JC Raulston Arboretum Plant Sale

Spring Plant Sale 2024

The JC Raulston Arboretum's first plant sale was in 2010. This plant availability list for 2024 remains on this site as an archive of what we offered that year.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Abelops'
Sunshine Daydream glossy abelia

This sport of 'Little Richard' has creamy margined glossy semi-evergreen foliage that emerges with a burgundy tint. The young stems are often bright red as well. White flowers open from pale pink buds over most of the summer. The fragrant flowers attract pollinators throughout the season. The plants maintain a neat, dwarf habit without pruning.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Bailbeliaone'
Vanilla Brandy glossy abelia

A compact selection of Abelia with white-margined variegated leaves. In the fall, leaf margins turn pink to rose. New stems are red-purple through the growing season.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Frosty'
glossy abelia

Lightly-scented white tubular flowers with pink calyxes at the ends of the branches in late spring. Variegated foliage edged in white with hints of grayish green. Blooms on new wood so you can prune in late winter or as needed.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rose Creek'

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Rose Creek'
glossy abelia

Compact form featuring red stems, glossy leaves which emerge with a pink tint before turning dark green. Evergreen in zone 7 and up but the leaves turn shades of soft purple-green in winter. Tubular, fragrant, white flowers (to 1/2 inch long) with rosy sepals in late spring to early summer.
Acer palmatum

Acer palmatum
Japanese maple

An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. Could be something special...or could be mundane...your guess is as good as ours.

Achillea millefolium 'Balvinred'
New Vintage Red yarrow

A compact, red flowered perennial with soft, fern-like foliage . Drought tolerant once established. Deadheading promotes rebloom. Makes excellent cut or dried flower arrangements. Rejuvenate it in late summer by cutting back hard or mowing on the highest setting. Butterfly species attracted: American Copper, Banded Hairstreak, Lorquin's Admiral, West Coast Lady.

Achillea millefolium 'FLORACHYE2'
Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta Improved yarrow

Compact mounding form with bright flowers all summer (as long as spent blooms are pinched off). Performs best in well-drained soils.
Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Falling Waters'

Adiantum capillus-veneris 'Falling Waters'
maidenhair fern

A native fern with attractive arching fronds. The black stipes (midrib) are also quite attractive.
Adiantum pedatum

Adiantum pedatum
American maidenhair fern

Maidenhair fern is a native southeast U.S. fern. Like all ferns, this is quite deer resistant while looking delicate and elegant. A tough perennial despite its lacy appearance.

Agapanthus 'SDB002'
Ever Midnight lily of the nile

A semi-dwarf selection of this popular blue-flowered summer bulb. Loves heat and sun.

Agapanthus 'WP001'
Ever White lily of the nile

A semi-dwarf selection. This is a white-flowered selection of this normally blue-flowered summer bulb. Loves heat and sun.
Agarista populifolia

Agarista populifolia
Florida leucothoe

Large, spring flowering evergreen shrub formerly known as Leucothoe populifolia. Great screen for shady conditions. This is an outstanding native for the woodland garden.

Agastache 'Blue Bayou'
anise hyssop

New for 2024, this hybrid Agastache is compact and features blue flowers. Drought tolerant and attracts hummingbirds. The fragrant foliage is deer resistant too. Plant in relatively well-drained soil.

Agastache 'Queen Nectarine'
Meant to Bee anise hyssop

This variety was selected for its large, full habit and cold hardiness. Flowers cover the top two thirds of these plants from mid to late summer, with colorful calyxes extending interest into fall. Full sun and well drained soils needed. Well adapted to thrive in dry soils, rock gardens and container plantings. Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and honeybees.
Ajuga 'Cordial Canary'

Ajuga 'Cordial Canary'
Feathered Friends carpet bugle

Narrow foliaged creeping ground cover with chartreuse leaves. The flowers attract hummingbirds.
Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa'

Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa'
pyramid bugle

Clumping ajuga for shade, spring blue flowers. Prefers well-drained soils. The flowers attract hummingbirds.

Allium 'Lavender Bubbles'
ornamental onion

At the end of summer, this perennial produces rounded flower clusters atop its grass-like, onion-scented foliage. Compared to the popular 'Millenium', 'Lavender Bubbles' blooms later and is a darker shade of purple. Like all flowering onions, this is carefree, easy to grow, and deer and rabbit resistant. Butterflies and honeybees like the nectar as an added bonus.

Alyssum serpyllifolium

An alpine or rock garden perennial. Low growing carpets of silver-grey leaves and light yellow blossoms. Give it some reprieve from afternoon sun and heat.
Ampelaster carolinianus

Ampelaster carolinianus
climbing aster

Native, vining aster with lavender flowers in fall. Produces woody stems that do not die back.

Aquilegia 'PAS1258484'
Earlybird Red White columbine

An early flowering selection with rose red flowers with white centers and lovely, lacy blue-green foliage. It will seed around from year to year (unless deadheaded) and the seedlings will be pretty but not necessarily be bi-colored. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Arachniodes simplicior

Arachniodes simplicior
east Indian holly fern

An evergreen fern with dark green, stiff, almost plastic-feeling fronds. New growth emerges late in the spring.
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'

Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
golden Japanese spikenard

A great chartreuse foliage for use in dappled shade gardens. Blooming in mid to late summer it produces rounded clusters of white flowers. Can produce purple-black fruits that contrast with foliage. Often dies to the ground each year and re-emerges in spring.
Aronia arbutifolia

Aronia arbutifolia
red chokeberry

A native shrub known for its red fall foliage, tolerance of moist soils, and fall fruit that birds enjoy. This shrub suckers...good if you want to fill in an area, but easy to control by pruning. It will grow in sun or shade, but fall foliage and berry production are better in sun.

Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
Powis Castle artemisia

Finely textured, fern-like, silver-gray, aromatic foliage that grows in upright, spreading mounds up to 6 feet wide. A great groundcover for a sunny, dry spot. Does not like wet feet.
Arundo donax 'Peppermint Stick'

Arundo donax 'Peppermint Stick'
white variegated giant reed

A variegated grass that grows up to 12' in a single season. Slowly forms a 5' wide clump. In fall, clumps are topped with 18" bronze-colored plumes. Not invasive, despite the claims.

Asclepias incarnata 'Milkmaid'

A Monarch butterfly magnet, this clumping perennial features erect stems with fragrant clusters of white flowers. It grows well in normal garden soil but also does well in moist and low spots. Hummingbird magnet.
Asclepias tuberosa

Asclepias tuberosa
butterfly weed

Flowers provide nectar for butterflies, and foliage provides food for monarch, gray hairstreak and queen butterfly larvae. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Asplenium scolopendrium

Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's tongue fern

An easy fern that forms tight rosettes of undivided tongue-like fronds. Plant in a moist, well-drained, partly shaded spot. One hundred percent deer proof.
Athyrium 'Lady In Red'

Athyrium 'Lady In Red'
lady fern

This striking selection from the New England Wildflower Society has unique, dark red stems. Each spring, there is a fresh flush of lacy new fronds. Lady ferns are slowing spreading (3' in about five years), dependable, and easy to grow garden plants.

Athyrium otophorum 'Limelight'
eared lady fern

The wide triangular fronds are a muted chartreuse color that looks great in a shade garden and is complimented by red stems. Foliage matures to a pale green as the season progresses. Looks its best if not exposed to drought.

Aubrieta olympica
rock cress

An evergreen rock garden plant that forms a small cushion of purple flowers in spring. Needs good drainage.
Baptisia australis

Baptisia australis
blue wild-indigo

Herbaceous perennial; rich blue stately spikes of flowers above emerald-green, 3-parted foliage.

