Connoisseur Plants
Connoisseur Plants are rare, new plants, or hard-to-find old favorites. These wonderful plants are being offered to our upper level members, Collector (formerly Sponsor) level and higher.
Please note that several plants are available in very limited quantities. For some plants, we don't know the full range of hardiness, only how it has behaved at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Sometimes, we cannot find any information in our references on a particular taxon. This does not mean that the plant doesn't exist, perhaps just that we are staying one step ahead of published information. One of the purposes of the Arboretum is to test new plants for suitability to the southeastern United States. By growing some of these "new-to-us" plants in your own garden, you can be a part of this evaluation process. Feedback from you is invaluable!
Happy choosing, and thank you for your continued and invaluable support of the JC Raulston Arboretum.
To submit your selections, please use the form link in the e-mail you received on February 21, 2024 from Kathryn Wall. If you need assistance, please e-mail Kathryn at or call (919) 513-7004 Selections should be placed no later than end of day March 3, 2024.
Note: The distribution year listed below is the year the plants were awarded. Members request them early the following year. And they're picked up or delivered shortly thereafter.
2004 Plant Selection
This attractive, fast-growing, medium sized (20'–50') tree was acquired by the JCRA in 1996 from seed collected in China by our friends at the University of Nebraska. Despite its huge native range (Nepal all the way east to central China), little is known about this maple in the United States. Although European books indicate that this species is evergreen and tender (Zone 9), it has been decidedly deciduous for us, even bearing blazing red fall color in 1998 (but never since) and has never suffered any cold damage in typical Zone 7 winters. smoothleaf maple bears attractive sage-green to lustrous, dark green leaves throughout the summer, these being glaucous white underneath. The bark is smooth and striated, making for a most attractive tree. Our two specimens have averaged 4' of growth per year. The plants offered here are raised from seed collected off of our specimens growing at the JCRA.
- deciduous tree to 20'–50'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy to zone 7
This excellent cultivar of the somewhat familiar "strawberry tree," a European evergreen member of the Ericaceae (heath family) native from southwest Ireland south to Portugal, and all the way eastward across the Mediterranean to Asia Minor. With a broad geographic range such as this, one would expect this plant to be quite adapted to a range of growing conditions, and to no great surprise, it has prospered here in Raleigh for decades. 'Compacta' represents a slower-growing cultivar of this species, with plants reaching 5' tall or less. Expect it to bear lovely, glossy, evergreen foliage; off-white urn-shaped flowers in late fall through winter, and bright red, strawberry-like fruits in late winter to spring. Hardy through Zone 7. Shade to sun.
- hardy
Aristea ecklonii
blue stars
Can you say "cobalt blue?" Good! Then, you know the color of the flowers of this exciting member of the iris family (Iridaceae). Although considered to be a Zone 8 plant, or a tender perennial in colder areas, this evergreen, rhizomatous plant is a striking addition to any garden for its iris-like foliage and panicles, flat-faced flowers that resemble those of the blackberry lilies (Belamcanda chinensis). In all but the mildest parts of North Carolina, this plant will be reserved as a subject for use during the warm portion of the year. Yet, you are unlikely to lament this fact once your specimen comes into bloom. Do not confuse this plant with the Amsonias, also called blue-stars. We thank our friend John Fairey at Peckerwood Garden Foundation (Hempstead, TX) for allowing us to propagate these plants from mature clumps growing in the garden there. Shade to part sun.
- to 24"–30"
- plant in sun; protected spot
There are several variegated cultivars of boxwood that are known, but only one has achieved any degree of widespread prominence in the U.S. nursery industry—Buxus sempervirens ‘Elegantissima'. ‘Argenteovariegata' appears similar, with its white to off-white streaked leaves, but our specimen also displays a hint more of vigor than does ‘Elegantissima', which is known for its slow growth rate and sometimes for its less-than-robust garden vigor. Grow 'Argenteovariegata' in part shade to part sun conditions for best performance, avoiding areas with direct exposure to hot, afternoon sunlight. Fully cold hardy throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
This unusual boxwood species is rarely seen in U.S. gardens. Its hardiness, foliage quality, and resistance to insect pests have impressed us at the JCRA. This dark green, evergreen shrub is an attractive candidate for southern gardens with its foliage quality and tolerance of shady growing conditions. Add to this the unusually large-sized leaves, much larger than those of any other boxwood commonly seen in the South, and you have a highly textural shrub that can be used to add to a subtropical-like planting in your garden. Buxus wallichiana commemorates Nathaniel Wallich, 19th century Danish plant hunter, botanist, and physician who studied the flora of the Indian Himalayas. Hardy in Zone 7 at the JCRA for many years, although commonly cited as a Zone 9 species.
- evergreen perennial to 8'
- plant in sun to shade
- hardy
- deer resistant
This delightful new beautyberry came to us from our friend, Dr. Dave Creech at the Stephen F. Austin Mast Arboretum (Nacogdoches, TX). It was found amid the wilds of eastern Texas by plantsman Matt Welch. 'Welch's Pink' beautyberry, as the name suggests bears pink fruits, a color breakthrough in this genus of attractive, deciduous, fruit-bearing shrubs. Prior to the discovery of 'Welch's Pink', purple- and white-fruited beautyberries were known. Callicarpa americana grows best in conditions ranging from dry shade (in its southern U.S., coastal haunts) to bright, open, sunny locations in gardens. In 'Welch's Pink', the pink pigments will fade faster when plants are sited in full sun areas, but growth is more vigorous under these conditions. Grow this one as you choose and enjoy it for its late summer to early fall colorful berries.
- fruiting deciduous shrub to 3'–5'
- plant in sun to shade
- hardy to zone 6
- pink flowers in summer
- pink fruit in late summer and fall
- attracts birds and deer resistant
Of the over 2,000 cultivars of Japanese camellia, the vast majority (>99.9%) have been selected only for floral attributes (e.g., flower color, form, size, time of bloom, etc.) and a precious few have been selected for variants in leaf characters. ‘Quercifolia' (translating to mean "oak-leaf") refers to one of the so-called "fish-tail" camellias, these bearing leaves that have lobes on the terminal portion of the leaves. In all other respects, ‘Quercifolia' is similar to other Japanese camellias—in its Zone 7 cold hardiness, winter bloom season, preference for partly shaded sites, etc. This is a rarely offered camellia, difficult to locate in nurseries throughout the southern United States, and one that adds a bit more textural interest to an otherwise familiar evergreen landscape shrub.
