Common Name Index

The 7,090 common names listed on this page are included in the Photograph Collection. Follow the links to see the photographs of the plants with the common names below or use the search page to find the photographs you'd like to see.

"dwarf golden Asiatic jessamine" 4
'lilting' tall bearded iris 4
20os05 wishbone flower 2
379 red wood-lotus 4
abelia 2
Abert's creeping zinnia 7
Abyssinian gladiolus 11
Acadiana red holly 7
Ackerman camellia 34
Ackerman hybrid camellia 64
Adam and Eve 4
Adam's laburnum 10
Adam's needle yucca 30
Adonis blazingstar 2
adult English ivy 10
Aegean wallflower 5
Afgan fig 6
Afghan bush cherry 12
Afghan fig 2
Afghan redbud 3
African boxwood 9
African cyclamen 2
African false hosta 4
African hosta 3
African iris 2
African mountain cedar 4
African snake lily 11
African star flower 35
African yellowwood 3
agave 17
agave leaf sea holly 5
agina japanese maple 5
Alabama azalea 2
Alabama croton 20
Alabama pinkroot 10
Alabama snow-wreath 30
alabama sunrise foamy bells 2
Alabama warbonnets 3
Alabama wild ginger 4
Alamos barrel cactus 1
Alder-leaved serviceberry 5
Aleutian maidenhair 11
Algerian iris 13
algerita 54
Alishan maple 9
All A'Twitter miniature rose 2
Allee Chinese elm 3
Allegheny spurge 35
alligator juniper 3
almond 14
aloe 2
Aloha Nani Tropicana calibrachoa 2
alp lily 10
alpine aster 1
alpine avens 15
Alpine bellflower 3
alpine besseya 2
alpine bistort 2
alpine Chinese plum-yew 4
alpine cider gum 4
Alpine clematis 1
alpine clover 10
alpine cyclamen 1
alpine daphne 12
alpine false goldenaster 3
alpine false springparsley 5
alpine geranium 2
alpine locoweed 5
alpine lousewort 5
alpine milkvetch 6
alpine mountainsorrel 3
alpine parsley 9
alpine pennycress 3
alpine pink 14
alpine primrose 10
alpine sandwort 13
alpine smelowskia 11
alpine soapwort 4
alpine springbeauty 18
alpine squill 1
alpine toadflax 2
alpine totara 3
alpine wallflower 33
alpine water fern 7
alpine yucca 4
Alpino Early Magic Salmon rockfoil 7
Alta columnar southern magnolia 6
Altissimo large flowered climbing rose 3
Amadokoro Solomon's seal 1
Amami Islands pieris 2
amarcrinum 41
Amazon sword 23
Amazon water platter 15
Amazonian zebra plant 1
Amber Glow dawn redwood 7
Amber Jubilee golden ninebark 2
Amelia's Treasure Korean azalea 2
American alpine speedwell 4
American alumroot 16
American arborvitae 52
American beautyberry 20
American beech 47
American bistort 13
American bluehearts 6
American cancer-root 6
American cranberry 6
American cranberrybush 11
American elm 27
American fringe tree 14
American ginseng 6
American globeflower 14
American holly 32
American honeysuckle 28
American hophornbeam 13
American hornbeam 11
American maidenhair fern 18
American Pie pinks 4
American rockbrake 13
American skunkcabbage 17
American smoketree 6
American snowbell 17
American Spice dwarf Burkwood viburnum 22
American wild senna 5
American wisteria 54
American witchhazel 20
American yellowwood 26
Americana White Splash 09 geranium 1
amethyst toad lily 35
Amur chokecherry 4
Amur corktree 11
Amur honeysuckle 1
Amur maackia 3
Amur maple 32
Amur silvergrass 11
Amur stonecrop 3
Amur tree lilac 5
Andrew's clintonia 14
Angel Earrings Cascading hardy cascading fuchsia 28
Angel Falls variegated pink flowered pieris 5
angel's dress Japanese maple 5
angel's fishing rod 10
angel's trumpet 4
angel's-trumpet 16
angelita daisy 53
angelonia 6
angelwing begonia 1
anise 6
anise hyssop 19
anise magnolia 12
anise-hyssop 5
anise-leaf pittosporum 33
annual purple fountain grass 6
annual purslane 39
antelope bitterbrush 9
antelope-horn milkweed 2
Apache pine 7
Apache plume 21
Apalachicola wild-indigo 5
Apollo sugar maple 18
Appalachian barren strawberry 5
apple 44
apple rose 10
apple-blossom Thunberg spirea 10
apricot barberry 2
Apricot Drift ground cover rose 7
apricot Lenten rose 6
apricot-flower pomegranate 1
Arabian coffee 13
Arabian jasmine 1
Arabian lilac 2
Arborescens Golden Form adult English ivy 4
arborvitae 20
arborvitae fern 3
arctic alpine forget-me-not 6
arctic bellflower 4
arctic sweet coltsfoot 4
Argentina prairie nymph 2
Argentina verbena 35
Argentine bean vine 2
Argentine blue irid 7
Argentine senna 23
arilbred iris 24
Arizona bladderpod 2
Arizona cypress 38
Arizona foldwing 2
Arizona mescalbean 8
Arizona Milkweed 7
Arizona rosewood 6
Arizona walnut 4
Arkansas ironweed 2
Arkansas oak 1
Arkansas yucca 2
Armenian oak 3
Arnold Arboretum hybrid flowering cherry 5
Arnold buckeye 6
aromatic aster 27
Aromi hybrid azalea 121
Aromi white flowered azalea 1
arrow arum 2
arrow-leaf ginger 4
arrowleaf balsamroot 7
arrowleaf ragwort 2
arrowweed 4
arroyo sweetwood 23
asarabacca 6
Ashe arrowwood 4
Ashe's magnolia 23
Ashton ice-plant 4
Asian aster 20
Asian bluestar 19
Asian chain fern 14
Asian dianthus 3
Asian ginseng 5
Asian royal fern 5
Asian spicebush 4
Asian star anise 4
Asian white birch 1
Asian yellow birch 3
Asiatic jasmine 1
Asiatic jessamine 11
asparagus 16
aspen fleabane 13
assorted cultivars mangave 1
aster 26
astilbe 12
At Last floribunda rose 5
At Last shrub rose 9
atamasco lily 42
Athenian crocus 16
Atherton palm 1
Atlantic camas 3
Atlantic poison oak 2
Atlantic St. John's-wort 2
Atlantic white-cedar 70
Atlantis Takeshima stonecrop 1
Atlas cedar 17
Atomic Red red crossvine 2
Atomic Red red trumpet vine 1
attalea palm 2
August lily 8
Austral bracken 3
Australian gum 6
Austrian pine 15
Autumn Belle Encore Azalea® 2
Autumn Carnation Encore Azalea® 1
Autumn Charm variegated sedum 11
Autumn Cheer Encore Azalea® 20
Autumn Cheer Encore® azalea 1
Autumn Cheer re-blooming azalea 1
Autumn Coral Encore Azalea® 5
autumn crocus 2
Autumn Embers Ozark witch hazel 2
Autumn Embers Ozark witchhazel 13
autumn fern 10
autumn flowering arum 11
autumn frost hosta 17
autumn goldenrod 3
Autumn Jazz Southern arrowwood 5
Autumn Joy sedum 20
Autumn Royalty Encore Azalea® 12
autumn sage 141
autumn snowflake 22
Autumn Twist encore azalea 2
autumn-blooming crocus 10
autumn-flowering crocus 21
Avery Peak twinpod 11
avocado 4
awnpetal meadowbeauty 4
azalea 31
Aztec lily 11
azure bluet 12
Baber's bee-bee tree 46
Baby Bliss blue flax-lily 1
baby cyclamen 94
Baby Gem dwarf boxwood 1
Baby Jade Japanese boxwood 4
Baby Lace panicle hydrangea 2
baby sage 36
baby's tears 1
baby's-breath 4
bachelor's button 5
Bahama firebush 1
Bahamian cycad 3
Bailey's hedgehog cactus 4
Baker's azalea 18
bald cypress 210
baldhip rose 2
Balearic boxwood 3
Balkan maple 3
Ballard's hellebore 1
Ballard's hybrid hellebore 23
ballhead ipomopsis 3
ballhead sandwort 8
ballhead waterleaf 6
balloon flower 5
Balmy Purple bee balm 8
balsam 21
balsam fir 4
bamboo fern 12
bamboo iris 4
bamboo muhly grass 9
bamboo orchid 5
banana 2
banana canna 3
banana shrub 20
banana yucca 9
baobab 3
Barbados aloe 4
barbary ragwort 43
barberry 51
barrel agave 7
barrel cactus 2
barrenwort 43
basalt milkvetch 2
basil 1
basswood 5
bastardsage 4
Battiscombe's skyflower 2
bay 8
Bay Breeze Indian hawthorn 3
bay laurel 2
beach alder 3
beach false foxglove 4
beach sage 2
beach strawberry 8
beach vitex 20
beachhead iris 1
Beadle’s tickseed 4
bean 5
bear grass 6
bear oak 3
bear tupelo 6
bear's breech 37
bear's breeches 22
bear's foot hellebore 4
bear-grass 16
bearberry cotoneaster 5
bearded iris 7
beardtongue 60
bearsfoot hellebore 63
Beasley hybrid azalea 1
beautiful deutzia 3
beautiful rhododendron 3
beautiful star mock-orange 13
beautyberry 84
beautybush 9
Beaver Creek fothergilla 9
Beaver Creek witch-alder 1
beavertail prickly pear 15
bed of nails 31
bedstraw St. John's-wort 1
bee balm 3
bee-bee tree 5
beebalm 13
beech-drops 3
beefsteak plant 6
beetleweed 18
begonia 13
Beijing Beauty grapeholly 8
Belgian Indicum hybrid azalea 1
bell flower hesperaloe 37
bell heather 8
Bella Rouge / Hot Flash sasanqua camellia 8
belladonna 3
Belle Story shrub rose 4
Belleza Dark Pink wand flower 3
bellflower 55
Bellini Grape crepe myrtle 4
bellisima grande 1
bells of Ireland 2
Beltsville Dwarf hybrid azalea 6
Benghal cypress 4
Berries Jubilee Chinese holly 5
Berry Poppins winterberry holly 25
Bertoloni's columbine 1
betony 0
Betty Boop floribunda rose 1
bicolor baby sage 18
bicolor Chinese fringe flower 2
bicolor Chinese fringe-flower 9
bicolor sage 2
bicolor tree peony 10
bicolor weeping peach 11
Big Bend acanthus 3
big berry manzanita 5
big betony 5
Big Blue hybrid salvia 1
big blue lobelia 9
big bluestem 7
big floatingheart 3
Big Hit hybrid rosemallow 8
big leaf creeping fig 1
big muhly 9
big red sage 19
big seeded coprosma 2
Big Sky coneflower 1
Big Sky™ coneflower 12
big-cone dawn redwood 8
big-leaf maple 9
big-leaf purple fountain grass 2
big-leaf purple heart tradescantia 9
Bigelow's sneezeweed 2
bigflower tellima 6
bigfoot waterclover 2
bigleaf beautyberry 4
bigleaf dogwood 23
bigleaf hydrangea 199
bigleaf magnolia 36
bigleaf periwinkle 2
bigroot geranium 4
bigtooth agave 2
bigtooth maple 6
bilimbi 1
bilobed grewia 7
birch 6
birchleaf maple 12
bird of paradise 15
bird's foot Vvolet 3
bird's nest spruce 4
bird's-foot trefoil 4
bird's-head nodding hosta 3
Bishop pine 1
bishop's cap 3
bishop's hat 33
Bitchiu viburnum 16
bitter melon 6
bitter panicgrass 17
black bamboo 24
black barberry 4
black cherry 3
black chokeberry 2
black cohosh 8
black cotton 1
Black Diamond Best Red crepe myrtle 2
Black Diamond Red Hot crepe myrtle 8
black gum 123
Black Hat rhododendron 5
black hawthorn 9
black hollyhock 1
black huckleberry 3
black juniper 2
Black Lace purple-leaf European elderberry 15
black leaf crepe myrtle 12
black Louisiana iris 4
black mondo grass 25
black parsley 2
Black Pearl eastern redbud 9
black pepper 2
black poui 10
Black Scallop black carpet bugle 19
Black Sea dogwood 15
black sea holly 10
black tree fern 2
Black Tulip saucer magnolia 3
black-eyed Susan 54
black-eyed Susan vine 5
black-leaf Jack-in-the-pulpit 5
black-leaf shooting star 1
black-leaved rice 18
black-stem bigleaf hydrangea 7
black-throated calla 2
blackberry lily 35
Blackbird spurge 2
blackhaw viburnum 12
blackjack oak 2
blacksamson 4
blackstem bluestar 4
bladder senna 5
blake snakeroot 4
blanket flower 27
blanketflower 16
blazing star 15
blazing stars columbine 17
bleeding heart 14
Blireana plum 24
Blondy wintercreeper euonymus 3
blood trumpet vine 2
blood-leaf chaff-flower 5
bloodleaf 1
bloodtwig dogwood 106
bloody butcher 6
bloody cranesbill 14
bloody cranesbill geranium 1
bloody dock 2
Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink azalea 10
Bloom-A-Thon Lavender azalea 9
Bloom-A-Thon Pink Double azalea 2
