Location Index

The 5,017 locations listed on this page are included in the JC Raulston Arboretum Arboretum's Photograph Collection. Follow the links to see the photographs below or use the search page to find the photographs you'd like to see.

east of Salt Lake City 1
home 1
International Peace Gardens 1
mt vernon 1
mt. vernon 1
National Gallery of Art 1
ncan trade show 1
Sunshine Garden Center 1
west of Winston on I-85 1
Yucca do nursery 1
"The Block" 1
'Akaka Falls State Park 2
1971 Floriade site 1
1973 IGA trip 41
1993 yucca do trip to mexico 3
315 16th street 2
4 Mile Creek Road 115
40°15'47.0"N 106°27'34.0"W 11
40°19'50.9"N 106°32'06.2"W 16
40°22'00.6N 106°46'55.3W 1
40°22'31.9N 106°44'03.7W 127
40°23'29.1N 106°38'12.1W 101
40°24'16.6N 106°37'38.5W 107
42°05'29.2N 107°24'13.6W 12
42°20'08.0N 107°28'03.4W 5
44°28'06.0N 110°04'03.5W 21
44°29'23.6N 110°11'31.1W 15
44°29'46.0N 109°59'00.9W 31
44°30'07.2N 109°57'53.2W 10
44°30'14.8N 110°11'44.1W, Cub Creek 25
44°30'16.0N 110°14'26.9W 9
44°30'17.2N 110°15'59.2W 68
44°30'22.5N 110°14'37.7W 5
44°33'02.0N 110°18'01.1W 23
44°40'48.8N 110°29'23.1W, Hayden Valley 22
44°42'00.9N 110°44'40.5W, Grand Loop Rd 18
44°42'54.0N 110°30'05.8W, near upper Falls of the Yellowstone River 35
44°43'09.7N 109°18'36.2W, Dead Indian Hill Rd 62
44°43'12.7N 110°30'06.9W, Grand Loop Rd 11
44°43'13.6N 110°28'47.7W, Artist Point 16
44°47'24.5N 107°55'57.4W, US-14 Alt 45
44°47'30.2N 107°55'09.2W, US-14 Alt 50
44°48'09.5N 107°58'44.1W, Old US Hwy 14A 108
44°48'58.9N 107°53'29.5W, Forest Service Rd 12 89
44°51'40.6N 107°50'49.4W, Sheep Mountain Rd 159
44°56'14.7N 109°37'23.3W, Forest Rd 142 33
5 bridges area 6
99 Kensington High Street 7
a courtyard garden along Egerton Terrace 3
A E Finley Foundation 6
a N. C. nursery 5
a round burrow near Stonehenge 1
A. F. Vermeulen WZ 1
Aalsmeer Flower Auction 75
AAN green survival slide set 76
Abbotsbury Sub Tropical Gardens 9
Abbott Garden 5
ABC Flowers 1
ABG Gainesville 1
ABG Gainesville 8
Abkhazi Garden 295
Abkkhazi Garden 34
Acadia National Forest 13
Acadia National Park 9
Acer Acres Nursery 1
Acropolis 4
ad billboard 1
Adcock's Nursery 49
aerial photograph 3
aerial photography 4
aerial view 19
aerial view of Claprood 1
African violet show 2
Agecroft Hall 16
Agricultgural Research and Education Center, North Carolina State University 1
Agricultural Experiment Station 84
Agricultural Research and Education Center 19
Agricultural Research Station 1
Agricultural University of Norway (NLH) (now Agricultural University of Norway (Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB)) 15
Agriculturural Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences 1
Air Force Academy, Vandenberg Hall 1
Air France 8
air pollution sources 3
Airlie Gardens 204
airplane over New York 1
Alamo 8
Alan and Adrian Bloom's garden 71
Alan Galloway Garden 25
Albert Memorial 2
Alcazar 24
Aldridge Nursery 87
Alex Niemiera's garden 10
Alhambra 89
Ali Shan 55
All-America Rose Selections 7
Allison Garden 3
Alta Chalmers's garden 15
Amazon River 17
Amelia Lane's Garden 31
Amelia Lane's Residence 2
American Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta 1987 trip 66
American Association of Nurserymen headquarters 1
American Horticultural Society (AHS) 3
American Horticultural Society River Farm 20
Amon Carter Museum 1
Amsterdam 2
Amsterdam flower market 22
Amsterdam hotel 1
Anbo River, Yakushima Island 2
anchorage, Fairbanks, Nome 6
Andrews Air Force Base 2
Andy Hensley's home garden 22
angyo district 1
Animal Kingdom 15
Anne Armstrong's garden 14
Anne Ranch 4
Annes Grove Gardens 33
Annesley Gardens and National Arboretum, Castlewellan Forest Park 62
Annie's Annuals and Perennials 4
Antique Rose Emporium 28
Antonelli Brothers 4
Apalachicola National Forest 30
apartment building 1
apartment complex 3
Apex Nurseries 54
Appalachian Trees 6
apple country 1
apple district 1
Appledoorn Nursery 21
approach to Mokpo 1
Aquincum 27
Aramoana Nature Reserve 15
Arapaho National Forest along Squaw Pass Rd 43
Arapaho National Forest, Chicago Fords picnic ground 11
Arapaho National Forest, Chicago Forks picnic ground 48
Arapaho National Forest, Crest House 1
Arapaho National Forest, Echo Lake 20
Arapaho National Forest, Mount Evans 28
Arapaho National Forest, Mount Goliath Natural Area 137
Arapaho National Forest, Mt Evans Rd 113
Arapaho National Forest, Mt Evans Rd near Summit Lake 7
Arapaho National Forest, Mt Evans Rd, near Summit Lake 21
Arapaho National Forest, Mt Evans Rd, Summit Lake 3
Arapaho National Forest, Ponder Point 10
Arapaho National Forest, Ponder Point picnic ground 29
Arapaho National Forest, Summit Lake 50
Arbor Lane Nursery 3
Arboretum 10
Arboretum at New Hanover County, The 164
Arboretum at the University of California Santa Cruz, The 229
Arboretum of the Barnes Foundation, The 41
Arbuckle Mountains 5
Arches National Park 13
architect office 1
Architectural Trees 54
Architectural Trees (down the road) 7
Arctic 2
Arctic tundra 1
Arizona state line 1
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 279
Arkansas state border 1
Arkansas State Capitol Building 1
Arkansas state line 1
Arlington National Cemetery 18
Armstrong Atlantic State University 36
Armstrong garden 1
Armstrong Garden Centers 8
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, The 487
Arnold Arboretum of Havard University 67
Aroostook County 4
art and archeology museum 4
art museum 1
artichoke farms 1
Asakusa Shrine 2
asheville 1
Asheville (near) 3
Asheville Civic Center 17
Asheville garden scenes 31
asheville motel 1
Asheville Regional Airport 3
Asheville scenes 4
Asheville street fair 2
Asheville; interstate highway 1
Asheville; office park 6
Ashland Hollow (Bill and Nancy Frederick's home and garden) 44
Ashwood Nurseries 9
Asticou Inn 16
Atacames 5
Atelier de Cézanne (Cézanne's Studio) 12
Athenaeum Hotel 19
atlanta 2
Atlanta Botanical Garden 2,817
Atlanta Cyclorama, Grant Park 1
Atlanta History Center 25
Atlanta; highway planting 1
atlanta; post properties 1
Atlantic Ocean 1
Atlantis Paradise Island 18
Audley End House 79
Audubon House 1
Audubon Park 1
Audubon Zoo 11
Augusta National Golf Club - Fruitland Nurseries 2
Aukland Botanic Garden 353
Aukland Botanical Garden 1
Aukland International Airport 2
Austin Garden 18
Avenue del Liberation 2
Aztec capital 2
Aztec Ruins National Monument 4
Aztec Ruins National Monument, 4
B&D Farms 2
Bachman's 19
Back Bay Fens, James P. Kelleher Rose Garden 5
Back Bay Fens, Richard D. Parker Victory Gardens 25
backyard garden 7
Badlands National Monument 3
Badwater 2
Bagatelle 29
Baha'I Temple 2
Bahai Temple 1
Bailey Nurseries 25
bakery 2
bakery shop window 3
baking museum 4
Balboa Park 39
Baldwin Hills 1
Ball Seed Co. 29
Baltimore City Hall 1
Baltimore Inner Harbor 4
Baltimore urban renewal 27
Baltimore, MD, 1
Bamboo Gardens 13
Bamboo Nursery 1
Bambrick Nursery 9
Ban Engei Nursery 17
Bandelier National Monument 110
Banff National Park 8
bank 2
Bank of China Tower 1
Bantry House 8
Barbara and Loren Kennedy's garden 13
Barbara Green's Flocan Corp. 1
Barnesley House 18
Barnsley Gardens Resort 34
Bartlett Arboretum 154
Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories 56
Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories and Experimental Grounds 58
Bartram's Garden 8
Bath Abbey 11
Batsford Arboretum 33
Battery Park 248
Battle Rock City Park 61
Baucom's Nursery 42
bay 1
Bayard Cutting Arboretum 17
Bayham Abbey 1
Bayview Condominiums 9
BC Ferry 172
beach 9
beach cottage 2
beach park 1
Beacon Hill Park 45
Beacon Street 4
Bean-Roulston Cemetery 3
Bear Town Rocks 11
Bear's Tooth, 44°58'21.1N 109°27'43.4W, US-212 71
Bedgebury Pinetum 54
Behnke Nurseries Co., The 43
Beijing Airport 2
Beitou (Peitou) 4
Belfast Botanic Garden 7
Bellevue Botanical Garden 179
Bellingrath Gardens and Home 73
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center 15
Belvedere Guest House 1
Belvedere Palace 25
Benjamin Park, Bog Garden 8
Berggarten 115
Bergmann Nursery 5
Berkeley 3
Berkeley Horticultural Nursery 29
Berkshire Botanical Garden 25
Berkshire Garden Center 20
Berlin city street 14
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest 474
Berry Botanic Garden 1
Berthoud Falls, 39°46'11.2N 105°48'57.7W 25
Berthoud Pass, 39°47'54.0N 105°46'38.3W 36
Beryl Road 1
beside Santa Fe Community Convention Center 5
Beth and Juan Jimenez 34
Beth and Juan Jiminez's garden 50
Beth Chatto Garden 31
Beth Chatto Gardens 304
Betsy Sykes Garden 1
Betty Ford Alpine Gardens 223
Bev & Bob Walters garden 65
Biba 23
Bicentennial Mall 1
Big Bend National Park 37
big commercial grower 1
Big Horn Medicine Wheel 270
Big Tesuque Campground 112
Bill Adams garden 19
Bill and Linda Pinkham's garden 211
Bill Noble's home 1
Biltmore 77
Biltmore Estate 344
Bird Nursery 16
Birdoswald Fort 4
Birmingham Botanical Gardens 92
Birr Castle 24
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park 5
Black Forest 6
Black's Nursery 16
Blair Bridge Open Space 9
Blake Garden 12
Blandy Experimental Farm and the State Arboretum of Virginia 59
Blarney Castle 3
Blenheim Palace 19
Blithewold 15
Bloedel Reserve 111
Bloemenmarkt (Floating Flower Market) 1
Bloom Farm Nursery 2
Blooms of Bressingham 99
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina 31
Blue Jay Point County Park 15
Blue Mesa Dam 1
Blue Ridge Parkway 41
Blue Ridge Parkway, Arnold Valley 3
Blue Ridge Parkway, Chestoa View Trail 14
Blue Ridge Parkway, Fallingwater Cascades 28
Blue Ridge Parkway, Grandfather Mountain Overlook 3
Blue Ridge Parkway, Green Mountain Overlook 5
Blue Ridge Parkway, Humpback Rock Farm 5
Blue Ridge Parkway, North Cove Overlook 4
Blue Ridge Parkway, Otter Creek 5
Blue Ridge Parkway, Otter Creek Lake 8
Blue Ridge Parkway, Peaks of Otter Visitor Center 3
Blue Ridge Parkway, Ravens Roost Overlook 5
Blue Ridge Parkway, Rock Point Overlook 11
Blue Ridge Parkway, Rockfish Valley Parking Overlook 3
Blue Ridge Parkway, Terrapin Hill 1
Blue Ridge Parkway, Wilson Creek Valley Overlook 3
Blue Ridge Parkway, Yonahlossee Overlook 11
Blue Spring State Park 37
Bluemount Nursery 26
Bluestem Pasture Region 1
Bob Armstrong's garden and home 22
Bob Baker's garden and home 5
Bob Klausing garden 1
Bob Lyons's residence 6
Bobby Ward and Roy Dick's garden 38
Bobby Ward's garden 37
Boboli Gardens 23
Bodnant Garden 329
Boerner Botanical Gardens 165
Boiling Springs Lakes Preserve 12
Bojangles' 1
Bok Tower 2
Bok Tower Gardens 160
Bold Spring Nursery 7
Bonneville Salt Flats 4
bonsai 4
Bonsai Centrum 39
Bonsai Garden 42
Bonsai Garden at Seven Star Park 8
book 1
book copywork 46
book store 1
Boone, NC 17
Borde Hill Garden 10
Bordeaux Botanical Garden 5
Bordiers Nursery 38
Boschendal 21
boskoop 4
Boskoop Flower Fields 18
Boskoop Flower Fields, Nurseries 5
Boskoop Flower Fields, Nursery 6
Boskoop garden center 1
Boskoop Nursery 67
boskoop nursery district 4
boskoop nursery industry 1
boston cemetary 2
Boston Common 14
boston; private gardens 3
Bota Gardens 37
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem 152
Botanic Garden of Barcelona 1
Botanical Garden and Museum (Botanisk Have and Museum), University of Copenhagen 22
Botanical Garden of the University of Basel 42
Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra 16
Botanical Garden of the University of Hohenheim 31
Botanical Garden of the University of Tübingen 21
Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna, The 22
Botanical Gardens University of Wroclaw 54
Botanical Gardens, Royal Victoria Park 31
Botanical Institute, University of Basel 19
Botanischer Garten der Universität Hamburg (Botanischer Garten Hamburg) (The Botanical Garden of Hamburg University) 345
Botanischer Garten der Universität Heidelberg (Heidelberg Botanical Garden) 43
Botanischer Garten Rombergpark 43
Boulders Beach, Table Mountain National Park 51
Bourneville 2
Bovees Nursery 12
Bowood House and Gardens 22