- to 6'–9'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
Celtis caucasica
Caucasian hackberry
This medium-sized deciduous shade tree was first observed in the nation of Georgia, where it was commonly used as a street tree in the capital city of Tbilisi. Despite the relatively low rainfall (<25" per year) received there, these trees prospered in small planting holes, typical of most large cities throughout the world. Mature trees (20+ years-old) seen in Tbilisi measured 30'–35' tall by 20'–25' wide and bore attractive, dark green foliage, much darker than is normally seen on both of the common eastern U.S. native species, Celtis occidentalis and Celtis laevigata.
- hardy
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Ivan's Column'
upright Hinoki falsecypress
Chamaecyparis obtusa, commonly called Hinoki falsecypress, is best known for its cultivars that bear "adult"-type foliage—the scale-like leaves of the cupressoid conifers. 'Ivan's Column', however, is one of a lesser known number of cultivars of Hinoki falsecypress that retains the "juvenile"-type foliage throughout the life of the plant. This juvenile foliage type looks prickly from a distance, but is actually quite soft. 'Ivan's Column', found as a branch sport on Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Blue Feather' in Canby, Oregon, in 1979, grows as a columnar, evergreen, small-sized tree. Our plant grew 4.5' tall by only 2.5' wide after seven years. Hardy throughout North Carolina and best grown in full sun.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Split Rock' is another one of the lesser-known Hinoki falsecypress cultivars. It was named for its unusually blue foliage, this color being contributed from the juvenile type foliage (which is always glaucous, or coated in "blue," waxy deposits). Although plants range in the degree or dominance of the juvenile (versus adult) foliage type, plants will show more of the blue color when they have a greater proportion of juvenile foliage. Our plant, originally received by us from Beverly Hills Nursery (Burnsville, North Carolina), measures nearly 5' tall after nine years, and is shrub-like in growth habit. This is a superb, underutilized compact conifer, and it looks completely unlike other Hinoki falseypcresses that are grown. Hardy throughout North Carolina, and best grown on full sun to part sun sites.
- hardy
Of all the twig dogwoods that we grow at the JCRA, 'Midwinter Fire' stands above all others for its consistent, striking, winter twig coloration, and for its overall vigor and plant health. Although the bloodtwig dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) cultivars are much less commonly known and grown than are the more familiar Cornus alba and Cornus stolonifera cultivars, this is only an artifact of the relatively recent introduction of bloodtwig dogwood to U.S. nurseries and gardens. 'Midwinter Fire' stands out at the JCRA for its consistent displays of yellow fall color (of the leaves) and vibrant orange to red tones of its twigs, these developing their color as the autumn foliage peaks, but the twigs remaining colored until spring. 'Midwinter Fire' has long been confused with the similar-appearing Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty', but is distinguished from the latter by its slightly suckering growth habit. After 10 years, our plant has reached 7.5' tall, with two cutbacks over the last four years. It has prospered in our Winter Garden. Hardy throughout North Carolina, and best grown in part sun to full sun sites. Tolerant of moist to poorly drained soils.
- deciduous shrub to 8'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
- white flowers in spring
Japanese cedar is best known from its several, popular, upright-growing cultivars, notably ‘Yoshino'. However, there are many, excellent, slow-growing to compact to dwarf cultivars that are worthy of more widespread culture in southern U.S. gardens. ‘Koshyi' is one of these. Our plant was originally obtained from the famous U.K. conifer specialist nursery, Kenwith Nursery, in 1995, as a specimen growing in a 1-quart pot. After five years, it was only 1' tall! This year, we decided to propagate it, as the original specimen was in danger of being shaded out, and before moving it, we wanted to have some "plant insurance" by having a few more plants as "backups." You are the beneficiaries of this largesse, should you elect to receive this wonderful dwarf conifer. ‘Koshyi' remains scarce in U.S. cultivation, and this is the first time that we have propagated and offered this plant through any of our distribution programs. Part shade to sun. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- conifer to 6"–12"
- plant in sun to light shade
- hardy
Of the many cultivars of Japanese cedar, few of them bear variegated foliage, of which ‘Majiro' is one. Having watched our specimen of 'Majiro' grow slowly over the past 8 years into a small shrub-like plant (now mature at 4' tall), we are convinced that this plant deserves more show than it has thus far seen. To bear this out, a search for this plant reveals the JCRA as virtually the only source, a fact that we hope to shatter by offering it among this year's Connoisseur Plant listings. Originating in 1967 in British Columbia, Canada, 'Majiro' is probably the best compact variegated Cryptomeria available. With its bright green foliage, painted bright white at the tips, its small stature, and its dense, shrubby form, 'Majiro' remains an unsung hero of the dwarf conifer world. It is hardy throughout North Carolina. Site in part-sun to part-shade.
- conifer to 5-8'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
As the only other species of Decumaria (Decumaria barbara, American wood-vamp is native to the southeastern U.S.), this plant is almost unheard-of in American gardens Attesting to the very close relationship between the Chinese flora and that of the southeastern U.S., D. sinensis is the sister species to our not-so-familiar native. Grow Chinese wood-vamp for its excellent foliage qualities, bearing lustrous, dark green leaves (evergreen in climates milder than that of Raleigh, N.C.). This vine, climbing by means of aerial rootlets (thus, its common name), can be used to cover walls or fences or to climb trees or arbors. In spring, it will put forth large inflorescences containing many small, off-white flowers, these borne densely in terminal heads. Unlike other climbing members of the hydrangea family, Decumaria sinensis does not produce the sterile flowers that give rise to lace-cap inflorescences, but it is still highly showy in bloom. Tolerant of shade to part-sun conditions. Hardiness is uncertain, but Zone 7 should be fine, based on this species' native range in China.
