2015 Annual Report
Our 39th year was a great one for the Arboretum where we set records in membership, opened the new Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden, and hired our first summer education intern. We did a lot of traveling including resuming our member day trips and leading a tour to Cuba. Over 1,300 new plants were installed bringing the total number of plants we've trialed to nearly 40,000 plants of 17,000 taxa. J. C. said that if you weren't killing plants, you weren't stretching yourself as a gardener. We've definitely stretched ourselves over the years.
- $1,605,473 in endowments for the JCRA
- $3,025,000 in secured bequests
- $93,136 earned at the 2015 Gala in the Garden
- $8,350 in donations to support interns (enough for two summer interns)
- $20,000 donated by Richard and Amelia Lane and David and Karen Duch to build a yurt for children’s programming
- $33,000 in year-end gifts
- Funding acquired for an assistant teacher for summer camp from a private donor
- 7,058 taxa (different types of plants) in the living collections
- 924 new accessions
- 1,342 plants installed
- 39,849 plants we've grown (17,000 taxa) at the JCRA
- 7,934 plants (1,118 taxa) distributed by the JCRA in 2015
- Opened the new Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden
- Developed and installed new rentals software to allow for online availability checks and client inquiries
- 538 client rental sessions at the JCRA
- $122,440 in payments for rentals in 2015
- Hired our first Children's Program intern
- 158 programs, events, and workshops reaching well over 6,000 attendees
- 2,293 participants in children's programs (42% increase over 2014)
- Instituted new date-night programs with adult refreshments including An Evening with the Explorers, An Evening with the Plant Breeders, and a Wine and Wreaths Workshop
- Resumed spring and fall day trips to visit other gardens and natural areas
- 1,401 current member households
- 282 new members in 2015
- 9,646 volunteer hours—the equivalent of more than 4½ full-time employees
Membership Makes a Difference
Thank you for your support and advocacy of the JC Raulston Arboretum through the membership program. Memberships are the primary unrestricted support for the JCRA's daily operations and vital for its success. Thanks to these special friends who gave the gift of membership—the gift that keeps giving all year!
Charles and Kathy Hornbuckle
Stuart Clayman
Jack and Micki Cox
David and Catherine Duch
Taylor's Nursery
Scott Anderson
Doris Deal
Cynthia Green and Bruce Martin
David Griffin
Robert and Pickett Guthrie
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Katherine Mauney
Jane Meadows
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Plant Delights Nursery
Doug and Margaret Abrams
Karen Bauer
Bland Landscaping
Sylvia Blankenship
John Bradfield
David and Judith Bradyhouse
Malcolm and Patty Brown
Cynthia Chappell
Irma Clark
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Stanton Ezzell and Lisa Kafer
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Jeffrey Fisher
Jean Gross and Donald Miller
Guy and Sandra Harwood
Hoffman Nursery
Arthur Kelley
Richard and Melanie Kelley
John and Jamie Kellner
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Donna Mack
John and Betsy McBrayer
Peter and Jainel Morris
Sampson Nursery
Frank Simpson
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Joe and Dana Woody
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Lloyd and Donna Allen
Arbor Enterprises
Bruce and Mary Barron
John and Patti Becherer
Jean Benjamin
Richard Blanton and Candace Haigler
Charles and Lois Brummitt
Buds & Blooms Nursery
William and Gail Bunce
Thornton Burnet, Jr.
Andrew and Sarah Butler
Carolina Seasons Nursery
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Henry and Irene Cotter
Creative Landscape Designs
Currin's Nursery
Risa Ellovich
Fair View Nursery
Frankie Fanelli
Paul and Janet Fantz
Victor Farah and Robin Hudson
Frank Harmon Architect PA
Sheldon Galloway
Gardeners of Wake County
Lyle and Rhonda Gardner
Andrew Gentry
Barbara George
David and Liza Gettles
James Glenn
Richard Hartlage
Hefner's Nursery
Gregory and Anne Helm
Jeanette Hyde
Karla Jacobus
Sam and Connie Jones
Susan Joyner
Paul Kellum and Todd Delk
Krystle Lambert
Alexander and Carol Lawrence
Charles and Wanda Leffler
Charles and Shirley Livengood
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
Mary McClure
Ross and Margaret McKinney
Rita Mercer
Charles Murray and Heather Spencer
Novozymes North America
Old Courthouse Nursery
Panther Creek Nursery
Mary Belle Pate
Steven and Katharine Perry
Maynard and Joy Phelps
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Planning Strategies
Plantworks Nursery
Pleasant Run Nursery
Mark and Jane Ritchie
Leonard Satterwhite
Saunders Brothers Nursery and Orchard
Eugene and Roberta Schmidt
Carl and Janet Shafer
Shelby Nursery/Scottree
Lawrence and Jean Shuping
Mark Smith
Lois Sowers
George and Rose Ann Stilwell
Swift Creek Nursery
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Tarheel Native Trees
Russell and Anthea Tate
John and Lorely Temple
The F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
Richard Todd
Nadine Tope
Turftenders Landscape Services
Susan Van Eyck and Barry Johnson
Jay and Colleen Warfield
Phillip and Sara Watts
Jerry and Adela Whitten
George Wilson
Farrell Wise and Levis Handley
Louise Wrinkle
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Smedes and Rosemary York
Dora Zia
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Kirk and Kathleen Abbey
David and Lynn Abed
Ellen Adams
David and Gail Addison
Steve and Sherri Agner
Anne Albright and Greg Abashian
Tim and Debra Alcorn
Howard Alexander
Janet Alford and John Morey
Andree Allen and Larry Kodack
James and Sharon Allsbrook
Jay Althouse and Sally Albrecht
George Alwon
Darla Anderson and Kristen Klett
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Timothy Appleby
David and Brienne Arthur
Ronald and Aleta Ash
John Atkinson
David Auerbach and Cat Warren
Bryan and Carol Aupperle
Campbelle and Mary Austin
Paul and Susan Bailes
Susan Bailey
Betty Baker
Bryce and Melanie Ball
Walter and Marcia Ballard
Allyson Banas and Aline Cote
Gail Bannister
William and Sandra Barnard
John and Nona Barnes
Julie and Michael Barnes
Mark and Beth Barnes
Russ and Mitzie Barnette
Joel and Dawn Battiste
Llewellyn Beaman
Michael and Pam Beck
Steven Bennett
Thomas and Susan Bennett
Albert Benshoff
Marilyn Bensinger
Meredith and Anna Berry
Stephanie Bertsche and Joseph Hadala
Better Tree Care Associates
Big Branch Nursery
John and Carolyn Bigliardi
Theodore and Linda Bilderback
David and Tammy Biondi
Richard and Susan Bir
Fred Blackley
Jean Blaine
Alan and Gene Blatecky
Kim and John Blatz
Andrew and Elizabeth Blue
Elizabeth Boehringer
Ed Boer and Eve von Deck
Ethel Boone
Penelope Booze Foss
Eduardo Borja
Clarence and Samantha Boyd
Jennifer Boyer
Leonard Boyle
Robin Boyles
David and Annette Bradford
Brady & Associates Forestry Services
Dallas Bretzman and Carl Piraneo
Kevin and Mary Brice
Raymond and Dianne Brinker
Douglas Brinkley
Frances Brogden and Chris Nash
Brookhaven Night Garden Club
Donnie and Phyllis Brookshire
Stephen and Amanda Browde
Patricia and Gerald Brown