Bloom-A-Thon Red azalea 1
Bloomerang Dark Purple re-blooming lilac 9
Bloomerang re-blooming lilac 37
blue angel's trumpet 11
blue anise sage 43
blue ash 4
blue Atlantic white-cedar 4
blue Atlas cedar 41
blue baneberry 3
blue bugle 1
Blue Bunny compact bracted hydrangea 29
Blue Cascade isu tree 3
blue China-fir 10
blue Chinese juniper 3
blue coastal redwood 8
blue cohosh 2
blue daimond cholla 2
Blue Diddley dwarf chastetree 1
blue dwarf Alberta spruce 1
blue eastern redcedar 1
blue evergreen hydrangea 3
blue fanflower 1
blue fescue 15
blue ginger 3
blue globe daisy 2
blue globe onion 7
blue glory vine 1
blue grama 12
blue grama grass 4
blue hesper palm 9
blue holly 1
blue iochroma 6
blue isu 20
blue Korean pine 2
blue mahoe 7
blue mistflower 10
blue moss Sawara falsecypress 9
Blue Mountain prairie clover 5
Blue Muffin Southern arrowwood 1
blue oak sage 22
blue palo verde 2
blue plumbago 1
blue Porterwed 13
blue potato vine 3
Blue Rock dwarf Atlantic white cedar 4
blue rock fern 2
blue rock-bindweed 2
blue rug creeping juniper 3
blue sage 3
blue sandalwood 5
Blue Satin rose-of-Sharon 19
blue Sawara falsecypress 6
blue Sierra redwood 3
blue sotol 14
blue Spanish fir 11
blue spruce 24
blue star 3
blue stem joint fir 2
blue tree tobacco 7
blue tussock 2
Blue Waterfall Serbian bellflower 8
blue wild-indigo 10
blue witch's hat 1
blue wood sedge 3
blue yucca 6
blue-eyed African daisy 1
blue-eyed grass 10
blue-stem goldenrod 2
bluebeard 49
blueberry 2
Blueberry Smoothie rose-of-Sharon 1
blueblossom 6
bluedicks 8
bluehead gilia 3
bluestar 3
Blumhardt hybrid magnolia 2
Blush Pink dwarf heavenly bamboo 8
Blush Satin rose-of-Sharon 2
Blushing Butterflies gaura 1
Blushing Knock Out shrub rose 5
blushing viburnum 9
Bobo panicled hydrangea 8
Bodinier beautyberry 1
Bodinier's boxwood 7
Bodinier's grape holly 4
Bodinier's grapeholly 10
Bodnant viburnum 22
bog orchid 2
bog sage 10
Bokhara iris 23
Bolander's ragwort 6
Bolivian amaryllis 1
Bolivian begonia 33
Bolivian pitchersage 9
Bolivian sage 20
Bolivian sunset 1
Bolton's aster 1
bomarea 30
Bombay Lavender lavender fanflower 2
Bombay White white fanflower 1
Bonanza Gold golden Japanese barberry 8
bone-knitted lotus 1
Bonin islands fatsia 1
Bonin Islands juniper 2
Bordeaux dwarf yaupon holly 5
border bearded iris 7
border forsythia 11
boreal sage 2
Boscobel English shrub rose 2
Boscobel shrub rose 1
Bosnian Pine 20
Boston fern 9
Boston ivy 19
botanical tulip 13
Boto-botonis 8
boton de oro 3
botterblom 1
bottlebrush 1
bottlebrush buckeye 32
bougainvillea 4
bourbon rose 8
bower plant 1
box honeysuckle 2
box leaf distylium 1
box-leaf barberry 2
box-leaf lipstick plant 6
boxleaf honeysuckle 1
boxwood 81
bracketplant 2
bracted century plant 5
bracted lousewort 5
bracted strawflower 3
bracted viburnum 5
branched lagophylla 3
branched pencil cholla 5
Brandegee's penstemon 2
Brass Band floribunda rose 1
brass monkey hybrid evergreen magnolia 14
Brazil nut 2
Brazilian butterfly bush 10
Brazilian dwarf morning-glory 5
Brazilian plume 5
Brazilian red cloak 4
Brazillian bellflower 5
breadfruit 10
Breeze dwarf longleaf mat-rush 5
Brepo dwarf Austrian pine 7
Brewer spruce 18
Briant Rubidor gold-leaf weigela 3
bridal creeper 2
Bridal Sunblaze minature rose 2
bridal wreath spirea 8
bridal-veil glorybower 3
Bride's Dream tea rose 1
bridewort 2
brierroot 6
Brigadoon tea rose 2
Bright Sparks Scarlet cockscomb celosia 2
Brise d'Anjou variegated Jacob's ladder 3
bristle-leaf sedge 5
Bristlecone hemlock 7
broad bean 3
broad beech fern 3
broad petal michelia 1
broad-leafed perennial snapdragon 2
broad-leaved podocarpus 14
broadleaf four o'clock 7
broadleaf starflower 3
broadleaf stonecrop 29
Broadrose Japanese camellia 17
broccoli 2
bromeliad 9
bronze fennel 8
bronze loquat 11
brook saxifrage 5
Brooklyn Botanic Garden hybrid magnolia 56
Brooklyn magnolia 20
broom 20
broom fern 9
Buchanan's sage 2
buckbean 2
buckthorn bully 4
Buerger holly 14
buffalo gourd 5
bugleweed 2
bulbous woodland-star 12
Bulgarian carnation 1
bull thistle 3
Bunny Blue blue sedge 4
bunya bunya 6
bur oak 4
Burford holly 16
Burgundy Carousel purple-leaf Japanese barberry 1
Burgundy Cotton crepe myrtle 2
Burgundy Hearts purple-leaf eastern redbud 14
burgundy-stem elephant ear 10
Burkwood osmanthus 26
Burkwood viburnum 16
Burmese mahonia 18
burnet-flowered eryngo 4
burrawong 5
burro's tail 3
bush clematis 3
bush germander 5
bush honeysuckle 1
bush lily 33
bush morning glory 1
bush rice grass 1
Bush's poppy mallow 5
bush-clover 40
bushy bluestem 2
butcher's broom 27
buttercup winterhazel 23
butterfly bush 24
butterfly ginger lily 1
butterfly ginger-lily 7
butterfly gladiolus 12
butterfly iris 42
butterfly maple 12
butterfly vine 4
butterfly weed 52
butterfly-bush 119
buttonbush 1
Buttons 'N Bows picotee French hydrangea 1
Caam hybrid juniper 8
cabada palm 5
Cabaret Pink Hot calibrachoa 1
cabbage palmetto 35
cactus-apple 10
Caesar's mushroom 1
caespitose four-nerve daisy 11
caladium 4
calico aster 1
California balsamroot 6
California barrel cactus 6
California bay 12
California bog asphodel 3
California buckeye 23
California butterwort 5
California false hellebore 21
California fan palm 27
California fetid adderstongue 3
California flannelbush 8
California huckleberry 8
California incense-cedar 18
California lady's-slipper 16
California milkwort 5
California mock-orange 6
California poppy 34
California torreya 7
calla lily 73
callery pear 49
camas-lily 6
camellia 227
campact harlequin glorybower 6
Campbell's maple 3
Camperdown weeping elm 32
camphor tree 40
campion 8
Canada wild-ginger 9
Canadian lousewort 4
Canadian serviceberry 1
Canadian white violet 9
Canary Island sage 1
Canary Islands juniper 8
canary violet 11
candela 11
candelilla 4
candle tree 1
candlebush 11
candy corn plant 1
Candy Floss hybrid sweet william 3
candy-cane surprise-lily 4
candyleaf 1
candytuft 39
canereed 8
canna 7
canna lily 101
canna-lily 181
CannaSol Happy Carmen canna lily 1
CannaSol Happy Cleo canna lily 2
cannonball tree 12
cantaloupe 7
cape cowslip 3
Cape figwort 6
cape honeysuckle 18
Cape jasmine 26
Cape jessamine 97
Cape leadwort 9
Cape primrose 4
Cape shamrock 7
Cape sundew 2
Cape tulip 3
Cara Mia Yellow coneflower 12
carambola 1
cardboard plant 6
cardinal flower 29
Cardinal red holly 9
Cardinal Southern arrowwood 3
cardoon 20
Cardwell's beardtongue 3
Carefree Beauty shrub rose 6
Carefree Spirit shrub rose 2
Carefree Sunshine shrub rose 16
Caribbean copper plant 6
Caribbean pine 1
caricature plant 2
Carla azalea 4
Carla hybrid azalea 26
carnation 108
carnation grass 22
Carney hybrid daylily 3
Carolina birds-in-a-nest 5
Carolina buckthorn 7
Carolina bushpea 9
Carolina cherrylaurel 12
Carolina grass of Parnassus 8
Carolina hemlock 19
Carolina holly 11
Carolina jessamine 32
Carolina lily 1
Carolina Moonlight white loropetalum 12
Carolina silverbell 17
Carolina Sweetheart variegated purple leaf eastern redbud 5
Carolina wild petunia 4
Carpathian glossy pink 3
Carpathian harebell 9
carpet bugle 21
carpet mum 8
carpet phlox 6
carrot fern 13
cascade stonecrop 1
Caspian holly 2
cast iron plant 31
cast-iron plant 15
castor bean 3
cat claw acacia 2
cat thyme 4
cat's whiskers 2
cat's-claw 1
Catalina Midnight Blue wishbone flower 6
catbells 2
catchfly 25
Catesby's pitcher plant 3
Cathay beautyberry 6
Cathay persimmon 8
cathaya 19
cathedral windows hosta 15
Catherine wheel flower 2
catmint 6
catnip 2
cattleya 4
Caucasian elm 4
Caucasian honeysuckle 2
Caucasian linden 1
Caucasian oak 6
Caucasian spruce 26
Caucasian stonecrop 8
cauliflower 3
cavalier hemiboea 4
cedar 47
Cedar Elm 5
cedar-of-Lebanon 3
celandine 4
celandine poppy 21
Celebration Freeman maple 2
Celestial Shadow variegated hybrid dogwood 5
centipede grass 5
century plant 56
ceriman 9
cerulean flax-lily 3
chahuiqui 3
chain-flowered redbud 24
chalice vine 2
chalk maple 2
chalk rose 1
chalky bluestem 3
chameleon Japanese maple 28
Champion's Gold Kousa dogwood 5
Champion's wood fern 6
chang mao nan 1
Chapa michelia 4
Chapman rhododendron 1
Chardonnay Pearls slender deutzia 20
chaste tree 41
Chastity ornamental pear 10
Chatham Island akeake 2
Chatham Island forget-me-not 6
Chatham Island ice plant 1
Chattahoochee River wakerobin 6
chaura 4
checkerbloom 4
Cheddar pink 14
cheddar pinks 2
chenille plant 10
Cherokee sedge 2
Cherry Dazzle compact crepe myrtle 13
cherry eleagnus 4
Cherry Explosion bigleaf hydrangea 8
cherry plum 4
cherry sunbright 7
cherrybark oak 1
chestnut rose 10
chestnut-pine 8
Chicago Fire burning bush 12
Chicago Luster Southern arrowwood 5
Chicagoland Green hybrid boxwood 2
Chichuaha spruce 2
Chick Charms Appletini hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Berry Blues hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Cherry Berry hens and chicks 2
Chick Charms Chocolate Kiss hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Cosmic Candy hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Cotton Candy cobweb hens and chicks 2
Chick Charms hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Key Lime Kiss hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Mint Marvel hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Silver Suede hens and chicks 1
Chick Charms Sugar Shimmer hens and chicks 1
chicory 4
Chihuly floribunda rose 14
Chilean glory flower 3
Chilean guava 7
Chilean gunnera 7
Chilean incense-cedar 11
Chilean jasmine 21
Chilean orange-ball tree 13
China moon Solomon's seal 1
China rose 29
China-fir 52
Chinaberry 31
Chinese abelia 32
Chinese anise 21
Chinese Artichoke 2
Chinese aster 9
Chinese astilbe 4
Chinese aucuba 19
Chinese banyan 5
Chinese bigleaf magnolia 3
Chinese bishopwood 2
Chinese box-elder 35
Chinese box-orange 3
Chinese boxwood 8
Chinese catalpa 4
Chinese catchfly 5
Chinese chestnut 13
Chinese climbing hydrangea 13
Chinese coffee tree 1
Chinese coffin cypress 3
Chinese cork oak 11
Chinese cornel 2
Chinese cotoneaster 5
Chinese creepingfern 3
Chinese date 20
Chinese Douglas-fir 3
Chinese elm 22
Chinese emmenopterys 61
Chinese emperor plum 15
Chinese evergreen oak 26
Chinese evergreen Solomon’s seal 3
Chinese fairy bells 9
Chinese fighazel 22
Chinese flowering ash 17
Chinese forest mayapple 7
Chinese foxglove 39
Chinese fringe tree 77
Chinese fringe-flower 5
Chinese hackberry 1
Chinese hazelnut 7
Chinese helwingia 8
Chinese hemlock 16
Chinese holly 38
Chinese honeylocust 9
Chinese horse chestnut 15
Chinese hydrangea 58
Chinese incense-cedar 3
Chinese ironwood 29
Chinese jacktree 6
