Connoisseur Plants

Connoisseur Plants are rare, new plants, or hard-to-find old favorites. These wonderful plants are being offered to our upper level members, Collector (formerly Sponsor) level and higher.

Please note that several plants are available in very limited quantities. For some plants, we don't know the full range of hardiness, only how it has behaved at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Sometimes, we cannot find any information in our references on a particular taxon. This does not mean that the plant doesn't exist, perhaps just that we are staying one step ahead of published information. One of the purposes of the Arboretum is to test new plants for suitability to the southeastern United States. By growing some of these "new-to-us" plants in your own garden, you can be a part of this evaluation process. Feedback from you is invaluable!

Happy choosing, and thank you for your continued and invaluable support of the JC Raulston Arboretum.

To submit your selections, please use the form link in the e-mail you received on February 21, 2024 from Kathryn Wall. If you need assistance, please e-mail Kathryn at or call (919) 513-7004 Selections should be placed no later than end of day March 3, 2024.

Note: The distribution year listed below is the year the plants were awarded. Members request them early the following year. And they're picked up or delivered shortly thereafter.

1997 Plant Selection

Acer palmatum
Japanese maple

Seedlings from the various trees in the Arboretum. Something good could come out of these. Zone 5; sun to light shade.

  • deciduous tree to 18'–22'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy
  • red flowers in spring

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'
golden sweet flag

Likes wet conditions; grass-like hardy perennial. All hardiness zones; sun.

  • herbaceous perennial to 15"
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy

Aesculus glabra var. glabra
Ohio buckeye

Tree; 20'–40'; greenish yellow flowers in May. Zone 3–7.

Agave Collection
century plant

(Will get 3 of the 5 choices) Agave deserti—Grey green leaves 18" by 2" wide; from Sonoran Desert; flowers yellow; Zone 8. Agave falcata – very narrow leaves; 18" width; hardiness to at least 0F. Agave lechugilla – White edged leaves; Texas native; hardiness untested, probably Zone 7. Agave lophantha – Leaves marked with white; seed collected in San Jose; Zone 7.

Ampelaster carolinianus
climbing aster

A woody vine: do not cut it down in winter. Typical aster flowers of pale mauve, pink all of October and most of November; fragrant; 8' tall with support; Zone 7 maybe 6.

  • woody vine to 12' w/support
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • rosy pink flowers in fall
  • butterfly/pollinator friendly
  • flowers are fragrant

Aquilegia Collection
columbine collection

Aquileqia caerulea – Perennial with blue-white, long-spurred flowers in spring to 2'; sun to light shade. Herbaceous perennial Zone 4. Aquilegia skinneri – Yellowish-green petals with 2" long red spurs; 3'

  • hardy

Aralia racemosa

East coast native herbaceous perennial, to 6' without the prickles and spreading habit of its woody relatives. Dense panicles of greenish white to brownish purple flowers followed by dark fruit; Zone 4; shade.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum
Italian arum

Tropical looking foliage all winter; glossy arrow shaped leaves veined with cream. Summer dormant. Winter sun, summer shade under deciduous shrubs and trees; Zone 6.

  • herbaceous perennial to 1'–1.5'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
Arum italicum subsp. italicum

Aucuba Collection
Japanese aucuba

Aucuba japonica f. longifolia – An elegant form of this well known evergreen shrub with leaves much longer than wide; shade. Aucuba japonica – Self fruitful cultivar of this well known handsome broad leafed evergreen shrub. Fruit are red, about the size of a small olive; shade. 4'–6'; Zone 7. Will receive one of each.

  • evergreen shrub to 5'–8'
  • plant in shade
  • hardy to zone 7b

Baptisia Collection*
wild-indigo collection*

B. australis – showy spikes of blue in May; 3'. B. megacarpa – Showy fruit in late summer. Large inflated apple green pods. Modest cream flowers. B. minor – Shorter, though still very showy, version of B. australis. B. pendula – Like a white version of B. australis. Striking upright spikes of white 3'–4' ; the fruit are pendulous. B. sphaerocarpa – Brilliant acid yellow flowers in spikes; 30". Will receive 4 of the 6.