- to 15'
- plant in sun to shade
The deutzias have long been recognized for their garden-worthiness across Europe, where they are valued as mid- to late-spring flowering shrubs. In the southern U.S., however, they have lagged behind the Spiraea japonica cultivars, even though these two groups of plants are hardly comparable (aside from both being examples of deciduous, spring-flowering shrubs). 'Strawberry Fields' is one of the pink-flowering cultivars, but unlike other so-called "pink" deutzias, 'Strawberry Fields' actually retains the pink color, even in warm springs; whereas other cultivars are pink only in "English," cool-weather springs, and fade quickly to white (or nearly so) in the warm springs typical of the southeastern U.S. Although 'Strawberry Fields' appears strikingly similar to Deutzia xhybrida 'Magicien' from our observations, European references continue to maintain that this is a distinct cultivar. Time will tell, but at the least, we have an outstanding flowering shrub to offer for North Carolina gardens and landscapes. Grow in part-sun to part-shade. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- to 5'–8'
- plant in sun to light shade
- hardy
The isu tree (Distylium racemosum) has long been grown, although extremely rarely, in the southern United States, but it has never achieved any degree of commonality as a garden plant. 'Guppy' is a dwarf, littleleaf cultivar, our plant reaching only 5.5' tall after seventeen years. Our specimen derives from Brookside Gardens (Wheaton, Maryland), from where we received it in 1988. While the normal form of this species can be a somewhat loose and open, ill-defined shrub/tree reaching 20' tall or more, 'Guppy' grows as a plant of very dense form and bears foliage that is attractively colored olive-green to sage-green. Even in the shade of our Lath House, 'Guppy' exhibits this dense form. The Distyliums (being evergreen members of the witchhazel family, or Hamamelidaceae) are regarded by most as USDA Zone 8 plants, but we believe that Zone 7 is a better fit. Grow 'Guppy' in shade to part-sun.
- to 5'
- plant in sun to shade
- hardy
This virtually unknown plant is an unusual woody member of the mint family (or Lamiaceae), this family mostly being comprised of herbaceous plants. The Elsholtzias (not to be confused with the similarly-spelled Eschscholzia—better known as California poppy) are low-growing, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrubs, bearing richly colored flowers in the autumn months. All species are natives of the Himalayas, extending into China. The clone of Staunton's mint-bush that we are offering here produces flowers colored a rich, magenta-purple, in October. These flowers are densely set in 3"–4" long upright spikes. As an exciting, and heretofore, unknown, element for the fall garden, we are excited to present this mint-bush for your gardening enjoyment. Best in part-sun. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
Back in 2002, we were contacted by French nurseryman and plant collector, Louis Delacour. He was interested in procuring several plants from the JCRA's collections, and in exchange, he offered to share with us several plants that he was growing that we did not possess. One of those plants is this enkianthus, a species that was heretofore not known in cultivation in the United States. Plants that we are offering in this year's Connoisseur Plant catalog are grown from the seed sent to us by Louis Delacour. As such, we have noticed an appreciable degree of variability, particularly in seedling height and plant vigor. Should anyone's plant turn out to be unusually dwarf, we would appreciate any feedback to us in the future. Fall color, as one might expect for an enkianthus, was a striking mixture of reds and oranges across the seedlings this year, too. As excellent deciduous shrubs (close relatives of the deciduous azaleas) for partly shaded sites, the enkianthus are vastly undervalued for their dense form, small size, attractive flowers, and amazing fall foliar coloration. This Chinese enkianthus species, being a native of south-central China (where the summers are hot and humid as are ours) should be more at home in the North Carolina Piedmont or Coastal Plain than perhaps any other enkianthus in cultivation. It is most closely related to Enkianthus serrulatus. Part shade to part sun. Hardiness is uncertain for this species, but plants should be fully adapted throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
The fatshedera, a hybrid that occurred spontaneously in the garden of Lizé Frères in Nantes, France in 1910, is grown as an evergreen, somewhat rambling, shrub. This is because its two parents consist of English ivy (Hedera helix), a vining ground cover; and the evergreen shrub, Fatsia japonica. Until recently virtually no cultivars were known for fatshedera, but in recent years, a spate of new cultivars have become known. 'Angyo Star' bears beautiful white margined, star-shaped leaves, the white margins dusted with small green speckles. Introduced to the United States by South Carolina nurseryman Ted Stephens from nurseries in the Saitama City area of Japan (this area being akin to the old Angyo nursery district north of Tokyo), Ted decided to name this clone ‘Angyo Star' since no cultivar name had been given to the plant previously. We think that this plant may be the best of the variegated fatshederas (with >5 cultivars now known). These cutting-grown plants are quite vigorous (despite the variegation), growing 3'–4' in a single growing season. Grow 'Angyo Star' in shade to part-sun. Hardy with minimal to no damage in Zone 7.
- scandent evergreen shrub to 3'–4'
- plant in shade to part sun
- hardy
- white flowers in fall
This single-flowered hardy gardenia was selected and named by Mark Griffith, Griffith Propagation (Watkinsville, Georgia). It is one of several, recently named gardenias that have broadened our perceptions on the cultural limits of this familiar Southern garden plant. 'Grif's Select' (also sometimes called 'Griffith's Select') forms a densely compact evergreen shrub and bears many, single, white, daisy-like, gardenia flowers, these followed on in the summer through autumn months by the orange-red, hip-like fruits. 'Grif's Select' is listed as being reliably hardy through Zone 7a, but this has not been extensively tested, yet. Our plant, now growing happily in bed C10, measured 16" tall by 19" wide after two years in the ground. We thank Mark Griffith for donating the mother plant, and we are happy to make it become better known through distribution in this program. Sun to part-shade. Hardy, likely, through Zone 7. Some references still list this as a cultivar of Gardenia jasminoides, a now-synonymous, albeit more familiar, scientific name.
- to 2'–4'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
Pastuchov's ivy, a species ivy native from Transcaucasia to Turkey and Iran, is poorly known in cultivation. In 2001, it was collected in the nation of Georgia as part of the 2001 Boxwood Expedition to Georgia. In Georgia, Hedera pastuchowii occurs in forests, often alongside the more familiar Hedera helix (English ivy), to which it is similar in appearance. Our botanist guides in Georgia stated that H. pastuchowii possibly represents a species derived from hybridization long ago between Hedera helix and Hedera colchica (also native in Georgia). Pastuchov's ivy's leaves are larger than English ivy but smaller than those of Hedera colchica. It is also more cold hardy than Hedera colchica. This vining, juvenile form of Pastuchov's ivy is derived from cuttings collected in the Saguramo Mountains near the town of Choporta, Georgia. Site in shade. Hardy through Zone 7 and likely into Zone 6.