Chinese jasmine 10
Chinese juniper 24
Chinese kadsura 12
Chinese lantern tree 15
Chinese lobelia 2
Chinese lucky grass 3
Chinese machilus 5
Chinese mahonia 29
Chinese manglietia 22
Chinese maple 7
Chinese mayapple 103
Chinese meadow rue 6
Chinese michelia 9
Chinese mountainash 1
Chinese neillia 9
Chinese new year flower 1
Chinese nutmeg-tree 12
Chinese pachysandra 7
Chinese parasol storax 31
Chinese parasol tree 38
Chinese patterned mayapple 3
Chinese peatree 4
Chinese photinia 11
Chinese pieris 16
Chinese pistache 21
Chinese pittosporum 4
Chinese plum yew 1
Chinese plum-yew 18
Chinese plumbago 9
Chinese podocarpus 8
Chinese quince 20
Chinese red birch 3
Chinese red pine 1
Chinese redbud 170
Chinese reineckia 6
Chinese rhubarb 2
Chinese rose-of-Sharon 24
Chinese sacred lily 5
Chinese sassafras 152
Chinese sedum 6
Chinese snowball viburnum 6
Chinese soapberry 5
Chinese Solomon's seal 1
chinese spike tail 5
Chinese spike-tail 17
Chinese spindletree 12
Chinese stewartia 36
Chinese strawberry tree 6
Chinese sumac 8
Chinese swamp cypress 20
Chinese sweet gum 9
Chinese sweetspire 19
Chinese tallow 7
Chinese tan-bark oak 20
Chinese tea-olive 17
Chinese toothache tree 4
Chinese trumpetcreeper 29
Chinese tuber asparagus 10
Chinese tuliptree 43
Chinese tupelo 3
Chinese umbrella leaf 2
Chinese viburnum 21
Chinese wax plant 63
Chinese weeping cypress 2
Chinese white pine 2
Chinese wild ginger 13
Chinese winged euonymus 2
Chinese wingnut 8
Chinese wintergreen barberry 21
Chinese winterhazel 16
Chinese wisteria 4
Chinese witch hazel 9
Chinese witchhazel 63
Chinese wood-vamp 1
Chinese yellow banana 60
Chinese yew 10
Chinese zelkova 12
Chinese-cedar 32
Ching's redbud 46
Ching's wood-lotus 2
chinkapin oak 1
chir pine 2
Chisos agave 83
Chisos oak 8
chitalpa 22
chives 9
Chocolate Chip tricolor carpet bugle 5
Chocolate Fountain weeping purple-leaf mimosa 2
chocolate vine 28
Christmas cactus 3
Christmas fern 19
Christmas fig 11
Christmas Jewel evergreen holly 14
Christmas rose 44
Christopher Marlowe shrub rose 8
Chrysalis Pink butterfly bush 1
chrysanthemum 308
Chun's redbud 20
cinnamon 2
cinnamon fern 8
Cinnamon Girl isu tree 5
cinnamon viburnum 8
cinnamon-bark maple 9
citradia 5
citrumelo 9
Citrus Swizzle variegated forsythia 2
citrus-yellow passion flower 14
City Slicker river birch 4
City Sprite Japanese zelkova 11
Claire Austin shrub-climbing rose 3
Clanwilliam cedar 4
claret cup hedgehog cactus 12
Clark's buckthorn 2
clary sage 7
clasping heliotrope 18
Classic Woman tea rose 3
clematis 135
climbing aster 35
climbing butcher's broom 5
climbing cactus 2
climbing fig 20
climbing hydrangea 47
climbing miniature rose 3
climbing onion 1
climbing polyantha rose 2
climbing rose 38
cloth of gold crocus 7
Cloud 10 climbing rose 8
cloud brocade Japanese fatsia 12
cloud grass 4
club cholla 10
clubbed begonia 5
clumping bamboo 10
clumping mondo grass 6
clumping monkey-grass 29
clumping mountain mint 3
cluster lily 3
clustered bellflower 19
Cnidoscolus 4
coastal azalea 37
coastal brookfoam 4
coastal daylily 2
coastal golden spike-tail 8
coastal leucothoe 11
coastal plain tickseed 3
coastal redwood 152
cobra lily and Jack-in-the-pulpit 36
cobra lily; 29
cobweb hens and chicks 1
Cochran camellia 3
Cochran hybrid camellia 28
cockscomb celosia 42
cockscomb Japanese-cedar 7
cockspur coral tree 13
cockspur hawthorn 4
coco de mer 5
coconut palm 72
coffin tree 3
cohune palm 4
cojomaria 2
Colchis ivy 18
cold hardy mesemb 10
coleus 155
Coliseum maple 8
collar daffodil 88
collared hellebore 8
Colorado blue spruce 103
Colorado rubberweed 5
Colorado spruce 2
Columbian monkshood 11
Columbian windflower 8
columbine 60
columnar American arborvitae 2
columnar blue Atlas cedar 9
columnar Chinese fringe tree 5
columnar Chinese juniper 10
columnar Colorado blue spruce 3
columnar common boxwood 3
columnar dwarf hornbeam 14
columnar Eastern red-cedar 5
columnar eastern white pine 6
columnar English oak 44
columnar European beech 1
columnar flowering dogwood 13
columnar flowering peach 57
columnar goldenrain tree 2
columnar Hinoki falsecypress 1
columnar holly tea-olive 14
columnar hybrid oak 11
columnar Japanese yew-pine 11
columnar Japanese zelkova 8
columnar maidenhair tree 8
columnar Norway spruce 3
columnar purple European beech 8
columnar sweet gum 9
columnar Ubame oak 5
comfortroot 5
comfrey 2
Commemoration sugar maple 1
common asparagus fern 7
common banana 6
common basil 2
common beargrass 4
common borage 3
common boxwood 136
common butterfly-weed 54
common buttonbush 5
common camas-lily 5
common cherrylaurel 7
common cowparsnip 3
common dandelion 3
common European ash 4
common fig 21
common firebush 7
common flax 1
common globe amaranth 3
common goldstar 7
common grape hyacinth 21
common hyacinth 73
common jujube 9
common juniper 20
common kidneyvetch 1
common lantana 32
common lilac 3
common little bluestem 8
common mallow 10
common milkweed 7
common mimosa 15
common myrtle 2
common or garden parsley 4
common pearlbush 35
common periwinkle 16
common persimmon 10
common polypody 5
common pomegranate 21
common prickly-pear 2
common ragwort 2
common sassafras 26
common stonecrop 4
common sunflower 49
common sweetshrub 29
common switch grass 42
common Townsend daisy 4
common water hyacinth 3
common weigela 1
common wheat 14
common witchhazel 170
common woolly sunflower 2
common yarrow 23
common yew 1
common zinnia 6
compact American arborvitae 2
compact American holly 13
compact American witchhazel 6
Compact Angel's Fishing Rod 2
compact autumn sage 5
compact beebalm 9
compact black locust 3
compact blue agave 1
compact blue eastern redcedar 6
compact blue isu 1
compact butcher's broom 2
compact butterfly bush 13
compact butterfly-bush 17
compact Cape jasmine 1
compact Carolina hemlock 8
compact Chinese fringe-flower 17
compact Colorado blue spruce 11
compact common cherrylaurel 2
compact common juniper 2
compact daphniphyllum 6
compact Deodar cedar 3
compact eastern hemlock 6
compact eastern redbud 30
compact eastern redcedar 3
compact false Japanese cleyera 15
compact Florida anise 8
compact Frikart barberry 2
compact fringed bluestar 3
compact full moon maple 3
compact gardenia 2
compact glossy abelia 3
compact heavenly bamboo 5
compact hedge maple 9
compact Japanese andromeda 1
compact Japanese cedar 2
compact Japanese holly 1
compact Japanese maple 1
compact Japanese white pine 1
compact Japanese-cedar 20
compact Koreanspice viburnum 6
compact Kousa dogwood 1
compact laurustinus 3
compact maiden grass 14
compact maidenhair tree 4
compact Mexican bush sage 3
compact mountain hydrangea 4
compact Nootka falsecypress 1
compact Norway spruce 4
compact pampas grass 28
compact pearlbush 4
compact purple-leaf Chinese fringe-flower 39
compact rosemary 3
compact rosy locust 3
compact Russian sage 2
compact Sargent viburnum 17
compact shrub lespedeza 6
compact southwestern white pine 5
compact strawberry tree 66
compact vine maple 3
compact Walter's viburnum 45
compact weeping eastern hemlock 4
concolor fir 11
coneflower 78
Confederate jessamine 12
Confederate rose 13
Confederate violet 4
Confederate wakerobin 8
Confetti variegated glossy abelia 18
conical silver poplar 2
Constellation Rutgers hybrid dogwood 48
contorted black gum 4
contorted black locust 1
contorted Chinese privet 7
contorted Chinese redbud 10
contorted Deodar cedar 4
contorted dwarf eastern hemlock 5
contorted echeveria 5
contorted European beech 5
contorted flowering quince 24
contorted green lace-leaf Japanese maple 5
contorted hardy orange 42
contorted Hinoki falsecypress 4
contorted hybrid popular 4
contorted Japanese aucuba 11
contorted Japanese camellia 13
contorted Japanese flowering apricot 1
contorted Japanese holly 1
contorted leaf heavenly bamboo 12
contorted leaf maidenhair tree 4
contorted quince 8
contorted sourwood 1
contorted torch azalea 6
contorted vernal camellia 9
contorted white mulberry 6
Cool Splash southern bush-honeysuckle 7
coontie 8
Cooper's false scilla 6
Cooper's grass aloe 35
copihue 11
Copper Crown false Japanese cleyera 1
copper iris 8
copper lily 22
copper plant 21
copper sedge 4
copper-flowered common witchhazel 28
copper-flowered witch hazel 18
coral ardisia 21
coral bark Japanese maple 1
coral bean 9
coral bells 89
coral berry 2
coral-bark Japanese maple 99
coral-bark Japenese maple 1
coralbean hybrid 28
coralberry 11
coreopsis 2
cork oak 16
cork-bark Japanese black pine 2
corkscrew albuca 2
corkscrew willow 6
corn poppy 13
corn-cockle 1
Cornelian cherry 73
Corsican hellebore 14
cosmos 2
cotoneaster 23
Cotton Candy eastern redbud 3
cottontop cactus 1
Coulter's Matilija poppy 39
courtesy-leaf 58
cow clover 6
crabapple 103
cradle orchid 2
Cranberry Punch swamp rose mallow 4
Cranberry Punch swamp rose-mallow 8
Crandall's saxifrage 4
cranesbill 2
cranesbill hardy geranium 3
Crapnell's camellia 11
creeping agapetes 1
creeping baby's-breath 2
creeping blueblossom 5
creeping chenille plant 27
creeping fig 6
creeping ice-plant 2
creeping Jenny 4
creeping juniper 22
creeping mazus 12
creeping phlox 11
creeping raspberry 51
creeping Scotch heather 5
creeping serviceberry 2
creeping sibbaldia 7
creeping speedwell 1
creeping veronica 29
creeping wire vine 2
creeping wirevine 5
Creme de Mint variegated Japanese pittosporum 1
Creme Fraiche variegated slender deutzia 2
creosote bush 8
crepe myrtle 175
crescent moon Japanese maple 1
crested leopard plant 13
crested pricklypoppy 3
crested tongue fern 4
Crimean snowdrop 2
crimped hardy asparagus fern 12
Crimson Cascade climbing rose 6
Crimson Meidiland shrub rose 1
Crimson Pointe fastigiate purple-leaf plum 15
Crimson river lily 7
crinkled onion 1
crinodonna 1
crinum lily 65
crinum-lily 188
crippled cranefly 28
Croatian hellebore 6
crocosmia 18
crocus 43
Crocus Rose shrub rose 8
crossandra 1
crossvine 92
crosswort 6
croton 9
crow's pillow 16
crown brodiaea 2
Crown Jewel kousa dogwood 6
crown of thorns 1
Crown Princess Margareta climbing English rose 3
Crown Princess Margareta shrub 3
crown-of-thorns 8
crownleaf evening primrose 9
crucifixion thorn 3
Cuban anise 1
Cuban petticoat palm 8
Cuban rose mallow 10
cucumber 17
cucumber-tree magnolia 19
culver's root 10
cup plant 25
curl-leaf mountain mahogany 8
curly butterfly-bush 6
curly perilla 5
curly-leaf cherrylaurel 1
curly-leaf eastern white pine 22
curly-leaf Japanese black pine 4
curlyleaf variegated fatshedera 7
curve-leaf yucca 14
curvepod milkvetch 3
cushion spurge 7
Cusick's rockcress 2
Cussick's camas 1
cut-leaf full moon maple 39
