Now Showing

April 19, 2022

Photographs by Nancy Doubrava

Cornus florida subsp. urbiniana (Mexican flowering dogwood)
Cornus florida subsp. urbiniana
Mexican flowering dogwood
Southall Memorial Garden and Nearby Beds and Butterfly Garden
Paeonia lactiflora (peony)
Paeonia lactiflora
Asian Valley
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Radiance'
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Radiance'
Entrance Garden
Pulsatilla georgica (pasque flower)
Pulsatilla georgica
pasque flower
A. E. Finley Rooftop Terrace Gardens
Allium cristophii (star of Persia)
Allium cristophii
star of Persia
Entrance Garden, Geophyte Border, and Perennial Border and Nearby Borders
Paeonia 'Coral Sunset' (peony)
Paeonia 'Coral Sunset'
Mixed Border
Syringa 'Penda' (Bloomerang re-blooming lilac)
Syringa 'Penda'
Bloomerang re-blooming lilac
New Border
Iris 'Blue Magic'
Iris 'Blue Magic'
Geophyte Border and Monocot Garden
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2' (Flame Thrower eastern redbud)
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2'
Flame Thrower eastern redbud
Mixed Hedge
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2' (Flame Thrower eastern redbud)
Cercis canadensis 'NC2016-2'
Flame Thrower eastern redbud
Mixed Hedge
Chionanthus retusus 'Ivory Tower' (columnar Chinese fringe tree)
Chionanthus retusus 'Ivory Tower'
columnar Chinese fringe tree
Southall Memorial Garden and Nearby Beds
Chionanthus retusus 'Ivory Tower' (columnar Chinese fringe tree)
Chionanthus retusus 'Ivory Tower'
columnar Chinese fringe tree
Southall Memorial Garden and Nearby Beds
Bignonia capreolata 'Jekyll' (crossvine)
Bignonia capreolata 'Jekyll'
Entrance Garden
Rhododendron 'Rlh1-11p1' (Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink azalea) and Tsuga chinensis (Chinese hemlock)
Rhododendron 'Rlh1-11p1'
Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink azalea and
Tsuga chinensis
Chinese hemlock
Asian Valley

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