (
Alocasia 'Mayan Mask'
elephant ear
This robust elephant ear bears strongly ribbed upright foliage highlighted by coppery-purple backsides. It is easy to grow in the garden and will grow to 8' if given plenty of water and fertilizer. Bring inside to a bright window in winter or mulch very well and cross your fingers.
Alocasia 'Regal Shields'
upright elephant ear
'Regal Shields' has almost black, glossy foliage with burgundy undersides
Aloysia virgata
sweet almond tree verbena
This 8' shrub, which dies back to the ground in Zone 7, offers dark green sandpapery leaves on branches that end in terminal spikes of extremely fragrant (vanilla almond) white flowers from July until frost.
Alpinia japonica 'Green Waves'
ginger lily
The late, great Don Jacobs of Eco Gardens in GA introduced this ginger from his garden. It has been a top performer. Foliage is deep green with a rippled edge.
Amorphophallus henryi
Henry's voodoo lily
Lovely, easy, small voodoo lily. The flower emerges from ground, opening to reveal a spathe with a tall spike. If pollinated, expect dark blue fruits. 1st yr seedlings so don't expect flowers for a couple of years.
Amorphophallus kiusianus
devil's tongue
Amorphophallus kiusianus 'Mr. Green Genes'
devil's tongue
Easy to grow. Inflorescence appears in late April/early May. Green spadix and green and white speckled spathe. Flowers every other year at JCRA. 1st year seedlings, so don't expect flowers for a couple of years.
Amorphophallus konjac
voodoo lily
1 giant divided leaf on 5-6' green and purple mottled, fleshy stalk. 5' purple flower in early May. Speckled petiole. 1st yr seedlings so don't expect flowers for a couple of years.
Ampelaster carolinianus
climbing aster
Amsonia elliptica
Asian bluestar
Amsonia elliptica forms a tight clump of upright stems about 18" to 24" tall. The stems are topped in spring by clusters of pale blue starry flowers. Fall color is a nice gold. This beauty is a tough plant for full sun to light shade and most soils.
Amsonia hubrichtii
Ozark bluestar
Outstanding golden foliage color in the fall makes it a must for the border. Has a blue star like flower in the spring. Mounding form with fine-textured narrow foliage turning orange or gold in fall.
Amsonia 'Starstruck'
A hybrid distinguished by its relatively late bloom time and compact size.
Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Storm Cloud'
Black stems emerge in spring and are topped by showy clusters of Carolina blue flowers. Spectacular and easy to grow native plant.
Anemone hupehensis var. japonica 'Prinz Heinrich'
Japanese windflower
‘Prinz Heinrich’ (often sold as 'Prince Henry') is a vigorous, mounding, Japanese anemone that spreads by creeping rhizomes. Beautiful semi-double, 2-inch deep rose flowers with yellow stamens on long, upright, wiry-but-graceful, branching stems.
Angelica anomala
Vigorous, upright perennial with large pinnate leaves. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Beautiful white lacy flowers attract lots of pollinators and black swallowtails.
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
flame acanthus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 'Pumpkin'
flame anisacanthus
Soft pumpkin-orange is a great new color twist on this old favorite. Hummingbirds and butterflies love it's nectar! This tough Texas native is also DEER RESISTANT! Cut to the ground in spring for denser growth.
Antirrhinum hispanicum
Spanish snapdragon
Fuzzy gray leaves are evergreen and deer resistant. This heat lover from Spain blooms in summer.
Antirrhinum latifolium
broad-leafed perennial snapdragon
Aquilegia buergeriana (dwarf form)
dwarf columbine
This dwarf selection features bicoloured flowers of dusky plum-purple and soft creamy yellow, over a mound of ferny light-green foliage. Perfect for the rock garden, edging or in containers and troughs. Enjoy the hummingbirds as they stop by to sip the nectar! Deer and rabbit resistant!
Aquilegia caerulea
Kirigami Red & White bicolor columbine
NC State fans also have a columbine to support their school. Early bloomer.
Aquilegia dinarica
Balkan columbine
We grew this small but showy columbine from seed we received from another botanic garden in Europe so we cannot guarantee these plants are not hybrids. If true to name they will have pale blue sepals and spurs surrounding the white to soft blue petals.
Aquilegia parviflora
Aquilegia 'PAS1258488'
Earlybird Purple Yellow columbine
An early flowering selection with grape-purple flowers with pale yellow centers and lovely, lacy blue-green foliage. It will seed around from year to year (unless deadheaded). Seedlings will be pretty but not necessarily be bi-colored.
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nora Barlow'
Double flowered spurless pink and white variety blooms a bit later than normal.
Arabis blepharophylla
coast rockcress
A California endemic plant native to the San Francisco Bay area. Thin, hairy stems rise from a basal rosette of fuzzy leaves bearing small flowers with bright purplish-pink petals in winter to spring. A nice rock garden or edging perennial in well drained soil. Short-lived but seeds around.
Arachniodes davalliaeformis
shiny bristle fern
This should maybe be known as the plastic fern since the 24" triangular fronds are glossy and tough like plastic. Will form a semi-evergreen clump in the shade garden.
Arachniodes simplicior
east Indian holly fern
An evergreen fern with dark green, stiff, almost plastic-feeling fronds. New growth emerges late in the spring.
Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata'
variegated east indian holly fern
A fabulous 18" tall x 18" wide evergreen fern that features a wide streak of yellow down the center of each plastic-textured leaf. Reliably hardy in zone 7, although the new growth emerges very late.
Araiostegia pseudocystopteris
hardy rabbit's foot fern
We've been quite impressed with this Asian fern with its lacy fronds arising from fuzzy rhizomes which creep across the ground. In loose soil on a slope, it will spread to form nice patches in short order. Like all ferns, it is pretty much deer proof.
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
golden Japanese spikenard
A great chartreuse foliage for use in dappled shade gardens. Blooming in mid to late summer it produces rounded clusters of white flowers. Can produce purple-black fruits that contrast with foliage. Often dies to the ground each year and re-emerges in spring.
Arbutus unedo 'Elfin King'
compact strawberry tree
Looking for fall and winter interest? Why settle for just fruit or just flowers? Drooping clusters of Pieris-like, creamy-white flowers in autumn appear just as the previous year's fruits begin to ripen. The 1" fruits are sweet and hang like bright red ornaments from the rounded shrub.
Ardisia crenata 'Benikujyaku'
red peacock coralberry
Deep burgundy leaves emerge with a pinkish tinge and are highlighted by clusters of bright red fruit. In colder climates, it's often grown as a low-light houseplant.
Ardisia japonica 'Andre the Giant'
Makes a lovely houseplant.
Ardisia japonica 'Angyo Pixie'
This dwarf evergreen ground cover came to us from our good friend Ted Stephens at Nurseries Caroliniana. It makes a wonderful carpet even in deep shade where the spreading stems are topped by dark green leaves with small white to pale pink flowers followed by red fruit. Marlberries have been among the JCRA's favorite plants since our earliest days and continue to be among our top choice for shade gardens.
Ardisia japonica 'Chirimen'
dwarf marlberry
Great groundcover for shady beds and woodland gardens. Chirimen is the hardiest we grow and the quickest to form a dense weed-suppressing mat.
Ardisia japonica 'Hinode'
rising sun marlberry
A variegated form with a broad band of yellow variegation in the center of each leaf. A good, shade-loving groundcover or indoor potted plant. Evergreen unless winter temps in the low 20s burn back the foliage. Spreads by rhizomes to form a mat.
Ardisia japonica 'Homare'
The green leaves have large pale green splotches that cover most of the leaf surface. Hardy to zone 7. "Homare" is Japanese for "honored".
Ardisia japonica 'Koshi-no-Hana'
The green leaves look pale due to dense but small white speckles. New growth has a rose tint. "Koshi-no-Hana" means "flower of Koshi" which refers to a city in southern Japan.
Aristolochia fimbriata
hardy Dutchman's pipe
White veined leaves and fascinating flowers on this short trailing plant. Host plant for pipevine swallowtail butterflies, so don't kill any caterpillars feeding on the foliage.
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis'
western mugwort
Lovely, aromatic, velvety, silver foliage, 'Valerie Finnis' can handle drought conditions and responds well when sheared or cut for flower arrangements.
Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
Powis Castle artemisia
A noteworthy and often mainstay foliage plant for perennial borders. Fine textured, silvery foliage becomes mounded and billowy throughout the growing season. Full sun is a must and one should expect spreading. Cut back judiciously in winter every few years to maintain shape and form.
Arum italicum subsp. italicum
Italian arum
Tropical looking foliage all winter with glossy arrow shaped leaves veined with cream. Summer dormant. Best when sited under deciduous shrubs and trees so that it has winter sun and summer shade. Zone 6.
Arundo donax 'Peppermint Stick'
white variegated giant reed
In fall, clumps are topped with 18" bronze-colored plumes.
Not invasive.
Asarum canadense
Canada wild-ginger
Asarum splendens
Chinese wild ginger
Asclepias incarnata
swamp milkweed
These are a bit of a mystery because they came from the NCBG as A. incarnata, and very likely to be correctly identified, yet they are distinct in a number of ways from the selections of this species that are in the nursery trade, specifically the cultivars 'Ice Ballet' and 'Ballerina' , first and foremost is that they persist in the garden. I've never kept 'Ice Ballet' and 'Ballerina' alive for more than a year or two. This wild type has smaller leaves that are slightly hairy, it is taller (about 4 to 5') and doesn't branch until about half way up the stem. The flower clusters are similar but are smaller. It is showy and of course the flowers are highly attractive to pollinators and the leaves support monarch butterfly caterpillars. Best in a moist to wet site but will tolerate average soil if not excessively dry
Asclepias tuberosa
butterfly weed
This selection of our native and beloved butterfly weed grows naturally on clay soils and is much better adapted for heavy clay sites than the typical form. Flowers provide nectar for butterflies, and foliage provides food for monarch, gray hairstreak and queen butterflies.
Asimina triloba
Pawpaws are a native fruit tree with tropical-like fruits. The luscious taste is beloved by those in the know but since the fruit won't ship or keep, most people have never tried it. You will need 2 or more plants to have the necessary cross pollination for good fruit set. A must for the 'edimental' gardener.
Asparagus aethiopicus
Sprenger's asparagus
Sprenger's asparagus can be grown as an indoor plant or a container plant that can be moved inside for the winter. Its fine needle-like leaves give it a soft, fluffy appearance, but its tough stems are sparsely covered with spines. Native to South Africa, it’s an invasive weed in Hawaii, Florida, New Zealand and Australia.
Asparagus brachyphyllus
wild asparagus
Asparagus oligoclonos
ornamental asparagus
This feathery-textured member of the lily family makes an open mound of green stems clothed with soft "needles" resembling a conifer as much as anything else. Dangling clusters of rosy flowers are showy for an asparagus and are followed by red fruits.
Asphodeline liburnica
Jacob's rod
This native of Austria, Italy and the eastern Mediterranean, flourishes in sunny, dry meadows. In summer, flower spikes of pale yellow,
star-shaped flowers adorn this clump-forming perennial. Upright form adds vertical interest to the garden. Attractive blue-green, grass-like leaves makes it a special addition to any garden.
Asphodelus albus
white asphodel
White-flowered asphodel is an herbaceous perennial with 2' tall foliage and 5' tall flower stalks. Best grown in light, moderately fertile, well-drained soils in full sun. Established plants are drought tolerant. Plants go deciduous in summer after bloom.
Aspidistra attenuata 'Small n' Smart'
Small n' Smart attentuate cast iron plant
Dense, very narrow, green foliage and only 22" tall. The shorter height and finer texture make a lovely houseplant.
Aspidistra basalis 'Green Jeans'
cast iron plant
A tall, narrow-leaved Aspidistra the 30" × 1.5" leaves slowly spread to a 4' patch. The purple flowers are unusual but are produced at ground level in the middle of winter and so go unnoticed unless you are specifically looking for them.
Aspidistra daibuensis 'Yushan Galaxy'
Yushan galaxy cast iron plant
Heavy yellow speckling on 3" wide deep green leaves makes this a standout in the woodland garden. Ground-hugging 1" flowers bloom in January.
Aspidistra elatior 'Akebono'
gold-stripe cast iron plant
With each leaf highlighted by a creamy center stripe, this easy-to-grow shade loving plant adds architectural interest to a dark area.
Aspidistra leshanensis
cast iron plant
A 28" tall relatively unknown Aspidistra species with wide green leaves and pale yellow spots.
Aspidistra linearifolia 'Skinny Dippin'
Skinny dippin' cast iron plant
This shade-loving, low-maintenance evergreen perennial features a prominent white central stripe.
Aspidistra minutiflora (solid green)
cast iron plant
Dense, symmetrical evergreen with tall ribbon-like leaves. Collected by JC Raulston Arboretum director Mark Weathington in China's Nanling Mountains, this cultivar has not been named yet. Mark's been growing this outdoors for 5 years now with no winter damage.
Aspidistra molendinacea 'Skin Tight Green Jeans'
Skin tight green jeans cast iron plant
This slow-growing, low-maintenance, shade lover features faint yellow spots on 20" broad green leaves that sit atop 6" basal stems. With good drainage, cast iron plants can tolerate wet or dry soils.
Aspidistra oblanceifolia 'Nagoya Stars'
speckled cast iron plant
Aspidistra omeiensis 'Jade Ribbons'
cast iron plant
This low maintenance, shade-loving, unusual, strap-leaf aspidistra forms a tight clump that looks lovely year-round in a woodland garden.
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Ichi Moro Ji'
Ichi Moro Ji cast iron plant
Forms a tight clump of vertical stalks with chartreuse center stripes. While low maintenance, degraded leaves should be removed to promote fresh growth. Prefers well-drained soil. Easy to grow.
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Spotty'
spotted cast iron plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Spotty' forms a 15" tall clump of arching 30" long leaves, of which 9" are the basal stalk. Each heavily patterned leaf is adorned with irregular large, dull yellow spots.
Asplenium ×ebenoides
scott's spleenwort or dragontail fern
Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern
An easy fern, much beloved by the Victorians, which forms tight rosettes of mid-green leaves. It is very easy in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot and is 100% deer proof! Grows best in shade; 18" tall and wide.
Aster ageratoides 'Ashvi'
white mountain aster
This lovely perennial aster is native across east Asia from Siberia down to Taiwan and will tolerate just about anything you can throw its way from full sun to relatively deep shade. Pure white flowers with a gold eye cover the plant from late summer well into fall. It is exceptionally cold hardy, spreading politely by underground rhizomes to make nice clumps to about 30" tall. (3.5" pot)
Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki'
mountain aster
Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus
mountain aster
This Asian woodland aster from the wild collection from seed makes a spreading clump of sandpaper-textured foliage topped in fall by cheery white daisies. It is quite easy to grow and seems happiest in a bit of shade. Once established, will tolerate and even thrive in dry shade with occasional watering to keep it going during the driest stretches.
Aster laevis 'Bluebird'
smooth aster
This late summer blooming aster is covered in pale blue blooms. Pollinators love it.
Aster sikkimmensis
Sikkim aster
Native to the Himalayas from Nepal to Sikkim, this herbaceous perennial grows upright to 3' tall. Flowers are small, light purple with yellow centers and occur in clusters. Slender branches are numerous, and leaves are narrow.
Aster tataricus
Tatarian aster
Astilbe cf. longicarpa
false goat's beard
This astilbe (MWT14-981) collected in Taiwan at over 5400' by the JCRA was growing on damp rock faces with long narrow seed heads. We think the airy panicles of dainty white flowers should look lovely in a woodland garden.
Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae'
lady fern
A deciduous fern with lacy foliage that grows into a shuttlecock-like shape.
Athyrium 'Godzilla'
giant Japanese painted fern
This giant fern boasts fronds to more than double the height of typical painted ferns but with all the dramatic silver and burgundy tones you'd expect. Like so many great plants, this one popped up at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens and was introduced by Plant Delights Nursery. Expect it to grow 3' tall and twice as wide over time. Like all ferns, it is quite deer resistant.
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
Japanese painted fern
Athyrium otophorum 'Limelight'
eared lady fern
The wide triangular fronds are a muted chartreuse color that looks great in a shade garden and is complimented by red stems. Foliage matures to a pale green as the season progresses. Looks its best if not exposed to drought.
Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum'
eared lady fern
A beautiful Asian fern with triangular, plastic-feeling, pewter-green fronds and dark reddish stipes. Average to slightly moist soils are preferred.
Japanese aucuba
Aucuba MWT14-999 is a selection made by JCRA director Mark Weathington in Taiwan. A solid green-leaved male selection collected from Yangmingshan National Park.
Aucuba japonica
Japanese aucuba
An evergreen shrub for shade with speckled leaves. To 8'. Hardy to zone 7 and warmer. Drought tolerant once established.
Aucuba japonica 'Cecil-Alice'
variegated Japanese aucuba
A wonderful aucuba introduced by Plant Delights nursery. The compact shrub is heavily mottled and streaked with gold. The female plant supposedly has white fruits as well. A truly distinct form of aucuba. Japanese aucuba is one of the best evergreen shrubs for dry shade.
Aucuba japonica 'Daisuke's Tiger'
Japanese aucuba
A variegated aucuba selected by Japanese plantsman Daisuke Muramatsu, and named for him by Barry Yinger of Asiatica Nursery. 'Daisuke's Tiger' is mostly gold around the margins and tips and spotted with green while the green centers are speckled with gold. It gives a distinctly different look than the old 'Gold Dust' or 'Crotonifolia' forms. This coloration takes several years to fully develop from a small plant. Tolerates dry shade once established.
Aucuba japonica 'Freckled-face Kid'
variegated Japanese aucuba
A heavily speckled and spotted dwarf female Aucuba from Juniper Level Botanic Garden. Great evergreen shrub for part shade. Tough and easy.
Aucuba japonica (gold sectored)
Japanese aucuba
Gold specks highlight the leaves of this shade-loving evergreen.
Aucuba japonica 'Goldilocks'
variegated Japanese aucuba
Aucuba japonica 'Hime Kikufurin'
Japanese aucuba
Glossy green leaves bordered by golden yellow make this shade-loving shrub a welcome addition to a darker area of the garden.
Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu'
Japanese aucuba
Aucubas are must-have shrubs for the shade garden. This unusual Japanese form is somewhat compact, growing to about 6' tall. It bears conspicuously narrow foliage heavily speckled with gold. The variegation is much brighter than most other forms of aucuba. Mostly inconspicuous purple flowers give rise to large red fruits on this female form. Great for brightening up a shady spot where it will tolerate significant drought once established.
Aucuba japonica 'Ki Mi'
Japanese aucuba
Large leaves are edged with broad teeth. Leaf surface is speckled with yellow spots.
Aucuba japonica (Lane's sawtooth)
Japanese aucuba
JC Raulston Arboretum friend Layne Snelling saw this unique aucuba arise as a seedling in an abandoned lot and thought it looked good enough to share. Lane's sawtooth is a female with good berry set and strongly serrated leaves.
Aucuba japonica 'Limbata'
gold margin Japanese aucuba
One of the showiest Aucuba selections, broad yellow margins around each leaf become nearly white over time. A slow, compact grower, it is a female clone, so it can produce showy red fruit if a male is nearby.
Aucuba japonica 'Linda Eggins'
Japanese aucuba
This JCRA introduction came from the garden of the U.K. national Aucuba collection holder. Very large leaves are heavily spotted and bear some of the largest fruit we've seen on an Aucuba. We named it for this knowledgeable plantswoman.
Aucuba japonica f. longifolia
narrowleaf Japanese aucuba
Green evergreen shrub for the shade with long, attractive, pointed leaves and abundant fruiting. If male plants are nearby, it produces red berries. Native to Japan and Korea. Hardy to Zone 7.
Aucuba japonica 'Mellow Mushroom'
Japanese aucuba
A very nice, very compact Aucuba with longish, glossy dark green foliage that's very lightly speckled with bright gold spots. Even gardeners of a delicate constitution should love this modestly ornamented Aucuba.
Aucuba japonica 'Mr. Goldstrike'
Japanese aucuba
A variegated cultivar featuring deep green leaves with heavy bright yellow blotching. A male plant, so it will not produce fruit but will gladly pollinate any nearby female Aucuba plants.
Aucuba japonica 'Mr. Wonderful'
dwarf Japanese aucuba
Thick, glossy evergreen leaves heavily spotted with gold cover this male aucuba, which bears terminal clusters of very showy four-petaled burgundy flowers. A selection from the National Arboretum, it can serve as a pollinator for other aucubas. Ideal for brightening a shady spot.
Aucuba japonica 'Nana'
Japanese aucuba
This shade-loving compact shrub offers an erect habit and a profusion of red berries.
Aucuba japonica 'Ōba Nakafu'
gold-centered Japanese aucuba
Very thick green leaves with lovely bright yellow centers and no spots. A large, robust growing cultivar with leaves at least 10" by 4" with very pronounced saw tooth edges.
Aucuba japonica 'Pacman'
dwarf Japanese aucuba
A Plant Delights nursery introduction of a Paul James seedling. This compact male Aucuba has rounded somewhat distorted leaf on a very tight mound. Japanese aucuba is one of the best evergreen shrubs for dry shade.
Aucuba japonica (Paul James seedling No. 6)
variegated Japanese aucuba
This 5 to 8-foot shrub really pops in a shady location thanks to gorgeous leaves that feature a yellow-gold central section bordered by bright green edges that are speckled with yellow.
Aucuba japonica 'Petite Jade'
dwarf Japanese aucuba
'Petite Jade' is a dwarf aucuba selection from the US National Arboretum. It grows at the National Arboretum on a hillside making a tight 3' mound of green foliage.
Aucuba japonica 'Pink Champagne'
Japanese aucuba
Aucuba are tough evergreen plants for shady garden spots. This solid green leaf form with thick-textured foliage sports fairly deeply serrate margins. If there is a suitable male Aucuba in the vicinity, expect this female cultivar to have a good set of pearly pink fruits in winter.
Aucuba japonica 'Subaru'
variegated Japanese aucuba
Aucuba japonica 'Subaru' has heavily gold-spotted evergreen leaves. This female selection is a demur 4' tall. Needs a male nearby to produce red winter fruit.
Aucuba japonica 'Tatsumaki'
Japanese aucuba
'Tatsumaki' is a Japanese selection whose name means 'tornado', describing its oddly twisted, long, dark green, leaves (6" × 2"). Your shade garden has plenty of room for this great plant, since it grows to only 3' tall in seven years. Relatively new in the trade, 'Tatsumaki' has performed well for us in the JCRA Lath House since 2012.
Aucuba japonica (thin white margin)
Japanese aucuba
Rrom Mr. Suzuki's Garden Kinosato in Japan via Paul J. Ciener Botanic Garden, this aucuba's name is a misnomer as we find the leaves to be more lightly mottled with white than margined. Compact. Tidy grower. Male.
Bambusa multiplex 'Fernleaf'
dwarf clumping fernleaf bamboo
Clumping bamboo perfect for the small garden. Small green leaves emerge all along the canes like fern fronds. Fully evergreen down into the teens. Root hardy to about -5F.
Baptisia 'Aspiring'
aspiring false indigo
This 2021 introduction from JLBG forms an upright clump crowded with beautiful lavender flower spikes in late spring, just as many baptisias finish flowering.
Baptisia australis
blue wild-indigo
Herbaceous perennial; stately spikes of rich blue flowers above emerald-green, three-parted foliage.
Baptisia 'Brownie Points'
The unconventional flower color is quite lovely on a mature specimen. Drought tolerate!
Baptisia 'Cinnamon Candles'
false indigo
'Cinnamon Candles' starts flowering in mid-April, when 50" spikes of bicolor chocolate and gold flowers emerge above foliage. Drought tolerant native perennial.
Baptisia 'Grape Taffy'
dwarf wild-indigo
A dwarf cultivar for smaller gardens. The royal purple flowers are accented by a buff yellow keel for a bicolor effect.
Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue'
Decadence yellow wild-indigo
Blue-tinted foliage contrasts beautifully with grayish stems and the profuse yellow flowers of this compact form of Baptisia.
Baptisia 'Royal Candles'
Baptisia 'Sunny Morning'
Prairieblues yellow wild-indigo
A yellow flowered cultivar with a slightly smaller habit than other yellows on the market.
Bauhinia forficata
orchid tree
Bauhinia forficata is a normally tropical tree that survives in Raleigh by dying back to the ground in our cold winters. In good growing conditions, it will grow to roughly 8' tall during the warm season. In fall, this tree produces large white flowers with narrow petals. Hardy to zone 7b and prefers part–sun.
Bauhinia grandidieri
blue orchid tree
This Madagascar native small tree is not hardy for us in Raleigh, but it is pretty enough to put into a potted plant or bonsai collection. Tiny leaves and pale blue flowers late in the warm season.
Begonia 'Chandler's Hardy'
Shangri-La hardy begonia
Beautiful palmate olive-green leaves with silver spots are followed in the late summer by pale pink flowers. Prefers plenty of mulch and a moist location. A Shayne Chandler collection from China.
Begonia 'Cotes de Castillon'
hardy begonia
This cold hardy begonia has large 10" glossy silvery leaves with a maroon back, held at the end of burgundy petioles. The clumps are adorned with pink flowers, but these are mostly produced below the foliage. The key to outdoor survival in cold winter climates is keeping the soil dry in the winter months.
Begonia grandis 'Pink Teardrops'
hardy begonia
Easy to grow, hardy begonia for woodland gardens offers plentiful pink blooms from June through September. A Plant Delights/JLBG 2017 introduction.
Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery'
hardy begonia
3" pot; A real wow of a hardyish begonia with star-like leaves of silver with a burgundy center and veins. Mulch well and perhaps take some cuttings as insurance but this plant should survive unless the rhizomes freeze. Named for a legendary Jazz singer.
Begonia aff. palmata
Collected by plant explorer Dan Hinkley (DJHM 13008) on the slopes of Mt. Phonganrazi at 9000' elevation during a 2013 trip to Myanmar. Beautifully marbled leaves. Winter mulch suggested.
Begonia pedatifida
hardy foot begonia
Beautiful palmate, green, maple-esque leaves have reddish veins and are followed in summer with white to pale pink flowers. Prefers plenty of mulch and a moist location. Has been fully winter hardy here at the JCRA.
Begonia 'Pewterware'
hardy begonia
A lovely silver-leafed hardy begonia with pink summer flowers. Juniper Level Botanic Garden has found it hardy in their garden to the upper teens. We recommend mulching well. An excellent houseplant. 18" tall and wide.
Begonia aff. taipeiensis
Taipei begonia
A very newly described begonia hybrid found in northern Taiwan. Pink flowers on a semi-epiphytic plant that grows on moss covered rocks or in ordinary garden soil. Can be grown in warm climates outdoors or as a houseplant.
Belamcanda chinensis
blackberry lily
Herbaceous perennial, "blackberry lily", easy, tough, durable, best in sun; Zone 4–9.
Berberis ×ottawensis 'Concorde'
dwarf Ottawa barberry
A very nice dwarf hybrid Ottawa barberry, 'Concorde' forms a tight mound of intense black-purple foliage that holds its color in heat and sun. This hybrid produces many fewer seeds than a Japanese barberry and is not a nuisance.
Berberis tsangpoensis
Tibetan barberry
This barberry is native to southeastern Tibet, growing on sunny, steep slopes in well-drained locations. It is an attractive, dwarf, semi-evergreen shrub that forms a low (18” tall), wide spreading mound. Leaves are small, diamond-shaped and stems have long spines. Berries are pendent, scarlet, and shiny. These plants were grown from seed obtained from National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Ireland, and we invite you to trial this one along with us.
Beschorneria septentrionalis
false red agave
Exotic flowers are a bright fuchsia-red tipped in emerald green on a 5' red spike. All year, the evergreen rosette makes an attractive clump to 3' wide. Although it's an agave relative, the rosette has no spines. Drought-tolerant, but it can take moisture if the location is well-drained.
Beschorneria yuccoides 'Besys'
Flamingo Glow variegated Mexican lily
A yellow variegated selection of this Mexican native plant. Yucca-like in shape but instead of white flowers, Beschorneria has pink to red flowers and soft foliage. While we have grown Beschorneria yuccoides outside in a protected spot for years, it is somewhat marginal in zone 7b and this heavily variegated form is likely to be quite tender and may be best grown as a container plant until a sucker can be divided off as a backup plant. Sun; well-drained; 4' tall and wide.
Betula kusmisscheffii
We don't really know much about this birch from northern Europe and neither does anyone else apparently. It may be a variety of B. pubescens or a naturally occurring hybrid. It appears to form a compact to groundcovering plant in its natural habitat but will likely grow larger in a warmer area.
Bignonia capreolata 'Jekyll'
Collected on Jekyll Island, this native crossvine flowers prodigiously with long, tubular, orange flowers with yellow throats. Semi-evergreen to evergreen foliage. Best flowering in full sun where it will attract hummingbirds.
Bletilla striata
Chinese ground orchid
An easy to grow woodland perennial from Asia with pleated foliage and pink orchid flowers. This is one of the toughest and most reliable of perennials for shade. Will spread to form full clumps over time.
Bletilla striata 'Albostriata'
variegated Chinese ground orchid
This showy Japanese ground orchid has a very subtle white edge to each of the 20" pleated leaves. Deep magenta-purple flowers brighten the garden in early spring. This plant will clump up quickly in the garden.
Bletilla striata 'Innocence'
white Chinese ground orchid
A pure white form of this landscape orchid.
Boehmeria biloba
sandpaper plant
This unique clumping perennial features sandpaper-like leaves that split into 2 lobes (thus, biloba) at the ends. Lush and lovely addition to the garden.
Boehmeria japonica var. tenera 'Chantilly'
spike false nettle
This is a brightly variegated foliage plant for the shade garden. With more sun, the foliage becomes more green. Foliage is also edible. Unusual pink pipe-cleaner like flowers.
Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'
angel's trumpet
Brugmansia 'Inca Sun'
dwarf angel's trumpet
One of the most floriferous of all angel's trumpets, starting earlier than most and flowering continuously through summer.
Brugmansia 'Sunset'
angel's trumpet
A variegated form with white-edged foliage. This is a dieback shrub for us that prefers moist soil and full sun.
Buddleja 'Blue Chip Jr.'
Lo & Behold dwarf butterfly bush
From the breeding program of NCSU's Denny Werner comes one of his newest additions to the dwarf butterfly bushes. 'Blue Chip Jr.' is a really little dwarf, reaching only 20"-28" tall. It is perfect for containers or small garden spots.
Buddleja cordata
Mexican butterfly bush
This plant hails from Mexico, where it makes a sizable tree used in tough spots like parking lots. In central North Carolina, it just won't form a tree but instead makes a lovely shrub with gorgeous large silvery foliage. Fragrant white flowers in late fall, though not particularly showy, add to the plant's appeal and provide nectar for a variety of pollinators.
Buddleja 'Dark Dynasty'
Monarch Collection butterfly bush
Fragrant rich purple flowers on branched panicles serve as pollinator magnets in the garden.
Buddleja davidii 'Evil Ways'
golden butterfly bush
A chartreuse leaved sport of 'Santana' introduced by Cistus Design Nursery. Deep purple flowers provide a strong contrast to the foliage which does not burn in full sun. This is a bright accent in the garden and looks great in a container.
Buddleja davidii 'Potter's Purple'
butterfly bush
This is a perfect addition to the back of a sunny perennial border.
Buddleja 'Grand Cascade'
butterfly bush
The largest flowers of any butterfly bush bar none. Incredible. This inter specific hybrid is sterile, so no seedlings are produced.
Buddleja 'Lilac Cascade'
butterfly bush
12 to 18-inch fragrant, puffy, pale lilac flower panicles cascade down like a waterfall all summer from this 4-foot pollinator magnet. Beautiful!
Buddleja loricata
mountain sagewood
Everyone needs an evergreen butterfly-bush! This South African shrub bears tough, corrugated leaves all year through. The deep sage green leaves are highlighted by silvery hairs covering the stems and undersides of the leaves and the small flowers are very pleasantly fragrant.
Buddleja 'Miss Molly'
butterfly bush
The former JC Raulston Arboretum director, Denny Werner, bred this brightly colored beauty. Functionally sterile and noninvasive in areas like the northeast where others can be a problem.
Buddleja 'Miss Violet'
butterfly bush
The former JC Raulston Arboretum director, Denny Werner, bred this grape-colored beauty. Functionally sterile and noninvasive in areas like the northeast where others can be a problem.
Buddleja 'Purple Haze'
compact butterfly bush
This compact butterfly-bush from Denny Werner's breeding program is compact without being stiff. It grows as a low plant with horizontal branching and loads of long, deep purple, sterile flower spikes all summer long. Full sun, 36" tall by 40" wide.
Buddleja 'Queen of Hearts'
Monarch Collection butterfly bush
From top to bottom, this plant produces 7–9" panicles of vibrant magenta flowers that point in all directions from late summer to early fall.
Buddleja salviifolia
South African sage-wood
Buddleja 'SMNBDO' (Pugster Periwinkle)
dwarf butterfly bush
Another in the Monrovia series of dwarf butterfly bushes. Pugster Periwinkle has fragrant soft purple flowers (large for such a tiny plant) in summer and a tiny 24" height. Grows best in full sun. Hardy in zones 5–9.
Buddleja ×wardii
Kingdon-Ward's butterfly bush
Collected by JCRA, this atypical buddleja features toothed, silver-felted leaves. Showy addition for a sunny, well-drained spot.
Bulbine abyssinica
ethiopian bulbine
A Tony Avent collection (A1SA-097) from South Africa at 8000' near the Tiffendell Ski Resort. It has been hardy in Raleigh where the 20" lower stems bear bright yellow flowers.
Buxus harlandii
Harland's boxwood
Rarely offered in the trade, this is a superior dwarf boxwood for the Deep South. It has charming bright green leaves, plus a distinct, dense, rounded form. It can form a multi-stemmed mound with foliage to the ground. Drought tolerance and pest resistance is better than most boxwoods.
Buxus harlandii 'Goliath'
Harland's boxwood
Buxus harlandii is one of our favorite boxwoods with distinctive foliage and growth habit. This form popped up in the Southeast and looks like the species on steroids. There is no better group of plants for dry shade than boxwoods.
Buxus henryi
Henry's boxwood
A very rarely encountered shrub, Henry's boxwood makes a 5- to 9-foot evergreen shrub with some of the largest leaves of any temperate boxwood, sometimes to over 2 inches long. Sun to shade, zone 7 at least.
Buxus microphylla 'Compacta'
common boxwood
Buxus 'Kingsville' is a very slow growing, mounding plant that would be prefect for a small space in your garden. It also makes a great container plant.
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Grejade'
Baby Jade Japanese boxwood
This compact boxwood holds a deep green color all winter long. It forms a lovely plant with no need for pruning to keep in scale with the landscape.
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Unraveled'
weeping Japanese boxwood
Buxus microphylla 'Peergold'
Golden Dream variegated boxwood
'Peergold' is a compact, low-mounded, evergreen cultivar of boxwood that features bright green leaves, variegated with irregular golden yellow margins. Growth habit is nice and tight, and foliage is very dense. Great for small garden spaces. Deer and Rabbit tolerant.
Buxus microphylla var. riparia
Japanese boxwood
This boxwood variety is a small-leafed plant forming a mid-sized shrub with a somewhat more lax and open habit than the typical species. It makes a lovely addition to the garden and is especially nice in a woodland setting.
Buxus 'Prostrate3'
Flat-tery dwarf boxwood
An unusual boxwood that stays nearly flat to the ground (24") and grows twice as wide as it is tall. A nice accent plant for the front of the foundation. Boxwood are undervalued for their tremendous adaptability to dry shade situations. Sun to shade; 24" tall by 48" wide.
Buxus sempervirens 'Aurea Pendula'
variegated common boxwood
Boxwoods are standard plants of most landscapes of the Mid-Atlantic states of the eastern U.S. They are superb, deer-resistant, landscape shrubs. This selection has an upright form with branches that weep toward the tips with a light yellow variegation. Avoid poorly drained sites.
Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk'
upright common boxwood
'Dee Runk' is among the finest of the upright boxwoods forming a narrow pyramid of deep green foliage. Boxwoods can be grown in full sun but will also perform very well in dry shade.
Buxus sempervirens 'Northland'
columnar common boxwood
Evergreen shrub to 4' tall by 2' wide. Popular as a hedge shrub or topiary. Deer usually leave boxwood alone. A narrowly columnar selection of boxwood
Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa'
dwarf English boxwood
The classic English boxwood with a softly rounded outline. Perfect for foundation plantings but also one of the best evergreens for shade gardens.
Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'
common boxwood
'Vardar Valley' stands out among our collection for its low, spreading form, and distinct, blue-green foliage. It has been widely touted for its cold hardiness, but the foliage probably distinguishes it most from other boxwoods. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
Buxus sinica var. insularis (spreading dwarf)
spreading dwarf boxwood
We received this plant several years ago from Appledoom Landscape Nursery. This tall, slow ground-cover has settled in quite well in the shady garden here at the JCRA and we think it has real landscape potential.
Buxus wallichiana
Himalayan boxwood
This dark green, evergreen shrub is an attractive candidate for southern gardens with its nice foliage and tolerance of shady growing conditions. Add the unusually large-sized leaves and you have a highly textural shrub that can be used to add to a subtropical-like planting in your garden.
Calamintha 'Marvelette Blue'
Calibrachoa 'USCAL58205'
Superbells Strawberry Punch calibrachoa
This popular annual bears miniature petunia flowers. Best in a container, hanging basket or windowbox where the trailing habit can be appreciated.
We collected this beautyberry at over 5,500' in Taiwan just north of Lisong Hot Springs on Nanbu Cross Island Hwy. It made a beautiful shrub covered in small, bright purple fruits. We haven't had the fortitude to ID it for certain.