cut-leaf silver maple 8
cut-leaf zelkova 1
cutleaf beardtongue 3
cutleaf chaste tree 15
cutleaf coneflower 16
cutleaf daisy 11
cutleaf English oak 17
cutleaf European beech 11
cutleaf hazelnut 9
cutleaf Japanese emperor oak 13
cutleaf Japanese hornbeam 5
cutleaf Japanese pachysandra 3
cutleaf lilac 22
cutleaf Oriental planetree 8
cutleaf selfheal 2
cutleaf sugar maple 1
cutleaf toothwort 10
Cuyamaca cypress 3
cyclamen cherry 8
cyclamen-flowered daffodil 6
cyclamineus daffodil 66
cyclaminius daffodil 8
cypress vine 4
cypress whipcord 1
Cyprian cedar 6
daffodil 317
dahlia 252
Dahlightful Crushed Crimson dahlia 7
Dahlightful Sultry Scarlet dahlia 1
dahoon holly 2
daikon radish 4
daisy chrysanthemum 2
daisy mum 1
Dakota Burgundy beardtongue 12
Dakota Goldcharm Japanese spirea 2
Dalina Maxi Colima garden dahlia 10
Dalina Maxi Tampico garden dahlia 17
Dall's kohukohu 4
Dalmatian bellflower 1
Dalmatian iris 2
Dalmatian toadflax 3
damianita 41
dancing crane cobra-lily 10
dancing ladies 1
dancing queen hosta 2
Dandy Man Color Wheel rhododendron 4
Dane’s elder 1
Danielle's Dream Mexican bush sage 16
daphne 1
daphniphyllum 11
dappled willow 1
Darby hybrid rose-mallow 1
Darcey Bussell shrub rose 11
Darjeeling banana 1
dark flowered Texas redbud 7
dark-flowered Texas redbud 31
Darley heath 96
Darrow's blueberry 51
Dart's Duke lantanaphyllum viburnum 7
Darwin hybrid tulip 5
date palm 56
date plum 6
David false-ginseng 7
David half-elm 2
David Mountains cholla 1
David viburnum 12
David's keteleeria 26
Davidson's penstemon 5
dawn redwood 54
Dawson magnolia 3
Day Breaker floribunda rose 32
daybreak Yoshino cherry 4
daylily 315
Dazzle Me Pink compact crepe myrtle 12
deadnettle 14
Dean's spurge 34
Decadence false indigo 18
deciduous agave 14
deciduous azalea 4
deciduous magnolia 28
deer fern 9
deer oak 7
Delavay false-ginseng 13
Delavay's chinquapin 14
Delavay's privet 6
Delavay's tea-olive 12
delicious raspberry 2
Delta Jazz hybrid crepe myrtle 4
dendropanax 9
Deodar cedar 45
desert bird-of-paradise 21
desert dandelion 4
desert false indigo 10
desert hackberry 3
desert marigold 1
desert mariposa 5
desert olive 8
desert princesplume 12
desert spoon 28
desert willow 61
desert yellow fleabane 2
deutzia 28
devil in the bush 4
devil's shoestring 5
Devil's tobacco 15
devil's tongue 205
Devil's walking stick 15
devil's-bit 2
Devon Cottage Pinball Wizard pinks 2
dewflower 3
Diabolo purple-leaf ninebark 19
Diamond Frost euphorbia 3
diamond leaf persimmon 4
Diamond Rouge panicle hydrangea 3
diamondleaf saxifrage 20
Dickson's koda tree 8
digger pine 2
Digger's speedwell 7
Diogenes' lantern 1
dipladenia 1
distorted-leaf Japanese privet 2
Dixie Flame Dixie holly 1
Dixie Star Dixie holly 5
Dodd hybrid evergreen holly 37
dodder 3
dogtooth violet 24
dogwood 84
Dolce Blackcurrant coral bells 4
Dolce Cinnamon Curls coral bells 2
Don Quixote's lance 124
Doorenbos coralberry 31
Doorenbos snowberry 1
dotted gayfeather 1
double Carolina jessamine 21
double daffodil 87
Double Delight hybrid tea rose 1
Double Delights bigleaf hydrangea 13
Double Delights Star Gazer bigleaf hydrangea 9
double early tulip 1
double flowered eastern redbud 7
double flowered redbud 2
double flowered Scotch heather 1
double flowered soapwort 7
double flowered white-top pitcher plant 2
double flowering dogwood 25
double horse chestnut 2
double Japanese cherry 15
Double Knock Out shrub rose 15
double Lenten rose 14
Double Martini tall sedum 2
double Oyama magnolia 5
double peony 10
Double Play Artisan Japanese spiraea 1
Double Play Big Bang Japanese spiraea 9
Double Play Candy Corn Japanese spiraea 5
Double Play Candy Corn Japanese spirea 28
Double Play Doozie Japanese spiraea 0
Double Play Doozie Japanese spirea 2
Double Play Red Japanese spirea 9
Double Take hybrid flowering quince 41
Double Take Pink flowering quince 4
double tiger lily 47
double tuberose 1
double white peach-leaf bellflower 4
double-flower bloodroot 5
double-flower wax begonia 94
double-flowered common lilac 4
double-flowered eastern redbud 25
double-flowered fig buttercup 33
double-flowered leopard plant 14
double-flowered mountain hydrangea 2
doublefile viburnum 50
doubtful knight'sspur 16
Douglas iris 10
Douglas' dustymaiden 8
Douglas' meadowfoam 7
Douglas-fir 50
dove tree 89
downy arrowwood 1
downy birch 2
downy coralberry 2
downy pepperbush 3
downy phlox 49
downy photinia 13
downy rattlesnake plantain 10
downy skullcap 2
downy toad lily 13
draaibos 2
dragon arum 59
Dragon Prince compact Japanese-cedar 2
dragon spruce 1
dragon tree 3
Dragon Warrior compact Japanese-cedar 3
Dragon Wing Pink begonia 4
Dragon Wing Red begonia 1
dragon's-eye Japanese red pine 31
dragon's-eye Mexican stone pine 5
Dre's Dagger lady fern 11
Dream Come True grandiflora rose 3
drooping juniper 10
drumheads 1
Drummond's milkvetch 4
Drummond's wax mallow 8
drumstick allium 1
drumstick leek 18
drumstick primrose 5
duck weed 3
dunce cap 8
dune primrose 2
dune willow 2
Durand oak 11
Dusty Miller 62
dusty zenobia 49
Dutch iris 3
dutchman's breeches 7
Dutchman's pipe 7
dwarf Alberta spruce 21
dwarf American arborvitae 21
dwarf American holly 7
dwarf angel's trumpet 5
dwarf Asiatic jessamine 6
dwarf Atlantic white-cedar 4
dwarf attenuate holly 11
dwarf Austrian pine 13
dwarf azalea 1
dwarf bald cypress 19
dwarf balsam fir 1
dwarf banana 4
dwarf bearded iris 10
dwarf bilberry 9
dwarf black spruce 4
dwarf blue Atlas cedar 1
dwarf blue-eyed grass 2
dwarf Bosnian pine 6
dwarf boxwood 3
dwarf bracted century plant 1
dwarf Burford holly 1
dwarf burning bush 1
dwarf Cape jessamine 2
dwarf catchfly 13
dwarf catmint 8
dwarf Caucasian spruce 4
dwarf ceanothus 3
dwarf cedar-of-Lebanon 2
dwarf cherry laurel 2
dwarf cherrylaurel 3
dwarf Chilian creeper, 3
dwarf China-fir 5
dwarf Chinese elm 5
dwarf Chinese holly 8
dwarf Chinese juniper 1
dwarf Chinese redbud 8
dwarf chinkapin oak 5
dwarf clover 10
dwarf clumping fernleaf bamboo 5
dwarf Colorado blue spruce 9
dwarf columbine 6
dwarf common banana 1
dwarf common juniper 4
dwarf common weigela 2
dwarf contorted hardy orange 4
dwarf contorted white pine 2
dwarf coreopsis 2
dwarf crape myrtle 4
dwarf creeping juniper 1
dwarf crested iris 5
dwarf dawn redwood 27
dwarf Deodar cedar 22
dwarf dissected full moon maple 5
dwarf Douglas-fir 4
dwarf Dutch elm 6
dwarf eastern blue-star 2
dwarf eastern hemlock 14
dwarf eastern redcedar 8
dwarf eastern white pine 21
dwarf English boxwood 7
dwarf European white birch 2
dwarf evergreen Solomon's seal 18
dwarf fairy bells 3
dwarf false Japanese cleyera 5
dwarf flaky juniper 17
dwarf Florida anise 6
dwarf flowering almond 2
dwarf flowering dogwood 36
dwarf flowering peach 27
dwarf Formosa lily 18
dwarf Formosan China-fir 1
dwarf forsythia 2
dwarf fothergilla 60
dwarf fragrant winterhazel 16
dwarf gardenia 4
dwarf ginkgo 5
dwarf gold Japanese cedar 1
dwarf gold Sawara falsecypress 1
dwarf gold-thread Sawara falsecypress 1
dwarf gold-tipped Japanese yew 8
dwarf golden barberry 2
dwarf golden Monterey cypress 6
dwarf golden Sawara falsecypress 9
dwarf golden sweet flag 4
dwarf goldenrain tree 20
dwarf goldplume Sawara falsecypress 7
dwarf Greek fir 5
dwarf green-stem forsythia 5
dwarf hackberry 10
dwarf heavenly bamboo 40
dwarf Himalayan fleece flower 3
dwarf Hinoki cypress 9
dwarf Hinoki falsecypress 116
dwarf holly 12
dwarf holly tea-olive 18
dwarf hybrid iris 9
dwarf hybrid pine 1
dwarf iris 15
dwarf isu 2
dwarf isu tree 1
dwarf Japanese andromeda 3
dwarf Japanese aucuba 38
dwarf Japanese black pine 25
dwarf Japanese cedar 12
dwarf Japanese cornel 39
dwarf Japanese flowering apricot 9
dwarf Japanese flowering quince 11
dwarf Japanese garden juniper 22
dwarf Japanese Holly 9
dwarf Japanese leucothoe 2
dwarf Japanese maple 112
dwarf Japanese plum yew 1
dwarf Japanese plum-yew 34
dwarf Japanese privet 9
dwarf Japanese red pine 34
dwarf Japanese snow rose 4
dwarf Japanese snowbell 3
dwarf Japanese spirea 15
dwarf Japanese umbrella pine 2
dwarf Japanese white pine 13
dwarf Japanese yew 2
dwarf Japanese yew-pine 3
dwarf Japanese-cedar 59
dwarf jessamine 15
dwarf Joe-pye weed 1
dwarf katsura 1
dwarf Korean fir 18
dwarf Korean lilac 6
dwarf lake iris 3
dwarf leucothoe 7
dwarf limber pine 2
dwarf littleleaf linden 23
dwarf loblolly pine 106
dwarf longleaf grapeholly 12
dwarf maidenhair tree 16
dwarf marlberry 31
dwarf mondo grass 21
dwarf mountain pine 2
dwarf mountain ragwort 5
dwarf mouse ear coreopsis 2
dwarf mugo pine 1
dwarf ninebark 4
dwarf Nordmann fir 1
dwarf Norway spruce 39
dwarf Ottawa barberry 9
dwarf Ozark witch hazel 1
dwarf Ozark witchhazel 15
dwarf palmetto 45
dwarf panicled hydrangea 23
dwarf phlox 22
dwarf pink pineapple lily 7
dwarf plum pine 4
dwarf plume Sawara falsecypress 4
dwarf pomegranate 26
dwarf purple crinum 2
dwarf purple monkeyflower 2
dwarf purple-leaf Japanese barberry 12
dwarf purple-leaf Japanese maple 13
dwarf purple-osier 2
dwarf red beebalm 8
dwarf red buckeye 22
dwarf red pine 3
dwarf red-leaf Japanese maple 27
dwarf redtip dogwood 6
dwarf rough-leaf goldenrod 6
dwarf Russian almond 3
dwarf Sawara cypress 2
dwarf Sawara falsecypress 26
dwarf sedum 4
dwarf Serbian spruce 7
dwarf Sitka spruce 3
dwarf slender deutzia 10
dwarf smooth Solomon's seal 5
dwarf snowbush 1
dwarf Solomon's seal 4
dwarf southern Japanese hemlock 3
dwarf Southern magnolia 11
dwarf southern waxmyrtle 6
dwarf spider lily 1
dwarf summersweet clethra 8
dwarf sundew 13
dwarf switch grass 8
dwarf Tatarian aster 9
dwarf threadleaf Japanese maple 14
dwarf thyme 8
dwarf tree stonecrop 2
dwarf trident maple 10
dwarf umbrella plant 6
dwarf umbrella tree 3
dwarf variegated agave 1
dwarf variegated American arborvitae 1
dwarf variegated Asiatic jessamine 5
dwarf variegated cast iron plant 1
dwarf variegated common weigela 1
dwarf variegated Japanese euonymus 3
dwarf variegated Japanese pittosporum 3
dwarf variegated mondo grass 4
dwarf verbascum 7
dwarf viburnum 16
dwarf vine maple 4
dwarf Virginia pine 5
dwarf wakerobin 15
dwarf Walter's viburnum 38
dwarf wax myrtle 28
dwarf weeping American beech 20
dwarf western red cedar 4
dwarf white fir 1
dwarf white spruce 5
dwarf witchhazel 5
dwarf yaupon holly 13
dwarf yellow daylily 5
dwarf yellow fleabane 2
dwarf zelkova 5
dyer's greenweed 10
Dynamite crepe myrtle 8
eared perennial black-eyed Susan 4
early bird catnip 14
Early Bird Lavender hybrid crepe myrtle 3
Early Bird Purple hybrid crepe myrtle 10
Early Bird White early flowering crepe myrtle 7
early daylily 14
early flowering lilac 5