Robert and Regan Brown
Noelle Browne
John Buettner and John Dole
Walter and Frances Bull
Andrew Bunting
David and Patricia Burgess
Henry Burke and Denise Weeks
James Burnette and Stephen Davis
Alan and Kate Burnie
Kathryn Burrell
David and Dawn Burtt
Leonard and Amy Bush
and Marie Butler
Richard and Carrie Joy Bylina
Basil and Diana Byrne
Mark and Myra Caffarey
Virginia Cahill
Richard and Marilyn Calfee
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Thomas and Elizabeth Campbell
Meighan Carpenter
Conwell and Evelyn Carter
Donald and Kathy Carter
Jason and Quincy Caspar
Sean Cecil
Anna Champagne and Carl Schroeder
Gray Chandler and Kerry Chandler
Arthur and Jean Chard
Rayburn and Jean Cheely
Roger and Julie Chenoweth
John and Molly Chiles
Barbara Church and Jim McIver
Allen and Anne Clapp
Eunice Clark
George and Pam Clark
John Clark
Tim and Teri Clark
Karen and Scott Clawson
Brenda Cleveland and Barry Engber
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
Paul Cole and Randy Gaugert
Janie Cole
Coley Bunch Nursery
Keith and Margie Collins
David and Becky Colwell
Bill and Eileen Conklin
Frank and Joan Conn
Josh Connolly
Dick Conrad and Judith Irven
Maura Conyngham
Curtis and Anna Cook
Dan and Fairley Bell Cook
Peter and Colleen Cook
Albert Cooke and Daphne Hill
Josephine Corro
Richard and Rose Cotton
Dale Cousins
Michael and Jennifer Cox
Gary and Christi Cramer
Jacob Crandall and Deborah Myatt Crandall
Cynthia Cromwell
Courtney and Kathy Crosby
James and Patricia Cross
Keith and Katherine Crowe
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Bill and Mary Cruse
Marc and Julie Cubeta
Danica Cullinan
Robert and Jo Ann Cullingford
Jonathon and Rachel Cummings
Michael and Heather Curcio
Christopher and Kelly Curley
Steve and Jere Curtis
Vincent and Sandra Dabrowski
Deb Dalgliesh
Karen Damari and Andy Roth
David Darr and Amy Armbruster
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Megan Davies
Nicholas and Katharine Davies
Jerry and Rosanne Davis
Robert Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
William and Kyra Davis
Alexander and Linda De Grand
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Jim and Betty Deal
Dina Deaton and David Collier
Ted and Cathy Deats
Bill and Rita Deck
Michael and Linda DeFrancesco
Kelly Del Tufo
Robert and Ann DeMaine
William Dement, Jr., and Ed Sessoms
Stephen and Martha Derbyshire
William and Nancy Devereux
John and Judith Dewar
Tom Dickey
Robert and Colleen Dodds
Alexander and Georgia Donaldson
John and Bonnie Downs
David Drews and Conyers Lamm
Joseph Dubanowich
Amy Dubois
R. A. Dudley Nurseries
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
William Dupont and Marilyn Grolitzer
Justin Durango
John and Marilyn Dutton
Robert and Sandra Dutton
Garuna Edwards
Todd and Susan Eichler
Stewart Ellis
Rich and Sylvia Elwyn
Thomas Emmel
William Emory, III and Jo Quinn
Nick England and Mary Whitton
Shelly English and Lex Benton
Chris Ess and Amanda Saville
Roland Euler
Allan and Susan Eure
Raeford and Donna Eure
John and Carolyn Falletta
James and Barbara Farley
Martha Farmer
Richard and Margaret Faust
Jesse and Barbara Fearrington
Gina Fernandez and Craig Yencho
Nancyanne Ferrante
Michael and Joy Ferrell
Alan and Marty Finkel
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Justin and Linda Fisher
Jenny Fleming
Carolyn Fletcher
William and Deborah Forster
Mary Fosnaught
Myron and Ginny Fountain
Ann Fox
John and Ellen Freeze
William and Carol Freund
Joshua and Tina Frumkin
Kenneth and Lynn Gaito
H. A. and Sue Gallis
Rossy Garcia and Jim Zieger
Garden Club Council of Winston Salem & Forsyth County
Gardener by Nature (Dale Batchelor and John Thomas)
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Gardens by Design
Gordon Garner
James and Anita Gates
Robert and Carol Gates
Fred and Susan Gentry
John Gerwin and Kathy Lynn Lagana
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Daniel and Lynn Gluvna
Gordon Goeking
Andrew and Sheree Goettman
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
Raymond and Susan Goodmon
Karl Gottschalk and Dorothy Pugh
Henry and Ellen Graden
Perry and Patricia Grady
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
Ronald Grainger
Mike and Carol Grajek
Robert and Debra Grannan
Victoria Grantham
William and Amy Gray
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Thomas and Moira Griffin
Robert and Marge Grossfeld
Rick and Annette Guirlinger
Karen Gulledge and George Grant
Christopher and Ann Marie Gunter
David and Karen Guy
Shawn and Tammie Guyer
Elizabeth Guzynski and Patrick Chu
George and Priscilla Haddad
Ed Haffer and Marilyn Butler
Gail Hafley and Chris Merrill
Dan and Julie Hager
Matt and Michelle Hager
Porter and Marty Halyburton
The Hamlin Companies
Brenda Hamm and Sue Hamlin
Jeanne Hammer and Paul McWhinney
JoAnn Hammerberg
Robin Hammond
Deborah Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Philip and Caroline Hamrick
Larry and Kathy Hancock
Kate Hanser and John Brubaker
Victor and Angelika Harabin
Elizabeth Hardie
James and Dorthy Hardin
Frank Harmon
Neil and Margaret Harper
Brode Harrell, Jr.
Paul and Dixie Harrell
Gail Harris
Barbara Harvey and Keith Jensen
Felton and Betty Hastings
Derek and Melanie Hawkes
Robert and Kay Hawkins
Steven and Elizabeth Hawley
Vickie Healey
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Bruce and Cynthia Heinlein
Cynthia Henderson
Paul and Marceline Henehan
Bruce and Peggy Herbert
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
David and Cynthia Herlong
Melissa Hill
Jonathan and Debroah Jo Hoffman
Paul and Judy Hoffman
Norfleet Hoggard
James Holcomb
Leslie Hollan
James and Anita Hollister
Hedy Hollyfield and Jim VanKirk
Lawrence and Ilene Holmes
Lisa and Jeffrey Holmsen
Adam and Maria Holtzman
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Donna Hooper-Knox and Robert Rice
Harold and Patsy Hopfenberg
Donald and Loretta Hopper
Robert and Roberta Horton
Hooker and Dianne Horton
Laszlo Horvath
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Laurie House and John Hopkins
Alton and Ramona Howard
Ann Howell
Charlie and June Hoyle
Elizabeth Hubbe and Wanda English
Peter and Patrice Hubert
Herbert and Judy Hudson
Jim and Mary Hugenschmidt
Michael and Deborah Humphrey
Ashley Hunsberger
Garrett and Susan Hunter
Judy Ioset and Eileen Palmer
David Iwig
Cornelia Jaeger
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
Tom and Pam Jeffrey
Katherine Jennings
Jericho Farms
Frederick and Kimberly Johnson
Harold and Kristina Johnson
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
John Johnston
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones
Jeff and Jennifer Jones
Lib Jones
Nancy Jones
Richard Jones
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Laura Kalorin
Wendy Kanable and Ginna Browning
John and Jane Kanipe
Veena Kannan
Seth and LaRinda Kaplan
Kenneth and Virginia Karb
Curtis Kasefang and Sharon O'Neill
Max and Gisela Kasselt
Shirley Keel and Don Tessman
Michael and Brenda Kees
Charles Keith and Muki Fairchild
David Kelley and Jann Martindale
Edward Kelley and Barbara Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
James and Ellen Kelly
George and Fonda Kendley
Larry and Barbara Ketchum
Charles Kidder and Jane Wilhoite
