Annual Plant Distribution
Plants at Numbered Stakes
The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.
Abelia chinensis (Caprifoliaceae)
Chinese abelia
sun to part shade; 5'–7'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 1Abelia ×grandiflora 'Canyon Creek' (Caprifoliaceae)
golden glossy abelia
sun to part shade; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 2Abelia parvifolia (Caprifoliaceae)
Schumann abelia
sun to part shade; 4'–6'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 3Acanthus 'Summer Beauty' (Acanthaceae)
bear's breech
part sun to part shade; 3' × 2', 4'–6' in flower; hardy; deciduous basal rosette
Stake number: 4Ampelaster carolinianus (Asteraceae)
climbing aster
sun; 12' w/support; hardy; deciduous vine
Stake number: 7Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 'Pumpkin' (Acanthaceae)
flame anisacanthus
sun; well-drained soil; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 5Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' (Rosaceae)
black chokeberry
sun to part shade; 3'–4'; hardy; deciduous shrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 6Atriplex atriplicifolia (Chenopodiaceae)
sun; 2'–4';
Stake number: 8Aucuba japonica f. longifolia (Garryaceae)
narrowleaf Japanese aucuba
shade; 8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 9Baccharis angustifolia (Asteraceae)
saltwater false-willow
sun; salt tolerant; 4'–6'; hardy; shrub
Stake number: 10Bletilla striata (Orchidaceae)
Chinese ground orchid
part sun to light shade; 12"–15"; hardy zone 6; deciduous bulbous/cormous basal rosette
Stake number: 11Buddleja lindleyana (Scrophulariaceae)
Lindley's butterfly bush
sun; 6'–9'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 12Buddleja 'Violet Eyes' (Scrophulariaceae)
butterfly bush
sun; 6'–10'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 13Buxus sempervirens 'Graham Blandy' (Buxaceae)
columnar common boxwood
part sun to part shade; 8'–10' by 2'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 14Callicarpa formosana (Lamiaceae)
Formosan beautyberry
sun to part shade; 3'–10'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 15Callicarpa japonica 'Heavy Berry' (Lamiaceae)
Japanese beautyberry
sun to part shade; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 16Callicarpa (Yamaguchi) (Lamiaceae)
sun to part shade; 4'–8'; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 17Callirhoe involucrata var. tenuissima (Malvaceae)
Mexican poppy-mallow
sun; well-drained soil; 4" by 36"; deciduous tap root
Stake number: 18Campanula takesimana (Campanulaceae)
Korean bellflower
sun to part shade; 18"; hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 19Cephalanthus occidentalis (Rubiaceae)
common buttonbush
sun to part shade; 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 20Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' (Cephalotaxaceae)
upright Japanese plum yew
sun to shade; 6'–10' × 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub conifer
Stake number: 21Cercis chinensis (Fabaceae)
Chinese redbud
sun to part shade; 10'–15'; hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 22Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae)
willow-leaved jessamine
sun; 4'–10'; hardy; semi-evergreen shrub
Stake number: 23Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold' (Cupressaceae)
Sawara falsecypress
sun to light shade; 6' in 10 years; hardy; evergreen shrub conifer
Stake number: 24Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' (Asteraceae)
garden chrysanthemum
sun; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 25Colocasia antiquorum 'Illustris' (Araceae)
imperial taro
sun to part shade; 2'–5'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 26Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' (Araceae)
purple elephant ear
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy
Stake number: 27Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii' (Araceae)
purple-stem elephant ear
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy
Stake number: 28Conoclinium dissectum (Araceae)
Texas ageratum
sun; 2'–3'; hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 37Cuphea micropetala (Lythraceae)
Mexican giant cigar plant
sun; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 7b; deciduous ground cover
Stake number: 29Decumaria sinensis (Hydrangeaceae)
Chinese wood-vamp
sun to shade; 15'; deciduous semi-evergreen vine
Stake number: 30Deutzia coreana var. triradiata (Hydrangeaceae)
Korean deutzia
sun; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 31Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora (Hydrangeaceae)
Sichuan deutzia
sun; 4'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 32Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' (Colchicaceae)