Bradenton Beach 3
Bradenton experiment station 3
Brandenburg Gate 2
Brandywine River Museum 12
Branklyn Gardens 9
Brattle Square Florist 1
Breckenridge Park 3
Brent and Becky's Bulbs 241
BrentBrent and Becky's Bulbs 47
Bressingham Plant Centre 19
Brian Simet's garden 34
Brie Arthur's garden 51
Brigg's Nursery 18
Briggs Nursery 92
Brighton Boardwalk 2
British Columbia Legislature Building 18
British Museum 141
Brompton Oratory 1
Brompton Rd. looking toward Harrods 1
Brookgreen Gardens 83
Brooklyn Botanic Garden 504
Brooklyn Bridge 1
brooklyn museum 1
Brooks Avenue 1
Brookside Gardens 554
Brown Garden 19
Bruce Clodfelter's garden 41
bruce mowrey research 7
Brunswick County Center 28
Bruntwood Nursery 9
Bryan and Cassandra Barrett's garden 135
Bryce Canyon National Park 12
Buchanan's Nursery 1
Buchholz and Buchholz Nursery 394
Buckhead 2
Buckhead Plaza 1
Buckingham Palace 9
Buckingham Palace - Canada Gate 1
Buckingham Palace backside 1
Buckingham Palace Gardens 1
Buckingham Palace worker entrance 1
Budapest Museum of Fine Arts 5
Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden 18
Buddhist temple 2
Buds N Blooms (Buds & Blooms) 11
Buena Vista Garden Shops 1
Bunn Garden 17
Burncoose Nurseries 25
Burrard Street Bridge 8
Busch Gardens 42
Busch Stadium 1
Butchart Gardens 542
Butchart Gardens, the 181
Butler Nursery 15
Byers Nursery 25
cactus beds 1
cactus house 11
Caerhays Castle 137
Caerhays Estate 1
Caesars Palace 6
Cafe Museum 2
California coast 11
California Florida Plant Company 7
California Polytechnic State University, Pomona (Cal Poly) 19
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) 7
California river stop 24
California state border 1
California State Capitol 22
California State Capitol grounds 2
California State Fair 23
Callaway Gardens 393
Calvary Episcopal Church 32
Cam & Dean Williams Garden 33
Cam and Dean Williams' garden 1
Cambridge University Botanic Garden 211
Camden Children's Garden 1
Camellia Forest Nursery 19
Camellia Garden 1
Cameron Park 2
Cameron Village 12
Camino de los Indios 5
campground east of Salt Lake City 1
Canadian national capital 1
Canadian national capitol 1
Canadian prairie provinces 1
Canadian prairies 3
Canadian prairies, Manitoba 1
Canadian Rockies 2
Cannery Row 1
Canton Cafe 1
Canyon de Chelly National Monument 2
Cape Fear Botanical Garden 1
Cape Hatteras 3
Cape Hatteras National Seashore 3
Cape of Good Hope, Table Mountain National Park 63
Cape of St. Vincent (Cabo de São Vicente) 1
Cape Roca (Cabo da Roca) 5
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park 272
Capitol Reef National Park 3
Capulin Volcano National Monument 1
Cardiff city park 1
Carhenge 10
Caribbean 4
Carillon Hotel 2
Carl and Nancy Ward's garden 8
Carl and Nancy Ward's home 5
Carl S. English Jr. Botanic Garden 27
Carlsbad Caverns National Park 7
Carnaby 2
Caro-Green Nursery 11
Carolina Country Club 35
Carolina Nursery 2
Carroll's Plant Center 25
Carter's 2
Casa de Pilatos 7
Case Estates of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, The 20
Casey Garden 12
Castle Kennedy Gardens 11
Cathy Fromme shortgrass prairie 90
Catigny Park 30
CCC camps 1
Cedar Creek Gallery 8
Cedar Lane Nursery 14
Cellars-Hohenort Hotel 44
cemetary 1
cemetary - copywork 1
cemetery 5
cemetery cemetery 1
Centennial Campus 2
Centennial Park 6
center city 1
center city business district 1
Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington 17
Central Carolina Community College, Small Business Assistance Center 18
Central Florida nurseries 17
central florida nursery 10
Central Florida Research and Education Center 1
central Idaho 1
central Italy 4
Central National Bank and Trust Co. 3
Central Otago 109
Central Park 242
Central Park, Conservatory Garden 15
Central Valley 10
Century Garden 7
Century Garden, the 13
ceramic factory 4
Cerne Abbas Giant 1
Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens, The Ohio State University 12
Champion Nursery 2
Chandor Gardens 29
Chanticleer 498
Chanticleer Garden 87
Chapultepec Park 3
Charles de Gaulle International Airport 1
Charleston 2
charlotte city parking deck 1
charlotte city street 2
Charlotte gardens and scenes 15
Charlotte Presley's garden 1
Charlottenburg Palace (Schloss Charlottenburg) 35
Château de Chenonceau 22
Château de Versailles 63
Chatsworth 88
Chatsworth Garden Centre 18
Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport 3
Chautauqua Park 35
Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art 29
Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Hospital Chelsea 406
Chelsea Physic Garden 293
Chengdu Botanical Garden 83
Chengdu Flower Market 35
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding 22
Chengdu Temple 77
Chenshan Botanical Garden 17
Cherokee Botanical Garden and Nature Trail 8
Cherokee Strip Museum 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (near Fletcher's Boat House) 1
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (C&O Canal) 6
Chesapeake Bay 1
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel 3
Chestnut Hill 1
Chiba University 12
Chicago 19
Chicago Botanic Garden 1,168
Chicago city street 1
Chicago downtown 5
Chicago Flower and Garden Show, McCormick Place 24
Chicago street 2
Chicago street scene 1
Chicago; 1
Chickory Nursery 2
Chihuly Garden and Glass 30
Chilean cemetery 4
Chilham Castle 15
Chinatown 59
Chindo Island 86
Chinese Culture Center of Vancouver 1
Chinese exhibit 3
Chinese Garden Zürich, The (Chinagarten Zürich) 2
Chinese Garden, The (Yu Hwa Yuan) 42
Chinese history 2
Chinese mountain range 1
Chinka-En 5
Chipinque 2
Chiswick House 11
Chollipo Arboretum 90
Chris Carley's home 2
Christ Church 2
Christchurch Botanic Gardens 290
Christian Science Center, Christian Science Plaza 6
Christmas tree farm 1
Christmas trip 1986-87 37
chrysanthemum show 26
Chuetsu Engei Nursery 18
church 4
Church Garden 2
church graveyard 1
Churchyard 18
Cincinnati 3
Cincinnati home 1
Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal 5
Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal, Museum of Natural History and Science 3
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden 30
Cistus Nursery 125
citrus farm - Central Valley 2
citrus orchard 1
city 3
city street 1
city bank 3
city building 1
city buildings and landscapes 18
city center 8
City College of San Francisco 6
city commercial building 1
city harbor 1
city highway 4
city landscape 2
city mall 7
City Market 7
city nursery 4
city outdoors 2
city park 65
city parking lot 2
city pastry/chocolate store 1
city plaza 1
city property 1
city scene 1
city square 1
city street 122
city street - home 1
city street - private home residence 1
city street home 1
city street home tree 2
city street near cameron village 3
city street near ncsu 1
city street near Washington 3
city street residential 1
city street, prairie provinces 1
city street, small mountain town 1
city street; private home 1
city townhouse 2
city townhouses 1
city tree nursery 2
city, downtown 1
ciudad del Toro 1
civic center 1
civic center - home & garden show 1
CJ Dykes Garden 59
Clapton Court 8
Claremont Gardens 1
Claremont Landscape Garden 25
Clatsop management forest 4
Clear Creek State Park 38
Clearwater Beach 1
Clemson University 26
Cleveland 18
cleveland garden center 1
Cleveland garden centers 7
Cleveland Museum of Art 21
Cliffs of the Neuse State Park 4
Clinton Nurseries of Florida 20
Cloisters 4
Clover Point Park 16
CO-24 east of Hartsel 12
CO-9 east of Fairplay 12
CO-9 near Breckenridge 19
coast 1
Coast Road, West of Cape Town 22
coastal city 1
coastal Florida 1
Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm 40
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens 50
coastal Oregon 39
coastal southern Oregon 1
coastal VA 1
coastal Washington 11
Cobia's Nursery 27
Coburn Nursery 2
Cochiti Lake Dam 2
Coenosium Gardens 45
Coker Arboretum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 30
Cold Creek Farm 1
Cold Crick Farm 2
Coles Nurseries 7
Collector's Nursery 50
Collector’s Nursery 3
college park 1
college parking lot 1
Collyweston House 1
Colonial Williamsburg 86
color house 1
Colorado 131 134
Colorado 131, north of Wolcott 65
Colorado 131, State Bridge 1
Colorado 40°22'00.6N 106°46'55.3WMountain College 8
Colorado Convention Center 54
Colorado Mountain College 73
Colorado Museum of Natural History (now Denver Museum of Nature and Science) 8
Colorado state border 1
Colorado State Capitol 2
Colorado State University 3
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) 8
columbia 3
Columbia River 3
Columbia River Gorge 1
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area 25
Columbia River Valley 2
Columbus Home Tour 17
commercial bulb farm 1
commercial business 1
commercial fruit and vegetable fields 3
commercial fruit area 2
commercial gas station 1
commercial greenhouse range 1
commercial landscape development 1
commercial landscaping 8
Commercial Nursery 5
commercial office building - rooftop garden 1
commercial office park 1
commercial plant ranch, San Diego 1
commercial planting 1
commercial property 3
commercial shopping center 4
commercial shopping center - mall planting 1
commercial vegetable fields 5
commune 35
community college 1
Community Heroes Park 69
commuter train station 1
Como Zoo and Marjorie McNeely Conservatory, Como Park 13
Compton Acres 18
comstock ferre 1
Conard-Pyle 2
conifer collector home garden 4
conifer hobbyist collector 1
Connecticut River Valley 3
Connie and Jim Maynard's garden 28
Connie Sithes 34
Connie Sithes garden 21
Conservatorio Guillermo Tomás Bouffartigue 12
conservatory 2
Conservatory in Seoul 16
Conservatory of Flowers 98
Constitution Gardens 5
construction site 3
container nursery 7
Continental Florists 3
Contractor containers 1
convention center 2
Cook Forest State Park 14
Copacabana 4
copy from national geographic 1
copy work 49
copy work (Sacramento) 1
copy work - from bot gardens of china book 1
copy work - history 2
copy work - photo 1
copy work - Raleigh 1
copy work - ubc slide; 1
copy work text 2
copy work; 1
copy work; athens; university of georgia 1
copywork 1
copywork 141
copywork - 1
copywork - people, history 1
copywork - text/ figure diagram 1
copywork from American Horticultural Society journal 1
copywork text 6
copywork, people, history 1
copywork, postcard 1
copywork; glasshouse history 37
copywork; kyoto 3
copywork; simpson hollies 2
copywork; sna nursery trade show90 1
copywork; wayside gardens; 1
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park 2
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary 10
Cornelius Nurseries 63
Cornell Plantations, Cornell University 101
Cornell University 4
corporate office park 6
corporate office park building 1
Costa Brava 5
country club homes street 24
country farmhouse 1
country farmstead 1
country home 3
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum 2
country road 9
country road past orton plantation 1
countryside 11
Covent Garden Market 27
Cox Arboretum & Gardens MetroPark 18
Coyle Gardens 12
CP&L 2
Crabtree Creek below Laurel Hills Development 33
Crarae Garden 14
Crater Lake 2
Crater Lake National Park 100
Craters of the Moon National Monument 1
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve 9
Craven County Center 28
Crazy Horse Memorial 2
Creative Gardens 18
credit union 2
Creekside II Office Park 9
Croatan National Forest 152
Crosby Arboretum, Mississippi State University 38
Cross Creek Mall 7
Crown Center 10
Crown Center Hotel 9
Crowther of Syon Lodge 10
Crûg Farm Plants 375
Crystal Palace 1
Cucharas Pass 4
Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village 19
Cullowhee (near George's home) 1
Cullowhee; western North Carolina Smoky Mountains 1
Cumberland Falls State Resort Park 3
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park 1
Cupertino highway 3
Cupertino Nursery 1
cut branch nursery 18
