2006 Annual Report
Dear Friends:
On behalf of the staff and the Board of Advisors, I am pleased to present this first annual report on the activities and progress of the JC Raulston Arboretum in calendar year 2006, the 30th anniversary of the JCRA. The past year has been not only a year of growth and development for the Arboretum, but for myself and the staff also, as I completed my first year as director, and two new members joined the Arboretum staff. Our priorities this year focused on care and maintenance of the collections, assessment of current collections, infrastructure improvement, and planning for future renovation of various gardens in the Arboretum.
The Arboretum offered a diverse series of educational programs in 2006, including numerous Friends of the Arboretum Lectures, workshops, field days, and a symposium. We have done major work on various garden areas, including the West Arboretum, the A. E. Finley Foundation Rooftop Terrace, and the Stepping-stone Water Garden. Demolition of the old Arboretum brick building was completed, opening up new garden space. We have placed increased emphasis on interpretative and educational signage to complement our already excellent plant labeling signage. Numerous new plant accessions were acquired and integrated into our existing collections. The Arboretum has acquired two additional acres of land to facilitate future expansion of the collections.
The Arboretum continued its important role as a vital resource for the academic programs of NC State University, strengthened its identity as an important community and regional educational resource, and remained a major outreach arm of NC State University for the green industry in North Carolina. Membership increased by 11.5% in 2006. The Arboretum embarked on an exciting Grassroots Master Plan to develop a new system of paths and garden spaces to enhance our collections and the visitor experience.
This is an exciting time for the Arboretum. During the coming year, the vacant assistant director position will be filled, and we will refocus on our historical efforts in new plant acquisition and testing. The Arboretums efforts in plant breeding are resulting in the development of new plants with exciting ornamental potential. Renovation of existing garden spaces will continue. Our educational programs will continue to teach our members and visitors about the satisfaction and challenges of gardening in Piedmont North Carolina. We invite you to join us and share in the collective joy of working with plants as the JC Raulston Arboretum enters its 31st year of educating and inspiring students, the green industry, and the public. We encourage you to help us fulfill our mission by becoming a member, recruiting new members, sharing your time and talent by becoming a volunteer, and by making a financial contribution.
We look forward to 2007 and beyond, and the exciting opportunities for the Arboretum. Thank you for your interest and support.
Dennis J. Werner
Director, JC Raulston
Professor, Department
of Horticultural Science, NC State University
Highlights of 2006
In the Garden
Stepping-stone Water Garden
A grant from the horticulture honor society Pi Alpha Xi (PAX) funded the restoration of the popular Stepping-stone Water Garden. Originally installed by landscape horticulture students in the 1980s, this garden is a special space for kids and kids-at-heart. In addition to the repair of the actual water feature, the entire area was replanted with many new herbaceous and woody plants.
Scree Garden
An opportunity to showcase xeric plants was made possible through the construction of a new scree garden on the west side of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center. More than 200 new plants, including taxa from the southwestern United States, Mexico, and South Africa were established in this exciting new planting. Of particular interest are a collection of new hybrid rain lilies (Zephyranthes) and ferns from the desert southwest. This garden demonstrates the exciting opportunities for landscaping with taxa that require little or no supplemental irrigation after initial establishment.
West Arboretum Development
Renovation of the beds lying west of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center began in mid 2006 with the removal of old collections by the staff and summer interns. Removal of large trees, development of new paths, soil amendment, and bed reconfiguration is being done in anticipation of replanting in spring of 2007. Keep an eye out for changes in this part of the Arboretum.
Swindell Contemplation Garden
Thanks to a generous gift from Priscilla Swindell, and the creativity and efforts of students in the landscape horticulture class of Pat Lindsey, Ph.D., in the Department of Horticultural Science, the Swindell Contemplation Garden was established. Lying under the welcoming arms of our two beautiful live oak trees, this garden features a diversity of shade tolerant plants, many with winter interest.
Rooftop Gardens
The gardens in the A.
E. Finley Foundation Rooftop Terrace are undergoing a complete renovation to
facilitate culture and trialing of a greater diversity of plants. Modification
of the growing media and reconfiguration of beds is nearly complete in
anticipation of establishing new plant materials in spring 2007. A favorite
location for weddings and other events, the rooftop garden area provides guests
with a great view of the West Arboretum.
Brick Building Demolition
The old Arboretum "brick building," an icon of the Arboretum for many years, was demolished in late 2006. Long used as a classroom and for various Arboretum purposes over the years, the building was in advanced disrepair. The site will be renovated and new plantings established in 2007.
New Staff
We were pleased to welcome two new staff members in 2006. Autumn Keck joined us as associate director of membership and fund-raising events in March 2006. Autumn is a 2000 graduate of NC State University with a degree in communications, responsible for coordinating our member recruitment and fund-raising efforts, and coordinating fund-raising events such as our Gala in the Garden. Tim Alderton joined the JCRA in February 2006. Tim has a horticulture degree from the Pennsylvania State University. Tim filled the research technician position, and is responsible for general care and maintenance of the Arboretum grounds and plant collections. The JCRA assistant director position is currently vacant, but will be filled in 2007.
Summer Internship Program
Thanks to the generous contributions of Alan McIntyre, Bobby Wilder, the Raleigh Garden Club, the North Carolina Association of Nurserymen (now the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association), and the North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Association, the Arboretum was able to host four student interns in 2006. These students obtained a broad range of experiences in the care and management of the Arboretum collections.
Educational Programs and Public Outreach
The Arboretum offered 18 Friends of the Arboretum Lectures and four workshops in 2006, covering a diversity of topics and speakers. Special events included our first annual JCRA Summerfest, offering numerous educational programs for the gardening public. Over 400 people attended to hear presentations on earth-friendly gardening, beekeeping, turf management, herbaceous perennials, irrigation, designing for small spaces, attracting wildlife, and other topics. The highlight of the 2006 educational programs was the JCRA 30th anniversary symposium entitled "Plan – and Plant for a Better World," in honor of the late founder of the Arboretum, J. C. Raulston, Ph.D. One hundred and seventy-five attendees were treated to a terrific educational program, highlighted by keynote speaker Roy Lancaster.
Academic Partnerships and Research
The Arboretum provides a valuable teaching resource for numerous faculty at NC State University. Students in Ornamental Plants I and II, Plant Systematics, Nursery Management, Tree and Grounds Maintenance, and Plant Propagation classes benefitted from the availability of the Arboretums diverse collections. The Arboretums extensive collection of Aesculus is supporting a systematics study of this important plant group by a graduate student in the Department of Plant Biology. Researchers in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources make use of the collection of Abies species in their research aimed at developing rootstocks for Fraser fir, Abies fraseri.
Plant Breeding Research
Plant breeding efforts conducted by the Arboretum staff focus on Buddleja, Cercis, and Stokesia laevis. Final evaluation of two compact Buddleja selections with low fertility was completed in 2006 in anticipation of formal release in 2007. Numerous exciting redbud (Cercis) selections are being evaluated in advanced trials and have elicited considerable interest from the nursery industry. A significant percentage of the royalties from sales of future Arboretum cultivar releases will go into the JCRA Endowment for Excellence to generate income to support the long-term care and development of the gardens.
Interpreting the Collections
We began a new changing sign program to highlight particular gardens and plants during the changing seasons. This effort complements our already excellent program of plant labeling. Our goal is to provide more informal educational experiences for Arboretum visitors. A grant from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust was obtained to assist in this effort.
