2013 Annual Report
Words from the Director
It is my pleasure to report that 2013 was a "very good year" for the JC Raulston Arboretum largely because we had immense help from our many friends. Here are a few of this year's highlights that I am proud of and think important to share with you.
- The JCRA sponsored or cosponsored over 200 events with more than 11,000 people attending.
- 55 of these events were part of our Children's Program—a 115% increase over 2012!
- One of the JCRA's largest events, the annual Birdhouse Competition and Plant Sale, turned into a trifecta
with the new Raulston Blooms!, a garden festival for all ages event, with more than 1,000 visitors. - The annual signature fundraising event, the Gala in the Garden—An Asian Reflection netted nearly $83,000.
- New legacy naming opportunities in support of the JC Raulston Arboretum were approved by the NC State Board of Trustees in September 2013. These legacy naming opportunities range for gifts from $25,000 to $1,000,000, and a portion of each gift will support the JC Raulston Arboretum's Endowment for Excellence.
- $160,000 in legacy naming donations received in 2013 to support the Bobby G. Wilder Visitor Center and the new Beryl Road JC Raulston entrance gateway
- The JCRA Mission Statement was revised by the Board of Advisors.
- A professional strategic marketing assessment was completed, leading to the organization of six ad hoc committees to address the following major area: education and programing; marketing and promotion; master planning; membership and development; rentals; and Web site. Committees members include the JCRA Board of Advisors and volunteers who specialize in marketing and public relations.
- The Endowment for Excellence buy-a-brick initiative concluded in December raised nearly $25,000 for the endowment.
- $25,000 was given by Patricia and Francis Koppeis to create the Dr. Susan L. Stephenson Endowment for Education at the JC Raulston Arboretum.
- The JCRA was notified of several planned gifts that will benefit the JC Raulston Arboretum including a $25,000 bequest to fund the Anne Marie Porter Travel Fund for the JC Raulston Arboretum Staff Endowment.
- • The History of the Arboretum was written—again! The updated historical document was prepared as a chapter for the "History of the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State" which is being edited by Gus DeHertogh, Ph.D., a former department head. Long-time volunteers and staff were interviewed, plus newsletters and early articles regarding the Arboretum were resource used for this new edition that chronicles the progress of the JC Raulston Arboretum from 1976 to 2013.
- • Introduced in 2012, the JCRA continued the Choice Plants marketing program in collaboration with the Johnson County Nurseryman's marketing committee and Raleigh area garden centers. These distinctive tags are not only a great way for the public to be assured of purchasing an outstanding plant, but this program is adding monetary support to the research and evaluation of new plants.
- Debuted at the 2013 Gala in the Garden, Sir Walter Snarleigh made quite an impression on visitors. The popular bamboo creation, designed and built by Will Hooker's design class, appeared on the cover and in the pages of many newsletters, magazines, and brochures, including "Your Impact," the NC State's annual giving brochure. Our dragon was blogged, posted on Facebook, and tweeted innumerable times by visitors, volunteers, students, staff, and garden writers.
Thanks, Sir Walter Snarleigh, for helping to get the JC Raulston Arboretum noticed!
Horticulturally Speaking
The Arboretum just kept growing in 2013 with new and renovated beds throughout the grounds. We are especially happy with the new troughs funded by the North American Rock Garden Society in the A. E. Finley Rooftop Terrace of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center which add a new element to NC State University's first green roof.
Part of our mission is to help move great plants into the marketplace where they can be widely enjoyed. The Choice Plants program continued to grow in 2013 with the additions of Cercis chinensis 'Kay's Early Hope' (redbud)—a JCRA introduction—and Callicarpa americana 'Welch's Pink' (beautyberry). Both plants have been growing for years at the Arboretum and deserve a wider stage. Look for the Choice Plants logo at your local garden center and check out the grove of 'Kay's Early Hope' redbuds, named for Kay Yow, in Coaches Corner on the NC State campus.
We continue to be blown away by the phenomenal plants coming from NC State's breeding program. A few we are especially excited to have in the garden include former JCRA director, Denny Werner's next generation of dwarf butterfly bush—Buddleja 'Blue Chip Jr.' and 'Micro Chip Pink'—and from the prolific breeding program of Tom Ranney, a wild new dogwood—Cornus 'NCCH1' Little Ruby Dogwood ™—which is a cross between the evergreen C. hongkongensis and the pink flowered C. kousa 'Miss Satomi'.
7,681 different types of plants (taxa) at the JCRA
1,379 new accessions in 2013
1,252 plants planted in 2013
8,851 plants distributed in 2013 (see graph)
Mark Weathington and Ted Bilderback traveled 54,312 miles (as the crow flies) for talks, conferences, and tours many locations including the following (North Carolina travels excluded):
- Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Washington, D.C.
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Athens, Georgia
- Memphis, Tennessee
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Leiden, Netherland
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Dunedin, New Zealand
- London, England
Educational Programs
Educational and public programs continued to expand in 2013. The JC Raulston Arboretum offered 210 programs in 2013 that attracted nearly 11,000 people.
In addition to regularly scheduled programs like the Friends of the Arboretum Lectures, Plantsmen's Tours, a variety of annual events, and popular workshops, we offered many new programs including a gardening workshop with Noel Kingsbury, Raulston Blooms!, photography workshops (with the first food truck at the JCRA), and other hands-on workshops. Make sure to keep an eye on our 2014 calendar for even more programs for everyone young and old, novice to professional.
The Children's Program especially grew by 115% in 2013. Preschool programs such as Garden Storytime and special family events including the Spring Egg Hunt continued to draw children and their families to the Arboretum. New education programs were developed targeted toward elementary-aged students. Some of the most successful programs were the Girl Scout workshops where participants earned their Gardener, Flower, or Tree badges. These programs. along with tours, camps, and homeschool activities. help foster the next generation of gardeners and nature lovers.
NC State students are one of our primary targets and classes from the entomology, forestry, plant biology, and of course horticultural science departments used the JCRA as a hands-on lab for classes and our collections for research projects. One group of students that gets to know the JCRA very well is our summer interns. These students learn how to propagate plants, maintain gardens, and do a little of everything else that goes into managing a diverse collection. Support for the valuable summer intern program is through generous donations from our members.
The JC Raulston Arboretum would like to thank the following organizations for partnering with the JCRA in 2013. With their help, we enhanced existing programs and added many more exciting programs to our lineup than we could have on our own.
- Bluebirders of Wake County
- Capital City Camera Club*
- Carolinas Nature Photographers Association*
- Department of Horticultural Science
- Eastern North Carolina Iris Society
- Garden Conservancy
- Girl Scouts of America
- Joy Recorder Ensemble
- Magnolia Society International
- North American Rock Garden Society (Piedmont Chapter)*
- North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Association
- North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association
- Pi Alpha Xi (Iota Chapter)
- Triangle Bonsai Society
- Triangle Camellia Society
- Triangle Orchid Society
- Wake Audubon
- Wake County Master Gardeners
*These groups meet at the JCRA throughout the year.
Master Plan
The Master Plan volunteer committee continues to be a driving force behind the development of the JCRA. The 2007 conceptual master plan paved the way for the renovation of the Southwestern Garden into the Xeric Garden, renovation and expansion of Asian Valley, renovation of the Japanese Garden, reconstruction of the Lath House, and expansion into two additional acres. The committee updated their plan in 2013 to help us continue the development of the Arboretum. The new plan further refines the 2007 conceptual plan, filling in some of the concepts with more concrete designs and re-arranging and re-imagining some of the Arboretum spaces.
One of the prime goals of the Master Plan has been to make the JCRA a more accessible garden. While we still have far to go, we have made strides towards installing pathways which are easier for strollers, wheelchairs, and others with limited mobility to use. This past year saw the installation of a paver path in the Asian Valley. Paige Moody's crew from Arbor Enterprises made quick work of the job creating a meandering path from the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center to the Japanese Garden.
In the future, we'll be getting a facelift as we improve our pedestrian entrance area with some signature NC State bricks and make some changes to the Bobby G. Wilder Visitor Center. If you'd like to be part of the exciting enhancements at the JCRA, contact Anne Porter, director of development.
Major Gifts to Benefit the Master Plan
Heartfelt thanks to these friends who gave generous special gifts in support of the JCRA's Master Plan and the Endowment for Excellence.
$100,000 and Above
Nina and Jerry Jackson
$50,000 and above
$10,000 and Above
Janice Swab
Bobby Wilder
Membership Makes a Difference
Thank you for your support and advocacy of the JC Raulston Arboretum through the membership program. Memberships are the primary unrestricted support for the JCRA's daily operations and vital for its success. Thanks to these special friends who gave the gift of membership—the gift that keeps giving all year!
