Annual Plant Distribution
Plants at Numbered Stakes
The following list contains the plants that will be located in front of numbered stakes during the Annual Plant Distribution.
Abelia ×grandiflora 'Hopleys' (Caprifoliaceae)
Miss Lemon variegated glossy abelia
sun to part sun; 3'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 1Acer oblongum (Sapindaceae)
flying moth maple
sun to part shade; 20'–50'; hardy to zone 7; deciduous tree
Stake number: 2×Amarcrinum (Amaryllidaceae)
hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 3Amyris texana (Rutaceae)
Texas torchwood
Stake number: 4Asarum splendens (Aristolochiaceae)
Chinese wild ginger
shade; 10"; hardy; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 5Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Red Rocket' (Berberidaceae)
upright purple-leaf Japanese barberry
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 6Boehmeria nivea var. tenacissima (Urticaceae)
green ramie
Stake number: 7 Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' (Buxaceae)
variegated common boxwood
sun to shade; 6'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 8Buxus sempervirens 'Pyramidalis' (Buxaceae)
upright common boxwood
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 9Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Justin Brouwers' (Buxaceae)
Korean boxwood
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 10Buxus wallichiana (Buxaceae)
Himalayan boxwood
sun to shade; 8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 11Callicarpa americana 'Welch's Pink' (Lamiaceae)
American beautyberry
sun to shade; 3'–5'; hardy to zone 6; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 12Callicarpa kwangtungensis (Lamiaceae)
Guangdong beautyberry
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 13Camellia 'Carolina Moonmist' (Theaceae)
Cochran camellia
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 14Camellia japonica 'Tama Peacock' (Theaceae)
picotee Japanese camellia
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 15Camellia ×vernalis 'Hiryû' (Theaceae)
vernal camellia
sun to part shade; 15'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 16Campanula takesimana (Campanulaceae)
Korean bellflower
sun to part shade; 18"; hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 17Carex conica 'Snowline' (Cyperaceae)
variegated Japanese sedge
hardy; deciduous grass-like rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 18Celtis caucasica (Cannabaceae)
Caucasian hackberry
hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 19Chrysojasminum parkeri (Oleaceae)
Parker's jasmine
sun; 1' tall × 2.5' wide; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 54Clethra fargesii (Clethraceae)
Farges clethra
part sun; 10'; z7 at least; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 21Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' (Araceae)
purple elephant ear
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; root hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy
Stake number: 22Cryptomeria japonica 'Mejiro' (Cupressaceae)
variegated Japanese cedar
sun to part shade; 5-8'; hardy; evergreen tree conifer
Stake number: 23Cyrilla racemiflora 'Graniteville' (Cyrillaceae)
weeping swamp cyrilla
sun to part shade; 3'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 24Deutzia crenata 'Summer Snow' (Hydrangeaceae)
variegated deutzia
sun to partial shade; 2'–4' tall and 3'–4' wide; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 26Deutzia ×hybrida 'Strawberry Fields' (Hydrangeaceae)
pink deutzia
sun to light shade; 5'–8'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 25Disporopsis aff. fuscopicta (Asparagaceae)
evergreen Solomon's seal
hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 27Disporopsis pernyi (Asparagaceae)
evergreen Solomon's seal
part sun to shade; 1'; hardy zone 7; evergreen ground cover
Stake number: 105Distylium racemosum 'Guppy' (Hamamelidaceae)
dwarf isu tree
sun to shade; 4'; hardy to zone 7; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 28Elaeagnus ×submacrophylla 'Gilt Edge' (Elaeagnaceae)
gold-edge Ebbinge's silverberry
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 29Erica ×darleyensis 'White Perfection' (Ericaceae)
Darley heath
sun; 18"; hardy zone 6; evergreen subshrub shrub
Stake number: 30Euonymus alatus f. subtriflorus (Celastraceae)
wingless burning bush
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 31Euonymus japonicus 'Green Spire' (Celastraceae)
Japanese euonymus