Project SEE Participation
The ARC of Wake County, North Carolina, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist people with disabilities secure employment experiences in the community. The Arc of Wake County offers a summer internship program entitled Project SEE (Supported Employment Experience) that provides opportunities for young people with disabilities to work in a variety of job settings. The JCRA was pleased to be a part of Project SEE in summer 2006 by hosting two interns. Our Project SEE interns, Robbie Colondres and Cassie Cunningham, and their job coach, Doug Morris, kept our Visitor Center, Klein-Pringle White Garden, and the Tom and Kathy Rucker Roof Terrace Container Gardens watered and looking great, as well as participating in a number of other garden activities.
Grassroots Master Plan
Completion of the Ruby C. McSwain Educational Center and the accompanying Visitor Center in 2002 significantly changed the physical map of the JCRA. Recognizing that no formal master plan existed for developing the paths and garden spaces in the area immediately surrounding the new buildings, nor for integrating the paths and garden spaces in the remainder of the Arboretum to the new buildings, a "Grassroots Master Plan" was initiated. This effort, led by a team of volunteer landscape designers and landscape architects, is aimed at developing a physical master plan for the JCRA, with emphasis on the path systems, handicapped accessibility, garden spaces, and enhancing the visitor experience. The team has solicited suggestions and ideas from all members of the JCRA community, and is currently in the final stages of developing the Master Plan.
"Go Fish" Project
The creative students in Will Hookers landscape design class channeled their energies into designing and creating a collection of bamboo fish that have been placed at various locations around the JCRA. This project provided students an opportunity to develop their design skills using bamboo, with the Arboretum as the palette. Children visiting the Arboretum have enjoyed "fishing" in the gardens.
Joslin Garden
Although Bill and Mary Coker Joslin made their property a gift to NC State University a number of years ago, we made great strides in beginning to understand the garden as an extension of the JCRA in 2006. We learned a great deal about the history of the site and its plantings, and prepared a guide for visitors. More than 700 plants were catalogued, 200 of which are now marked with engraved labels. Plant "performances," i.e., flowers, fruits, and foliage, were recorded weekly and were documented in over 1,500 photographs. We were happy to invite the public to enjoy the garden during spring and fall open days, and several small groups visited with private tours. Beyond their sharing this beautiful garden and home through a planned life estate gift, the Joslins pledged to create a generous endowment through outright and planned gifts to be used to support and maintain the property. We look forward to strengthening our relationship with the Joslins, discovering hidden plant treasures, and introducing more visitors to the garden each year.
Photograph Key
- Bob Davis and Tim Alderton place plants back into the water garden after it was renovated.
- The Scree Garden shortly after being planted.
- The summer interns and staff remove plants from behind the Southwestern Garden in preparation of future bed renovations.
- James Lail, Tim Alderton, and Denny Werner planting the Swindell Contemplation Garden.
- After years of research, most of plants on the roof of the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center were removed in preparation of new planting.
- The brick building was demolished in December 2006.
- Autumn Keck works on the 2007 Gala in the Garden.
- Tim Alderton secures a weeping plant.
- The summer 2006 interns – Ben Pick, James Garzoni, Corley Hughes, and Anthony Beck.
- The 30th anniversary symposium speakers – Bobby Ward, Ph.D., Bill McNamara, Peter Del Tredici, Ph.D.; Kim Tripp, Ph.D.; Don Shadow; Roy Lancaster; and Michael Hayman (Roy Dicks not in photograph).
- Stu Warrens Tree and Grounds Maintenance class learns to apply fertilizers over large areas.
- A compact Buddleja (butterfly-bush), still unnamed, will be one of the first plants introduced from the Arboretums new breeding program.
- One of the many new interpretive signs made possible by a grant from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
- Cassie Cunningham, Doug Morris, and Robbie Colondres, Project SEE interns and their job coach.
- Harriet Bellerjeau and Suzanne Edney introduce the Grass Roots Master Plan.
- One of the many bamboo fish from Will Hookers Residential Landscaping class on display in the Arboretum.
- The Joslin Garden in spring.
Volunteers play a critical role in all aspects of operations of the JCRA. Their willingness to share their time, passion, and talents with the Arboretum enriches our programs and gardens. The staff of the JCRA wish to extend their sincere appreciation to all of our volunteers.
Volunteer Hours
January 2006-December
A special thank you to all volunteers that shared over 8,000 hours of their time and talents in 2006. Your volunteer contributions make the JCRA a better place.
300+ Hours
Vivian Finkelstein
250–300 Hours
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Charlotte Presley
200–250 Hours
Mary Edith Alexander
Suzanne Edney
Virg Birkin
150–200 Hours
Judy Morgan-Davis and Bob Davis
Beth Jimenez
Charlie Kidder
Laddie and Edna Munger
John Schott
Bobby Wilder
Dora Zia
100–150 Hours
Rosanna Adams
Harriet Bellerjeau
Patrice Cooke
Colin Daniels
Wayne Friedrich
Linda and Jerry Glenn
Annie Hibbs
Margaret Jordan
Barbara Kennedy
Amelia Lane
Rudolf and Rikki Machilek
Mary McClure
Jean Mitchell
Elaine Pace
50–100 Hours
Jeanne Andrus
Jayme Bednarczyk
Harvey Bumgardner
Anne Clapp
Laurie Cochran
Sherman Criner
Donna Dietrich
Carolyn Fagan
Anita Kuehne
Sarah Marano
John Pelosi
Judy Ryan
Esther Spaltenstein
Ann Swallow
Betsy Viall
Dee Welker
Ralph Whisnant
David White
30–50 Hours
Dale Allen
Vandi Bradow
Betty Cannady
Monika Coleman
C. J. Dykes
Gail Harris
Timothy Hinton
Marty Howard
Dick Pearson
Martha Ramirez
Sandy Reid
Nancy Simonsen
Ann Stellings
John Suddath
Other Contributions of Hours
Barbara Blackwell
Rick Boggs
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Brenda Cleveland
Kathy Crosby
Genelle Dail
Ralph Dean
Dave and Karen Duch
Wendy Elliott
Roland Flory
Donna Horton
Cheryl Kearns
Sheila Kellogg
Jennette King
Carol Lawrence
Rick McGirt
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Rita Mercer
Frank Moore
Marianne Mott
Bev Norwood
Catherine Poff
Kathe Rauch
Janet Riddle
Matt Roberts
Bob Roth
Christina Rowe
Bill Satterwhite
Erin Schnieders
Priscilla Swindell
Marianne Teichman
Bee Weddington
Bill and Libby Wilder
Qian Wu
It is difficult to imagine where the JC Raulston Arboretum would be without the support from our members, the Friends of the Arboretum. With the growth of our membership, we can continue to offer new educational programs, create and maintain our garden spaces, and inspire the community at large.
Jack and Micki Cox
Dave and Karen Duch
William and Mary Joslin
Sylvia Redwine
Taylors Nursery
Malcolm and Patty Brown
Harvey Bumgardner
Creative Landscape Designs
Doris Deal
Rufus and Linda Edmisten
Marty and Alan Finkel
Fox Hollow Nursery
Lee Griffin
Robert and Pickett Guthrie
Cameron and Dee-Dee Harris
The Hayter Firm
Hefner's Nursery
Virginia Hester
Annie and Ray Hibbs
Hoffman Nursery
Jerry and Nina Jackson
Julia Kornegay and Alfredo Escobar
Steve and Janet Leath
Bob Lyons
Charles and Wendy Musser
Parker's Landscape Services
Pender Nursery
Plant Delights Nursery
John and Susan Rountree
Sampson Nursery
James Stronach
Tarheel Native Trees
Turftenders Landscape Services
Karen Welty-Wolf
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Margaret and Doug Abrams
Ross Allard
Scott Anderson
Jeanne and Tom Andrus
Ann Armstrong
Jane and Robert Avinger
Bartlett Tree Experts
Berylwood Tree Farm
Richard Blanton and Candace Haigler
Jeff Bottoms and John Martin
Lark Brown
Buds and Blooms Nursery
Jim Bustrack
Andy and Sarah Butler
Antony and Edith Champ
Currins Nursery
R. A. Dudley Nurseries
Mariana and Bill Earnhardt
Risa Ellovich
Gardeners of Wake County
Gilmore Plant and Bulb Co.