Callicarpa acuminata
Mexican beautyberry
You can thank the late Texas plantsman, Lynn Lowery, for collecting this unusual beautyberry in Mexico. Like other beautyberries (Callicarpa), this deciduous shrub is grown for its arching branches of berries in late summer to fall. Fruit color is best described as a super dark wine, nearly black. At the JCRA the fruit remains on the plant late into the season. Plants can reach about 6' to 8' tall but are best maintained by cutting to the ground each winter.
Callicarpa americana
American beautyberry
Southeastern U.S. native with large bright purple berries borne close along the stems. Although it will grow in the shade, it produces more berries in full sun. Light pink flowers are insignificant. Birds really enjoy the fruit in winter.
Callicarpa americana 'Berries and Cream'
variegated American beautyberry
Callicarpa means beautiful fruit/seeded (kallos = beauty and karpos = fruit) and we certainly agree. 'Berries and Cream' is an excellent for name for this selection since each leaf has a nice creamy marbled pattern with stems of large bright purple berries. Delightful!
Callicarpa americana (ex. 'Welch's Pink')
Callicarpa americana var. lactea
white American beautyberry
These are seedlings from a plant growing at the JCRA. All the seedlings should be white fruited because the parent plant is fairly isolated from the purple-fruited varieties) but you never know what kind of hanky panky goes on in the arboretum at night!
Callicarpa americana (pink fruited wild collection)
pink fruited American beautyberry
American beautyberry has fragrant, fuzzy green foliage. Loads of small, pinkish to bluish flowers appear in mid--summer to be followed by clumps of pink drupes. Butterflies, bees, and birds love beautyberry. Mosquitoes, ants and other pesky creatures hate it! How wonderful!
Callicarpa americana 'Welch's Pink'
American beautyberry
Callicarpa brevipes
We collected the bright purple fruit of this small, upright beautyberry at the South China Botanical Garden in Guangzhou, China. Narrow leaves emerge with a purple tint before bearing white to lavender flowers, followed by showy purple fruit. It has so far proven to be an excellent garden plant surviving the cold 2014 winter with no problem.
Callicarpa 'Cardinal'
This cultivar of beautyberry makes a medium sized shrub with lavender flowers that give way to masses of glossy purple fruit. This plant was apparently selected and named for the fall foliage which turns a lovely purplish-pink in fall, especially if sited in sun.
Callicarpa dichotoma f. albifructus
white beautyberry
White fruited variety of another Asian beauty berry. Indispensable for fall show. Sun to light shade, 5'–6', Zone 5.
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Duet'
variegated white beautyberry
Callicarpa formosana
Formosan beautyberry
This Asian beauty matures into a graceful, upright deciduous shrub. Multiple stems with arching branches add to its pleasing form. Butterflies swam it in late summer when clusters of small pink flowers cover the branches. With the arrival of autumn, deep-purple clusters of berries hug the stems.
Callicarpa japonica 'Shiji Murasaki'
Wine Spritzer beautyberry
Unlike most Japanese beautyberries, this form is especially attractive, growing somewhat upright with heavy branching. Its green leaves are very attractively variegated with splashes and speckles of white. New growth emerges pink and young stems are pink.
Callicarpa kwangtungensis
Guangdong beautyberry
A truly distinctive beautyberry, hailing from southern China. This deciduous shrub exhibits beautiful narrow, elliptic-shaped leaves, with rich dark purplish-green foliage. Different from all other beautyberries in our collection. The fruit is a lovely pinkish-purple color.
Callicarpa oshimensis
Callistemon 'Woodlander's Red'
hardy bottlebrush
Introduced many years ago by Woodlanders Nursery (Aiken, SC), this bottlebrush has continually impressed us with its cold hardiness and outstanding summer floral display. Plants are typically wider than tall and produce red flowers clustered midway along the stems in bottlebrush fashion in the summer. Red to purple winter foliage.
Calycanthus ×raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Raulston allspice
A hybrid between our native sweetshrub and the Asian species created here at the JCRA. Large, glossy leaves and slightly fragrant deep maroon flowers in spring to early summer. Displays incredible hybrid vigor. We've offered this plant before but it is still one of our favorite garden plants.
Calycanthus 'SMNCAF'
Simply Scentsational sweetshrub
An especially fragrant selection of this U.S. native shrub whose flowers emit hints of melon, banana, strawberry, pineapple and either Juicy Fruit or bubble gum (depending on your nose). Flowers in late spring to early summer. Hardy in zones 4–9 in full to part sun.
Camellia ×hiemalis 'Green's Blues'
Blue might be a stretch but the flowers of this camellia have a definite blue tinge that makes them quite different from any other camellia you'll find. Good sized purple buds open to reveal purple-pink double flowers that become decidedly more blue-lavender as they age.
Camellia japonica 'Akashigata'
Japanese camellia
This robust cultivar offers a profusion of intense pink semi-double flowers accented by saffron stamens from winter into spring. A southern garden favorite, 'Akashigata' will become an evergreen spreading shrub or small tree.
Camellia japonica 'Debutante Benten'
variegated Japanese camellia
Abundant, large, light pink, peony style blooms make a delightful contrast to the glossy, dark green leaves which are delicately edged with white. Perfect for milder regions, and one of the earliest to bloom. Use as an accent in lightly shaded beds or patio containers.
Camellia japonica (fishtail, white w/ red stripes)
fish-tail Japanese camellia
This is a rarely offered camellia, the "fish-tail" camellia, with evergreen leaves that have lobes on their terminal portion. Grows best in part shade and produces single white flowers in spring. It adds a bit more textural interest to an otherwise familiar evergreen landscape shrub.
Camellia japonica 'Lois Coker'
Japanese camellia
Gorgeous, formal-looking double white flowers pick up moonlight as well as sunlight from winter to spring.
Camellia japonica 'White By The Gate'
Japanese camellia
Brighten you winter with this stunning addition to your garden! "White by the Gate" is a large, broadleaf evergreen shrub to small tree with attractive smooth gray branches filled with oval, glossy, toothed, dark green leaves. From late winter to early spring enjoy a display of large, waxy white flowers. Excellent for cutting!
Camellia sasanqua 'Green 99-012'
October Magic Dawn camellia
Large rose-form flowers are a blend of pale pink shades.
Camellia sasanqua 'Hanajiman'
sasanqua camellia
Fall blooming shrub with deep green, glossy leaves and single petaled, crinkly white blooms with fuchsia edges and bright yellow stamens. Prefers well-drained soils. Drought resistant when established.
Camellia sinensis
Camellia sinensis (large flower)
tea tree camellia
Noted for its large, glossy dark green, saw-toothed edged leaves, in fall this cultivar produces delicate, fragrant, single flowers with bright yellow stamens. True to its 'tea tree' moniker, young leaves are used for green tea, older leaves for oolong and black tea and buds for white tea.
Camellia 'Snow Flurry'
Ackerman camellia
Camellia tsaii 'Erina'
cascading camellia
Pink buds lead to flowers with reddish-pink colored outer petals. New shoots are red. As a result, the plant is visually appealing all year round.
Camellia ×vernalis 'Christmas Candy'
Mid-season, to-die-for pink flowers have a white edge for a striking contrast. This is an easy and quite striking addition to the December-January camellia show.
Camellia ×vernalis 'Egao Corkscrew'
contorted vernal camellia
Camellia ×williamsii 'Mary Christian'
Williamsii camellia
A consistent strong performer in the late winter months, 'Mary Christian' produces masses of semi-double dark pink flowers in late winter to early spring.
Campanula cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue'
A compact variety that blooms delicate, dark blue, bell shaped flowers. Forms a low growing, spreading cushion. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Campanula glomerata
clustered bellflower
Clusters of upward facing bell-shaped flowers atop 2' stalks. This species does well in the N.C. Piedmont area.
Campanula glomerata 'Superba'
clustered bellflower
Notably floriferous. Expect upright-facing clusters of deep violet bells to rise above this perennial in late spring. Cutting back dead flower stalks may lead to re-blooming.
Campanula hofmannii
Hofmann's bellflower
Add this delightful perennial to your cut flower garden, or grow it to attract more bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It has an attractive, dense, bushy habit, and creamy white, pendent, bell-shaped flowers in late spring. Grow in a well-drained location.
Campanula incurva
Evia bellflower
Large, ice blue bells are beautifully displayed on branching stems. Buds are rosy tipped. Low, tight foliage rosette is attractive and remains evergreen. Rich, well-drained soil is best. Native to Greece.
Campanula komarovii
Bell-shaped purple blooms framed by heart-shaped foliage with serrated edges adorn this drought-tolerant, sun-loving perennial all summer.
Campanula sibirica
Siberian bellflower
Campanula takesimana
Korean bellflower
Dark green basal rosettes give rise to 18" stems of pendant bell-shaped flowers. Bells are lilac to white with maroon speckles on the inside. Brightens up shady corners, and it's easy to share!
Campsis ×tagliabuana 'Guilfoylei'
trumpet vine
This Australian introduction is a vigorous climbing vine with clusters of large, orange-red, trumpet-like flowers that hummingbirds just love. This prolific bloomer is more restrained and has a longer flowering period than the our native species (Campsis radicans).
Canna musifolia
banana canna
A gigantic canna grown for its tropical foliage rather than its insignificant flowers.
Canna 'Orange Punch'
canna lily
A medium sized 4' tall canna lily with intense orange and yellow flowers. Canna lilies are very tolerant of heavy wet soil but thrive equally well in average soils, but not dry ones.
Canna 'Orange Tiger'
canna lily
This 5' tall canna lily features variegated foliage of narrow green and yellow stripes. In summer the plants are topped with bicolor flowers of orange with a yellow edge. A recent (2018) introduction from Thailand.
Canna 'Pacific Beauty'
canna lily
Add luscious purple-grey foliage to your garden, but with intense orange flowers that top the 6' tall clumps...a hummingbird hot spot.
Canna patens
canna lily
Species canna with upright, bright green stems and tropical-looking foliage and flowers. Blossoms are bright red with a yellow throat. Leaf roller resistant. (rhizome)
Canna 'Phaison'
Tropicanna variegated canna lily
Few plants provide as much impact as this canna with intensely colored foliage streaked with burgundy, gold, orange, red, and green. If the foliage isn't enough, rich orange flowers top it all summer long.
Canna 'Rose Tiger'
canna lily
Variegated leaves are green striped with yellow. From the 'tiger' series from the New Life Tropicals nursery in Bangkok Thailand.
Canna 'Striata'
canna lily
Capsicum annuum (perennial form)
bird's eye chili pepper
Winter hardy at the South Carolina Botanical Garden, this capsicum yields tiny, sperical, hot birds-eye peppers. A lovely addition to the vegetable garden, this can be grown indoors as well.
Capsicum frutescens 'Hot Returns'
perennial edible hot pepper
This cultivar has survived at the Juniper Level Botanic gardens for the last two (mild) winters in a raised bed made from pertmatill, compost, and garden soil. Starting in summer, this 4' shrub produces small, spicy fruits that emerge green and turn a festive yellow, orange, and red as they mature. The fruits persist on the plant long after the top has been killed by fall frost...a colorful Thanksgiving display. Requires excellent winter drainage for survival. Its ultimate cold hardiness remains to be discovered. But the fruits produce plenty of seeds in case the mother plant dies.
Cardamine diphylla
Toothwort is an attractive little wildflower of moist deciduous forests. The Cherokee made a poultice of the roots to treat headache. Host plant for falcate orange-tip butterfly.
Carex cherokeensis
Cherokee sedge
It's a clump former, not a spreader, and prefers moist soil over dry.
Carex flacca
carnation grass
Drought tolerance and lovely gray-blue foliage make this ornamental grass a welcome addition to the garden.
Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger'
'Blue Zinger' is a dense, grass-like sedge with softly, cascading, blue-green leaves. Grow it as a ground cover in dry or moist soil. Although it has soft and fine effect, it is drought tolerant and tough once established. A late winter hair cut will keep it tidy. DEER RESISTANT!
Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'
variegated sedge
Stiff, deep green leaves are each bordered by a white edge for an easy and reliable grass-like perennial all year round. Best if cut to the ground in late winter before new growth emerges. Grow in average to damp soils.
Carex muskingumensis
palm sedge
A native sedge useful for wet sites. Gently spreading, it is useful for erosion control
Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'
Evercolor variegated Japanese sedge
The grass experts at Hoffman Nursery says: "What makes this sedge different? Its lime green leaves gradually deepen to solid golden yellow. Adds a color burst to mixed container plantings, garden beds, and borders. Can spread slowly by rhizomes to form a vibrant ground cover".
Carex pendula
weeping sedge
Carex siderosticta 'Banana Boat'
variegated creeping broad-leafed sedge
A yellow variegated form of the deciduous Carex siderosticta from Japan. An easy-to-grow textural plant for the moist woodland garden.
Carex vulpinoidea
Fast growing ornamental grass perfect for wet areas or prairie gardens.
Carpinus coreana
Korean ironwood
A deciduous, multi-stemmed tree/shrub with small lustrous leaves that turn burgundy, red, orange or yellow in fall. A popular bonsai plant. Monecious catkin-like flowers appear in spring. A slow grower that appreciates some afternoon shade.
Carpinus coreana
Model Rocket Korean hornbeam
From Heritage Seedlings comes this great tree: "Perfect as a street tree because of its narrow growth habit (5’ × 20’ after 12 yrs) and its tiny leaves mean it never makes a cleanup mess after leaf drop. Branches are tough. Fall color favors yellow sprinkled with a bit of orange."
Carpinus japonica
Japanese hornbeam
Among the Carpinus (hornbeams), there probably is none with more beautiful foliage than this species. Carpinus japonica, a small-sized tree reaching about 20' in height, bears attractive, finely-pleated leaves, looking as if they have been pressed. In summer, hop-like fruit catkins appear, light green in color and standing in contrast to the dark green leaves. Best in part-shade to part-sun sites. Hardy throughout NC. We collected this seed in 2011 under collection number MWJ11-652 in the Nagano region of Japan. (3.5" pot)
Cartrema americana
wild olive
This evergreen native shrub has wonderfully fragrant flowers in the spring. Its flowers are great for pollinators and the birds love the berries. It becomes very drought tolerant once established and will provide a great evergreen foundation in your garden.
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Gold Crest'
With chartreuse leaves in spring, and blue flowers in late summer and early fall, this plant prefers moist, well-drained soil, but tolerates drier soil once established. Deer and rabbit resistant. Cut to within 6" of ground in mid-spring to promote fresh growth and blooms on new wood.
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Inoveris'
Grand Bleu bluebeard
Bluebeard is a wonderful low-mounded, deciduous shrub valued for its fragrance and late summer flowers resembling clouds of blue smoke or mist. Grand Bleu features a shrub-covering bloom of fragrant, deep blue flowers from late summer into fall. Foliage is aromatic when brushed with a hand. Flowers are enjoyed by butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects.
Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Summer Sorbet'
variegated bluebeard
Caryopteris divaricata 'Blue Butterflies'
This deer-resistant, late summer bloomer is well worth the wait! August through September, it is topped with delightful blue blooms resembling eyelashes. Bees, butterflies and birds love its bouncing flowers. It would be very happy at the back of your sunny border.
Castanopsis delavayi
Delavay's chinquapin
Uncommon oak relative from China makes a lovely, thick trunked tree, and is a great addition to any oak lover's garden. Evergreen leaves are quite attractive and acorn-like fruits mature in their second year. Somewhat tender, so plant in a protected spot or under high shade.
Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea'
gold-leaf catalpa
Drought tolerant tree features heart-shaped chartreuse leaves and lovely orchid-like flowers.
Catalpa fargesii
Chinese catalpa
An easy to grow shade tree that likes moist loamy soil. The late spring flowers are large and spectacular. The large leaves look wonderful early in the season but can look a little beat up by late summer. The long, narrow seed pods in fall are also ornamental.
Ceanothus ×delilianus 'Henri Desfossé'
hybrid ceanothus
Compact, deciduous shrub offers a profusion of small, blue flowers on upright panicles that can last all summer. Drought tolerant. Requires well-drained soil.
Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue'
spreading Deodar cedar
A unique dwarf spreading evergreen with icy blue needles. This lowest of the dwarf Deodar cedars rarely develops a leader. A wonderful specimen for smaller spaces, rock gardens and containers.
Celtis formosana
Taiwan hackberry
A lovely tree from Taiwan suitable for any tough spots in the garden. Orange fruit in fall add to the appeal of this rarely seen landscape tree.
Cephalanthus occidentalis 'Just Deserts'
All summer, this deciduous shrub is covered with white, spiky-spheroid flowers that attract pollinators. Drought tolerant too. We love it. Despite its warm native habitat, it has been winter hardy for us in Raleigh since 2018.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia
Golden Dragon plum yew
This low and wide golden conifer makes a somewhat low, vase-shaped shrub growing to about 3' tall by 5' wide in about five years. It makes the perfect bright, year-round accent to the landscape or a vivid low hedge. Color is brightest in spring and with more sun.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Mary Fleming'
dwarf Japanese plum yew
This low spreading plum-yew makes a wide ground covering shrub for the shade garden. We've been impressed with its exceptional performance with minimal care for many years. Very low growing here at JCRA.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Watnong'
spreading Japanese plum yew
Plum-yews are some of the very best conifers for southern landscapes with deep green foliage, great heat tolerance, and very deer resistance. This form is a low spreading evergreen. Our plant is 10 years old and is about 2.5' tall by almost 8' across. Grow in shade to sun.
Cephalotaxus sinensis (Peckerwood dense form)
Chinese plum yew
Ceratostigma griffithii 'Snow Flurries'
white Griffith's leadwort
Ceratostigma willmottianum
Chinese plumbago
Cercis canadensis
eastern redbud
Grown from a random mix of seed collected from around the JC Raulston Arboretum.
Cercis 'Wavecrest'
hybrid redbud
A Cercis hybrid (canadensis × chinensis) found at Wavecrest nurseries with exceptional cold hardiness (-12°F). It's densely covered in pink flowers in spring. At just 7' (in 10 years), this is a good redbud for a small garden.
Cestrum 'Orange Peel'
hybrid jessamine
'Orange Peel' is a like a living bouquet of pure orange blossoms that, in warmer climates, begin with the first mild days in spring and last until the first hard frost. Having no fragrance during the day, the tubular flowers give off a delightful sweet smell as soon as the sun sets.
Cestrum parqui
willow-leaved jessamine
Willow-leaved jessamine is often grown as a dieback shrub. It has narrow foliage on vigorous stems that grow up to 5’ in zone 7 north. Its beautiful clusters of orange-yellow flowers are night fragrant. Fruits are black and bead-like.
Chaenomeles (Chris's contorted)
contorted quince
This makes a lovely plant for bringing winter color to the garden and cut stems can be forced indoors for a shot of spring when winter threatens to bring you down.
Chaenomeles japonica 'Pygmaea'
dwarf Japanese flowering quince
Chamaecyparis obtusa
Hinoki falsecypress
Perfect for a holiday display or outdoor pot, this plant is an unknown dwarf cultivar of Chamaecyparis obtusa. This Japanese evergreen will probably grow slowly. If planted in the garden, it may reach 8 feet in 10 years.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Conschlecht'
Night Light gold Hinoki falsecypress
Night Light is a beautiful rounded evergreen shrub with upright to arching branches with golden foliage. Fall color is bronze.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Golden Fern'
dwarf Hinoki cypress
This distinctive, rare, semi-dwarf hinoki cypress has a tightly branched, broad habit with age. It makes a beautiful addition to the garden with its pale chartreuse color and fern-like pattern. It has a tendency to burn in full sun so protection from afternoon sun is beneficial.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri'
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress
A dwarf selection with a squat pyramidal habit (like short fat Christmas tree) that is slightly irregular which provides artistic texture to the garden.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Special Variegated'
variegated Hinoki falsecypress
An upright evergreen conifer that really lives up to its name. Loose sprays of green foliage are covered with a glaze of cream white. Easy to grow, it will not burn in full sun once established. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 7’ tall x 3’ wide in 10 years.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Clouded Sky'
blue Sawara falsecypress
A medium sized blue gray form of Sawara falsecypress with both adult and juvenile foliage creating an interesting textural contrast on the same plant. An upright grower, this selection's color will add some cool to the hot summer landscape. Prefers average to well-drained soil.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cream Ball'
dwarf Sawara falsecypress
A dwarf, brightly colored falsecypress growing as a tight mound of creamy colored foliage. Although it starts as a rounded plant, it will become wider than tall as it ages and can eventually grow to 6' or more tall and wide. It is probably best with some protection from afternoon sun.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filip's Happy Day'
dwarf Sawara falsecypress
This slow-growing, dwarf conifer offers gorgeous green foliage sprays, which are tipped with white in spring.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Juniperoides'
dwarf Sawara falsecypress
This venerable old cultivar makes a rounded shrub to about 3' tall with mint-green juvenile foliage for a soft-textured addition to the garden. In 5 years it has doubled in size in our Japanese garden.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold'
gold thread Sawara falsecypress
A great form of gold thread cypress that only gets 4'–6' feet tall and twice as wide. We imagine it will get taller than listed, but still should stay low and wide. Best gold color is in full sun.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Plumosa Aurea Nana'
dwarf goldplume Sawara falsecypress
This rounded shrub has bright yellow, fluffy foliage throughout the years. It grows to approximately 1M in 10 years. A light annual trim is beneficial.
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa Intermedia'
moss Sawara falsecypress
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold'
Sawara falsecypress
"Vintage gold" sports bright golden, fern-like foliage that is soft to the touch and holds its color well throughout the seasons. It's neat, compact, rounded mound and cheerful color make a happy addition to the garden.
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Atlantic white-cedar
Native NC conifer; tolerates poorly drained soils well as compacted urban ones. Bluish foliage. Upright and narrow habit.
Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Barton'
Atlantic white-cedar
Barton’ matures into a handsome and very stately tree. The foliage has a blue cast and is soft in appearance. Atlantic white-cedar is native to the Eastern United States and along the Gulf coast from Florida to Mississippi. Easy to grow, tolerating moisture and part shade.
Chamaecyparis thyoides (fastigiate)
white cypress
This is an extremely narrow form of white cypress.
Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Red Velvet'
Atlantic white-cedar
A columnar evergreen conifer whose green summer foliage turns burgundy in the winter.
Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Rubicon'
Atlantic white-cedar
Juvenile form of our native Atlantic white-cedar with a tight, columnar form; soft blue-green foliage that turns plum-purple in winter. 8'-12' tall by 2'-3' wide. Sun to part shade.
Chamaedorea radicalis
hardy parlor palm
A surprisingly hardy Mexican palm which can withstand temperatures at least as low as 20° F. We'd suggest growing it in a pot to a larger size and planting in spring in a protected spot or keep it as a houseplant.
Chelone glabra 'Black Ace'
white turtlehead
This selection of our native turtlehead emerges in spring with dark black-green foliage. Expect the foliage to become deep green by flowering time.
Chelonopsis moschata
Japanese turtlehead
This herbaceous perennial matures to 30" tall and wide with large, tubular pink flowers in mid- to late summer. The foliage has a musky aroma when rubbed. Best in lightly shaded areas in moist but well-drained soil.
Chelonopsis 'Stonewall Pink'
Japanese turtlehead
Cross between Chelonopsis moschata and C. yagiharana. Black stems support a profusion of summer, lavender pink tubes, becoming paler toward the lip. Easy to grow. Brings cheery color to the bright shade garden, bridging the gap between spring perennials and fall toad lilies.
Chilopsis linearis 'Angel White'
desert willow
Native to SW US and Mexico, Angel White features white, trumpet-shaped, sweetly fragrant flowers from spring to fall. Narrow, willow-like leaves give the plant its graceful appearance. Prefers well-drained soils.
Chilopsis linearis 'Bubba'
desert willow
Large catalpa-like pink flowers are carried from late spring into fall on this showy dryland plant. Happiest on a well-drained soil in full, baking sun where the narrow willowy foliage will flutter and shimmer in the breeze. Zones 7–9.
×Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Morning Cloud'
You just can't beat chitalpa for an exotic bloom. White orchid-like flowers form on this deciduous, small to medium size tree in summer. It is a drought-resistant, fast growing, and multi trunked tree. Its leaves are longer and broader than desert willow, but much smaller than catalpa.
Chloranthus sessilifolius var. austrosinensis
A great herbaceous perennial for the shade garden, this plant's dark foliage, easy growth and restrained white flowers all provide for a great textural addition to the woodland when grown with ferns, hosta and other shade lovers.
Chlorophytum cf. bowkeri
African snake lily
Chlorophytum orchidastrum
Sierra Leone lily
Normally used as a houseplant or shade-loving patio plant, this foliage plant features bright orange leaf petioles.
Chrysanthemum 'Cathy's Rust'
garden chrysanthemum
single-flowered chrysanthemum are superb pollinator supporters
Chrysanthemum chinensis
Chrysanthemum 'Country Girl'
garden chrysanthemum
Low spreading mum. Flowers are soft pink in October. This is a tough, easy, must-have plant for the late season garden. We wouldn't be without it.
Chrysanthemum 'Crystal Falls'
garden chrysanthemum
Naturally spreading chrysanthemum. Long-lasting, white and yellow anemone-type blooms.
Chrysanthemum (Elizabeth Lawrence pink)
garden chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight'
garden chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Golden Lida Thomas'
garden chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Lavender Lady'
perennial mum
Chrysanthemum 'Mei Kyo'
garden chrysanthemum
A cold hardy garden mum with deep rose double pompon flowers in late fall. Pinch in July to improve branching.
Chrysanthemum 'Miss Gloria's Thanksgiving Day'
garden chrysanthemum
Adorable simple, single daisy like flowers at Thanksgiving! The rich lavender petals with golden centers are perfect fall colors. 'Miss Gloria's' sprawling stems work well trained up a fence or into a big shrub such as nandina.
Chrysanthemum 'Mrs. Robinson'
garden chrysanthemum
Tough, vigorous and easy-to-grow, perennial mums bloom in late fall after most other plants. 'Mrs. Robinson' features a bronze-red pompon type flower.
Chrysanthemum 'Sheffield Pink'
Chrysanthemum (single red)
single red daisy mum
Chrysanthemum (single white)
Chrysogonum virginianum 'Eco Lacquered Spider'
A native groundcover in forested areas. This variety grows rapidly on long stolons, so stand back and let it cover your natural areas.
Chrysojasminum bignoniaceum
Indian jasmine
Indian Jasmine makes a lovely vine with bright, emerald green foliage bearing gold flowers similar to our native Carolina jessamine. Fragrant flowers are showy. . Uncertain of the hardiness so suggest growing it against a house where it receives some winter protection.
Chrysojasminum parkeri
Parker's jasmine
Compact prostrate evergreen shrub. Handsome tiny foliage with bright yellow flowers. An overlooked gem. New superior strain from Far Reaches Farm.
Chrysophila stauracantha
rootspine palm
This medium sized palm tree makes a nice pool-side potted plant and sunroom houseplant. A slim trunk and large costapalmate leaves that are silver on the bottom. Mature specimens produce 4" long spines along the trunk. 3' long densely packed white flower clusters turn into clusters of small white fruit. Not hardy in Raleigh.
Cistus 'McGuire's Gold'
Grow this one for its brilliant yellow evergreen leaves even more so than the 2.5" white spring flowers. It has made a tidy, full shrub in sunny dry spots in the Arboretum. Although we struggle to keep most rockrose alive at the JCRA, this one and the variegated 'Mickie' have been long-lived and easy for us. Sun and drainage are a must.
Cistus 'Mickie'
variegated rockrose
Grow this for its evergreen leaves, which are widely bordered in brilliant yellow -- a year-round show-stopper. 2.5" white, spring flowers are almost an afterthought. Unlike many, this rockrose has been long-lived and easy.
Citrus japonica
round kumquat
A cold hardy kumquat that grows into a 30'+ semi-evergreen tree with orange fruits late in the year. The JCRA tree, from which the seed came, is in Bed A11.
Citrus (trifoliata × auranticum)
This trifolate orange produces very sour, but edible fruit.
Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'
contorted hardy orange
Citrus (trifoliata × paradisi 'Dunstan')
This is certainly the best hybrid grapefruit with large 4" orange fruits that taste like slightly bitter grapefruit. It has proven its hardiness over the years and survived 7F with no problem. Orange-blossom scented flowers and green stems add to this plant's charm.
Cladrastis platycarpa
Japanese yellowwood
Small-statured flowering tree with gray-tan bark.
Clematis (evergreen)
evergreen clematis
This evergreen clematis was collected by the JCRA in China in 2012. It is likely to be Clematis armandi with large white, spring flowers and evergreen foliage.
Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Boy'
Nodding bell-shaped blue flowers in summer on this short vine. It is at its best when allowed to wind through and around other prennials.
Clematis 'My Angel'
A small flowering clematis with 1.5" bell shaped flowers that dangle down. Long blooming. Flowers on new growth.
Clematis 'Prince Charles'
A profusion of single, semi-nodding violet-blue flowers, 3" across from early summer to early autumn. Pruning Group 3: prune in February.
Clematis serratifolia
serrate leaf clematis
A gorgeous little clematis with late summer flowers made up of four thick textured petals which open to show off brown-purple anthers late in the season. The variably fragrant flowers are followed by beautiful seed heads. Grow as a vine or let ramble through the garden. Cut back to the lowest pair of plump buds in winter for the best display.
Clematis 'Stand by Me'
A non-vining clematis with nodding, blue, bell-shaped flowers in late spring to early summer.
Clematis 'Stand by Me Pink'
bush clematis
A bush clematis that dies back to the ground each year. Emerging in spring it rapidly grows to around 3' tall and wide and is covered by dangling pink flowers. Benefits from staking.
Clematis tangutica
golden clematis
Climbing clematis from the Himalayas and China. Amid finely cut foliage comes an explosion of yellow lantern-shaped 3-4” flowers. Mopheads of multiple fruits with long silky tails follow. Flowers on new shoots.
Clematis tibetana
Tibetan clematis
Perennial vine. Finely cut bluish foliage. 2" yellow, Japanese-lantern-like flowers in summer.
Clematis tibetana var. vernayi
Prolific vine with deeply dissected, sometimes bluish foliage and lovely nodding yellow blooms from mid-summer through fall. Drought tolerant once established.
Clematis 'Violet Stardust'
bush clematis
From late spring to mid-summer, this clematis shrub is covered with nodding blue-violet 4- to 5-petaled flowers that feature creamy white centers.
Clethra alnifolia 'Crystalina'
Sugartina dwarf summersweet clethra
A selection of the U.S. native species with a more garden-friendly compact habit.
Clethra alnifolia 'Hokie Pink'
pink summersweet clethra
This uncommon clethra features fragrant, pale pink, spiky flowers in summer. Clethra prefers moist soil and will grow (and flower well) in either sun or shade. These shrubs spread by root suckers and will need pruning if a tidy shape is desired. 'Hokie Pink' was discovered at the Virginia Tech Arboreum in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'
Enjoy the fragrant spikes of small rich rose-pink summersweet flowers that stand above glossy green foliage and attract butterflies in summer. Its compact habit makes this a great choice for small gardens, in shrub borders, and mixed into perennial borders.
Clethra alnifolia 'Sherry Sue'
redtwig summersweet clethra
A cultivar released in 2005. 'Sherry Sue' displays bright pinkish-red twigs throughout the growing season. The pink pigment also grades into the inflorescence, yielding pink tones to the flowers.
Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles'
dwarf summersweet clethra
Superb pollinator plant. Yellow fall foliage. Tolerant of wet-sites. Attractive form and seed heads in winter.
Clethra barbinervis
Japanese pepperbush
Japanese deciduous small tree with fragrant,white, summer flowers and handsome bark. This will be wonderful addition to the garden. Zone 6–9; Sun/partial shade.
Clethra fargesii
Farges clethra
Rare in the trade and a gem in the garden! This Chinese plant is packed with spikes of pure white fragrant flowers in mid- to late summer. Flowers occur on 5-7" upright panicles. Lustrous dark green leaves over cinnamon barked stems. Grows 6'–10' tall and prefers partial shade.
Clethra mexicana
Mexican clethra
Cloud forest relative of our native clethra is a large tree in its native habitat, southern Mexico. We're not sure how hardy it will be, so plant in a protected spot and cross your fingers or plant in a pot and bring indoors in winter.
Cleyera japonica 'Variegata'
Romeo variegated Japanese cleyera
A virtual kaleidoscope of color from one plant, this evergreen shrub has leaves edged with white, creamy yellow, and rosy pink. Small white flowers give rise to black fruits. Best in a spot with good air circulation.
Clinopodium grandiflorum 'Variegata'
variegated calamint
A spreading perennial with tubular purple-pink summer flowers and foliage that is speckled with white.
Clinopodium nepeta subsp. glandulosum 'White Cloud'
lesser calamint
aka Calamintha nepeta. White flowers appear in late spring and last all season long until frost. Attracts loads of pollinators. Fragrant foliage smells like oregano, so deer leave it alone.
Clinopodium nepeta 'Montrose White'
lesser calamint
Montrose White forms a lovely 2' mound, which is covered with fragrant white flowers from spring until fall. Because this plant is sterile, it will not self-seed in the garden.
bush lily
Carmel-orange flowers highlight 18" dark green leaves of this lovely houseplant. Inflorescences are produced throughout the year. Tender houseplant or USDA Zones 9-10.
Clivia (variegated)
A houseplant with strappy leaves and orange winter flowers. This variegated form is quite rare.
Collinsonia japonica var. hondoensis
An obscure Japanese woodland perennial whose semi-woody stems make it appear shrub-like. Attractive, 3'–4", white to bluish-pink bottlebrush-like flowers appear above the 2'–3' branches in late summer. Easy to grow in light shade or in morning sun. This plant also circulates in plant nerd circles as Keiskea japonica var. hondoensis.
Colocasia 'Blackwater'
elephant ear
This elephant ear features glossy, jet black stems and glossy, somewhat narrow, dark olive-green leaves. It spreads via black snake-like rhizomes that lay on top of the ground to form a colony.
Colocasia esculenta 'Aloha'
elephant ear
Greenish-black leaves on green stems. Compact habit.
Colocasia esculenta 'Big Dipper'
Colocasia Big Dipper has large dark green cupped up leaves with a slight velvet look to them. It's interesting how the leaves will hold water like a bird bath...and it has runners! Recommended for northern tropical landscapes because of its great shape and the ability to over winter with a little bit of mulch.
Colocasia esculenta 'Coal Miner'
elephant ear
Upright growth habit
Colocasia esculenta 'Coffee Cups'
elephant ear
Coffee cups forms clumps of glossy olive green leaves with dark purple-black stems. Cupped leaves fill with water before the stem gives enough for the leaf to pour out its catch and then refill.
Colocasia esculenta 'Maui Gold'
The first clumping gold leaf colocasia, 'Maui Gold' features tight clumps of arching ivory stems that end in large textured chartreuse leaves with a small purple dot where each petiole connects.
Colocasia esculenta 'Nancy's Revenge'
elephant ear
This striking herbaceous plant has large, green leaves with white centers attached to long petioles. Forms a dense clump and shows its colors best in full sun. Marginally hardy in zone 7. Prefers to be dry when dormant and wet when growing.
Colocasia esculenta (Ozzie Johnson)
This elephant ear's large heart-shaped to arrow-head shaped leaves on long, stout, succulent stems provides a large tropical feel to gardens, large containers, and the water's edge. It is a tuberous, stemless, frost-tender perennial of the arum family. Excellent as a specimen or in groups.
Colocasia esculenta 'Waikiki'
Royal Hawaiian Waikiki elephant ear
Corrugated green leaves with dark backs emerge. Then, backs change from purple to green, while leaf fronts develop a central white pattern with a purple dot that expands over the white and flows into the veins.
Colocasia gigantea (Thailand giant form)
super-sized elephant ear
Colocasia gigantea makes a huge impact in the garden. It has enormous leaves on tall stalks. Responds well to heat, water, and fertilizer and can get 8' tall!. Marginally hardy, little or no tuber for winter survival, easy from seed.
Comanthosphace japonica 'Gin Santo Naka Fu'
silver Japanese shrub mint
(aka Leucosceptrum japonicum) A shrubby Japanese mint relative grown for its attractive foliage which is not unlike shade coleus. Slowly spreads to form a 5' wide colony in 5 years. If the foliage gets damaged, just cut the stems to the ground and it will re-flush with fresh foliage. The cultivar name 'Gin Santo Naka Fu' is japanese for 'silver with middle spot' which describes this cultivar well. Spikes of late season yellow–white bottlebrushes add to the show but the foliage is always the star. Part sun to shade, zone 5.
Comanthosphace japonica 'Golden Angel'
gold Japanese shrub mint
This very choice and lovely little woodland shrub mint from Japan makes a bold mound of bright gold foliage when it emerges in the spring. A very satisfying presence in the garden all season long, or it can be cut back to encourage a second flush of gold foliage. Fall brings on terminal spikes of pale yellow bottlebrush flowers.
Coniogramme emeiensis 'Golden Zebra'
bamboo fern
Coniogramme intermedia 'Rasha'
bamboo fern
A bizarre form of slowly spreading fern with narrow, irregular fronds.
Coniogramme intermedia 'Yoroi Musha'
bamboo fern
This bamboo fern has pronounced serrations on its fronds. Moderate spread rate. Makes a nice mass. Perfect as an evergreen woodland groundcover.
Coniogramme jinggangshanensis 'Shishi'
bamboo fern
This unique Asian bamboo fern offers upright, dark glossy-green fronds composed of large pinnae (fern leaflets) that end in petticoat-like crests. Expect a 3' patch in 5 years. Rich, moist soil ensures best growth, while very dry soil slows spread. In mild winters, it's evergreen, but it's deciduous when temperatures drop to single digits.