sun to shade; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 32×Fatshedera lizei 'Monstrosa Variegata' (Araliaceae)
curlyleaf variegated fatshedera
semi-hardy; evergreen shrub vine
Stake number: 33Habranthus tubispathus var. texanus (Amaryllidaceae)
copper lily
sun; 8"; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 34Hemerocallis 'Atlanta Moonlight' (Asphodelaceae)
hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 35Hemerocallis 'Penny's Worth' (Asphodelaceae)
miniature daylily
hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 36Heuchera villosa 'Autumn Bride' (Saxifragaceae)
coral bells
hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 37Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna Blush' (Malvaceae)
swamp rose mallow
Stake number: 38 Hibiscus syriacus (Malvaceae)
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 39Hibiscus syriacus 'Purpureus Variegatus' (Malvaceae)
variegated rose-of-Sharon
sun to light shade; 6'–12'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 40Hosta (Asparagaceae)
garden hosta
hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous basal rosette
Stake number: 41Hosta 'Carolina Sunshine' (Asparagaceae)
variegated hosta
hardy; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 42Hosta 'Decorata' (Asparagaceae)
deciduous semi-evergreen basal rosette
Stake number: 43Hosta 'Francee' (Asparagaceae)
shade; 18"; deciduous basal rosette rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 44Hydrangea luteovenosa (Hydrangeaceae)
sweet hydrangea
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 45Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ami Pasquier' (Hydrangeaceae)
mophead bigleaf hydrangea
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 46Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels Lace' (Hydrangeaceae)
panicled hydrangea
part sun; 6' × 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 47Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Deckle' (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 48Hydrangea serrata 'Koreana' (Hydrangeaceae)
mountain hydrangea
hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 49Hypericum galioides (Hypericaceae)
bedstraw St. John's-wort
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 50Ilex glabra 'Red Tip' (Aquifoliaceae)
sun to part shade; 5'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 51Ilex vomitoria 'Dewerth' (Aquifoliaceae)
littleleaf yaupon holly
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 52Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' (Iridaceae)
Siberian iris
sun to partial shade; 32"; hardy to zone 3; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 53Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' (Cupressaceae)
gold-column common juniper
sun; 9' tall × 3' wide; hardy; evergreen tree conifer
Stake number: 55Juniperus communis 'Pendula' (Cupressaceae)
weeping common juniper
hardy; evergreen tree conifer
Stake number: 56Juniperus communis 'Veitch's Blue' (Cupressaceae)
compact common juniper
hardy; evergreen shrub conifer
Stake number: 57Juniperus horizontalis 'Glomerata' (Cupressaceae)
dwarf creeping juniper
hardy; evergreen shrub ground cover conifer
Stake number: 59Juniperus horizontalis 'Variegata' (Cupressaceae)
variegated creeping juniper
hardy; evergreen ground cover shrub conifer
Stake number: 60Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta 'Silver Mist' (Cupressaceae)
silver shore juniper
hardy; evergreen conifer subshrub ground cover
Stake number: 58Kerria japonica 'Chiba Gold' (Rosaceae)
gold-leaf Japanese kerria
sun to shade; 3'–6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 61Ligustrum delavayanum (Oleaceae)
Delavay's privet
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 62Lilium formosanum (Liliaceae)
Formosa lily
sun light shade; 4'–6'; hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 63Liriope exiliflora 'Superba' (Asparagaceae)
hardy; evergreen grass-like tuberous/fleshy basal rosette
Stake number: 65Liriope muscari 'Blue Giant' (Asparagaceae)
hardy; evergreen grass-like tuberous/fleshy basal rosette
Stake number: 64Lycoris radiata var. radiata (Amaryllidaceae)
red spider lily
sun to part shade; 12"–18"; hardy zone 7; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 66Ophiopogon clarkei (Asparagaceae)
Himalayan mondo grass
hardy; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous tuberous/fleshy grass-like
Stake number: 67Ophiopogon japonicus 'Shiroshima Ryu' (Asparagaceae)
variegated mondo grass