Angela Kilpatrick
Russell and Malissa Kilpatrick
John and Gloria Kimber
Heidi King
Larry King and Susan Matthews-King
Thomas and Shannyn King
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
Christoph and Katherine Kirschling
Doris Kistler and Frederic Wightman
Matthew Kizak and Amy Clifford
Walt Klausmeier and Linda Larkins
Mark and Julie Kleiman
Edmund and Ruth Klemmer
Matt and Trina Kline
Kurt and Nona Kloecker
Barbara Kloth
Charles and Amy Kneifel
Reinhard and Ellen Koch
John Kocher and Britt Crews
John and Julia Kolb
Joanne Kollar and Richard Wolfe
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Patricia Korpik
Charles and Peggy Korte
Deborah Kramer
Sergei and Amy Krasnyanski
Jerod and Anne Kratzer
Jay and Debra Kresch
Anita Kuehne and Bill Swint
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Jack and Annetta Kushner
Lake View Daylily Farm
Anne and Francis Lamberti
Jack Lamm, II and Dan Gant
Bryce and Susanna Lane
Richard and Amelia Lane
Darlene Lannon
Duane and Joanne Larick
Richard LaRose
Marion and Lee Laske
Todd Lasseigne and Heather Toedt-Lasseigne
Elizabeth Lathers and Stephen Dorn
Stephen LaTour and Pauline Houlden
Robert and Stephanie Lauck
Anna Laurel
Sharon Lavallee and Mike Young
Virginia Lawler
Brent Lawrence
Joe Layton and Sarah Roholt
Darlene Lee and Steve Wales
Terrance and Heather Lenahan
Mary Leonhardi and Bradley Dokter
Denis and Tracy Levy
Andrew and Cara Lewis
Timothy and Pamela Lietz
Frank and Mildred Liggett
Robert and Sandy (Yu-Yen) Lin
Hugh and Mary Liner
Little & Little Landscape Architects
James and Lu Ann Little
David and Pamela Livingston
Chris Lockhart
John and Lisa Lockwood
Steven and Marie Lommel
Longview FFA
Steven and Arlene Lord
Bill and Valerie Lorenz
Grace Lossman and Ken Pollock
Philip and Jamie Lovdal
Wayne Love
Sarah Lowder
Daniel Lucas
Joseph and Debra Ludas
Curt and Diane Lunchick
Lynne and Fred Mabry
Emili Mack
Larry and Cathy Mack
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Heinrich and Martha Malling
Brooks and Karen Malone
Gus and Geary Mandrapilias
Douglas and Linda Mann
Bruce Markey and Kristin Petersen
Michael Markoff
Gary Mathews and Eiko Tai
Michael and Audrey Matteson
Mark and Linda Matthews
Patrick and Marcia Mattingly
Paul and Jane Mattingly
Josephus and Laura Mavretic
Catherine Maxwell and Ben Fewel
James and Connie Maynard
Ruth McBride
Judy McComb and Mindy Allport-Settle
Diane McDaniel
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Duane McDermond and Denise Klimas
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Al and Sheila McDowell
Michael and Virginia McKay
Michael and Carla McKinney
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Bob and Jean McLeod
Janetta McMillan
Karen McMillan
James and Ruth Mead
Verna Medeiros
David and Lucy Meldrum
Larry and Audrey Mellichamp
Bonnie Melton
Bruce and Christa Merer
Theodore and Jennifer Midthun
Dale and Sharon Miller
John and Stephanie Mitchell
Jay and Sharon Molvie
Michael and Kristen Monahan
Ariel Montañez
Fred and Jeannie Morelock
Jacob and Jennifer Morgan
Karen Moriarty and James Penry
Robert and Christine Mulder
Laddie and Edna Munger
Ellen Murphy and Joseph Seman
Peter and Sonia Murphy
John and Ann Myhre
Zsolt Nagy
Harry and Rebeccah Neff
Brian and Lou Raye Nichol
Hilary Nichols
Joan Nielsen
Thomas and Jane Norris
Charles and Beverly Norwood
Jim and Katherine Nutt
Henry and Heidi Nuttle
David O'Loughlin and Cecilia Raphael-O'Loughlin
Janie and Keith Oliphant
Richard and Erin Olsen
Katie Otis
Sue Ellen Ott
Outdoor Images
James and Shirley Overcash
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
Jesse and Elaine Pace
Teri Page
Michael Papay
Diana Parrish and Max Wallace
Jim and Laurie Pate
Gary and Rebecca Payne
Sam and Linda Pearsall
Kenneth and Ana Pecota
Michael and Linda Peele
Larry and Susan Pegram
Heidi Pellegrino
Ric and Delphine Peller
John and Carol Pelosi
Pender Pines Garden Center
Donald Perry, III
Robert and Sharon Peter
Patricia Petersen and Douglas Young
Alan Peterson and Priscilla Kistler
Matthew Pickens
Kathryn Pier
Byron Pilkington
Pine Knot Farms
Pinkham's Horticultural Services
Kathryn Pizza
Charles and Patricia Poe
Marshall and Evangeline Porter
Janet and Jeff Portzer
Gerbrand and Karyn Poster
Kevin and Laura Potter
Joe and Flora Powell
Ken and Margaret Powell
Lisa Powell
Stephen and Jenny Powers
Kelly Prelipp and Sandra Prelipp
John and Charlotte Presley
Elaine Price-Schwartz
Robert and Rose Mary Pries
Adrianne Proctor
Thomas and Amira Ranney
Earl and Sharon Raupach
Donald and Cynthia Rayno
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Wade and Kathy Reece
John and Diane Rees
Marshall and Pat Reese
George Register
Mary Beth Rehm and Ed Brown
Roger and Corliss Reichert
William and Margaret Reid
Alan and Evelyn Reiman
Laurie Renz and Connie Renz
Bobby and Mary Reynolds
Lisa Richardson
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Frances Riley
John Rintoul
Michelle Ripple and Greg Burkett
Jeff and Ginny Sue Roach
David and Susan Robertson
Linda Robinson and Richard Snow
David and Diane Rodger
Rodgers Landscape Services
Dan and Kathy Roebuck
Charles and Karen Root
Ben and Jeanne Rouse
Brenda and Wadsworth Roy
Joseph Roycroft
Brenda Rozar and Nancy Rozar
Thomas and Kathy Rucker
Douglas Ruhren
Amy Rullis and Jordan Hester
Richard and Andrea Rushing
James and Diana Rutledge
David Sabio and Christine Doyle-Sabio
Richard and Judith Salentine
Amber Salter
Teresa Salter
Sandra Savage
Charles and Mary Sawyer
Gary and Lee Schaffer
James Schlitt
Jill Schmitter and Phillip Hall
Paul and Jan Schnurr
John Schott
Chad and Lisa Schutte
Marilyn Schwabenton
Pablo and Patricia Scolnik
Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Ronald and Melody Scott
Susan Scott
Alan Segal
Walter and Bonnie Shackelford
Jarin Shahrier
Jule and Mary Lou Shanklin
James and Susan Shearin
Robert and Connie Shertz
David and Susan Shevach
David and Barbara Shew
Edward and Kay Shiflett
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Rene and Claudia Sierra
Evaron and Michael Sigmon
Ian and Talmadge Silversides
Gilbert Simmers and Kathleen Adams-Simmers
Sandra Simpson
Sims Farms
Debra Singer-Harter and Johnathan Harter
Thomas Skolnicki and Kevin Kane
Amy Slater
Chip and Celeste Sloop
Lynn Smiley and Mark Smiley
Andrew Smith and Sarah Leach Smith
Charles and Suzanne Smith
James Smith
Jeffrey Smith and Kim Leight
Michael Smith and J. W. Shearin
Nathaniel and Roberta Smith
Robert and Martha Smith
Elizabeth Snider
Daniel and Carolyn Solomon
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance & North Carolina Farm Bureau
Andrew and Esther Spaltenstein
Bob and Judy Spaziano
Lori and Ken Special
David Spencer and Dee Pickering
B. J. Stallings
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Donald and Sylvia Stanat
Lance and Kaye Starnes
Flo Stein-Bolton
Matt and Katherine Steindl
Paul and Kim Stephenson
Clyde and Sheila Stevens
Johnny and Nancy Stevens
Matthew and Ivana Stevens
Brandon Stokes
Thomas and Julia Stovall
C. B. and Carol Strange
Sidney and Rachel Strauss
Joyce Stroud
Sugarbush Gardens
Allen Suggs
Robert and Dorothy Suggs
Sarah Sullivan
Ramasubraman Suresh
William Swallow and Louise Romanow
Ravi Swamy
James and Lynn Swanson
Cornelius and Charlotte Swart
