Annual Plant Distribution


Plants at Numbered Stakes

The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.

Adiantum caudatum (Pteridaceae)
walking maidenhair fern

shade; 6"; hardy to zone 7b; semi-evergreen fern

Stake number: 1

Agave funkiana 'Tug Boat II' (Asparagaceae)
blue lechuguilla

sun to part shade; 10"; hardy to zone 9; evergreen succulent

Stake number: 2

Agave mitis 'Multicolor' (Asparagaceae)
century plant

sun to part sun; 18"; hardy to zone 9; evergreen succulent

Stake number: 3

Aloysia gratissima (Verbenaceae)

sun; 10'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 4

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii (compact form) (Acanthaceae)
compact flame acanthus

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 5

Araiostegia pseudocystopteris (Davalliaceae)
rabbit's foot fern

shade; 12"; hardy zone 7 hardy; deciduous fern rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 6

Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki' (Asteraceae)
mountain aster

sun; 24"; hardy to zone 4; evergreen deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 7

Aucuba japonica (thin white margin) (Garryaceae)
Japanese aucuba

shade; 4'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 8

Baptisia australis (Fabaceae)
blue wild-indigo

sun to light shade; 3'–4'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 9

Buddleja ×wardii (Scrophulariaceae)
Kingdon-Ward's butterfly bush

sun; 12'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 10

Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Borderline' (Buxaceae)
variegated Japanese boxwood

sun; 5'; hardy to zone 5; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 11

Callicarpa acuminata (Lamiaceae)
Mexican beautyberry

sun to light shade; 6' to 8'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 12

Callicarpa americana var. lactea (Lamiaceae)
white-berried American beautyberry

sun to part shade; 3'–6'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 13

Callicarpa dichotoma f. albifructus (Lamiaceae)
white beautyberry

sun to shade; 4'–6'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 14

Callicarpa dichotoma 'Duet' (Lamiaceae)
variegated beautyberry

sun to shade; 3'–4'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 15

Camellia japonica (Theaceae)
Japanese camellia

part shade; 8'–10'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 16

Camellia japonica 'Quercifolia' (Theaceae)
fish-tail Japanese camellia

sun to part shade; 6'–9'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 17

Camellia aff. transarisanensis (Theaceae)
snowbells camellia

sun to part shade; 8'; hardy to zone 8; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 18

Canna 'Australia' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun to part shade; 5'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 19

Canna 'Thai One On' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

full sun to light shade; 5'–6'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 20

Catalpa ×galleana (Bignoniaceae)
indian bean

sun; 50'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous tree

Stake number: 21

Cestrum 'Orange Peel' (Solanaceae)
hybrid jessamine

sun to part shade; 8'; zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 22

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Juniperoides' (Cupressaceae)
dwarf Sawara falsecypress

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 4; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 23

Chrysanthemum 'Mrs. Robinson' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

sun; 28"; hardy to zone 6; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 24

Chrysojasminum parkeri (Oleaceae)
Parker's jasmine

sun; 1' tall × 2.5' wide; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 54

Clematis brevicaudata (Ranunculaceae)
short plume clematis

sun; 20'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous vine

Stake number: 25

Clematis pseudoflammula (Ranunculaceae)
erect clematis

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 26

Clematis 'Stand by Me' (Ranunculaceae)

sun to part shade; 3' x 3'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 27

Clematis tibetana (Ranunculaceae)
Tibetan clematis

sun to part shade; 15'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous vine

Stake number: 28

Clethra alnifolia 'Sherry Sue' (Clethraceae)

sun to partial shade; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous shrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 29

Cornus alternifolia (Cornaceae)
pagoda dogwood

sun to light shade; 25'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous tree

Stake number: 30

Cornus capitata subsp. angustata (Cornaceae)
Chinese evergreen dogwood

sun to part shade; 20'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen tree

Stake number: 31

Cryptomeria japonica 'Gracilis' (Cupressaceae)
slender Japanese cedar

sun; 15'; hardy to zone 5; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 32

×Cuprocyparis leylandii 'Harlequin' (Cupressaceae)
variegated Leyland cypress

full sun to part shade; 50'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 33

Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' (Hydrangeaceae)
Chardonnay Pearls slender deutzia

sun to light shade; 2'–3'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 34

Deutzia ×hybrida 'Tourbillon Rouge' (Hydrangeaceae)
pink deutzia

full sun to light shade; 5'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 35

Digitalis purpurea (Plantaginaceae)

sun to part shade; 4'x2'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 36

Echinacea (PowWow series - mixed colors) (Asteraceae)

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 37

Euphorbia 'Canyon Gold' (Euphorbiaceae)

sun; 18"; hardy to zone 7; evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 38

Gardenia jasminoides 'Leeone' (Rubiaceae)
Jubilation Cape jasmine

sun to part shade; 4' tall; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 39

Glandularia canadensis (white) (Verbenaceae)
rose verbena

sun; 12"; hardy to zone 6; semi-evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 40

Gymnocladus dioicus (Fabaceae)
Kentucky coffee tree

sun; 50'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous tree

Stake number: 41

Hedychium 'Kinkaku' (Zingiberaceae)
ginger lily

sun to part shade; 5'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 42

Hedychium 'Sherry Baby' (Zingiberaceae)
ginger lily

sun; 5'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 43

Helwingia chinensis var. crenata (Helwingiaceae)
Chinese helwingia

part sun; 12'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 44

Hertia cheirifolia (Asteraceae)
barbary ragwort

sun; 6"; hardy to zone 7; evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 45

