Annual Plant Distribution


Plants at Numbered Stakes

The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Flat Creek' (Caprifoliaceae)
glossy abelia

Stake number: 5

Abutilon megapotamicum 'Little Imp' (Malvaceae)
flowering maple

sun to light shade; 3'; root hardy; deciduous subshrub shrub

Stake number: 1

Acer palmatum (Sapindaceae)
Japanese maple

sun to light shade; 18'–22'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 2

Achillea asplenifolia (Asteraceae)

sun; 2.5'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 3

Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' (Acoraceae)
variegated sweet flag

sun to part shade; 1'; hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 4

Agastache rugosa (Lamiaceae)
giant hyssop

sun; 3'; hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 28

Aloysia citriodora (Verbenaceae)
lemon verbena

full sun to light shade; 3'–6'; semi-hardy; semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 6

Amsonia elliptica (Apocynaceae)
Asian bluestar

full sun to light shade; 2'; hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 7

Amsonia hubrichtii (Apocynaceae)
Ozark bluestar

sun to light shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 8

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 'Pumpkin' (Acanthaceae)
flame anisacanthus

sun; well-drained soil; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 9

Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae)
hardy Dutchman's pipe

sun to part shade; 8" × 36"; hardy; deciduous vine

Stake number: 10

Artemisia 'Powis Castle' (Asteraceae)
Powis Castle artemisia

sun; 18"; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 11

Aster ageratoides 'Ashvi' (Asteraceae)
white mountain aster

sun to shade; 30"; zone 4; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 12

Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki' (Asteraceae)
mountain aster

sun; 24"; hardy to zone 4; evergreen deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 13

Aucuba japonica 'Rozannie' (Garryaceae)
Japanese aucuba

part sun; 8'; hardy to zone 7b; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 14

Betula nigra 'BNMTF' (Betulaceae)
Duraheat river birch

sun to part shade; 30'–40' tall; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 15

Buddleja ×weyeriana 'Honeycomb' (Scrophulariaceae)
Weyer's golden butterfly bush

sun; 5'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 16

Calamagrostis arundinacea (Poaceae)
New Zealand wind greass; pheasant's tail grass

deciduous grass-like

Stake number: 17

Callicarpa acuminata (Lamiaceae)
Mexican beautyberry

sun to light shade; 6' to 8'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 18

Callirhoe involucrata (Malvaceae)

sun; 12" tall by 36" wide; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 19

Canna 'Constitution' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun; 5'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 20

Canna 'King's Gold' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun; 5'; deciduous

Stake number: 21

Canna patens (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun to part shade; 4'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 22

Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' (Cyperaceae)

sun to part shade; 12"–24"; semi-evergreen grass-like

Stake number: 23

Caryopteris divaricata 'Blue Butterflies' (Lamiaceae)

sun to part shade; 6'; deciduous

Stake number: 24

Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae)
willow-leaved jessamine

sun; 4'–10'; hardy; semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 25

Chasmanthium latifolium (Poaceae)
river oats

hardy; deciduous grass-like rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 83

Chrysanthemum 'Miss Gloria's Thanksgiving Day' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum

full sun to light shade; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 26

Clethra alnifolia 'Sherry Sue' (Clethraceae)
redtwig summersweet clethra

sun to partial shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 27

Comanthosphace japonica 'Golden Angel' (Lamiaceae)
gold Japanese shrub mint

shade; 36"; hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 29

Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' (Asteraceae)

sun; 12"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 30

Cryptomeria japonica 'Cristata' (Cupressaceae)
cockscomb Japanese cedar

hardy; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 31

Cryptomeria japonica 'sPg-3-014' (Cupressaceae)
Dragon Prince compact Japanese cedar

sun to part shade; 3' tall × 3' wide; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 32

Cunninghamia lanceolata 'Samurai' (Cupressaceae)
blue China-fir

sun to light shade; 40'; hardy; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 33

Deschampsia cespitosa (Poaceae)
tufted hair grass

sun to part shade; 1'; hardy to zone 4; deciduous grass-like

Stake number: 81

Dianthus 'Chris's Passalong' (Caryophyllaceae)
perennial sweet William

sun to part shade; 12"–15"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen

Stake number: 84

Eragrostis spectabilis (Poaceae)

hardy; deciduous grass-like

Stake number: 34

Euscaphis japonica (Staphyleaceae)
sweetheart tree

sun to part shade; 30'; hardy zone 6–9; deciduous tree

Stake number: 35

Forsythia ×intermedia 'White Gold' (Oleaceae)
variegated forsythia

sun; 6'– 8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 36

Gardenia thunbergii 'Hips' (Rubiaceae)

Stake number: 85

Hedychium coccineum (Zingiberaceae)
red ginger lily

sun to part shade; 4'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 37

Hedychium coccineum 'Disney' (Zingiberaceae)
red ginger lily

hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 38

Hibiscus 'Lohengrin' (Malvaceae)
hybrid rose-of-sharon

sun to light shade; 9'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 86

Hibiscus paramutabilis (Malvaceae)
everblooming Confederate rose

sun to light shade; 10-12'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 39

Hydrangea serrata 'Shichidanka Nishiki' (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea

light shade; 2.5'–3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 87

Hypoxis rooperi (Hypoxidaceae)
Rooper's star-grass

hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 88

Impatiens arguta 'Blue Dream' (Balsaminaceae)
hardy perennial impatiens

shade; 2'; deciduous

Stake number: 40

Iris 'Again and Again' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded reblooming iris

sun; 36"; hardy; semi-evergreen evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 41