Conradina canescens
false rosemary
This evergreen, woody shrub features needle-like leaves that have a mint fragrance when crushed. From March -November, it's covered with small 2-lipped, fragrant flowers in blue, lavender or white that support pollinators. Drought tolerant.
Conradina etonia
Eton rosemary
Etonia rosemary is a short-lived woody perennial, with mature plants living several years before declining. Beautiful pink-lavender lobed flowers with dotted lower petals appear during the summer. These lovely flowers attract many insect visitors, including bees and butterflies.
Coreopsis 'Uptick Yellow and Red' offers a mounded habit topped by beautiful 3" blooms all summer long, making these pollinator-friendly plants perfect for any perennial border.
Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana'
dwarf mouse ear coreopsis
A southeast US native perennial with gold flowers in early summer, it stops blooming in mid-summer heat. A mid-summer shearing promotes a fall rebloom. Spreads slowly by stolons into a colony of 6" tall plants. Prefers consistent moisture but not too much and prefers lean soils.
Coreopsis 'Baluptgonz'
Uptick Gold and Bronze tickseed
This Darwin Perennials introduction boasts larger flowers and longer blooming season. Tidy, mounded habit. Low maintenance. Disease resistant. Easy to grow. Golden yellow flowers with bronze red centers. Long-lasting cut flowers.
Coreopsis 'Baluptowed'
Coreopsis 'Uptick Yellow and Red' offers a mounded habit topped by beautiful 3" blooms all summer long, making these pollinator-friendly plants perfect for any perennial border.
Coreopsis 'Creme Brulee'
Cheery yellow flowers on fine foliaged plants brighten the summer garden on this fairly drought tolerant perennial. Shear back the entire plant in late summer to promote a flush of flowers in the early fall.
Coreopsis palustris 'Summer Sunshine'
swamp tickseed
Large mounds of lush foliage are topped in late summer with masses of cheery yellow flowers on this exceptional selection of a N.C. native wildflower. Grow in average to wet soils.
Coreopsis tripteris 'Gold Standard'
tall tickseed
A new selection from Mt. Cuba Center.
Coreopsis verticillata 'Novcorcar'
Crème Caramel tickseed
Creme Caramel presents a lovely display of terra cotta colored blooms from Summer until fall, becoming deeper orange-bronze as temperatures get cooler. It has a compact and mounding habit with unique flower color and long flowering period.
Cornus alternifolia
pagoda dogwood
This alternate-leaf dogwood tree has horizontal branches that form tiers, creating a layered tiered look with upturned branches like a pagoda. Fragrant creamy-white flowers May to June. Bluish-black fruits from July to August.
Cornus kousa subsp. chinensis 'Aiden's Mint Frost'
Chinese dogwood
Crinkled leaves emerge in spring with a heavily speckled white variegation that fades to a pale green variegation.
Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire'
bloodtwig dogwood
Of all the twig dogwoods that we grow at the JCRA, 'Midwinter Fire' stands above all others for its consistent, striking, winter twig coloration, and for its overall vigor and plant health. Outstanding for its consistent displays of yellow fall leaves and vibrant orange to red twigs.
Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty'
bloodtwig dogwood
A deciduous 6' suckering shrub used for its bright orange-yellow stems that are tipped with red in winter. Fall foliage is golden-yellow tinged with red. Prune older branches hard in spring to stimulate most colorful twigs in winter.
Cornus stolonifera 'Neil Z'
Pucker Up! red osier dogwood
We love this funky red-stemmed dogwood from the Proven Winners line. As they say, "Its glossy, puckered foliage is distinctive as well as attractive. The thick foliage delivers a high degree of leaf spot resistance. Compact growth and bright red winter stems add to this native shrub's appeal."
Corylus fargesii
Farges' hazelnut
This hazelnut (filbert) was described over 100 years ago, but only found its way to the U.S. from China in 1996. It has taken plant lovers by storm with its uniform habit, excellent pest and disease resistance, and wonderful bark. This medium-sized tree has bark like the best river birches.
Costus speciosus
spiral ginger
Great tropical-looking, somewhat-tender perennial. Large leaves with wavy edges spiral up the stem. Needs plenty of fertilizer and water. Hardy for us for several years but we recommend growing it indoors or letting it go dormant and moving it to a cool, dark spot for the winter.
Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Repens'
willow-leaved cotoneaster
A groundcover shrub that spreads 8 times wider than it is tall. Fast grower. Red berries in winter.
Cotoneaster ×suecicus 'OSUCOT1'
This tough groundcover offers seasons of interest with blooms and berries. Prefers well-drained soils. Emerald Sprite was bred and selected for superior resistance to fire blight and compactness.
Crassula ovata
jade plant
This hardy houseplant, which grows like a miniature tree. requires only water and sunlight. A succulent, it retains water within the leaves and produces pink flowers from time to time.
Crataegus ambigua
Russian hawthorn
This super tough tree makes a gorgeous flowering specimen which would make it worth growing alone. The glossy, bright red fruit that follows though is even better and the birds certainly will agree. Golden fall color adds to the charm.
Crinums boast clumps of bold, lily-like foliage that makes an imposing architectural statement. In summer, they're adorned with pink to white trumpet-like flowers that are often fragrant.
Crinum 'Alamo Village'
crinum lily
This amazing heirloom crinum lily has graced southern gardens for generations. Flower staks with strappy petalled, pale pink flowers appear continuously throughout the summer. There is a reason this passalong plant has lasted so long, it is almost impossible to kill.
Crinum amoenum
crinum lily
A river-dwelling species from India that also grows well in regular garden soil. Flowers are fragrant and have narrow strap-like petals.
Crinum bulbispermum (ex. 'Aurora Glorialis')
Steel blue foliage highlights multiple blooms, which start out green, change to light pink and then darken to a rosy pink, so a single compact plant can have 3 bloom colors at once.
Crinum erubescens (Westwego form)
crinum lily
A South American species acquired by crinum collector Vic Lambeau as a passalong from someone in Westwego, LA. This species spreads on rhizomes into a large colony in moist sites. Fragrant white flowers with narrow petals.
Crinum 'Glory'
crinum lily
A very tall flowered crinum lily with an incredible show of large, rosy-pink flowers throughout the summer.
Crinum 'Li'l Stinker'
crinum lily
Plant Delights says: "Crinum 'Li'l Stinker' is at or near the top of the list of the 200 plus Crinum we grow. [It's] topped from Aug - Oct (NC) with 3' tall scapes that terminate in clusters of 12 to 16 rounded, flat-faced, nocturnally opening buttery yellow, fragrant flowers."
Crinum 'Pink Flamingo'
crinum lily
'Pink Flamingo' forms a lovely compact clump of glossy green foliage from which 3' tall spikes of large, dark pink, fragrant flowers rise.
Crinum 'Pink Perfume'
Sweetly scented light pink flowers that eventually fade to white appear in mid to late summer on stalks that emerge from green, strap-like foliage.
Crinum ×powellii
hybrid crinum-lily
Crinum ×powellii 'Kitty Clint'
crinum lily
Crinum are very easy to grow and will bulk up over time for an outstanding display.
Crinum 'Summer Nocturne'
The fragrance of this delightful crinum is hard to beat from July until October when the stalks of large flowers grace the strappy clumps in the garden. Each flower petal is pale pink, darkening towards the tip for a bicolor effect. Like all hardy crinum-lilies, this is a hard to kill, long-lived plant.
Crinum (unknown No. 1 Mary Elliot)
An unknown Crinum cultivar donated by a friend of the arboretum. Do you feel lucky? It is a named cultivar but the label was lost by the donor.
Crinum (unknown No. 2 Mary Elliot)
An unknown Crinum cultivar donated by a friend of the arboretum. Do you feel lucky? It is a named cultivar but the label was lost by the donor.
Crinum 'Wading Pool'
A JLBG introduction from Alabama plantsman Wade Mahlke, 'Wading Pool' is topped, starting mid-May, with up to four 30" tall spikes of large, outfacing white flowers that are pale pink in bud.
Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora 'George Davidson'
This unusual Crocosmia has amazing butter yellow blooms on tall, singular stems. Cut and bring George Davidson inside gorgeous bouquets. Deer and rabbit resistant!
Croton alabamensis
Alabama croton
Alabama croton is a rare, semi-evergreen southern native.Leathery leaves have silver undersides in summer and turn brilliant orange in fall. Yellow flowers in spring. Prefers moist locations and is deer resistant. It's loose open habit, looks best when it is planted with other shrubs.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Bandai Sugi'
dwarf Japanese cedar
Cryptomeria japonica 'Butterball'
Japanese cedar
This cultivar was received by JCRA in 2014 and planted as a 1-gallon plant in Oct 2014. In 5 years, it grew to 3.5' tall and 4.5' wide with a broadly conical habit and yellow cast to the needles.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo'
Japanese cedar
This slow growing form of Japanese cedar makes an upright shrub to 8' tall with bright green foliage. Excellent as a specimen or a low-care hedge.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Lemonade'
Japanese cedar
Typical Cryptomeria form that is distinguished by pale yellow foliage. A pyramidal tree up to 20' in 10 years. Introduced by Cedar Lodge Nursery in New Zealand in 2009.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Magic Dragon'
Japanese cedar
Slow-growing, semi-dwarf Japanese cedar whose usual shape makes it a great specimen shrub. Bright green new foliage matures to deep green. Prefers well-drained soils. Drought tolerant once established.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Nana'
dwarf Japanese cedar
This is perhaps the oldest cultivar of Japanese cedar grown in the West. It was introduced to Europe by Robert Fortune in the 1800's. Expect it to make a low mound of bright green with needles held close to the branchlets. It is easy to grow and very reliable.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Pom Pom'
dwarf Japanese cedar
Perfect for a smaller garden, this dwarf (about 4' in 8 yrs) Japanese cedar is small and mounding. Eventually, it forms somewhat of a leader and will become more vertical. Foliage is very refined and will bronze a bit in winter but will return to bright green in the spring.
Cryptomeria japonica var. radicans
Japanese cedar
'Radicans' is a fast-growing tree with a columnar to pyramidal growth habit.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Sekkan'
goldtip Japanese cedar
Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino'
Japanese cedar
This fast-growing evergreen offers blue-green summer foliage and winter bronzing.
Cucurbita foetidissima
buffalo gourd
Native to deserts from Canada to New Mexico, this gourd grows a 25' vine with 4" yellow-orange flowers that open in early morning. Pollinated flowers result in small green-striped gourds in fall. Garden guru Tony Avent says Cucurbita foetidissima has performed well in our wet, humid summers.
Cunninghamia lanceolata var. konishii
Formosan China-fir
Formosan China-fir is a stately, large coniferous tree that can reach 75' tall in its native haunts. Thick, green needles are 1"–3" long, and are spirally arranged on branches. These plants were grown from seed (MWT14-871) collected by Mark Weathington during his trip to Taiwan in 2014.
Cuphea cyanea 'Ashevilla'
A small perennial that produces spikes covered with tubular pink flowers with a yellow tip. Needs good drainage. Loves heat and sun.
Cuphea micropetala
Mexican giant cigar plant
Late in the season, this perennial erupts with brightly colored tubular flowers hummingbirds love. Slow to wake in spring.
Cupressus arizonica var. stephensonii (dwarf form)
Cuyamaca cypress
A southern California shrub with two tiny populations, one near the Cuyamaca mountains in San Diego county and the other at bit further south in Baja California . It is currently listed as critically endangered with just 30-40 individuals remaining in the wild. The best way to preserve a tree like this is spread it around. This cypress has beautiful smooth pale silvery-gray bark with cinnamon highlights and small acorn-sized cones. We have been growing ours near our parking lot for 11 years now so we think it is hardy.
Cupressus arizonica 'Sulfurea'
yellow Arizona cypress
This is an old French clone of Arizona cypress that bears creamy-yellow suffused foliage, creating a warm-toned appearance to older plants that contrasts wonderfully with blue-leaved counterparts. Full sun is necessary. Zone 7a.
Cupressus sempervirens
Italian cypress
The classic Italian cypress seen in formal European gardens. Native to the mountains of Iran, and brought to Italy for cultivation.
Cupressus vietnamensis
Vietnam golden cypress
This beautiful, but super-rare, critically endangered conifer (also known as Xanthocyparis vietnamensis) was only described in the last decade and has been impossible to procure. The parent plant growing in Dan Hinkley's garden makes a spectacular, symmetric cone of dense foliage.
×Cuprocyparis leylandii 'Harlequin'
variegated Leyland cypress
Fast growing, conical habit and gorgeous variegation -- there's everything to like about this unique Leyland cypress.
×Cuprocyparis leylandii 'Mellow Yellow'
variegated Leyland cypress
This gold form of Leyland cypress makes an attractive, quick growing conifer for a sunny spot in the garden. The gold foliage is not quite so garish as some of the other gold conifers and is instead more of a yellow wash over the green foliage. Plants will grow to about 15'-20' in 10 years or can be kept pruned smaller. Full sun to light shade.
Curcuma petiolata 'Emperor'
variegated hidden ginger
Curcuma Emperor has broad showy green leaves with bright white borders. These rise from a neat upright clump that will spread over time via creeping rhizomes. In mid summer, fragrant "hidden" flowers come out pink then fade to white. Go dormant after first frost.
Cyclamen hederifolium
hardy cyclamen
Cyclamen hederifolium Ashwood Nurseries Silver Leaf Group
hardy cyclamen
When the leaves and flowers are about to go dormant, these brilliant pools of silver will brighten your garden. These plants are especially nice below deciduous trees and shrubs. Expect them to seed politely around your garden, never becoming a nuisance, simply creating more winter interest.
Cyclamen hederifolium subsp. crassifolium
Hardy cyclamen
Highly-patterned, 2-toned, heart-shaped leaves are noticeably thick and fleshy. As with typical Cyclamen hederifolium, delicate pink to white flowers appear from late July through November.
Cyclamen hederifolium (ex PDN No. 35 ArSd 0.364.003)
Delightful, pink or white flowers emerge directly from the ground each fall followed by dark green silvery patterned leaves. May take a few years to establish, but it will eventually self-seed and become abundant.
Cyclamen hederifolium var. hederifolium f. albiflorum
hardy cyclamen
Delightful, pink or white flowers emerge directly from the ground each fall followed by dark green silvery patterned leaves. May take a few years to establish, but it will eventually self-seed and become abundant.
Cymbidium ensifolium 'Hongshuixian'
sword-leaf cymbidium orchid
Most references show Cymbidium ensifolium as only hardy to zone 10 but we've grown some selections to Zone 7b. This selection from China hasn't been tested outdoors but will grow well as a container plant.
Cymbidium ensifolium 'Hongxiangfei'
So rare in the U.S., we can't even find a photo. These lovely, unique cultivars came directly to us from China without descriptions. Collectors rejoice!
Cymbidium ensifolium 'Jiyuan'
So rare in the U.S., we can't even find a photo. These lovely, unique cultivars came directly to us from China without descriptions. Collectors rejoice!
Cymbidium ensifolium 'Minnanqidie'
sword-leaf orchid
So rare in the U.S., we can't even find a photo. These lovely, unique cultivars came directly to us from China without descriptions. Collectors rejoice!
Cymbidium goeringii 'Datuanyuan'
This lovely, unique cultivar came directly to us from China without a description. Fragrant. Collectors rejoice!
Cymbidium goeringii 'Xueshanbiancao'
Rare in the U.S., this variegated orchid came directly to us from China. Perfect for the collector!
Cymbidium sichuanicum
Sichuan boat orchid
Lightly fragrant peach colored petals and lip with thin purple stripes. This is an epiphyte from northern Sichuan and thus may have enough winter tolerance to be grown outdoors in Raleigh albeit with protection. Makes pseudobulbs.
Cymbidium sinense 'Shi Men'
So rare in the U.S., we can't even find a photo. These lovely, unique cultivars came directly to us from China without descriptions. Collectors rejoice!
Cymbopogon citratus
lemon grass
Lemon grass can be both a fountain grass in the garden and a wonderful addition to Asian and Indian recipes in the kitchen, where the crushed stalks impart a wonderful lemon aroma. Overwinter indoors.
Cynara syriaca
wild artichoke
A relative of the cultivated artichoke, this plant has a wilder habit but the same brilliant and beautiful thistle-like flowers. Long silvery leaves on stems to 8' tall are topped in summer with thorny golf–ball or larger flower buds that open into a striking flower.
Cypella coelestis
goblet flower
Cyperus albostriatus 'Nanus'
dwarf umbrella plant
Imagine your garden carpeted with a miniature forest of "palm trees" (6"–10"). This dwarf cyperus grows best in wet spots, but will also spread slowly in dry ground. It even makes a great water garden plant.
Cyperus alternifolius
Umbrella Plant
A sedge from Madagascar and much of Africa with a whorl of leaflets atop stems for a distinctive textural accent. Can be grown in a water garden or as a perennial in a damp spot. Grows to 3-5’. Full sun.
Cyrilla racemiflora
swamp cyrilla
Small, late summer-flowering, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. Lanceolate leaves turn crimson in autumn. White flowers. A bee plant. Native to North America to South America and the West Indies. Zones 6–11.
Cyrtomium caryotideum
holly fern
We collected the spores for this holly fern (MWZ18-050) on a very pleasant day at Liping in Sha'anxi province. In the wild it grew with just 1 or 2 large, broad fronds with an unusual blue-green color. We hope to be able to identify this fern as our plants begin to mature.
Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern
A fine addition to the list of hardy ferns that are suitable for southern gardens. This 30" tall fern is related to but much hardier than the "common holly fern" of coastal North Carolina and Deep South gardens. Glossy, fronds make an elegant contrast with other shade perennials and the deer won't touch them. Shade; 30" tall.
Dactylicapnos scandens
yellow bleeding heart vine
Delicate fern-like leaves on this vine and yellow bleeding-heart-like flowers.
Dahlia coccinea var. palmeri
garden dahlia
Dark, almost black foliage highlights bright red-orange flowers. Prefers well-drained soil.
Danae racemosa
poet's laurel
A fine broadleaved evergreen shrubs with arching branches to 3' in height and 4' wide with great age. Beautiful red winter fruit. Rarely seen commercially due to propagation issues and slow growth. A wonderful no fuss shade plant and cut branches which last for ages.
Daphne 'DapJur01'
Perfume Princess daphne
Deep rose-pink buds open to pale blush pink blooms with a sweet fragrance tinged with citrus. Plant in a well-drained spot.
Daphne odora 'Wild Winter'
variegated winter daphne
No garden should be without a winter daphne. In winter, its rosy buds open to lemony-sweet, pinkish-white flowers. Its dome of evergreen foliage is attractive all year. This selection boasts narrow leaves with an irregular central gray-green zone outlined by white.
Daphne odora 'Zuiko Nishiki'
winter daphne
Daphne odora's low mound prglossy evergreen foliage is covered in late winter by masses of slightly pink tinged, white flowers. The same lemony sweet fragrance with even more flowers! What could be more wonderful? Daphne odora is best in a very well-drained soil.
Dasylirion berlandieri
blue sotol
Dasylirion wheeleri
desert spoon
Strappy, serrate edged blue foliage makes a perfect ball in the garden and adds great spiky texture to drought-tolerant landscapes. Small teeth along the foliage edges make it best planted away from foot traffic areas. This plant thrives in nutrient-poor soils, full sun and drought conditions.
Delosperma ashtonii 'Blut'
hardy ice-plant
A ground-hugging evergreen succulent with deep magenta flowers. A great ground cover, rock garden plant, or container plant. We like to use ice-plants in our flowering lawn.
Delosperma cooperi
hardy ice-plant
Excellent succulent ground cover for pots, flowering lawns, rock walls, etc.
Hotcakes Banana Blast hardy ice-plant
Bright yellow flowers cover this heat and drought tolerant groundcover from summer into fall. Prefers sandy or gravelly soils.
Hotcakes Coconut Crush hardy ice-plant
The bright white of this hardy groundcover shimmers in sunlight and moonlight making it a wonderful garden addition.
Hotcakes Pumpkin Perfection hardy ice-plant
A super deer-resistant groundcover for dry, sunny areas, this vigorous plant features bright orange blooms all summer and into fall.
Hotcakes Saucy Strawberry hardy ice-plant
From summer until fall, bright berry-red blooms cover the medium green foliage of this easy-to-grow, drought tolerant succulent. Heavily scented flowers are reminiscent of warm, sugary vanilla. Prefers well-drained soil.
Hotcakes Tangerine Tango hardy ice-plant
A solid coating of bright orange blooms makes this drought tolerant succulent groundcover a landscape standout.
Delosperma nubigenum
yellow hardy ice-plant
A vigorous yellow-flowered species spreading up to 2' wide. Good drainage is essential.
Delosperma 'P001s'
Fire Spinner blazing hot iceplant
Hardy ice plants are native to South Africa but are amazingly hardy in North America, provided they are grown in the sun and in very well-drained soil. Fire Spinner™ has stunning tri-colored flowers with a bright apricot perimeter, magenta at the base, and a white eye.
Delosperma 'PJS01S'
Granita Raspberry hardy ice-plant
This hybrid ice plant features neon raspberry red flowers.
Delosperma 'PJS02S'
Granita Orange ice plant
This hybrid ice plant features large orange flowers. Heat and drought tolerant. Great for rock gardens, on slopes, in containers, and in the landscape.
Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hair grass
This small handsome grass with pleated foliage has a clean look in the garden. Does well in moist spots with light shade. Flowers emerge in May in shades from yellow to purple, and are showy well into the summer.
Deutzia coreana var. triradiata
Korean deutzia
Clusters of small white flowers appear in spring against a backdrop of dark green foliage. With small, cut-edged leaves and an informal shape, this hardy shrub adds beauty and interest to a sunny garden.
Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow'
variegated deutzia
'Summer Snow' has lovely white flowers in late spring and attractive medium green, deciduous leaves with white markings. It forms a low, broad mound typically 2'–4' tall and 3'–4' wide with slender branches. Native to Japan and southeastern China. Hardy in Zones 5–8.
Deutzia ×hybrida 'Tourbillon Rouge'
pink deutzia
A lovely compact shrub with masses of large mauve-pink flowers in late spring or early summer, Tourbillon Rouge draws colorful pollinators that stand out against the grey-green foliage.
Deutzia pulchra
beautiful deutzia
In late spring and early summer, this deutzia is adorned with dangling clusters of white star-shaped flowers often touched with pink. The bark provides winter interest, as it peels to expose the orange bark beneath.
Deutzia scabra 'Pink Minor'
fuzzy deutzia
Invite many small visitors to your garden with this pretty shrub. Its fragrant pink flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Water regularly, but be careful not to over water. Zones 5-8.
Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora
Sichuan deutzia
Dianthus 'Appleblossom Burst'
Pretty Poppers pinks
Blue-green foliage topped with semi-double flowers with a mixture of colors, from white to an intense pink blush.
Dianthus 'Chris's Passalong'
perennial sweet William
Brighten up your spring garden with this hybrid sweet william discovered by JCRA staff member, Chris Glenn. When Chris moved from Texas, he brought from his garden this hardy little charm to share. The brilliant little flowers have fringed petals of neon deep pink.
Dianthus deltoides
Groundcovering mats of narrow green foliage are topped all summer by a profusion of heavily-fringed neon pink blooms. Prefers well-drained soil.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'A12231-0'
Mighty Mini Miss Rose Cheddar pink
A compact and especially floriferous selection.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink'
A mat-forming Dianthus that produces numerous, fringed and fragrant, star-like, soft pink, 1" diameter flowers singly atop 10" wiry stems arising from mounds of grassy, blue-green, foliage. Blooms in late spring with some intermittent repeat bloom in summer.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Feuerhexe'
Firewitch Cheddar pink
Drought, heat, and humidity tolerant
Dianthus nardiformis
Bulgarian carnation
This Bulgarian-Romanian carnation or garden-pink makes a mat of blue-green foliage and holds its pink, clove-scented flowers well above the leaves. It grows naturally in poor, well-drained soils, so it should perform best in sandy or otherwise well-drained soils like those of a rock garden.
Dianthus oschtenicus
Mounding perennial offers bright pink, fragrant, pollinator friendly flowers. Prefers rocky well-drained soils. This species hails from the Caucasus region.
Dianthus 'Paint the Town Fancy'
1-inch, single, rosy fuchsia flowers with a red eye and serrated petals. Flowers completely cover the plant when it's in peak. Glaucous blue evergreen foliage. Shearing spent flowers encourages rebloom. Heat tolerant.
Dianthus plumarius 'Itsaul White'
feathered pink
Pure white semi-double flowers are heavily fringed.
Dianthus 'Sweetie Pie'
Dianthus tianschanicus
Tianshan carnation
If visiting the rugged country of Kyrgyzstan in central Asia, be sure to look for the single, pink or white carnation-like blossoms of this native. Flowers arise from attractive 1' tall mounds of thick gray-green leaves.
Dianthus uralensis
Russian pink
This pink or hardy carnation before but it hails from the Ural mountains in Russia. It will make a low mat of silvery-blue foliage topped in early spring with clove-scented pink flowers. Plant in a well-drained spot with good air circulation.
Dianthus 'Velvet-n-Lace'
China pinks
A short-lived perennial that prefers afternoon shade and average garden soils. Deadheading prolongs bloom. The dark purple, picotee flowers smell like cloves. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Dianthus 'Wp15 Mow08'
Devon Cottage Pinball Wizard pinks
With a name like Pinball Wizard there has to be a twist. Fragrant bicolor pink and white striped flowers top 6" tall blue foliage. Devon Cottage Dianthus offer large flowers, compact habit, silver-blue foliage, lengthy blooming periods, and the ability to hold up well in heat.
Dichroa (dwarf)
Perfect for a smaller garden or container, this small evergreen shrub offers clusters of blue flowers in late summer followed by turquoise berries through winter.
Dichroa febrifuga
We aren't completely certain about the ID on this hydrangea relative that we collected on the slopes of Shi Keng Kong in the Nanling mountains of China. Whatever its name, the large, metallic blue fruit which follow clusters of blue flowers are ample reason to grow it. Best in some shade.
Dichroa febrifuga (heavy fruiting form)
In late spring through early summer, this 4' tall evergreen shrub produces beautiful clusters of star-shaped, blue flowers that emerge quite slowly from attractive round buds of pale blue. Bright indigo-blue berries in the autumn can persist for many months. Best fruiting will likely occur when different clones of Dichroa are grown in proximity. Shade; 4' tall and wide'.
Dicliptera suberecta
king's crown
Diervilla rivularis 'Troja Black'
purple-leaved Georgia bush honeysuckle
Digitalis ciliata
hairy foxglove
Digitalis purpurea
Lovely rich green foliage and tall spikes of lovely tubular flowers make this an excellent addition to the garden. Prefers moist, well-drained soils.
Digitalis schischkinii
Add elegance to your perennial border, woodland area, or shade garden with the tall, dramatic spikes of tubular flowers of foxglove. Even though they are biennials or short-lived perennials, they readily self-sow and multipliy. Digitalis makes marvelous cut flowers; are loved by bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and are DEER RESISTANT!
Digitalis thapsi 'Spanish Peaks'
Spanish foxglove
Disporopsis 'Lily Pads'
evergreen Solomon's seal
Thick glossy green leaves on stiff stems. A nice shade groundcover.
Disporopsis 'Opsis Attract'
hybrid evergreen Solomon's seal
An evergreen foliage plant for dry shade. Spreads very slowly.
Disporopsis pernyi
evergreen Solomon's seal
Perny's evergreen Solomon's seal is a slowly spreading, evergreen ground cover that is perfect for the woodland garden. Small, white flowers are born along the 1' tall stems in spring. Excellent in a woodland garden where it tends to be quite deer resistant.
Disporopsis pernyi 'Xiao Chengdu'
dwarf evergreen Solomon's seal
A more compact form of Disporopsis. A good groundcover for shade that spreads slowly via rhizomes in rich soils. Drought tolerant once established.
Disporum sessile 'Tightwad'
dwarf fairy bells
This diminutive woodland lily is only half the size of the typical species but is just as great a performer. In spring the 6" stems bear full-size, nodding, white flowers with delicate green highlights. Plants will spread politely by rhizomes to make lovely patches around the bases of shrubs and larger perennials. This is truly a no-care plant once established. Plant several for a small scale ground cover.
Disporum smilacinum 'Aureovariegata'
Japanese fairy bells
A variegated (mostly green with irregular soft gold edge) shade-loving ground cover.
Disporum trabeculatum
rigid Solomon's seal
A Vietnamese woodland perennial with arching stems. Small white flowers in spring. The stoloniferous plants will colonize an area in a gentle way.
Disporum trabeculatum 'Nakafu'
A woodland perennial with arching stems, which are topped by beautiful bell-shaped flowers in spring. A stoloniferous plant, it will gently colonize an area.
Disporum uniflorum
fairy bells
Distylium buxifolium
box leaf isu tree
Heat and drought tolerant, Distylium are tough options for the Southern landscape.
Distylium myricoides 'sPg-3-007'
Spring Frost white-flush isu tree
Spring Frost is a compact, spreading evergreen shrub with white new growth held by red stems. In late winter, burgundy red flowers are interesting in the winter landscape.
Doronicum pardalianches
Great Leopard's Bane
Native to Great Britain. Its yellow daisy-like flowers are produced in spring. Expect it to repel leopards from your garden.
Drimiopsis (Kampersus striped)
striped false hosta
Pale green leaves with dark green longitudinal stripes. New to cultivation from northern South Africa. Taxonomists have not determined the species yet. Plants grown in part shade grow taller than in sun. Flowers are not showy.
Drimiopsis maculata
African hosta
This South African bulb is no hosta at all but makes a clump of fleshy, thick textured foliage heavily spotted with purple. Twelve inch tall flower stalks with clusters of creamy white buds opening to greenish flowers top the foliage in mid to late spring. Best in light shade and a well-drained soil.
Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'
hardy drimiopsis
'Slow Fade' was collected in Thailand by Wade Roitsch of Yucca Do Nursery at the Chatuchak plant market. 'Slow Fade' features slightly larger leaves than typical for a Drimiopsis and the foliar spot pattern lasts longer in the summer heat before fading to green. Drimiopsis is a small 6" tall × 8" wide perennial for the rock garden with a hosta-like stature. The smooth, somewhat rubbery leaves are covered with purple spots in spring and fade to green in the heat. In May, Drimiopsis also produces small 6" whitish flowers.
Drosera capensis 'Albino'
cape sundew
An albino form of this tiny South African carnivorous plant. All white tentacles and flowers instead of the normal pink/red. Grows well in a pot in a peat based medium. Seeds around liberally.
Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Gracilis'
scaly male fern
'Crispa Gracilis' is a lovely dwarf semi-evergreen form of the widespread European native golden-scaled male fern, selected in the UK around 1880. Rock garden-sized clumps, to 8" tall x 8" wide, are composed of narrow, upright, tightly congested fronds with upturned tips.
Dryopteris atrata
shaggy shield fern
This makes a lovely clumping, evergreen fern with a vase-shaped habit of mid-green fronds. The base of the plant is covered in black hair-like scales which provide a lovely contrast.
Dryopteris championii
Champion's wood fern
Dark, glossy arching fronds make this evergreen fern a beautiful addition to the woodland garden.
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern
Autumn fern is a colorful fern with dark fiddleheads that turn coppery as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.
Dryopteris sieboldii
Siebold's wood fern
Dryopteris tokyoensis
Tokyo wood fern
Echeandia texensis
Texas craglily
This perennial is native to the very southernmost tip of Texas. It forms a rosette of strappy leaves with spikes of showy, star-shaped yellow flowers in late summer into fall. Despite its deep south heritage, it is surprisingly hardy and is fine in zone 7b if planted in a sunny, well-drained spot.
Echinacea 'Balsomsed'
Sombrero Salsa Red coneflower
Very well-branched, sturdy plants that bulk up quickly and are loaded with buds for a vibrant show of color. Produces softly fragrant, spicy orange-red blossoms with an orange-brown cone.
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'
Intensely colored, double red-orange flowers make this reliable performer really pop in the garden. Bright pom pom flowers emerge deep orange but age to almost pure red. Hummingbirds love it. For best results, remove flowers the first year it is in the garden.
Echinacea (PowWow series - mixed colors)
Mixed colors including rose pink and white. Well-branched, floriferous, drought-tolerant echinacea.
Echinacea purpurea
eastern purple coneflower
Robust, floriferous pollinator magnet.
Echinacea 'Solar Flare'
Big Sky hyrid coneflower
Large 5" blooms in summer that are a coral-pink-red color. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Attracts pollinators. Hardy in zones 4–8.
Echinodorus bracteatus 'Lantau Lady'
Amazon sword
Echinops ritro 'Platinum Blue'
globe thistle
A European import with fine, bright lavender-blue flowers carried on silvery white, branched stems above divided foliage that's white and woolly underneath.
Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'
globe thistle
More compact than the typical species at 3'. Silvery-green, slightly-spiny, deeply-dissected leaves are downy-white underneath. Two inch wide white inflorescences appear at the tops of the stems in summer. Well drained soils.
Edgeworthia papyrifera (ex. 'Eco Yaku')
A hybrid between Edgeworthia chrysantha and Edgeworthia papyrifera 'Eco Yaku', We expect it to stay more compact than E. chrysantha. It has beautiful creamy yellow and white flowers in late winter and attractive blue-green foliage throughout the summer.
Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus'
variegated five-leaf aralia
One of the finest variegated deciduous shrubs available, this beauty is worthy of more consideration. Grows well in sun or shade and tolerates drought. Can even handle dry shade. Zone 4.
Ellisiophyllum pinnatum
Taiwan starflower
Our friends at Cistus Design Nursery say it better than we could - "Cheerful ground cover, to only 2" high, with fine, ferny foliage -- where fairy woodland creatures might want to curl up. Best in moist shade, so lots of summer water. Frost hardy in USDA zone 7.
Engelmannia peristenia
Engelmann's daisy
A drought tolerant native plant (TX and surrounding states) with yellow aster-like flowers over a long season. If it looks ragged mid-summer, cut it back and it will refresh its appearance and extend the bloom season. Deer and rabbits like to eat the leaves. Very easy to grow.
Ennealophus euryandrus
Argentine blue irid
This bulb makes an incredible show of small, iris-like flowers above pleated fans of foliage from mid-spring on and off through summer.
Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
fairy wings
Flowers have bright yellow spurs with orange-red centers. Bright green leaves have a blush red color close to the crown. Good for dry shade.
Epimedium ×perralchicum 'Frohnleiten'
fairy wings
Epimedium 'Frohnleiten' produces yellow flowers. It is a spreading plant (6-8" per year) whose foliage remains evergreen from Zone 6 southward, although we shear it back just prior to flowering to get rid of the old ratty leaves and to show off the blooms.
Epimedium ×rubrum
fairy wings
A deciduous Epimedium whose leaves emerge with a red flush and fade to green.
Epimedium 'Songbirds'
fairy wings
Golden yellow flowers have small rose sepals over a long period in early spring. Lance-shaped leaves have some sporadic spotting. Good for dry shade.
Epimedium wushanense 'Sandy Claws'
fairy wings
'Sandy Claws' has large leathery lance-shaped maroon leaves with spiny margins. Plants are topped with creamy yellow flowers. Leaf color mellows to dark green by summer.
Eragrostis spectabilis
purple love grass
Eragrostis spectabilis means "spectacular love grass." This plant offers finely-textured puffs of pink.
Erica ×darleyensis 'White Perfection'
Darley heath
Erigeron pulchellus 'Meadow Muffin'
Robin's plantain
Native found along railroad tracks in Marion, NC. Flat evergreen rosettes to 6" wide have unusually crinkled leaves. Slowly stoloniferous, forming a tight, weed-free mat to 4' wide in 5 years. Average-to-dry soils in light shade is perfect.
Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus 'Lynnhaven Carpet'
robin's plantain
This tough, spreading groundcovering perennial makes mats of silvery foliage. Palest lavender flowers rise above the leaves in late spring. An excellent choice for those tough dry shade spots.
Eriobotrya japonica 'Wuling Hardy'
Tropical looking evergreen flowers in fall and fruits in early spring if winter temperatures don't drop too low. Select a protected location.
Eryngium agavifolium
agave leaf sea holly
This Agave impostor from South America has thick green leaves with spiny margins that form a clump of rosettes to 18” or wider. Unlike some Agaves, this plant tolerates about any range of soil moisture. Thistle-like flowers on 5' spikes may appear in late spring. Very easily grown.
Eryngium alpinum
blue star
Tolerates dry soil
Eryngium aquaticum var. ravenellii
rattlesnake master
A southeast native herbaceous perennial that will grow in standing water or just average moisture soil. The pale blue flowers are showy for a number of months and are highly attractive to pollinators.
Eryngium eburneum
sea holly
Striking architectural form for the garden designer.
Eryngium palmatum
sea holly
Eryngium palmatum is native to the Balkan Peninsula and produces thistle-shaped flowers that are arranged in umbels. Its simple leaves that are alternate. Plant in a sunny location and enjoy! (Zone 6)
Eryngium pandanifolium
giant sea holly
Eryngium venustum
Mexican sea holly
Architecturally notable, this small, drought-resistant eryngium features silver spines down the sides of each waxy green leaf, as well as a double row of spines down the top.
Erythrina ×bidwillii
coralbean hybrid
Root hardy in zone 7 from large root. Spikes of vivid red flowers in summer. Cut back plants after frost. Mound well draining mulch over stubs in winter. As weather warms, remove covering to allow new shoots. Rich soil and ample water produces the largest plants and the most flowers.
Eucodonia 'Adele'
Appearing in June, 'Adele' forms a 1-ft wide clump of fuzzy dark green, almost purplish foliage. From early October until frost, blue-lavender flowers peek above the foliage. A woodland gem.
pineapple lily
Eucomis are summer-blooming bulbs with exotic white, pink or maroon flowers that resemble pineapples. These plants are easy to grow and are always an exciting addition to flower beds, borders and containers.