Betula nana

2'–4' tall shrub; native to Northern North America and Europe, usually moist areas; Zone 1?

Buddleja salviifolia
South African sage-wood

Fragrant pale lilac to white flowers in autumn to early winter. Would probably make an excellent houseplant for cool sunny spot; shrub or small tree 3'–15'; Zone 8.

  • hardy

Buddleja ×weyeriana 'Sungold'
Weyer's golden butterfly bush

A yellow flowered, large (8') vigorous grower, not quite as floriferous as one might hope. Highly approved by butterflies; Zone 6?

  • hardy

Buxus Collection

Buxus sempervirens 'Pyramidalis' – A boxwood with amazingly narrow pyramidal growth habit. Plants at the Arboretum are 7' tall and 3' wide at base, tapering steadily upward. Zone 7, sun to light shade. Buxus sinica – New rare species from China with larger, broader evergreen foliage than common boxwoods. Sun with light winter shade in colder climates to prevent winter scorch; Zones 6–9.

  • hardy

Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii

Profuse fall display of brilliant purple-violet fruit on this easy deciduous Asian plant. Sun, light shade, 5'; Zone 6.

Callicarpa dichotoma f. albifructus
white beautyberry

White fruited variety of another Asian beauty berry. Indispensable for fall show. Sun to light shade, 5'–6', Zone 5.

  • shrub to 4'–6'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy

Callistemon Collection

Callistemon 'Woodlander's Red' – Red flowers on evergreen shrub to 12'; Zone 7. Callistemon citrinus – Lemon scented with crimson flowers; evergreen shrub to 15', Zone 8. Callistemon sieberi – "Alpine Bottlebrush" – Native to mountains of southeastern Australia; perhaps the hardiest; 15'; pale yellow. Will receive two of the three.

  • Evergreen shrub to 8'
  • plant in sun
  • semi-hardy
  • red flowers in spring - summer

Calycanthus chinensis
Chinese wax plant

Asian counterpart to our beloved sweet Betsy or Carolina allspice, Calycanthus floridus. Their growth habits are very similar, though Calycanthus sinensis flowers are more like a single white camellia; sun or light shade; Zone 6.

  • shrub to 6'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • white with pink tinge flowers

Calycanthus floridus
common sweetshrub

Native deciduous shrub to 9' beloved for its usually fragrant through curious maroon sea anemome-like flowers; sun to light shade, Zone 4.

  • deciduous shrub to 6'–9'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • maroon flowers in early summer

Calycanthus floridus 'Athens'
yellow common sweetshrub

Yellow green flowered cultivar of above. Some of these are seedlings and might not come true.

  • flowering shrub to 4'–6'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy
  • yellow flowers in sun

Camellia ×vernalis 'Hiryû'
vernal camellia

Crimson red single to semi-double flowers in fall. Closely resemble C. sasanqua in flower, growth and hardiness; Zone 7; 15'.

  • evergreen shrub to 15'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • red flowers in winter

Camellia ×williamsii 'Golden Spangles'
variegated Williamsii camellia

Beautiful gold-green centered leaves. Pink single flowers in late winter, light shade; Zone 7.

  • to 8'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy

Camellia ×williamsii 'Mary Christian'
Williamsii camellia

Single pink flowers; Zone 7.

  • to 8'–12'
  • plant in shade
  • hardy

Campanula trachelium var. alba

2'–3' tall herbaceous perennial with white bell-like flowers. Eurasia, naturalized in North America. Zone 5? Sun to light shade.

Carpinus orientalis
Oriental hornbeam

From the "Orient" of old: southeastern Europe and Asia minor. Deciduous shrub or tree to 20'–30'; Zone 5.

  • deciduous perennial to 15'–25'
  • plant in full sun to part shade
  • hardy

Ceanothus ×pallidus 'Marie Simon'

This plant has survived several summers and winters at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Soft pink flowers in summer. Deciduous shrub to 4'; Zone 7?

Ceanothus ×pallidus 'Rosea'

Darker pink version of above.

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fritz Huber'
dwarf Japanese plum yew

A southern adapted substitute for Taxus (yew). 'Fritz Huber' is a prostrate cultivar of this handsome dark green conifer. Sun to light shade; Zone 6.