early forsythia 1
early Higan cherry 22
early Ozark witchhazel 1
Early Purple hybrid garden phlox 6
early weigela 14
early-fruiting Chinese holly 21
east asian eurya 3
east China stewartia 22
Easter Basket floribunda rose 13
Easter lily 23
Easter lily vine 2
eastern blue-star 34
eastern hemlock 72
eastern joy lotus tree 37
eastern juniper 8
eastern leatherwood 2
eastern narrowleaf sedge 2
eastern prickly-pear 4
eastern purple coneflower 113
eastern red cedar 1
eastern redbud 213
eastern redcedar 52
eastern white pine 60
Easy Elegance All the Rage shrub rose 9
Easy Elegance Calypso Calypso compact shrub rose 2
Easy Elegance Calypso compact shrub rose 16
Easy Elegance Calypso shrub rose 1
Easy Elegance Champagne Wishes shrub rose 6
Easy Elegance Como Park Como Park shrub rose 1
Easy Elegance Como Park shrub rose 8
Easy Elegance Coral Cove shrub rose 8
Easy Elegance Head Over Heels rose 3
Easy Elegance High Voltage shrub rose 5
Easy Elegance Kashmir shrub rose 16
Easy Elegance Little Mischief shrub rose 6
Easy Elegance Music Box Music Box shrub rose 6
Easy Elegance Music Box shrub rose 4
Easy Elegance My Girl shrub rose 3
Easy Elegance Mystic Fairy shrub rose 7
Easy Elegance Screaming Neon Red shrub rose 8
Easy Elegance Super Hero shrub rose 14
Easy Elegance Yellow Submarine shrub rose 9
Easy Going floribunda rose 5
Easy Wave Silver trailing petunia 5
Easy Wave Violet trailing petunia 6
Eaton's thistle 1
Ebbinge eleagnus 1
ec China 3
echeveria 40
Ecklon's lip fern 12
edelweiss 6
edible fig 10
Edmee Gold gold boxleaf honeysuckle 17
Edo Muraski Japanese aster 20
Egolf hybrid Burkwood viburnum 40
Egolf hybrid fragrant viburnum 20
Egolf hybrid viburnum 88
egret orchid 2
Egyptian paper plant 37
Egyptian star-cluster 7
Egyptian walking onion 5
Eilar pine 4
El Dorado variegated blueblossom 1
elderberry 3
Eleanor Tabor Indian hawthorn 1
electric surprise-lily 80
elegant maple 12
elephant ear 31
elephant ear fig 30
elephant's ear 6
elephanthead lousewort 18
elk clover 4
elkhorns 7
elkweed 13
Emerald American arborvitae 7
Emerald arborvitae 3
Emerald Carousel hybrid Japanese barberry 4
Emerald Colonnade upright holly 1
Emerald Empire Garnet Prince crepe myrtle 1
Emerald Envy lantanaphyllum viburnum 5
Emerald Heights isu tree 3
Emerald Sentinel columnar sweet gum 8
Emerald Snow dwarf Chinese fringe flower 4
Emerald Snow dwarf Chinese fringe-flower 7
Emerald Sunshine Japanese elm 10
emperor's reign brocade marlberry 1
Empress of China evergreen flowering dogwood 45
encino aguacatillo 3
Encore Autumn Fire reblooming azalea 12
Endless Summer re-blooming bigleaf hydrangea 1
Endless Summer re-blooming hydrangea 5
Engelmann spruce 3
Engelmann's daisy 8
English holly 10
English ivy 11
English lavender 6
English oak 11
English or common cherrylaurel 16
episcia 6
eryngo 4
escarpment live oak 1
esperanza 3
Eternal Flame tea rose 3
Eternal Fragrance hybrid daphne 8
Ethiopian acanthus 29
Eton rosemary 6
European beech 49
European black currant 2
European chestnut 12
European cranberry bush 4
European elderberry 4
European fan palm 31
European filbert 5
European hackberry 3
European honeysuckle 1
European hornbeam 19
European larch 4
European meadow rush 14
European mistletoe 3
European snowball viburnum 7
European Solomon's seal 5
European spindle 4
European white birch 16
European wood anemone 1
European wood sage 15
European woodbine 1
eurya 3
Eve's necklace-pod 34
evening primrose 2
Ever Red purple-leaf loropetalum 9
EverBloom Strawberry Tart pink 1
EverBloom Watermelon Ice pink 1
everblooming camellia 10
everblooming Confederate rose 22
everblooming gardenia 9
everblooming honeysuckle 15
Evercolor Everest white variegated Japanese sedge 5
Evercolor variegated Japanese sedge 4
EverColor variegated sedge 8
evergreen blueberry 2
evergreen butterfly iris 3
evergreen chimonanthus 18
evergreen clematis 25
evergreen climbing false hydrangea 3
evergreen climbing hydrangea 17
evergreen dogwood 5
evergreen enkianthus 4
evergreen false hydrangea 5
evergreen false snowbell 12
evergreen false Solomon's seal 3
evergreen false-hydrangea 31
evergreen flowering dogwood 32
evergreen hearts-a-bursting 6
evergreen holly 30
evergreen hydrangea 15
evergreen lily-of-the-valley 7
evergreen magnolia 8
evergreen maple 2
evergreen rose hazel 58
evergreen Solomon's seal 11
evergreen spindletree 7
evergreen sweet bay magnolia 30
evergreen viburnum 9
Evia bellflower 5
Exbury hybrid azalea 1
Faber evergreen maple 1
Faber maple 59
fairy bells 46
Fairy Magnolia Blush hybrid magnolia 26
fairy wand 10
fairy wings 45
Falling in Love tea rose 2
Fallow's butterfly-bush 3
false aralia 6
false arborvitae 14
false blueberry 5
false bush-clover 8
false dragon 10
false Iberian cyclamen 2
false indigo 0
false ironwood 39
false Japanese cleyera 18
false lilac 21
false lily of the valley 4
false petunia 2
false red agave 38
false roselle 6
false rosemary 12
false rue anemone 10
false salvia 10
false scilla 22
false shamrock 4
false sinningia 5
false sunflower 20
false yellow crocus 51
false yucca 8
falsecypress 39
Fame! tea rose 5
fancy-leaved caladium 1
Fang's cotoneaster 15
Farge's holboellia 2
Farges nutmeg tree 3
Farges' fir 8
Farges' hazelnut 3
Farges' hornbeam 8
Farges's cobra lily 1
fastigiate Austrian black pine 3
fastigiate dwarf Austrian pine 2
fastigiate Lawson false cypress 3
fastigiate tuliptree 4
fastigiate umbrella pine 2
fastigiate yaupon holly 7
Father David's sophora 33
Father Delavay's magnolia 32
Father Hugo rose 3
fatshedera 22
Faurie maackia 1
feather celosia 5
Feather Falls variegated sedge 7
feather grass 10
feather reed grass 3
Feathered Friends bugleweed 7
Feathered Friends carpet bugle 9
featherleaf fleabane 6
feathery false lily of the valley 7
felt fern 13
Fendler's ragwort 7
Fendler's sandwort 7
fennel 9
fern-leaf maple 25
fern-leaf peony 3
Fernandes daffodil 6
fernbush 2
fernspray Hinoki falsecypress 1
Festive red holly 11
Festivus Gold gold-leaf ninebark 3
fetterbush 7
feverbark 4
fevertree 11
few flowered clematis 2
fewflower milkweed 3
fewseed draba 6
fiber optic grass 1
field pumpkin 36
field chickweed 7
field elm 4
field horsetail 5
fierce lancewood 13
fig buttercup 34
filiform rockjasmine 2
fine leafed verbena 2
Fiona Sunrise golden poet's jasmine 26
Fiona Sunrise jasmine 5
Fire Chief American arborvitae 1
Fire Chief orange arborvitae 9
Fire Dance Dwarf Poker 2
fire pink 18
Fire Spinner blazing hot iceplant 15
Fireball burning bush 4
Fireburst paperbark maple 8
firecracker vine 55
fireglow Caucasian stonecrop 4
Firegold golden Vanhoutte spirea 3
firespike 9
firesticks pencil cactus 12
firethorn 12
First Blush flowering cherry 27
First Editions Above and Beyond climbing rose 4
First Editions Baton Rouge Tatarian dogwood 1
First Editions Candy coralberry 2
First Editions Cayenne silky dogwood 1
First Editions Coppertone isu tree 1
First Editions Standing Ovation alder-leaved serviceberry 3
First Flame Red feather celosia 15
First Flame Scarlet feather celosia 8
First Kiss floribunda rose 12
First Snow variegated Japanese pepperbush 5
First Yellow Flame feather celosia 18
fish-tail Japanese camellia 49
fishtail Japanese camellia 1
fishtail maidenhair tree 1
five-lobe maple 6
five-vein dogwood 14
fiveangled dodder 1
flaky fir 2
flaky juniper 18
flame acanthus 8
flame anisacanthus 10
flame azalea 9
flame nasturtium 16
Flame Thrower Bronze-leafed eastern redbud 4
Flame Thrower eastern redbud 10
flamevine 2
flamingo flower 2
flamingo lily 3
flat sea holly 11
flat-leaf parsley 1
flat-top buckwheat 5
flax 4
flaxflowered ipomopsis 14
fleabane 15
Fleming hybrid rose-mallow 30
fleshy-flowered spindletree 64
Flirt dwarf heavenly bamboo 10
floribunda rose 26
Florida anise 35
Florida chocolate daisy 55
Florida corkwood 6
Florida flame azalea 40
Florida leucothoe 12
Florida maple 1
Florida silverbell 87
Florida torreya 12
florist's cineraria 8
florists' broom 1
florists' chrysanthemum 245
floss-silk tree 7
Flower Carpet Amber shrub rose 8
Flower Carpet Pink groundcover rose 6
flower emperor marlberry 3
flowering apricot 104
flowering ash 5
flowering cherry 23
flowering dogwood 158
flowering maple 94
flowering peach 3
flowering pine-cone ginger 16
flowering pixiemoss 7
flowering privet 7
flowering quince 69
flowering sage 20
flowering spurge 2
flowering weigela 10
flowering wisteria 24
flowering witchhazel 1
flowernig bush coleus 2
flowery phlox 17
Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven dwarf butterfly-bush 3
Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti dwarf butterfly-bush 5
Flying Colors Trailing Antique Rose twinspur 2
flying moth maple 31
foamy bells 34
foothills palo verde 3
footsteps of spring 4
Forever & Ever bigleaf hydrangea 3
Forever & Ever Blue Heaven bigleaf hydrangea 2
Forever & Ever Blue Heaven French hydrangea 2
Forever & Ever French hydrangea 4
Forever & Ever Red French hydrangea 2
Forever & Ever Together bigleaf hydrangea 19
Forever Red coral bells 10
forget-me-not 30
fork-toothed ookow 15
forkleaf toothwort 3
Formosa lily 46
Formosan azalea 4
Formosan beautyberry 7
Formosan China-fir 13
Formosan cobra-lily 44
Formosan creeping fig 10
Formosan elderberry 12
Formosan evergreen oak 2
Formosan hemlock 7
Formosan Hinoki falsecypress 6
Formosan incense-cedar 6
Formosan juniper 8
Formosan maple 5
Formosan mountainash 1
Formosan pieris 28
Formosan rhododendron 6
Formosan snowbell 13
Formosan spiraea 2
Formosan sweet gum 9
Formosan tree anise 5
Forrest speedwell 5
Forrest St. John's-wort 5
forsythia sage 9
Fort Huachuca barrel agave 47
Fortune's empress tree 2
Fortune's fontanesia 3
Fortune's Grapeholly 20
Fortune's holly fern 1
Fortune's osmanthus 52
Fortune's rhododendron 17
Fortune's ribbon fern 4
Fortune's silverbell 16
Fortune-hazel 12
Foster holly 1
fothergilla 31
fountain butterfly-bush 3
fountain grass 3
fountain of love Japanese camellia 6
four nerve daisy 6
four o'clock 9
fox tail agave 6
Fox Valley dwarf river birch 12
foxglove 18
foxtail lily 18
fragrant azalea 3
fragrant azaleodendron 1
fragrant camellia 10
fragrant epaulette tree 8
fragrant false-pistache 3
fragrant glorybower 2
fragrant hellebore 2
fragrant mahonia 3
Fragrant Mountain Himalayan sweet box 5
fragrant osmanthus 2
fragrant Persian stonecress 12
Fragrant Plum grandiflora rose 3
fragrant princess false holly 10
fragrant princess holly tea-olive 1
fragrant snowbell 27
fragrant sumac 4
fragrant sweet box 14
fragrant sweetbox 1
Fragrant Valley Himalayan sweet box 4
fragrant viburnum 10