Ray and Susan Goodmon
Governors Garden Club
Margaret and Neil Harper
Dale Henderson
Holbrook Farm and Nursery
Mitzi Hole and Mike Stallings
Jeanette and Wallace Hyde
Karla Jacobus
Gloria and Jim Jahnke
Terry Jasper and Rod Brooks
Kenneth and Ginger Karb
John and Jamie Kellner
Mary King
Stephen and Nancy Knight
Lady Slipper Garden Club
Linda and Ric Lawson
The Lundy Fetterman Family Foundation
Donna Mack
Kathy Mauney
Ross and Margaret McKinney
Ray Noggle
Charles Nowlin and Karen Monroe
Marjorie O'Keeffe
Sharon O'Neill and Curtis Kasefang
Outdoor Images
Panther Creek Nursery
Katie and Steven Perry
Piedmont Carolina Nursery
Piney Ridge Nursery
Steve and Claire Pratt
John and Marilyn Ranson
Ellen Robertson
Charles and Karen Root
Salmon's Wholesale Nursery
Saunders Bros.
Shelby Nursery/Scottree
Mark Smith
Lois Sowers
Sidney and Rachel Strauss
Swift Creek Nursery
Tiger Lily's
Tinga Nursery
Nadine Tope
Jim and Pat Vining
Wakefield Nursery and Landscaping
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Tom and Laura Whatley
Willow Tree Landscaping
George and Claudia Wilson
Joe and Dana Woody
Louise Wrinkle
Smedes and Rosemary York
Cill Ide Native Plant Nursery
Conservation Trust for North Carolina
Division of Institutional Advancement, Meredith College
IBM Global Well-being Services and Health Benefits
North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers
North Carolina Entomological Society
Progress Energy Corporate Communications
SAS Institute Publishing
Triangle Land Conservancy
TruGreen ChemLawn
Donald and Jo Ann Adams
Rosanna Adams
Stanford and Ellen Adams
Stephen and Darlene Aleksza
Mary Edith and Howard Alexander
Dale Allen
Darla Anderson
Charles and Mary Anoia
Artisan Landscape Design
Bryan and Carol Aupperle
Dianne Austin and Robert Smith
Jack and Pat Bacheler
Jody and Paige Bagwell
Melba and Camille Barden
Joanne Barnck
Mark Barnes
Bob and Penny Barnhill
Kimberly Bartlett and David Oakes
Bill and Ann Bason
Joe and Karen Bearden
Clark and Gwen Beavans
Pam and Michael Beck
Jayme Bednarczyk and Phillip Abbott
John and Linda Bell
Harriet Bellerjeau
Jean Benjamin
Robert and Angela Bergeron
Doug Bethune
Better Tree Care
Joseph and Juliet Bickley
David and Tammy Biondi
Dick and Susan Bir
Virg and Joanne Birkin
Desmond and Linda Black
Fred Blackley
Bland Landscaping
Tom Bland
Elizabeth and Andrew Blue
Blue Heron Landscaping
Charles and Mary Bolton
David and Susan M. Boone
Edgar and Ethel Boone
David and Adrienne Bowers
Henry and Sory Bowers
Kenneth and Mildred Boyd
Vandi Bradow
Brady and Associates Forestry Services
Dianne and Raymond Brinker
Frances Brogden and Chris Nash
Brookhaven Night Garden Club
Phyllis and Donnie Brookshire
Brotzman's Nursery
Brown's Nursery
Charles and Lois Brummitt
John Buettner
Barbara Buit and Bernadette Kyle
Lee Bumgarner and Alisa Huffman
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Tommy and Linda Bunn
Mark Burch and Debra Taylor
Ward and Emma Burgess
Bill and Dottie Burns
Nancy and Richard Butler
Carrie and Richard Bylina
Claude and Mary Caldwell
Lamar and Deborah Caldwell
Weston and Rhonda Caldwell
Chris Cammarene-Wessel and Rich Wessel
Betty Cannady
Bob Cantwell and Lydia Wegman
Carolina Sunrock
Ed and Kat Causey
Arthur and Jean Chard
Anne and Allen Clapp
Haddon and Irma Clark
William Clawson and Keely Termeer
Ken and Ann Cobb
Laurie and Connie Cochran
Coley Bunch Nursery
Gilbert and Karen Collins
Al Cooke
Patrice Cooke and Mark Hughes
Tom and Evelyn Cox
Sherman Criner
Kathy and Courtney Crosby
Patsy and Jim Cross
Tom and Sarah Crowson
Kelly and Patsy Crump
Bill and Mary Cruse
Julie and Marc Cubeta
Carl and Anna Cunningham
Robert and Hanna Curtis
Custom Brick Co.
Diane Cutler
Vin and Sandi Dabrowski
Dan Cochrane
Colin Daniels
Teresa Daniels
Kim Davies
Nicholas and Katharine Davies
Abbie Suddath and J. E. B. Davis
Alexander and Linda De Grand
Gus and Mary Belle De Hertogh
Jim and Betty Deal
Robert and Ann DeMaine
William Dement and Ed Sessoms
Kaye Denning and Shannon Johnson
Steve and Martha Derbyshire
Carl Derry and Marjorie Putnam
Daniel and Peggy Devine
Mitchel and Cynthia Dickinson
Donna Dietrich
John and Martha Dixon
Ron and Jeanette Doggett
Elizabeth Domingos
Frank and Maureen Donini
Michael and Michele Doyle
Drewry Hills Garden Club
David and Ginny Dropkin
Thom and Nancy Duncan
Durham Council of Garden Clubs
John and Marilyn Dutton
C. J. Dykes
Earth Graphics of Raleigh
Earthforce Design Group
Rebecca and James Eatman-Jackson
Suzanne and Ed Edney
Maurice and Meg Edwards
Tim and Shirlene Elliott
Environ Associates
Emmett and Beckie Ernenwein
Hilde Errico
Ken Esbenshade and Betty Byrum
Allan and Susan Eure
C. Raeford and Donna Eure
Lisa and Richard Evans
Rob and Barbara Everett
Robert and Audrey Faden
Carolyn Fagan
Michael and Denise Faisst
Farrior Hills Home and Garden Club
Michael and Joy Ferrell
Vivian and Peter Finkelstein
Floral Dimensions
Flower I