Baptisia 'Grape Taffy'
dwarf wild-indigo

A dwarf cultivar for smaller gardens. The royal purple flowers are accented by a buff yellow keel for a bicolor effect. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Baptisia 'Solar Flare'
Prairieblues yellow wild-indigo

Tall spikes of pea-like flowers open bright lemon-yellow then blush to orange tones as they mature – standing like dense, broad bouquets above blue-green foliage. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Begonia aff. palmata

A perennial Begonia (accession 180822) that came to us via plant collector Ozzie Johnson. Collected in Arunachal Pradesh India in 2012. We've grown it here at the JC Raulston Arboretum since 2018. This one of several Begonia accessions that we have from the high altitude areas or northeast India where the winter temps are somewhat like ours. Winter mulch recommended.
Berberis jamesiana

Berberis jamesiana
James' barberry

This deciduous barberry features elegant panicles of yellow flowers hanging from almost every node. In fall, it produces tart but edible salmon-pink fruit that hang from pendulous branches. Fruit ages to deep red. Fountain-shaped habit. Tolerates clay soil. Red fall foliage.
Blechnum spicant

Blechnum spicant
deer fern

A lovely evergreen fern forming clumps of arching fronds. Fertile fronds rise above the typical foliage in vertical open spikes. Easy and reliable in the landscape - deer resistance is just a bonus.
Brugmansia 'Sunset'

Brugmansia 'Sunset'
angel's trumpet

A variegated form with white-edged foliage. This is a dieback shrub for us that prefers moist soil and full sun.

Brunnera macrophylla 'Frostbite'
Siberian bugloss

A variegated form, silver with green veins and edges. Beautiful, heart-shaped, variegated foliage makes this low maintenance plant a must for a shady area.
Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart'

Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart'
Siberian bugloss

A variegated form, silver with green veins and edges. Beautiful, heart-shaped, variegated foliage makes this low maintenance plant a must for a shady area.

Buddleja 'Balchryran'
Chrysalis Cranberry butterfly bush

A dwarf butterfly bush with a long bloom period. Tolerates drought and heavy rain which makes it perfect for North Carolina gardens. Wait until spring to do any annual trimming / shaping.
Buddleja 'Miss Ruby'

Buddleja 'Miss Ruby'
compact butterfly bush

A JCRA introduction from Denny Werner's breeding program, this compact butterfly-bush has the deepest red flowers of any selection. Earned the #1 spot at the RHS trials. Named for Miss Ruby McSwain, a JC Raulston Arboretum benefactor. Functionally sterile so no worries about seeding in the garden. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Calamintha 'Marvelette Blue'

A compact calamint with blue flowers and minty fresh leaves. Great for an herb garden, rock garden or mass planting. Drought tolerant and easy to grow. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Callicarpa americana

Callicarpa americana
American beautyberry

Southeastern U.S. native with large bright purple berries borne close along the stems. Although it will grow in the shade, it produces more berries in full sun. Light pink flowers are insignificant. Birds really enjoy the fruit in winter.

Callicarpa 'NCCX2'
Pearl Glam beautyberry

An upright growing hybrid with purple foliage that fades to green. In fall it produces violet-purple berries. This hybrid from plant genius Tom Ranney obviously has some C. kwangtungensis in it and shares its space-saving upright habit and foliage.

Calylophus 'Sunglow'
Ladybird Texas primrose

Tough, self-sufficient plant that doesn't mind being ignored. Heat and drought tolerant plants, that love well drained soil. It is native in the Southwest United States. Brilliant yellow summer flowers attract pollinators.

Campanula carpatica 'Rapido Blue'
Carpathian bellflower

Violet blue, cup-shaped flowers. Deadhead to encourage rebloom. An early bloomer, this selection flowers up to a month before most other Campanula selections. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Campanula cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue'

A compact variety that blooms delicate, dark blue, bell shaped flowers. Forms a low growing, spreading cushion. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Campanula 'Pink Octopus'
bell flower

Japanese lantern-type buds open to striking pink, octopus-like flowers above strong, deeply cut foliage. Long bloom time and easy to grow. This spreader does very well in the South. Tolerant of most soils. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Canna musifolia

Canna musifolia
banana canna

A gigantic canna grown for its tropical foliage rather than its insignificant flowers.
Canna 'Orange Punch'

Canna 'Orange Punch'
canna lily

A medium sized 4' tall canna lily with intense orange and yellow flowers. Canna lilies are very tolerant of heavy wet soil but thrive equally well in average soils, but not dry ones.

Canna 'Rose Tiger'
canna lily

Variegated leaves are green striped with yellow. From the 'tiger' series from the New Life Tropicals nursery in Bangkok Thailand.

Carex appalachica
Appalachian sedge

A native, grass-like perennial that can be used in garden beds or as a lawn alternative. Narrow 10" foliage forms a weeping 6" tall clump that sways in the wind. Great low-maintenance lawn substitute for low-traffic. Dry to average soil. Best with some shade.
Carex ciliatomarginata 'Treasure Island'

Carex ciliatomarginata 'Treasure Island'

A variegated 'grass' for shade. Slowly spreads into a patch. Does best in moist soil.

Carex comans
Amazon Mist New Zealand hair sedge

Very narrow leaves emerge green and fade to silver giving a two-toned shimmering effect, especially in a breeze. Self seeds.
Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'
variegated sedge

Stiff, deep green leaves are each bordered by a white edge for an easy and reliable grass-like perennial all year round. Best if cut to the ground in late winter before new growth emerges. Grow in average to damp soils.
Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'

Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'
Evercolor Japanese sedge

The grass experts at Hoffman Nursery say: "What makes this sedge different? Its lime green leaves gradually deepen to solid golden yellow. Adds a color burst to mixed container plantings, garden beds, and borders. Can spread slowly by rhizomes to form a vibrant ground cover".

Catalpa fargesii
Chinese catalpa

An easy to grow shade tree that likes moist loamy soil. The late spring flowers are large and spectacular. The large leaves look wonderful early in the season but can look a little beat up by late summer. The long, narrow seed pods in fall are also ornamental.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Grows in a wide range of soil types except for wet, poorly drained soils. Spreads by rhizomes into a patch. Fall foliage is dark red that overlaps with its long flowering period. Rare in the wild and scarce in horticulture.


An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. Could be something special...or could be mundane...your guess is as good as ours.
Chamaecyparis thyoides

Chamaecyparis thyoides
Atlantic white-cedar

Native NC conifer; tolerates poorly drained soils well as compacted urban ones. Bluish foliage. Upright and narrow habit.

Chelone lyonii 'Armitpp02'
Tiny Tortuga dwarf turtlehead

Bronzy green to black green leaves help show off pink blooms. Compact and upright. Spreads slowly by rhizomes. In the hot Southern summers, make sure it's protected from afternoon sun with good air circulation.
Chrysanthemum 'Cathy's Rust'

Chrysanthemum 'Cathy's Rust'
garden chrysanthemum

Single-flowered chrysanthemum are superb pollinator supporters when they bloom in November.
Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush'

Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush'

A native mat-forming groundcover for shade. Spreads up to a foot or more. 'Allen bush' is more compact and has a longer bloom period than the wild type.


An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. Could be something special...or could be mundane...your guess is as good as ours.

Clematis coactilis
Virginia whitehair leather flower

A West Virginia native Clematis that grows as a short clump rather than a vine. Dainty, white bell-shaped flowers at the tips of the stems will rebloom if deadheaded. Must have well drained soil...or even a gravel bed.

Clematis henryi

A Chinese clematis with white, bell-shaped flowers. Not to be confused with the hybrid cultivar 'Henryi' which looks completely different. The flowers attract hummingbirds.

