Friends of the Arboretum
Summer 2000
Director's Letter
By Bob Lyons, Ph.D.
I open this letter knowing that I have to get in some very significant information about what we've done and what we hope to do in the near future. First and foremost, the progress of the Education Center......are you familiar with "visualization," what many athletes do to prepare for a major event? Well, one could say we're there by planning to begin our construction before the end of this calendar year, in light of the fact that we are still around $100,000 short. Remember, I said planning, but there's nothing wrong with that. By the time you receive this newsletter, a call for contract bids will have been publicized and we will have already had a "pre-bid meeting" with potential project bidders. We then look towards Election Day, which, for the first time in my life as a registered voter, holds more meaning than just the selection of a new U.S. President. In North Carolina, there will also be a bond referendum at stake, a referendum that promises to benefit all students on all public university campuses by targeting physical facilities. The soon-to-be JC Raulston Arboretum McSwain Education Center is in that bond issue to the tune of $500,000 and will enable us to complete the project with haste. And, we will get to the business of education even more assuredly. I'm passing the mark of my first 1.5 years in this position and recently attended an "Education Center Building Committee" meeting, in the process finding out that this committee has been in place for 10 years. Enough said! Please join me in going to the polls in November!
We've seen some significant facilities work done lately, most notably a $30,000 renovation of our greenhouses. The JCRA "behind the scenes" includes nursery space, propagation beds, and greenhouse benches, in addition to those areas where we put our plants in full view. Keeping many of our membership benefits going depends on these facilities, as do the JC Raulston Arboretum Selections program and our own needs to investigate the growth of some of our newest accessions. Moving outdoors, we've also made some repairs and upgrades to our physical systems.....and of course we've had a very wet season! Irrigation systems are often considered necessary evils by keepers of the landscape, keeping you challenged by their operational quirks, but providing you peace of mind during establishment and droughts. Thanks, Doug Champion and World Wide Water, Inc. <> for your help here, too.
I've got several items to bring to your attention this time. Thanks to all of you who responded to our recent survey. Our Board of Advisors is currently looking at the results and we'll report back as soon as possible. I was delighted to notice that one of the most salient points from your survey was that this newsletter is viewed as one of the most important membership benefits, a trademark we intend to uphold and strengthen.
It is one thing to say that membership is the backbone of an organization, but in fact, it really is for the JCRA, and in a big way. Suffice it to say that our members keep us afloat and at this writing we number around 2,200. Consider this. In the fiscal year 1999-2000, we required about $90,000 for "soft money" salaries alone; specifically, these are positions which do not receive monies from university sources but are essential to support our volunteer coordination, plant records management, and education/programs addition to our undergraduate students hired on flexible schedules. These monies MUST come from memberships and related gifts, and given the rightful referral of some recent gifts to our building fund which may have ordinarily been targeted to salaries, our memberships have become even that much more important. Our membership roster is a strong one, and one to be envied by similar organizations. However, it must continue to grow to be healthy and supportive of what we do....whether through the addition of more staff, construction of new support facilities, and/or the acquisition of new plants. It is also truly remarkable what we do with so many staffers that are part-time.....yes, part time.
In light of this concern, I've asked the Board of Advisors to look at our membership structure and concomitant benefits, and we will certainly report back to you regarding their recommendations when possible. Our membership coordination is ably overseen by Donna Walker and she has already visited with her counterparts at Duke Gardens, NC Botanic Gardens, and the NCSU Library and is planning to visit Philadelphia area institutions for their views on membership organization.
So, if you've picked up this newsletter from a talk, the JCRA itself, our booth, or at our office, please join us in the membership ranks. If you are a card-carrying member already, please renew when that letter comes through the mail......and if you receive that letter and you're feeling even more generous, "up" your membership level!
On another note, I'm pleased to present a financial break down of this year's most successful Gala. These proceeds are treated differently than general membership revenues. Beginning this year, Gala profits are targeted for supporting both our Development efforts and another specific project, this year the Education Center. In fact, we share the financial responsibility with the College for generating support monies for ourselves, and the Gala is the primary mechanism to do so. Once we satisfied our contribution to Development activities ($15,000), this year's great success allowed us to allocate even more than the intended 50% of the Gala profits to the Education Center. All this being said, please look at the accompanying breakdown and note that $39,755.00 went to the Education Center. For the record, 456 guests attended the First Tier of the Gala and 340 of them stayed for dinner in the Second Tier. You may recall that among the many changes instituted in the Gala format, this year we gave people options. Come and enjoy the beverages, light food, and silent auctions or stay for dinner and the live auction......the former for $50/person, the latter for $125. While we all waited by the mailboxes wondering how well this new change would be received, we were delightfully surprised by the incoming reservations! This system worked very well....I guess it is all about choices. I'd like to add that the Gala is different things to different people and if you've never come, please come in can dress in a tux or jeans, jacket or polo shirt, sandals or wing tips. Just come! You are supporting the JCRA and that's what counts most. My thanks again to Karen Suberman for chairing the Gala committee and working so well with Donna Walker to pull this off!
First Tier Guests - $6,375.00
Second Tier Guests - $72,185.00
Silent & Live Auctions - $20,424.00
Hat Sales - $493.00
Kite Sales - $453.00
Other Donations - $605.00
TOTAL INCOME - $100,535.00
Postage - $2,432.10
Tent Rental - $10,965.50
Caterer (First Tier) - $9,310.82
Caterer (Second Tier) - $12,018.78
Sound System - $4,450.00
Printing/Paper - $1,184.20
Miscellaneous - $5,417.93
TOTAL EXPENSES - $45,779.33
NET INCOME - $54,755.67
It is always great to tell you of a new member of the JCRA team. Andy Upshaw has been working with us as a Fellow in Plant Evaluation and Teaching, an experience that will take him up to the end of this calendar year. I'm anxious to refine our plant evaluation system, in conjunction with the North Carolina nursery industry, to include other people and other sites, and Andy has been instrumental in starting that process. If we are to make recommendations concerning better landscape plants, then a formal network covering our state's diverse climate is in order. Who will be the network participants, what will be the reasonable expectations of evaluation sites, and how will our information be measured and used? These and other questions have filled Andy's plate and will eventually enhance the JC Raulston Arboretum Selections program. More about this program in later issues of our newsletter.
In the same breath to welcome Andy, I find myself saying a "pseudo-farewell" to Doug Ruhren......"pseudo" because I know we'll still see him, but on a more limited basis. He has taken a position with Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens <> in Charlotte, and they are lucky to get him....a fact I reiterated quite emphatically to DSBG's Director Mike Bush at a recent meeting! Doug's history with the JCRA is a long and rich one, perhaps best known for his affiliation with Edith Eddleman and our incredible Perennial Border AND its recent renovation. I'm convinced that no better team exists because it represents the synergy of two remarkably talented people, each quite capable of stellar works alone, but thriving in concert when paired. It has indeed been a pleasure to get to know Doug in my year and a half tenure so far. He is an individual of exceptional plant knowledge with an open door to sharing it. His regular presence will be missed during those many hours he labored at the Border, but if the incredible first-year progress of the Border is any indication of his own new position potential, he'll be soaring in no of luck, Doug!
As a closing note, a few words about our collections. They are undergoing big changes, BIG CHANGES, as they should, and Todd Lasseigne (Plant Collections Management Fellow) has been enormously instrumental in this regard. It is time to evaluate our current inventory for timeliness, uniqueness, and for the very fact that we are doing extensive nomenclature verification before we engrave new labels. We are also opening new areas for the inclusion of newer plant materials. The Perennial Border is included in this renovation process and is making superb progress, but do you know what goes on in the background while new plants show up? Accessions and mapping! Our Plant Recorder, Valerie Tyson, has kept an unenviable pace going just to stay up with the new plants being installed regularly. And, I'm pleased that we've been able to include our volunteers and undergraduate students in this process; next time you visit be sure to grab hold of a new map which accurately identifies all the component species. We think it will make your visit a lot more educational and comfortable!
In closing, remember, we're not a about us, engage your friends, enlist them as members, and spread the word!
Plant News
All in a Day's Work: New Labels at the JC Raulston Arboretum
By Todd
Plant Collections Management Fellow
Upon being asked to write another column for this season's newsletter, I did not have a topic (aside from focusing on a given subset of interesting plants) that readily came to mind. After attending The American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA)/Center for Plant Conservation (CPC)/Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) World Botanic Gardens Congress in Asheville in June, I then thought that I would write a column on the grim face of plant conservation (2/3 of all plant species may become extinct by 2100 A.D.), maybe focusing on some endangered plants in the Arboretum collection. However, that story will have to wait, as I've been inspired by another topic – that is, the intricacies of relabeling the Arboretum's collections.
Nancy Doubrava, JCRA Interpretive Specialist, who is heading up this massive task, has called on my expertise in nomenclature and related matters. This is the stuff I live for – researching the origins and names of the myriads of plants in the Arboretum. I think you might enjoy seeing how this process is done, and particularly, you might enjoy its oft-serendipitous nature. I'll use examples from the list on which I am currently working – the Perennial Trial Bed (formerly the Early/Late Border). And, yes, I do appreciate and know the perennial plants, as well as the woodies!
Thus far, this bed displays a total of over 95 different kinds of plants – from the familiar asters and their ilk to the yuccas and Zephyranthes (the rain-lilies). The plants in this bed hail from around the globe, with species native to all continents except Antarctica and Australia. Thus, I surmised early on that no one source would supply me with all of the data needed. Being a geography enthusiast, I took this to also represent an opportunity to convey knowledge about world geography through our plant collections. The standard references for this task, Hortus Third and the RHS Index of Garden Plants, would only represent starting points. For instance, in labeling Buddleja davidii 'Bonnie', I feel it is only marginally useful to say that the species is native to China. That's like saying that live oak (Quercus virginiana) is native to the U.S. – a true, but rather uninformative statement. Thus, Buddleja davidii is listed as being native to central and western China (abbreviated as "c & w China" on the label). For hybridized plants, such as Buddleja 'Lochinch', this plant has no "nativity" and as such is said to be "of garden origin." These two plants are easy ones to label, I was to learn.
