Connoisseur Plants

Connoisseur Plants are rare, new plants, or hard-to-find old favorites. These wonderful plants are being offered to our upper level members, Collector (formerly Sponsor) level and higher.

Please note that several plants are available in very limited quantities. For some plants, we don't know the full range of hardiness, only how it has behaved at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Sometimes, we cannot find any information in our references on a particular taxon. This does not mean that the plant doesn't exist, perhaps just that we are staying one step ahead of published information. One of the purposes of the Arboretum is to test new plants for suitability to the southeastern United States. By growing some of these "new-to-us" plants in your own garden, you can be a part of this evaluation process. Feedback from you is invaluable!

Happy choosing, and thank you for your continued and invaluable support of the JC Raulston Arboretum.

To submit your selections, please use the form link in the e-mail you received on February 21, 2024 from Kathryn Wall. If you need assistance, please e-mail Kathryn at or call (919) 513-7004 Selections should be placed no later than end of day March 3, 2024.

Note: The distribution year listed below is the year the plants were awarded. Members request them early the following year. And they're picked up or delivered shortly thereafter.

1999 Plant Selection

Actinidia arguta
hardy kiwi

Deciduous, twining vine with glossy, dark-green leaves and reddish twigs; numerous white flowers in June and edible fruit on the female plants. Zone 5. Native to Japan, Korea, and China.

Agave americana subsp. protamericana
hardy century plant

Grayish-green leaves in basal rosette to five feet long with toothed margin and terminal spine. Full sun and good drainage. Native to southern North America and northern South America. Zone 8.

Ampelopsis aconitifolia
climbing monkshood

Lush-growing deciduous vine with pea-sized blue fruit turning to yellow or orange-brown. Attractively textured foliage and ornamental fruit. Native to northern China. Zone 5.

  • to 25'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy

Ampelopsis arborea

Native to southern United States. Hardy in Zone 7 and 8. Strong grower with large toothed dark green leaves and dark purple, highly ornamental fruit in autumn. (1' plants)

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. tabernaemontana
eastern bluestar

Mounding clump forming herbaceous perennial up to 3.5' with very fine foliage and attractive pale bluish flowers in late spring. Native to Massachusetts and Delaware. but escaped to southeastern United States. Drought tolerant and tough.

  • hardy

Araujia sericifera

Evergreen twining shrub to 15' or more with white flowers in fall followed by ornamental seed pods. Required rich soil and full sun. Native to South America. Zone 9.

  • to 10'–20'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • tender

Baptisia alba × B. australis
hybrid wild-indigo

Early emerging, bush-forming perennial with green-gray foliage and white, pea-like flowers in late spring. Ornamental seed pods turn black in late summer. Zones 3–9.

  • hardy

Baptisia arachnifera
hairy rattleweed

Hairy rattleweed’s densely wooly foliage which clasps the stems looks more like a eucalyptus than a baptisia. Almost all parts of the plant are covered in silver hairs with the exception of the bright yellow flowers which are carried in the leaf axils in summer from late June into August. Ultimate size is 15"–20" tall and 18"–24" wide. This federally endangered native is found growing under pines with saw palmettos (Serenoa repens) and inkberry (Ilex glabra) in only 2 counties in Georgia. These plants were grown from seed from Plant Delights Nursery. Grow in average to dry soils with good drainage. Sun to part shade. Zone 6

  • hardy

Baptisia perfoliata

Yellow flowering wild indigo with unique, spring-green simple perfoliate leaves. An endangered species in Georgia.

  • hardy

Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty'

Cultivar of a North American native, strong, woody, evergreen climber. Flowers are a bright deep-orange. Covers a trellis at the JC Raulston Arboretum.