Eucomis autumnalis
pineapple lily
Eucomis comosa
pineapple lily
Eucomis comosa 'Peace Candles'
pineapple lily
'Peace Candles' is commonly called king's flower or pineapple flower. Its fragrant flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. A great addition to the garden!
Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'
purple-leaf pineapple lily
Every garden should have one of these. This Tony Avent selection was the first pineapple-lily to demonstrate purple leaf color. The beautiful foliage is stunning as it emerges in early spring, and the flowers look like miniature pineapples. Try the flowers in a cut flower arrangement; they last for weeks! Easily propagated by leaf cuttings. Sun. Zones 6b–9.
Eucomis 'Dark Star'
pineapple lily
A dwarf pineapple lily from Terra Nova nurseries that is a hybrid of southern African species Eucomis zambesiaca and Eucomis vandermerwei. Dark purple foliage that fades at the edges to olive green. Well drained soil is required.
Eucomis (ex. 'Reuben')
pineapple lily
From a 'Reuben' seedling, this cultivar has a dark floral stalk and rich purple blooms. Long lasting cut flower.
Eucomis 'Johannesburg'
pineapple lily
Easy to grow, pineapple lilies provide tremendous bang for the buck. This one has olive green tinged foliage and stout, deep burgundy flower stalks topped with a burst of pink flowers. Stalks continue to be showy as they transition to seed heads. Makes a fantastic, long lasting cut flower.
Eucomis pole-evansii
Transvaal pineapple lily
18" tall Waxed and wavy edged green leaves support sturdy 5' tall green stalks and a cluster bright green blooms blushed slightly with pink. Perhaps the tallest Eucomis. Winter mulch will help it survive.
Eucomis 'Purple Reign'
pineapple lily
Compact pineapple lily with rosy mauve flowers covering a dark purple flower spike. Leaves emerge dark burgundy and fade to a dark olive green. Excellent cut flower and easy to grow.
Eucomis 'Reuben'
pineapple lily
'Reuben' is a JCRA staff favorite of the pineapple lilies. Green rosettes of strappy foliage are topped in summer by flower spikes of burgundy buds which open to pinkish-purple flowers. The tuft of foliage atop the flower stalk is often delicately edged with burgundy.The two-tone flower/foliage effect is quite striking.
Eucomis 'Tugela Jade'
hybrid pineapple lily
"This Eddie Welsh hybrid of the South African pineapple lily makes a rosette of fleshy green leaves, topped in August with 18" tall flower spikes that are chartreuse in bud and then open to pure white...simply stunning."--Nancy D.
Euphorbia alluaudii
cat's tail euphorbia
An architectural succulent plant from Madagascar that consists of a skinny central trunk with skinny arm-like branches. This plant has no cold hardiness and so for us in Raleigh it is a potted houseplant in the winter and a patio plant in the summer.
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae
Mrs. Robb's bonnet
An interesting spreading evergreen perennial that grows l to 24" tall. Dark green, glossy, leathery leaves. Grows best in light shade and rich soil. Yellow green flowers to 7" tall in late winter to early spring.
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Waleuphglo'
Walberton's Ruby Glow wood spurge
New foliage emerges ruby red and matures to purple-black. Chartreuse bracts with cherry-red stems provide contrast. Cut flower stems back as they fade and grow in a sunny, well-drained spot for longevity.
Euphorbia 'Canyon Gold'
This sterile hybrid features 2' stalks adorned with deer-resistant blue-green leaves. Leaf backs take on a wine red hue on cool nights. In April and May, stalks are topped with 6" yellow spherical flower clusters. By late June, flower heads age to russet red. Cut flower heads back in late summer to encourage essential basal growth.
Euphorbia ×martinii 'Ascot Rainbow'
variegated wood spurge
Variegated leaves emerge with reddish tones and age to chartreuse and blue-green variegated. Very colorful.
Euphorbia milii
A lovely houseplant for a sunny window, this Euphorbia offers lovely blooms and foliage. In its native tropical environment, it blooms year-round.
Euphorbia polychroma
cushion spurge
Cushion spurge makes a tidy mound of deer resistant foliage topped by brilliant chrome yellow flowers which retain color through most of the season, turning red in fall. Full sun and well-drained soils are a must.
Euphorbia rigida
rigid spurge
Euscaphis japonica
sweetheart tree
The sweetheart tree was a favorite of J. C. Raulston's, and one that has so much to offer the garden. In September Euscaphis japonica produces attractive, waxy, deciduous leaves, and large, terminal clusters of airy white flowers followed by stunning reddish-pink, capsule-like fruits with a purple-black seed nestled inside.
Eutrochium dubium 'Baby Joe'
dwarf Joe-pye weed
Perfect for the space challenged garden, this Joe-pye weed only grows to about 2'–3' tall instead of the towering height typical of this group. In late summer, huge masses of mauve-purple domed flower heads top the stems attracting butterflies in the hundreds. Plant in full sun in average to moist soils.
Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'
Joe Pye weed
Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple'
purple European beech
A columnar, purple-leaved European beech. Smooth gray bark is exposed in the winter and is quite attractive. Best sited in a moist, well-drained soil protected from the hottest sun of the day.
Farfugium japonicum
green leopard plant
This easy, evergreen perennial offers beautiful rich green, kidney-shaped leaves. In late fall, lovely yellow daisy-like flowers rise above the foliage.
Farfugium japonicum 'Genkai Jishi'
leopard plant
Forms a lovely clump of dark green leaves edged with serrated edges. Spikes of yellow daisy-like flowers appear in fall.
Farfugium japonicum 'Shishi Botan'
parsley leafed leopard plant
The common name says it all. The leaves of this easy, evergreen perennial are curled and crisped giving the appearance of clumps of curly-leaf parsley. We think this form is especially beautiful when planted in masses. In late fall, yellow daisy-like flowers rise above the foliage.
Farfugium japonicum 'Yaezaki'
leopard plant
This Farfugium has double yellow flowers in fall that rise in clusters up to 36" high...far above its solid green leaves. This cultivar flowers earlier than many other leopard plants.
×Fatshedera lizei 'Angyo Star'
variegated tree ivy
×Fatshedera lizei 'Curly'
curlyleaf variegated fatshedera
This ivy-fatsia combination is a perfect intermediate between the two with leaves similar to both, and a habit which can't decide if it is a shrub or vine. This particular selection has small variegated leaves which twist and curl.
×Fatshedera lizei 'Pia'
variegated tree ivy
Fatshedera lizei 'Pia' combines the shrubby
shape of Fatsia with the five-lobed leaves of Hedera. It's yellowish-white flowers are 4–6 mm diameter and appear in late autumn or early winter in dense umbels. It does appreciates frequent pruning and will tolerate low light.
Fatsia japonica
Japanese fatsia
Seedlings of our own selection of Fatsia japonica. An evergreen shrub with large hand-like leaves and spiky white flowers in fall. Followed by black berries.
Fatsia japonica (ex. 'Sparky')
Japanese fatsia
Seedlings of our own selection of Fatsia japonica. An evergreen shrub with large hand-like leaves and spiky white flowers in fall. Followed by black berries.
Ficaria verna 'Double Mud'
Great spring interest for shade areas of your garden. Double Mud has deep green leaves marbled with silver and bears double, creamy white flowers with slate blue-grey backs to each petal. Goes dormant during the summer.
Ficaria verna Flore Pleno Group
double-flowered fig buttercup
These adorable little plants brighten the shade garden with their double yellow flowers. They are summer deciduous (the top growth dies away during the summer months reappearing in late winter or early spring).
Ficus carica 'Alma'
edible fig
Have you always wanted a fig tree, but just never got around to getting one? Well, here is a great one. Ficus carica 'Alma' is one of our favorite figs at the JCRA. It produces very sweet fruit at a very young age. Enjoy numerous medium to large figs that ripen to beautiful shades of yellow or bronze.
Ficus carica 'Celeste'
'Celeste' is a popular and reliable fig for the southeastern United States. Fruit is purple-bronze to light brown and small to medium in size. Very sweet and tasty fruit begins ripening in mid-summer. Plants are fairly cold hardy.
Ficus carica 'Kadota'
honey fig
An edible fig whose fruits are greenish yellow at maturity. 'Kadota' has been popular with gardeners since Roman times and was written about by Pliny as a good fig for drying. 'Kadota' is the cultivar used in Fig Newtons and is one of the most widely farmed figs in the world. It is sometimes known as 'Dottato', especially in Italy. Depending on how hot the night temps are where you grow it, you may or may not get a breba crop. In North Carolina, we probably will not.
Ficus carica 'Lattarula'
Italian golden honey fig
'Lattarula' is one of the hardiest and shortest season figs. Its fruit stays green. Enjoy it's large foliage and stout winter stems. Sun to light shade
Ficus carica 'LSU Purple'
common fig
This fig produces fruit, with a reddish to dark purple color a nice pleasant mild flavor and high sugar content. Good for containers or gardens. Once 'LSU Purple' reaches year five and older it produces three distinct crops per year (in zone 9): a light breba crop in early spring, a heavy main crop in summer and a fall crop that can last into December. 'LSU Purple' does not have the best resistance to cold weather, so it is ideal for Zones 9 & warmer. In Zone 8 it can get injured by the cold, however it will rebound well and produce a crop on current year's growth.
Ficus carica 'Majoam'
Little Miss Figgy dwarf fig
A dwarf fruiting fig, this small, low maintenance fig makes a great patio tree. With attractive blue-green leaves and spectacular, edible, deep-purple fruits, you can't go wrong with this addition to your landscape or patio. This 'Little (Miss) Figgy' went to market and is ready to come home with you!
Ficus johannis subsp. afghanistanica 'Silver Lyre'
Afghan fig
Extremely vigorous, silver leaf Afghan fig. Likely a hybrid with the edible Ficus carica, its upright woody stems quickly reach 20' tall and 10' wide. Each trunk is clothed with 4", snowflake-shaped, silvery green, sandpapery leaves … quite different from other green-leaf clones. The tiny figs are edible. We have never had any winter hardiness issues.
Ficus palmata
Punjab fig
A dieback shrub that produces small edible fruit in late summer.
Foeniculum vulgare
Soft whispy foliage and a sweet licorice flavor make this butterfly magnet a must for the culinary garden.
Fontanesia phillyreoides subsp. fortunei 'Titan'
upright Fortune's fontanesia
This Chinese species makes a large shrub with narrow leaves. It has excellent drought tolerance and would make a good xeric garden plant. It produces panicles of small white flowers in late spring that are followed in fall by small fruit surrounded by a wing, similar to a maple seed. This is a good screening plant for use in the back of the garden, or as a hedge.
Forestiera angustifolia 'Woodlander's Weeping'
weeping desert olive
Weeping selection of a Texas native. Creates an outstanding show in the garden.
Forsythia ×intermedia 'White Gold'
variegated forsythia
Variegated foliage on this forsythia gives it multi-season interest. Can get large if left to its own devices (6-8'). Regular pruning will result in more pronounced variegation. Great border plant and very heavy spring flowering!
Forsythia koreana 'Kumson'
gold-vein Korean forsythia
This Korean forsythia has it all, great flowers plus incredible unique foliage spring to fall. Dark green leaves show off their creamy white netting. Typical bright yellow forsythia flowers cover this shrub in spring. 'Kumson' was discovered in Korea by Spring Meadow Nursery.
Forsythia koreana 'Sunny'
Flying Machine Korean forsythia
Very large flowers for a Forsythia.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'Mount Airy'
Fantastic native. All the fothergillas have simply spectacular fall color, but this selection is one of the most consistent with orange-yellow leaves. Two-inch honey scented flowers are borne on branch tips before the leaves in spring.
Fothergilla ×intermedia 'NCFI1'
Legend of the Small dwarf witch-alder
Fothergilla Legend of the Small is a dwarf form of this popular shrub developed by North Carolina State University breeder Tom Ranney. In spring, it produces fragrant, white, spiky, sputnik-like flowers. The blue-green foliage turns spectacular shades or orange, yellow, and red in fall.
Freesia laxa 'Joan Evans'
AKA Anomatheca or Lapeirousia. This is a white flower form of the normally red-flowered species. Likes hot, dry conditions. The tiny bulbs offset rapidly and the flowers produce lots of viable seed so you may have to weed out escapees from neighboring beds.
Fuchsia hatschbachii
Remarkable for its prolific production of small red flowers with dark purple corollas and extending stamens. While fuchsia prefer protection from afternoon sun, they bloom prolifically when provided with sun other times of the day.
Gaillardia aestivalis 'Glitz 'n Glamour'
yellow lanceleaf blanketflower
A seed strain from Texas that blooms all summer long with yellow flowers. Loves heat. Drought tolerant. Spreads vigorously into a large patch. Prefers well-drained soil.
Gaillardia aestivalis var. winkleri
Texas firewheel
Texas Firewheel has white petals with a hint of pink near the base. A tough perennial, its flowers reach 2' tall summer through fall. Best in full sun and well-drained soil. (Endangered plant - Federal law prohibits shipping across state lines.)
Gaillardia ×grandiflora
Arizona Sun blanket flower
A 2005 All America Selection. Everblooming (if deadheaded). Drought tolerant.
Gardenia jasminoides
Cape jasmine
Medium-sized, evergreen shrub; hardy; fragrant white flowers. Attractive, curious, orange fruits.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Lynn Lowrey'
Cape jasmine
Evergreen shrub with single white flowers so fragrant they can pleasantly perfume an entire room. Prefers moist, but well drained, acidic soils.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Michael'
Cape jasmine
Glossy evergreen foliage on a mid-size shrub is a great background for the pure white rose-like flowers. Fragrance is unbelievable.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans'
dwarf Cape jasmine
This dwarf gardenia has long been one of the favorite forms for southern gardens. Small, deep green foliage is highlighted in spring and then sporadically through summer by single intensely fragrant flowers. Plant in a moist, well-drained spot in sun to part shade.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Shooting Star'
Cape jasmine
‘Shooting Star’ is a compact cultivar noted for its winter hardiness and large, fragrant, single white flowers up to 3” in diameter in late spring. Its glossy, evergreen leaves will add beauty to your garden all year long.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Variegata'
variegated Cape jasmine
With extremely fragrant, gorgeous white flowers, this variegated gardenia offers structure and year-round interest in the garden.
Gardenia jasminoides (variegated, double flower)
variegated Cape jasmine
A gardenia flower is one of the most heavenly scented flowers in the plant world. On warm days in early summer, a few plants will perfume an entire garden. This unnamed cultivar has double flowers and leaves that are variegated with a green center and cream edge.
Gardenia jasminoides (variegated, single flower)
variegated Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides 'WAH-LM'
Snow Girl cape jasmine
Snow Girl is an exceptionally free flowering gardenia with single, white, fragrant flowers. Plants bloom heavily in early summer and then sporadically until frost. Compact habit. Arboretum friend and nursery manager Rick Crowder says he has been especially impressed with this new gardenia.
Gaultheria mucronata 'Rubra'
Evergreen shrub with tiny pointed leaves. Selected for its large amazing colored fruit. Although dioecious, the plants will produce fruit in the absence of male...but if you can find a male, you'll get more. Can get a bit rangy if left unpruned. In a moist site, it will sucker into a colony.
Gaura 'KLEAU04263'
Belleza Dark Pink wand flower
Belleza gauras are much more compact than wild type gaura. This cultivar features pink flowers that last all summer if the old flowers are regularly deadheaded. Drought tolerant.
Gaura lindheimeri 'Little Janie'
wand flower
Flowers flutter in the wind at the end of long wiry stems. This variety is lower growing than most.
Gaura lindheimeri 'Sparkle White'
wand flower
'Sparkle White' flowers all summer long and is a lovely white selection with a slight pink blush to the buds. Wand flower is tolerant of both drought and wet.
Gaura lindheimeri 'Walsilfou'
Walberton's Silver Fountain variegated wand flower
White flowers and variegated green and white foliage mark this variety.
Gaussia gomez-pompae
Gomez-Pompa palm
This 30' to 40' tall solitary palm from Mexico grows on relatively skinny trunks in gravely, limestone soils. Likely not hardy except in the Deep South. The specific epithet commemorates Arturo Gómez-Pompa, D.Sc., one of the greatest advocates for conservation in Mexico and an expert in tropical ecology. Sun.
Gelsemium sempervirens 'Pride of Augusta'
double Carolina jessamine
There are few native vines as enchantingly fragrant as the Carolina Jessamine with its gold spring flowers against the glossy, evergreen foliage. This form has full double flowers with the typical fragrance of the species—a real show-stopper. Zone 7.
Gentiana siphonantha
alpine gentian
Gentiana tianschanica
Tianshan gentian
A lovely blue flowered gentian from high elevations in western Asia. It will likely not love high humidity so plant where there is good air circulation in a well-drained spot like a crevice garden.
Geranium '19.118'
Mary-Anne hardy geranium
This variety from Europe is marketed as 'just like Rozanne' but with darker flowers that also have a thin black stripe. This means that it blooms all summer long.
Geranium ×cantabrigiense 'Karmina'
What a bonus, six to eight weeks of gorgeous flowers in spring on a tidy, evergreen, small-scale ground-cover plant. Always well behaved. It will shed a small percentage of its leaves in the fall but only after turning bright red. It's a plant of year-round interest.
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart'
This geranium is mat-forming and covered in spring with white flowers blushed with the palest pink. Spreading slowly by rhizomes, the some of the oldest leaves of this dense evergreen foliage turns bright red and yellow during autumn.
Geranium maculatum 'Chatto'
An early blooming variety. May rebloom if you cut it back after the first flush.
Geranium maculatum 'Huggy Bear'
hardy geranium
Pale pink flowers over top chocolate-red foliage. New for 2023.
Geranium sanguineum 'Album'
white bloody cranesbill
A white flowered perennial geranium that will spread up to 3' wide. Flowers appear in late spring. The foliage may turn reddish in the fall. 'Album' is a winner of the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.
Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'
bloody cranesbill
Masses of bright, cup-shaped, red-purple flowers in spring. Mounding, deeply lobed gray-green foliage. Stays semi-evergreen in all but the coldest winters in central NC.
Geranium sanguineum
Vision Violet hardy geranium
Easy-to-grow, this geranium has a low mounding habit perfect for borders and odd spaces between plants. Vivid magenta flowers appear in late spring, and the foliage turns brilliant red-orange in fall.
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera daisy
The flowers of this South African native are stunning and make excellent cut flowers.. Ray flowers of the species normally come in red, yellow or orange. Flowers are single or semi-double.
Ginkgo biloba 'Tschi Tschi'
maidenhair tree
'Tschi Tschi' is an upright Ginkgo that features globular protrusions in its bark and stunning yellow fall color. Although Gingkos are often grafted, this slow-growing selection was grown from cuttings at JCRA.
Glandularia canadensis
rose verbena
hardy and deer resistant and drought tolerant
Glandularia canadensis (white)
rose verbena
Formerly known as Verbena canadensis, this white selection is more reliably winter hardy in zone 7 than many of the hybrids.
Glandularia 'Sissinghurst'
Globba clarkei
Globba marantina
Lovely pendant-shaped flower spikes with showy pink-purple bracts and yellow flowers make this a lovely addition to the shade garden. Prefers moist, well-drained soil.
Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana'
gloriosa lily
Grevillea 'Poorinda Leane'
Gymnocalycium deeszianum
barrel cactus
Gymnocalycium deszianum is a barrel cactus from the Cordoba region of central Argentina that is hardy to at least 7°F. The 3' tall × 4" wide barrel produces large white flowers in spring. A dry winter location is recommended.
Habranthus ×floryi (purple base)
hybrid rain-lily
The flat foliage of this rain lily is topped after summer showers by rosy pink flowers with a purple throat. H. ×floryi is an old fashioned cross between H. robustus and H. brachyandrus.
Habranthus 'Pink Flamingos'
hybrid rain-lily
This very floriferous Habranthus multiplies quickly, blooming after rain showers from mid-June until September. Once well-established, its mid-summer floral show is reminiscent of pink flamingos.
Habranthus robustus
Bulbous herbaceous perennial grows to 9" with linear, recurved, spreading leaves that appear after rose-red flowers. Native to Argentina. Sun. Hardy in zones 7–10.
Habranthus robustus 'Russell Manning'
Great flushes of large pink flowers are produced all summer after rains. Easy to grow, and multiplies readily.
Habranthus tubispathus var. texanus
copper lily
This rain-lily is the only species grown that produces gold to apricot-orange flowers. True to its name, the flowers appear in the summer only after a good rain. Habranthus is a genus in the Amaryllidaceae family with species from Central and South America extending into southern North America. They have narrow, linear or strap-shaped leaves. Their flowers are very similar to Zephyranthes and both are called rain lilies. Habranthus can be identified from Zephyranthes mainly by their nodding flowers. The variety texensis is found in Texas and Louisiana. Prefers good drainage and a moderately rich and moisture retentive soil. Plant in full sun.
Hamamelis 'Amethyst'
witch hazel
Here is a color breakthrough in witchhazels. Amethyst-purple flowers appear on bare stems in winter, filling the garden with fragrance. Fall color is golden.
Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Barbara'
Hamamelis ovalis
running witch hazel
Newly described (2006) witchhazel from Mississippi similar to H. vernalis but with larger leaves (to 9"). Red to orange flowers in late winter.
Hamamelis virginiana 'Harvest Moon'
common witch hazel
Unlike many other witchhazels, this native shrub flowers in fall with warm orange-yellow flowers after most other plants have gone to sleep for the winter.
Hamamelis virginiana 'Little Prospect'
common witch hazel
A (slighty) dwarf and (heavily) variegated selection of the native witch hazel. Leaves are green with a broad yellow margin. Densely branched to about 6'+ tall in 10 years. It blooms in fall with lightly fragrant yellow flowers. Grows best in well-drained but consistently moist soil, but will tolerate heavy clay.
Hedera rhombea 'Korean Dwarf'
Japanese ivy
A small leaf form of Japanese ivy that is little known. The origins of this delicate selection is a bit murky but might have been brought back from South Korea by J. C. on his 1985 expedition there.
Hedychium 'Daniel Weeks'
hardy ginger lily
Hedychium 'Golden Butterfly'
hardy ginger lily
In late summer, this cultivar features 6' stalks topped with fragrant orange yellow flowers with bright red stamens.
Hedychium 'Kinkaku'
ginger lily
In late spring, spikes of pointed green leaves emerge from a thick rhizome, reaching 6'. In late summer, the clumps are topped with cones of fragrant peachy salmon flowers.
Hedychium cf. neocarneum
Yunnan ginger lily
We received this new (to us at least) ginger lily species via a seed exchange and have not seen it in flower yet to verify its identity - buyer beware it may be a hybrid. The Flora of China says it should have fragrant white flowers and comes from fairly high elevations in southern Yunnan so there is hope for some hardiness. It is emerging now in our garden after its first winter. We didn't even mulch it.
Hedychium 'Orange Crush'
hardy ginger lily
Gorgeous, fragrant tangerine-colored flowers top this luscious green ginger lily in late summer into fall. A sun-lover, this Hedychium can tolerate partial shade.
Hedychium 'Peach Delight'
ginger lily
Hedychium 'Pink V'
hardy ginger lily
Hedychium 'Sherry Baby'
ginger lily
Beautiful, early flowering ginger lily with intricate coral to salmon blossoms.
Hedychium stenopetalum
butterfly ginger
A giant among butterfly gingers, this plant has rippled foliage and a long inflorescense with elegant white flowers.
Hedychium 'White Starburst'
ginger lily
"White Starburst" is six feet tall and has a ring of ten medium sized white, fragrant flowers in a pinwheel like ring. Enjoy beautiful blooms from September until November. Hardy outdoors from zone 7 south. (Tom Wood hybrid Ca 1985-86)
Helianthus simulans
swamp sunflower
Helianthus simulans is a herbaceous perennial sunflower with yellow flowers that September to October. It's tolerant of heavy or wet soils. An uncommon native sunflower found in several southeastern U.S. states.
Heliopsis helianthoides
oxeye sunflower
Yellow flowers over a several month long period in summer on this native plant. Easy to grow.
Heliopsis 'Tuscan Sun'
false sunflower
A selection of our native false sunflower that features a more compact habit and excellent disease resistance. Bright golden yellow, daisy-like flowers in summer. Great for the middle of the border, a container and as a cut flower.
Heliotropium amplexicaule
clasping heliotrope
Helleborus ×hybridus 'Pine Knot Select'
An outstanding group of evergreen herbaceous perennials. Most hellebores are valued for their pale green to white or pink flowers that are produced in the winter months. These seedlings are from our hybrids in the Winter Garden and so should produce some interesting colors.
Helleborus ×nigercors 'Honeyhill Joy'
christmas rose
Shiny, blue-tinged foliage and creamy winter blooms that face out make this hellebore a welcome addition to a shady garden.
Helwingia chinensis var. crenata
Chinese helwingia
A holly relative from Asia, this is a semi- evergreen shrub with shiny green leaves, small purplish white spring flowers and red fruit. Stunning crops of red berries atop each "leaf" which is really a blade-like fused petiole.
Apricot Towers daylily
Chance seedling that arose in the JC Raulston Arboretum perennial border. Flower scapes to 6' bloom from June until frost.
Hemerocallis 'Autumn Minaret'
Hemerocallis 'Autumn Prince'
Fragrant daylily blooms in late summer with dozens of 2" yellow flowers atop 5' to 6' flower scapes.
Hemerocallis 'Big Time Happy'
Happy Ever Appster daylily
A reblooming daylily with pale yellow flowers up to 4" wide with slightly ruffled petals. Starts blooming in early summer. Flowers last just a day, but they are open for 16 hours and produced in succession over a long period. Daylilies are incredibly tough and super easy to grow.
Hemerocallis 'Black Arrowhead'
A spider-form flower that is mauve-purple with a plum purple middle star-shaped section that outlines a green throat. Midseason.
Hemerocallis 'Cartwheels'
Winner of the AHS Stout medal in 1966 this is a fragrant daylily with gold flowers in summer. One of the great old cultivars that is still around today.
Hemerocallis 'Double Pardon Me'
A double flowered sport of 'Pardon Me', reliably repeated through summer.
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
re-blooming daylily
'Happy Returns' is a repeat-blooming daylily. It features large, ruffled, lemon yellow flowers that rise 18" tall above a clump of arching, blade-like leaves. It starts flowering in June and continues flowering throughout the season - one of the best re-blooming daylilies around.
Hemerocallis middendorffii var. exaltata
A Japanese variety with yellow flowers. Endemic to just two small islands (Tobishima and Sado). If you are into esoteric rare daylily species, then this is just for you. A large and robust daylily whose flower spikes can reach 4 feet..
Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro'
A compact form that reblooms throughout the summer. Flowers have a chartreuse throat and a ruffled pie-crust edge.
Hemerocallis 'Tiger Blood'
Hemerocallis 'Tiger Blood' has a creamy flower with a large, dark burgundy-brown eye and dark, narrow ruffled edges. Some of the flowers are semi-double. May re-bloom in the fall in warmer climates.
Hemiboea subacaulis var. jiangxiensis 'Jiangxi Bells'
false sinningia
This short, wide, spreading groundcover is a perennial in the African violet family. It has large, somewhat fuzzy leaves and tubular white flowers. Hardy to Zone 6, it spreads at a moderate rate, so it will cover a good bit of ground but is easy to pull up if it escapes its bounds.
Hemiboea subcapitata
glossy false sinningia
Shade lover with large, deep green leaves. In moist soils, it forms a deciduous groundcover. In dry spots, it struggles but soldiers as best it can. In late summer and fall, 2" white flowers with speckled throats top stems. From our 2017 expedition to Sha'anxi, China.
Hertia cheirifolia
barbary ragwort
This is a lovely evergreen perennial or sub-shrub with flat, grey-green leaves and loads of early spring gold flowers. We've found this to be easy and showy in well-drained, sunny sites.
Heteropterys glabra
Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain'
coral bells
An old fashioned, but still popular seed strain that has silver leaves with green veins.
Heuchera 'Circus'
coral bells
Springtime brings spikes of magenta flowers and medium green leaves with maroon veins. Foliage color gets even better in fall with colors ranging from green to yellows and pinks. Graceful flower spikes add a touch of class to flower arrangements.
Heuchera 'Citronelle'
coral bells
Chartreuse foliage with silver undersides brings a touch of color to a lightly shaded area of the garden. Prefers well-drained soil.
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
coral bells
Reddish-peach foliage seems to have a silvery overlay that changes to rose-purple as temperatures cool.
Heuchera himalayensis
Himalayan coral bells
A Heuchera from Asia that is hardy to zone 6. Unlike the colorful hybrids, this wild-type specimen is positively tame with green leaves and pale greenish-yellow flowers. Join us in trialing this plant in this area. Thanks.
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia 'Palace Purple'
coral bells
An oldie but a goodie. The original purple leaved-heuchera and the 1991 Perennial Plant of the Year.
Hibiscus 'Airbrush Effect'
rose mallow
A long bloom season with 8" bright pink flowers that lighten toward a center marked by a crimson eye makes this compact, well-branched selection of our native hibiscus moscheutos the perfect addition to any garden.
Hibiscus 'Cherry Choco Latte'
Summerific mallow
A small, long-blooming hibiscus, 'Cherry Choco Latte' features 8–9", 3-dimensional white flowers with deep pink veining and a large red eye. Dark olive green foliage has bronze highlights and forms a compact clump. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus coccineus
scarlet mallow
Dramatic 6" red blooms in late summer and early fall are set off by large palmate leaves. Sometimes known as swamp hibiscus because it can handle moist locations.
Hibiscus 'Cranberry Crush'
Summerific rose mallow
Light green foliage provides the perfect backdrop for blackish buds that open to deep crimson 7–8" flowers on this compact hibiscus. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus 'Happa Red'
Big Hit hybrid rosemallow
Hibiscus 'Holy Grail'
purple-leaf mallow
A gorgeous breakthrough in hibiscus breeding: nearly black foliage and huge red flowers -- up to 9". Flowers are produced all summer long. Thrives in average moisture soils or wet soils. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus 'Jackie Grant'
common mallow
This Hibiscus is sized well for smaller gardens, only growing to about 4' tall during the season. Jackie Grant features gigantic pink flowers with a small red eye. Happiest in moist soil or even wet soil.
Hibiscus laevis
Rapid growing, heat-tolerant perennial that features beautiful light pink flowers in summer.
Hibiscus 'Lohengrin'
hybrid rose-of-sharon
This deciduous shrub offers gorgeous, slightly ruffled white flowers with prominent red centers all summer, while the dark green foliage adds a tropical air to the garden.
Hibiscus moscheutos 'Disco Belle Pink'
swamp rose mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos 'RutHib3'
Head Over Heels Adore mallow
A compact selection with pink flowers and a maroon eye. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears.
Hibiscus mutabilis
Confederate rose
- A Southern heirloom
- Double flower; a large fluffy ball of petals
- Can die to the ground in exceptionally cold winters, but regrows and flowers
Hibiscus paramutabilis
everblooming Confederate rose
This species has a variety of flower colors. Ours has beautiful 5-6" raspberry pink flowers for the entire summer and on into fall. Tim says he has seen flowers as late as Thanksgiving. Hardy in zone 7, and sets no seed, so no deadheading needed to lengthen flower season.
Hibiscus sinosyriacus 'Lilac Queen'
Chinese rose-of-Sharon
This rarely seen species represents the Chinese form of the much loved rose-of-Sharon. It can be a strong growing multi-stemmed tree to 20’ but is more typically a 10’ large shrub. The mallow flowers are pale lilac with a dark burgundy eye and it flowers over a long period in late summer.
Hibiscus 'Starry Starry Night'
Nearly black, broad, maple-like leaves in an upright clump covered with 7-8” pale pink flowers with darker pink speckling and veining.
Hibiscus striatus subsp. lambertianus
Cuban rose mallow
This southern subsp. is limited to a restricted area of Texas where it grows in ditches near the coast. We've been growing it for quite a few years in a fairly dry location where it has thrived. Arrowhead shaped velvety leaves are quite silver and the pale lilac-pink. Flowers are large (5") and showy. It is herbaceous here at the JCRA.
Hibiscus 'Summer Carnival'
rose mallow
Tripartite green leaves edged with an irregular, narrow band of white before green and white striped buds open to 8" cherry red flowers. With cooler nights, variegated foliage picks up a red flush.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Buddha Belly'
Curious swellings at the leaf nodes give this rare rose-of-Sharon its common name.
Hibiscus syriacus 'Rwoods5'
Magenta Chiffon rose-of-Sharon
Ruffled double flowers that are a purple-magenta color. An improved form that is more graceful than older form and low seed set means it doesn't seed in the garden. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Hippeastrum papilio
butterfly amaryllis
Hippeastrum 'Scarlet Baby'
garden amaryllis
This popular bulbous plant is one of the most widely grown in the world. 'Scarlet Baby' is a compact selection with a long flowering season of spectacular red, fragrant flowers that are excellent as cut flowers. It should be hardy in our area as a landscape plant.
Hosta 'A Scape Plan'
Introduced by Juniper Level Botanical Garden, 'A scape plan' features 3' wide clumps composed of very ruffled powder blue leaves that age to green. Starting in mid-August, clumps are topped by spikes that terminate in compact 4-way densely-branched flower heads.
Hosta 'Age of Gold'
A medium to large hosta with golden leaves and a corrugated surface.
Hosta 'Big Mama'
Hosta 'Blonde Ambition'
A vigorous dwarf with bright chartreuse glossy, puckered foliage. Quite a beautiful selection. Hybridized by Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery and Juniper Level Botanic Garden
Hosta 'Cathedral Windows'
'Cathedral Windows' is a very impressive premium hosta, considered one of the finest available. Large 10-inch round gold leaves boast wide green margins. In late summer, fragrant white flowers stand high above the leaves, We can thank breeder Hans Hansen for this beauty.
Hosta 'Curly Fries'
This hosta makes mounds of narrow, exceptionally wavy-edged, chartreuse foliage like a heaping pile of crinkle-cut fries. With age, leaf stalks get reddish speckles for added interest.
Hosta 'Earth Angel'
A sport of the popular blue leaved cultivar 'Blue Angel', 'Earth Angel' has cream edges. Young plants have a narrow cream edge but older plants develop a wider cream edge. As with all blue hostas, the blue fades to green as the summer temps rise. Flower are near-white.
Hosta 'Fingertips'
'Fingertips' is miniature hosta with finger-sized, cardboard-textured, light green leaves. Beginning in June, clumps are topped with lavender flowers.
Hosta 'First Dance'
A Walters Gardens introduction, 'First Dance' features gold-centered, green-edged, large, pointy, heavily corrugated and ruffled leaves.
Hosta 'Grand Tiara'
variegated hosta
A "classic" hosta, the first small-sized cultivar with gold-margined leaves. This hosta first appeared in the 1970s and is still one of the best for the landscape. Summer spikes of lavender flowers add to the charm.
Hosta 'Green Ice'
This Tony Avent selection is a vigorously offsetting miniature hosta with tiny 0.5" wide leaves and lavender flowers in the summer.
Hosta 'Hans Solo'
A very large tetraploid hosta with thick, dark-green leaves and light lavender flowers that are slightly fragrant.
Hosta 'Humpback Whale'
A massive sized hosta of blue-green corrugated leaves that fade to green in summer.
Hosta 'Pineapple Express'
Hosta 'Pineapple Express' is a sport of 'Pineapple Upside Down Cake' discovered by Hans Hansen and released by Plant Delights Nursery. A small hosta, the narrow leaves rise to 15" with long petioles, wavy edges and pointed tips.
Hosta 'Prairie's Edge'
Hosta 'Sunshine Floozie'
Hosta 'Sunshine Floozie' is a 2019 Plant Delights Nursery introduction that forms a small, 15" tall × 3' wide clump of long, pointed, golden leaves that age to chartreuse in the fall. Clumps are topped in late June with light lavender flowers.
Hosta 'Tongue Lashing'
Hosta 'Touch of Class'
Blue leaves with a center splash of chartreuse and purple flowers atop 22" scapes in mid-summer make this a gorgeous woodland specimen plant.
Hosta tsushimensis var. tibae
Nagasaki hosta
First collected by Philipp Von Siebold in the mid 1800s. Lanceolate, deep green leaves are heavily ribbed for a lovely texture in the shade garden. Branched flower stalks with lavender flowers. Up to 120 flowers have been counted on one stalk.
Hosta 'Viking Sunshine'
A 2021 Plant Delights Nursery introduction with golden leaves that turn bright chartreuse. Part sun and protection from deer is recommended. Easy to grow.
Hosta 'Wheee!'
variegated hosta
Hosta 'Wiggles and Squiggles'
Bright yellow leaves are very long and thin and notable for their incredibly wavy margins. It forms a low, wide habit. The more sun you give it, the more yellow the foliage. In shadier spots the foliage tends toward chartreuse.
Hosta 'Wrinkle in Time'
Hosta 'Wrinkle in Time' is a smaller counterpart to the ruffled Hosta 'Wheee!' The 10" tall × 30" wide clump is composed of small wavy green leaves are edged in a creamy yellow border. In summer, the edge color brightens and the waviness calms down a bit, only to resume next spring. In summer, the clumps produce purple flowers.
Hosta 'Wu-La-La'
Substantial bluish foliage with apple green edges. Terrific for darker areas. Prefers moist soils.
Huernia zebrina
toad plant
This low-growing South African succulent makes a unique houseplant with it unusual blooms, which feature yellow petals with red stripes beneath the rubbery red ring that gives the plant its name.
Hydrangea anomala
climbing hydrangea
This climbing form of the beautiful Hydrangea is easy to grow with its white flowers, rich green foliage, striking exfoliating bark, and shrub-like growth. Climbing Hydrangea is easy, carefree, and very long-lived. Once established it makes excellent growth each year.