The Perennial Trial Bed currently contains one hybrid and four species asters. Notwithstanding still unresolved views on taxonomic delineations in Aster (some of which would change our beloved New England aster from Aster novae-angliae to Symphyotrichum novae-angliae), I faced the daunting challenge of finding geographic ranges and common names for these plants. Well, for Aster grandiflorus, a quick consultation of Armitage's Herbaceous Perennial Plants 2nd ed. revealed the common name "great aster." A subsequent perusal of Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas by Radford, Ahles, and Bell (RAB) revealed that the native range is Virginia, south to Florida. For Aster concolor, however, the story was not as clear. RAB listed Virginia and Kentucky, south to Florida and Louisiana as a range, but NO common name was given. As a result, I checked out the in-progress "new" flora of the Carolinas, Alan Weakley's Flora of the Carolinas and Virginia, of which I own a copy of the "November, 1998 draft," but found that no common name was included therein either. I gave up, for the time being at least, on finding that common name and turned to the next plant, Aster 'Miss Bessie', which we received from Niche Gardens <>. Lo and behold, in the Niche Gardens catalog I read almost immediately about the "1996 NC Wildflower of the Year." Aster concolor, the "eastern silvery aster." WOW! Serendipity at work. I would later find in other nursery catalogs common names that were not readily found elsewhere, such as "prairie aster" for Aster turbinellus in the Woodlanders catalog, "plum-scented iris" for Iris graminea in the Fairweather Gardens catalog, and "yomena yomama" for Kalimeris yomena in the Plant Delights <> catalog. (I decided to use "golden false-aster" instead for K. yomena.)
Woodlanders Nursery also came to the rescue when I came upon the plant labeled as Andropogon sp. 'Silver Beauty'. Knowing Woodlanders co-owner Bob McCartney as a good friend, I fired off an e-mail. Bob's reply was quite informative. He said that Woodlanders originally received the plant from Superior Trees in Florida, and that 'Silver Beauty' was a selection of Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus, a native grass known as "chalky bluestem." Thanks, Bob! Problem solved! Unfortunately, I forgot to include in that e-mail a question about Saccharum sp. received from Woodlanders, too. Oh, well, another e-mail, another day.
Several plants completely eluded repeated searches for information. For instance, a plant labeled Delosperma herbeau seemed suspiciously misspelled. I therefore jumped on the Internet, typing in "delosperma" and, lo and behold, came to a plethora of sites, some of marginal relationships to the hardy ice-plants. One, however, answered my prayers, and I found that Delosperma herbeum was an ice-plant native to the southern African nation of Swaziland. Plus, there was a nice photo of the plant, all covered in white flowers.
By accident, I hooked onto the "mother of all websites" (Saddam himself would be proud), for U.S. native plants, at least, when I typed in Callirhoe alcaeoides, for which I was seeking a common name. I was led to the BONAP (Biota of North America Program) website, complete with searchable indices at <>. In it, I was able to search all species of Callirhoe and find Callirhoe alcaeoides, the "light poppy-mallow," along with a state-by-state geographic distribution map. Better yet, these maps are included for ALL species. Rechecking other names already "complete," I learned that BONAP's geographic distribution for Aster concolor, Massachusetts to Kentucky, etc., differed strongly from the one I had derived from Radford et al., as Virginia to Kentucky, etc. Remembering that the Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas, published in 1968, only included geographic distribution data for states adjacent to the Carolinas, I opted to use BONAP's distribution data instead, as I later did for all other US native plants.
I had also anguished over finding a common name for an obscure plant called Jamesianthus alabamensis, which I really didn't want to just call the "Alabama jamesianthus." Initial Web searches (before I discovered the BONAP Web page) for Jamesianthus led me to an individual's résumé (name withheld), an interesting article on the evolution of the Coastal Plain flora, and, among many others, a site on the protected plants of Georgia. After waiting forever for my computer to download the information, I found out that Jamesianthus (there is only one species in the genus) is known as "Alabama warbonnets." Great name, eh? Wonder what its story is. I later found the same common name on the BONAP site. Jamesianthus is only native in Georgia and Alabama, and is a member of the aster family (Asteraceae).
Other interesting examples follow:
1. South Africa holds a richly diverse flora (ca. 25,000 species!). I was unhappy with saying native to "South Africa" just as I was in the Buddleja example above. Thus, Delosperma sutherlandii, is native to "South Africa (Natal and Transvaal Provinces)."
2. For Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae (known more commonly as E. robbiae), I really didn't like the common name "Robb's spurge." Furthermore, knowing that the "-ae" suffix refers to the feminine gender, I equally disliked "Mrs. Robb's spurge." Unfortunately, both Armitage and Jellitto and Schacht's Hardy Herbaceous Perennials were unhelpful in this regard. I consulted the specialist literature, specifically the book Euphorbias: A Gardeners Guide by Roger Turner and found the much more pleasing name "Mrs. Robb's bonnet." I also learned that this variety (var. robbiae) of the "wood spurge" (E. a. var. amygdaloides) is only native to northwestern Turkey and that it hasn't been collected or seen there in decades. So sad to think that such a fine plant may no longer exist in the wild.
3. Hypericum Hinodorum, of which we have 'Summergold', I at first assumed was of "garden origin." Yet, I decided to check RHS, just in case. Sure enough, this hybrid occurs naturally in the wild, as well as spontaneously in the garden when the two parental species occur together. Its native range includes northern Spain to northern Italy and the islands of Corsica and Madeira.
4. I also assumed that "just another" red-hot poker, Kniphofia thomsonii var. thomsonii, was native (as were they all, I thought) to South Africa. Not so! Web searches (and comparisons with the range of K. thomsonii var. snowdenii, listed in Phillips' and Rix's Perennials) revealed that this plant is native to high mountains of central Africa, including the nations of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Lesson learned here!
5. I found out that "French" lavender isn't native in France, at least not if you are growing Lavandula stoechas var. pedunculata. When in Spain several years ago, on a Mediterranean ecology field course, I came to know this plant as "Spanish lavender." Native to central Spain and northeastern Portugal, I concurred and kept the Iberian epithet. "French" lavender would be reserved for other botanical varieties of lavender (e.g., L. stoechas var. stoechas).
6. Yucca pallida lacked a common name in the standard references. The new book, Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants by Mary and Gene Irish, unfortunately didn't list one either. When I consulted my "Bible" on the Texas woody flora, Robert A. Vines' Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of the Southwest, I learned that the "pale-leaf yucca" (an obvious common name) occurred only in a few counties in northern and central Texas!
7. Our records for a plant known only as Stevia sp. seemed to indicate that it originated from Yucca Do Nursery. I was able, through BONAP, to find that it belonged to the aster family and that a common name for the genus is "candyleaf," but I didn't know which species we held. I e-mailed my friend Carl Schoenfeld, owner of Yucca Do Nursery, who replied as follows. "Sorry. We have collected many Stevia and various Stevia-look-a-likes and have no idea what species they may be. There are several hundred species known just in Mexico alone. We are now in the 21st century and still the greatest obstacle to overcome is plant identity." Sobering words, indeed! Thanks, Carl! Perhaps this is one for Dr. Paul Fantz to look into. Now where did I put that key to the species of Stevia? Hmmm!
8. Trouble with sedums appeared next on the horizon. What should I do for common names, for instance? Well, using a long-forgotten, but still useful and vastly underappreciated book entitled Standardized Plant Names (1942 edition), I found a great common name for Sedum alboroseum (with white to pink flowers), the "blush stonecrop" that appeared NOWHERE else in print (including the specialist book Sedums: Cultivated Stonecrops by Roy Stephenson). Then, using Stephenson's book, I was able to find "cliff-dwelling stonecrop" for S. cauticola (and, no, I do not want to hear how many sedums are cliff-dwelling, too!). Upon finding that Sedum 'Neon' wasn't listed in Armitage's book, I noticed that the Plant Delights catalog included it as a sport of Sedum 'Brilliant'. Since the latter is a cultivar of S. spectabile, I then immediately knew which species' geographic range information to look up for 'Neon'. Sometimes these things are logical!
To be sure, some plants still require further investigation. For instance, Hortus Third says that Gynura bicolor is native to the Moluccas, a group of islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of southern India; while the RHS Index says that this species is native to the Himalayas. This species, as such, remains on my "keep looking" list, as I do not want to just state that the species occurs from the Himalayas, across the vastness of India, to the Moluccan islands, without any indications that it really does.
For a common name, does G. bicolor become the "two-colored gynura," as a translation of the name would suggest? Well, this worked well for Caryopteris divaricata (the "spreading bluebeard") instead of just calling it "bluebeard" along with all the other many species of Caryopteris. Salvia littae, native to Oaxaca State in Mexico, also lacks a common name. From reading about it in the Woodlanders catalog (only sparse information) and Betsy Clebsch's A Book of Salvias, I have tentatively dubbed this species as the "magenta bush sage." I think that "sage" alone might confuse too many people with the culinary plant Salvia officinalis.
On another front, I not-so-easily looked up information on Triptyregium regelii ("Regel's threewingnut"), and then decided to go look at the plant, discovering to my horror that it was instead Heteropterys glabra ("redwing"). To date, I still cannot find the latter name in any reference book, although a website did indicate it as being native in Paraguay. A 1997 edition of Woodlanders catalog said it was native in Mexico.
Lastly, a plant listed as "Solidago flexuosa" cannot be so, as that name simply doesn't exist. Is it instead meant to be S. flexicaulis (likely) or S. fistulosa (less likely)? Greater spelling errors in the history of the Arboretum have occurred, after all. Ask me to tell the story of Elioxlaus one day.
I hope that in reading this, some of you will have learned about the apparent "madness to the method" as well as the "method to the madness" in finding this information. One general rule I can formulate, though, is that when you are in doubt, go to the source. Jenks Farmer (Riverbanks Botanical Garden, Columbia, SC <>), for instance, gave us a plant we had accessioned as "Duranta." I e-mailed him when I didn't know where to go. As a result, we now have a more complete record for this plant. Secondly, the fact that one source does not have the information you seek does not mean that this information does not exist in other, more specialized references.
Back in June, at the World Botanic Garden Congress, I met and had an enlightening discussion with a horticultural taxonomist, during which he suggested that it might be fruitful for him, me, and other like-minded individuals to work on a "best practices" manual for labeling collections. Who knows what could come of this work?!
Bond Referendum to Support ArboretumBy Keith Oakley Please be aware that the November 7, 2000 statewide University and Community College $3.1 billion bond referendum does include $500,000 for the McSwain Center (Horticulture Classroom) at the JC Raulston Arboretum. This $500,000 would put the Arboretum in a position to begin construction of the McSwain Center Phase I almost immediately. We hope that you will plan on voting on November 7, 2000. Also, we are continuing to raise funds for the entire McSwain Center Complex - Phases I, II, and III. There are numerous naming opportunities still available. If interested, please contact Donna Walker, Development Associate for the JC Raulston Arboretum at (919) 513-3826 or via e-mail at <>. |
1999 Accessions
This, our last accessions list published in the 20th century, is also our last one that will be printed in the newsletter. Starting with our 2000 Accessions, the lists will only be available for viewing on our website at <>. Updates will be posted several times a year along with an end of the year report available each January.
This decision was made for several reasons:
- Saving natural resources. The 1999 Accessions publication required over 10,000 sheets of paper.
- Electronic publications allow the viewer to search the document for key words.
- Electronic publications can be stored for future reference in a fraction of the space required of hard copies.
- Reduced publication and mailing costs.
