Artists in the Garden

Full—Waitlist Started

Monday, July 17, 2017 through Friday, July 21, 2017 – 9:00 am–3:30 pm

Children tap their inner artist, learn new skills, and get a taste of using nature in their artwork.


Inspired by the Arboretum's various theme gardens, campers work with natural materials collected from the garden, paints, clay, and other art supplies as they create a new project each day.

pictures of children at camp

With an emphasis on building confidence and observation skills, this camp concludes with an art show for parents, a great way for children to show off what they've learned.

Enrollment is limited to 15 campers. Campers bring lunch and snack.

Other Camps for rising 1st through 3rd graders
We have three great camps for rising 1st through 3rd graders, two sessions of Nature Detectives and one week of Artists in the Garden. Check out these weeks of camp for your camper:

Rising 1st to 3rd graders.
$225.00 for members, $255.00 for nonmembers.

Wait list has started. Please contact Elizabeth Overcash, children's program coordinator, at or 919-513-7011 to be placed on the wait list.

Member registration begins on January 30, 2017. Public registration begins February 13, 2017. A link to registration will appear on the Web page once it opens.

If you would like to become a member to enjoy early registration, discounted camp registration fees, and other year-long benefits, please visit our membership page. Membership must be at the Family/Dual level to take advantage of the early registration.

Registrations received during the member only period that are not associated with a current family/dual membership will be moved to the wait list. These registrations will be completed during public registration only if there are spaces still available. To make sure your registration is completed, join now!

Registration fees include all program resources and materials required for camp. Campers are responsible for providing snack and lunch each day of camp.

We work with community organizations to provide scholarships. If you have questions about scholarships, contact Elizabeth Overcash, children's program coordinator at


Registration fees are 100% refundable when the Arboretum cancels the camp. Memberships are not refundable.

Participants wishing to withdraw from a camp that has not been canceled by the Arboretum must provide a written request by May 26, 2017. If the withdrawal request is received by May 26, 2017, a refund will be given minus a 15% administrative fee per child per camp. No fees will be refunded if registration is canceled after May 26, 2017.

JC Raulston Arboretum, 4415 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC 27606.
Need directions? Click here.
Camp drop off and pick up will be in the brick circle at the Bobby G. Wilder Visitor Center.
Please contact Elizabeth Overcash, children's program coordinator, at or (919) 513-7011.