Hydrangea arborescens 'SMNHRL'
Invincibelle Sublime smooth hydrangea
Large mophead flowers of a pale lime green on our native hydrangea. Cut back to the ground in winter.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Frau Reiko'
bigleaf hydrangea
The white, serrated edge to the blue (on acid soils) or pink flowers (on alkaline soils) of this hydrangea makes for a distinctly beautiful display. This has been a very reliable performer at the JCRA.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Fuji Waterfall'
bigleaf hydrangea
Elegant garden addition. Large flower clusters with pure-white double ray florets that cascade like a waterfall bloom against a background of large deep green leaves.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lindsay Ann'
L.A. Dreamin' bigleaf hydrangea
Multicolored pink, mauve and blue flowers no matter the soil pH. Compact habit, too.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I'
Twist-n-Shout bigleaf hydrangea
Twist-n-Shout boasts beautiful deep pink or periwinkle blue hydrangea flowers (depending on soil pH) from late spring through fall.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'SK2DAMA'
Akadama bigleaf hydrangea
A heavy bloomer with striking flower color. Flowers open deep pink and darken as they age. Foliage will turn burgundy in cooler fall and spring temperatures.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Yuki temari'
bigleaf hydrangea
A rare Japanese mophead Hydrangea. Flowers are smallish and solid pink or solid blue (dependent on soil pH). 'Yuki temari' blooms earlier than many H. macrophylla and is very floriferus.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Bailpanone'
Little Hottie compact panicle hydrangea
A compact form with large flowers. A heat tolerant cultivar bred for the south. Flowers emerge green, turn pure white, then fade to pink in the fall.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Little Lime dwarf panicle hydrangea
This compact form of one of our favorites ('Limelight') bears soft green flower panicles which become white before drying to pink on the plant over summer. Panicled hydrangeas are very sun tolerant and tough shrubs.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'
panicled hydrangea
We love this panicled hydrangeas for its strong stems, heavy bloom, and progression of flower color from lime-green to creamy white, to rose-pink. Easy to grow and exceptionally long lived.
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH'
Little Lime Punch panicle hydrangea
A compact selection whose blooms emerge lime green, and mature progressively from the bottom up to white, light pink, and finally a rich red! Reblooms through the summer so 4 colors mix to create a memorable show.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Brido'
Snowflake oakleaf hydrangea
This double flowered oakleaf hydrangea is among the best of the best. The dried flowers are almost as good as the early summer fresh white blossoms. Great fall color, orange, peeling bark, and easy to grow make this a must for any garden.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Doughill'
Gatsby Star double oakleaf hydrangea
The florets in the flower panicle are double. Definitely a collectors item.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Emerald Lake'
oakleaf hydrangea
Enjoy the bold fragrant flowers of the "Emerald Lake Hydrangea" in the garden and as a cut flower. It's dark green foliage emerges grayish green in spring. In the fall they turn a beautiful brick red. The peeling brick red bark adds an interesting dimension to the landscape.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Flemygea'
Snow Queen oakleaf hydrangea
This form of our native oakleaf hydrangea is somewhat difficult to propagate so it can be hard to find on occasion. At any rate, it makes a lovely show with large "oakleaf" foliage, huge flower heads held on sturdy stems that age from white to rose, and burgundy fall color.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee'
oakleaf hydrangea
Pee Wee is a dwarf, four-season shrub that's perfect for smaller gardens. Enjoy it's lovely white flowers that fade to pink, beautiful fall foliage and wonderful cinnamon-colored bark in the winter. Excellent as a foundation plant in border or a group planting.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Semmes Beauty'
oakleaf hydrangea
This outstanding selection of our native species is heat tolerant and a great beauty in early summer. It produces long-lasting, white flowers, even in dappled shade. Leaves are large, oak-likeand have great fall color. Use in the shrub border or as an accent plant.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf'
From early to mid-summer gorgeous conical flowers cover this compact shrub, which features deeply lobed dark green leaves that turn gorgeous shades of bronze in the fall. Flowers on previous year's growth, so prunce soon after flowering.
Hydrangea serrata 'Annie's Blue'
mountain hydrangea
This improvement on the popular 'Blue Billows' hydrangea has even more flowers of deeper blue on acid soils and dark mauve when grown with a higher pH. Expect it to be a cherished fixture in the shade garden.
Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Billow'
lacecap mountain hydrangea
A lacecap hydrangea with blue and purple flowers. Emerges from winter dormancy later than most hydrangeas so that its buds are less likely to be damaged by late frosts resulting in a more consistent flower show. Nice reddish-purple fall color too.
Hydrangea serrata 'Hakusen'
mountain hydrangea
Gorgeous balls of florets appear on new wood in summer and last into fall, slowing changing from light green in color to white. If left on shrub, flowers will dry, providing winter interest.
Hydrangea serrata 'Kogane Suruge'
gold mountain hydrangea
This Japanese hydrangea has new foliage which emerges gold before turning greenish as the season progresses. Pinkish-lavender lacecap flowers appear in late spring to early summer. Shade to part shade.
Hydrangea serrata 'Kokonoe-yama'
variegated mountain hydrangea
'Kokonoe-yama' is a delicate-appearing dwarf shrub with heavily speckled leaves. Lace-cap flowers range from blue in acid soils to pink in more basic ones. Ideal even for those who normally steer clear of variegated plants. Among the best of all variegated flowering shrubs.
Hydrangea serrata 'Kurenai'
mountain hydrangea
White lacecap flowers on this shrub deepen to red as they age, a truly elegant long-season show. Our plant's foliage emerges pale green to chartreuse before deepening as the season progresses. Mountain hydrangeas perform better at JCRA in the absence of regular irrigation than French or bigleaf hydrangeas. Slightly smaller stature and finer leaf texture make them easier to use in the garden.
Hydrangea serrata 'Ô Amacha Nishiki'
mountain hydrangea
The mountain hydrangeas from Japan are finer in texture than the bigleaf hydrangeas and hold up to our heat. The delicate lacecap flowers in shades of pink are a bonus to the very attractive speckled foliage.
Hydrangea serrata 'Painter's Palette'
Japanese mountain hydrangea
A Mike Dirr selection that has a compact habit and multicolored white, pink, and green, lacecap flowers.
Hydrangea serrata 'Shichidanka Nishiki'
variegated phantom hydrangea
Rare lace cap hydrangea whose sterile florets are double with overlapping sword-shaped sepals. Quite distinct. Called 'phantom' because the original 'Shichidanka' was reported in the 1830s from Mt. Rokko, Japan, and not seen again until 1959. Yellow speckled new foliage.
Hydrangea serrata 'SMNHSDD'
Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha reblooming mountain hydrangea
Florets are doubled. Flower color depends on soil pH.
Hylotelephium 'Firecracker'
SunSparkler stonecrop
Hylotelephium 'Razzleberry'
SunSparkler Dazzleberry stonecrop
Smoky blue-grey leaves are topped with large (for a sedum) raspberry red flowers in summer.
Hylotelephium spectabile 'Autumn Fire'
tall sedum
Considered to be an improvement over the industry standard 'Autumn Joy' with taller stems, larger flower heads and a longer period of bloom.
Hylotelephium spectabile 'Zi Juan'
Pink Sundae showy stonecrop
This lovely clumping perennial features beautiful flowers that are deep pink at the center surrounded by 5-pointed stars of white petals.
Hylotelephium 'Thundercloud'
dwarf sedum
This tight little bun of succulent sedum foliage is worth growing for the tidy mounds of little sawtooth leaves. Clusters of white starry flowers dance atop the clumps in summer. Great in a rock garden, front of a perennial border, or in containers.
Hymenocallis (ex. puntagordensis OP)
Punta Gorda spiderlily
Avid bulb collector Vic Lambeau sowed some open pollinated seeds of H. puntagordensis that he collected from among the hundreds of Hymenocallis selections at his nursery. No telling who the daddy is, but the momma has extraordinarily long sepals with a central cup-like membrane which is the source of its other common name, summer daffodil. Momma is also a very rare native species only found near Punta Gorda, Florida.
Hymenocallis (Guatemala form)
spider lily
White flowers adorn this hymenocallis in summer. Average to moist soils. This Guatemala native is new to us, so we don't know if it's hardy.
Hymenocallis harrisiana
St. Nicholas star
A great plant for moist garden soils or along the edge of a pond. In summer, it produces white seastar-shaped flowers.
Hymenocallis imperialis
Mexican spider lily
Large, white flowers with long, narrow tepal segments in midsummer give this plant its common name of spider lily, while the huge seeds and bulbs give rise to another common name—big fatty. Best in a moist, well-drained location in full sun to part shade. Like most members of the amaryllis family, this is a real show stopper when in flower. This large bulb is ready to burst into flower this summer, providing instant impact to the garden.
Hymenocallis latifolia
perfumed spider lily
A spider lily with fragrant flowers. Ten to sixteen flowers per stalk! Likes moist conditions. Needs winter protection here in Raleigh. Tolerates salt spray so is a good choice for your beach house.
Hymenocallis leavenworthii (Telos form)
spider lily
Beautiful, dainty white flowers above lovely leaves. Prefers wet, well-drained soils.
Hymenocallis liriosme × acutifolia
hybrid spider lily
A hybrid of a Texas native species and a Mexican species. Both are shorter in stature than most spide lilies but the acutifolia parent is known for its absolutely huge flowers...up to 12" wide.
Hymenocallis palmeri
alligator lily
Offers beautiful leaves and thick flower stalks. Thrives in moist, well-drained locations with full sun to partial shade. Showy white flowers.
Hymenocallis pygmaea
Carolina dwarf spider lily
The most dwarf spider lily, with 8" tall rosettes of very narrow, green leaves, this plant multiplies rapidly in moist garden soils. It features nocturnally fragrant spider-like flowers.
Hymenocallis riparia
Mexican spider lily
Although this easy-to-grow spider lily prefers wet soils, it will tolerate average garden soils and produce lovely 18" spikes of white spider-like flowers.
Hymenocallis cf. rotata (Lower Suwannee form)
streambank spiderlily
A fragrant spiderlily native to FL and collected in Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge by Vic Lambeau. The central corona is more open and flat in this species than in other Hymenocallis. The white flowers may also have narrow green stripes and a small green central eye.
Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant'
spider lily
A very beautiful herbaceous bulb/perennial with superb foliage and striking large white flowers in summer. Obtained from Scott Ogden in Texas and slowly built up by division of clumps since.
Hypericum 'Cfflpc-1'
Blue Velvet St. John's wort
Hypericum hookerianum
Hooker's St. John's-wort
St. John's-wort is a great low maintenance plant with delightful, yellow flowers (1"–2" diameter) all summer long. This hardy evergreen shrub from Asia, will grow best in your garden in a well-drained site. Group several plants together for a nice effect in the shrub border and informal areas.
Hypericum ×inodorum 'Kolmatri'
Magical Triumph St. John's-wort
Drought tolerant when established, this shrub offers year-round color and draws birds to the garden. Typical yellow St. John's wort flowers develop into colorful, long lasting berries.
Hypericum ×inodorum 'Kolmiglow'
Magical Midnight Glow St. John's wort
Bright yellow flowers are followed by long lasting red berries atop bronze-green foliage. This hybrid is commonly grown in the cut flower market and the berried-stems are used in floral displays.
Hypericum ×moserianum 'Tricolor'
variegated St. John's wort
A semi-evergreen shrub with showy variegated cream, green and pink foliage on red stems. Large orange-yellow flowers are beloved by pollinators.
Hypericum olympicum
Mt. Olympus St. John's wort
Hypericum prolificum
shrubby St. John's-wort
This shrubby St. John's Wort has deep green leaves and a compact, dense habit. Tiny yellow flowers make it a welcome addition to a perennial garden.
Hyssopus officinalis
This long-blooming herb can be ornamental, culinary or simply a lovely addition to a perennial border or container.
Ilex ×attenuata 'Sunny Foster'
golden Foster holly
When planted in sun, bright yellow new growth glows atop mature emerald green leaves. Red berries bring an additional color and ensure year-round interest from this pyramidal shrub. Provide room to grow and good drainage.
Ilex cornuta 'O. Spring'
variegated Chinese holly
Yellow margins mark the variegated leaves of this heat and heavy clay soil tolerant holly. Tiny fragrant flowers make this a treat in the spring.
Ilex cornuta ('Willowleaf' variegated)
variegated single spine Chinese holly
A very rare form of Chinese holly with grayish leaves streaked white.
Ilex crenata 'Adorned'
Japanese holly
Variegated Japanese holly has a broad gold margin around each leaf. Expect a diminutive, slow growing plant that packs a lot of punch in a small package. We offered this several years ago as ('Hoogendorn' variegated). Sun to part shade in moist, well-drained to fairly dry soil.
Ilex crenata 'Drops of Gold'
golden Japanese holly
The spring flush is a brilliant yellow which slowly changes into a pleasing dusty yellow hue. Coloration is most prominent on leaves exposed to the sun.
Ilex crenata 'Helleri'
dwarf Japanese holly
Ilex crenata 'Kufujin'
dwarf variegated Japanese holly
A 36" evergreen shrub with an upright, vase-shaped habit that is wider than tall. New leaves emerge pale yellow before turning green with a pale yellow edge.
Ilex crenata 'Snowflake'
variegated Japanese holly
This attractively white and green variegated cultivar of Ilex crenata shows a distinct upright growth habit at the JCRA. A bright statement in the garden. Sun to part shade. Hardy to Zone 6.
Ilex decidua 'Finch's Golden'
yellow-berry possumhaw holly
The cultivar name is derived from the golden color of the fruit. This female clone was a seedling selection from Hale County, Alabama, by Bill Finch in the 1980s. This native species is reputed to be pollinated by Ilex opaca, hence one doesn't have to be as concerned for a male pollinator as one does with Ilex verticillata.
Ilex decidua 'Red Cascade'
possumhaw holly
Ilex decidua is a Southeast native shrub that forms a suckering shrub or can be pruned into a small tree. The red berries appear in fall and persist well into winter when before the cedar waxwings arrive to eat them. 'Red Cascade' was selected for its somewhat weeping habit. This is a female cultivar that needs a male possumhaw nearby to produce fruit.
Ilex decidua 'Warren Red'
possumhaw holly
Lovely silvery bark, deep green obvate leaves and 6 months of orange-red berries make this female holly the perfect addition to the garden. Adapts to heavy soils, but prefers organic, acidic soils.
Ilex integra × I. latifolia
hybrid holly
This vigorous grower will form a large evergreen shrub or small tree with a bold texture and tough constitution. Hybrid between two of our favorite hollies from Japanese plantsman, Mr. Hagiwara. Both species are non-spiny and this hybrid has leaves intermediate between the two parents. It has glossy, large foliage but not quite as big as I. latifolia.
Ilex integra 'Ogon'
golden Nepal holly
The Nepal holly is one of Mark Weathington's favorite hollies with its spineless evergreen foliage and bright red berries. This gold foliaged female form from Japan is especially nice with glossy, vivid yellow spring foliage on an upright plant. Color is best in full sun, but plants will tolerate some shade. Perfect as a bright focus in the garden or lightening a mixed hedge. This holly will tolerate shearing if needed, but will naturally grow as a dense upright evergreen.
Ilex 'John T. Morris'
evergreen holly
A cross between Ilex cornuta x I. pernyi, 'John T. Morris' is a dense, pyrimidal, evergreen tree with dark green, glossy leaves. Very ornamental. This is a male holly so it does not produce berries. Deer resistant.
Ilex nipponica
Ilex opaca 'Carnival'
American holly
An exceptionally hardy form with deep green leaves, dense pyramidal habit and abundant bright red fruits.
Ilex opaca 'Cave Hill No. 1'
American holly
A super pyramidal screening shrub with red berries. Low maintenance. Dense habit.
Ilex opaca 'Rollover'
American holly
This easy-to-grow evergreen with curled leaves makes a lovely privacy screen, and because the species is dioecious, you'll want more than one to assure winter berries.
Ilex 'Sadie Scudder'
variegated holly
This is a very choice evergreen holly with an upright growth habit and creamy yellow mottled foliage. The intensity of the variegation shifts as the season progresses. This is a reputed Ilex cornuta × Ilex pernyi hybrid.
Ilex 'Solar Flare'
variegated holly
'Solar Flare' holly was found by area plantswoman Joanne Currier of The Unique Plant, and it is proving to be one of the showiest hollies around. This bright gold-margined sport of the popular oakleaf holly is a tough performer for sun or shade. It makes a screaming bright landscape accent and is not for the faint of heart! To 12' tall. Sun to part shade.
Ilex verticillata 'Kolmasho'
Magical Showtime winterberry holly
Plant with Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman' for pollination, which results in a bountiful show of red berries in winter.
Ilex verticillata 'Kolmber'
Magical Berry winterberry holly
Tolerates moist soils and produces a beautiful display of red berries in winter if pollinated by a male cultivar such as 'Southern Gentleman'.
Ilex verticillata 'NCIV1'
Little Goblin Red winterberry holly
A dwarf winterberry holly (3' × 3') that is covered with lots of red fruit in winter. This is a female plant that needs a male winterberry holly within 50' to ensure maximum berry production...such as Little Goblin Guy.
Ilex vomitoria 'Dare County'
orange-berry yaupon holly
This selection of our native yaupon holly is distinguished from the typical form by its bright orange berries. It was found on the N.C. coast and makes a great ornamental for the garden as well as a favorite of birds. It fruits best in full sun.
Ilex vomitoria 'Yawkey'
yellow-berry yaupon holly
Yellow fruited form of our native yaupon holly. Fruits very heavily and reliably. Smaller than the species, will grow in sun or shade, fruiting is heaviest in sun. (MW Plantsmen tour 11/5/07)
Ilex 'Whoa Nellie'
golden Nellie Stevens holly
Named by Tony Avent after seeing it in Mike Dirr's research plot, this screaming yellow-foliaged form of the popular 'Nellie R. Stevens' holly will definitely give a little kick to your garden. In shade, the foliage quickly loses the gold coloration, so plant it where it will receive maximum exposure, if you dare. To 15' tall.
Illicium anisatum 'Murasaki-no-sato'
Purple Glaze star anise
A Japanese anise shrub whose evergreen leaves emerge purple before fading to green.
Illicium floridanum 'Southern Star'
variegated Florida anise
The ivory and green variegated foliage jazzes up this dependable evergreen and deer-resistant shrub for the garden. While most variegated anise on the market have pinkish flowers, this form has the dark burgundy flowers typical for the species. To 8' tall. Sun to shade.
Illicium jiadifengpi
Chinese anise
This graceful anise-tree makes a lovely evergreen shrub, ultimately growing into a tree. 1.5" white to creamy yellow flowers are star-like with several dozen petals. This tongue twisting species is quite elegant.
Illicium lanceolatum
Chinese anise
With long, narrow leaves that exude an anise aroma when crushed, this evergreen tree features small pink flowers in late spring followed by star-shaped seed capsules in summer.
Illicium 'Moonbeam'
yellow flowered anise
This brand new introduction combines the yellow flowers of some of the more obscure Asian species of anise with the better known garden forms. The end result is a deer proof shrub growing to about 6' tall and wide (we think) with heavy crops of pale yellow star-like flowers. We are super excited to be offering this plant for what we think is the first time. Sun to part shade; To 6' tall and wide.
Illicium parviflorum
yellow anise
Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine'
yellow anise
Brilliant yellow foliage brightens up gardens year round. Fragrant foliage.
Illicium 'Woodland Ruby'
pink flowered anise
Impatiens arguta
busy lizzie
The 2' tall Impatiens arguta has an almost shrubby habit with loose cascading branches that will hang over a wall or hanging basket. Bizarre tubular blue flowers look like a flying parrot or a fish. Site for cooler nights in a part-sun location protected from afternoon sun. Or, grow as a curious house plant. Prefers rich soil.
Impatiens arguta 'Blue Dream'
hardy perennial impatiens
Blue Dream is destined to become a favorite in your garden because of its hardy nature and stunning large blue-lavender fish-shaped flowers with a touch of orange in the throat, reddish stems and a dark contrasting leaf. Early to emerge in spring. 2' x 2'. Organically rich soil is best.
Impatiens omeiana 'Silver Pink'
Mt. Omei impatiens
'Silver Pink' Mt. Omei impatiens is a spreading perennial with bronzy leaves dusted with silver and highlighted with pink veins. It's tubular yellow flowers are highlighted with pink with a long, broad spur bloom in late summer. This plant is grown mostly for eye-catching foliage.
Incarvillea olgae
hardy gloxinia
This hardy gloinia relative makes a large clump of bright green foliage topped in summer by stalks of large tubular pink flowers. This species typically prefers somewhat cool summers so place it where it gets a bit of afternoon shade.
Indigofera kirilowii 'Angyo Snow'
Kirilow's indigo
This lovely arching shrub has an extremely long bloom period and fine foliage that makes it a winner in any garden. Typically this species is pink flowered but this rare form is a clear white which will mingle well with any other garden plant. Great as a specimen or in masses.
Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo'
star flower
Foliage comes up in fall, persisting all winter and dying away late spring. Flowers for 6 weeks or more. Easy to divide once clumps bulk up.
Ipheion uniflorum 'Jessie'
spring starflower
This adorable six-petaled, sweetly fragrant blue flower is a pollinator magnet! It's pest resistant and a great naturalizer for the lawn edge. 'Jessie' has naturalized at Colonial Williamsburg and other heirloom gardens throughout the southeast. A must-have!
Ipheion uniflorum 'Rolf Fiedler'
spring star flower
Ipheion uniflorum 'White Star'
spring star flower
An easy, dependable bulb, coming into growith in late fall, growing all winter, flowering in early spring and going dormant by early summer. More typically blue, this is a lovely white flowered selection.
Iris 'Amplified'
tall bearded iris
Iris ×ampliflora 'Ming Treasure'
hybrid iris
Found at Shanghai Botanic Garden, this naturally occurring hybrid grows like a roof iris in steroids, making a huge mass of strappy foliage and dozens of blue flowers on stems to 4' or more.
Iris 'Bayou Savage'
Louisiana iris
From the Vic Lambou collection, this louisiana iris blooms purple with yellow highlights in mid to late season.
Iris 'Bayou Short Stuff'
Louisiana iris
This petite iris packs a punch with mid-season blooms that are a gorgeous purplish blue with golden yellow crests.
Iris 'Berlin Network'
Smaller, elegant mid-season iris with lovely violet and creamy yellow colors.
Iris 'Black Gamecock'
black Louisiana iris
Iris brevicaulis
zig zag iris
Beardless blue to blue-purple blooms grow up to 2 feet tall atop the typical floppy fans of iris foliage. Full sun and moist areas are best. Zone 3.
Iris 'Cajun Sunrise'
Louisiana iris
The early to mid-season blooms of this iris offer gorgeous color. Burnt sienna standards include a narrow yellow edge with the yellow reappearing in the center of the large, saucer-shaped blooms. Foliage provides lovely structure.
Iris 'Change of Pace'
tall bearded iris
This beautiful iris has deep rose-violet plicata markings that edge the ruffled, pure white falls along with soft pink standards. An awesome addition to the garden!
Iris 'Chocolate Moose'
tall bearded iris
Iris 'Clyde Redmond'
Louisiana iris
Vigorous and easy to grow, this iris brings beautiful mid-season color to the garden.
Iris (crocea hybrid)
An easy to grow iris, these seem to be garden hybrids and not straight Iris crocea and may have either white or gold flowers in mid spring.
Iris 'Dural White Butterfly'
Louisiana iris
Elegant white flowers with ruffled edges and medium green highlights bloom on this lovely iris, which flourishes in wet conditions.
Iris 'Easter Tide'
louisiana iris
Erect, narrow leaves and large, beautiful yellow and lavender blooms make this iris a standout. Must be kept moist and will tolerate boggy areas.
Iris ensata 'Darling'
Japanese iris
Iris ensata grow best in a rich, moist to wet soil, in full sun or partial shade. During the growing season, they thrive with their roots submerged, however, the water should be removed during the winter months to avoid root rot.
Iris ensata 'Jell-O'
Dinner Plate Japanese iris
Ruffled dark purple flowers with yellow and white eye-zone. Iris ensata grow best in a rich, moist to wet soil, in full sun or partial shade. During the growing season, they thrive with their roots submerged, however, the water should be removed during the winter months to avoid root rot.
Iris 'Firebreather'
tall bearded iris
Iris 'Flower Shower'
standard dwarf bearded iris
A delightful addition to any garden! It sports showy petals of dark red violet with violet beards and a wonderful pronounced sweet fragrance. Outstanding rebloomer that never gets old!
Iris 'Freedom Song'
tall bearded iris
Iris fulva 'Wetora'
copper iris
Collected by plantsman Vic Lambeau. His notes say to expect orange cartwheel-shaped blooms and up to 5 bud positions per stalk.
Iris giganticaerulea (Boutte form)
From the Vic Lambou collection, this violet blue iris needs damp soil to thrive.
Iris giganticaerulea 'Her Highness'
Louisiana iris
This Louisiana iris features fine, dark green glossy foliage topped early in the season by white flowers with yellow highlights. Must be kept wet at all times.
Iris 'Harvest of Memories'
reblooming tall bearded iris
Vigorous, reblooming, butter yellow bearded iris with a high bud count.
Iris hexagona (recurved Hwy 98 form)
Collected by Vic Lambou, this lovely lavender blooming iris grows well in wet areas.
Iris hexagona (St. Marks Midget form)
Collected by Vic Lambou, this smaller cultivar has rounded lavender petals.
Iris hexagona (St. Marks refuge form)
From the Vic Lambou collection, the blooms on this iris lean from lavender to burgundy. A beautiful addition to a wet area in the garden.
Iris japonica 'Porcelain Maiden'
butterfly iris
A vigorous grower, making a spreading groundcover to 15' wide in 5 years. In spring, the evergreen patches are topped with 2' tall branching spikes, ending in white flowers with a lavender blush just below the eyezone. Prefers part sun to shade.
Iris 'Jeri'
Louisiana iris
This vigorous Louisiana Iris produces many large, dark purple flowers. May be used as a groundcover in moist areas.
Iris 'Kinkajou Shrew'
tall bearded iris
'Kinkajou Shrew" has a deliciously sweet fragrance that enhances its appeal in the garden. It's quite tolerant of a wide range of soils, but well drained is always preferred. Flowers are gorgeous both in the garden and in a vase. A perfect gift for the gardener on your holiday list!
Iris 'Kissie'
Louisiana iris
Gorgeous pink blooms with a touch of green.
Iris laevigata 'Murasaki'
This lovely Louisiana iris introduction features blue flowers with yellow throats.
Iris 'Lilla'
tall bearded iris
A re-blooming form with fragrant flowers.
Iris 'Lilting'
'lilting' tall bearded iris
A tall bearded iris with off–white standards and falls that are pure white edged with pale violet. May re–bloom.
Iris 'Little Caillet'
hybrid iris
Lavender blooms with yellow standards mark this lovely Louisiana iris.
Iris 'Making Eyes'
Iris 'Making Eyes'
A very early bloomer, this standard bearded iris features cream to light yellow standards with a golden beard and violet falls with a narrow cream to light yellow edge.
Iris 'Mallory Kay'
tall bearded iris
Iris 'Margaret Hunter'
Louisiana iris
For mid-season blooms and erect, sword-like foliage, this moisture-loving iris with its light lavender blooms can't be beat.
Iris 'Marie Dolores'
Louisiana iris
The sword-like leaves of this gorgeous iris blow in the breeze like fans, and in mid-spring, beautiful white blooms with yellow signals appear. This vigorous plant prefers consistently moist soil.
Iris 'Midnight Oil'
tall bearded iris
Velvety black blooms (often described as darker than eggplant) with grape beards make this iris unforgettable.
Iris 'Nada'
butterfly iris
Mulch plants well, especially the first winter in the garden.
Iris pallasii
Dalmatian iris
Iris 'Professor Paul'
Louisiana iris
This deer-resistant iris forms a robust clump of vertical green leaves topped with 5" lavender-blue flowers beginning in mid-May. 'Professor Paul' is equally happy planted in moist soils or 4" of standing water.
Iris savannarum f. albispiritis
Showy spring blooms make this a gorgeous addition to a wetland garden.
Iris 'Sea Wisp'
Louisiana iris
Narrow green foliage and gorgeous violet blue blooms make Sea Wisp a prized Louisiana iris.
Iris setosa
Raised from the seed of Iris setosa 'Hokkaido Purple,' this iris should form a 2' tall clump of upright green foliage. Starting in mid-May, expect flowers that may vary in color from the mother plant. This iris tolerates both moist and fairly dry soils, as well as heat and humidity.
Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'
Siberian iris
A clumping herbaceous perennial with beautiful, deep purple flowers. A low maintenance plant that tolerates medium to wet soils. Reaches 3' tall. Sun to part shade. USDA Zones 3–8.
Iris sibirica 'Sunfisher'
Siberian iris
An early blooming Siberian iris. Grows in normal garden soil but looks best in moist soil or a bog garden. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Iris 'Sinfonietta'
Louisiana iris
This statuesque iris features dark green foliage followed in early May by gorgeous 6" wide, navy blue flowers highlighted by yellow throats. Keep wet, and this iris will form a healthy patch.
Iris 'Snugglebug'
standard dwarf bearded iris
'Snugglebug' is a welcome sight in early spring. Although very adaptable, it especially likes rich, well drained soil. It's drought tolerant and deer resistant. What a delight!
Iris 'Spiced Tiger'
tall bearded iris
This tall bearded iris's upper petals (standards) are golden brown and lower petals (falls) are mahogany. Both are beautiful splashed with silver making no two flowers appear exactly alike.
Iris tectorum
roof iris
This charming little roof iris is native to China, but was first discovered in the 1860s, growing in Japan on the roofs, hence the common name. It grows about 18 inches tall with a spreading, rhizomatous habit common to most irises. Best in sun to part shade for lovely spring purple flowers.
Iris tectorum 'Alba'
roof iris
Large white iris flowers rise over the foliage in April and May. Bold, lush fans of light green foliage add texture all year round to the garden. A fresh addition to either the sunny or shady perennial border.
Iris 'Time to Shine'
dwarf bearded iris
Iris tridentata
savannah iris
This native iris will quickly form large mats in average to boggy soils.
Iris tridentata (dark purple/violet)
Savannah iris
When planted in a moist location, expect lovely, fragrant dark purple to violet blooms with gold and white highlights.
Iris tridentata (near white)
Showy blue-purple flowers make this Savannah iris a wonderful addition to a wetland garden.
Iris tridentata (red violet)
Savannah Iris
Gorgeous flowers with fragrant blue-purple sepals, dark purple veins and white to yellow signals make the summer blooms on this short iris stand out in the summer garden.
Iris unguicularis 'Dazzling Eyes'
Bluish lavender petals surround a white and purple striped eye. As with all Iris unguicularis cultivars, 'Dazzling Eyes' prefers a bright sunny location and good drainage, although it can tolerate half day shade.
Iris unguicularis 'Winter Echoes'
Algerian iris
Wants good drainage. Flowers are fragrant, but more noticeable whencut and brought inside.
Iris virginica 'Carl Amason'
Southern blue flag
New foliage on this vigorous plant has a purple flush. Spring to early summer beautifully veined blooms appear on on blackish purple stalks.
Iris virginica 'Contraband Girl'
southern blue flag
This form is larger than the typical southern blue flag iris making large, heavy-flowering clumps in short order. Happy in boggy or average soils.
Iris virginica 'Wetpearl'
This southern blue flag iris is perfect for the boggy areas of your garden.
Iris 'Vision in Pink'
tall bearded iris
Iris 'Wetsurp'
Louisiana iris
This vigorous iris features 6" red-violet bi-tone blooms with yellow signals on both standards and pendant-like falls. It may be a hybrid of brevicaulis x ful va ( or nelsonii).
Iris 'Yasha'
pseudata iris
The pseudata irises are hybrids between the yellow flag irises and Japanese irises. 'Yasha' is a tall, very striking form with red-violet flowers with a gold throat surrounded by a deep purple halo. Best when grown in moist soil near a pond or in a rain garden. The name translates to "female devil".
Ismene (Riverside form)
Peruvian daffodil
Often lumped with Hymenocallis, this selection's flowers have much shorter sepals than a typical Hymenocallis and tend to curl backward. These are from the collector Vic Lambeau but were not wild collected and may have been purchased from Riverside Bulbs.
Ismene 'Sulphur Queen'
spider lily
Close related to Hymenocallis with similar pale yellow starfish-like flowers but with shorter petals and a much larger corolla.
Isodon longitubus
long-tubed spurflower
Isotoma fluviatilis
blue star creeper
A tiny spreading ground cover perennial to just 1" tall with tiny blue flowers. Great for between stones.
Itea virginica 'Bailteaone'
Love Child compact Virginia sweetspire
A compact selection of a great native shrub. Fall foliage color is often phenomenal. It is highly deer resistant and thrives in wet spots, though is also excellent in average moisture. Great as a large scale ground cover.
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire
Deciduous shrub reaching 4'–6' high, with long white racemes of fragrant flowers in spring and brilliant reddish-purple fall color. Native to wet or moist soils, does well in full sun to shade.
Itea virginica 'Longspire'
Virginia sweetspire
Not too often seen in cultivation is this cultivar of Virginia sweetspire, discovered and named by Woodlanders Nursery (Aiken, South Carolina) owners Robert and Julia Mackintosh while canoeing the Augusta Canal near Augusta, Georgia. Of all the Itea virginica cultivars, 'Longspire' produces the, you guessed it, longest flowering racemes of all—8in long. A truly superb plant with year-round interest—spring flowers, good summer foliage, excellent fall color, and winter twigs (reddish-purple), who can ask for more?
Itea virginica 'Morton'
Scarlet Beauty Virginia sweetspire
Fragrant, upright sweetspire with gorgeous yellow, orange and red fall color. Prefers moist soils.
Itea virginica 'Sprich'
Little Henry dwarf Virginia sweetspire
spreading habit makes it a great groundcover shrub. tolerant of wet sites
Jasminum mesnyi 'Gold Tip'
variegated primrose jasmine
Jasminum nudiflorum 'Aureum'
golden winter jasmine
Jasminum officinale 'Frojas'
Fiona Sunrise jasmine
This very exciting, gold-leaf flowering vine has attracted attention from us ever since we acquired it. Besides the attractive foliage, mature plants bear clusters of white, sweetly-scented flowers in summer.
Juncus effusus f. spiralis 'Big Twister'
corkscrew rush
Thrives in wet site or average moisture.
Juniperus cedrus
Canary Islands juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Echiniformis'
hedgehog Chinese juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Maymont Gold'
golden Chinese juniper
This plant's original cultivar hadn't been in the trades for 100 years until it was reintroduced as 'Maymont Gold,' in honor of the original tree - still standing in VA's Maymont Park. A conical habit, golden-yellow foliage and abundant small, yellow cones make it a welcome evergreen.
Juniperus communis 'Gold Totem Pole'
gold columnar common juniper
'Gold Totem Pole' is perfect for that special niche in your garden. This narrow, upright conifer ultimately reaches 10'-12' tall and only 1'-3' wide. New growth emerges golden and the evergreen foliage remains tightly bunched. Grows best in full sun and is drought tolerant.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Planifolia'
creeping juniper
Juniperus horizontalis 'Silver Sheen'
creeping juniper
This excellent addition to the ranks of groundcover junipers is unaccountably absent from the trade. A knowledgeable juniper expert has pointed out that we may have the only properly identified specimen around. Silvery-blue foliage in flat sprays is reminiscent of 'Wiltonii’ but is much more silver than blue. Hardy to zone 4.
Juniperus scopulorum 'Sparkling Skyrocket'
variegated Rocky Mountain juniper
A variegated form of 'Skyrocket', which is a narrow cultivar with blue scale-like foliage. This cultivar features creamy, variegated branches. Slow-growing in our heat and humidity. Terrific when massed along a border.
Juniperus squamata 'Meyeri'
flaky juniper
Justicia brandegeeana
shrimp plant
Shrimp plant is a Mexican native plant that suckers and sprawls to 36" or taller in moist rich conditions. It develops drooping arching terminal flower spikes of white flowers with overlapping red/pink/bronze bracts that resembles a large shrimp. Best grown in part shade. Can be pruned back as needed to control height and promote bushiness. Can be grown as a houseplant but needs cool winter temps to put it through a winter dormancy. Not hardy.
Justicia carnea (dark leaved)
Brazilian plume
A Brazilian native with attractive pink summer flowers in a tuft at the tips of the branches. It is winter hardy here in Raleigh. This selection has attractive dark foliage. Attracts hummingbirds.
Kadsura longipedunculata
Chinese kadsura
The yellow flowers and brilliant, glossy red fruit will dangle beneath the foliage on long stalks or peduncles as the scientific name implies. The flowers are somewhat reminiscent of its shrubby cousin the anise tree or Illicium.
Kalimeris pinnatifida
Japanese false aster
Easy to grow, Kalimeris pinnatifida features an abundance of white, one-inch, semi-double daisy-like flowers with pale yellow centers, which are reminiscent of asters.
Kalimeris yomena 'Shogun'
golden false-aster
A variegated aster relative whose leaves are green centered, with a creamy yellow edge. Easy to grow.
Kerria japonica 'Chiba Gold'
gold-leaf Japanese kerria
Kerria japonica 'Chiba Gold' is a newly introduced, gold-leaf cultivar that originated in Japan. Cold hardy through North Carolina. Bright yellow spring flowers, 3'–6' tall, and a colonizing habit. Remember, the gold-foliage color will fade to green, if plants are sited in preferred shady spots.
Kerria japonica 'Fubuki Nishiki'
Japanese kerria
Soft primrose yellow flowers as opposed to typical bright gold. Foliage is very lightly and irregularly streaked with white. Green winter stems add interest after leaves drop in fall. Arching shrub shape. Easy, tough plant.