Jeff and Sue Fordham
Fowler's Nursery
Powell and Ann Fox
Herbert and Joy Frazier
John and Ellen Freeze
French Farm
Wayne Friedrich
Kirk and Linda Fuller
Mary and Matthew Furr
Garden and Art by Norman Rabins
Gary's Nursery
Anita and Jim Gates
Gelvin Management Services
Kate George
Robert and Reba Gillespie
Sarah Gillian and Greg Carlton
Edward and Margaret Glazener
Linda and Jerome Glenn
Drew and Sheree Goettman
Gold Kist
Ethel Gorsuch
Karl Gottschalk and Dorothy Pugh
Elizabeth Graff and Scott McLellan
Marcia Graff and Ray Tice
Ed and JoAnne Graham
Connie and Thomas Grant
Johnny and Pat Gray
Mike and Jeri Gray
Jeffrey and Sally Greaser
Green Prints
Mark Gressett and Ping Li
Eric and Emily Griffith
Annette Guirlinger
Stacy Guse
Jon Gustaffson
Priscilla and George Haddad
Bill and Ann Hale
David and Louise Halpern
Porter and Marty Halyburton
The Hamlin Companies
Douglas and Susan Hammer
Jeanne Hammer and Paul McWhinney
Philip and Caroline Hamrick
James and Dorthy Hardin
Robert and Nancy Harper
Wayne Harris
Michael and Patricia Hartman
Ruth and Terreance Hartzell
Guy and Sandy Harwood
Gail Harris
Betty and Felton Hastings
Gerald and Barbara Hawkins
Debby Hayter
Michelle Hendrix
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
Michael Herskovitz and Heather Rackin
Martha Hess and Linda Breed
Patrick and Bernadette Hetrick
Timothy Hinton and Alisa Lycof-Hinton
Karl and Pauline Hoffmann
Adam and Maria Holtzman
Harold and Patsy Hopfenberg
Donald and Loretta Hopper
Bob and Roberta Horton
Carolyn and Donald Hoss
Laurie House and John Hopkins
Mary Houts
Marty and Brian Howard
Preston Howard and Lisa Batts
Wava Howard
John and Joyce Hren
Stephen Hulme and Gloria Barnett
Gary and Susan Hunter
James T. Midcap
JC Atwell Designs
JDavis Architects
Jericho Farms
Beth and Juan Jimenez
Ellen and Charles Johnson
Von and Deborah Johnson
Cecil and Jo Anne Jones
Dave and Anne Jones
Gregory Jones and Evelyn Soto
John and Linda Jones
Shirley and Curtis Jones
Margaret and Bill Jordan
George and Jeane Joyner
Tom Kagan and Amy Mackintosh
Kevin and Susan Kahler
John and Jane Kanipe
Adele and Martin Kaplan
David and Marian Katzin
Tom Kearns
Larry and Karen Kelly
George and Fonda Kendley
Barbara and Loren Kennedy
Ammar and Leigh Khelifi
Charlie Kidder
James and Louisa Kilgroe
Larkin and Rosa Kirkman
Nathan Kirkman and Beth Gulewich
Phebe and Paul Kirkman
Doris Kistler and Fred Wigh
Edmund and Ruth Klemmer
Patrick Knox and Susan Nunn
Dwight Koeberl and Louise McCracken
Bob and Jeanne Koger
Kees and M'Liss Koopman
Jerod and Anne Kratzer
Anita Kuehne and Bill Swint
Ken and Betsy Kukorowski
Annetta and Jack Kushner
Jack Lamm and Dan Gant
Bill and Melda Lamm
Amelia and Richard Lane
Michael and Mary Lanier
Richard LaRose
David and Ann Lawhon
Jim and Lynn Lawton
Michelle Lee and Susan Thompson
Charlie and Wanda Leffler
Donald and Marian Lein
Carolyn Leith
Heather and Terrance Lenahan
Frank Lewis
Betty Lewis
Frank and Mimi Liggett
Ruth and John Lindsay
Hugh and Mary Liner
Cathy and Paul Linskens
Little and Little Landscape Architects
John and Becky Logan
Logan Trading Co.
Long Branch Nursery
Michael Loven and Duncan Smith
Rudolf and Rikki Machilek
MACHO Garden Club
Robert and Julia Mackintosh
Trish and Kerry MacPherson
Rooney and Nona Malcom
John and Carolyn Malone
Bernard and Helen Mangan
Sarah Marano
Donna and Gus Maroni
Craig and Zermeena Marshall
Jann Martindale and David Kelley
Susan Matthews-King and Larry King
Catherine Maxwell and Ben Fewel
Edd and Ruth McBride
Bruce and Helen McCallum
Mary McClure
Judy McComb and Mindy Allport-Settle
Judy and Dan McConnell
S. Mark McCraw and Alisha Nash
Hope McCullough and Tim Benziger
Sheila and Al McDowell
Mary and Hugh McEachern
Chris McGee and Miranda Downer
David and Mary McGhan
Albert McGrigor
Marilyn McIntosh
Heather McKay
Dick and Ginny McKay
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Carol and Sam McKnight
James and Elizabeth McLachlan
Polly and Rachel McLaughlin
Jim and Ruth Mead
Larry and Audrey Mellichamp
Dean and Katie Meyer
Don and Cindy Mills
Jean and Wayne Mitchell
Stephanie and John Mitchell
Annette and Roger Moore
Donald and Verdie Moreland
Judy Morgan-Davis and Bob Davis
Brad and Joyce Moses
Marianne Mott
Joanne Mozgo
Laddie and Edna Munger
Murphy Family Ventures
Luke and Virginia Murray
John and Ann Myhre
Nature's Design
Harry and Rebeccah Neff
Mac and Lindsay Newsom
Paul and Lois Nixon
Thomas and Jane Norris
North Carolina Unit of the Herb Society of America
Chuck and Bev Norwood
Jim and Betsy Nottke
Virginia Nugent
Jim and Kay Nutt
David and Cecilia O'Loughlin
James and Diana Oblinger
Robert and Charlotte Oehman
Olde Raleigh Garden Club
Kevin and Elizabeth Overcash
Elaine and Jesse Pace
Vince Parman and Joanne Canganelli
Diana Parrish and Max Wallace
R. F. and Frances Paschal
Dick Pearson and Joan Robertson
Tom and Sue Peatross
Kenneth and Ana Pecota
John Pelosi
Pennington Seed Co.