Prudence Swartwood
Charlotte Sweeney
John Sweet
Piroska Szabo and Margaret Link
Edward and Michele Szwedo
Donnice Taylor
Steven and Patricia Taylor
Stephen and Deborah Temple
Nile Testerman, Jr., and Elizabeth Austin
Cynthia Thacker
Timmy and Bekki Thomas
Lauren Thomforde
Marvin and Ann Thompson
Lisa Thompson and Steve Thompson
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert and Margaret Thornton
Mary Beth Tobin and John Connors
M. E. Traer
Ken Traynham
Edward and Cornelia Trimble
Patricia Truesdell
Ira and Linda Tucker
William and Jane Tucker
Fred and Elaine Turner
Gerald Tynan and Martha Stark
John Uhlenbrock and Jennifer Watkins
Michelle Ulmer-Parker
Henry and Nancy Unger
The Unique Plant
Karen Untz
Ann Van Sant and Roberta Newton
Jeanette Van Vickle
Glenn Veit and Judith Kane
Charles and Christine Wagner
Michael Walsnovich and Frederick Ibberson
Martha Warburton
Christopher and Sybille Ward
Arthur and Jacqueline Warner
Harry and Rita Warren
Thomas and Marianne Wason
WaterWise Garden Design
Kenneth and Phyllis Watts
Charles and Dana Weaver
Lydia Wegman and Bob Cantwell
Nancy Wehling
Dee Welker
Thomas Wentworth and Linda Rudd
Gerald Wert
Glenda Westbrook-Neilsen and Kenneth Neilsen
Lane and Linda Wharton
Thomas and Laura Whatley
Elisabeth Wheeler
Ralph and Cheryl Whisnant
David White and Janine LeBlanc
David and Carolyn White
John and Jeanne White
Orethia White
Marshall and Kelley Whitehurst
Matthew and Alison Whitfield
Harold and Kathryn Wiebusch
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Oliver and Julia Williams
John and Debbie Williams
Paul and Linda Williams
Robert Williams and Lisa Boccetti
Ross and Bobbie Williams
Bonnie Wolf
Karen Wood
James and Brenda Woodley
Robert Wooten and Sheila Hunter-Wooten
Lynette Worrell
Worthington Farms
Malcolm and Donna Wright
Susan Wyatt and Robert Kellam
Shellie Yaseen
Joseph and Molly Yoder
Philip and Louise York
Charles and Robin Zevenhuizen
Ed and Kate Ziegler
Stephanie Abee
Sarah Adams
Deborah Albertine
Tim Alderton
Shelia Alexander
Beverly Allen
Nina Allen
William Alston
Amaryllis Gardens
Geoffrey Anderson
Susan Andrews
Patricia Andrews
Roberta Andrews
Jim Apken
Appeldoorn Landscape Nursery
Arborcrest Gardens
Architectural Trees
Jane Arey
Martha Armstrong
Arnette B. Clark Design
Anneliese Arnold
Artisan Irrigation
Martha Ashby
Krista Ashe
Dan Atchison
Brian Attwood
Krista Babbitt
Pamela Baggett
Corinna Bailey
Eloise Baines
Kristen Balhoff
Robert Barker
Carol Barmann
Elizabeth Barnard
Jared Barnes
Elizabeth Barrett
Susan Bartone
Jerina Barutis
Garnet Bass
Marilyn Bass Goldman
Jean Bassett
Patricia Battle
Arthur Baugh, III
Robin Baumgart
Barbara Bays
Billie Bean
Alice Beasley
Angelia Beasley
James Beasley
Connie Bechdolt
Daphne Beck
Faye Beck
Jayme Bednarczyk
Harriet Bellerjeau
Gayle Bellesheim
Caroline Bellis
Christopher Bender
Elizabeth Bender
Teri Bennett
Jan Beresford
Carmen Biggers
Monica Binger
Marcia Binkerd
Diane Birkemo
Kelly Bitz
Charlotte Blackwell
Anna Blanchard
Thomas Bland
Tatiana Blazej-Seltzman
Naomi Bloom
Heidi Bodley
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Leslie Booker
Gary Boos
Patricia Booth
Amy Borsay
Wendy Boss
Nancy Bost
Pamela Bostic
Warren Boyette
Sarah Bradeen
Lucy Bradley
Vandy Bradow
Jae Brainard
Carol Breckheimer
Ethan Bridges
Olin Brimberry
Mary Ann Brittain
Meriel Brodie
Barbara Brown
Lark Brown
Mary Brown
Brown's Nursery
Lauren Browning
Jesse Bruner
Patricia Brusa
Mary Louisa Bryant
Rex Brymer
Wayne Buhler
James Bullock
Tom Bumgarner
Jean Burda
Debra Burke
Laurinda Burleson
Rachel Burress
Maurice Bursey
Brittany Burton
Bruce Burton
Allen Bush
James Bustrack
James Buynitzky
Bryan Byers
Cecilia Byrd
Dorothy Caldwell
Lamar Caldwell
Weston Caldwell
Arlene Calhoun
Calliope Arts
Anne Calta
Cam Too Camellia Nursery
Camellia Forest Nursery
Mary Cameron
Amy Camp
Lynn Canada
Nancy Carlson
Carla Carpenter
Karen Carpenter
Roberta Carpenter
Martha Carraway
Bonnie Carson
Lisbeth Brittain Carter
Michele Casey
Sharyn Caudell
Karen Cayes
Patricia Ceger
Katherine Chambers
Pamela Chance
Winston Charles
Michael Chelednik
Elizabeth Chicas
Bernadette Clark
Catherine Clark
Kathleen Clark
Virginia Clay
Elizabeth Cleveland
Carolyn Cline
Bruce Clodfelter
Karen Clodfelter
Leslie Cohen
Amber Coleman
Rebecca Collis
Lynn Colvard
Jane Conolly
Claudia Conte
Becky Cook
Lea Ann Cook
Pamela Cook
Tammy Cook
Melinda Corn
Vicki Corporon
Laurie Cousart
Kirtley Cox
Gretchen Cozart
David Craft
Lilly Craig
Lynda Creutzburg
Robert Crook
Margaret Crooks
Tammie Crosier
Jan Crotts
Chicita Culberson
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Ann Cutter
Aaron Cziraky
Kim D'Amico
Anne Dahle
Genelle Dail
Kelly Dail
Mary Dallas
Connie Daniel
Colin Daniels
Susan Daughtry
Kittie Davenport
Andrea Davis
Jinnie Davis
Pamela Davis
Angela Davis-Gardner
Meredith De La Vergne
Donna Deal
Erin Debnam
Maryann Debski
Vicky DeGroote
Loretta DelPalazzo
DeRose Garden & Landscape
Julie DeVries
Cathy DeWitt
Lacy Dick
Bob Dietz
Phyllis Donahue
Maureen Donini
Kari Donovan
Nancy Doubrava
Doug Pitts' Photography
Janet Draper
Dennis Drehmel
Sylvia Drew
Sara DuChon
Melissa Dudley
Karen Duke
Darrin Duling
Elizabeth Dunbar
LaJuana Dunn
Vickie Dunn
Durham Council of Garden Clubs
Jared Dutton
C. J. Dykes
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Earthforce Design Group
Margaret Economy
Edith Eddleman
W. L. Edmundson
Celia Eicheldinger
Barrett Elliott
Tim Elliott
Wendy Elliott
Valerie Engel
Mary Epperly
Faye Eury
Cathrine Evans
Lisa Evans
Sharon Everett
Tracey Ewing
Terri Fairley
Sarah Farber
Faust Nursery
Susan Fedor
Anne Feind
Karen Ferguson
Robert Ferone
Kathryn Field
Diane Fischer
Margaret Fisher
Fishing Creek Tree Farm
Carol Fishman
Marilyn Flannigan
Marilyn Fleming
Pattie Fleming
Marion Flint
Roland Flory
Chris Foley
Marion Foran
Laura Ford
Nancy Foster
Gerald Fountain
Sonya Fox
Ruth Frame
Cynthia Fulbright
Sandra Fussell
Catherine Gaertner
Alan Galloway
The Garden Collection
Lucy Gardiner
Courtney Gardner
Jeanette Germaine
Edward Gerster
Gethsemane Gardens and Nursery
Greta Gill
Charles Gilliam
Dominic Gillooly
Marilyn Gist
Rebecca Glass
Dollie Glaum
Christopher Glenn
James Godwin
Eileen Goldgeier
Goodson & Associates
Victor Gordon
Julie Gorka
Lori Gould
Elizabeth Graham
Lind Graves
Susan Grayson
Green Prints
Shirley Green
Jason Griffin
Trina Griffin
Mildred Grimes
Joye Groff
Paula Gross
Paul Guddat
Walter Gutierrez
Mary Haigh
Jenny Haire
Katherine Violette
Susan Hammer
Leigh Ann Hammerbacher
Larry Hammett
John Hammond
Jim Hanger
Carolyn Happer
Ted Harris
Karen Harris
Donna Hart
Thomas Harville
Barbara Haskell
Awatif Hassan
Robert Hauver
Daniel Havey
Nancy Haywood
Geraldine Heenan
Johnsie Hege
Steven Heiner
Eleanor Helms
Jennifer Helms
Margaret Helms
Eddie Henderson
Warren Henderson
Rieppe Hendrick
Keeneth Henke
Anderson Hensley
Meg Hermann
Leslie Herndon
Vicky Herring
Ellen Herron
Mary Benjamin Hester
Joy Hicks
Sheila Higgins
Peggy Hildebrand
Dennis Hinkle
Robert Hinson
Timothy Hinton
Eric Hirsch
Janet Hobbs
Karen Hoffman
Margaret Hoffman
Carol Hogue
James Holland
Marcia Hollis
Helen Holt
Sandra Homes
Sandra Horn
Marc Houyoux
Martha Howard
Kristen Howard
Marcia Hubbard
Thomas Hudak
Patricia Hudson
Joseph Humphrey
Jane Hunt
Mary Hunter
Thomas Hunter, Jr.