**Should you not have access to the Internet, we will be happy to send you a copy via mail if you call with or send Chris Glenn your mailing address.
990424 - Abelia serrata; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990304 - Abies koreana 'Blauer Pfiff'; Clement Anthoine, Belgium; 50 - seed; 4/12/99.
990027 - Abies pindrow; Neil Bell, OR; 20 - seed; 1/26/99.
990303 - Abies X arnoldiana; Clement Anthoine, Belgium; 50 - seed; 4/12/99.
990249 - Abutilon regnellii; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990842 - Acalypha wilkesiana; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 2 qt; 12/9/99.
990843 - Acalypha wilkesiana 'Obovata'; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 2 qt; 12/9/99.
990381 - Acanthopanax divaricatus; SEEM.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (24); 20 - seed; 5/26/99.
990382 - Acanthopanax seoulense; NAKAI; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (25); 15 - seed; 5/26/99.
990383 - Acanthopanax sessiliflorus; RUPR. & MAXIM, SEEM.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (26); 40 - seed; 5/26/99.
990378 - Acer barbinerve; MAXIM.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (1); 5 - seed; 5/26/99.
990184 - Acer davidii; US Nat'l Arboretum; 3 - liner; 2/22/99.
990369 - Acer davidii; US Nat'l Arboretum; 1 - 2 gal; 5/13/99.
990372 - Acer japonicum 'Aureum'; Marion Redd, NC; 1 - 7 gal; 5/13/99.
990015 - Acer laevigatum; Strybing Arboretum, CA; 15 - seed; 1/18/99.
990164 - Acer macrophyllum; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990183 - Acer mono; US Nat'l Arboretum (67877); 3 - liner; 2/22/99.
990026 - Acer oblongum; Neil Bell, OR; 25 - seed; 1/25/99.
990373 - Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'; Marion Redd, NC; 1 - 15 gal; 5/13/99.
990375 - Acer palmatum dissectum; Marion Redd, NC; 1 - 15 gal; 5/13/99.
990260 - Acer palmatum 'Germaines Contorta'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990374 - Acer palmatum 'Green Cascade'; Marion Redd, NC; 1 - 10 gal; 5/13/99.
990258 - Acer palmatum scolopendrifolium rubrum 'Keiser'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990315 - Acer platanoides; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 8 - seed; 4/15/99.
990280 - Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley'; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990156 - Acer velutinum; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990223 - Achillea 'Snowsport'; Mich Gardens, NC; 5 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990182 - Actinidia tetramera; US Nat'l Arboretum (67668); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990481 - Adina chinensis; Bill Barnes, MD; 15 - cell; 6/30/99.
990338 - Aesculus parviflora serotina; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 4/26/99.
990563 - Agapanthus africanus 'Albus'; Big Bloomers, NC; 2 - 1 qt; 7/31/99.
990285 - Agave datylio var. datylio; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 50 - seed; 4/6/99.
990153 - Aleurites fordii; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (97w2000); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990288 - Allium amplectens; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 15 - seed; 4/6/99.
990831 - Allium cowanii; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 100 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990827 - Allium neapolitanum; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 150 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990834 - Allium nigrum; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 100 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990234 - Allium senescens subsp. montanum; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990209 - Allium senescens var. calcareum; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 3/3/99.
990833 - Allium triquetrum; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 30 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990312 - Allium tuberosum; Messenbrinks Nur, NC; 4 - 1 gal; 4/12/99.
990828 - Allium 'White Giant'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 3 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990387 - Alnus maximowiczii; CALL.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (32); 100 - seed; 5/26/99.
990045 - Alnus nepalensis; Neil Bell, OR; 100 - seed; 1/26/99.
990329 - Alstroemeria aurantiaca; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 20 - seed; 4/15/99.
990281 - Amelanchier 'Snow Cloud'; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990610 - Anemone vitifolia; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ224); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990052 - Anisacanthus linearis; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990050 - Anisacanthus puberulus; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990054 - Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990296 - Antigonon leptopus; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 30 - seed; 4/5/99.
990407 - Aphananthe aspera; PLANCH.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (210); 10 - seed; 5/26/99.
990246 - Aquilegia atrata; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990290 - Aquilegia formosa; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 60 - seed; 4/5/99.
990291 - Aquilegia formosa; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 40 - seed; 4/5/99.
990294 - Aquilegia formosa; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 40 - seed; 4/5/99.
990333 - Aquilegia hirsutissima; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990486 - Aquilegia 'Magpie'; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 qt; 6/30/99.
990612 - Aquilegia rockii; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ101); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990334 - Aquilegia viscosa; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 50 - seed; 4/15/99.
990579 - Aquilegia vulgaris; Diane Flynt, NC; 300 - seed; 8/16/99.
990245 - Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata; rec'd as Aquilegia clematiflora; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990384 - Aralia continentalis; KITABAWA; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (27); 75 - seed; 5/26/99.
990385 - Aralia cordata; THUNB.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (28); 75 - seed; 5/26/99.
990169 - Aralia elata 'Purple Ring'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990248 - Ardisia humilis; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990744 - Arisaema dracontium; Robert Lauf, TN; bulb; 11/22/99.
990745 - Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'; Yadkin Valley Nursery, NC; 5 gal; 11/27/99.
990079 - Arum concinnatum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990080 - Arum cyrenaicum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990072 - Arum dioscoridis; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990073 - Arum italicum subsp. albispathum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990074 - Arum italicum subsp. italicum; name on plant's tag Arum italicum pictum and clone letter; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990075 - Arum italicum subsp. italicum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990076 - Arum italicum subsp. italicum; name on plant's tag Arum italicum pictum and clone letter; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990077 - Arum italicum subsp. italicum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990078 - Arum italicum subsp. italicum; name on plant's tag Arum italicum pictum and clone letter; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990071 - Arum italicum subsp. neglectum 'Chameleon'; rec'd as Arum italicum X Arum maculatum 'Chamaeleon'; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990068 - Arum korolkowii; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990319 - Arum maculatum; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 20 - seed; 4/15/99.
990067 - Arum nigrum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990070 - Arum orientale subsp. sintenisii; per RHS '94, A. oriental = A. nigrum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990081 - Arum palaestinum; Plant Delights Nursery, NC; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990069 - Arum purpureospathum; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990630 - Asceplias tuberosa; Mitzi Hole, NC; 1 - bareroot; 10/6/99.
990208 - Aspodeline lutea; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990211 - Aster divaricatus 'White Wood'; Hills of the Haw, NC; 6 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990040 - Aster sp.; rec'd as Aster sp. (himalaicus); Neil Bell, OR; 30 - seed; 1/26/99.
990431 - Asystasia sp.; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 6/18/99.
990485 - Aucuba himalaica; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 4" pot; 6/30/99.
990474 - Austrocedrus chilensis; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990890 - Baptisia australis; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 127 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990810 - Berberis calliantha; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 3 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990809 - Berberis darwinii; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990819 - Berberis sp.; Neil Bell, OSU, OR (DJHC 98139); 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990821 - Berberis sp.; Neil Bell, OSU, OR (DJHC 98139); 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990410 - Bessera sp.; Peckerwood, TX John Fairey; 50 - seed; 6/1/99.
990181 - Betula albosinensis; US Nat'l Arboretum (67805); 2 - liner; 2/22/99.
990367 - Betula albosinensis; US Nat'l Arboretum; 1 - 2 gal; 5/13/99.
990167 - Betula costata; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990154 - Betula medwediewii; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990339 - Betula nigra 'Techunshe Compacta'; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 4/26/99.
990140 - Betula pendula; American Horticulture Society; seed; 2/10/99.
990137 - Betula platyphylla var. japonica 'Whitespire'; American Horticulture Society; seed; 2/10/99.
990155 - Betula uber; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990035 - Betula utilis; Neil Bell, OR; 30 - seed; 1/26/99.
990429 - Bignonia capreolata 'Helen Fredel'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990010 - Bretschneidera sinensis; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990412 - Bretschneidera sinensis; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990356 - Breynia nivosa; 4/15/99.
990845 - Breynia nivosa; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 12/9/99.
990786 - Brugmansia 'Sunset'; Randy Bailey, Steve Todd, NC; 1 - 3" pot; 12/2/99.
990607 - Buddleja aff. forrestii; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ316); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990043 - Buddleja colvilei; Neil Bell, OR; 10 - seed; 1/26/99.
990511 - Buddleja crispa; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/8/99.
990504 - Buddleja davidii 'All Summer Beauty'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990498 - Buddleja davidii 'Moonshadow'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990503 - Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Blue'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990491 - Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Purple'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990490 - Buddleja davidii 'Potter's Purple'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990493 - Buddleja davidii X weyeriana 'Moonlight'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990505 - Buddleja helmsyana; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990581 - Buddleja lindleyana; Yadkin Valley Nursery, NC; 1 - 2 gal; 8/23/99.
990502 - Buddleja loricata; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/6/99.
990046 - Buddleja marrubiifolia; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990106 - Buddleja X pikei 'Hever Castle'; RHS' 94 gives this as hybrid of B. alternifolia X B. crispa but doesn't refer to this particular cultivar; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 4" pot; 2/1/99.
990371 - Buxus sempervirens 'Kingsville Dwarf'; Marion Redd, NC; 1 - 10 gal; 5/13/99.
990409 - Buxus sempervirens 'Kingsville Dwarf'; Marion Reid, NC; 6; 5/31/99.
990478 - Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 qt; 6/30/99.
990311 - Calamintha nepeta 'Honeybee'; Messenbrinks Nur, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 4/12/99.
990207 - Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990002 - Camellia sp.; James Sherwood, AL; 11 - cutting; 1/6/99.
990318 - Campanula trachelium; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 50 - seed; 4/15/99.
990240 - Carex pendula; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990599 - Caryopteris divaricata; Barefoot Paths, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 9/2/99.
990058 - Cathaya argyrophylla; Iseli Nursery, OR; 50 - seed; 1/28/99.
990655 - Ceanothus 'Concha'; C. papillosus X C. impressus; Dick Bir, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 11/15/99.
990656 - Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point'; Dick Bir, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 11/15/99.
990652 - Ceanothus 'Louis Edmunds'; Dick Bir lists as C. thyrsiflorus 'Louis Edmunds', Ceanothus thyrsiflorus x griseus; Dick Bir, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 11/15/99.
990654 - Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman'; Dick Bir, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 11/15/99.
990653 - Ceanothus 'Victoria'; Dick Bir, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 11/15/99.
990345 - Cedrus deodara 'Cream Puff'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990636 - Cedrus deodara 'Montrose Veil'; Denny Werner, NC; 1 - 1 qt; 10/11/99.
990171 - Celtis aurantiaca; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990408 - Celtis jessonensis; KOIDZ.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (211); 12 - seed; 5/26/99.
990529 - Cephalotaxus harringtonia; Susan Little, NC; cutting.