Clematis integrifolia 'Psharlan'
Mongolian Bells shrub clematis

Shrubby, with blue bell-shaped flowers that continue over a long period starting in late spring. You can cut it back after the first bloom to keep it growing upright, or let it continue to grow (eventually flop) and form seeds for the birds. Deadheading promotes re-bloom.

Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal'

Velvety burgundy-purple 4" diameter blooms in summer. Can be pruned as Group 2 or Group 3. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Clematis 'Stand by Me Pink'
bush clematis

A bush clematis that dies back to the ground each year. Emerging in spring it rapidly grows to around 3' tall and wide and is covered by dangling pink flowers. Benefits from staking.
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'

Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'

A compact selection of summersweet clethra, a native deciduous summer blooming shrub. Spikes of white, fragrant flowers in summer and usually good yellow fall color. Tolerates average to wet soils.
Clinopodium nepeta subsp. glandulosum 'White Cloud'

Clinopodium nepeta subsp. glandulosum 'White Cloud'
lesser calamint

aka Calamintha nepeta. White flowers appear in late spring and last all season long until frost. Attracts loads of pollinators. Fragrant foliage smells like oregano, so deer leave it alone.
Colocasia esculenta 'Coffee Cups'

Colocasia esculenta 'Coffee Cups'
elephant ear

Coffee cups forms clumps of glossy olive green leaves with dark purple-black stems. Cupped leaves fill with water before the stem gives enough for the leaf to pour out its catch and then refill.
Colocasia esculenta 'Elepaio'

Colocasia esculenta 'Elepaio'
elephant ear

A compact variegated elephant ear with green leaves speckled with white spots.

Coreopsis 'Jethro Tull'

A cultivar selected for its compact habit and floriferous nature. Great cut flowers last for weeks.

Coreopsis verticillata 'Curry Up'
Sizzle and Spice tickseed

A threadleaf Coreopsis displaying golden yellow flowers with clear, dark red eyes. This selection features a rounded habit. Easy to grow.

Cotinus coggygria 'SMNCCPP3'
The Velvet Fog smokebush

Very floriferous with much more 'smoke' than other varieties. Blue-green leaves.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Dinger'
dwarf Japanese cedar

A slow growing, rounded conifer with cord-like shoots. Very textural.

boat orchid

An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. One of 50 or so taxa that we sourced from China in 2022. Only hardy outside with extra winter care...best kept as a house plant.

Cymbidium ensifolium 'Minnanqidie'
sword-leaf orchid

A rare collector's item. Flower color is unknown to us, nor is the level of fragrance. Grow it as an indoor windowsill plant, an outdoor container plant that you bring inside for the winter or plant it outside in a warm microclimate with plenty of winter protection.
Cynara syriaca

Cynara syriaca
wild artichoke

A relative of the cultivated artichoke, this plant has a wilder habit but the same brilliant and beautiful thistle-like flowers. Long silvery leaves on stems to 8' tall are topped in summer with thorny golf–ball or larger flower buds that open into a striking flower.


An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. Could be something special...or could be mundane...your guess is as good as ours.
Cyrilla racemiflora

Cyrilla racemiflora
swamp cyrilla

Small, late summer-flowering, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. Lanceolate leaves turn crimson in autumn. White flowers. A bee plant. Native to North America to South America and the West Indies. Tolerates both wet soils but is drought tolerant as well. A criminally underused native shrub.

Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum'
Japanese holly fern

Vase-shaped fronds (1 to 2.5' long ) with glossy, leathery, coarsely-fringed, holly-like pinnae.
Cyrtomium fortunei

Cyrtomium fortunei
Fortune's holly fern

A fine addition to the list of evergreen ferns suitable for Southern gardens, this 30" tall fern is related to (but much hardier than) C. falcatum the "common holly fern" of coastal NC and Deep South gardens. Deer-resistant glossy fronds make an elegant contrast with other shade perennials.
Delosperma nubigenum

Delosperma nubigenum
yellow hardy ice-plant

A vigorous yellow-flowered species spreading up to 2' wide. Good drainage is essential.
Delosperma 'P001s'

Delosperma 'P001s'
Fire Spinner iceplant

Hardy ice plants are South African endemics but are amazingly hardy in North America, provided they are grown in the sun and in very well-drained soil. Fire Spinner has stunning tri-colored flowers with a bright apricot perimeter, magenta at the base, and a white eye.
Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'

Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'
dwarf slender deutzia

This dwarf deutzia has been a garden mainstay for quite a while, but is still one of our favorites. The fine texture, low growth habit, and masses of white flowers make it great for spacing among low perennials or as a mass in the garden.

Dianella 'DP401'
Clarity Blue dianella

Silvery-blue grassy evergreen foliage with an upright habit. Makes a great container plant too because it is drought tolerant. Drought, deer, salt tolerant.

Dianthus longicaulis
elongated forest carnation

A wild Dianthus from Spain and Italy.

Dianthus 'Paint the Town Fancy'

1-inch, single, rosy fuchsia flowers with a red eye and serrated petals. Flowers completely cover the plant when it's in peak. Glaucous blue evergreen foliage. Shearing spent flowers encourages rebloom. Heat tolerant.

Dianthus 'Uribest52'
Vivid Bright Light dianthus

Vibrant pink flowers rebloom over a long period during the growing season. Bluish grey foliage.

Dianthus 'Velvet-n-Lace'
China pinks

A short-lived perennial that prefers afternoon shade and average garden soils. Deadheading prolongs bloom. The dark purple, picotee flowers smell like cloves. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Dianthus 'Wp08 Ver03'
Early Bird Fizzy pinks

Starts blooming as early as February. With deadheading, it will bloom through fall. Very fragrant too. Nice silver-blue foliage. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Dicentra 'King of Hearts'
bleeding heart

Forms a compact mound of ferny silver blue foliage. Prefers rich, fertile, consistently moist soils. Soils must not be allowed to dry out during summer. Intolerant of wet soils in winter. Deadheading promotes additional bloom.

Digitalis ×fulva
strawberry foxglove

Also sold as Digitalis ×mertonensis. 2' to 3' spikes of large, tubular, coppery rose flowers in late spring and early summer. Hummingbirds flock to these flowers.
Disporopsis 'Lily Pads'

Disporopsis 'Lily Pads'
evergreen Solomon's seal

Thick glossy green leaves on stiff stems. A nice shade groundcover.
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
autumn fern

Autumn fern is a colorful ground cover with pink fiddleheads that turn coppery orange as they unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and remain well into winter. New growth continues through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect of copper and green into late fall.
Edgeworthia chrysantha

Edgeworthia chrysantha
golden paperbush

Small deciduous shrub with nodding terminal clusters of very fragrant yellow flowers clothed with silky hairs. Blooms in winter. Plant in sun to shade in a site with rich, well-drained soil. Makes a perfect hemisphere shape beautiful in summer and winter when the smooth branches are bare.

Eleocharis radicans

A lovely little fine-textured grass-like plant for moist areas. An eastern U.S. native too. If you have a mucky site, this is a perfect filler plant. Does not tolerate foot traffic.

Engelmannia peristenia
Engelmann's daisy

A drought tolerant native plant (TX and surrounding states) with yellow aster-like flowers over a long season. If it looks ragged mid-summer, cut it back and it will refresh its appearance and extend the bloom season. Deer and rabbits like to eat the leaves. Very easy to grow.

Eucomis 'Purple Reign'
pineapple lily

Compact pineapple lily with rosy mauve flowers covering a dark purple flower spike. Leaves emerge dark burgundy and fade to a dark olive green. Excellent cut flower and easy to grow.

