Midweek with Mark

"New Year, New Plant Obsessions"
Mark Weathington, Director

  • Wednesday, January 10, 2024 – 3:00 pm3:30 pm

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When it comes to plants, our Director, Mark, lives in the future. He's not just concerned with what plants can do in the landscape presently, but also what they may be enabled to do someday through meticulous plant selection and breeding. In his international travels, he's not just coming across new plants that have never seen a Southeastern US garden; he’s also encountering old favorites with unique characteristics that may just be what our gardens have been missing all along. Join us for this Midweek with Mark, where Mark will grace us with the figurative fruits of his plant obsession, and show off the plants he's most enthralled with in 2024!

Camellia grijsii flower

Joining the Online Presentation

Visit the URL below to join the program: https://jcra.ncsu.edu/midweek/ In case there are any last-minute changes, please check your e-mail for any updates.


Midweek presentations are recorded and typically posted to the JC Raulston Arboretum's YouTube Channel the following day. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for updates.
Register online at https://jcra.ncsu.edu/midweek/. You will be sent an email with instructions on how to join us online if you register before the program begins. If you register once it's started, you'll be taken directly to the online program.
Online (see instructions above).
Contact the JCRA Education Team at jcraprograms@ncsu.edu for more information about this program.