- hardy
For years, we have grown a variegated rose-of-Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus 'Purpureus Variegatus', a plant that bears lovely foliage but that produces flowers that do not open. 'Meehanii' is a similar-appearing, variegated cultivar, but one that develops flowers that actually open fully at maturity—these being purple-pink in color, with a red eye. To those who have shunned variegated rose-of-Sharon's before because of the peculiar floral behavior of 'Purpureus Variegatus', you now have no reason to pass over this plant. We thank our friend Sam Allen of Tarheel Native Trees (Clayton, North Carolina), for restocking us with this cultivar, his plants being derived from the Arboretum before we lost our original plant many years ago. Part- to full sun is best. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- flowering shrub to 6-10'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy to zone 5 hardy
- lavender flowers in summer
- butterfly/pollinator friendly
Hydrangea heteromalla is a poorly known species hydrangea in eastern U.S. gardens, although it is quite familiar to European, especially British, gardeners and is occasionally seen in gardens of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. It is most readily distinguished by its vigor and large size, as it is not unfamiliar for one to walk underneath a mature specimen of this species in an English or Scottish garden. Plants offered in this year's Connoisseur Plants program are derived from seed given to us by Plant Delights Nursery (Raleigh, North Carolina). With a huge range spanning the Himalayas and China and dipping southward into Myanmar and Vietnam, there certainly is some aspect of this species' native range that can be exploited to find germplasm of this species that would be suitable for the southeastern U.S. climate. Inforescences on this tree-proportioned hydrangea are a mixture of white-only, sterile and fertile flowers, but these not being set in a typical lace-cap formation, but rather evenly spaced throughout the inflorescence. The effect achieved is unique among hydrangeas. Hardiness is uncertain, but Zone 7 should be assured. Part-shade to part-sun is probably best.
- hardy
Three years ago, JCRA research technician, Jon Roethling, acquired plants of this southeastern U.S. native St. Johnswort from Tony Avent, Plant Delights Nursery (Raleigh, North Carolina). Since then, Jon has continually been impressed by the plant's toughness, apparent cold hardiness, form, and flowering characteristics, based on observations made in Greensboro, North Carolina. With heath-like, glossy, dark green, evergreen to semi-evergreen foliage, all set on a 6" tall frame (at three years of age, too!), the mother plant is a powerhouse of flower production, bearing multitudes of less-than dime-sized, golden-yellow flowers in summer. In fact, he was so impressed by this plant that cuttings were acquired for the JCRA, and the "extra" resulting plants are being made available to you via this program. The identity is still tentative, as plants were not able to be verified for correct identification last year while in bloom. True Hypericum fasciculatum bears heath-like foliage and small flowers, and in Florida is considered a wetland indicator species for certain habitat types. Cold hardy, likely through Zone 7. Full to part-sun.
Hypericum galioides
bedstraw St. John's-wort
These cutting-grown plants are derived from a collection made in the sandhills of Scotland County, North Carolina by Jon Roethling, JCRA Research Technician. While driving to South Carolina, a roadside stop revealed this attractive St. Johnswort growing on the upper side of a ditch embankment. Furthermore, this species was fully evergreen in mid-February 2004. Although originally, tentatively identified as Hypericum aff. cistifolium by foliage, upon flowering, plants were keyed to Hypericum galioides. However, this clone is unlike other forms of Hypericum galioides that are grown. Bearing attractive, evergreen foliage, this clone has leaves that are much smaller in size (1" or less long by 1/8" wide)—creating an airy, ultra-fine texture. Add to this attractive, mahogany-brown, smooth bark, and you have what we feel is a really exciting addition to the world of southeastern U.S. Hypericums, a group of plants that is vastly underutilized in modern landscapes and gardens. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Grows best in full sun to part sun.
- hardy
We acquired this plant from Roslyn Nursery (Dix Hills, New York), a mail order nursery based on Long Island, in 2001. At the JCRA, we have been impressed with the dense form and excellent foliage quality throughout the growing season. It has looked especially nice during this past dry, hot summer. Named 'Red Tip' for the color of its new growth flush, this plant will not put red tip photinias out of business, but there is definitely some bronze-red color there, which is atypical among the cultivars encountered for Ilex glabra. Where many female clones of inkberry are often open and leggy in habit, 'Red Tip' is not showing any of these adverse characteristics. For an alternative to the familiar Chinese and Japanese hollies, inkberry has long been promoted by many nursery and landscape professionals. Usually, the pitfall of the inkberries is the lack of holding foliage from top to bottom of the plant, especially as the plants age. 'Red Tip', thus far, is holding up excellently, in this regard. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Grows best in full sun to part sun.
- to 5'–8'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
This very exciting, gold-leaf flowering vine has attracted attention from us ever since we acquired it back in 1995 from a garden center in Philadelphia. Originating back in 1989 at Fromefield Nurseries (Romsey, Hampshire, United Kingdom) as a chance gold-leaf seedling in a seed batch, it is considered to be the best gold-leaf climbing plant in the United Kingdom, presently. Besides this attractive foliage, however, mature plants bear clusters of white, sweetly-scented flowers in summer. Jasminum officinale forms a tardily deciduous vine for us in Raleigh, and having grown both the typical form of the species, as well as this gold-leaf cultivar, we have observed no problems with cold hardiness in over 10 years. A very exciting plant! Hardy through Zone 7, possibly colder. Adapted to sun and shade, with gold-color holding without burning for us in full sun. (The correct cultivar name for this plant is 'Frojas', with Fiona Sunrise being a marketing name.)
- deciduous shrub to 10'
- plant in sun or shade
- hardy to zone 7
This outstanding, upright form of the "common" juniper (not really so common here in North Carolina—ah, the pitfalls of common names) has been around since the early 1980s (in Europe), but remains poorly known in the industry. Our original plants were received from several nurseries in 1994 and 1995. The aptly named 'Gold Cone' describes both the color and the growth habit of this juniper. Appearing as a beacon in the landscape because of its form and the gold-colored new growth, 'Gold Cone' juniper will not outgrow its site quickly. Our oldest specimen, received in 1995 from Hines Nurseries (Vacaville, California), grew from 6" to 5.5' in nine years. Although recent, severe ice storms have wreaked havoc on plants such as these, the small stature of 'Gold Cone' allows for quick "repairs" to be made. This plant is vastly underestimated for its use both for foliage color and unique form. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Best in full sun.