Eucomis 'Safari Adventure'
pineapple lily

Large pineapple lily with flowers that open pink and color shift towards creamy pink. Dark purple flower spike. Leaves emerge dark burgundy and fade to a light olive green. Excellent cut flower and easy to grow.
Euonymus americanus

Euonymus americanus
strawberry bush

Low maintenance deciduous suckering shrub, native to the southeast U.S. Spring flowers are nondescript but fall fruit are showy...warty capsules that split open to reveal red-orange seeds...hence the common name 'heart's a busting'. Great for a natural setting.
Farfugium japonicum 'Argenteum'

Farfugium japonicum 'Argenteum'
leopard plant

A variegated selection of this excellent shade perennial. Leaves have an irregular cream edge. Farfugium japonicum is superior to Hosta but used in the garden in a similar way...a foliage plant for shade. Farfugium is evergreen and features tall clusters of yellow flowers in fall.
Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum

Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum
leopard plant

A variety of this popular evergreen perennial with unusually large 'tractor-seat' type leaves.
Fragaria 'Lipstick'

Fragaria 'Lipstick'

An ornamental strawberry! Produces small fruit but the real draw are its large colorful flowers. Grows best with even moisture. A spreading groundcover. Prompt removal of fruit as it appears encourages additional flowering.
Gaillardia aestivalis 'Glitz 'n Glamour'

Gaillardia aestivalis 'Glitz 'n Glamour'
yellow lanceleaf blanketflower

A seed strain from Texas that blooms all summer long with yellow flowers. Loves heat. Drought tolerant. Spreads vigorously into a large patch. Prefers well-drained soil.

Gaillardia ×grandiflora 'Pas953516'
Mesa Red blanket flower

Large, daisy-like, dark red flowers all summer long.

Gardenia jasminoides 'Double Mint'
cape jasmine

This is a low-growing evergreen shrub with gorgeous, fragrant, double flowers. This breakthrough new selection is especially notable for its strong re-blooming habit putting out a succession of flowers from
mid-summer non-stop until fall.
Gardenia jasminoides 'Madga 1'

Gardenia jasminoides 'Madga 1'
Heaven Scent cape jasmine

A single-flowered variety with a tight upright form. May repeat bloom for you. And of course, the flowers are very fragrant.

Gardenia jasminoides 'WAH-LM'
Snow Girl cape jasmine

Snow Girl is an exceptionally free flowering gardenia with single, white, fragrant flowers. Plants bloom heavily in early summer and then sporadically until frost. Compact habit. Arboretum friend and nursery manager Rick Crowder says he has been especially impressed with this new gardenia.

Gardenia 'Leefive'
Diamond Spire cape jasmine

This selection has a unique upright habit that is usually twice as tall as it is wide. Single flowers are very fragrant.

Hedychium stenopetalum
ginger lily

A giant among butterfly gingers, this plant has rippled foliage and a long infloresense with elegant white flowers.

Helianthus salicifolius 'Autumn Gold'
perennial sunflower

A dwarf selection that only gets to 2' tall. Same yellow flowers in fall. Very easy to grow.
Heliopsis helianthoides

Heliopsis helianthoides
oxeye sunflower

Yellow flowers over a several month long period in summer on this native plant. Easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Citronelle'

Heuchera 'Citronelle'
coral bells

Chartreuse foliage with silver undersides brings a touch of color to a lightly shaded area of the garden. Prefers well-drained soil. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
coral bells

Reddish-peach foliage seems to have a silvery overlay that changes to rose-purple as temperatures cool. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Heuchera 'Smoke and Mirrors'
coral bells

Foliage appears pewter gray with a rosy blush and matures to gray with dark gray veins. Light pink flowers bloom tall, upright dark stems in summer.
×Heucherella 'Gold Zebra'

×Heucherella 'Gold Zebra'
foamy bells

Heat tolerant foamy bell hybrid. Makes a low, dense mound of lobed golden foliage with a dark central burgundy blotch. Bottlebrush spikes of small white flowers in spring.

Hibiscus moscheutos 'RutHib3'
Head Over Heels Adore mallow

A compact selection with pink flowers and a maroon eye. Cut down the old stems in early spring before new growth appears. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Minspot'
Fiji First Editions rose-of-Sharon

Beautiful exotic islands come to mind from the colors and texture of its flowers. Semi-double, pink flowers slowly fade to light pink and are attractive to butterflies. A splash of red colors the center. Bred and introduced by Minier Nursery in France. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Rwoods5'
Magenta Chiffon rose-of-Sharon

Ruffled double flowers that are a purple-magenta color. An improved form that is more graceful than older form and low seed set means it doesn't seed in the garden. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Hosta 'Curly Fries'

This hosta makes mounds of narrow, exceptionally wavy-edged, chartreuse foliage like a heaping pile of crinkle-cut fries. With age, leaf stalks get reddish speckles for added interest.

Hosta 'Fire and Ice'

Variegated form with a large white section in the center of each leaf. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Hosta 'Fire Island'

In the spring, ruffled leaves emerge a striking bright yellow gold with contrasting reddish-purple petioles. During the summer, leaves darken to chartreuse, and, in midsummer, lavender flowers, attractive to hummingbirds, appear.

Hosta tsushimensis var. tibae
Nagasaki hosta

This fascinating species was first collected by Philipp Von Siebold in the early to mid 1800s. The lanceolate, deep green leaves are heavily ribbed for a lovely texture in the shade garden. This hosta features branched flower stalks with lavender flowers. The branched flower stalks are quite unusual for a hosta, and up to 120 flowers have been counted on one flower stalk.

Hosta 'Wiggles and Squiggles'

Bright yellow leaves are very long and thin and notable for their incredibly wavy margins. It forms a low, wide habit. The more sun you give it, the more yellow the foliage. In shadier spots the foliage tends toward chartreuse.

Hydrangea arborescens 'SMNHRL'
Invincibelle Sublime smooth hydrangea

Large mophead flowers of a pale lime green on our native hydrangea. Cut back to the ground in winter.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hokomagrito'
Grin and Tonic bigleaf hydrangea

An extreme dwarf hydrangea with flowers that emerge lime green and fade to white.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I'
Twist-n-Shout bigleaf hydrangea

Twist-n-Shout boasts beautiful deep pink or periwinkle blue hydrangea flowers (depending on soil pH) from late spring through fall.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'

Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Little Lime panicle hydrangea

This compact form of one of our favorites ('Limelight') bears soft green flower panicles which become white before drying to pink on the plant over summer. Panicled hydrangeas are very sun tolerant and tough shrubs.

Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPLQF'
Little Quick Fire panicle hydrangea

Little Quick Fire, is early blooming, flowering about a month before other hydrangeas. White flowers transform to pink–red as summer progresses. This dwarf plant fits easily into any landscape, including container gardens.

Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPPH'
Limelight Prime panicle hydrangea

An improvement of the popular cultivar 'Limelight'. Blooms begin earlier and last longer. As the green blooms age, they develop pink and red tones. Stronger stems means less flopping over under the heavy flowers.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'JoAnn'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'JoAnn'
Gatsby Pink oakleaf hydrangea

This native hydrangea selection from Powell Gardens in Missouri is a large grower with big flower panicles which turn quickly from snow white to deep pink. Fall color is rich mahogany red. Grow it in full sun to deep shade.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee'
oakleaf hydrangea

Pee Wee is a dwarf, four-season shrub that's perfect for smaller gardens. Enjoy it's lovely white flowers that fade to pink, beautiful fall foliage and wonderful cinnamon-colored bark in the winter. Excellent as a foundation plant in border or a group planting.