990055 - Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990893 - Cercis canadensis; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 5 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990894 - Cercis canadensis 'Alba'; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 2 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990892 - Cercis canadensis subsp. mexicana; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 7 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990325 - Cercis siliquastrum; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990287 - Cercocarpus betuloides; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 20 - seed; 4/6/99.
990487 - Chamaecyparis pisifera; gold form; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990388 - Chimonanthus salicifolius; HU; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (38); 12 - seed; 5/26/99.
990214 - Chrysanthemum nipponicum; Hills of the Haw, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990868 - Cimicifuga racemosa; Vandenbergs; 25 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990201 - Clematis tangutica; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990172 - Clerodendron trichotomum var. fargesii; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990808 - Clethra sp.; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 2 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990038 - Codonopsis affinis; Neil Bell, OR; 10 - seed; 1/26/99.
990157 - Cornus bretschneideri; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990257 - Cornus kousa chinensis 'Autumn Rose'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990256 - Cornus kousa Radiant RoseTM; Cornus kousa 'Hanros'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990179 - Cornus kousa var. chinensis; US Nat'l Arboretum (67878); 4 - liner; 2/22/99.
990368 - Cornus kousa var. chinensis; US Nat'l Arboretum; 4 - 2 gal; 5/13/99.
990259 - Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Sunsplash'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990267 - Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Trinity Star'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990177 - Cornus macrophylla; US Nat'l Arboretum (67804); 2 - liner; 2/22/99.
990274 - Cornus macrophylla; US Nat'l Arboretum (67663); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990390 - Cornus macrophylla; WALL.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (70); 30 - seed; 5/26/99.
990018 - Cornus omeiense 'Summer Passion'; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990582 - Cornus pumila; Highland Nursery; 1 - 1 gal; 8/23/99.
990395 - Corylopsis coreana; UYEKI; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (102); 12 - seed; 5/26/99.
990626 - Corylopsis glabrescens; Longwood Gardens, PA; 1 - 1 qt; 10/1/99.
990036 - Cotoneaster sp.; rec'd as Cotoneaster sp. (bacillaris); Neil Bell, OR; 11 - seed; 1/26/99.
990829 - Crocus chrysanthus 'Ard Schenk'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 25 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990836 - Crocus chrysanthus 'Snow Bunting'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 75 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990126 - Crocus sieberi subsp. sieberi 'Bowles White'; logged in as Crocus sieboldii 'Bowles White'; Doug Ruhren, NC; 5 - 4" pot; 2/6/99.
990330 - Crocus tommasinianus; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990483 - Cupressus arizonica var. montana; rec'd as Cupressus montana; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 2" pot; 6/30/99.
990627 - Cupressus cashmeriana; Longwood Gardens, PA; 1 - 1 qt; 10/1/99.
990305 - Cupressus funebris; now known as Chamaecyparis funebris; Clement Anthoine, Belgium; 60 - seed; 4/12/99.
990082 - Cyclamen coum; Seneca Hills Perennials; 25; 1/31/99.
990824 - Daphne caucasica 'Summer Ice'; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 1 gal; 12/8/99.
990161 - Daphne mezereum; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990130 - Datura 'Belle Blanche'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 10 - seed; 2/10/99.
990138 - Datura inoxia 'Evening Fragrance'; American Horticulture Society; seed; 2/10/99.
990310 - Daucus carota; Messenbrinks Nur, NC; 6 - 1 gal; 4/12/99.
990413 - Decaisnea fargesii; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990292 - Delphinium trolliifolium; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 60 - seed; 4/5/99.
990317 - Dentaria bulbifera; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 10 - seed; 4/15/99.
990321 - Dentaria bulbifera; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 6 - seed; 4/15/99.
990286 - Deschampsia cespetosa; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 30 - seed; 4/6/99.
990322 - Deschampsia cespitosa; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 70 - seed; 4/15/99.
990399 - Deutzia coreana var. triradiata; HATUS.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (151); 50 - seed; 5/26/99.
990557 - Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow'; Brookside Gardens, MD; cutting.
990400 - Deutzia gracilis; SIEB. & ZZUCC.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (153); 25 - seed; 5/26/99.
990337 - Deutzia rubers; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 4/26/99.
990033 - Dichroa febrifuga; Neil Bell, OR; 20 - seed; 1/26/99.
990206 - Digitalis davisiana; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990205 - Digitalis ferruginea; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990204 - Digitalis laevigata; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990203 - Digitalis lanata; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990202 - Digitalis parviflora; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990200 - Digitalis viridiflora; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990425 - Diospyros cathayana; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990417 - Distylum racemosum; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990660 - Duranta; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 1 qt; 11/18/99.
990784 - Duranta erecta 'Golden Edge'; Big Bloomers, NC; 1 - 3" pot; 12/2/99.
990221 - Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'; Mich Gardens, NC; 7 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990135 - Echinacea tennesseensis; Mitzi Hole, NC; 5 - seed; 2/10/99.
990107 - Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Compact Form'; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 2 gal; 2/1/99.
990121 - Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus'; Gilbert's Nursery, SC; 3 - 7 gal; 2/2/99.
990158 - Enkianthus campanulatus 'Albiflorus'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990472 - Erianthus strictus; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 2"; 6/30/99.
990009 - Erica cinerea 'Atropurpurea'; Designer Groundcovers, Frank Sink; 1 - 1 gal; 1/18/99.
990008 - Erica X darleyensis 'Mediterranean Pink'; per RHS '94 this is E. erigena X E. carnea; Designer Groundcovers, Frank Sink; 1 - 3 gal; 1/18/99.
990007 - Erica X darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'; per RHS '94 this is E. erigena X E. carnea; Designer Groundcovers, Frank Sink; 1 - 3 gal; 1/18/99.
990313 - Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'; Messenbrinks Nur, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 4/12/99.
990254 - Eryngium pandanifolium; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990199 - Eryngium serra; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990253 - Eryngium tricuspidatum; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990295 - Erythrina flabelliformis; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 11 - seed; 4/5/99.
990146 - Erythrina indica picta; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 4 - cutting; 2/12/99.
990173 - Eucalyptus erythrocorys; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990354 - Eucomis pole-evansii; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 4 - 3" pot; 5/7/99.
990198 - Euonymus alatus var. apterus; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990328 - Euonymus europaea; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990813 - Euonymus sp.; Neil Bell, OSU, OR (DJHC 98119); 3 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990152 - Eupatorium greggii; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (98h1066); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990132 - Eupatorium purpureum; name was Eupatorium 'Gateway' - 10/98 Doug; parent plant ssp. maculatum 'Gateway'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 20 - seed; 2/10/99.
990143 - Eupatorium sp.; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (98h1175); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990197 - Euphorbia characias subsp. characias; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990196 - Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990823 - Euphorbia melifera; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990496 - Fagus orientalis; Keith Cote, NC; seedling; 7/6/99.
990497 - Fagus sp.; Keith Cote, NC; seedling; 7/6/99.
990495 - Fagus sylvatica; Keith Cote, NC; seedling; 7/6/99.
990147 - Ficus pumila X carica; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (98wO861); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990042 - Ficus religiosa; Neil Bell, OR; 100 - seed; 1/26/99.
990355 - Ficus vaccinoides; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (Y03 42); 1 - 1 qt; 5/7/99.
990631 - Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpeum'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 1 - bareroot; 10/6/99.
990265 - Fraxinus excelsior Golden DesertTM; Fraxinus excelsior 'Handes'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990047 - Fraxinus greggii; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990279 - Fraxinus nigra 'Black'; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990277 - Fraxinus pennsylvanica; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990266 - Fraxinus sp.; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990826 - Galanthus nivalis; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 200 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990525 - Gardenia augusta; rec'd as Gardenia jasminoides 'Dirr Cold Hardy'; Dr. M. Dirr, Univ of GA; cutting; 7/8/99.
990564 - Gardenia augusta; rec'd as Gardenia jasminoides; Logan's Nursery, NC; 3 - 3 gal; 7/31/99.
990783 - Gardenia augusta; Doug Ruhren, NC; 1; 12/2/99.
990427 - Gardenia augusta 'Lynn Lowerey'; logged in as Gardenia 'Lowery'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990227 - Gaura lindheimeri; Mich Gardens, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990307 - Gazania 'Daybreak Red Stripe'; Buchanan's Nur, Raleigh NC; 6; 4/12/99.
990609 - Gentianiana crassicaulis; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ007); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990268 - Gingko biloba 'Mayfield'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990264 - Ginkgo biloba 'Magtar'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990261 - Ginkgo biloba 'Tubiformis'; Stanley & Son Nursery, OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990913 - Gleditsia tricanthos; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 9 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990914 - Gleditsia tricanthos var. inermis; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 6 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990144 - Gomphrena 'Grapes'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990037 - Grewia optiva; Neil Bell, OR; 6 - seed; 1/26/99.
990818 - Hakea microcarpa; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990263 - Halesia monticola 'Rosea'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990170 - Hamamelis vernalis 'Lombart's Weeping'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990166 - Hamamelis X intermedia 'Orange Peel'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990639 - Hedera helix 'Adult Glacier'; Oak Bend Nurs, GA; 3 - 3 gal; 10/22/99.
990643 - Hedera helix 'Adult Lex. Garden'; Oak Bend Nurs, GA; 2 - 3 gal; 10/22/99.
990642 - Hedera helix 'Adult My Heart'; Oak Bend Nurs, GA; 1 - 3 gal; 10/22/99.
990640 - Hedera helix 'Adult Prince Ave'; Oak Bend Nurs, GA; 2 - 3 gal; 10/22/99.
990641 - Hedera helix 'Adult Treetop'; Oak Bend Nurs, GA; 2 - 3 gal; 10/22/99.
990363 - Hedera helix 'Variegated Needlepoint'; Plantworks; 96 - cell; 3/6/99.
990411 - Hedychium greenei; Jonathon Nyberg, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/3/99.
990023 - Helleborus atrorubens; Plant Delights, NC (#11.2); 1 - 1 qt; 1/25/99.
990022 - Helleborus croaticus; Plant Delights, NC (#12.1); 1 - 1 qt; 1/25/99.
990059 - Helleborus cyclophyllus; Pine Knot Farms, VA; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990060 - Helleborus foetidus; same as 'Picadilly'?; Pine Knot Farms, VA; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990087 - Helleborus foetidus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990127 - Helleborus foetidus; Pam Baggett, NC; 1 - 1 qt; 2/9/99.
990086 - Helleborus foetidus 'Green Giant'; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990084 - Helleborus foetidus 'Ruth'; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990083 - Helleborus foetidus 'Siena'; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990085 - Helleborus foetidus Wester Flisk Group; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990061 - Helleborus multifidus; Pine Knot Farms, VA; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990091 - Helleborus multifidus subsp. hercegovinus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 7 - seed; 1/31/99.