  • hardy

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
katsura tree

Handsome, graceful deciduous tree. Freshly fallen leaves fragrant, some say, of strawberry marshmallows; Zone 4; 40'–60'.

  • to 60'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy

Chamaecyparis thyoides
Atlantic white-cedar

Slow growing, narrowly conical east coast native evergreen. Tolerant of urban and bog conditions. Good substitute for Leyland Cypress; Zone 3; 90'. Will receive three.

  • hardy

Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Heatherbun'
dwarf Atlantic white-cedar

Compact bun-shaped form with foliage that turns plum-purple in winter. Sun to light shade; Zone 7.

  • to 3'
  • plant in sun/light shade

Choisya ternata 'Sundance'

Yellow foliaged cultivar of "Mexican orange". Evergreen shrub to 5'; fragrant white flowers; Zone 7.

Chrysogonum virginianum

Herbaceous evergreen perennial; native woodlander with yellow flowers in spring and often through summer. 6"; Zone 5.

Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum

Rare Chinese shrub with leaves to 11" long; white flowers; sun; Zones 6–9.

  • hardy

Clethra Collection

Clethra cavaleriei – From seeds out of China not yet tested at the Arboretum. Clethra faberi – From seeds out of China, also untested at the Arboretum. Clethra fargesii – Fragrant white flowers in summer; to 12'; China; Zone 5. Will receive two of the three.

  • woody shrub to 4'
  • plant in part sun
  • hardy
  • white flowers in summer

Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'
dwarf summersweet clethra

A compact selection of Sweet Pepper Bush. Native deciduous summer blooming shrub. Spikes of white, fragrant flowers. Zone 5; sun to light shade.

  • hardy

Cornus capitata
Himalayan evergreen dogwood

Showy pale yellow flowers, showy red fruit. 40' tree; Zone 8.

  • to 25'–30'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Cornus elliptica
evergreen flowering dogwood

Showy white flowers blooming later than C. florida. Showy strawberry-like fruit in fall; 20' tree; Sun to light shade; Zone 7.

  • to 20'–30'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Cornus walteri
Walter's dogwood

A Chinese dogwood with clusters of small white flowers and black fruit; 30'; Zone 5; sun to light shade; fast grower.

  • hardy

Corylopsis glabrescens var. gotoana
fragrant winterhazel

Another faultless Corylopsis. Late winter flowers of yellow, handsome summer foliage, graceful habit; shrub to 10'–15'; light shade; Zone 6.

  • hardy

Crinum ×herbertii 'Caroll Abbott'
crinum lily

Large herbaceous perennial bulb. Pink trumpet-lily like flowers in summer; nearly indestructible; sun, Zone 7.

  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Araucarioides'
whipcord Japanese cedar

A cultivar of Japanese cedar with pendulous, rope-like branchlets; 15' in 10 years; sun; Zone 5.

  • to 20'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Nana'
dwarf Japanese cedar

Soft blue-green juvenile foliage turns plum purple in winter. Rounded growth habit. Zone 5.

  • evergreen shrub to 7'
  • plant in sun to part sun
  • hardy

Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo'
Japanese cedar

Slow growing cultivar with green foliage.

  • compact conifer to 8'
  • plant in sun to part sun
  • hardy

Cupressus arizonica var. montana
San Pedro Martir cypress

Blue-grey foliage, Zone 7.

  • hardy

Cupressus macrocarpa 'Coneybearii Aurea'
golden Monterey cypress

A pendulous, gold threadleaf cultivar of Monterey cypress; Zone 7; sun.

Cupressus macrocarpa 'Horizontalis Ameritiana Aurea'

Conifer for sun or light shade. Originally distributed as Cupressus macrocarpa 'Horizontalis Ameritiana'

Daphne genkwa
lilac daphne

Lilac-like flowers in form and color, produced in spring before foliage; sun or light shade; from China; 3'; Zone 5.

  • deciduous shrub to 3'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • lilac flowers in spring

Daphne giraldii

Yellow, slightly fragrant flowers in spring. Deciduous; 2.5'; sun or light shade; from China; Zone 5 or colder.