- evergreen conifer to 9' tall × 3' wide
- plant in sun
- hardy
Juniperus communis 'Pendula' showcases (in contrast to 'Gold Cone' above) the wonderful diversity to be found in this pan-boreal U.S. native juniper species. From upright columnar "trees," to ones with pendulous branches, to ground covers, there is almost no growth form that the common juniper does not encompass. These cutting-grown plants of 'Pendula' are derived from the mother plant growing in bed E48—a location that is too wet for this species, promoting lodging of the specimen during storms. As such, we have decided to start over in growing this plant, but in doing so, we decided to give away our extra plants. Our specimen of 'Pendula' has reached nearly 6' tall by 4' wide, with secondary branches displaying the strong, weeping growth habit that makes this cultivar so attractive. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Best in full sun.
- hardy
This compact cultivar of Juniperus communis came to us in the late 1980s from Mitsch Nursery (Aurora, Oregon). It grows as a dense, upright, shrub-like plant, and bears a single, bright, steel-blue band on the upper surface of each leaf. It has been surprising to us as to how many of the Juniperus communis cultivars have proven remarkably adapted to our climate, especially given that many of these cultivars originate from northern Europe or the northern United States. One of the original specimens at the JCRA reached 8' tall after eight years in the ground. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Best in full sun.
- hardy
Here's a new twist on an otherwise, old-fashioned deciduous shrub. Y'say, who needs more gold in the Japanese kerrias?! Well, in this case, the gold does not refer to the flowers, but rather, it refers to the foliage. Kerria japonica 'Chiba Gold' is a newly introduced, gold-leaf cultivar that originated in Japan, where it was named by Masato Yokoi, retired member of the horticulture faculty at Chiba University and world renown expert on variegated and color-leaved ornamental plants. Cold hardy through North Carolina. Bright yellow spring flowers, 3'–6' tall, and a colonizing habit. Remember, the gold-foliage color will fade to green, if plants are sited in shady spots that Kerria japonica typically prefers.
- deciduous to 3'–6'
- plant in sun to shade
- hardy
- yellow flowers in early summer
This highly attractive evergreen shrub bears small, narrow leaves that appear bamboo-like in their characteristics. However, it is a member of the genus Lindera, commonly known as the spicebushes. Lindera fragrans, widely regarded as a Zone 8 plant (although extensive testing in the southeastern United States has never been done for this species), is only very rarely seen in southern U.S. gardens. We know of two gardens that grow this plant, and these plants are derived (as cuttings) from one—Peckerwood Gardens (Hempstead, Texas). We plan on keeping behind a few rooted cuttings for JCRA usage, and the rest are yours to experiment with as we continue to learn more about this fascinating genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs. Part sun to shade.
- hardy semi-hardy
Don't let the plain cultivar name fool you, here. This is a striking plant, and a welcome addition to the ranks of dwarf waxy myrtles—although it is not the most dwarf cultivar that we have grown. 'Willow Leaf' wax myrtle, named because of its unusually narrow but long foliage, creates an immediate textural impact in the landscape. Our specimen, acquired in 2000 from Woodlanders Nursery (Aiken, South Carolina), has grown to over 4' tall in as many years, forming a dense, attractive evergreen shrub. These plants are cutting-grown from that original tree. Unlike the somewhat similar-appearing cultivar 'Emperor', 'Willow Leaf' has more vigor and forms a denser plant at a young age. Cold hardiness is uncertain, but we have received no damage in Zone 7. Sun to part-shade.
- hardy
This has got to be the weirdest plant that we grow at the JCRA—a virtual, living topographic map. Morus alba 'Ho-o' (referring to a king or royalty) came to us from Japan via NC State University's Tom Ranney and South Carolina's Ted Stephens of Nurseries Caroliniana (North Augusta, South Carolina). Each leaf is distorted such that the portion of the blade between each minor vein is raised sharply, creating a highly crinkled or textured appearance to the leaf—literally, like studying mountain ranges on topographic maps. Of course, we are very excited to have obtained this plant, and look forward to using it as cutback subjects, etc. to emphasize the textural aspects of the foliage. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Sun to part-shade.
- hardy
Received by us back in 1987 as a cutting from Brookside Garden (Wheaton, Maryland), Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Akebono' is perhaps no better known today than it was in 1987. Our specimen quietly grew underneath a specimen of Prunus mume 'Kobai' (a cultivar of Japanese flowering apricot) for much of the past 18 years), such that the Osmanthus became shaded by the apricot in time. The apricot was destroyed by the December 5, 2002, ice storm, and the following year, the Osmanthus revealed its white variegation on its new growth in the spring, probably for the first time in years, due to increased light intensity. 'Akebono' basically is a holly tea-olive in all respects, except that any new growth is white when it emerges, afterward fading to green. Hardy to Zone 6. Sun to shade.
- hardy
This plant is regarded by many plantsmen as one of the best of all the Philadephus—the mock-oranges. Hybridized by the famous French plant breeder, Victor Lemoine of Nancy, France, 'Belle Etoile' is a hybrid of uncertain parentage, but one that is believed to bear both New World and Old World species in its genetic background. In Europe, 'Belle Etoile' is known not only for its intensely sweet fragrance, but also for the attractive white flowers that are stained burgundy-purple at the base of the petals in the center of the flower. For reasons that have not been elucidated, the purple blotching does not occur in plants grown in areas with warmer spring temperatures, such as that of the southeastern United States. However, in any regard, we offer you these cutting-grown plants of 'Belle Etoile'. Remember for the mock-oranges that should they become too large (as 6'–7' tall and nearly as wide shrubs are likely in this genus), they can be cutback hard after flowering finishes in late spring. Hardy through North Carolina. Part shade to sun.
- to 8'
- plant in sun
- hardy
For several years now, the JCRA has been growing a number of spruces (Picea species and cultivars) to assess heat tolerance and adaptability to our climate and soils. Several promising species have emerged from these observations. In 2001, we received seed of this Taiwan endemic species, Picea morrisonicola, named for the mountain (Mt. Morrison) on which it occurs in Taiwan. Owing that many plants from Taiwan are superbly adapted to our southern heat and humidity, this species may offer promise for expanding our palette of spruces that can be successfully grown throughout North Carolina. Hardy through Zone 7, and possibly colder. Best grown in full to part sun.