990089 - Helleborus multifidus subsp. istriacus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990090 - Helleborus multifidus subsp. multifidus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990021 - Helleborus orientalis; Plant Delights, NC (#8.3); 1 - 1 qt; 1/25/99.
990064 - Helleborus orientalis; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990065 - Helleborus orientalis; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990066 - Helleborus orientalis; Seneca Hill Perennials, NY; 1 - 1 qt; 1/31/99.
990062 - Helleborus purpurascens 'Red Power'; Green Hill Farms, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 1/31/99.
990088 - Helleborus torquatus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990024 - Helleborus viridis; Plant Delights, NC; 1 - 1 qt; 1/25/99.
990092 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990093 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990094 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 6 - seed; 1/31/99.
990095 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 12 - seed; 1/31/99.
990096 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990097 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 20 - seed; 1/31/99.
990098 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990099 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990100 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 6 - seed; 1/31/99.
990101 - Helleborus X hybridus; Phedar Nursery, UK; 15 - seed; 1/31/99.
990063 - Helleborus X hybridus 'Winter Bouquet'; Green Hill Farms, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 1/31/99.
990484 - Hemerocallis; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - bareroot; 6/30/99.
990376 - Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior'; Powell's Nursery, NC; 6 - bareroot; 5/13/99.
990289 - Heuchera chlorantha; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 25 - seed; 4/6/99.
990331 - Heuchera chlorantha; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 100 - seed; 4/15/99.
990332 - Heuchera grossulariifolia; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 20 - seed; 4/15/99.
990244 - Heuchera himalayensis; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990243 - Heuchera pubescens; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990547 - Hibiscus; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990151 - Hibiscus 'Confederate Red'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990358 - Hibiscus hamabo; 4/15/99.
990489 - Hibiscus 'Loenghrin'; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990551 - Hippeastrum; Andy Nichol's dentist, NC; 50 - bulb; 7/16/99.
990873 - Hippeastrum; Vandenbergs; 5 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990364 - Hippeastrum 'Big Willy'; working name only - real name unknown; William York's dentist; 10 - seed; 5/13/99.
990872 - Hippeastrum 'Picotee'; Vandenbergs; 5 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990219 - Hosta 'Big Daddy'; Mich Gardens, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990217 - Hosta 'Blue Angel'; Mich Gardens, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990309 - Hosta plantaginea; Messenbrinks Nur, NC; 5 - 1 gal; 4/12/99.
990218 - Hosta plantaginea 'Aphrodite'; Mich Gardens, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990397 - Hudrangea serrata; for. acuminata (S&Z) WILS.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (105); 300 - seed; 5/26/99.
990840 - Hyacinthus 'Carnegie'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 30 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990870 - Hyacinthus 'Carnegie'; Vandenbergs; 70 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990415 - Hydrangea aspera Kawakamii Group; name was Hydrangea aspera 'Kawakamii' - 6/6/2000; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990421 - Hydrangea aspera 'Mauvette'; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990420 - Hydrangea aspera 'Rocklon'; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990418 - Hydrangea aspera subsp. aspera; name was Hydrangea aspera aspera - 6/6/2000; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990419 - Hydrangea aspera subsp. robusta; name was Hydrangea aspera 'Robusta' - 6/6/2000; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990396 - Hydrangea macrophylla; for. otaksa (S&Z) WILS.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (104); 300 - seed; 5/26/99.
990423 - Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hornei'; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990638 - Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'; logged in as Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' , but 2 of 3 had nursery labels of 'Grandiflora'; Susan Cheatham, NC; 3 - 3 gal; 3/28/97.
990102 - Hydrangea quercifolia 'Harmony'; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 2 gal; 2/1/99.
990422 - Hydrangea serrata 'Rotdrossel'; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990561 - Hydrangea serrata 'Woodlanders'; Rosemary Kautzky, NC; cutting.
990180 - Hydrangea xanthoneura; US Nat'l Arboretum (67857); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990365 - Hydrangea xanthoneura; name was Hydrangea anthone - 6/6/2000; US Nat'l Arboretum; 1 - 2 gal; 5/13/99.
990513 - Hypericum; Cliff Parks, NC; 2 - 2" pot; 7/7/99.
990611 - Hypericum aff. uralum; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ012); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990134 - Hypericum ascyron; Mitzi Hole, NC; 20 - seed; 2/10/99.
990195 - Hypericum coris; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990104 - Hypericum lissophloeum; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 4" pot; 2/1/99.
990859 - Hypericum lissophloeus; Frankie Fanelli, NC; 2 - 7 gal; 12/16/99.
990034 - Hypericum sp.; rec'd as Hypericum sp. (uralum); Neil Bell, OR; 50 - seed; 1/26/99.
990606 - Hypericum sp.; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ065); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990479 - Ilex 'Clusterberry'; Bill Barnes, MD; 2 - 2" pot; 6/30/99.
990011 - Ilex latifolia 'Purple Power'; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990379 - Ilex spinigera; LOES.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (18); 15 - seed; 5/26/99.
990625 - Ilex X attenuata; Longwood Gardens, PA; 1 - 1 qt; 10/1/99.
990746 - Ilex X attenuata; Todd Lasseigne, NC; 3 gal; 11/24/99.
990159 - Illicium floridanum 'Ellis'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990760 - Impatiens; Doug Ruhren, NC; 4 - cutting.
990735 - Impatiens Firefly series; Edith R. Eddleman; 4 - cutting.
990359 - Impatiens Seashell strain; 4/15/99.
990512 - Incarvillea arguta; white form; name was Incarvilla arguta - 5/25/2000; Cliff Parks, NC; 33 - 2" pot; 7/7/99.
990514 - Incarvillea arguta; rose form; name was Incarvilla arguta - 5/25/2000; Cliff Parks, NC; 13 - 2" pot; 7/7/99.
990515 - Incarvillea arguta; name was Incarvilla arguta - 5/25/2000; Cliff Parks, NC; 39 - 2" pot; 7/7/99.
990141 - Ipomoea sp.; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 9 - cutting; 2/12/99.
990613 - Iris aff. typhifolia; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ311); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990192 - Iris californian hybrids; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990191 - Iris caucasica; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990239 - Iris chrysographes; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990275 - Iris danfordiae; Catherine Gaertner, NC; 4 - 5" pot; 3/25/99.
990190 - Iris laevigata; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990238 - Iris prismatica; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990133 - Iris setosa; Mitzi Hole, NC; 10 - seed; 2/10/99.
990237 - Iris setosa; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990220 - Iris siberica 'White Swirl'; Mich Gardens, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990651 - Iris unguicularis; Edith R. Eddleman, NC; 3 - 1 qt; 11/11/99.
990236 - Iris versicolor; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990003 - Itea 'Merlot'; Yadkin Valley Nursery, NC; 1 - 2 gal; 1/18/99.
990386 - Jeffersonia dubia; BENTH.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (31); 10 - seed; 5/26/99.
990056 - Juniperus chinensis 'Foemina'; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 1/28/99.
990110 - Juniperus chinensis 'Sheppardii'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990114 - Juniperus 'George Gens'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 30 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990111 - Juniperus scopulorum 'Moffetii'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990119 - Juniperus scopulorum 'Springtime'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990344 - Juniperus squamata 'Loderi'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990112 - Juniperus virginiana 'Blue Rapids'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990115 - Juniperus virginiana 'Elegantissima'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990113 - Juniperus virginiana 'Pseudocupressus'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990847 - Justicia 'Inca Queen'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 15 - cutting; 12/9/99.
990216 - Kalimeris pinnatifida; Hills of the Haw, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990012 - Keteleeria pubescens; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990103 - Lagerstroemia 'Cedar Red'; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 1 gal; 2/1/99.
990302 - Lantana montevidensis 'Alba'; Singing Springs Nursery, NC; 3 - 4" pot; 4/6/99.
990251 - Leonotis ocymifolia; rec'd as Leonotis leonurus; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990807 - Leonotis ocymifolia; name was Leonotis leonurus - 5/29/2000; Doug Ruhren, NC; 8 - cutting; 10/15/99.
990213 - Lespedeza thunbergii 'Avalanche'; Hills of the Haw, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990225 - Leucanthemum X superbum 'Alaska'; Mich Gardens, NC; 4 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990224 - Leucanthemum X superbum 'Becky'; Mich Gardens, NC; 5 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990839 - Leucojum aestivum; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 100 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990272 - Leycesteria formosa; Barefoot Paths, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 3/18/99.
990817 - Ligularia hodgsonii; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 2 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990414 - Ligustrum tschonskii 'Little Thomas'; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990283 - Lilium; Natalie Sadler, NC; 16 - bulb; 3/25/99.
990608 - Lilium lancifolium; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ286); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990189 - Linum narbonense; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990393 - Lithocarpus edulis; NAKAI; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (92); 5 - seed; 5/26/99.
990016 - Lonicera modesta 'Lushanensis'; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990477 - Lonicera standishii; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 2" pot; 6/30/99.
990105 - Luzula purpurea; Wilkinson Mill Gardens, GA; 1 - 4" pot; 2/1/99.
990162 - Magnolia X soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra'; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990270 - Mahonia 'Gray's Wood Hybrid'; one parent is Mahonia nepalensis; Tom Krenitsky, NC; 1 - 1 qt; 3/18/99.
990005 - Mahonia japonica (?); ask Doug Ruhren if it is japonica; Doug Ruhren, NC; 1 - cutting; 1/18/99.
990252 - Matelea maritima; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990242 - Maurandella anthirrhiniflora; rec'd as Asarina anthirrhiniflora; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990032 - Megacodon stylophorus; Neil Bell, OR; 4 - seed; 1/26/99.
990028 - Melia azedarach; Neil Bell, OR; 4 - seed; 1/26/99.
990402 - Meliosma myriantha; SIEB. & ZUCC.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (192); 30 - seed; 5/26/99.
990820 - Meliosma myriantha; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990403 - Meliosma oldhamii; MAXIM; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (193); 6 - seed; 5/26/99.
990404 - Meliosma parviflora; LECOMTE.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (194); 45 - seed; 5/26/99.
990017 - Michelia fulgens; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990635 - Michelia yunnanensis; Denny Werner, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 10/11/99.
990188 - Mirabilis viscosa; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990858 - Miscellaneous plants; unclaimed cuttings from Nursery Management class; 185; 12/13/99.
990911 - Monarda 'Rasberry Wine'; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 6 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990782 - Musa basjoo; Plant Delights, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 12/2/99.
990659 - Musa velutina; Doug Ruhren, NC; 2 - 1 qt; 11/18/99.
990006 - Myrica heterophylla 'Robbie Green'; Rushing Nursery; 1 - 3 gal; 1/18/99.
990539 - Myrica heterophylla 'Robbie Green'; Rushing Nursery; cutting.
990247 - Myrsine africana; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990657 - Narcissus 'Bethlehem'; Tazetta?; Brent Heath, VA; 50 - bulb; 11/18/99.