Kerria japonica 'Geisha'
variegated Japanese kerria
2"- 4" leaves randomly splashed with white and yellow
Kniphofia 'Backdraft'
Pyromania Collection red-hot poker
Large spiky flowers and upright grassy foliage make this Kniphofia a terrific addition to a perennial bed or border.
Kniphofia 'Flashpoint'
red hot poker
With an upright habit and spiky flowers that begin chartreuse yellow and mature to creamy white, this long-blooming, drought tolerant perennial provides interest in the garden.
Kniphofia 'Gold Rush'
red-hot poker
Flaming yellow spike-shaped flowers rise above the grassy foliage of this lovely perennial.
Kniphofia hirsuta
Fire Dance Dwarf Poker
This colorful little bloomer has great cold hardiness with a compact mature size. Hummingbirds are attracted to it! Plus it's DEER, RABBIT, and DROUGHT resistant. What's not to love?
Kniphofia 'Hot and Cold'
hot poker
'Hot and Cold' produces 3' tall pokers that are white at the bottom and flaming orange toward the tip. An early season flowering variety with good reblooming.
Kniphofia northiae
Octopus Red Hot Poker
Kniphofia 'Pineapple Popsicle'
yellow red-hot poker
Kniphofia 'Red Roulette'
red-hot poker
Vibrant red-orange flower spikes rise above the very narrow grassy foliage of this red-hot poker plant.
Lagerstroemia 'Cherry Mocha'
dwarf crape myrtle
A dwarf crape myrtle (to 36") with burgundy foliage and red flowers.
Lagerstroemia 'DJ 01-14'
Indulgence Vanilla Gelato crepe myrtle
Shiny burgundy leaves provide a dramatic foil to the the light pink flowers which are borne most of the summer.
Lagerstroemia 'DJ 05-14'
Indulgence Strawberry Gelato crepe myrtle
Dark leaves. Compact habit. Pink flowers in summer.
Lagerstroemia 'Ebony Embers'
Black Diamond Red Hot crepe myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica 'G2X13377'
Infinitini White dwarf crepe myrtle
A compact, white flowered crepe myrtle with an exceptionally long period of bloom.
Lagerstroemia indica 'SMNLIJ'
Center Stage Coral crepe myrtle
A dark leaved, coral flowered, medium sized crepe myrtle.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit IV'
Red Rocket red crepe myrtle
Lagerstroemia 'Like a Latte'
Glossy foliage emerges coppery red before turning deep green with burgundy veining, perfectly highlighting the white flowers.
Lagerstroemia 'Miss Frances'
crepe myrtle
An improved, disease resistant, red flowered crepe myrtle from the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) released in 2015. Part of the "Miss" series of crepe myrtles.
Lagerstroemia 'Pavé Pink' (JBG 19003/SB1702)
crepe myrtle
A dwarf crepe myrtle with hot pink flowers and bronzy purple foliage.
Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke'
miniature crepe myrtle
One of the first and best miniature crepe myrtles from the U.S. National Arboretum, this shrub forms a low, tidy mound of fine foliage with small clusters of cheery, pink flowers. Amazing fall color and powdery mildew resistant.
Lagerstroemia 'Sweet Macchiato'
Upright, well-branched and bushy with very dark, shiny, blue-green leaves that flush with a red tint like fire in springtime. White flowers.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'
white bleeding heart
Many still recall its prior name, Dicentra spectabilis. Bleeding hearts are spring ephemerals that appear, grow to 30", bloom with heart-shaped flowers and then usually go dormant before summer heat. If sited in protected shade, foliage may stick around until fall. Prefers evenly moist, compost-rich soil.
Lantana camara 'Citrus Salad'
A lovely pastel combination of citrus colors starting soft lemon yellow in the morning, then slowly transforming from tangerine to pink grapefruit toned. The soft colors work well in most landscapes. This is an exceptionally hardy form of lantana that is close to sterile. Propagates and grows quickly from cuttings.
Lantana camara 'Ham and Eggs'
common lantana
An old, nearly-sterile cultivar. Dependably cold-hardy here in zone 7b, this lovely lantana bears lovely flowers that are pink in bud, open to yellow, and fade to pink. Absolutely stunning! A flowering machine. Great for the butterflies.
Lantana camara 'Star Landing'
A hardy lantana that is just 2' tall but spreading wide to 6'. In summer the flowers are yellow-orange and red-orange and popular with pollinators. Self-sterile but will form seeds if grown near other cultivars.
Lantana montevidensis
This sprawling woody shrub forms a beautiful groundcover that flowers through the hot summer months.
Laurus nobilis
Native to the Mediterranean, this pyramidal, aromatic, evergreen shrub will grow quite large unless pruned.
Laurus nobilis 'Lnss'
Sicilian Sunshine golden bay
Bright golden foliage on an evergreen shrub to 10' or more tall makes this a showy plant for full sun. Red young stems add to the display on this form of the culinary bay. This Mediterranean plant needs a warm, well-drained spot and should be grown in a container indoors during the winter unless planted out near the coast in a warm zone 8 garden.
Lavandula bipinnata
feather leaf lavender
Small evergreen shrub with silver gray divided leaves looks particularly beautiful in a rock garden. Blooms late summer through early fall. Drought tolerant. Requires well-drained soil.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Phenomenal'
Planted in a sunny spot at the JCRA it was actually a phenomenal plant until it was run over by a dump truck. Makes an exceptionally uniform mound of silver foliage topped with lavender (duh) flowers and is one of the most heat tolerant lavenders available.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Provence'
This fragrant evergreen offers gray-green foliage and lavender flowers. Drought tolerant, this plant prefers well-drained soil.
Lavandula stoechas
Spanish lavender
Sturdy, bushy, low growing, heavy flowering lavender.
Ledebouria cooperi
Cooper's false scilla
This cool little South African bulb will quickly form sizable clumps of diminutive foliage streaked with burgundy. In early spring, short stalks of pink flowers are dazzling amidst the foliage.
Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'
false scilla
Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
green penny fern
This tiny fern usually grows as an epiphyte in southeastern subtropical Asia. It has survived 2 mild winters at JCRA and was still green after several 17 degree nights. An excellent terrarium fern or small container plant. Round, sterile fronds smaller than a dime are produced singly along the trailing stem. Fertile fronds rise to an inch or more and are upright and forked. To be safe, you may want to split this plant and grow part outdoors but keep a piece indoors. Shade, zone 7b.
Lepechinia hastata
false salvia
This winter-hardy Hawaiian native is an unusual sage relative, relatively unknown in our region. Hummingbirds can't resist this perennial's 4' tall flower spikes of reddish-purple flowers produced each summer.
Leptinella squalida
brass buttons
A low growing ground cover with ferny leaves and an indefinite stoloniferous spread. Flowers are insignificant.
Leptodermis oblonga
false lilac
A wonderful low mounding, fragrant shrub. Violet-pink, lilac-like tubular blooms from late spring to frost. A veritable blooming machine. DEER RESISTANT!
Lespedeza bicolor 'Lil' Buddy'
shrubby bushclover
Tolerant of poor soil and drought resistant, 'Lil' Buddy' forms a mound of arching stems with trifoliate leaves and tiny fuschia flowers in summer. It can be cut back in late fall since it flowers on new growth.
Lespedeza buergeri
bush clover
Lespedeza buergeri is an uncommon asian shrub with arching branches tipped in late summer with panicles of mauve-pink, pea–like blooms.
Lespedeza liukiuensis 'Little Volcano'
Lespedeza thunbergii 'Pink Cascade'
pink bush-clover
Graceful, mounding shrub, mounding to 6' tall, flowering late summer to fall. Attractive pink flowers. Sun to part shade. Zones 5–8.
Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spring Grove'
Lespedeza thunbergii 'White Fountain'
white bush-clover
A stunning perennial bush clover, if cut to the ground in spring, 'White Fountain' will resprout rapidly. From late summer into fall, its weeping branch tips are clothed in sprays of white pea-like flowers.
Leucanthemum maximum 'Leuz0003'
Western Star Taurus Shasta daisy
Western Star Taurus is a true Shasta daisy with masses of pure white flowers with yellow centers on a compact plant.
Leucanthemum 'Snowbound'
This adorable daisy is short and neat with masses of vigorous white flowers. It'll be perfect for a favorite container or a garden bed. Both you and the butterflies will enjoy its blooms late spring to midsummer. What a charmer!
Leucanthemum ×superbum
Shasta daisy
Lovely pollinator-friendly blooms top the foliage mounds of these shasta daisies.
Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Becky'
Shasta daisy
Shasta daisies have large, white, single blooms with yellow centers on a lush mound of coarse, leathery, green foliage. They make exceptionally long-lasting cut flowers. The sturdy flowers remain attractive even after a hard rain. Excellent in sunny borders and in containers.
Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant'
summer snowflake
A large selection of Leucojum, the spring-blooming, bulbous Gravetye Giant offers rich green foliage before bell-shaped white flowers emerge. This vigorous plant complements daffodils and tulips and will naturalize.
Leucophyllum langmaniae (2013-0410)
Texas ranger
An evergreen shrub native to Mexico with sage-green leaves and small lavender flowers in summer. Drought tolerant. Needs well drained soils and full sun.
Leucothoe keiskei 'Opstal 50'
Burning Love dwarf Japanese leucothoe
Gloriously colorful foliage changes over the season from dark red in spring to fresh green in summer and finally purple in winter on this gracefully arching little shrub. A must have for every shade garden
Licuala grandis
ruffled fan palm
Truly one of the most distinctive of palms with large, rounded fronds. Completely frost tender and will not survive even a short freeze, In a container, it needs bright light and prefers to never dry completely out.
Ligusticum mutellina
alpine lovage
A European carrot-family member with the characteristic feathery leaves and umbels of flowers so common in the family. In this case, the flowers are pale-purple in color. Join us in trialing this plant in this area.
Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine'
golden privet
Year-round golden foliage and compact growth is perfect for making exciting combinations. This medium sized shrub can be clipped into any shape or allowed to grow naturally. Cut to the ground if it gets too large. This selection has never flowered or fruited so it is not invasive like some others.
Lilium 'Black Beauty'
oriental lily
This vigorous lily blooms deep crimson with white edges and a central green star. It can get quite tall and create many fragrant flowers.
Lilium callosum
6 to 8 pendant-shaped red flowers appear on this fragrant lily. The species spreads quickly from stem bulblets. Once established, it will withstand drought.
Lilium concolor
morning star lily
A lily from Korea, China & Japan to 2' tall with yellow flowers.
Lilium concolor var. pulchellum
Stems of multiple 2" red orange flowers make this a delightful addition to any garden.
Lilium formosanum
Formosa lily
A real show stopper in August and easy to grow! White trumpet-shaped flowers in late summer. Cool seed pods too! 4'–6' tall. Sun-partial shade.
Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno'
double tiger lily
Lindera angustifolia
narrowleaf spicebush
Leaves are green (top) and silver-green (bottom) from spring to summer, then turn a spectacular combination of orange, red and purple in fall. Leaves then age to tan and are held on the plant all winter before falling off.
Lindernia grandiflora
blue moneywort
A ground hugging 1" tall perennial with tiny blue flowers. Great for in between stones, in containers, etc. Prefers moist soil.
Linum lewisii
Lewis flax
Upright stems with thin green leaves are topped from spring through summer with 5-petaled blue flowers. Tolerates dry soils with good drainage.
Liriope muscari 'Okina'
Liriope muscari 'PeeDee Ingot'
yellow lilyturf
Curiously unknown, Ingot's beautiful purple flowers in late summer are a perfect foil for its chartreuse foliage, which is brightest in spring. For us, 'PeeDee Ingot' has performed admirably in our Perennial Border's full sun and our Lath House's shade.
Lobelia ×speciosa 'Compliment Deep Red'
Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS1302712'
Starship Blue blue cardinal flower
Dark violet-blue flowers and green foliage. Quite striking!
Lobelia ×speciosa 'PAS1302716'
Starship Scarlet Bronze Leaf cardinal flower
The clear-red flowers of cardinal flower are set off by the bronze to black foliage of this hybrid selection. Thrives in moist soils.
Lonicera fragrantissima
winter honeysuckle
The small white flowers of this deciduous shrub fill the air with a delicious lemony fragrance. Easily grown since it is tolerate of deer, drought,erosion, clay soil, dry soil, and black walnut.
Lonicera 'Mandarin'
orange honeysuckle
Outstanding flowering vine for arbor or fence. The long tubular flowers, deep orange-red on the outside and paler orange inside are produced in masses in May and early June. This hybrid is a prolific bloomer, vigorous grower, and heat and cold tolerant. Hummingbirds will thank you too.
Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold'
golden boxleaf honeysuckle
An evergreen shrub with tiny yellow leaves and a mounding habit. Can be sheared into a hedge if desired. Prefers part-sun.
Lonicera nitida 'Briliame'
Ophelia gold boxleaf honeysuckle
Lonicera nitida 'Golden Glow'
Thunderbolt box honeysuckle
A dwarf evergreen densely branched shrub with small chartreuse foliage on arching branches. A great hedge plant. Best in part sun. Hardy to zone 5.
Lonicera nitida 'Maigrün'
May Green box honeysuckle
‘Maigrun’ is an outstanding, low-mounding, evergreen shrub. Its small, flat, bright green leaves arise from arching stems. In the JCRA’s Lath House, it has spread rapidly forming a well-branched and mounding shrub 2’–3’ tall and 5' wide. Excellent on borders, slopes, or banks.
Lonicera ×purpusii 'Winter Beauty'
winter honeysuckle
Better if not pruned
Position at back of border
Lonicera sempervirens 'Cedar Lane'
trumpet honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
red trumpet honeysuckle
This selection of our native honeysuckle is perhaps the finest red flowering form available. Blue green foliage makes a great foil for the masses of tubular blossoms.
Lophanthus tibeticus
Tibetan lofant
Loropetalum 'Carolina Midnight'
Chinese fringe flower
Loropetalum chinense 'Beni Hime'
Jazz Hands Mini Chinese fringe flower
We're told this is an extreme dwarf to just 12" tall, perfect for use along a sidewalk or at the front of the border. We haven't evaluated it yet but we're skeptical that it is actually that compact. At any rate, loropetalum is tough and easy to grow.
Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori'
Jazz Hands variegated Chinese fringe flower
Foliage highly spattered with white and fuchsia colored flowers make for one knockout show.
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'sPg-3-002'
Ruby Snow purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower
This has been much sought after ever since purple-leaf loropetalums hit the market. Deep burgundy foliage is highlighted by strappy-petaled, white flowers. Easy in almost any spot, but color and flowering are best in sun.Take size predictions with a grain of salt.
Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-White'
Emerald Snow dwarf Chinese fringe flower
Ludwigia maritima 'Life's a Beach'
This summer-flowering, SE US coastal native, is found naturally in low pinelands and wet ditches. It forms a shrubby clump of upright cinnamon red stems with small green willow-like leaves and in summer, it's topped with hundreds of small, four-petaled bright yellow flowers.
Lychnis flos-cuculi 'Lychjenpet'
Petite Jenny ragged robin
Abundant, showy lavender-pink double flowers appear on slender, branching stems. Prefers a moist, well-drained site.
surprise lily
This is a mixture of the red flowered Lycoris radiata and the pink flowered (with blue tips) Lycoris ×rosea. In both cases, the flowers emerge in late summer. a month or so later in early fall, the leaves finally emerge and stay green all winter, going dormant the following spring.
Lycoris albiflora
white surprise-lily
Lycoris ×albiflora 'Phil's Gold'
Tony Avent of Plant Delights describes this Lycoris: 21-inch cinnamon stalks emerge in mid-September, soon topped with 6 or 7 frilly light butter-yellow flowers, highlighted by a central peach stripe down each petal. Light shade helps protect the foliage when the winter temperatures drop below 12°F.
Lycoris albiflora 'Summer Passion'
summer passion surprise lily
Lycoris radiata
red spider lily
The red spide lily returns each late summer early fall with a glorious floral display. The foliage is produced soon after and persists all winter. The bulbs multiple and the display increases year after year.
Lycoris radiata var. radiata
red spider lily
Lycoris radiata var. radiata 'Fire Engine'
spider lily
Lycoris radiata var. radiata 'Modern Japanese'
spider lily
One of the last Lycoris radiata to flower, in September 'Modern Japanese' features terminal heads of 7 or 8 brilliant, orange-red, lacy flowers atop 2-foot scapes.
Lycoris ×rosea
surprise lily
Lycoris ×rosea produces flowers starting in mid-August (NC) that are rose-pink with blue-tipped petals. Foliage emerges long after the flower show is over in mid-October and grows through the winter.
Lycoris sprengeri
tie-dye surprise-lily
A dormant bulb that produces 5 to 7 dark pink, lily-like flowers atop 18" stems. Pink petals have an electric blue overlay that's more prominent toward the tip. New foliage emerges in early March (NC) and grows until going dormant in late May.
Lycoris ×straminea 'Strawberry Lemonade'
Tony Avent of Plant Delights says: 'Strawberry Lemonade' has proved exceptional and vigorous, with unrivaled flower density. 22" tall stalks are topped with peach-flushed buds in mid-August (NC), which open to creamy white flowers with a salmon flush to petal backs. Over a few days, flowers transition to salmon-peach.
Lysimachia clethroides 'Heronswood Gold'
This species is known to be an aggressive garden thug but this gold form named by Dan Hinkley is much less vigorous. Bright gold leaves all season are topped in July with the distinctively gooseneck curved spikes of small white flowers much loved by pollinators. If grown in full sun, it needs plenty of moisture to keep from burning.
Lysimachia 'Midnight Sun'
creeping Jenny
Deep purple to almost chocolate foliage trails well over stones or a pot edge and is followed by bright yellow flowers in summer.
Magnolia acuminata
cucumber-tree magnolia
This native deciduous magnolia features large leaves (up to 10"). The yellowish-green tulip-shaped flowers are 2 to 4" long and appear in spring. Flowers are followed by warty green, somewhat cucumber-like fruit. The fruit turns red as it matures.
Magnolia cylindrica 'MJK-MC1'
Marilyn's Choice cylindrical magnolia
Magnolia delavayi
Father Delavay's magnolia
Magnolia Delavayi, the fragrant Chinese Evergreen Magnolia, has huge evergreen leaves with light undersides. Flowers open white, with umber red edges or streaks. This seems to be their moment of high fragrance. Then the blossoms fade and unfurl to peach buff. Beautiful and rare!
Magnolia figo 'Stellar Ruby'
banana shrub
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
southern magnolia
The southern magnolia is not a dwarf, but it is a slower growing form with small leaves. It can be used in many innovative ways
(e.g., as a sheared hedge). A wonderful medium to large evergreen tree with large, fragrant flowers in summer. It is a species which is native to the Southeast.
Magnolia laevifolia 'Michelle'
shrubby michelia
This evergreen magnolia covers itself in an embarrassment of 2" white flowers in spring. It also has a tendency to put out more flowers in midsummer and again in the fall. The small, deep green leaves look great all year on the medium to large shrub in full sun or light shade.
Magnolia macrophylla var. ashei
Ashe's magnolia
Rarest native bigleaf umbrella magnolia in U.S., occurring naturally in only 6 Florida panhandle counties. It's hardy, as well as heat and humidity tolerant. It grows typically as a large, multi-trunked shrub to about 18' tall but can grow to 30'. Showy, with leaves to 24" and big fragrant flowers.
Magnolia maudiae
smiling forest michelia
Enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of pristine white flowers in late winter. Flowers are large (4"-6") and it has been described in bloom as "one of the greater surreal experiences of horticulture." Plant in a location that has protection from cold north winds.
Magnolia 'Serendipity'
hybrid magnolia
An evergreen shrub with a long bloom period in spring. The 2" white flowers have a light scent of lemon or banana depending on the person smelling them.
Magnolia sieboldii
Oyama magnolia
Oyama is an adorable small, deciduous magnolia tree that has fragrant, white flowers with rose-red stamens from late spring to late summer. Perfect in light shade.
Magnolia tripetala
umbrella magnolia
Umbrella magnolia is a common native on the slopes of the Appalachian Mountains. Eye-catching, large, lime green leaves reach up to 2' long. Creamy white flowers have six to nine tepals, and each flower is 6" to 10" across when open. Red fall fruit is very attractive.
Magnolia virginiana var. australis (ex. 'Perry Paige')
Sweet Bay Magnolia
These plants are seedlings of Magnolia 'Sweet Thing' and more than likely have most of the same characteristics. 'Sweet Thing' is a dwarf evergreen Sweetbay Magnolia. It is very dense and full of foliage. The foliage is retained year round.Take a chance on one of these seedlings! You won't be disappointed!
Mahonia eurybracteata 'Narihira'
narrowleaf mahonia
An elegant foliage plant for the part-shade garden with fine-texture fern-like leaves.
Mahonia ×lindsayae 'Cantab'
fragrant mahonia
Mahonias are lovely arching, hardy shrubs with large, rich, dark green leaves which turn red in the winter. In late fall and early winter, lemon-yellow, scented flowers bloom in spreading raceme. Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds -- but DEER and RABBIT resistant!
Mahonia ×media 'Winter Sun'
Oregon grape
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii
Turk's cap
This spreading shrub grows to 2-3 feet. Its red flowers usually are produced in showy profusion during hot weather at the end of summer and early fall.
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'Alba'
white Turk's cap
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'Big Momma'
Drummond's wax mallow
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'Pam Puryear'
pink Turk's cap
The clumps of this delightful wax mallow are adorned with rich, green leaves that serve as a backdrop for the peachy flowers that are produced in abundance from midsummer until frost. The turban-like flowers with their sex organs protruding far outside the petals make a great conversation in the summer garden.
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (pink)
pink turk's cap
Mandevilla (white)
rock trumpet
Tropical vine with showy, funnel-shaped blossoms whose 5 broad, pointed lobes gracefully unfurl above shiny, dark green leaves. Hummingbird magnet.
Manfreda 'Helen Wynans'
deciduous agave
'Helen Wynans' is an excellent landscape plant. It's abundant foliage is broad and widely marked by dark spots. It makes an excellent ground. Proven over time to be tolerant of heat, humidity and heavy soils.
Manfreda maculosa
Perfect for a well-drained rock garden, this deciduous agave is heavily freckled with purple spots. 2' tall spikes of creamy flowers appear in mid-summer.
×Mangave 'Arctic Fox'
Another sport of ×Mangave 'Jaguar' but here the white stripe is down the center of the leaf. This cultivar can only be propagated by division of offsets, as it cannot be tissue-cultured, so it will always be scarce. Mangaves are evergreen when grown in frost-free environments.
×Mangave 'Blazing Saddles'
The olive green leaves are nearly entirely covered in purple spots, though more importantly the overall colors appears quite red from a distance. Mangaves remain evergreen if grown in frost-free environments.
×Mangave 'Coffee Jitters'
This cultivar was created by mixing two parts manfreda (Manfreda longiflora and Manfreda maculosa) with one part Agave marmorata. The result is a squid-like plant with narrow, rubbery, dark purple-brown foliage and tooth-like nubs along the deeply-channeled leaves
×Mangave 'Frosted Elegance'
Powdery-blue leaves with a wide central chartreuse stripe.
A lovely specimen for a pot where it is not winter hardy.
Mangaves are evergreen if grown in frost-free environments.
×Mangave 'Ink Blot'
This succulent is a cross between one agave and two manfreda species. 'Ink Blot' has a low, wide habit and the thick, wide, dark green leaves have large blood red spots. Perfect for decorative containers.
×Mangave 'Kaleidoscope'
Certainly one of the most colorful of the ×Mangaves, with a red infused, cream margin to the leaves and spots throughout. The spots are maroon on the green center of the leaf and bright red on the cream margins of the leaves. Fun! Mangaves remain evergreen if grown in frost-free environments.
×Mangave 'Man of Steel'
This Mangave produces a rosette of narrow, silvery, leaves. The long, terminal spines are only slightly poke-y so this Mangave is easier to handle and work with than Agaves are. Well drained soils or pot-culture is best. Although sources list it as only zone 9a hardy, it may be hardier than that once it gets some size on it.
×Mangave 'Mayan Queen'
A hybrid of Agave pablocarrilloi and Agave macroacantha and Manfreda that resulted in a rosette of thick, rubbery, silver-grey leaves, overtopped with a heavy dark purple spotting. The leaf tips and edges are toothed but soft. Not hardy in grow it in a pot.
×Mangave 'Pineapple Express'
A hybrid of Mangave 'Jaguar' and 'Bloodspot' that is a fast-growing, upright plant with channeled, fleshy, olive green leaves, heavily spotted with purple, becoming almost solid purple toward the center. Like all Mangaves, the spines and teeth are soft and relatively non-pokey. Well drained soil or pot-culture recommended. It is hardy in NC but just barely and will benefit from a spot protected from winter moisture and the worst of the winter cold.
×Mangave 'Snow Leopard'
×Mangave 'Snow Leopard' is a variegated sport of 'Jaguar' distinguished by its wide white margin to its purple spotted green leaves. Mangave remains evergreen if grown in frost-free environments. Semi hardy, zone 8a.
×Mangave 'Whale Tale'
One of the few ×Mangave that is cold hardy in the Raleigh area (provided it is in well drained soil). Large, wide blue-green leaves are lightly speckled with dark spotting. A waxy coating gives the plant more of a silvery blue look. Its low, wide habit has leaves that arch downwards at the tips, perfect for framing containers. The name 'Whale Tale' is in reference to its parentage of Agave ovatifolia (Whale Tongue Agave).
Marshallia caespitosa
Barbara's buttons
A native wildflower that grows on sandy soils. Unique white flowers in spring.
Mazus reptans
creeping mazus
A tiny 1" tall spreading ground cover with small lavender flowers in early summer. Great evergreen plant for a shady flowering lawn. Prefers moist, not wet, soil.
Metapanax davidii
David false-ginseng
We have been thoroughly impressed with the performance of this species in the garden where it makes an evergreen shrub with palmately compound to simple foliage. Sputnik-like flowers give rise to blue-black fruits. May need some winter protection.
Millettia pulchra
summer wisteria
Mirabilis longiflora
sweet four o'clock
Each nocturnal blooming 4' wide clump is smothered in midsummer with many narrow tubed, 4" long, lightly fragrant white flowers with a pink tinge toward the tips.
Miyamayomena savatieri 'Edo Murasaki'
Edo Muraski Japanese aster
Edo Muraski makes delightful 18" clumps of dark green cut leaves topped with deep bluish-purple daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers from spring well into the summer. With a high fertility regime, it has remained completely evergreen for us. Seeing these blue daisies is appreciating!
Monarda 'Bee Free'
Bee You bee balm
Monarda fistulosa × M. bartlettii 'Peter's Purple'
Peter's purple bee balm
Monarda 'Marshall's Delight'
A medium sized beebalm with pink flowers. Spreads vigorously by rhizomes and so you may have to check its growth annually.
Morella cerifera
southern wax myrtle
Native evergreen shrub commonly used as a large hedge. Salt and pollution tolerant. Grows in a wide range of conditions including dry shade, but best with consistent watering.
Morella cerifera 'Soleil'
golden southern wax myrtle
Muehlenbeckia axillaris
creeping wire vine
An Australian foliage plant grown either as a fast spreading groundcover or a filler in containers.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Nana'
creeping wire vine
Tiny green leaves held on thin creeping stems make this a great low groundcover or trailing plant for a container edge. New leaves emerge bronze before turning green and become bronze toned again with cool weather.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris 'Tricolor'
creeping wire vine
New growth is heavily mottled with white on this small scale evergreen groundcover. The youngest leaves have pink highlights.
Muhlenbergia sericea
muhly grass
"Fine textured grass with blue-green foliage in dense clumps. In fall, it is topped by airy masses of rose-pink flowers. Heat, drought, and wet soil tolerant. Enjoy the hybrid, ‘Pink Flamingos’, in the Xeric garden." Nancy D.
Musa basjoo
textile banana
This is the world's hardiest banana species (Zones 5-10). Gardeners interested in the bold look of “tropicalissimo” grow these plants. Their fruit is small, green, and inedible, but their ornamental foliage lends an exotic and tropical aura to the landscape.
Musa sikkimensis
Darjeeling banana
Musa velutina
pink velvet banana
Musa velutina (giant form)
pink velvet banana
(Pot Sz: 3") <br>Common name: pink velvet banana<br>¤ herbaceous perennial to 12'<br>¤ plant in sun<br>¤ hardy to zone 7b assuming<br>¤ pink flowers in summer<br>¤ dark pink fruit<br>While visiting Costa Rica I came across a clump of the pink-fruited banana which was easily 3' taller than any other clumps in the area. The bananas themselves were about 1.5" longer than their counterparts as well. This is a seedling from that large form. Will it prove to be larger than typical? Will it prove to be as hardy as the clone cultivated in the U.S.? We don't know, but that's half the fun.
Musella lasiocarpa
hardy Chinese yellow banana
A small banana relative with yellow lotus-like flowers in the summer. Bold foliage is glaucous blue-green In mild winters, pseudostems often overwinter. In the southern end of its range, you might also get small 2" bananas that, while technically edible, are mostly seeds.
Myriopteris lanosa
hairy lip fern
Also known as Cheilanthes lanosa in the trade. This small sun-loving fern likes full sun and well-drained, lean soil. A perfect foliage plant in a rock garden around your cacti and agave.
Myrtus communis 'Little Elizabeth'
dwarf myrtle
Prefers moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils. Sharply drained soils are important. Leaves are pleasantly aromatic when bruised, and flowers are scented as well. A popular hedge and topiary plant.
Narcissus 'Pueblo'
jonquilla daffodil
"A perky little daffodil that opens soft, primrose yellow. As Pueblo's flowers mature, the cup stays pale yellow and the petals fade to creamy white. Each sturdy, weatherproof stem is topped with a bouquet of one to three flowers." --Longfield Gardens
Narcissus 'Spoirot'
miniature daffodil
Pale yellow to white 'hoop-skirt' flowers adorn this dwarf daffodil. Flowers early in the season...late February for us in Raleigh. It gets better every year.
Narcissus willkommii
jonquilla daffodil
Neolepisorus fortunei
Fortune's ribbon fern
Fortune's ribbon fern is a striking, non-frilly fern with long, narrow fronds 18" long but only 1.5" across. It is marginally hardy for us in Raleigh and is best sited where it receives some winter protection. It makes a slowly, slowly creeping clump to a few feet wide after many years.
Neolitsea sericea
silky laurel
This is a truly aristocratic small tree or large shrub with lovely olive toned evergreen foliage. New growth in spring is covered in golden-orange shimmering hairs which just beg to be petted. Must be seen to be appreciated. Cheery yellow spring flowers give rise to blue-black fruit.
Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose'
Bright chartreuse yellow leaves topped with clusters of lavender blue flowers all summer. Does not need to be cut back like most catmints to continue blooming. Attracts cats who like to roll on the plant and catch a buzz from the scent of the bruised leaves. Drought tolerant once established.
Nepeta 'Early Bird'
Nepeta ×faassenii 'Balpurrink'
Whispurr Pink catmint
This is a pink-flowered selection of the normally blue perennial catmint. Mint scented leaves deter herbivores, and flower spikes attract pollinators. Sun loving, drought tolerant and hardy to zone 4.
Nepeta ×faassenii 'Novanepjun'
Junior Walker compact catmint
This compact catmint makes a 15" tall x 4' wide clump topped with sprays of small pale lavender flowers held just above the foliage. A wonderful addition to the garden!
Nepeta 'Joanna Reed'
Violet-blue flowers from late spring into fall. It has a low, wide habit. Received a five-star "excellent" rating in a Chicago Botanic Garden evaluation of catmints, Flowers attract butterflies and bees and it is typically not bothered by deer.
Nepeta 'Psfike'
Little Trudy catmint
A drought tolerant dwarf form of catmint with a low spreading habit and a long blooming season. Atop a finely textured, aromatic, silvery foliage, its profuse purple-violet flowers are on permanent display from late spring to late summer.
Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'
giant catmint
Drought tolerate.
Neviusia alabamensis
Alabama snow-wreath
Nicotiana glauca 'Salta Blues'
blue tree tobacco
Nierembergia repens
cup flower
Quarter-sized white flowers cover this 3" tall spreading ground cover from July to September. Tolerates a bit of foot traffic so you can use it between pavers or as a lawn substitute in a low traffic site in part shade. Prefers moist soil. This is a South American native. Part sun to part shade.
Nolina lindheimeriana
Nothoscordum sellowianum
false yellow crocus
Cute South American bulb makes a small mat of deep green foliage topped winter through spring with cheery yellow flowers. Typically doesn't set seed but will form offsets, slowly increasing clump size. Rarely available due to long propagation times but well worth a sunny, well-drained spot.
These 2-packs are Ocimum basilicum 'Lemon' or lemon basil, a culinary herb with a lovely lemon flavor and aroma.
Ocimum 'African Blue'
hybrid basil
Ocimum 'Amazel'
Italian basil
Downy mildew resistant basil. High yield. Pinch off flowers to increase harvest. Great culinary herb. This cutting grown selection should last summer long up to frost in the fall.
Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese'
Popular culinary basil known for use in traditional Genovese sauce.
Ocimum basilicum var. purpurescens 'Red Rubin'
Culinary herb with reddish purple, spicy leaves.
Ocimum basilicum 'Thai Magic'
Glossy 4" long leaf, very aromatic. A spicy licorice and clove flavor.
Ocimum ×citriodorum 'Lesbos'
Greek columnar basil
A culinary basil with an upright habit.
Odontonema tubaeforme
A Central American native (thus not typically cold hardy here!) related to Acanthus. Firespike is a shrub that grows 3' tall in a single season and produces terminal flower spikes covered with bright red tubular flowers that hummingbirds are sure to like. This selection has proven to be hardy for several years in central North Carolina but we still have our doubts. Full sun.
Oenothera fruticosa
Sundrops are an erect, day-flowering member of the evening primrose family. It features purple-brown flushed foliage, red stems, red flower buds and bright yellow flowers in May-June. They prefer good summer heat and dryish soils.
Oenothera macrocarpa
Ozark sundrops
This fragrant, drought tolerant perennial offers lovely foliage and dramatic yellow blooms throughout the summer.
Onychium japonicum 'Sichuan Lace'
carrot fern
slowly spreading
zone 7 to 9
Opuntia cacanapa 'Ellisiana'
spineless prickly-pear
Origanum 'Amethyst Falls'
ornamental oregano
This oregano is a long blooming hybrid with aromatic, spicy foliage that can be used in cooking. Sprays of pale purple blooms hang at the tips of light green cones that resemble Hops. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Needs well drained soil.
Origanum 'Gilt Trip'
Chartreuse foliage and summer flowers in shades of pink make this culinary herb a super addition to the garden.
Origanum laevigatum 'Lizzie'
Vigorous culinary herb begins flowering in mid-June with terminal sprays of purple to pink blooms.
Origanum laevigatum 'Pilgrim'
Origanum vulgare 'Aureum'
gold leafed oregano
Bright yellow leaves year-round. This low growing steppable herb is a great ground cover with fragrant foliage.
Origanum vulgare subsp. gracile
greek oregano
Pungent, flavorful herb great for Greek and Italian dishes.
Osmanthus armatus 'Jim Porter'
tea olive
This is a great shrub with foliar interest for the Raleigh area as it tolerates our clay soil well and is fast growing for an Osmanthus. Small white fragrant flowers in fall Sun to part shade. Deer resistant.
Osmanthus fragrans
fragrant olive
Among the most fragrant of all landscape plants is the tea olive a large evergreen shrub with white flowers produced in spring and fall and occasionally at other times of the year.
Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus
orange sweet olive
This orange flowering form of sweet-olive has a floral display that will stop traffic. It is extremely fragrant and rare in southern landscapes although more cold hardy than the white form. It begins flowering when it reaches around 5' tall. A rare treasure when it reaches peak bloom and fragrance.
Osmanthus fragrans 'Fodingzhu'
sweet olive
A sweet olive with much larger flowers...more fragrant too. The most floriferous tea olive in existence. Flowering continues through winter into spring. Previously known as ‘Nanjing Beauty’. 'Fodingzhu' means "pearls on Buddha's head".
Osmanthus fragrans 'Yinbi Shuanghui'
silver edge sweet olive
This newly introduced Osmanthus has evergreen foliage which emerges tinged red with a pink border before maturing to gray-green with a creamy edge. Highly fragrant flowers and blue-black fruit make this an evergreen shrub for all seasons.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki'
holly tea-olive
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'
fragrant princess holly tea-olive
This little tea olive is perfect choice for a rock garden, hypertufa trough, bonsai, or border front. Its small white flower is highly fragrant giving it the Japanese name "fragrant princess." Growing quickly to the height of 1-2 feet, it then slows to its mature height.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kembu'
variegated holly tea-olive
A variegated Osmanthus with cream margins and splashes of cream. More vigorous than the industry standard 'Goshiki' and the leaves are less spiny too. The cultivar name Kembu is Japanese for "sword dance".
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Ogon'
golden holly tea-olive
Dense evergreen shrub with fragrant, small flowers in clusters followed by blue black fruits. Foliage is golden especially when young. Large shrub for sun or semi-shaded areas.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Purpureus'
purple-leaf holly tea-olive
A great underused Osmanthus that features wonderfully fragrant fall flowers. Evergreen leaves emerge purplish black when young, maturing to green with a purple tinge.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Shien'
Party Lights pink flush holly tea-olive
Wow was all we could say when we were introduced to this awesome osmanthus or sweet olive. New growth is bright pink before it transitions to white and then finally mostly green. Upright and compact. A nicely-sized shrub.
Osmunda cinnamomea
cinnamon fern
Deciduous US native fern. Separate spore-bearing fronds appear in rich, handsome, cinnamon tints that contrast with upright, shuttlecock-like clump of sterile fronds. Large specimens in ideal locations can reach over 5' tall but most plantings will be 3' or so.