Hylotelephium 'Back in Black'
tall sedum

A tall sedum with incredible dark leaves and red flowers. Dies back to a short rosette in the winter. Drought tolerant.

Hylotelephium 'Frosted Fire'
tall sedum

Also sold as Sedum 'Frosted Fire'. This is a variegated sport of the popular 'Autumn Joy' that features a creamy pale yellow leaf edge. Rose colored flowers in late summer / early fall. Drought tolerant.

Ilex opaca 'Jersey Princess'
American holly

Ilex opaca f. xanthocarpa 'Longwood Gardens'
yellow berry American holly

A form with yellow berries selected by Pierre du Pont himself.
Illicium floridanum 'JCJC'

Illicium floridanum 'JCJC'
Miss Scarlet Florida anise

A great, deep green, dense form of our native deer resistant evergreen star bush or Florida anise. This is widely considered among the best selections of this species for general garden use. Sun to shade. Deer resistant.


An orphan from our nursery with a lost tag. Flower color is unknown. Could be something special...or could be mundane...your guess is as good as ours.
Iris ×ampliflora 'Ming Treasure'

Iris ×ampliflora 'Ming Treasure'
hybrid iris

Found at Shanghai Botanic Garden, this naturally occurring hybrid grows like a roof iris in steroids, making a huge mass of strappy foliage and dozens of blue flowers on stems to 4' or more.
Iris cristata

Iris cristata
dwarf crested iris

A woodland Iris that will spread on stolons to make a nice groundcover. A too rich soil will encourage foliage growth and no blooms. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Iris japonica 'Porcelain Maiden'

Iris japonica 'Porcelain Maiden'
butterfly iris

A vigorous grower, making a spreading groundcover to 15' wide in 5 years. In spring, the evergreen patches are topped with 2' tall branching spikes, ending in white flowers with a lavender blush just below the eyezone. Prefers part sun to shade.
Iris 'Lilla'

Iris 'Lilla'
tall bearded iris

A re-blooming form with fragrant flowers.
Iris 'Midnight Oil'

Iris 'Midnight Oil'
tall bearded iris

Velvety black blooms (often described as darker than eggplant) with grape beards make this iris unforgettable.

Iris 'Purring Tiger'
Siberian iris

Dusty lavender standards above golden yellow falls lined with purple veining. Compact for a Siberian iris. Looks best when kept consistently watered or grown near a water feature.
Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'

Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'
Siberian iris

A clumping herbaceous perennial with beautiful, deep purple flowers. A low maintenance plant that tolerates medium to wet soils. Reaches 3' tall.

Iris sibirica 'Sunfisher'
Siberian iris

An early blooming Siberian iris. Grows in normal garden soil but looks best in moist soil or a bog garden. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Iris 'Time to Shine'

Iris 'Time to Shine'
dwarf bearded iris

a late spring blooming standard dwarf bearded iris with medium blue flowers possessing a sweet fragrance.
Isotoma fluviatilis

Isotoma fluviatilis
blue star creeper

A tiny spreading ground cover perennial to just 1" tall with tiny blue flowers. Great for between stones. Aka, Laurentia fluviatilis.

Itea virginica 'SMNIVMM'
Fizzy Mizzy Virginia sweetspire

A shade tolerant flowering shrub. Fizzy Mizzy has a unique upright habit.

Itea virginica 'Sprich'
Little Henry dwarf Virginia sweetspire

Spreading habit makes it a great ground cover shrub. tolerant of wet sites. More compact than the industry standard 'Henry's Garnet'.
Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows'

Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows'
European meadow rush

Spiky blue foliage creates a distinct textural element in the garden, especially nice when repeated throughout a bed. Rushes grow naturally in damp spots, but will grow fine in regular garden soil or containers. To 3' tall. Full sun.
Kniphofia 'Papaya Popsicle'

Kniphofia 'Papaya Popsicle'
red hot poker

A compact selection that blooms over a long period with intensely colored flowers.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Phenomenal'

Lavandula ×intermedia 'Phenomenal'

Planted in a sunny spot at the JCRA it was actually a phenomenal plant until it was run over by a dump truck. Makes an exceptionally uniform mound of silver foliage topped with lavender (duh) flowers and is one of the most heat tolerant lavenders available.

Lavandula ×intermedia 'Provence'

This fragrant evergreen offers gray-green foliage and lavender flowers. Drought tolerant, this plant prefers well-drained soil.

Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast'
Spanish lavender

A classic selection with fine, gray-green foliage. Spanish lavender does better for us in Raleigh than French lavender as it tolerates our heat and humidity better.
Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Becky'

Leucanthemum ×superbum 'Becky'
Shasta daisy

Shasta daisies have large, white, single blooms with yellow centers on a lush mound of coarse, leathery, green foliage. They make exceptionally long-lasting cut flowers. The sturdy flowers remain attractive even after a hard rain. Excellent in sunny borders and in containers.
Liatris spicata

Liatris spicata
blazing star

A native summer flowering bulb with grassy foliage and tall spikes of purple flowers in summer.

Lobelia cardinalis 'Queen Victoria'
cardinal flower

Intense red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Purple foliage. 'Queen Victoria' is a longer lived selection of this notoriously short-lived perennial.

Loropetalum chinense 'Beni Hime'
Jazz Hands Mini Chinese fringe flower

We're told this is an extreme dwarf to just 12" tall, perfect for use along a sidewalk or at the front of the border. We haven't evaluated it yet but we're skeptical that it is actually that compact. At any rate, loropetalum is tough and easy to grow.
Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori'

Loropetalum chinense 'Irodori'
Jazz Hands variegated Chinese fringe flower

Foliage highly spattered with white and fuchsia colored flowers make for one knockout show.

Loropetalum chinense 'Piilc-III'
Purple Daydream Chinese fringe flower

A dwarf to just 2' tall we're told. Can be used along a sidewalk or at the front of the border. Loropetalum is tough and easy to grow.
Lychnis flos-cuculi 'IFLYPH'

Lychnis flos-cuculi 'IFLYPH'
Petit Henri ragged robin

Masses of small double white flowers bloom in late spring. Prefers soil on the moist side of average.

Lysimachia nummularia 'Goldilocks'
creeping Jenny

Shiny golden foliage and a ground covering mat. Great in a garden bed or as a spiller in a container.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris'

Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris'
southern magnolia

Sister seedling to 'Little Gem'. Small leaves with undulations and a dark rich brown black, especially in winter. A rising star in the world of evergreen magnolias. Conical habit.
Magnolia virginiana var. australis 'Green Shadow'

Magnolia virginiana var. australis 'Green Shadow'
sweet bay magnolia

A tight oval tree with fragrant white flowers in summer. This is a superior selection of the native sweet bay magnolia made by plantsman Don Shadow. It is wet site tolerant. Formerly named 'Greenbay'.

Monarda 'Balbalmurp'
Balmy Purple beebalm

Vibrant reddish purple, shaggy flowers top a hybrid native, compact plant that has dark green foliage with a fragrance reminiscent of mint and basil. Resists powdery mildew. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Monarda didyma

Monarda didyma
scarlet beebalm

Native perennial known for red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Prefers rich somewhat moist soils and sun. Deadheading prolongs bloom. Tends to get powdery mildew in sites where airflow is restricted. Fragrant foliage repels deer and rabbits, plus it can be brewed into tea.
Monarda 'Jacob Cline'

Monarda 'Jacob Cline'
bee balm

Tall, bright red selection of this American native. Leaves are fragrant (thus deer resistant) and can be used in tea or in cooking (it is aka bergamot). Powdery mildew resistant.Spreads via runners.