fragrant winterhazel 46
fragrant wintersweet 25
France to Yugoslavia, s to Sicily & Sardiniacommon hyacinth 2
Frances Meilland tea rose 8
Franchet's cotoneaster 14
Frank's sedge 1
Franklin tree 25
Franklin tree × loblolly bay bigeneric hybrid 15
Franklin's sandwort 5
Fraser fir 7
Freeman hybrid magnolia 12
Freeman maple 1
freesia 8
Fremont's crowsfoot 39
Fremont's deathcamas 10
Fremont's leather flower 1
French hybrid ceanothus 20
French hydrangea 86
French Lace floribunda rose 1
French Lace variegated flowering weigela 1
French lavender 1
French marigold 10
French tarragon 1
fried egg plant 3
fringe tree 71
fringe-leaf tickseed 9
fringed bluestar 2
frogfruit 2
Front Range beardtongue 14
frosted clumping monkey-grass 16
frosted jade ajuga 20
frosted jade carpet bugle 1
Frostkiss Anna's Red lenten rose 26
Frostkiss Dorothy's Dawn hybrid hellebore 1
fruitless sweet gum 26
fuchsia 9
Fuji cherry 28
fuki 12
full moon maple 38
full moon variegated Japanese camellia 3
Full Sail tea rose 1
Fuller's teasel 2
fullmoon maple 2
fulvous hydrangea 6
fumewort 34
Fuzzball globe Russian arborvitae 2
fuzzy deutzia 1
Gable hybrid azalea 2
gaint lousewort 4
Galilean Kousa dogwood 1
Gambel oak 7
Gansu cypress 7
Gansu lily-turf 1
garden amaryllis 145
garden asparagus 13
garden avens 1
garden broom 5
garden chrysanthemum 70
garden dahlia 170
Garden Gems Amethyst Cascade redbud 5
Garden Gems Amethyst eastern redbud 5
Garden Gems Emerald dwarf redbud 8
garden ginger 3
Garden Glow Tatarian dogwood 2
garden hosta 10
garden hyacinth 10
garden hybrid clematis 29
garden leek 1
garden mum 3
garden onion 11
Garden Party tea rose 4
garden pea 3
garden peony 29
garden phlox 87
garden pink 2
garden pinks 8
garden primrose 26
garden rhubarb 5
garden stonecrop 12
garden yellowrocket 1
gardenia 5
garland spiraea 20
garlic chives 34
Garnet Brocade stonecrop 10
Garnet Fire purple-leaf Chinese fringe-flower 5
Garvinea Sweet Dreams Gerber daisy 17
gas plant 5
Gatsby Pink oakleaf hydrangea 5
Gatsby Star double oakleaf hydrangea 6
gaura 1
Gemini tea rose 6
gentian speedwell 1
Georgia Gem green ash 4
Georgia plume 9
geranium 10
Gerber daisy 36
Gerbera daisy 9
German garlic 3
German iris 22
germander 2
Gertrude Jekyll shrub rose 1
Geyer's onion 6
Ghent hybrid azalea 3
ghost bramble 2
ghost hosta 3
Ghost white-leaf flowering weigela 8
giant blue eyed Mary 7
giant brunnera 4
giant calla lily 18
giant catmint 8
giant century plant 15
giant cigar plant 9
giant dead nettle 1
giant dogwood 50
giant elephant ear 9
giant enkianthus 4
giant feather grass 8
giant filbert 3
giant fountain grass 4
giant fuyu Japanese persimmon 1
giant gunnera 69
giant Himalayan lily 23
giant Japanese painted fern 7
giant Joe-Pye weed 19
giant lilyturf 5
giant maiden grass 15
giant maidenhair fern 1
giant onion 2
giant prairie lily 50
giant pussywillow 25
giant red Indian paintbrush 30
giant redbud 3
giant reed 6
giant rush 4
giant salvia 2
giant sea holly 14
giant snowdrop 11
giant Solomon's seal 3
giant Spanish dagger 30
giant taro 7
giant white gum 2
giant wild ginger 15
Gila County liveforever 1
Gilded Hearts eastern redbud 12
ginger 4
ginger lily 30
Giraldi's tree of heaven 2
Girard hybrid azalea 3
glade fern 1
gladiola 3
gladiolus 3
Gladwyne barberry 11
Glenn Dale hybrid azalea 9
globe artichoke 79
Globe Daisy 3
globe katsura 4
globe Russian arborvitae 1
globe sweet gum 9
globe thistle 8
globe viburnum 5
globeflower 10
gloriosa lily 28
glory of the snow 21
glossy abelia 33
glossy angelica 2
glossy chimonanthus 18
glossy false sinningia 20
glossy privet 13
glossy-leaf wild-ginger 3
Glow Pop Japanese holly 6
glowvine 1
gloxinia 10
goat's beard 3
goblet flower 26
Goering's boat orchid 1
goji beery 8
gold American arborvitae 2
gold arborvitae 5
gold bear's breeches 3
gold birch 7
gold bug Japanese false nettle 4
Gold Bullion gold-leaf pagoda dogwood 3
gold California incense-cedar 1
gold Chinese holly 10
gold columnar common juniper 6
gold creeping speedwell 2
Gold Doubloon gold-leaf Cape jasmine 4
Gold Doubloon gold-leaf gardenia 11
Gold Dust golden glossy abelia 9
gold false foxglove 39
gold fountains sedge 2
gold Hinoki falsecypress 8
gold Japanese shrub mint 1
gold leaf weigela 3
gold leafed oregano 1
gold Makino stonecrop 4
gold margin Japanese aucuba 12
Gold Medal grandiflora rose 8
gold mountain hydrangea 4
gold purple coneflower 4
gold Sawarra falsecypress 3
gold spine 15
Gold Splash variegated Ebbinge eleagnus 3
Gold Splash variegated Ebbinge's silverberry 3
gold thread-leaf Monterey cypress 10
Gold Tide forsythia 4
Gold Tide goldenbells 5
gold variegated Parson's juniper 2
gold weeping spruce 1
gold-bark Japanese maple 14
gold-bark Japanese maple 15
gold-centered Japanese aucuba 12
gold-column common juniper 17
gold-dust holly tea-olive 28
gold-dust Japanese aucuba 1
gold-edge Ebbinge eleagnus 2
gold-edge golden spiketail 3
gold-edge narrowleaf yucca 6
gold-edged culinary sage 6
gold-edged white winter daphne 5
gold-edged winter daphne 63
gold-flush Japanese yew 17
gold-flush yaupon holly 10
gold-leaf bachelor's buttons 5
gold-leaf bluebeard 1
gold-leaf catalpa 17
gold-leaf Chinese holly 5
gold-leaf common European ash 3
gold-leaf eastern redbud 76
gold-leaf hardy begonia 1
gold-leaf hardy fuchsia 7
gold-leaf Japanese kerria 17
gold-leaf Japanese maple 15
gold-leaf Korean forsythia 7
gold-leaf linden 6
gold-leaf ninebark 2
gold-leaf redtwig dogwood 8
gold-leaf skyflower 2
gold-leaved ground orchid 14
gold-margin English holly 3
gold-margined early forsythia 33
gold-stem Japanese pagoda tree 10
gold-stem redvein maple 5
gold-stripe cast-iron plant 7
gold-stripe Japanese aucuba 15
gold-stripe Pampas grass 4
gold-stripe weak-leaf yucca 22
gold-striped flax-lily 2
gold-thread Sawara falsecypress 45
gold-tipped Norway spruce 8
gold-tipped Oriental arborvitae 1
gold-tipped white spruce 4
gold-twig flowering dogwood 4
gold-variegated fatshedera 7
gold-variegated Japanese maple 5
gold-variegated shore juniper 6
gold-vein Korean forsythia 10
goldback fern 1
Goldcrest foxglove 2
golden American arborvitae 25
golden Arizona cypress 9
golden arum lily 3
golden Asiatic jessamine 11
golden Atlantic white-cedar 1
golden bamboo 4
golden banner 2
golden bear's foot hellebore 1
golden bearsfoot hellebore 2
golden black locust 30
golden blue fescue 2
golden bluebeard 9
golden Boston ivy 9
golden box-elder 16
golden boxleaf honeysuckle 20
golden broad-leaf thyme 9
golden brush orchid ginger 3
golden butterfly-bush 16
golden California incense-cedar 6
golden Caucasian spruce 6
golden chain tree 14
golden Chinese elm 8
golden Chinese holly 32
golden Chinese juniper 8
golden cholla 5
golden clematis 5
golden club 8
golden clumping monkey-grass 17
golden Coliseum maple 9
Golden Colonnade upright maidenhair tree 11
golden common ghost bramble 2
golden Cornelian cherry 9
golden creeping Jenny 14
golden creeping juniper 23
golden creeping raspberry 2
golden crownbeard 5
golden dawn redwood 32
golden Deodar cedar 10
Golden Desert gold-twig European ash 12
golden downy arrowwood 16
golden draba 2
Golden Dragon golden plum yew 1
golden dragon wing begonia 4
Golden Dream golden dream variegated boxwood 3
golden dwarf Chinese juniper 3
golden dwarf Hinoki falsecypress 16
golden dwarf Japanese barberry 8
golden dwarf Japanese-cedar 2
golden dwarf Nordmann fir 4
golden eastern hemlock 9
golden English oak 2
golden European beech 9
golden European elderberry 5
golden eurya 2
Golden Falls weeping golden eastern redbud 1
golden false arborvitae 4
golden false Japanese cleyera 25
golden false-aster 2
golden fernspray Hinoki falsecypress 29
golden fleece 2
golden Foster holly 17
golden French hydrangea 2
golden full moon maple 28
golden giant reed 13
Golden Glitter variegated spirea 8
golden glossy abelia 20
golden hazelnut 6
golden Hinoki false cypress 1
golden Hinoki falsecypress 8
golden holly tea-olive 13
golden honeysuckle 14
golden Japanese barberry 10
golden Japanese holly 19
golden Japanese maple 25
golden Japanese spikenard 14
golden Japanese yew-pine 5
golden Japanese zelkova 18
golden jewels-of-Opar 3
golden Korean plum-yew 6
golden lace 5
golden lady tulip 54
Golden Lanterns Golden Himalayan Honeysuckle 6
golden larch 43
golden Lawson falsecypress 1
golden leaf bleeding heart 15
golden leaf hybrid berberis 6
golden Leyland cypress 7
golden linden viburnum 22
golden lotus banana 2
golden marguerite 2
golden Mexican mock-orange 3
golden mock orange 30
golden Monterey cypress 27
golden moss Sawara falsecypress 6
golden mugo pine 3
golden Nellie Stevens holly 14
golden Nepal holly 28
golden ninebark 2
golden Nootka falsecypress 1
golden Norway maple 7
golden oak of Cyprus 1
golden oakleaf hydrangea 30
golden Oriental arborvitae 14
golden ornamental sweet potato 4
Golden Pacific gold shore juniper 5
golden paper mulberry 8
golden paperbush 180
Golden Peep dwarf border forsythia 5
Golden Peep dwarf forsythia 1
golden Peruvian lily 16
golden Pfitzer juniper 1
golden pheasant bush 1
golden pineapple sage 20
golden prickly pear 30
golden primrose jasmine 8
golden privet 17
golden purple beautyberry 3
golden Queen Victoria century plant 1
Golden Ruby compact purple-leaf Japanese barberry 4
Golden Rule St. John's wort 4
golden Scotch heather 17
Golden Shadows variegated pagoda dogwood 12
golden Southern arrowwood 13
golden Spanish fir 11
golden spicebush 6
golden spiderwort 4
golden spike-tail 82
golden spiked winterhazel 2
Golden Spirit golden smokebush 40
Golden Spring Colorado blue spruce 9
Golden Spring Colorado spruce 1
golden St. John's-wort 9
golden surprise-lily 13
golden sweet flag 10
golden sweet-olive 20
golden sycamore 1
Golden Temple Pittosporum 5
golden threadleaf Hinoki falsecypress 4
Golden Ticket sterile gold-leaved privet 0
golden totara 4
Golden Treat columnar apple 5
golden tree fern 1
golden tremacron 14
golden trident maple 9
golden tufted sedge 16
golden tuliptree 3
golden variegated giant reed 1
golden wax myrtle 25
golden weeping Deodar cedar 1
golden weeping European beech 4
golden weeping willow 4
golden western redcedar 14
golden willow 1
golden winter jasmine 22
golden winterhazel 11
golden yellow anise 24
golden-flower agave 2
golden-plume Japanese-cedar 7
golden-rayed lily 3
golden-tip Japanese yew 3
golden-tip Japanese yew-pine 12
golden-tube spring crocus 6
goldenbells 37
goldenchain tree 21
goldenrain tree 19
goldenrod 38
Goldfingers Mexican orange 6
goldheart adult English ivy 5
Goldie's wood fern 7
Goldilocks goldenbells 5
