Annual Plant Distribution


Plants at Numbered Stakes

The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.

Abelia chinensis (Caprifoliaceae)
Chinese abelia

sun to part shade; 5'–7'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 1

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Goldenglossy' (Caprifoliaceae)
Gold Dust glossy abelia

hardy; semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 2

Abelia ×grandiflora 'Sunrise' (Caprifoliaceae)
variegated glossy abelia

sun to light shade; 3'–4'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 3

Acanthus 'Summer Beauty' (Acanthaceae)
bear's breech

part sun to part shade; 3' × 2', 4'–6' in flower; hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 4

Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Lamiaceae)
anise hyssop

sun to part shade; 2'–3' tall; hardy; deciduous

Stake number: 5

Asclepias exaltata (Apocynaceae)
poke milkweed

Stake number: 6

Aucuba japonica f. longifolia (Garryaceae)
narrowleaf Japanese aucuba

shade; 8'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 7

Baptisia alba × B. australis (Fabaceae)
hybrid wild-indigo

hardy; deciduous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 8

Betula alleghaniensis (Betulaceae)
yellow birch

hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 9

Buddleja colvilei (Scrophulariaceae)
butterfly bush

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 10

Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' (Buxaceae)
variegated common boxwood

sun to shade; 6'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 11

Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Sunburst' (Buxaceae)
variegated Korean boxwood

sun to shade; 4'–6'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 12

Callicarpa americana 'Welch's Pink' (Lamiaceae)
American beautyberry

sun to shade; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 13

Callicarpa japonica 'Heavy Berry' (Lamiaceae)
Japanese beautyberry

sun to part shade; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 14

Camellia japonica 'Quercifolia' (Theaceae)
fish-tail Japanese camellia

sun to part shade; 6'–9'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 15

Camellia oleifera (Theaceae)
tea-oil camellia

sun to shade; 10'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 16

Camellia ×williamsii 'Golden Spangles' (Theaceae)
variegated Williamsii camellia

sun to shade; 8'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 17

Canna compacta subsp. cinnabarina (Cannaceae)
canna lily

sun to light shade; 3"; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 18

Canna 'Intrigue' (Cannaceae)
canna lily

deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 19

Cephalanthus occidentalis (Rubiaceae)
common buttonbush

sun to part shade; 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 20

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Mary Fleming' (Cephalotaxaceae)
dwarf Japanese plum yew

part shade; less than 1' tall; hardy; evergreen shrub conifer

Stake number: 21

Chrysojasminum parkeri (Oleaceae)
Parker's jasmine

sun; 1' tall × 2.5' wide; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 53

Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' (Araceae)
purple elephant ear

sun to part shade; 3'–5'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy

Stake number: 22

Cupressus sempervirens (Cupressaceae)
Italian cypress

sun; 30'–50'; hardy semi-hardy; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 23

Decumaria sinensis (Hydrangeaceae)
Chinese wood-vamp

sun to shade; 15'; deciduous semi-evergreen vine

Stake number: 24

Deutzia ×hybrida 'Strawberry Fields' (Hydrangeaceae)
pink deutzia

sun to light shade; 5'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 25

Disporopsis pernyi (Asparagaceae)
evergreen Solomon's seal

part sun to shade; 1'; hardy zone 7; evergreen ground cover

Stake number: 26

Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' (Asparagaceae)
purple-leaf pineapple lily

sun; 30"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 27

Forsythia ×intermedia 'Ford Freeway' (Oleaceae)
variegated forsythia

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 28

Fraxinus ornus (Oleaceae)
flowering ash

sun; 40'+; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 29

Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoaceae)
maidenhair tree

hardy; deciduous tree conifer

Stake number: 30

Habranthus robustus (Amaryllidaceae)

sun; 8"–12"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous

Stake number: 31

Hibiscus coccineus f. albus (Malvaceae)
white-flowered scarlet rose mallow

hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 32

Hibiscus makinoi (Malvaceae)
sea hibiscus


Stake number: 33

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' (Hydrangeaceae)
bigleaf hydrangea

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 34

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blaumeise' (Hydrangeaceae)
bigleaf hydrangea

part sun to shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 35

Hydrangea paniculata 'True Unique' (Hydrangeaceae)
panicled hydrangea

Stake number: 36

Hydrangea serrata (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea

sun to shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 37

Hypericum galioides × H. brachyphyllum (Hypericaceae)
hybrid St. John's-wort

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 38

Hypericum kalmianum (Hypericaceae)
Kalm's St. John's-wort

sun to part shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 39

Hypericum kalmianum 'Gemo' (Hypericaceae)
Kalm's St. John's-wort

sun to part shade; 2'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 40

Idesia polycarpa (Salicaceae)
iigiri tree

sun to part shade; 40'–50'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 41

Ilex 'Auburn' (Aquifoliaceae)
Dodd hybrid evergreen holly

sun to part shade; 25'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 43

Ilex crenata 'Snowflake' (Aquifoliaceae)
variegated Japanese holly

sun to part shade; 6'–8'; hardy to zone 5; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 44

Ilex dimorphophylla × I. cornuta (Aquifoliaceae)
hybrid holly

hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 45

Ilex integra 'Green Shadow' (Aquifoliaceae)
variegated Nepal holly

sun to part shade; 12'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 46

Ilex 'Mary Nell' (Aquifoliaceae)
McDaniel hybrid evergreen holly

sun to part shade; 20'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 47

Ilex rotunda (Aquifoliaceae)
round leaf holly

hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 48

Ilex 'Sadie Scudder' (Aquifoliaceae)
variegated holly

sun to light shade; 8'–12'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 42