Musa 'Truly Tiny'

A teeny tiny banana plant with variegated leaves. Produces teeny tiny yellow fruit if you bring it inside for the winter.
Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime'

Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime'
heavenly bamboo

Do you have too much red in your garden? 'Lemon Lime' has chartreuse new foliage that fades to a nice green, and will not turn red, even over the winter.

Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose'

Bright chartreuse yellow leaves topped with clusters of lavender blue flowers all summer. Does not need to be cut back like most catmints to continue blooming. Attracts cats who like to roll on the plant and catch a buzz from the scent of the bruised leaves. Drought tolerant once established.
Nepeta ×faassenii 'Novanepjun'

Nepeta ×faassenii 'Novanepjun'
Junior Walker catmint

This compact catmint makes a 15" tall by 4' wide clump topped with sprays of small pale lavender flowers held just above the foliage.

Ocimum basilicum 'Thai Magic'

Glossy 4" long leaf, very aromatic. A spicy licorice and clove flavor.

Ocimum ×citriodorum 'Lesbos'
Greek columnar basil

A culinary basil with an upright habit.

Ocimum 'UF16-23-2'
Amazel Basil sweet Italian basil

The first basil that is resistant to downy mildew. Unlike typical basil, Amazel is seed sterile and therefore continues to produce leaves and shoots even after flower initiation unlike other basil varieties that focus most or all of their energy into seed production. For best flavor and leaf production, harvest and or pinch regularly to promote fresh tender growth. Flavor is best early in the season before flowering.
Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus

Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus
orange sweet olive

This orange flowering form of sweet-olive has a floral display that will stop traffic. It is extremely fragrant and rare in southern landscapes although more cold hardy than the white form. It begins flowering when it reaches around 5' tall. A rare treasure when it reaches peak bloom and fragrance.

Osmanthus fragrans f. aurantiacus 'Apricot Echo'
sweet olive

Re-blooming orange flowered fragrant Osmanthus. New foliage is burgundy red. Flower clusters are smaller and sparser than other O. f. f. a. but this one blooms at a younger age and flowers appear sporadically all fall and winter. Best sited protected from winter winds.
Osmanthus fragrans 'Fodingzhu'

Osmanthus fragrans 'Fodingzhu'
sweet olive

A sweet olive with much larger flowers...more fragrant too. The most floriferous tea olive in existence. Flowering continues through winter into spring. Previously known as ‘Nanjing Beauty’. 'Fodingzhu' means "pearls on Buddha's head".
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori Hime'
Chinese false holly

This vigorous but compact osmanthus bears tiny, holly-like leaves and its small white flowers are highly fragrant giving it the Japanese name 'fragrant princess.' A JC Raulston Arboretum Choice Plants selection.
Osmunda cinnamomea

Osmunda cinnamomea
cinnamon fern

Deciduous US native fern. Separate spore-bearing fronds appear in rich, handsome, cinnamon tints that contrast with upright, shuttlecock-like clump of sterile fronds. Large specimens in ideal locations can reach over 5' tall but most plantings will be 3' or so.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Nippon Beauty'
garden peony

The very popular 'Nippon Beauty' is a red peony introduced in 1927. Still among the best. Prolific bloomer. Flowers retain color well even in hot conditions. Blooms late spring to early summer. Individual flowers can last 7-10 days.

Paeonia 'Neon'
garden peony

Japanese type flower form. Mildly fragrant.

Panicum virgatum
common switch grass

Parrotia persica 'Chrishaven1'
Golden Bell Tower ironwood

Maintains its columnar form as it ages. Consistent gold and apricot fall color. Its narrow form is great in a smaller space or as a street tree.
Passiflora 'Elizabeth'

Passiflora 'Elizabeth'
passion flower

A spectacular Passion Flower hybrid! The fragrant flowers reach well over 5" in diameter. The center is a rich purple and when seen in bright light the filaments often reflect a bluish sheen. Hardy to zone 9 and higher for outdoors. Grows to 2-5’ in container, vines in habit, minimum temperature 40°.
Passiflora 'Inspiration'

Passiflora 'Inspiration'
purple passion flower

Not as rampant as the native passion vine, 'Inspiration' has attractive purple flowers. Growing to 10' in a single season, it dies back to the ground each winter. Triploid so no viable seeds are produced.
Passiflora 'Monika Fischer'

Passiflora 'Monika Fischer'
passion flower

This hybrid passion vine has intense purple sepals and blue petals and flowers over a long period of time. Dies back to the ground in the winter. 'Monika Fischer' is named for the wife of the German breeder, Roland Fischer.

Penstemon barbatus 'Red Riding Hood'
Riding Hood golden-beard penstemon

'Riding Hood Red' features beautiful spikes of red tubular flowers rising above the foliage from early to late summer, and is most effective when planted in groupings. The flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and flower arrangers, as they are excellent for cutting.

Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Sage Advice'
Russian sage

Prefers lean, dryish soil. Very heat tolerant. Prune out dead foliage in early spring. 'Sage Advice' was selected for its darker than usual flowers.
Phedimus 'Czar's Gold'

Phedimus 'Czar's Gold'
Mongolian stonecrop

(aka Sedum) Small scalloped green leaves on long reddish stems with bright yellow flowers.
Phedimus spurious 'Voodoo'

Phedimus spurious 'Voodoo'
Caucasian stonecrop

(aka Sedum spurium) Year-round deep-red scallop-edged foliage with small rosy flowers in summer. Long stolons mean this one is good for weaving through a rock garden.

Phedimus spurius 'Fool's Gold'
Caucasian stonecrop

(aka Sedum spurium) A variegated form whose green leaves have cream and sometimes pink stripes. More sun = more pink tones. Needs well-drained soil. Deciduous.

Phlox 'Bedazzled Pink'
spring phlox

Blooming earlier in spring than many other phlox, this 6" tall pink-flowered plant will slowly spread into a groundcover. Fine, needle-like foliage has a nice texture too. Flowers attract hummingbirds.

Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii 'Chattahoochee'
woodland phlox

Pale lavender flowers feature a maroon eye and are fragrant. Prefers even moisture and may go dormant early if soil dries out. Flowers draw hummingbirds.

Phlox paniculata 'Barthirtythree'
Flame Purple Eye tall phlox

Selected for its bicolor flower and compact form that is resistant to flopping. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick'

Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick'
tall phlox

This tough, mildew-resistant phlox begins blooming in early summer and continues blooming long after other selections have faded. The light pink flowers have a darker pink eye.

Phlox 'PPPHL07301'
Paparazzi Angelina phlox

Fragrant flowers in late spring. Low mounded form. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'
moss phlox

A reliable form of our native moss pink with pale blue flowers covering needle-like evergreen foliage. Great on banks, as an edging plant or in rock gardens. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty'
moss phlox

The classic southern evergreen perennial which brightens spring landscapes. The fine evergreen foliage provides the perfect foil for the brilliant deep purple flowers. This is an easy and reliable native for sunny banks or shady nooks. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame'
moss phlox

A carpet of bright magenta flowers in early to mid spring at the same time as your daffodils. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki

Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki
Japanese yew

A narrow evergreen coniferous shrub with a slow growth rate. Deer resistant, drought tolerant, and salt tolerant.

Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa'
Mood Ring Chinese podocarpus

Bronzy-pink new growth that turns green as it matures. Upright habit ideal for hedges.
Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'

Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'
variegated Solomon's seal

A classic for the woodland garden, this tough spreading perennial. Pink tinted stalks erupt from the ground before unfurling their variegated foliage on arching stems. Perfect as a foil for hostas, ferns, and azaleas.
Polystichum acrostichoides

Polystichum acrostichoides
Christmas fern

A native evergreen fern that should be grown in any well-appointed shade garden. Deep green fronds stand upright through summer, eventually mostly lying flat in winter. Silvery, unfurling fiddle-heads are especially attractive in spring.
Polystichum polyblepharum

Polystichum polyblepharum
tassel fern

Beautiful deep green, shiny foliage helps brighten up a shady garden spot. Easy to grow in rich, moist, well-drained soil. This fern is semi-evergreen in Raleigh and hails from Japan and South Korea.
Polystichum tsus-simense

Polystichum tsus-simense
Korean rock fern

A great smaller scale structural fern for the shade garden. Tight clumps of semi-evergreen foliage emerge purplish darkening to lustrous green. Great garden and container plant.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Batumi Rubies'

Prunus laurocerasus 'Batumi Rubies'
upright cherry laurel

This broadly upright cherrylaurel follows its spikes of white flowers with showy red fruits - definitely different than any other cherrylaurel we've seen and a plant in full fruit is quite a sight.

Pulmonaria 'Dark Vader'

Green leaves covered with silver speckles on this clumping perennial. Should be deadheaded as the spent flowers are unsightly. Does not like soil that is too wet or too dry.

Pulmonaria 'Ocupol'
Opal lungwort

The pale blue flowers and dwarf habit make this cultivar unique. Should be deadheaded as the spent flowers are unsightly. Does not like soil that is too wet or too dry.

Pulmonaria 'Pink-a-Blue'

Flowers open pink and transition to blue in late spring. Silver speckling frosts the deep green leaves.
Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain'

Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain'

Leaves are dark green heavily-spotted with silver. Should be deadheaded as the spent flowers are unsightly. Does not like soil that is too wet or too dry.

Pycnanthemum flexuosum
Appalachian mountain mint

×Pyracomeles 'NCXP2'
Berry Box pyracomeles

Intergeneric hybrid plant bred by Tom Ranney of NCSU's Mountain Crops Horticultural Research Unit. In essence, this plant is a compact shrub form of Pyrancantha. Arching branches are covered in tiny white blooms in spring and red berries in winter.
Quercus bicolor

Quercus bicolor
swamp white oak

Deciduous native tree with broad oval crown and low hanging branches. Prefers full sun and moist to average soils. Heat and drought tolerant. Oaks are the very best trees for supporting wildlife.

Quercus pagoda
cherrybark oak

Deciduous native tree with broad open form and beautiful rich red fall foliage. Oaks are the best trees for supporting wildlife; hundreds of species of birds, mammals and insects rely on them. Drought tolerance makes it especially useful as a street tree.

Ratibida pinnata
yellow coneflower

An eastern US native perennial that prefers dry open woods and lean soil. Grow near other plants that can support the gangly flower stalks so they do not flop. Pollinators love the flowers.

Rhododendron 'Conlea'
Autumn Rouge Encore azalea

Rhododendron 'NCRX1'

Rhododendron 'NCRX1'
Dandy Man Color Wheel rhododendron

Large ruffled blooms in late spring have deep pink undersides and soft pink insides. Blooms age to a pure, clean white before falling off. Late in the bloom cycle, you'll see all 3 colors at once. Excellent disease resistance (including to phytophthora). Heat tolerant.

Rhododendron 'Rangoon'

A low growing shrub twice as wide as it is tall with bright red flowers. This is considered an early to midseason bloomer for a Rhododendron. Very compact...good for smaller gardens.
Rosa 'Radprov'

Rosa 'Radprov'
Orchid Romance floribunda rose

Double flowers that possess a strong citrus scent.
Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Group

Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Group
creeping rosemary

A weeping rosemary that is great for decorative pots, raised beds, or the edge of a wall garden. Deer resistant. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.
Rostrinucula dependens

Rostrinucula dependens

This interesting shrub has weeping long pendant panicles of lavender blooms from mid summer till frost. Dies back in winter, but quickly emerges in spring as the soil warms. Caramel colored peeling bark. A rare and unusual plant!

Rubus 'APF-236T'
Baby Cakes thornless dwarf blackberry

Dwarf, thornless blackberry perfect for the garden or a container on a sunny porch. Loads of full size blackberries are borne on 2nd year stems so every winter prune out the branches that bore fruit.

Rubus 'Columbia Star'
thornless blackberry

A hybrid blackberry from the USDA said to be better than a marionberry. Fruits ripen in mid summer. Self fertile. The 6' tall canes need staking onto a trellis. Plants produce 10+ lbs of fruit per year.

Rubus idaeus 'Nr7'
Raspberry Shortcake thornless dwarf raspberry

Dwarf, thornless raspberry with sweet, light red fruits. Mature plants to 3' tall with an equal width and a dense, mounding habit. Flowers and fruits on 2-year-old canes, so after each growing season, prune out the canes that bore fruit to make room for next year's crop.
Rudbeckia maxima

Rudbeckia maxima
great coneflower

A giant among coneflowers, this plant produces flower stalks that are 6'+ in height atop a tuft of large bluish leaves. The leaves themselves are an ornamental feature.
Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry'

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry'
sweet coneflower

A favorite native perennial selection. Tall stalks hold black-eyed Susan flowers surrounded by quill-like rolled petals.This compact version has all the best characteristics of its parent, but only grows to 4' tall.

Salvia leucantha 'Greenwood'
Mexican bush sage

Soft, silver-gray, lance-shaped leaves and drooping racemes of amethyst purple blooms from late summer to the first frost make this a super garden addition.
Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara'

Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara'
Mexican bush sage

This compact bush sage is a breakthrough in the group, keeping that wonderful late summer to fall blooming time but on a smaller scale. We love the masses of fuzzy purple flowers almost as much as the hummingbirds do. We have been growing this plant for over a decade now and find it very easy as long as it has lots of sun and a well-drained soil.

Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor'
culinary sage

A variegated culinary sage with tricolor leaves of green, cream, and pink. Will not tolerate wet soils.

Unplugged Pink sage

Shrugs off heat and humidity and just keeps flowering all summer. Not cold hardy in Raleigh.

Sarracenia (mixed colors)
pitcher plant

Hybrid seedlings from a mix of pitcher plants. Pick your favorite color pattern. Pitcher plants require moist but well drained peaty soils and full sun.

Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa (anthocyanin free F2RC) × S. purpurea subsp. purpurea 'Brunswick Beauty'
pitcher plant

The longer the name, the cooler the plant! This hybrid between two collectors item pitcher plants produces offspring in a variety of red to dark purple shades, some with amazing ruffling on the pitcher's edge. Choose your favorite and enjoy.

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Chameleon'
little bluestem

Bright white and green stripes adorn the leaves in early spring and summer. In late summer and fall, blades develop a flush of pink and light purple.

Sedum album 'Coral Carpet'

Prefers well-drained sandy to gravelly soils of moderate to low fertility. Drought and heat tolerant, particularly once established. Ultimate 12" spread. New growth emerges salmon-orange (coral), matures to bright green and eventually turns reddish-bronze in winter.

Sedum lineare 'Variegatum'
variegated carpet sedum

A low maintenance, evergreen succulent with white edged leaves. A tough, drought and heat resistant plant.

Sedum pachyclados
gray stonecrop

Beautiful succulent whose rosettes of gray green leaves look like flowers. Although drought tolerant, it looks its best with average water during the growing season. Feel free to cut it back if it starts to get scraggly.

Sedum reflexum 'Lime Twist'

Pale green tinged foliage. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.

Sedum reflexum 'Sunsplash'

Chartreuse foliage. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.

Sempervivum arachnoideum 'Forest Frost'
hens and chicks

A rosette of green leaves with white webbing. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.

Sempervivum 'Arno'
hens and chicks

A rosette of maroon leaves. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.