Cyndy Allison's garden 19
Cypress Creek Nursery 50
Cypress Falls Park 76
Cypress Gardens 151
Cypress Point 1
D. H. Hill Library 34
D. Hill Nursery Co. 1
d.r. arroyo 1
Dadohae-Haesang National Park 1
Daffodil Mart 11
Dai-Ichi garden shop 1
dairy farmer private home 1
Daley Plaza 4
Dallas 4
Dallas Arboretum 171
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden 108
Dallas Home and Garden Show 8
Dallas Museum of Art 55
Dallas Nurseries 7
Dallas Nurseries Garden Center 6
Dallas; commercial office building 4
Dan and Carolyn Solomon's garden 19
Dan Hinckley's home 1
Dan Hinkley Garden 17
Dan Johnson's garden 17
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden 291
Darlingtonia State Natural Site 4
Darmstadt 1
Darmstadt Botanical Garden (Botanischer Garten Darmstadt) 18
Dasyueshan 47
date farm in southern California 1
Davidson College 30
Davie Street 2
Davie Street; Founders Row Condominiums 3
Davis (near) 1
Davis Mountains 10
Dawes Arboretum, The 31
Dawyck Botanic Garden 9
daylily show 12
Dayuling 23
DC Armory 26
De Soto National Memorial 3
Dead Indian Hill, Dead Indian Hill Rd 154
Dead Indian Summit Overlook 6
Death Valley National Park 29
December 1995 trip to Asia and England 1
Deer Chase Garden 13
Delaware state border 1
delmarva peninsula; coastal va 1
Den Permanente 7
Dennis and Georgina Werner's garden 57
Dennis Carey's garden 1
Dennison Mall 1
Denver Art Museum 3
Denver Botanic Garden 310
Denver Botanic Gardens 492
Denver Botanic Gardens - Chatfield 97
Denver Botanical Garden 187
Denver International Airport 1
Denver Wholesale Florist Co. 10
department store 9
department store nursery 4
Des Moines, state capital of Iowa 2
Descanso Gardens 84
Deschutes River Gorge 5
desert 9
Desert Botanic Garden 11
Desert Botanical Garden 298
Desert Garden, Balboa Park 17
deshima island 1
Deward Clark's home, garden, and nursery (Creative Landscape Designs) 61
Dick Hupfel 3
Dilatush Nursery 9
Dinghushan National Nature Reserve 56
dinner table 3
Dino Land 2
Dinosaur National Monument 1
Dinosaur Ridge 73
Discov-Tree Partners 1
Dismal Swamp Canal 1
Disney Wilderness Preserve 38
Disneyland 45
Dixon Gallery and Gardens 1
Dobbies Garden Center 10
Dolph Park 24
Domaine de Maizerets 18
Domaine Maizerets Arboretum 48
Don & Mary LaFond Garden 149
Don and Tina Rose client home 16
Don and Tina Rose home 24
Don and Tina Rose home garden 3
Don and Tina Rose nursery 6
Don Barnett's garden 31
don williams home 8
Donald E. Davis Arboretum 24
Donald E. Davis Arboretum, Auburn University 7
Donnelly Garden 2
Double Tree Hotel 5
Doug Ruhren's garden 6
douglas fir maze 3
Dover strawberry lab 1
Dow Gardens 15
downtown 47
downtown Atlanta 1
downtown Atlanta hotel 2
downtown Chicago 1
downtown city park (across from police station) 1
downtown Durham 5
downtown government buildings 15
downtown hotel 1
downtown LA buildings and parks 25
downtown office building 1
downtown park 1
downtown parking lot 2
downtown Pittsburgh 14
downtown Pittsburgh, golden triangle 6
downtown Raleigh 10
downtown Raleigh construction 18
downtown Raleigh parking lot 1
downtown seattle 6
downtown shop 3
downtown street 7
downtown streets 1
downtown urban parking lot 1
downtown Washington DC 1
downtown, near Greenway Gardens 1
Dr Kellam Rhododendrons 5
Dr Sun Yat Sen Park 2
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden 41
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Classic Chinese Garden 44
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden 82
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park 24
Dr. Yokoi garden 43
Dragon Falls 110
drive back from Great Wall 1
drought garden, xeriscape 11
Drummond Gardens 18
duck hupfel 1
Dujiangyan Irrigation System park 35
Duke Farms 5
Duke Gardens 3
Duke University 1
Duke University, Duke University Chapel 2
Dula's Nursery 33
Dulles International Airport 3
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection 153
Dunedin Botanic Garden 798
Dunham Massey estate 1
Dunmore Pineapple 10
during Floriade '72 8
Dusseldorf Landscape Show 107
Dutch flower market 2
Dutch home landscaping 9
Dutch horticulture 5
Dutch landscaping 4
Dutch plant production 1
Dutch street 1
E. Howe Street and 10th Avenue East 1
Earl J. Small, Inc. 12
Earl's Court Hotel 3
Earthquake Lake 3
earthquake park 1
east Berlin tour 1
East Carolina University 1
East China Sea 10
east gallery of art 2
East Germany, trip to Berlin 25
east Hampton; Larsen 1
east Hampton; Larsen garden 2
east Hampton; long island; Larsen home 24
East Lambrook Manor Gardens 13
east Lansing; msu; Michigan state university; 1
east Lansing; msu; Michigan state university; Beal botanic gardens 3
east of Salt Lake City 2
East Texas 7
East Texas beach 2
Easter lily capital 1
eastern evergreen nursery; western Maine forest nursery 6
eastern NC 1
eastern NC nursery 2
eastern nc rural area 2
eastern Oklahoma 5
Eastern Shore 2
eastern sierras 2
eastern us 1
eck/winterow garden 3
Eckerd drug 1
Eckerd drug plant sales 1
ecke’s poinsettias 1
economics of horticulture 9
Eddie Rezek garden, conifer collector home garden 1
eddleman garden 1
eddleman garden; durham 1
Eden park garden centre 7
Edenton 2
Edinburgh 16
Edison home 1
Edith Eddleman's garden 25
Eduardo Gomes International Airport 2
Egyptian bazaar 1
Egyptian bazaar, plant market 22
Eiffel Tower 14
either Annapolis or Baltimore 1
either J. C.'s home office, or UCBG director's office 1
either Seattle or Portland, pacific northwest 12
El Caracol 24
el prado 2
El Prado art museum 2
el presidio nursery 20
Elephant Head Lodge 26
elgin botanic garden 1
Elizabeth Lawrence Garden 19
Elizabethan gardens 24
Elizabethan Gardens, The 22
Elk Rock Garden 82
Elk Rock Gardens of the Bishop's Close 93
Embarcadero Plaza 4
Emei Shan 368
Emei Shan Botanic Garden 21
Emei Shan Botanical Garden 26
Emei Shan village 8
Encinitas commercial flower fields 1
Encinitas; rancho Verde 1
Englemann Nursery 1
englemann’s foliage 3
English Park 13
English style garden 21
English style garden in France 1
Enid A Haupt Garden 20
Enid iris show 1
Eno River State Park 4
entrance to Utah at state border 1
Environmental Farms, TAMU hort students trip to Mexico 13
Environmentals Nursery 61
epidauros 15
epidauros museum 5
ercolano, Herculaneum 33
Eskimo village above arctic circle 1
Esterhazy 6
Estes Park 1
Esveld Nursery, Mr. van Geldem owner-manager 30
Eugene city scenes 3
eugene; o’bryne garden 2
Euro Disneyland (Disneyland Paris) 81
Europe 1
European Horticulture 159
European Horticulture; multiscreen show 2
European Horticulture; mutiscreen show 2
Eva winters private garden 1
everglades 1
Everglades National Park 6
Evergreen Federal Savings 7
Exbury Gardens 12
Experiment Farm 24
Experiment Station 115
experiment station, college of agriculture 1
experiment station, german research center 1
Expo '74 14
Expo '74 trip, downtown Spokane 2
Expo '86, Vancouver 1985 preview 7
Expo '86, Vancouver 1986 69
Expo '86, Vancouver 1986, Oregon display 13
Expo 67 29
Expo 67 site 8
Expo 67 site; habitat apartments 1
Expo 70 88
Expo 70 trip 3
expt station house 1
Eyebeam 9
Face Rock State Park 153
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden 422
Fairmont Empress 3
fairmont park 18
Fairmont Park; Philadelphia Zoo 16
fairy castle of dreams 7
Fairy Stone State Park 1
Falkland Palace 20
Falling Waters, Frank Lloyd Wright house 35
Fallingwater 1
falls of the neuse state park 1
Falls Revival 5
Fantasy Garden 13
Far Reaches Farm 49
farm 23
Farm museum 1
farm near Orland E. White Arboretum (Blandy Experimental Farm) 1
farm near orlando e. white arboretum 1
farm pasture 4
farm stand 6
farm, Raulston garden 1
farm, Raulston house 1
farmers market 5
farmers market garden center 8
farwest nursery trade show 9
farwest show 6
farwest show; Portland civic center 2
fast food outlet 1
faun garden center 2
Fayetteville Street 6
Fayetteville street mall 53
fearrington village 19
fearrington village garden 1
federal mall 1
Fernhill 18
ferry Morse 2
ferry Morse seed 1
ferry Morse seed co 1
ferry Morse seed company 1
field nursery 5
fields 1
fields along the M3 1
Filoli 73
Finca La Vigía 57
Finch Blueberry Nursery 11
Finger Rock 2
firenze 5
first us settlement 1
Fischers' Greenhouses 1
Fischetti Nursery 6
Fishbourne 14
Fisherman Creek Falls 47
Flag Staff Road 60
flamingo hilton hotel 2
fletcher; mountain crops horticultural research station 5
Fletcher; mountain crops horticultural station 1
Fletcher; mountain horticultural crops research station 1
floating flower market 19
Flora Knoll Farm 31
Flora Knoll Farms 4
Floral Acres 7
Floral Crops 46
Florence science museum, firenze 22
Floriade 1
Floriade '72 142
Floriade '72 park 7
Floriade '82 221
Floriade 1981 20
floriculture 1
Florida floriculture 49
Florida floriculture, Yoder brothers 1
Florida floriculture; dorea's flower farm 1
Florida floriculture; earl j. small, inc. 1
Florida florist 1
Florida Flower Association 1
Florida foliage plants greenhouse 1
Florida Keys 5
Florida landscape plants 126
Florida state capital 1
Florida state line 1
Florida State University 1
Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument 42
florist 5
florist shop 29
flower fields 5
flower grower 6
Flower growers 88
Flower Hill Nature Preserve 99
Flower Market 41
Flower Market and Park 10
flower production nurseries 42
Flower Show 25
flower show competition 2
flower stand 1
flowerwood nurseries 2
Flowerwood Nursery 36
foliage plant grower 1
forbidden city 1
forbidden city imperial garden 33
forbidden city, imperial palace garden 2
forbidden city; imperial palace entrance 3
forecourt fountain 1
Forest Farm Nursery 16
Forest Ridge Condominiums 2
Forestfarm 43
formal garden 1
Forsyth Park 4
Fort Defiance Park 27
fort fisher state park 3
Fort Smith National Historic Site 2
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site 1
fort worth 1
fort worth (near); Martha Schwartz landscape 1
Fort Worth Botanic Garden 140
fort worth municipal park 2
fort worth water garden 12
fort worth Zen garden 1
forum 5
FossilPlants 13
Founders Row and City Market redevelopment 23
fountain square nursery 83
Four Corners Monument 1
Fox Greenhouse, NCSU 36
framptons greenhouses 1
Framptons nursery 44
France Spain border 1
France Spain border, Costa Brava 2
Frank Lloyd Wright, usonian house 9
Frank's Garden Center 1
frank's nursery 1
Frankfurt Botanic Garden 44
Frankfurt Botanical Garden 55
Franklin college 1
Franklin Nursery 5
Franklin Park (AmeriFlora '92) 119
Franz Roozen nursery 1
Franz Roozen gardens 3
Franz Roozen Nurseries 24
Franz Roozen nursery 2
Frazee Flower Farms 39
Fredericksburg; Washington gardens 1
fredericksburg; watson gardens 7
freeway park 38
freeway park; washington state convention center 1
French Market 3
French Nursery 11
frog garden 14
fruit store 1
Fullerton arboretum, CSFU 28
furnace creek 1
furniture store 1
Furrows 12
Furzey Gardens 10
Fusterlandia 17
Gabberts 3
Gadsden Co. FL 7
Gail Norwood's garden 43
Galle home 3
Galleria store 2
galveston - moody gardens 9
galveston; moody gardens 12
garden 5
garden art store 5
garden center 367
garden center, gardenspot plant shop 5
garden center, San Diego 27
garden center, the growing grounds 1
garden centre 4
Garden Chicory 2
garden concept idea for arboretum planning 1
garden for blind 4
garden in the woods 151
Garden Kinosata Nursery 3
Garden Kinosato 34
Garden Museum 41
garden of Eden 2
garden of solace 2
Garden of the Gods 93
Garden of the Humble Administrator 63
Garden Supply Company 2
garden supply store 3
garden valley nursery 3
Gardens at Horticulture Centre of the Pacific, the 155
Gardens of the Big Bend 10
Gardens of the Blue Ridge Nursery 18
gardenspot plant shop 1
Gardenview Horticultural Park 14
Gardner street 8
gardner street homes 1
Garfield Park Conservatory 273
Garnish Island (Ilnacullin, Garinish Island, or Garnish) 35
gary koller home 11
gary koller landscape 1
Gary's Nursery 44
gas station 10