Dasylirion Collection

Dasylirion leiophyllum – Bold, handsome year-round architectural yucca-like plant. Southwest United States and Mexico; sun; 4'; Zone 7. Dasylirion sp. – Unknown species. Will receive one of each.

  • semi-hardy

Deparia petersenii
Japanese false spleenwort

An unpainted "painted" fern, with black green fronds to 2'; shade; Zone 4. Originally distributed as Athyrium japonicum.

  • hardy

Ehretia acuminata
kodo wood

Deciduous tree to 50'; 8" panicles of white flowers; fruit orange then black. Thriving at Arboretum; from southeastern Asia; Zone 7.

Eryngium giganteum 'Miss Willmott's Ghost'

Eryngium giganteum 'Miss Willmott's Ghost' – Striking silvery thistle-like flower heads. Biennial, should reseed; 2'–5'; sun; Zone 5?. Eryngium horridum – Grown from seed; we don't know anything about it: find out with us! Will receive one of each.

×Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata'
variegated fatshedera

Grey-white variegated star shaped evergreen leaves; shrub 3'–4'; shade; Cross of Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix – Shade; Zone 7.

Firmiana simplex
Chinese parasol tree

Bold leaves to a foot in length. Curious green bark; deciduous; for that tropical look ; 40'; Zone 7.

  • hardy

Gardenia jasminoides 'Daruma'
Cape jasmine

Gardenia that is possibly hardy to Zone 7.

  • to 3'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Habranthus tubispathus var. texanus
copper lily

One of the rain lilies. Gold yellow flowers veined with red on outside, blooming on and off in summer. 6" ; sun; Zone 7; bulb.

  • herbaceous perennial to 8"
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • apricot flowers in summer
  • blooms after every rainstorm

Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Jelena'
copper-flowered witch hazel

Fragrant winter blooms of copper-orange, best seen backlit by sun. Named for Jelena de Belder of Kalmthout, where it was raised. Large deciduous shrub. Good fall color; Zone 5; 15'.

  • deciduous shrub to 12'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy
  • golden orange flowers in December–February

Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Ruby Glow'
red witch hazel

Fragrant winter flowers of red. Excellent upright vase-shaped growth habit; 15'; Zone 5.

Hamamelis mollis
Chinese witch hazel

Very fragrant, showy yellow flowers in winter. Shrub or small tree; sun or light shade; 15'–30'; Zone 5.

  • hardy

Hamamelis vernalis f. carnea
red Ozark witch hazel

Winter flowers of fragrant, glowing rusty red; native 10' shrub; Zone 4; sun or shade. Originally distributed as Hamamelis vernalis 'Carnea'.

  • hardy

Hamamelis virginiana var. henryae
small-leaved witch hazel

Often thought to be a variant of H. virginiana. Fragrant yellow flowers in fall; deciduous shrub to 15'; sun or shade; Zone 4. Originally distributed as Hamamelis macrophylla.

  • hardy

Hedera helix (adult form)
English ivy

Adult form; when adult, English ivy becomes shrub-like, flowers and bears black fruit showy all winter; to 3'–5' slowly; Zone 5. Originally distributed as Hedera helix 'Richard Athens'.

Herbaceous Perennials Collection

Plantago asiatica 'Variegata' – Grown for its large, dramatic foliage; rosettes through the winter. Salvia lyrata – Seedlings of a special deep red leafed strain of the common Lyre-leaved sage. Blue spikes of flowers in spring; rosettes of foliage through the winter; Zone 6. Will receive one of each.

Heuchera Collection

Heuchera 'Emperor's Cloak' – Seed produced both green and red ruffled foliaged plants; herbaceous perennial; Zone 5. Heuchera villosa var. macrorhiza – Handsome 4"–5" wide fuzzy green foliage; airy spikes of small white flowers; evergreen; light shade; Zone 6. Will receive one of each.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu'

A Rose of Sharon with nearly true blue flowers most of the summer; 8'–12'; sun; Zone 5.

  • hardy

Hibiscus syriacus 'Purpureus Variegatus'
variegated rose-of-Sharon

Handsome variegated foliaged cultivar of Rose of Sharon. Curious, very double maroon flowers never quite open. Grow it for its foliage! 8'–12'; sun; Zone 5.