Daniel and Melissa Peoples
Henry Perkins
Donald Perry
Gail Perry
Thomas and Hazel Perry
Sharon Pesanka and Ryan Ruebesam
Barbara Petrilyak and Jennifer Osterman
David and Paula Pharr
Margaret Phillippi
Pinkhams' Horticultural Services
Chuck and Pat Poe
George and Mary Ella Pollock
Mary Ann and Gregory Poole
Positive Results
Kevin and Laura Potter
Steve and Jenny Powers
Charlotte and John Presley
John and Susan Pritchard
Austin and Cindy Proctor
Suzanne and Alfred Purrington
Raleigh Garden Club
Mike and Melissa Raley
Martha Ramirez
Neil and Susan Ramquist
Tom and Amira Ranney
Kathe Rauch
William and Mary Raufer
Rick Ray and Liz Ball
Cindy and Donald Rayno
Terry and Crystral Rea
Mary and Joseph Reback
Wade and Kathy Reece
Paul and Jane Reeder
Sandy Reid
William and Margaret Reid
Maryann and David Rettino
Lou and Bob Reynolds
Tina Rhodes and Charles Rodes
John Rich and Melanie Murphy
Janet Riddle
Rudy Riggs and Jim Phillips
John Rittelmeyer
Jerry and Mona Rodgers
Rodgers Landscape Services
Brad and Heather Rollins
Bryan and Kimberly Rosenberg
Robert Rossier and Eldred Hudson
Ben and Jeanne Rouse
Mary and Roanne Rowan
Thomas and Kathy Rucker
Dave Russo and Lila Forro
Judy Ryan
Dick and Judy Salentine
Sammy Sams
Cindy and Harold Sanborn
Shirley Sanders
Stephen and Deborah Santelli
Carol Sass
Kenneth and Sherri Satterwhite
Mary and Charles Sawyer
John Schott
Steve and Kelley Schroedl
Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Donald and Patricia Scott
Jon and Sarah Scott
Erik and Stephanie Seda
Bonnie and Walter Shackelford
Carl and Janet Shafer
Julie Shambaugh
Chris and Melissa Sharp
Sharpe Foundation
Timothy Shelton and Kristin Krippa
Mike and Gayle Sheppard
Lincoln Sherk
Bob and Connie Shertz
Robert Shore
Amy Sibley and Bryan Wareham
Heather Siekkinen
Ian and Talmadge Silversides
Leon and Mildred Simon
Nancy Simonsen
Mark and Sandra Simpson
Sims Farms
Janet Skidmore and Mike Mishkin
Thomas Skolnicki and Kevin Kane
Juliette Skwara-Hutter and Jordan Hutter
Lynn Smiley and Richard King
Carolyn and Daniel Solomon
Bruce and Laura Spader
Esther and Andrew Spaltenstein
Claire and Joe Spampinato
Robert and Pat Spearman
Dia Steiger
Tiffany Stein and Patrick Todd
Edward and Anita Stejskal
Ann Stellings
Matthew and Ivana Stevens
Richard and Jere Stevens
Stewart Engineering
Ray and Rose Ann Stilwell
Stormwater Services Group
Carol and C. B. Strange
Dave Stuckey and Bailey Cook
John Suddath
Sugarbush Gardens
Sunrise to Sunset Gardens
Edward and Janice Swab
Ann Swallow
Lynn and James Swanson
Rodney Swink and Juanita Shearer-Swink
Kimberly Symonds
Edward and Michele Szwedo
Louise and Banks Talley
Joe and Ginger Taylor
John and Lorely Temple
Nile Testerman and Beth Austin
Alan and Kathryn Tharp
John Thomas and Dale Batchelor
Jason and Martha Thomason
Marvin and Ann Thompson
Robert and Barbara Tiffany
John and Judy Tjebben
Julia and James Tommerdahl
Robert and Cheryl Toole
Transplant Nursery
John and Pat Troutman
David Trueblood
Gerald Tynan and Martha Stark
The Unique Plant
Mark and Jan Valletta
Peter Van Seters and Kris Kahn
Betsy Viall
George and Mary Wahl
Jane and John Wait
Robert Walko and Kathy Voytko-Walko
Michelle and Steve Wallace
Arthur and Jackie Warner
Casey Warner
William and Donna Warner
Ardis and Heather Watkins
Barbara and Donald Weaver
Janice and Frank Weedon
Greg and Laura Anne Welch
Dee Welker
Marvin and Dianne Welton
Thomas Wentworth and Linda Rudd
Judy Whatley
Elisabeth Wheeler
Ralph Whisnant
David White and Janine LeBlanc
Jerry and Adela Whitten
Bill and Libby Wilder
Bobby Wilder
James and Glynis Wilkes
Judi and David Wilkinson
John and Debbie Williams
Julia and Oliver Williams
Ronnie Williams and Tamara Smith
Tod and Donna Williams
John Williamson and Marilyn Ehrenshaft
William and Barbara Winn
Wishing Well Village Garden Club
Wood Valley Garden and Social Club
Brenda and James Woodley
George and Reba Worsley
Shirley and Albert Worsley
Worthington Farms
Richard and Amy Woynicz
Donna and Malcolm Wright
Qian Wu
Susan Wyatt and Robert Kellam
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Larry and Susan Yarger
Philip and Louise York
Z Enterprises
Steve and Dana Zamiara
Dora Zia
Eurman Acevedo
Gerald Adams
Ollie Adams
Shirley Adams
Virginia Adkins
Anne Albright
Tim Alderton
John Alexander
Bill Alston
Amaryllis Gardens
Linda Anderson
Dorothy Andrews
Susan Andrews
Arborcrest Garden
Archer Landscaping
Architectural Trees
Debra Arnold
Martha Ashby
Ellen Ashley
Barbara Atchison
Krista Ayscue
Celina Azevedo
Charlotte Bailey
Eloise Baines
Al Baker
James Ballington
Lou Ballou
Janet Banks
Joyce Barefoot
Barefoot Paths Nursery
Jane Bartlett
Nancy Bartlett
Bass Nixon and Kennedy
James Batten
Norman Beal
Llewellyn Beaman
Angelia Beasley
Daphne Beck
Faye Beck
Alexander Belskis
Stephanie Bertsche
Douglas Best
Ruth Bierhoff
Caelia Bingham
Kim Birch
Diane Birkemo
Cecilia Blackwell
Ann Blakely
Michael Blazek
Elizabeth Boehringer
Dick Boggs
Lisa Bohlen-Admire
Janet Borch
Wanda Borrelli
Nancy Bost
Willie Bowen
Lucy Bradley
The Brickman Group
Kathryn Briggs
Meriel Brodie
Mary Brogden
Dorothy Brolin
Lala Browder
Lisa Brown
Barbara Brown
Chris Brown
Steven Brown
Kelley Brown-Newsome
Jesse Bruner
Charles Bryan
Lou Bryant
Twila Buffington
Wayne Buhler
A. J. Bullard
Cynthia Bunn
Jean Burda
Andrea Burke
(name removed per member's request)
Wilhelmina Busby
Business Landscape Maintenance
James Buynitzky
C. T. Wilson Construction Co.
Elizabeth Calwell
Camellia Forest Nursery
Campbell Road Nursery
Lynn Canada
Dennis Carey
Carolina Country Club
Carolina Services and Real Estate
Paul Carr
Carroll's Plant Center
Ellen Cassilly
Frances Cates
Pam Causey
Doug Champion
Linda Chaplin
Linda Chappell
Arnette Clark
Bernadette Clark
Deward Clark
Linda Clark
Gerald Clifton
Bruce Clodfelter
Lara Clouse
Nancye Cobb
Amy Cole
Kay Coleman
Coley Forest Garden Club
Linda Collins
Rebecca Collis
Concord Hospitality
Rumen Conev
Eileen Conklin
Thomas Cook
Sue Anne Copley
Melinda Corn
James Coughlin
Dale Cousins
Nancy Cowal
Kirtley Cox
Vivian Coxe
Gretchen Cozart
Deborah Crandall
Larry Creech
Earl Creutzburg
Linda Crocker
Crocus Pocus
Margaret Crooks
Delores Crotts
Lee Crowell
Chicita Culberson
Cure Nursery
Shannon Currey
Kimberly Dabney
Anne Dahle
Leah Dail
Sophie Dangtran
Rae Daniel
Mike Daniels
Sandra Daniels
Minda Daughtry
Betsey Davis
William Dean
Scott Derby
DeRose Garden and Landscape
Polly Devany
Leah Dey
Lacy Dick
Michael Dishman
Bob Dolan
Alexander Donaldson
Catherine Donleycott
Nancy Doubrava
Dover Foundation
Cynthia Dowdy
Mary Doyle
Mary Ducatte
Darrin Duling
Kate Duprey
Albert Durio
Dalton Durio
Ken Durio
Earthly Delights
Susan Eichler
Amy Fahmy
Elwood Fairbrother
Fairview Nursery
Frankie Fanelli
Farmhouse Herbs
Faust Nursery
Robert Ferone
Jim Fidelman
Andrea Figura
A. E. Finley Foundation
The Fire Place
Peg Fisher
Fishing Creek Tree Farm
R. B. Fitch
Roland Flory
Martin Foil
Tom Foley
Annette Folsom
Forbes Landscaping
Kathryn Fort
Robert Foss
Nanny Foster
Myron Fountain
Cavett French
Bill Friday
Friendly Garden Club
Daniel Futrell
Tami Gabriel
Catherine Gaertner
Alan Galloway
Kevin Gantt
The Garden Club of North Carolina
The Garden Collection
Janice Garrett
Mary Lu Garrison
Gary Jewell and Co.