gas station parking lot 3
gasworks park 23
Gazebo and Reynolds Garden Centers 22
GCES Gulf Coast Experiment Station 16
GCRI: Glasshouse Crops Research Institute 13
Gee Farms 121
Geissen Botanic Garden 33
gene cline garden 24
generalife 6
Generalife, adjacent to Alhambra 27
Geneva 7
Geneva Botanical Garden 43
Geneva park 4
gentling garden 3
geographical center of North America 1
George and Helen Fleming's garden 16
George Washington Masonic Temple 1
Georgia Aquarium 35
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Research Center 4
Georgia Strait 2
Georgia World Congress Center 32
georgia world trade center 1
German highway 3
Getty 1
Getty Center, The 60
Getty garden and museum 1
Getty museum 2
Ghalli's Garden Center 35
Giant's Causeway 7
Giardini Botanici Hanbury (Hanbury Botanic Gardens), Università degli Studi di Genova (University of Genoa) 72
Gibbon Falls 16
Gilberg Farms 5
Gilberts Nursery 22
Gimpo International Airport 1
ginkgo plantation 2
ginkgo temple 1
girls' schoolyard 6
Glacier National Park 2
Gladiolus research 80
Gladiolus research, aerial view 4
Gladiolus research, AREC 1
Glasgow Botanic Gardens 13
Glasgow School of Design 12
glasshouse crops research institute 4
Glasshouse Works Nursery 65
Glen Canyon Dam 8
Glen Canyon Gorge 1
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 4
Glen Flora 2
Glen Flora Nursery 13
Glendurgan 8
Glenwood Ave. near Duraleigh Rd. 2
Gloria Church 6
gold pavilion 5
Gold Pyramid 19
golden gate bridge 3
Golden Gate Park 97
Golden Gate Park Japanese garden 14
Golden Gate Park, Japanese garden 1
Golden Gate Park, strybing arboretum 5
golden gate park; strybing arboretum 1
golden pavilion 1
Goldstream Provincial Park 80
golf world hall of fame 1
Goodness Grows Nursery 16
Gossler Farms Nursery 201
gossler nursery 5
Gotemba 4
Gotemba Nursery 27
government building 4
government buildings 1
Government House 399
government office complex 1
governor's mansion 2
governors palace 1
governor’s mansion 7
Gozinyama 10
graceland 2
Graduate school trip 7
graduate school University of Maryland 137
graduate student trip across United States 1
Graham and Helen Ray's garden 119
Graham Ray's Home 34
Granada to Cordoba road 2
grand bazaar 2
Grand Canyon 1
Grand Canyon National Park 25
Grand Canyon Park 27
Grand Ole Opry House 1
Grand Park 42
Grand Park zoo 7
Grand Teton National Park 11
Grandfather Mountain 30
Grandma Eva Winter's private garden 1
grandparents garden 3
Grant Park 2
Granville Bridge 11
Granville Island 5
Granville Island Public Market 3
grasses park 4
Great Comp 55
Great Comp Garden 84
Great Dixter 44
great dixter garden 1
Great Dixter, Christopher Lloyd garden 17
Great Dixter, Christopher Lloyd's garden 18
Great Lakes 3
Great Mayhem House 12
great plains 1
Great Salt Lake 2
great smokies 1
Great smokies national park 1
Great Wall 50
Greater Abaco Island 1
Greater Columbus Convention Center 4
Greece 1
Greek Museum 12
green animals garden 11
green animals; 4
Green Nursery 10
Green Park 1
Green Spring Gardens 85
green swamp 19
Green Swamp Preserve 286
Green Thumb Garden Center 1
green valley nursery 10
Greenacre Park 7
Greenfield Park 13
Greenfield village 6
greenhouse 11
greenhouse grower 9
Greenhouse Operations 84
Greenleaf Nursery Co. 367
Greensboro Arboretum 14
Greensboro Coliseum 69
Greenville Creek Mine 411
Greenway Gardens and The Redd Sled Christmas Shop 43
Greer Gardens 48
Grey's Court 9
gro-plant corporation 2
gro-plant corporation nursery 4
gro-plant industries 1
Gro-Plant Nursery 1
gro-plant warehouse 1
grosvenor arms apts - hillsborough street 5
grove park inn 3
grower 1
grower greenhouse 6
grower home 2
grower's home 8
Guanwu 87
guell park, Gaudi design 26
Guggenheim 4
Guilin (Kwelin) mountains 54
Guilin Liangjiang International Airport 1
guilin zoo 5
gulf coast experiment station 7
gulf coast research station 1
Gulf Stream Greenhouses 5
Gunbarrel area 26
gunston hall 3
habitat, Expo 67 site 2
Haddon Hall 15
Hadrian's Villa 20
Hadrian's wall 2
Hahn Horticulture Gardens, VA Tech 8
Hakone Garden 9
Hakusanontakejinja Shrine 2
haleakala mountain; Maui 1
haleakala national park 1
haleakala national park, Maui 2
half moon bay 3
Hamasaka youth hostel 1
hamburg (near); german research center 2
hamburg (near); nursery crops research station 17
Hamilton botanic garden 28
Hamilton Botanical Garden 22
Hamilton Gardens 86
Hamilton; royal botanic gardens 1
Hampton Court 76
Hampton Court Palace 117
Hampton court; 1
Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Experiment Station 542
Hamptons, Hampton estates, Flowers & Company 1
hamptons; long island; Larsen house 1
Hanbury Botanic Garden 25
Hangshow Botanic Garden 41
Hangzhou Botanical Garden 62
Hannover Botanical Garden 34
Hans Simon Nursery 39
Hanshan Temple 14
Hanson Garden 1
Hanson groundcovers 5
harbor 5
Harborplace 26
hardees on 15-501 highway 1
hardees restaurant 1
hardees restaurant on 15-501 1
hardee’s restaurant 15-501 hwy 1
hargett street 1
harima zahin slope; cherry tree street 3
Harlem 1
Harlequin Plaza 5
Harlow car garden 50
Harlow car gardens 1
Harmony School 1
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden 194
harrah's showboat 1
Harris Beach State Park 72
Harrison's nature park 19
Harrods 2
Harry & David, Jackson & Perkins, Bear Creek Orchards 2
Harry P. Leu Gardens 298
Harvard Museum of Natural History 80
Harvard University 20
Harvard university; 1
Harvest Farms 3
harvest farms nursery 11
hatteras 1
Havard 3
Haverford College 3
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park 1
Hawaii 13
Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden 37
Hawaii, Foster Garden 1
Hawaii, Kalapana Black Sand Beach 1
Hawaii, Kau district 1
Hawaii, Kealakehua Bay 1
Hawaii, Kona coast 9
Hawaii, Kong's Garden 3
Hawaii, Lava Tree State Park 1
Hawaii, MacKenzie Park 1
Hawaii, Parker Cattle Ranch 1
Hawaii, Puna district 4
Hawaiian islands 1
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park 5
Hawkins Nursery 6
Hawks Ridge Nursery 19
Hawksridge Farms 130
hawk’s ridge nursery 5
Hayes Plantation 1
Head-Lee Nursery 21
Hearst Castle 30
heckler pass nursery 6
heckler pass nursery northern California 1
heckler pass nursery, northern California 2
heckler pass wholesale nursery 2
Hefner's Nursery 16
hegg poinsettias 1
Hehuan Shan 52
Hehuanshan 2
Heian Shrine 24
Heidelberg Castle 10
Heidelberg Institute for Plant Science Botanical Garden 28
Helen Yoest's garden 48
helga kruger lilac garden 3
helga kruger lilac gardens 3
Heligan, Lost Gardens of Heligan 58
Henderson horticultural nursery; 2
Hendricks Park 70
Hendricks Park Deer park 1
Henry Field Seed and Nursery Co. 79
Henry foundation; near Philadelphia 17
Henry Muller 1
herbicide research 18
herbicides research 12
Herculaneum 1
Herculaneum in national geographic article 4
Hergest Croft Garden 17
heritage park (Jim bakker) 1
heritage park (Jim bakker) 2
heritage plantation gardens 27
Heritage Seedlings 130
Heritage Trees 34
Heritage USA theme park 69
Hermitage 1
Heronswood 43
Heronswood Nursery 91
Herrenhaeuser Garden 94
Hershey Gardens 19
hershorn art museum 1
Hess Nursery 34
Hestercombe 61
Het Loo Palace and Gardens 39
Hever Castle 26
Hidcote 51
hidcote manor 1
Hidcote Manor Garden 34
Hidden Hollow Nursery 60
hidden lake gardens 142
Hidden Lake Gardens, Michigan State Univ 27
High Line 184
High Point University Arboretum 5
Highland County 2
Highland Creek Nursery 2
highway 8
Highway 18 24
Highway 18 (77.5 km marker) 8
Highway 18 (93.5 km marker) - Ali Shan (Ali Mountain) 7
Highway 24 west of Colorado Springs 1
highway 27 1
Highway 64 entering New Mexico 1
Highway 7 (along) 6
Highway 7 (near Wuling Farm) 7
Highway 7 (near Wuling Farm, 39 km marker) 19
Highway 7 (~47 km marker) 21
Highway 8 (109 km marker) 10
Highway 8 (92 km marker) 2
Highway 8 (east of Dayuling) 19
Highway 8 (near 76 km marker) 25
Highway 8 (Taroko Gorge) 22
Highway 8 east of Hwy 7 (~92 km marker) 23
highway department nursery 19
highway en route to IGA 1993 3
highway entering Titusville 1
highway intersection - beltway and western blvd. 1
highway planting 2
highway road stop 2
highway roadside 5
highway roadside - southern ohio 9
Hill Floral Products 1
hill nursery 33
Hillier 18
Hillier Arboretum 174
hillier arboretum and nursery 58
Hillier Arboretum nursery 2
Hillier garden centre 13
Hillier nursery 1
Hills & Dales Estate 35
Hillsborough street 4
hillsborough street -reader’s corner landscape 1
hillsborough street building 2
hillsborough street building drainpipe 2
hillsborough street garden center 1
hillsborough “mountain hike” - tracy birthday party 24
hilltop arboretum 3
Hillwood 12
Hilo International Airport 1
Hilton head island 13
Hilton Head Island Resort 39
Hilton hotel 16
Hilton Hotel Downtown Raleigh 5
Hilton Hotel North Raleigh 55
Hilton Montreal Bonaventure 7
Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown 3
Hilton Raleigh North Hills 13
Hilton Raleigh North Hills, 3415 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 50
Hines Nurseries 137
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks 9
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden 15
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and Carl S. English, Jr., Botanical Garden 12
Hiroshima castle 2
Hiroshima garden 2
Hirshhorn Art Museum, on the Mall 23
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 10
Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 1
Historic Bok Sanctuary (Bok Tower) 32
historic district 12
historic Dutch village 7
historic park 3
Historic Yates Mill County Park 63
history heritage center 2
Hobbie Rhododendrons 5
Hobbiton 82
Hoffman Nursery 92
hogan garden 7
Hoh rainforest, Olympic peninsula 2
Hokonui Alpines 6
Holbrook Farm and Nursery 103
Holden Arboretum 234
Holladay West Park 7
Holland 2
Holland bulb fields 1
Holland Bulbs Exhibit 1
Holland Flower market 7
Holland Flower Parade 80
Holland Gardens 1
Holland greenhouse district 1
Holland Point Park 124
holm lea 1
Holmdel arboretum 11
Holmenkollen ski jump 4
home 3
home garden 17
home garden, Lisselane Garden 2
home landscape 3
home near cameron village 1
home near ncsu 1
home nursery 4
home of DR. D. Allen Green 1
Home of Ira Tucker 2
home vegetable garden, grower's home 1
home yard 1
home; glass box 1
Homewood Nursery and Garden Center 1
hong kong bank 2
hong kong city park 13
hong kong city park aviary 2
hong kong city park conservatory 2
hong kong city plaza 1
Hong Kong hotel 2
Hong Kong International Airport (Kai Tak Airport) 1
Hong Kong park 44
hong kong park conservatory 1
Hong Kong zoo and botanic garden 23
Hong Kong zoo and botanic garden aviary 2
Honolulu airport 2
Honolulu International Airport 3
Honor Heights Park 12
Hoover Dam 2
Hopelands Gardens 13
Hopkins home 1
Hopkins private garden 3
Hopkins yard 1
Horseshoe Mountain 7
hort Is 1
hort greenhouse 1
hort is 1
Hort. 1
Hort. Is 1
Hort. history 22
Hort. Is 19
Horticultural Centre of the Pacific 96
Horticultural history 28
Horticultural history, Landscape style 3
Horticultural stamps 94
Horticultural Therapy greenhouse 3
Horticulture is ... 12
Horticulture is ... ; multiscreen show 350
hostel el leon 1
Hot Springs Resort 1
hot springs resort spas 3
hotel 10
Hotel Ambos Mundos 1
hotel Bonaventure 1
hotel chimera 2
Hotel des Frailes 9
Hotel des Invalides 1
hotel europa 9
Hotel Europa (currently the Sheraton Chapel Hill Hotel) 1
hotel garden 1
Hotel Grand Pacific 6
hotel grounds 1
Hotel Nacional de Cuba 19
hotel omni europa 6
hotel setting 1
house 4
house foundation 1
Houston 2
Houston Garden Center 2
Houston; instant shade tree inc. 1
Houston; instant shade trees 2
Howe nursery 1
Howeth Castle 1
howth castle 2
Howth Rhododendron Garden 20
Hoyt Arboretum 87
hoyt bangs home 1
Hudson river 1
Hudson river estate 9
Hudson River home of F D Roosevelt 8
Hudson river valley 1
Hudson river valley estate 4
Hudson river valley home 4
Hufel Lily Farms 1
Hughes Metal Works 3