  • to 6'–12'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy

Hosta ventricosa
blue hosta

Glossy, heartshaped, solid green leaves. Attractive; 3' tall; spikes of violet flowers in midsummer; hardy herbaceous perennial for shade; Zone 4.

  • hardy

Hydrangea 'Preziosa'
hybrid hydrangea

A mopheaded selection whose flower color changes as it ages. First cream, then pink, later clear crimson, with darker marblings. Dark stems add to its beauty; sun-light shade; Zone 7, perhaps Zone 6.

  • hardy

Hymenocallis keyensis

Fragrant showy white flowered bulb in Amaryllis family. Native to Florida and West Indies. Hardy at Arboretum. Where not hardy bulbs could be lifted over winter. Originally distributed as Hymenocallis latifolia.

Hypericum frondosum
golden St. John's-wort

If you are feeling depressed, the lemon yellow flowers above blue foliage will cheer you. It certainly cheers the bumble bees who race around the flower. Flaking winter bark on this deciduous native shrub to 4'; sun; Zone 5.

  • hardy

Hypericum aff. punctatum

Aff means affinity, so this species resembles H. punctatum. Yellowed flowered; perhaps herbaceous.

Ilex cassine var. angustifolia
narrow-leaf dahoon holly

A narrow leaved variety of our Southeast native Dahoon Holly. Evergreen tree to 20' tall x 8'–15' wide. Red fruit on females. Important parent of many hybrids with I. opaca, the American holly.

  • to 15'–20'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Illicium mexicanum 'Aztec Fire'
Mexican anise

Red flowers through summer on this handsome evergreen shrub; to 10'; sun or light shade; Zone 7.

  • evergreen shrub to 10'
  • plant in part shade
  • hardy
  • red flowers in spring–fall

Jasminum iraidii
shrub jasmine

New species from China; hardiness unknown; appears to be evergreen and slow growing.

  • deciduous shrub to 3'–5' tall
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy
  • yellow flowers in spring

Juniperus horizontalis Collection*

The following cultivars are available: 'Argentea,' 'Blue Forest,' 'Glenmore,' 'Lime Glow,' 'Prince of Wales,' 'Repens,' 'Venusta,' and an unknown cultivar. Will receive six of the eight plants.

Lantana camara 'Miss Huff'
common lantana

Hardier than most lantanas, yellow and orange flowers all summer. Butterflies love this plant. Zone 7.

  • hardy

Lespedeza Collection
bush-clover collection

Lespedeza thunbergii f. alba – Covered in white flowers in late summer. 5"–6" tall shrub-like herbaceous perennial. Lespedeza buergeri 'Ki-Hagi' – 3' tall shrub, white or purple flowers in summer from Japan and China. Lespedeza bicolor variegated—lightly variegated foliage; deep purple flowers in late summer on 6' shrub-like herbaceous perennial; Zone one 6. Will receive two of the three offered.

Lindera aggregata
golden spicebush

A large evergreen shrub or small tree native to SE Asia. Has been hardy at the Arboretum; sun or light shade.

  • to 8'–12'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy

Liquidambar styraciflua 'Burgundy'
sweet gum

This cultivar of sweet gum was selected for its deep red fall color, usually later and longer than others. A large deciduous native tree eventually to 120'; Zone 5.

  • hardy

Maesa Collection

Maesa hupehensis and M. japonica. Two large evergreen broad leafed shrubs native to Asia. Not yet widely grown and untested for hardiness. Want to participate in valuable horticultural research? Might want shade. Will receive one of each.

Magnolia Collection

Magnolia 'Allspice' and Magnolia #4 – Handsome evergreen shrubs with fragrant flowers. Propagated from the Lath House before removal because of being overgrown; Zone 7. Originally distributed as Michellia alspice and Michellia magnolia #4.

  • hardy semi-hardy tender

Magnolia insignis
red wood-lotus

Close cousin to the magnolias. This evergreen Asian species with handsome leaves like Magnolia virginiana has white, tinged pink flowers in spring. Has been hardy at the Arboretum; Zone 7.

