Now Showing

July 7, 2019

Photographs by Jeanne Wilkinson

Canna 'African Sunset' (canna lily)
Canna 'African Sunset'
canna lily
Monocot Garden and Perennial Border and Nearby Borders
Arachniodes standishii (upside-down fern)
Arachniodes standishii
upside-down fern
Lath House and Swindell Contemplation Garden
Abelia 'X10-9002-23' (abelia)
Abelia 'X10-9002-23'
Loblolly Grove and Plantsmen’s Woods
Aesculus parviflora f. serotina (late bottlebrush buckeye) - swallowtail butterfly
Aesculus parviflora f. serotina
late bottlebrush buckeye
swallowtail butterfly
Klein-Pringle White Garden
Eucomis 'Reuben' (hybrid pineapple lily)
Eucomis 'Reuben'
hybrid pineapple lily
Visitor Center Beds
Allium 'Millennium' (ornamental onion)
Allium 'Millennium'
ornamental onion
Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden, Monocot Garden, and two other gardens
Kirengeshoma koreana (white flush) (Korean waxbells)
Kirengeshoma koreana (white flush)
Korean waxbells
Lath House
Zinnia - swallowtail butterfly
swallowtail butterfly
Salvia 'Rfd2013-001' (sage)
Salvia 'Rfd2013-001'
Mixed Border
Cornus wilsoniana 'White Jade' (Wilson's dogwood)
Cornus wilsoniana 'White Jade'
Wilson's dogwood
Asian Valley

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