hulda klager lilac gardens 1
Humble Administrator's Garden 31
hunnewell pinetum 20
Huntington Botanical Gardens, The 138
Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens 83
Huntsville botanic garden 7
Hupfel lily farms 2
hurley park 28
hurley park; salisbury 3
Hyatt Hotel 9
Hyde Park 30
Hydroponics 1
I-25 entering Colorado 1
i-26 highway wildflower display area 7
i-35 1
i-40 bypass 3
i-40 highway 4
i-40 highway planting 4
i-40 highway rest stop 3
i-40 interstate highway 1
i-40 roadside 1
I-5 28
i-85 rest stop at state line going south 1
IBM Atrium 6
ice skating rink 2
Idaho State University 1
ifas agr res and ed center 1
ifas agriculture and research center 1
ifas research center 1
IFAS, AREC, USDA open house 2
IGA 1973 preview in 1972 17
IGA 1973, Internationale Gartenbauausstelling 185
IGA 1993 200
Illinois state border 1
Imperial Garden 46
Imperial Garden, Temple 12
imperial gardens nursery 4
Imperial Palace 25
Imperial Palace Garden 27
Imperial Palace Garden, coal hill 6
imperial valley 1
Independence Garden 3
independence hall 3
Independence National Historical Park 1
independence square 1
Indian City USA 11
Indian Creek State Park 6
indian trading post 1
Indiana state border 1
Indiana state capital 1
indoors 2
Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden, Balboa Park 3
Inia Biotecnologia 27
inner city 1
inner city street 1
Innsbruck Hofgarten 14
insectivorous plant production 23
insects 20
Instant Shade Trees-Environmental Design 3
interior landscape 1
interior mall 1
International Forest Co. 8
International Garden Exposition 236
international nursery stock exhibition 1
International Peace Gardens 5
International Rose Test Garden, Washington Park 46
Interstate 40 1
Interstate 40, rest area near Burlington (west bound) 5
interstate highway 6
interstate highway 26 1
interstate highway near death valley 1
interstate highway west of Winston-Salem 2
Interstate rest stop 5
interstate roadside stop 2
Inverewe Garden 100
Inyo National Forest 58
Ionian Sea 3
Iowa state border, state line 1
IPPS copy work 6
IPPS copywork 17
iris farm 11
iron gate gardens 16
iron gate gardens nursery 3
Irwin Greenhouse 1
Irwin Greenhouses 28
Isabella Cannon home 1
Iseli Nursery 575
Ishiguro Momiji En 12
Ishiguro Momiji En Nursery 9
Ishikawa Nursery 42
Island Experiment Station 6
island near matsue 4
Isola Bella 26
Istanbul Archaeology Museum 7
Istanbul Botanical Garden 2
Italian national museum 7
Italian nursery 3
Italian nursery district 2
Itchetucknee Springs State Park 2
Izumo shrine 6
j Paul Getty garden 2
j Paul Getty museum 7
J. Berry Nurseries 1
J. C. home 1
j. c. raulston garden 9
J. C. Raulston home 1
J. C. Raulston home 1969-1970 1
J. C. Raulston home garden in Lucien 1
J. C. Raulston home on Gardner Street 20
J. C. Raulston personal garden 12
j. c. raulston teen garden 1
J. C. Raulston's family farm 3
J. C. Raulston's family home 2
J. C. Raulston's home on Davie Street 2
J. C. Raulston's home, Davie Street 41
J. C. rental home 2
J. C.'s home 1
J. C.'s home in Maryland while a grad student 1
J. C.Raulston garden 1
J. D. Vertrees 44
J. Frank Schmidt and Son Co. 93
j. Paul Getty museum 22
Jackson & Perkins Roses 11
Jackson Nursery 3
Jackson Square 10
Jacques and Andrea Thompson's garden 166
james stephenson garden 7
James Stephenson home 2
Jan Patranella mum study 2
Jane Platt garden 33
Janet Poor design private garden 39
Janet Poor design, rich private garden 7
japan national aquarium 2
Japanese Friendship Garden, Balboa Park 41
Japanese Garden 86
Japanese Garden at Ryokan 1
Japanese Garden, Ryokan Garden Kyoto 1
Japanese Garden, Silver Pavilion 16
Japanese Gardens, Hayward Area Recreation and Park District 11
Japanese National Garden 36
Japanese Tea Garden 19
Japanese Tea Gardens (Sunken Gardens) 7
Japanese tea house 1
Japanese Variegated Plant Preservation Society 5
Jardim do Ultramar 8
Jardín Botánico de Cienfuegos (Cienfuegos Province Botanical Garden) 39
Jardin Botanico Francisco Javier Clavijero 179
Jardin Botanico Instituto de Biologia, UNAM 161
Jardin Botanico Nacional de Cuba 23
Jardín Botánico Pinya de Rosa 26
Jardin des Plantes 90
Jardin du Thabor 11
Jardin Ethnobotanico Oaxaca 81
Jardin Exotique 33
Jardin Exotique de Monaco (Exotic Garden of Monaco) 66
Jardin Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc Garden) 82
Jardin Serre de la Madone (Hill of the Madonna Garden) 31
Jasper Provincial Park 6
Jayme Bednarczyk and Phillip Abbott's residence 93
JC Raulston Arboretum 1
JC Raulston Arboretum 148,997
JCR garden 1
Jean and Lawrence Shuping's garden 37
Jean and Wayne Mitchell's garden 23
Jeanne and Tom Andrus's home 20
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park 283
jediah smith redwood park 1
Jeff Ottersberg's garden and nursery 39
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (Gateway Arch) 20
jerry flintoff garden 27
Jerry Jackson garden 1
Jevremovac 10
jfk airport 1
Jim martin garden 13
Jim martin home 3
Jim walker house 1
Jiuhuashan 60
JoAnne's Garden (Fairview Garden Center) 2
Jodrell Bank Tree Park Arboretum 8
Joe Reis 2
Joe Reis Garden 28
joel lane house 4
John and Jane Platt's garden 88
john bartram home 2
John Grimshaw garden 23
John Massey Garden 92
john pair 1
john pair, arboretum at kansas state 1
john pair, kansas state 19
john pair, kansas state, bartlett arboretum 4
John Tyler Arboretum 30
john Webster garden 17
John Williams garden 37
John's Nursery 6
Johnson grove 3
Johnson Nursery Corporation 183
johnston county nurserymen association 1
johnston county nurserymen’s association 2
Johnstown Castle, Irish Agriculture Museum 14
Joshua Tree National Monument 7
Joshua Tree National Park 325
Joslin Garden 1,723
Joy Creek Nursery 39
Joy Plants 24
Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest 1
Joyce Kilmer national forest 19
Judge Florist 6
Judy and Frank Harmon's residence 30
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar's garden 4
June 1972 trip to Japan 30
Juniper Level Botanic Garden 804
Juniper Level Botanic Gardens 2,904
Juniper Level Botanical Garden 548
Juniper Level Botanical Gardens 167
juniper level; tony avent, plant delights nursery 8
juniper level; tony avents plant delights nursery 4
Junker's Nursery 47
K'uuyemugeh Bridge 2
k-mart 1
Kaaawa Park, Oahu 3
Kaboku Center 6
Kairyoen Retail Nursery 5
Kairyoen Wholesale Nursery 4
Kaiser center 1
Kaiser center rooftop garden 1
Kaiser office park 1
Kaiser office park - rooftop garden 1
Kaiser rooftop garden 7
Kalapana Black Sand Beach 1
Kalmthout Arboretum 15
Kamolokai Hawaii 1
Kanagawa Prefectural Ofuna Botanical Garden 4
Kanapaha Botanical Gardens 110
Kansas city; crown center 1
kansas state 2
Kansas state border 1
Kansas state line 1
Karo En 4
Kasahara Nursery 6
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument 384
Kataoka Shoku En Nursery 25
Kataoka Shoukou En 22
Kathleen and Walt Thompson's garden 3
Katsura imperial Villa 6
Katsura Villa 21
Kauai 13
Kauai island 3
Kauai, Kokei State Park 1
Kauai, Waimea Canyon 3
Kawaguchi Bonsai Coop 3
Keflavík International Airport 3
Kegon no Taki 6
Keio Department Store 1
Keith Arboretum 241
Keith Butler and Ken Gambrill's garden 33
Kellam-Wyatt Farm 28
Ken Moore's garden 10
Ken-Mar Farms 2
Ken-Mar Farms, chrysanthemums 2
Ken-Mar Flowers 1
Kendrick Lake Park 163
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens 1
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 1
Kennedy Park 32
Kenosha Pass 84
Kensington Gardens 113
Kensington Gardens - Albert Memorial 3
Kensington Palace 6
Kentucky state border, Cumberland gap 1
Kentucky state capital 2
Kentucky State Capitol 2
Keukenhof 109
Kew Station 1
Key bridge 5
Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden 16
kiddie tot hosiery mill 1
Kiftsgate Court Gardens 30
Kiharuen 4
Kiharuen Nursery 14
Kilgore Hall 3
Kilgore Hall mounds 4
Killarney Castle 1
Killerton 24
Killgore Hall 1
kimbell art gallery 8
Kimbell museum 12
king nursery 2
Kingwood Center 49
Kingwood Center, OARDC Wooster 32
kingwood center; oardc Wooster 2
Kinsey Gardens 177
Kita Alps Nursery 12
kitchen 1
kiyomizu 1
Klehm Plants 1
Kmart Garden Center 1
Kmart garden shop 1
Kmart parking lot 3
Kmart store 1
knight flower farm 1
Knole 5
knoxville, don williams home 1
knoxville; university of tennessee 1
Kobaiyashi Momiji-en 73
Kobayashi Nursery 11
Kofukuji Temple 1
Koishikawa Botanical Garden 40
koller home 4
Kong's Floraleigh Garden 1
Kootenay National Park 1
Koraku-en 9
Kordes Nursery 59
Korean Island 1
Korean nursery shop 4
Korean peninsula 32
Korean plant collecting trip 1
Korean plants from 1985 collecting trip 36
Korean seeds and seedlings from 1985 collecting trip 21
Korean seeds from 1985 collecting trip 3
Koshland Park 14
Kotzebue 8
Kraft Azalea Garden 3
Kraft Nursery 60
krenitsky garden 7
Kridler Nursery 63
ksu research center; john pair, kansas state 17
Kubota Gardens 14
Kunming Institute of Botany 1
kunsthaus art museum 3
Kwangju bonsai 10
kwelin (guilin) 4
Kyoto 2
Kyoto Botanic Garden 52
Kyoto handicraft center 1
l'Arquebuse botanical garden 8
L. A. Reynolds Garden Center 62
L. A. Reynolds Garden Showcase 1
l.a. county arboretum 1
LA area historic ranches 22
la buffa 1
la buffa rocks 1
LA contemporary art museum 2
LA museum of contemporary art 1
La Sagrada Familia 15
La Villette 24
Ladew Topiary Gardens 25
Lady Bird Johnson Park, Columbia Island 1
Lafayette square 5
lake Biwa 1
Lake Bolsena 1
Lake Bolsena (near) 1
lake chuzengi 1
Lake Como 17
Lake Eufaula Dam 2
lake leman near Lausanne 1
lake Lynn 2
Lake Lynn Park 4
Lake Michigan beach 2
Lake Michigan shore 2
Lake of the Ozarks 1
Lake of the Ozarks Dam 1
Lake Powell 14
Lake Street Garden Center 8
lake tai 22
lake tai district 1
Lake Tenkiller 1
lake volvi 1
lake waccamaw state park 11
Lake Wakatipu 25
Lake Wheeler Park 32
lakefront 2
Lakeview Daylily Farm 40
Lakewold Gardens, Thomas Church design 15
Lamb Mountain 5
Lamberts 33
Lambert’s Garden Center 1
Lamm Oasis 23
lamtree farm 1
lamtree farm nursery 14
lancaster home 1
Land Breeze Nursery 2
land development 7
landscape 1
landscape arboretum 1
Landscape Contractor 8
landscape contractor site 4
landscape history 21
landscape materials 2
Landscape style 12
Landscape style history 13
landscape styles 6
landscape/physiology 1
landscapes, parks, and gardens 13
landscaping 5
lantana flower farms 12
Lara and Stillman Hanson's garden 43
Larnarch Castle 96
larry lowman ridgecrest nursery 8
larry lowman ridgecrest nursery; 1
Las Terrazas 51
las vegas 8
las vegas ; mgm grand hotel 3
las vegas hotel 1
Las Vegas strip 1
las vegas; luxor hotel 9
las vegas; mgm grand hotel 2
las vegas; mirage hotel 7
las vegas; treasure island hotel 2
Lassen volcanic national park 3
Laumeier Sculpture Park 22
Laura and Bob Bromha's garden 33
Laurel Hills 123
laurel lake gardens 2
Laurie home 1
Lava Butte 7
Lawrence garden 1
lawyer nursery 14
lawyer nursery catalog copy work 1
Lazienki Park 4
Le cimitiere du Vieux Chateau 15
le Louvre 10
leaning pine arboretum 11
Leaning Pine Arboretum, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) 7
leaning tower of Pisa 1
Lebanon Kansas 1
Leeds Castle 11
Leicester Botanical Garden 39
Leiden Botanical Garden, University of Leiden (Hortus botanicus, Universiteit Leiden) 86
Lenin's tomb 1
Lenox Square 3
Lenteboden 5
leonard buck garden 21
leonard buck garden - yinger collection 1
Leonardslee 6
Letchworth garden 1
Lethbridge Japanese Garden 13
Leu Gardens 58
Levens Hall 36
Levi Strauss center 10
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 385
Lexington Arboretum 1
Lexington cemetery 3
li (lijian) river 3
li (lijian) river valley 5
li (lijian) river valley, Guilin (Kwelin) mountains 4
li (lijian) river, Guilin (Kwelin) mountains 52
liberty hall 2
liege university botanic garden 9
Lighthouse Park 61
Lincoln Park Conservatory 119
Lincoln Park Zoo 30
Lincoln Plaza 1
Linda Eggins Garden 27
Linderhof Castle 56
