Annual Plant Distribution


Plants at Numbered Stakes

The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rose Creek' (Caprifoliaceae)
glossy abelia

sun to light shade; 3'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 1

Agastache breviflora (Lamiaceae)
Trans-pecos giant hyssop

sun; well-drained soil; 36";

Stake number: 2

Agastache pringlei (Lamiaceae)
Pringle's giant hyssop

sun; well-drained soil; 36";

Stake number: 3

Agave lophantha (Asparagaceae)
thorn-crested agave

sun; well-drained soil; 3'; hardy; evergreen woody lily basal rosette shrub

Stake number: 4

Agave striata var. striata (Asparagaceae)
needle agave

sun; well-drained soil; 3'; hardy; evergreen woody lily basal rosette shrub

Stake number: 5

Allium stellatum (Amaryllidaceae)
prairie onion

sun to part shade; 12"–18"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 6

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 'Pumpkin' (Acanthaceae)
flame anisacanthus

sun; well-drained soil; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 7

Artemisia abrotanum (Asteraceae)

sun; 18"–36"; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 8

Artemisia 'Powis Castle' (Asteraceae)
Powis Castle artemisia

sun; 18"; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 9

Aucuba japonica (contorted variegated) (various cultivars) (Garryaceae)
Japanese aucuba

Stake number: 10

Bletilla striata (Orchidaceae)
Chinese ground orchid

part sun to light shade; 12"–15"; hardy zone 6; deciduous bulbous/cormous basal rosette

Stake number: 11

Buddleja davidii 'Evil Ways' (Scrophulariaceae)
golden butterfly bush

sun; 4'–6'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 12

Buddleja 'Lochinch' (Scrophulariaceae)
Lochinch Castle butterfly bush

sun; 6'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 13

Callicarpa dichotoma 'Spring Gold' (Lamiaceae)
golden purple beautyberry

sun to shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 14

Calycanthus ×raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' (Calycanthaceae)
Raulston allspice

sun to part shade; 8'–10'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 15

Calycanthus 'Venus' (Calycanthaceae)
hybrid sweetshrub

sun to part sun; 3'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 16

Canna 'Ermine' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun to light shade; 4'–6';

Stake number: 17

Ceratostigma griffithii (Plumbaginaceae)
Griffith's blue leadwort

sun to light shade; 3'; hardy semi-hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 18

Chionanthus virginicus (Oleaceae)
American fringe tree

sun to part shade; 15'–25'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 19

×Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Morning Cloud' (Bignoniaceae)

sun to part shade; 25'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 20

Chrysanthemum 'Venus' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

sun; 3'–4'; root hardy; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 21

Chrysojasminum fruticans (Oleaceae)
shrubby jasmine

sun; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous evergreen semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 52

Conradina canescens (Lamiaceae)
false rosemary

sun; well-drained soil; 18"–24"; hardy to zone 8; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 22

Convallaria majalis (Liliaceae)

shade; 12"–18"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 23

Costus speciosus (Costaceae)

partial sun to shade; 6'–8'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 24

Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Avonbank' (Rosaceae)
willow-leaved cotoneaster

sun to light shade; 6'–10'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 25

Curcuma petiolata (Zingiberaceae)
hidden cone ginger

light shade to shade; 3'–6'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 26

Decumaria sinensis (Hydrangeaceae)
Chinese wood-vamp

sun to shade; 15'; deciduous semi-evergreen vine

Stake number: 27

Deutzia ×lemoinei (Hydrangeaceae)
Lemoine deutzia

sun to light shade; 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 28

Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora (Hydrangeaceae)
Sichuan deutzia

sun; 4'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 29

Edgeworthia chrysantha (compact form) (Thymelaeaceae)
golden paperbush

sun to part shade; 4'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 30

Epimedium ×versicolor 'Sulphureum' (Berberidaceae)
yellow fairy wings

shade; 14"; hardy; semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 31

Eucomis montana (Asparagaceae)
montane pineapple lily

sun to partial shade; 16"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 32