variegated fairy bells
shade; 18"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 33Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus' (Araliaceae)
variegated five-leaf aralia
sun to shade; 6'–10'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 34Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' (Asparagaceae)
purple-leaf pineapple lily
sun; 30"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 35Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost' (Celastraceae)
silvervein wintercreeper euonymus
sun to part shade; 4" by 48"; hardy; evergreen ground cover shrub vine
Stake number: 36Ficus vaccinioides (Moraceae)
Formosan creeping fig
shade; 2" by 48"; evergreen vine ground cover
Stake number: 38Forsythia giraldiana 'Golden Times' (Oleaceae)
gold-margined early forsythia
sun to light shade; 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 39Gardenia jasminoides 'Griffith's Select' (Rubiaceae)
Cape jasmine
sun to part shade; 2'–4'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 40Gardenia jasminoides 'Michael' (Rubiaceae)
Cape jasmine
sun to part shade; 4'–6'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 41Habranthus robustus (Amaryllidaceae)
sun; 8"–12"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 42Hydrangea quercifolia 'Emerald Lake' (Hydrangeaceae)
oakleaf hydrangea
sun to shade; 5'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 43Hydrangea serrata 'Shichidanka' (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea
shade; 3'–4'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 44Hypericum kalmianum 'Gemo' (Hypericaceae)
Kalm's St. John's-wort
sun to part shade; 2'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 45Hypericum prolificum (Hypericaceae)
shrubby St. John's-wort
sun; 2'–4'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 46Indigofera decora f. alba (Fabaceae)
white Chinese indigo
sun to shade; 1.5'–2'; root hardy; deciduous shrub subshrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 47Indigofera dielsiana (Fabaceae)
Yunnan indigo
sun to light shade; 2'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 48Iris aphylla (Iridaceae)
stool iris
sun; 12"; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 49Iris ×germanica (Iridaceae)
German iris
sun; 24"–36"; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 50Iris monnieri (Iridaceae)
iris of Rhodes
sun to light shade; 2'–4'; hardy; deciduous
Stake number: 51Itea virginica 'Sarah Eve' (Iteaceae)
Virginia sweetspire
sun to shade; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 52Jasminum mesnyi (Oleaceae)
primrose jasmine
sun; 6'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 53Juniperus ×media ('Armstrongii' variegated sport) (Cupressaceae)
variegated Pfitzer juniper
sun; 3'–4'; hardy; evergreen shrub conifer
Stake number: 54Kerria japonica 'Chiba Gold' (Rosaceae)
gold-leaf Japanese kerria
sun to shade; 3'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 55Lantana camara 'Ham and Eggs' (Verbenaceae)
common lantana
sun; 3'; hardy; deciduous subshrub
Stake number: 56Laurus nobilis × Umbellularia californica (Lauraceae)
sun to light shade; 12'; tender; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 57Leonotis leonurus (Lamiaceae)
lion's ear
sun; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 8; deciduous subshrub
Stake number: 58Leptodermis oblonga (Rubiaceae)
false lilac
sun; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 59Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spring Grove' (Fabaceae)
sun; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous basal rosette subshrub
Stake number: 60Leucothoe racemosa (Ericaceae)
sun to light shade; 3'–7'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 61Millettia taiwaniana (Fabaceae)
summer wisteria
sun; 12'–15'; deciduous evergreen vine
Stake number: 62Mirabilis longiflora (Nyctaginaceae)
sweet four o'clock
sun; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous tap root rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 63Monarda 'Jacob Cline' (Lamiaceae)
bee balm
sun; 30"–42"; hardy to zone 4; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 64Musa 'Little Prince' (Musaceae)
dwarf banana
sun to shade; 18";
Stake number: 65Musa velutina (Musaceae)
pink velvet banana
sun to shade; 6'–10'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 252Neillia sinensis (Rosaceae)
Chinese neillia
sun to light shade; 5'–6' tall × 8' wide; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 67Nipponanthemum nipponicum (Asteraceae)
Nippon daisy
sun; 2'–3'; hardy; evergreen subshrub
Stake number: 68Pachysandra axillaris subsp. stylosa (Buxaceae)
Chinese pachysandra