Hunter Tree & Landscape
Frances Hutchison
June Hutson
Linda Hyman
Catherine Isaza
L. A. Jackson
Lisa Jackson
Chris Jaeger
Linda Jaeger
Edwin Jenkins
Kata Jenkins
Lise Jenkins
Jere's Landscaping
Johnny Jessup
Donna Jezik
Beth Jimenez
Barbara Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Jim Johnson
Joan Johnson
Lloyd Johnson
Johnson Nursery Corporation
Bonner Jones
Joseph Jones
Margaret Jones
Margaret Jordan
David Josephus
Norma Joyner
Arleen Justick
Kathie Kalmowitz
Deborah Kane
Gloria Kanoy
Stephanie Katz
Rebecca Kayye
Gary Keim
Olivia Kemp
Karen Kendig
Charles Kenley, Jr.
David Kennedy
Barbara Kennedy
Melissa Kennedy
Frances Kerr
Doris Kester
Laura Ketcham
Sarah Ketchem
Tim Ketchie
Zeba Khan
Donna Kidder
Karena Kilgore
Susan Kimbrell
Robert Kinch
Cyrus King, Jr.
Jennette King
Joe Kinney
Becky Kirkland
Lyla Kloos
Linda Klose
Jon Knight
Elizabeth Koehler
Sarah Konradi
Faye Koonce
Hunter Kornegay
Ekaterina Korobkina
Charles Kronberg
Edward Kropf
Diane Kuzdrall
Evelyn LaBonte
Carolyn Lackey
Debbie Lackey
Thomas Lamb
Landscapes Alive
Dante Landucci
Blair Lane
Raymond Lanier
Mary Larkin
Christina Larson
Laurel Springs Nursery
Margaret Lawrence
Betty Lazo
James Lee
Rebecca Lee
Taylor Leesnitzer
Legacy Lighting
Robert Lemasters
Virginia Leone
Colin Lickwar
Mary Beth Liles
Cynthia Lincoln
Betsy Lindemuth
Elsa Liner
Nanci Little
Carolyn Littles
Jane Litton
Lorayne Locke
Annie Long
Longwood Gardens
Robert Lovelace
Paige Luck
Heather Luden
Keith Lukowski
Harry Luther
Elizabeth Lyne
Robert Lyons
Jill Mace
Robert Mackintosh
Lori Mahaney
Jeffrey Malcolm
Craig Mangum
Jacquelyn Manning
Gene Mapes
Kathleen Marano
Sarah Marano
Sarah Marks
Donna Maroni
Elisabeth Martensen
Rebecca Martin
Lynn Martin
Robert Massengale
Christina Mast
Susan Mastro
Julie Matlock
Margaret Matrone
Joan Matthews
Alexis Maxwell
Lane May
Terry May
Gray McAllister, III
Joan McAndrews
Mike McCarthy
Rogeania McCay
Leslie McCormick
Charles McCue, Jr.
Janet McGettrick
Alberta McKay
Rachel McLaughlin
Bonnie McLeod
Rosalind McMillan
Carol McNeel
Jacqueline Mehring
Elizabeth Mew
Elisabeth Meyer
Carole Meyre
Marilyn Michie-Grist
Bonnie Miller
Carolyn Miller
Lynn Miller
Marlyn Miller
Nora Miller
Cindy Mills
James Minor
Melissa Mitchell
Jean Mitchell
Janet Moore
Sandy Morgan
Brian Morris
Jeffery Morton
Michael Mosesky
Moss & Stone Gardens
Beatrice Moss
John Mulkey
Jenny Mullinax
Kathryn Mundy
Sharon Munger
Peggy Murray
Mary Jo Muzzey
Katherine Myers
Jennifer Myers
Mari Nakayoshi
Masuma Naqwe
Don Nattress
The Nature of Art
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Shannon Neiley
Charlotte Newby
Brenda Newman
Niche Gardens
Janine Nicholson
Rosalie Niemi
Abbey Noah
Phil Normandy
Kelsey Northup
Elizabeth Norval
Hughen Nourse
Novozymes North America
Neena Nowell
Janis Nutt
Flora O'Brien
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor
Peggy O'Neil-Ross
Samuel Ollison
Diane Olson
Mary Overcash
Richard Moss
Beth Owens
Candis Owens
Laurel Owens
Heather Page
Marsha Page
Anne Page
Palm Avenue
Irene Palmer
Jane Pan
Carolyn Parker
CC Parker
Ginny Parker
Astrid Parker
Robert Payne
Stacia Payne
Dorinda Peacock
Melissa Peden
Janet Peele
Dolores Pendergast
Lottie Peppers
Gail Perry
Jesse Perry, III
Jo Perry
Terry Perry
Karin Petzold
Doug Phillips
Kelly Phillips
Rose Phillips
Whitney Phillips
Piney Ridge Nursery
Betty Pipes
Mike Pittman
Plantation Springs Nursery
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Bonnie Pobiner
Catherine Poff
Sandra Polley
Marguerite Pond
Edward Ponek
Jeanne Poole
Tracy Poole
Thomas Pope
Anne Porter
Dixie Porter
Gail Posey
Miranda Powell
William Powell, Jr.
Bonnie Pratt
Jeffrey Preddy
Fran Preston
Kathleen Price
Elizabeth Pringle
James Proctor, Jr.
Linda Quarles
Rodney Queen
Jacqueline Quinn
Becky Quirk
Charles Racine
Kathleen Ramage
Martha Ramirez
Christine Ramsey
Marti Ranney
Sharon Raschke
Frederick Ray
Graham Ray
Shelia Read
Kathleen Redfern
Annie Reed
Alexandra Reid
Renz Landscape & Irrigation
Katherine Reynolds
Durban Rhame
Caroline Richardson
Jessica Rigouard
Sarah Rigouard
Patricia Roberts
Louise Rogers
Mary Roman
Ann Rosar
Michelle Rose
Gina Ross
Rhonda Rostetter
Kay Ruark
Steve Rubin
Jean Rundquist
Judy Ryan
Steve Rymers
Linda Saah
Amy Sackaroff
Lorraine Salois-Deane
Lisa Sanderson
Jo Anne Sanford
Rosalie Satcher-Clark
Joyce Sathoff
Harriet Sato
Harriet Sayre-McCord
Portrait Scene
Diane Schaaf
Dianne Schaffer
Robert Schall
Aaron Schettler
Stephen Schroedl
Arty Schronce
Iris Schwintzer
Garrison Scott
Alkesh Shah
Kathleen Gruer
Toni Shelton
Betsy Sherrill
Mark Shuman
Tracy Sides
Betsy Sigmon
Jeanne Silvey
Brian Simet
Matt Simmons
Nancy Simonsen
Algie Simpson
Hannah Simpson
Elaine Sisko
Andrea Smith
Christine Smith
Danielle Smith
Jane Smith
Margaret Smith
Margaret Sneed
Southern Horizons Landscaping
Anne Spafford
Mary Staak
Annabelle Stein
Carol Stein
Anita Stejskal
Jim Stephens
Marian Stephenson
Amy Stevens
Mary Stewart
Terri Stober
Jacqueline Straub
Gayle Streifford
Dorothy Strickland
John Suddath
Edna Suggs
Jason Suite
James Sumerell
Marguerite Summers
Jane Sundin
Dawn Sutton
Janice Swab
Ann Swallow
Swanson & Associates
Jennifer Swift
Pamela Taheri
Beverly Taylor
Cheri Taylor
James Taylor
Theresa Thacher
The Lehmann Design Group
Char Thomann
Alden Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson
Lois Thompson
Christine Thomson
Thomas Thornton
Margaret Thurston
Patricia Tommerdahl
Kelly Trimyer
Elizabeth Trott
Tween Streams Gardens
Valerie Tyson
Michael Uchneat
Camie Ulibarri
Effie Underwood
Elo Valdsaar
Paulette van de Zande
Deborah Vaughan
Vrb Photography
Lynda Waldrep
Daryl Walker
Hallie Walker
Jared Walker
Ann Frye Wallace
Blair Walter
Ingrid Ward
Joann Warner
William Warner
Donna Warren
Susan Watson
Jo-Anne Wazlowski
Mark Weathington
Laura Weaver
Jeffrey Webb
Timothy Weiler
Georgina Werner
Weston Farms
Patricia Westphal
Florence Whatley
Patricia Wheaton
Sara Wheeless
Robert Whisnant
Marla White
Warren White
Murray Whitehill
Randall Whittington
Sheila Wilkerson
Amanda Wilkins
Laura Willer
Anne Williams
Brannon Williams
Helen Williams
Katherine Williams
Rayeshon Williams
Terri Williams
Carol Williams
Christopher Williamson
Belinda Williford
Mark Willis
Adrianne Wilson
James Wilson, Jr.