Charles and Kathy Hornbuckle
David and Catherine Duch
Taylor's Nursery
Scott Anderson
David Griffin
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Jane Meadows
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Plant Delights Nursery
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
David and Judith Bradyhouse
Malcolm and Patty Brown
Cindy Chappell
Haddon and Irma Clark
Stanton Ezzell and Lisa Kafer
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Hoffman Nursery
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Alexander and Carol Lawrence
Donna Mack
Katherine Mauney
John and Betsy McBrayer
Sampson Nursery
Carl and Janet Shafer
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Arbor Enterprises
Ann Armstrong
Bruce and Mary Barron
John and Patti Becherer
Berylwood Tree Farm (Rolla Wilhite)
Bland Landscaping
Sylvia Blankenship
Richard Blanton and Candace Haigler
Andrew and Sarah Butler
Creative Landscape Designs
Currin's Nursery
Anne Dahle
Frankie Fanelli
Paul and Janet Fantz
Sheldon Galloway
Gardeners of Wake County
Lyle and Rhonda Gardner
Barbara George
David and Liza Gettles
Guy and Sandra Harwood
Hefner's Nursery
John and Jamie Kellner
Russell and Malissa Kilpatrick
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
Ross and Margaret McKinney
Fred and Jeannie Morelock
Peter and Jainel Morris
Outdoor Images
Panther Creek Nursery
Richard Pearson and Jo-An Robertson
Maynard and Joy Phelps
Planning Strategies
Pleasant Run Nursery
James and Mary Ann Poole
Saunders Brothers Nursery and Orchard
Lawrence and Jean Shuping
Eleanor Silver
Mark Smith
Lois Sowers
Swift Creek Nursery
Tarheel Native Trees
Russell and Anthea Tate
John and Lorely Temple
Turftenders Landscape Services
Fred and Elaine Turner
Jay and Colleen Warfield
Phillip and Sara Watts
Thomas and Laura Whatley
Jerry and Adela Whitten
Farrell Wise and Levis Handley
Louise Wrinkle
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Smedes and Rosemary York
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Donald and Jo Ann Adams
Ellen Adams
David and Gail Addison
Anne Albright
Howard and Mary Edith Alexander
Jerry and Jacquelin Allen
Robert and Judy Allen
Jay Althouse and Sally Albrecht
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Timothy Appleby
David and Brienne Arthur
Ronald and Aleta Ash
David Auerbach and Cat Warren
Campbelle and Mary Austin
Susan Bailes and Betty Bailes
Betty Baker
Liz Ball and Frederick Ray
Walter and Marcia Ballard
Allyson Banas and Aline Cote
Mark and Beth Barnes
Russ and Mitzie Barnette
Thomas and Katherine Barrett
Mark and Myra Basinger
Joel and Dawn Battiste
Llewellyn Beaman
Joe and Karen Bearden
Angelia Beasley
Michael and Pam Beck
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Harriet Bellerjeau
Tyler and Phyllis Bennett
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Zack and Jenn Bilderback
David and Tammy Biondi
Richard and Susan Bir
Fred Blackley
Jean Blaine
Ed Boer and Eve von Deck
Zoltan and Nan Bokeny
John and Gladys Bomparte
Edgar and Ethel Boone
Robin Boyles
Brady & Associates Forestry Services
Raymond and Dianne Brinker
Frances Brogden and Chris Nash
Brookhaven Night Garden Club
Donnie and Phyllis Brookshire
John and Nancy Brothers
Lark Brown
Robert and Regan Brown
Charles and Lois Brummitt
Buds & Blooms Nursery
John Buettner and John Dole
Andrew Bunting
David and Patricia Burgess
Robert and Kathy Burke
David and Dawn Burtt
Richard and Nancy Butler
Richard and Carrie Joy Bylina
Lamar and Deborah Caldwell
Weston and Rhonda Caldwell
Richard and Marilyn Calfee
Christine Cameron
Thomas and Elizabeth Campbell
Bob Cantwell and Lydia Wegman
Donald and Kathy Carter
Jason and Quincy Caspar
Arthur and Jean Chard
John and Molly Chiles
Allen and Anne Clapp
George and Pam Clark
Brenda Cleveland and Barry Engber
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
Paul Cole and Randy Gaugert
Bill and Eileen Conklin
Curtis and Anna Cook
Dan and Fairley Bell Cook
Albert Cooke and Daphne Hill
Henry and Irene Cotter
Dale Cousins
Gary and Christi Cramer
Jacob Crandall and Deborah Myatt Crandall
Joseph and Kim Crawford
Cynthia Cromwell
Courtney and Kathy Crosby
James and Patricia Cross
Bill and Mary Cruse
Robert and Jo Ann Cullingford
Jonathon and Rachel Cummings
Michael and Heather Curcio
Thomas and Jennifer Cuthbertson
Vincent and Sandra Dabrowski
Colin Daniels
David Darr and Amy Armbruster
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Jerry and Rosanne Davis
Robert Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
William and Kyra Davis
Alexander and Linda De Grand
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Jim and Betty Deal
Michael and Linda DeFrancesco
Robert and Ann DeMaine
Stephen and Martha Derbyshire
Steve and Cathy DeWitt
Danny and Leigh Dixon
Robert and Colleen Dodds
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Joseph Dubanowich
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Robert and Sandra Dutton
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Don Edwards
Stewart Ellis
Rich and Sylvia Elwyn
Joseph and Amanda Falsone
Martha Farmer
Richard and Margaret Faust
Ronald and Nancy Fayer
Gina Fernandez and Craig Yencho
Michael and Joy Ferrell
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Marilyn Flannigan
Pattie Fleming
Dennis Flood and Carl Duyck
Floral Dimensions
Myron and Ginny Fountain
Ann Fox
Sonya Fox
John and Ellen Freeze
Cynthia Fulbright
Kenneth and Lynn Gaito
H. A. and Sue Gallis
Rossy Garcia and Jim Zieger
Garden Club Council of Winston Salem & Forsyth County
Gardener by Nature (Dale Batchelor and John Thomas)
Gardens by Design
James and Anita Gates
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Tom and Ann Goebel
Andrew and Sheree Goettman
Avram and Debra Gold
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
Karl Gottschalk and Dorothy Pugh
Henry and Ellen Graden
Perry and Patricia Grady
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
William and Amy Gray
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Jean Gross and Donald Miller
Robert and Marge Grossfeld
Rick and Annette Guirlinger
Karen Gulledge and George Grant
Christopher and Ann Marie Gunter
David and Karen Guy
George and Priscilla Haddad
Gail Hafley and Chris Merrill
Porter and Marty Halyburton
Robin Hammond
Deborah Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Philip and Caroline Hamrick
Larry and Kathy Hancock
Victor and Angelika Harabin
James and Dorthy Hardin
Neil and Margaret Harper
Brode Harrell, Jr.
Paul and Dixie Harrell
Michael and Patricia Hartman
Felton and Betty Hastings
Philip and Gail Hatchett
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Bruce and Cynthia Heinlein
Bruce and Peggy Herbert
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
P. D. and Rebecca Hill
John and Kay Linn Hobart
Paul and Judy Hoffman
James Holcomb
Leslie Hollan
Adam and Maria Holtzman
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Harold and Patsy Hopfenberg
Donald and Loretta Hopper
Jerome and Toni Horne
Robert and Roberta Horton
Donald and Carolyn Hoss
Laurie House and John Hopkins
Charlie and June Hoyle
Stephen Hulme and Gloria Barnett
Garrett and Susan Hunter
Laura Irwin
Rocky and Yoko Iwashima
Karla Jacobus
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
John and Paula Jay
Jericho Farms
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Frederick and Kimberly Johnson
Harold and Kristina Johnson
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Wendy Kanable and Ginna Browning
John and Jane Kanipe
Kenneth and Virginia Karb
Curtis Kasefang and Sharon O'Neill
Max and Gisela Kasselt
David Katzin
Dennis and Carol Keller
Andy and Kristin Kelley
David Kelley and Jann Martindale
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
James and Ellen Kelly
George and Fonda Kendley
Charles Kidder and Jane Wilhoit
Larry King and Susan Matthews-King
Mary King
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
Christoph and Katherine Kirschling
Doris Kistler and Frederic Wightman
Edmund and Ruth Klemmer
Charles and Amy Kneifel
John Kocher and Britt Crews
Joanne Kollar and Richard Wolfe
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Jack and Annetta Kushner
Ivey and Vivian Lamm
Bryce and Sue Lane
Richard and Amelia Lane
Duane and Joanne Larick
Richard LaRose
Todd Lasseigne and Heather Toedt-Lasseigne
Elizabeth Lathers and Stephen Dorn
Brent Lawrence
Herbert and Lynn Lawton
Darlene Lee and Steve Wales
Mary Leonhardi and Bradley Dokter
Gerald and Shirley Lester
Denis and Tracy Levy
Timothy and Pamela Lietz
Frank and Mildred Liggett
Hugh and Mary Liner
David and Pamela Livingston
Steven and Marie Lommel
Steven and Arlene Lord
Bill and Valerie Lorenz
Grace Lossman and Ken Pollock
Philip and Jamie Lovdal
Robert Lyons
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Heinrich and Martha Malling
Gus and Geary Mandrapilias
Douglas and Linda Mann
Patrick Martin
Gary Mathews and Eiko Tai
Mark and Linda Matthews
Patrick and Marcia Mattingly
Lon and Mary McCauley
Wayne and Rogeania McCay
Mary McClure
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Duane McDermond and Denise Klimas
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Liz McFarlane Mansfield and David Mansfield
John McGregor, Jr.