part shade to shade; 8"–10"; hardy; evergreen ground cover
Stake number: 69Philadelphus 'Bouquet Blanc' (Hydrangeaceae)
Lemoine hybrid mock-orange
sun; 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 70Philadelphus lewisii 'Mt. Tahoma' (Hydrangeaceae)
variegated Lewis' mock-orange
sun to part shade; 6'–10'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 71Pittosporum aff. truncatum (Pittosporaceae)
truncated pittosporum
sun; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 72Prunus incisa (Rosaceae)
Fuji cherry
sun; 15'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 73Prunus laurocerasus 'Latifolia' (Rosaceae)
big-leaf cherry laurel
sun to part shade; 20'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 74Prunus mume (Rosaceae)
flowering apricot
sun; 20'; hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 75Pterocarya rhoifolia (Juglandaceae)
Japanese wingnut
sun; 50'–80'; hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 76Salix alba var. sericea (Salicaceae)
silver willow
sun; moist soil; 25'–50' (or cut back and grow as a shrub); hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 77Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Salicaceae)
variegated willow
sun to part shade; 15'; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 78Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (Lamiaceae)
bicolor baby sage
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy zone 7–9; semi-evergreen subshrub
Stake number: 79Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival' (Lamiaceae)
baby sage
sun; 2'x3'; hardy root hardy; deciduous subshrub
Stake number: 80Sinningia 'Butter and Cream' (Gesneriaceae)
hardy hybrid sinningia
sun, well-drained soil; 1.5' tall × 3' wide; hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy
Stake number: 81Spiraea japonica 'White Gold' (Rosaceae)
Japanese spirea
part shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 82Spiraea thunbergii 'Ogon' (Rosaceae)
Mellow Yellow golden Thunberg spirea
sun; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 83Styrax wilsonii (Styracaceae)
Wilson's snowbell
sun to part shade; 12'; hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 84Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Pentaphylacaceae)
false Japanese cleyera
sun to part shade; 15'; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 85Ternstroemia gymnanthera (purple-leaf) (Pentaphylacaceae)
purple-leaf false Japanese cleyera
sun to part shade; 8'–10'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 86Thuja occidentalis 'George Washington' (Cupressaceae)
golden American arborvitae
sun; 20'; hardy; evergreen tree conifer
Stake number: 87Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Hatsuyuki' (Apocynaceae)
variegated Asiatic jessamine
sun to light shade; 6" × 36"; zone 7; evergreen vine ground cover
Stake number: 89Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ougon Nishiki' (Apocynaceae)
golden Asiatic jessamine
sun to light shade; 6" × 36"; hardy; evergreen vine
Stake number: 88Tweedia solanoides (Apocynaceae)
pink-flowered tweedia
sun; well-drained soil; 18"; hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy
Stake number: 90Viburnum dentatum 'Golden Arrow' (Viburnaceae)
golden arrowwood
sun; 8'–12'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 91Viburnum nudum (Viburnaceae)
possumhaw viburnum
sun to part shade; 6'–9'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 92Viburnum obovatum 'Compacta' (Viburnaceae)
compact Walter's viburnum
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 93Viburnum ×pragense 'Decker' (Viburnaceae)
Prague viburnum
sun; 12'; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen shrub
Stake number: 94Viburnum propinquum (Viburnaceae)
Chinese evergreen viburnum
sun to part shade; 6'–10'; hardy; evergreen shrub aquatic
Stake number: 95Viburnum suspensum (Viburnaceae)
Sandankwa viburnum
sun; 6'–12'; semi-hardy hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 96Viburnum tinus 'Bewley's Variegated' (Viburnaceae)
variegated laurustinus
sun to part shade; 6'; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 97Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (Lamiaceae)
cutleaf chaste tree
sun; 20'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 98Weigela 'Pink Poppet' (Diervillaceae)
common weigela
sun to part shade; 2'–3'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 99Weigela praecox (Diervillaceae)
early weigela
sun; 6' x 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 100Zephyranthes primulina (Amaryllidaceae)
yellow rain lily
sun; 8"; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 101
Plants in the middle section
Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.