- evergreen conifer tree to 50'–75'
- plant in sun
- hardy to zone 7
In 1985, a plant was received at the Arboretum as "Phillyrea angustifolia"—a cousin to the Osmanthus (tea-olives). It lay identified thusly, incorrectly, for eighteen years. In 2003, while walking through the JCRA looking at various Pittosporum plants in flower, we chanced across the "Phillyrea" and immediately realized that it had to be a Pittosporum instead. Not too long thereafter, the plant was keyed out from materials printed in the Flora of China to Pittosporum parvilimbum, an evergreen shrub bearing small, narrow leaves on a densely branched, twiggy frame. What is perhaps most important about this, however, is that this plant survived for so many years. Pittosporums are not known, generally speaking, as Zone 7 plants, and yet this species has seen many bitterly cold winters in its nearly twenty years at the Arboretum. As a result of this chance "find," we have propagated the plant from cuttings so that we may share it and begin to find out more about its environmental and cultural tolerances. Sun to part shade.
- evergreen shrub to 4'–8'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
- white flowers in spring
Balloon flower is a somewhat familiar herbaceous perennial, not as popular today as it was 10 years ago. However, it always attracts attention wherever it is grown due to the curious nature of the flowers to swell up like a balloon before opening up into a bell-shaped, five-lobed flower. 'Misato Purple' has been grown in the Perennial Border here at the Arboretum for many years, and being a dwarf cultivar (usually staying under 12" tall) it is rarely noticed. However, 'Misato Purple' also bears flowers that are colored (for us) pale purple, a color unfamiliar to most balloon flowers. (In areas with cooler springs, the color is a vivid, deep purple.) We decided to propagate this plant so that we could grow it outside of the context of the Perennial Border, but also to make it available to you, since it is not often seen sold by southeastern U.S. nurseries. Plants that we grew from cuttings flowered in late summer in the greenhouse, and several plants bore double flowers (although we have not seen this trait reported elsewhere; nor have we seen it show up on plants growing in the Perennial Border). Enjoy this excellent herbaceous perennial, generally regarded as disease and insect free, in your garden. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Best grown under part sun to sunny conditions.
- hardy
If you're only familiar with Podocarpus macrophyllus among the podocarps, then this plant may shock you. Podocarpus nivalis, like most other Southern Hemisphere podocarps is a shrubby species bearing short, stubby leaves. It more closely resembles the true yews (Taxus) than it does other podocarps. 'Bronze' was named for the metallic luster to the foliage, which appears to be coated in pewter-like or coppery deposits throughout the year. For those folks who do not like their conifers to change colors in the winter, this is definitely not the plant for you. However, if you enjoy seeing plants change with the seasons, then we think that you would enjoy this plant. Hardy through Zone 7. Part shade to part sun.
In 1997, we received seed of this herbaceous perennial, clump-forming and slowly spreading Prunella (self-heal) from a Portuguese botanical garden. Knowing that some of the perennial members of the mint family (or Lamiaceae) can be quite striking as garden subjects, but that many of the European species languish in our summer heat, we figured that those coming from the Iberian Peninsula might be better adapted to the southeastern United States. Pyrenean self-heal, native to the Pyrenees Mountains on the French and Spanish border, has been a winner for us, slowly increasing in mound size over the past nine years, and bearing upright spikes of medium purple flowers in spring. In mild winters, the foliage has remained evergreen. This year, we offer cutting-grown plants from our mother clump. Hardy throughout North Carolina and adapted to part shade to part sun.
Pomegranates are a familiar site, especially in older gardens of the South. However, virtually all of the germplasm in cultivation can be traced back to Europe. In 2001, while on the Georgia Boxwood Expedition, Todd Lasseigne (former JCRA assistant director) was able to see pomegranates growing in canyonlands in the eastern part of the nation of Georgia. Merab Khachidze (botanist for the Vashlovani Nature Reserve) was able to collect seeds later in the year, and these were sent to us. The plants that have resulted from these wild-collected seed have been strikingly different from the "typical" form of Punica granatum that is seen in cultivation in the United States. In leaf attributes, all of our seedlings resemble the cultivar 'Nana' in that the leaves are narrow and relatively small. Overall, this creates a nice, fine-textured look to an otherwise, overly coarse-appearing shrub. Hardiness uncertain, possibly greater than that of the commonly seen types (e.g., Zone 7a to 6b). Full sun is best.
- to 12'–20'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
Quercus aff. canbyi
Canby oak
Quercus canbyi is one of many oaks native to Mexico. In fact, there are more oaks native to Mexico than anywhere else in the world. For over 10 years now, we have been trialing as many of these Mexican oaks as we can acquire, and virtually none have disappointed with their cold hardiness, including this species. Canby oak forms a medium- to large-sized tree, semi-evergreen to evergreen (depending on the severity of the winter) with fine-textured leaves, glossy above and slightly toothed on the margins. These plants are derived from acorns collected off of trees formerly growing in the Arboretum field nursery. Although one might expect widespread hybrids to result from open-pollinated seeds, all of the plants are remarkably similar-appearing, perhaps reflecting that the eight or so mother trees were cross-pollinating, rather than pollen from other species. Hardy through Zone 7, and deciduous but hardy in colder zones. Full to part sun.
- hardy
For those who have been fortunate to visit the famous gardens at Sissinghurst Castle in Kent, England, probably the most famous part of this garden that is remembered by most visitors is its White Garden. (Our own White Garden at the JCRA is modeled after the White Garden at Sissinghurst.) When viewed from above (from the view tower in the garden), the central feature of the White Garden is an arbor, adorned with a white-flowered climbing rose. This is that rose. Rosa mulliganii is a climbing rose, one that will grow rapidly as climbers do. In mid-spring, it bears attractive panicles of white flowers, measuring approximately 2"–3" across, and later, these give rise to orange-red, pear-shaped hips. So, if you're inspired by Sissinghurst, you may wish to have a piece of it in your garden. Hardy through Zone 7, possibly colder. Full sun.