Michael and Virginia McKay
James and Ruth Mead
Thomas and Molly Mead
Ronald and Verna Medeiros
Larry and Audrey Mellichamp
Geeta Menon and Albert Santos
Theodore and Jennifer Midthun
Chris and Michelle Mielke
Dale and Sharon Miller
Amy Mindick-Walling and Kelly Walling
John and Stephanie Mitchell
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Kristen Monahan
Jacob and Jennifer Morgan
Laddie and Edna Munger
John and Ann Myhre
Harry and Rebeccah Neff
Bill and Winnell Newman
Mac and Lindsay Newsom
Brian and Lou Raye Nichol
Paul and Lois Nixon
Thomas and Jane Norris
Charles and Beverly Norwood
John and Frances Norwood
Jim and Katherine Nutt
Henry and Heidi Nuttle
David O'Loughlin and Cecilia Raphael-O'Loughlin
Richard and Erin Olsen
James and Shirley Overcash
Mary Overcash
Diana Parrish and Max Wallace
Christopher and Deborah Parsons
Sam and Linda Pearsall
Kenneth and Ana Pecota
John and Carol Pelosi
Donald Perry, III
Patricia Petersen and Douglas Young
Pine Knot Farms
Pinkham's Horticultural Services
Gerbrand and Karyn Poster
Ken and Margaret Powell
Stephen and Jenny Powers
Kelly Prelipp and Sandra Prelipp
Robert and Rose Mary Pries
Charles and Marilyn Racine
Tom and Amira Ranney
Donald and Cynthia Rayno
Cooke Read and Sheila Cooke
Wade and Kathy Reece
John and Diane Rees
Marshall and Pat Reese
Alexandra Reid
William and Margaret Reid
Laurie Renz and Connie Renz
Warren and Katherine Reynolds
Jim and Willa Richardson
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Michelle Ripple and Greg Burkett
Linda Robinson and Richard Snow
Rodgers Landscape Services
Charles and Karen Root
Michelle Rose and Steven Wasleski
Don and Frieda Rosenberg
Joy Rosendale
Elise Ross
Ben and Jeanne Rouse
Thomas and Kathy Rucker
Osama Said and Asama Khan
David and Carole Saravitz
Charles and Mary Sawyer
Dianne Schaffer
James Schlitt
Jill Schmitter and Phillip Hall
John Schneider and Rebecca Dnistran
Chad and Lisa Schutte
Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Walter and Bonnie Shackelford
Jule and Mary Lou Shanklin
Barry and Toni Shelton
Robert and Connie Shertz
David and Susan Shevach
David and Barbara Shew
Edward and Kay Shiflett
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Evaron and Michael Sigmon
Ian and Talmadge Silversides
Sims Farms
Thomas Skolnicki and Kevin Kane
Chip and Celeste Sloop
James Smith
James and Robin Smith
Nathaniel and Roberta Smith
Daniel and Carolyn Solomon
Bruce and Laura Spader
Samuel and Marie St. Clair
Donald and Sylvia Stanat
Lance and Kaye Starnes
Michael Steigerwald and Daphne Crowell
Matt and Katherine Steindl
Bryan Stensvad
Paul and Kim Stephenson
C. B. and Carol Strange
Sugarbush Gardens
Cornelius and Charlotte Swart
John Sweet
Ira and Debbie Swift
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Piroska Szabo and Margaret Link
Edward and Michele Szwedo
John and Anne Tate
Steven and Patricia Taylor
Nile Testerman, Jr., and Elizabeth Austin
Cynthia Thacker
Marvin and Ann Thompson
Lisa Thompson and Steve Thompson
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert and Margaret Thornton
Tinga Nursery
Susan Toplikar and Michael Cindric
Tracy Traer and Thurman Grove
Edward and Cornelia Trimble
Gerald Tynan and Martha Stark
Henry and Nancy Unger
The Unique Plant
Susan Van Eyck and Barry Johnson
Jim and Janet van Handel
Glenn Veit and Judith Kane
Thomas and Dhivya Wagner
Arthur and Jacqueline Warner
WaterWise Garden Design
Dee Welker
Thomas Wentworth and Linda Rudd
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Glenda Westbrook-Neilsen and Kenneth Neilsen
Lane and Linda Wharton
Ralph and Cheryl Whisnant
David White and Janine LeBlanc
David and Carolyn White
David and Megan White
Marshall and Kelley Whitehurst
Matthew and Alison Whitfield
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
Amanda Wilkins
W. R. and Carol Williams
Robert Wooten and Sheila Hunter-Wooten
Worthington Farms
Richard and Amy Woynicz
Susan Wyatt and Robert Kellam
Philip and Louise York
Lucille Zane
Margaret Abrams
Virginia Adkins
Michelle Al-Shishani
Tim Alderton
Shelia Alexander
Nina Allen
Amaryllis Gardens
Terry Ammons
Geoffrey Anderson
Susan Andrews
Roberta Andrews
Appeldoorn Landscape Nursery
Arborcrest Gardens
Architectural Trees
Martha Armstrong
John Atkinson
Lynn Avery
Jane Avinger
Pamela Baggett
Charlotte Bailey
Susan Bailey
Eloise Baines
Patricia Banko
Joyce Barefoot
Carol Barmann
Elizabeth Barrett
Marina Barthalmus
Garnet Bass
Marilyn Bass Goldman
Patricia Battle
Karen Bauer
Alice Beasley
Daphne Beck
Caroline Bellis
Teri Bennett
Albert Benshoff
Marilyn Bensinger
Anna Berry
Ruth Bierhoff
Big Branch Nursery
Caelia Bingham
Diane Birkemo
Charlotte Blackwell
Thomas Bland
Tatiana Blazej-Seltzman
Elizabeth Boehringer
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Patricia Booth
Penelope Booze Foss
Nancy Bower
Hannah Bowers
Warren Boyette
Sarah Bradeen
Lucy Bradley
Walter Bradley
Carol Breckheimer
Alice Breeden
Meriel Brodie
Amanda Browde
Mary Brown
Noelle Browne
Charles Browning
Bret Bucciarelli
Merritt Buckland
Susan Buechele
Wayne Buhler
Tom Bumgarner
Jean Burda
Laurinda Burleson
Allen Bush
Marie Butler
William Butler
Nancy Byrd
Virginia Cahill
Jim Calhoun
Calliope Arts
Elizabeth Calwell
Camellia Forest Nursery
Lynn Canada
Christine Capozzi
Michele Carlo
Carla Carpenter
Bonnie Carson
Karen Cayes
Katherine Chambers
Carla Chamblee
Pamela Chance
Winston Charles
Michael Chelednik
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Bernadette Clark
Kathleen Clark
Carolyn Cline
Bruce Clodfelter
Foresa Coe
Betty Coleman
Pamela Cook
Albert Cooper
Diane Corbin
Melinda Corn
Rebecca Council
Kirtley Cox
Michael Cox
Lilly Craig
Lynda Creutzburg
Sherman Criner
Margaret Crooks
Tammie Crosier
Chicita Culberson
Ann Cutter
Genelle Dail
Kelly Dail
Leah Dail
Minda Daughtry
Donald Davage
Jinnie Davis
Anna De Felice
Meredith De La Vergne
Donna Deal
Loretta Del Palazzo
JoAnn Dewar
Lacy Dick
Valerie Domanico
Sarah Domingos
Alexander Donaldson
Nancy Doubrava
Dover Foundation
Janet Draper
Sylvia Drew
Darrin Duling
Durham Council of Garden Clubs
Jared Dutton
C. J. Dykes
Chelsey Early
Edith Eddleman
Suzanne Edney
Martha Ellington
Tim Elliott
Wendy Elliott
Shelly English
Jennifer Escoubas
Evans Evergreen Nursery
Fair View Nursery
Susan Fedor
Amy Feriozzi
Robert Ferone
Kathryn Field
Barbara Fields
Margaret Fisher
Julia Flores
Roland Flory
Laura Ford
Nancy Foster
Sandra Fussell
Alan Galloway
The Garden Collection
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Lucy Gardiner
Tom Gargano
Gethsemane Gardens and Nursery
Charles Gilliam
Dominic Gillooly
Renee Glasgo
Dollie Glaum
Christopher Glenn
Goddin Landscape & Maintenance
Eugene Golden
Goodson & Associates
Julie Gorka
JoAnn Gow
Elizabeth Graham
Frank Grainger
Lizabeth Gray
Susan Grayson
Jason Griffin
Douglass Gross
Grounds Touch Landscaping
Walter Gutierrez
Jenny Haire
Judy Belle Halgren
David Hall
The Hamlin Companies
Susan Hammer
Larry Hammett
Laura Hamrick
Sarah Hanner
Jacqueline Harper
Gail Harris
Karen Harris
Debra Singer-Harter
Barbara Haskell
Awatif Hassan
Robert Hauver
Barbara Hawkins
John Hefner
Warren Henderson
Aileen Hendry
Ken Henke
Anderson Hensley
Christopher Herbstritt
Vicky Herring
Mary Benjamin Hester
Sarah Himmelfarb
Anne Hines
Laura Hinkle
Robert Hinson
Eric Hirsch
Janet Hoffman
Norfleet Hoggard
Carol Hogue
James Holland
Marcia Hollis
Ilene Holmes
Sandra Homes
Sandra Horn
Marty Howard
Ann Howell
Patricia Hudson
Cyndy Hummel
Thomas Hunter, Jr.
June Hutson
Catherine Isaza
Linda Jaeger
"John Jarvis, III"
James Jeffrey
Edwin Jenkins
Jere's Landscaping
Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ben Jones
Joe Jones
Margaret Jones
Marilyn Jones
Terrence Jones
Margaret Jordan
Andrea Judge
Arleen Justick
Kathie Kalmowitz
Deborah Kane
Gloria Kanoy
Arthur Kelley
Richard Kemp, Jr.
Olivia Kemp
David Kennedy
Barbara Kennedy
Melissa Kennedy
Frances Kerr
Doris Kester
Tim Ketchie
Barbara Ketchum
Robert Kinch
Jennette King
Joey Kinney
Lyla Kloos
Faye Koonce
Patricia Korpik
Charles Kronberg
Anita Kuehne
Carolyn Lackey
Lake View Daylily Farm
Joshua Langdon
Mary Larkin
Stephanie Lauck
Ann Lawhon
Virginia Lawler
Betty Lazo
Rebecca Lee
Legacy Lighting
Virginia Leone
Nike Lewis
Colin Lickwar
Betsy Lindemuth
Elsa Liner
Carolyn Littles
Shirley Livengood
Longwood Gardens
Ruth Love
Wayne Love
Keith Lukowski
Elizabeth Lyne
Friederike Machilek
Cathy Mack
Robert Mackintosh
Jacquelyn Manning
Sarah Marano
Kim Markling
Gustavo Maroni
Rebecca Martin
Theresa Martin
Liza Martina
Patricia Martinez
Susan Mastro
Julie Matlock
Terry May
Mike McCarthy
Louise McCracken
Charles McCue, Jr.
