Friends of the JC Raulston Arboretum Newsletter

Spring 2013 – Vol. 17, No. 1

Director's Letter

Reflections and Projections

By Ted Bilderback, Director

In the university culture, a new year always brings administrative mandates for reports of the previous year's activities, successes, awards, and an opportunity for evaluation of future direction of a program. My approach is always to first look at the previous year's calendar.

Reflecting on the JCRA's 2012 calendar leaves me a bit breathless. A year ago in 2011, the JCRA held 87 events. Well, the 2012 calendar shows 105 events that were sponsored or cosponsored by the JCRA. The events included the usual 17 Friends of the Arboretum Lectures, 12 Plantsmen's Tours, 24 children's programs, Gala, Birdhouse Competition, JCRA Plant Sale, Poinsettia Open House, plus seven Field Days, and hosting horticulture and green industry meetings. Also, we held 30 workshops, including three propagation workshops, a Japanese maple grafting workshop, three wreath-making workshops, several photography events, hypertufa and cast concrete leaf workshops, and a beekeeping workshop, just to mention a few.

We received several accolades for our "A Passion for Plants 2.0" Spring Symposium, and our events for the year were topped off by our 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Ruby McSwain Education Center featuring all the previous interim directors (Bryce Lane and Kim Powell) and directors (Bob Lyons, Denny Werner, and myself) except for J. C., and we were fairly certain that he was here somewhere. In addition to celebrating the McSwain Center's 10th anniversary, we celebrated the dedication of the new Lath House. The new dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Richard Linton, Ph.D., presided and recognized our donors Mitzi Hole and Mike Stallings. Also recognized were Frank Harmon for his award-winning design, Chuck Friedrich of Carolina Stalite, Johnson Concrete for donating planting bed and paving materials, Paige Moody of Arbor Enterprises for walk and wall installation, and the JCRA Master Plan Committee for the interior walk design and eye for aesthetic details. Donations received during the 10th Anniversary Celebration were deposited in the Endowment for Excellence fund that will support the JCRA into the future. During the Lath House dedication, Ross Williams, executive director of the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association stepped to the podium and present a $2,500 check as the first payment of a $12,500 challenge for matching donations for the Endowment for Excellence. By the week's end, another $7,000 had been donated in matching funds to meet the challenge.

Richard Linton also presented the very first J. C. Raulston Distinguished Leadership Award during the celebration. The award criteria is for an individual who has made significant contributions in "planning and planting for a better world" (J. C.'s famous letter salutation) which in definition is someone who has helped diversify the American landscape. In addition, the award recognizes the expertise and leadership given by the selected individual to further the mission of the JC Raulston Arboretum. The first recipient of the JC Raulston Distinguished Leadership Award was Tony Avent. Tony certainly exceeds the criteria in magnitude. Thanks Tony for your support, expertise, and contributions over the many years!

To continue the theme on reflections and accomplishments in 2012, take a walk through the Arboretum in 2013. I have been told by many visitors, and I agree, the gardens look fabulous! It was a leap of faith that we would find the funding to hire a new research technician in 2012, but we took the jump and hired Lizzi Lathers in July. Lizzi has been a fantastic addition to our staff and to the garden's appearance. Caring for the JCRA collections is a big job, and many hands make a big difference. We have also benefitted from our summer interns who have continued working a few hours around their classes each week during the school year. With Tim Alderton's fast-paced enthusiasm, plant expertise, and outstanding work with volunteers and interns, and Lizzi's energetic eye for design, botanical knowledge, and creativity, the talented and willing student interns, and, of course, the army of dedicated JCRA volunteers, the gardens really have never looked better.

Wise projections for the future require evaluation of past program accomplishments and approaches. One thing missing at the JC Raulston Arboretum has been a strategic marketing plan. This is obvious since we even refer to the JC Raulston Arboretum as the "biggest secret" in Raleigh. Being on the Visit Raleigh website as a "Top 50" places to see while in Raleigh with a streaming video link is a good thing, and being presented with a Sir Walter Raleigh Community Appearance Award October 9, 2012, was very gratifying, and one might assume that most of the local avid gardening public have visited the JCRA and possibly have attended events at the JC Raulston Arboretum.

Beverly Hurley (editor of Triangle Gardener and Gala committee member) has agreed to help us develop a strategic marketing plan. Background information was gathered through two focus group sessions in January 2013. The marketing plan guidance for the next step is part of the Board of Advisors charge for 2013.

A legitimate question would be: What could be accomplished with a marketing plan and then its implementation? Well, obviously increasing revenues would be one of the goals. However, the benefit for marketing is a tricky question. Since we do not charge an entrance fee, just attracting more visitors simply increases the wear and tear on our gardens and facilities. With greater exposure to the community, we would hope to increase memberships and public rentals of the auditorium and gardens. Our Children's Program, led by Elizabeth Overcash, offers our community a valuable educational opportunity. Children and their parents experience how plants function in an urban landscape environment. These can be life-long lessons and help build an appreciation and knowledge of nature and science from an early age. Along the way, we hope these families will become JCRA Friends of the Arboretum members and support our staff and programs.

We also anticipate that a marketing plan will increase our occupancy and therefore revenues from rentals. The JC Raulston Arboretum provides a pleasant atmosphere and unique experience for groups seeking a special location to schedule staff and client conferences and workshops. The highly aesthetic garden environment is a favorite location for many university and public groups to conduct their meetings and greater exposure could expand our groups of clients scheduling meetings at the JCRA. The York Auditorium in the McSwain Center offers a space that can accommodate 100 people with tables and chairs or 200 people with chairs only, or it can be divided into three soundproof rooms, each section with a capacity of 30 to 50 people, depending upon the section and set-up needs. Flexible set-up arrangements, free wireless Internet, audio-visual capabilities, and access to a kitchen all set in the jewel that is the JC Raulston Arboretum, make the York Auditorium one of the best rental spaces in Raleigh.

The JCRA also has no less than 10 garden spaces that can be reserved for events. For example, there are approximately 25 weddings held in the Klein-Pringle White Garden each year. Chairs, tables, and, in some gardens, electrical service can be provided upon request, and set-ups for these events are provided by our undergraduate student assistants. Details and rental charges can be found on the JCRA website at

Another exciting project for 2013 is the JCRA Choice Plants program. The Choice Plants program is a cooperative marketing program with the Johnston County Nursery Marketing Association. The JOCO committee has been meeting with JCRA staff for the last two years. Approximately 10 plants growing and performing well at the JCRA were selected and decisions made regarding what size containers to take to retail for each plant. The plants chosen are not frequently seen in landscapes or produced in the industry. The JOCO marketing committee has been working with retail garden centers in the Raleigh area as the exclusive point of sale in 2013 for the program. In September, Heteropterys glabra, redwing, was the first selection distributed to retailers in the Raleigh area. Redwing is a vine that has red, wing-like samaras and yellow flowers and blooms nearly all summer long. Another plant available in garden centers this spring is Viburnum obovatum 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight', which is sparsely available in the nursery industry and very under-utilized. In the JCRA, this dwarf viburnum flowers nearly all year long. Three additional plants were added to the program in 2013. Look for these plants in your favorite Raleigh garden center. Every plant will have a Choice Plants tag. The front of the tag provides a picture of the plant and the back provides information about the plant, including size, hardiness, and growing preferences. A QR code is also provided as a link to the JCRA Choice Plants Web page where there is a description of the program and information on each plant.

We've already completed one major garden project this spring. A new accessible walkway from the back entrance of the Japanese Garden down the hill in Asian Valley was installed, thanks to Mark Weathington's successful Stanley Smith Grant proposal.

My reflections from 2012 are that we invested in our staff, adding a new technician and hiring a new children's program coordinator, and those investments began paying dividends almost immediately and provide a glowing projection for the future. We also look forward to implementing a focused marketing strategy at the JCRA in 2013. Wow! I am excited!

Choice Plants labels

Choice Plants label

Mitzi Hole and Mike Stallilngs

Mitzi Hole and Mike Stallings

Ross Williams

Ross Williams

Tony Avent and Ted Bilderback

Tony Avent and Ted Bilderback

Lizzi Lathers, Scott Brandis, and Jason Jones

Lizzi Lathers, Scott Brandis, and Jason Jones

Elizabeth Overcash

Elizabeth Overcash


What's New at the Arboretum?

By Mark Weathington, Assistant Director and Curator of Collections

One of the highlights of J. C.'s old newsletters was the incredible list of new plants that had been acquired since the last newsletter appeared. The list was a constant source of amazement and a steep learning curve for gardeners all over; it was certainly one of the first places where the old adage "the more you learn, the more you learn how much there is to learn" hit home for me. In tribute to those old lists, I've compiled an abbreviated list of some of our accessions from 2012. Unfortunately, the entire list of 1,100+ new taxa (types of plants) is too long to print in our newsletter since Chris Glenn, newsletter editor, will not allow me to use J. C.'s technique of printing in six-point font with no margins. Many of the taxa listed arrived as seed or very small rooted cuttings. It may be several years before they show up on the grounds.

As always, maples were high on our list of plants to acquire and we managed to bring in about 50 new ones. One we were especially excited to find is Acer longipes subsp. catalpifolium. We found large, unlabeled trees growing in the Chengdu Botanic Garden in China, and our guide knew just what they were. The trees were approaching 40' tall with smooth, grayish-red bark. The foliage was quite large, easily over 8" long, and were mostly unlobed or slightly tri-lobed. We never found the plant growing wild on Emei Shan, despite our best attempts, but luckily the trees in cultivation were loaded with the large, wide-spreading fruits which are currently germinating in our greenhouse. Another exciting addition is A. pauciflorum, a plant that was grown previously at the JCRA and which represented probably the first plant of this species to be grown in the West, according to John Grimshaw.

Two groups that we have been actively collecting are Aucuba and Osmanthus. We acquired 19 different selections of the former and about 10 of the latter. I have been especially interested in some of the different species of Aucuba beyond the typical A. japonica and was excited to find A. obcordata, a distinctly different aucuba with long, obovate leaves. Osmanthus additions included some named Chinese forms, dwarf forms, and variegated selections. Meeting the self-proclaimed "Osmanthus King" in Guanxian was exciting as well.

Continuing the theme of evergreen shrubs for southern gardens, Camellia and Ilex (holly) were groups we also collected in 2012. Among the 16 or so camellias we obtained were a couple of species that we had long been interested in growing. C. azalea has been an intriguing species to camelliaphiles since it is a summer-flowering camellia that loves high heat. It is of questionable hardiness, but is being used to breed repeat flowering camellias for results similar to the Encore azaleas. The foliage is the unsung feature of this unusual camellia due to its waxy texture and blunt tip. Another interesting camellia germinating in the greenhouse is C. mairei (collected as C. omeiensis), a lovely species with deep red flowers from Emei Shan. Hollies are such a diverse group that they never cease to amaze me. I was blown away by Ilex fargesii var. fargesii, a shrubby species with long, very narrow foliage, when I first saw it at Quarry Hill Botanic Garden in California. Among the other 17 new hollies include a selection from one of my favorite holly species, I. integra. We're calling this unnamed selection Suzuki Curls in honor of the original source and the fact that all the leaves curl around for a delightful texture. We're not sure yet if this selection is male or female.

Other groups collected during 2012 include Magnolia (33 taxa), Illicium (nine taxa), Mahonia (six taxa), and Daphne (eight taxa). The daphne selections include quite a few species such as D. cheriton, D. schytleri, and D. stageck (all three from plantsman Panayoti Keleidis of Denver Botanic Garden), but also include some knockout cultivars like the brilliant D. odora 'Hewreb' (Rebecca™).

While the focus of the Arboretum is on woody plants, herbaceous material was added to the collections as well, including about 80 different ferns, 15 new Rohdea, 25 Crinum, and 14 Aspidistra.

Although we often increase our holdings in particular groups, the individual additions are often among the most exciting. Species like Euchresta japonica with brilliant blue fruits and Schefflera aff. minutistellata from the Nanling Mountains in China are interesting to put into landscape trials and will hopefully add to the palette of available plants for southeastern and mid-Atlantic gardens, while cultivars such as Ginkgo biloba 'Weeping Wonder' and Salvia glabrescens 'Danielle's Dream' add form and color to the landscape.