  • evergreen tree to 25'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy semi-hardy
  • white/pink tinge flowers in spring

Magnolia yunnanensis

Rare tree native to China where it grows to 50.' The one in the Arboretum is 20" and has flowered; Zones 7–9.

  • hardy

Nolina Collection
bear-grass collection

Architectural evergreen plants like their relatives the yuccas but without their spines. They make a year round statement in the garden. All native to the U.S. Southwest and Mexico. Sun, well drained soil. Three species donated by Tony Avent: N. durangensis – U.S. native, one of the rarest; 2' tall, with leaves wider than most; Zones 7–10; N. lindheimeriana – Texas native with very long leaves; Zones 7–10; Nolina texana – From seed collected in Colhuila, Mexico; to 2'; Zones 7–10 at least. Will receive one of each.

  • hardy semi-hardy

Nyssa sinensis
Chinese tupelo

Same brilliant red fall color as our native on a smaller deciduous tree; 20'–60'; Zone 7.

Osmanthus armatus
Chinese tea-olive

Handsome narrow evergreen leaves up to 5" long with decorative spiny-toothed margin. Typical white, fragrant Osmanthus flowers in fall. Large shrub to small tree; Zone 7.

  • hardy

Osmanthus heterophyllus Collection
holly tea-olive collection

Osmanthus heterophyllus – Handsome evergreen shrub for sun or shade. Fragrant fall flowers of white. With age the holly-like leaves of youth are replaced with leaves without any spines; Zone 6. Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Sasaba' – one of the many cultivars of this species. Deeply incised leaves are held closely together on the stems for a very distinctive appearance; otherwise as above. Will receive one of each.

Pancratium maritimum

Close cousin to Hymenocallis. Its flower resembles a smaller "Peruvian Daffodil" (H. narcissiflora). Summer blooming bulb native to Mediterranean. Lift and store dry over winter; sun.

  • semi-hardy hardy

Pavonia lasiopetala

A small (to 2') shrub with pink flowers about 3/4" wide all summer; sun; Zone 7.

  • hardy

Phellodendron amurense
Amur corktree

A serviceable 30' to 50' tree with picturesque large limbs and corky bark. Showy black fruit in fall on females. The shade it casts is light; Zone 3.

Photinia villosa
downy photinia

No red tip this one. A graceful deciduous small tree (15') reminiscent of Amelanchier canadensis. Good fall color. Showy display of small red fruit; Asian; Zone 6; sun to light shade.

  • hardy

Pieris japonica Polita Group
Chinese pieris

A wonderful pieris that has done well for us in the Lath House; Zone 7; shade. Seed came from Shanghai Botanical Garden in China.

Pinus bungeana
lacebark pine

Grown for its bark, which with age is white and green like a sycamore. 75'; Zone 4; northwestern China.

  • to 30'–50' tall × 20'–35' wide
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Pittosporum heterophyllum
Chinese pittosporum

Evergreen shrub to 12' with leaves of various shapes and pale yellow fragrant flowers. Native to western China so probably fully hardy here.

  • to 12'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy

Platanus orientalis f. digitata
cutleaf Oriental planetree

First cousin to our native sycamore. This form has deeply lobed leaves like digits on a hand. 90'; deciduous; Zone 6; native to southeastern Europe and Asia Minor.

Polygonatum humile
dwarf Solomon's seal

A tiny charming Solomon's seal, only 3"–4" tall. Herbaceous perennial for shade with pendulous bell-like white flowers in spring; Zone 5?

  • hardy

Polygonatum ×hybridum 'Striatum'
striped Solomon's seal

This Solomon seal, if not perfect, is close to it. Elegant arching stems of white brushed leaves, with pendant white flowers in spring. Shade, wet or dry. After frost the foliage turns a beautiful amber. 24"; Zone 5.

  • hardy

Prunus mume Collection
flowering apricot collection

Very fragrant and showy flowers during mild spells in winter, occasionally as early as Christmas. Small deciduous trees; Zone 6, sun or light shade. 'Pink Glow'; 'Rosebud' – Large semi double, soft pink; 'Weeping Pink' – Pendulous growth habit; 'Mitsurbara'. Will receive one of these.