Ida McCullers
Janet McGettrick
Alberta McKay
Thearon McKinney
Rachel McLaughlin
Sharon McLean
Carol McNeel
Paula Jo Meek
Rita Mercer
Elizabeth Mew
Julia Meyers
Marilyn Michie-Grist
Frances Milks
Marlyn Miller
Lynn Miller
Cindy Mills
Melissa Mitchell
Barbara Mitu
Emily Monk Davidson
Susan Montpetit
Sandy Morgan
Brian Morris
Jeffery Morton
Peggy Murray
Virginia Murray
Mary Jo Muzzey
Katherine Myers
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Beneficial Insects Lab
Niche Gardens
Phil Normandy
Elizabeth Norval
Neena Nowell
Janis Nutt
Flora O'Brien
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor
Virginia O'Toole
Diane Olson
Beverly Orozco
Elizabeth Overcash
Richard Moss
Beth Owens
Elaine Pace
Anne Page
Jo Ann Pagel
Irene Palmer
Carolyn Parker
Ginny Parker
Astrid Parker
Mary Belle Pate
Linda Peele
Dolores Pendergast
Jo Perry
Terry Perry
Robert Peter
Rose Phillips
Piney Ridge Nursery
Tylila Pinkham
Betty Pipes
Mike Pittman
Plantworks Nursery
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Marguerite Pond
Edward Ponek
Tracy Poole
Thomas Pope
Anne Porter
Glenda Potter
William Powell, Jr.
Bonnie Pratt
Jeffrey Preddy
Charlotte Presley
Elizabeth Pringle
Linda Quarles
Raleigh Garden Club
Martha Ramirez
Christine Ramsey
Marti Ranney
Sharon Raschke
Rachel Rawls
Graham Ray
Kathleen Redfern
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Jeff Reynolds
Durban Rhame
Paula Rice
Caroline Richardson
Jodi Riedel
Jessica Rigouard
Sarah Rigouard
Ray Ritchie
Louise Rogers
Mary Roman
Kelly Roney
Kay Ruark
Steve Rubin
Douglas Ruhren
Jean Rundquist
Judy Ryan
Jeremy Sanders
Anne Sayers
Diane Schaaf
John Schott
Stephen Schroedl
Iris Schwintzer
Patricia Scolnik
Garrison Scott
Jeffrey Scott
Melody Scott
Mark Shuman
Tracy Sides
Betsy Sigmon
Algie Simpson
Elaine Sisko
Christopher Smith
David Smith
Margaret Smith
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance & North Carolina Farm Bureau
Southern Horizons Landscaping
Esther Spaltenstein
Kathryn Spiegel
Spring Branch Landscapes
Eileen Stahl
Annabelle Stein
Carol Stein
Flo Stein-Bolton
Anita Stejskal
Marian Stephenson
Hugh Stevens, Jr.
Holly Stinson
Sean Stokes
Jacqueline Straub
Edna Suggs
James Sumerell
Marguerite Summers
Janice Swab
Ann Swallow
Ravi Swamy
Swanson & Associates
Pamela Taheri
Elizabeth Tatum
James Taylor
Theresa Thacher
The Lehmann Design Group
Char Thomann
Alden Thompson
Beverly Thomson
Christine Thomson
Peggy Titus
Ken Traynham
Tween Streams Gardens
Twin City Garden Club
Valerie Tyson
Effie Underwood
Karen Untz
Paulette van de Zande
Betsy Viall
Vrb Photography
Lynda Waldrep
Daryl Walker
Hallie Walker
Jared Walker
Ann Frye Wallace
Donna Warren
Molly Watters
Mark Weathington
Laura Weaver
Jeffrey Webb
Edward Weiss
Florence Whatley
Elisabeth Wheeler
Sara Wheeless
Robert Whisnant
Sarah White
Warren White
Denise Whitman
Sheila Wilkerson
Laura Willer
Katherine Williams
Ross Williams
James Wilson, Jr.
Ada Winters
Stephen Wirth
Emmy Wolters
John Wood
Melanie Wyatt
James Xu
Susan Yarger
Edward Yellig
Charles Young
Loretta Young
Dana Zamiara
Mary Zimmerman
Gifts of Membership
These friends of the Arboretum gave the distinctive gift of membership to friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Th anks for giving the gift of a JCRA membership—a gift that keeps on giving all year!
Campbelle and Mary Austin
Bayer Advanced
Bell Family Foundation
Ted and Linda Bilderback
David and Judith Bradyhouse
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Cindy Chappell
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Dan and Lyn Cochrane
C. J. Dykes and Bryar Cougle
Stanton Ezzell and Lisa Kafer
Falls Revival (Jeffrey Bottoms and John Martin)
Wilton Fitzgerald
Jennifer Harrison
Henry Leon Lobsenz Foundation
Christopher Herbstritt
Arthur Kelley
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Melissa Kennedy
Richard and Amelia Lane
Betty Lewis
Hugh and Mary Liner
Susan Myers
Richard Pearson and Jo-An Robertson
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Anne Porter
Christine and Bill Ramsey
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
Jessica Rigouard
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden
Robert and Martha Smith
Regina Steigerwald
Russell and Anthea Tate
Douglas and Kim Walling
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Shannon Williams
Worthington Farms
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Gala in the Garden
The annual proceeds from the Gala in the Garden support not only vital JC Raulston Arboretum staff positions, but critical unrestricted funds that are used for its daily operational expenses and on-going research. These proceeds directly help to keep the gates open, the gardens in top shape, and the plant collections impressive.
2013 Sponsors
North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
Bayer Advanced
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
A. E. Finley Foundation
Hoffman Nursery
Bobby Wilder
Ted and Linda Bilderback
The Brickman Group
Tommy Bunn
Tim and Teri Clark
Fair Products
The Hamlin Companies
Jeanette Hyde
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Arthur Kelley
Jane Meadows
North Carolina Agricultural Foundation
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance & North Carolina Farm Bureau
Taylor's Nursery
Worthington Farms
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Bell Family Foundation
John Buettner and John Dole
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Haddon and Irma Clark
Duke Energy
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
The Fire Place
Deborah Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Jere's Landscaping
Johnson Nursery Corp.
William and Melda Lamm
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Robert Lyons
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Plantworks Nursery
Anne Porter
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Sampson Nursery
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Russell and Anthea Tate
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Bill and Libby Wilder
Laura Willer and David Huffstetler
Special Gift
Guirlinger Family Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
The Hayter Firm
Mary Joslin
Dora Zia
Investment into Perpetuity
All of the endowments that support the JCRA are wise investments and support a lasting legacy. Heartfelt thanks to these friends who chose to invest in the Raulston Arboretum.
JC Raulston Arboretum Endowment for Excellence
A. E. Finley Foundation
Ellen Adams
Howard and Mary Edith Alexander
Robert and Judy Allen
David and Brienne Arthur
Ronald and Aleta Ash
Allyson Askew
Maureen Banker
Prudence Beatty
Harriet Bellerjeau
Jean Benjamin
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Geraldine Blackwood
Bloomsbury Garden Club
Lisa Bohlen-Admire and Parry Admire
Marion Boissiere
Marion and Derrick Boissiere
Penelope Booze Foss
Vandy Bradow
Scott Brandis and Jason Jones
Douglas Brinkley
Brookhaven Night Garden Club
Donnie and Phyllis Brookshire
Linda Buckner
Bernard and Donna Bumgarner
Charles Bumgarner, Jr. and Mary Ann McKinnon
Thornton Burnet, Jr.
William Butler
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Kathleen Callahan
Elizabeth Calwell
Mary Cameron
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Herbert and Hertha Campbell
Carolina Country Club
Irene Carranza
Allen and Anne Clapp
Kenneth and Ann Cobb
Patrice Cooke and Mark Hughes
Sue Copley
Michael and Jennifer Cox
David Crawford
Samuel and Christine Cross
Sandi Dabrowski
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Nicholas and Katharine Davies
Doris Deal
Steve and Cathy DeWitt
Barbara Dickman
Ralph and Karen Dolfi
Dover Foundation
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
David and Catherine Duch
Lennis and Rose Ellen Dunn
Eastern North Carolina Iris Society
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Todd and Susan Eichler
Russell and Beverly Elingburg
Raeford and Donna Eure
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Paul and Kathryn Field
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Margaret Fisher
Dennis Flood and Carl Duyck
Wayne Friedrich
Denise Gard
Rob and MaryLou Gelblum
Fred and Susan Gentry
Jeanette Germaine
Greenleaf Nursery Co., North Carolina Division
Mary Grubbs
Rick and Annette Guirlinger
David Hall, Jr.