A few other new accessions that have me excited include:

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Radiance'
Abies guatemalensis
'Morning Candle'
Acer albopurpurascens
Acer carpinifolium
'Esveld Select'
Acer longipes
subsp. catalpifolium
Acer tutcheri
Adiantum hispidulum
'Mount Haleakala'
'Blue Boa'
Agathis dammara
Anemia tomentosa
Araiostegia pseudocystopteris
Ardisia japonica
'Maruyama Sunago'
Arisaema wilsonii
Aspidistra crispa
'Gold Lancer'
Aucuba japonica
'Daisuke's Tiger'
Aucuba japonica
'Little Angel'
'Satin Stripe'
Buddleja skutchii
Buxus sempervirens
Calamagrostis brachytricha
Camellia mairei
'Spark Plug'
Carpinus japonica
'Silver Lace'
Carpinus shensiensis
Celtis africana
Cephalotaxus mannii
Ceratozamia kuesteriana
Chengiopanax sciadophylloides
Cleyera integrifolia
Conradina canescens
'Alabama White'
Crinum bulbispermum
Cyclamen ×drydeniae
Cyrtomium falcatum
'P001s' (Fire Spinner™)
Dendropanax dentiger
Dichroa febrifuga
'Suzuki White'
Diospyros kaki
'Nishiki Gawa'
Epimedium baieali-guizhouense
Eriobotrya japonica
Fendlera wrightii
Ficus palmata
Haberlea rhodopensis
Helleborus ×ballardiae
'Raulston Remembered'
Hemiboea flaccida
Hibiscus syriacus
'Buddha Belly'
Hydrangea aspera
subsp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'
Hydrangea quercifolia
'Ice Crystal'
Ilex cornuta
'Masashi's Gold'
Ilex editicostata
Juniperus barbadensis
var. luceyana
'Piilag-III' (Red Rooster®)
Litsea pseudoelongata
'Eternal Spring'
Magnolia sapaensis
Magnolia yuyuanensis × M. insignis
Mahonia chochoco
Mahonia ilicina
Microcachrys tetragona
Monnina xalapensis
Myrica cerifera
'Blue Candles'
Myrsine divaricata
Paeonia suffruticosa
Physostegia correlii
Pinus densiflora
'Low Glow'
Populus monticola
Primula sieboldii
'Drag Queen'
Prunus mume
Pyrenaria spectabilis
Quercus inopina
Quercus turbinella
Rhododendron japonoheptamerum
var. japonoheptamerum
Rhododendron tsurugisanense
Rohdea japonica
'Washit Aka Kuma'
Salvia glabrescens
'Shi Ho'
Schinus gracilipes
Schizophragma hydrangeoides
'Ivory Majik'
Stewartia villosa
var. kwangtungensis
Styrax japonicus
'Evening Light'
Styrax japonicus
'Fragrant Fountain'
Ternstroemia gymnanthera
'Golden Bear'
Ternstroemia impressa
Ternstroemia sylvatica
Tilia americana
var. mexicana
Torreya californica
Torreya nucifera
'Gold Strike'
Tupistra pingbianensis
Tutcheria hexalacylaria
Vaccinium nummularia
Viburnum acuminatum
subsp. blandum
'Kolmagira' (Rainbow Sensation™)

Elizabeth Overcash

Liu Gang with Acer longipes subsp. catalpifolium

Elizabeth Overcash

Camellia azalea

Elizabeth Overcash

Ilex fargesii var. fargesii

Elizabeth Overcash

Daphne odora 'Hewreb' (Rebecca™)

Elizabeth Overcash

Schefflera minutistellata

Rosanna Adams helps plant the new Lath House

Rosanna Adams helps plant the new Lath House

New hanging basket trials

New hanging basket trials

Matthew Hayes adds new plants to the Plantsmen's Woods

Matthew Hayes adds new plants to the Plantsmen's Woods

The new Oak Grove

The new Oak Grove

Newly planted Lath House exterior beds

Newly planted Lath House exterior beds

Dangerous Prey

By Tim Alderton, Research Technician

In the several years that I've lived in North Carolina, I have spent only a little time exploring the varied natural areas found throughout the state. This past May and again in November, I ventured into one of these areas, the Croatan National Forest in Carteret County. While visiting relatives in the area, I wanted to see some of the most unearthly of plants—plants that eat rather than are eaten.

Late May and June brings on the flowers of the most famous carnivorous plant, Dionaea muscipula, the Venus flytrap. I ventured along Pringle Road, north of Cedar Key, where I read that populations of the federally protected plants still prospered in the most northeasterly part of their range in the relative wilderness of the longleaf pine savanna. Controlled fires lit periodically and the occasional blaze from a lightning strike provided the open habitat needed by Dionaea muscipula and other carnivorous plants growing in the seasonally wet depressions in the expanse of pine savanna. Driving along Pringle Road, stopping periodically when a spot of color from wildflowers or blackened brush from recent burns caught my eye, I managed to locate one of the populations of the hungry plants.

In a recently burnt area, remnants of brush resprouting leaves revealed the identity of some of the overbearing neighbors of the little carnivores. Young leaves of Vaccinium, Lyonia lucida, and Clethra alnifolia emerged from the bases of charred twigs, preparing to retake the open ground once covered by their vegetation. Dionaea muscipula, on the other hand, took advantage of this open canopy to flower and set seed while the good times lasted. Small clusters of ¾", white, five-petal blossoms stood atop 8"–12" scapes, rocketing from 3"–4" rosettes of fresh green, miniature bear traps growing among the charcoaled stems and venturing into the nearby Aristida stricta (wire grass). The grassy foliage of Stenanthium densum also took advantage of the new-found sunlight to erect its own tall raceme of white, six-tepal stars with protruding stamens tipped in burnt ochre pollen. Other neighbors in this location included Sphagnum; a wiry, pastel blue colored Lobelia nuttallii; florescent orange-flowered Polygala lutea; the prostrate marching stems of Vaccinium crassifolium; and the fragrant foliage of Myrica cerifera var. pumila.

My second trip into the Croatan in search of predatory plants came in early November. John Henderson, an amateur nature photographer from Cedar Key, promised to show me at least six of the resident carnivorous plants species growing only a few miles from his home. With his topographical map of the southeastern Croatan in hand, we jumped into his Jeep and drove up Pringle Road. His map detailed locations previously found and noted with mileage marks and descriptions of what one would find at each. Only a few hundred yards beyond my own May discovery, we stopped to see another location offering a home to Dionaea muscipula.

Walking a few hundred feet off the road through a thin scattering of Pinus palustris and passing tufts of Liatris, as well as a few plants formerly known as Aster and young shoots of Arundinaria gigantea, we came upon an area where low depressions or ruts allowed for moister conditions than that of the surrounding open pine savanna. With close inspection, John began pointing out nickel- and quarter-sized rosettes. Tiny, pale green, tennis racket-shaped leaves covered in red hairs tipped in orbs of sticky glue sometimes held minuscule arthropods trapped in the adhesive jewels: Drosera capillaris, the first of three sundews species found that day. Upon even closer inspection, a second species, Drosera brevifolia, began to appear. Very large rosettes growing only to the size of a nickel and sticky, red, ping-pong paddle-shaped leaves nearly lacking petioles helped to distinguish these patient hunters. Pale yellow mats of Sphagnum in places surrounded the tiny, red rosettes of Drosera, highlighting both plants in this unique habitat. Sometimes only inches away, hiding at the base of clumps of grass, with green rosettes of leaves tipped in blood-red jaws, Dionaea muscipula waited for the unsuspecting insect prey to land and trigger the leaves to close.

A few feet further, on slightly higher ground, a disheveled, deep purple-blue blossom of Gentiana autumnalis stood out like a beacon from the surrounding tan blades of Aristida stricta. Scanning the area for other interesting plants, my eyes brought into focus another tiny jewel. A single, glossy yellow flower of Utricularia subulata glistened atop a wiry stem poking up from a patch of bare ground, marking the presence of a subterranean network of trapdoors waiting to capture minute worms and invertebrate in the moist soil. Yet another predator of sorts grew in this location as well. Pink, ½", trumpet-like blossoms held on wiry branching stems hid the thieving nature of Agalinis aphylla. Agalinis, a genus of hemiparasites, prey on other plants, tapping into their roots to steal nourishment, but are not totally dependent on them as they themselves can still photosynthesize. This location also contained the creeping Vaccinium crassifolium, a late flowering Polygala lutea, and resprouting Gordonia lasianthus.

After spending thirty or forty minutes at that location, John and I got back into the Jeep and traveled only about two miles to our next stop on Millis Road. Climbing up a low bank into another open pine glade brought into view a depression about 300' long by 40' wide, spotted with traps of water-filled Sarracenia. Two species grew in the perpetually wet soil, the most apparent of these Sarracenia flava. Hundreds of now browning, 18" tall, trumpet-like, tubular leaves stood among the grasses and other bog plants. A few still showed the summer's chartreuse tubes with varying degrees of burgundy red veins radiating up the leaves and onto the hood, still waiting for unsuspecting insects to venture into their water trap. Scattered around, remnants of parachute-like seed heads were only memories of the bizarre, yellow, spring blossoms. The second species, Sarracenia purpurea, formed several patches near its taller cousin. The dense clusters of 6" tall, green-veined, red pitchers appeared fresh as spring, despite the fall appearance of Sarracenia flava. One loner flowered, holding a red spaceship-shaped blossom on top of a 10" scape.

Looking beyond the very apparent Sarracenia, John again pointed out the tiny rosettes of Drosera. Two species grew in the small open patches of the boggy soil. Drosera capillaries, with the tennis racket leaves, grew here as it did in the previous location on Pringle Road, but it was joined by the third species of the day, Drosera intermedia. The leaves of D. intermedia grew longer, thinner petioles and appeared more like a badminton racket than the tennis rackets of D. capillaris. Also, the rosettes grew to an enormous quarter to fifty-cent piece size.

Growing alongside Sarracenia and Drosera, the versatile Coreopsis gladiata sent up a few thin, 10" stems topped in 1½", golden yellow daisies with a dark brown center. In the muck of the bog, pipe cleaner stems of a Lycopodiella maneuvered their way around the clumps of grasses and Sarracenia. In the middle of an almost entirely herbaceous community of this bog, a solitary clump of Myrica cerifera anchored the wet soils. A few small clumps of bushy, glossy black-fruited Ilex glabra were the only other woody to venture in to the wet expanse. On the bank of the depression, pale blue inflorescences of Ionactis linariifolius loosely covered the open, needle-like foliage of the 8" tall plants. On the relative high ground, a lone Gentiana autumnalis held an unblemished blossom of a rich blue funnel with a white throat brushed with mashed pea green and flecked with speckles. As John and I prepared to leave, I looked down and noticed the late flowers of a spiral orchid. The leafless, 8" tall stalk held nine white blossoms on a twisted stem. We would later find out that this orchid, Spiranthes longilabris, which was identified with the help of several people in the native plant community, happened to be federally endangered and had not been recorded in Carteret County. This concluded my second visit to the Croatan looking for elusive predators of the plant world.

I found remarkable the number of familiar garden plants growing within sight of the carnivorous plants that I had gone to see. Myrica cerifera, Clethra alnifolia, and Ilex glabra connected the plants in our gardens to the wild predatory plants' world, strange neighbors that one would never expect to see cohabitating within our own gardens. Others, like the recovering Gordonia lasianthus, challenge the gardener to grow them in conditions like their inhospitable home in the intermittently wet/dry pine savanna, where they flourish despite recurrent fires. Within several yards of these two locations, other familiar landscape plants grew not in the lush ways we are accustomed to in our own yard, but as wild, hardy cousins, able to take the stressful conditions found in the pine savanna. The ubiquitous Ilex vomitoria, Pinus taeda, and multiple species of Quercus were growing as scrubby shrubs to 40' trees. Pinus palustris, though less common in landscapes, provides the main canopy of the surroundings where some trees, I have read, are over one hundred years old, though their smaller size makes them look much younger due to the extreme conditions of the savanna.

Take time this spring and venture into the wild, whether in the woods behind your home or in the distant lands traveled on your next vacation, and look to see what remarkable plants you can find. Maybe you'll see familiar plants, but hopefully you'll see some remarkable treasures like the carnivores of North Carolina.

Dionaea muscipula

Dionaea muscipula

Stenanthium densum

Stenanthium densum

Drosera capillaris

Drosera capillaris

Dionaea muscipula

Dionaea muscipula

Agalinis aphylla

Agalinis aphylla

Sarracenia purpurea

Sarracenia purpurea

Drosera intermedia

Drosera intermedia

Spiranthes longilabris

Spiranthes longilabris


Planting the Seeds for Development

By Anne M. Porter, Director of Development

So Many Thank-yous … So Little Time

As my wonderful colleague, office mate, and friend, Judy Morgan-Davis, compiles the donor information for the 2012 annual report included in this newsletter, it reminds me again of just how many people and organizations give so generously of their time, talents, and treasures to the JC Raulston Arboretum. Thank you for your generous contributions benefiting the many fine programs, collections, and gardens that make the JCRA an important community resource and a nationally recognized arboretum.

The following are some of the accomplishments in 2012, thanks to the support of many friends of the JC Raulston Arboretum.

  • Completed the new Lath House and continued the on-going Master Plan design.
  • Collected new plants. Mark Weathington visited China and Japan to collect new plants that will be researched and trialed at the JCRA, and then introduced to the public if found outstanding.
  • Developed the JCRA Choice Plants program that will enhance partnerships with green industry growers, nurseries, and garden centers. (Many of these are already available in local garden centers.)
  • Hired Elizabeth Overcash as coordinator for the JCRA children's program. Elizabeth added more than 20 new programs, tours, and events for children and their families.
  • Hired a new research technician. Lizzi Lathers has taken on the responsibilities of increased plant propagation and garden development, maintenance, and appearance.
  • Added new and improved educational signage and plant labeling throughout the garden.
  • Became a part of the North American Plant Collection Consortium's multisite Magnolia collection.
  • Initiated the Grow the Endowment for Excellence initiative. A strong endowment will provide a secure financial future for the Arboretum.
  • Offered more than 40 outstanding lectures, symposia, workshops, flower shows, and events for the whole family, including new programs that encourage family participation.
  • Received the Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Community Appearance from the City of Raleigh.

These are just a few of the 2012 highlights. I hope that you will take the opportunity to visit soon and visit often in 2013. There is always something in flower and something exciting happening at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Our staff and our outstanding volunteers are always happy to meet and talk with you—especially to say thank you!

Your gifts really do make an important impact on the JC Raulston Arboretum, and we sincerely thank you and deeply appreciate your continued advocacy and support.

Gala in the Garden: Sunday April 28, 2013

Gala in the Garden: An Asian Reflection

Nope.… It's not the first Sunday in May. Yep.… The 22nd Gala in the Garden is changing to the last Sunday in April, so mark your social calendars for Sunday, April 28, 2013, for Raleigh's Garden Party—the Gala in the Garden at the JC Raulston Arboretum.

The Gala is the Arboretum's main fund-raising event of the year, and it provides critical unrestricted funds that support daily operations, staff salaries, plant collections R&D, garden maintenance, and so much more.

Rufus edmisten keeping a watchful eye on eye on his high bids

Rufus Edmisten keeping a watchful eye on eye on his high bids

We are very pleased that Mike and Sandie Worthington (Worthington Farms in Greenville, North Carolina) have accepted the roll as Gala honorary co-chairs. Mike is the 2nd vice chair for the JCRA Board of Advisors, and Sandie and Mike have supported the Gala for many years.

We are also thrilled that Sally Linton, wife of the new dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Richard Linton, Ph.D.), has accepted the role of Gala event chair. The Lintons moved to Raleigh in September, and during his first week, they helped the Arboretum celebrate the dedication of the new Lath House and the 10th anniversary of the Ruby C. McSwain Center. Sally and their children have also supported and enjoyed the Arboretum's Children's Program.

Please save this date and join us for fabulous fun, food, friends, and an extraordinary botanical and non-botanical silent auction—and yes, there will be NC State Howling Cow Ice Cream again. In the words of our director, Ted Bilderback, "Our Gala in the Garden has become a harbinger of spring and summer gardening." And indeed it has and will continue to be!