- hardy
Back in August 2001, on a visit to Strybing Arboretum (San Francisco, California), 'Hot Lips' salvia announced itself to us as a striking, new, bicolored, hardy salvia. Where could such a unique and attractive, two-toned (red and white for those NC State University fans out there, too) salvia have come from? 'Hot Lips' made its way into cultivation from its "home" in Oaxaca State, Mexico by the Mexican maid, Altagracia, to Richard Turner, who volunteers for Strybing Arboretum. Altagracia brought in "cuttings" of 'Hot Lips' to use in floral bouquet for a housewarming party, and once California horticulturists at said party were exposed to this plant, well,...let's just say the rest is history. In your garden, 'Hot Lips' will be a low, shrubby, plant, deciduous only after very cold freezes (under 20°F). Interestingly, flowers are bicolored in spring and fall, under cool night conditions; but phase into solid reds or whites during the warm-night summer months. Hardy to Zone 7. Grows and flowers best in full to part sun.
- semi-evergreen sub-shrub to 3'–5'
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy zone 7–9
- red & white flowers in spring–frost
- attracts birds and deer resistant
This fall blooming bulb is still unduly rare in cultivation. For over 9 years, we have grown this plant in the former Lawrence Border here at the JCRA, where it has prospered and multiplied. Upon demolition of this border, we decided to salvage much of the bulbs, since the species is so poorly known in cultivation, and we are now making them available to you. With attractive, lustrous green and durable foliage (unlike that of other squills), Scilla numidica doesn't look like one of those wimpy bulbs where you just want to wish the foliage away once the flowers are done. Instead, attractive foliage begets even more attractive flowers—upright, 8" spikes of pink-purple, these being produced in early- to mid-fall. Our plants were originally derived from We-Du Nursery (when it was owned by Dick Weaver and Renee Duvall), and the original source to them of where the plants originated is unknown to us. Assuredly, however, this is a plant that Elizabeth Lawrence would have loved. Sun to part-shade. Hardy, likely, through North Carolina.
- deciduous perennial to 6"–12"
- plant in sun to part shade
- hardy
- Pink-purple flowers in late summer to winter
This attractive, deciduous suckering shrub has long remained one of the rarest of any of the plants now growing at the JCRA. Brought back from South Korea from the 1985 expedition as Echinosophora koreensis, attempts at finding further information on this plant would always lead us back to our own publications or Web-site—a frustrating, but somewhat telling, process. Besides its attractive, sea-green, pinnately compound foliage, this deciduous shrub also bears showy, canary-yellow, pea-like flowers in spring, just before/as the leaves begin to emerge. Perhaps the most effective planting, and one that affirmed this plant's landscape utility, was seen in 2002 on the University of Delaware campus, where it was undoubtedly planted by University of Delaware plantsman John Frett, Ph.D. Within this planting, densely filled in by its own rhizomatous nature, the stems gently swayed to and fro, making the shrub attractive even in its "plain" state of green-only foliage. An underestimated plant also sometimes classified in the genus Keyserlingia by some botanists. Best in part-sun to sun. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
This virtually unknown plant is poised to become a major player in the world of evergreen ground covers. Akin to Liriope, Ophiopogon, and other members of the Convallariaceae (lily-of-the-valley family), Speirantha is a slowly-spreading, rhizomatous, evergreen herbaceous perennial plant. With its distinct, broad leaves, it is instantly separable from the liriopogons, and when it is in bloom, with its upside-down drumstick-shaped inflorescences, these bearing several dozen, white, star-shaped flowers, it becomes quite clear that this plant has lots of potential. Received by us twice in 2004, first from Brian Upchurch at Highland Creek Nursery (Fletcher, North Carolina) and then from Jamie Oxley at We-Du Natives (Marion, North Carolina), both plants hail from collections made by former We-Du co-owner and plant taxonomist Dick Weaver in eastern China. We are excited as to the landscape and market potential of this plant, a clear example of why continuing studies of garden-worthy plants must be done. This plant is better known by the now-synonymous name Speirantha convallarioides. Part sun to shade. Likely hardy throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
There are variegated plants, and then there are variegated plants. This is one of the latter! 'Magpie' spike-tail bears some of the most lovely foliage to be found on any deciduous shrub that can be grown in the southeastern United States. Growing as a shrub with gently arching branches, the spike-tails are best known for their winter flowers, produced in curtain-like fashion along the stems. Our plant of 'Magpie', is attractive throughout the growing season because of its foliage. The lance-shaped leaves, tapering to a fine, acuminate (or drip-tip-like) apex are edged in white and blend from gray-green to green in the central portion of the leaf blade. Fall brings in pink tints to the foliage, only adding to this plant's beauty. Best growth occurs on plants given some shade. Hardy through Zone 7, and possibly into Zone 6.
- deciduous tree to 15'
- plant in sun
- hardy
- pale yellow flowers in winter
In April, 2001, a visit to Doremus Wholesale Nursery (Warren, Texas), where we were hosted by owner Ted Doremus and nursery manager Mark Bronstad, led us to a great plethora of exciting plants. Among these was a tight, dense, littleleaf, dwarf form of the familiar false Japanese cleyera (Ternstroemia gymnanthera). Known only as "Lynn Lowrey's dwarf form," named for the late, great Texas plantsman, we were shown a plant growing in a five-gallon pot that was only 2' tall at 15 years of age! Wow, eh?! This plant was later planted in bed C08 at the JCRA, and in 2003 100 cuttings were stuck. Of those that rooted, we now are making these available to you—despite the fact that they have grown rampantly in a most "un-dwarf" manner to 18"–30" tall in only two years! Make of this aberrant growth rate what you will. The mother plant is striking, and since being planted in the ground, it has not resumed "normal" growth, for those that might think it was simply root-bound. Full to part sun. Hardy through Zone 7.