Wendy Gem
Peter Gentling
Vince Gentry
George Smedes Poyner Foundation
Jeanette Germaine
Pam Gilpin
Cynthia Glaser
Christopher Glenn
Ann Goebel
Chris Goforth
A Going Concern
Golden Corral Corp.
Marilyn Goldman
Cathy Gonzalez
Goodson and Associates
Alan Gordon
Mary-Benton Gordon
Vic Gordon
Hank Graden
Betty Graham
Frank Grainger
Ron Grainger
Rick Grant
Lind Graves
Green Biz
Green Earth
Mary Greiner
Jason Griffin
Noel Griffin
Grounds Touch Landscaping
Claudia Gunning
Steve Gurganus
Walter Gutierrez
Kathy Hafer
Ann Hall
Jane Hallberg
Betty Hamblet
Carolyn Hammerle
Debbie Hamrick
Newell Hancock
Sarah Hanner
Martin Hanni
Susan Hanson
Carolyn Happer
Irma Hardy
Jacqueline Harper
Bill Harrill
Marianne Hartman
Andrea Hartzell
Everette Hartzog
Barbara Haskell
Karen Hatcher
Thomas Hawkins
Hawksridge Farms
Jim Haywood
Donna Heaton
Cindy Heinlein
Jenny Helms
Peggy Helms
Peg Henderson
Warren Henderson
Andy Hensley
Ann Hensley
Peggy Herbert
Leslie Herndon
Ellen Herron
Angela Hertzberg
Erik Hicks
Matthew Hicks
Evelyn Hines
Bradley Holland
Jim Holland
Dale Hollar
Lorette Hollinshed
Hedy Hollyfield
Fred Hooks
Louise Hord
Harvey Horne
Donna Horton
Thomas Hudak
Isabel Huffman
Martha Huggins
Mac Hulslander
Carolyn Hunt
June Hutson
Betty Hyatt
Gail Ingram
Cathy Isaza
Bonnie Iversen
Jade Rabbit
Linda Jaeger
Adrienne Jalowsky
Jere's Landscaping
Liz Johnson
Janice Johnson
Opal Johnson
Ozzie Johnson
Rodney Johnson
Charles Jones
Edwin Jones
Johanna Jones
Loyce Jones
Sherry Jones
James Jordan
K. E. P. Landscaping
Wendy Kanable
Rosemary Kautzky
Cheryl Kearns
Autumn Keck
Pauline Kellam
Arthur Kelley
Sheila Kellogg
Ellen Kelly
Mary Kelly
Olivia Kemp
Frances Kerr
Tim Ketchie
Jennifer Kim
Virgie Kinch
Jennette King
Ellen Kinnee
Marlene Kinney
Amy Kneifel
Margot Knepp
Elen Knott
Valerie Knowlton
Julia Kolb
Faye Koonce
Mike Kowalski
Thomas Krenitsky
Charles Kronberg
Carolyn Lackey
James Lail
Jim Lamb
Tom Lamb
Jo Lamberto
Landscapes Alive
Beth Lane
Bryce Lane
Steve Lange
Laura's Thyme
Laurel Springs Nursery
Laurence Lynn Photography
Angie Lavendar
Virginia Lawler
George Laws
Leaksville Garden Club
Darlene Lee
Lee's Landscape Solutions
Wyatt LeFever
Katherine Lehman
Eric Lentz
Virginia Leone
Liz Levine
Denis Levy
Kathy Lewis
Cindy Lincoln
Betsy Lindemuth
Patricia Lindsey
Elsa Liner
Margaret Link
David Lisowski
Carolyn Littles
Logan Trading Post
Longwood Gardens
R. Lopez
Lorax Farms
Mary Lorscheider
Yale Loucks
Eileen Lowenbach
Kathleen Luckhaus
Harry Luther
Karen Lynch
Alan MacIntyre
Elizabeth Mahanna
Kelly Mallam
Shari Maloney
Beth Mann
Karen Mann
Alison Martin
Michael Masiuk
Tina Mast
Norma Matthews
Elizabeth Mazurik
Doug McAbee
Patrick McCracken
Ida McCullers
Andy McDaniel
Clyde McDowell
Betty McGuire
Alberta McKay
Callaway McKay
David McKenney
Rosalind McMillan
Muriel McNeilly
Jane Meadows
Lisa Meares
Verna Medeiros
Betsy Megalos
Rita Mercer
Binks Mew
James Mickle
Mina Mila
Lynda Miller
Marlyn Miller
Jill Mills
Cynthia Mitchener
Georgia Mixon
Kristen Monahan
David Monks
Monrovia Nursery
Kathleen Moore
Laura Moore
Cecelia Morgan
Phyllis Moroge
Jainel Morris
Jeffery Morton
Rob Moseley
Cora Musial
Nature's Art by Susan Aldworth
Brian Nelson
Norbert Nevid
Karla Nevils
New Garden Landscaping and Nursery
New Ornamentals Society
Sally Newman
Niche Gardens
Hilary Nichols
Nadine Nicotera
Night Magic
Matthew Noel
Jenny Nolan
Elizabeth Norval
Hughen Nourse
Flora O'Brien
O'Brien/Atkins Associate
Bonnie O'Connor
Nancy O'Larnic
Tina Oberle
Old Courthouse Nursery and Mac Farms
Janice Olsen
Richard Olsen
Diane Olson
Oneida Partners
Jon Ort
Ed Osborne
James Overcash
Mary Overcash
Rhonda Overman
Elizabeth Page
Virginia Parker
Robin Parsons
David Paschal
Mary Belle Pate
Sandy Peace
Cindy Peacock
Michael Pearson
Joe Pemberton
Pender Pines Garden Center
Beth Pflaum
Walter Pharr
Rose Phillips
Sharon Pigott
Willie Pilkington
Betty Pipes
Pleasant Gardens
Edward Ponek
Michael Poole
Anne Porter
Dixie Porter
Kim Powell
Loleta Powell
Elizabeth Pringle
Proper Gardens
Tara Raab
Patricia Rago
Sharon Ramsey
Rachel Rawls
Carol Reaves
Red Cedar Landscaping and Lawn Care
Redbud Designs
Kathleen Redfern
Dorothy Reilly
Jacqueline Reisberg
Renz Landscape and Irrigation
Katherine Reynolds
Landscape Architecture and Planning
Carl Rich
Theadore Richardson
Sallie Ricks
Jessica Rigouard
Sarah Rigouard
Debbie Robichaud
Laura Robinson
Ward Robinson
Jennifer Rock
Kimberly Rodgers
Jon Roethling
Jeremy Rogers
Louise Rogers
Margaret Rogers
Lisa Rohloff
Susan Rollins
Robert Ronningen
Christy Rosas
Elishia Rousos
Bette Roy
Herbert Roy
The Royal Gardens
Jean Rundquist
Clifton Ryan
Janice Salmon
Sanford Dermatology
Harriet Sato
Aaron Schettler
James Schlitt
David Schreiber
Arty Schronce
Brenda Scott
The Scotts Co.