990830 - Narcissus 'Easter Moon'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 10 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990658 - Narcissus 'Israel'; Tazetta?; Brent Heath, VA; 1 - bulb; 11/18/99.
990825 - Narcissus 'Thalia'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 150 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990871 - Narcissus 'Thalia'; Vandenbergs; 100 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990039 - Neillia thyrisflora; Neil Bell, OR; 10 - seed; 1/26/99.
990212 - Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'; Hills of the Haw, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990601 - Nicotiana glauca; Doug Ruhren, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 9/13/99.
990336 - Ophiopogon japonica 'Chingii'; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 3" pot; 4/15/99.
990398 - Ophiopogon ohwii; OKYYAMA; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (133); 8 - seed; 5/26/99.
990629 - Opuntia grandiflora; Marty Mixon, State Fairgrounds; 4 - pads; 10/4/99.
990835 - Ornithogalum nutans; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 100 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990430 - Orthosiphon racemiflora; David Creech, TX; 1 - 3" pot; 6/18/99.
990553 - Osmanthus 'Jim Porter'; Atlanta Bot Gard, GA; cutting.
990001 - Osmanthus sp.; James Sherwood, AL; 12 - cutting; 1/6/99.
990632 - Oxydendrum arboreum 'Mountain Charm'; Fairweather Gardens, NJ; 1 - 1 gal; 10/8/99.
990482 - Pardancanda; Dazzler series; Bill Barnes, MD; 2 - 2" pot; 6/30/99.
990533 - Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Variegata'; Jason Griffin, NC; cutting.
990128 - Patrinia scabiosifolia 'Nagoya'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 5 - seed; 2/10/99.
990187 - Penstemon barbatus; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990785 - Petunia integrifolia 'Alba' (?); Doug Ruhren, NC; 1 - 3" pot; 12/2/99.
990433 - Petunia 'Laura Bush'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 3" pot; 6/18/99.
990432 - Petunia 'Violet in Profusion'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 3" pot; 6/18/99.
990815 - Philadelphus aff. delavayi var. purpurascens; Philadelphus melanocalyx? - Hinkley's or Bell's question?; Neil Bell, OSU, OR (DJHC 98087); 1 - 1 gal; 12/8/99.
990816 - Philadelphus lewisii subsp. californica 'Marjorie Schmidt'; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990401 - Philadelphus scaber; NAKAI; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (154); 150 - seed; 5/26/99.
990222 - Phlox paniculata 'David'; Mich Gardens, NC; 5 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990428 - Photinia 'Caroline'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990426 - Photinia 'Oneida'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 1 gal; 6/18/99.
990278 - Photinia villosa 'Oriental'; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990488 - Phragmites australis 'Variegatus'; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 2 gal; 6/30/99.
990633 - Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diablo'; Pender Nursery, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 10/11/99.
990109 - Picea abies 'Lonica'; should this be Picea abies 'Conica'?; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990118 - Picea abies 'Pyramidata'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990351 - Picea pungens 'Wingles Pendula'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990108 - Picea retroflexa; Morton Arboretum, IL; 25 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990176 - Picea wilsonii; US Nat'l Arboretum (67853); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990175 - Pinus armandii; US Nat'l Arboretum (67803); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990347 - Pinus brevifolia 'Silver Shag'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 2 gal; 4/24/99.
990122 - Pinus bungeana; Kevan Tree Farm (Kevan Barringer); 1 - 5 gal; 2/2/99.
990348 - Pinus bungeana 'Silver Ghost'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 2 gal; 4/24/99.
990349 - Pinus densiflora 'Green Diamond'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990352 - Pinus mugo var. pumilio 'Porcupine Pinch'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990350 - Pinus mugo var. pumilo 'Cranberry Candle'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990306 - Pinus nigra; Clement Anthoine, Belgium; 40 - seed; 4/12/99.
990314 - Pinus palustris; Robert E. Lyons, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/12/99.
990342 - Pinus strobus 'Old Softie'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 2 gal; 4/24/99.
990340 - Pinus sylvestris 'Albyns'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990341 - Pinus sylvestris 'Albyns'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990343 - Pinus sylvestris 'Compressa'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990346 - Pinus sylvestris 'Hillside Creeper'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 4/24/99.
990475 - Pinus walchangensis; Should this be Pinus wallichiana?; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990846 - Piper crocatum; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 4" pot; 12/9/99.
990053 - Platanus lindeniana; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990185 - Platycladus orientalis; US Nat'l Arboretum; 3 - liner; 2/22/99.
990366 - Platycladus orientalis; US Nat'l Arboretum; 3 - 2 gal; 5/13/99.
990802 - Plectranthus; #4; Cole Burrell, VA; cutting; 10/15/99.
990803 - Plectranthus; #2; Cole Burrell, VA; cutting; 10/15/99.
990805 - Plectranthus; #3; Cole Burrell, VA; cutting; 10/15/99.
990806 - Plectranthus; #1; Cole Burrell, VA; cutting; 10/15/99.
990301 - Plectranthus fosteri marginatus; Singing Springs Nursery, NC; 3 - 4" pot; 4/6/99.
990148 - Plectranthus hadiensis; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 5 - cutting; 2/12/99.
990804 - Plectranthus 'Lemon Lime'; Cole Burrell, VA; cutting; 10/15/99.
990142 - Plectranthus 'Purple Flower'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 5 - cutting; 2/12/99.
990324 - Polygonum aviculara; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 70 - seed; 4/15/99.
990323 - Polygonum heterophyllium; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 50 - seed; 4/15/99.
990850 - Polystichum tsussimense; Chris Allen, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 12/10/99.
990540 - Portulaca oleracea 'Hula Girl'; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990300 - Potentilla gracilis; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 40 - seed; 4/5/99.
990125 - Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii; Camellia Forest, NC; 3 - 1 gal; 2/6/99.
990029 - Prunus cerasoides; Neil Bell, OR; 30 - seed; 1/26/99.
990124 - Prunus mume 'Bonita'; Camellia Forest Nursery, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 2/8/99.
990123 - Prunus mume 'Pendula'; Kevan Tree Farm (Kevan Barringer); 2 - 7 gal; 2/5/99.
990814 - Prunus prostrata; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990030 - Prunus roxburghii; Neil Bell, OR; 22 - seed; 1/26/99.
990910 - Pterocarya stenoptera; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 8 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990019 - Pterostyrax psilophylla; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990837 - Puschkinia scilloides 'Alba'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 25 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990891 - Quercus alba; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 92 - seedlings; 12/28/99.
990013 - Quercus glauca; rec'd as Cyclobalanopsis glauca but per RHS '94 this changed to Quercus; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990912 - Quercus phellos; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 1 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990394 - Quercus salicina; BLUME; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (93); 3 - seed; 5/26/99.
990588 - Quercus sp.; Jason Griffith, NC; cutting.
990362 - Rhododendron 'Northern Lights'; Homewood Nursery, NC; 2 - 2 gal; 5/7/99.
990391 - Rhododendron schlippenbachii; MAXIM.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (84); 100 - seed; 5/26/99.
990915 - Robinia sp.; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 9 - seedling; 12/28/99.
990233 - Rosa 'Colossus'; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 2; 3/4/99.
990519 - Rosa 'Dream Orange'; Flowerwood Nursery, AL; 1 - 3 gal; 7/8/99.
990517 - Rosa 'Dream Pink'; Flowerwood Nursery, AL; 1 - 3 gal; 7/8/99.
990518 - Rosa 'Dream Red'; Flowerwood Nursery, AL; 1 - 3 gal; 7/8/99.
990516 - Rosa 'Dream Yellow'; Flowerwood Nursery, AL; 1 - 3 gal; 7/8/99.
990232 - Rosa 'Dublin'; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 1; 3/4/99.
990284 - Rosa 'Fragrant Hour'; Witherspoon Roses, NC; 2 - bareroot; 3/27/99.
990231 - Rosa 'Hondo'; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 1; 3/4/99.
990271 - Rosa 'Intrepid'; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 2; 3/4/99.
990377 - Rosa 'Jaciat'; Anne Clapp; 2 - bareroot; 5/8/99.
990149 - Rosa 'Kirkland Plot'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990229 - Rosa 'Lobo'; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 2; 3/3/99.
990230 - Rosa SuffolkTM; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 2; 3/3/99.
990228 - Rosa 'Zepherine Drouhin'; name was Rosa X bourbon 'Zepherine Drouhin' - corrected for labelling 5/2000; Harvey Bumgardner, NC; 1; 3/3/99.
990634 - Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem'; PAX sale leftover; 1 - 1 qt; 10/11/99.
990580 - Rostrinucula dependens; name was Buddleja 'Guizhou' - 5/23/2000; NCAN Show, Charlotte; 1 - 1 gal; 8/23/99.
990308 - Rubus idaeus 'Hertitage'; Buchanan's Nur, Raleigh NC; 2; 4/12/99.
990131 - Rudbeckia maxima; Mitzi Hole, NC; 6 - seed; 2/10/99.
990136 - Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 20 - seed; 2/10/99.
990150 - Ruellia caroliniensis 'Blue Shade'; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (98h1065); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990145 - Ruellia graecizans; Riverbanks Zoo, SC (98h0984); 1 - 4" pot; 2/12/99.
990273 - Ruta graveolens 'Curly Girl'; Vivian Finkelstein, NC; 5 - cutting; 3/23/99.
990049 - Sabal uresana; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990860 - Sachezia speciosa; Doug Ruhren, NC; 11/1/99.
990781 - Salix babylonica 'Crispa'; Valerie Tyson, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 12/1/99.
990057 - Salix chaenomeloides; Valerie Tyson, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 1/28/99.
990480 - Salix cinerea 'Variegata'; Bill Barnes, MD; 2 - 2" pot; 6/30/99.
990316 - Salix fragilis; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990361 - Salix pendulata; Mich Gardens, NC; 1 - 10 gal; 5/7/99.
990603 - Salvia evansiana; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ067); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990644 - Salvia leucantha; Susan Cheatham, NC; 2 - 1 gal; 10/21/99.
990051 - Salvia microphylla 'Dieciocho de Marz'; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 1 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990250 - Salvia sclarea; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990226 - Salvia 'Snow Hill'; Mich Gardens, NC; 5 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990604 - Salvia yunnanense; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ121); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990326 - Sambucus ebulus; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 30 - seed; 4/15/99.
990327 - Sambucus racemosa; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 20 - seed; 4/15/99.
990168 - Sarcococca ruscifolia; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990822 - Schima wallichii subsp. liukiuensis; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 1 gal; 12/8/99.
990405 - Schima wallichii subsp. liukivensis; BLOEMB.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (207); 12 - seed; 5/26/99.
990139 - Scilla mischtschenkoana; American Horticulture Society; seed; 2/10/99.
990186 - Scilla peruviana; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990848 - Scutellaria arenicola; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 5 - cutting; 12/9/99.