- hardy
This highly attractive, gold-leaf cultivar of the Japanese "Hiba" arborvitae became known to us in 2000 when it was seen growing at the famous conifer nursery, Stanley and Sons of Boring, Oregon. After an initial period of instantaneous lust was settled, we acquired a specimen from Larry Stanley in 2001. Thujopsis dolabrata 'Aurea' bears highly attractive gold-colored, broad, scale-like leaves, each leaf distinctively patterned chalk white underneath. That the species alone is worthy of cultivation is already known, but to add a richly, gold-colored cultivar to the mix has been ever greater. We are highly pleased to offer this superb conifer, growing for us as a small-sized shrub (under 5' tall), but probably becoming tree-like in the mountains (20' tall) and also possibly in Coastal Plain gardens. This plant is certainly worthy of widespread production by nurseries, but currently, it is difficult to locate in the southeastern United States, despite being a cultivar known since 1866. Full sun to shade. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- evergreen shrub to 5'–10'
- plant in full sun to part shade
- hardy to zone 5
Every now and then, even a botanist is surprised. Even a botanist who is an expert on a particular group of plants. That is what happened in 1992, when a strange palm was found growing on the grounds of the Windamere Hotel in Darjeeling, India. Only after a special "Trachycarpus expedition" was organized in 1994 were direct observation of the plants in Darjeeling and other nearby cities to reveal that this was in actuality an undescribed, new species. Trachycarpus latisectus forms single-trunked, evergreen trees reaching 25' or slight more. It is readily distinguished from the more familiar Trachycarpus fortunei (windmill palm) by its bare trunk (not bearing the burlap-like fibers) and broad, nearly round leaves that are less deeply cut. Early reports stated unequivocally that this was a Zone 8 plant, but this is only so in protected areas. It is probably that continued cultivation of this new palm will yield more cold-hardy strains that are suitable throughout Zone 8, into Zone 7b. Full sun.
For several years, now, we have grown this different, unnamed clone of purple heart tradescantia that we received from our friend and South Carolina plantsman Jenks Farmer (Columbia, South Carolina). Acquired by him from California, it remains an exciting plant for us, but no one as yet has come up with a cultivar name. Unlike Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' (the common purple heart tradescantia), this form boasts broad, large leaf blades, still richly colored royal purple, and the familiar, attractive pale, rose-pink flowers set amid two, purple, leaf-like bracts. As 'Purpurea' has been perfectly root-hardy for us for many years now, we have planted out in several locations plants of the wide-leaf form, and we are optimistic that they, too, will overwinter as herbaceous perennials. Hardy (as a herbaceous perennial) in Zone 7. Colors best in full sun, but will also grow in shade.
- root hardy
Among the legions of compact to slow-growing to dwarf cultivars of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), few have attracted much attention in the southeastern United States. Since 1991, we have grown in our lath house 'Krenitsky Weeping', a slow-growing, densely mounding, shrub-like hemlock, only now reaching 18" tall by nearly 4' wide in 13 years. Named for Chapel Hill plantsman and gardener, Tom Krenitsky, a longtime supporter of the JCRA through his plant acquisitions and keen plantsman's eye, we decided last year to propagate it and make it more widely available. To be sure, our specimen growing in the lath house is quite beautiful, and any fancier of dwarf conifers would be compelled to agree. However, if you are into fast-growing and fast-maturing plants, then this is not the pick for you. If, however, patience and the joy of seeing plants in your garden "blossom" (in the non-flowering sense) and develop into true specimens is your gardening calling, then this is probably the best plant for you among all of the offerings available this year. Commercially, this plant may be too slow-growing to merit mass-market attention, but for trough gardens or rockeries, this would be a fine addition. Hardy throughout North Carolina. Tolerant of both sun and shade, but prefers some shade in the warmer parts of North Carolina.
- hardy
This superb cultivar of Viburnum obovatum, a southeastern U.S. endemic species, was acquired by us in 2000 from Woodlanders Nursery (Aiken, South Carolina). 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight' has remained a dense, compact, dome-shaped evergreen to semi-evergreen shrub, reaching only 12"–18" high by slightly wider in 4 years. With its attractive, lustrous, dark green leaves, brown-backed twigs, and flat heads of pure white flowers borne intermittently from late spring through summer, this plant is already recognized in Florida as a first-class shrub, but it has yet to catch on here in North Carolina. 'Mrs. Schiller's Delight' was named and introduced into commerce by Florida nurseryman Steve Riefler (Green Images Nursery, Christmas, FL). Hardy into the North Carolina mountains (where diciduous). Grows in full sun to shade, but remains densest on brightly lit sites. A plant destined for greatness.
- semi evergreen to 36"
- plant in sun to shade
- hardy
- white flowers in spring
This pink-flowered cultivar of chaste tree was acquired by us from Louisiana Nursery (Opelousas, Louisiana) in 2001, as the JCRA continued to increase its collection of named cultivars of Vitex agnus-castus. This cultivar named by Louisiana Nursery for Louisiana plantsman Ellis Fletcher. To be said, there is no such thing, as yet, as a rose-pink-colored Vitex, but with more than five named cultivars listed as being pink-flowered, we are eager to see more of these grown and trialed for their garden performance and floral characteristics across as wide a range of growing conditions as is possible. It is cold hardy throughout North Carolina. It grows and flowers best under sunny conditions. Mature size of most Vitex agnus-castus trees is 20'–30' at 10 to 15 years of age.
- deciduous tree to 25'
- plant in sun, well-drained soil
- hardy
- pink flowers in summer
As a recent selection of one of our native wisteria vines, 'Longwood Purple' offers darker purple coloration than is available from other cultivars of this species. As interest in the two species of U.S. native wisterias has grown in recent years, the JCRA has assembled a substantial collection of both old and new cultivars of Wisteria frutescens (and W. macrostachya), in order to assesss differences among these named forms, and to see which plants comprise the more garden-worthy cultivars. "American wisteria" produces flowers in much smaller or shorter racemes (or "chains") than its Asian cousins, and the flowers emerge after the foliage, but they are still showy. These plants offered are cutting-grown from our original plant now growing in bed E12. The mother plant was acquired originally from Ted Stephens, Nurseries Croliniana (North Augusta, South Carolina). Grows and flowers best in bright, sunny conditions, but will tolerate shadier sites. Hardy throughout North Carolina.
- hardy
This large evergreen to semi-evergreen, clumping-forming fern is best known from milder parts of the United States, where it is listed as a Zone 8 plant. It is valued for its oversized fronds, reaching proportions up to 6' in length and often bowing down and touching the ground. These lustrous, dark green fronds, when mature, will bear small plantlets directly on the fronds, from which they can be propagated. New growth in spring is often burgundy-red to pink-red in color and can be quite stunning. These plants are grown from spores given to us by North Carolina plantsman and NC State Uuniversity Ph.D. student Richard Olsen, who received them from South Carolina plantsman John Elsley. Possibly hardy into Zone 7 in protected areas. Grows in part-sun to shade.
- herbaceous perennial to 4' tall by 6'wide
- plant in shade
- semi-hardy
- deer resistant