If you would like more information on sponsorship opportunities, donating to the auction, or general event information, please contact me, Anne Porter, at (919) 513-3826 or or visit

Honorary Co-chairs
Sandie and Mike Worthington

Event Chair
Sally Linton

Jill Adams
Jennifer Bernabi
Ted Bilderback
Celeste Brogdon
John Buettner
Pam Byington
Irma Clark
Kathy Deal
Judi Grainger
Larry Hancock
Meriwether Hill-Fentress
Margaret Hoffman
Beverly Hurley
Cheryl Kearns
Melanie Kelley
Barbara Kennedy
Charlie Kidder
Judy Morgan-Davis
Anne Porter
Sylvia Redwine
Jere Stevens
Mark Weathington
Chris Wessel
Jackie Wynne
Helen Yoest

Honorary Members
Frank Grainger
Jerry & Nina Jackson
Susan Woodson

Roy Dicks samples the delicous food at the 2011 Gala

Roy Dicks samples the delicous food at the 2011 Gala

Where There's a Will—There's a Way!

Recently, I learned of a sad story, but one that I hear so often. A beloved family member suddenly passed away, but left no will. The brother (also the court appointed executor) had to make all the decisions about his sister's estate. Being a loving brother, he wanted to honor his sister and distribute her sizable assets to worthy organizations that she had loved and supported during her lifetime. He eventually learned of several organizations, including the JCRA, and gave generous contributions in his sister's memory.

If you have a will, then there is a way: a way that this situation can be easily avoided with a few simple steps and a little thoughtful planning; and a way that is easy and an excellent way to leave a lasting legacy.

Including a bequest to the North Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., to benefit the JC Raulston Arboretum also means:

  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
  • You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances.
  • You can direct your gift to a particular purpose. (Be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended.)
  • Under current tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.
Example Bequest Language

Bequest of Cash
"I bequeath the sum of $______ to the North Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., of Raleigh, North Carolina, for the benefit of the JC Raulston Arboretum. I specify this sum for the JCRA Endowment for Excellence." (example)

Bequest of a Percent of the Estate
"I devise and bequeath ______% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to the North Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina, for the benefit of the JC Raulston Arboretum. I specify this sum for the JCRA Endowment for Excellence." (example)

Contingent Bequest
"If my brother John Doe survives me, I devise and bequeath 20% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to John Doe. If John Doe does not survive me, then I devise and bequeath 20% of my residuary estate, whether real or personal property and wherever located to the North Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina, for the benefit of the JC Raulston Arboretum. I specify this sum for the JCRA Endowment for Excellence." (example)

For more planned giving information, visit the JCRA's website, or contact the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' gift planning specialist, De Teague, at (919) 513-2950 or

For more information on this or other giving opportunities, please call or e-mail me, Anne Porter, at (919) 513-3826 or or visit

Private Events

For your next family reunion, business meeting, wedding or special dinner, please consider the JC Raulston Arboretum. Everyone will enjoy the inviting surroundings. For more information, contact Faye Koonce at (919) 513-7457 or We welcome the opportunity to serve you.

A bride and groom walk down the Perennial Border path

Membership Makes a Difference

By Anne Porter, Director of Development

Members Making News

The JC Raulston Arboretum is extremely fortunate to have so many talented friends and donors. If you are a member making news or know of one, please let us know so that we can share it with our Arboretum friends.

Tony Avent received the very first J. C. Raulston Distinguished Leadership Award on September 21, 2012. Tony exemplifies the criteria for this award. He has made significant contributions in "planning and planting for a better world" by helping to diversify the American landscape through new and underused plant introductions and/or promotions of these plants to the public or green industry. Tony has contributed significant expertise, counsel, and resources to further the mission of the JC Raulston Arboretum, and he demonstrates leadership and dedication to NC State University and the JC Raulston Arboretum. Congratulations, Tony! You have set the bar very high for the next recipient of this special award.

Ted Bilderback received the State Distinguished Service Award presented by Epsilon Sigma Phi, and Debbie Hamrick received the State Friend of Extension Award presented by Epsilon Sigma Phi. Well done and well deserved, Ted and Debbie! And thanks to Epsilon Sigma Phi for recognizing such dedicated service to our very important state Extension Service.

Ted Bilderback demonstrates pruning

Ted Bilderback demonstrates pruning

Debbie Hamrick at the 2012 Gala

Debbie Hamrick at the 2012 Gala

Rick Bylina (husband of Carrie Joy Bylina who plays in the Joy Recorder Ensemble) wrote a new mystery novel. He's included the JC Raulston Arboretum in it. We'll look for it soon, Rick!

At the 2013 NCNLA Green & Growin' Show, a number of our members received the following awards on January 17, 2013. We are so proud of you all. Keep up the great work!

The Oakland Award (outstanding service to the landscape industry) was presented to Scott Makey, Old Millstream Nursery and Landscape.

The Kim Powell Award (outstanding contribution to the horticulture industry) was presented to Joe Neal, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University.

The Bill Wilder Outstanding Young Nurseryman Award (recognizes young men and women for outstanding service in horticulture who also offer inspiration for others starting out in the field) was presented to Danielle Stephenson, Stephenson's Nursery.

The Grower of the Year Award (recognizes an NCNLA member that exhibits a high level of professionalism in the management or ownership of a nursery in North Carolina) was presented to Rick Crowder, Hawksridge Farms.

The D. S. Copeland Award (outstanding contribution to the nursery industry by a candidate working directly in the nursery industry) was presented to Jeff Gragg, North 40 Nursery.

The Libby Wilder Award (recognizes outstanding contribution to the nursery or landscape industry by a female) was presented to LaRue Powell, Powell's Nursery

The Lifetime Honorary NCNLA Membership Award (recognizes a lifetime contribution or achievement in the nursery and landscape industry) was presented to Randy Hefner, Hefner's Nursery; Richard Currin, Currin's Nursery; and Linda Bailey, Piney Ridge Nursery.

Members Corner

Featuring pictures, stories, and testimonials from JCRA members.


From Charlotte Presley, JCRA Volunteer and Member since 1989

"Give away, removed, died, transplanted, dead (too wet?), rabbits ate, voles ate, squirrels dug up, wrong color, reverted, did poorly." These are a few of the descriptions that I have written beside plant entries in the garden journal that I've been keeping since 2002. Curious how these words dominate and one ought to be discouraged. Where are the words "gorgeous, wow, robust, divide, share with friends?"

As I sit at my desk looking out at one small area of the garden, I can see many plants that have come to me via the JC Raulston Arboretum. For instance, the lacecap hydrangea, Hydrangea serrata f. acuminata that morphs through so many exquisite colors each season, the Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup Aurea' that glows all year and asks for nothing, the Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis that is both regal and spectacular.

These plants entered my garden as small container plants and have all managed to exceed my wildest expectations. How do I honor them? (Apparently not with glowing adjectives written next to their names in my journal.) I honor them by giving back to the JCRA—volunteering for many years, spreading the word about the Arboretum, and helping to support ongoing programs at the garden.

Most recently, I've been returning a few special plants to the JCRA as my husband and I look forward to moving to a smaller home with a smaller you-know-what. It's comforting to know that these plants will continue to be nurtured in the garden where my horticultural journey began.

Hmmm … wonder if there's a dwarf Hydrangea serrata available—how about bonsaiing a golden Holmstrup thuja?

Charlotte Presley and Mark Weathington share a laugh at the JCRA Plant Sale

Charlotte Presley and Mark Weathington share a laugh at the JCRA Plant Sale

Making Garden Friends

From Anthea Tate, JCRA Member since 1984

The first year that I attended a North Carolina Association of Nurserymen (NCAN), now the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association (NCNLA), meeting was 1970. The association was meeting on the NC State campus in Kilgore Hall, I believe. I accidently got into the nursery business because Fox Hollow Nursery was across the road from my home, and I went over there to pull weeds because the nursery people had left and the landscaper was too busy to look after the hundreds of plants. I showed up at the meeting as ignorant of nursery production as possible. After the speakers, my husband and I were strolling through the exhibits and I met Fred Cochran, Ph.D., who was a professor in the Department of Horticultural Science. He was so pleasant and helpful in answering the few questions I asked. He had a 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple in a one-gallon can sitting there, which he picked up and gave to me. He told me he grafted it himself and would like for us to have it. That was the first generosity I experienced from an NCAN member, and during my 20 years at Fox Hollow Nursery, I found it was characteristic of nearly all the NCAN people with whom I enjoyed business and friendship.

The 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple at the Tate home in Vass, North Carolina

The 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple at the Tate home in Vass, North Carolina

When the Old Becomes New: A Forgotten Gem Reexamined

From Pat Brothers, for Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden (a JCRA Members Benefit Program provider)

Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) is a European native dogwood that was probably brought to the United States before 1800. It was cultivated for thousands of years in Europe and was well known to the Greeks and Romans, both for its edible fruit and its extremely dense wood. Nowadays, it is virtually unknown here, and undeservedly so.

Cornus mas is a large shrub or small tree, reaching 20' at maturity with an equal spread. Its natural form is shrubby, with multiple trunks, though it can be trained into a tree form. The late winter flowers are small, yellow clusters which are both abundant and showy. The shaggy, gray bark on mature trees is also an excellent winter feature. The leaves are glossy green which, while not as showy in the fall as our native dogwood, will offer some yellow, purple, and red tones. The berries are bright red and reasonably tasty if picked when very ripe. They make excellent jams and can even be fermented into a tasty liqueur, or so say the Romanians. Birds and other wildlife like them as well.

Once established, Cornelian cherry is pretty undemanding and pest free. It likes rich, well-drained soil but will tolerate lesser conditions. Afternoon shade is beneficial, though it will take full sun. The yellow flowers and exfoliating bark show up well against a dark green backdrop or silhouetted against gray winter skies. The small Queen Anne's lace-like flowers grace the landscape in early February.

Several cultivars have been selected both for flowering and fruiting. 'Golden Glory' flowers beautifully and has a good form. 'Elegant', 'Pioneer', and 'Redstone' have larger fruit. Trees are self-fertile but will have more abundant fruit if two different cultivars are present. Mark Weathingon recently reassigned the JCRA's introduction 'Spring Glow' as a selection of Cornus officinalis.

Consider adding a Cornelian cherry to your landscape. It will bring both beauty and a bit of history to your yard.

Pat Brothers is an avid gardener with an extensive knowledge of plants. She enjoys helping customers at Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden. A benefit provider to the Arboretum for many years, Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden is happy to expand their discount to Arboretum members this year to 20% off any regular plant purchase. They offer a wide selection of sought after plants on nearly six acres on Atlantic Avenue in north Raleigh. For more information, please visit For a complete list of benefit providers, visit

Cornus mas 'Pioneer'

Cornus mas 'Pioneer'

Annual Report

A Year in Review

The JC Raulston Arboretum is pleased to present the 2012 Annual Report, recognizing our donors, members, and volunteers. We extend a sincere thank you to all the individuals and organizations that supported the JCRA in 2012. Your support makes possible the continued growth and development of our gardens, plant collections, and educational programs. Plants and gardening nurture the human spirit and enhance our quality of life. We are honored that you have chosen to support this special arboretum as it continues to fulfill its mission of excellence in research, teaching, and public outreach.

Membership Makes a Difference

Through annual membership gifts, these Friends of the Arboretum support: a community resource garden that is free and open to the public every day of the year, a research garden that supports one of North Carolina's most valuable industries, and horticultural programs and classes that enrich the educational experiences for everyone. Sincere thanks to each and every member!

Jack and Micki Cox
David and Catherine Duch
Charles and Kathy Hornbuckle

Scott Anderson
David Griffin
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole

David and Judith Bradyhouse
Malcolm and Patty Brown
Scot and Cindy Chappell
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Cynthia Green and Bruce Martin
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Alexander and Carol Lawrence
Logan Trading Company
John and Betsy McBrayer
Richard Pearson and Joan Robertson
Sampson Nursery
Carl and Janet Shafer
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Thomas and Laura Whatley
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Johnny and Jackie Wynne

Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Jackie Applegate and David Syvinski
Arbor Enterprises
Jean Benjamin
Berylwood Tree Farm (Rolla Wilhite)
Richard Blanton and Candace Haigler
William and Gail Bunce
James Bustrack
Andrew and Sarah Butler
Carolina Seasons Nursery
Creative Landscape Designs
Currin's Nursery
Fair View Nursery
Paul and Janet Fantz
Victor Farah and Robin Hudson
Sheldon Galloway
Barbara George
Robert and Pickett Guthrie
Neil and Margaret Harper
Johnathan Harter and Debra Singer-Harter
Guy and Sandy Harwood
Hefner's Nursery
Richard Hesselein
Sam Jones
Shirley Jones
Shirley Keel and Don Tessman
John and Jamie Kellner
Russell and Malissa Kilpatrick
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Charles and Wanda Leffler
Donna Mack
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
Katherine Mauney
Ross and Margaret McKinney
Peter and Jainel Morris
Novozymes North America
Panther Creek Nursery
Steven and Katharine Perry
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Mark and Jane Ritchie
Elise Ross
Lawrence and Jean Shuping
Rene and Claudia Sierra
Tony and Nancy Sigmon
Eleanor Silver
Mark Smith
Lois Sowers
Swift Creek Nursery
Russell and Anthea Tate
The F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
Nadine Tope
Turftenders Landscape Services
Fred and Elaine Turner
Jay and Colleen Warfield
George and Claudia Wilson
Farrell Wise and Levis Handley
Joe and Dana Woody
George and Reba Worsley
Joe and Lisé Zublena