lingering garden 69
Lingyang Temple 41
Linnaeus home and garden 1
Linville Falls Visitor Center 18
Linyang Temple 1
Linz Botanical Garden 25
Lisbon Botanical Garden 12
liss forest nursery 10
Lisselane Garden 3
litchfield; white flower farm 1
little & lewis sculpture gallery 19
Little Bear Lake 33
Little Colorado River Canyon 2
Little Priory, the 149
Liu Gang Nursery 2
live oak producer, Storm's nursery 2
living room 9
Lizzi Lathers and Stephen Dorn's home 65
Lloyd center 5
lobby 4
Loch Haven Park 14
Logan Botanic Garden 12
Logan's Garden Center 4
logan’s garden center 7
Loire valley 4
loleta Powell gardens, Powell's Gardens 2
Loma Linda 3
Lompoc valley 1
london - earl’s court hotel 1
London Bridge 1
London Eye 4
London physik garden 1
London Publick House 19
Lone Star Growers 90
long island 1
long island; hicks nursery; copywork 3
long island; old Westbury gardens 11
Long Vue Gardens 14
LongHouse Reserve 24
longleat garden center 1
longleat gardens 16
Longwood Gardens 1,344
Lookout Mountain 41
los angeles airport 1
Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden, The 108
Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden 48
Los Angeles International Airport 2
los Angeles museum of modern art 1
los angeles; chris rosimini garden 13
los lirios 1
Los Patios 28
los patios nursery & garden center 1
lotte department store 16
Lotusland 129
Louis Pasteur Botanic Garden 13
Louisiana state border 1
Louvre 6
lovejoy fountain 2
Loveland Pass 1
low income housing 1
Lower Geyser Basin 32
Lower Manhattan 15
Lubbock; Texas tech university 1
Lucca Botanical Garden 9
Lucien garden 1
Lucien home 1
Lucien lake 1
Lucien; Perry 1
lucky acres herb farm 3
ludwigsburg schloss 29
Lumahai Beach, Kauai 1
Lushon Botanic Garden 18
luxor hotel 11
Lyndhurst Estate 21
Lytle Park 2
M.C. Benton Jr. Convention Center 8
Mac's Food Store 1
mackinau straits 4
MacMaster university 2
macoun ornamental gardens 1
Madonna Inn 11
Madrid Botanical Garden 19
Madrid city park 3
Madrid to Granada road 1
madrone nursery 7
magdalen 1
Maggomi Farms 1
magic gardens 17
Magnificent Mile 1
magnolia gardens 19
magnolia gardens nursery 2
magnolia nursery 31
mail order bonsai 2
mail order nursery 1
main street 2
main street 1900 1
main street downtown 3
main street office building 1
Mainau Island 107
mainau island gardens 23
Mainau Island, Lake Constance 79
mainau, lake Constance 1
Maine 7
Maine state border 1
Maine state capital 1
Maison Bouachon 8
Makaha Valley Country Club 1
mall 22
mall food court 4
Malmo University 16
Mammoth Cave National Park 10
Manatee Flower 10
manatee flower company 1
manatee fruit 4
manatee fruit company 52
manatee fruit company, panamerican plant company 1
manatee fruit company, weeds 1
Mandai orchid farm 16
Manhattan 20
Manhattan; IBM atrium 1
mani peninsula 22
mani peninsula, Peloponnesus 15
Manitoba capital 1
Manitoba Capitol grounds 1
Manitoba, Canadian prairies 1
Manyo Botanical Garden 1
map 3
map copy 1
maple grove nursery 15
Maps 4
Margaret Reid Wildflower Garden 40
Maria Louisa park 2
Marimurtra Botanical Garden 21
Marina City 5
Marine Corps War Memorial, The 1
Marineland 7
Mark Weathington Residence 5
Mark Weathington's garden 273
market 51
market street 2
Marriott hotel 6
Marseilles garden center 1
Marty and Alan Finkel's garden 33
Marty and Debbie Ludas 22
Mary Elliott's garden 13
Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum 26
maryhill museum 9
Maryland science center 1
Maryland state capitol 1
Massot nursery 24
master of fishing net garden 22
master of the fishing nets garden 21
Matilda Smith's garden 59
Matsue castle 3
Matsue prefectural government offices 1
Matthei Botanic Garden 21
Matthei Botanical Garden 133
Matthew Pottage Garden 54
Maui 34
Maui, Haleakala National Park 3
Maui, Haleakala volcano 4
Maui, Iao Valley 1
Maui, Kahului 1
Maui, Keanae Valley 1
Maui, Pua'a Ka'a State Park 1
Maui, road to Haleakala 1
Maui, Waikani Falls 1
Maui, Waikiki beach 1
Maui; Haleakala volcano 3
May Nursery 31
Maymont 101
maymont park 16
Mazzoni 3
Mazzoni Farms 1
Mazzoni Farms, weeds 1
McClellan's 6
McClellan's Orchids 27
McCracken's Nursery 10
McCrory Gardens, South Dakota State University 32
McDonald Garden Center 59
McDonald garden center; Virginia beach 16
McDonald's 1
mcdonald's restaurant 1
McDonald's restaurant - western boulevard 1
mcdonalds 4
McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education, North Carolina State University 54
mclamb nursery 17
mcminnville 2
Meadows Building 2
meadows medical building 3
medical clinic 3
medical office 2
meeting room hotel 2
Meika En 5
mellon gallery of art; smithsonian 1
memorial auditorium 2
memphis (near on roadside) 1
memphis botanic garden 95
memphis state university parking lot 1
Menil Museum 33
men’s clothing store 1
Meramec Caverns 2
Mercer Botanical Garden 119
Mercer Botanical Gardens 56
Meredith College 29
Merriments Gardens 35
Mesa Verde 1
Mesa Verde National Park 8
mesquite 3
mesquite mezquita mosque 2
metasequoia valley 6
method post office 1
MetLife 1
Metrolina Greenhouses 50
Metropolitan Museum of Art 9
mexico 1
Mexico City Airport 6
Mexico collecting trip, Yucca Do 211
Mexico collecting trip, Yucca Do, 1993 205
Meyer plants nursery 2
mgm grand hotel 2
mgm grand hotel and luxor 1
MGM Studios 7
MGM Studios Orlando 3
Miami Japanese Garden 11
Michigan peat company 1
Michigan State Capitol 1
Michigan State University 5
Michigan State University, MSU 6
Michigan State University, MSU, Beal Botanic Garden 19
Mid-Florida Research and Education Center 14
middle east 1
Middleton Place 39
Middleton Place Gardens 34
Middleton Plantation 27
Midwest 3
Midwest Nursery 1
Midwest prairies 2
Mike Ishii Nursery 9
Mike Kintgen's garden 51
Mike Kintgen's high elevation garden 101
Mildred Mercer's residence 4
military base 1
military service 1967-1968 221
Millennium Park 8
Millis Road 302
Ming tomb 36
Ming tomb sculptures 1
Ming tomb statues 2
miniature golf course 1
Ministry of Agriculture (Ministério da Agricultura) 1
minneapolis art & sculpture garden 9
Minneapolis Institute of Arts 3
Minner Nursery 14
Minnesota 4
minnesota landscape arboretum 31
Minnesota landscape arboretum univ of minn 1
minnesota landscape arboretum; chanhassan 3
Minnesota State University 1
Minter Gardens 29
Minter Gardens; Brian Minter 35
Minterne 9
mirage hotel 2
misc copywork 1
misc. gardens 2
Misc. Hort. 4
Misc. Hort. Is 12
miscellaneous California 1
mission 1
Mission San Carlos Borroméo de Carmelo Mission 4
Mission San Juan Capistrano 1
Mission Santa Inés 20
Mississippi state border 1
Mississippi state capital 1
Missouri Botanical Garden 469
Missouri Botanical Garden and Arboretum 58
Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw's garden 1
Missouri State Capitol 1
Missouri state line 1
Mitsch Novelty Daffodils 31
Mitsch Nursery 60
miyajima island 7
mkoetsier jr. fakhboer 1
MN state capital 1
Mobile 1
modern art museum 1
Mokpo market 15
mokpo sculpture garden 10
Molbak's 2
Molbak's garden center 26
Molbak's Nursery 11
Molbak's Nursery and Garden Center 8
Molbak’s Garden and Home 13
molbak’s garden center 6
molbak’s garden center nursery 43
molbak’s garden center; seattle 2
molbak’s nursery 4
molbak’s nursery; seattle 1
Moleshill House 14
Molloy's 1
Monarch Pass 1
Monet's Garden at Giverny 50
Monkey Valley 153
monroe farm 2
Monrovia 217
monserrat castle 10
Montacute House 10
Montana state line 1
monteforte park 1
Monterey 2
monterey aquarium 4
Monterey Bay Aquarium 9
monterey cannery row 1
Monterey Peninsula 7
Monteverde Orchid Garden 88
montforte park 4
Montgomery Botanical Center 81
Monticello 157
Monticello estate 1
Montisfont Abbey 20
Montreal 4
montreal art museum 2
Montreal Biodome (Biodôme de Montréal) 5
Montreal Botanical Garden, The (French: Jardin botanique de Montréal) 570
montreal museum of art 2
Montreal Olympics 29
montreal; biodome 23
Montrose 331
Montrose nursery 1
montrose, nancy goodwin 1
Monument to the Discoveries (Padrão dos Descobrimentos) 5
Monument Valley 6
Monument Valley, Utah state line 1
Moody Gardens 44
Moon Valley 56
Moon/earth views from Apollo 8 2
Moore and Davis Nursery 3
Moore Farms Botanical Garden 127
morden experiment station 1
Morden Research Station 46
morgan-johnson road north of GCES 1
Morris Arboretum 108
Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania 4
Morton Arboretum, The 144
mosque 1
motel 6
motel somewhere 5
mottisfont abbey 2
mount airy arboretum 5
mount airy cemetery 14
Mount Auburn Cemetery 75
mount cuba 1
mount cuba center 17
mount cuba center for piedmont flora 6
Mount Emei (Éméi Shān) 7
Mount Evans 262
Mount Fuji 2
mount holyoke college 21
Mount Hood 9
mount Mitchell 6
mount Olympus 2
Mount Rainier 1
Mount Rainier National Park 11
mount rigi 10
Mount Rushmore National Memorial 5
Mount Sherman 299
mount Sinai, st Catherine's monastery 1
Mount Stewart 77
Mount Usher 24
Mount Usher Garden 79
Mount Vernon 25
Mount Vernon, George Washington home 21
Mount View cemetery 1
Mount Washington 5
Mountain crops hort research station 1
mountain crops horticultural research station 2
Mountain Crops Horticultural Station 16
mountain crops station 3
mountain home; rhododendron farm 2
mountain horticultural crops experiment station 3
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center 2
mountain horticultural crops research station 6
mountain tramway 2
mountain view nursery 32
mountainous Japanese island 1
mountains 18
mountains near san rufo 1
mountainside top 1
Mounts Botanical Garden 75
movie theater 1
Mr. Maple 32
Mrs.. Hopkins home 1
Mrs.. Julian hill arboretum 1
MSK Nursery 13
Mt Evans Summit 32
Mt. Cuba Center 159
Mt. Evans 2
Mt. Hood 47
Mt. Jefferson 6
Mud Volcano 41
Muir Woods National Monument 71
Multnomah Falls 116
Munich Botanic Garden 143
Munich Botanical Garden 27
Munich IGA international gardening festival 230
municipal greenhouses 1
munstead wood garden 1
Munstead Woods 1
musee d'orsay 5
Musée de la Civilisation (Museum of Civilization) 93
museum 49
museum at sculpture park 1
museum of anthropology 12
Museum of Contemporary Art 22
museum of life and sciences 4
museum of life and sciences - butterfly house 4
museum of modern art 28
Museum of Modern Art, MOMA 16
Museum of Natural History 19
Museum of Science 49
museum of the Cherokee indian 3
Myriad Botanical Gardens and Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory 26
myriad gardens; crystal bridge 3
n.c. beach 2
n.c. state fair 11
Naalehu, Hawaii 2
Naejang mountain national park 96
Nagoya Ag experiment station 9
Nagoya Botanic Garden 2
Nan Weston Nature Preserve 95
nancy's creek 1
nancy's creek, post properties 1
Nanjing Botanic Garden 64
Nanjing park 1
Nanjing street scene 7
Nanling National Forest Park 162
Nansnan 31
Nantes Botanical Garden 13
NASA moon/earth views 2
NASA, seen from Columbia spacecraft 1
Nash County Agriculture Center 23
Nasusan-no-Hana Nursery 11
national agriculture museum 18
National Air and Space Museum 1
National Anthropology Museum 1
national aquarium 2
national assembly 1
national assembly building 2
national assembly building street 1
National Botanic Gardens 61
National Cathedral 9
National Forest of Bucaco (Mata Nacional do Buçaco) 17
national gallery of art 1
National Gallery, the 4
national geographic article 1
national humanities center 6
National Mall and Memorial Parks 180
National Museum 43
national museum of anthropology 13
national museum of man 1
national square project 1
native woodland 1
Natural History Museum 21
Naugles Garden Center 2
Naugles Garden Center and Restaurant 1
naumkeag 4
naumkeag estate 1
naumkeag gardens 18
Navaho Mountain 1
nc 64 farmhouse east of Asheboro 1
nc 64 highway 1
NC Arboretum 97
nc art museum 9
nc blue cross blue sheild headquarters 1
nc botanical garden 3
nc educators association building 1
NC fairgrounds 2
NC legislature 2
NC museum of art, blue ridge road 3
NC Rural 12
NC Rural, Davidson 2
NC state capital 1
