Annual Plant Distribution


Plants at Numbered Stakes

The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.

Acer palmatum (Sapindaceae)
Japanese maple

sun to light shade; 18'–22'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 1

Achimenes 'Harry Williams' (Gesneriaceae)
orchid pansy

shade; 12"; semi-hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 2

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' (Acoraceae)
golden sweet flag

sun to light shade; 15"; hardy; evergreen basal rosette ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous aquatic

Stake number: 3

Adiantum ×mairisii (Adiantaceae)
hybrid maidenhair fern

shade and moist soil; 14"; hardy zone 6–9; deciduous fern

Stake number: 4

Ajuga 'Cordial Canary' (Lamiaceae)
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

sun to shade; 1" tall; hardy; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 5

Ajuga 'Noble Nightingale' (Lamiaceae)
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

sun; 4"; hardy; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 6

Ajuga 'Parrot Paradise' (Lamiaceae)
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

part sun to shade; 2"; hardy to zone 5; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 7

Ajuga 'Petite Parakeet' (Lamiaceae)
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

sun to part shade; 4"; hardy to zone 5; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 8

Allium 'Millennium' (Amaryllidaceae)
ornamental onion

sun; 10"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 9

Aloe 'Johnson's Hybrid' (Aloaceae)

sun; 10"; hardy; evergreen woody lily

Stake number: 10

Ampelaster carolinianus (Asteraceae)
climbing aster

sun; 12' w/support; hardy; deciduous vine

Stake number: 11

Arabis blepharophylla (Brassicaceae)
coast rockcress

sun; 10"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 12

Ardisia japonica 'Andre the Giant' (Primulaceae)

shade; 8"; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 13

Athyrium 'Branford Beauty' (Woodsiaceae)
painted lady fern

shade; 24"; hardy; deciduous fern

Stake number: 14

Aucuba japonica 'Limbata' (Garryaceae)
gold margin Japanese aucuba

shade; 4' × 4'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 16

Aucuba japonica 'Mellow Mushroom' (Garryaceae)
Japanese aucuba

shade; 2' × 3'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 17

Aucuba japonica 'Tatsumaki' (Garryaceae)
Japanese aucuba

shade to part sun; 5'–6'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 15

Camellia (Theaceae)

sun to part shade; 12'; hardy; evergreen tree shrub

Stake number: 18

Campanula alliariifolia (Campanulaceae)
ivory bells

sun; 18"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 19

Carlina acaulis subsp. caulescens (Asteraceae)
weather thistle

sun; 16"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 20

Chilopsis linearis 'Bubba' (Bignoniaceae)
desert willow

sun; 25'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 21

Chloranthus sessilifolius var. austrosinensis (Chloranthaceae)

shade; 24"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 22

Chlorophytum sparsiflorum (Asparagaceae)

sun to part shade; 18"; tender; evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 23

Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

sun; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 24

Chrysanthemum 'Mei Kyo' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

sun; 24"; hardy; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 25

Chrysanthemum 'Miss Gloria's Thanksgiving Day' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

full sun to light shade; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 26

Cistus creticus subsp. eriocephalus (Cistaceae)
pink rock rose

sun to part shade; 3'; hardy to zone 8b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 27

Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty' (Cornaceae)
bloodtwig dogwood

sun; 5'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 28

Daphne odora (Thymelaeaceae)
winter daphne

shade; 3'–4'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 29

Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow' (Hydrangeaceae)
variegated deutzia

sun to partial shade; 2'–4' tall and 3'–4' wide; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 30

Deutzia ×hybrida 'Tourbillon Rouge' (Hydrangeaceae)
pink deutzia

full sun to light shade; 5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 31

Disporopsis pernyi (Asparagaceae)
evergreen Solomon's seal

part sun to shade; 1'; hardy zone 7; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 32

Echinodorus bracteatus 'Lantau Lady' (Alismataceae)
Amazon sword

sun; 3'; hardy; deciduous aquatic

Stake number: 33

Echium vulgare (Boraginaceae)
viper's bugloss

sun; 2.5'; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 34

Eucomis (Asparagaceae)
pineapple lily

sun; 20"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous ground cover

Stake number: 35

Hedychium 'Elizabeth' (Zingiberaceae)
hardy ginger lily

sun; 8'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 36

Hydrangea involucrata 'Wim Rutten' (Hydrangeaceae)
Blue Bunny compact bracted hydrangea

shade; 5' × 8'; zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 37

Hymenocallis godfreyi (St. Marks form) (Amaryllidaceae)
Godfrey's spiderlily

sun; 36"; hardy; deciduous ground cover bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 38

