Friends of the Arboretum Lecture Videos

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Friends of the Arboretum Lecture: "Wild, Tamed, Lost, Revived" - Diane Flynt

Diane will give you a taste of the surprising history of apples she uncovered while writing her book. She'll then be joined by a handful of her apple colleagues to have a rollicking discussion about the rich culture of apples.

Midweek with Dennis - "History of the Arboretum's Land"

Originally presented by Dennis Carey, Curator, JC Raulston Arboretum on February 9, 2023. Online replay presented by Dennis Carey, Curator, and Blake Wentley, Education Assistant, JC Raulston Arboretum on July 5, 2023.

"Botanical Treasures of New Zealand and Australia"

Pat McCracken, Garden Treasures

"Gardening with Grains"

Brie Arthur, Author, Horticulturist, Foodscape Consultant

"Canterbury Cathedral, Gardens, and Grounds Through Time"

Philip Oostenbrink, Canterbury Cathedral

"Horticultural Tartan—A Walk Through Scotland's Gardens and Landscapes Part II"

Amanda Wilkins, Juniper Level Botanic Garden

"New Zealand: A Garden Paradise"

Mark Weathington, Director

"A Sabbatical Adventure: Where 'Hort' meets 'Culture'"

Brian Jackson, Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University

"Horticultural Tartan—A Walk Through Scotland's Gardens and Landscapes"

Amanda Wilkins, Juniper Level Botanic Garden

"Diagnosing and Solving Problems: Step One to Garden Solutions"

Frank Louws, Ph.D., Head, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University

"My Life as a Perennial Gardener—Natural Habitats, Rarities, Beauties, My Nursery, and Its Showgardens in Austria"

Christian H. Kress, Sarastro Stauden, Austria

"Color Explosion: New Japanese Maples, Ginkgos, and Woody Ornamentals with Color"

Matt and Tim Nichols,

"Chinese Challenges ... Or I've Been Kicked out of Better Places than This!"

Mark Weathington, Director

"The History of Gardening: How Cultures, Events, and People Made Gardening What It Is Today"

Bryce Lane, NC State University

"Application of Genomics to Flowering Dogwood Conservation and Phylogeny and Biogeography of Mock Oranges"

Andrew Pais, Ph.D.

"Green Infrastructure: Why Horticulture Is the Key to Cities of the Future and Where You Fit In"

Debbie Hamrick, Director Specialty Crops, North Carolina Farm Bureau

"Bald is Beautiful: Working and Creating a Beautiful Winter Landscape"

Greg Paige, Arboretum Curator, Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories & Arboretum

"Exploring Cuba and South Africa with the JC Raulston Arboretum"

Mark Weathington, Director

Really Old Growth Forests—A Natural History of North America's Fossil Forests

Elisabeth Wheeler, Professor Emeritus, NC State University

"The Foodscape Revolution"

Brienne Gluvna Arthur

"Inspiring Gardens of the World"

John Elsley, Horticultural Consultant

"The Value of Seed Banks"

Janice Swab, Professor Emerita, Meredith College

"Contemporary Planting Design in Landscape Architecture"

Richard Hartlage, Land Morphology

"Poinsettia: A 200-year Journey from Gangly Mexican Shrub to Christmas Icon"

James E. Faust, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University

"Apples from the 'Seed' to the Table"

Mike Parker, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University

"Spoons, Spiders, and other Spectacular Mums: Explore the 13 Classes of Chrysanthemums"

Joan Matthews, President, Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society

"Show and Tell"

Laura Kaderabek, Jonathan Kressin, and David Roberts, Graduate Students, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University

"Five Simple Tasks for Great Roses"

David Pike, President and CEO, Witherspoon Rose Culture

"Q'eqchi' Maya Reproductive Ethnomedicine, Estrogenic Plant Use, and Women's Healing Traditions in Belize"

Jillian M. De Gezelle, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, NC State University

"Magnolias for the Southeast: My Passport to the World"

Cheryl Kearns, JCRA Board of Advisors and Magnolia Society International Member

"Adventures in Plant Breeding from the Deep South to the 45th Parallel"

Ryan Contreras, Ph.D., Oregon State University

"Sustainable Suburbia: Harnessing Nature's Superpowers in Your Yard"

Michelle Rose, Flower & Foliage Landscapes

"Plant Conservation in a Rapidly Changing World"

Peter Raven, Ph.D., President Emeritus, Missouri Botanical Garden

"A Tale of Two Interns and Two Cities"

Justin Durango and Colby Gumpton, Former JCRA Interns

"Conifers in the Landscape—Thank You Dr. Raulston"

Tom Cox, Cox Arboretum


Julia Kornegay, Ph.D., Department of Horticultural Science, NC State

"Looking Back, Looking Forward"

Ted Bilderback, Ph.D., Director

"Belvidere: An Evolution of a Plantsman's Garden"

Andrew Bunting, The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College

"China—Its Flora, Frustrations, and Future Prospects for American Gardens"

Richard T. Olsen, Ph.D., Research Geneticist, Floral and Nursery Plants Research Division, USDA

"The Road Goes Ever On—Travels in New Zealand"

Mark Weathington, Assistant Director and Curator of Collections

"The Greek Torch Continues to Shine in Our Everyday Life"

Constantinos Sfikas, Licensed Professional Guide, Professor at National Guiding School, and Program Director at Hellenic Educational Travel Service

"Great Gardens and Nature Sites in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia"

Tim Alderton, Research Technician, and Christopher Todd Glenn, Programs and Education Coordinator

"Going to Carolina for My Mind … and the Plants!"

Jared Barnes, Graduate Student, NC State University

"Creative Stone Possibilities: Solving Problems and Creating Whimsical Structures with Stone Creatively"

Graham Fry, Winding Path Custom Stone Masonry

"Tropical Travels: Studying, Working, and Interning in Paradise"

Amanda Wilkins, NC State University Horticulture Student and Former JCRA Intern