hardy; evergreen grass-like ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous basal rosette
Stake number: 68Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Akebono' (Oleaceae)
white-tip tea-olive
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 69Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Ogon' (Oleaceae)
golden tea-olive
light shade; 5'–8'; hardy to zone 6; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 70Penstemon digitalis (Plantaginaceae)
hardy; deciduous basal rosette
Stake number: 71Petrosedum rupestre 'Angelina' (Crassulaceae)
Jenny's stonecrop
sun; 6"; hardy; evergreen ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 82Phedimus spurius 'John Creech' (Crassulaceae)
Caucasian stonecrop
hardy; evergreen ground cover
Stake number: 81Pittosporum parvilimbum (Pittosporaceae)
sun to part shade; 4'–8'; hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 72Pittosporum tobira (Pittosporaceae)
Japanese pittosporum
evergreen shrub
Stake number: 73Polygonatum humile (Asparagaceae)
dwarf Solomon's seal
hardy; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 74Punica granatum (Lythraceae)
sun to part shade; 12'–20'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 75Quercus aff. canbyi (Fagaceae)
Canby oak
hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 76Rhododendron 'Gulf Shore' (Ericaceae)
hardy; evergreen shrub
Stake number: 77Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae)
butcher's broom
sun to part shade; 2' tall × 4' wide ; hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 78Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (Lamiaceae)
bicolor baby sage
sun to part shade; 3'–5'; hardy zone 7–9; semi-evergreen subshrub
Stake number: 80Sedum tetractinum (Crassulaceae)
Chinese sedum
sun to part shade; 3"; hardy; evergreen ground cover
Stake number: 83Solanum laxum 'Album' (Solanaceae)
white potato vine
hardy; evergreen vine
Stake number: 86Speirantha gardenii (Asparagaceae)
false lily-of-the-valley
hardy; evergreen rhizomatous/stoloniferous ground cover
Stake number: 87Stephanandra incisa (Rosaceae)
lace shrub
deciduous shrub
Stake number: 88Stokesia laevis (Asteraceae)
Stokes' aster
sun to light shade; 2'; hardy; deciduous basal rosette
Stake number: 104Tradescantia sillamontana (Commelinaceae)
cobweb spiderwort
sun to light shade; 8"–12" tall; root hardy; deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 89Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai' (Liliaceae)
toad lily
shade; 18"; deciduous rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 90Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue' (Plantaginaceae)
creeping veronica
sun; 6"; root hardy; deciduous ground cover rhizomatous/stoloniferous
Stake number: 91Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Pink Beauty' (Viburnaceae)
pink doublefile viburnum
sun to light shade; 6'–8'; hardy to zone 5; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 93Viburnum ×rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (Viburnaceae)
lantanaphyllum viburnum
hardy; semi-evergreen shrub
Stake number: 92Vitex agnus-castus 'Abbeville Blue' (Lamiaceae)
chaste tree
hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 94Vitex agnus-castus 'Alba' (Lamiaceae)
white chaste tree
hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 95Vitex agnus-castus 'Fletcher Pink' (Lamiaceae)
pink chaste tree
sun, well-drained soil; 25'; hardy; deciduous tree
Stake number: 96Weigela praecox (Diervillaceae)
early weigela
sun; 6' x 6'; hardy; deciduous shrub
Stake number: 97Wisteria frutescens 'Longwood Purple' (Fabaceae)
American wisteria
hardy; deciduous vine
Stake number: 98Woodwardia orientalis (Blechnaceae)
Oriental Chain Fern
shade; 4' tall by 6'wide; semi-hardy; deciduous fern
Stake number: 99Zephyranthes drummondii (Amaryllidaceae)
giant prairie lily
hardy; deciduous bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 101Zephyranthes flavissima (Amaryllidaceae)
yellow rain lily
sun; 8"; hardy zone 7; deciduous semi-evergreen bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 102Zephyranthes 'Labuffarosea' (Amaryllidaceae)
rain lily
sun; 6-8"; hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 100Zephyranthes traubii 'San Carlos Form' (Amaryllidaceae)
rain lily
hardy; deciduous semi-evergreen bulbous/cormous
Stake number: 103
Plants in the middle section
Many more plants will be placed in the center of the giveaway blocks. These plants are available in low numbers and are not included in the list above.