Sempervivum 'Hey Hey'
hens and chicks

A fuzzy, pink and green rosette that turns yellow in summer. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.

Sempervivum 'Silver King'
hens and chicks

Silvery-tinged, minty green leaves. Centers turn red in cooler weather. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Sempervivum 'Sunset'

Sempervivum 'Sunset'
hens and chicks

Emerald-green leaves. Foliage turns orange-red cast in cool fall weather. Full sun is needed to maintain a tight rosette form. Drought tolerant but look best if watered weekly when temps exceed 80F. Will not tolerate wet soil.
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'

Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'

No sunny garden should be without the compact arching stems of this outstanding goldenrod. It's a top performing perennial with a long show of bright gold. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Spiraea japonica 'Golden Select'
Pineapple Poprocks Japanese spiraea

A compact yellow-foliage shrub with pink summer flowers. Great to line a path or a mass planting.

Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound'
Japanese spiraea

True to its name, 'Gold Mound' is noted for its attractive foliage and mounding form. Leaves emerge golden in spring, but gradually fade to a gold-green in summer. Fall color may include interesting yellows, oranges and reds. Soft pink flowers provide a contrast with the gold foliage.
Spiraea tomentosa

Spiraea tomentosa

A native shrub that grows into an upright, multi-stemmed, suckering form...perfect for a meadow garden. Needs moist acidic soils in order to grow well.

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

A dense, suckering native shrub that is great for erosion control on banks as well as providing winter cover for birds and small mammals. Wildlife also like to eat the fruit.
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'October Skies'

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'October Skies'
aromatic aster

(aka Aster) Aromatic blue-green foliage frames vivid blue daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers. Tolerates poor soils. The flowers attract hummingbirds too.

Syringa 'SMNJRPI'
Bloomerang Dwarf Pink lilac

About 1/3 the size of a typical lilac. Pink flowers are unusual too. Reblooms in summer and fall.
Taxodium distichum

Taxodium distichum
bald cypress

Native deciduous conifer. Grows well in standing water or in typical garden soils. Attractive coppery fall foliage.
Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium

Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium
pond cypress

Also known as Taxodium ascendens. Native deciduous conifer with a tall narrow pyramidal form. In fall, needles turn a pretty burnt terracotta that stands out for a few weeks before it defoliates. Grows in typical garden soils but also can be grown in wet sites and standing water, like along a pond edge.
Teucrium chamaedrys

Teucrium chamaedrys

An evergreen sub-shrub with flowers loved by pollinators. The aromatic leaves are frequently used in potpourri. Does best in well drained, lean soil. Spreads via rhizomes into a colony.
Thelypteris kunthii

Thelypteris kunthii
southern fern

A southeast US native fern, with light green fronds and a fine texture. Spreads slowly via rhizomes. Given regular watering, this fern will also tolerate growing in full sun.
Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget'

Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget'
American arborvitae

More globose than conical, this drought tolerant evergreen shrub prefers well-drained soil.
Thuja occidentalis 'Malonyana'

Thuja occidentalis 'Malonyana'
American arborvitae

Great choice for a quick, dense evergreen hedge or privacy screen. Shiny, mint-green foliage has a unique pineapple scent when crushed. Extremely narrow habit provides handsome vertical interest to any landscape.

Thymus ×citriodorus 'Golden Lemon'

Well drained, lean soils are best for this culinary thyme. Strong lemony scent and flavor. Fragrant flowers attract pollinators.

Thymus ×citriodorus 'Silver King'

A white-edged variegated thyme with lemon-scented foliage. Great for a container, rock garden, or living mulch.
Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'

Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'
wild thyme

A low growing creeper with woolly green foliage. Blooms in mid-spring with salmon-pink flowers.

Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS'
Snow-N-Summer asiatic jasmine

Very showy variegated evergreen groundcover vine to use instead of vinca minor. New growth at stem tips emerges pink and white spotted with green before maturing to dark green. Although it will tolerate shade, you'll get better color in sun and often not until its 2nd or 3rd year in the garden.
Tricyrtis ravenii

Tricyrtis ravenii
Raven's toad lily

A high elevation, sun loving, herbaceous perennial collected in Taiwan in 2008. The upright stems are topped from midsummer to frost with loads of 3 petaled, purple spotted flowers. The flower production beats any other toad lily we've come across so far.

Tricyrtis 'Tojen'
toad lily

'Tojen' is a hybrid that is noted for having much larger leaves than other Tricyrtis and for clusters of unspotted flowers at the stem ends.
Vaccinium ashei 'Climax'

Vaccinium ashei 'Climax'
rabbiteye blueberry

This classic blueberry is widely regarded as one of the best with large, sweet fruit perfect for eating fresh or making jam. Blueberries are great landscape plants with pinkish flowers, blue-green foliage, and insanely beautiful fall color. Plant with other varieties for cross pollination. Climax is an early season variety.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluegold'
northern highbush blueberry

'Bluegold' has fruit that mature late in the blueberry season (late June). Blueberries grow best in an acid soil with a pH of 4.8 to 5.2.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'FL09-216'
Hello Darlin northern highbush blueberry

This is a compact cultivar. Blueberries do double duty producing top quality edible fruit and as ornamental shrubs with multiple seasons of interest: flowers, fruit, red fall foliage and interesting winter twigs. Plant more than one cultivar for cross pollination.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'MINI Blues'
northern highbush blueberry

This cultivar was selected by the USDA for its high yields of small berries possessing an excellent flavor. Berries are harvested in late July.
Vaccinium 'Sunshine Blue'

Vaccinium 'Sunshine Blue'

One of the best low-chill varieties for the south, this semi-dwarf selection is perfect for smaller gardens and ideal for large patio tubs. Blue-green foliage and showy hot pink to white flowers provide great ornamental value, followed by an abundant crop of great tasting fruit. Self fruitful, but yields best when planted with another variety.

Veronica spicata 'Pink Goblin'
spiked speedwell

Spikes of pink flowers top this compact form of spiked speedwell. Easy to grow.
Viburnum dentatum

Viburnum dentatum

A native shrub with white spring flowers and dark fruit that attracts butterflies and songbirds. Gold fall foliage.

Viburnum dentatum var. deamii 'SMVDLS'
All That Glitters arrowwood

Glossy foliage catches the light beautifully, and makes it very appealing in the garden. White late spring flowers are followed by blue fruit in fall (if pollinated by a male). A compact form of this native shrub.
Viburnum nudum

Viburnum nudum
possumhaw viburnum

A native shrub with fragrant white flowers. The fruits are enjoyed by birds and squirrels and are edible for us too.

Viburnum odoratissimum 'BRANT01'
Coppertop sweet viburnum

Dark maroon to copper new growth appears in spring and after each pruning. Large, leathery, dark green, glossy leaves and clusters of extremely fragrant, small, white flowers, completely cover plant in spring. Moist well-drained soils in sun to partial shade. Plant with 'Chindo' for better crops of showy fruit on both.
Viburnum prunifolium

Viburnum prunifolium
blackhaw viburnum

Glossy dark green leaves turn to attractive shades of red and purple in fall. Berry-like fruits which often persist into winter and are quite attractive to birds and wildlife.
Viburnum 'sPg-3-024'

Viburnum 'sPg-3-024'
Moonlit Lace hybrid viburnum

This hybrid between the laurustinus and Father David's Viburnum makes an outstanding evergreen shrub with white spring flowers. The deep green foliage takes on burgundy tones.
Zephyranthes (Sunset Strain)

Zephyranthes (Sunset Strain)
sunset rain lily

One of the many fabulous summer-flowering selections of rain-lily, this one offers lovely coppery-pink flowers.