  • evergreen vine to 20'–30'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • tangerine-red flowers in spring

Buxus sempervirens 'Salicifolia Elata'
common boxwood

Yet another superb cultivar of Buxus sempervirens that showcases an atypical growth habit. 'Salicifolia Elata' grows as a dense, rounded, evergreen shrub, but with side branches that gently cascade downward. Leaves are longer than most commonly seen Buxus sempervirens cultivars, too. These plants were propagated from the extensive Buxus collection house at the JCRA in the Southhall Garden. Native from southern Europe to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions, Buxus sempervirens is one of the toughest evergreens available to us as gardeners. Avoid poorly drained sites.

  • hardy

Calocedrus decurrens
California incense-cedar

An evergreen conifer that grows to 100' tall in its native environment, western Oregon and California. Zone 6.

  • hardy

Caryopteris odorata

This Caryopteris has pink flowers in the summer. Has been hardy at the Arboretum. Needs sun to light shade. (2' plants)

Ceanothus ×delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles'
French hybrid ceanothus

Deciduous shrub with dark green leaves and dark blue flowers in summer to fall. Profuse flowers borne summer to fall.

Cephalanthus occidentalis

Deciduous, bushy shrub to 6' with glossy, dark green leaves. Flowers form perfectly round, whitish-yellow "buttons" for an interesting show in late summer. Can take wet feet, grows along swampy areas. Sun. Zones 5–10.

  • deciduous shrub to 6'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy to zone 5
  • white flowers in late spring – summer
  • butterfly/pollinator friendly
  • native

Cephalotaxus harringtonia
Japanese plum yew

Now accordingly considered an evergreen shrub of the first rank, as it deserves, Japanese plum-yew is a fairly familiar plant of southern U.S. landscapes. Most plants seen are the shrubby forms or cultivars, including these plants which are derived from cuttings derived from the germplasm collection assembled by Michael Dirr, Ph.D., and Donglin Zhang, Ph.D., at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia). Cephalotaxus harringtonia is an excellent evergreen shrub, tolerating most environmental stresses, including heat, drought, shade, and sun. Deer will not bother these plants. Just make certain not to site plants on sites with exceptionally poor drainage.

  • hardy

Cercis canadensis 'Flame'
double flowered eastern redbud

The prized, but often difficult to find, double-flowered redbud is one of the favorites in our North American Plant Conservation Consortium Cercis collection. Large heart-shaped leaves on this somewhat upright selection usually turn clear yellow in the fall, often with a brownish margin. The early spring double flowers will be the envy of all your gardening friends as the blossoms glow from every branch of this vigorous tree in April before the leaves emerge. Full sun to shade.

  • hardy

Cercis canadensis var. mexicana
Mexican redbud

Leaves of the Mexican redbud are medium sized, shiny green with wavy margins. Same purple-red blooms in spring. Small tree. One of the two distinctive races of eastern redbud found in Texas, Oklahoma, and Mexico. (12" plants)

  • deciduous tree to 18'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy
  • purple-red flowers in spring

Cercis chinensis
Chinese redbud

Small ,multi-trunked tree with densely crowded stems all arising from a basal crown. Bright, pinkish-purple flowers open along stem in early spring before the heart-shaped leaves emerge. Unlike our native eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), which is usually a single trunked tree, Chinese redbud bears flowers all along its many stems, creating wand-like columns of bloom.

  • to 10'–15'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Cercis glabra
smooth redbud

Smooth redbud (Cercis glabra) is a stellar spring performer, and the subject of many photographers that visited the JCRA. One of the earliest flowering, upright-vase-shaped redbuds in the JCRA, it is remarkably floriferous with rose-magenta flowers virtually covering the tree beginning in late February. Flowering lasts a full four weeks, beginning before and persisting well after its large leaves emerge. It has whitish bark and is multi-stemmed, ultimately reaching 15' tall. This taxon was previously known as Cercis yunnanensis, and it is a native of China.

  • hardy

Cercis racemosa
chain-flowered redbud

"Chain-flowered Redbud". known for its rose-purple flowers, 20–40 in 2"–4" long racemes. Grows 20' with a rounded habit. Native to China.