  • to 20'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Prunus persica 'NCSU Dwarf Double Red'
flowering peach

A dwarf peach (to 4') with a nearly shocking display of carmine red flowers in spring. It is also a striking foliage plant and its heavily budded coarse branches are of winter interest. It comes true from seed; Zone 6 at least. The fruit are not table quality; sun.

  • deciduous tree to 8'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • pink-red flowers in spring
  • ornamental peach

Quercus glauca
ring-cupped oak

A handsome evergreen Asian oak with long leaves (to 5"). It has long grown in the Arboretum though it was hurt by the cold winters of 1982 and 1983; Zone 7, perhaps more reliable in Zone 8; 50'; sun.

  • tree to 20'–30’
  • plant in sun
  • hardy

Rhododendron (various)

Rhododendron 'Golden Hair' – Deciduous azalea with yellow blooms. Rhododendron 'George Reynolds' – Deciduous with orange blooms; Zone 7. Will receive one of these.

  • evergreen shrub to 6'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy semi-hardy
  • in spring

Rhododendron 'Wolfpack Red'
Carla hybrid azalea

NCSU release; excellent red flowers; dense habit; evergreen; Zones 6–9; light shade.

  • flowering shrub to 4'–5'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • scarlet red flowers in spring

Rhus trilobata

Its common name of skinbush is derived from the strong smell of its foliage, yet it was once used for food, smoking and basketry. Its attractive three lobed leaves turn brilliant red in the fall; 2'–6' tall deciduous shrub; West Virginia native; Zone 3; sun.

Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'
Lady Banks' rose

Clusters of small double primrose-yellow flowers open before most other roses. It is a large climber with nearly thornless canes and disease free foliage; Zone 7, sun.

  • vine to 12'–15'
  • plant in sun
  • yellow flowers in spring

Sapindus mukorossi
Chinese soapberry

A 45' tall evergreen tree with compound leaves up to 16" long. The fruit are either yellow or orange-brown and can be used as soap. The seeds are used for beads. It has been hardy at the Arboretum; Zone 7; sun.

  • hardy

Sarracenia Collection
pitcher plant

Sarracenia leucophylla – This insect eating pitcher plant is a Georgia and Florida native, and one of the most beautiful species. It needs boggy conditions and sun; Zones 6–9, 24" tall. Sarracenia sp. Will receive one of each.

  • herbaceous perennial to 14"
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • yellow flowers in spring

Shade Ground Cover Collection

Ajuga pyramidilis 'Metallica Crispa' – Purple burgundy crispy spinach-like leaves; blue flowers in spring; 2" tall evergreen; Zone 5. Mazus reptans 'Alba' – 2" tall evergreen, with showy white flowers from spring into summer; Zone 6. Hedera helix 'Pierrot' – Small leafed ivy, with burgundy winter coloration. Will receive one of each.

Sisyrinchium Collection
blue-eyed grass collection

Sisyrinchium bermudianum 'Album' (syn. S. graminoides 'Album') – Grass-like foliage; 8" tall herbaceous perennial; Zone 6?; sun; Sisyrinchium harlow – Yellow flowered. Will receive one of each.

  • herbaceous perennial to 12"
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • blue flowers in spring

Sorbaria sorbifolia f. incenta

Deciduous shrub with beautiful pinnately compound foliage and plumes of white flowers; 6'; Asia; sun-light shade; Zone 2.

Sorbus esserteauana

Deciduous tree 20'–40' tall with good fall color, bright red fruit. Western China; Zone 6

Spiranthes bightensis 'Chadd's Ford'

A native terrestrial orchid of easy culture. 12"–24" spikes of small white flowers in late summer. United States and Canada; light sun or shade.

Stachyurus himalaicus
spike tail

Newly grown from Chinese seed, not in literature and not yet evaluated by us; likely semi-evergreen shrub with chains of golden flowers in spring; Zones 7, 8 or 9?; light shade.

  • deciduous flowering shrub to 15'
  • plant in sun to shade
  • hardy
  • yellow flowers in late winter

Styrax americanus var. pulverulentus
American snowbell

Our native snowbell is much like S. japonica though more shrubby. Pendant bell-like flowers in spring; deciduous; 10'; native Virginia to Florida; Zone 7.

