Deeper in the Garden

Tim Alderton, Research Technician

  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 – 3:00 pm3:30 pm

Maples are an incredibly popular genus of plants, and on the surface they can appear rather pedestrian, overused, or maybe even a little boring. Well thank goodness for the JCRA's "Deeper in the Garden" Midweek Program which will offer us the opportunity to dispel this myth. Sure, Acer rubrum and A. palmatum are rather ubiquitous, but what about A. caudatifolium, A. pseudosieboldianum or even A. sempervirens ? With over 200 taxa of maples planted in our garden, we think this genus could use a bit more attention. Join Tim as he goes deeper in the garden and goes through some of the hits found on the b-side of our list of maples!

Acer serrulatum leaf

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