NC State Educators office building 1
nc state fair 14
NC State Fairgrounds 1
NC state legislative building 1
NC state line 1
nc state museum of history 3
nc state office building 1
NC State University 406
NC State University - Kilgore Hall 1
NC State University Arboretum 2
NC State University brickyard 2
NC State University campus 1
NC State University Club 82
NC State University experiment station 5
NC State University high rise dorm on hillsborough street 1
NC State University hort lab 1
NC State University Hort research farm 1
NC State University horticulture greenhouse 2
NC State University Horticulture greenhouse parking lot 2
NC State University Kilgore Hall 3
NC State University School of Design 1
NC State University student center 1
NC State University student union 1
NC State University vet school 7
NC State University veterinary school 3
NC State University, Brickhaven Building 2
NC State University, Brickyard 2
NC State University, Centennial Campus 3
NC State University, Chancellor's Residence 49
NC State University, Horticultural Field Laboratory 2,189
NC State University, Kilgore Hall 2
NC State University, Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory 91
NC State University, Main Campus Horticulture Lab 1
NC State University, Marye Anne Fox Science Teaching Laboratory 41
NC State University, Student Center 6
NC State Universityconservatory 1
NC State Universitygreenhouse 2
NC State UniversityHort research farm 1
NC State Universityschool of design 1
nc zoo 1
NC Zoological Park 30
NCAN short course 1
NCAN show 2
NCAN Trade Show 5
ncan trade show - civic center 1
NCAN trade showasheville; 1
ncda seed testing laboratory 1
NCSU, Kilgore Hall 1
NCSU, Biltmore Hall 2
NCSU, D.H. Hill Library 4
NCSU, J. C. office 1
NCSU, JC Raulston office 1
NCSU, Kilgore Hall 4
ncsu; Kilgore Hall 6
Neal Robinson greenhouses 9
near Austin 5
near Bodnant 1
near Butchart Gardens 1
near city rose garden 1
near downtown 1
near Fisherman Creek Falls 197
near Huntsville, north Alabama 1
near Jemez Pueblo 2
near Jemez Springs 2
near joyce kilmer national forest 1
near Kew 4
near Logan Botanic Garden 1
near Los Almos 8
near Lucerne 2
near memphis 1
near Metropolitan Museum of Art 2
near Michigan State University, MSU 1
near Mount Aso 1
near MSU 1
near Museum of Natural History 5
near Nagoya 2
near Norfolk 1
near Norfolk, rural 1
near Ouray, Co. 1
near oxford 1
near Petworth House 2
near portland 1
near raleigh 1
near Santa Ana Pueblo 1
near Sonoma horticultural nursery 1
near Sunset Beach 12
near tea plantation 1
near Twin Falls Idaho 1
near Winston - on rest stop on I-40/I-85 west 1
near Winston-Salem 2
Nebraska prairie 1
nelson nursery 1
Nelson's Nursery 35
Ness Botanic Garden 2
Ness Botanic Garden, University of Liverpool 16
new Bern nursery 17
New England 8
New England Spring Flower Show, Bayside Exposition Center 59
New England; eastern evergreen nursery, western Maine forest nursery 1
New England; western Maine forest nursery 1
New Garden Center 31
New Garden Nursery 8
new hankyu hotel 7
new hanover county arboretum 58
new hanover county extension arboretum 6
new home construction - suburbia 2
new housing, Gardner street 2
New Jersey Botanical Garden 23
new jersey botanical garden at skylands; willowwood arboretum 1
New Mexico 1
New Mexico or Arizona 2
New Mexico State Capitol 1
new Orleans 9
New Orleans Botanic Garden 1
New Orleans Botanical Garden 72
new Orleans garden district 3
New Orleans Zoo 25
new river park 1
New York 1
New York 4
New York Botanical Garden 300
New York Botanical Garden, the Bronx 44
New York City 10
new york city scenes and gardens 2
New York City street 1
new york city; central park conservatory garden 4
new york city; central park; conservatory garden 10
New York Harbor 1
New York park 1
New York state line 1
New York, Manhattan 5
Niagara falls 2
Niagara Falls Gardens 2
Niagara Falls Gardens, horticultural school 15
Niagara falls park 18
Niagra Falls 1
Niche Gardens 14
Nicholas and Katharine Davies's garden 64
Nicholas and Katharine Davies's neighbor 2
Nichols Arboretum 46
Niigata Botanical garden 34
Niigata Hort experiment station 2
Nijo Castle 16
Nikko Botanic Garden 32
nikko shrine 1
nikko temple 2
nikko temple complex 14
Nine Dragon Falls 29
Nitobe Japanese Garden ; University of British Columbia 1
Nitobe Japanese Garden, University of British Columbia 1
Nitobe Japanese Garden; University of British Columbia 14
Nitobe Memorial Garden 1
NJ growers open house 4
nj turnpike 1
Nome 18
Nono Hara 10
Norfolk (near) 4
Norfolk (near), rural 1
Norfolk Botanical Garden 5,975
Norman Beal's garden 14
Normandy hotel 2
Norris Geyser Basin 35
Nortex 13
North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, The 29
North Carolina Arboretum 41
North Carolina Arboretum, the 509
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen (NCAN) Trade show 1
North Carolina Botanical Garden 805
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Coker 10
North Carolina Field Laboratory, Horticultural Field Laboratory 2
north Carolina landscapes 20
North Carolina mountains 19
North Carolina mountains - smokies, Smoky Mountains 2
North Carolina mountains, Joyce Kilmer Forest 3
North Carolina Museum of Art 64
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences 44
north Carolina state border 1
North Carolina State Capitol 1
North Carolina State Fair 38
North Carolina State Fairgrounds 80
North Carolina State Legislative Building 9
North Carolina State University 262
North Carolina State University - gardner arboretum 2
North Carolina State University - hort greenhouses 3
North Carolina State University - horticulture greenhouses 1
North Carolina State University - Kilgore Hall 4
North Carolina State University - sports gym parking lot 3
North Carolina State University Arboretum 8,979
North Carolina State University Arboretum (future site of) 4
North Carolina State University greenhouse 7
North Carolina State University greenhouse headhouse 2
North Carolina State University greenhouses 1
North Carolina State University gymnasium 1
North Carolina State University HFL 2
North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine 1
North Carolina State University, HFL 4
North Carolina State University, Horticultural Field Laboratory 43
North Carolina State University, Kilgore Hall 114
North Carolina State University, Phytotron 1
North Carolina State University, Research Farm Unit 4 6
North Carolina State University, school of design 1
North Carolina State University; Gardner arboretum 1
North Carolina State University; sod; school of design 1
North Carolina Welcome Center 5
North Carolina Zoo 165
North Dakota capital 1
North Dakota Capitol 1
North Dakota state line 1
North Havens Gardens 1
North Hills 1
north London 6
north of Heping 2
North Routt County 22
north shore 6
north Texas 2
northeast Greece 2
Northeast of Denver 1
northeastern Oklahoma 2
Northern Arizona 4
northern California 27
northern California beach 45
northern California beach cottage 3
northern California coast 2
northern California, rural roadside 1
northern Greece 1
northern Italy 1
northern Peloponnesus 2
Northrup King 1
Northwest Garden Nursery 212
Northwest Ireland 33
Northwest Mall 1
northwest US 13
northwestern Greece 7
Norwegian Folk Museum 5
Norwood Garden 8
Notcutt's Nursery 6
Notre Dame 8
Notre Dame Cathedral 15
now in British museum, London 1
NTV Dutch Horticultural Trade Fair 51
nuccio's camellia nursery 6
nuccio’s camellia nursery 8
Nurseries - containers 10
Nurseries - field 20
Nurseries Caroliniana 79
nurseries caroliniana, ted stephens 1
Nurseries, the Hamptons, long island 15
nursery 198
nursery (central florida) 5
nursery (roses?) 1
nursery conference meeting 1
nursery district 59
nursery equipment & techniques 1
nursery garden 1
nursery garden center 1
nursery industry 1
nursery industry of boskoop 7
Nursery Production History 2
nursery shop 7
nursery trip 2
nursery trip fall '93; Head-Lee Nursery 30
nurseryland 11
nurseryland garden center 13
Nutfield Priory Hotel & Spa 8
NY state office complex 23
NY World's Fair 64-65 29
NYC city street 1
Nymans 102
Nymphenberg Palace 19
O'Byrne garden 1
O. F. Nelson and sons 1
Oahu 34
Oahu, Hanauma Bay Park 1
Oahu, Hawaii Pineapple Research Institute 1
Oahu, Pu'u o Mahuka Heiau State Historic Site 1
Oahu, Waikiki 2
Oahu, Waimea Bay 1
oak alley 4
oak dale nursery 1
Oakdale cemetery 1
Oakdale nursery 4
Oakdell Tropical Foliage 26
Oakland art museum 7
Oakland Museum of California 28
Oakmont Nursery 37
OARDC, Ohio Ag Research Center Wooster 13
oberlin avenue, cameron village landscapes 5
Oberlin road 4
oberlin street 7
Oberlin street residence 1
ocean beach 1
Ocean dike drive 6
Octoberfest 12
Odeon 2
office building 4
office complex 4
office district 1
office park 5
Ogden Garden Estate 1
Ogden Point Breakwater 24
oglesby nursery 2
Ohio 1
Ohio River 1
Ohme Gardens 7
OK Home 4
OK Home 1991 2
OK Home 1993 1
OK Home and OKC 1
Okayama University 3
Okeefenokee National Wildlife Refuge 1
Okeefenokee Swamp National Park 2
Oklahoma City 5
Oklahoma State University 156
Oklahoma State University Botanical Garden 2
Oklahoma State University campus 1
Oklahoma State University, Bennett Hall 2
Oklahoma State University, Nursery Research Center and Teaching Arboretum 18
Old Courthouse Nursery 1
old Salem 20
old salem - flora ann bynum garden 2
old salem cemetary 1
Old Salem Museums & Gardens 6
old salem parking lot 1
old salem; 1
old salem; Winston-Salem 1
old section of town 1
Old Sturbridge Village 27
old town 1
old town San Diego 1
old Westbury estate 1
Old Westbury estate, Long Island 66
old Westbury estate; long island 1
old Westbury gardens 1
oli nissen 5
oli nissen sunshine carnations 1
oli nissen, sunshine state carnations 1
Oliver Garden Center 44
Olympia Japanese Garden 7
Olympia museum 12
Olympia; Briggs nursery 1
Olympic games site, Peloponnesus peninsula 13
Olympic national forest 3
Olympic national park 23
Olympic National Park; rain forest 1
olympic park 4
Olympic rain forest; 7
Olympic stadium 1
Olympic Village 13
Olympics buildings 6
omni center 5
on the border cafe 3
on the Mall 2
Ontario capital 1
Ontario museum of science 4
Ontario school of horticulture 28
Ontario school of horticulture, Niagara falls 10
Ontario school of horticulture; Niagara 4
opera house 1
Opryland hotel 7
Optima Camel View Village 8
Oral Roberts University 4
orangerie 1
Oratoire Saint-Joseph 1
Orca Spirit Adventures 146
orchard road, hotel shopping district 2
Orchid Garden 17
orchid pollination 4
Oregon coast 1
Oregon coastline 1
Oregon Garden, The 41
Oregon Gardens 53
Oregon iris farm 2
Oregon Route 27 (Lower Crooked River Back Country Byway or Crooked River Highway No. 14) 136
Oregon state capital 1
Oregon State Capitol grounds 1
Oriental Pearl Tower 2
Orland E. White Arboretum (Blandy Experimental Farm) 68
orland white arboretum; graham blandy farm; UVA 2
Orokonui Ecosanctuary 50
Orto Botanico di Padova (Padua Botanical Garden) 56
Orto botanico di Pisa 14
Orton Plantation 50
Orton Plantation Gardens 37
Osaka prefecture college 1
Osaka, Japan EXPO 1970 1
Oslo - flam railroad trip 1
Osmanthus King Nursery 40
Otari-Wilton's Bush 158
oten 1
Otsu 1
Ottawa 1
Ottawa Botanic Garden 11
Ottawa Gardens 30
Otterbein 2
outdoor city plaza 1
outdoors 1
outer banks 13
outer banks, cape hatteras 1
outer banks, silver lake ocracoke harbor 1
outside Chelsea Physic Garden 4
oxford botanic garden 75
oxford physic botanical garden 1
oxford physic garden 1
Oxford University 6
Oxford University Botanic Garden 42
oxfordshire 1
Ozark Nursery Co. 13
Ozarks 6
Ozzie Johnson's garden 73
Ozzie JohnsonOzzie Johnson's garden 2
o’beary garden; near eugene 2
pacific beach coast 1
Pacific Coast 15
Pacific Coast, northern California 54
Pacific northwest 46
Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection 21
Pacifica 7
Padua 1
Padua street market 2
