Now Showing

January 3, 2014

Edgeworthia chrysantha (golden paperbush)
Edgeworthia chrysantha
golden paperbush
Lath House and Winter Garden
Rhodocoma capensis and Yucca thompsoniana (Trans Pecos yucca)
Rhodocoma capensis and
Yucca thompsoniana
Trans Pecos yucca
A. E. Finley Rooftop Terrace Gardens
Chimonanthus praecox 'Luteus' (fragrant wintersweet)
Chimonanthus praecox 'Luteus'
fragrant wintersweet
East Arboretum Beds
Iris unguicularis (winter flowering iris)
Iris unguicularis
winter flowering iris
Scree Garden and Winter Garden
Daphne odora 'Hewreb' (Rebecca variegated winter daphne)
Daphne odora 'Hewreb'
Rebecca variegated winter daphne
Lath House
Hamamelis 'Amethyst' (hybrid witchhazel)
Hamamelis 'Amethyst'
hybrid witchhazel
Othonna cheirifolia (barbary ragwort)
Othonna cheirifolia
barbary ragwort
Scree Garden and Xeric Garden
Ilex aff. rotunda
Ilex aff. rotunda
Asian Valley

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