Lindie Wilson
Pamela Winant
Sharon Winzeler
Stephen Wirth
Diana Witt
Melinda Wolf
Karin Wolfe
John Wood
Sue Woodling
Will Wooten
Richard Woynicz
Melanie Wyatt
Jewel Wynns
Edward Yellig
John Yelvington, Jr.
Barry Yinger
Charles Young
Loretta Young
Mary Young
Dana Zamiara
Elizabeth Ziegler
Mary Zimmerman
Gifts of Membership
These friends of the Arboretum gave the distinctive gift of membership to friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Thanks for giving the gift of a JCRA membership—a gift that keeps on giving all year!
Barbara Albright
William Allen
David and Brienne Arthur
Edward and Corinna Bailey
Arthur Baugh, III
Bayer Advanced
Bell Family Foundation
Elizabeth Bender
James and Louise Berninger
David and Judith Bradyhouse
William and Gail Bunce
James Bustrack
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Cynthia Chappell
Stuart Clayman
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Patsy Davis
Dan and Elizabeth Dunbar
Chelsea Dunlap
Stephen Emsbo-Mattingly
Stanton Ezzell and Lisa Kafer
The Hamlin Companies
W. R. and Margaret Helms
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Charles and Kathy Hornbuckle
Peter and Patrice Hubert
Johnson Nursery Corp.
T. H. Johnson
Evan and Deborah Kane
Sarah Marano
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Susan Myers
Panoramic Farm
Richard Pearson and Joan Robertson
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Rufus L. Edmisten Law Offices
Raymond Sowell
Laura Uvena
Jennifer Van Vickle
Marie Walker
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Mark and Mary Weathington
Weston Farms
Bobby Wilder
Shannon Williams
Worthington Farms
Gala in the Garden
The annual proceeds from the Gala in the Garden support not only vital JC Raulston Arboretum staff positions, but critical unrestricted funds that are used for its daily operational expenses and on-going research. These proceeds directly help to keep the gates open, the gardens in top shape, and the plant collections impressive.
2015 Sponsors
A. E. Finley Foundation
Bayer Advanced
Hoffman Nursery
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association, Inc.
Pender Nursery
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co. and North Carolina Farm Bureau
Bobby Wilder
Sylvia Blankenship
Tommy Bunn
Cynthia Cromwell
John Dole & John Buettner
Johnson Nursery Corporation
Jane Meadows
NC Agricultural Foundation
Redwine's Plantscaping
Mark & Mary Weathington
Worthington Farms
Bell Family Foundation
William & Gail Bunce
Irma & Haddon Clark
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Fair Products
Gilmore Plants and Bulb Company
Eileen Goldgeier
Charles Kidder & Jane Wilhoit
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Bill and Melda Lamm
Laura Willer Landscape Designs
Mike Young & Sharon Lavallee
Robert Lyons
Outfall Farms
Richard Pearson & Joan Robertson
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Anne M. Porter
Sampson Nursery
Rodney & Juanita Swink
Walt & Kathleen Thompson
Witherspoon Rose Culture
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Other Special Gifts
John Schlitt
Martha Ashby
Wendy Boss
Vandy Bradow
Shannon and David Currey
Edith Eddleman
Gregory Poole Equipment Company
Peter and Sonia Murphy
Arthur and Jacqueline Warner
Lawrence and Sara Davenport
Annette and Rick Guirlinger
Judiann and David Wilkinson
Investment into Perpetuity
All of the endowments that support the JCRA are wise investments and support a lasting legacy. Heartfelt thanks to these friends who chose to invest in the Raulston Arboretum.
JC Raulston Arboretum Endowment for Excellence-Corpus
Shirley Almeida
David and Brienne Arthur
Julie Barton
Lara Beck
Sylvia Blankenship
Emily Blust and Kate McGinn
Penelope Booze Foss
Jason and Quincy Caspar
Stuart Clayman
Kathryn Converse
Sue Copley
Jared Dutton
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Dennis Flood and Carl Duyck
Joseph Harmon
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Robin Imperial
Jessica KoKos
Micki Lew
Julia McDonald
Loy McGill
Pattie Moore-Boyette
Allison Northcutt
John and Carol Pelosi
Jayne Pomer
John and Charlotte Presley
David and Diane Rodger
Joanna Smothers
Byron Straughn
Louise Williams
George Wilson
Linda & Ted Bilderback Endowment for JCRA Children's Program
Christopher and Jennifer Daniels
James and Connie Maynard
Jay and Sharon Molvie
John and Carol Pelosi
Marian Nottingham Finley/Marian Nottingham Rice Rose Garden Endowment
A. E. Finley Foundation
Bricks—Building a Legacy
A very special thank you to these donors who chose to invest in the JC Raulston Arboretum by purchasing a brick.
Shirley Almeida
Julie Barton
Sylvia Blankenship
Emily Blust and Kate McGinn
Jason and Quincy Caspar
Stuart Clayman
Jared Dutton
Robin Imperial
Jessica KoKos
Micki Lew
Julia McDonald
Loy McGill
Jayne Pomer
John and Charlotte Presley
David and Diane Rodger
Louise Williams
Special Gifts
Sincerest thanks to these donors who gave special monetary gifts over and above membership.
Robert and Taimi Anderson
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Phillip and Marjorie Anthony
David and Brienne Arthur
Martha Ashby
Lynn Avery
David Bailey
Lacy Bailey
Ball Horticultural Co.
Sandy Bateman
John and Patti Becherer
Theodore and Linda Bilderback
Richard and Susan Bir
Allison Blanchard
Rebecca Boston and Scott Shore
Vandy Bradow
Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Andrew Brown
Robert and Regan Brown
Tom Bumgarner
David and Dawn Burtt
James Bustrack
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Mary Cameron
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Lynn Canada
Susan Capstick
Conwell and Evelyn Carter
Cathy Carver
Jody Cedzidlo
John and Linda Charlesworth
Lani and Michael Chaves
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Joe Choi
Dorothy Clift
Carolyn Cline
Chris Cline
Kenneth and Ann Cobb
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Colony Woods Garden Club
Sue Copley
Jack and Micki Cox
Michael and Jennifer Cox
Charles and Yan Crane
Henry and Jacquelyn Craven
Bob Croft
Walter Crone and Gail Fletcher
Marc and Julie Cubeta
David and Shannon Currey
Currin's Nursery
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Thomas and Jennifer Cuthbertson
Nicole D'Ambrose
Larry Daniel
Mary Danielson
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Robert Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Frank and Maureen Donini
David and Catherine Duch
R. A. Dudley Nurseries
William and Donna Duffy
Ginna Earl
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Edith Eddleman
Fallon Park Garden Club
Thomas and Shauna Farmer
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Alan and Marty Finkel
Jo Anne Fischer
Lilian Fisher
Ann Fox, Jr.
David Fox
Frank Harmon Architect PA
James and Mary Gray Fullwood
Catherine Gaertner
Sheldon Galloway
The Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Ruth Garver
Dominic and Dana Gillooly
Marilyn Gist
Goodson & Associates
Henry and Ellen Graden
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
William and Amy Gray
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Cynthia Green and S. Bruce Martin
Green Thumb Garden Club
Gregory Poole Equipment Co.
Elizabeth Grove
James and Laurie Grun
Rick and Annette Guirlinger
Karen Gulledge and George Grant
Christopher and Ann Marie Gunter
David and Karen Guy
Michael and Eliza Hager
Jenny Haire
Allen Hammer
Deborah Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Jim Hanger
Helen Hartung
Robert Hauver
Steve Havnaer
Hawksridge Farms
Adam Helsel
Sharon Hennis
David and Cynthia Herlong
Esteban and Armida Herrera
Virginia Hester
Patricia High
Zachary Hill
Donald and Constance Hiller
Janet Hiser
Hoe N Hope Garden Club
Paul and Judy Hoffman
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Charles and Kathy Hornbuckle
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Ann Howell
Patricia Hudson
Frances Hutchison
J. Frank Schmidt Family Trust
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
Eric Jones, Jr.
