40th Anniversary Throwback Tour

New Extremes

plant collecting in Mexico
Xeric Garden and Scree Garden from above

The NCSU Arboretum developed to serve as a resource for professionals in the green industry, students, and the public. The search for new plants for the green industry soon led to new extremes when a cooperative relationship developed with Yucca Do Nursery in Texas. Up until that point, Mexico and the southwestern United States seemed to offer little promise as a source for plants adaptable to the Piedmont of North Carolina. Soon, plants were shared and joint collecting trips to Mexico in 1992 and 1993 were conducted. Many outstanding novel plants, previously unused in our local landscapes, were brought back and have proved to grow very successfully in a wide range of conditions.

Today, a scroll through the Xeric Garden and Scree Garden will give you a taste of just how many Mexican and southwestern plants can be used in our landscape today.

Collecting Trips to Mexico

camp site in Mexico
plant collecting in Mexico

Collecting trip in the Mexican mountains with Carl Schoenfeld and John Fairey in January 1992.

J. C. Raulston poses with flowering agave
plant presses on top of vehicle

J. C. Raulston with an agave flower stalk during the 1992 Mexican Expedition. Securing plant presses to the roof of the car.

Southwestern Garden

Early Southwestern Garden at the JC Raulston Arboretum.