Now Showing
November 10, 2020
Photographs by Tim Alderton and Nancy Doubrava
tree dahlia
Geophyte Border
sasanqua camellia
Entrance Garden
Angel Earrings Cascading hardy cascading fuchsia
Entrance Garden and Lath House
one-spotted giant snowdrop
District X Garden Club of North Carolina Wall Garden and Weeping Walk
hardy pelargonium
Lath House
Taiwan wild ginger
Asian Valley, Japanese Garden, and Lath House
green lace-leaf Japanese maple
East Arboretum Beds and Visitor Center Beds
sugar maple
Southall Memorial Garden and Nearby Beds
Chinese ironwood and
Poncirus trifoliata × Citrus paradisi 'Dunstan'
Asian Valley
Chinese ironwood
Asian Valley
heavenly bamboo
District X Garden Club of North Carolina Wall Garden and Weeping Walk
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