Eucomis 'Tugela Jade' (Asparagaceae)
hybrid pineapple lily

sun to light shade; 18";

Stake number: 33

Eupatorium fortunei 'Pink Frost' (Asteraceae)
variegated Chinese eupatorium

sun; moist soil; 3'; root hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 34

Ficus sarmentosa var. nipponica × F. carica (Moraceae)
hybrid creeping fig

sun to shade; 16"; evergreen vine ground cover subshrub

Stake number: 35

Forsythia mandshurica 'Vermont Sun' (Oleaceae)
Manchurian forsythia

sun to light shade; 6'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 36

Gaillardia aestivalis var. winkleri (Asteraceae)
Texas firewheel

sun, well-drained soil; 24"; hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy tap root

Stake number: 37

Gaillardia aestivalis var. winkleri 'Grape Sensation' (Asteraceae)
purple Texas firewheel

sun, well-drained soil; 24"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous ground cover

Stake number: 38

Heimia salicifolia (Lythraceae)
shrubby yellowcrest

sun to light shade; 3'–6'; hardy semi-hardy; deciduous subshrub shrub

Stake number: 39

Helleborus ×hybridus (Ranunculaceae)
Lenten rose

shade; 15"–18"; hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 40

Hertia cheirifolia (Asteraceae)
barbary ragwort

sun; 6"; hardy; evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 64

Hibiscus mutabilis (Malvaceae)
Confederate rose

sun to light shade; 8'–10'; hardy; deciduous

Stake number: 41

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Beauté Vendômoise' (Hydrangeaceae)
lacecap bigleaf hydrangea

shade; 4'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 42

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja' (Hydrangeaceae)
bigleaf hydrangea

shade; 3'–4'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 43

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Möwe' (Hydrangeaceae)
bigleaf hydrangea

shade; 4'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 44

Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels Lace' (Hydrangeaceae)
panicled hydrangea

part sun; 6' × 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 45

Hydrangea serrata 'Woodlanders' (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea

light shade to full shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 46

Hylotelephium 'Matrona' (Crassulaceae)
hybrid stonecrop

sun to part shade; 2'; hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 82

Iris 'Again and Again' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded reblooming iris

sun; 36"; hardy; semi-evergreen evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 47

Iris 'Lights Camera Action' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 36"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 48

Iris 'Now See This' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 36"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 49

Iris 'Spouting Horn' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 38"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 50

Iris 'Starwoman' (Iridaceae)
intermediate bearded iris

sun; 28"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 51

Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta (Cupressaceae)
shore juniper

sun; 1'–2'; hardy; evergreen conifer ground cover subshrub

Stake number: 53

Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride' (Lamiaceae)
yellow archangel

sun to shade; 12"; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 54

Lepechinia graveolens (Lamiaceae)
Bolivian pitchersage

sun; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 55

Lespedeza thunbergii 'White Fountain' (Fabaceae)
white bush-clover

sun to light shade; 5'–8'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 56

Lobelia cardinalis (Campanulaceae)
cardinal flower

part sun; 3'–4'; hardy; deciduous

Stake number: 57

Lonicera sempervirens f. sulphurea (Caprifoliaceae)
yellow trumpet honeysuckle

sun to light shade; as staked; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen vine