Sears Design Group
Seay Partners
Frances Shapiro
Judith Shapiro
Myrtle Shea
Beth Sheffield
Jim Sherwood
Donna Shields
Julia Shields
Kay Shiflett
Mark Shuman
Frank Simons
Algie Simpson
Singing Springs Nursery
Elaine Sisko
Lynn Small
Jane Smith
Allen Smith
Tracey Smith-Oliver
Layne Snelling
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance
Southern Green
Southern Horizons Landscaping
Jeff Springer
Shauna Stackhouse
Eileen Stahl
Annabelle Stein
Sondra Stein
Kim Stephenson
Susan Stephenson
Jane Stikeleather
Clifton Stone
Patricia Stover
Janice Stratton
Marjorie Strawn
Mary Ann Streeter
Giles Stroud
Harriett Stubbs
Edna Suggs
Dale Suiter
Marguerite Summers
Charles Sumner
Betty Sutton
Elaine Swaim
Lynn Swank
Chris Swann
Swanson and Associates
Priscilla Swindell
Betsy Sykes
Beverly Taylor
Patricia Taylor
Connor Testerman
John Theys
Alden Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Anitra Todd
Lloyd Tomlin
Tracy Traer
Susan Treadway
Tree Movers
Tree Shaper
Jon Trexler
Turtle Creek Nursery
Valerie Tyson
Beth Umberger
Undergraduate Students, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University
Karen Untz
Wyatt Upchurch
Paulette Van de Zande
Salem Van Every
Village Green
Judith Vilter
Katherine Violette
Vision Scapes
Jennie Wagner
Marie Wagner
Wake Premier Landscape
Lynda Waldrep
Daryl Walker
Donna Walker
Judy Walker
Gloria Wallace
Barbara Walters
Waltham Gardens
Alvah Ward
Ward and Smith
Barbara Washburn
Betsy Washington
Donna Watkins
Linda Watson
Molly Watters
Apryl Webb
David Webb
Angela Weiland
Patricia Weisbrodt
Erin Weston
Noel Weston
Susan Whaley
Linda Wharton
David White
Peter White
Lynn Wilhelm
Sheila Wilkerson
Laura Willer
Anne Williams
Katherine Williams
Ross Williams
James Wilson
Jan Wilson
Mary Wilson
Erica Winston
Stephen Wirth
Farrell Wise
Barbara Wishy
Paula Wolff
John Wood
Nancy Woods
Ann Wortham
Jewel Wynns
Anna Yarborough
John Yelvington
York Simpson Underwood
Brooke Ancrile
Maggie Baker
Holly Braswell
Matthew Cox
David Creech
Mike Geci
Christopher Graham
Corley Hughes
Jessica Lawrence
James Leslie
Michelle Leslie
Colin Lickwas
Davidson Pharr
William Pharr
Erin Possiel
Graham Ray
Valerie Rayno
Rachel Salmon
Sue St. Clair
Rachel Wingo
Jonathan Wolfe
Matching Gift Companies
Bank of America
Becton Dickinson
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Progress Energy
Saint-Gobain Corp.
State Farm Insurance Co.
Major Gifts and Grants
Carolina Stalite – $1,550
Scree Garden Development
The Garden Conservancy – $3,400
Raleigh Open Days Tour Program
Johnston County Association of Nurserymen – $1,000
Arboretum Collections Enhancement
Alan MacIntyre – $1,000
Friends of the Arboretum Lecture
Pi Alpha Xi – $1,500
Renovation of the Stepping-stone Water Garden
Sylvia Redwine – $4,020
Post Symposium Party
William and Margaret Reid – $1,000
Plant Collections
Singing Springs Nursery – $3,918
Tender Perennials for Entry Garden
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust – $15,800
Interpretive Signage, Development of the Bulb Border
Swift Creek Nursery – $1,700
Arboretum Collections Enhancement
Bobby Wilder – $1,925
Picnic Table for the Visitor Center, Computer for Slide Scanning
Gifts to the Arboretum
In addition to our membership, we have also received other special gifts to the Arboretum. Thank you to all these donors for giving us the extra support.
A. E. Finley Foundation
Ollie Adams
Virginia Adkins
Amaryllis Gardens
Appalachian Trees
Arborvillage Farm Nursery
Ann Armstrong
Barefoot Paths Nursery
Bayer Environmental Science
Harriet Bellerjeau
Lee Best
Doug Bethune
Cecilia Blackwell
Blue Heron Landscaping
Vandi Bradow
Michele Browne
Lou Bryant
Bea Burnett
James Buynitzky
Camellia Forest Nursery
Carolina Gardener
Danalouise Chapman
Phyllis Coates-Beckford
Coley Forest North Garden Club
Colonial Baptist Church
Colony Woods Garden Club
Community Christian School
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Cure Nursery
Davidson Garden Club
Terrie Davis
Alexander and Linda De Grand
Drewry Hills Garden Club
Thom and Nancy Duncan
Ella and Les Swindell Foundation
Allan and Susan Eure
Lisa and Richard Evans
Marty and Alan Finkel
The Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program
Gardeners of Wake County
Garland C. Norris Co.
GC Council of W-S/Forsyth County
Kathleen Glenister
Cynthia Green
Joan Haas
Harold Hall
Debbie Hamrick
Warren Henderson
Hidden Hills Garden Club
Hoe N Hope Garden Club
Karl and Pauline Hoffmann
Fred Hooks
Horticultural Assets Management
Cindy Hutchins
JDavis Architects
Johnston County Association of Nurserymen
Arthur Kelley
Landscape Design Critics Council, NCAFGC
Laurel Hills Garden Club
Laurel Springs Nursery
Charlie and Wanda Leffler
The Little Garden Club of Warrenton
Jesse McDaniel
Judy Morgan-Davis and Bob Davis
Mary Narron
Judy Neuschafer
Neuse Plant and Bark
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen
North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers Association
North Carolina Department of Agriculture
North Carolina Landscape Association
Northwoods Garden Club
Gail Perry
Pi Alpha Xi
Piedmont Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
Pine Knot Farms
Plant Delights Nursery
David Pulman
Raleigh Hemerocallis Club
Tom and Amira Ranney
William and Margaret Reid
Jane Ritchie
Sears Design Group
Shiloh Nursery
Ian and Talmadge Silversides
Elaine Sisko
Esther and Andrew Spaltenstein
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
State Employees Combined Campaign
Ray and Rose Ann Stilwell
Melrose Stocks
Nile Testerman and Beth Austin
Triangle United Way
The Unique Plant
Karen Untz
Judith Vilter
Wake Stone Corp.
Lynda and George Waldrep
Judi and David Wilkinson
Julia Williams
Wing Haven Foundation
Woman's Club of Raleigh
George and Reba Worsley
Donna and Malcolm Wright
Louise Wrinkle
Gala in the Garden Sponsors
The Gala in the Garden is our signature fund-raising event held every first Sunday in May. In 2006, our sponsors contributed over $62,000. Thank you again to the 2006 Gala in the Garden sponsors for making our event a huge success.
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen
A. E. Finley Foundation
Pender Nursery
Mary Ann and Greg Poole
Hawksridge Farms
Bland Landscaping
A Blue Hen in A Blue State
The Brickman Group
Linda and Tommy Bunn
Dottie and W. L. Burns
Campbell Road Nursery
Carolina Sunrock
Carroll's Plant Center
Century Framing
Fair Products
Gold Kist
Gregory Poole Equipment Co.
Hefner's Nursery
Hoffman Nursery
Monrovia Nursery
Murphy Family Ventures
North Carolina Agricultural Foundation
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co.
Taylor's Nursery
York Simpson Underwood
Bob and Penny Barnhill
C. T. Wilson Construction Co.
Dover Foundation
Annabelle and Lew Fetterman
Fowler's Nursery
Gelvin Management Services
Gilmore Plant and Bulb Co.