Padua to Florence road 2
Paducah High School 1
paintings garden center 6
palace 7
palace hotel; 1
palace hotel; bussaco preserve 1
Palace of the Governors 2
palacio de pena 12
paley park 15
palm canyon 10
palm court; battery park gardens; winter garden 3
Palm Springs Botanical Garden 4
Palm Springs Hilton 13
Palmengarten 135
Pamela Harper's garden 39
Pan-Global Plants 17
PanAmerican plant company 10
PanAmerican Seed Company 35
Panayoti Kelaidis garden 203
Panoramic Farm 27
Pantheon 5
Panther Creek Nursery 30
Parade Gardens 3
Parc de Bagatelle 68
Parc de la Tete d'Or 20
Parc Floral 46
Parco dei Monstroi 21
paris florist 1
paris nursery 24
paris; parc floral 1
park 24
Park & Tilford Gardens 63
park avenue greenhouses 10
Park Avenue, Elizabeth Lawrence home 1
Park Road Park 1
parking lot 5
Parliament Square 4
Parque Bicentenario 2010 152
Parque de María Luisa (Maria Louisa Park), museum 2
Parque Municipal Quebrada de los Cuervos 1
Parsons' home 5
Parthenon 6
Pashley Manor Gardens 23
past orton 4
past orton - bayberry stop 12
pasture in the wild 1
pasture in wild 1
Pat and Perry Grady's garden 20
Patsy Pond 141
Paul Ecke Poinsettia Ranch 13
Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden 167
Paul james private garden 20
Paul James' garden 37
Paxton bar 1
Peace Arch State Park 2
peace park 4
Peach orchard 1
Peachtree plaza 1
Peachtree plaza center hotel 10
peat bog 1
pebble beach golf course 1
Pebble Hill Plantation 43
pecan farm 1
pecan grove 1
Pecan Nursery 12
Peckerwood Garden 66
Peggy Titus's garden 56
pei bank office tower 2
pei office tower 1
pei office tower landscape 10
Peking; Beijing; forbidden city imperial garden 1
Peloponnesus 3
Peloponnesus peninsula 2
Pender Nursery 29
peninsula hotel 1
penjing garden 1
penn state university 3
Pennsylvania avenue 3
Pennsylvania State University 7
Pentagon 1
Pepsico World Headquarters 63
Pepsico World Headquarters Garden 3
Pepsico World Headquarters, Kendall Sculpture Garden 5
Pepsico World Headquarters, Sculpture Garden 32
pepsico world headquarters; kendall sculpture garden; purchase 1
Pergamon Museum 40
perhaps Longwood 1
Perry 1
Perry's Plants 54
pershing square 2
person street 4
personal garden 10
Peter del tredici garden 6
Peter del tredici home 1
peter gentling garden 4
Peter Loewer Doan Ogden garden 15
Peter Loewer Doan Ogden garden 4
Peters and Wilson Nursery 45
Peterson's carnations 2
Petrified Forest National Park 18
Petworth House 19
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park 5
Philadelphia 6
Philadelphia center city 5
Philadelphia City Hall 1
Philadelphia Flower Show 4
Philadelphia Flower Show 1085 1
Philadelphia Flower Show 1985 34
Philadelphia flower show 1987 1
Philadelphia Zoo 6
Philbrook Center 2
philip johnson home; glass box 58
Phillip Watson garden 15
Phillip Watson home 5
Phipps Conservatory 15
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens 11
Photo Techniques 1
Piazza d'Italia 12
piazza del campidoglio 3
Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square) 1
Picadilly Farms 14
Picasso Museum 6
Pickerel Lake 49
piedmont 1
Piedmont Carolina Nursery 141
Piedmont Farmer's Market and Arboretum 12
Pilanesberg National Park 505
Pilot Mountain 67
Pilu (Bilyu) Sacred Tree area 37
Pine Knot Farms 2
Pine Knot Farms 113
Pioneer Square 8
Pirate's House, the 1
Pitt County Arboretum 19
Pittsburgh, daylily show 9
plains 1
Plains Growers 3
plains prairies 1
planned capital city 26
planned community near Washington DC 55
Plant Delights Nursery 323
Plant Delights Nursery, Juniper Level Botanic Gardens 15
Plant Delights Nursery, Juniper Level Botanic Gardens, Tony Avent 182
plant explorers 1
Plant Introduction 1
plant market 42
plant physiology 23
Plant Sciences Building, NC State University 28
plant sources 35
Plant Works Nursery 13
Planten un Bloemen 97
Planten un Bloemen Garden 102
Planting Fields 83
planting fields arboretum 6
Planting Fields Arboretum, long island 1
planting fields arboretum; long island 1
Plantings Fields Arboretum 1
Plantworks 25
plantworks nursery 17
Platt Garden 10
platt garden, portland 69
Platt garden; Portland 1
Platt Garrden 1
Platt National Park 3
playground 3
Plaza de Armas 7
Plaza de la Cathedral 16
plaza of Spain 4
Pleasant Run Nursery 7
plum hill 1
plum hill garden 19
Pointings Roof Garden Centre 1
Polaris Hotel 1
Polly spout; we-du nursery 1
Polynesian Cultural Center 1
Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu 10
Pompeii 9
Pompidou center 9
Pont du Gard 27
pool 1
port dick near cook inlet 1
port grimaud garden center 4
porterhowse nursery 3
Portland 1
portland (near) - north willamette expt. station 1
portland (near); beasley garden 42
portland (near); buchholz nursery 1
Portland civic center 1
Portland Classical Chinese Garden 108
Portland convention center 7
Portland Japanese garden 183
Portland landscape 10
portland landscaping and trees 1
Portland Rhododendron Trial Gardens 2
Portland rose garden 26
Portland State History Museum 1
Portland trial Garden 1
Portland; farwest show 3
Portland; lovejoy fountain 1
post office square 1
post properties 185
Post Properties landscape 79
Post Properties nursery 3
Post Properties, Vinings 5
post properties; atlanta 1
Powell Plant Farm 8
Powell's 1
Powell's Gardens 32
Powell's nursery, Powell's Gardens 1
Powell's Plant Farms 15
Powerscourt 47
Powerscourt Garden 46
prairie 1
prairie grassland 1
prairie provinces 4
Prairie Ridge Ecostation for Wildlife and Learning, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences 2
prairies 3
prairies; "Carhenge" 1
Price and Margaret Zimmerman's garden 6
Price's Nursery 1
Prince George County 8
Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain 7
Princeton nurseries 83
Princeton Nursery 1
Princeton Nursery, Loleta Powell, Powell's Gardens 57
Princeton; Powell's nursery, Powell's Gardens 1
Pringle Road 193
priorscourt 1
Priory Farm 78
Priory Nursery 3
private collector garden, Eddie Rezek 4
private conifer collector garden 8
private conifer garden 2
private conifer garden, Eddie Rezek 1
private estate 17
private garden 125
private garden in caribbean 4
private garden sale 1
private garden, Eddie Rezek 1
private garden; gary koller 1
private gardens inc.; frederick 17
private home 147
private home across street from hensley 1
private home garden 22
private home patio garden 1
private homes 4
private house 2
private Korean nursery 46
private nursery -Christmas tree grower 1
private patio home garden 4
private residence 1,072
private suburban home 2
private trailer home 1
Probus 43
probus extension demonstration garden 1
production west of Mexico city 9
propagation 3
Prospect Park 1
provincial border Ontario 1
Puan city scenes 19
public garden 38
public garden in Oslo 1
Public park 11
public plaza 1
public school ground 2
public street 2
Puget Sound 18
Pukerau Nursery 15
Pukerau Red Tussock Reserve 1
Pullen Park 34
Pulteney Bridge 10
Punchbowl Crater 1
Punta Ballena 20
Purdue University 2
Pusey House 7
Putoushan 62
pygmy pinetum 12
Pyonsan Peninsula 80
Pyonsan Peninsula; natural monument 124 3
Qiyunshan 176
Quail Botanical Gardens 184
quail creek shopping mall 1
Quarryhill Botanical Garden 117
Queen Elizabeth Park 225
Queen Elizabeth Park, Bloedel Conservatory 70
Queen Elizabeth Park, Bloedel Floral Conservatory 5
Queen Elizabeth Park, Quarry Gardens 60
Queens Botanical Garden 20
Quiyunshan 3
R U H L, Ridge laboratory 2
R. C. Simpson deciduous hollies 94
Radhusplassen 1
Raffles Hotel Singapore 4
ragland castle 2
raiche garden 37
railroad train station 1
Railroad trip 7
rain forest 11
Rainbow Bridge National Monument 15
Rainbow Falls 1
Raleigh 24
raleigh (near) 2
raleigh - I-40 highway roadside 1
Raleigh city parking lot 1
Raleigh Civic and Convention Center 17
Raleigh construction 16
raleigh convention and civic center 5
Raleigh Convention Center 3
Raleigh downtown 8
Raleigh Farmers Market 3
Raleigh gardens 4
raleigh home 2
Raleigh Little Theater 23
Raleigh mall 1
Raleigh shopping center 1
raleigh; lawrence garden 1
raleigh; private home 2
raleigh; raulston home 1
Raleigh; wade avenue 1
Raleigh; western boulevard 1
ranches around San Diego 10
ranches, wild animal park around San Diego 7
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 32
Randolph Mall 2
Ranso En Nursery 37
Raraflora 60
Raraflora, Fred Bergman (Bergmann) 14
Rattle Snake Lodge Trail 259
Raulston 2
Raulston cemetery 3
raulston childhood farm 1
Raulston childhood home farm 3
Raulston family farm 2
Raulston family home 26
Raulston family home dining room 1
Raulston family home dinner table 1
Raulston farm 6
raulston farm area 1
Raulston garden 13
Raulston home 8
Raulston home interior 13
Raulston personal garden 1
raulston pioneer homestead 1
Raulston private garden 1
Raulston rental home 1
Raulston wheat farm 1
Reasoner's Royal Palm Nurseries 13
Reaves Garden 19
red bluffs, 2 miles south of Lucien 1
red desert store, market street 3
Red Oak Nursery 2
Red Rocks Amphitheatre 2
Red Rocks Colorado 88
Red Rocks Park 111
Redwing Park 5
redwoods national park 1
Reforma park 9
Regents Park 4
regional parks botanic garden; Tilden botanic garden 1
Reichenau Island 14
reis garden 2
Renner 1
Renner experiment station 6
Renner Experiment Station near Dallas 41
Renner; TAMU agr. expt. station (Dallas) 2
reproduction 2
research farm 1
Research station 15
research triangle i-40 highway 1
research triangle park 1
Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi-Cayapas 28
residence 2
residence beside Stapeley Water Garden 1
residential 1
residential area 1
residential home construction area 4
residential lot 1
residential neighborhood 1
residential street 2
restaurant 14
reston 1
retail floral shop 1
retail garden center 7
retail nursery 71
retail nursery garden center 2
retail nursery shop 3
Revolution Square 11
Reynolda 11
Reynolda Gardens 36
Reynolda Village 1
Reynolda Village, Silo Bistro & Bar 1
reynolds field house - North Carolina State University 3
rheinhotel 1
Rhine River 6
Rhine River Drive 20
Rhine river valley 4
Rhine Valley 10
rhododendron farm 3
rhododendron grower 1
rhododendron nursery 1
rhododendron park 38
Rhododendron Park and Botanic Garden 24
Rhododendron Species Foundation 6
Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden 212
Rhododendron Test Garden 8
rhs Chelsea flower show 406
RHS Garden Wisley 53
RHS Great Autumn Show 31
RHS Hampton Court 117
RHS Spring Show 19
RHS Wisely 146
RHS Wisely Garden 6
RHS Wisely Gardens 329
RHS Wisely nursery 18
RHS Wisley 39
rhs wisley garden 10
rhs wisley garden center 8
rhs wisley garden center nursery 1
rhs wisley garden nursery; garden center 1
rhs wisley gardens 74
rhs wisley gardens garden center nursery 1
rhs wisley gardens nursery 5
rhs wisley gardens retail center 2
Ribbonwood Nurseries 1
Rich home tour 19
Richard and Liz Ramsey's garden 9
richard schock garden 22
Richardson Rhododendron Farm 75
Richardson's Farm Market 2
Richmond (private garden) 5
richmond hill inn 13
Richmond Nature Park 4
Richmond Park 21
Richmond private garden 6
richmond; agecroft hall; virginia house 1
Richmond; maymont park 1
Richmond; private garden 8
Richmond; rich private garden 3
Rick Ray 1
ride to Chollipo Arboretum 1
Ridge laboratory 1
ridgecrest nursery 4
rigi 7
Ringling Art Museum 4
Rio Azul 235
Rio Botanic Garden 44
Rio Cayapas 14
Rio de Janeiro 1
Rio Grande valley 1
Ritsurin Park 27
river 1
River Avon 1
River Farm, American Horticultural Society 4
Riverbanks Botanic Garden and Zoo 40
riverbanks zoo 2
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden 234
Riverbanks Zoo Botanic Garden 11
riverbanks zoo; columbia 1
Riverbend Nursery 40
riverside suburban development 1
riverwalk 6
riverway 1
Riviera 10
road Pisa to Florence 2
road to Athens 1
road to Madrid 1
road Valencia to Madrid 4
roadside 24
roadside highway west of Winston 1
roadside wild 1
roadside wilds 4
Roan Mountain 19
Robbins Nur