goldleaf mountain hydrangea 2
goldspire azara 4
Goldstrike gold-tipped American arborvitae 2
goldtip dwarf Japanese-cedar 5
goldtip Japanese cedar 31
goldtip temple juniper 6
Goldy golden western arborvitae 1
Gooding's willow 2
gooseneck 15
Gordo compact boxwood 5
Gordon's ivesia 3
gorse 7
gossamer grass 1
goumi 1
graceful lip fern 4
Graham Thomas rose 9
Grand Bleu bluebeard 15
grand devil's-claws 2
grand flowered beardtongue 3
Grande Amethyst coral bells 14
Grande Black coral bells 15
grandiflora rose 6
Granita Orange ice plant 4
Granita Raspberry hardy ice-plant 2
Granny's ringlets 2
grape fern 3
grape holly 16
grape honeysuckle 1
grapeholly 273
graptosedum 10
grass-leaved Solomon's seal 1
grassland sedge 5
gray birch 1
gray oak 2
gray woolly twintip 6
Gray's angelica 2
Gray's sedge 1
gray-headed coneflower 1
graylocks four-nerve daisy 18
great aster 1
Great Basin bristlecone pine 46
Great Basin Indian potato 5
great camas 2
great coneflower 21
Great Plains yucca 20
Great Wall lilac 3
great-head garlic 5
greater masterwort 8
greater tickseed 1
Grecian foxglove 9
Greek cyclamen 4
Greek oregano 6
green ash 5
green dragon 3
green dragon Japanese maple 20
green ephedra 4
green globe Scots pine 3
Green hawthorn 3
green hellebore 14
green lace-leaf Japanese maple 91
green lavender cotton 4
green leopard plant 19
Green Mountain sugar maple 1
green narrowleaf Japanese maple 32
Green Panda clumping bamboo 4
green penny fern 1
Green Pillar columnar pin oak 5
green pitcherplant 9
green ramie 2
green sotol 8
green star umbrella pine 5
Green Whisper bald cypress 10
green-and-gold 40
green-bark Japanese maple 6
green-flowering cherry 23
green-leaf Japanese maple 75
green-stem forsythia 1
green-striped agave 3
green-thread Sawara falsecypress 13
Greene's mountain ash 7
Greer hybrid rhododendron 2
Gregg pine 5
Greigii tulip 2
Gresham hybrid magnolia 143
grevillea 19
grey-leaved tickberry 2
Griffith's blue leadwort 5
ground cover crepe myrtle 21
ground morningglory 51
ground orchid 61
groundcover hosta 1
groundsel bush 8
grouse whortleberry 1
Guangdong beautyberry 11
Guangdong white pine 19
Guanxi michelia 5
Guatemalan fir 5
guayacan 2
Guernseywinter aconite lily 3
Guiana chestnut 5
Gulf Green dwarf Yeddo hawthorn 2
Gunnison's mariposa lily 21
gypsum century plant 1
gypsyflower 1
hairy alumroot 5
hairy beardtongue 1
hairy false goldenaster 30
hairy foxglove 1
hairy lip fern 3
hairy poppy 6
hairy rattleweed 12
hairy-awn muhly grass 136
Haleakalā silversword 9
Hall's beardtongue 18
Hall's milkweed 2
Haller's pasque-flower 35
Handel's camellia 5
hangertjie 1
Happy Single Party garden dahlia 1
happy tree 11
Harbor Belle dwarf heavenly bamboo 3
hard ruschia 10
hardy begonia 64
hardy bottlebrush 21
hardy bromeliad 17
hardy camellia 3
hardy century plant 42
hardy Chinese yellow banana 7
hardy chrysanthemum 6
hardy Confederate jessamine 17
hardy cyclamen 143
hardy Dutchman's pipe 63
Hardy Foot Begonia 7
hardy fuchsia 31
hardy geranium 13
hardy ginger lily 5
hardy ginger-lily 88
hardy gloxinia 117
hardy hibiscus 5
hardy hybrid sinningia 28
hardy ice-plant 15
hardy Japanese pittosporum 1
hardy Japanese yew-pine 13
hardy kiwi 16
hardy living stone 20
hardy oleander 34
hardy orange 25
hardy pelargonium 15
hardy perennial impatiens 10
Hardy pink petunia 12
hardy potato vine 8
hardy red gloxinia 57
hardy rubber tree 6
hardy schefflera 62
hardy soap aloe 10
hardy sugarcane 10
hardy Taiwan begonia 18
hardy trevesia 1
hardy wax begonia 27
hardy white gloxinia 15
hardy windmill palm 41
Harford's ragwort 7
Harland's boxwood 22
harlequin glorybower 13
harlequin maple 5
Harlequin variegated woodbine honeysuckle 3
Harper's beauty 2
Harriman's yucca 5
Harris azalea 6
Harris hybrid azalea 3
Harry Lauder's walkingstick 41
Harry's viburnum 4
hart's tongue fern 27
Hawaiian tree fern 2
hawkweed 2
hawthorn 6
hawthorn maple 3
hazel-leaf climbing hydrangea 10
hazel-leaf viburnum 7
heart-leaf bergenia 12
heart-leaf hornbeam 11
heart-leaved oxeye 6
heartleaf arnica 3
heartleaf bittercress 3
heartleaf pickerelweed 17
heartleaf skullcap 14
Heat it up Scarlet blanket flower 2
heath aster 5
Heatwave Blast hybrid Autumn sage 4
Heatwave Glimmer hybrid Autumn sage 6
Heaven Scent Cape jasmine 4
Heaven Scent Cape jessamine 5
heavenly bamboo 174
hebe 10
hedge bamboo 13
hedgehog agave 2
hedgehog broom 5
hedgehog Chinese juniper 6
hedgehog white spruce 2
Helena's Blush variegated hybrid spurge 10
hellebore 94
Heller's beardtongue 12
Heller's draba 1
hemiboea 6
Henkel's yellowwood 8
Henry anise 16
Henry tan-bark oak 12
Henry's barberry 6
Henry's boxwood 19
Henry's lily 15
Henry's linden 19
Henry's spirea 5
Henry's voodoo lily 9
hens and chicks 24
herb mastic 6
herbaceous peony 1
Heritage shrub rose 3
heterothalamus 2
Hetz Chinese juniper 1
heuchera 4
HGC Ice 'N Roses Red hybrid hellebore 6
HGC Ice N' Roses White hybrid hellebore 1
HGC Merlin hellebore 16
HGC Shooting Star hellebore 9
HGC Shooting Star hybrid hellebore 7
hickory 12
hidden cobra-lily 6
hidden cone ginger 23
Higan cherry 2
high bush blueberry 8
Highland Park Highland Park® maple 3
Hillier columnar flowering cherry 7
Himalayan bee-bee tree 1
Himalayan boxwood 11
Himalayan cobra lily 4
Himalayan cypress 4
Himalayan evergreen dogwood 6
Himalayan honeysuckle 15
Himalayan hydrangea 7
Himalayan indigo 12
Himalayan Jack-in-the-Pulpit 12
Himalayan Juniper 4
Himalayan lily 14
Himalayan maple 1
Himalayan mayapple 7
Himalayan mondo grass 2
Himalayan pieris 4
Himalayan pine 13
Himalayan poppy 8
Himalayan Solomon's seal 1
Himalayan spiketail 1
Himalayan sweet box 12
Himalayan white birch 31
Hinoki falsecypress 86
hoary groundsel 4
Hodgins' cypress 10
hohokam agave 4
holly 222
holly fern 11
holly leaf mountain lilac 1
holly oak 9
holly olive 2
holly tea-olive 26
Holly-pop™ patio tree 2
hollyleaf cherry 2
Hollywood juniper 10
Holm's ragwort 1
homestead buckeye 8
honey fig 4
honey flower 14
Hong Kong azalea 2
Hong Kong orchid tree 14
Hong Kong rose hazel 9
hooded coralroot 3
hooded pitcherplant 7
hookedspur violet 2
Hooker's mountain-avens 17
Hooker's silene 3
Hooker's St. John's-wort 5
hoop petticoat daffodil 39
Hooper hybrid magnolia 5
hope of spring magnolia 28
hopflower oregano 6
hornbeam 23
hornbeam maple 9
Horned dandelion 3
horned holly 39
horned poppy 6
horned violet 2
horse chestnut 10
horse-gentian 4
Horsefield's voodoo lily 1
horseradish 3
hosta 215
Hot Cocoa floribunda rose 4
Hot Flash sasanqua camellia 3
Hot Wings Tatarian maple 5
Howard's tuberose 9
Huachuca century plant 4
hummingbird mint 11
hummingbird sage 0
Hungarian dianthus 2
Hungarian lilac 1
hurricane lily 8
hyacinth squill 6
hybrid agave 21
hybrid amaryllis 15
hybrid American azalea 6
hybrid angel's trumpet 30
hybrid anise 6
hybrid arborvitae 6
hybrid Asiatic lily 2
hybrid autumn sage 19
hybrid azalea 7
hybrid Aztec lily 7
hybrid banana 9
hybrid basil 6
hybrid bee balm 15
hybrid black-eyed Susan 2
hybrid blue-star 4
hybrid bromeliad 5
hybrid buckeye 13
hybrid butterfly-bush 4
hybrid camellia 134
hybrid canna 21
hybrid canna lily 7
hybrid canna-lily 22
hybrid ceanothus 4
hybrid century plant 4
hybrid Chen's mahonia 3
hybrid Christmas rose 10
hybrid citrus 38
hybrid clematis 6
hybrid coral bells 1
hybrid crepe myrtle 9
hybrid crinum-lily 73
hybrid crocosmia 6
hybrid cyclamen 3
hybrid daphne 17
hybrid daylily 16
hybrid deciduous agave 12
hybrid deutzia 9
hybrid dogtooth violet 19
hybrid dogwood 12
hybrid evergreen magnolia 5
hybrid false indigo 5
hybrid false red agave 23
hybrid fig-hazel 33
hybrid flowering cherry 23
hybrid flowering quince 106
hybrid foamflower 7
hybrid fothergilla 16
hybrid gladiolus 31
hybrid globe amaranth 7
hybrid globe mallow 18
hybrid grape holly 14
hybrid grapeholly 20
hybrid hebe 4
hybrid hellebore 16
hybrid hens and chicks 1
hybrid hibiscus 26
hybrid holly 17
hybrid hosta 67
hybrid hydrangea 21
hybrid ice-plant 6
hybrid indigo 3
hybrid Japanese maple 2
hybrid Japanese paperbush 63
hybrid jessamine 2
hybrid leatherleaf mahonia 4
hybrid lilac 31
hybrid lily 126
hybrid magnolia 159
hybrid mahonia 28
hybrid mayapple 14
hybrid Meserve holly 4
hybrid mock orange 24
hybrid monkey puzzle 8
hybrid monkey puzzle tree 12
hybrid muhly grass 24
hybrid palm 2
hybrid palmetto 22
hybrid passion flower 77
hybrid pear 13
hybrid peony 10
hybrid phlox 6
hybrid pineapple lily 46
hybrid podocarpus 5
hybrid rain-lily 32
hybrid red yucca 6
hybrid redbud 35
hybrid reticulate iris 33
hybrid rhododendron 42
hybrid rose-of-Sharon 14
hybrid rugosa rose 6
hybrid sage 61
hybrid Shasta daisy 1
hybrid snakebark maple 4
hybrid spiderwort 4
hybrid St. John's-wort 3
hybrid stonecrop 59
hybrid strawberry tree 18
hybrid sweet gum 2
hybrid sweet william 20
hybrid sweetshrub 67
hybrid toad lily 26
hybrid upright elephant ear 13
hybrid viburnum 35
hybrid water platter 4
hybrid water-lily 36
hybrid weigela 7
hybrid white flowered lilac 3
hybrid wild-indigo 10
hybrid winterberry holly 31
hybrid witchhazel 29
hydrangea 78
HyperBerries St. John's-wort 2
ice plant 15
ice-plant 9
Iceberg floribunda rose 2
Iceland poppy 12
Ichang lemon 14
iigiri tree 23
Illawarra flame tree 3
Illumination, Digiplexis hybrid foxglove 3
Illusion Emerald Lace ornamental sweet potato 1
Illusion Midnight Lace purple-leaf ornamental sweet potato 1
impatiens 4
imperial taro 14
Incrediball Blush smooth hydrangea 8
Incrediball smooth hydrangea 8
Indian banyan 17
Indian barberry 5
Indian fig 2
Indian hawthorn 10
Indian horse chestnut 10
Indian jasmine 2
Indian mimosa 19
Indian physic 3
Indian pinkroot 30
Indian pipe 19
Indian shell flower 6
Indian Summer Southern arrowwood 3
Indian's dream 9
Indigo Flair mahonia 3
Infinitini Magenta crepe myrtle 1
Infinitini White dwarf crepe myrtle 0
inkberry 39
Inspired Violet butterfly bush 1
Inspired Violet butterfly-bush 7
intermediate bamboo fern 6
intermediate bearded iris 47
intermediate bearded reblooming iris 11
intermediate jonquil 2
Interstella Japanese andromeda 3
Invincibelle Limetta smooth hydrangea 7
Invincibelle Ruby smooth hydrangea 4
Invincibelle Spirit smooth hydrangea 36
Invincibelle Wee White smooth hydrangea 1
Iranian Jerusalem sage 7
iris 37
Iris 'Making Eyes' 1
iris of Rhodes 4
iron cross begonia 2
iron fern 2
ironweed 29
isu tree 10
Italian alder 12
Italian arum 64
Italian bluebells 1
Italian Buckthorn 1
Italian cypress 47
Italian golden honey fig 7
Italian ryegrass 3
Italian stone pine 10
Ithuriel's spear 24
Itoh hybrid peony 44
Itoh peony 27
ivory boat orchid 1
Ivory Halo redosier dogwood 2