Ellen Adams
Howard and Mary Edith Alexander
Jerry and Jacquelin Allen
Lloyd and Donna Allen
Robert and Judy Allen
Toby and Patricia Alligood
James and Sharon Allsbrook
Jay Althouse and Sally Albrecht
Douglas and Heather Anderson
Charles and Carol Apperson
Timothy Appleby
Steve and Kaye Arnold
Brian and Renee Ashford
Penn and Carolyn Avera
Robert and Jane Avinger
Susan Bailes and Betty Bailes
Jeff and Shelley Bailey
Walter and Marcia Ballard
Allyson Banas and Aline Cote
Mark and Beth Barnes
Russ and Mitzie Barnette
Thomas and Lisa Barrie
Joel and Dawn Battiste
Shane and Tomra Bazer
Llewellyn Beaman
Joe and Karen Bearden
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Harriet Bellerjeau
Kevin and Patti Benedict
Robert and Rebecca Berrey
Meredith and Anna Berry
Better Tree Care Associates
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Tim and Kylene Bilderback
Zack Bilderback and Jenn Wilding
David and Tammy Biondi
Richard and Susan Bir
John and Rebecca Board
Ed Boer and Eve von Deck
Zoltan and Nan Bokeny
Edgar and Ethel Boone
Brady & Associates Forestry Services
Moira Breen and Nicholas Puryear
Raymond and Dianne Brinker
Frances Brogden and Chris Nash
Donnie and Phyllis Brookshire
Curtis and Patricia Brothers
John and Nancy Brothers
Robert and Regan Brown
Charles and Lois Brummitt
John Buettner and John Dole
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
David and Patricia Burgess
Laurinda Burleson
Thornton Burnet, Jr.
James Burnette
David and Dawn Burtt
Richard and Nancy Butler
Richard and Carrie Joy Bylina
Basil and Diana Byrne
Lamar and Deborah Caldwell
Weston and Rhonda Caldwell
Richard and Marilyn Calfee
Thomas and Elizabeth Campbell
Bob Cantwell and Lydia Wegman
Charles and Margie Case
Arthur and Jean Chard
Roger and Julie Chenoweth
John and Molly Chiles
Allen and Anne Clapp
George and Pam Clark
Haddon and Irma Clark
Brenda Cleveland and Barry Engber
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Dan Cochrane
Coley Bunch Nursery
Bill and Eileen Conklin
Josh Connolly
Curtis and Anna Cook
Dan and Fairley Bell Cook
Albert Cooke and Daphne Hill
Dale Cousins
Vivian Coxe and Robert Coxe
Gary and Christi Cramer
Jacob and Deborah Crandall
Courtney and Kathy Crosby
James and Patricia Cross
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Bill and Mary Cruse
Robert and Jo Ann Cullingford
Jonathon and Rachel Cummings
Thomas and Jennifer Cuthbertson
Karen Damari and Andy Roth
Colin Daniels
David Darr and Amy Armbruster
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Nicholas and Katharine Davies
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Jerry and Rosanne Davis
William and Kyra Davis
Robert and Prudence Dawson
Alexander and Linda De Grand
Linda DeFrancesco
Robert and Ann DeMaine
William Dement, Jr., and Ed Sessoms
Stephen and Martha Derbyshire
Geoffrey and Sarah Dietrich
Danny and Leigh Dixon
Robert and Colleen Dodds
James Dodson and Elizabeth Jones
Ron and Jeanette Doggett
Joseph Dubanowich
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Jared Dutton
John and Marilyn Dutton
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Todd and Susan Eichler
Wilder Elsaesser and Sarah Werner
Rich and Sylvia Elwyn
Ken Esbenshade and Betty Byrum
Allan and Susan Eure
Steve Ferguson and Roberta Wines
John Ferrante
Michael and Joy Ferrell
Alan and Marty Finkel
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Philip Foley
Myron and Ginny Fountain
Powell and Ann Fox
Sonya Fox
Kenneth and Lynn Gaito
Mark and Diane Gantt
Rossy Garcia and Jim Zieger
Garden Club Council of Winston Salem & Forsyth County
Gardener by Nature (Dale Batchelor and John Thomas)
Garland C. Norris Co.
James and Anita Gates
Drew Gentry
Fred and Susan Gentry
David and Liza Gettles
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Tom and Ann Goebel
Andrew and Sheree Goettman
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
James and Barbara Goodmon
Leah Goodnight
Karl Gottschalk and Dorothy Pugh
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
William and Amy Gray
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Jason and Cara Griffin
Jean Gross and Donald Miller
Annette Guirlinger
Al and Susan Gurganus
David and Karen Guy
Elizabeth Guzynski and Patrick Chu
George and Priscilla Haddad
Gail Hafley and Chris Merrill
Michael and Eliza Hager
Robert Hall and Mary Hamrick
Porter and Marty Halyburton
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Philip and Caroline Hamrick
Victor and Angelika Harabin
James and Dorthy Hardin
Brode Harrell, Jr.
Paul and Dixie Harrell
Ted and Dale Harris
Michael and Patricia Hartman
Felton and Betty Hastings
Philip and Gail Hatchett
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
David and Cynthia Herlong
Douglas Hill
John and Kay Linn Hobart
Hoffman Nursery
Paul and Judy Hoffman
Adam and Maria Holtzman
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Harold and Patsy Hopfenberg
Robert and Roberta Horton
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Laurie House and John Hopkins
Alton and Ramona Howard
Stephen Hulme and Gloria Barnett
Garrett and Susan Hunter
Thomas Hunter, Jr.
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
John and Paula Jay
Jericho Farms
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Frederick and Kimberly Johnson
Harold and Kristina Johnson
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones
Dave and Anne Jones
Ian Jones and Kaye Jones
Jason Jones and Scott Brandis
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Wendy Kanable and Ginna Browning
John and Jane Kanipe
Kenneth and Virginia Karb
Curtis Kasefang and Sharon O'Neill
Max and Gisela Kasselt
Andy and Kristin Kelley
David Kelley and Jann Martindale
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
George and Fonda Kendley
Charles Kidder
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
Doris Kistler and Frederic Wightman
Matthew Kizak and Amy Clifford
Edmund and Ruth Klemmer
Charles and Amy Kneifel
John Kocher and Britt Crews
Joanne Kollar and Richard Wolfe
Jim and Barb Korpik
Patricia Korpik
Charles and Peggy Korte
Jerod and Anne Kratzer
Anita Kuehne and Bill Swint
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Jack Lamm, II and Dan Gant
Dante Landucci and Nancy Harnett
Richard and Amelia Lane
Duane and Joanne Larick
Richard LaRose
Todd Lasseigne and Heather Toedt
Virginia Lawler
Darlene Lee and Steve Wales
Katherine Lehman and Matt Steindl
Mary Leonhardi and Bradley Dokter
Gerald and Shirley Lester
Denis and Tracy Levy
Andrew and Cara Lewis
Frank Lewis
Michael Ligett and Cathy Ward
Frank and Mildred Liggett
Brian Light
Barbara Little and Kelly Skelton
David and Pamela Livingston
Steven and Arlene Lord
Philip and Jamie Lovdal
Michael Loven and Duncan Smith
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Kevin and Monnie Lunsford
Robert and Julia and Julia Mackintosh
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Heinrich and Martha Malling
Gus and Geary Mandrapilias
Kim and Linda Mansfield
Gary Mathews and Eiko Tai
Patrick and Marcia Mattingly
William and Paula Mattocks
Catherine Maxwell and Ben Fewel
Jim and Connie Maynard
Mary McClure
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Michelle McGinnis and Dmitri Hammer
Michael and Carla McKinney
Sam and Carol McKnight
Bob and Jean McLeod
Cynthia McMorris and Marlin Virgin
James and Ruth Mead
Ronald and Verna Medeiros
Ramesh and Nidu Menon
Dale and Sharon Miller
David and Frances Miller
Amy Mindick-Walling and Kelly Walling
John and Stephanie Mitchell
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Janet Moore and Jennifer Mercer
Laddie and Edna Munger
Peter and Sonia Murphy
Mac and Lindsay Newsom
Brian and Lou Raye Nichol
Thomas and Jane Norris
Charles and Beverly Norwood
Jim and Katherine Nutt
Henry and Heidi Nuttle
Rhonda Overby
James and Shirley Overcash
Michael and Mary Overcash
James and Emilia Padian
Michael Papay
Diana Parrish and Max Wallace
Christopher and Deborah Parsons
Sam and Linda Pearsall
Kenneth and Ana Pecota
Barbara Peek
Michael and Linda Peele
Robert and Katherine Pellack
John and Carol Pelosi
Donald Perry, III
Patricia Petersen and Douglas Young
Margaret Phillippi
Planning Strategies
Stuart and Lisa Plante
Ken and Margaret Powell
Stephen and Jenny Powers
John and Charlotte Presley
Charles and Marilyn Racine
Michael Rafetto
Mike and Melissa Raley
Tom and Amira Ranney
Frederick Ray and Liz Ball
Donald and Cynthia Rayno
Wade and Kathy Reece
John and Diane Rees
William and Margaret Reid
Laurie Renz and Connie Renz
Jim and Willa Richardson
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Michelle Ripple and Greg Burkett
Katrina Robinson and Jason Neiberg
Rodgers Landscape Services
Michelle Rose and Steven Wasleski
Ben and Jeanne Rouse
Sanford Dermatology
Charles and Mary Sawyer
William Schadel and Betsy Randall-Schadel
James Schlitt
L. M. Schmitt and Ralph Leggett
Jill Schmitter and Phillip Hall
John Schott
Chad and Lisa Schutte
Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Walter and Bonnie Shackelford
Jule and Mary Lou Shanklin
Robert and Connie Shertz
David and Barbara Shew
Edward and Kay Shiflett
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Michael and Evaron Sigmon
Ian and Talmadge Silversides
Scott and Debra Simerly
Gilbert Simmers and Kathleen Adams-Simmers
Sims Farms
Thomas Skolnicki and Kevin Kane
Chip and Celeste Sloop
Jeffrey Smith and Bea Young-Smith
Nathaniel and Roberta Smith
Robert and Martha Smith
Virginia Smith and Damian Varela
Daniel and Carolyn Solomon
John and Laurie Sorge
Bruce and Laura Spader
Robert and Patricia Spearman
SSI Incorporated of SC
Samuel and Marie St. Clair
Lance and Kaye Starnes
Paul and Kim Stephenson
C. B. and Carol Strange
Theodore and Jacqueline Straub
Sidney and Rachel Strauss
Dave and Gayle Streifford
Sugarbush Gardens
Robert and Dorothy Suggs
David Sullivan
Edward and Janice Swab
Cornelius and Charlotte Swart
Ira and Debbie Swift
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Piroska Szabo and Margaret Link
Edward and Michele Szwedo
Tarheel Native Trees
Steven and Patricia Taylor
Stephen and Deborah Temple
Nile Testerman, Jr., and Elizabeth Austin
Marvin and Ann Thompson
Steve and Lisa Thompson
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert and Margaret Thornton
John and Judith Tjebben
William and Jane Tucker
Gerald Tynan and Martha Stark
Henry and Nancy Unger
The Unique Plant
Susan Van Eyck and Barry Johnson
Ann Van Sant and Roberta Newton
Jane Vestal
Michi Vojta and Bruce White
Thomas and Dhivya Wagner
Arthur and Jacqueline Warner
WaterWise Garden Design
Phillip and Sara Watts
Wanda Kay Watts and Danial Lopez
Gregory and Laura Anne Welch
Dee Welker
Thomas Wentworth and Linda Rudd
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Lane and Linda Wharton
Ralph and Cheryl Whisnant
David and Megan White
Marshall and Kelley Whitehurst
Matthew and Alison Whitfield
Harold and Kathryn Wiebusch
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
Leigh Ann Wilder and John Holding
James and Glynis Wilkes
Oliver and Julia Williams
W. R. and Carol Williams
Brian Wilson and Kristine DeCoeur-Wilson
William and Barbara Winn
Robert Wooten and Sheila Hunter-Wooten
Richard and Amy Woynicz
Susan Wyatt and Robert Kellam
Maurice and Dasa York
Philip and Louise York
Smedes and Rosemary York