The Hamlin Companies
John and Michelle Hardin
Nancy Hardin and Carol Brainard
Richard and Alice Hardy
John and Elizabeth Harris
Guy and Sandra Harwood
Philip and Gail Hatchett
Kay Hawkins
The Hayter Firm
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Sarah Himmelfarb
John and Doris Holland
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Harvey and Edith Horne
Anthony Houser
Ricardo and Catherine Isaza
J. Frank Schmidt Family Trust
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Linda Kane, TTEE
Robert and Olivia Kemp
Melissa Kennedy
Mary Kerley and Marilyn Fulmer
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Mary Kuhr
Carolyn Lackey
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Dante Landucci and Nancy Harnett
Richard and Amelia Lane
Late Bloomers Garden Club
Teresa Lewis
Hugh and Mary Liner
Charles and Shirley Livengood
Robert Lyons
MacGregor Downs Garden Club
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
David and Beverly McCarter
Wayne and Rogeania McCay
Diane McDaniel
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Duane McDermond and Denise Klimas
Craig and Ana McKeel
Sharon McLean
Charles and Linda McLendon
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Ben and Kyla Moehring
Barbara Moore
Richard Moore and E. Wayne White
Jacob and Jennifer Morgan
Myra Moses
North Carolina Landscape Association
Jesse and Elaine Pace
O. H. and Joy Pattison
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Sebastian and Katherine Perretta
Lynda Pilkington
Charles and Patricia Poe
Anne Porter
Dixie Porter
Andrew and Virginia Raby
Raleigh Garden Club
Raleigh Hemerocallis Club
Betty Ray
Sherrill and Carolyn Register
Linda Robinson and Richard Snow
David and Diane Rodger
James Rogers
Kelly Roney
Amy Sams
Diane Schaaf
Gary and Lee Schaffer
Mark Schaffer
John Schofield, III
John Schott
Stephen Schroedl
Carl and Janet Shafer
Donna Shields
Edward and Kay Shiflett
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Robert and Elizabeth Sidnam
Barbara Singer
Robert and Martha Smith
SODCO Turf Producers
Joshua and Sommer Souther
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Starmount Garden Club
Matt and Katherine Steindl
Richard and Jere Stevens
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Frederick and Myra Taylor
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Fred and Elaine Turner
Jennifer Weiss and Bruce Hamilton
Dee Welker
David and Carolyn White
Shirley Wicker
Edith Wilkins
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Ross and Bobbie Williams
Shannon Williams
Barbara Winn
Joe and Dana Woody
Worthington Farms
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Tamara Yamaykin
Jonathan York
Dora Zia
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Marian Nottingham Finley/Marian Nottingham Rice Rose Garden Endowment
A. E. Finley Foundation
Robert E. Lyons JC Raulston Arboretum Internship Endowment
Tim Alderton
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Bernadette Clark
Nancy Doubrava
Paul and Kathryn Field
Christopher Glenn
Loren and Barbara Kennedy
Gale and Faye Koonce
Elizabeth Lathers and Stephen Dorn
Ida McCullers
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
Anne Porter
Ann Swallow
Valerie Tyson and Richard Ehrhardt
Mark and Mary Weathington
Bricks—Building a Legacy
In commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center complex, special bricks were sold in support of the JCRA Endowment for Excellence. A very special thank you to these donors who chose to invest in the JC Raulston Arboretum.
Richard and Alice Hardy
Guy and Sandra Harwood
Philip and Gail Hatchett
Kay Hawkins
The Hayter Firm
Charles and Evelyn Heatherly
Sarah Himmelfarb
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Ricardo and Catherine Isaza
Linda Kane
Robert and Olivia Kemp
Melissa Kennedy
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Mary Kuhr
Carolyn Lackey
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Late Bloomers Garden Club
Teresa Lewis
Hugh and Mary Liner
Charles and Shirley Livengood
Robert Lyons
MacGregor Downs Garden Club
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
David and Beverly McCarter
Wayne and Rogeania McCay
Diane McDaniel
Jesse McDaniel and Beverly Thomas
Duane McDermond and Denise Klimas
Craig and Ana McKeel
Sharon McLean
Charles and Linda McLendon
Ben and Kyla Moehring
Barbara Moore
Richard Moore and E. Wayne White
Jacob and Jennifer Morgan
Myra Moses
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Sebastian and Katherine Perretta
Lynda Pilkington
Charles and Patricia Poe
Anne Porter
Dixie Porter
Andrew and Virginia Raby
Raleigh Garden Club
Linda Robinson and Richard Snow
David and Diane Rodger
James Rogers
Kelly Roney
Amy Sams
Diane Schaaf
Gary and Lee Schaffer
Mark Schaffer
Stephen Schroedl
Carl and Janet Shafer
Edward and Kay Shiflett
Robert Shore and Brian Caldwell
Barbara Singer
Robert and Martha Smith
SODCO Turf Producers
Joshua and Sommer Souther
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Starmount Garden Club
Matt and Katherine Steindl
Richard and Jere Stevens
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Frederick and Myra Taylor
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Fred and Elaine Turner
Dee Welker
David and Carolyn White
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Ross and Bobbie Williams
Shannon Williams
Barbara Winn
Joe and Dana Woody
Worthington Farms
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Jonathan York
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Special Gifts
Sincerest thanks to these donors who gave special monetary gifts over and above membership.
18 Seaboard
Robin Abrams and Simon Atkinson
Donald and Jo Ann Adams
Jenny Adams
Jill Adams
Nina Allen
Frank and Mary Beth Almeda
American Conifer Soc./Southeastern Region
Linda Anderson
William and Lide Anderson
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Timothy Appleby
David and Brienne Arthur
Martha Ashby
John and Sandra Atkins
Alan and Sharon Ayers
Richard Back
Mark and Beth Barnes
Thomas and Lisa Barrie
Kathryn Bates
Joyce Beale
The Bedford Group
Jayme Bednarczyk and Philip Abbott
Harriet Bellerjeau
Caroline Bellis
Mark and May Bensen
Jack and Patricia Benson
Lisa Berley
Bernard Robinson & Company
Ted and Linda Bilderback
Robert and Sandra Birckhead
Georgia Bizios
Jim and Audrey Black
Sylvia Blankenship
Joan Blazich
Bloomsbury Garden Club
Blossom Garden Club
Molly Bohn
Mark Bond
Mary Bost
Rebecca Boston and Scott Shore
Robin Boyles
Robert and Lucy Bradley
Brier Creek Country Club Owners Association
Chris and Margaret Browning
Charles and Lois Brummitt
Mary Louisa Bryant
Judy Buckingham
John Buettner and John Dole
William and Gail Bunce
Tommy Bunn
Andrew Bunting
Laurinda Burleson
David and Dawn Burtt
James Bustrack
Andrew and Sarah Butler
Calliope Arts
Christine Cameron
Cantina 18
Tod Carley and Danesha Seth-Carley
Jon and Lisbeth Brittain Carter
Charles and Margie Case
Doug Champion and Susan Suggs
Chapel Hill Garden Club
Cindy Chappell
Arthur and Jean Chard
Cheryl Hight Art
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Andrew and Eleanor Cioffi
Joel Clancy
Roger and Judith Clark
Carolyn Cline
Kenneth and Sandra Close
Connie and Laurie Cochran
Colony Woods Garden Club
Dan and Fairley Bell Cook
Albert Cooke and Daphne Hill
Linda Copeland
Dexter and Jan Covington
Jack and Micki Cox
Burton and Heather Craige
Heather Crews
Cynthia Cromwell
Crosstalk Sunday School Class
Chicita Culberson
Currin's Nursery
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Larry Daniel
Colin Daniels
Lucy Daniels
Susan Daughtry
Jamie Davidson
Jerry and Rosanne Davis
Mike Davis
Angela Davis-Gardner
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Jim and Betty Deal
Angie DeLozier
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
David and Catherine Duch
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Edith Eddleman
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Burak Erdim
Holly Everitt
Barbara Fair and John Owens
Carol Fair
Fallon Park Garden Club
Farrior Hills Home and Garden Club
Faust Nursery
Robert and Diane Ferone
Alan and Marty Finkel
Beverly Ford
Carolyn Foshee
Brett and Stephanie Freese
John and Carolyn Fry
Galloway Ridge at Fearrington
Sheldon Galloway
The Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program
Gardeners of Wake County
Gardening with Confidence (Helen Yoest and David Philbrook)
Gardens by Design
Lyle and Rhonda Gardner
Georgia Tech Foundation
David and Liza Gettles
Dollie Glaum
Christopher Glenn
Danold and Marilyn Golightly
Raymond and Susan Goodmon
Arthur and Anne Gordon
Mary Gracely
Henry and Ellen Graden
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
Robert and Gloria Graham
John and Barbara Grainger
Cynthia Green and S. Bruce Martin
Green Thumb Garden Club
Bill and Sally Grimley
Jean Gross and Donald Miller
Paula Gupton Page
Gabriele Gusmini
Walter Gutierrez
David and Karen Guy
Michael and Eliza Hager
Zachary Hall
Deborah Hamrick and Ed Gaines
Larry and Kathy Hancock
Jim Hanger
Andrew and Susan Hanson
Carolyn Happer
Joseph and Ann Hardesty
James and Dorthy Hardin
Richard and Alice Hardy
Frank Harmon
Neil and Margaret Harper
Barbara Harvey and Keith Jensen
Awatif Hassan
Adam Helsel
Sherri Henderson
Anne Hennessey
David and Cynthia Herlong
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Roxanne Hicklin and Ann Stutler
Richard and Tika Hicks
Hidden Hills Garden Club
Lawrence and Jo Ellen High
Donald and Constance Hiller
Eric Hirsch
Hoffman Nursery
Paul and Judy Hoffman
Lawrence and Ilene Holmes
Will Hooker and Jeana Myers
Harold and Patsy Hopfenberg
Margaret Hoyle
Robert and Jane Huband
Donald and Diana Jackson
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Jim and Gloria Jahnke
John Jarvis, III
Jackson and Delorah Jett
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
Von and Deborah Johnson
Johnston County Nurserymen Association
Marilyn Jones
Kathie Kalmowitz
Wendy Kanable and Ginna Browning
Gloria Kanoy
David and Lynda Kay
Arthur Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
The Kelly Cobb Home Team
Richard Kemp, Jr.