  • hardy

Chaenomeles speciosa 'Toyo Nishiki'
flowering quince

This quince has lovely pink flowers in the spring. Deciduous shrub for the sun and light shade. Zone 7. (3" plants)

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Golden Spire'
Lawson falsecypress

Narrowly upright, greenish yellow, evergreen false cypress, of which stock is native to coastal California and Oregon. (8"–10" plants)

Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Rubicon'
Atlantic white-cedar

Evergreen false cypress, upright bush with dense juvenile foliage turning plum-purple in winter. Found in Tennessee. (3"–4" plants)

  • evergreen to 8'–12 tall by 2'–3' wide
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Chionanthus retusus
Chinese fringe tree

Leaves ovate or elliptic, flowers in early summer, grows to 20'. Native to China. Deciduous tree for the sun to light shade. Zone 6. (4" plants)

  • deciduous tree to 20'–35'
  • plant in sun to partial shade
  • hardy to zone 5
  • white flowers in spring

Cladrastis kentukea
American yellowwood

Hardy deciduous tree with smooth bark. Grows to 50'. Long drooping panicles of fragrant white flowers in early summer. Leaves turn clear yellow before falling. Hardwood yields yellow dye. Eastern Asia, Eastern North America. (6" plants)

  • flowering tree to 30'–45'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • white flowers in spring

Cleyera japonica 'Fortunei'

Evergreen, large shrub with shiny, dark green leaves, variegated with golden-yellow and rose toward margins. Native to Japan. Grows in shady conditions. Zone 8. (5" plants)

  • hardy

Cornus stolonifera 'Isanti'

Shrub form of Cornus with red stems. This deciduous shrub is valuable for its winter interest. (12" plants)

Cornus stolonifera 'Silver and Gold'
variegated yellow-twig osier dogwood

Shrub form of Cornus with red stems. This deciduous shrub is valuable for its winter interest. (12" plants)

  • evergreen shrub to 6'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • white flowers in summer

Crinum 'Cecil Houdyshel'

Herbaceous perennial with tunicate bulbs, native to tropics and warm-temperate regions of both hemispheres. Bubblegum pink flowers bloom for three months from summer to fall when established.

  • bulb to 2'–3'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • pink flowers in late spring to fall
  • deer resistant
  • drought resistant, fragrant

Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet'

Herbaceous perennial with tunicate bulbs, native to tropics and warm-temperate regions of both hemispheres. Burgundy flowers in late summer.

  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Araucarioides'
whipcord Japanese cedar

Tall, conical evergreen tree, furnished to the ground, long branches, bright or dark green short leaves. Grows to 15' in 10 years. Best in sun. Native to Japan. Zone 5. (6" plants)"

  • to 20'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Dacrydioides'
whipcord Japanese cedar

Snake-like weeping foliage; shrubby or pendulous evergreen tree with brown winter color. Japan. (6"–8" plants)

  • evergreen shrub to 20'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo'
Japanese cedar

Slow-growing, evergreen shrub with coarse, green foliage. Canada. (6" plants)

  • compact conifer to 8'
  • plant in sun to part sun
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Gracilis'
slender Japanese cedar

A clone with loose, but not snake-like habit.

  • coniferous tree to 15'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy to zone 5

Cryptomeria japonica 'Kilmacurragh'
dwarf cockscomb Japanese cedar

Dwarf form with a flat-globose to bee-hive shape. Covered with small fasciations, never coarse. Native to Ireland. (4"–6" plants)

  • to 4'
  • plant in full sun to light shade
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Lobbii'
Japanese cedar

Upright, pyramidal-columnar form. Foliage in clumps, with denser and less pendulous branching than species. Longer, deeper green needles, may be bronze in cold weather. Grows to 30' to 40'. (10" plants)

  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Nana Albospica'
variegated Japanese cedar

Dwarf, dense, globose to upright form; branch tips are white when young turning later to green. The one in the Arboretum is 5'–6' tall. (8" plants)

  • to 8'
  • plant in part sun to part shade
  • hardy

Cupressus nootkatensis
Nootka falsecypress

Evergreen tree with a slender conical habit and densely spreading branches. Reaches 90'–120' tall in its native habitat of coastal northwestern United States.

