Now Showing

March 6, 2010

Nothoscordum sellowianum (false yellow crocus)
Nothoscordum sellowianum
false yellow crocus
Scree Garden
Iris [Reticulata Group] 'Spring Time' (netted iris)
Iris [Reticulata Group] 'Spring Time'
netted iris
Scree Garden
Hyacinthus orientalis 'White Festival' (garden hyacinth)
Hyacinthus orientalis 'White Festival'
garden hyacinth
Klein-Pringle White Garden
Iris [Reticulata Group] 'Pauline' (netted iris)
Iris [Reticulata Group] 'Pauline'
netted iris
Cornus officinalis 'Spring Glow' (cornelian cherry)
Cornus officinalis 'Spring Glow'
cornelian cherry
East Arboretum Beds and Fantasy Sweep
Prunus mume 'W. B. Clarke' (weeping flowering apricot)
Prunus mume 'W. B. Clarke'
weeping flowering apricot
Prunus mume 'W. B. Clarke' (weeping flowering apricot)
Prunus mume 'W. B. Clarke'
weeping flowering apricot
Crocus tommasinianus 'Ruby Giant' (Tommasini's crocus)
Crocus tommasinianus 'Ruby Giant'
Tommasini's crocus
Geophyte Border, Fantasy Sweep, and two other gardens
Ficaria verna 'Coppernob' (fig buttercup)
Ficaria verna 'Coppernob'
fig buttercup
Geophyte Border

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