Larry and Barbara Ketchum
Kidzu Children's Museum
Mary King
Larkin and Rosa Kirkman
Matthew Kizak and Amy Clifford
Walter Klausmeier
Edmund and Ruth Klemmer
Virginia Knight
Gale and Faye Koonce
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Ekaterina Korobkina
Charles and Peggy Korte
Joyce Kulkarni
Major and Catherine Lackey
Erin Lamb
Jack Lamm, II, and Dan Gant
William and Melda Lamm
Blair Lane
Richard and Amelia Lane
Larry Langford
Eugene and Vicky Langley
Lappas & Havener
Linda Larkins
Ethel Larus
Marilyn Lary
Larry and Linda Lawrence
Paul Layne
Betty Lazo
Leaksville Garden Club
Christopher Lee
Charles and Wanda Leffler
Mary Leonhardi and Bradley Dokter
David Levine and Margaret Bailey
Scott and Nike Lewis
The Little Garden Club of Warrenton
Charles and Shirley Livengood
Gordon and Catherine Locatis
Steven and Marie Lommel
Grace Lossman and Ken Pollock
Keith Lukowski
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Betty Lykins
Lynn van Dokkum Photography
Charles and Greer Lysaght
MacGregor Downs Garden Club
Kerry and Patricia MacPherson
Douglas and Linda Mann
Ernest and Anna Marshall
Michael Marsicano
Barbara Martin
Master Gardeners of Lee County
Catherine Maxwell and Ben Fewel
James and Connie Maynard
McCracken Nursery
Ralph McDonald and Margaret McLaurin
Liz McFarlane Mansfield and David Mansfield
McKenna Construction Company
Michael and Carla McKinney
Rachel McLaughlin
Bob and Jean McLeod
Larry and Audrey Mellichamp
Thomas and Judy Melton
Rita Mercer
Meredith College
Walter and Julia Meyers
Hans-Buenter and Hallie Michel
Nancy Mingis
Wayne and Jean Mitchell
Jo Carol Mitchell-Rogers
Thomas and Virginia Monaco
Emily Monk Davidson
Pattie Moore-Boyette
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
North Carolina Academy of Science
Joe Neal
William Nealis
Karen Neill
Paul and Jeanne Nelson
Dennis Niemeyer
Thomas and Jane Norris
North Carolina Landscape Association
North Carolina Unit of the Herb Society of America
Oakmont Nursery
Olde Raleigh Ladies Club
James and Shirley Overcash
Donna Oxley
Wetonah Parker
Sue Ellen Parrish
Robert and Sandra Peace
Richard Pearson and Jo-An Robertson
Edson and Suzanne Pease
John and Carol Pelosi
Nicole Pertuiset
Patricia Petersen and Douglas Young
Charles and Vicki Phaneuf
Rose Phillips
Pi Alpha Xi, NC State University
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Tylila Pinkham
Wayne Place
Planning Strategies
Plant Delights Nursery
Plantworks Nursery
Charles and Patricia Poe
Anne Porter
Durham and Mary Potter
Linda Quarles
Sara Queen
Raleigh Hemerocallis Club
Patrick Rand
Philip and Rebecca Redwine
John and Diane Rees
William and Margaret Reid
Laurie Reinhardt-Plotnik and Ofer Plotnik
Renz Landscape & Irrigation
Paula Rice
Robert Riggs
Michelle Ripple and Greg Burkett
Charles Rodes and Tina Belmaggio
Vonda Rodriguez
James Rogers
Katie Rose
Thomas and Kathy Rucker
Thomas and Lauren Ryan
David and Carole Saravitz
Cynthia Savage
Diane Schaaf
Kristen Schaffer
Aaron and Stacey Schettler
James Schlitt
Ronald and Melody Scott
William and Rita Sears
SEPI Engineering & Construction
Mike Serozi and Nancy Miller-Serozi
Charles and Brenda Serrell
Julie Sherk
Ann Shivers
Betsy and Greg Sigmon
Eleanor Silver
Silver Palate Feeders
Gerald Simcoe
Marian Simmons-St. Clair
Patsy Skinner
Lynn Small
Stephen and Rachel Smith
Wade and Ann Smith
Russell Snyder
Donna Sosa
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance & North Carolina Farm Bureau
Andrew and Esther Spaltenstein
Michael and Kim Spinello
Samuel and Marie St. Clair
Thomas and Judy Stafford
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Virginia Stambaugh
Lance and Kaye Starnes
State Employees Combined Campaign
Mary Margaret Steele
Mary Jo Stephenson
Alan and Maxine Stern
Richard Stickney, Jr.
Jane Stikeleather
Sidney and Rachel Strauss
Doug and Bonnie Sutton
David and Terri Swanson
James and Lynn Swanson
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Neil Tatum
Frederick and Myra Taylor
Louise Taylor
Paul and Sally Tesar
The Lehmann Design Group
Timothy Thomas
Derek and Barbara Thompson
Robert and Margaret Thornton
Trees Across Raleigh
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Aaron and Amy Trudo
Fred and Elaine Turner
Turtle Creek Nursery
Twin City Garden Club
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Karen Untz
Lawrence Vellani
Cheryl Walker and Jeffrey Huberman
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Mark and Mary Weathington
Gregory and Laura Anne Welch
Florence Whatley and Richard Rogers
Steven and Patricia Wheaton
Elisabeth Wheeler
Robert Whisnant
Bobby Wilder
Amanda Wilkins
David and Judiann Wilkinson
Katherine Williams
George and Claudia Wilson
Matthew Wood
Randy and Susan Woodson
Worthington Farms
Dana Zamiara
Dora Zia
Mary Zimmerman
Joe and Lisé Zublena
Betsy Zurl
Thanks to these generous businesses and organizations that help strengthen the JCRA's membership program. Please visit the JCRA's Web site for more details regarding these outstanding benefits.
Membership Benefit Providers
Architectural Trees
Atlantic Avenue Orchid & Garden Center
Campbell Road Nursery
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Garden Supply Co.
Gardening with Confidence
Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
Indigo Marsh Nursery
Lasting Impressions
Lynn van Dokkum Photography
Mountain View Nursery
Neomonde Deli
Norwood Road Garden
Oakmont Nursery
Outdoor Images
Paolucci's Italian Bar and Grill
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Summer Classics
Tarheel Native Trees
WaterWise Garden Design
Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gift programs are a great way to optimize individual gifts to the JCRA. We sincerely appreciate the generosi ty of the corporations that sponsor these programs and the donors who make the initial gift to benefit the Arboretum.
Aetna Foundation
American Express Foundation
BASF Corporation
IBM Corporation
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Monsanto Fund
Pfizer Foundation
Saint-Gobain Corporate Foundation
Siemens Energy
Sprint Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Gift-in-kind Donors
Support through in-kind gifts is vital to the success of our events, especially the Gala in the Garden and the JCRA Plant Sale. They also provide services and plant materials that keep the Arboretum beautiful for everyone.
Non-botanical Gifts
Linda Anderson
Dwen Andrews-Cita and Felix Cita Gomez
Thomas and Jeanne Andrus
Anne Atkinson
Harriet Bellerjeau
Marilyn Bensinger
Burke Brothers Hardware
Mark Burnham
Lynn Canada
Carolina Stalite
Cheryl Kearns Landscaping
Roger and Rose Crickenberger
Cynthia Cromwell
CrossRoads Ford
Marc and Julie Cubeta
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Gayle Davidonis
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Sylvia Drew
The Espoma Company
Sam Ezell
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Wayne Friedrich
David and Liza Gettles
Mike Gibbons
Elizabeth Guzynski and Patrick Chu
Hanover Park Vineyard
Gail Harris
Ray and Annie Hibbs
Julia Hoffman
Margaret Hoffman
Brian and Marty Howard
Jenny Ingraham
Jere's Landscaping
Jewelry by Artie
Harold and Kristina Johnson
Loren and Barbara Kennedy
Charles Kidder and Jane Wilhoit
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Thomas Krenitsky
Linda Larkins
Lasting Impressions
Marla Laubisch
Robert and Stephanie Lauck
Richard and Sally Linton
Matt Mahler Photography
McCracken Nursery
Ronald and Verna Medeiros
Rita Mercer
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Natural Stone Sculptures
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Niche Gardens
Novozymes North America
Outdoor Bird Company
Parker Bark Company
John and Carol Pelosi
Pennington Seed Co.
Phil Morgan Pottery
Pine Knot Farms
Dixie Porter
John and Charlotte Presley
PRP Wine International
Christine and Bill Ramsey
Marion Redd
Redwine's Plantscaping & Special Events (Sylvia Redwine)
Alexandra Reid
Carol Robertson
Skin Sense
Estate of Dr. Susan T. Stephenson
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert and Margaret Thornton
Triangle Gardener (Beverly Hurley)
Dee Welker
Glenda Westbrook-Neilsen and Kenneth Neilsen
Patricia Westphal
David White and Janine LeBlanc
W. R. and Carol Williams
Carl and Louise Zorowski
Botanical Gifts
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Ökológiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézetének Botinkus Kertje
Abkhazi Garden
Adcock's Nursery
Adelman Peony Gardens
Tim Alderton
Appeldoorn Landscape Nursery
Atlanta Botanic Garden Gainesville
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Aukland Botanic Gardens
Bailey Nurseries
Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Arboretum
Sean Barton
Baucom's Nursery Co.