  • hardy

Cyrilla racemiflora
swamp cyrilla

Small, late summer-flowering, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. Lanceolate leaves turn crimson in autumn. White flowers. A bee plant. Native to North America to South America and the West Indies. Zones 6–11.

  • semi-deciduous shrub to 8'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy to zone 5
  • white flowers in summer
  • butterfly/pollinator friendly and deer resistant
  • Native. A pollinator magnet

Cytisus 'Moonlight'

Deciduous shrub with cream-yellow flowers. (12" plants)

Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hair grass

This small handsome grass with pleated foliage has a clean look in the garden. Does well in moist spots with light shade. Flowers emerge in May in shades from yellow to purple, and are showy well into the summer. Grows 1'–3' tall. Zones 4–9.

  • grass to 1'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy to zone 4
  • yellow flowers in summer–early fall

Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow'
variegated deutzia

'Summer Snow' has lovely white flowers in late spring and attractive medium green, deciduous leaves with white markings. It forms a low, broad mound typically 2'–4' tall and 3'–4' wide with slender branches. Native to Japan and southeastern China. Hardy in Zones 5–8.

  • deciduous shrub to 2'–4' tall and 3'–4' wide
  • plant in sun to partial shade
  • hardy
  • white flowers in spring
Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow'

Digitalis parviflora

Herbaceous perennial grows to 3'. Bears tall cylindrical racemes of small reddish-brown flowers in late spring and early summer. Native to the mountains in northern Spain.

Distylium racemosum 'Guppy'
dwarf isu tree

Attractive dark green evergreen foliage. Produces inconspicuous reddish maroon flowers in the spring. Light shade.

  • evergreen shrub to 4'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy to zone 7
  • small burgundy flowers in early spring

Elaeagnus pungens 'Glenn Compact'

Compact form of this evergreen shrub. This elaeagnus has stayed 3'–3.5' at the Arboretum. (3" plants)

  • hardy

Erica ×darleyensis 'Mediterranean Pink'
Darley heath

Much-branched, evergreen shrub. This is the cross of E. carnea x E. mediterranea. Grows to 2', flowers in terminal, leafy racemes, pink. Native to Europe, Mediterranean, and South Africa, Zone 6 Needs well drained soil.

  • hardy

Erythrina flabelliformis

Shrub or small tree, flowers before or with young leaves. Native to Arizona, New Mexico, and western Mexico.

  • semi-hardy

Euonymus fortunei 'Greenlane'
wintercreeper euonymus

Thick lustrous dark green leaves, vibrant year-round. Pinkish fruits with orange seeds. Matures at 4' by 4' to 6'. This is one Euonymous that did not get scale the last two summers like most other euyonmous. (12" plants)

Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita'
Carolina jessamine

Cold hardy form, fragrant, flowers slightly larger than species. Selected from seedlings.

  • evergreen twining vine to 10'–20'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • yellow flowers in spring

Habranthus robustus

Bulbous, herbaceous perennial grows to 9" with linear, recurved, spreading leaves that appear after rose-red flowers. Native to Argentina. Sun. Zones 7–10.

  • herbaceous perennial to 8"–12"
  • plant in sun
  • hardy to zone 7
  • rose flowers in late spring

Hamamelis vernalis 'Sandra'
Ozark witch hazel

Deciduous shrub. Young unfolding leaves suffused plum-purple, becoming green and purple flushed on undersides. In autumn, entire bush ignites into orange, scarlet and red. Flower petals are cadmium-yellow in winter. Originated in Hillier nurseries in 1962. (3" plants)

Hedera colchica 'Dentata Variegata'

Woody vine. Juvenile leaves thick, leathery, heart-shaped to 10 in. long, dark dull green with marginally variegated cream. (4"plants)