990661 - Senecio confusa; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 1 gal; 11/18/99.
990235 - Sisyrinchium californicum; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990014 - Sloanea sinensis; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990543 - Solenostemon; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990544 - Solenostemon; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990716 - Solenostemon 'Black Duckfoot'; Edith R. Eddleman; 5 - cutting.
990719 - Solenostemon 'Edith's Seedling'; Edith R. Eddleman; 3 - cutting.
990546 - Solenostemon 'Pat Martin'; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990545 - Solenostemon 'Sue Martin'; David Creech, TX; cutting.
990734 - Solenostemon 'The Line'; Edith R. Eddleman; 1 - cutting.
990357 - Solenostemon 'Violet Tricolor'; name was Coleus 'Violet Tricolor' - changed 7/28/99; 4/15/99.
990129 - Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'; Mitzi Hole, NC; 10 - seed; 2/10/99.
990025 - Sophora secundiflora 'Guadalupe Blue'; Todd Lasseigne, NC; 16 - seed; 1/26/99.
990605 - Sorbus arborea; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ139); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990602 - Spiraea aff. miyabei; Atlanta Botanical Gardens, GA (98-OJ288); 1 - 1 qt; 9/15/99.
990160 - Spirea media; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990335 - Stewartia malacodendron; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 4/15/99.
990193 - Stipa arundinacea; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990360 - Strobilanthus dyerianus; 4/15/99.
990163 - Styrax japonicum 'Beni-Bana'; per RHS '94 this is a name applied in Japan to all pink-flowered, seed-raised forms; PF '98 refers to S. japonica Benibana Group; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990600 - Styrax japonicus 'Rubra Pendula'; Todd Lasseigne and Jason Griffin, NC; 10 - 1 gal; 9/9/99.
990262 - Styrax japonicus 'Ryan's Weeping'; Handy Nursery Co., OR; 2 - bareroot; 3/11/99.
990165 - Styrax obassia; Kalmthout Arboretum, Belgium; seed; 2/19/99.
990178 - Syringa giraldiana; US Nat'l Arboretum (67796); 2 - liner; 2/22/99.
990282 - Syringa 'Summer Cloud'; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
990020 - Tapiscia sinensis; Piroche Plants, Can; 1 - bareroot; 1/21/99.
990298 - Tecoma stans; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 25 - seed; 4/5/99.
990297 - Tellima grandiflora; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 75 - seed; 4/5/99.
990120 - Ternstroemia japonica 'Armstrong'; rec'd as Ternstroemia gymnanthera which per PF '98 = T. japonica; no reference of 'Armstrong'; Piedmont Chapter, NARGS, NC; 1 - 4" pot; 2/2/99.
990416 - Tetracentron sinensis; Hawksridge Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 6/17/99.
990048 - Tetraneuris scaposa; rec'd as Hymenoxis scaposa; Yucca Do Nursery, TX; 2 - 1 qt; 1/28/99.
990628 - Teucrium polium; Longwood Gardens, PA; 1 - 1 qt; 10/1/99.
990471 - Thuja koreana; Should this be Thuja koraiensis? can't find koreana; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990116 - Thuja occidentalis 'Asplenifolia'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990117 - Thuja orientalis 'Holman'; Morton Arboretum, IL; 20 - cutting; 2/1/99.
990844 - Thunbergia battiscombei; Douglas Ruhren, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 12/9/99.
990255 - Thunbergia fragrans; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990621 - Thymus vulgaris 'Aureus'; PAX sale leftovers; 6 - 4" pot; 9/24/99.
990194 - Tigridia pavonia; Royal Horticultural Society, UK; seed; 2/23/99.
990299 - Trillium albidum; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 15 - seed; 4/5/99.
990476 - Tripaceum dactyloides; Bill Barnes, MD; 1 - 1 gal; 6/30/99.
990849 - Tripterygium regelii; Riverbanks Zoo, SC; 1 - 1 pt; 12/9/99.
990293 - Triteleia hyacintha; Mt. Pisgah Arb., OR; 20 - seed; 4/5/99.
990832 - Triteleia hyacinthia; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 25 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990353 - Tsuga canadensis 'Green Cascade'; Yadkin Valley Nur, NC; 1 - 1 gal; 4/24/99.
990004 - Tsuga canadensis 'Stuarts Gem'; Yadkin Valley Nursery, NC; 1 - 3 gal; 1/18/99.
990174 - Tsuga chinensis; US Nat'l Arboretum (67820); 1 - liner; 2/22/99.
990838 - Tulipa 'Ivory Floradale'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 25 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990841 - Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma'; Brent & Becky's Bulbs, VA; 50 - bulb; 12/8/99.
990869 - Tulipa tarda dasystemon; PF '97 says Tulipa tarda and T. dasystemon are two different sp.; Vandenbergs; 100 - bulb; 12/1/99.
990041 - Unknown; Neil Bell, OR (2750); 20 - seed; 1/26/99.
990044 - Unknown; Neil Bell, OR; 25 - seed; 1/26/99.
990392 - Vaccinium oldhami; MIQ.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (86); 50 - seed; 5/26/99.
990241 - Veltheimia capensis; Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Garden; seed; 3/3/99.
990895 - Verbena bonanensis; unclaimed seedlings from Propagation class; 30 - seedlings; 12/28/99.
990787 - Verbena bonariensis; needs cv. name; Big Bloomers, NC; 2 - cutting; 12/2/99.
990434 - Verbena 'Pinwheel Princess'; David Creech, TX; 1 - 3" pot; 6/18/99.
990215 - Veronica spicata 'Icicle'; Hills of the Haw, NC; 10 - 1 gal; 2/24/99.
990380 - Vetiveria zizanioides; 4/15/99.
990811 - Viburnum acuminatum; Neil Bell, OSU, OR; 1 - 1 gal; 12/8/99.
990031 - Viburnum cotinifolium; Neil Bell, OR; 4 - seed; 1/26/99.
990389 - Viburnum erosum var. taquetii; REHDER.; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (45); 30 - seed; 5/26/99.
990320 - Viburnum lantana; BotGarMar.Lut.Uni, Germany; 20 - seed; 4/15/99.
990812 - Weigela decora var. amagiensis; Neil Bell, OSU, OR (YK1156); 3 - 4" pot; 12/8/99.
990406 - Wikstroemia trichotoma; MAKINO; Chollipo Arboretum, Korea (208); 38 - seed; 5/26/99.
990210 - Yucca filamentosa; Apex Nursery, NC; 5 - 3 gal; 2/24/99.
990276 - Zelkova musashiho; Schmidts Nursery; 1 - bareroot; 3/25/99.
Development News
Gala 2000 A Parade of Hats
By Donna Walker
Development Associate
A butterfly flying all the way from China to Raleigh? That's just what happened! Oh, not a real, live butterfly. These were large, beautiful paper butterflies, ordered by Decorations Committee Chair, Sylvia Redwine, for the Gala in the Garden 2000. Butterflies joined hats and striking floral arrangements as just some of the colorful and innovative decorations that pleased the eye as hundreds of people, from all over the Triangle and the state, arrived at the JC Raulston Arboretum to enjoy the delights planned for them by the hardworking and dedicated Gala Committee. The honorary chairs for this year were Bill and Libby Wilder (Bill is former Board of Advisors Chair) and Ms. Ruby Van Crumpler McSwain. The committee, chaired by event planner extraordinare, Karen Suberman, began work in November to make sure this was the most clamorous and fun-filled Arboretum gala to date.
The event, traditionally planned the first Sunday in May – this year, May 7th – was organized as a two-tiered event for the first time and was a huge success. The first tier, Garden Spirits, was a cocktail party held in the Arboretum among the plants and included a silent auction. The catering staff circulated trays laden with excellent hors d'oeuvres and beverages of choice. Folks on the lookout for a bargain kept the bidding in the various auction tents fast and furious. A Hat Shop was staffed by volunteers and chapeaus of all sizes, colors, and designs were everywhere. Even the gentlemen in the crowd got into the mood of the evening and several of their hats were equally fun to behold.
The second tier was an elaborate sit-down dinner and live auction held beneath a breezy tent imaginatively decorated by Sylvia and her team. The tent was located in the Horticultural Field Laboratory, an area behind the Arboretum loaned to us by Extension Landscape Specialist, Kim Powell. For major donors the segue between the two events was a brief tour lead by Arboretum director, Bob Lyons. He pointed out the new gate between the Arboretum and our neighbors, Miles Wright and Eyebeam, then led the group to a pine copse near the dining tent for a champagne toast and on to the tent to begin the final festivities. During a delicious dinner, welcoming remarks and thank-you's were extended by NC State University Chancellor Marye Anne Fox; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean James Oblinger; Bob Lyons; Peggy Fain, Arboretum Board of Advisors president; and Karen Suberman.
Chancellor Fox made the thrilling announcement that Ms. Ruby McSwain had made a donation to the Arboretum's building fund of $1.2 million, bringing Phase I of the Building Fund Campaign nearly to a close. Ms. Ruby's comments showed her true warmth, her humble generosity, and her love of the Arboretum and its plants. The Chancellor also thanked Mr. J.W. York for converting his and Mrs. Lib York's challenge pledge to an unconditional pledge. When the standing ovation had finally subsided and a few eyes had dried, Rufus Edmisten stepped up to the microphone and filled in as auctioneer for the live auction. Bidding was hot and heavy with Rufus using his wiles and personal knowledge of those attending to encourage a loosening of the assembled purse strings. Smiles and checkbooks were the order of the day as the happy high bidders in both auctions lined up to pay for their treasures and tried to figure out exactly how to get all the goodies into that compact car! The guests drove away, the caterers packed up the leftovers, the lights were dimmed, the staff sighed with relief, and the evening came to a close. It was a great party!
Behind the Scenes
Committee Chair - Karen Suberman, previously an integral part of the overall Gala Committee, graciously stepped up to the plate as committee chair, using her amazing organizational skills. From past experience in food and beverage and her present as nurserywoman, Karen drew upon skills that kept the committee on task and running smoothly. She knew the questions to ask of the various vendors of tents, chairs, food, the PA system, and on and on. Her skills told us when and where corners could be cut and when to go for it! The energy, time, and talent Karen put into the gala were astounding. The party proved to be as extraordinary as expected. Without Karen at the helm, believe me, this ship would have gone down. Thanks, Karen!
Auction Committee - A newcomer to the committee, but nonetheless an experienced hand at auctions, Marty Hayes jumped into the fray and gave us a truly organized way of putting together the auction. Armed with donor forms and a time line, the members of the Gala committee helped put together an amazing collection of items to delight the mind. Everything from stationery to fabulous trips was donated by individuals and businesses across the state. Most of the items were assigned to the silent auction, with a few of the special items reserved for the live auction held during dinner. Those items designated for the silent auction were again divided into groups and placed under separate tents entitled The Secret Garden, The Finer Things in Life, Out On The Town, Looking Your Best, The Men's Lounge, and Botanical Quintessentials. Whew! An excellent fundraiser, this was great fun for everyone, even those who were just enjoying watching others compete in the bidding. Each tent was manned by a volunteer or two who were knowledgeable about their wares and encouraged the bidders and answered questions. Aided by Carol Smithwick who assisted greatly by coordinating the auction brochure, Marty's team put together two fantastic auctions!