Bennett's Creek Nursery
Berry Family of Nurseries
Big Branch Nursery
Adam and Susan Black
Botanischer Garten Graz
Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Pascal Bruggeman
Bruntwood Nurseries
Brushwood Nursery
Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery
Camellia Forest Nursery
Campbell Road Nursery
Casey Nursery
Chollipo Arboretum
Commercial Nursery
Cynthia Cromwell
Crûg Farm Plants
Currin's Nursery
Custom Landscapes (Suzanne Edney)
David Austin Roses
Dawes Arboretum
Michael and Bonnie Dirr
Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Dr. Sun Yat-SenClassical Chinese Garden
Richard Dufresne
Eastern North Carolina Iris Society
Edith Eddleman
Linda Eggins
Evolution Plants
Adriana Feng
Finch Blueberry Nursery
Aaron Floden
Christopher Glenn
Government House of British Columbia
Greenleaf Nursery Co., North Carolina Division
Greer Gardens
Hamilton Gardens
Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center
Hands on Nursery, NC State University
Hawksridge Farms
Hefner's Nursery
Heng-Chun Tropical Botanical Garden
Heritage Seedlings
Hidden Hollow Nursery
Highland Creek Nursery
Hoffman Nursery
Hokonui Alpines
The Holden Arboretum
Hollingsworth Peonies
Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
Iseli Nursery
J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.
Jardín Botánico Francisco Instituto de Ecologia
Jericho Farms
Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
Johnson Nursery Corp.
Ozzie Johnson, Jr.
Jack Johnston
Ben Jones
Junker's Nursery
Richard and Melanie Kelley
Klehm's Song Sparrow Farm and Nursery
Roy and Sue Lancaster
Anthony LeBude
McCorkle Nurseries
McCracken Nursery
McMahan's Nursery
Monrovia Nursery of North Carolina
Moore Farms
Morris Arboretum, Univ. of PA
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, NC State University
Mr. Maple Nursery
NCSU Bedding Plant Trial Program
Joe Neal
Nelson Nursery
Niche Gardens
Norfolk Botanical Gardens Society
North Carolina Botanical Gardens
North Carolina Museum of Art
North Creek Nurseries
Nurseries Caroliniana
Oakmont Nursery
Panoramic Farm
Panther Creek Nursery
Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden
Peace Tree Farm
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Pepper's Greenhouses
Jesse and Rebecca Perry
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Plant Delights Nursery
Plantation Springs Nursery
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Pleasant Run Nursery
Powell Gardens
John and Charlotte Presley
Quarryhill Botanical Garden
Reimer's Nurseries
Steven Roesch
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Douglas Ruhren
Jim and Lore Sampson
Sandy's Plants
The Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Schau- und Sichtungsgarten Hermannshof
James Schlitt
Shadow Nursery
Shangai Maple Horticulture Co.
Sheffield's Seed Co.
Sims Farms
Spartanburg Community College
Specialty Ornamentals
Spring Meadow Nursery
St. Andrew's Botanic Garden
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Tarheel Native Trees
Taupo Native Plant Nursery
Taylor's Nursery
Terra Nova Nurseries
The Butchart Gardens
The Lehmann Design Group
The Plant Market
The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens and Arboretum
Valerie Tyson and Richard Ehrhardt
U.S. National Arboretum
University of British Columbia Botanical Garden
Van Dusen Botanical Garden
W. J. Beal Botanical Garden
Walters Gardens
Mark and Mary Weathington
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum
Ralph and Cheryl Whisnant
Bobby Wilder
Williford's Nursery
Tom Wood
Worthington Farms
James Xu
Thanks to these donors for investing in the next generation of horticultural science students through their gifts to support the JCRA Internship Program. Internships are a win-win opportunity for students and the Arboretum.
Celeste Allen
Anne Dahle
Davidson Garden Club
Charles Kidder and Jane Wilhoit
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Anne Porter
John and Charlotte Presley
Raleigh Garden Club
Bobby Wilder
Children's Program
Thanks to these friends who supported the budding Children's Program at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Young people are the future stewards of earth, so now is the time to teach appreciation and care of the natural world.
JC Raulston Arboretum Children's Program Enhancement Fund
Al-Iman School
Christopher and Jennifer Daniels
Donald Hemenway
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Jean McCormack
Jacqueline Revill
Mary Shaw
George and Reba Worsley
Gifts in Honor
These special people and organizations were honored by gifts to the JCRA from the friends, family, and colleagues listed.
Tim Alderton
Honored by
Steven and Patricia Wheaton
Sandy Bateman
Honored by
Charles and Linda McLendon
Pam Beck
Honored by
Celeste Allen
Dianne Beasley
Honored by
Ellen Adams
Kenneth Beatty
Honored by
Prudence Beatty
Ted Bilderback
Honored by
Raleigh Garden Club
Ted Bilderback, Barbara Kennedy, and Haskell Fitz-Simons
Honored by
Peter and Vivian Finkelstein
Vandy Bradow
Honored by
Bloomsbury Garden Club
Tommy Bunn
Honored by
Mark Bond
James Bustrack
Honored by
Vonda Rodriguez
Scott Chilton
Honored by
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Anne and Allen Clapp
Honored by
Virginia Hester
Anne Clapp
Honored by
Gardeners of Wake County
Nelsa Cox
Honored by
Hidden Hills Garden Club
Raleigh Hemerocallis Club
Sarah Davenport
Honored by
Lawrence and Sarah Davenport
Roy Dicks, Jeff Kish, and Martha Fisk
Honored by
Green Thumb Garden Club
Larry Grand
Honored by
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Wilma Hammett, Josh Starling, Anne Porter, Maura Conyngham, and Thomas Manshack
Honored by
Chris Cammarene-Wessel
Mitzi Hole
Honored by
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Nina and Jerry Jackson
Honored by
Richard and Alice Hardy
Beth Jimenez
Honored by
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Joan Johnson
Honored by
Carolina Country Club
Barbara Kennedy
Honored by
JCRA Staff
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Lizzi Lathers
Honored by
Brandon and Ashlee Duncan
Christopher Glenn
Lizzi Lathers and Stephen Dorn
Honored by
Anne Porter
Ida McCullers
Honored by
JCRA Staff
Maggie McGlynn and Schelli Whitehouse
Honored by
Lawrence Vellani
Ariel Montañez, Randy and Annette Mize, and the Loyal Staff at Pender Nursery
Honored by
Pender Nursery (Jim and Kathy Deal)
Judy Morgan-Davis
Honored by
JCRA Staff
John Ort
Honored by
Adam Helsel
Anne Porter
Honored by
Dixie Porter
Charlotte Presley
Honored by
Mike Stallings and Mitzi Hole
Christine Ramsey
Honored by
Melissa Kennedy
Sylvia Redwine
Honored by
Diane Schaaf
Gary Schaffer
Honored by
Mark Schaffer
Bobby Ward
Honored by
North Carolina Unit of the Herb Society of America
Lib and Willie York
Honored by
Donnie and Phyllis Brookshire
Gifts in Memory
Memorial gifts support the Arboretum while paying tribute to family and friends. The following people were remembered with a gift in 2013. Heartfelt thanks to the listed donors who honored their loved ones and colleagues in this way.
Stanford Adams
Remembered by
Ellen Adams
Michelle Avent
Remembered by
Thomas and Jane Norris
Frank Blazich
Remembered by
George and Claudia Wilson
Donald Bouchard
Remembered by
Jonathan York
Gladys Bruner
Remembered by
Pattie Moore-Boyette
Marie Bumgarner
Remembered by
Geraldine Blackwood
Marion Boissiere
Linda Buckner
Bernard and Donna Bumgarner
Charles Bumgarner, Jr., and Mary Ann McKinnon
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Mary Cameron
Herbert and Hertha Campbell
Allen and Anne Clapp
Patrice Cooke and Mark Hughes
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Lennis and Rose Ellen Dunn
Russell and Beverly Elingburg
The Friday Owls Bowling League and the Fun Bunch
Mary Grubbs
David Hall, Jr.