Sam and Connie Jones
Laura Kaderabek
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Kathie Kalmowitz
David Katzin
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
Robert and Olivia Kemp
Levon Keusseyan
Russell and Malissa Kilpatrick
Matthew Kizak and Amy Clifford
Walt Klausmeier and Linda Larkins
John Kocher and Britt Crews
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Hunter Kornegay
Ekaterina Korobkina
Susan Lamb
Bryce and Susanna Lane
Richard and Amelia Lane
Maegha Lanka
Paul and Patricia Larson
Todd Lasseigne
Todd Lasseigne and Heather Toedt-Lasseigne
Laurel Hills Garden Club
Virginia Lawler
Spencer Lawrence
Charles and Wanda Leffler
Terrance and Heather Lenahan
Dan and Lorinda Lewis
Steven and Marie Lommel
Keith Lukowski
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Kevin and Monnie Lunsford
Susan Luster
Stephan Lyman and Jocelyn Haynes-Lyman
Lynn van Dokkum Photography
MacGregor Downs Garden Club
Donna Mack
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Ronald Madden
Katherine Mauney
James and Connie Maynard
Teresa McAdams
Dwight McAlexander
Ruth McBride
Stephen and Louise McCoy
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Bob and Jean McLeod
Heather McLoud
Rosalind McMillan
Julie Anne McQuary
Robert Meaders
Thomas and Judy Melton
Rita Mercer
Kerry Meyer
Preston Montague
Peter and Sonia Murphy
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
NC Master Gardener Volunteer Association
Barbara Nickels
Allison Northcutt
Oakmont Nursery
Stephen Odom and Anne McLean
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
Daniel and Elizabeth Page
Parker's Landscape Services
Charles Parrish
R. J. and Sandra Paur
Sandra Peterson
Susan Petry
Rose Phillips
Brittany Phipps
Pi Alpha Xi, NC State University
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Pinkham's Horticultural Services
Betty Pipes
Plantworks Nursery
James and Mary Ann Poole
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
John and Charlotte Presley
Angela Rackley
Michael and Elaine Rakouskas
Christine and Bill Ramsey
David and Marie Randall
Thomas and Amira Ranney
Jim and Janet Rapp
Earl and Sharon Raupach
Judy Raybon
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
The Redwoods Group
Alan and Evelyn Reiman
Abigail Rennekamp
Linda Rice
Jessica Rigouard
Barron and Mary Ritchie
Mark and Jane Ritchie
Michael Roberson
Charles Rodes and Tina Belmaggio
David and Diane Rodger
Rodgers Landscape Services
Mary Ann Rood
Deborah Sauer
Ann Sayre
Diane Schaaf
Melissa Schmidt
Howard Scott
Ronald and Melody Scott
Susan Scott
Frank and Edith Shallene
Jerry and Sandra Sheppard
David and Barbara Shew
Ann Shivers
Betsy and Greg Sigmon
Bernadette Simiele
Jack and Carol Spiegel
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Mark Starrett
State Employees Combined Campaign
Mary Jo Stephenson
Clyde and Sheila Stevens
Marshall and Jan Stewart
W. H. and Melrose Stocks
Benny and Kellie Suggs
Ann Swallow
Steve Swart
Shane Swick
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Melody Tart
The F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
The Lehmann Design Group
Don Thomas
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Turtle Creek Nursery
Twin City Garden Club
Karen Untz
Paulette van de Zande
Susan Van Eyck and Barry Johnson
Eloise Vaughn
Jared Walker
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Arthur and Jacqueline Warner
Robert Whisnant
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
David and Judiann Wilkinson
John and Elizabeth Willis
Arlene Wilson
Benjamin Woodlief
George and Reba Worsley
Malcolm and Donna Wright
Michael and Jayne Yoder
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Thanks to these generous businesses and organizations that help strengthen the JCRA's membership program. Please visit the JCRA's Web site for more details regarding these outstanding benefits.
Membership Benefit Providers
Architectural Trees
Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden
Better Tree Care Associates
Big Bloomers Flower Farm
Campbell Road Nursery
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Garden Supply Co.
Gardening with Confidence
Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
Indigo Marsh Nursery
Lasting Impressions
Lynn van Dokkum Photography
Mountain View Nursery
Neomonde Mediterranean
Norwood Road Garden
Oakmont Nursery
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Tarheel Native Trees
WaterWise Garden Design
Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gift programs are a great way to optimize individual gifts to the JCRA. We sincerely appreciate the generosi ty of the corporations that sponsor these programs and the donors who make the initial gift to benefit the Arboretum.
"After the Rain" "Just Visiting"
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Foundation
Home Depot
Pfizer Foundation
XL America
Gift-in-kind Donors
Support through in-kind gifts is vital to the success of our events, especially the Gala in the Garden and the JCRA Plant Sale. They also provide services and plant materials that keep the Arboretum beautiful for everyone.
Non-botanical Gifts
David and Brienne Arthur
Ba-Da Wings
Helen Barranger
Marilyn Bensinger
Vandy Bradow
William Branson, III
Burke Brothers Hardware
Arlene and Jim Calhoun
Capitol City Lumber Co.
Carolina Stalite
Jon and Lisbeth Brittain Carter
Irma Clark
Steve and Pam Clark
Leslie Cohen
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
Tom Gray
Great White Oak Gallery
Gail Harris
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Marcia Hollis
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Richard and Amelia Lane
Lasting Impressions
Susan Luster
Susan Mastro
Rita Mercer
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Niche Gardens
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
John and Carol Pelosi
Pine Knot Farms
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
William and Margaret Reid
Robert and Margaret Thornton
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Mark and Mary Weathington
David White and Janine LeBlanc
Randy and Susan Woodson
Carl Zorowski and Louise Lockwood-Zorowski
Botanical Gifts
Tim Alderton
Amur branch of Botanical Garden-Institute of FEB RAS
Arboretum Wespelaar
Atlanta Botanic Garden Gainesville
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Baucom's Nursery Co.
Big Branch Nursery
Adam and Susan Black
Robbie Blackhall-Miles
Botanischer Garten Graz
Broken Arrow Nursery
Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery
Andrew Bunting
Burncoose Nurseries
Arlene and Jim Calhoun
Cam Too Camellia Nursery
Camellia Forest Nursery
Campbell Road Nursery
Casey Nursery
Chiba University
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chollipo Arboretum
Cistus Nursery
Stuart Clayman
The Conard-Pyle Co.
Crûg Farm Plants
Currin's Nursery
David Austin Roses
Dawes Arboretum
Denver Botanic Gardens
Richard Dufresne
Justin Durango
Eastern North Carolina Iris Society
Edible Landscaping
Barbara Fair and John Owens
Far Reaches Farm
Alan Galloway
Green Nurseries & Landscape Design
Greenleaf Nursery Co., North Carolina Division
Hands on Nursery, NC State University
Hawksridge Farms
Hefner's Nursery
Heritage Seedlings
Hidden Hollow Nursery
Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones
Hoffman Nursery
The Holden Arboretum
Hortus Botanicus Reykjavicensis
Iseli Nursery
The Ivy Farm
J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.
Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
Junker's Nursery
Charles Keith and Muki Fairchild
Klehm's Song Sparrow Farm and Nursery
The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden
Thomas Krenitsky
Richard and Amelia Lane
Lazy S's Farm Nursery
Logan Trading Company
McCracken Nursery
McMahan's Nursery
Moore Farms
Morris Arboretum, University of Pennsylvania
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, NC State University
Mr. Maple Nursery
NCSU Bedding Plant Trial Program
NCSU Floricultural Science
Nelson Nursery
Niche Gardens
Norfolk Botanical Gardens Society
North American Rock Garden Society
North Carolina Botanical Gardens
North Creek Nurseries
Old Courthouse Nursery
Orto Botanico, Università di Siena
Pan-Global Plants
Panoramic Farm
Panther Creek Nursery
Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden
Peace Tree Farm
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Jesse and Rebecca Perry
Pi Alpha Xi, NC State University
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Plant Delights Nursery
Plant Development Services
Plantworks Nursery
Pleasant Run Nursery
Powell Gardens
RareFind Nursery
Steven Roesch
Douglas Ruhren
Sampson Nursery
Sandy's Plants
Schau- und Sichtungsgarten Hermannshof
James Schlitt
Snowdonia Nurseries
Specialty Ornamentals
Spring Meadow Nursery
Star Roses
Swift Creek Nursery
Tarheel Native Trees
Terra Nova Nurseries
The Botanischer Garten der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Tregehan Garden
Tuckermarsh Gardens
The Unique Plant
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Bobby Wilder
Williford's Nursery
Witherspoon Rose Culture
Thanks to these donors for investing in the next generation of horticultural science students through their gifts to support the JCRA Internship Program. Internships are a win-win opportunity for students and the Arboretum.