Stephanie Abee
Donald Adams
Rosanna Adams
Virginia Adkins
Deborah Albertine
Anne Albright
Tim Alderton
Susan Aldworth
Pat Allen
William Alston
Amaryllis Gardens
Geoffrey Anderson
Linda Anderson
Susan Andrews
Appeldoorn Landscape Nursery
Arborcrest Gardens
Architectural Trees
Ann Armstrong
Arnette B. Clark Design
Martha Ashby
Pamela Baggett
Charlotte Bailey
Eloise Baines
Carol Barmann
Arthur Baugh, III
Cathy Bayer
Alice Beasley
Angelia Beasley
Daphne Beck
Elizabeth Bell
Caroline Bellis
Melissa Bellotti
Sylvia Bennett
May Benson
Frederick Bertram
Ruth Bierhoff
Big Branch Nursery
Diane Birkemo
Fred Blackley
Thomas Bland
Tatiana Blazej-Seltzman
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Patricia Booth
Nancy Bost
Nancy Bower
Sarah Bradeen
Audrey Bradyhouse
Carol Breckheimer
Kevin Brice
Judie Bringhurst
Robert Brinson
Meriel Brodie
Mary Brown
Mary Brown
Virginia Brown
Brown's Nursery
Charles Browning
Mary Louisa Bryant
Merritt Buckland
Buds & Blooms Nursery
Betty Buffington
Wayne Buhler
Lee Bumgarner
Andrew Bunting
Jean Burda
Debra Burke
Karen Burke
Marie Butler
Nancy Byrd
Claude Caldwell
Dorothy Caldwell
Calliope Arts
Anne Calta
Cam Too Camellia Nursery
Camellia Forest Nursery
Christine Cameron
Phil Campbell
Lynn Canada
Carolina Country Club
Carla Carpenter
Bonnie Carson
Quincy Caspar
Katherine Chambers
Pamela Chance
Chad Chandler
Winston Charles
Jared Chauncey
Michael Chelednik
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Lloyd Childers
Bernadette Clark
Classic Landscape
Bruce Clodfelter
Joan Cobb
Cathy Cole
Rebecca Collis
Claudia Conte
Felix Cooper
Melinda Corn
Lynda Creutzburg
Jennifer Cribbs
Sherman Criner
Cynthia Cromwell
Tammie Crosier
Delores Crotts
Chicita Culberson
Heather Curcio
Anne Dahle
Kelly Dail
Jinnie Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Angela Davis-Gardner
Donna Deal
Barbara Dechter
Jack Deere
Mary DeFino
Deede Deibel
Mary Dellinger
DeRose Garden & Landscape
Cathy DeWitt
Lacy Dick
Barbara Doll
Valerie Domanico
Nancy Doubrava
Doug Pitts' Photography
Janet Draper
Dennis Drehmel
Melissa Dudley
Justin Durango
Durham Council of Garden Clubs
Timothy Dusto
C. J. Dykes
Rodney Eason
Edith Eddleman
Martha Ellington
Tim Elliott
Wendy Elliott
Shelly English
Jennifer Escoubas
Faust Nursery
Susan Fedor
Robert Ferone
Janet Ferrell
Kathryn Field
Jonathan Finch
Margaret Fisher
Fishing Creek Tree Farm
Carol Fishman
Marilyn Fleming
Nona Flythe
Laura Ford
Jennifer Forrence
Jeff Forshee
Nancy Foster
Wayne Friedrich
Catherine Gaertner
Alan Galloway
Kevin Gantt
Garden & Art Landscapes by Norman Rabins
The Garden Collection
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Lucy Gardiner
Rhonda Gardner
Julie George
Jeanette Germaine
Leslie Gernon
Gethsemane Gardens and Nursery
Charles Gilliam
Nathan Gilliatt
Beth Gilmore
Dollie Glaum
Christopher Glenn
Debra Gold
Eugene Golden
Nancy Goodling
Goodson & Associates
Julie Gorka
Patricia Grady
Elizabeth Graham
Susan Grayson
Green Prints
Moira Griffin
Katherine Grossfeld
Grounds Touch Landscaping
Colby Gupton
Jeremy Gupton
Walter Gutierrez
Jenny Haire
Judy Belle Halgren
Ken Hall
John Hammond
Sarah Hanner
Carolyn Happer
Frank Harmon
Karen Harris
Kathy Hart
Thomas Harville
Barbara Haskell
Awatif Hassan
Kathleen Hayes
Matthew Hayes
The Hayter Firm
Nancy Haywood
John Hefner
Jenny Helms
Margaret Helms
Warren Henderson
Michelle Hendrix
Aileen Hendry
Anderson Hensley
Robert Herald
Peggy Herbert
Christopher Herbstritt
Mary Benjamin Hester
Robert Hinson
Eric Hirsch
Carol Hogue
Susan Hollenbach
Robbie Hollings
Marcia Hollis
Sandra Horn
Marc Houyoux
Marty Howard
Andrew Howell
Ann Howell
Paul Hronjak
Patrice Hubert
Patricia Hudson
Cyndy Hummel
Jane Hunt
Perry Hurt
Brian Jackson
Karla Jacobus
Linda Jaeger
Edwin Jenkins
Jere's Landscaping
Ellen Johnson
Margaret Jordan
Barbara Josselyn
Kathie Kalmowitz
David Katzin
Gary Keim
Charles Keith
Arthur Kelley
Dorothea Kelsey
Richard Kemp, Jr.
Olivia Kemp
Karen Kendig
Barbara Kennedy
Melissa Kennedy
Frances Kerr
Doris Kester
Tim Ketchie
Barbara Ketchum
Zeba Khan
Robert Kinch
Mary King
Jennette King
Lyla Kloos
Faye Koonce
Patsy Koppeis
Charles Kronberg
Susie Kubley
Diane Kuzdrall
Carolyn Lackey
Lake View Daylily Farm
Thomas Lamb
Linda Larkins
Elizabeth Lathers
Stephanie Lauck
Betty Lazo
Sarah Leach
Geralyn Leatherbury
James Lee
Rebecca Lee
Legacy Lighting
Mike Lehmann
Eric Lentz
Virginia Leone
Elizabeth Levine
Betty Lewis
Nike Lewis
Colin Lickwar
Patricia Lifsey
Cynthia Lincoln
Betsy Lindemuth
Elsa Liner
Carolyn Littles
Longview FFA
Longwood Gardens
Ruth Love
Ira Love
Mike Lowe
Dustin Loyd
Kathleen Luckhaus
Harry Luther
Elizabeth Lyne
Robert Lyons
Friederike Machilek
Alan MacIntyre
Jeffrey Malcolm
Jacquelyn Manning
Sarah Marano
Kim Markling
Gustavo Maroni
Rebecca Martin
Susan Mastro
Julie Matlock
Margaret Matrone
Terry May
Ruth McBride
Linda McCalmont
Mike McCarthy
Rogeania McCay
Louise McCracken
Charles McCue, Jr.
Ida McCullers
Diane McDaniel
Gail McDonald
Janet McGettrick
Alberta McKay
Mary Ann McKinney
Rachel McLaughlin
Bonnie McLeod
Carol McNeel
Ondrea McQueen
Kristin Meister
Rita Mercer
Pamela Merritt
Elizabeth Mew
Carolyn Miller
Eugene Miller
Marlyn Miller
Cindy Mills
Greyson Mills
Sandy Morgan
Brian Morris
Pamela Morris
Jeffery Morton
Mary Jo Muzzey
Katherine Myers
Sara Myhre
Bruce Narveson
Niche Gardens
Hilary Nichols
Phil Normandy
Allison Northcutt
Elizabeth Norval
Janis Nutt
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor
Kelly Oates
Diane Olson
Arleen Orndorff
Beverly Orozco
Elizabeth Overcash
Richard Moss
Beth Owens
Elaine Pace
Elizabeth Page
Anne Page
Carolyn Parker
Ginny Parker
Astrid Parker
Mary Belle Pate
Sandra Peace
Jo Perry
Terry Perry
Thomas Peters
Rose Phillips
Carlos Pignataro
Byron Pilkington
Tylila Pinkham
Betty Pipes
Mike Pittman
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Rebecca Pledger
Patricia Poe
Catherine Poff
Edward Ponek
Sandra Pontius
Tracy Poole
Thomas Pope
Anne Porter
Dixie Porter
Kevin Potter
William Powell, Jr.
Jeffrey Preddy
Elizabeth Pringle
Brian Purvis
Linda Quarles
Raleigh Garden Club
Martha Ramirez
Christine Ramsey
Sharon Raschke
Graham Ray
Russell Reagan
Kathleen Redfern
Alexandra Reid
Renz Landscape & Irrigation
Jeff Reynolds
Katherine Reynolds
Paula Rice
Carl Rich
Kimberly Richter
Jodi Riedel
Jessica Rigouard
Sarah Rigouard
Diane Robertson
Diane Rodger
Shirley Rodgers
Louise Rogers
Ann Rosar
Becky Rosser
R Rowan
Bette Roy
Kay Ruark
Douglas Ruhren
Jean Rundquist
Alice Russell
Judy Ryan
Karl Sakas
David Sanford
Joyce Sathoff
Harriet Sato
Amanda Saville
Harriet Sayre-McCord
Diane Schaaf
Dianne Schaffer
Robert Schall
Aaron Schettler
John Schneider
Stephen Schroedl
Patricia Scolnik
Melody Scott
Jeffifer Shoemaker
Mark Shuman
Tracy Sides
Emily Silverman
Brian Simet
Nancy Simonsen
Algie Simpson
Susan Skidmore
David Smith
Southern Horizons Landscaping
James Sovine
Esther Spaltenstein
Michele Spence
Judy Springer
Sheryl St. Clare
Eileen Stahl
C. F. Stallings, Jr.
Sylvia Stanat
Carol Stein
Flo Stein-Bolton
Anita Stejskal
Joye Stephenson
Marian Stephenson
Robert Stewart
Jane Stikeleather
Gayle Stone
Frances Stroup
John Suddath
Edna Suggs
Robert Suggs
James Sumerell
Marguerite Summers
Ann Swallow
Swanson & Associates
Deirdre Switzer
Betsy Sykes
Pamela Taheri
Jule Tate
Cheri Taylor
Linda Taylor
Alden Thompson
Lois Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Beverly Thomson
Christine Thomson
Peggy Titus
Delores Traeger
Tracy Traer
Trenna's Landscape Design
Anna Troutman
Turtle Creek Nursery
Tween Streams Gardens
Valerie Tyson
Karen Untz
Paulette van de Zande
Deborah Vaughan
Betsy Viall
Vrb Photography
Michael Wade
Daryl Walker
Hallie Walker
Monica Walker
Roger Ward
Joann Warner
William Warner
Sarah Warren
Molly Watters
Mark Weathington
Laura Weaver
Jeffrey Webb
Patricia Weisbrodt
Gerald Wert
Aaron West
Patricia Westphal
Florence Whatley
Patricia Wheaton
Elisabeth Wheeler
Sara Wheeless
Robert Whisnant
Carrie Whitacre
David White
Todd Wiegardt
William Wiesendanger
Sheila Wilkerson
Amanda Wilkins
Anne Williams
Helen Williams
Ross Williams
James Wilson, Jr.
Lindie Wilson
Stephen Wirth
John Wood
James Woodley, Jr.
Nancy Woods
James Xu
Susan Yarger
Bill Yates
Edward Yellig
Charles Young
Loretta Young
Dana Zamiara
Dora Zia

Benefit Providers

Sincere thanks to these generous businesses and organizations that help strengthen the JCRA membership program by offering special discounts and benefits to all current members of the JC Raulston Arboretum. (Please visit the JCRA website for more details about these membership benefits.)

Architectural Trees
Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden Center
Better Tree Care Associates
Campbell Road Nursery
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Garden Supply Company
Gardening with Confidence
Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
Indigo Marsh Nursery
Lasting Impressions
Lynn van Dokkum Photography
Mountain View Nursery
Neomonde Deli
Norwood Road Garden
Oakmont Nursery
Outdoor Butler
Outdoor Images
Ragazzi's of Cary
Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Summer Classics
Tarheel Native Trees
WaterWise Garden Design

Gifts of Membership

These friends of the Arboretum gave the distinctive gift of membership to friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Thanks for giving the gift of a JCRA membership—a gift that keeps on giving all year!

Linda Anderson
Ted and Linda Bilderback
David and Judith Bradyhouse
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Scot and Cindy Chappell
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
David Dusto
Howard and Diane Everhart
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Alan and Marty Finkel
Margaret Fisher
Ron Fitzgerald
David Griffin
W. R. and Margaret Helms
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Christopher Herbstritt
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Melissa Kennedy
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
Patricia Korpik
Betty Lewis
Hugh and Mary Liner
Robert Lyons
John Musselman
Susan Myers
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Thomas Peters
Pittsboro Place Partners
Christine Ramsey
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Jessica Rigouard
Kelly Skelton
Jeffrey Smith and Bea Young-Smith
Robert and Martha Smith
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Russell and Anthea Tate
Mary Turner
Jared Walker
Douglas and Kim Walling
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Thomas and Laura Whatley
Shannon Williams


An endowment is a lasting legacy. A special thanks to these donors for their foresight and generosity. Contributing to an endowment is a long-term investment that provides financial stability for the Arboretum year after year. (For more information on how you can create an endowment to benefit the JC Raulston Arboretum, please contact Anne Porter at (919) 513-3826.)

Endowment for Excellence
Catherine Alguire
Ann Marie Amico
William and Ellen Archer
Ann Armstrong
David Arthur and Brienne Gluvna
Leonard and Eleanor Aurand
Ruth Beacom
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Caroline Bellis
Berylwood Tree Farm (Rolla Wilhite)
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Fred Blackley
Bland Landscaping
Thomas Bland
Thomas and Elizabeth Bodenstine
Zoltan and Nan Bokeny
Mark Bond
Penelope Booze Foss
Stephen and Amanda Browde
Buds & Blooms Nursery
Charlotte Bumgarner
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Andrew Bunting
James Bustrack
Chris Cammarene-Wessel and Rich Wessel
Central Garden Center & Nursery
Haddon and Irma Clark
Carolyn Cline
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
Jack and Micki Cox
Marc and Julie Cubeta
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Vincent and Sandra Dabrowski
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Doris Deal
Jim and Betty Deal
David and Catherine Duch
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Edith Eddleman
Jolene Edwards
Kurt Eichenberger and Donna Anderson
Donald and Julie Ellis
Risa Ellovich
Allan and Susan Eure
Lynn and Faye Eury
Fallon Park Garden Club
Jim and Angela Farthing
John Ferguson
Clara Flanagan
Roland and Connie Flory
Alfred and Denise Friedrich
Friendly Garden Club
Carolyn Fulcher
Warren Fuson
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest)
Fred and Susan Gentry
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
Griffith Propagation Nursery
Carol Grindem-Corbett
Fred and Eileen Gunther
Jeanne Hammer and Paul McWhinney
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
James and Dorthy Hardin
Richard and Alice Hardy
William and Janet Harrill
John and Elizabeth Harris
Barbara Harvey and Keith Jensen
Sandra Hawks
Warren Henderson
William and Myra Hicks
Beverly Hurley
Wallace and Jeanette Hyde
Jerry and Nina Jackson
James Jeffrey
Jericho Farms
David and Jill Johnson
Johnston County Nurserymen Association
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones
John and Linda Jones
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Curtis Kasefang and Sharon O'Neill
Pauline Kellam
John and Jamie Kellner
Loren and Barbara Kennedy
Martha Keravuori
Charles Kidder
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
John Kocher and Britt Crews
Nikita Kranda
Carolyn Lackey
Richard and Amelia Lane
Brent Lawrence
Betty Lazo
Frank Lewis
Monty and Naeimeh Livingston
Dorothy Love
Gene and Ruth Love
Ira Love
Robert Lyons
Rudolf and Friederike Machilek
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Paul Martin
Louise May
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Rachel McLaughlin
Julie McVay
Robert Meaders
John and Bonnie Medinger
John and Claire Miller
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Jay and Sharon Molvie
Lawrence Morris, Jr.
Nancy Moser
Mary Jo Muzzey
John and Ann Myhre
Nelson Nursery
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
Flora O'Brien
Kelly Oates
Jesse and Elaine Pace
Winston and Anne Page
Michael Papay
Letty Parsons
John and Carol Pelosi
Isabelle Perry
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Charles and Patricia Poe
Gregory and Mary Ann Poole
Anne Porter
Paul and Suzanne Prause
Raleigh Garden Club
Tom and Amira Ranney
Jim and Janet Rapp
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Sherrill and Carolyn Register
W. E. and Nancy Reid
Alan and Evelyn Reiman
Bobby and Mary Reynolds
Caroline Richardson
Mark and Jane Ritchie
Rohde Steel Incorporated
Bette Roy
Amy Sams
John Schofield, III
J. Frank Schmidt Family Trust
Emily Silverman
Nancy Simonsen
Stephen and Georgiana Snyderman
Spring Meadow Nursery
Cheryl Stallings and Charles Crampton
Edward and Janice Swab
James and Lynn Swanson
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
John and Lorely Temple
Stuart and Anne Thompson
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
William and Jane Tucker
Valerie Tyson and Richard Ehrhardt
George and Lynda Waldrep
Jared Walker
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Patricia Westphal
Sara Wheeless
Jerry and Adela Whitten
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Katherine Williams
Richard and Martha Woodson
Joe and Dana Woody
Teresa Wooster
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Tamara Yamaykin
Mustafa Yelten

Robert E. Lyons Internship Endowment
Tim Alderton
Ted Bilderback
Bernadette Clark
Judy Morgan-Davis
Nancy Doubrava
Christopher Glenn
Barbara Kennedy
Faye Koonce
Elizabeth Lathers
Ida McCullers
Elizabeth Overcash
Rebecca Pledger
Anne Porter
Ann Swallow
Valerie Tyson
Mark Weathington

Our Blossoming Children's Program

Children are our future, and they will be ones who carry on the care, advocacy, and support of the JC Raulston Arboretum. Launched in 2011, the JCRA Children's Program continued to grow and expand in 2012. Elizabeth Overcash, assisted by enthusiastic volunteers, offered 25 programs and served more than 1,200 young visitors and their families. The following friends of the Arboretum made gifts specifically to be used to promote this exciting program.