Iris 'Black Gamecock' (Iridaceae)
black Louisiana iris

sun to shade; 30"–36"; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 42

Iris 'Now See This' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 36"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 43

Iris 'Ride the Tiger' (Iridaceae)
tall bearded iris

sun; 35"; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 90

Iris spuria subsp. halophila (Iridaceae)
Romanian iris

deciduous semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 91

Iris tectorum 'Alba' (Iridaceae)
roof iris

sun to partial shade; 14"–24"; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 92

Isodon longitubus (Lamiaceae)
long-tubed spurflower

sun to part shade; 24"; hardy to zone 6; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 55

Isotoma fluviatilis (Campanulaceae)
blue star creeper

sun; 2"; hardy to zone 6; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 44

Lantana camara 'Citrus Salad' (Verbenaceae)

full sun to light shade; 5' by 10'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 45

Lantana 'Sunset Beach' (Verbenaceae)

sun; 40"; semi-hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 46

Lepechinia graveolens (Lamiaceae)
Bolivian pitchersage

sun; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 93

Lonicera sempervirens (early blooming) (Caprifoliaceae)
trumpet honeysuckle

full sun to part shade; 10'–15'; vine

Stake number: 47

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (Malvaceae)
Turk's cap

sun; 4'–8'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 48

Manfreda 'Helen Wynans' (Asparagaceae)
deciduous agave

sun to light shade; 1' (6' flower stalk); hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 49

Monarda fistulosa (Lamiaceae)

Stake number: 50

Muhlenbergia sericea (Poaceae)
muhly grass

sun; 12"–18"; hardy to zone 5; deciduous grass-like rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 82

Musa velutina (Musaceae)
pink velvet banana

sun to shade; 6'–10'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 51

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' (Oleaceae)
variegated tea-olive

sun to part shade; 6'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 52

Parthenocissus henryana (Vitaceae)

hardy; deciduous vine

Stake number: 94

Phlox carolina 'Kim' (Polemoniaceae)
Thick-leaf Phlox

sun to part shade; 12"–18"; hardy zone 5 hardy; semi-evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 53

Photinia microphylla (Rosaceae)
littleleaf photinia

sun to light shade; 8' (guessing); deciduous shrub

Stake number: 54

Prunus laurocerasus var. macrophyllus (Rosaceae)
cherry laurel


Stake number: 95

Rhynchospora colorata (Cyperaceae)
narrowleaf white-top sedge

sun to part shade; 1'–2'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 56

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Spice Island' (Lamiaceae)

sun; 3'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 57

Ruellia simplex 'Chi Chi' (Acanthaceae)
Hardy pink petunia

sun to light shade; 24"; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 58

Salvia chamaedryoides (Lamiaceae)
blue oak sage

sun to part shade; 12"'; hardy; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 59

Salvia greggii 'Diane' (Lamiaceae)
autumn sage

sun; well-drained soil; 36"; hardy; semi-evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 96

Salvia 'Jean's Purple Passion' (Lamiaceae)
hybrid sage

sun; 5'–6';

Stake number: 60

Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (Lamiaceae)
bicolor baby sage

sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy zone 7–9; semi-evergreen subshrub

Stake number: 67

Salvia 'Phyllis' Fancy' (Lamiaceae)
flowering sage

sun; 5'; semi-hardy; evergreen

Stake number: 61

Salvia regla 'Jame' (Lamiaceae)
mountain sage

full sun; 4'–5'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 62

Sedum tetractinum (Crassulaceae)
Chinese sedum

sun to part shade; 3"; hardy; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 63

Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy gloxinia

sun to shade; 8"–12"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 64

Senecio erucifolius (Asteraceae)

Stake number: 65

Sinningia sellovii (Gesneriaceae)
hardy red gloxinia

sun to light shade; 24"; hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 68

Spiraea ×bumalda (Rosaceae)

Stake number: 69

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'Raydon's Favorite' (Asteraceae)
aromatic aster

sun; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 70

Tagetes lucida (Asteraceae)
sweet-scented Mexican marigold

sun, well-drained soil; 3'–4'; hardy; deciduous subshrub basal rosette

Stake number: 71

Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' (Commelinaceae)
purple heart

sun to part shade; 12"–18"; root hardy; deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 72

Verbena aff. xutha (Verbenaceae)
blue Porterwed

sun; 4'–5'; hardy; deciduous woody lily basal rosette

Stake number: 73

Viburnum (Viburnaceae)

sun to part shade; 8'; hardy semi-hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 74

Viburnum (Viburnaceae)

sun to part shade; 8'; hardy semi-hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 75

Weigela praecox (Diervillaceae)
early weigela

sun; 6' x 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 76

Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Araceae)
aroid palm

semi-hardy tender;

Stake number: 77

Zephyranthes mesochloa (Amaryllidaceae)
rain lily

deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 78

Zingiber mioga 'Silver Arrow' (Zingiberaceae)
variegated hardy ginger

sun to light shade; 24"–36" tall; hardy to zone 6; deciduous ground cover

Stake number: 79

Zizia aurea (Apiaceae)
golden Alexander

sun; 36"; hardy to zone 3; deciduous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 80




Plants in the middle section

Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.