Styrax chinensis

Rare new species of white flowering deciduous tree from China; new to cultivation and likely has never been available before anywhere; Zone 7?

  • hardy

Styrax serrulatus
sawtooth snowbell

Another Chinese species of snowbell; shrub or small tree to 24'; leaves are downy. Hardy here at Arboretum, Zone 7. Originally distributed as Styrax dasyanthus var. cinerascens.

Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Burnished Gold'
golden false Japanese cleyera

New growth is a glowing bronzed gold. Evergreen shrub for the sun.

  • evergreen shrub to 12'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • cream flowers in spring

Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Variegata'
Romeo variegated false Japanese cleyera

Yellow-edged leaves have some red with the new growth. Evergreen shrub for the sun; Zone 7.

  • hardy

Torreya taxifolia
Florida torreya

An unfortunate name for this handsome yew-like 40' tree. Its fruit are fetid when bruised. Native to northern Florida; Zone 7.

  • evergreen conifer tree to 40'
  • plant in sun to light shade
  • hardy

Trachycarpus fortunei
windmill palm

One of the most cold hardy palms. These were grown from seed from plants at Taylor's Nursery in Raleigh, North Carolina, where they have weathered many severe winters; single trunked tree grows slowly to 40'. Leaves are 3'–4' wide fans. Zone 7; sun or shade.

  • tree palm to 30'
  • plant in sun to part shade
  • hardy
  • yellow white flowers in summer

Tripterygium regelii

Deciduous scandent shrub 6'–30' tall. Flowers in large white terminal panicles; fruit greenish white. Related to bittersweet (Celastrus); Zone 5; Manchuria to Japan.

Tsuga sieboldii
southern Japanese hemlock

One of the species of Japanese hemlock, it is much like our native species. Tall tree with a graceful habit; Zone 6; sun or light shade.

  • to 50' (100')
  • plant in sun to shade, average to moist soil
  • hardy

Ungnadia speciosa
Mexican buckeye

A deciduous shrub or small tree to 30' with scented pink flowers in spring; Zone 7.

  • deciduous tree to 25'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • pink flowers in spring
  • buckeye-type fruit in fall

Vernicia fordii
tung oil tree

Evergreen 20' tree with red tinged flowers from Asia. Euphorbia family; Zone 10.

  • tree to 30'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • peach to ivory flowers in spring

Viburnum bracteatum 'Emerald Luster'
limerock arrow-wood

Mike Dirr's selection of this Southeast native with glossy green deciduous foliage. White flowers in spring, blue black fruit in fall; Zone 5; sun, light shade, 10'.

  • to 8’–10’ tall
  • plant in sun to partial shade
  • hardy

Viburnum integrifolium
lusterleaf viburnum

Large 4"–6" evergreen leaves. Much like the leatherleaf viburnum; 6'–8' shrub; sun or light shade.

Viburnum luzonicum
Luzon viburnum

Small, bronze green leaves. Not yet tested for hardiness at the Arboretum.

  • hardy

Viburnum ×pragense
Prague viburnum

Gorgeous lustrous evergreen foliage much like its leatherleaf viburnum parent but better with smaller leaves and bush; Zone 6; probably about 6' shrub, sun or light shade.

  • evergreen shrub to 8'
  • plant in sun
  • hardy
  • fragrant spherical clusters of small white flowers in late spring
  • red to black fruit in fall
  • deer resistant

Viburnum rufidulum
rusty blackhaw

Similar to the generally more northern V. prunifolium. Deciduous to 30', leaves are shiny above, rusty haired below. White flowers in spring are followed by blue black fruit; Zone 6; sun or light shade; red fall color.

  • to 10'–12'
  • plant in sun to partial shade
  • white flowers in spring

Viburnum tinus 'Bewley's Variegated'
variegated laurustinus

Beautifully variegated cultivar of the evergreen laurustinus; to 10'; Zone 7; Mediterranean.

  • to 6'
  • plant in sun to part shade

Zabelia tyaihyoni
Mangsan abelia

Deciduous shrub with purple fall color. Zone 7; sun.

  • hardy