Now Showing

April 27, 2019

Photographer Susan Bailey

Paeonia 'Pink Double Dandy' (Keiko Itoh peony)
Paeonia 'Pink Double Dandy'
Keiko Itoh peony
Perennial Border and Nearby Borders
Aquilegia caerulea (Kirigami Light Blue & White Rocky Mountain columbine)
Aquilegia caerulea
Kirigami Light Blue & White Rocky Mountain columbine
Mixed Border and Mixed Hedge
Aesculus ×carnea 'Rosea' (red horse chestnut)
Aesculus ×carnea 'Rosea'
red horse chestnut
Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden, Wisteria Collection, and Nearby Beds
Aesculus ×carnea 'Rosea' (red horse chestnut)
Aesculus ×carnea 'Rosea'
red horse chestnut
Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden, Wisteria Collection, and Nearby Beds
Paeonia lactiflora (peony)
Paeonia lactiflora
Asian Valley
Echinocereus coccineus (scarlet hedgehog cactus)
Echinocereus coccineus
scarlet hedgehog cactus
Scree Garden
Chionanthus retusus (Chinese fringe tree)
Chionanthus retusus
Chinese fringe tree
Elm Circle and Nearby Beds

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