Al-Iman School
Anonymous donors
Llewellyn Beaman
Berylwood Tree Farm (Rolla Wilhite)
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
A. E. Finley Foundation
Tom and Ann Goebel
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Jack and Dixie Porter

Internship Program

These special donors have invested in our students and in the future of the JCRA. Internships are a win-win opportunity for everyone. Thank you for contributing to this sound investment! We are especially grateful to the Border Babes who hosted the Raulston Roundup in 2012, raising additional funds for the internship program.

Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Ben Lomond Garden Club
Bloomsbury Garden Club
Dale and Sally Chamberlain
Jesse and Lisa Cheek
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Davidson Garden Club
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Marsha DiBattista
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Ella and Les Swindell Foundation
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Lena Gallitano
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Barry and Pamela Gardner
Mary Green
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Michael Heath
The Herb Society of Wake County
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Jeremia and Susanne Jacobs
Ira and Deirdre Jersey
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Charles Kidder
Bryce and Sue Lane
Alexander and Carol Lawrence
Lindsey Landscape & Designs
Robert Lyons
Rachel McLaughlin
Rita Mercer
Alexander Mihajlov
Mark Moeller
Robert Nichols, III
Harold and LaDonna Overcash
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
John and Charlotte Presley
Raleigh Garden Club
Tom and Rebecca Rickman
Marc and Valerie Schild
Lee Smith
Joanna Smothers
Daniel and Carolyn Solomon
Ted and Debra Spader
Terri Stober
Richard and Sharon Wathern
Bobby Wilder
Dora Zia

Matthew Hayes, Justin Durango, Andrew Howell, and Colby Gupton, the summer 2012 interns

Matthew Hayes, Justin Durango, Andrew Howell, and Colby Gupton, the summer 2012 interns

Other Gifts to the Arboretum

Heartfelt thanks to these donors who gave special gifts to the Arboretum over and above membership.

Jill Adams
Rosanna Adams
AFP NC Cape Fear Region Chapter
Howard and Mary Edith Alexander
Catherine Alguire
Justus and Jo Ellen Ammons
Geoffrey Anderson
Linda Anderson
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Christina Apperson
Architectural Trees
Artisan Irrigation
Alan and Sharon Ayers
Backwoods Landscaping & Construction
Edward and Corinna Bailey
Lee Barnes, Jr.
Russ and Mitzie Barnette
Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Arboretum
Angelia Beasley
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Harriet Bellerjeau
Angela Bendorf Jamison and Warner Jamison
Jack and Patricia Benson
Jan Beresford
Robert and Angela Bergeron
Meredith and Anna Berry
Lee Best, Jr.
Doug Bethune
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Robert and Sandra Birckhead
Susan Blackley
Kurt Bland and Meredith Keyes
Sylvia Blankenship
Wanda Borrelli
Toby and Rebecca Bost
Henry and Sory Bowers
Lynn Bowers
Polly Boyd
Robin Boyles
Vandy Bradow
Kenneth and Margaret Brady
David and Judith Bradyhouse
Carol Breckheimer
Moira Breen and Nicholas Puryear
Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Deborah Brogden
Bob and Laura Bromhal
Frank and Becky Brown
Walter and Jane Brown
John Buettner and John Dole
Buies Creek Garden Club
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
William and Gail Bunce
Tommy Bunn
Andrew Bunting
Thornton Burnet, Jr.
Allen Bush and Rose Cooper
James Bustrack
Andrew and Sarah Butler
Kevin and Marie Butler
Anne Calta
Amna Cameron
Lynn Canada
Tod Carley and Danesha Seth-Carley
Irene Carranza
Abigail Carriker
Carroll's Plant Center
Charles and Margie Case
Constance Casey
Lee and Pamela Casey
Casey Nursery
Chapel Hill Garden Club
Robert and Phyllis Chappell
Scot and Cindy Chappell
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Delaine Childress
Elmira Choopani
Thomas and Virgilia Church
City of Raleigh Gogetters Club
Bruce Clodfelter
Kenneth and Ann Cobb
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
College Foundation
William and Ann Collins
Colony Woods Garden Club
Albert and Betty Congleton
Linda Copeland
Benjamin and Ruth Covington
Mike Cox
Cynthia Cromwell
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Currin's Nursery
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Anne Dahle
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Larry Daniel
David Darr and Amy Armbruster
Sue Daughtridge and Robert Daughtridge, III
Richard DeCola
Robin and Cynthia Dedrick
Mary Dellinger
Penelope DePriest
Erwin and Rosemarie Deutsch
Cathy DeWitt
Frank and Maureen Donini
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Drewry Hills Garden Club
Joseph Dubanowich
David and Catherine Duch
Bill and Ann Duke
Durham Council of Garden Clubs
James and Judith Durham
Robert and Sandra Dutton
James and Elsie Eads
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Edith Eddleman
Edith Chapter #160, Order of the Eastern Star
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
JoAnn Edwards-Norman
Martha Ellington
Ronald Ellis, Jr
Risa Ellovich
Barbara Fair and John Owens
Frankie Fanelli
Martha Farmer
Nancy Ferebee and Deborah Ferebee
Richard and Adrienne Ferriss
Alan and Marty Finkel
Margaret Fisher
Sandra Fleming
Roland and Connie Flory
Flowers and Friends Garden Club
William and Nona Flythe
Ann Fowler
Nancy Frazier
Friends of Scandinavia
Fuquay-Varina Garden Club
Lena Gallitano
Sheldon Galloway
The Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program
Gardeners of Wake County
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Jeanette Germaine
Gethsemane Gardens and Nursery
David and Liza Gettles
Patrick Glover
Blanton and Judith Godfrey
Eileen Goldgeier
Goodson & Associates
John and Mary-Benton Gordon
Terry and Cathy Gouge
Henry and Ellen Graden
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
Robert and Gloria Graham
Frank and Judi Grainger
William and Amy Gray
Richard Grazzini
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Cynthia Green and Bruce Martin
Hilliard and Sarah Greene
Moira Griffin
Susan Guerrant and William Lord
Annette Guirlinger
Christopher and Ann Marie Gunter
Walter Gutierrez
Elizabeth Guzynski and Patrick Chu
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Larry and Kathy Hancock
Kenneth and Dara Haney
Hardy Plant Society Mid-Atlantic Group
Frank and Judy Harmon
Jacqueline Harper
William and Janet Harrill
Kathy Hart and Michael McDonald
Smitty Harvell
Steven Hauge and Barbara Evans
Haw River Christian Academy
Hefner's Nursery
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Barlow and Millie Herget
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
David and Cynthia Herlong
Virginia Hester
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Meriwether Hill-Fentress
Ame Hilton
Charles and Anne Hines
Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones
Robert and Jan Hinson
Timothy Hinton and Alisa Lycof-Hinton
Alex and Elizabeth Hitt
Hoffman Nursery
Raymond and Ruth Holcomb
Bobby Hommel
William Hood
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Horticultural Classics & Consultations (Tracy DiSabato-Aust)
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Dixie Hougen
Alton and Ramona Howard
Mary Anne Howard
Charlie and June Hoyle
Werner and Renate Hunn
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Jackson's Nursery
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
George and Susan Jakab
David and Lucile James
Katherine Jennings
John and Virginia Jernigan
Juan and Beth Jimenez
John D. Adams & Company
Johnston County Nurserymen Association
Jason Jones and Scott Brandis
Marilyn Jones
Sam Jones
Mary Joslin
Kathie Kalmowitz
Thomas and Ann Kamasky
Wendy Kanable and Ginna Browning
James and Leslie Kellenberger
Richard and Melanie Kelley
John and Jamie Kellner
Sheila Kellogg
James and Ellen Kelly
Robert and Olivia Kemp
George and Fonda Kendley
Keystone Financial Partners
Charlie and Betty Kilmer
James and Joan King
Sherry Kitto
Walter Klausmeier
Ronald Klutz
Patsy Koppeis
Margaret Kozlowski
Mary Kreul-Starr
Jack and Annetta Kushner
Allen and Hella Lacy
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Jack Lamm, II and Dan Gant
Martin and Alice Lancaster
Richard and Amelia Lane
Eugene and Vicky Langley
Linda Larkins
Ethel Larus
Lasting Impressions
Laurel Hills Garden Club
Virginia Lawler
Jeanne Lawson
Matthew and Elizabeth Layne
Patrick Layne
Betty Lazo
Leaksville Garden Club
Charles and Wanda Leffler
Michael Lehmann
Michael Ligett and Cathy Ward
Sue Little
Steven and Marie Lommel
Walker and Rose Long
Steven and Arlene Lord
Dorothy Love
MacGregor Downs Garden Club
Alan MacIntyre
Robert and Julia Mackintosh
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Michael Maher
Tucker and Karen Mann
Kim and Linda Mansfield
Katherine Mauney
Betty McCain
Jeanne and John McClay
Andrew McDaniel
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Ian McKeown
Michael and Carla McKinney
Anne McLaurin and Charles Meeker
Bob and Jean McLeod
Neill McLeod
Julie McVay
James and Ruth Mead
Robert and Peggy Meares
Bette Meeks
Claudia Mello and Thomas Ferguson
Rosanne Menard
Rita Mercer
Gary and Irene Milewski
Mary Miller
Thomas and Lisa Miller
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Modern Gardeners Garden Club
Anne Morris
Tanner and Kelli Morris
Nancy Moser
Carolyn Narron and Mendall Jordan
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Thomas and Julie Nelson
Robert Nichols, III
Thomas and Jane Norris
North American Rock Garden Society
North Carolina Hosta Society
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
North Carolina Poultry Federation
North Ridge Home and Garden Club
Ben and Jean Anne Nottingham
Keith and Dayle Oakley
Oakmont Nursery
Charles and Martha Oliver
Richard and Erin Olsen
Clint and Debora Oster
Daniel and Elizabeth Page
Joseph and Lauretta Parker
Parker's Landscape Services
Joe and Carol Paulonis
Isabelle Perry
Sharon Perry
Person County Extension and Community Association
Elizabeth Pflaum
Pi Alpha Xi, NC State University
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Pinkham's Horticultural Services
Plants Nouveau
Plantworks Nursery
Pleasant Gardens
Jean Plymale
Robert and Susan Polomski
Anne Porter
Grady and Jacqueline Prevette
Protocol Sampling Service
Richard Rable
Raleigh Garden Club
Christine Ramsey
Dorothy Rankin
Patricia and Peter Raven
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
John and Diane Rees
Mary Beth Rehm
Alan and Evelyn Reiman
Paula Rice
Watson Ridenour
Margaret Roach
Charles Rodes and Tina Belmaggio
David and Diane Rodger
Rodgers Landscape Services
Rohde Steel Incorporated
Karen Root
Robert Rossier and Eldred Hudson
Eric and Alice Rouse
Douglas Ruhren
David Sabio and Christine Doyle-Sabio
Joseph and Diane Sanders
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
David and Carole Saravitz
Kathleen Saul
Dianne Schaffer
James Schlitt
John Schott
Ronald and Melody Scott
Julie Shambaugh
Cameron and Beverly Shearon
Alice Sheppard
Robert and Connie Shertz
David and Susan Shevach
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Betsy and Greg Sigmon
Emily Silverman
Scott and Debra Simerly
Nancy Simonsen
Edith Simpson
Skagit Gardens
Melanie Smith
David and Mary Lou Smith
Stephen and Georgiana Snyderman
Daniel and Carolyn Solomon
Southern Appalachian Plant Society
Southern Horizons Landscaping
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Donald and Sylvia Stanat
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Lance and Kaye Starnes
State Employees Combined Campaign
Susan Stephenson
Richard and Jere Stevens
Marshall and Jan Stewart
Benny and Kellie Suggs
Jane Sundin
Don and Mary Ellen Sutphin
Edward and Janice Swab
Deborah Swain
James and Lynn Swanson
Cornelius and Charlotte Swart
Swift Creek Nursery
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Marson and Bonnie Sykes
Stephen and Deborah Temple
Timothy Thomas
Derek and Barbara Thompson
John and Bess Thompson
Mary Anne Thornton
Nadine Tope
Louis and Jean Travers
Andrew and Carol Trenholm
Triangle Bonsai Society
Triangle Camellia Society
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Scott and Roslyn Troutman
Garland and Greyson Tucker
Fred and Elaine Turner
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Donald and Mildred Vick
Kim and Shari Vincent
George and Lynda Waldrep
Mary Claire Wall
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Joann Warner
Teresa Watts
Frank Weedon
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Joseph Wescott, II
Barbara Wetzel
Sara Wheeless
David White and Janine LeBlanc
David and Carolyn White
Eugenia White
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Edward and Cornelia Willer
Ross and Bobbie Williams
W. R. and Carol Williams
George and Claudia Wilson
Mary Lib Wood
Margaret Woodall
Woodland Garden Club
Peyton Woodson, III
Robert Wooten and Sheila Hunter-Wooten
George and Reba Worsley
Susan Wyatt and Robert Kellam
Melinda Yelvington and John Henry Isaacs
John and Rebecca York
Smedes and Rosemary York
Carolyn Zahnow
Dora Zia
Joe and Lisé Zublena

Matching Gift Companies

Corporate matching gift programs are a great way to optimize individual gifts to the JCRA. We sincerely appreciate the generosity of the corporations that sponsor these programs and the donors who make the initial gift to benefit the Arboretum.