Hibiscus laevis (Malvaceae)
rose mallow

sun to part shade; 6'x4'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 46

Hypericum hookerianum (Hypericaceae)
Hooker's St. John's-wort

full sun to part shade; 4'–5'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 47

Ilex ×attenuata 'Sunny Foster' (Aquifoliaceae)
golden Foster holly

sun to part shade; 10-12'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 48

Iris brevicaulis (Iridaceae)
zig zag iris

sun; 8"–24"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 49

Iris delavayi (Iridaceae)
Delavay's iris

sun; 28"; hardy to zone 7; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 50

Iris japonica 'Skirt Chaser' (Iridaceae)
evergreen butterfly iris

part sun; 18"; hardy to zone 7; semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 51

Iris 'Ticket to Ride' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 40"; hardy to zone 3; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 52

Itea virginica 'Longspire' (Iteaceae)
Virginia sweetspire

full sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 53

Juniperus cedrus (Cupressaceae)
Canary Islands juniper

sun; 28'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 55

Lantana camara 'Citrus Salad' (Verbenaceae)

full sun to light shade; 5' by 10'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 56

Lespedeza buergeri (Fabaceae)
bush clover

sun; 9'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub basal rosette

Stake number: 57

Magnolia macrophylla var. ashei (Magnoliaceae)
Ashe's magnolia

sun to light shade; 12'–30'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous tree

Stake number: 58

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (pink) (Malvaceae)
pink turk's cap

sun to part shade; 3'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 59

Manfreda maculosa (Asparagaceae)

sun; 12"; hardy to zone 7; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 60

Miyamayomena savatieri 'Edo Murasaki' (Asteraceae)
Edo Muraski Japanese aster

sun to part shade; 18" tall; hardy to zone 5; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 61

Myrtus communis 'Little Elizabeth' (Myrtaceae)
dwarf myrtle

sun; 5'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 62

Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' (Lamiaceae)

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 63

Pittosporum heterophyllum 'Variegatum' (Pittosporaceae)
variegated pittosporum

sun to part shade; 4'–5'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 64

Platycladus orientalis 'Morgan' (Cupressaceae)
oriental arborvitae

sun; 3'–4'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 65

Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Akame' (Podocarpaceae)
red-tip Japanese yew

sun to part shade; 12'–15'; hardy to zone 8; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 66

Prunus jacquemontii (Rosaceae)
Afghan bush cherry

sun to light shade; 6'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous tree

Stake number: 67

Pseudocydonia sinensis (Rosaceae)
Chinese quince

sun to shade; 18'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous tree

Stake number: 68

Pycnanthemum incanum (Lamiaceae)
mountain mint

sun to part shade; 3'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 69

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Lamiaceae)
mountain mint

sun, part sun; 18-24"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 70

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium 'Campbell Carpet' (Lamiaceae)
mountain mint

sun; 18"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 71

Rohdea japonica (Asparagaceae)
sacred lily

shade; 1'–2'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous basal rosette

Stake number: 72

Rudbeckia subtomentosa (Asteraceae)
sweet coneflower

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 73

Ruellia simplex 'Chi Chi' (Acanthaceae)
false petunia

sun to light shade; 24"; hardy to zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 74

Salvia (ex. 'Church Road') (Lamiaceae)

sun; 2'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 75

Salvia farinacea 'Augusta Duelberg' (Lamiaceae)
mealycup sage

sun; 30" by 4'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 76

Salvia puberula 'El Butano' (Lamiaceae)
Mexican sage

sun; 4'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 77

Sarcococca confusa (Buxaceae)
sweet box

shade; 4'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 78

Saxifraga stolonifera 'Windcliff Silver' (Saxifragaceae)
strawberry begonia

shade; 6" × 36"; hardy to zone 7 hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 79

Sedum emarginatum 'Eco-Mt. Emei' (Crassulaceae)
Mt. Emei sedum

part sun to light shade; 6"; hardy to zone 6; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 80

Seemannia purpurascens 'Purple Prince' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

part sun; 20"; hardy to zone 8; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 81

Selaginella apoda (Selaginellaceae)

part sun; 2"; hardy to zone 5; deciduous fern

Stake number: 82

Sempervivum (Hot Mix) (Crassulaceae)
hens and chicks

part sun; 3"; hardy to zone 5; evergreen succulent

Stake number: 83

Spiraea cantoniensis (Rosaceae)
Reeves spirea

sun to part sun; 6"x5'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 84

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'Fanny' (Asteraceae)
aromatic aster

sun to part shade; 24"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 85

Syringa tomentella (Oleaceae)

sun; 15'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 86

Taxodium distichum (Cupressaceae)
bald cypress

sun to part shade; 50-60'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous tree conifer

Stake number: 87

Thuja plicata 'Zebrina' (Cupressaceae)
variegated western redcedar

sun; 40'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 88

Thujopsis dolabrata 'Latifolia' (Cupressaceae)
false arborvitae

sun to part shade; 5'; hardy to zone 5; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 89

Vaccinium (Ericaceae)

sun; 7'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 90




Plants in the middle section

Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.