Osteomeles schwerinae
Chinese emperor plum
A beautiful and distinctive mounding shrub of fine texture due to its small pinnately compound leaves made up of many tiny leaflets. Stems and leaves are covered in grey woolly hairs imparting a silvery cast to the entire plant. In early summer 3" clusters of small white flowers are followed in fall by reddish fruits eventually turning blue-black. Tolerant of dry soils and thriving in full sun. Zones 7(at least) to 10.
Oxalis bowiei
Cape shamrock
A charming little perennial that emerges in fall with large (for an oxalis) three-lobed leaves that are quickly topped with large (again for an oxalis) hot pink flowers. The leaves will hang around until spring and then disappear for the summer. A pretty rock-garden plant.
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba'
A low mound of bright–green clover-like leaves, topped with small white star-shaped flowers for months. Non–invasive.
Oxalis tetraphylla
iron cross lucky clover
This non-invasive Oxalis produces green shamrock-like leaves with a maroon chevron in the center. Best in sun to partial shade. Bright coral pink from early summer to frost.
Oxalis triangularis 'Fanny'
Wood Sorrel
Enjoy wonderful mounds of 3 lobed green leaves covered with a riot of tiny, soft pink flowers. Excellent indoors and out. Pest resistant too!
Oxalis triangularis 'Irish Mist'
The mounding habit of Irish Mist's rosettes of light green, three lobed leaves, speckled with white specks makes it a favorite for rock gardens. Enjoy its blooms from spring to early summer. It's noninvasive and deer resistant too!
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke'
purple shamrock
From late spring through summer, these cheery clumps of maroon leaves are topped with adorable mauve flowers held just above the foliage. What a great highlight for your garden!
Ozothamnus 'Western Hills'
sea rosemary
This aster relative from Down Under makes a low mound of sage-green foliage with silvery backs and stems. It has grown well for us in well-drained soil and sun to very light shade. Mostly insignificant flowers in summer.
Paeonia 'Bartzella'
Itoh hybrid peony
'Bartzella' is the elusive herbaceous x tree peony hybrid. It grows like a herbaceous peony but has flowers and foliage like a tree peony. Stout stems don’t collapse in rain. 8” double yellow flowers with red center markings.
Paeonia lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima'
A favorite since the 19th century with 7" double blooms that are white with sparse red flecks inside. Fragrant. An early to midseason bloomer. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Lady Orchid'
A midseason bloomer with double pale pink flowers with ragged petal edges for a very full look. To 36" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Pecher'
A late season bloomer with double soft pink flowers, often with a thin red picotee edge, that age to white. Fragrant. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paeonia 'Purple Spider'
An midseason bloomer with double fuchsia purple flowers which fade to white. The flower form is an unusual double form with spidery inner petalloids. To 32" tall. Peonies tend to be deer and rabbit resistant and good for butterflies. They make long-lasting cut flowers. Best in full sun but tolerant of light shade.
Paesia scaberula
Scented Lace Fern
This hardy fern is a New Zealand native which grows on dry, rocky cliffs and forms a deciduous, rhizomatous patch up to 3' wide in 2 years. It's fronds are wonderfully lacy and smells delightful when crushed or pelted by rain showers.
Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue'
bitter panicgrass
Silvery-blue foliage makes a clumping fountain to 4' tall that shimmers in the breeze. This is a dune stabilizing species and so is adapted to full sun and well-drained soils. In the garden it is exceptionally drought tolerant.
Panicum virgatum
common switch grass
A clump forming native grass that is highly ornamental in summer and very showy all winter and supports wildlife.
Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'
common switch grass
Native grass features metallic blue blades and airy, pink-tinged panicles in late summer. Drought tolerant.
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'
common switch grass
A lovely native grass that emerges in spring green but the tips quickly turn red. Has a somewhat upright habit but can cascade more than some other species. Brilliant burgundy in fall. One of our absolute favorites.
Papaver rupifragum
Spanish poppy
A short-lived perennial with crinkled blooms. Self sows.
×Pardancanda norrisii 'Dazzler'
candy lily
Dazzler is a dwarf seed strain the produces a variety of flower colors that vary from plant to plant ... yellow, orange, coral, red, purple ... often with spots. (syn. Iris ×norrisii)
Parrotia persica 'Persian Lace'
variegated Persian ironwood
A variegated tree with splashes of white and cream on the leaves. An excellent small tree that can be either single or multi-trunked. Fall foliage is yellow, orange, and red. In winter, the smooth bark exfoliates leaving a patchwork of multicolor sections.
Passiflora 'Elizabeth'
passion flower
A spectacular Passion Flower hybrid! The fragrant flowers reach well over 5" in diameter. The center is a rich purple and when seen in bright light the filaments often reflect a bluish sheen. Hardy to zone 9 and higher for outdoors. Grows to 2-5’ in container, vines in habit, minimum temperature 40°.
Passiflora incarnata (white form)
white maypop passion flower
This eastern US native vine features pure white, fragrant, 2-3” flowers with frilly filaments and ivory stamens from summer through fall. Flowers are followed by egg-shaped fruits that ripen to yellow when mature.
Passiflora 'Inspiration'
purple passion flower
Not as rampant as the native passion vine, 'Inspiration' has attractive purple flowers. Growing to 10' in a single season, it dies back to the ground each winter. Triploid so no viable seeds are produced.
Passiflora 'Lady Margaret'
passion flower
Passiflora 'Monika Fischer'
passion flower
Pavonia brasiliensis
Small green spade-shaped leaves cover the woody stems of this upright, shrubby perennial, which produces lovely, silver-dollar-sized flowers of pale pink with a red eye through much of the summer.
Pelargonium 'Snowflake'
Rose-scented geranium
Light pink flowers, variegated leaves and a wonderful rose aroma make this geranium perfect for the garden or a patio container.
Pelargonium transvaalense 'African Princess'
hardy pelargonium
Pelargonium transvaalense is a winter hardy geranium, hailing from South Africa. The 18" tall × 3' wide clumps thrive in both half-day sun or light shade. Green foliage with purple rings adorns the branched stems, and is topped with pink flowers all summer into early fall.
Peltophorum dubium
yellow poinciana
This deciduous, South American tree has an umbrella-shaped canopy that's covered in summer with clusters of bright yellow flowers that smell like grapes. These are followed by coppery red seed pods. Not hardy in Raleigh (it's a zone 9b plant), it could be a container plant or you can grow it at your Florida beach house.
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Lemon Squeeze'
This vigorous fountain grass forms clumps of brilliant golden foliage, which are topped with a plethora of tan spikes beginning in early August. All fountain grasses flower better if divided every few years, and full sun is needed for good foliage coloration.
Pennisetum thunbergii
Pennisetum Red Buttons
Add interest to your mixed border with red buttons fountaingrass. This is a heat and drought tolerant perennial that produces long stems topped with dense, elongated, feathery flower clusters of rose-red. These are long-lived and can be used in fresh or dry arrangements.
Penstemon 'Onyx and Pearls'
Named after gemstones, onyx is in reference to its dark foliage and pearls refers to its soft lavender flowers with white interiors. From a distance, the flowers look white.
Penstemon smallii
Small's beardtongue
This pretty perennial is native to North Carolina and Tennessee. Bees love it! It grows to 2' in the sun or partial shade. Flower is a corollla 1" long with pink-purple stripe and white inside.
Penstemon tenuis
sharpsepal beardtongue
A southeast U.S. native plant that likes moist sunny sites and can tolerate poor drainage. The small purple flowers in spring make great cut flowers. This penstemon will reseed around your garden if the conditions are good.
Peperomia prostrata
string of turtles
This lovely pot 'spiller' is a vining plant with round, succulent, variegated leaves. A terrific terrarium or pot addition, it prefers slightly moist soil and benefits from being pot-bound.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Rocketman'
Russian sage
'Rocketman' has an upright vase-shaped habit and was bred to have stronger stems making it less likely to flop. Avoid wet, poorly drained soils.
Persea liebmannii
Mexican redbay
The beautiful foliage is the main reason to grow this rare Mexican relative of our native redbay. Yellow spring flowers and black fall fruits add to the allure. Rare and choice.
Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail'
mountain fleece flower
These tiny, rose-red to white flowers bloom on narrow, pencil-thin, long-stalked spikes. Consistent moisture is best for optimum growth. When happy, mountain fleece will slowly spread in the garden. Beautiful when grown in mass in woodland areas, cottage gardens, borders, or even bogs. Deer resistant!
Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Golden Arrow'
mountain fleece
A compact selection that is grown for its golden foliage and cardinal red summer flowers.
Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'
Red Dragon is a clump forming herbaceous perennial possessing purple variegated, pointed leaves. Foliage color is deepest near the base and softens to a silvery purple and green nearest the leaf tip. Zone 5. Prefers partial shade and moist soils.
Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'
variegated Virginia knotweed
Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Variegatus'
variegated fuki
Petrosedum rupestre 'Noniw'
Moonshadow golden creeping sedum
A 4" tall groundcover sedum with bright sulfur-yellow foliage that is topped in summer with yellow flowers. Full sun and well-drained soil needed. Drought tolerant. Hardy down to zone 3.
Petunia 'Lanbor'
Supertunia Bordeaux petunia
This new petunia bears non-stop pink flowers with plum veins and a dark eye.
Peucedanum terebinthaceum var. terebinthaceum
shi fang feng
A truly lovely parsley relative forming low mounds of glossy foliage topped by large umbels of white flowers growing to 4' tall in summer. It also serves as a food source for tiger swallowtail butterfly larvae.
Phedimus 'Czar's Gold'
Mongolian stonecrop
(aka Sedum) Small scalloped green leaves on long reddish stems with bright yellow flowers.
Phedimus kamtschaticus 'Nonsitnal'
Atlantis Takeshima stonecrop
Spectacular variegated foliage is a pretty as most any flower, each leaf with a wide cream border in whorls around the gently sprawling stems
Phedimus selskianus 'Goldilocks'
Amur stonecrop
Formerly known as Sedum 'Goldilocks'. Flat, minutely hairy, lance-shaped leaves form a dense low, mound topped with yellow flowers in summer. A great groundcover, rock garden plant or potted plant.
Phedimus spurious 'Voodoo'
Caucasian stonecrop
(aka Sedum spurium) Year-round deep-red scallop-edged foliage with small rosy flowers in summer. Long stolons mean this one is good for weaving through a rock garden.
Phedimus spurius 'Fool's Gold'
Caucasian stonecrop
(aka Sedum spurium) A variegated form whose green leaves have cream and sometimes pink stripes. More sun = more pink tones. Needs well-drained soil. Deciduous.
Phedimus stevenianus
Pink star-shaped blooms highlight this dark-leaved groundcover, which can tolerate poor soil and direct sun.
Phegopteris decursive-pinnata
Japanese beech fern
Easy to grow, deer resistant, with narrow, upright, coarse-textured, lush green fronds. Does best in consistently moist, slightly acidic soils that are not allowed to dry out.
Phegopteris hexagonoptera
broad beech fern
Native fern prefers rich, well-drained, shady garden location. Fronds up to 30" long.
Phemeranthus calycinus
cherry sunbright
Great for rock gardens, Phemeranthus calycinus blooms intermittently through summer on stems that rise above foliage. Bright pink flowers open mid-afternoon on sunny days. Plant can naturalize. Drought tolerant.
Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus'
golden mock orange
A long grown, but hard to find deciduous spring flowering shrub. New foliage emerges shocking bright gold before toning down to chartreuse-lime. White, late spring flowers to nearly 2" across are sweetly scented. Best in full sun with regular water during the hottest parts of the summer.
Philodendron 'Hope'
hardy philodendron
Normally a tropical houseplant, this selection has proven to be able to survive outside in North Carolina gardens. Very late to emerge from dormancy ... at least June.
Phlomis fruticosa
Jerusalem sage
A 4' tall shrubby evergreen perennial with curious clusters of curved yellow sage–like flowers and felty silver-green leaves. Prefers full sun and well drained soils. Cutting the stems back after bloom may stimulate a second round of flowers. Deer proof.
Phlomoides maximowiczii
Jerusalem sage
This lovely perennial offers clusters of pale purple flowers in summer at the nodes along the tall flower spike that (at 24") stands well above the basal foliage.
Phlox 'Bedazzled Lavender'
This terrific new evergreen introduction by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens begins flowering as early as January and continues into spring.
Phlox 'Bedazzled Pink'
spring phlox
Blooming earlier in spring than many other phlox, this 6" tall pink-flowered plant will slowly spread into a groundcover. Fine, needle-like foliage has a nice texture too. Flowers attract hummingbirds.
Phlox carolina 'Kim'
Thick-leaf Phlox
A superior selection of Phlox carolina that is sturdier and less disease prone than typical. The light green foliage is topped in early summer with light pink flowers. Spreads via stolons.
Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon'
woodland phlox
An essential flower for the spring shade garden and much visited by early butterflies.
Phlox glaberrima subsp. triflora 'Triple Play'
variegated smooth phlox
This showy, creamy edged form of our native smooth phlox features lilac flowers in spring. Relatively vigorous. Performs best in a moist, well-drained location although we’ve heard rumors of its drought tolerance.
Phlox paniculata 'Bartwelve'
Flame Pink garden phlox
Dwarf that seldom needs staking, indispensable for months of showy flowers and pollinator support.
Phlox paniculata 'David'
garden phlox
A classic mildew resistant Phlox with clusters of pure white flowers in summer.
Phlox paniculata 'Delta Snow'
garden phlox
Phlox paniculata
Flame Pro Violet Charme garden phlox
A compact selection. The flowers are bicolor purple with a white eye.
Phlox paniculata 'Franz Schubert'
garden phlox
A mildew resistant cultivar with fragrant flowers.
Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick'
garden phlox
This tough, mildew-resistant phlox begins blooming in early summer and continues blooming long after other selections have faded. The light pink flowers have a darker pink eye.
Phlox paniculata 'Starfire'
garden phlox
Brightly colored flowers. The new leaves are burgundy-bronze and age to green.
Phlox 'PPPHL07301'
Paparazzi Angelina phlox
Fragrant flowers in late spring. Low mounded form. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Phlox stolonifera 'Weesie Smith'
creeping phlox
'Weesie Smith" is a vigorous ground-hugging phlox that forms stems of small spoon-like flowers on 10" spikes. Hummingbirds love its lavender-pink flowers!
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Cushion Blue'
moss phlox
An evergreen mat-forming perennial with lavender blue flowers. Prefers well drained soil.
Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty'
moss phlox
The classic southern evergreen perennial which brightens spring landscapes. The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep purple flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Phlox subulata 'Red Wing'
moss phlox
The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep red-pink flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks.
Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame'
moss phlox
A carpet of bright magenta flowers in early to mid spring at the same time as your daffodils. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Phlox 'Wanda'
hybrid phlox
Phoradendron leucarpum
oak mistletoe
Kiss your partner under the mistletoe! This is the North American species, not the traditional European Viscum album.
Photinia ×fraseri 'Cassini'
Pink Marble variegated Frasier photinia
Photinia microphylla
littleleaf photinia
This Crug Farms collection (BSWJ11837) comes from the upper slopes of the mountains of Vietnam. We haven't been growing this for long but are told it has incredible fall color, white spring flowers, and orange-red fruit. We are already impressed with the fine texture of young plants.
Physocarpus malvaceus
mallow-leaf ninebark
From dry areas east of the Cascades, this deciduous shrub has exfoliating bark and foliage resembling small grape leaves. Tiny, white flowers in loose, rounded clusters. Fall foliage ranges from intense red to subtle rose-brown.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'ZLEYel2'
Raspberry Lemonade dwarf ninebark
A dwarf ninebark shrub that grows to just 4' × 4'. New foliage emerges chartruese in spring and is topped in summer by numerous small white flowers and later by thousands of small coral fruits. Easy to grow in most parts of the country but may struggle a bit in the South's heat and humidity unless sited with some protection from afternoon sun. Honeybees like the flowers. In winter after the leaves drop, watch for the ornamental many-layered peeling bark that gives this plant its common name.
Physostegia virginiana 'Pink Manners'
obedient plant
'Pink Manners' is adorned by tubular flowers in shades of pink-lavender from mid-summer–fall. This easy-to-grow native will not spread in the landscape aggressively like other forms. A great choice, with strong stems that do not require staking, and an upright, clump forming habit.
Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'
Japanese andromeda
'Temple Bells' is a compact form of Japanese pieris with hanging racemes of white bells in spring over evergreen foliage. New growth emerges almost orange, much different than other selections.
Pileostegia viburnoides
climbing hydrangea
This elegant woody vine is one of the best climbers. It's self-clinging, slow-growing, with beautiful long evergreen leaves. In late summer, it produces large inflorescences of creamy-white flowers that are simply stunning against the backdrop of glossy green leaves.
Pinus aristata
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
A bristlecone pine native to high elevations in New Mexico and Colorado. Extraordinarily long lived as some specimens are known to have reached over 2400 years old. Keep it quite dry (raised beds, well-drained soil) in winter to maximize its longevity. This pine is attractive, small and very slow growing...perfect for the small garden.
Pinus engelmannii
Apache pine
This pine is a native to northern Mexico with a few small populations peaking up into southern New Mexico and Arizona. The needles on this pine are the longest of any pine tree...up to 16" in length.
Pinus leiophylla
Chihuahuan Pine
Native to Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico, the Chihuahua pine is a large 60'+ tree with shortish 6" needles and small 2" cones. It is a high elevation pine which gives it some cold tolerance. It remains to be seen how well it will survive in the humid southeast. Drought tolerant. Good drainage is recommended. Excellent timber tree with dense, strong wood.
Piper auritum
root beer plant
1 qt; A large-leafed perennial related to the pepper plant. Known for its leaves, which are used for their spicy aromatic scent and flavor, some liken to root beer, others to anise-clove. It will grow to about 3' tall in Raleigh and spread to form sizable patches if happy. Sun to shade.
Piper kadsura 'Pied Piper'
variegated Japanese pepper
This evergreen vine has small heart-shaped leaves that are irregularly variegated. Its self-clinging stems will climb tree trunks and walls. The white flowers look similar to the jack in a jack-in-the-pulpit. Marginally hardy, part shade, rich soils.
Pittosporum heterophyllum 'Variegatum'
variegated pittosporum
This very attractive evergreen shrub offers fragrance and plenty of promise. It has been growing at Clemson Botanical garden for many years and has performed beautifully. Pale yellow, fragrant flowers on slender pedicles to 1/2” long.
Pittosporum illicioides
anise-leaf pittosporum
Clusters of narrow, wavy, weeping leaves make this a texturally interesting addition to any landscape.
Pittosporum illicioides 'Strappy'
narrow-leafed pittosporum
This is an very narrow-leafed selection of the evergreen anise leaf pittosporum. Fragrant spring flowers give rise to bright orange-seeded fall fruit. It has a fantastic pedigree having been selected by Sean Hogan Cistus Design Nursery, from a Taiwan collection of Dan Hinkley.
Pittosporum parvilimbum
Marginally hardy evergreen shrub or small tree with terminal clusters of small, fragrant, white flowers. Grey-green bark can be attractive on larger plants. Hardy to zone 8?-10.
Pittosporum 'Sappy'
A very narrow-leafed selection of the evergreen anise leaf pittosporum, 'Sappy' offers fragrant spring flowers that give rise to bright orange-seeded fall fruit.
Pittosporum tobira 'Kansai Sunburst'
variegated Japanese pittosporum
This bright cultivar of Japanese pittosporum came to us from Japan. New growth is brilliant yellow before softening to a creamy edge on the evergreen foliage. Fragrant flowers are an added bonus. Reports indicate that this may be somewhat tender. Great in full sun to part shade or in a container that is brought indoors.
Pityopsis graminifolia
narrowleaf silk-grass
Platycladus orientalis 'Beverleyensis'
Oriental arborvitae
'Beverleyensis' is an upright broadly conical conifer (sometimes sold as Thuja orientalis) that will reach roughly 12' tall × 5' wide in 10 years. New growth is bright yellow fading to yellowish-green later in the season. cones are bright blue.
Platycladus orientalis 'Blue Cone'
Oriental arborvitae
Dense and fat, this shrub works well as a privacy screen. Bright, green foliage grows in upward pointed sprays to 12' tall by 6' wide in 10 years. Foliage sometimes takes on a bronze cast in winter. The cones are a waxy blue color. Prefers well-drained soil and tolerates hot dry conditions well. This species is also called by an older name, Thuja orientalis. Hardy to USDA zone 5.
Platycladus orientalis 'Franky Boy'
threadleaf Oriental arborvitae
This lovely, slow-growing, compact, finely textured evergreen makes an interesting accent in the garden.
Platycladus orientalis 'Madurodam'
Oriental arborvitae
A dwarf coniferous shrub, Platycladus is closely related to Thuja. Platycladus 'Madurodam' is a Dutch cultivar named for a park in The Hague famed for its miniature model of a city. This cultivar is extremely rare in the United States ...normally you'd have to fly to Europe to acquire one. 'Madurodam' sprouts new foliage that is yellow, fading to green as the season progresses. In the winter, the shrubs turn a bronzy color. This is a slow-growing dwarf to 3' in 10 years.
Platycladus orientalis 'Morgan'
Oriental arborvitae
Amazing sprays of chartreuse new growth contrast with the darker green older foliage of this great Chinese arborvitae in spring. It's even more dramatic in winter when the entire outer edges of the plant turn an orange-bronze color. It grows as a squat upright plant about twice as tall as wide.
Platycrater arguta
tea of heaven
Podocarpus acutifolius
needle-leaved totara
Needle-leaved totara is native to New Zealand and can reach up to 30' tall in its native habitat. Here, it is more of a shrub or small tree. Its leaves are straight, narrow, and needle pointed. They are green in shaded settings but yellow-green in open areas often turning orange-brown in winter.
Podocarpus lawrencei 'Purple King'
mountain plum-pine
Heat, cold and drought tolerant evergreen shrub with a dense, informal, almost weeping form. New growth emerges white before turning green. In cold climes, expect purple foliage in winter.
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Japanese yew
This drought resistant, densely compact evergreen conifer provides excellent garden structure. It features yellowish, elongated cones and can be pruned to shape.
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Akame'
red-tip Japanese yew
This beautiful Asian, broad-needled conifer is widely used as a specimen or hedge. Bright red to burgundy new flushes of growth make it a showy addition to the landscape. Reaching 12'-15' tall, it grows best in sun to part shade.
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Aureus'
Buddhist pine
Densely compact evergreen conical shrub. Salt and drought tolerant. Prefers well-drained soils.
Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki 'Kinme'
golden-tip Japanese yew
A medium conifer to 20ft with an upright form. Bright yellow new growth each time the plant flushes. Kinme means "yellow eye" as in a cat's eyes
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sunshine Spire'
columnar Japanese yew
This narrowly columnar podocarp can grow to form a screaming exclamation point 18’ tall. Hardiness is uncertain as we have not trialed it yet but it will certainly be hardy to zone 8, perhaps to zone 7.
Podocarpus 'Orangeade'
hybrid podocarpus
A shrubby conifer from New Zealand whose new growth emerges orange in the spring before turning green. After a few frosts in the fall, the whole plant turns rusty orange for the winter. Great as a border plant, a rock garden plant, or a container plant. Can also be trimmed into a small hedge.
Podocarpus parlatorei
pino el cerro
This native of Bolivia and Argentina forms an open, conical tree. It is sometimes used as a natural fence and will make a nice backdrop in your garden. A fabulous addition!
Podocarpus totara 'Aureus'
golden totara
In the wild, this gold-foliaged form of New Zealand's most common native conifer typically forms a tall tree but in the eastern US it typically forms more of a large shrub. The bright gold foliage is most vibrant in full sun turning green in shade. Drought tolerant once established.
Podocarpus totara 'Matapouri Blue'
A blue-leaved selection of a New Zealand native conifer. Can be left to grow naturally to 12' tall and wide or trimmed into a tight hedge of any height. JCRA director brought this cultivar back from New Zealand in 2013.
Polianthes (ex. 'Chirp')
A favorite of hummingbirds and other pollinators, in July and August Polianthes grows 30" stalks that feature widely-spaced, small, dusky red, tubular flowers with orange centers. A great addition to a rock garden.
Polianthes tuberosa
This lovely miniature variegated tuberose is a spectacular site in a rock garden with its tight clump of narrow green foliage with a wide white border. In sun, the foliage assumes a reddish cast. In very late summer, the clump is topped by 3' spikes of fragrant white flowers.
Poliomintha bustamanta
Mexican oregano
This drought tolerant shrub features aromatic gray-green foliage covered in showy lavender to pink tubular flowers. Prefers well-drained soils.
Polygonatum odoratum
Solomon's seal
A perennial that produces a colony of arching stems arising from the underground rhizomes. The arching stems are lined with horizontally held leaves and dangling down from the leaf nodes are small, white, bell-like flowers in late spring. The flowers turn into purple fruit by late summer.
Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'
variegated Solomon's seal
A classic for the woodland garden, this tough spreading perennial. Pink tinted stalks erupt from the ground before unfurling their variegated foliage on arching stems. Perfect as a foil for hostas, ferns, and azaleas.
Polystichum acrostichoides
Christmas fern
Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern
A great smaller scale structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to lustrous green. Great garden and container plant.
Primula 'Dale Henderson'
garden primrose
Prunella grandiflora 'Bella Deep Rose'
Small snapdragon-like flowers cover this plant for a long period.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Batumi Rubies'
upright cherry laurel
This broadly upright cherrylaurel follows its spikes of white flowers with showy red fruits - definitely different than any other cherrylaurel we've seen and a plant in full fruit is quite a sight. Best in full sun, where it will grow vigorously into a large shrub, but it will tolerate a fair amount of shade.
Prunus persica 'NCSU Dwarf Double Red'
flowering peach
A dwarf peach (to 4') with a nearly shocking display of carmine red flowers in spring. It is also a striking foliage plant and its heavily budded coarse branches are of winter interest. It comes true from seed; Zone 6 at least. The fruit are not table quality; sun.
Prunus 'Ukon'
green-flowering cherry
'Ukon' has to be one of the most unique Japanese flowering cherries around, owing to its spectacular spring display.
Pseudolarix amabilis
golden larch
An exceptionally beautiful genus of deciduous conifer tree from China with lacy fern-like foliage in summer and brilliant golden fall color; fast growing. Unlike the true larches, it grows very well in the south tolerating the heat and poorly drained soils. USDA Zones 4–8; best in sun.
Pseudolysimachion kiusianum
(syn. Veronica kiusiana) This rarely grown species prefers rich, consistently moist soil and a part-sun exposure. The 1' plant produces multiple 2' spikes of blue flowers in summer. Hardy to zone 6.
Pulmonaria 'Ocupol'
Opal lungwort
The pale blue flowers and dwarf habit make this cultivar unique. Should be deadheaded as the spent flowers are unsightly. Does not like soil that is too wet or too dry.
Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash'
Heavily spotted leaves with flowers that are bright pink and purple.
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis 'Papageno'
Must have well drained soil ... great for a rock garden.
Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Rote Glocke'
Red Bells pasque flower
Beautiful frilly, ferny foliage topped in spring with red flowers. Sun and well-drained soil.
Punica granatum 'Golden Globe'
Large golden, red blushed fruit weigh up to 2 pounds. The big, pink-red arils are sweet and juicy. Excellent dessert variety.
Punica granatum 'Gosai-ryu'
Noted for speckled variegation on leaves. Doubled flowers are exceptionally showy and followed by large ornamental fruit with hard seeds making it best for juice.
Punica granatum 'Green Globe'
Vigorous, upright branching multi-trunked tree. Grows large green-skinned crown-like fruits that turn slightly yellow at maturity (from Sep to Nov). Produces flavorful, low acidity pomegranate juice.
Punica granatum 'Kara Gul'
Produces dark red fruit with arils almost black in color. Both sweet and tart and very flavorful. Great for juice. From Turkmenistan.
Punica granatum 'Phoenicia'
Very large fruit is red with some green on the background. Sweet with just a hint of tartness and an excellent tantalizing flavor. Well suited in the western states, but can have heart rot problems in humid summer areas of the Southeast.
Punica granatum 'Purple Heart'
edible pomegranate
Large red fruit, red juice. Complex taste: sweet with an essence of wine! One of the best in tasting panels. Rich sweet/acid balance. Very cold tolerant too.
Punica granatum 'Salavatski'
An exceptionally cold-hardy pomegranate with large pinkish-red fruit. The sweet-tart juice is refreshing and full of antioxidants. The crunchy seeds make a delightful snack or add crunch to salads. In the garden, the showy orange flowers add pop to the landscape and the fruit are attractive as they ripen. A tough and versatile shrub.
Punica granatum 'Silver Surfer'
twisted pomegranate
This JC Raulston Arboretum introduction bears irregularly curled and variegated foliage which highlights the rich orange flowers. Edible fruits follow the crepe paper flowers. It is an easy and drought tolerant shrub with long season appeal. Sun to light shade, zone 7.
Punica granatum 'State Fair'
dwarf pomegranate
Selected from a particularly hardy pomegranate growing on the NC State fairgrounds. Bright orange flowers in summer and evergreen leaves. Small fruits.
Punica granatum 'Toyosho'
apricot-flower pomegranate
A beautiful Japanese ornamental pomegranate with 2" apricot, fully double flowers in spring. Multi-stemmed shrub reaches 10’-15’ in light shade and moist, well-drained soil. 2”-3” fruit ripen to pale orange.
Punica granatum (variegated)
variegated pomegranate
Curled variegated leaves, apricot to orange flowers and pomegranates make this a must-have!
Pycnanthemum flexuosum
Appalachian mountain mint
This native perennial spreads more slowly than other mountain mints. Similar fragrant foliage.
Pycnanthemum incanum
mountain mint
Does not spread.
Pycnanthemum loomisii
Loomis County mountainmint
It develops sturdy stalks of peppermint-scented, grey-green foliage in 3 years.
Pycnanthemum muticum
mountain mint
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
mountain mint
Clumping form of a native perennial wildflower.
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium 'Campbell Carpet'
mountain mint
A native minty shrub that only grows 8" tall. Narrow leaves. Early summer flowers that pollinators love.
×Pyracomeles 'NCXP1'
Juke Box pyracomeles
An evergreen, thornless, disease and pest-resistant alternative to boxwood. It does not flower or produce fruit and it stays a relatively demur 1-3' tall.
Pyrrosia lingua 'Limon'
tongue fern
A yellowish green-leaved selection of this spreading fern. Color is best in open shade or morning sun. In full shade, it turns green.
Pyrrosia lingua 'Ogon Nishiki'
variegated tongue fern
Wow! This outstanding specimen is a very rare variegated fern with evergreen fronds. Tongue-like fronds have an irregular golden pattern, ‘felty’ backsides, and taper to a long pointed tip. Beautiful!
Quercus bicolor
swamp white oak
Deciduous native tree with broad oval crown and low hanging branches. Prefers full sun and moist to average soils. Heat and drought tolerant. Oaks are the very best trees for supporting wildlife.
Quercus canbyi
Chisos oak
A small oak from Mexico and Texas that makes a shrubby plant or small tree with semi-evergreen, narrow leaves that resemble a thin-leaved holly. New growth is red, fall color is often nice burgundy. It is a very nice plant and makes a lovely pyramidal tree if trained when young.
Quercus pagoda
cherrybark oak
Deciduous native tree with broad open form and beautiful rich red fall foliage. Oaks are the best trees for supporting wildlife; hundreds of species of birds, mammals and insects rely on them. Drought tolerance makes it especially useful as a street tree.
Rehmannia elata
Chinese foxglove
From a low rosette of leaves arise 3' spikes of foxglove-like flowers in summer. Spreads rapidly when happy.
Rehmannia piasezkii
beverly bells
Easy-to-grow groundcover topped by 2' stalk, which are topped by massive, pinkish-purple penstemon-like flowers with yellow specks in the throats. Heavy flowering in spring and sporadic flowering in summer. Prefers loose, moist soils.
Reineckea carnea
Chinese lucky grass
Reineckea carnea 'Emei Snow'
Chinese lucky grass
An Asian Aspidistra relative, this Reineckea selection was collected on sacred Emeishan in Sichuan by JCRA director Mark Weathington. It has especially tall, wide foliage, but what separates this shade plant are the showy, small spikes of nearly pure white flowers in early to midsummer.
Reineckea carnea 'Greenscape'
Chinese lucky grass
16" long and 3/8" wide shiny green leaves form a lovely, tight growing groundcover mat. Topped with short spikes of light lavender flowers in late Oct-Nov, followed by equally short spikes of reddish fruit.
Reineckea carnea 'Variegata'
Variegated Chinese lucky grass
Grass-like leaves are variegated with white stripes. Pink flowers are attractive but held under the canopy so you have to root around to see them.
Rhododendron 'Conlep'
Autumn Twist encore azalea
Encore azaleas are hard to beat with flowers in the spring, summer, and fall. These azaleas have BIG color and require little maintenance. Autumn Twist has white, single flowers with purple stripes that measure 3" across. Plant in well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Attracts butterflies.
Rhododendron 'Matsu-no-arti'
Satsuki azalea
A compact growing evergreen azalea with masses of relatively large, late season
salmon-pink flowers.
Rhododendron 'NCRX5'
Perfecto Mundo Double White reblooming azalea
Another winner from Dr. Tom Ranney of NCSU. Reblooming double-flowered white. Blooms on old wood in spring, then later, on new wood. A light trim after spring bloom encourages new growth, thus, more rebloom.
Rhododendron 'Northern Hi-Lights'
Exbury azalea
This deciduous azalea produces sweetly fragrant flowers that emerge white with splashes of yellow on the upper petals before the foliage arrives. Foliage turns red in the fall. To 4' tall. Part sun to shade.
Rhododendron 'Pink Pancake'
North Tisbury hybrid azalea
This unique evergreen azalea features a low, spreading form (sometimes cascading) and June bloom period. 'Pink Pancake' produces bright pink flowers set amid small, hairy, evergreen leaves. With a prostrate habit, expect a 12" tall plant with a spread of up to 4'.
Rhododendron 'Rangoon'
A low growing shrub twice as wide as it is tall with bright red flowers. This is considered an early to midseason bloomer for a Rhododendron. Very compact...good for smaller gardens.
Rhododendron (tiny creeper)
rock garden rhododendron
This cute little shrub only grows a couple of inches tall and slowly spreads out. Leaves are 1/2-inch long and 1/8-inch wide. The flowers? Well, it hasn't flowered for us so far and maybe never will, but it's so cool as a textural plant, we can live with it as a foliage plant.
Rhodoleia henryi
evergreen rose hazel
Beautiful, bright pink, 3", bell-shaped, early spring flowers make this plant a show-stopper. Narrow, upright shrub. Related to witch hazel. Good drainage and protection from afternoon sun are helpful.
Rhodoleia henryi 'Scarlet Bells'
evergreen rose hazel
Rounded evergreen foliage is quite attractive on its own with dark tops and pale bottoms. The flowers are 2"–3" brilliant rose-pink bells that will knock your socks off in spring.
Rhynchospora colorata
narrowleaf white-top sedge
Star sedge's showy whitish bracts make it appear as if it has showy, daisy-like flowers. These bracts attract insect pollinators, Star sedge is a great addition to a bog or water garden. Cut back in winter to make room for fresh spring growth.
Rhynchospora latifolia
whitetop sedge
Rohdea japonica
sacred lily
Also known as a 'Nippon Lily' this evergreen perennial is a slow grower with shiny, dark-green, strappy leaves. In the fall, insignificant white flowers develop into small clumps of festive bright red berries that remain through winter. A great alternative to a cast-iron plant for an area of
deep shade!
Rohdea japonica 'Chirimen Boshi'
sacred lily
A quite unusual selection with extra thick, textured foliage bordered by irregular white margins or occasional striping. This selection has been passed around as 'Asian Valley' in honor of the U.S. National Arboretum's Asian garden. Hardy to zone 6.
Rohdea japonica 'Fukuju Kan'
sacred lily
A solid green 'dragon' Rhodea with raised ridges running the length of the leaves down the middle. Fukuju Kan roughly translates to 'happiness and longevity'.
Rohdea japonica 'Galle'
sacred lily
This plant's evergreen foliage is a amazing addition to the shade garden, especially when combined with ferns and hellebores. It's both deer resistant and drought resistant! Some people have even found them to be a delightful substitute for hostas.
Rohdea japonica 'Gunjaku'
sacred lily
Each thick evergreen leaf has longitudinal white streaks which coalesce to a creamy white border on this sacred lily. When mature, expect a 10" tall × 15" wide clump, topped with short stalks of red berries in winter. Perfect for a dry shade site where nothing else will grow. Requires shade, zone 7.
Rohdea japonica 'Picadilly Pace'
sacred lily
Yellow to creamy yellow bands stripe the forest green leaves of this lovely sacred lily, which produces orange to red berries in winter.
Rosa 'Darpellerin'
Cape Diamond shrub climber rose
This rose is widely touted as one of the most disease resistant varieties to be found. Old-fashioned rounded and doubled flowers to 4" in diameter are carried in clusters and are spicily fragrant. Grow it s a tough shrub or train it as a climber along a fence or arbor.
Rosa 'Meiggili'
Peach Drift ground cover rose
Rosa 'Peggy Martin'
climbing rose
"Peggy Martin Rose" was one of only two plants surviving 20' of saltwater over the garden of Mrs. Peggy Martin, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, after Hurricane Katrina. It has been introduced in the U.S. and is a symbol among gardeners of a tenacious plant, with a spirit of renewal and re-growth.
Rosa 'Radtko'
Double Knock Out shrub rose
Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha
winged rose
A rose from China valued for its incredible prickles. The new prickles on this 8' tall shrub rose are broadly winged and bright red along the entire length of the stem and glow liked stained glass with the sun shining through them. Single white 2" flowers. Makes red hips. Prickles are brighter, bigger, and more thorny if the plant is pruned but that disrupts its natural vase shape. Site it where you can view it backlit by the sun. Full sun.