Ilex serrata 'Sundrops' (Aquifoliaceae)
yellow-berry finetooth holly

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 49

Ilex verticillata 'Winter Gold' (Aquifoliaceae)
yellow-berry winterberry holly

sun to part sun; 8' × 8'; hardy to zone 3; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 50

Indigofera kirilowii (Fabaceae)
Kirilow's indigo

sun to part shade; 2'–4'; hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous shrub subshrub

Stake number: 51

Iris bulleyana (Iridaceae)
Bulley's iris

hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 52

Juniperus communis 'Tage Lundell' (Cupressaceae)
variegated common juniper

hardy; evergreen shrub conifer

Stake number: 54

Kniphofia thomsonii var. thomsonii (Asphodelaceae)
Thomson's red-hot poker

evergreen shrub basal rosette

Stake number: 55

Lagerstroemia fauriei (Lythraceae)
Japanese crepe myrtle

hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 56

Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke' (Lythraceae)
miniature crepe myrtle

sun; 3' × 5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 57

Lantana camara 'Ham and Eggs' (Verbenaceae)
common lantana

sun; 3'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous subshrub

Stake number: 58

Lespedeza bicolor 'Lil' Buddy' (Fabaceae)
shrubby bushclover

sun to part shade; 3' × 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 59

Lespedeza thunbergii 'Pink Cascade' (Fabaceae)
pink bush-clover

full sun to light shade; 5'–6'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 60

Lindera benzoin (Lauraceae)

sun to part shade; 8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 61

Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica (Ericaceae)
Japanese lyonia

hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 62

Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae)
Japanese bay tree

sun to part shade; 40'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen tree

Stake number: 69

Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae)
marvel of Peru


Stake number: 63

Morella cerifera var. pumila (Myricaceae)
dwarf southern wax myrtle

full sun to part shade; 24"; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 65

Morus alba 'Ho-o' (Moraceae)
royal white mulberry

hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 64

Ophiopogon clarkei (Asparagaceae)
Himalayan mondo grass

hardy; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy grass-like

Stake number: 66

Osmanthus suavis (Oleaceae)
sawtooth tea-olive

hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 67

Penstemon canescens (Plantaginaceae)

Stake number: 68

Philadelphus 'Snow Velvet' (Hydrangeaceae)

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 70

Phlox pilosa (Polemoniaceae)
downy phlox

hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 71

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' (Rosaceae)
Summer Wine dwarf purple-leaf ninebark

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 72

Pittosporum heterophyllum (Pittosporaceae)
Chinese pittosporum

sun to part shade; 12'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 74

Pittosporum parvilimbum (Pittosporaceae)

sun to part shade; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 75

Pterocarya rhoifolia (Juglandaceae)
Japanese wingnut

sun; 50'–80'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 76

Punica granatum (Lythraceae)

sun to part shade; 12'–20'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 77

Rhododendron chapmanii × R. mucronulatum (Ericaceae)
hybrid rhododendron

evergreen shrub

Stake number: 78

Rhododendron 'Keisetsu' (Ericaceae)
Satsuki hybrid azalea

evergreen shrub

Stake number: 79

Rhododendron 'Norma' (Ericaceae)
hybrid azalea

deciduous shrub

Stake number: 80

Rhododendron 'Southern Belle' (Ericaceae)
Rutherfordiana hybrid azalea

hardy; evergreen shrub

Stake number: 81

Rohdea japonica (Asparagaceae)
sacred lily

shade; 1'–2'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous basal rosette

Stake number: 82

Rosa mulliganii (Rosaceae)
Mulligan climbing rose

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 83

Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae)
butcher's broom

sun to part shade; 2' tall × 4' wide ; hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 84

Ruscus aculeatus (Elizabeth Lawrence dwarf) (Asparagaceae)
compact butcher's broom

evergreen shrub rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 85

Salix integra 'Hakuro' (Salicaceae)
dappled willow

sun to part shade; 15'–20'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 86

Salvia farinacea 'Texas Violet' (Lamiaceae)
mealycup sage

root hardy; deciduous basal rosette

Stake number: 87

Scutellaria lateriflora (Lamiaceae)
mad-dog skullcap

Stake number: 88

Spartium junceum (Fabaceae)
Spanish broom

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 89

Stachyurus 'Magpie' (Stachyuraceae)
variegated spike-tail

sun; 15'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 90

Styrax japonicus (Styracaceae)
Japanese snowbell

sun to part shade; 20'–30'; hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 91

Syringa ×laciniata (Oleaceae)
cutleaf lilac

sun to part shade; 6'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 92

Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai' (Liliaceae)
toad lily

shade; 18"; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 93

Tsuga canadensis (Pinaceae)
eastern hemlock

hardy; evergreen tree conifer

Stake number: 94

Veronica forrestii (Plantaginaceae)
Forrest speedwell

hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous

Stake number: 95

Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Conoy' (Viburnaceae)
Burkwood viburnum

sun to light shade; 5' × 5'; hardy; evergreen semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 96

Viburnum erubescens (Viburnaceae)
blushing viburnum

hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen shrub

Stake number: 97

Viburnum obovatum 'Compacta' (Viburnaceae)
compact Walter's viburnum

sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 98

Viburnum plicatum 'Sawtooth' (Viburnaceae)
Japanese snowball viburnum

hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 99

Viburnum sargentii 'Chiquita' (Viburnaceae)
compact Sargent viburnum

sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub

Stake number: 100

Vitex agnus-castus 'Salinas Pink' (Lamiaceae)
pink chaste tree

hardy; deciduous tree

Stake number: 101




Plants in the middle section

Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.