John and Doris Holland
Harvey and Edith Horne
Anthony Houser
Mary Kerley and Marilyn Fulmer
Richard and Amelia Lane
O. H. and Joy Pattison
Raleigh Hemerocallis Club
Betty Ray
Sherrill and Carolyn Register
John Schott
Donna Shields
Robert and Elizabeth Sidnam
Jennifer Weiss and Bruce Hamilton
Shirley Wicker
Edith Wilkins
Dora Zia
Dianne Cate
Remembered by
Brookhaven Night Garden Club
Charles Dickman
Remembered by
Barbara Dickman
John Durfee
Remembered by
Alan and Sharon Ayers
Richard Back
Joyce Kulkarni
Bob and Amy Lamphier
Ernest and Anna Marshall
Lee Fleming
Remembered by
Hans-Buenter and Hallie Michel
Robert Foss
Remembered by
Penelope Booze Foss
Rachel Hamrick
Remembered by
Paula Gupton Page
DeLoy Hanson
Remembered by
Guy and Sandra Harwood
Irma Hardy
Remembered by
Joan Blazich
Crosstalk Sunday School Class
Nancy Mingis
Paul and Jeanne Nelson
Judy Harmon
Remembered by
18 Seaboard
Robin Abrams and Simon Atkinson
Donald and Jo Ann Adams
William and Lide Anderson
John and Sandra Atkins
Thomas and Lisa Barrie
Harriet Bellerjeau
Mark and May Bensen
Georgia Bizios
Cantina 18
Andrew and Eleanor Cioffi
Joel Clancy
Roger and Judith Clark
Burton and Heather Craige
David Crawford
Johnie and Genelle Dail
Lucy Daniels
Angela Davis-Gardner
Edith Eddleman
Burak Erdim
Georgia Tech Foundation
Raymond and Susan Goodmon
Arthur and Anne Gordon
Joseph and Ann Hardesty
Anne Hennessey
Richard and Tika Hicks
Lawrence and Jo Ellen High
Margaret Hoyle
Robert and Jane Huband
Donald and Diana Jackson
David and Lynda Kay
Kidzu Children's Museum
Larkin and Rosa Kirkman
Gale and Faye Koonce
Lappas & Havener
Richard and Jane Levy
Gordon and Catherine Locatis
Betty Lykins
Charles and Greer Lysaght
McKenna Construction Company
Emily Monk Davidson
Robert and Sandra Peace
Edson and Suzanne Pease
Nicole Pertuiset
Wayne Place
Durham and Mary Potter
Sara Queen
Patrick Rand
Robert Riggs
Thomas and Lauren Ryan
Kristen Schaffer
SEPI Engineering & Construction
Charles and Brenda Serrell
Stephen and Rachel Smith
Wade and Ann Smith
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance & North Carolina Farm Bureau
Michael and Kim Spinello
Alan and Maxine Stern
Jane Stikeleather
David and Terri Swanson
Paul and Sally Tesar
Trees Across Raleigh
Aaron and Amy Trudo
Cheryl Walker and Jeffrey Huberman
Marcy Hege
Remembered by
Raleigh Garden Club
Patricia Highland
Remembered by
Linda Kane
Peggy Horne
Remembered by
Steve and Cathy DeWitt
Betsy Kimrey
Remembered by
Dennis and Claire Drehmel
Ruth Lehman
Remembered by
Matt and Katherine Steindl
Amanda Burgess Milloway
Remembered by
Jenny Adams
Heather Crews
Carolyn Foshee
Brett and Stephanie Freese
Erin Lamb
Christopher Lee
Jo Carol Mitchell-Rogers
Matthew Wood
Jehangir Mirza
Remembered by
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
Frank Moore
Remembered by
Robert and Judy Allen
Edith Morgan
Remembered by
Judy Morgan-Davis and Bob Davis
Colleen Kelley Schroedl
Remembered by
Stephen Schroedl
Katherine Smith
Remembered by
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Marcia Stefani
Remembered by
Edward Weiss
Ed Swab
Remembered by
Frank and Mary Beth Almeda
Maureen Banker
Molly Bohn
Kenneth and Sandra Close
Anne Dahle
Carolyn Happer
James and Dorthy Hardin
Sherri Henderson
Jackson and Delorah Jett
The Kelly Cobb Home Team
Virginia Knight
Chuck and Patsy Koppeis
Marilyn Lary
Larry and Linda Lawrence
Meredith College
North Carolina Academy of Science
Donna Oxley
Wetonah Parker
Louise Taylor
Scott Swindell
Remembered by
The Bedford Group
Bernard Robinson & Company
Douglas Brinkley
Chris and Margaret Browning
Earth Graphics of Raleigh (Jeff Evans and Dave Parnell)
Holly Everitt
John and Carolyn Fry
Mary Gracely
Donald Hemenway
Major and Catherine Lackey
David Levine and Margaret Bailey
Sue Ellen Parrish
Renz Landscape & Irrigation
William and Rita Sears
Mike Serozi and Nancy Miller-Serozi
Mary Shaw
Helen Bruce Thompson
Remembered by
Juan and Beth Jimenez
Lauretta Thomson
Remembered by
Beverly Thomson
Jeff Waterhouse
Remembered by
Kathleen Callahan
Aline Williams
Remembered by
Jacqueline Revill
Bill Winn
Remembered by
Linda Copeland
Neil Tatum
Norma Phillips Zackary
Remembered by
Andrew and Susan Hanson
Volunteers are the backbone of the JC Raulston Arboretum and without them we wouldn't be able to keep the gardens maintained, mapped, and labeled, put on lectures and workshops, send out mailings, and the dozens of other tasks that need to be done. Collectively the volunteers logged in 10,488 hours in 2013, the equivalent of five full time employees.
A new avenue of volunteer help was developed this year with the addition of standing committees, modeled after the existing Master Plan committee, composed of JCRA Board of Advisors members, staff, and volunteers to help market the JCRA to a broader audience. The education, rentals, membership, Web site, and marketing committees have already provided a wealth of knowledge and experience to our efforts and the fantastic new ideas keep flowing. If you have a skill that you think might benefit the JCRA, let us know.
One group of volunteers that help make the JCRA one of the premier gardens in the world to learn new plants is the labeling and mapping crews. These volunteers put in nearly 1,000 hours in 2013 engraving and putting out labels throughout the garden—no easy task when we add over 1,000 plants to the grounds each year. These volunteers also regularly inventory the grounds to keep maps up to date and accurate. In addition, they capture other pertinent information such as heights on the trees and shrubs. Their dedication makes the garden one of the best labeled in the world and helps keep our documentation up to date.
All Volunteers Listed by Hours Served
200+ Hours
Mary Edith Alexander
Marilyn Golightly
Annie Hibbs
Patricia MacPherson
James Schlitt
Bobby Wilder
100+ Hours
Harriet Bellerjeau
Penelope Booze Foss
Judith Bradyhouse
Laurie Cochran
Cynthia Cromwell
Heather Curcio
Dennis Drehmel
David and Catherine Duch
Suzanne Edney
Don Edwards
Jeffrey Evans
Michael Ferrell
Vivian Finkelstein
Sonya Fox
Jerome and Linda Glenn
Charles Heatherly
Beth Jimenez
Charles Kidder
Richard and Amelia Lane
Mary Leonhardi
Jean Mitchell
Laddie Munger
John Pelosi
Debra Singer-Harter
Walter and Kathleen Thompson
Robert Thornton
Ralph Whisnant
Amanda Wilkins
40+ Hours
Susan Bailey
Carol Barmann
Jayme Bednarczyk
Arlene Calhoun
Anne Clapp
Kathleen Clark
Sherman Criner
Colin Daniels
Loretta Del Palazzo
Edith Eddleman
Kathryn Field
Lucy Gardiner
Renee Glasgo
Christopher Glenn
JoAnn Gow
Susan Grayson
Douglass Gross
Judy Belle Halgren
Sarah Himmelfarb
Norfleet Hoggard
Ann Howell
Margaret Jordan
Cheryl Kearns
Melanie Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
Patricia Korpik
Anita Kuehne
Wayne Love
Friederike Machilek
Sarah Marano
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Sandy Morgan
Bob Davis and Judy Morgan-Davis
Elaine Pace
Linda Peele
Tylila Pinkham
Mike Pittman
Charlotte Presley
Martha Ramirez
Douglas Ruhren
Judy Ryan
Dianne Schaffer
John Schott
Ann Swallow
Fred Turner
Dee Welker
David White
Warren White
Carol Williams
Helen Yoest
Other Contributing Hours
Judy Allen
Linda Anderson
Jeanne Andrus
Miguel Anoba
Garnet Bass
Debbie Beach
Angelia Beasley
Marilyn Bensinger
Anna Berry
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Vandy Bradow
Mark Bruno
Sydney Bunting
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Lynn Canada
Tara Carr
Beth Cleveland
Joan Cobb
Kathy Crosby
Jan Crotts
Julie Cubeta
Genelle Dail
Ellen Darst
Stephen Davis
Mary DeFino
Cathy DeWitt
Tom Dickey
Sarah Dixon
Sylvia Drew
Eric Eibelheuser
Julia Flores
Roland Flory
Julie George
Jens Geratz
Liza Gettles
Mike Gibbons
Jean Gross
Heather Hale
Kate Hanser
Gail Harris
Barbara Harvey
Robert Hauver
Randy Hayward
Cynthia Heinlein
Cynthia Herlong
Lawrence and Ilene Holmes
Cameron Homes
Marty Howard
Gail Ingram
Jim Johnson
David Josephus
Barbara Ketchum
Malissa Kilpatrick
Jennette King
Michele Kornegay
Linda Larkins
Stephanie Lauck
Sarah Leach
Rosemary O'Day Lee
Sheryl Leidecker
Kathleen Lichtenstein
Lee Lowden
Cathy Mack
Robert Mackintosh
Alison Martin
Elena Matthews
Diane McDaniel
Verna Medeiros
Guy Meilleur
Philip Meilleur
Rita Mercer
Melissa Mitchell
Fred Morelock
Amiee Nwabuike
Cathy Olson
Jacquie Ossi
Lauren Ossi
Sue Ellen Ott
Richard Pearson
Sharon Penn
Lara Rose Philbrook
Sharon Pickle
Kara Pittman
Gail Posey
Glenda Potter
Kathe Rauch
Beth Ricketts
Michelle Ripple and Greg Burkett
Dan Ruehlman
Martha Sawall
Anne Sayers
Jesse Schwartz
Mary Lou Shanklin
Kimberly Shearer
Samuel Shearer
Toni Shelton
Nancy Simonsen
Andrea Smith
Trey Spikes
Ben Steele
Rachel Strauss
John Suddath
John Suggs
Christine Thomson
Stella Tucker
Betsy Viall
Jay Warfield
Karen Watters
Elisabeth Wheeler
Bill and Libby Wilder
Erica Winston
Qian Wu
Abby Wunch
Paul Yen
Ashley Yow
Dora Zia