BASF Corporation
GE Foundation
IBM Corporation
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Saint-Gobain Corporate Foundation
Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation
Siemens Energy & Automation
Sprint Foundation
Verizon Foundation

Engraved Bricks

Celebrate your legacy by purchasing limited edition bricks that will welcome visitors from all over the world to the JC Raulston Arboretum. In commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center Complex, these special bricks will only be sold until January 1, 2014.

An engraved brick is a great idea for birthdays, anniversaries, holiday gifts, memorials, or honoraria. What a great way to honor or remember a special family member, friend, colleague, or even a beloved pet, while supporting the JCRA's Endowment for Excellence. The Endowment for Excellence will ensure that the JCRA continues to be a renowned public, research, and teaching garden with a strong and vibrant future. For more information, please visit

Gifts in Honor

These special people, organizations, and events were honored by gifts to the JCRA from the friends, family and colleagues listed.

A Good Run of 55 Years
Honored by
Drewry Hills Garden Club

Don and Fran Alguire
Honored by
Catherine Alguire

Mary Archer
Honored by
William and Ellen Archer

Tommy Bunn
Honored by
Mark Bond

Lloyd Childers's Birthday
Honored by
Margaret Fisher

Anne Clapp
Honored by
Bloomsbury Garden Club
Gardeners of Wake County
Virginia Hester
Laurel Hills Garden Club

Kelly and Pat Crump
Honored by
Jeanette Germaine

Bob Davis
Honored by
Lady Slipper Garden Club

Kathy and Jim Deal, Jr.
Honored by
Jim and Betty Deal

Emma and Claire Donovan
Honored by
Bobby and Mary Reynolds

Falls Revival
Honored by
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis

Christopher Glenn
Honored by
Letty Parsons

Cari Grindem-Corbett
Honored by
Carol Grindem-Corbett

Highland Creek Nursery
Honored by
Anonymous donor

Mitzi Hole
Honored by
Dan and Lyn Cochrane

Nina and Jerry Jackson
Honored by
Winston and Anne Page

Beth Jimenez
Honored by
Linda Copeland

Penny Johnson
Honored by
Legacy Lighting

Barbara Kennedy
Honored by
Deborah Swain

Laura, Brian, and Jennifer
Honored by
Barbara Harvey and Keith Jensen

Emily Mattise
Honored by
David and Catherine Duch

Paul P. McCain, III
Honored by
Betty McCain

Virginia Phillips
Honored by
Richard and Amelia Lane

Anne Porter
Honored by
Chris Cammarene-Wessel and Rich Wessel
Jack and Dixie Porter

Suzanne Prause
Honored by
Paul Prause

Betsy Pringle
Honored by
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society

Erika Quaid's Birthday
Honored by
Alan and Evelyn Reiman

J. C. Raulston, my faculty advisor
Honored by
Central Garden Center & Nursery

Sylvia N. Redwine
Honored by
W. E. and Nancy Reid

Jack Rice
Honored by
Anne McLaurin and Charles Meeker

Joan and Harvey Rowan
Honored by
Stephen and Amanda Browde

Chloe Alana Schutte
Honored by
Dan and Lyn Cochrane

Don Shadow
Honored by
Ben Lomond Garden Club

Andrew Smith
Honored by
Sarah Leach Smith

Peggy Titus
Honored by
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Charlotte Bumgarner
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Jim and Angela Farthing
John Ferguson
Warren Fuson
Fred and Eileen Gunther
Beverly Hurley
Loren and Barbara Kennedy
Charles Kidder
Richard and Amelia Lane
Paul Martin
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Anne Porter
Sylvia Redwine
Sherrill and Carolyn Register
Teresa Wooster

Carl van Staalduinen
Honored by
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society

The Virginia Beach Garden Club
Honored by
Fred and Susan Gentry

Bobby J. Ward
Honored by
Southern Appalachian Plant Society
Cheryl Stallings and Charles Crampton
Mary Claire Wall

Mark Weathington
Honored by
Durham Council of Garden Clubs

Delmarie and Todd Wehner
Honored by
Christopher and Ann Marie Gunter

Bobby Wilder and his 80th Birthday
Honored by
Anne Porter
David and Catherine Duch

Gifts in Memory

Memorial gifts support the Arboretum while paying tribute to family and friends. The following people were remembered with a gift in 2012. Heartfelt thanks to the listed donors who honored their loved ones and colleagues in this way.

Michelle Avent
Remembered by
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Allen Bush and Rose Cooper
Constance Casey
Chapel Hill Garden Club
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Delaine Childress
Linda Copeland
Currin's Nursery
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Vincent and Sandra Dabrowski
David and Catherine Duch
Edith Eddleman
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Patrick Glover
Richard Grazzini
Susan Guerrant
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Barlow and Millie Herget
Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones
Hoffman Nursery
Horticultural Classics & Consultations
Dixie Hougen
Paul and Roena Hronjak
John D. Adams & Company
Johnston County Nurserymen Association
Sherry Kitto
Jack and Annetta Kushner
Allen and Hella Lacy
Linda Larkins
Jeanne and John McClay
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
Charles and Martha Oliver
Steven and Katharine Perry
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Plants Nouveau
Anne Porter
Patricia and Peter Raven
Margaret Roach
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Kathleen Saul
Dianne Schaffer
Alice Sheppard
Robert and Connie Shertz
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Southern Horizons Landscaping
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Sue Stephenson
Edward and Janice Swab
Swift Creek Nursery
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Debbie Thorne
Mary Anne Thornton
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Barbara Wetzel
Bobby Wilder
Joe and Dana Woody
Carolyn Zahnow
Gordon Lewis Barber, Sr.
Remembered by
Mary Elliott

Elaine Bednarczyk
Remembered by
Richard and Amelia Lane

Nancy Bland
Remembered by
Thomas Bland

Evelyn Budd
Remembered by
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy

Thornton W. Burnet, Sr.
Remembered by
Thornton Burnet, Jr.

Ralph and Catherine Carranza
Remembered by
Irene Carranza

Margaret DePriest
Remembered by
Penelope DePriest

Erika Deutsch-Layne
Remembered by
Lynn Bowers
Benjamin and Ruth Covington
Erwin and Rosemarie Deutsch
Steven Hauge and Barbara Evans
Werner and Renate Hunn
George and Susan Jakab
Margaret Kozlowski
Matthew and Elizabeth Layne
Patrick Layne
Rosanne Menard
Tanner and Kelli Morris

Joy Doherty
Remembered by
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)

Eunice Edwards
Remembered by
JoAnn Edwards-Norman

Sarah Bishop English
Remembered by
Monty and Naeimeh Livingston

Faith Young Eury
Remembered by
Lynn and Faye Eury

Robert G. Foss
Remembered by
Penelope Booze Foss

Barbara Franks
Remembered by
Meredith and Anna Berry

Terry Hawks
Remembered by
Sandra Hawks

Marcy Hege
Remembered by
James and Ellen Kelly

Edward Kaleta
Remembered by
Linda Taylor

Marie L. King
Remembered by
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones

Jack R. Lamm
Remembered by
Allan and Susan Eure

Stephen Leach
Remembered by
Frank and Becky Brown
William and Ann Collins
Albert and Betty Congleton
Charlie and Betty Kilmer
Tucker and Karen Mann
Andrew McDaniel
Joseph and Lauretta Parker
Donald and Mildred Vick

Sheila Lund
Remembered by
Raleigh Garden Club

Roger and Ruth McDaniel
Remembered by
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas

Bob and Chub Miller
Remembered by
David and Judiann Wilkinson

Florence Morris
Remembered by
Polly Boyd
Walter and Jane Brown
Amna Cameron
Robert and Phyllis Chappell
College Foundation
Hilliard and Sarah Greene
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Thomas and Ann Kamasky
Bette Meeks
Anne Morris
Thomas and Julie Nelson
Ben and Jean Anne Nottingham
Jean Plymale
Grady and Jacqueline Prevette
Watson Ridenour
Edith Simpson
Teresa Watts
Margaret Woodall
Smedes and Rosemary York

Lawrence P. Morris
Remembered by
Lawrence Morris, Jr.

Elizabeth Moser
Remembered by
Nancy Moser

Hazel James O'Brien
Remembered by
David and Lucile James

Marjorie O'Keeffe
Remembered by
Susan Blackley
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Julie McVay
Rita Mercer
Mary O'Keeffe Miller
Raleigh Garden Club
Cameron and Beverly Shearon
Marson and Bonnie Sykes

Gerda Pleasants
Remembered by
AFP NC Cape Fear Region Chapter
Kenneth and Margaret Brady
Friends of Scandinavia
Mary Anne Howard
Jeanne Lawson
Louise May
Dorothy Rankin

J. C. Raulston
Remembered by
Doug Bethune
Fred Blackley
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Edith Eddleman
Rachel McLaughlin
Pleasant Gardens

Sadie Register
Remembered by
Edith Chapter #160, Order of the Eastern Star
Kenneth and Dara Haney
Michael Rafetto
Eric and Alice Rouse
Louis and Jean Travers
John and Rebecca York

Jack Rice
Remembered by
James and Leslie Kellenberger

Earl L. Roberson
Remembered by
Ronald Ellis, Jr

Betsy Ross
Remembered by
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink

H. Harvey Rowan
Remembered by
Stephen and Amanda Browde

Nona Scott
Remembered by
William and Nona Flythe

Susan T. Stephenson
Remembered by
Patsy Koppeis
Edward and Janice Swab

Sawsun Choopani Vu
Remembered by
Elmira Choopani

David V. Walker
Remembered by
Jared Walker

Janice Weedon
Remembered by
Frank Weedon

Gift-in-kind Donors

Support through in-kind gifts is vital to the success of our events, especially the Gala in the Garden and our Plant Sale. They also provide services and plant materials that keep the Arboretum beautiful for everyone.

Botanical Gifts
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Ökológiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézetének Botinkus Kertje
Acer Acres
Adcock's Nursery
Tim Alderton
Appeldoorn Landscape Nursery
Appledoorn Greenhouses & Nursery
Arboretum Nový Dvůr
Architectural Trees
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Bailey Nurseries
Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Arboretum
Baucom's Nursery Co.
Ruth Bierhoff
Adam and Susan Black
Briggs Plant Propagators
Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery
Cam Too Camellia Nursery
Camellia Forest Nursery
Campbell Road Nursery
Chengdu Botanical Garden
Chiba University
Classic Viburnums
Currin's Nursery
Dawes Arboretum
Denver Botanic Gardens
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University
Michael and Bonnie Dirr
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Durham Garden Center
C. J. Dykes
Eastern North Carolina Iris Society
Edith Eddleman
Mary Elliott
Emeishan Botanical Garden
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Finch Blueberry Nursery
Flowerwood Nursery
Garden Kinosato
Giardino Botanico Caplez
Green Nurseries & Landscape Design
Greenleaf Nursery Co., North Carolina Division
Hawksridge Farms
Hefner's Nursery
Heritage Seedlings
Highland Creek Nursery
Hoffman Nursery
The Holden Arboretum
Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
Gail Ingram
Iseli Nursery
The Ivy Farm
Jericho Farms
Charles Keith and Muki Fairchild
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Klehm's Song Sparrow Farm and Nursery
The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden
Mike Lehmann
Loch Laurel Nursery
LushLife Nurseries
Ingram McCall
McCorkle Nurseries
Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens
Mobjack Nurseries
Monrovia Nursery of North Carolina
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, NC State University
National Botanic Gardens Glasnevin
NCSU Bedding Plant Trial Program
Nelson Nursery
Nichols Nursery
Norfolk Botanical Gardens Society
North American Rock Garden Society
Nurseries Caroliniana
Oakmont Nursery
Panoramic Farm
Panther Creek Nursery
Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden
Pender Nursery
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Pine Knot Farms
Plant Delights Nursery
Plant Development Services
Plantworks Nursery
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Loleta Powell
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Rocky Branch Garden Center
Steven Roesch
Douglas Ruhren
Russian Academy of Sciences
San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum
David and Beatrice Sanford
James Schlitt
Susan Schmitz
Shanghai Botanic Garden
Shibamichi Nursery
Sims Farms
Sloat Garden Center
Smith College
South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Spartanburg Community College
Spring Meadow Nursery
St. Andrew's Botanic Garden
Tarheel Native Trees
Terra Nova Nurseries
Valerie Tyson and Richard Ehrhardt
U.S. National Arboretum
The Unique Plant
University of British Columbia Botanical Garden
University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley
University of California Botanical Garden at Santa Cruz
University of Florida
Walters Gardens
Mark and Mary Weathington
West China Subalpine Botanical Garden
Ralph and Cheryl Whisnant
Bobby Wilder
Wilkerson Mill Gardens
Williford's Nursery
Worthington Farms
Zelenka Nursery

Non-botanical Gifts
Peter Ackermann
Rosanna Adams
Linda Anderson
Dwen Andrews-Cita and Felix Cita Gomez
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Arbor Enterprises
Anne Atkinson
Ted Bilderback
Bosetti Art Tile
Jacqueline Breckling
Walter and Fran Bull
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Burke Brothers Hardware
Mark Burnham
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Lynn Canada
Capitol City Lumber Co.
Carinos Italian
Carolina Stalite
Cedar Creek Gallery
Cheryl Hight Art
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
CrossRoads Ford
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Dirt Works Pottery
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Sylvia Drew
Finch Blueberry Nursery
Fine Art Colored Pency by Liz Guzynski
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Wayne Friedrich
The Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program
David and Liza Gettles
Glass Gardens NW
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Robert and Gloria Graham
Great White Oak Gallery
Greer Gardens
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Larry and Kathy Hancock
Han-Dee Hugo's
Willard and Shirley Hartman
Pamela Hibbs
Estate of Rebecca Hobgood
Julia Hoffman
Margaret Hoffman
Margaret Hume
Jewelry by Artie
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Johnson Concrete Company
Richard and Melanie Kelley
David and Dorothea Kelsey
Loren and Barbara Kennedy
Doris Kester
Charles Kidder
Kiki's Rewind Design
Patricia Korpik
Richard and Amelia Lane
Linda Larkins
Lasting Impressions
M L Irrigation Systems
Market Imports
McCracken Nursery
Ronald and Verna Medeiros
Missouri Botanical Garden
Abigail Modjeska
Moss & Stone Gardens
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Niche Gardens
Chris and Amy Niewoehner
Novozymes North America
Keith and Dayle Oakley
Outdoor Bird Co.
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
Pennington Seed Co.
Plantworks Nursery
Jacqueline Quinn
Martha Ramirez
Kathe Rauch
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Alexandra Reid
William and Margaret Reid
Joseph and Diane Sanders
Seaboard Ace Hardware
Skin Sense
Bill Spruill
The State Club
Estate of Susan T. Stephenson
Richard and Jere Stevens
Edward and Janice Swab
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Brenda Thomson
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Scott and Roslyn Troutman
Valerie Tyson and Richard Ehrhardt
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Sarah Warren
David White and Janine LeBlanc
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
Randy and Susan Woodson
Words & Wires
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Carl and Louise Zorowski

2012 Gala in the Garden Sponsors

The Gala in the Garden is the Arboretum's signature fund-raising event held each year on the first Sunday in May. Thank you, 2012 Gala in the Garden sponsors, for making this event a huge success.