Stake number: 58

Lonicera standishii (Caprifoliaceae)
Standish's honeysuckle

sun to part shade; 8'; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 59

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii 'Big Momma' (Malvaceae)
Drummond's wax mallow

sun; 5'; hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 60

Manettia cordifolia 'John Elsley' (Rubiaceae)
firecracker vine

sun to light shade; 8'–10'; root hardy; deciduous vine

Stake number: 61

Muehlenbeckia complexa (Polygonaceae)
creeping wirevine

sun to partial shade; 3"; evergreen vine

Stake number: 62

Musa velutina (Musaceae)
pink velvet banana

sun to shade; 6'–10'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 63

Penstemon pinifolius (Plantaginaceae)
pineneedle beardtongue

sun; well-drained soil; 10"–16"; deciduous

Stake number: 65

Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' (Hydrangeaceae)
beautiful star mock-orange

sun; 8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 67

Philadelphus satsumi (Hydrangeaceae)

sun; 4'–6'; shrub

Stake number: 68

Phlox divaricata (Polemoniaceae)
woodland phlox

part shade to shade; 1'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 69

Phlox nivalis 'Camla' (Polemoniaceae)
trailing phlox

sun; well-drained soil; 8"; hardy; evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 70

Pinus taeda NCSU Dwarf Group (Pinaceae)
dwarf loblolly pine

sun; 30' (slowly); hardy; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 71

Pittosporum parvilimbum (Pittosporaceae)

sun to part shade; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 72

Punica granatum (Lythraceae)

sun to part shade; 12'–20'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 73

×Pyracomeles vilmorinii (Rosaceae)
Vilmorin's pyracomeles

sun to light shade; 10'–18'; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 74

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue' (Lamiaceae)

sun; well-drained soil; 4'; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 75

Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Salicaceae)
variegated willow

sun to part shade; 15'; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 76

Salvia greggii 'Pink Perfection' (Lamiaceae)
autumn sage

sun; well-drained soil; 3'; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 77

Salvia leucantha 'Midnight' (Lamiaceae)
Mexican bush sage

sun; well-drained soil; 4' tall; root hardy; evergreen shrub subshrub

Stake number: 78

Salvia microphylla 'Wild Watermelon' (Lamiaceae)
baby sage

sun; well-drained soil; 3'; hardy root hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 79

Saxifraga stolonifera (Saxifragaceae)
strawberry geranium

light shade to full shade; 8"; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous basal rosette

Stake number: 80

Sedum (Crassulaceae)

sun; 4"; hardy semi-hardy tender; deciduous evergreen shrub

Stake number: 83

Sedum album (Crassulaceae)
white stonecrop

sun; 3"; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 81

Sedum tetractinum (Crassulaceae)
Chinese sedum

sun to part shade; 3"; hardy; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 84

Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

sun to shade; 8"–12"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 85

Selaginella braunii (Selaginellaceae)
arborvitae fern

part shade to shade; 12"; hardy; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 86

Selaginella uncinata (Selaginellaceae)
peacock moss

part shade to shade; 6"–10"; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 87

Serissa japonica 'Apple Blossom' (Rubiaceae)

sun to shade; 3'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 88

Spiraea ×cinerea 'Grefsheim' (Rosaceae)
garland spiraea

sun; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 89

Symphoricarpos ×doorenbosii 'Magic Berry' (Caprifoliaceae)
Doorenbos coralberry

sun to partial shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 90

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus 'Central Avenue' (Caprifoliaceae)

sun to partial shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 91

Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Nagaba' (Apocynaceae)
variegated Asian jessamine

sun to partial shade; 12'+; hardy zone 7; evergreen vine

Stake number: 92

Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Theta' (Apocynaceae)
narrowleaf Asiatic jessamine

sun or shade; 12" or as trained; hardy; evergreen vine

Stake number: 93

Trachycarpus fortunei (Arecaceae)
windmill palm

sun to part shade; 30'; hardy; evergreen palm tree

Stake number: 94

Tradescantia pallida (Commelinaceae)
purple heart

sun to light shade; 10"; root hardy; deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 95

Viburnum dentatum 'Golden Arrow' (Viburnaceae)
golden arrowwood

sun; 8'–12'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 96

Viburnum nudum 'Angustifolium' (Viburnaceae)
narrowleaf possumhaw viburnum

sun to shade; 8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 97

Weigela amagiensis (Diervillaceae)
Japanese cardinal shrub

sun to light shade; 4'–7'; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 98




Plants in the middle section

Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.