  • hardy


Plants under this name have generally been selections from the hybrids between H. moscheutos and the other herbaceous perennials of North Amer. or forms of H. moscheutos. Petals 5–6 in. long, whitish, pinkish, or purplish-rose, sometimes with basal crimson spot. Coastal marshes of Florida, Georgia, west to Mississippi. (12" plants)

  • hardy root hardy semi-hardy tender

Hydrangea serrata
mountain hydrangea

Charming, dwarf, deciduous shrub with flattened corymbs. Rarely exceeds 3'. A lacecap variety with pink flowers. One of the earliest H. serrata types to flower.

  • flowering shrub to 3'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy
  • pink-blue flowers in summer

Hydrangea serrata 'Woodlanders'
mountain hydrangea

Charming dwarf deciduous shrub with flattened corymbs. Rarely exceeds 3’. Light shade conditions. Has purple fall color.

  • to 3'
  • plant in light shade to full shade
  • hardy


Deciduous shrub with large leaves and flattened corymbs. Prefers light shade. Medium grower.

  • hardy

Ilex cornuta 'Sunrise'
golden Chinese holly

Chinese holly with leaves greenish yellow near tips, often blotchy, 1 1/2" to 2" long, akin to ‘Burfordii’ leaf. 1/4” diameter deep red fruit. (6" plants)

  • hardy

Ilex opaca 'Old Heavy Berry'
American holly

American holly with vigorous, large, dark green leaves. Produces heavy crops of large red fruits. Excellent winter hardiness.

Illicium floridanum f. album 'Semmes'
white-flowered Florida anise

White flowered form from Semmes, Alabama area, introduced by Tom Dodd Nurseries. More restrained than the species, heavy flowering. (8' plants)

  • hardy

Illicium lanceolatum
Chinese anise

Evergreen shrub with elongated foliage. Light to full shade.

  • large shrub or small tree to 10'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • pink flowers in late spring

Illicium parviflorum (small leaf)
yellow anise

The most rugged landscape performer among Illicium species. Handsome olive green foliage. Yellow-green small flowers in May–June. Found in wet areas in southern Georgia and Florida. Zones 6–9. (12" plants)

  • to 8'
  • plant in sun to moderate shade

Jasminum ×stephanense
pink jasmine

Deciduous, vigorous twining shrub. J. beesianum X J. officinale, dull green leaves opposite, leaflets. usually 1, sometimes 3 or incompletely divided; flowers pink, fragrant, not very attractive. Hybridized in Nancy, France, but found later in western China. Zones 7–8. (2' plants)

  • hardy

Juniperus chinensis 'Oblonga'
Chinese juniper

Upright, evergreen conifer. Grows to 10'–15' tall with a 3'–4' spread. Native to Asia. Zone 4. (10" plants)

  • hardy

Juniperus horizontalis 'Aunt Jemima'
creeping juniper

Known as creeping juniper or creeping cedar. Procumbent shrub with long trailing branches forming a mat about 1' tall. A compact form of 'Plumosa' selected by the D. Hill Nursery, Dundee, Illinois. Native to the United States. (12" plants)

Juniperus thurifera 'Nana'
dwarf incense juniper

Evergreen conifer with blue-green foliage, upright habit, dwarf form. (12" plants)

Kalmia latifolia
mountain laurel

Evergreen shrub, 3'–4' high, tree-like in habitat, corolla 3"–4" wide, pink to white, May–June. Alternate leaves. Thrives only on acid soils, shade, leaves and flowers poisonous to livestock. Native to eastern North America. Zone 5. (4"–6" plants)"

Lagerstroemia indica 'Candy Cane'
crepe myrtle

Medium sized deciduous shrub with bi-colored (white and red) flowers. (8"–12" plants)

Lonicera ×italica 'Sherlite'
Harlequin variegated woodbine honeysuckle

Attractive (and restrained) variegated honeysuckle. Pink, two-lipped flowers in spring, and blue-tinged foliage in summer (10" plants)