North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association

Bayer Advanced
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)

A. E. Finley Foundation
North Carolina Farm Bureau

Bell Family Foundation
Linda and Ted Bilderback
The Brickman Group
Tommy Bunn
Fair Products (Judi and Frank Grainger)
Hawksridge Farms
Hoffman Nursery
Jeanette and Wallace Hyde
Nina and Jerry Jackson
Johnson Nursery Corp.
The North Carolina Agricultural Foundation
Bobby G. Wilder
Worthington Farms
Jackie and Johnny Wynne

John Buettner and John Dole
Anne and Allen Clapp
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Al Cooke and Daphne Hill
The Fire Place (Ruby McSwain)
Gilmore Plant and Bulb Company
Debbie Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Han-Dee Hugo's (Irma and Haddon Clark
Hicks Landscape Contractors (Scott Hicks)
Jere's Landscaping (Jere Stevens)
Melanie and Richard Kelley
Charles Kidder
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Robert E. Lyons
Outfall Farm
Panther Creek Nursery
Anne M. Porter
Progress Energy
Sylvia N. Redwine
Sampson Nursery
Anthea and Russell Tate
Kathleen and Walt Thompson
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Georgina and Dennis Werner
Laura Willer and David Huffstetler
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.

Special Gifts
Mary Ann and Gregory Poole
James Schlitt
Rosemary and Smedes York

Celebration Sponsors

In 2012 the Arboretum celebrated an important milestone. This year marked the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center complex. Special thanks to the supporters who stepped forward to make this event so spectacular.

Event Sponsors
Bobby Wilder

J. C. Sponsors
Catherine Maxwell and Ben Fewel
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Anne Porter
Kathleen and Walt Thompson
Friend Sponsors
Rosanna Adams
Custom Landscapes
Earth Graphics of Raleigh
Clara Flanagan
Sam Jones
Kathie Kalmowitz
Arthur Kelley
Melanie and Dick Kelley
Frank Lewis
Renz Landscapes
Sampson Nursery
The Office of Rodney Swink
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Rolla Wilhite
Libby and Bill Wilder
Ross Williams

Ruby C. McSwain Education Center Complex 10th Anniversary Celebration participants

Ruby C. McSwain Education Center Complex 10th Anniversary Celebration participants


Every year we are amazed with the amount of time and effort our volunteers devote to the Arboretum. Two thousand and twelve is no different. Our volunteers continue to take on new projects and look for ways to make the Arboretum a wonderful place to visit and enjoy. Though we try to thank them in many ways, it will never be enough. As you can see from the number of hours our volunteers log each year, they are an amazing group. We are truly grateful for all they do.

Volunteer Hours: January–December 2012

Our volunteers gave an amazing 9,666 hours of their time in 2012. Their efforts have made the Arboretum a showplace in the community.

200+ Hours
Laurie Cochran
Annie Hibbs
Melanie Kelley
Patricia MacPherson
James Schlitt
Bobby Wilder

100+ Hours
Mary Edith Alexander
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Judith Bradyhouse
Cynthia Cromwell
Heather Curcio
David and Catherine Duch
Michael Ferrell
Vivian Finkelstein
Sonya Fox
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Marilyn Golightly
Charles Heatherly
Beth Jimenez
Charles Kidder
Anita Kuehne
Richard and Amelia Lane
Jean Mitchell
Laddie Munger
John Pelosi
John Schott
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Carol Williams
Helen Yoest

40+ Hours
Jeanne Andrus
Carol Barmann
Harriet Bellerjeau
Anne Clapp
Sherman Criner
Colin Daniels
Mary DeFino
Dennis Drehmel
Edith Eddleman
Jeffrey Evans
Wayne Friedrich
Lucy Gardiner
Julie George
Susan Grayson
Judy Belle Halgren
Judy Harmon
Ann Howell
Margaret Jordan
Cheryl Kearns
Patricia Korpik
Linda Larkins
Sarah Leach Smith
Mary Leonhardi
Ira Love
Rudolf and Friederike Machilek
Robert Mackintosh
Sarah Marano
Diane McDaniel
Sandy Morgan
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Elaine Pace
Tylila Pinkham
Mike Pittman
Charlotte Presley
Becky Rosser
Douglas Ruhren
Dianne Schaffer
Nancy Simonsen
Ann Swallow
Robert Thornton
Fred Turner
Betsy Viall
Dee Welker
Ralph Whisnant
David White
Amanda Wilkins
Dora Zia

Other Contributions of Hours
Rosanna Adams
Judy Allen
Linda Anderson
Susan Bailey
Alexandra Balaban
Debbie Beach
Angelia Beasley
Marilyn Bensinger
Anna Berry
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Penelope Booze Foss
Vandy Bradow
Mark Bruno
John Buettner
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Lynn Canada
Jared Chauncey
Kathy Clark
Joan Cobb
Linda Crocker
Kathy Crosby
Julie Cubeta
Genelle Dail
Lucy Danks
Ellen Darst
Stephen Davis
Kelly Del Tufo
Cathy DeWitt
Maureen Donini
Sylvia Drew
C. J. Dykes
Suzanne Edney
Don Edwards
Eric Eibelheuser
Kathryn Field
Julia Flores
Roland Flory
Jens Geratz
Bill Gernon
Liza Gettles
Elizabeth Guzynski
Gail Harris
Barbara Harvey
Robert Hauver
Cynthia Heinlein
Cynthia Herlong
Norfleet Hoggard
Ilene and Lawrence Holmes
Marty Howard
Gail Ingram
David Josephus
Barbara Josselyn
Sheila Kellogg
Barbara Ketchum
Elaine Keys
Malissa Kilpatrick
Jennette King
Stephanie Lauck
Rebecca Lee
Alison Martin
Elena Matthews
Colin McCarty
John McGregor
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Verna Medeiros
Guy Meilleur
Philip Meilleur
Rita Mercer
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Frank Moore
Jacquie Ossi
Lauren Ossi
Richard Pearson and Joan Robertson
Linda Peele
Sharon Penn
Lily Philbrook
Sharon Pickle
Leon Pope
Glenda Potter
Nancy Preslar
Jacqueline Quinn
Martha Ramirez
Christine Ramsey
Kathe Rauch
Cynthia Rayno
Dana Reynolds
Beth Ricketts
Judy Ryan
Mary Lou Shanklin
Debra Singer-Harter
Ben Steele
Rachel Strauss
Kaitlyn Stubblefield
John Suddath
Christine Thomson
Erwin Trager
Lisa Vargues
Coco Wang
Jay Warfield
Dennis Werner
Lynn Wilhelm
Erica Winston
Stephen Wise
Qian Wu
Abby Wunch
Yue Zeng

Kathleen Thompson, Kathryn Fields, and Monika Coleman participate in the plant swap during the Volunteer Potluck Dinner

Kathleen Thompson, Kathryn Fields, and Monika Coleman participate in the plant swap during the Volunteer Potluck Dinner

JC Raulston Arboretum Plantings

JCRA bed map with 2012 plantings and removals

JCRA Collections

5,824 unique taxa
9,188 permanent plantings
34,696 individual plants

2012 Plant Numbers

1,410 accessions
150 wild collected
1,267 permanent plantings planted ()
2,826 individual plants and bulbs planted
1,359 permanent plantings removed or died (•)
1,982 plants measured
472 labels engraved

Children's Program Update

My, How Your Children Have Grown in a Year!

By Elizabeth Overcash, Children's Program Coordinator

As a parent, I hear this all the time about my two daughters. It's true, children grow quickly and that's how I feel about the children's program here at the JC Raulston Arboretum. I was filled with excitement as I started last February—and still am! The first task was becoming familiar with colleagues and the Arboretum itself since so much had changed from my days as a student. After answering the normal new job questions like, "Where can I find a pencil?" and the interesting questions like, "Where are we going for lunch today?" I started focusing on what had happened so far with the Children's Program and where we could go.

Seed Viable and Ready to Grow

The journey has been great, but we haven't reached our destination yet! This past year, programs started slowly, but the participation was huge. This assured me that there was interest in what had been started here at the Arboretum.

Seed Planted

My focus this past year was primarily aimed at raising awareness of the Arboretum among families in the area through free events and establishing programs for younger children. Events like the Spring Egg Hunt and the Summer Solstice Ice Cream Social brought over 680 children and parents to the Arboretum. I can't count how many times I heard someone say at those events that they lived close by and that it was their first visit to the Arboretum.

Seed Watered and Sprouted

Our major program this past year was the series of Garden Storytimes presented from May until October. At each storytime, we presented a new garden theme to children ranging from ages three to five years old. We read books and then created a take home craft that was related to the garden theme. By the end of the season, there were several who were regulars with their parents and grandparents.

How will we grow in the next year? The plan is to continue to build on the success of the Garden Storytime with a new lineup in 2013, and also branching out to the next age group by offering educational programs. These programs will be offered as special, on-demand events to area homeschool groups and youth groups like Y-Guides and Scouts. The Egg Hunt is now an annual children's program event, as is the Take a Child Outside week activities in September. There are also ideas in the works to allow families to enjoy the gardens together this summer.

Thanks to all of our members whose support of the Children's Program is vital. Your participation, donations, and publicity of the programs help to ensure what was once a seed turns into a beautiful bloom one day!

Got Scouts or Y Guides?

We Have Badges!

Programs can be selected from our past and current events lineup and scheduled exclusively for your group. Or, do you have a badge your troop or tribe would like to earn in the gardening or horticulture study area? Help us create a program! We recently created a program for local Girl Scout troops to earn their Flower and Gardener Badges. It all started with a troop leader's e-mail request.

Contact Elizabeth Overcash, children's program coordinator, at (919) 513-7007 or to arrange a program for your group.

Exploring the Winter Garden on our Children's Winter Walk

Exploring the Winter Garden on our Children's Winter Walk

Roland Flory leads participants during On a Quest

Roland Flory leads participants during On a Quest

Gathering eggs and knowledge on the 2nd Annual Egg Hunt

Gathering eggs and knowledge on the 2nd Annual Egg Hunt

Emily Reece demonstrates watercolor techniques to the participants of the Family Art Workshop

Emily Reece demonstrates watercolor techniques to the participants of the Family Art Workshop

Everyone made friends with worms during the Worms, Worms, Worms Workshop

Everyone made friends with worms during the Worms, Worms, Worms Workshop


Volunteer News

By Barbara Kennedy, Volunteer Coordinator

In 2012, two of our volunteer leaders have moved on to other roles at the Arboretum. Rosanna Adams was our garden leader for the Lath House. Now that the new Lath House is completed and planted, Rosanna will be helping in other areas. Bob Davis oversaw our water gardens and did a wonderful job keeping them operating and looking great. Bob would like to be a tour guide, so look for him leading tours through the Arboretum.

Another volunteer, Betsy Viall, has been greeting and helping visitors on Sunday afternoons in the Bobby G. Wilder Visitor Center. Betsy has decided to be a substitute volunteer when she is needed.

We want to thank Rosanna, Bob, and Betsy for their many volunteer hours and support of the Arboretum. We are glad they will continue to help us out in other ways.

I'd like to thank everyone who has donated their no longer needed garden books to the Arboretum. We offer these books in our Visitor Center for a small donation. Funds help support our volunteer programs.

New Volunteers

We continue to bring on some great new volunteers. Here are those who have signed up in the past six months.

Susan Bailey – Photography
Kathy Clark – Gardening
Stephen Davis – Photography
Julie Flores – Gardening
Jeff Forshee – Construction
Rhonda Gardner – Gardening
Julie George – Gardening
Robert Hauver – Photography
Sarah Himmelfarb – Visitor Center
Norfleet Hoggard – Visitor Center
Elaine Keys – Photography
Sarah Leach – Children's Program
Michael Maher – Construction
Linda Peele – Gardening
Sharon Penn – Photography
Aster Philbrook – Gardening
Lily Philbrook – Gardening
Nancy Preslar – Gardening
Dana Reynolds – Children's Program
Dan Ruehlman – Gardening
Debra Singer-Harter – Gardening
Ben Steele – Children's Program
Rachel Strauss – Gardening
Stephen Wise – Gardening
Abby Wunch – Special Projects

Volunteers at Work

Three new volunteers, Linda Peele, Kathy Clark and Nancy Preslar enjoy getting the beds prepared for the annual plant display.

Everyone made friends with worms during the Worms, Worms, Worms Workshop

Laurie Cochran, Julie George and Lucy Gardiner just finished working in the Asian Valley and take some time out to pose for a picture.

Everyone made friends with worms during the Worms, Worms, Worms Workshop

Our new Lath House looks wonderful thanks to volunteers Fred Turner, Judy Ryan, Sarah Marano, Jim Schlitt, Kathy DelTufo and Rosanna Adams.

Everyone made friends with worms during the Worms, Worms, Worms Workshop