Ivory Prince hybrid Lenten rose 3
Ivory Prince Ivory Prince lenten rose 4
Ivory Spear crabapple 3
ivory thistle 2
ivory-flower michelia 38
ivy 83
ivy leaved cyclamen 2
ivy tree 11
ivy-leaf maple 12
ivyleaf groundcherry 2
Jack pine 3
Jack's amelasorbus 1
Jack-in-the-pulpit 42
Jackson vine 1
Jacob's ladder 3
Jacob's rod 7
Jacob's-ladder 4
jade plant 8
James' buckwheat 10
James' cryptantha 2
Japanese alder 4
Japanese andromeda 51
Japanese anemone 2
Japanese angelica 2
Japanese angelica tree 4
Japanese aralia 2
Japanese ardisia 6
Japanese arrowwood 11
Japanese aucuba 210
Japanese bamboo fern 3
Japanese barberry 33
Japanese beautyberry 24
Japanese beech fern 2
Japanese black pine 52
Japanese blueberry tree 15
Japanese boxwood 22
Japanese Bugbane 4
Japanese bush spruce 4
Japanese butterfly-bush 1
Japanese camellia 377
Japanese camphor 17
Japanese cardinal shrub 10
Japanese cedar 44
Japanese chestnut 9
Japanese chestnut oak 5
Japanese chinquapin 11
Japanese cleyera 2
Japanese climbing fern 8
Japanese climbing hydrangea 37
Japanese cobra lily 3
Japanese cobra-lily 53
Japanese coriaria 2
Japanese cornel 43
Japanese crepe myrtle 379
Japanese daphniphyllum 35
Japanese daylily 8
Japanese emperor oak 25
Japanese euchresta 3
Japanese euonymus 1
Japanese euptelea 3
Japanese eurya 7
Japanese evergreen iris 7
Japanese evergreen oak 4
Japanese fairy bells 1
Japanese false aster 9
Japanese false blueberry 2
Japanese false Solomon's seal 3
Japanese fatsia 42
Japanese flowering apricot 152
Japanese flowering ash 31
Japanese flowering cherry 3
Japanese flowering quince 86
Japanese forest grass 17
Japanese forest sage 10
Japanese garden juniper 7
Japanese ginger 18
Japanese ground orchid 6
Japanese hackberry 4
Japanese helwingia 16
Japanese holly 36
Japanese honeysuckle 10
Japanese hophornbeam 11
Japanese hornbeam 31
Japanese horse chestnut 27
Japanese hybrid azalea 17
Japanese hydrangea 5
Japanese iris 72
Japanese ivy 8
Japanese kerria 24
japanese knotweed 10
Japanese lady's slipper 5
Japanese lily 7
Japanese lime tree 7
Japanese lyonia 2
Japanese machilus 24
Japanese mahonia 32
Japanese mallotus 6
Japanese maple 552
Japanese nutmeg 14
Japanese orixa 7
Japanese pachysandra 36
Japanese pagoda tree 28
Japanese painted fern 18
Japanese paper mulberry 4
Japanese paperbush 29
Japanese pepperbush 18
Japanese persimmon 42
Japanese photinia 3
Japanese pittosporum 32
Japanese plum 4
Japanese plum yew 2
Japanese plum-yew 16
Japanese primrose 11
Japanese privet 27
Japanese raisin-tree 9
Japanese red pine 13
Japanese roof iris 58
Japanese sedge 3
Japanese snow rose 66
Japanese snowball viburnum 34
Japanese snowbell 120
Japanese spicebush 27
Japanese spikenard 9
Japanese spindle tree 2
Japanese spiraea 1
Japanese spirea 113
Japanese star anise 6
Japanese stauntonia 11
Japanese stephanandra 2
Japanese stewartia 35
Japanese sweet-olive 10
Japanese sweetspire 11
Japanese sword fern 8
Japanese tan-bark oak 1
Japanese thistle 1
Japanese tree lilac 7
Japanese turtlehead 10
Japanese umbrella pine 55
Japanese viburnum 4
Japanese walnut 10
Japanese white birch 3
Japanese white pine 50
Japanese whitebark magnolia 8
Japanese wild ginger 9
Japanese wingnut 19
Japanese wisteria 16
Japanese witch hazel 1
Japanese witchhazel 19
Japanese wood fern 3
Japanese woodland sage 12
Japanese yellow sage 4
Japanese yellowwood 12
Japanese yew 3
Japanese yew-pine 30
Japanese zelkova 4
Japanese-cedar 138
jasmine 10
Javelin fastigiate pear 20
Javelin Forte Deep Purple Spanish lavender 12
Jazz Hands Dwarf Pink dwarf loropetalum 6
Jazz Hands Dwarf White dwarf loropetalum 14
Jazz Hands variegated Chinese fringe flower 2
Jazze mix Peruvian lily 1
Jazze Rose Frost Peruvian lily 2
Jeffrey's pine 4
jelly palm 4
Jenny's stonecrop 25
Jerusalem cherry 9
Jerusalem sage 38
Jerusalem salvia 1
Jetstream compact oakleaf hydrangea 12
jeweled barberry 3
jewelweed 7
johnny-nip 2
joint fir 3
Jones' bluestar 3
Jones' false goldenaster 4
Jones' pitcherplant 2
jonquil 1
jonquilla 5
jonquilla daffodil 119
Joseph's coat 23
Joshua tree 23
Jubilation Cape jasmine 13
Jubilation Cape jessamine 7
Judas tree 39
Judd viburnum 3
Julian hackberry 12
Juliet variegated ternstroemia 6
Juliet variegated false Japanese cleyera 1
Junior Walker compact catmint 12
juniper-plume dwarf Sawara falsecypress 4
Jupiter's beard 3
Jurassic kale 9
Jury hybrid magnolia 41
kadsura 5
kahili ginger 17
Kaido crab apple 14
Kalm's St. John's-wort 14
Kalmia-flowered deutzia 1
Kamchatka rhododendron 2
kangaroo apple 16
kangaroo paw 1
kangaroo vine 3
Kannah Creek buckwheat 3
Kansu viburnum 2
kapok 5
karamu 2
Kashmir cypress 11
katote 2
katsura 29
katsura tree 5
kawaka 9
Kawakami maple 45
kawakawa 4
Kearney sumac 2
Kehr hybrid magnolia 92
Keiko Itoh peony 14
Kenilworth ivy 6
kentia palm 3
Kentucky coffee tree 17
Kentucky coffeetree 17
Kentucky wisteria 12
Kew magnolia 23
khasi papeda 1
Khasi pine 2
kidney bean 3
Kindred Spirit columnar hybrid white oak 5
King Billy pine 4
king's crown 6
Kingdon-Ward's butterfly bush 4
Kirigami Deep Blue & White Rocky Mountain columbine 13
Kirigami Light Blue & White bicolor columbine 12
Kirigami Light Blue & White Rocky Mountain columbine 4
Kirigami Red & White bicolor columbine 13
Kirigami Red & White Rocky Mountain columbine 2
Kirigami Rose & Pink Rocky Mountain columbine 5
Kirigami Yellow Rocky Mountain columbine 17
Kirilow's indigo 13
Kismet Raspberry coneflower 17
Kismet Red coneflower 9
Kismet White coneflower 4
kiwi 10
kiwi fruit 3
kiwi wild-ginger 8
kiwifruit 18
Klein's pencil cactus 4
Knap Hill hybrid azalea 4
knobcone pine 2
Knock Out shrub rose 32
knotweed 1
kobus magnolia 25
Kochi thyme 2
Koehne holly 33
Kolorscape Cheri shrub rose 3
Konara oak 8
Korean arborvitae 1
Korean barberry 4
Korean bellflower 13
Korean boxwood 30
Korean cobra-lily 4
Korean deutzia 8
Korean early lilac 66
Korean elm 7
Korean feather reed grass 11
Korean fir 35
Korean forsythia 6
Korean hackberry 6
Korean hornbeam 13
Korean ironwood 5
Korean lilac 7
Korean linden 11
Korean maple 10
Korean mimosa 33
Korean mountain burnet 4
Korean mountainash 7
Korean necklace-pod 21
Korean neillia 8
Korean pine 6
Korean plum-yew 8
Korean rhododendron 6
Korean rock fern 5
Korean snow burnet 4
Korean spice viburnum 3
Korean spindle tree 9
Korean spirea 4
Korean stewartia 9
Korean waxbells 9
Korean weigela 3
Koreanspice viburnum 4
Kosar hybrid evergreen holly 7
Kousa dogwood 138
kudzu 8
Kumaon Fan Palm 7
Kunth's beardtongue 9
kuro-moji spicebush 59
Kyushu cobra-lily 7
La Siberia strain bear-grass 11
lace hedgehog cactus 7
lace-leaf Japanese maple 12
lacebark pine 52
lacecap bigleaf hydrangea 4
lacecap French hydrangea 12
lacecap hydrangea 1
lacey wood fern 6
ladder brake 1
Lady Banks' rose 62
Lady in Red ninebark 1
lady lupine 3
Lady of Shalott shrub rose 7
lady palm 1
lady tulip 12
lakeside daisy 17
lamb's ear 35
lance-flowered Standish's honeysuckle 1
lance-leaf bluebell 9
lance-leaved stonecrop 19
lanceleaf pickerelweed 2
lanceleaf wakerobin 7
lanceleaf wakerobin 1
lantana 87
lantanaphyllum viburnum 8
large bract iris 1
large cupped daffodil 8
large yellow foxglove 2
large-cupped daffodil 275
large-flowered clematis 2
large-flowered climbing rose 19
large-flowered Japanese viburnum 7
large-leaf spicebush 1
largeflower fairybells 9
largeflower skullcap 4
largeleaf linden 3
large–flowered smooth hydrangea 1
late bottlebrush buckeye 4
late European woodbine 3
late red-hot poker 37
late-flowering goldenrain tree 11
laurel-leaf maple 1
laurellularia 2
laurustinus 29
laurustinus viburnum 25
lavender 12
Lavender Chiffon rose-of-Sharon 17
lavender cotton 10
Lavender Ice ice plant 1
Lavender Twist weeping eastern redbud 21
lavender wild-indigo 33
Lawson falsecypress 23
Le Ann false Japanese cleyera 1
Leach hybrid magnolia 78
leadplant 2
Leadville milkvetch 2
leaf fairy bells 8
leather oak 3
leather-leaf Mexican oak 22
leatherflower 2
leatherleaf 1
leatherleaf mahonia 35
leatherleaf maple 35
leatherleaf pittosporum 2
leatherleaf viburnum 12
leatherwood 1
leathery polypody 10
ledge stonecrop 12
Ledvina hybrid magnolia 29
Lemoine deutzia 17
Lemoine hybrid mock-orange 8
lemon bottlebrush 8
lemon grass 1
Lemon Splash weeping Fuji cherry 17
Lemon Supreme coral bells 5
lemon thyme 10
lemon verbena 2
lemon wood 4
lemon-yellow rose-mallow 1
lemonscent 9
Lenten rose 319
Leonard Dudley Braithwaite shrub rose 6
leopard plant 52
Leprechaun compact Florida leucothoe 4
lesser calamint 3
lesser catmint 15
lesser spikemoss 1
lesser yellow lady's slipper 3
lettuce 48
Lewis flax 31
Leyland cypress 128
Liaoning oak 2
Liberty red holly 11
Lichfield Angel shrub rose 12
licorice fern 2
licorice mint 8
licorice plant 8
light poppy-mallow 4
ligularia 6
lilac 46
lilac daphne 34
lily 45
lily magnolia 24
lily of the valley 17
lily-of-the-valley 2
lilyturf 23
limber pine 8
Lime Glow golden creeping juniper 5
Lime Sublime floribunda rose 1
lime-calyx Mexican sage 59
Limemound Japanese spirea 6
limerock arrow-wood 6
limestone bittercress 4
limestone saxifrage 1
linden viburnum 20
Lindley's butterfly bush 2
Lindley's butterfly-bush 22
Linwood Hardy hybrid azalea 2
lion's ear 33
lion's-mane Japanese maple 31
lipstick tree 9
little bluestem 14
Little Bonnie compact Japanese spirea 8
Little Devil dwarf purple-leaf ninebark 7
little heartleaf 13
little leaf eastern redbud 2
little leaf tea tree 6
little leaf viburnum 7
Little Lime dwarf panicled hydrangea 2
Little Miss Figgy dwarf fig 3
Little Moses dwarf burning bush 2
little pickles 5
little quakinggrass 1
Little Rascal holly 7
Little Red red holly 4
Little River Canyon onion 2
Little Ruby red-flowered dogwood 5
little sweet Betsy 25
Little Twist contorted Fuji cherry 20
little walnut 1
little yellow rattle 1
little-hip hawthorn 2
little-leaf Japanese holly 3
littleflower penstemon 15
littleleaf alumroot 13
littleleaf ash 14
littleleaf boxwood 26
littleleaf climbing hydrangea 4
littleleaf cyrilla 4
littleleaf fuchsia 7
littleleaf ligustrum 4
littleleaf linden 12
littleleaf ratany 7
littleleaf redbud 7
littleleaf sweet bay magnolia 11
littleleaf titi 2
littleleaf tuliptree 6
littleleaf yaupon holly 1
live oak 151
liverleaf wintergreen 6
lizard's tail 15
Lizzie's Flowering Hybrid Oregano 2
Lloyd's false sage 2
Lo & Behold compact butterfly bush 12
Lo & Behold compact butterfly-bush 80
Lo & Behold dwarf butterfly bush 4
Lo & Behold dwarf butterfly-bush 18
lobed coreopsis 4
loblolly bay 26
loblolly pine 67
lobster claw 5
Lochinch Castle butterfly-bush 4
lodgepole pine 1
lodgepole pine