  • hardy

Lonicera sempervirens 'Magnifica'
trumpet honeysuckle

Climbing vine, evergreen in the South, flowers in spikes, orange-scarlet, yellow inside. 2 in long. in summer, but this cultivar has late flowering. Zone 4

  • evergreen vine to 10'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy to zone 4
  • red flowers in late spring
  • red fruit in fall
  • butterfly pollinator friendly, attracts birds

Loropetalum chinense (Dodd form)
Chinese fringe flower

Reddish purple leaf, evergreen shrub. Selection from Dodd's Nursery. So far has stayed more vase shaped than other Loropetalums and also has larger leaves. Zone 7–9. (4" plants)

  • hardy

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum (Piroche form)
purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower

Similar to the other loropetalums, reddish purple leaves and pink flowers. Zones 7–9. (4" plants)

  • hardy

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum (variegated)
purple-leaf Chinese fringe flower

Comparable to other Loropetalums, the difference being in the green and maroon leaves. The variegation does not appear to be stable and some branches will revert to reddish purple. (4" plants)

  • hardy

Magnolia 'Betty'

This is one of the Little Girl Hybrids, a group of hybrids from the cross between M. liliiflora 'Nigra' and M. stellata 'Rosea'. Deep purple-red outside to white, copper-red new growth. Grows 10'–15' with a broad rounded habit. Zones 5–8. (4" plants)

Magnolia virginiana var. australis 'Santa Rosa'
evergreen sweet bay magnolia

Large, dark green, evergreen leaf form from Woodlander's. A vigorous growing small Magnolia. Will tolerate light shade. Zones 5–9. (4" plants)

Mahonia 'Arthur Menzies'
hybrid leatherleaf mahonia

Medium tall to tall shrub, leaves with numerous pinnae, flowers in clusters of loose, terminal racemes. Better growth in the shade. Zone 9. (8" plants)

  • hardy

Myrica heterophylla
Southern bayberry

Evergreen shrub or small tree to 15' high. Both flowers dioecious and inconspicuous, fruits gray-white, with heavy waxy coating. Native to the United States. Zone 8. (4" plants)

  • hardy

Nyssa ogeche
Ogeechee lime

Deciduous tree with dense, dark green foliage. In the fall, the large, edible, reddish fruits are striking. This tree is a swamp species but has done well in dry soil. Major source of nectar for bees. Native in the Southeast from South Carolina to Florida. Reaches 30' tall. Zone 6–9.

  • to 25'–45'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • not showy flowers

Nyssa sinensis
Chinese tupelo

Fast growing, adaptable tree with red-orange fall color, dark purple seeds. Grows 30'–50'. Native to China. Zones 6–9. (10" plants)

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Monham'
Star Showers variegated Virginia creeper

High climbing, deciduous vine with tendrils. Zone 3. (4"–6" plants)

  • hardy

Periploca sepium
silk vine

Deciduous, shrubby vine, twining to 10', similar to P. graeca, but smaller and more delicate. Flowers have a violet-brown interior with a yellowish-green exterior. Flowers in June–July. Leaves yellow in autumn. Native to China. Zone 7. (8" plants)

Philadelphus 'Natchez'

Deciduous shrub with fragrant, prolific pure white flowers in early spring. Large upright form 8'–10'. Sun to light shade. Zones 6–9. (2' plants)

Photinia davidiana 'Palette'
variegated photinia

Semi-evergreen to evergreen, 4'–6' shrub. Has reddish pink shoots that become light green with pink and cream leaves. It does flower and has red fruit. Don't let the name throw you, it does not have the characteristics of the other Photinias. Native to China. Zones 6–7. (10"–18" plants)

  • evergreen shrub to 6'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • white flowers in spring
  • red fruit in fall

Physocarpus opulifolius

Upright spreading shrub, grows to 10', with old bark separating in many thin layers. Flowers white or pinkish in June. Fruits reddish. Best in full sun or partial shade. Native to central and eastern North America. Zones 2–7. (1'–2' plants)