Golden Corral Corp.
Charlie Kidder
Julia Kornegay
New Garden Landscaping and Nursery
Outfall Farm
Pennington Seed Co.
Judy and Mark Peters
Anne Porter
Sampson Nursery
Gayle and Michael Sheppard
Leon and Mildred Simon
Kathleen and Walt Thompson
Turftenders Landscaping Services
Janice and Frank Weedon
Georgina and Dennis Werner
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Other Gala Donations
Karen and Larry Kelly
O'Brien/Atkins Associates
Custom Brick Co.
Ginger and Jo Taylor
Nadine Tope
Martha and Peyton Woodson
Annette Guirlinger
Clara Flanagan
Tift and Dabney Mann
Paul and Phebe Kirkman
Ron E. Doggett
Gift-in-kind Donors
The JC Raulston Arboretum is very fortunate to have another large source of support through gifts-in-kind. These donors are so vital to the success of our events, especially the Gala in the Garden and the symposium. They also provide services and plant materials that keep the Arboretum beautiful for everyone.
Rosanna Adams
Alumni and Friends Society, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University
Mary Andrews
Appalachian Trees
Ann Armstrong
Arthur A. "Buck" Jones and Associates
At Ease
Bayer Environmental Science
Pam and Michael Beck
Jayme Bednarczyk and Phillip Abbott
Better Tree Care
Bland Landscaping
Matthew Bland
Body Balance Movement Therapy
Brent and Becky's Bulbs
Phyllis and Donnie Brookshire
Joseph Bryan
Tom and Marie Bumgarner
Mark Burnham
Campbell Road Nursery
Carolina Hurricanes
Carolina Stalite
Century Framing
Anne and Allen Clapp
Haddon and Irma Clark
Clark's Nursery of Jonas Ridge
College Advancement, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University
Donald Crowder
Cypress Bend Vineyards
C. J. Dykes
Elegance By Design
Ernestine Emerson
Frankie Fanelli
Ann G. Fearrington
Dan Finch
Marty and Alan Finkel
The Fire Place
Mark Fleming
Flowers on Broad Street
Friends of the University of Tennessee Gardens
Gelvin Management Services
Gilmore Plant and Bulb Co.
Gold Kist
Gregory Poole Equipment Co.
Mark Griffith
Reid Hargrove
Hawksridge Farms
Highland Creek Nursery
Hoffman Nursery
Hughes Design/Doggie Impressions by Nancy
Hunter Tree and Landscape
Brian Hurley
JAGG Classics
JC Atwell Designs
Jewelry by Artie
Beth and Juan Jimenez
Barbara and Loren Kennedy
Charlie Kidder
Knats Creek Nursery
Thomas Krenitsky
Lasting Impressions
Little and Little Landscape Architects
Logan Trading Co.
Madcap Sculptress
Mary McClure
Patrick McCracken
David Millward
Monrovia Nursery of North Carolina
Nature's Green-Releaf
New Ornamentals Society
The News and Observer
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen
Chuck and Bev Norwood
Nurseries Caroliniana
Marjorie O'Keeffe
Keith Oakley
Page Road Nursery
Panoramic Farm
Panther Creek Nursery
Pender Nursery
Pennington Seed
Zvezdana Pesic Van Esbroeck
Pine Knot Farms
Plant Delights Nursery
Anne Porter
Charlotte and John Presley
PRG Photo Art
Quaker Meadows Nursery
Raleigh Garden Club
Raleigh Little Theatre
Sylvia Redwine
Janet Riddle
Margot Rochester
Erin Schnieders
Shadow Nursery
Singing Springs Nursery
Danielle Smith
SODCO Turf Producers
Southern Lights
Mark C. Starrett
Russell Stephenson
Susan Stephenson
Gayle Streifford
Swift Creek Nursery
Tarheel Native Trees
Timber Press
Tracy Traer
Keith Warren
Carl Whitcomb
Bobby Wilder
Jan Wilson
Erica Winston
Words and Wires
Miles Wright
Johnny and Jackie Wynne
Z Enterprises
Creating or contributing to an endowment is a long-term investment that will provide financial stability for the Arboretum year after year. Two new endowments were created in 2006 to benefit the Arboretum. These gifts will be a lasting legacy for each one of these donors.
JC Raulston Arboretum Endowment for Excellence
Taimi Anderson
Jack and Micki Cox
Larry Daniel
Amy Devereaux
Vivian and Peter Finkelstein
Roland Flory
Kathryn Fort
Alice Garland
Ray Goodmon
Sylvester and Martha Herlihy
Wava Howard
J. Frank Schmidt Family Trust
Virgie Kinch
Mary King
The Estate of Annalise Koch
Thearon and Vanette McKinney
Van Noah
Sharon O'Neill and Curtis Kasefang
John Pelosi
Pender Nursery
Katie and Steven Perry
Margaret Phillippi
Emily Rosen
Debra Singer-Harter
Henry Steele
Bobby Ward and Roy Dicks
Thomas Wason
Dennis and Georgina Werner
Jerry and Adela Whitten
Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co.
Bobby G. Wilder JC Raulston Arboretum Internship Endowment*
Bobby Wilder
Jack R. Lamm JC Raulston Arboretum Internship Endowment*
Bobby Wilder
JC Raulston Arboretum Green Industry Horticultural Assistant Endowment
Coley Bunch Nursery
Amy Kneifel
Dorothy Love
Jane Meadows
Robert E. Lyons JC Raulston Arboretum Internship Endowment
Cora Musial
James and Diana Oblinger
Anne Porter
Marian Nottingham Finley/Marian Nottingham Rice Rose Garden Endowment
A. E. Finley Foundation
*New in 2006
For more information on how you can create an endowment to benefit the JC Raulston Arboretum, please contact Autumn Keck at (919) 513-3826.
Staff, Interns, Student Assistants, and Board of Advisors
Tim Alderton – Research Technician
Bernadette Clark – Bedding Plant Trials Coordinator
Nancy Doubrava – Interpretive Specialist
Frankie Fanelli – Volunteer Coordinator
Christopher Todd Glenn – Programs and Education Coordinator
Autumn Keck – Associate Director of Membership and Fund-raising Events
Sheila Kellogg – Plant Records Assistant
Faye Koonce – Facilities Coordinator
James Lail – Horticultural Assistant
Ida McCullers – Housekeeper
Judy Morgan-Davis – Interpretive Assistant
Layne Snelling – Plant Breeding Coordinator
Valerie Tyson – Plant Recorder
Denny Werner, Ph.D. – Director
Anthony Beck
Robbie Colondres
Cassie Cunningham
James Garzoni
Corley Hughes
Ben Pick
Student Assistants
Derek Ball
Rob Donald
Jeremy Rogers
Nicholas Serrano
Board of Advisors
Ann Armstrong
Pam Beck
Tom Bland – Chair
Phyllis Brookshire – Vice Chair
Anne Clapp
Al Cooke
Rick Crowder
Dave Duch
Ron Gelvin
Tom Gilmore
Debbie Hamrick
Bradley Holland – Ex-officio Member
Jerry Jackson
Autumn Keck – Membership and Development Liaison
Charlie Kidder
Julia Kornegay, Ph.D. – Ex-officio Member
Linda Lawson
Bob Peter
Susan Rollins
Anne Spafford
Ralph Upton
Bobby Ward, Ph.D.
Denny Werner,
Written by Denny Werner, Ph.D., with contributions by Frankie Fanelli, Autumn Keck, and Judy Morgan-Davis.
Christopher Todd Glenn, Editor
April 2007 JC Raulston Arboretum