Hymenocallis maximiliani (Amaryllidaceae)
spider lily

sun; 36"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 39

Iris 'King Creole' (Iridaceae)
Louisiana iris

sun; 36"; hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 40

Iris pallasii (Iridaceae)
Dalmatian iris

sun to part shade; 18"; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 41

Iris sibirica 'Kabluey' (Iridaceae)
Siberian iris

sun; 25"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 42

Iris cf. virginica (Iridaceae)
Virginia iris

sun; 16"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 43

Juniperus horizontalis 'Silver Sheen' (Cupressaceae)
creeping juniper

sun to light shade, well-drained soil; 6" by 40"; hardy; evergreen shrub ground cover conifer

Stake number: 44

Leonotis leonurus (Lamiaceae)
lion's ear

sun; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 45

Lespedeza bicolor 'Lil' Buddy' (Fabaceae)
shrubby bushclover

sun to part shade; 3' × 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 46

Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno' (Liliaceae)
double tiger lily

sun to part shade; 4'–5'; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 47

Magnolia macrophylla var. ashei (Magnoliaceae)
Ashe's magnolia

sun to light shade; 12'–30'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous tree

Stake number: 48

Mazus reptans (Phrymaceae)
creeping mazus

part sun to shade; 1"; hardy to zone 6; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 49

Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae)

sun; 15"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 50

Onychium japonicum 'Sichuan Lace' (Pteridaceae)
carrot fern

shade; 1'; hardy; semi-evergreen fern

Stake number: 51

Orixa japonica 'Summer Sunshine' (Rutaceae)
Japanese orixa

sun to part shade; 6'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 64

Orthrosanthus acorifolius (Iridaceae)
morning iris

sun; 2'; semi-hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 52

Penstemon tenuis (Plantaginaceae)
sharpsepal beardtongue

sun; 16"; hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 53

Phlox nivalis (near white) (Polemoniaceae)
trailing phlox

sun; 6"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 54

Piper kadsura 'Pied Piper' (Piperaceae)
variegated Japanese pepper

part shade; 3'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen vine

Stake number: 55

Pittosporum aff. truncatum (Pittosporaceae)
truncated pittosporum

sun; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 56

Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Akame' (Podocarpaceae)
red-tip Japanese yew

sun to part shade; 12'–15'; hardy; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 57

Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki 'Kinme' (Podocarpaceae)
golden-tip Japanese yew

sun to part shade; 10'–20'; hardy to zone 8; evergreen conifer

Stake number: 58

Podocarpus totara 'Aureus' (Podocarpaceae)
golden totara

sun to part shade; 8'–20'; hardy semi-hardy; evergreen conifer tree

Stake number: 59

Pterocarya rhoifolia (Juglandaceae)
Japanese wingnut

sun; 50'–80'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 60

Salix 'Flame' (Salicaceae)
red-stem willow

sun to part shade; 15'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 61

Salvia chamaedryoides (Lamiaceae)
blue oak sage

sun to part shade; 12"'; hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 62

Sarcococca saligna (Buxaceae)
willow-leaf sweet box

full to part shade; 4'–5'; hardy; evergreen shrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 63

Seemannia 'Little Red' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

part sun to light shade; 16"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 64

Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

sun to shade; 8"–12"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 65

Seemannia purpurascens 'Purple Prince' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

part sun; 20"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 66

Selaginella (Selaginellaceae)

shade; 8"; hardy; deciduous fern

Stake number: 67

Serissa japonica 'Bumble Bee Delight' (Rubiaceae)

sun to part shade; 2'–4'; hardy zone 7-9 hardy; semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 68

Sesbania punicea (Fabaceae)

sun to part shade; 15'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 69

Silene pendula (Caryophyllaceae)

sun to part shade; 12"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 70

Silene uniflora subsp. prostrata (Caryophyllaceae)
sea campion

sun; 15"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 71

Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae)
gold false foxglove

part shade to shade; 3'; hardy to zone 6b; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 72

Tricyrtis 'Imperial Banner' (Liliaceae)
variegated toad-lily

shade; 24"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 73

Tricyrtis ('White Waves' reversion) (Liliaceae)
toad lily

part sun; 15"; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 74

Veronica 'P018S' (Plantaginaceae)
Snowmass speedwell

sun; 2"; hardy; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 75

Viburnum foetidum (variegated) (Viburnaceae)
stinking viburnum

sun; 10'; hardy; semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 76

Vitex 'Bailtexone' (Lamiaceae)
Flip Side chastetree

sun; 6'; zone 7b; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 77

Weigela (yellow leaf) (Diervillaceae)

sun; 4'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 78

Zephyranthes atamasco (Amaryllidaceae)
atamasco lily

part sun; 8"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 79

Zephyranthes jonesii (Amaryllidaceae)
rain lily

sun; 10"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 80




Plants in the middle section

Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.