Rosa 'Spice'
China rose
Flowers have a clove-peppery aroma. This is a quite disease resistant rose. A great rose for the non-rose grower.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'
'Arp' is one of the most cold hardy rosemaries and is the one most recommended for the Raleigh area.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Majorca Pink'
Wonderful indoors for the holiday season or outdoors in your garden, this aromatic evergreen has a dense, bushy, upright habit with narrow, dark green, leathery leaves up to 2 inches long. Consider adding tiny bows or ornaments and making this your living centerpiece.
Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Group
creeping rosemary
A weeping rosemary that is great for decorative pots, raised beds, or the edge of a wall garden. Deer resistant.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Spice Island'
This Rosemary features a highly upright form and dark blue flowers. Superb selection for kitchen use. Needs good drainage and full sun. Exceptionally drought tolerant.
Rostrinucula dependens
This interesting shrub has weeping long pendant panicles of lavender blooms from mid summer till frost. Dies back in winter, but quickly emerges in spring as the soil warms. Caramel colored peeling bark. A rare and unusual plant!
Rubus 'APF-236T'
Baby Cakes thornless dwarf blackberry
Rubus 'Columbia Star'
thornless blackberry
A hybrid blackberry from the USDA said to be better than a marionberry. Fruits ripen in mid summer. Self fertile. The 6' tall canes need staking onto a trellis. Plants produce 10+ lbs of fruit per year.
Rubus pentalobus
creeping raspberry
Rudbeckia fulgida
black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia maxima
great coneflower
Rudbeckia missouriensis
Missouri orange coneflower
Native to the midwest United States. Uncommon in gardens. The ray petals stick straight out instead of curling down as other Rudbeckia species do.
Rudbeckia subtomentosa
sweet coneflower
Sunny yellow flowers all summer long provide a beautiful accent in any landscape.
Ruellia 'Humility'
Topped by 1.5" lavender flowers through the summer, this false petunia, which was discovered in 2013, has smooth leaves and stems.
Ruellia simplex 'Chi Chi'
Hardy pink petunia
Adorable herbaceous perennial that is ready to fill your garden with light pink flowers throughout the summer. Clean, dark green foliage fills in nicely around your other perennials. Will do well in moist and dry conditions. An easy to grow must-have!
Ruprechtia salicifolia
This dioecious deciduous tree grows to 15' to 30' with narrow, glossy green leaves on contorted branches, and in spring, produces clusters of greenish white (male) or pinkish white (female) flowers along its stems. Hardy to zone 9 so tender in Raleigh.
Ruscus aculeatus 'Wheeler's Variety'
Wheeler’s butcher’s broom
Sabal ×brazoriensis
hybrid palmetto
This rare palm has giant, green fan-shaped leaves typical of all sabal foliage. It is an intermediate hybrid between S. minor (no above ground trunk) and S. mexicana (tall trunk). Add this very special palmetto to your garden!
Sabal minor
dwarf palmetto
This common, fan-shaped palm is a small shrub is usually stemless with the leaves arising from an underground stock. White blooms are followed by black fruit about 1/2 inch wide in long clusters. Plant forms a trunk when grown in standing water.
Sagina subulata
Irish moss
Grow on gravely soils. In Raleigh, cultivation may be difficult due to our heat and humidity so some protection is required.
Salix alba 'Dart's Snake'
contorted white willow
Salix chaenomeloides
giant pussywillow
Rapid grower, maturing at 15'–20'. Can be coppiced.Large red flower buds with pink to rose colored catkins, soon turning white.. Native to Japan. Hardy in zones 6–8.
Salix 'Flame'
red-stem willow
Salix 'Snake'
A corkscrew willow tree that reaches 20 to 30 feet tall with a spread of 15 feet.
Salix 'Swizzlestick'
corkscrew willow
Quirky, yet beautiful twisted orange-yellow stems.
Salvia 'Amistad'
hybrid sage
Salvia azurea 'Little Boy Blue'
Blue Sage
This hardy perennial salvia forms an upright clump of strong stems with terminal clusters on which dozens of beautiful azure blue blooms appear, usually by mid-August.
Salvia 'Balsalmispim'
As if drought and heat tolerance and fragrance weren't enough, this salvia offers gorgeous blue flowers all summer. The deep-blue calyx looks like a bloom even after the flower falls off for a greater floral presence.
Salvia 'Big Swing'
flowering sage
Densely clumped with cobalt blue blooms.
Salvia chamaedryoides
blue oak sage
Salvia 'Church Road'
Luscious magenta flowers top this sage from spring to frost.
Salvia dichlamys 'Super Elk'
scarlet rooster sage
Hummingbirds love the hot orange-red summer blooms of this sage. Grows best in rich, well drained soil. Not sure if it will be winter-hardy here.
Salvia elegans 'Tangerine'
pineapple sage
The 'Tangerine' name refers to the fruity scent of the bruised leaves, not the flower color which is bright red.Somewhat tender so a cover of winter mulch and well drained soil is needed. The tubular flower shape indicates they are definitely attractive to hummingbirds.
Salvia (ex. 'Church Road')
Magenta to pink flowers top this sage throughout the summer until frost.
Salvia farinacea 'Augusta Duelberg'
mealycup sage
Attract hummingbirds to you garden with this splendid selection of the Texas native Salvia farinacea. The compact 30" tall x 4' wide specimen is topped from May until frost with hundreds of spikes of silvery-white flowers. This wildfower is both heat- and drought-tolerant.
Salvia farinacea (ex. 'Augusta Duelberg')
This heat and drought tolerant salvia developed from parent 'Augusta Duelberg.' Beautiful, compact specimen.
Salvia farinacea 'G14251'
Unplugged So Blue salvia
This drought-tolerant, perennial salvia grows to just 2 feet tall, and its vivid blue blooms throughout the growing season serve as pollinator magnets.
Salvia 'Fire Dancer'
hybrid sage
This is a coral colored flowering Salvia. Compact habit is dense and flowers all summer long as well.
Salvia 'Flamenco Rose'
hybrid sage
This salvia has large, hot pink flowers. Its small-leaved foliage is nicely scented, sturdy and upright. What an excellent, long-blooming garden choice!
Salvia glabrescens 'Elk Yellow Purple'
Japanese forest sage
In September, small 18" tall clumps of dark green leaves are topped by spikes of gorgeous light yellow flowers with tiny dark purple flecks. This salvia can tolerate only an hour or 2 of morning sunlight and reponds well to moist, organic soil.Over time, clumps can stretch to 7' wide.
Salvia greggii 'Diane'
autumn sage
Diane's 36-inch mound of woody stems is covered with narrow green foliage. In late spring through fall, the 3-4' wide DEER-RESISTANT clumps are topped with small red to purple flowers.
Salvia greggii 'Navajo White'
autumn sage
Fragrant leaves and showy white flowers make this salvia a great addition to any garden or container.
Salvia greggii 'Sky Blue Pink'
autumn sage
The cultivar name 'Sky Blue Pink' might suggest that it is difficult to describe the flower color, and it is. It's definitely more pink (purple) than blue, and its color does vary over the season. What is beyond dispute is that it is a superb performer.
Salvia greggii 'Viva'
compact autumn sage
The compact and pretty ‘Viva’ has rose-pink blooms that flower all season, especially in the heat of summer. Soft, green, lightly fragrant leaves cover this plant throughout the season. They are highly attractive to hummingbirds.
Salvia guaranitica 'Argentine Skies'
blue anise sage
Plant Argentine Skies and the hummingbirds will love you! The licorice-like fragrance of its foliage and the big whorls of large, sky blue flowers make this a stand-out sage. It is a tidy background, screen or border plant Deer Resistant!!!
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'
blue anise sage
3' tall clumps of fuzzy green, leaves precedes 1' spikes of narrow, long, snapdragon-like, luscious, deep blue flowers from June to October -- a hummingbird favorite. In rich soil, a 5-year-old clump of Salvia 'Black and Blue' can spread to 6' wide.
Salvia ×jamensis 'Maraschino'
hybrid sage
This hardy red salvia with narrow green foliage blooms from spring through November. Prefers well-drained soil. Forms a 36" clump.
Salvia ×jamensis 'Sierra San Antonio'
Trumpet flowers of yellow and coppery peach are dazzling next to the aromatic, glossy dark green foliage. Mounds will grow to 2-3 feet tall and wide and its drought and heat tolerant!
Salvia 'Jean's Purple Passion'
hybrid sage
Offers vibrant flowers and humidity tolerance.
Salvia leucantha 'Greenwood'
Mexican bush sage
Salvia leucantha 'Midnight'
Mexican bush sage
Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara'
compact Mexican bush sage
This compact bush sage is a breakthrough in the group, keeping that wonderful late summer to fall blooming time but on a smaller scale. We love the masses of fuzzy purple flowers almost as much as the hummingbirds do. We have been growing this plant for over a decade now and find it very easy as long as it has lots of sun and a well-drained soil.
Salvia leucantha 'White Mischief'
white flowered Mexican bush sage
Salvia mexicana 'Lollie Jackson'
Mexican sage
Blooming for a long period of time from spring to fall, the blue-violet flowers are positioned at the top of long flower stems. This cultivar is named for a renowned Salvia expert and landscape designer, Lollie Jackson of Texas.
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'
bicolor baby sage
"Hot Lips" is a beautiful shrubby salvia possessing flowers in shades of solid white, red and white bicolors, and solid red. Flower colors change with the spring and summer temperatures. Zone 7.
Salvia microphylla var. neurepia
Small, dark glossy, soft-toothed leaves and cherry red blooms that draw pollinators all summer long make this a welcome addition to any garden.
Salvia microphylla 'Red Velvet'
Red Velvet Mountain Sage
Red Velvet is a vigorous plant with intense red flowers, particularly in spring and fall. Dark stems and calyxes intensify the plant's drama along with glossy green foliage. Red Velvet prefers partial shade and even blooms in full shade. It needs well-drained soil and regular watering.
Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival'
baby sage
Salvia microphylla 'Wild Watermelon'
baby sage
Hardy, vigorous salvia blooms spring, fall and sporadically in the summer with notably large flowers.
Salvia miniata
vermilion sage
Fuzzy red tubular flowers are a hummingbird magnet through the summer. Vigorous grower with glossy green foliage. Great for containers.
Salvia nemorosa 'New Dimension Blue'
European wood sage
A dwarf salvia for the border or edge of a bed. Leaves are fragrant if bruised. Shear after bloom to trigger a fall rebloom.
Salvia 'Newe Ya'ar'
silver sage
Newe Ya'ar' (Neh-veh Ya-ar) is an early and prolific bloomer in spring, and grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. Although not reliably winter hardy outdoors in areas colder than Zone 7b, it can be potted up. We've had no problems even in single digits with plants staying mostly evergreen.
Salvia nipponica var. formosana
Taiwan woodland sage
Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor'
culinary sage
A variegated culinary sage with tricolor leaves of green, cream, and pink. Will not tolerate wet soils.
Salvia oxyphora
Bolivian sage
Enjoy the bright,fuzzy, cherry red flowers of this sage! Often slow to start growing in spring, this tropical beauty takes off as the days get longer and warmer. Hummingbirds are attracted from summer to fall.
Salvia pallida
pale sage
Salvia 'Phyllis' Fancy'
flowering sage
'Phyllis Fancy' begins blooming in late summer & keeps going until the first frost making it a favorite in the late season garden. Bees, butterflies & hummingbirds can’t resist it's fuzzy, soft lavender flower spikes. It's not fussy about soil, but loves good drainage. Deer Resistant!
Salvia cf. 'Phyllis Fancy'
Thought tiny at its base, this perennial grows to a 5 to 6-foot clump. Beginning in September, gorgeous 1-foot long purple spikes of light lavender flowers in bicolor calyxes (green turning to purple) draw pollinators.
Salvia puberula 'El Butano'
Mexican sage
Salvia puberula has particularly large and colorful flowers.The velvety green leaves adorn the 4' tall upright stalks that are topped, starting in late October, with a flower head of deep magenta-pink resembling a pink cotton ball that was plugged into an electrical outlet...a great form of this wonderful salvia.
Salvia 'Raspberry Delight'
A small deciduous sub–shrub to 18" to 24" tall that produces raspberry–red flowers from summer to frost bloom. Flowers are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
Salvia 'Red Letter'
hybrid autumn sage
Salvia regla 'Jame'
mountain sage
Salvia regla is a star in southern gardens! The glossy-green, round foliage adorns this upright-growing woody salvia to nearly 4' tall. In early fall, this cultivar is adorned with 3" long scarlet-orange, tubular flowers...a hummingbird's delight.
Salvia regla (Queretaro)
mountain sage
A woody salvia growing to about 3’-4’ tall in a season. In fall it is covered with orange flowers to 3” long. It is not reliably hardy in central NC.
Salvia 'Silke's Dream'
Silke's dream sage
Topped all summer until frost with 15" spikes of rich orange-red flowers that explode into a solid mass of color in fall. Easy to grow. Durable.
Sambucus canadensis 'Blonde Envy'
American elder
A bright yellow-leaved cultivar of the North American native. Perhaps the first ornamental cultivar of this native and because of its provenance, we expect it will persist in gardens. A suckering deciduous shrub from 5'–12' tall. Fragrant white lacy blooms in summer similar to Queen Anne's lace. In late summer, edible black elderberry fruits appear.
Sambucus nigra 'Jandeboer001'
Golden Tower black elderberry
Narrow upright growth. Offers both height and color to a small space. Leaves have a funky odor when bruised.
Sanguisorba 'Little Angel'
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii'
snake plant
This succulent houseplant stays nice and short and makes a great office plant. The evergreen strap-like leaves are green with cream striations. Extraordinarily drought tolerant and shade tolerant.
Santolina neapolitana
lavender cotton
Aromatic grayish-green foliage makes this small drought-tolerant shrub a lovely addition to a drier garden. Clusters of soft yellow flowers that appear above the foliage in spring resemble cotton balls.
Santolina virens
green lavender cotton
Sarcandra glabra
This lovely little shrub makes a low plant to about 1' tall with glossy, evergreen foliage. Insignificant greenish-white flowers give rise to showy clusters of orange fruits.
Sarcococca confusa
sweet box
This bushy evergreen shrub features wavy ovate leaves. In winter, inconspicuous creamy white flowers bring a lovely fragrance to the garden.
Sarcococca aff. coriacea
Sweet box is a beautiful evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers in winter. This unidentified species was collected by the JCRA on Emeishan in China in 2014. It is likely S. hookeriana. MWC14-1120
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna
Himalayan sweet box
Evergreen shrub for shade. Small white fragrant flowers in winter followed by black fruits in spring. Slow growing but does creep along on stolons to form a patch in rich soil. Narrower leaves than other varieties. Sweet box tolerates dry shade and is a good for growing under shade trees. Cut stems add fragrance to floral arrangements.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Sarsid1'
Fragrant Valley Himalayan sweet box
Fragrant Valley has a low, spreading habit with glossy deep green foliage. Sweetly scented white blooms tipped with pink appear in late winter. It's an excellent shade plant with much more vigor than other varieties of Sarcococca. It's ideal for shady, dry sites and is deer resistant.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Western Hills'
Himalayan sweet box
Sarcococca saligna
willow-leaf sweet box
This is perhaps the most handsome of all the Sarcococcas. As an evergreen shrub, it has an upright, but arching form. Leaves are elongated, narrow, glossy, and bright green in color. More vigorous than other sweet boxes, at the JCRA, it has prospered with protection from winter winds.
Sarracenia ×ahlesii
pitcher plant
A naturally occurring hybrid of the tall, green, S. alata and the short, red, S. rubra. The cross resulted in an intermediate height plant with rose-colored flowers and green pitchers with red-veins.
Sarracenia ×courtii
pitcher plant
Sarracenia ×courtii is a naturally occurring hybrid of Sarracenia purpurea and Sarracenia psittacina, named after 19th century Veitch Nursery carnivorous plant breeder, William Court. Sarracenia ×courtii is one of the shortest and widest growing pitcher plants, producing horizontal rosy red pitchers.
Sauromatum venosum
voodoo lily
Saururus cernuus 'Hertford Streaker'
variegated lizard's tail
Saxifraga exarata subsp. moschata
Moist, well-drained rock gardens are great location for this mossy, mounding saxifraga.
Saxifraga stolonifera 'Nezu Jinja'
large-leaf strawberry begonia
Discovered in the wild by French plant explorer Cedric Basset in Nezu, Bunkyo Special district, Tokyo, this selection has 6" wide leaves, compared to typical 2–3" leaves. Each leaf has a green base with silver veins. In May, they produce 1' tall panicles of small white flowers.
Saxifraga stolonifera 'Windcliff Silver'
strawberry begonia
When we saw this plant in Dan Hinkley's garden, Windcliff, we begged a piece. The bright, silvery leaves have exceptional color and are nearly twice the size of other forms we've grown. Truly a winner.
Schisandra propinqua subsp. sinensis
magnolia vine
Delightful, evergreen vine with stems and petioles tinted burgundy, adding a reddish element to the entire plant’s appearance. Spring and summer flowers produce attractive red fruits. Drapes nicely over the sides of a container with its shiny 3" leaves.
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Ha Ha Tonka'
ha ha tonka little bluestem
Rigid, upright habit with dense, fine hairs on the leaves that catch the light and create a halo effect. Foliage is blue green with segments of red-orange and gray. Drought tolerant.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsens'
Rose Sensation hydrangea vine
This is a showier variety with larger deeper pink sepals in June and July. Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Pruning is usually not needed, but may be trimmed in late winter.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Minsnow3'
Flirty Girl Japanese climbing hydrangea
This selection blooms at a much smaller size than normal. Blooms on old wood so do not prune until just after blooming is done.
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight'
pewter-leaf Japanese climbing hydrangea
Scilla numidica
Numidian squill
With attractive, lustrous green and durable foliage, Scilla numidica doesn't look like one of those wimpy bulbs where you just want to wish the foliage away once the flowers are done. Instead, attractive foliage begets even more attractive flowers. Hardy, likely, through NC.
Scilla peruviana 'White Moon'
peruvian lily
Hardy, clumping lily. A joy in the garden with clumps of tiny flowers.
Scilla scilloides
chinese squill
Fall blooming bulb with blue flowers, sun to light shade.
Scutellaria longifolia 'Purple Fountains'
This compact perennial has a trailing habit and works well in hanging baskets. Hardy to zone 8a, it may need winter mulch in some areas near Raleigh.
Scutellaria mellichampii 'Bluffton Blues'
Scutellaria mellichampii is a southeastern U.S. native that forms a 2' tall clump which flowers in June until frost with small lavender blue flowers. This has been a standout in the garden flowering profusely for months.
Scutellaria rubicunda
Mediterranean skullcap
This Mediterranean skullcap makes
well-behaved clumps of scalloped leaves topped in summer by purple to blue flowers over an extended period. It is ideal in sun to part shade in all but heavy, wet soils. An easy and reliable performer in the garden.
Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose'
pink skullcap
A small cushion-forming semi-evergreen mint relative topped with pink flowers in spring and sporadically through summer. Originally sold as a tender perennial or annual but has proven to be hardy in zone 7.
Sedum album 'Coral Carpet'
Prefers well-drained sandy to gravelly soils of moderate to low fertility. Drought and heat tolerant, particularly once established. Ultimate 12" spread. New growth emerges salmon-orange (coral), matures to bright green and eventually turns reddish-bronze in winter.
Sedum emarginatum 'Eco-Mt. Emei'
Mt. Emei sedum
Discovered growing on the lower slopes of Mt. Emei in the Sczechuan Province of China, this lovely woodland gem displays mass of tiny yellow flowers in late spring.
Sedum grisebachii
Tiny, bead-like leaves. Leaf color can vary from green to red during the year. Excellent drainage required.
Sedum japonicum 'Tokyo Sun'
Leaves are more yellow in full sun and turn pale green in shade. Excellent drainage required.
Sedum makinoi 'Ogon'
gold Makino stonecrop
A succulent groundcover with brilliant buttery yellow foliage that looks good year round. Late spring golden flowers add to the appeal. Best grown in a lightly shaded spot in a well-drained area of the garden. Hardy to zone 7.
Sedum pachyclados
gray stonecrop
Beautiful succulent whose rosettes of gray green leaves look like flowers. Although drought tolerant, it looks its best with average water during the growing season. Feel free to cut it back if it starts to get scraggly.
Sedum reflexum 'Lime Twist'
Pale green tinged foliage. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Sedum reflexum 'Sunsplash'
Chartreuse foliage. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Sedum sieboldii 'Variegata'
variegated stonecrop
Excellent drainage required.
Sedum spathulifolium 'Harvest Moon'
Excellent drainage required.
Sedum tetractinum
Chinese sedum
Round, flattened leaves are medium green throughout the growing season, then turn a bronzy-red in the fall. In summer, plants are speckled with clusters of bright yellow flowers held on tiny stalks above the foliage.
Seemannia 'Little Red'
hardy gloxinia
This hardy gloxinia hybrid has quickly become one of the favorite plants in the JCRA's Lath House. Intense scarlet-red, tubular flowers contrast beautifully with its dark foliage and red stems. It grows best in rich, well-drained soil, not overly wet or dry.
Flowers best in sun.
Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita'
hardy gloxinia
We love this hot African violet relative introduced by Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery for it's soft green foliage, gently spreading habit, and HOT red flowers with speckled gold throats. Its very happy here in the piedmont in light shade where it emerges late and weaves around other perennials happily.
Seemannia purpurascens 'Purple Prince'
hardy gloxinia
A dark–leaved hybrid gesneriad with tubular pink flowers held on 20" spikes. Pinching helps keep it compact.
Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset'
hardy gloxinia
Although technically an evergreen shrub, this will act like a dieback perennial here in Raleigh. Rich soils and part-sun are preferred. Also makes a good houseplant.
A fern-like plant for the shade garden. Although we had originally identified these as Selaginella pallescens (variegated) they are neither variegated nor S. pallescens. Oops. Back to the drawing board.
Selaginella braunii
arborvitae fern
This ferny evergreen perennial makes a slowly creeping mass for the woodland garden. It is exceptionally easy to grow and looks great weaving around hydrangeas, azaleas, and other woodland shrubs.
Selaginella pallescens
pale spikemoss
Selaginella pallescens
moss fern
The feathery fronds of this prehistoric plant from the mountains of Mexico make a long-lived semi-evergreen ground-cover for the shade garden. Once established, they are quite drought tolerant and typically not bothered by deer or rabbits.
Sempervivum allionii
Chick Charms Key Lime Kiss hens and chicks
Some taxonomists lump Jovibarba in with Sempervivum as they are similar. This southeastern European native is a tight rosette of succulent chartreuse leaves that produces lots of little chicks.
Hens and chicks are rosette-forming succulents typically smaller than a tennis ball with small colorful leaves all year round. Many cultivars color shift in the winter from green to purple. The main plant (the hen) produces lots of identical baby plants in spring (the chicks) attached by stolons. In the summer, the hen will produce a small flower stalk ... but it is usually insignificant. Requires excellent drainage. In North Carolina, hens and chicks appreciate some relief from afternoon sun.
Sempervivum arachnoideum
cobweb hens and chicks
A diminuitive sempervivum with fuzzy cobwebbed foliage.
Hens and chicks are rosette-forming succulents smaller than a tennis ball with small colorful leaves all year round. The main plant (the hen) produces lots of identical baby plants (the chicks) attached by stolons. In the summer, the hen will produce a small flower stalk ... but it is usually insignificant. Requires good drainage.
Sempervivum arachnoideum 'Emily'
Chick Charms Cotton Candy cobweb hens and chicks
This cultivar of Sempervivum arachnoideum, the cobweb hens and chicks, is larger than the species but with the same heavy webbing. Leaves are green heavily suffused with purple-red
Chick Charms Giants Copper Canyon hens and chicks
Chartreuse green leaves with red tips. Requires well drained soil. A rock garden is best. In Raleigh, some protection from afternoon sun is best.
Chick Charms Giants Gold Mine hens and chicks
Red leaves with yellow tips. Requires well drained soil. A rock garden is best. In Raleigh, some protection from afternoon sun is best.
Chick Charms Giants Steel Appeal hens and chicks
Dark red leaves with a steely gray-green tip. Requires well drained soil. A rock garden is best. In Raleigh, some protection from afternoon sun is best.
Sempervivum 'Commander Hay'
hens and chicks
Bicolor red and green foliage. Leaves have a fine frill on the edge.
Sempervivum 'Gold Nugget'
Chick Charms hens and chicks
During the warm season, the leaves are a bright green with a bit of red and in the winter it shifts to gold and red. Offsets slowly.
Sempervivum heuffelii 'Sundancer'
hens and chicks
Formerly classified as a Jovibarba, Sempervivum heuffelii is a small, rosette-forming, succulent about the size of a tennis ball. Sundancer is a selection with bright red-tipped light green leaves. Good drainage and protection from summer heat are the keys to survival. A great rock garden plant.
Sempervivum 'Hey Hey'
hens and chicks
A fuzzy, pink and green rosette that turns yellow in summer. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Sempervivum (Hot Mix)
hens and chicks
Pick your favorite from this mix of colors, sizes and forms. Reds, blues, webbed and green forms are represented. As with all Sempervivum in NC, some protection from the worst summer heat will help them survive.
Sempervivum 'Lavender and Old Lace'
hens and chicks
Gray green leaves that are lavender-pink at the base.
Sempervivum 'Neptune'
Chick Charms Silver Suede hens and chicks
Green with a bit of burgundy and a silvery sheen. A thick coating of long cilia gives this rosette a wonderfully velvety texture. This variety turns a soft lilac in winter.
Sempervivum 'Pacific Devils Food'
Chick Charms Chocolate Kiss hens and chicks
A chocolatey red to pink rosette all year long. It produces lots of offsets on hot pink stolons in spring.
Sempervivum 'Rocknoll Rosette'
Chick Charms Cherry Berry hens and chicks
A color-changer through the seasons. It has a lime green base in winter tipped with a bit of purple. In summer, it shifts to predominately red with a bit of gold.
Sempervivum 'Ruby Heart'
hens and chicks
This plant is particularly effective when planted in the cracks and crevices of stone walls or walkways. It is also very attractive in containers. Prefers some protection from Raleigh's summer heat and humidity.
Sempervivum 'Soft Line'
Chick Charms Sugar Shimmer hens and chicks
Large silvery rosettes with pink tips and with little hairs that give it a shimmer as if dusted with sugar crystals. In warmer temperatures, they are more blue green in color with a light silvery overlay.
Sempervivum 'Sunset'
hens and chicks
Emerald-green leaves. Foliage turns orange-red cast in cool fall weather. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Sempervivum 'Urmina'
Chick Charms Cosmic Candy hens and chicks
Rose to green rosettes take on golden tinges in bright sun. A thick tufting of fine, white cilia give this cultivar a fuzzy appearance.
Senna hebecarpa
American wild senna
Form Cassia hebecarpa; native perennial with showy yellow flowers in late summer; fabulous and underused.
Serissa japonica 'Bumble Bee Delight'
Delightful, small evergreen shrub covered with tiny, white flowers from spring through fall. Japanese snow rose is a very versatile plant that makes an excellent choice for use in your landscape or for bonsai.
Serissa japonica 'Kowloon'
Grows much slower than the species due to heavy variegation. A popular bonsai subject. Leaves smell fetid if crushed.
Serissa japonica 'Kyoto'
This intriguing, small, evergreen plant has tiny leaves clustered densely and tightly held against its stems. Flowers are light pink to white. It branches more freely and is more open than 'Sapporo'. Its wiry stems give an attractive Oriental appearance to this evergreen shrub.
Serissa japonica 'Sapporo'
Serrisa is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub with tiny green leaves and tons of white funnel-shaped flowers from spring to fall. Flowers most heavily in full sun and is very drought tolerant once established. ‘Sapporo’ is a very compact cultivar great in containers, rock gardens, and for bonsai.
Serissa japonica 'Variegata'
variegated snowbush
Profuse pink buds open to lovely white flowers that bloom throughout the summer on this easy-to-grow shrub.
Serissa japonica 'White Swan'
This small evergreen shrub will grow in full blazing sun or in fairly heavy shade. It also is one of the very best performers in drought situations. Each of the tiny leaves on the stiffly arching branches is delicately edged in creamy white. Small white flowers appear in spring through fall.
Great for a rock garden or perennial bed. Expect tiny, showy flowers in spring.
Silene ovata
A rare perennial that is native from Illinois to Georgia on rocky wooded slopes. It is endangered in the wild and you can help preserve this plant by planting one in your garden. It forms a forms a tangle of lanky stems with small white flowers that open at sunset.
Silene pendula
This wildflower cascades over stone walls and hanging pots with clusters of small pink flowers. It's called Catchfly because tiny flying insects get stuck on sticky seed pods behind the flowers.
Silphium perfoliatum
cup plant
Silphium terebinthinaceum
prairie rosinweed
A large native perennial to 12' tall with yellow flowers in late summer.
Sinningia 'Arkansas Bells'
'Arkansas Bells' sports pinkish-red tubular flowers on stalks that are taller than other Sinningias. Its blooms have a pleasant fruity scent and are a delight to hummingbirds. This amazing African violet relative thrives with cactus and agaves. Only winter hardy to 5 degrees F, but is also makes a wonderful container plant.
Sinningia 'Bananas Foster'
hardy gloxinia
All summer long you will enjoy this delightful gem in your garden. True to its name, it produces dozens of 2" pale yellow tubular flowers. It is very drought tolerant and perfect for a rock garden or other sunny location.
Sinningia 'Butter and Cream'
hardy hybrid sinningia
Hardy, non-running species with pale yellow buds on 18" arching stalks that open to creamy white all season long.
Sinningia 'Cherries Jubilee'
hardy sinningia
From a giant underground tuber, leaf stalks emerge in spring, forming a 4' tall clump. By early June the clump has dozens of stalks each one with dozens of flowers. The tubular cherry red flowers dangle down from the stalks from early June into September. Needs well drained soil to prevent the large tuber from rotting in winter.
Sinningia eumorpha
Sinningia (ex. 'Scarlet O'Hara')
Sinningia 'Lovely'
A cross of Sinningia sellovii × S. tubiflora that was selected by Jon Lindstrom. Sinningia 'Lovely' makes a mound of foliage, topped from summer into fall with 18" tall spikes, adorned with long pink tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds. Well-drained soils in winter are key for success.
Sinningia 'Scarlet O'Hara'
red hardy gloxinia
This Sinningia will be one of the bright spots in your garden and the hummingbirds will love it! At the ends of the arching stems, airy open flower spikes display teardrop shaped scarlet red flowers that dangle in the breeze.
Sinningia sellovii
hardy red gloxinia
Sinningia tubiflora
hardy white gloxinia
Long throated creamy white flowers with a pink blush top clumps of fuzzy silver leaves in late spring to early summer.
Sinocrassula yunnanensis (crested form)
Chinese jade
These open-pollinated seedlings from the JCRA Asian Valley may be s. rehderiana or s. xylocarpa or a hybrid of the two. Whichever, they promise to be beautiful, blooming garden trees with glossy leaves and lovely structure.
Smilax nana
super dwarf greenbrier
Not your grandmother's brier, this Chinese species makes a low groundcover with a tight, Brillo pad-like mass of green stems with small spines. Red fruits often follow green flowers. Grows to only about 8" tall but forms a dense patch up to 36" across. Perfect for the woodland or as a low edging plant. In winter, the leaves fall off leaving behind zig-zag stems.
Solanum pseudocapsicumSolanum pseudocapsicum
Jerusalem cherry
White flowers and bright orange to red fruit make this a lovely plant for a patio or protected area of the garden.
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
No sunny garden should be without the compact arching stems of this outstanding goldenrod. It's a top performing perennial with a long show of bright gold. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Solidago cf. stricta
wand goldenrod
As this plant wakes from its winter basal rosette, the leaves lay flat against the stem. Then, the stems expand all spring and summer until October, when bright yellow flowers open along the top 10" of each stem.
Sphaeralcea 'Shell Pink'
hybrid globe mallow
This lovely plant is widely touted as an annual plant but has been perfectly hardy for us over the last five years in a well-drained, sunny spot. The hibiscus relative makes a spreading plant with silvery leaves and pink flowers.
Spigelia marilandica 'Ragin Cajun'
Indian pink
Flowers are more orange-red than 'Little Redhead' and the plant is rounder in habit and more floriferous too. An underutilized native that attracts hummingbirds.
Spiraea cantoniensis
Reeves spirea
Drought and heat tolerant ornamental shrub. Responds well to pruning immediately after bloom season. Direct afternoon sun can cause leaf burn.
Spiraea crenata
scalloped spirea
A rare, one-of-a-kind offering, this spirea has dainty deciduous leaves on arching branches, clusters of white flowers and lovely orange-red fall color. In its native range from southeast Europe east to the Caucasus and the Altai Mountains, it grows on open stony slopes and in shrubbery within the steppen and forest-steppen zones.
Spiraea japonica 'Matgold'
Rainbow Fizz Japanese spirea
Foliage emerges copper, changes to yellow with red tips in spring, and then finishes with copper-red in fall. Flower buds start red and finish with a pink bloom. To 4' tall. Hardy to zone 5.
Spiraea ×semperflorens
This lovely spiraea has spikes of pink (occasionally white) flowers from mid-summer until frost. Although nearly unknown in gardens, it is attractive and showy. 4-5 feet tall, zone 7 at least, probably colder full sun.
Spiraea thunbergii 'Fujino Pink'
apple-blossom Thunberg spirea
Spiraea thunbergii 'Mount Fuji'
variegated Thunberg spirea
Loads of white flowers in late winter cover this low mounding, deciduous shrub. The foliage is irregularly streaked with white variegation, and the narrow leaves give a graceful, airy texture. Fall color can often be nice yellows and/or reds.
Spiraea tomentosa
A native shrub that grows into an upright, multi-stemmed, suckering form...perfect for a meadow garden. Needs moist acidic soils in order to grow well.
Spiraea ×vanhouttei 'Levgold'
Firegold golden bridal wreath spirea
Firegold® is adorned with brilliant lemon-lime foliage. The new growth is soft yellow changing to lemon, and finally to lime-green. White flowers appear in spring along gracefully arching branches.
Spiraea virginiana
Virginia meadowsweet
A rare native shrub of the eastern US with puffy white flower clusters in summer. Discovered only in 1985, this species is now threatened in the U.S. It will spread to form a colony. In the wild it prefers to grow in silty soil and rocky rubble along creek banks.
Spiranthes odorata
nodding lady tesses
This hardy native orchid features a spiraling tower of 10 to 50 small flowers blooms gradually from bottom to top in autumn. Traditionally a bog plant, it is adaptable to drier conditions.
Sporobolus heterolepis
prairie dropseed
Tussocks of very slender emerald green leaves swirling outward from the crown. Attractive seed heads in summer, which are also fragrant. A long lived, well behaved native ornamental grass.
Sprekelia formosissima
Aztec lily
Grow Aztec lily and it will soon become one of your favorite and most reliable plants. In spring, long, strap-shaped leaves and brilliant red flowers emerge from a bulb. Stunning, large (6") flowers bloom from April through May, with the possibility of a few more in the fall.
Stachys 'Hummelo'
A dependable perennial with a long season of bloom and foliage which is attractive year round. Named for garden designer Piet Oudolf's garden Hummelo.
Stachys lavandulifolia
wood betony
A stoloniferous subshrub that prefers dry, rocky, sunny locations. Rock gardens are the perfect place for this plant. Gray-green leaves and small pink flowers adorning short spikes in late spring. Used as an herbal tea in Iran.
Stachys officinalis 'Rich Pink'
wood betony
This low-growing plant is topped through the summer by rich pink flower spikes. This is a great but way too underused perennial that always looks tidy in the garden.
Stachys sieboldii
Chinese Artichoke
This perennial herb is similar to the Jerusalem artichoke. It's a member of the mint family and behaves accordingly -- spreading with zeal. But since it is a delicious, nutritious plant, it’s easy enough to weed it and get a nice meal or two for your efforts.
Stachys 'Summer Romance'
Leaves at the base of this plant form a groundcovering mat, which is topped by violet flower spikes. Dark brown-black seedheads form in fall and winter.
Stachyurus (ex. 'Carolina Parakeet')
These are seedlings off of Stachyurus 'Carolina Parakeet' which is a variegated Stachyurus. The seedlings will not be variegated but still have the same wonderful late winter flowers...pale yellow chains that dangle from the stems in the thousands. This is a dwarf tree that will max out at about 12' tall.
Stachyurus himalaicus
spike tail
Stachyurus praecox
golden spike-tail
One of the most beautiful winter flowering shrubs; blooming in late winter when little else is. Pendant spikes of 15 to 24 pale yellow-green flowers. These are seedlings of the variegated 'Carolina Parakeet', but they will NOT be variegated, but should be heavy bloomers like mom.
Stauntonia brachyandra 'HWJ1023'
Heavenly Ascent sausage vine
This evergreen vine is a woody-stemmed twining climber growing up to 20' long. It's veined leaves are composed of 3 broad leaflets. In April-May exceptionally large white purple-tinted, scented flowers are followed by edible sausage-shaped purple-red fruits when pollinated. Grow in rich soil. Great vine to cover fences or eyesores in your garden year-round.
Stevia rebaudiana
Stevia is a 24" tall, semi-hardy perennial grown for its incredibly sweet leaves, which are used as a sugar substitute. A fun little herb for the herb garden. Full sun. Amaze your kids and friends with its super sweet leaves.
Stokesia laevis 'Mel's Blue'
Stoke's aster
The 4" wide flowers are larger than typical Stoke's aster.