Picea abies 'Pyramidata'
Norway spruce

Evergreen conifer with normal growth. Tall tree. (3" plants)

Picea retroflexa

Similar in habit to Picea abies. Has gray bark that exfoliates in thin scales. A tall, evergreen conifer. Native to China. (4" plants)

  • hardy

Pieris 'Bert Chandler'

Evergreen shrub with attractive, salmon-pink young leaves at first, turning glossy cream-yellow, then white, and finally deep green. (8" plants)

Platanus occidentalis 'Howard'
golden sycamore

Tall, deciduous tree. New foliage emerges yellow and fades with the summer heat. Striking white, mottled bark. Zones 4–9.

  • to 75’+
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Platycladus orientalis 'Sanderi'
dwarf oriental arborvitae

Dwarf, juvenile form of this conifer, slow growing with a more globose habit. Leaves are needle-like, blue-green in summer, purplish in winter. (3"–6" tall)

Prunus laurocerasus 'Camelliifolia'
curly-leaf cherry laurel

A large shrub or small tree sporting dark green leaves that are twisted and curled.

  • evergreen shrub
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Prunus 'Okame'
flowering cherry

A small tree with masses of carmine-rose flowers opening throughout March. ( 3’’ tall)

Prunus persica 'Pillar'
columnar flowering peach

Pyramidal form with light pink flowers in the spring. Species native to China. Zones 5–9. (12" plants)

Quercus phillyreoides 'Emerald Sentinel'
columnar Ubame oak

A new cultivar from The NCSU Arboretum which differs from the species in being more upright (almost fastigate) with great vigor (2'–4' per year once established)—making a beautiful and fast-growing multi-trunk evergreen tree. USDA Zones 6–9. Best in sun. (4"–6" plants)

  • hardy

Salix chaenomeloides
giant pussywillow

Rapid grower, mature at 15'–20'. Large red flower buds with pink to rose colored catkins. Species native to Japan. Zones 6–8. (2' plants)"

  • deciduous shrub to 20'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy to zone 6
  • white flowers in winter

Salix cinerea 'Tricolor'
variegated grey willow

A large shrub with catkins appearing before the leaves in spring. Leaves are mottled with creamy yellow and white. (2' plants)

  • to 15'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Sarcococca ruscifolia
fragrant sweet box

A small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers; dark red berries; and thick, shiny, ovate, dark green leaves. Native to southern China. Zone 9.

  • hardy

Sciadopitys verticillata
Japanese umbrella pine

Slow growing, pyramidal, evergreen conifer. Needles 3"–5" long. Monoecious. These seedlings are three years old and still only 3" tall. Zone 6.

  • hardy

Senna hebecarpa
American wild senna

Southern U.S. perennial to 4 feet with yellow flowers. New England to Wisconsin, south to North Carolina.

  • hardy

Sophora davidii
Father David's sophora

Deciduous shrub with pale violet to nearly white flowers. Zone 5. (6"–8" plants)

  • hardy

Sophora flavescens
yellow necklace-pod

Subshrub (shrubby in milder climates) with narrowly ovate leaves and yellowish-white flowers in racemes on current years wood in July and August. Native to China. Zone 6.

  • to 4'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Spiraea salicifolia

Narrowly upright, stoloniferous shrub. Flowers are pink in slender panicles in June–July. Naturalizes rapidly. Native to southeastern Europe to northeastern Asia. Zone 5. (12" plants)

Stachyurus salicifolius
willow leaf spike-tail

Deciduous shrub with elongated willow-like leaves that measure 6” in length. Prefers shady conditions. (12" plants)

  • semi-evergreen shrub to 6'–12'
  • plant in part sun to shade
  • hardy zone 7b–9
  • yellow flowers in spring

