Now Showing
April 20, 2020
Photographs by Tim Alderton
Asian Valley
variegated deutzia
Asian Valley
Alabama wild ginger
Swindell Contemplation Garden
Florida chocolate daisy
Scree Garden
Piedmont rhododendron
Lath House
Japanese roof iris
Perennial Border and Nearby Borders, Plantsmen’s Woods, and three other gardens
Henry's linden
District X Garden Club of North Carolina Wall Garden and Weeping Walk
variegated sycamore maple
Lath House
White Tiger Solomon's Seal
Lath House
White Tiger Solomon's Seal
Lath House
pink wild-indigo
Southall Memorial Garden and Visitor Center Beds
scarlet hedgehog cactus
Scree Garden
claret cup hedgehog cactus
A. E. Finley Rooftop Terrace Gardens
variegated stonecrop
A. E. Finley Rooftop Terrace Gardens
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