Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden
Enjoy dazzling flowers that cover over 100 roses of both old and new cultivars in the Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden. There are hybrid teas, floribundas, and shrub roses of all colors. This is one of the best Rose Gardens in Raleigh.
Walk through the garden and discover a planting of fragrant hybrid musk roses. Look for the David Austin English roses, and a collection of climbing roses. You will also find other interesting hybrids, such as the Griffin Buck roses, developed in the Midwest for their cold hardiness. The garden is highlighted by a new, more flowing path design with two new benches to sit in and enjoy the garden.
The peak of the flowering season, usually occurs in mid- to late May and is not to be missed. However, if you cannot see the garden at this time, don't fret, since flowering continues until frost. The Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden is generously endowed by the A. E. Finley Foundation in memory of Marian Nottingham Finley and Marian Nottingham Rice.