Angelia Beasley
John and Patti Becherer
Davidson Garden Club
Stanton Ezzell and Lisa Kafer
Kelli Ferris
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Alton and Ramona Howard
Charles Kidder and Jane Wilhoite
Thomas and Jane Norris
Gail Perry
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
John and Charlotte Presley
Raleigh Garden Club
Donna Reilly
Dellaine Risley
Donna Warren
Robert Whisnant
Bobby Wilder
Children's Program
Thanks to these friends who supported the budding Children's Program at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Young people are the future stewards of earth, so now is the time to teach appreciation and care of the natural world.
JC Raulston Arboretum Children's Program Enhancement Fund
Ronald Grainger
Ken and Bettie Ruth Jordan
Paul Lessard
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
Gifts in Honor
These special people and organizations were honored by gifts to the JCRA from the friends, family, and colleagues listed.
Ann Clapp
Laurel Hills Garden Club
Anne Porter's Retirement
Mary Brown
Phil and Kathy Kennel
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Bill Satterwhite
Pamela Davis
Green Thumb Garden Club
Bobby Ward
Green Thumb Garden Club
Brienne Gluvna Arthur
Michael Walsnovich and Frederick Ibberson
CALS Development Officers
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Claudia Wilson
Donna Reilly
David Johnson/Johnson Nursery
Goodson & Associates
Doris Deal
Paul Lessard
Jane Meadows' 90th Birthday
Sylvia Blankenship
Jenny Haire
R. J. and Sandra Paur
Dellaine Risley
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
The Redwoods Group
Lynn Jennette
Loy McGill
Mark Cisco
Chris Cline
Mark Weathington
Ruth Garver
Elizabeth Grove
Lawrence Shuping and Brandon Duncan
Ann Fox
The Border Babes
Lisa Bohlen-Admire and Parry Admire
Your Wedding
Anne Porter and Dixie Porter
Gifts in Memory
Memorial gifts support the Arboretum while paying tribute to family and friends. The following people were remembered with a gift in 2015. Heartfelt thanks to the listed donors who honored their loved ones and colleagues in this way.
Anne Simms Haskins
Douglas Brinkley
Audrey Myatt Roberts
Arlene Wilson
Claudia Cochrane Wilson
George Wilson
Donna Harrell
Joanna Smothers
Dorothy Murray
Ann Sayre
Elizabeth "Beth" Waters
Kevin and Monnie Lunsford
Josephine "Jo" Coley Knott Renfro
Judy Raybon
Judy Saunders
John and Linda Charlesworth
Henry and Jacquelyn Craven
Mary Danielson
David Fox
James and Laurie Grun
Helen Hartung
Janet Hiser
Paul and Patricia Larson
Spencer Lawrence
Ronald Madden
Jack and Carol Spiegel
Byron Straughn
Ken Pomer
Shirley Almeida
Kathryn Converse
Jayne Pomer
Mrs. E.R. Howard
W. H. and Melrose Stocks
Nita Fulbright
Phillip and Marjorie Anthony
Steve Havnaer
Patricia High
Barron and Mary Ritchie
Olga Malham
Micki Lew
Wayne Friedrich
Lara Beck
Robert Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
James and Mary Gray Fullwood
Ken and Bettie Ruth Jordan
Mary Ann Rood
Frank and Edith Shallene
Jerry and Sandra Sheppard
Ronald Medeiros
Barbara Nickels
Every year we are amazed with the amount of time and effort our volunteers devote to the Arboretum. Two thousand and fifteen is no different. Our volunteers continue to take on new projects and look for ways to make the Arboretum a wonderful place to visit and enjoy. Though we try to thank them in many ways, it will never be enough. As you can see from the number of hours our volunteers log each year, they are an amazing group. We are truly grateful for all they do.
Volunteer Hours: January–December 2015
Our volunteers gave an amazing 9,646 hours of their time in 2015. Their efforts have made the Arboretum a showplace in the community.
300+ Hours
Larry and Cathy Mack
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
200+ Hours
Mary Edith Alexander
Vivian Finkelstein
James Schlitt
100+ Hours
John Atkinson
Penelope Booze Foss
Laurie Cochran
Heather Curcio
Tom Dickey
Michael Ferrell
Marilyn Golightly
Charles Heatherly
Norfleet Hoggard
Sandra Horn
Anita Kuehne
Richard and Amelia Lane
Mary Leonhardi
Sue Ellen Ott
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert Thornton
Elisabeth Wheeler
Ralph Whisnant
Helen Yoest
40+ Hours
Carol Barmann
Harriet Bellerjeau
Marilyn Bensinger
Wendy Boss
Judith Bradyhouse
Kathleen Clark
Cynthia Cromwell
Kathy Crosby
Colin Daniels
Maryann Debski
Cathy DeWitt
Dennis Drehmel
David and Catherine Duch
Suzanne Edney
Jeffrey Evans
Terri Fairley
Roland Flory
Sonya Fox
Lucy Gardiner
Rebecca Glass
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Kate Hanser
Gail Harris
Annie Hibbs
Laszlo Horvath
Ann Howell
Patrice Hubert
Beth Jimenez
Barbara Kennedy
Charles Kidder
Patricia Korpik
Debbie Lackey
Robert and Sandy (Yu-Yen) Lin
Wayne Love
Sarah Marano
Diane McDaniel
Jean Mitchell
Sandy Morgan
Robert Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Jenny Mullinax
Laddie Munger
Elaine Pace
Linda Peele
John Pelosi
Mike Pittman
Charlotte Presley
Martha Ramirez
Sharon Raupach
Douglas Ruhren
Eugene Schmidt
John Schott
Debra Singer-Harter and Johnathan Harter
Ann Swallow
Ken Traynham
Nancy Wehling
Dee Welker
David White
Warren White
Bobby Wilder
Carol Williams
Lynette Worrell
Other Contributing Hours
Susan Aldworth
Jeanne Andrus
Brienne Arthur
Susan Bailey
Anna Berry
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Eduardo Borja
Vandy Bradow
Alex Brinkley
Anne Britt
Mart Bumgarner
Janet Campbell
Lynn Canada
Carla Carpenter
Hongxia Chen
Anne Clapp
Arnette Clark
Stuart Clayman
Elizabeth Cleveland
Mary Jo Craft
Jan Crotts
Julie Cubeta
Ellen Darst
Michael Davis
Graham Dean
Mary DeFino
Sarah Dixon
Sylvia Drew
Justin Durango
Pamela Eagles
Edith Eddleman
Sharon Everett
Kathryn Field
Julia Flores
Liza Gettles
Susan Grayson
Jean Gross
Onay Gutierrez
Patrick Hamilton
Cindy Hamrick
Barbara Harvey
Robert Hauver
Mitzi Hole
Lawrence and Ilene Holmes
Martha Howard
Catherine Isaza
Rachel Jessup
Deborah Johnson
David Josephus
Gretchen Kammer
Cheryl Kearns
Sheila Kellogg
Kendrick Kemp
Barbara Ketchum
Malissa Kilpatrick
Linda Larkins
Alexander and Carol Lawrence
Ralph Layko
Rebecca Lee
Bill and Valerie Lorenz
Ashley Louden and David Rautert
Julie Lovett
Friederike Machilek
Pat Madariaga
Alison Martin
Lynn Martin
Elena Matthews
Thearon McKinney
Guy Meilleur
Rita Mercer
Bonnie Miller
Melissa Mitchell
Sissy Newell
Louise O'Quinn
Richard Pearson
Lara Rose Philbrook
Whitney Phillips
Kara Pittman
Anne Porter
Christine Ramsey
Kathe Rauch
Mary Beth Rehm
Mary Roman
Patricia Rooney-Licari
Dan Ruehlman
Judy Ryan
Martha Sawall
Dianne Schaffer
Mary Lou Shanklin
Toni Shelton
Susan Skidmore
Andrea Smith
Danielle Smith
Rachel Strauss
John Suddath
Christine Thomson
June Thorvaldsen
Fred Turner, III
Randall Whittington
Amanda Wilkins
Dora Zia