Corporate Committee -
It takes someone in-the-know to say just the right thing when contacting
the potential corporate donors and George York came to us with great
skills. A former member of the committee, George went to work via phone and
personal notes. All these efforts culminated in a total far surpassing previous
years. Congratulations, George and team.
Decorations Committee - We've already briefly mentioned Sylvia Redwine's beautiful and creative decorations, but mere words defy us. Sylvia and her team worked many long hours decorating hats and doing prep work for the final day. Beginning at the roadway into the Arboretum and continuing into the Klein-Pringle White Garden, it was immediately apparent that something wonderful was happening. Colorful arrangements, bright ribbons and whimsical displays greeted the attendees as they searched for another hors d'oeuvre to munch on or that just-perfect plant in the Botanical Quintessentials tent. The most awe-inspiring display was inside the dining tent. White columns reaching to the tent roof were covered in greenery and beautiful Chinese butterflies. The tablecloths had been chosen to compliment the riot of color elsewhere and the tabletop arrangements, many of them several feet tall, were absolutely gorgeous. Some were simple glass containers of grapevines and gladioli or a display of elegant white candles in a candelabra. Others, topped by a garden hat, followed the theme of "A Parade of Hats." Most astounding were those that used small tree branches festooned with Spanish moss and, where possible, more butterflies. Even the tent poles were festive with multicolored arrangements. Peonies and roses, decorative donations from volunteers, and samples of the Arboretum bounty were used throughout. It was truly a grand and beautiful presentation.
Food Committee - New to the committee, Phyllis Brookshire spent many hours coordinating with Catering Works to put together just the right combination of delicious hor's d'oeuvres and a salmon entree that kept the crowd happy. And, let's not forget the beverages. The temperatures had soared (for May) and cool beverages hit the spot.
Hospitality Committee - Marge O'Keeffe and her fantastic, hardworking group from the Raleigh Garden Club worked with Phyllis in preparing the table settings, saving the committee a small fortune. Returning later in the day, dressed in finery, they assisted with various tasks around the garden. Their smiling faces greeted folks as they entered the Klein-Pringle White Garden and they assisted the staff with the Hat Shop. We couldn't have done it without these ladies!
Invitations Committee - In an effort spearheaded by Catherine Maxwell, the invitations were designed by committee member Patrice Cherry and her colleagues. A dedicated group of volunteers "stuffed" them and they were on their way (Is it okay if I personally thank my mother, husband, and daughter?). Patrice did her usual outstanding job with the design and a message that invited us to "mingle with afternoon spirits among sunlight and herbs and dine amidst butterflies and friends." Who could resist?
There's no way to mention and thank everyone who participated in the Gala in the Garden. We certainly want to acknowledge the student volunteers from Pi Alpha Xi and the NC State University Horticulture Club. A special thanks goes to volunteer Walt Thompson and Mitzi Hole, JCRA Research Technician, who held down command central. Please take a moment to look over the list of committee members. Each and every one gave of their time and talents to make sure this was truly a memorable event!
It was a great party! Hope you were there. No? Mark your calendar for May 6, 2001. We're doing it all over again!
The JC Raulston Arboretum Gala in the Garden Committee
Linda Anderson
Karen Barnes
Phyllis Brookshire
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Patrice Cherry
Parker Dawson
Jane Dittmann
Rosemary Easton
Peggy Fain
Marty Finkel
Julie Fleming
Leah Goodnight
Jason Griffin
Pickett Guthrie
Bill & Chris Hamlin
Marty Hayes
Mitzi Hole
Patsy Hopfenberg
Shirley Jones
Bob Lyons
Charlotte Martin
Catherine Maxwell
Karen Nowell
Marge O'Keeffe
Melissa Peden
Sandra Rankin
Sylvia Redwine
Carol Smithwick
Scotty Steele
Susan Stephenson
Karen Suberman
Marian Taylor
Kathleen & Walt Thompson
Lu Troxler
Amy Veatch
Kate Venters
Betsy Viall
Donna Walker
Linda Watson
Dan Wilkinson
George York
J.W. York
Gala 2000 Sponsors
Double Diamond - $10,000
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen
Diamond - $5,000
A.E. Finley Foundation
Platinum - $2,500
Frank Grainger/Fair Products Company
Hunter Industries
Lynch & Howard PA
The Hamlin Companies
J.W. York Company
York Properties, Inc.
Gold - $1,000
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Alstadt/Lord Corporation
Central Carolina Bank
Goria Enterprises
Little & Little L.A.
Taylor's Nursery, Inc.
Silver - $500
Bank of America
William and Mary Bolton
Dick and Marlene Daugherty
First Union National Bank
Gilmore Plant and Bulb Co., Inc.
Golden Corral Corporation
HagerSmith Design PA
Hal and Patsy Hopfenberg
Russell Stephenson, Sr.
Stephenson Millwork Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. "Dick" Thompson
Bronze - $200
Custom Brick Co., Inc.
Mrs. Dabney Mann
Special thanks also to:
E.B. Bryant
Gregory Poole Equipment Co.
Lou Pucillo, Inc.
Terra Ceia Farms
Mutual Distributors
Revels Tractor
Gary Stephenson
And to:
Mitzi Hole, JCRA Research Technician, her dedicated crew, and Mother Nature
for the beautiful gardens.
Volunteer News
By Nancy
Margaret Brodd
Volunteer Coordinator
Fran Johnson is Leaving
Fran Johnson is retiring as the JCRA Tour Guide Coordinator. I tried to tell her "no," but as all you Tour Guides know, it is nearly impossible to tell our Fran "no." That is what makes her such a great coordinator. During the four years in this volunteer position, Fran never had to cancel a Tour. She always found the volunteers needed due to her relentless telephoning of the wonderful group of Tour Guides.
Fran began helping the JCRA in 1996 as mailings and plant distributions volunteer. Soon afterward, Shirley Jones retired from the Tour Guide Coordinator position and Vivian Finkelstein quickly recruited Fran to take over. Fran was a unique coordinator because unlike her predecessors, she was not a tour guide. This fact certainly makes Fran that much more determined to find guides.
While Fran volunteered for the JCRA, she also found time to volunteer for Senior Games. In the past, Fran has volunteered for the Wake County Library and was the Public Relations Chairperson for the Wake County Extension Homemakers. I consider her a bit of a celebrity for having that position and for being among the first residents of Cameron Village in the late 1940's.
It will be strange not having Fran around, donning her fabulous turquoise, corralling all the Tour Guides over the telephone lines, but she promises to continue volunteering with us at mailings and various other tasks.
When I asked Fran why she was leaving this position she responded, "Well, I'm turning 80 in January and deserve a rest!" I doubt she will be resting much. She plans to continue with her genealogy research, reading, and of course, gardening. Also, she will be busy traveling to her friends in Arizona (her turquoise connection) and visiting with her children and grandchildren in D.C. and Florida.
If you have not seen the album Fran made for the volunteer office, Visit to Selby Botanical Garden, please do!
Thank you, Fran, for everything!
Special Thanks
Special thanks to recently retired Volunteer Curators, Guy Meilleur of the Blue Conifer Collection, Ken Zearfoss of the Southwest Garden, and Natalie Sadler of the Labyrinth Garden. Guy can still be seen around the JCRA giving tours and one may catch a rare glimpse of Ken as he drops in occasionally to help out. Natalie looks forward to seeing our new Education Center. I hope everyone saw her article in the Spring 2000 Newsletter, "Transitions in the Labyrinth Garden." Thank you, Guy, Ken, and Natalie, for all the nurturing, time, and dedication each of you have given unselfishly to the JCRA.
A New Place for Volunteers
I have been working with the Visitor Center Curator, Kathleen Thompson and Sharon Mackey to claim a board in the Visitor Center for the volunteers. Current volunteer opportunities will be listed with Volunteer Interest Forms available. There will also be Volunteer Log Sheets located here.
This board will be outlined with pictures of our volunteers. Photographs of the latest volunteer events will be posted as well.
The idea is to unify our volunteers, by seeing who you all are from the photos and to let you all know our latest volunteer needs. This will also give our many guests the opportunity to see how important our volunteers are and to offer them a chance to become a part of our volunteer team. So next time you're at the JCRA be ready to smile for the camera and look for your picture on our new board!
New T-shirts
The new T-shirts are available at the Volunteer Office. The weathervane is the theme for this year. It was chosen for two reasons. First, it represents the JCRA soaring to new heights in the new century. Secondly, since the weathervane is visible from the Beltline, we are hoping it will act as a beacon to our visitors. They are the same bargain price of $15 for the T-shirts and $20 for the sweatshirts. Hurry, while supplies last!
Volunteer Opportunities
The following are volunteer positions that need to be filled as soon as possible. New volunteers can find Volunteer Interest Forms in room 162, Kilgore Hall and at the Volunteer Office. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at (919) 515-3132 or <>.
Coordinator of Tour Guides – This position requires organizational and people skills. Contacts are made via e-mail and telephone with our Secretary, volunteer Tour Guides, Volunteer Office volunteers, and those requesting tours. It is somewhat seasonal with the busiest times being spring and fall. It affords flexibility and may be done at home at your convenience. No Tour Guide skills or horticulture knowledge necessary.
Engravers – These individuals need some computer skills and willingness to learn how to use the engraver machine. Initial training will be done with Nancy Doubrava and volunteers. After training, engraving can be done independently. This requires 1-3 hours a week.
FOA Lecture Assistant – Two volunteers are needed to help setup refreshments and sign in guests at our FOA Lectures. These are held on campus, at Kilgore Hall, once a month, on Thursday evenings. It would require about 2-3 hours. This is a great way to see the lectures and meet other JCRA members and volunteers!
Writers Wanted – Any volunteers who enjoy writing and would like to help with our Volunteer News section, please contact me ASAP!
"Moonlight" in the Gardens Be sure to mark your calendar for November 3 & 4, 2000. The JC Raulston Arboretum will be open both evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. to showcase the gardens in a new "light." We've arranged for Mr. John Garner of Southern Lights in Raleigh, a garden lighting expert, to exhibit his wares and allow us to enjoy a rare, after-dark visit to the Arboretum. Visit the Arboretum's website at <> or call us at (919) 515-3132 for ticket information. |
Welcome to the New Volunteers
Formatted into HTML by Christopher
Todd Glenn
Programs & Education Coordinator
JC Raulston Arboretum
Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7609
© The JC Raulston Arboretum, September 2000