Symphoricarpos ×chenaultii
Chenault coralberry

Fine textured, deciduous shrub. 4'–6' tall with abundant and open branches. Pink flowers in June–July. Fruits are very ornamental with red with white spots. "The best species of the genus." A 1940 hybrid from Ontario, Canada Zone 5. (4"–6" plants)

  • hardy

Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Schneegitter'
white heath aster

Dwarf, 4"–6" tall, ground cover perennial with pure white flowers in autumn. (3"–4" plants)

  • hardy

Tecoma stans
yellow trumpetbush

Shrub or small tree to 20'. Flowers are bright yellow and 2'' long. Native from Florida, Mexico, to Argentina. Zones 8–9.

  • semi-hardy tender

Tetradium ruticarpum
Himalayan bee-bee tree

A fast-growing small to medium deciduous tree, with large pinnate leaves. Native to the Himalaya, E and SE Asia

Thuja koraiensis × T. standishii
hybrid arborvitae

Rapid growing, conical conifer.

  • hardy

Thuja occidentalis 'Asplenifolia'
American arborvitae

Evergreen tree with a narrow, ascending habit and dense, stiff twigs. Shoots are densely clustered at tip of branches becoming somewhat pendulous from the weight. Zones 3–7.

Thuja occidentalis 'Pygmaea'
dwarf American arborvitae

Dense, compact, irregular, dwarf conifer with blue-green foliage; 2' to 2.5' tall by 2'–3' wide. ( 6" plants)

  • hardy

Thuja occidentalis 'Sherwood Moss'
dwarf American arborvitae

Dwarf evergreen with cone-shape, 4'–6' tall, the green juvenile foliage turns bronze in winter. Zone 3–7

Thuja ×soeegaardii 'Green Giant'

Medium growing evergreen conifer with lush dark green foliage. Could grow to 30', makes a great screening plant . Full sun or partial shade. Zones 5–8. (10" plants)

  • evergreen conifer to 30'+
  • plant in sun to partial shade

Trochodendron aralioides
wheel tree

Evergreen tree native to easter Asia that grows to 60'. Interesting, bright green flowers are approximately 0.5". The tree at the Arboretum has a globose habit. Zone 8. (4" plants)

  • evergreen tree to 20'–40'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy zone 6
  • green flowers in summer

Viburnum dilatatum 'Erie'
linden viburnum

Deciduous shrub twice as wide as tall (5' by 9'). Yellow, orange, and red fall color with abundant fruits beginning pink, changing to coral, then fading to a lighter shade. Developed from Japanese seed. (3" plants)

  • hardy

Viburnum 'Emerald Triumph'
Pellett hybrid viburnum

Leathery dark green foliage with white flowers, and green-reddish fruit. More compact than V. lantana, grows 6'–8'. Sun to partial shade. Zones 4–7.

  • hardy

Wisteria ×formosa 'Kokuryu'
black dragon wisteria

Deeply fragrant racemes, blooming all at once in early summer. Does not seem to be as vigorous grower as other Wisterias. Zone 5. (6" plants)

Zabelia tyaihyoni
Mangsan abelia

Semi-evergreen shrub with large purple flowers. Seeds came from Korea and the shrub has grown rapidly in our trial garden. Rapidly growing deciduous shrub to at least 8'; red and white sweet-scented flowers, weigela-like, in spring; Hardiness unknown but seems to be hardy in Zone 7. Seeds came from Korea and the shrub has grown rapidly in our trial garden.

  • hardy

Zephyranthes mesochloa
rain lily

Small, bulbous, herbaceous perennial with bright green, linear leaves up to 10". Pinkish flowers are just under 2" and open in summer, especially after a rain. Native to Argentina. Zone 7.

Zephyranthes reginae
rain lily

Hardy bulb with yellow flowers in May to October. Grows best in sun. Zone 7.

  • hardy

Zephyranthes (Sunset Strain)
sunset rain lily

This seed strain has coppery pink flowers. Comes true from seed. Zone 7.

  • herbaceous perennial to 6'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy