Extension Master Gardener Lecture Videos
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Master Gardener Talk - "Water Management for the Home Gardener"
Presented by Cynthia Jackson, Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County, and Blake Wentley, Education Assistant, JC Raulston Arboretum on October 23, 2023.
Master Gardener Talk - "Attracting Wildlife and Butterflies"
Presented by Gail Beaulieau, Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County, and Blake Wentley, Education Assistant, JC Raulston Arboretum on September 25, 2023.
Master Gardener Talk - "Drought Tolerant Plants"
Presented by Lisa Grele Barrie, Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County, and Blake Wentley, Education Assistant, JC Raulston Arboretum on August 29, 2023.
Master Gardener Talk - "Protecting our Gardens: Companion Planting, Biological & Structural Control"
Presented by Steve Amerige, Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on July 24, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Native Pollinators"
Presented by Karen DiDonato, Extension Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on June 26, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Reducing Deer Damage"
Presented by Cindy Chappell, Extension Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on May 22, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Gardening Strategies to Control Pests and Diseases"
Presented by Cynthia Sollod, Extension Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on April 24, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Vegetable Gardening for Beginners"
Presented by Leah Dail, Extension Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on March 27, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Preparing Your Gardens for the Spring"
Presented by Rich Woynicz, Extension Master Gardener Volunteers of Wake County on February 27, 2023.
Master Gardener Lecture - "Hydrangeas"
Presented by Toni Sweetland and Noel Lichten, Extension Master Gardener Volunteers of Wake County on January 23, 2023.
A Woodland Walk - What You May Find if You Look!
Presented by Leah Dail, Extension Master Gardener Volunteer of Wake County on Monday October 24, 2022.
"Lawns: Their Establishment, Maintenance and Renovation"
Dennis Graban, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Winter Gardening: Dreaming of Gardening on a Cold Winter's Day"
Leah Dail, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Saving the Spirit of the Forest in Central Africa and Beyond"
Richard Carroll, Ph.D., Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"All about Weeds in Your Landscape: How to ID and Make Them Go Away"
Leah Dail, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Bulbs for Every Season—Enjoy the Color and Interest They Bring to Each Season"
Cindy Chappell, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Home Turf: Establishing and Maintaining a Lawn in North Carolina"
Cynthia Sollod, Ph.D, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"The Secret Life of Aquatic Insects"
Trish MacPherson, Wake County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer
"Four Seasons of Fragrant Flowers"
Presented by Cindy Chappell and Dennis Drehmel, Wake County Extension Master Gardeners
"Community Gardens: Why They Are Valuable to Our Communities?"
Rich Woynicz, Wake County Extension Master Gardener, and Ruthie Wofford, Communications and Outreach Coordinator at Capital Area Food Network
"Poisonous Plants"
Dennis Drehmel and Wayne Carlson, Wake County Extension Master Gardeners Volunteers
"Winter Flowering Plants"
When people think of flowers, they think of spring. However, flowers can be found in nature and in gardens throughout the year. Join Cindy as she discusses flowers and smells to pick up your spirits during the cold, dark winter.
"Therapeutic Horticulture"
Rieppe Hendrick, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Pollinator Gardens"
Leah Dail and Karen Kattman, Wake County Extension Master Gardeners
"Wildflower Havens of Wake County ... and How Geology Influences Them"
Hughen Nourse, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
“Spring into Gardening”
Rich Woynicz, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Ferns: Fiddleheads to Fronds"
Bob Payne, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Living with Insects—The Good and the Bad"
Louise Romanow, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Pollinator Gardens Should be Waterwise Gardens"
Trish MacPherson, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Aquatic Plants for Water Gardens"
Marilyn Grolitzer, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
"Bluebirds in the Nest Box"
Bill Satterwhite, Wake County Extension Master Gardener
Robert McKay, Wake County Extension Master Gardener